Trap ID         #        Trap Name
TRAP_PIT        1        pit trap 
TRAP_DART       2        poison dart trap 
TRAP_BLOCK      3        falling block 
TRAP_MPDAM      4        mp damaging trap 
TRAP_RMSPL      5        spell loss trap 
TRAP_NAKED      6        player loses all items 
TRAP_ALARM      7        monster alarm trap 
TRAP_TPORT      8        teleport trap (DM permission required)
TRAP_ARROW      9        arrow trap
TRAP_SPPIT      10       spiked pit trap (more dmg then pit)
TRAP_WORD       11       word of recall trap
TRAP_FIRE       12       fire trap
TRAP_FROST      13       frost trap
TRAP_ELEC       14       electricity trap
TRAP_ACID       15       acid jet trap
TRAP_ROCKS      16       rockslide trap (hits everyone in room)
TRAP_ICE        17       falling icicle trap
TRAP_SPEAR      18       spear trap
TRAP_CROSS      19       crossbow trap
TRAP_GASP       20       poison gas trap
TRAP_GASB       21       blinding gas trap
TRAP_GASS       22       stun gas trap (20-25 sec)
TRAP_DISP       23       room displacement trap
TRAP_FALL       24       Deadly fall trap
TRAP_CHUTE      25       Chute trap 
TRAP_MUD        26       Stuck in mud trap
TRAP_BONEAV     27       Boneslide trap
TRAP_PIERCER    28       Piercer trap
TRAP_ETRAVEL    29       Ethereal-travel trap
TRAP_WEB        30       Sticky spider web trap

The syntax to set a trap in a room is as follows:
: *set r x <Trap#>

To set the exit room for a trap (or for room flags 1 and 63)
: *set r xx <room#>

To set the trigger weight for a trap:
: *set r xw <#>

To set the strength of a trap:     -- only used by piercers
: *set r xs <#>