Property   : Prop_AreaForSale\n\r\
Targets    : Areas\n\r\
Parameters : (RENTAL )Price of the area\n\r\
Example    : 1000000\n\r\
Example    : Bob/100000\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Makes this area available for purchase by a player.  To have a shopkeeper sell \
the area, you must create a GenTitle or StdTitle item with the area name as the \
property id and give it to the shopkeeper to sell.  The system will automatically \
maintain the integrity of any items left in the rooms, including restoring them \
on reboot. The title received for purchasing a room may be GIVEn or SELLed to \
change possession of the property.  The word rental followed by a space may \
preceed the price to make the price of the property be charged every month \
automatically out of a Bankers account.  Failure to make rent returns the property \
to sellable status.\n\r\
When property is sold, it will be listed as the owner with a slash and the price.  \
Entering this sort of parameter directly is the quick way to give players or clans property.

Property   : Merchant\n\r\
Targets    : Items, Mobs, Areas, Rooms, Exits\n\r\
Parameters : <XML> or (ISELL=[whattobuy] IPREJ=[prejudice] IBUDJ=[money]\n\r\
Parameters :           IDVAL=[devalue] IGNOR=[mask]\n\r\
Example    : ISELL=WEAPONS IBUDJ=1000 IGNOR=-Race +Elf\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Merchant is primarily known as a common skill for allowing a player \
to sell items to other players.  However, when used as a property/effect \
on ungettable items, areas, rooms, or exits, it allows items to be bought \
and sold just like a shopkeeper.  Archons may add to the items to sell by \
either dropping the item in the same room as the Merchant, or (in the case \
of an area), throwing the item up into the air.  The parameters have meanings \
identical to those listed in the Archon's Guide, except for budget, which is \
the maximum amount to spend on any particular item purchased from a player.

Property   : Prop_AbsorbDamage\n\r\
Targets    : Items, Mobs\n\r\
Parameters : Damage Absorption percentages or amounts, the list of absorbed damage types\n\r\
Example    : 50% +ALL -SILVER -CLOTH -LEATHER\n\r\
Example    : 5 +ALL -MAGIC -SLASHING -FROSTING\n\r\
Example    : 25% +ALL -LEVEL15\n\r\
Example    : 15% +BASHING 1 +IRON 3 +STEEL 15% +MAGIC\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Whenever the the item with this property is worn, or for the mob with \
this property, they will attain damage absorption from the types and/or \
materials of weapons specified.  \
Damage absorption may be represented as a percentage or as a straight amount. \
Damage amounts must be before the type of damage absorbed in the parameters. \
Here are the parameters: \n\r\
+ALL - Specifies that, by default, the mob has ALL damage absorbed.\n\r\
-DAMAGETYPE- Creates an exception to the +ALL rule by permitting normal damage \
of the given type.  Examples for DAMAGETYPE would be -PIERCING, -GASSING, \
+DAMAGETYPE- Can be used instead of +ALL to absorb damage from the given \
damage type.  Examples for DAMAGETYPE would be +PIERCING, +GASSING, \
-MAGIC - Creates an exception to the +ALL rule by permitting normal damage from \
magical spells and magical weapons.\n\r\
+MAGIC - If +ALL is not used, this will absorb damage from magical \
spells and weapons.\n\r\
-LEVELX - Creates an exception to the +ALL rule by permitting normal damage from \
weapons whose level is X or better. Example: -LEVEL1, -LEVEL5, -LEVEL10, etc.\n\r\
+LEVELX - Can be used instead of +ALL to absorb damage from \
weapons whose level is X or lower. Example: +LEVEL1, +LEVEL5, +LEVEL10, etc.\n\r\
-MATERIALTYPE - Creates an exception to the +ALL rule above by permitting \
normal damage from a weapon made of the given MATERIALTYPE.  Where MATERIALTYPE \
may be any valid material, such as SILVER, WOOD, COTTON, etc.  As for the \
damage types above, +MATERIALTYPE may be used instead of +ALL to absorb \
damage from materials a given material.\n\r\
-PARALYSIS - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage from paralysis spells.\n\r\
+PARALYSIS - If +All is not used, this absorbs damage from damage from fire spells.\n\r\
-FIRE - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage from fire spells.\n\r\
+FIRE - If +All is not used, this absorbs damage from damage from fire spells.\n\r\
-COLD - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage from cold spells.\n\r\
+COLD - If +All is not used, this absorbs damage from damage from cold spells.\n\r\
-WATER - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage from water spells.\n\r\
+WATER - If +All is not used, this absorbs damage from damage from water spells.\n\r\
-GAS - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage from gas spells.\n\r\
+GAS - If +All is not used, this absorbs damage from damage from gas spells.\n\r\
-MIND - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage from mind spells.\n\r\
+MIND - If +All is not used, this absorbs damage from damage from mind spells.\n\r\
-JUSTICE - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage from justice spells.\n\r\
+JUSTICE - If +All is not used, this absorbs damage from damage from justice spells.\n\r\
-ACID - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage from acid spells.\n\r\
+ACID - If +All is not used, this absorbs damage from damage from acid spells.\n\r\
-ELECTRICITY - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage from electric spells.\n\r\
+ELECTRICITY - If +All is not used, this absorbs damage from damage from electric spells.\n\r\
-POISON - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage from poison spells.\n\r\
+POISON - If +All is not used, this absorbs damage from damage from poison spells.\n\r\
-UNDEAD - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage from undead spells.\n\r\
+UNDEAD - If +All is not used, this absorbs damage from damage from undead/evil spells.\n\r\
-DISEASE - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage from disease spells.\n\r\
+DISEASE - If +All is not used, this absorbs damage from damage from disease spells.\n\r\
-TRAPS - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage from traps spells.\n\r\
+TRAPS - If +All is not used, this absorbs damage from damage from traps spells.\n\r

Property   : Prop_AbilityImmunity\n\r\
Targets    : Anything\n\r\
Parameters : list of abilities with optional error string, ';' delimited\n\r\
Example    : Disease_Cold;Disease_Flu;Spell_Fireball\n\r\
Example    : Disease_Cold=<T-NAME> is immune to <O-NAME>;Spell_Fireball=<T-NAME> can't be burnt!\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Makes the mob, item, or whatever immune to the listed disease, spell \
or similar affects.  

Property   : Prop_AddDamage\n\r\
Targets    : Items, Mobs\n\r\
Parameters : Extra Damage percentages or amounts, the list of extra damage types\n\r\
Example    : 50% +ALL -SILVER -CLOTH -LEATHER\n\r\
Example    : 5 +ALL -MAGIC -SLASHING -FROSTING\n\r\
Example    : 25% +ALL -LEVEL15\n\r\
Example    : 15% +BASHING 1 +IRON 3 +STEEL 15% +MAGIC\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Whenever the the item with this property is worn, or for the mob with \
this property, they will do or sustain extra damage from the types and/or \
materials of weapons specified.  \
Extra Damage may be represented as a percentage or as a straight amount. \
Damage amounts must be before the type of extra damage in the parameters. \
Here are the parameters: \n\r\
+ALL - Specifies that, by default, the mob has ALL types of damage added to.\n\r\
-DAMAGETYPE- Creates an exception to the +ALL rule by permitting normal damage \
of the given type.  Examples for DAMAGETYPE would be -PIERCING, -GASSING, \
+DAMAGETYPE- Can be used instead of +ALL to add damage from the given \
damage type.  Examples for DAMAGETYPE would be +PIERCING, +GASSING, \
-MAGIC - Creates an exception to the +ALL rule by permitting normal damage from \
magical spells and magical weapons.\n\r\
+MAGIC - If +ALL is not used, this will add damage from magical \
spells and weapons.\n\r\
-LEVELX - Creates an exception to the +ALL rule by permitting normal damage from \
weapons whose level is X or better. Example: -LEVEL1, -LEVEL5, -LEVEL10, etc.\n\r\
+LEVELX - Can be used instead of +ALL to absorb damage from \
weapons whose level is X or lower. Example: +LEVEL1, +LEVEL5, +LEVEL10, etc.\n\r\
-MATERIALTYPE - Creates an exception to the +ALL rule above by permitting \
normal damage from a weapon made of the given MATERIALTYPE.  Where MATERIALTYPE \
may be any valid material, such as SILVER, WOOD, COTTON, etc.  As for the \
damage types above, +MATERIALTYPE may be used instead of +ALL to add \
damage from materials of a given material.\n\r\
-PARALYSIS - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage from paralysis spells.\n\r\
+PARALYSIS - If +All is not used, this adds damage from fire spells.\n\r\
-FIRE - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage from fire spells.\n\r\
+FIRE - If +All is not used, this adds damage from fire spells.\n\r\
-COLD - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage from cold spells.\n\r\
+COLD - If +All is not used, this adds damage from cold spells.\n\r\
-WATER - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage from water spells.\n\r\
+WATER - If +All is not used, this adds damage from water spells.\n\r\
-GAS - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage from gas spells.\n\r\
+GAS - If +All is not used, this adds damage from gas spells.\n\r\
-MIND - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage from mind spells.\n\r\
+MIND - If +All is not used, this adds damage from mind spells.\n\r\
-JUSTICE - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage from justice spells.\n\r\
+JUSTICE - If +All is not used, this adds damage from justice spells.\n\r\
-ACID - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage from acid spells.\n\r\
+ACID - If +All is not used, this adds damage from acid spells.\n\r\
-ELECTRICITY - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage from electric spells.\n\r\
+ELECTRICITY - If +All is not used, this adds damage from electric spells.\n\r\
-POISON - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage from poison spells.\n\r\
+POISON - If +All is not used, this adds damage  from poison spells.\n\r\
-UNDEAD - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage from undead spells.\n\r\
+UNDEAD - If +All is not used, this adds damage from undead/evil spells.\n\r\
-DISEASE - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage from disease spells.\n\r\
+DISEASE - If +All is not used, this adds damage from disease spells.\n\r\
-TRAPS - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting normal damage from traps spells.\n\r\
+TRAPS - If +All is not used, this adds damage from traps.\n\r

Property   : Prop_CommonTwister\n\r\
Targets    : Anything\n\r\
Parameters : SKILL=[*/SKILL] MASK=[*/NAME] (NAME=[*/NEW]) (DISPLAY=[*/NEW]) (MATERIAL=[*/NEW]);([REPEAT])\n\r\
Example    : skill=Foraging mask=berries name="some corn" display="some corn is here" material=corn\n\r\
Example    : skill=* mask=* name="some stuff" display="some stuff";skill=* mask=* name="some other" display="some other"\n\r\
Example    : \n\r\
Description: \n\r\
This property changes the results from the use of common skills.  This property \
requires the SKILL and MASK parameters, and at least one of the other parameters \
(NAME, DISPLAY, or MATERIAL).  For each parameter, * may be used to match anything \
or a random thing.

Property   : Prop_TicketTaker\n\r\
Targets    : Mobs, Items\n\r\
Parameters : Cost of boarding\n\r\
Example    : 100\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
This property makes a mob or item the master of a carriage, horse, or other \
rideable item.  They will require the payment of gold specified in the \
parameters before allowing anyone else to board.  Non-player mobs will \
always be allowed to board.  The ticket taker must be riding either \
the carriage, or riding a horse pulling it, or actually BE the carriage.

Property   : Prop_ClanEquipment\n\r\
Targets    : Items\n\r\
Parameters : [TYPE] [POWER#] [CLAN NAME] [CLAN TYPE]\n\r\
Example    : Acid 5 "The Skooters" "Guild"\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Base property for clan equipment.  Do not use independent of the clan spells.

Property   : Prop_CombatAdjuster\n\r\
Targets    : MOB\n\r\
Parameters : (ATTACK+/-[PCT NUMER]) (ARMOR+/-[PCT NUMER]) (DAMAGE+/-[PCT NUMER])\n\r\
Parameters : (HP+/-[PCT NUMER]) (MANA+/-[PCT NUMER]) (MOVE+/-[PCT NUMER])\n\r\
Example    : \n\r\
Example    : ATTACK+25 DAMAGE-20\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
This property adjusts a mobs current stats by a percentage value as specified.  This \
property is mostly useless for builders, but has internal uses.

Property   : Prop_Crawlspace\n\r\
Targets    : Exits, Rooms, Areas\n\r\
Parameters : \n\r\
Example    : \n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Forces players to crawl through the exit or room with this property.

Property   : Prop_NoDamage\n\r\
Targets    : Mobs, Weapons\n\r\
Parameters : \n\r\
Example    : \n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Makes a weapon or mob incapable of doing any real damage.

Property   : Prop_Auction\n\r\
Targets    : NONE!\n\r\
Parameters : \n\r\
Example    : \n\r\
Description: \n\r\
This is a tickable property used to implement the auction feature \
of coffeemud.  It should not be added or applied to any other \

Property   : Prop_Doppleganger\n\r\
Targets    : Mobs, Items\n\r\
Parameters : nothing, a level change + or -, a level %, or MAX/MIN parms\n\r\
Example    : \n\r\
Example    : 10\n\r\
Example    : 150%\n\r\
Example    : MAX=20 MIN=5\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
When this property is on a mob, it makes the mob the same level as those in the \
room with it, or as those who are fighting it.  The mob will only change, however, \
if the mob is at full hit points, to prevent mobs from being "softened up". \
When the property is on armor or \
a weapon, it will adjust the strength and level of the item appropriate to its owner.\n\r\
A parameter may be given to always adjust the level of the item up or down from normal. 

Property   : Prop_LangTranslator\n\r\
Targets    : Mobs, Items, Rooms\n\r\
Parameters : nothing, a list of languages optionally preceeded by a % chance\n\r\
Example    : \n\r\
Example    : 100% Dwarven 50% Elvish\n\r\
Example    : Dwarven Elvish\n\r\
Example    : 75% Dwarven Elvish\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
This is property allows the mob or item to translate any words spoken in the room \
in a language other than Common, into Common.  The mob or item will SAY the \
translation out loud.  The percentage chance given, which defaults to 100%, will \
be the chance that the mob or item will translate any given sentence.

Property   : Prop_RoomView\n\r\
Targets    : Exits, Rooms, Items\n\r\
Parameters : Room ID of the room to show\n\r\
Example    : Midgaard#3001\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Allows players looking at the room or exit to actually SEE the room \
description specified in the parameter.  Useful for high-up views of \
the countryside.

Property   : Prop_RoomWatch\n\r\
Targets    : Rooms\n\r\
Parameters : Room IDs of the rooms that may watch here, ; delimited\n\r\
Example    : Midgaard#3001;Midgaard#3002;Midgaard#3012\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Allows players in one of the listed rooms to see everything going on in \
the host room as if they were there.  They will be unable to interact \
with the things they see (LOOKing at, or similar), but can at least \
witness them.

Property   : Prop_OpenPassword\n\r\
Targets    : Containers, Exits\n\r\
Parameters : The password which must be spoken\n\r\
Example    : open sesame\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
When applied to a locked container or exit, this property will force \
the affected openable to unlock and open when the magic word specified \
in the parameter is spoken in its presence.

Property   : Prop_AstralSpirit\n\r\
Targets    : MOBs\n\r\
Parameters : \n\r\
Example    : \n\r\
Description: \n\r\
This property makes the mob into an incorporeal spirit.  It is used \
to support the "Astral Projection" chant.

Property   : Prop_EnterAdjuster\n\r\
Targets    : Rooms, Exits\n\r\
Parameters : statistic names followed by a +, -, or = and a value\n\r\
  Example  : and/or spells separated by semicolons, and an optional mask\n\r\
Example    : str+2 dex-2 move+100 class=thief race=elf gender=F;Prayer_Bless;\n\r\
Example    : str+2 dex-2 move+100 MASK=-Race +Dwarf\n\r\
Example    : str+2 gender=F;Prayer_Bless;MASK=-Race +Dwarf\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Upon entering this room or exit, the listed effects or spells will be \
PERMANENTLY ADDED to the mob.  All parameters use the + or - adjuster, except the \
class, race, and gender parameters noted above. \
Valid parameters are as follows: \n\r\
strength dexterity constitution charisma wisdom intelligence \n\r\
maxstr maxdex maxcon maxcha maxwis maxint (maximum trainable) \n\r\
ability (magical level), armor, attacks (prowess), damage (max), \
disposition (sitting/standing/flying/etc), level, rejuv(!NO!), \
senses (blind/infravision/darkvision/etc), speed (#attacks), \
height, weight, gender, class, race, hitpoints, hunger (stomach size), \
mana, movement, thirst (stomach size), experience, practices \
trains, questpoints, coins. \n\r\
The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This \
mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this property. \
See Prop_HaveZapper for more information on zapper mask syntax.

Property   : Prop_Familiar\n\r\
Targets    : MOB\n\r\
Parameters : The familiar code number or name\n\r\
Example    : rat\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
This property is a special MOB property created for the find familiar spell. \
It handles all the special benefits of the familiar type, along with the \
benefits to the owner.  It will also destroy the familiar when no longer \
following the owner.

Property   : Prop_FightSpellCast\n\r\
Targets    : Weapon (Item)\n\r\
Parameters : A percentage, and proper spell names separated by semicolons\n\r\
Parameters : Spell names may optionally have parameters in parenthesis\n\r\
Parameters : The above parameters may be followed by an optional mask\n\r\
Example    : 50%;Spell_Invisible;Prayer_Sanctuary\n\r\
Example    : 90%;Spell_Portal(Somewhere else);Prayer_SummonElemental(/FIRE)\n\r\
Example    : Spell_Portal(Somewhere else);MASK=-RACE +Dwarf\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Causes a spell to be cast upon the target being struck during melee combat. \
This property also supports a % chance of triggering.\n\r\
The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This \
mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this property. \
See Prop_HaveZapper for more information on zapper mask syntax.

Property   : Prop_HaveAdjuster\n\r\
Targets    : Items\n\r\
Parameters : statistic names followed by a +, -, or = and a value\n\r\
Parameters : The above parameters may be followed by an optional mask\n\r\
Example    : str+2 dex-2 move+100 class=thief race=elf gender=F\n\r\
Example    : str+2 dex-2 move+100 MASK=-Race +Dwarf\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
So long as the item with this property is owned, the listed effects will be \
given to the owner.  All parameters use the + or - adjuster, except the \
class, race, and gender parameters noted above. \
Valid parameters are as follows: \n\r\
strength dexterity constitution charisma wisdom intelligence \n\r\
maxstr maxdex maxcon maxcha maxwis maxint (maximum trainable) \n\r\
ability (magical level), armor, attacks (prowess), damage (max), \
disposition (sitting/standing/flying/etc), level, rejuv(!NO!), \
senses (blind/infravision/darkvision/etc), speed (#attacks), \
height, weight, gender, class, race, hitpoints, hunger (stomach size), \
mana, movement, thirst (stomach size). \n\r\
The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This \
mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this property. \
See Prop_HaveZapper for more information on zapper mask syntax.

Property   : Prop_Adjuster\n\r\
Targets    : Mobs\n\r\
Parameters : statistic names followed by a +, -, or = and a value\n\r\
Parameters : The above parameters may be followed by an optional mask\n\r\
Example    : str+2 dex-2 move+100 class=thief race=elf gender=F\n\r\
Example    : str+2 dex-2 move+100 MASK=-Race +Dwarf\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
The listed effects will be given to the mob.  All parameters use the + or - adjuster, except the \
class, race, and gender parameters noted above. \
Valid parameters are as follows: \n\r\
strength dexterity constitution charisma wisdom intelligence \n\r\
maxstr maxdex maxcon maxcha maxwis maxint (maximum trainable) \n\r\
ability (magical level), armor, attacks (prowess), damage (max), \
disposition (sitting/standing/flying/etc), level, rejuv(!NO!), \
senses (blind/infravision/darkvision/etc), speed (#attacks), \
height, weight, gender, class, race, hitpoints, hunger (stomach size), \
mana, movement, thirst (stomach size). \n\r\
The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This \
mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this property. \
This may seem a strange parameter for a mobs-only property, but perhaps you can find \
a use for it. :) See Prop_HaveZapper for more information on zapper mask syntax.

Property   : Prop_HaveEnabler\n\r\
Targets    : Items\n\r\
Parameters : a list of properly named spells separated by semicolons\n\r\
Parameters : Spell names may optionally have parameters in parenthesis\n\r\
Parameters : The above parameters may be followed by an optional mask\n\r\
Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield\n\r\
Example    : 90%;Spell_Portal(Somewhere else);Prayer_SummonElemental(/FIRE)\n\r\
Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield; MASK=-RACE +Dwarf\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
So long as the item with this property is owned, the owner \
will be granted the spells, skills listed.  The percentage given is optional, \
and will be the proficiency of the skill.  If a percentage is not given, the \
default is 100%.  \n\r\
The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This \
mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this property. \
See Prop_HaveZapper for more information on zapper mask syntax.

Property   : Prop_HaveResister\n\r\
Targets    : Items\n\r\
Parameters : resistance names followed by percentages\n\r\
Parameters : Parameters may be followed by an optional mask\n\r\
Example    : magic 50% poison -10%\n\r\
Example    : magic 50% poison -10% MASK=-RACE +Dwarf\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
So long as the item with this property is owned, the owner will gain certain \
resistances and immunities in the parameters. \
The effects which may be included are: \n\r\
Resistances: gas fire electrical mind magic cold acid water evil (undead) \n\r\
Resistances: justice (as per many thief abilities) \n\r\
Resistances: weapons blunt pierce slash (reduced damage) \n\r\
Immunities : teleport (includes gate, summon) holy disease poison\n\r\
The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This \
mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this property. \
See Prop_HaveZapper for more information on zapper mask syntax.

Property   : Prop_HaveSpellCast\n\r\
Targets    : Items\n\r\
Parameters : a list of properly named spells separated by semicolons\n\r\
Parameters : Spell names may optionally have parameters in parenthesis\n\r\
Parameters : The above parameters may be followed by an optional mask\n\r\
Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield\n\r\
Example    : 90%;Spell_Portal(Somewhere else);Prayer_SummonElemental(/FIRE)\n\r\
Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield; MASK=-RACE +Dwarf\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
So long as the item with this property is owned, the owner will be under the \
effect of the listed spells. The flag NOUNINVOKE can be substituted for a spell \
to make all following spells utterly uninvokable; use this flag with care! \n\r\
The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This \
mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this property. \
See Prop_HaveZapper for more information on zapper mask syntax.

Property   : Prop_HereAdjuster\n\r\
Targets    : Rooms\n\r\
Parameters : statistic names followed by a +, -, or = and a value\n\r\
Parameters : The above parameters may be followed by an optional mask\n\r\
Example    : str+2 dex-2 move+100 class=thief race=elf gender=F\n\r\
Example    : str+2 dex-2 move+100 MASK=-RACE +Dwarf\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
So long as the room with this property is occupied, the listed effects will be \
given to the occupants.  All parameters use the + or - adjuster, except the \
class, race, and gender parameters noted above. \
Valid parameters are as follows: \n\r\
strength dexterity constitution charisma wisdom intelligence \n\r\
maxstr maxdex maxcon maxcha maxwis maxint (maximum trainable) \n\r\
ability (magical level), armor, attacks (prowess), damage (max), \
disposition (sitting/standing/flying/etc), level, rejuv(!NO!), \
senses (blind/infravision/darkvision/etc), speed (#attacks), \
height, weight, gender, class, race, hitpoints, hunger (stomach size), \
mana, movement, thirst (stomach size). \n\r\
The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This \
mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this property. \
See Prop_HaveZapper for more information on zapper mask syntax.

Property   : Prop_HereSpellCast\n\r\
Targets    : Rooms\n\r\
Parameters : a list of properly named spells separated by semicolons\n\r\
Parameters : Spell names may optionally have parameters in parenthesis\n\r\
Parameters : The above parameters may be followed by an optional mask\n\r\
Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield\n\r\
Example    : 90%;Spell_Portal(Somewhere else);Prayer_SummonElemental(/FIRE)\n\r\
Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield; MASK=-RACE +Dwarf\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
So long as the room with this property is occupied, the occupants will \
be under the effect of the listed spells. The flag NOUNINVOKE can be substituted for a spell \
to make all following spells utterly uninvokable; use this flag with care! \n\r\
The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This \
mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this property. \
See Prop_HaveZapper for more information on zapper mask syntax.

Property   : Prop_HaveZapper\n\r\
Targets    : Items\n\r\
Parameters : masking parameters described below, optional zap message\n\r\
Example    : -class +mage -race +elf -evil\n\r\
Example    : "MESSAGE=<O-NAME> flies out of <S-NAME>'s hands!" -class +mage\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Whenever this item is picked up by a mob, the item will be \
zapped out of the mobs hands if they meet the parameters.  \
An optional MESSAGE parameter can define what is seen when the zap occurs. \
Valid masking parameters include:  \n\r\

Property   : Prop_Hidden\n\r\
Targets    : MOB\n\r\
Parameters : (UNLOCATABLE)\n\r\
Example    : \n\r\
Example    : unlocatable\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
An alternative to setting a mob permanently hidden, this will keep the MOB hidden until the mob \
performs some act which would normally un-hide the mob.  After that, a period of time must \
elapse before the property reengages and makes the mob hidden again. \n\r\
Optional flags include: \n\r\
Unlocatable - makes the item unlocatable by spells, or an area unrecommended by the WHERE command.

Property   : Prop_Invisibility\n\r\
Targets    : MOB\n\r\
Parameters : \n\r\
Example    : \n\r\
Description: \n\r\
An alternative to setting a mob permanently invisible, this will keep the MOB invisible until the mob \
performs some act which would normally dispel the invisibility.  After that, a period of time must \
elapse before the property reengages and makes the mob invisible again.

Property   : Prop_ItemTransporter\n\r\
Targets    : Rooms, MOBs, Items (Containers)\n\r\
Parameters : The transporter KEY\n\r\
Example    : KEYX123\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Any room, items, or mob with this property becomes a medium for transportation to \
another mob, room, or item with the Prop_ItemTransReceiver property with the \
same key.  Any items dropped in the room, picked up or give to the mob, or placed \
inside the containers with this property will be instantly transported to another \
room/item/mob with the Prop_ItemTransReceiver property which has the exact same \
KEY parameter.  If there is more than one Prop_ItemTransReceiver found with the \
proper key, the destination will go randomly to one of the choices.

Property   : Prop_ItemTransReceiver\n\r\
Targets    : Rooms, MOBs, Items (Containers)\n\r\
Parameters : The transporter KEY\n\r\
Example    : KEYX123\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
See Prop_ItemTransporter above.

Property   : Prop_LimitedItems\n\r\
Targets    : Items\n\r\
Parameters : The number of items with this name to maintain\n\r\
Example    : 3\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
This property will ensure that no more than the given number of items \
with the same name as the ones with this property will exist, either \
in the inventory of players, or in rooms.  It works by removing the \
excess items from the map when someone first enters a room with one \
of the excess items.  For this reason, limited items are automatically \
marked as non-locatable to block them from spells like Locate Object.\n\r\
This property will cause all player records to be loaded into memory \
at the end of the normal boot cycle, which will increase boot time \
and may cause a delay for the first person logging in.

Property   : Prop_LocationBound\n\r\
Targets    : Items, Mobs\n\r\
Parameters : AREA/ROOM/[AREA NAME]/[ROOM ID]\n\r\
Example    : AREA\n\r\
Example    : ROOM\n\r\
Example    : My Happy Area\n\r\
Example    : My Area#12321\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
This property will ensure that the affected mob or item is unable to leave \
or be taken away from its home location, which is determined by the parameters. \
Use ROOM or AREA to prevent it from leaving whatever its current room or area \
is.  Using a specific area name or room id is more helpful, however, as it will \
not only prevent movement away from the given area or room, but will whisk the \
mob or item BACK to its home if it is ever able to be removed for some reason \

Property   : Prop_MagicFreedom\n\r\
Targets    : Room\n\r\
Parameters : \n\r\
Example    : \n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Cancels all magical effects in the room.  If placed on a mob, will cancel magical \
effects in the same room as the mob. 

Property   : Prop_MOBEmoter\n\r\
Targets    : Room, Area, Item, Mob, Exit\n\r\
Parameters : Same as Emoter Behavior\n\r\
Parameters : Same as Emoter Behavior\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
This property is simply an ability/effect encapsulation of the Emoter behavior.  Please \
do AHELP Emoter for information on the proper use and parameters of this property.

Property   : Prop_ModExperience\n\r\
Targets    : MOBs, Items, Rooms, Areas\n\r\
Parameters : (=,+,-,*,/)[NUMBER](%)(;[MASK])\n\r\
Example    : 500\n\r\
Example    : 500;-race +orc\n\r\
Example    : =10%\n\r\
Example    : +20%\n\r\
Example    : +20%;-class +Fighter +Mage -Race +Elf\n\r\
Example    : *2\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Allows the archon to modify the amount of experience gained by each player for \
slaying the mob. If placed on a mob, the experience will be granted according to \
the parm, so long as the slayer meets the mask parameters (optional). \
If placed on an item, the experience will be granted to the wearer (or wielder \
or holder), so long as the mob killed meets the mask (optional).  \
If placed on a Room or Area, the experience will be greated to another who meets \
the (optional) mask requirements.\
If no mask is given, the experience is always granted. Valid masks are:\n\r\

Property   : Prop_NarrowLedge\n\r\
Targets    : Rooms, Exits\n\r\
Parameters : check=[%] name=[NAME OF THE LEDGE]\n\r\
Example    : check=16 name="the narrow ledge"\n\r\
Example    : check=25 name="a tightrope"\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Whenever a player enters or exits the room or exit with this property, \
that player is in great danger.  If the player fails to roll beneath their \
Dexterity on a roll from 1-the "check" parameter, the player will fall to \
their death.  The check parameter can be made smaller to give those with \
less dexterity a better survival chance, or made higher to make it more \
difficult to survive.

Property   : Prop_NewDeathMsg\n\r\
Targets    : MOB\n\r\
Parameters : the new death string\n\r\
Example    : \n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Makes the mob with this property emote a different death string than the normal \

Property   : Prop_NoChannel\n\r\
Targets    : Room, Area, MOB\n\r\
Parameters : Semicolon delimited list of channel names and or flags QUIET; SENDOK\n\r\
Example    : SENDOK;GOSSIP;CHAT\n\r\
Example    : GOSSIP;QUIET\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Without any parameters, this property will cancel all channel message sending from \
the room, or by the mob/player with the property.  You can limit the channels that \
are blocked by naming them in the parameters, separating them with semicolons.  You \
can also have the property block reception of channel messages using the QUIET flag. \
Lastly, you can override the no-channel-sending using the SENDOK flag, thereby allowing \
channel messages to be sent.

Property   : Prop_NoTelling\n\r\
Targets    : Room, Area\n\r\
Parameters : \n\r\
Example    : \n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Cancels all tell message sending in the room.  You can also add this to player \
mobs as punishment or to shut them up.

Property   : Prop_NoPKill\n\r\
Targets    : Room, Area\n\r\
Parameters : \n\r\
Example    : \n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Cancels all player killing in the room or area. 

Property   : Prop_NoPurge\n\r\
Targets    : Rooms, Containers, Items\n\r\
Parameters : \n\r\
Example    : \n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Prevents items in the room from being destroyed as refuse over time.  When \
placed on an item, this property makes the item immune to "garbage collection" \
regardless of where in the world it is.

Property   : Prop_NoTeleport\n\r\
Targets    : Room, Area\n\r\
Parameters : \n\r\
Example    : \n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Disallows the casting of gate, teleport, portal, plantpass, and other \
spells INTO this area.

Property   : Prop_NoTeleportOut\n\r\
Targets    : Room, Area\n\r\
Parameters : \n\r\
Example    : \n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Disallows the casting of gate, teleport, portal, plantpass, and other \
spells OUT OF this area.

Property   : Prop_NoCharm\n\r\
Targets    : MOBS, Room, Area\n\r\
Parameters : \n\r\
Example    : \n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Disallows the casting of charm like affects in the area, or against the target mob.

Property   : Prop_NoOrdering\n\r\
Targets    : MOBs, Room, Area\n\r\
Parameters : \n\r\
Example    : \n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Disallows ordering by non-admins in the area, or against the target mob.

Property   : Prop_NoSummon\n\r\
Targets    : Room, Area\n\r\
Parameters : (ALLOWNONAGGR)\n\r\
Example    : \n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Disallows summoning of creatures or people INTO the affected place. \
The optional ALLOWNONAGGR parm may be added to disallow summoning \
only of aggressive mobs.

Property   : Prop_NoRecall\n\r\
Targets    : Room, Area, Items\n\r\
Parameters : \n\r\
Example    : \n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Disallows recalling in the room.  If placed on items, the item must be possessed by the \
mob or player trying to recall for prevention to work.

Property   : Prop_PeaceMaker\n\r\
Targets    : Rooms, Areas, MOBs\n\r\
Parameters : optional list of mob statements, room emotes, semicolon delimited\n\r\
Example    : \n\r\
Example    : No Fighting Here!;Make Love, not War!;You should not do that.\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Cancels any fighting in the room.

Property   : Prop_PracticeDummy\n\r\
Targets    : Mobs\n\r\
Parameters : (KILLABLE)\n\r\
Example    : \n\r\
Example    : KILLABLE\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Prevents a mob from fighting back.  If the KILLABLE parameter is NOT included, \
the mob will also never run out of hit points or be missed in combat.

Property   : Prop_ReqAlignments\n\r\
Targets    : Rooms, Areas, Exits\n\r\
Parameters : alignment masks listed below\n\r\
Example    : -all +good\n\r\
Description: (DEPRECATED -- See PropReqEntry)\n\r\
Creates alignment restrictions for entering a room.  Followers will be allowed \
unless explicitly disallowed.  Valid parameters include:  \n\r\
nosneak (disallow sneaking past the requirement)\n\r\
-all (disallow all alignments)  \n\r\
nofol (disallow followers of appropriate alignment)  \n\r\
+evil +good +neutral (create exceptions to -all)  \n\r\
-evil -good -neutral (disallow only listed alignments)  

Property   : Prop_ReqCapacity\n\r\
Targets    : Areas, Room\n\r\
Example    : people=2\n\r\
Example    : players=3 mobs=2 indoor=true\n\r\
Example    : weight=2000 items=10\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Creates a capacity limit of one or more types for the room or area with this affect. \
The ITEMS, or WEIGHT parameters may be used to limit the number \
of items, or maximum weight respectively.  The PEOPLE parameter lets you limit the total \
number of players and/or mobs.  Otherwise, the PLAYERS or MOBS can be used to limit the \
number of players or non-player mobs respectively.  The optional INDOOR flag only matters \
if this property is added to an area; it makes the property only enforce itself on indoor \
rooms types.\n\r\
If no parameters at all are given, a PEOPLE capacity of 2 is assumed.

Property   : Prop_ReqClasses\n\r\
Targets    : Rooms, Areas, Exits\n\r\
Parameters : class masks listed below\n\r\
Example    : -all +thief\n\r\
Description: (DEPRECATED -- See PropReqEntry)\n\r\
Creates class restrictions for entering a room.  Followers will be allowed unless \
explicitly disallowed.  Valid parameters include: \n\r\
nosneak (disallow sneaking past the requirement)\n\r\
-all (disallow all classes)  \n\r\
nofol (disallow followers of appropriate alignment)  \n\r\
+thief +mage +bard (create exceptions to -all)  \n\r\
-thief -mage -bard (disallow only listed classes)  

Property   : Prop_ReqEntry\n\r\
Targets    : Rooms, Areas, Exits, Portals\n\r\
Parameters : room masks listed below\n\r\
Example    : -race +elf\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Creates restrictions for entering a room.  Followers will be allowed unless \
explicitly disallowed.  Valid parameters include: \n\r\
nosneak (disallow sneaking past the requirement)\n\r\
nofol (disallow followers)  \n\r\

Property   : Prop_ReqStat\n\r\
Targets    : Rooms, Areas, Exits, Portals\n\r\
Parameters : mob character stat expressions as shown in example\n\r\
Example    : strength<10 intelligence==5 wisdom>=3\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Creates restrictions for entering a room.  Players must pass every \
expression test in order to enter.  Valid parameters include: \n\r\
nosneak (disallow sneaking past the requirement)\n\r\
nofol (disallow followers)\n\r\

Property   : Prop_ReqHeight\n\r\
Targets    : Areas, Room, Exit\n\r\
Parameters : a maximum height to enter\n\r\
Example    : 12\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Creates a maximum height in order to enter a room.  Similar to Prop_Crawlspace.

Property   : Prop_Trashcan\n\r\
Targets    : Room, Container Item\n\r\
Parameters : \n\r\
Example    : \n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Causes all items dropped, or placed in the host container to be immediately \
destroyed and to cease to exist.

Property   : Prop_SparringRoom\n\r\
Targets    : Areas, Room\n\r\
Parameters : (ROOMID)\n\r\
Example    : SparringArea#123\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Creates a room or area where death is of little consequence.  Players (not \
mobs) who die in this area will lose neither equipment, nor experience, \
but will be brought back to their Start room (not their death room), or \
to any room designated in the parameters.

Property   : Prop_SpellReflecting\n\r\
Targets    : MOBs, Items\n\r\
Parameters : (MIN=[LEVEL]) (MAX=[LEVEL]) (CHANCE=[%]) (FADE=0/1) (REMAIN=[NUM])\n\r\
Example    : min=1 max=30 chance=100 fade=0 remain=100\n\r\
Example    : max=10 chance=75 fade=1 remain=50\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
This complex property allows the archon to set up mobs or items which, when worn, \
are capable of reflecting spells cast at the mob back to the source.  The min and \
max parms describe the levels of spells which may be reflected.  The chance parm \
describes the % chance of a spell being reflected.  Remain is the number of \
spell levels which may be reflected.  Every time a spell is reflected, the level \
of the spell is subtracted from the remain value.  When remain reaches below 0, the \
item or mob will no longer reflect spells.  Fade describes whether the \
property is persistant or detructive.  If fade is equal to 1 or more, then the \
property is destructive, meaning that the mob will never again gain the fading \
benefit from this property after remain reaches below 0.  If the property was \
on an item, it will be destroyed. If fade is equal to 0, then the property \
is persistant.  The property will still stop working when the remain value \
reaches below 0, but the item will not be destroyed, and will begin to \
regain its strength at a rate of 1 point every 5 minutes or so.

Property   : Prop_ReqLevels\n\r\
Targets    : Room, Areas, Exits\n\r\
Parameters : ==, <=, >=, >, or < followed by a level number\n\r\
Example    : <=10 >=5\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Creates level restrictions for entering a room.  Followers will be allowed unless \
the NOFOL parameter appears.  The parameter should describe only the allowed levels. \
Multiple criteria are allowed. The term "NOSNEAK" may be added to the parameter \
to disallow sneaking past your criteria.

Property   : Prop_ReqNoMOB\n\r\
Targets    : Room, Areas, Exit\n\r\
Parameters : optional nosneak parameter\n\r\
Example    : \n\r\
Example    : nosneak\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Prevents non-player mobs without followers from entering the room. \
The term "NOSNEAK" may be added to the parameters \
to disallow sneaking past your criteria.

Property   : Prop_ReqPKill\n\r\
Targets    : Room, Exit, Area\n\r\
Parameters : \n\r\
Example    : \n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Allows access only to those players who have their playerkill flag set.

Property   : Prop_ReqRaces\n\r\
Targets    : Rooms, Areas, Exits\n\r\
Parameters : room masks listed below\n\r\
Example    : -all +elf\n\r\
Description: (DEPRECATED -- See PropReqEntry)\n\r\
Creates race restrictions for entering a room.  Followers will be allowed unless \
explicitly disallowed.  Valid parameters include: \n\r\
nosneak (disallow sneaking past the requirement)\n\r\
-all (disallow all races)  \n\r\
nofol (disallow followers of appropriate alignment)  \n\r\
+elf +half +human (create exceptions to -all)  \n\r\
-elf -half -human (disallow only listed races)  

Property   : Prop_ReqTattoo\n\r\
Targets    : Rooms, Areas, Exits, Items\n\r\
Parameters : optional msg; tattoo masks listed below\n\r\
Example    : -all +manlymen\n\r\
Example    : You can't go here!;-all +manlymen\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Creates tattoo restrictions for entering a roomor possessing an item.  Followers \
will be allowed unless explicitly disallowed.  See the help on Tattoos. \
Understood masks include:\n\r\
nosneak (disallow sneaking past the requirement)\n\r\
nofol (disallow followers of appropriate alignment)  \n\r\
-all (disallow unless has one of the following +tattoos) \n\r\
+all (allow unless has any of the followng -tattoos) \n\r\
+none (must have all +tatoos, and lack all -tattoos) \n\r\
+TATTOONAME (must have tattoo) \n\r\
-TATTOONAME (must not have tattoo) 

Property   : Prop_Resistance\n\r\
Targets    : MOB\n\r\
Parameters : see Prop_HaveResister\n\r\
Example    : see Prop_HaveResister\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Gives a mob natural resistances and immunities. See Prop_HaveResister for more \

Property   : Prop_RestrictSpells\n\r\
Targets    : Room, Area\n\r\
Parameters : proper spell names separated by semicolons\n\r\
Example    : Spell_Sleep;Skill_Recall;\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Cancels the effects of the listed spells when cast on or in the room. 

Property   : Prop_Retainable\n\r\
Targets    : Mobs\n\r\
Parameters : The value of the mob to shopkeepers\n\r\
Parameters : Price of the mob per period;number of days per period\n\r\
Example    : 100000\n\r\
Example    : 100;10\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
This property serves many a purpose: to allow you to set a value to mobs \
when being sold as pets by shopkeepers.  It also allows you to create mobs \
which will be saved in the database when the system is shut down, so long \
as the mob has this property, and the mob is presently on someone's personal \
home, such as a Prop_RoomForSale room.  The second parameter following the \
semicolon, if present, will also make the mob automatically draw money from \
the property owners bank account periodically.  The second parameter refers \
to the number of mud-days between each pay period.  If a pay period passes and \
the mob can not find a bank account of the owners from which to get paid, or \
has not been placed on someone's personal property as described above, the mob \
will quit and disappear.

Property   : Prop_RideAdjuster\n\r\
Targets    : Items and Mobs\n\r\
Parameters : see Prop_HaveAdjuster\n\r\
Example    : see Prop_HaveAdjuster\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Whenever the item or mob having this property is mounted or ridden, the \
statistics of the rider will be adjusted as described in the parameters.  \
Dismounting will remove the effects. See Prop_HaveAdjuster for more information \
on the valid parameters for this property. 

Property   : Prop_RideEnabler\n\r\
Targets    : Items and MOBS\n\r\
Parameters : a list of properly named spells separated by semicolons\n\r\
Parameters : Spell names may optionally have parameters in parenthesis\n\r\
Parameters : The above parameters may be followed by an optional mask\n\r\
Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield\n\r\
Example    : 90%;Spell_Portal(Somewhere else);Prayer_SummonElemental(/FIRE)\n\r\
Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield; MASK=-RACE +Dwarf\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
So long as the item with this property is being mounted or ridden, the owner \
will be granted the spells, skills listed.  The percentage given is optional, \
and will be the proficiency of the skill.  If a percentage is not given, the \
default is 100%.  \n\r\
The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This \
mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this property. \
See Prop_HaveZapper for more information on zapper mask syntax.

Property   : Prop_RideResister\n\r\
Targets    : Items and Mobs\n\r\
Parameters : see Prop_HaveResister\n\r\
Example    : see Prop_HaveResister\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Whenever the item having this property is mounted or ridden, the rider gains \
certain resistances and immunities described in the parameters.  When exited, \
the resistances and immunities are also cancelled.  See Prop_HaveResister for \
more information on valid parameters for this property. 

Property   : Prop_RideSpellCast\n\r\
Targets    : Items and MOBS\n\r\
Parameters : a list of properly named spells separated by semicolons\n\r\
Parameters : Spell names may optionally have parameters in parenthesis\n\r\
Parameters : The above parameters may be followed by an optional mask\n\r\
Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield\n\r\
Example    : 90%;Spell_Portal(Somewhere else);Prayer_SummonElemental(/FIRE)\n\r\
Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield; MASK=-RACE +Dwarf\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
So long as the item with this property is being mounted or ridden, the owner \
will be under the effect of the listed spells. The flag NOUNINVOKE can be substituted for a spell \
to make all following spells utterly uninvokable; use this flag with care! \n\r\
The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This \
mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this property. \
See Prop_HaveZapper for more information on zapper mask syntax.

Property   : Prop_RideZapper\n\r\
Targets    : Items and Mobs\n\r\
Parameters : masking parameters described below, optional zap message\n\r\
Example    : -class +mage -race +elf -evil\n\r\
Example    : "MESSAGE=<S-NAME> jump(s) off of <O-NAME>!" -class +mage\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Whenever the rider of the item or mob with this property mounts the \
item, they will be zapped unless it is allowed by the listed parameters.  \n\r\
An optional MESSAGE parameter can define what is seen when the zap occurs. \
Valid masking parameters include:  \n\r\

Property   : Prop_RoomDark\n\r\
Targets    : Areas, Room\n\r\
Parameters : \n\r\
Example    : \n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Makes a room dark, so that you need a light to see it. 

Property   : Prop_RoomUnmappable\n\r\
Targets    : Areas, Room\n\r\
Parameters : (MAPOK) (NOEXPLORE)\n\r\
Example    : \n\r\
Example    : NOEXPLORE\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Makes a room unable to be mapped, explored, or seen with regional awareness. \
Turning off exploration requires the NOEXPLORE parameter.  MAPOK parameter \
disables the unmappable aspect.

Property   : Prop_LotsForSale\n\r\
Targets    : Room\n\r\
Parameters : (RENTAL) Price of each room on the lot\n\r\
Example    : 1000000\n\r\
Example    : Bob/100000\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Makes this room and future adjacent rooms available for purchase.  \
This property is an extension of the Prop_RoomForSale property, and \
includes all of its capabilities, PLUS, when this room is sold, \
adjacent lots will automatically be created and put up for sale, \
allowing the player to expand his or her property.  When the properties \
are sold, or fall back out of any players possession, the system will \
automatically retract the created rooms. The word rental followed by a space may \
preceed the price to make the price of the property be charged every month \
automatically out of a Bankers account.  Failure to make rent returns the property \
to sellable status.\n\r\
When property is sold, it will be listed as the owner with a slash and the price.  \
Entering this sort of parameter directly is the quick way to give players or clans property.

Property   : Prop_RoomForSale\n\r\
Targets    : Room\n\r\
Parameters : (RENTAL) Price of the room\n\r\
Example    : 1000000\n\r\
Example    : Bob/1000000\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Makes this room available for purchase by a player.  The room will be \
automatically listed in the stock of any ShopKeeper in the SAME AREA who \
is designated a LandSeller, or any shopkeeper who has the proper StdTitle \
item in its selling inventory.  The system will automatically maintain the \
integrity of any items left in the room, including restoring them on reboot.  \
After a room is sold, the player need only enter "LOOK ID" to see the rooms \
ID for the purposes of identifying his or her lot in the future.  The title received \
for purchasing a room may be GIVEn or SELLed to change possession of the property. \
The word rental followed by a space may \
preceed the price to make the price of the property be charged every month \
automatically out of a Bankers account.  Failure to make rent returns the property \
to sellable status.\n\r\
When property is sold, it will be listed as the owner with a slash and the price.  \
Entering this sort of parameter directly is the quick way to give players or clans property.

Property   : Prop_RoomsForSale\n\r\
Targets    : Room\n\r\
Parameters : (RENTAL) Price of the group ofroom\n\r\
Example    : 1000000\n\r\
Example    : The Bob Clan/1000000\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Makes this room part of a group of rooms available for purchase by a player.  \
The rooms will be sold as a group by the shopkeeper.  If you have more than one \
group of rooms for sale, they MUST be separated by at least one room which is \
not for sale, otherwise both groups will be considered one.  See \
Prop_RoomForSale for more information on sold rooms and the rental flag.  \n\r\
When property is sold, it will be listed as the owner with a slash and the price.  \
Entering this sort of parameter directly is the quick way to give players or clans property.

Property   : Prop_EnlargeRoom\n\r\
Targets    : Rooms, Areas\n\r\
Parameters : number or adjustment of movement points\n\r\
Example    : 2\n\r\
  Example  : +2\n\r\
  Example  : -2\n\r\
  Example  : /2\n\r\
  Example  : *2\n\r\
  Example  : /2.5\n\r\
  Example  : *1.5\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Change the number of movement points required to cross the room, the +-/* signs may be \
used to adjust the amount for a given room, or an absolute value may be given.

Property   : Prop_SafePet\n\r\
Targets    : MOB\n\r\
Parameters : \n\r\
Example    : \n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Makes the mob with this property completely unattackable.

Property   : Prop_Smell\n\r\
Targets    : MOBS, Items, Rooms\n\r\
Parameters : (TICKS=[NUM]) (CHANCE=[NUM]) (EMOTE) (BROADCAST) text(;...)\n\r\
Example    : <T-NAME> smells flowery!\n\r\
Example    : <T-NAME> smells awful!;<T-NAME> smells BAD!\n\r\
Example    : CHANCE=50 <T-NAME> smells awful!;CHANCE=10 <T-NAME> smells BAD!\n\r\
Example    : EMOTE BROADCAST <T-NAME> smells awful!\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Makes the object with this property respond to a SNIFF command.  More than one \
smell may be given, separated by semicolons.  Each smell may have a chance of \
being selected during a sniff using the CHANCE parameter.  ONLY MOBS with this \
property have other options, including an absolute duration before going away \
using the TICKS parameter, the opportunity to emote periodically using the \
EMOTE flag, and the opportunity to emote to adjacent rooms using the BROADCAST \

Property   : Prop_SpellAdder\n\r\
Targets    : Rooms, Items, MOBs\n\r\
Parameters : See Prop_HereSpellCast\n\r\
Parameters : See Prop_HereSpellCast\n\r\
Example    : 50%;Spell_Invisible;Prayer_Sanctuary\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Casts the spells in the parameters on the next one to enter the same room. \
as the item, mob, or room with this property.

Property   : PROP_SCRAPEXPLODE\n\r\
Targets    : Items\n\r\
Parameters : \n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Makes an item explode when scrapped.

Property   : Prop_StatTrainer\n\r\
Targets    : MOB\n\r\
Parameters : (STR=#) (INT=#) (DEX=#) (CHA=#) (CON=#) (WIS=#) (NOTEACH)\n\r\
Example    : \n\r\
Example    : CON=10\n\r\
Example    : STR=30 INT=15 DEX=20 CON=0 CHA=0 WIS=0 NOTEACH\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
This property changes a mobs basic 6 stats.  With no parameter, it will set all \
stats to 25, making the mob a suitable trainer.  Other parameters may be entered \
in order to set the stats of the mob to the specified values.  Any values not \
given will default to 25.  If you do not want the mob to also be a trainer, you \
may include the NOTEACH flag.

Property   : Prop_Tattoo\n\r\
Targets    : MOB\n\r\
Parameters : tattoo names delimited by semicolons\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
This property WAS used to give MOBs tattoos.  It is deprecated now. \
They are now stored on MOB objects.  See Help TATTOO.

Tattoo's are intended to \
act as miscellaneous flags which players may obtain, not unlike a quest point.  \
These tattoo's can then be checked for as requirements to enter rooms or exits, \
or to possess certain items.\
An example would be like this:  The completion of a specific quest occurs when \
Gunther defeats the evil sorcerer Nunder and enters his inner chamber (where all \
the treasure is hidden).  Entering this inner chamber automatically grants Gunther \
a Tatto called "NUNDERKILLER".  Now, elsewhere in the realm is the second quest \
where Nunder's apprentice has escaped with an ancient artifact and is up to \
no good.  However, to even ENTER the area where Nunder's apprentice is operating, \
the system (via the Prop_ReqTattoo property on this other Area) requires that \
Gunther already have the "NUNDERKILLER" Tattoo.  If Gunther had not defeated \
Nunder and obtained the "NUNDERKILLER" Tattoo, he would not be allowed into \
the realm of Nunder's apprentice.

Property   : Prop_TattooAdder\n\r\
Targets    : MOBs, Items, Exits, Rooms, \n\r\
Targets    : Areas, Weapons, Food, Drink, Armor\n\r\
Parameters : tattoo name to grant or remove\n\r\
Example    : MANLYMEN\n\r\
Example    : -MANLYMEN\n\r\
Example    : +-MANLYMEN\n\r\
Example    : +~MANLYMEN\n\r\
Example    : +-~MANLYMEN\n\r\
Example    : +34 MANLYMEN\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
This property is used to give MOBs tattoos based on an action taken.  The tattoo is \
given by the object with this property, based on an action which depends on the type of \
object with this property.  \n\r\
The tattoo parameter is prefixed with - to remove it when the trigger occurs. \n\r\
The tattoo parameter is prefixed with + (or nothing) to add it when the trigger occurs. \n\r\
The tattoo parameter is prefixed with +- to add or remove it when the trigger occurs. \n\r\
The tattoo parameter (after any +- marks) is prefixed with ~ to disable emoting.\n\r\
The tattoo parameter is prefixed (after +- or ~) with a number to make it decay.\n\r\
The actions which trigger the tattoo include:\n\r\
MOB - death \n\r\
Item - get \n\r\
Exit - enter \n\r\
Room - enter \n\r\
Area - enter \n\r\
Weapon - use in battle \n\r\
Food - eat \n\r\
Drink - drink \n\r\
Armor - wear

Property   : Prop_Trainer\n\r\
Targets    : MOB\n\r\
Parameters : (STR=#) (INT=#) (DEX=#) (CHA=#) (CON=#) (WIS=#) (NOTEACH)\n\r\
Parameters : ((ALL) [CLASSNAME]) (EXPERTISENAMES)\n\r\
Example    : \n\r\
Example    : CON=10\n\r\
Example    : STR=30 INT=15 DEX=20 CON=0 CHA=0 WIS=0 NOTEACH\n\r\
Example    : all Fighter all Cleric\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
This property makes a mob a suitable target for the TRAIN command for players. \
With no parameter, it will set all stats to 25, give them 0 levels in all \
classes, and give them all expertises.  Other parameters may be entered \
in order to set the stats of the mob to the specified values.  Any values not \
given will default to 25.  If you do not want the mob to also be a trainer, you \
may include the NOTEACH flag.  Listing one or more class names will make that \
trainer have 0 levels in those classes (able to train to it).  Not listing any \
will give the mob ALL classes at level 0.  Listing expertise IDs works similarly.

Property   : Prop_Transporter\n\r\
Targets    : MOBs, Items, Exits, Rooms, Areas, Weapons, Food, Drink, Armor\n\r\
Parameters : Room ID\n\r\
Example    : Midgaard#3001\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
This property is used to transport mobs to a particular place based on an action taken.  \
The actions which trigger the transport include:\n\r\
Rideable - mount \n\r\
MOB - speak \n\r\
Item - get \n\r\
Exit - enter \n\r\
Room - enter \n\r\
Area - enter \n\r\
Weapon - use in battle \n\r\
Food - eat \n\r\
Drink - drink \n\r\
Armor - wear 

Property   : Prop_UseSpellCast\n\r\
Targets    : Items\n\r\
Parameters : a list of properly named spells separated by semicolons\n\r\
Parameters : Spell names may optionally have parameters in parenthesis.\n\r\
Parameters : The above parameters may be followed by an optional mask\n\r\
Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield\n\r\
Example    : 90%;Spell_Portal(Somewhere else);Prayer_SummonElemental(/FIRE)\n\r\
Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield; MASK=-RACE +Dwarf\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
When the item with this property is worn or wielded, filled or has \
something placed in it, the owner will be affected by the listed spells. \n\r\
The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This \
mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this property. \
See Prop_HaveZapper for more information on zapper mask syntax.

Property   : Prop_UseSpellCast2\n\r\
Targets    : Items\n\r\
Parameters : a list of properly named spells separated by semicolons\n\r\
Parameters : Spell names may optionally have parameters in parenthesis.\n\r\
Parameters : The above parameters may be followed by an optional mask\n\r\
Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield\n\r\
Example    : 90%;Spell_Portal(Somewhere else);Prayer_SummonElemental(/FIRE)\n\r\
Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield; MASK=-RACE +Dwarf\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
When the item with this property is touched, or in the cast of food and \
drink, eaten or drank, the owner will be affected by the listed spells.  \n\r\
The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This \
mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this property. \
See Prop_HaveZapper for more information on zapper mask syntax.

Property   : Prop_WeakBridge\n\r\
Targets    : Rooms, Exits\n\r\
Parameters : max=[WEIGHT] chance=[%] down=[# TICKS]\n\r\
Example    : max=400 chance=75 down=300\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Whenever a player enters or exits the room or exit with this property, \
that player is in great danger.  If their total weight exceeds the \
weight specified by the max parameter, there is a % chance equals to the \
chance parameter that the bridge beneath them will break.  If the property \
is on an exit, that means instant death for the player.  If the property \
is on an InTheAir type room with a place to fall beneath it, they will \
fall.  If the property is on any other kind of room, instant death will \
result.  The down property describes how many ticks the bridge will remain \
"down" once it has been broken by a heavy player.  Flying can always \
overcome this property.

Property   : Prop_WearAdjuster\n\r\
Targets    : Items (armor and weapons principally)\n\r\
Parameters : see Prop_HaveAdjuster, and may include optional LAYERED flag\n\r\
Example    : str+2 dex-2 move+100 class=thief race=elf gender=F\n\r\
Example    : str+2 dex-2 move+100 LAYERED MASK=-Race +Dwarf\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Whenever the item having this property is wielded or worn, the statistics of \
the owner will be adjusted as described in the parameters.  Removing the \
item will remove the effects.  The Layered flag may be used to prevent \
bonus or penalty stacking due to multiple items worn on the same location. \
See Prop_HaveAdjuster for more information on the valid parameters for this property.  

Property   : Prop_WearResister\n\r\
Targets    : Items (armor and weapons principally)\n\r\
Parameters : see Prop_HaveResister, and may include optional LAYERED flag\n\r\
Example    : magic 50% poison -10%\n\r\
Example    : magic 50% poison -10% LAYERED MASK=-RACE +Dwarf\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Whenever the item having this property is wielded or worn, the owner gains \
certain resistances and immunities described in the parameters.  When removed, \
the resistances and immunities are also cancelled.  The Layered flag may be used to prevent \
resistance stacking due to multiple items worn on the same location. \
See Prop_HaveResister for more information on the valid parameters for this property.   

Property   : Prop_WeaponImmunity\n\r\
Targets    : Items, Mobs\n\r\
Parameters : List of immunities\n\r\
Example    : +ALL -SILVER -CLOTH -LEATHER\n\r\
Example    : +ALL -LEVEL15\n\r\
Example    : +BASHING +IRON +STEEL +MAGIC\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Whenever the the item with this property is worn, or for the mob with \
this property, they will attain damage immunities to the types and/or \
materials of weapons specified.  Here are the parameters: \n\r\
+ALL - Specifies that, by default, the mob is immune to ALL damage.\n\r\
-DAMAGETYPE- Creates an exception to the +ALL rule by permitting damage \
of the given type.  Examples for DAMAGETYPE would be -PIERCING, -GASSING, \
+DAMAGETYPE- Can be used instead of +ALL to create an immunity to the given \
damage type.  Examples for DAMAGETYPE would be +PIERCING, +GASSING, \
-WEAPONCLASS- Creates an exception to the +ALL rule by permitting damage \
of the given type.  Examples for WEAPONCLASS would be -AXE, -BLUNT, -EDGED, \
-STAFF, -THROWN, etc.\n\r\
+WEAPONCLASS- Can be used instead of +ALL to create an immunity to the given \
of the given type.  Examples for WEAPONCLASS would be +AXE, +BLUNT, +EDGED, \
+STAFF, +THROWN, etc.\n\r\
-MAGIC - Creates an exception to the +ALL rule by permitting damage from \
magical spells and magical weapons.\n\r\
+MAGIC - If +ALL is not used, this will create an immunity to magical \
spells and weapons.\n\r\
-MAGICSKILLS - Creates an exception to the +ALL rule by permitting damage from \
magical spells, chants, songs, or prayers.\n\r\
+MAGICSKILLS - If +ALL is not used, this will create an immunity to magical \
spells, chants, songs, and prayers.\n\r\
-LEVELX - Creates an exception to the +ALL rule by permitting damage from \
weapons whose level is X or better. Example: -LEVEL1, -LEVEL5, -LEVEL10, etc.\n\r\
+LEVELX - Can be used instead of +ALL to create an immunity to \
weapons whose level is X or lower. Example: +LEVEL1, +LEVEL5, +LEVEL10, etc.\n\r\
-MATERIALTYPE - Creates an exception to the +ALL rule above by permitting \
damage from a weapon made of the given MATERIALTYPE.  Where MATERIALTYPE \
may be any valid material, such as SILVER, WOOD, COTTON, etc.  As for the \
damage types above, +MATERIALTYPE may be used instead of +ALL to create \
an immunity to a given material.\n\r\
-PARALYSIS - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting damage from paralysis spells.\n\r\
+PARALYSIS - If +All is not used, this creates an immunity to damage from paralysis spells.\n\r\
-FIRE - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting damage from fire spells.\n\r\
+FIRE - If +All is not used, this creates an immunity to damage from fire spells.\n\r\
-COLD - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting damage from cold spells.\n\r\
+COLD - If +All is not used, this creates an immunity to damage from cold spells.\n\r\
-WATER - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting damage from water spells.\n\r\
+WATER - If +All is not used, this creates an immunity to damage from water spells.\n\r\
-GAS - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting damage from gas spells.\n\r\
+GAS - If +All is not used, this creates an immunity to damage from gas spells.\n\r\
-MIND - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting damage from mind spells.\n\r\
+MIND - If +All is not used, this creates an immunity to damage from mind spells.\n\r\
-JUSTICE - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting damage from justice spells.\n\r\
+JUSTICE - If +All is not used, this creates an immunity to damage from justice spells.\n\r\
-ACID - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting damage from acid spells.\n\r\
+ACID - If +All is not used, this creates an immunity to damage from acid spells.\n\r\
-ELECTRICITY - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting damage from electric spells.\n\r\
+ELECTRICITY - If +All is not used, this creates an immunity to damage from electric spells.\n\r\
-POISON - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting damage from poison spells.\n\r\
+POISON - If +All is not used, this creates an immunity to damage from poison spells.\n\r\
-UNDEAD - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting damage from undead spells.\n\r\
+UNDEAD - If +All is not used, this creates an immunity to damage from undead/evil spells.\n\r\
-DISEASE - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting damage from disease spells.\n\r\
+DISEASE - If +All is not used, this creates an immunity to damage from disease spells.\n\r\
-TRAPS - Creates an exception to the +All rule by permitting damage from traps spells.\n\r\
+TRAPS - If +All is not used, this creates an immunity to damage from traps spells.\n\r

Property   : Prop_WearEnabler\n\r\
Targets    : Items\n\r\
Parameters : a list of properly named spells separated by semicolons\n\r\
Parameters : Spell names may optionally have parameters in parenthesis.\n\r\
Parameters : The above parameters may be followed by an optional mask\n\r\
Parameters : The above parameters may include optional LAYERED flag\n\r\
Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield\n\r\
Example    : Spell_MageArmor;LAYERED;Spell_Shield\n\r\
Example    : 90%;Spell_Portal(Somewhere else);Prayer_SummonElemental(/FIRE)\n\r\
Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield; MASK=-RACE +Dwarf\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
So long as the item with this property is worn, wielded, or held, the owner \
will be granted the spells, skills listed.  The percentage given is optional, \
and will be the proficiency of the skill.  If a percentage is not given, the \
default is 100%.  The layered flag means that, among layers of armor, only \
the top layer will grant its effect.\n\r\
The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This \
mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this property. \
See Prop_HaveZapper for more information on zapper mask syntax. 

Property   : Prop_WearSpellCast\n\r\
Targets    : Items\n\r\
Parameters : a list of properly named spells separated by semicolons\n\r\
Parameters : Spell names may optionally have parameters in parenthesis.\n\r\
Parameters : The above parameters may be followed by an optional mask\n\r\
Parameters : The above parameters may include optional LAYERED flag\n\r\
Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield\n\r\
Example    : Spell_MageArmor;LAYERED;Spell_Shield\n\r\
Example    : 90%;Spell_Portal(Somewhere else);Prayer_SummonElemental(/FIRE)\n\r\
Example    : Spell_MageArmor;Spell_Shield; MASK=-RACE +Dwarf\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
So long as the item with this property is being worn or wielded, the owner \
will be under the effect of the listed spells. The layered flag means that, \
among layers of armor, only the top layer will grant its effect. \
The flag NOUNINVOKE can be substituted for a spell \
to make all following spells utterly uninvokable; use this flag with care! \n\r\
The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask.  This \
mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this property. \
See Prop_HaveZapper for more information on zapper mask syntax.

Property   : Prop_WearZapper\n\r\
Targets    : Items\n\r\
Parameters : masking parameters described below, optional zap message\n\r\
Example    : -class +mage -race +elf -evil\n\r\
Example    : "MESSAGE=<O-NAME> falls out of <S-NAME>'s hands!" -class +mage\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Whenever the owner of the item with this property tries to wear or wield the \
item, they will be zapped unless it is allowed by the listed parameters.  \n\r\
An optional MESSAGE parameter can define what is seen when the zap occurs. \
Valid masking parameters include:  \n\r\

Property   : Prop_ClosedDayNight\n\r\
Targets    : Items, Mobs, Rooms, Exits\n\r\
Parameters : (DAY/NIGHT)(SLEEP)(SIT)(LOCKUP)(HOURS=0-13)(HOME=Room#)\n\r\
Example    : DAY\n\r\
Example    : SLEEP HOURS=5-10\n\r\
Example    : "Home=My Area#123" SLEEP LOCKUP\n\r\
Example    : "Home=Bob`s House" SLEEP LOCKUP "MSG=Go Away! I'm Closed!"\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Affects the thing with this property depending on the time of day. \
By default, this property activates at night.  If the DAY paramater is \
included, it will activate by day instead. The effect of the property is that \
rooms will go dark, exits will close, and items will become unseeable. \
Mobs will become unseeable by default, though if the sit or sleep flags are \
set, they will do that instead.  LOCKUP will cause the mob to lock up his \
starting room, if any doors with locks are found.  If a Home Room is specified \
with the HOME= parameter, the mob will track to that room at closing time, then \
back to their start room the next day.  For shopkeepers, you can specify \
a string for them to say whenever someone tries to interact with them as \
a shopkeeper during closed hours.

Property   : Prop_Closedseason\n\r\
Targets    : Items, Mobs, Rooms, Exits\n\r\
Example    : DAY\n\r\
Example    : WINTER BLIZZARD\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Affects the thing with this property depending on the weather, or time of the year. \
By default, this property does not activate.  You must specify one or more times, seasons, \
or conditions under which the object will no longer be visible.

Property   : Prop_WizInvis\n\r\
Targets    : MOBs\n\r\
Parameters : \n\r\
Example    : \n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Grants the MOB unlimited sensory knowledge as well as complete undetectibility.

Property   : Prop_Weather\n\r\
Targets    : Areas\n\r\
Parameters : the weather type\n\r\
Example    : RAIN\n\r\
Description: \n\r\
Makes this area always have the same weather.  Valid weather values include: \