Intermud-3 - CircleMud installation document

Why is there a separate document for Circle? Short answer - the
code is VERY different from the Merc branch. So rather than attempt
to pack the main document with all sorts of places to change things,
it was decided that a complete Circle doc would be better.

This was tested against Circle 3.0bpl20, but in theory should work with
any of the 3.x series. Support for 2.x installs will not be offered, but
if it works, great. :)

So with that in mind.....

1. Place i3.c, i3.h, and i3cfg.h into your src directory.

In the file, find:

#flags for profiling (see hacker.doc for more information)

Directly below that, add:

#I3 - Comment out to disable I3 support
I3 = 1

Below the CXREF_FILES section, add the following:
   [Note: BSD users - put a period in front of the word ifdef, and in front of the word endif]

ifdef I3
   CXREF_FILES += i3.c
   OBJFILES += i3.o

Directly below the following:

weather.o: weather.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h utils.h comm.h handler.h \
  interpreter.h db.h
        $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) weather.c

Add the following:

i3.o: i3.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h utils.h comm.h db.h handler.h \
  interpreter.h i3.h i3cfg.h
	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) i3.c

2. Open and find the following:

struct social_messg {
  int act_nr;
  int hide;
  int min_victim_position;      /* Position of victim */

  /* No argument was supplied */
  char *char_no_arg;
  char *others_no_arg;  

  /* An argument was there, and a victim was found */
  char *char_found;             /* if NULL, read no further, ignore args */
  char *others_found;
  char *vict_found;

  /* An argument was there, but no victim was found */
  char *not_found;

  /* The victim turned out to be the character */
  char *char_auto;
  char *others_auto;
} *soc_mess_list;

Remove it, and replace wit the following:

/* For I3 */
struct social_messg *find_social(const char *name)
  int cmd, socidx;   
  if ((cmd = find_command(name)) < 0)
    return NULL;

  if ((socidx = find_action(cmd)) < 0)
    return NULL;
  return &soc_mess_list[socidx];

3. Open comm.c and locate the following:

#include <arpa/telnet.h>
#include "telnet.h"

Directly below that, add the following:

#ifdef I3
#include "i3.h"   

Locate function init_game, and find the following:

  log("Opening mother connection.");
  mother_desc = init_socket(port);


Directly below that, add the following:

#ifdef I3
   /* Initialize and connect to Intermud-3 */
   I3_main( FALSE, port, FALSE );

Locate the following:


Directly below that, add the following:

#ifdef I3
    I3_shutdown( 0 );

Locate game_loop and find the following:

    /* If we missed more than 30 seconds worth of pulses, just do 30 secs */
    if (missed_pulses > 30 RL_SEC) { 
      log("SYSERR: Missed %d seconds worth of pulses.", missed_pulses / PASSES_PER_SEC);
      missed_pulses = 30 RL_SEC;

Directly below that, add the following:

#ifdef I3
      I3_loop( );

4. Open db.c and find the following:

#include "interpreter.h"
#include "house.h"
#include "constants.h"

Directly below that, add:

#ifdef I3
#include "i3.h"   

Locate the following:

void log_zone_error(zone_rnum zone, int cmd_no, const char *message);
void reset_time(void);
long get_ptable_by_name(char *name);

Directly below that, add the following:

void load_i3_pfile(struct char_data *ch);
char *fread_word(char *buf, size_t len, FILE *fp);

Locate the following:

char *get_name_by_id(long id)
  int i;

  for (i = 0; i <= top_of_p_table; i++)
    if (player_table[i].id == id)
      return (player_table[i].name);

  return (NULL);

Directly below that, add the following:

#ifdef I3
void save_i3_pfile(struct char_data *ch)
  FILE *fl;
  char filename[PATH_MAX];
  if (!get_filename(GET_PC_NAME(ch), filename, I3_FILE))
  if (!get_filename(filename, sizeof(filename), I3_FILE, GET_PC_NAME(ch)))

  if (!(fl = fopen(filename, "w")))
    if (errno != ENOENT)
      log("SYSERR: opening I3 file '%s' for writing: %s", filename, strerror(errno));
  i3save_char(ch, fl);

void load_i3_pfile(struct char_data *ch)
  FILE *fl;
  char filename[PATH_MAX];
  char word[READ_SIZE];
  if (!get_filename(GET_PC_NAME(ch), filename, I3_FILE))
  if (!get_filename(filename, sizeof(filename), I3_FILE, GET_PC_NAME(ch)))
  if (!(fl = fopen(filename, "r")))
    if (errno != ENOENT)
      log("SYSERR: opening I3 file '%s' for reading: %s", filename, strerror(errno));
  for (;;)
    fread_word(word, sizeof(word), fl);
    if (*word != 'I')
    i3load_char(ch, fl, word);

Locate the following code in store_to_char:

  /* Add all spell effects */
  for (i = 0; i < MAX_AFFECT; i++) {
    if (st->affected[i].type)
      affect_to_char(ch, &st->affected[i]);

Directly below that, add:

#ifdef I3

Locate the following in char_to_store:

  if (GET_TITLE(ch))
    strcpy(st->title, GET_TITLE(ch));
    *st->title = '\0';

Directly below that, add:

#ifdef I3

Locate the following in free_char:

  int i;
  struct alias_data *a;
  if (ch->player_specials != NULL && ch->player_specials != &dummy_mob) {

Directly below that, add:

#ifdef I3

Scroll to the end of db.c and add the following function:

#ifdef I3
 * Grab one word, ignoring preceding whitespace. Will
 * eat a single whitespace immediately after the word.
char *fread_word(char *buf, size_t len, FILE *fp)
  size_t copied = 0;
  char cur_char;
  if (!buf || len == 0)
    return buf;
  *buf = '\0';
  do {
    cur_char = fgetc(fp);
  } while (isspace(cur_char));
  if (cur_char == EOF)
    return buf;
  do {
    buf[copied++] = cur_char;
    cur_char = fgetc(fp);
  } while (copied < len && !isspace(cur_char) && cur_char != EOF);
  return buf;

5. Open db.h and locate the following:

#define LIB_PLROBJS     ":plrobjs:"
#define LIB_PLRALIAS    ":plralias:"

Directly below that, add:

#define LIB_PLRI3       ":plri3:" 

Then locate the following:

#define LIB_PLROBJS     "plrobjs/"
#define LIB_PLRALIAS    "plralias/"

Directly below that, add:

#define LIB_PLRI3       "plri3/"

Then locate the following:

#define SUF_OBJS        "objs"
#define SUF_TEXT        "text"  
#define SUF_ALIAS       "alias"

Directly below that, add:

#define SUF_I3          "i3"

6. Open interpreter.c and locate the following:

#include "handler.h"
#include "mail.h"
#include "screen.h"

Directly below that, add:

#ifdef I3
#include "i3.h"

Then locate the following in command_interpreter:

  if (*cmd_info[cmd].command == '\n')
    send_to_char("Huh?!?\r\n", ch);

Change it to read as follows:

  if ( *cmd_info[cmd].command == '\n' )
#ifdef I3
    if( !I3_command_hook(ch, arg, line) )
       send_to_char(ch, "WTF?!?\r\n");

7. Open structs.h and locate the following:

   char *poofin;                /* Description on arrival of a god.     */
   char *poofout;               /* Description upon a god's exit.       */
   struct alias_data *aliases;  /* Character's aliases                  */
   long last_tell;              /* idnum of last tell from              */
   void *last_olc_targ;         /* olc control                          */
   int last_olc_mode;           /* olc control                          */

Directly below that, add:

#ifdef I3
   struct i3_chardata *i3chardata; /* The I3 player data */

   Then right under the struct you just added to, insert the following:

struct social_messg {
  int act_nr;
  int hide;
  int min_victim_position;      /* Position of victim */
  /* No argument was supplied */
  char *char_no_arg;
  char *others_no_arg;

  /* An argument was there, and a victim was found */
  char *char_found;             /* if NULL, read no further, ignore args */
  char *others_found;
  char *vict_found;
  /* An argument was there, but no victim was found */
  char *not_found;
  /* The victim turned out to be the character */
  char *char_auto;
  char *others_auto;
} *soc_mess_list;

struct social_messg *find_social( const char *name );

typedef struct social_messg SOCIAL_DATA;
typedef struct char_data CHAR_DATA;
typedef struct descriptor_data DESCRIPTOR_DATA;

8. Open utils.c and locate the following:

  case ETEXT_FILE:  
    prefix = LIB_PLRTEXT;
    suffix = SUF_TEXT;

Directly below that, add:

  case I3_FILE:
    prefix = LIB_PLRI3;
    suffix = SUF_I3;

9. Open utils.h and locate the following:

/* get_filename() */
#define CRASH_FILE      0
#define ETEXT_FILE      1
#define ALIAS_FILE      2

Directly below that, add:

#define I3_FILE         3

10. From the main directory, under lib, make a directory named plri3

Inside the plri3 directory, issue the following command:

mkdir A-E F-J K-O P-T U-Z ZZZ

11. Run your configure script according to the directions that came with Circle.

Return to the i3.txt file now and proceed with step 8.