 *  SSM v2.2 (shared string manager)                                          *
 *                                                                            *
 *  Copyright(C) 1996 Melvin Smith (Fusion) for EnvyMUD 2.2                   *
 *                                                                            *
 *  Due to alignment differences on 32 bit and 64 bit machines, memory        *
 *  usage is now virtually identical to standard Merc on 32-bit               *
 *  architecture, but slightly larger on 64-bit. Memory usage is still        *
 *  smaller than SSM 2.0 or earlier. The manager now uses short ints for      *
 *  the count and size of chunks, so to increase MAX_STRING you must          *
 *  increase MAX_CHUNKS instead. String have a max reference count of         *
 *  +32766 and max size of CHUNK_SIZE (0xfff0). Fragmentation is also         *
 *  handled more efficiently by marking failed chunks with -1 to temporarily  *
 *  disable them until a defrag_heap() recycles them. This helps when a       *
 *  4 byte chunk is freed low in the heap, so string_dup() doesn't walk       *
 *  the whole heap every time.                                                *
 *                                                                            *
 *  <>                                       *
 *                                                                            *
 *  ROM2.4 modifications by Tom Adriaenssen (Jan 1996) -- Wreck               *
 *                                                                            *
 *  <>                                            *
 *                                                                            *
 *  Removed ROM 2.4 modifications as Envy doesnt need *fread_string_eol -Kahn *
 *                                                                            *

 *************** S U N D E R M U D *** 2 . 0 **************
 * The unique portions of the SunderMud code as well as   *
 * the integration efforts for code from other sources is *
 * based primarily on the efforts of:                     *
 *                                                        *
 * Lotherius <> (Alvin W. Brinson)  *
 *    and many others, see "help sundermud" in the mud.   *

// strcpy is used here instead of the SLCPY macro due to breakage of the macro

#include "everything.h"

#if !defined( ultrix )
# include <memory.h>

#define intType        short int
#define uintType       unsigned intType
#define intTypeSize  ( sizeof( intType ) )
#define addrType       void *
#define addrTypeSize ( sizeof( addrType ) )
#define addrSizeMask ( sizeof( addrType ) - 1 )

#if !defined( macintosh )
extern  int     _filbuf         args( (FILE *) );

typedef struct BE BufEntry;

struct BE
     BufEntry *next;
     uintType  size;   /* size of the chunk (regardless of NULL CHAR) */
     intType   usage;  /* how many pointers to the string */
     char      buf[1]; /* chunk starts here */

 * This is for the temporary hashing of strings at bootup to speedup
 * comparison/crunching of the string space. The temp_string_hash will
 * be freed after boot_done() is called.
typedef struct TH TempHash;

struct TH
     TempHash *next;
     uintType  len;
     char     *str;

TempHash **temp_string_hash;

/* These are the original Merc vars in db.c */
extern bool  fBootDb;
char         str_empty[1];
char        *string_space;
char        *top_string;
long         nAllocString;
long         sAllocString;
long         nOverFlowString;
long         sOverFlowString;

int          numFree;
bool         Full;

char         *str_dup        ( const char * );
void          free_string    ( char * );
char         *fread_string   ( FILE * );
void          temp_hash_add  ( char * );
char         *temp_hash_find ( const char * );

 * ssm_buf_head points to start of shared space,
 * ssm_buf_free points to next free block
BufEntry *ssm_buf_head, *ssm_buf_free;

/* To allocate more memory increase MAX_CHUNKS in merc.h. */
#define CHUNK_SIZE   0xfff0                  /* DO NOT mess with this! */
int     HEADER_SIZE;

 * Not sure what is a good value for MAX_FREE
 * If a dup fails str_dup will not defrag unless the number
 * of numFree >= MAX_FREE. numFree is NOT the current number of free blocks,
 * it is just a counter so defrag doesnt start dragging the game in the
 * case of a lot of failed dups.
#define MAX_FREE     500

void init_string_space()
     BufEntry *walk;
     int i;

     string_space = (char *)malloc( MAX_STRING );
     if( !string_space )
          bugf ( "[SSM] Cant allocate shared string space." );

     top_string   = string_space + MAX_STRING-1;
     ssm_buf_head = (BufEntry *)string_space;
     HEADER_SIZE  = (int)( (char*)&ssm_buf_head->buf[0] - (char*)ssm_buf_head );

     walk = ssm_buf_head;
     for( i = 0; ;i++ )
          walk->usage = 0;
          walk->size  = CHUNK_SIZE - HEADER_SIZE;
          if( i < MAX_CHUNKS - 1 )
               walk->next = (BufEntry *)( (char*)walk + CHUNK_SIZE );
               walk       = walk->next;

          walk->next = 0;

     ssm_buf_free        = ssm_buf_head;
     temp_string_hash    = (TempHash **)calloc( sizeof(TempHash *),
                                                MAX_KEY_HASH );

int defrag_heap()
     * Walk through the shared heap and merge adjacent free blocks.
     * Free blocks are merged in str_free if free->next is free but
     * if the block preceding free is free, it stays unmerged. I would
     * rather not have the heap as a DOUBLE linked list for 2 reasons...
     *  (1) Extra 4 bytes per struct uses more mem
     *  (2) Speed - don't want to bog down str_ functions with heap management
     * The "orphaned" blocks will eventually be either merged or reused.
     * The str_dup function will call defrag if it cant allocate a buf.

     BufEntry *walk, *last_free, *next;
     int merges   = 0;
     ssm_buf_free = 0;

     for( walk=ssm_buf_head,last_free=0; walk; walk = next )
          next = walk->next;
          if( walk->usage > 0 )
	    /* this block is in use so set last_free to NULL */
               last_free = 0;
          else if( !last_free )
	    /* OK found a NEW free block, set last_free and move to next */
               last_free = walk;
               if( !ssm_buf_free )
                    ssm_buf_free = walk;

	    /* previous block free so merge walk into last_free and move on */
               if( (long)last_free->size + (long)walk->size <= CHUNK_SIZE )
                    last_free->size += walk->size + HEADER_SIZE;
                    last_free->next  = walk->next;
                    last_free->usage = 0;
                    last_free = walk;

     /* This should be info, not a bug. There will always be merges. */
     if( merges )
          log_string ( "[SSM] defrag_heap : made %d block merges.", merges );
          log_string ( "[SSM] defrag_heap : resulted in 0 merges." );
    /* Start count over again */
     numFree = 0;
     return merges;

 * Dup a string into shared space. If string exists, the usage count
 * gets incremented and the reference is returned. If the string does
 * not exist in heap, space is allocated and usage is 1.
 * This is a linked list first fit algorithm, so strings can be
 * freed. Upon bootup, there is a seperate hash table constructed in order
 * to do crunching, then the table is destroyed.
 * ---
 * Using a local "register const char *lstr" shaved ms/call from 0.06 to 0.02,
 * which I consider significant - Lotherius
char *str_dup( const char *str )
     register const char  *lstr = (const char *)str;
     BufEntry *ptr;
     char     *str_new;
     int       len;
     int       rlen;

     if( !lstr || !*lstr )
          return &str_empty[0];

     if( lstr > string_space && lstr < top_string )
          ptr = (BufEntry *)( lstr - HEADER_SIZE );
          if( ptr->usage <= 0 )
               bugf( "str_dup : invalid str: %s", lstr );

          return (char *)lstr;

     rlen = len = (int)strlen( lstr ) + 1;

     * Round up to machine dependant address size.
     * Don't remove this, because when the BufEntry struct is overlaid
     * the struct must be aligned correctly.

     if( ( len + HEADER_SIZE ) & addrSizeMask )
          len += addrTypeSize - ( ( len + HEADER_SIZE ) & addrSizeMask );

     if( ssm_buf_free )

          for( ptr = ssm_buf_free; ptr; ptr = ptr->next )
               if( ptr->usage == 0 && ptr->size >= len )

          if( !ptr )
               if( numFree >= MAX_FREE )
                    int merges;

                    log_string ( "[SSM] Attempting to optimize shared string heap." );
                    merges = defrag_heap();

                    if( merges )
                         log_string ( "[SSM] defrag_heap : made %d block merges.", merges );
                         log_string ( "[SSM] defrag_heap : resulted in 0 merges." );

			 /* goto is fine because defrag will return 0 next time */
                    if( merges )
                         goto RETRY;

               str_new = (char *)malloc( rlen );
               strcpy( str_new, lstr );
               sOverFlowString += rlen;
               return str_new;
          /* If there is at least header size excess break it up */
          else if( ptr->size - len >= HEADER_SIZE )
               BufEntry *temp;
               /* WARNING! - DONT REMOVE THE CASTS BELOW! - Fusion */
               temp = (BufEntry*)( (char *)ptr + HEADER_SIZE + len );
               temp->size   = ptr->size - ( len + HEADER_SIZE );
               temp->next   = ptr->next;
               temp->usage  = 0;
               ptr->size    = len;
               ptr->next    = temp;
               ptr->usage   = 1;
               ssm_buf_free = temp;
               ptr->usage = 1;
               if( ptr != ssm_buf_free )
                    ssm_buf_free->usage--; /* buf_free was skipped */
               for( ssm_buf_free = ssm_buf_head; ssm_buf_free;
                    ssm_buf_free = ssm_buf_free->next )
                    if( ssm_buf_free->usage == 0 )

          str_new = (char *)&ptr->buf[0];
          strcpy( str_new, lstr );
          sAllocString += ptr->size + HEADER_SIZE;
	/* A one time toggle just for bugging purposes */
          if( !Full )
               bugf ( "[SSM] The shared string heap is full!" );
               Full = 1;

          str_new = (char *)malloc( rlen );
          strcpy( str_new, lstr );
          sOverFlowString += rlen;

     return str_new;

 * If string is in shared space, decrement usage, if usage then is 0,
 * free the chunk and attempt to merge with next node. Other
 * strings are freed with standard free.
 * Never call free/delete externally on a shared string.
void free_string( char *str )
     BufEntry *ptr;

     if( !str || str == &str_empty[0] )

     if( str > string_space && str < top_string )
          ptr = (BufEntry *)( str - HEADER_SIZE );

          if( --ptr->usage > 0 )
          else if( ptr->usage < 0 )
               bugf ( "SSM:free_string: multiple free or invalid string.");
               bugf ( (char*)&ptr->buf[0] );

          sAllocString -= ( ptr->size + HEADER_SIZE );

          if( ssm_buf_free > ptr )
               ssm_buf_free = ptr;

          if( fBootDb )
               TempHash *ptr;
               TempHash *walk;
               int ihash = strlen( str ) % MAX_KEY_HASH;

               for( ptr = temp_string_hash[ ihash ]; ptr; ptr = ptr->next )
                    if( ptr->str != str )
                    else if( ptr == temp_string_hash[ ihash ] )
                         temp_string_hash[ ihash ] = ptr->next;
                         for( walk = temp_string_hash[ ihash ]; walk;
                              walk = walk->next )
                              if( walk->next == ptr )
                                   walk->next = ptr->next;

                    free( ptr );

     sOverFlowString -= strlen( str ) + 1;
     if ( sOverFlowString < 0 || nOverFlowString < 0 )
          bugf ( "SSM:free_string: string free from outside SS space.: %s", str );
     free( str );

 * Read and allocate space for a string from a file.
 * This replaces db.c fread_string
 * This is modified version of Furey's fread_string from Merc
char *fread_string( FILE *fp )
     char buf[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH*5 ]; // Had to increase this due to some large helpfiles.
     char *ptr = buf;
     char  c;

     do { c = getc( fp ); }
     while( isspace( c ) );

     if( ( *ptr++ = c ) == '~' )
          return &str_empty[0];

     for ( ;; )
          switch ( *ptr = getc( fp ) )

          case EOF:
               bugf ( "Fread_string: EOF" );
               return NULL;

          case '\n':
               *ptr++ = '\r';

          case '\r':

          case '~':
               *ptr = '\0';
               if( fBootDb )
		    ptr = temp_hash_find( buf );
		    if( ptr )
                         return str_dup( ptr );

		    ptr = str_dup( buf );
		    temp_hash_add( ptr );
		    return ptr;

               return str_dup( buf );

 * Read string into user supplied buffer.
 * Modified version of Furey's fread_string
void temp_fread_string( FILE *fp, char *buf )
     char *ptr = buf;
     char  c;

     do { c = getc( fp ); }
     while ( isspace( c ) );

     if ( ( *ptr++ = c ) == '~' )
          *buf = '\0';

     for ( ;; )
          switch ( *ptr = getc( fp ) )

          case EOF:
               bugf ( "Fread_string: EOF" );
               exit( 1 );

          case '\n':
               *ptr++ = '\r';

          case '\r':

          case '~':
               *ptr = '\0';

/* Lookup the string in the boot-time hash table. */
char *temp_hash_find( const char *str )
     register const unsigned char  *astr = (const unsigned char *)str;
     TempHash *ptr;
     int       len;
     int       ihash;     

     if( !fBootDb || !*str )
          return 0;

     len   = strlen( astr );
     ihash = len % MAX_KEY_HASH;

     for( ptr = temp_string_hash[ ihash ]; ptr; ptr = ptr->next )
          if( *ptr->str != *astr )
          else if( strcmp( ptr->str, astr ) )
          else return ptr->str;

     return 0;

 * Add a reference in the temporary hash table.
 * String is still in the linked list structure but
 * reference is kept here for quick lookup at boot time;
void temp_hash_add( char *str )
     TempHash *add;
     int      len;
     int      ihash;

     if( !fBootDb || !*str || ( str <= string_space && str >= top_string ) )

     len   = strlen( str );
     ihash = len % MAX_KEY_HASH;
     add   = (TempHash *)malloc( sizeof( TempHash ) );
     add->next = temp_string_hash[ ihash ];
     temp_string_hash[ ihash ] = add;
     add->len = len;
     add->str = str;

/* Free the temp boot string hash table */
void boot_done( void )
     TempHash *ptr, *next;
     int       ihash;

     for( ihash = 0; ihash < MAX_KEY_HASH; ihash++ )
          for( ptr = temp_string_hash[ ihash ]; ptr; ptr = next )
               next = ptr->next;
               free( ptr );

     free( temp_string_hash );
     temp_string_hash = 0; /* Bug check in case someone accesses later */