 * factions.h
 *	 Header file for faction
 *   ____            _               
 *  |  _ \ ___  __ _| |_ __ ___  ___ 
 *  | |_) / _ \/ _` | | '_ ` _ \/ __|
 *  |  _ <  __/ (_| | | | | | | \__ \
 *  |_| \_\___|\__,_|_|_| |_| |_|___/
 * Permission to use, modify and distribute is granted via the
 *  Creative Commons - Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike 3.0 License
 * 	Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Jason Mitchell, Randi Mitchell
 * 	   Contributions by Tim Callahan, Jonathan Hseu
 *  Based on Mordor (C) Brooke Paul, Brett J. Vickers, John P. Freeman
#ifndef FACTION_H_
#define FACTION_H_

// adjusted faction = base + gained
// We have to make this distinction: if the max you can gain is 1k (numerical limit),
// and your initial is -250, the most you will ever get is 750. We allow these people
// with negative initial faction to reach 1250 because this will give them the
// equivalent of 1k. This also applies to initial positive faction.

class CrtFaction {
	bstring name;
	int		value;

class FactionRegard {
	void load(xmlNodePtr rootNode);

	long getClassRegard(int i) const;
	long getRaceRegard(int i) const;
	long getDeityRegard(int i) const;
	long classRegard[CLASS_COUNT];
	long raceRegard[RACE_COUNT];
	long deityRegard[DEITY_COUNT];

class Faction {
	void load(xmlNodePtr rootNode);

	bstring getName() const;
	bstring getDisplayName() const;
	bstring getSocial() const;
	long getBaseRegard() const;
	long getClassRegard(int i) const;
	long getRaceRegard(int i) const;
	long getDeityRegard(int i) const;
	long getInitialRegard(const Player* player) const;

	const FactionRegard* getInitial();
	const FactionRegard* getMax();
	const FactionRegard* getMin();

	bool alwaysHates(Player* player) const;
	long getUpperLimit(Player* player) const;
	long getLowerLimit(Player* player) const;
	Player* findAggro(BaseRoom* room);

	static int getCutoff(int attitude);
	static int getAttitude(int regard);
	static bstring getNoun(int regard);
	static bstring getColor(int regard);
	static bstring getBar(int regard, bool alwaysPad);
	static void worshipSocial(Monster *monster);

	static bool willAggro(const Player* player, bstring faction);
	static bool willSpeakWith(const Player* player, bstring faction);
	static bool willDoBusinessWith(const Player* player, bstring faction);
	static bool willBeneCast(const Player* player, bstring faction);
	static Money adjustPrice(const Player* player, bstring faction, Money money, bool sell);
	static bool canPledgeTo(const Player* player, bstring faction);

	static const int WORSHIP		= 4;
	static const int REGARD			= 3;
	static const int ADMIRATION		= 2;
	static const int FAVORABLE		= 1;
	static const int INDIFFERENT	= 0;
	static const int DISAPPROVE		= -1;
	static const int DISFAVOR		= -2;	
	static const int CONTEMPT		= -3;
	static const int MALICE			= -4;

	// these are boundaries for adjusted ranges.
	static const int WORSHIP_CUTOFF			= 31000;	// 31000 and higher
	static const int REGARD_CUTOFF			= 25000;	// 25000 to 30999
	static const int ADMIRATION_CUTOFF		= 15000;	// 15000 to 24999
	static const int FAVORABLE_CUTOFF		= 8000;		// 8000 to 14999
	static const int INDIFFFERENT_CUTOFF	= 0;		// 0 to 7999
	static const int DISAPPROVE_CUTOFF		= -1000;	// -1000 to -1
	static const int DISFAVOR_CUTTOFF		= -7000;	// -7000 to -1001
	static const int CONTEMPT_CUTOFF		= -8000;	// -8000 to -7001
	static const int MALICE_CUTOFF			= -32000;	// -8001 and lower

	static const int MAX			= 45000;	// adjusted can't go over this amount
	static const int MIN			= -64999;	// adjusted can't go under this amount
	static const int ALWAYS_HATE	= -65000;	// set to this amount and you will always be hated
	bstring name;
	bstring displayName;
	bstring social;
	long baseRegard;			// Regard they have to everyone before modification
	FactionRegard	initial;
	FactionRegard	max;
	FactionRegard	min;

#endif /*FACTION_H_*/