[53276] Irrylath: this room shouldn't refer to midgaard
[51421] Irrylath: 'to your east ... an it see to just disappear.'  see should be seems, I think
[51701] Irrylath: man in this room should have man for a keyword, and slob :)(
[ 2059] Irrylath: pleasant is spelled wrong
[53285] Irrylath: bride shoudl be bridge
[   24] Egeis: Testing Please Ignore
[50212] Bres: Minitommi digs in circles, wonder where ther're going.
[10300] Galian: during char creation the stats listed after selecting race has Constitution misspelled
[21165] Lorraine: curtain
[  831] Lorraine: Eteragord the villein - should be villain
[21165] Lorraine: Help Death has references to the Adventurer's Guide, which seems to be not present and deities which seems to be blank.
[21165] Lorraine: Hospital ward 1 - A bright white hospital bed is here behind a white curtian - should be curtain.
[  805] Mondomyr: the 'help title' file states you can set your title at five, but when you try to do it, it says level 10
[21163] Dolores: curtian in hospital ward 2
[21376] Kyrah: where you receive quest information the Quest Info line reads: Tells you the *detials
[  818] Dolores: bird flys should be flies
[21260] Kyrah: upon studying a blank scroll "You think *i'm *totaly stupid..." I'm/totally
[21168] Kyrah: Along Kings way... "is the only road leading directly to the *Castel."
[  841] Edoas: the announcement on login says "orginal", not "original"
[  875] Edoas: under wizlist, you have implementor, not implementors
[  850] Edoas: master trainer says practiveing not practicing
[  859] Edoas: i just killed a "phairy" rat... "phariy" isn't an english word, did yu mean hairy?
[  860] Shael: The object master in the tutorial has a few typos'.  Also and information, easy to pick up.
[ 2048] Kyrah: Dont know if you took a look yet, but constitution is spelt wrong where the newbies roll for their stats.