#AREA   Shadow Valley~

#AUTHOR Kandahar~

40 65 0 115


0 20

#ECONOMY 0 7268984

#CONTINENT continent1~

#CLIMATE 2 2 2

pet shoppe owner man~
the pet shoppe owner~
A scruffy looking old man peers at you through rheumy eyes.
This old man seems almost to be a permanent fixture of this place, he too
covered in four inches of dust. He could almost be dead but for the slight
rocking of his chair and almost barely noticeable nod of his head as you
walk into the shoppe.
524355 0 100 C
65 22 -100 65d65+1950 6d10+13
845 0
112 112 1
17 17 17 17 16 17 17
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 100 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
shadow being pet~
&wa &dshadow &wbeing&D~
&WYour &Dshadow &Wdances around you&D.
Floating before your eyes is a misty figure void of any distinct form
whatsoever. It melds and dances around you, happily released from its prison
..... For now.
524289 0 1000 C
45 22 0 45d45+900 4d8+9
585 0
112 112 0
15 15 15 15 15 15 12
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
old waitress~
an old waitress~
A tired old woman waits patiently.
67 0 1000 C
50 22 0 50d50+1000 5d8+8
650 0
112 112 2
16 16 16 16 16 16 16
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
the baker~
The baker shifts nervously from one foot to the other.
The baker bustles around in his shop almost nervously avoiding your gaze.
He is not adverse to selling his products to you though... He looks up as if
to warn you about something but is suddenly cut short with a pained
expression to his face and a shocked look in his eyes.
67 0 1000 C
50 22 0 50d50+1000 4d8+9
650 0
112 112 1
16 16 16 16 16 16 16
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
pet bat vampire~
&ca &rvampire &dbat&D~
&cA &rvampire &Dbat&c grins &revilly &cat you&D.
Extraordinarily large with unusually piercing eyes, this bat looks
hungry. In fact, it isn't the type to turn down a feast of blood at any time
of the day or night....
524545 0 0 C
55 22 0 55d55+1375 4d8+13
715 0
112 112 0
16 16 16 16 16 16 16
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 34493 0 0 0 0 0
old dear lady doddering~
the old dear~
A doddering old lady peers at you.
She is a shrewd old bat and if you can afford to sell to her, she is the
only shopkeeper who will buy from you in this derelict old town. Makes you
wonder how she can afford to do that.
67 0 500 C
50 22 0 50d50+1000 6d8+11
650 0
112 112 2
16 16 16 16 16 16 16
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
serpent snake~
&ga slim &gserpent&D~
&gA &Gserpent&g slips through the weeds, a silent killer&D.
&gThis serpent is one of the most poisonous kinds. Definitely not what
you wanted to hear! It has diamond patterning along its length and vicious
looking fangs dripping with venom. &D
16419 0 -600 C
60 22 0 60d60+1500 6d11+14
780 0
112 112 0
17 17 17 17 16 17 17
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 10554425 0 0 0 0 0
an &wapparition&D~
An &Wapparition&D passes by.
&WThis apparition floats gently by seemingly without a care in the world.
It also seems intent on getting somewhere.... &D
16449 0 0 C
55 22 0 55d55+1375 5d10+9
715 0
112 112 0
16 16 16 16 16 16 16
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
a &ccrying &wspirit&D~
A &ccrying &Wspirit&D looks most miserable.
&WThis spirit has had a bad day... Or life. Wait ... Aren't spirits dead?
1 0 0 C
54 22 0 54d54+1350 4d7+9
702 0
112 112 0
16 16 16 16 16 16 16
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
a &wghost&D~
A &Wghost&D cackles madly at you.
&WThis ghost doesn't appear to like you much. Better keep out of his way!
524353 0 0 C
55 22 0 55d55+1375 5d9+11
715 0
112 112 0
16 16 16 16 16 16 16
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
a &wghostly spectre&D~
A &Wghostly spectre&c floats past&D.
&WThis spectre doesn't consist of much, just a few wisps of misty matter,
which you can see right through... &D
65601 0 0 C
53 22 0 53d53+1325 3d8+11
689 0
112 112 0
16 16 16 16 16 16 16
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
ghostly child~
a &wghostly child&D~
A very pale child stands here looking at you.
&WMy goodness, this child looks thin and wan. Quite a ghostly sheen on
her face. &D
16577 0 0 C
52 22 0 52d52+1300 6d8+10
676 0
112 112 2
16 16 16 16 16 16 16
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
ghostly man~
a &wghostly man&D~
A pale man wanders by.
&WThis man is so pale, he is almost transparent. &D
131137 0 0 C
50 22 0 50d50+1000 4d8+10
650 0
112 112 1
16 16 16 16 16 16 16
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
ghostly woman~
a &wghostly woman&D~
A woman floats by purposefully.
&WThis transparent being was obviously once a totally organised person.
Death hasn't changed her. &D
65 0 0 C
52 22 0 52d52+1300 4d8+10
676 0
112 112 2
16 16 16 16 16 16 16
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
ghostly cat~
a &wghostly cat&D~
A cat sits here washing itself.
&WThis cat is on its 10th life. &D
65 0 0 C
55 22 0 55d55+1375 7d6+12
715 0
112 112 2
16 16 16 16 16 16 16
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 3212989 0 0 0 0 0
ghostly dog~
a &wghostly dog&D~
A dog sniffs around your feet.
&WThis dog appears to be looking for something... ARGH... Better move
fast! ! &D
65729 0 0 C
50 22 0 50d50+1000 4d9+10
650 0
112 112 1
16 16 16 16 16 16 16
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 3147453 0 0 0 0 0
sheet ghost~
a &wsheet&D~
&D     A dust sheet is draped over something.
&WCareful it may be alive! &D
65 0 700 C
56 22 0 56d56+1400 3d7+11
728 0
112 112 0
16 16 16 16 16 16 16
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
ghostly servant~
a &wghostly servant&D~
A servant wanders around dusting.
&WThis servant met a gruesome end but that doesn't stop her from
continuing with her tasks even after death! &D
16577 0 1000 C
57 22 0 57d57+1425 5d9+10
741 0
112 112 2
16 16 16 16 16 16 16
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
ghostly maid~
a &Wghostly maid&D~
A maid flutters her eyelashes at you.
&WThis maid hasn't lost her touch, has she? &D
131137 0 1000 C
58 22 0 58d58+1450 4d9+11
754 0
112 112 2
16 16 16 16 16 16 16
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
ghostly girl amyghost~
the &wghost &Dof &camy&D~
A little girl stands here, as pale as a &Wghost&D.
&WThis little girl has lived in the house all her life, unfortunately not
many years. She likes to play in the attic. &D
65601 0 1000 C
59 22 0 59d59+1475 5d10+11
767 0
112 112 2
16 16 16 16 16 16 16
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
ghostly boy patrickghost~
the &wghost &Dof &cpatrick&D~
A young boy kicks a football around.
&WThis young boy seems to have found the perfect place to kick a ball
around. &D
524353 0 1000 C
60 22 0 60d60+1500 6d10+11
780 0
112 112 1
17 17 17 17 16 17 17
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
ghostly woman gertrudeghost~
the &wghost &Dof &cgertrude&D~
A woman sits patiently as if waiting to dance.
&WThis woman looks as though her evening has just been ruined. She is all
dressed up for ballroom dancing, yet there is no orchestra and certainly no
ball. &D
131137 0 1000 C
62 22 0 62d62+1860 5d9+13
806 0
108 112 2
17 17 17 17 16 17 17
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
ghostly man gentleman samuelghost~
the &wghost &Dof &csamuel&D~
A gentleman stands waiting for the music to start.
&WThis gentleman enjoys ballroom dancing and appears to be waiting for
something, his head cocked to one side, as if listening. &D
16449 0 1000 C
65 22 0 65d65+1950 5d9+14
845 0
112 112 1
17 17 17 17 16 17 17
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
ghostly canary~
a ghostly &Ycanary&D~
A pet canary flutters around the room.
&WThis once vibrant song bird twitters and sings even in the afterlife. &D
65 0 1000 C
61 22 0 61d61+1830 7d10+10
793 0
112 112 0
17 17 17 17 16 17 17
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 33981 0 0 0 0 0
ghostly skivvy~
a &wghostly &Dskivvy~
A skivvy looks worn out from scrubbing.
&WThis young girl seems to do nothing but scrub floors and do all the
little jobs around the household that no one else will do. &D
193 0 700 C
63 22 0 63d63+1890 5d10+11
819 0
112 112 2
17 17 17 17 16 17 17
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
ghostly cook~
a &wghostly &Dcook~
A cook bustles around busily.
&WThis cook would LOVE to get back to her kitchen as she is sure the
skivvies are slacking. &D
65601 0 1000 C
60 22 0 60d60+1500 6d10+12
780 0
112 112 2
17 17 17 17 16 17 17
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
ghostly chamber maid~
a &wghostly &Dchambermaid~
A chambermaid hurries off to wash her hands.
&WThis chambermaid has the nasty task of emptying the chamberpots in the
household. Ghastly smells usually emanate from those things. This one is no
exception. &D
16449 0 800 C
59 22 0 59d59+1475 5d9+10
767 0
112 112 2
16 16 16 16 16 16 16
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
ghostly butler~
the &wghostly &Dbutler~
The butler stands to attention.
&WThe butler has always been used to being given orders. He is waiting
for some right now. &D
65 0 1000 C
57 22 0 57d57+1425 5d9+11
741 0
112 112 1
16 16 16 16 16 16 16
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
ghostly nanny~
the &wghostly &Dnanny~
The nanny clucks over the children's antics.
&WThe nanny still thinks of 'her' children as babies and loves them just
as much now as she did back then. &D
131265 0 1000 C
58 22 0 58d58+1450 5d8+12
754 0
112 112 2
16 16 16 16 16 16 16
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
a living &wundead&D~
An undead shimmers in and out of view.
&WThis undead person doesn't look very healthy. It doesn't look too happy
about it either. &D
16577 0 -1000 C
52 22 0 52d52+1300 6d8+11
676 0
112 112 0
16 16 16 16 16 16 16
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
banshee wailing~
a &cwailing &cbanshee&D~
A banshee wails loudly making a frightful noise.
&WThis banshee doesn't get any prizes for singing as she screeches
loudly, hoping to chill your soul. &D
65 0 -900 C
54 22 0 54d54+1350 5d9+11
702 0
112 112 2
16 16 16 16 16 16 16
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
a &rzombie&D~
A zombie looks straight through you.
&WThis person looks totally blank. It walks so mechanically that it could
be dead. &D
131137 0 -1000 C
58 22 0 58d58+1450 4d10+11
754 0
112 112 0
16 16 16 16 16 16 16
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
a &cghast&D~
A ghast opens its mouth to reveal the horrors within.
&WThis ghast would no sooner look at you than breathe its deadly breath
on you. &D
65 0 -1000 C
59 22 0 59d59+1475 5d10+11
767 0
112 112 0
16 16 16 16 16 16 16
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
evil spirit~
an &devil &wspirit&D~
An evil spirit's icy cold fingers trail down your spine.
&WThis evil spirit enjoys huntin' and hauntin' people, particularly those
who have golden auras. &D
16449 0 -1000 C
64 22 0 64d64+1920 7d10+13
832 0
112 112 0
17 17 17 17 16 17 17
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
a &rmalicious &gdemon&D~
A demon sizes you up, looking for your weaknesses.
&WThis demon doesn't look at all friendly. He growls throatily and froths
at the mouth. Best keep out of his way. If you can. &D
193 0 -1000 C
60 22 0 60d60+1500 5d10+11
780 0
112 112 1
17 17 17 17 16 17 17
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
a &wghoul&D~
A ghoul cackles fiendishly at you.
&WThis ghoul sounds quite mad as it chortles and cackles to itself. Or
maybe that is intended to scare you. &D
65601 0 -950 C
63 22 0 63d63+1890 7d11+13
819 0
112 112 0
17 17 17 17 16 17 17
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
a &wpoltergeist&D~
A poltergeist throws something at you.
&WThis poltergeist has been around for some time and is often up to wild
and wicked tricks. Particularly on unsuspecting guests. &D
65 0 -1000 C
62 22 0 62d62+1860 7d9+12
806 0
112 112 0
17 17 17 17 16 17 17
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
moddey dhoo~
the &dmoddey dhoo&D~
The Moddey Dhoo howls eerily within your soul.
&WThe ghost of this black dog roams around dark places and it is said
that whomever sees it, dies shortly after. &D
65601 0 -1000 C
65 22 0 65d65+1950 5d9+14
845 0
112 112 1
17 17 17 17 16 17 17
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
a &dtowering &gdjinn&D~
A towering djinn grins manically and cracks its knuckles.
&WThis djinn has a permanent headache as it toils through the burning
fires of hell. Metaphorically speaking. &D
65 0 -1000 C
65 22 0 65d65+1950 5d9+14
845 0
112 112 1
17 17 17 17 16 17 17
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
troll evil~
an evil &Ytroll&D~
An evil troll is concocting another horrifying experience for someone.
&WThis evil troll rubs its gnarled hands together and its eyebrows knit
in a frown, as its idea takes form in its head. &D
16449 0 -850 C
64 22 0 64d64+1920 5d8+12
832 0
112 112 0
17 17 17 17 16 17 17
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 3147775 0 0 0 0 0
wicked witch~
a &bwicked &cwitch&D~
A wicked witch throws her head back and cackles with evil delight.
&WThis witch obviously has plans in store for uninvited guests. You were
invited now weren't you? &D
131137 0 -1000 C
65 22 0 65d65+1950 6d10+12
845 0
112 112 2
17 17 17 17 16 17 17
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
warlock treacherous~
a &rt&dr&re&da&rc&dh&re&dr&ro&du&rs &rwarlock&D~
A treacherous warlock schemes and plots against you.
&WThis warlock is inherently evil and his dastardly plans usually involve
removing parts of his victims' anatomy. &D
65 0 -1000 C
65 22 0 65d65+1950 6d11+13
845 0
112 112 1
17 17 17 17 16 17 17
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 16779263 0 0 0 0 0
evil wizard~
an &devil &mwizard&D~
An evil wizard has eyes like black pools of darkness.
&WThis evil wizard attempts to mesmerise you with his yawning black
gaping holes. His eyes want to suck you dry and yet, that can't be
possible... Can it? &D
16449 0 -1000 C
64 22 0 64d64+1920 7d9+12
832 0
112 112 1
17 17 17 17 16 17 17
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0
were maid~
a &dwere&w-&Dmaid~
A were-maid is torn between good and evil.
&WThis were-maid is a combination of powerful wolf and beautiful maiden.
She treads a fine line between good and evil. &D
1 0 0 C
63 22 0 63d63+1890 7d11+12
819 0
112 112 2
17 17 17 17 16 17 17
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 1 1 5 0
0 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0

Pet Shoppe Sign~
pet Shoppe Sign~
A sign.~
13 0 32768
0 0 0 0
1000 0 0
1. Choose your pet.
2. Pay up!
3. Get outta my shop!
1964 Rockolla Juke Box~
1964 Rockolla Juke Box~
An old style juke box is here playing a continuous stream of tunes.~
0 0 0
0 0 0 0
9000 0 0
To play a song on the juke box, type play list. Then pick your song and
type play loud (song). This will also broadcast it on the music channel. To
play a song just in the room and not on the music channel, type play (song).
To play a song on the juke box, type play list. Then pick your song and
type play loud (song). This will also broadcast it on the music channel. To
play a song just in the room and not on the music channel, type play (song).
To play a song on the juke box, type play list. Then pick your song and
type play loud (song). This will also broadcast it on the music channel. To
play a song just in the room and not on the music channel, type play (song).
To play a song on the juke box, type play list. Then pick your song and
type play loud (song). This will also broadcast it on the music channel. To
play a song just in the room and not on the music channel, type play (song).
glass coke coca-cola~
a glass of Coca-Cola~
A glass of Coca-Cola~
17 1048576 1
3 3 15 0
1 40 4
Rootbeer Float~
a rootbeer float~
A scrumptious softdrink of rootbeer and icecream, begging to be drank.~
17 1048576 1
5 5 16 0
2 50 5
Ahhhhh. Just imagine how good this will taste once it is in your mouth.
It just might possibly be made from the best stuff on earth.
bread sticks breadsticks~
Some breadsticks are here.~
19 0 1
10 10 0 0
1 50 5
These look so delicious it makes you want to eat them up right now.
These look so delicious it makes you want to eat them up right now.
These look so delicious it makes you want to eat them up right now.
chocolate malt~
a chocolate malt~
A very tasty chocolate drink.~
17 1048576 1
7 7 0 0
1 75 7
MMMMMMMM. This is the best tasting chocolate malt that you will ever have
in your life.
sticky bun~
a sticky bun~
A sticky gooey bun oozes freshness.~
19 0 1
20 20 0 1
1 50 5
a piece of gingerbread~
A piece of sticky freshly made gingerbread.~
19 0 1
35 25 0 0
4 70 7
piano portal~
&Wa &Dcorridor &Win time&D~
&WA broken down old &Dpiano &Wstands &bgloomily &Win one corner&D.~
46 68 32768
0 0 1 12721
400 0 0
feather duster~
a &Cfeather &Wduster&D~
A &Cfeather &Wduster&D is the perfect cleaning tool.~
9 1056 65537
0 0 80 13
5 200 20
12 50
3 -2
18 10
night light teddybear~
a &Yteddybear &bnight &Clight&D~
A &Yteddybear &bnight &Clight&c glows &Yluminously&D.~
1 3104 16385
13 0 0 0
10 250 25
14 300
19 10
18 7
a &Df&Do&Do&Dt&Db&Da&Dl&Dl~
A &Df&Do&Do&Dt&Db&Da&Dl&Dl looks perfect for kicking around.~
9 1312 16385
0 0 30 13
10 15000 1500
18 -5
12 150
13 150
ballroom gown~
a &Cturquoise &Bblue &cballroom &Wgown&D~
A &Cturquoise &Bblue &cballroom &Wgown&D is faded and dusty.~
9 3360 9
0 0 50 13
5 300 30
19 6
13 50
18 4
a &Rcummer&rbund&D~
A &Rcummer&rbund&D looks rather elegant.~
9 1312 2049
0 0 40 13
1 400 40
19 3
12 50
13 50
14 100
cuts sores~
cuts and &Psores&D~
Cuts and &Psores &Ddon't look very pretty.~
9 3104 129
0 0 10 13
1 0 0
12 100
5 -2
rolled sleeves~
rolled-up &Wsleeves&D~
These &Wsleeves&D are rolled-up.~
9 1312 257
0 0 40 13
5 100 10
12 50
3 2
4 2
14 200
a &Wceramic &Ychamberpot&D~
The contents of this chamberpot swish around ominously.~
9 3488 513
0 0 50 13
100 400 40
20 10
14 -200
19 5
18 5
12 100
13 100
tattered dress~
a &ct&Da&ct&Dt&ce&Dr&ce&Dd &Wdress&D~
A &Wdress lies in &ct&Da&ct&Dt&ce&Dr&cs&D.~
9 564 1025
0 0 50 13
5 500 50
12 200
crown thorns~
a &Ycrown &Dof &gthorns&D~
A &Ycrown &Dmade of &Dprickly &gthorns&D.~
9 2608 17
0 0 50 13
10 300 30
19 6
18 4
12 50
13 100
gory pus wounds~
&Rgory &Ypus&D-&Yfilled &Rgaping &rwounds&D~
&RGory &Ypus&D-&Yfilled &Rgaping &rwounds&W weep &Rblood &Dand &Wgristle&D.~
9 564 65
0 0 50 13
1 0 0
18 10
19 10
slimy mucus~
&gslimy &Ggreen &Ymucus&D~
A circlet of &gslimy &Ggreen &Ymucus&D looks positively disgusting.~
9 2612 4097
0 0 50 13
3 0 0
18 5
3 -1
12 50
13 50
19 5
ball chain shackle~
a ball and &Ychain&D sh&Wa&Dckl&We&D~
This ball and &Ychain&D sh&Wa&Dckl&We&D looks cruel and heavy.~
9 2612 33
0 0 50 13
10 400 40
20 -10
13 75
19 10
18 -4
knuckle spike~
a &Dgruesome &Rk&rn&Ru&rc&Rk&rl&Re &Dspi&Rke&D~
A &Dgruesome &Rk&rn&Ru&rc&Rk&rl&Re &Dspi&Rke&D looks perfect for gouging eyes out.~
9 564 3
0 0 0 13 2 0
5 300 30
2 -2
5 5
14 75
13 50
18 7
19 7
hangmans noose~
a hangman's &Ynoose&D~
This hangman's &Ynoose &Dis a classic killer.~
9 2612 5
0 0 50 13
5 400 40
13 -20
20 -20
18 10
19 15
4 -1
sword enchantment~
the &Ysword&D of &Cenchantment&D~
The &Ysword &Dof &Cenchantment&D leaves a &ctrail &Dof &Yg&Dl&yi&Dt&Yt&De&yr&Di&Yn&Dg &Ystars &Dwhich &Cdazzle &Dyou.~
5 3360 8193
13 0 0 1 1 0
20 1000 100
19 10
18 20
12 50
13 100
sword demons~
the &Ysword&D of &Rdemons&D~
The &Ysword &Dof &Rdemons&D has &ranguished &Dand &Dtortured &Wfaces &Dliving in its &Rhilt&D.~
5 2612 8193
13 0 0 1 1 0
20 1000 100
13 100
12 50
19 10
18 20
sword vision~
the &Ysword &Dof &Cv&Di&cs&Di&Co&Dn~
The &Ysword &Dof &Cv&Di&cs&Di&Co&Dn leaves a &ctrail &Dof &Ys&Dp&ya&Dr&Yk&Dl&yi&Dn&Yg &Cmystical &Wclarity&D.~
5 1828 8193
13 0 0 1 1 0
20 1000 100
18 20
13 100
12 50
19 10
air indecision~
an &Wair &Dof &Di&Dn&Wd&De&Dc&Di&Ws&Di&Do&Dn~
An &Wair &Dof &Di&Dn&Wd&De&Dc&Di&Ws&Di&Do&Dn &Wshimmers &Dand &Dfades&D.~
1 1828 16385
13 0 0 0
1 0 0
1 -2
18 10
19 10
13 50
12 50
a signpost~
&DA signpost&D.~
13 0 32768
0 0 0 0
2000 0 0
&CEnter at Your Own Peril!

       &DOr Run in Terror!&D


&DEntrance to the Valley of Shadows&D~
&cThere is an air of creepiness here as a gloomy looking valley seems to
unfold before your very eyes.  Some magical force could be pulling the soul
out of your mortal body and thrusting it into the land spread out around
you.  You should probably turn back now before it is too late.  &D
0 4 4 
0 0 52601 0 0 0

0 -1 52319 0 0 0

&DSouth End of Town&D~
&cThis road looks like it hasn't been used in a while.  It is rutted and
covered in potholes.  Definitely not a good road for a blind person.  There
are a few shops to the sides of the road here and further into the town.
Right at the end of the road, lies a &CHUGE&c mansion complete with
impressive looking gates.  To the east lies a broken down shack.  There is a
barely readable sign standing at the foot of it.  &D
0 8192 1 
0 0 52604 0 0 0

0 0 52602 0 0 0

0 0 52600 0 0 0

All you can make out is 'S a w Va e P t Sho pe'.

&CShadow Valley Pet Shoppe&D~
&cWhoa...  The dust!  Enough to make you cough and wheeze.  This place
looks like it hasn't been cleaned in years.  There has to be at least four
inches of dust on everything.  The floorboards creak and whine under your
feet - quite an uneasy feeling that.  There is a ramshackle old counter to
the west of the shop and a frail looking old man sunk into a hardwood
rocking chair.  He barely acknowledges your entrance as he nods his head to
a sign sitting on the counter top.  &D
0 4104 0 
0 0 52601 0 0 0

Shadow Valley Pet Shoppe Storage~
You should not be here ... Leave before you get caught! (besides, you
can't kill pets)
0 12 0 
&DMiddle of Town&D~
&cThis is the middle of town.  There are some more buildings up the road
and belittling all around it, is a massive mansion almost seeming to glare
down on the rest of the valley before it.  Creepy.  To the east lies an
old-fashioned soda shoppe and to the west, an aroma of freshly baked bread
emanates.  &D
0 8192 1 
0 0 52607 0 0 0

0 0 52605 0 0 0

0 0 52601 0 0 0

0 0 52606 0 0 0

&CShadow Valley Soda Shoppe&D~
&cWow this place sure is old-fashioned.  Medieval even.  It also looks
like it hasn't been used in a while.  Dust and cobwebs abound.  Broken-down
stools and decrepit old tables lie in a pile in one corner.  An equally old
waitress stands ready to take your order.  &D
0 8 0 
0 0 52604 0 0 0

&CThe GingerBread Shoppe&D~
&cMmmmmmmm....  Don't you just love the smell of freshly baked bread?
The way it entices you to sit down and buy a bun or piece of soft, moist and
chewy breadstick.  However, the shop has a thick layer of dust and the
products look a bit long in the tooth, as does the owner.  &D
0 8 0 
0 0 52604 0 0 0

&DMiddle of Town&D~
&cThis is still the middle of town.  To the north the old mansion seems
to tower over the rest of the town, its windows appearing to turn into
gaping, chilling eyes.  What an imagination!  To the west lies a tumble down
old store and to the east, the tinkling sounds of a piano being played.  &D
0 8192 1 
0 0 52610 0 0 0

0 0 52608 0 0 0

0 0 52604 0 0 0

0 0 52609 0 0 0

&CShadow Valley Saloon&D~
&cThe distinct sound of laughter and tinkling of a piano being played
gaily, echo throughout the room - yet there is no one here.  There is an old
broken down piano standing in the corner of the room, but it doesn't look
like it has been touched in decades.  Cobwebs hang from the dusty
chandeliers and the floorboards creak eerily around you.  Uh...  Perhaps now
is a good time to leave this place?  &D
0 8 0 
0 0 52607 0 0 0

&CShadow Valley Antiques&D~
&cThis old antique shop appears to have been named aptly.  It looks so
old that cobwebs and dust might be for sale too.  It might as well be a
ghost town for all the old dear has to offer, for unless she buys from the
passing trade, it must be an extremely boring existence.  There is a sign on
the counter.  &D
0 8 0 
0 0 52607 0 0 0

I buy as well as sell goods.

&DEnd of Town&D~
&cThis is the northern most end of town.  There is a tiny overgrown path
which appears to lead to the mansion which towers over the town to the
north.  To the east, lies a small shoppe and to the west, children can be
heard playing.  &D
0 8192 0 
0 0 52613 0 0 0

0 0 52611 0 0 0

0 0 52607 0 0 0

0 0 52612 0 0 0

&CShadow Valley Medicine Shoppe&D~
&cStrange looking medicine shoppe, for sure...  It is completely devoid
of life or sound.  Completely and utterly deserted.  Almost as if the people
of this town are, for the most part, avoiding you ...  Or you just can't see
them ...  Or maybe this IS a real live ghost town!  &D
0 8 0 
0 0 52610 0 0 0

&CShadow Valley School&D~
&cThis looks like it used to be the town school.  The playground is
deserted and there is no sign of life anywhere in the rooms around the
quadrangle.  Perhaps you were just imagining the noises....  &D
0 8 0 
0 0 52610 0 0 0

&DPath to the Mansion&D~
&gThis overgrown path doesn't look like it has been used for quite some
time.  Weeds and grass have sprung up and no attempt has been made to clear
the way.  The mansion to the north looks somewhat run down from here, with a
couple of the shutters hanging off the windows and the panes of glass, for
the most part, shattered and incomplete.  &D
0 8192 2 
0 0 52614 0 0 0

0 0 52610 0 0 0

&DCloser to the Mansion&D~
&gThe path is extremely overgrown here, so much that it is almost
impossible to walk through.  Tall bindweed wraps its vines around the trees
lining the path and more of the same vines snake along the ground covering
it almost.  The mansion looms up to the north and the path continues into
town to the south.  &D
0 8196 2 
0 0 52615 0 0 0

0 0 52613 0 0 0

&DFront Gates&D~
&gThis is the entrance to the mansion.  A set of impressive looking
gates, albeit rusted with age and neglect, stand to the north reaching a
height of about twenty feet.  They stand rusted open and a rusty chain hangs
off one of them with a sign trailing in the weeds.  &D
0 8196 0 
0 0 52617 0 0 0

0 0 52614 0 0 0

&r B E W A R E &D Enter at Your Own Peril&D

Grand Foyer~
&DThis was once an impressive room.  Now it is a derelict shamble.  The
windows are bereft of their glass and the shutters are hanging off,
occasionally blowing and creaking in the wind.  Cobwebs hang from the
ceiling and across the room, draped over the dusty chandeliers and waving
gently with the passing breeze.  The air is otherwise still and yet...
There is a presence here......  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52618 0 0 0

0 0 52619 0 0 0

3 0 52617 0 0 0

0 0 52621 0 0 0

&DMansion Courtyard&D~
&gThis is the courtyard of the mansion.  The front gates lie to the
south, rusted open from years of neglect.  The courtyard has also been left
to waste with overgrown weeds and plants threatening to take over.  It is a
veritable jungle in here.  The mansion itself lies to the north, its very
structure almost seeming to draw you inside, wanting to devour your soul.
0 8192 1 
3 0 52616 0 0 0

0 0 52615 0 0 0

Welcome to our humble home. All that we ask is that you wipe your feet
and close the door behind you. Thank you. The Shadow Family

&DThis grandiose staircase is covered in a worn and moth-eaten, faded red
carpet.  In its day it must have been very plush, but now it really isn't
anything special.  The staircase winds its way upstairs.  South leads to the
foyer.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52616 0 0 0

0 0 52631 0 0 0

Slime oozes out of the cracks in the cellar-door.
3 0 52660 0 0 0

The cellar-door is made of oak.

&WDining Room&D~
&DThis is part of the east wing.  Once an elegant dining room, it stands
in total silence, empty and neglected.  Yet still all the furniture remains,
albeit covered in dust and cobwebs.  Almost as if the house has stood still
through the years, the occupants long gone.  And no one has dared to live
here since....  There are doors to the north and south.  &D
0 8200 0 
3 0 52627 0 0 0

0 0 52620 0 0 0

3 0 52628 0 0 0

0 0 52616 0 0 0

&WSitting Room&D~
&DThis is the sitting room where the family rest before partaking of
their repasts of the day.  It is a light and airy room with a huge bay
window to the east which overlooks the now overgrown garden.  South leads
into the conservatory and to the north lies the master's favourite room.
Dead flies lie around the base of the bay window.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52629 0 0 0

0 0 52630 0 0 0

0 0 52619 0 0 0

&DThis is the formal lobby of the mansion.  It is really a continuation
of the foyer with the same plush rugs lying upon hardwood floors.  If only
there wasn't so much dust!  Cobwebs adorn the chandeliers and tiny spiders
scuttle out between your feet, seemingly unused to the passage of feet.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52625 0 0 0

0 0 52616 0 0 0

0 0 52626 0 0 0

3 0 52622 0 0 0

&DThis glorious room once used to be lively and gay and filled with
people dancing to their hearts content throughout the year when the owners
decided to hold a ball.  But now all that remains is a thick layer of dust
and a multitude of cobwebs dangling from the chandeliers.  The ballroom
continues to the north and south.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52623 0 0 0

3 0 52621 0 0 0

0 0 52624 0 0 0

&DThis is the northern end of the ballroom where the orchestra used to
sit, to play the waltzes and foxtrots and other gay melodies for the couples
to dance to.  There is a bay window to the west of the room, which overlooks
the now overgrown garden.  Sad and faded drapes hang at the windows and a
thick layer of dust coats the floor.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52622 0 0 0

&DThe southern end of the ballroom houses the long tables upon which
would lie a veritable banquet of small eats and glasses of bubbly wine and
spirits.  Comfortable chairs are arranged in clusters for the womenfolk to
sit down at whilst not dancing or whilst waiting for their partners to bring
their plates.  There is a bay window to the west of the room, overlooking
the overgrown garden and sad and faded drapes hang at the windows as if
yearning for those old and almost forgotten times.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52622 0 0 0

&DThis library is quite a formal one with floor to ceiling bookshelves
housing several hundred books, all covered with dust, of course.  Swathes of
cobwebs hang down from the ceiling making this room look the least used of
them all.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52621 0 0 0

&WTrophy Room&D~
&DThe walls here are adorned with the trophies of hunts.  Stags heads,
Moose heads and Buffalo heads rear out from the plaques they are mounted on.
Cabinets edge the walls and within them, lie the smaller trophies of the
hunt; the stuffed mongooses, foxes, raccoons and polecats.  Dust covers the
trophies, floor and cabinets showing that no one has been here in a long
while.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52621 0 0 0

&DThis once used to be the busy kitchen of the household.  It stretches a
good distance to the north and you can only imagine all the bustling
servants and cooks busily preparing the food for the family.  Now it is
deserted and no remnants of food lie behind.  Everything appears to have
been left as it were all those years ago though....  Odd.  &D
0 8200 0 
3 0 52687 0 0 0

3 0 52619 0 0 0

&WDrawing Room&D~
&DThis room was where the lady of the house used to entertain her
visitors.  But no more.  The chintz setees lie covered in dust and cobwebs
with who knows what making homes in the stuffing.  The once elegant velvet
drapes are faded with age and the tapestries look moth-eaten and worn.  &D
0 8200 0 
3 0 52619 0 0 0

&WBilliard Room&D~
&DThis is the splendid looking billiard room.  Or it did look splendid
once upon a time.  It appears that time has stood still though, for the
table is set as though a game is midway through, the balls covered
completely in dust as though they haven't been touched for a good number of
years.  The books in the bookcases, are too, covered in dust and cobwebs and
yet...  There are footprints on the floor.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52620 0 0 0

They walk right up to the wall and stop there.

&DThis was once the lady of the house's most favoured room.  Adorned with
tall plants in elegant vases and jardinieres, this was a lush paradise for
the lady to escape to, for the enjoyment of peace and solitude.  Now the
plants have died and the vases lie in fragments around the room, sad and
neglected.  Yet the moss seems to have survived...  Or is it something else?
0 8200 0 
0 0 52620 0 0 0

&WTop of the Stairs&D~
&DThe landing at the top of the stairs is carpetted in the same faded red
carpet, complete with moth-holes and dust.  The walls are made from oak
panels which seem to be hiding something.  Cobwebs hang down from the
chandelier here and tiny spiders scuttle about, unused to visitors.  The
stairs wind their way down to the main foyer.  There is a carved door to the
south and a plain door to the east.  &D
0 8200 0 
3 0 52638 0 0 0

3 0 52632 0 0 0

0 0 52688 0 0 0

There are strange noises coming from the trapdoor in the ceiling.
3 0 52640 0 0 0

0 0 52618 0 0 0

A strange wailing appears to be emanating from the trapdoor.

The carveddoor has intricate designs carved into it.

&WMaster Bedroom&D~
&DThis is the master bedroom.  Carpetted throughout, it is large and airy
with windows on two of the walls.  It stretches far to the south and east
making it a comfortable yet welcoming room.  In this part of the room,
stands three chintz easy chairs and a small table.  They are, of course,
coated with a thin film of dust, like the rest of the house.  &D
0 8200 0 
3 0 52631 0 0 0

0 0 52636 0 0 0

0 0 52633 0 0 0

&WMaster Bedroom&D~
&DThis is a section of the master bedroom.  Carpetted throughout, it is
large and airy with windows on two of the walls.  It stretches far to the
north and east making it a comfortable yet welcoming room.  In this part of
the room, stands the lady's dresser, next to the picture window.  The
cobwebs float down gently from the faded drapes, making the windows look
almost frosted.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52632 0 0 0

0 0 52634 0 0 0

&WMaster Bedroom&D~
&DThis is a section of the master bedroom.  Carpetted throughout, it is
large and airy with windows on two of the walls.  It stretches far to the
north and west making it a comfortable yet welcoming room.  In this part of
the room, lays a lovely white bearskin rug although now it is grey with dust
and mildew.  There is a door to the east leading to the dressing room and
the picture window to the south, sheds a musty kind of light on the whole
room.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52636 0 0 0

3 0 52635 0 0 0

0 0 52633 0 0 0

&WDressing Room&D~
&DThe dressing room is quite a large room stretching a long way to the
north.  On the south wall of the room lies a strangely shaped window.  It is
a crescent shape.  The panes of glass are covered in dust and dirt making it
impossible to see through.  There are racks of clothing here, not to mention
bureaus and chests of drawers.  A long free-standing mirror is also here and
a small sewing table.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52637 0 0 0

3 0 52634 0 0 0

&WMaster Bedroom&D~
&DThis is a section of the master bedroom.  Carpetted throughout, it is
large and airy with windows on two of the walls.  It stretches far to the
south and west making it a comfortable yet welcoming room.  In this part of
the room, stands the large double bed.  It is raised quite high and is in
the four-poster style.  The drapes around it are faded and moth-eaten, and
diaphanous swathes of cobweb drape around it, creating curtains of a natural
kind.  There is a door to the east and one to the north.  &D
0 8200 0 
3 0 52638 0 0 0

3 0 52637 0 0 0

0 0 52634 0 0 0

0 0 52632 0 0 0

&WDressing Room&D~
&DThe dressing room is quite a large room stretching a long way to the
south.  At the far south wall lies a strange crescent shaped window.  Almost
like an eye.  However at this end of the room, stands a long rack of
clothing as well as bureaus and chests of drawers.  There is also a long
mirror here and a chintz sofa.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52635 0 0 0

3 0 52636 0 0 0

&DThis is the main bathroom of the house which the children and parents
alike use.  It is a large room stretching far to the east with a large
fireplace at that end.  Here, however stands a large claw-foot ceramic bath.
Heavens knows how much water it takes to fill that.  There is a door to the
south which leads into the master bedroom and a door to the west to the
landing.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52639 0 0 0

3 0 52636 0 0 0

3 0 52631 0 0 0

&DThis is the main bathroom of the house which the children and parents
alike use.  It is a large room stretching far to the west with a large
claw-foot ceramic bath at the end.  At this end however, stands a large
fireplace which when drawn, heats up the bathroom making it exceedingly
cosy.  There is also a heated towel rail, sink and toilet here.  They match
the bath in both colour and style.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52638 0 0 0

&WThis is part of the attic, high up in the top of the mansion.  Cobwebs
hang down from the ceiling and layers of dust and dirt coat the floor.
Every room looks the same.  It would be easy to get lost in here.  &D
0 8204 0 
0 0 52641 0 0 0

0 0 52651 0 0 0

0 0 52653 0 0 0

3 0 52631 0 0 0

The trapdoor stops unwanted spirits getting out.

&WThis is part of the attic, high up in the top of the mansion.  Cobwebs
hang down from the ceiling and layers of dust and dirt coat the floor.
Every room looks the same.  It would be easy to get lost in here.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52695 0 0 0

0 0 52642 0 0 0

0 0 52652 0 0 0

&WThis is part of the attic, high up in the top of the mansion.  Cobwebs
hang down from the ceiling and layers of dust and dirt coat the floor.
Every room looks the same.  It would be easy to get lost in here.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52644 0 0 0

0 0 52643 0 0 0

0 0 52641 0 0 0

&WThis is part of the attic, high up in the top of the mansion.  Cobwebs
hang down from the ceiling and layers of dust and dirt coat the floor.
Every room looks the same.  It would be easy to get lost in here.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52642 0 0 0

0 0 52645 0 0 0

0 0 52648 0 0 0

0 0 52640 0 0 0

&WThis is part of the attic, high up in the top of the mansion.  Cobwebs
hang down from the ceiling and layers of dust and dirt coat the floor.
Every room looks the same.  It would be easy to get lost in here.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52645 0 0 0

0 0 52642 0 0 0

&WThis is part of the attic, high up in the top of the mansion.  Cobwebs
hang down from the ceiling and layers of dust and dirt coat the floor.
Every room looks the same.  It would be easy to get lost in here.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52644 0 0 0

0 0 52694 0 0 0

0 0 52646 0 0 0

0 0 52643 0 0 0

&WThis is part of the attic, high up in the top of the mansion.  Cobwebs
hang down from the ceiling and layers of dust and dirt coat the floor.
Every room looks the same.  It would be easy to get lost in here.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52645 0 0 0

0 0 52647 0 0 0

0 0 52648 0 0 0

&WThis is part of the attic, high up in the top of the mansion.  Cobwebs
hang down from the ceiling and layers of dust and dirt coat the floor.
Every room looks the same.  It would be easy to get lost in here.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52646 0 0 0

0 0 52649 0 0 0

&WThis is part of the attic, high up in the top of the mansion.  Cobwebs
hang down from the ceiling and layers of dust and dirt coat the floor.
Every room looks the same.  It would be easy to get lost in here.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52643 0 0 0

0 0 52646 0 0 0

0 0 52649 0 0 0

&WThis is part of the attic, high up in the top of the mansion.  Cobwebs
hang down from the ceiling and layers of dust and dirt coat the floor.
Every room looks the same.  It would be easy to get lost in here.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52648 0 0 0

0 0 52647 0 0 0

0 0 52650 0 0 0

&WThis is part of the attic, high up in the top of the mansion.  Cobwebs
hang down from the ceiling and layers of dust and dirt coat the floor.
Every room looks the same.  It would be easy to get lost in here.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52651 0 0 0

0 0 52649 0 0 0

0 0 52655 0 0 0

&WThis is part of the attic, high up in the top of the mansion.  Cobwebs
hang down from the ceiling and layers of dust and dirt coat the floor.
Every room looks the same.  It would be easy to get lost in here.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52640 0 0 0

0 0 52648 0 0 0

0 0 52650 0 0 0

0 0 52654 0 0 0

&WThis is part of the attic, high up in the top of the mansion.  Cobwebs
hang down from the ceiling and layers of dust and dirt coat the floor.
Every room looks the same.  It would be easy to get lost in here.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52641 0 0 0

0 0 52653 0 0 0

0 0 52659 0 0 0

&WThis is part of the attic, high up in the top of the mansion.  Cobwebs
hang down from the ceiling and layers of dust and dirt coat the floor.
Every room looks the same.  It would be easy to get lost in here.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52652 0 0 0

0 0 52640 0 0 0

0 0 52658 0 0 0

&WThis is part of the attic, high up in the top of the mansion.  Cobwebs
hang down from the ceiling and layers of dust and dirt coat the floor.
Every room looks the same.  It would be easy to get lost in here.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52653 0 0 0

0 0 52655 0 0 0

0 0 52657 0 0 0

&WThis is part of the attic, high up in the top of the mansion.  Cobwebs
hang down from the ceiling and layers of dust and dirt coat the floor.
Every room looks the same.  It would be easy to get lost in here.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52654 0 0 0

0 0 52650 0 0 0

0 0 52656 0 0 0

&WThis is part of the attic, high up in the top of the mansion.  Cobwebs
hang down from the ceiling and layers of dust and dirt coat the floor.
Every room looks the same.  It would be easy to get lost in here.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52657 0 0 0

0 0 52655 0 0 0

&WThis is part of the attic, high up in the top of the mansion.  Cobwebs
hang down from the ceiling and layers of dust and dirt coat the floor.
Every room looks the same.  It would be easy to get lost in here.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52658 0 0 0

0 0 52654 0 0 0

0 0 52656 0 0 0

&WThis is part of the attic, high up in the top of the mansion.  Cobwebs
hang down from the ceiling and layers of dust and dirt coat the floor.
Every room looks the same.  It would be easy to get lost in here.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52659 0 0 0

0 0 52653 0 0 0

0 0 52657 0 0 0

&WThis is part of the attic, high up in the top of the mansion.  Cobwebs
hang down from the ceiling and layers of dust and dirt coat the floor.
Every room looks the same.  It would be easy to get lost in here.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52652 0 0 0

0 0 52658 0 0 0

&rThis is part of the cellar, deep down in the recesses of the eerie
mansion.  This is where the wine and stores of vegetables and fruit would be
kept over the winter.  Now it is dark, damp and gloomy, the floors covered
in a sticky, slippery slime.  Every room looks the same.  It wouldn't be too
hard to get lost in here.  &D
0 8205 0 
0 0 52661 0 0 0

0 0 52665 0 0 0

0 0 52675 0 0 0

0 0 52677 0 0 0

3 0 52618 0 0 0

&rThis is part of the cellar, deep down in the recesses of the eerie
mansion.  This is where the wine and stores of vegetables and fruit would be
kept over the winter.  Now it is dark, damp and gloomy, the floors covered
in a sticky, slippery slime.  Every room looks the same.  It wouldn't be too
hard to get lost in here.  &D
0 8201 0 
0 0 52662 0 0 0

0 0 52660 0 0 0

0 0 52678 0 0 0

&rThis is part of the cellar, deep down in the recesses of the eerie
mansion.  This is where the wine and stores of vegetables and fruit would be
kept over the winter.  Now it is dark, damp and gloomy, the floors covered
in a sticky, slippery slime.  Every room looks the same.  It wouldn't be too
hard to get lost in here.  &D
0 8201 0 
0 0 52663 0 0 0

0 0 52661 0 0 0

&rThis is part of the cellar, deep down in the recesses of the eerie
mansion.  This is where the wine and stores of vegetables and fruit would be
kept over the winter.  Now it is dark, damp and gloomy, the floors covered
in a sticky, slippery slime.  Every room looks the same.  It wouldn't be too
hard to get lost in here.  &D
0 8201 0 
0 0 52670 0 0 0

0 0 52664 0 0 0

0 0 52662 0 0 0

&rThis is part of the cellar, deep down in the recesses of the eerie
mansion.  This is where the wine and stores of vegetables and fruit would be
kept over the winter.  Now it is dark, damp and gloomy, the floors covered
in a sticky, slippery slime.  Every room looks the same.  It wouldn't be too
hard to get lost in here.  &D
0 8201 0 
0 0 52663 0 0 0

0 0 52669 0 0 0

0 0 52665 0 0 0

0 0 52661 0 0 0

&rThis is part of the cellar, deep down in the recesses of the eerie
mansion.  This is where the wine and stores of vegetables and fruit would be
kept over the winter.  Now it is dark, damp and gloomy, the floors covered
in a sticky, slippery slime.  Every room looks the same.  It wouldn't be too
hard to get lost in here.  &D
0 8201 0 
0 0 52668 0 0 0

0 0 52666 0 0 0

&rThis is part of the cellar, deep down in the recesses of the eerie
mansion.  This is where the wine and stores of vegetables and fruit would be
kept over the winter.  Now it is dark, damp and gloomy, the floors covered
in a sticky, slippery slime.  Every room looks the same.  It wouldn't be too
hard to get lost in here.  &D
0 8201 0 
0 0 52665 0 0 0

0 0 52667 0 0 0

0 0 52675 0 0 0

&rThis is part of the cellar, deep down in the recesses of the eerie
mansion.  This is where the wine and stores of vegetables and fruit would be
kept over the winter.  Now it is dark, damp and gloomy, the floors covered
in a sticky, slippery slime.  Every room looks the same.  It wouldn't be too
hard to get lost in here.  &D
0 8201 0 
0 0 52668 0 0 0

0 0 52674 0 0 0

&rThis is part of the cellar, deep down in the recesses of the eerie
mansion.  This is where the wine and stores of vegetables and fruit would be
kept over the winter.  Now it is dark, damp and gloomy, the floors covered
in a sticky, slippery slime.  Every room looks the same.  It wouldn't be too
hard to get lost in here.  &D
0 8201 0 
0 0 52669 0 0 0

0 0 52667 0 0 0

0 0 52665 0 0 0

&rThis is part of the cellar, deep down in the recesses of the eerie
mansion.  This is where the wine and stores of vegetables and fruit would be
kept over the winter.  Now it is dark, damp and gloomy, the floors covered
in a sticky, slippery slime.  Every room looks the same.  It wouldn't be too
hard to get lost in here.  &D
0 8201 0 
0 0 52672 0 0 0

0 0 52668 0 0 0

0 0 52664 0 0 0

&rThis is part of the cellar, deep down in the recesses of the eerie
mansion.  This is where the wine and stores of vegetables and fruit would be
kept over the winter.  Now it is dark, damp and gloomy, the floors covered
in a sticky, slippery slime.  Every room looks the same.  It wouldn't be too
hard to get lost in here.  &D
0 8201 0 
0 0 52671 0 0 0

0 0 52669 0 0 0

0 0 52663 0 0 0

&rThis is part of the cellar, deep down in the recesses of the eerie
mansion.  This is where the wine and stores of vegetables and fruit would be
kept over the winter.  Now it is dark, damp and gloomy, the floors covered
in a sticky, slippery slime.  Every room looks the same.  It wouldn't be too
hard to get lost in here.  &D
0 8201 0 
0 0 52697 0 0 0

0 0 52670 0 0 0

&rThis is part of the cellar, deep down in the recesses of the eerie
mansion.  This is where the wine and stores of vegetables and fruit would be
kept over the winter.  Now it is dark, damp and gloomy, the floors covered
in a sticky, slippery slime.  Every room looks the same.  It wouldn't be too
hard to get lost in here.  &D
0 8201 0 
0 0 52671 0 0 0

0 0 52673 0 0 0

0 0 52669 0 0 0

&rThis is part of the cellar, deep down in the recesses of the eerie
mansion.  This is where the wine and stores of vegetables and fruit would be
kept over the winter.  Now it is dark, damp and gloomy, the floors covered
in a sticky, slippery slime.  Every room looks the same.  It wouldn't be too
hard to get lost in here.  &D
0 8201 0 
0 0 52672 0 0 0

0 0 52674 0 0 0

0 0 52668 0 0 0

&rThis is part of the cellar, deep down in the recesses of the eerie
mansion.  This is where the wine and stores of vegetables and fruit would be
kept over the winter.  Now it is dark, damp and gloomy, the floors covered
in a sticky, slippery slime.  Every room looks the same.  It wouldn't be too
hard to get lost in here.  &D
0 8201 0 
0 0 52673 0 0 0

0 0 52667 0 0 0

&rThis is part of the cellar, deep down in the recesses of the eerie
mansion.  This is where the wine and stores of vegetables and fruit would be
kept over the winter.  Now it is dark, damp and gloomy, the floors covered
in a sticky, slippery slime.  Every room looks the same.  It wouldn't be too
hard to get lost in here.  &D
0 8201 0 
0 0 52666 0 0 0

0 0 52684 0 0 0

0 0 52676 0 0 0

&rThis is part of the cellar, deep down in the recesses of the eerie
mansion.  This is where the wine and stores of vegetables and fruit would be
kept over the winter.  Now it is dark, damp and gloomy, the floors covered
in a sticky, slippery slime.  Every room looks the same.  It wouldn't be too
hard to get lost in here.  &D
0 8201 0 
0 0 52677 0 0 0

0 0 52675 0 0 0

0 0 52683 0 0 0

&rThis is part of the cellar, deep down in the recesses of the eerie
mansion.  This is where the wine and stores of vegetables and fruit would be
kept over the winter.  Now it is dark, damp and gloomy, the floors covered
in a sticky, slippery slime.  Every room looks the same.  It wouldn't be too
hard to get lost in here.  &D
0 8201 0 
0 0 52678 0 0 0

0 0 52660 0 0 0

0 0 52676 0 0 0

0 0 52682 0 0 0

&rThis is part of the cellar, deep down in the recesses of the eerie
mansion.  This is where the wine and stores of vegetables and fruit would be
kept over the winter.  Now it is dark, damp and gloomy, the floors covered
in a sticky, slippery slime.  Every room looks the same.  It wouldn't be too
hard to get lost in here.  &D
0 8201 0 
0 0 52679 0 0 0

0 0 52661 0 0 0

0 0 52681 0 0 0

&rThis is part of the cellar, deep down in the recesses of the eerie
mansion.  This is where the wine and stores of vegetables and fruit would be
kept over the winter.  Now it is dark, damp and gloomy, the floors covered
in a sticky, slippery slime.  Every room looks the same.  It wouldn't be too
hard to get lost in here.  &D
0 8201 0 
0 0 52662 0 0 0

0 0 52678 0 0 0

0 0 52680 0 0 0

&rThis is part of the cellar, deep down in the recesses of the eerie
mansion.  This is where the wine and stores of vegetables and fruit would be
kept over the winter.  Now it is dark, damp and gloomy, the floors covered
in a sticky, slippery slime.  Every room looks the same.  It wouldn't be too
hard to get lost in here.  &D
0 8201 0 
0 0 52679 0 0 0

0 0 52681 0 0 0

0 0 52699 0 0 0

&rThis is part of the cellar, deep down in the recesses of the eerie
mansion.  This is where the wine and stores of vegetables and fruit would be
kept over the winter.  Now it is dark, damp and gloomy, the floors covered
in a sticky, slippery slime.  Every room looks the same.  It wouldn't be too
hard to get lost in here.  &D
0 8201 0 
0 0 52678 0 0 0

0 0 52682 0 0 0

&rThis is part of the cellar, deep down in the recesses of the eerie
mansion.  This is where the wine and stores of vegetables and fruit would be
kept over the winter.  Now it is dark, damp and gloomy, the floors covered
in a sticky, slippery slime.  Every room looks the same.  It wouldn't be too
hard to get lost in here.  &D
0 8201 0 
0 0 52681 0 0 0

0 0 52683 0 0 0

&rThis is part of the cellar, deep down in the recesses of the eerie
mansion.  This is where the wine and stores of vegetables and fruit would be
kept over the winter.  Now it is dark, damp and gloomy, the floors covered
in a sticky, slippery slime.  Every room looks the same.  It wouldn't be too
hard to get lost in here.  &D
0 8201 0 
0 0 52682 0 0 0

0 0 52676 0 0 0

&rThis is part of the cellar, deep down in the recesses of the eerie
mansion.  This is where the wine and stores of vegetables and fruit would be
kept over the winter.  Now it is dark, damp and gloomy, the floors covered
in a sticky, slippery slime.  Every room looks the same.  It wouldn't be too
hard to get lost in here.  &D
0 8201 0 
0 0 52675 0 0 0

0 0 52685 0 0 0

&rThis is part of the cellar, deep down in the recesses of the eerie
mansion.  This is where the wine and stores of vegetables and fruit would be
kept over the winter.  Now it is dark, damp and gloomy, the floors covered
in a sticky, slippery slime.  Every room looks the same.  It wouldn't be too
hard to get lost in here.  &D
0 8201 0 
0 0 52684 0 0 0

0 0 52686 0 0 0

&rThis is part of the cellar, deep down in the recesses of the eerie
mansion.  This is where the wine and stores of vegetables and fruit would be
kept over the winter.  Now it is dark, damp and gloomy, the floors covered
in a sticky, slippery slime.  Every room looks the same.  It wouldn't be too
hard to get lost in here.  &D
0 8205 0 
0 0 52685 0 0 0

The grate sheds only a tiny amount of light down here due to the weeds
and undergrowth which have grown over it.
3 0 52614 0 0 0

&WServants Quarters&D~
&DThese are the tiny cramped quarters where the servants live, or rather
used to live.  They look like they haven't been occupied for some time.  By
people anyway.  The droppings on the floor indicate other mammals have been
making their homes here.  &D
0 8200 0 
3 0 52627 0 0 0

The drapes open into the kitchen area.

&DThis part of the landing too has moth-eaten carpet which has faded with
the passing of the years.  The oak panels on the northern walls, make the
passageway appear darker than it really is.  However, the chandeliers would
have solved that problem.  Now however, the only light source is from a
window at the far west side of the hall.  There is a door to the south.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52631 0 0 0

3 0 52689 0 0 0

0 0 52690 0 0 0

&DThis is the only guest bedroom in the house.  The double bed looks
relatively comfortable and the large fireplace to the west of the room,
appears to only just have been put out.  Which is rather odd considering the
layers of dust covering the furniture and floor.  There is an adjoining
bathroom to the south.  &D
0 8200 0 
3 0 52688 0 0 0

0 0 52693 0 0 0

&DThis is the far west side of the landing, right next to the window on
the west wall.  The panes of glass are dusty and dirty which makes it very
difficult to see anything through.  From the geography of the place though,
this window would overlook the overgrown garden.  There is a sound of
children laughing which appears to be coming from the south.  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52688 0 0 0

3 0 52691 0 0 0

&DThis room, once so vibrant with the happy sounds of children playing is
now silent and empty.  Two beds lie on either side of the room and the walls
are decorated in bright colours which sadly, are now faded.  Whispering
appears to be coming from the south.  &D
0 8200 0 
3 0 52690 0 0 0

0 0 52692 0 0 0

&DThis is a large room dedicated to the toys and clothes belonging to the
children of the house.  What fun it must have been to play in here.  In the
south wall lies a strangely shaped window, a crescent, complete with window
seat.  The panes of glass are covered in something....  &D
0 8200 0 
0 0 52691 0 0 0

&DThe claw-foot ceramic bath is the focus of attention in this room.
With a white tiled floor and matching toilet and sink suite, the bathroom
would be almost a pleasure to use.  There is even a heated towel rail here.
0 8200 0 
0 0 52689 0 0 0

&WThis is part of the attic, high up in the top of the mansion.  Cobwebs
hang down from the ceiling and layers of dust and dirt coat the floor.
Every room looks the same.  It would be easy to get lost in here.  &D
0 8204 0 
0 0 52696 0 0 0

0 0 52645 0 0 0

&WThis is part of the attic, high up in the top of the mansion.  Cobwebs
hang down from the ceiling and layers of dust and dirt coat the floor.
Every room looks the same.  It would be easy to get lost in here.  &D
0 8204 0 
0 0 52696 0 0 0

0 0 52641 0 0 0

&WThis is part of the attic, high up in the top of the mansion.  Cobwebs
hang down from the ceiling and layers of dust and dirt coat the floor.
Every room looks the same.  It would be easy to get lost in here.  &D
0 1036 0 
0 0 52695 0 0 0

&rThis is part of the cellar, deep down in the recesses of the eerie
mansion.  This is where the wine and stores of vegetables and fruit would be
kept over the winter.  Now it is dark, damp and gloomy, the floors covered
in a sticky, slippery slime.  Every room looks the same.  It wouldn't be too
hard to get lost in here.  &D
0 8201 0 
0 0 52671 0 0 0

0 0 52698 0 0 0

&rThis is part of the cellar, deep down in the recesses of the eerie
mansion.  This is where the wine and stores of vegetables and fruit would be
kept over the winter.  Now it is dark, damp and gloomy, the floors covered
in a sticky, slippery slime.  Every room looks the same.  It wouldn't be too
hard to get lost in here.  &D
0 1037 0 
0 0 52697 0 0 0

&rThis is part of the cellar, deep down in the recesses of the eerie
mansion.  This is where the wine and stores of vegetables and fruit would be
kept over the winter.  Now it is dark, damp and gloomy, the floors covered
in a sticky, slippery slime.  Every room looks the same.  It wouldn't be too
hard to get lost in here.  &D
0 8205 0 
0 0 52680 0 0 0


D 0 52616 2 1
D 0 52617 0 1
D 0 52618 5 1
D 0 52619 0 1
D 0 52619 2 1
D 0 52621 3 1
D 0 52622 1 1
D 0 52627 0 1
D 0 52627 2 1
D 0 52628 0 1
D 0 52631 1 1
D 0 52631 2 1
D 0 52631 4 1
D 0 52632 0 1
D 0 52634 1 1
D 0 52635 3 1
D 0 52636 0 1
D 0 52636 1 1
D 0 52637 3 1
D 0 52638 2 1
D 0 52638 3 1
D 0 52640 5 1
D 0 52660 4 1
D 0 52686 4 1
D 0 52687 2 1
D 0 52688 2 1
D 0 52689 0 1
D 0 52690 2 1
D 0 52691 0 1
O 0 52699 0 52600
M 0 52615 5 52601
M 0 52612 5 52601
M 0 52615 5 52602
M 0 52600 1 52602
O 0 52600 0 52602
M 0 52601 1 52603
M 0 52604 1 52603
M 0 52613 5 52604
M 0 52611 5 52604
M 0 52615 5 52605
M 0 52611 5 52605
M 0 52602 1 52605
G 0 52602 0
G 0 52603 0
G 0 52605 0
M 0 52612 5 52606
M 0 52603 1 52606
G 0 52604 0
G 0 52606 0
G 0 52607 0
M 0 52615 5 52607
M 0 52612 5 52607
M 0 52613 5 52608
O 0 52608 0 52608
M 0 52614 5 52609
M 0 52613 5 52609
M 0 52605 1 52609
M 0 52611 5 52610
M 0 52612 5 52610
M 0 52613 5 52611
M 0 52611 5 52611
M 0 52614 5 52612
M 0 52611 5 52612
M 0 52612 5 52613
M 0 52607 5 52616
M 0 52615 5 52617
M 0 52606 1 52617
M 0 52610 5 52618
M 0 52613 5 52619
M 0 52607 5 52620
M 0 52608 5 52621
M 0 52607 5 52622
M 0 52608 5 52623
M 0 52609 5 52624
M 0 52610 5 52625
M 0 52607 5 52626
M 0 52614 5 52627
M 0 52607 5 52627
M 0 52614 5 52630
M 0 52609 5 52630
M 0 52608 5 52631
M 0 52610 5 52634
M 0 52609 5 52636
M 0 52610 5 52638
M 0 52608 5 52639
M 0 52617 5 52640
E 0 52609 0 18
M 0 52616 5 52641
M 0 52628 1 52641
M 0 52620 1 52642
E 0 52611 0 17
M 0 52624 3 52643
E 0 52614 0 9
M 0 52617 5 52644
E 0 52609 0 18
M 0 52616 5 52645
M 0 52624 3 52645
E 0 52614 0 9
M 0 52618 5 52646
M 0 52625 2 52646
E 0 52615 0 10
M 0 52624 3 52647
E 0 52614 0 9
M 0 52616 5 52648
M 0 52623 1 52648
M 0 52618 5 52649
M 0 52626 3 52649
E 0 52616 0 11
M 0 52625 2 52650
E 0 52615 0 10
M 0 52622 1 52651
E 0 52613 0 13
E 0 52624 0 16
M 0 52617 5 52652
E 0 52609 0 18
M 0 52618 5 52653
M 0 52626 3 52653
E 0 52616 0 11
M 0 52616 5 52654
M 0 52621 1 52654
E 0 52612 0 5
M 0 52617 5 52655
E 0 52609 0 18
M 0 52619 1 52656
E 0 52610 0 0
M 0 52618 5 52657
M 0 52627 1 52657
M 0 52617 5 52658
E 0 52609 0 18
M 0 52616 5 52659
M 0 52626 3 52659
E 0 52616 0 11
M 0 52632 5 52660
M 0 52631 4 52661
M 0 52630 5 52662
E 0 52617 0 12
M 0 52629 3 52663
M 0 52630 5 52665
E 0 52617 0 12
M 0 52632 5 52666
M 0 52629 3 52667
M 0 52631 4 52668
M 0 52636 2 52669
E 0 52621 0 7
M 0 52630 5 52670
E 0 52617 0 12
M 0 52631 4 52671
M 0 52629 3 52672
M 0 52635 2 52673
E 0 52620 0 14
M 0 52630 5 52674
E 0 52617 0 12
M 0 52633 1 52675
E 0 52618 0 6
M 0 52634 1 52676
E 0 52619 0 8
M 0 52631 4 52677
M 0 52637 1 52678
M 0 52641 1 52678
M 0 52632 5 52679
M 0 52640 1 52679
M 0 52642 1 52680
M 0 52632 5 52681
M 0 52636 2 52681
E 0 52621 0 7
M 0 52631 4 52682
M 0 52635 2 52683
E 0 52620 0 14
M 0 52638 1 52684
E 0 52622 0 1
E 0 52625 0 16
M 0 52639 1 52685
E 0 52623 0 3
M 0 52614 5 52687
M 0 52609 5 52687
M 0 52699 1 52688
E 0 52626 0 16
E 0 52627 0 0
M 0 52609 5 52689
M 0 52610 5 52690
M 0 52608 5 52691
M 0 52618 5 52694
M 0 52618 5 52695
M 0 52630 5 52697
E 0 52617 0 12
M 0 52632 5 52699

 52600    0  0  0  0  0   110  95         0 23    ; the pet shoppe owner
 52602    0  0  0  0  0   110  95         0 23    ; an old waitress
 52603    0  0  0  0  0   110  95         0 23    ; the baker
 52605    9  5 13  1 15   125  85         0 23    ; the old dear


M  52606 spec_poison
M  52624 spec_thief
M  52636 spec_thief
