
This is a quick summary of the packet-types.
An 'x' in front indicates it is currently implemented.
A '*' in front means it is implemented, but not in publically available code.

x	tell : send a message to a remote user 
x	emoteto : send an emote to a remote user 
x  	who-req : request a list of users on a remote mud 
x  	who-reply : reply with a list of users on a remote mud 
x  	finger-req : request finger information for a remote user 
x  	finger-reply : reply with finger information for a remote user 
x  	locate-req : request the location of a user 
x  	locate-reply : reply with the location of a user 
x  	chanlist-reply : reply with/update the list of available channels 
x  	channel-m : send a message over a channel 
x  	channel-e : send an emote over a channel 
x  	channel-t : send a targeted emote over a channel 
x	channel-add : register a new channel
x	channel-remove : remove a channel from name server databases. 
x	channel-admin : administrate the participants of a channel 
	chan-filter-req : filter a channel 
	chan-filter-reply : return filtered channel messages to the router 
x  	chan-who-req : request a who list for people listening to a channel on a remote mud.
x  	chan-who-reply : return a requested channel who list 
x  	channel-listen : tune a mud as a whole into or out of a channel
x	chan-user-req : request channel user's info 
x	chan-user-reply : reply with channel user's info 
x	ucache-update : update cached user information 
x  	error : provide error information 
x  	startup-req-3 : provide start up information to the router 
x 	startup-reply : reply with/update the basic startup information
x	shutdown : gracefully indicate shutdown 
x  	mudlist : reply with/update the list of available muds 
	oob-req : request setup for OOB connection 
	oob-begin : begin OOB communication 
	oob-end : end one side of an OOB process 
	news-read-req : retrieve a news post from an OOB news server. 
	news-post-req : post news to an OOB news server. 
	mail : deliver an item of mail 
	mail-ack : acknowledge a mail 
	file-list-req : request a list of files on a remote mud 
	file-list-reply : reply with list list 
	file-put : send a file to a remote mud 
	file-put-ack : acknowledge a file-put 
	file-get-req : get a file from a remote mud 
	file-get-reply : reply with the requested file 
	auth-mud-req : request a mud-level authorization token 
	auth-mud-reply : reply with a mud-level authorization token