*** RoH - 2.44b ***

RoH is based off of Mordor (3.0/4.06/4.66/5.05).

Please see License.txt for licence information.


You'll need at least the following libraries to compile
and run the mud.  I've listed package names as you'll find them on
debian/ubuntu but they should be available with some variation of the name
for any other linux/unix distribution.  The mud runs fine on both 32bit and
64bit systems and has in the past worked with Cygwin.  It compiles with a
few warnings, but no errors on gcc-4.4.1.

Required Libraries:
libxml2-dev, zlib-dev, libaspell-dev, libpspell-dev, libboost1.40-dev, 
libboost-python1.4-dev (We're using 1.40, but earlier ones should work as
long as they include foreach.hpp.  Alternatively download foreach.hpp from a
newer version and install it into src-2.44b/boost and add the appropriate -I
directive),  python-2.6-dev (2.5 will work on 32 bit  systems but you'll run 
into problems on 64bit systems, 2.6 is suggested)

Other requirements:
You'll need g++. (Intel's icc compiler will also work if you modify the
compiler file)

1) Extract the archive to wherever you'd like it

2) Modify src-2.44b/paths.h if desired, otherwise they'll default to using
relative paths.

3) Modify conf/config.xml if so desired.

4) Modify/Add dms to the dmname struct in global.cpp, or use the default
"Admin".  Be sure the last item in the list is a NULL.

5) Install required libraries and compile the mud

6) run realms.exe

7) Login with "Admin/dm.pass1" or create your own DM - The default password
for creating a DM is in the config.xml


If you have any problems, questions  or comments feel free to email me at bane /at/ or post on under the non-game discussion
forum.  We haven't kept a running list of the features of the mud, it's on
the list of things to do!  Browse through the help, dmhelp, and bhelp folders 
for the helpfiles which, while slightly out of date, should give a more or less
accurate portrayal of what's going on.

The codebase originally started out in c, and has slowly been converted over
to c++.  As we update new things we've been moving them over, but there
still remains some straggling c code that we haven't had a chance to modify

Feel free to modify the login screen but please leave our credits
visible in some form. 

The latest changes to the codebase can be found at: or via anonymous svn at

We've included Oceancrest (from stock mordor) converted to be used with
roh's xml areas.