TOC=^xTable of Contents^.^?\n\r\
^xPage  1:^.^? Information\n\r\
^xPage  2:^.^? Officers and Judges\n\r\
^xPage  3:^.^? Victims of Crime\n\r\
^xPage  4:^.^? Jail Policy\n\r\
^xPage  5:^.^? Parole and Release\n\r\
^xPage  6:^.^? Basic Law\n\r\
^xPage  7:^.^? Tresspassing Law\n\r\
^xPage  8:^.^? Illegal Influence Law\n\r\
^xPage  9:^.^? Illegal Skill Law\n\r\
^xPage 10:^.^? Illegal Emotation Law\n\r\
^xPage 11:^.^? Tax Law\n\r\
^xPage 12:^.^? Banned Substance Law\n\r\
Enter `READ [PAGE NUMBER] "law book"` to read an entry.\n\r

The name of the crime is the short description given when a person \
is accused.  Use the key tag <T-NAME> to insert the victims name \
into the string.\n\r\
The flags may be modified by following the yes/no prompts given.  \n\r\
The location flags refer to places where it is possible or not \
possible to commit this crime.  If you enter miscellaenous key words \
into the location mask, be sure to separate the words with spaces, to \
group multiple words with quotes, and to put a "!" in front of your word \
if you want to make sure the potential crime location does NOT have this word \
in it.\n\r\
Sentences can range from warning, to threat, parole, jail, or death.\n\r\
The justification is a message which cityguards will tell people they \
are arresting for this crime.

This book contains all of the laws and policies for \
the Area called "<AREA>".  Each page contains a part of \
the legal policies.  To read a page, enter: \n\r\

This book contains all of the laws and policies for \
the Area called "<AREA>".  Each page contains a part of \
the legal policies.  To read a page, enter: \n\r\
Since you are authorized to change law for this area, \
many of the pages will then prompt you if you would \
like to make changes after reading a page.

This book contains all of the laws and policies for \
the Area called "<AREA>".  Each page contains a part of \
the legal policies.  To read a page, enter: \n\r\
Since you are authorized to change law for this area, \
many of the pages will then prompt you if you would \
like to make changes after reading a page.

P2=Below are the duly authorized officers and judges
P2MOD=Below are the duly authorized officers and judges. \
To change this list, you must give the appropriate clan \
items to the mobs you want to hold these offices.

P2MODNAM=Below are the duly authorized officers and judges. \
Enter a number to modify the key words used to identify \
officers and judges in this area.

Below is the criteria for deciding who is an elligible victim \
of a crime.  Mobs and players that do not meet this criteria \
may have any crime committed against them without penalty.

Below is the criteria for deciding who is an elligible victim \
of a crime.  Mobs and players that do not meet this criteria \
may have any crime committed against them without penalty. \
Enter a new criteria mask below.  Use '?' to see a list of \
flags and values which may be used in the mask.  Masks are \
always evaluated from left->right.

Below are the penalties, in seconds, for each level of jail time, \
ranging from jail1 through jail4.  Below that is the list of rooms \
designated as jails.

Below are the penalties, in seconds, for each level of jail time, \
ranging from jail1 through jail4.  Below that is the list of rooms \
designated as jails. \
To add a new jail room, carry this book to the room you wish to add, \
read page 4 again, and then select 'A' to add the room.  To remove \
a room from this list, enter its number and answer 'Y' to the prompt. \
Good jail rooms should have locked doors before them.

Below are the penalties, in seconds, for each level of parole time, \
ranging from parole1 through parole4.  Below that is the list of rooms \
designated as release rooms.  Release rooms are where a player or mob \
is taken once they have served their jail time.

Below are the penalties, in seconds, for each level of parole time, \
ranging from parole1 through parole4.  Below that is the list of rooms \
designated as release rooms.  Release rooms are where a player or mob \
is taken once they have served their jail time. \
To add a new release room, carry this book to the room you wish to add, \
read page 5 again, and then select 'A' to add the room.  To remove \
a room from this list, enter its number and answer 'Y' to the prompt.

Below are a list of the basic crimes, along with the title or name of the \
crime, the base penalty and penalty flags for the crime, and any \
flags for the crime.\n\r\
Possible penalty flags include:\n\r\
separate = The penalty and arrest is never compounded with other crimes.\n\r\
skiptrial = The penalty is administered directly by the officer.\n\r\
fine = A fine, payable to the tax collector, is assessed.\n\r\
detain = Takes the criminal to a detention area.  Works only with warnings/threats.\n\r\
norelease = Criminal is never released from jail or detention.\n\r\
Possible flags include:\n\r\
witness = The witness for the crime must be in the room.\n\r\
!witness = A witness for the crime is not necessary.\n\r\
!recently = Not a crime if person was recently caught doing this.\n\r\
combat = A crime only during combat.\n\r\
!combat = A crime only if not in combat.\n\r\
home = A crime only if the person is on their property.\n\r\
!home = A crime only if the person is not on their property.\n\r\
indoors = A crime only if the person is indoors and not outdoors.\n\r\
!indoors = A crime only if the person is outdoors and not indoors.\n\r\

Below are a list of the basic crimes, along with the title or name of the \
crime, the base penalty and penalty flags for the crime, and any \
flags for the crime.\n\r\
Possible penalty flags include:\n\r\
separate = The penalty and arrest is never compounded with other crimes.\n\r\
skiptrial = The penalty is administered directly by the officer.\n\r\
fine = A fine, payable to the tax collector, is assessed.\n\r\
detain = Takes the criminal to a detention area.  Works only with warnings/threats.\n\r\
norelease = Criminal is never released from jail or detention.\n\r\
Possible crime flags include:\n\r\
witness = The witness for the crime must be in the room.\n\r\
!witness = A witness for the crime is not necessary.\n\r\
!recently = Not a crime if person was recently caught doing this.\n\r\
combat = A crime only during combat.\n\r\
!combat = A crime only if not in combat.\n\r\
home = A crime only if the person is on their property.\n\r\
!home = A crime only if the person is not on their property.\n\r\
indoors = A crime only if the person is indoors and not outdoors.\n\r\
!indoors = A crime only if the person is outdoors and not indoors.\n\r\
Enter a number to modify or delete a crime.

Trespassing is a law against simply being in the area.  Below is the \
criteria or mask used to determine if someone is a trespasser.  Also \
below is the penalty and any flags associated with this crime.  See \
page 6 for information on crime flags.
Trespassing is a law against simply being in the area.  Below is the \
criteria or mask used to determine if someone is a trespasser.  Also \
below is the penalty and any flags associated with this crime.  See \
page 6 for information on crime flags.\n\r\
Enter a number to modify either the mask or the crime details.

Below are a list of skills, spells, prayers, chants, or songs \
that it is considered illegal to be under the influence of.  See \
page 6 for more information on the crime flags for each illegal \

Below are a list of skills, spells, prayers, chants, or songs \
that it is considered illegal to be under the influence of.  See \
page 6 for more information on the crime flags for each illegal \
influence. \n\r\
Enter a number to modify or delete a crime, or enter 'A' to add \
a new illegal influence.

Below are a list of skills, spells, prayers, chants, or songs \
that it is considered illegal to be caught doing.  See \
page 6 for more information on the crime flags for each illegal \
skill.  Since people who are drunk do drunk things, you may see \
inebriation laws listed here instead of on page 8, where they may \
also be listed.

Below are a list of skills, spells, prayers, chants, or songs \
that it is considered illegal to be caught doing.  See \
page 6 for more information on the crime flags for each illegal \
skill.  Since people who are drunk do drunk things, you may see \
inebriation laws listed here instead of on page 8, where they may \
also be listed.\n\r\
Enter a number to modify or delete a crime, or enter 'A' to add \
a new illegal skill, spell, prayer, song, or chant.

Below are a list of miscellaneous crimes.  A person commits the \
crime if they are caught doing or saying something with the key \
words specified below.  See page 6 for more information on the \
crime flags.

Below are a list of miscellaneous crimes.  A person commits the \
crime if they are caught doing or saying something with the key \
words specified below.  See page 6 for more information on the \
crime flags.\n\r\
Enter a number to modify or delete an emotation law.  Enter 'A' \
to add a new emotation law.

Below are a list of banned substanced.  A person commits the \
crime if they are caught getting an item with one of the key \
words below in its name or material.  See page 6 for more \
information on the crime flags.

Below are a list of banned substanced.  A person commits the \
crime if they are caught getting an item with one of the key \
words below in its name or material.  See page 6 for more \
information on the crime flags.\n\r\
Enter a number to modify or delete a banned substance law.  Enter 'A' \
to add a new banned substance.

This is the tax law for the area, including the percentage of \
the value of property paid in taxes, the percentage of shopkeeper \
purchases paid in taxes, percentage of walking around money charged \
in taxes by Tax Collectors, where the treasury is located, and the \
details for the crimes of tax evasion. \
See page 6 for more information on the crime flags.

This is the tax law for the area, including the percentage of \
the value of property paid in taxes, the percentage of shopkeeper \
purchases paid in taxes, percentage of walking around money charged \
in taxes by Tax Collectors, where the treasury is located, and the \
details for the crimes of tax evasion. \
See page 6 for more information on the crime flags.\n\r\
Enter a number to modify or delete an option.