 *  Original Diku Mud copyright (C) 1990, 1991 by Sebastian Hammer,        *
 *  Michael Seifert, Hans Henrik St{rfeldt, Tom Madsen, and Katja Nyboe.   *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Merc Diku Mud improvments copyright (C) 1992, 1993 by Michael          *
 *  Chastain, Michael Quan, and Mitchell Tse.                              *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Ack 2.2 improvements copyright (C) 1994 by Stephen Dooley              *
 *                                                                         *
 *  In order to use any part of this Merc Diku Mud, you must comply with   *
 *  both the original Diku license in 'license.doc' as well the Merc       *
 *  license in 'license.txt'.  In particular, you may not remove either of *
 *  these copyright notices.                                               *
 *                                                                         *
 *       _/          _/_/_/     _/    _/     _/    ACK! MUD is modified    *
 *      _/_/        _/          _/  _/       _/    Merc2.0/2.1/2.2 code    *
 *     _/  _/      _/           _/_/         _/    (c)Stephen Zepp 1998    *
 *    _/_/_/_/      _/          _/  _/             Version #: 4.3          *
 *   _/      _/      _/_/_/     _/    _/     _/                            *
 *                                                                         *
 *                                         *
 *                                        *
 *  Much time and thought has gone into this software and you are          *
 *  benefitting.  We hope that you share your changes too.  What goes      *
 *  around, comes around.                                                  *
 * _/_/_/_/  _/    _/  _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ AckFUSS is modified ACK!MUD 4.3.1 *
 * _/        _/    _/  _/       _/       copyright Matt Goff (Kline) 2008  *
 * _/_/      _/    _/  _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/                                   *
 * _/        _/    _/        _/       _/ Support for this code is provided *
 * _/        _/_/_/_/  _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ at -- check it out!*

#include "h/globals.h"

#ifndef DEC_ACT_COMM_H
#include "h/act_comm.h"

#ifndef DEC_ACT_MOB_H
#include "h/act_mob.h"

#ifndef DEC_ACT_MOVE_H
#include "h/act_move.h"

#ifndef DEC_ACT_OBJ_H
#include "h/act_obj.h"

#ifndef DEC_ACT_WIZ_H
#include "h/act_wiz.h"

#ifndef DEC_DB_H
#include "h/db.h"

#ifndef DEC_FIGHT_H
#include "h/fight.h"

#include "h/handler.h"

#ifndef DEC_HUNT_H
#include "h/hunt.h"

#ifndef DEC_INTERP_H
#include "h/interp.h"

#ifndef DEC_MACROS_H
#include "h/macros.h"

#ifndef DEC_MAGIC_H
#include "h/magic.h"

#ifndef DEC_SPEC_FUN_H
#include "h/spec_fun.h"

bool able_to_level( CHAR_DATA * ch )
   bool in_need = FALSE;

   if( ch->exp > ( 5 * exp_for_mobile( ch->level, ch ) ) )
      in_need = TRUE;

   return in_need;

void gain_level( CHAR_DATA * ch )
   int cost;
   char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];

   cost = 5 * exp_for_mobile( ch->level, ch );
   if( ch->exp < cost )

   ch->exp -= cost;
   ch->level = UMIN( 140, ch->level++ );

   snprintf( buf, MSL, "%s gains a level!", ch->get_name() );
   info( buf, 1 );

int find_spell( CHAR_DATA * ch, int type )
   int sn;
   int bar;
   int level;
   int spell = -1;
   int spell_level = -1;

   for( sn = 0; sn < MAX_SKILL; sn++ )
      if( skill_table[sn].name == NULL )
      if( skill_table[sn].slot == 0 )
      if( skill_table[sn].target != type )

      level = -1;
      for( bar = 0; bar < MAX_CLASS; bar++ )
         if( skill_table[sn].skill_level[bar] > level && ch->level >= skill_table[sn].skill_level[bar] )
            level = skill_table[sn].skill_level[bar];

      if( level == -1 ) /* not high enough to use */

      if( level > spell_level && mana_cost( ch, sn ) < ch->mana )
         spell = sn;
         spell_level = level;

   return spell;

void mob_group_follow( CHAR_DATA * ch, CHAR_DATA * target )
   char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
   CHAR_DATA *vch;
   int num;

   if( ( ch == NULL ) || ( target == NULL ) )
      snprintf( buf, MSL, "%s", "Null ch and/or target in mob_group_follow, exiting." );
      monitor_chan( buf, MONITOR_MOB );
   snprintf( buf, MSL, "Ok guys, let's all follow %s.", target->get_name() );
   do_say( ch, buf );

   for( vch = ch->in_room->first_person; vch != NULL; vch = vch->next_in_room )
      if( ( ch != vch ) && ( AI_MOB( vch ) ) && ( is_same_group( ch, vch ) ) )
         if( vch->position != POS_STANDING )
            do_stand( vch, "" );

         num = number_percent(  );

//  WAIT_STATE( vch, 275 );

         if( num > 85 )
            do_say( vch, "Ok boss.  Whatever you say." );
         else if( num > 70 )
            do_say( vch, "Alright!  More people, more power!" );
         else if( num > 55 )
            do_say( vch, "Whoo Hooo!" );
         else if( num > 35 )
            do_say( vch, "Sure thing." );
         else if( num > 29 )
            if( num > 32 )
               snprintf( buf, MSL, "Man I don't want to join %s's group!", target->get_name() );
               snprintf( buf, MSL, "I hate big groups." );
            do_say( vch, buf );
            do_follow( vch, const_cast<char *>(vch->name.c_str()) );
            do_say( vch, "I'm outta here." );
            do_recall( vch, "" );

         if( !can_see( vch, target ) )
            vch->master = target;
            vch->leader = NULL;
            do_follow( vch, const_cast<char *>(target->name.c_str()) );
         do_group( target, "all" );


void get_mob_group( CHAR_DATA * ch, CHAR_DATA * target )
   CHAR_DATA *vch;
   bool ch_is_leader = FALSE;
   bool tar_is_leader = FALSE;
   bool is_hunting = FALSE;
   bool ch_is_higher = FALSE;
   char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
   int number_of_tar_group = 1;
   int number_of_ch_group = 1;

   ch_is_leader = is_group_leader( ch );
   tar_is_leader = is_group_leader( target );

   if( tar_is_leader == TRUE )
      for( vch = ch->in_room->first_person; vch != NULL; vch = vch->next_in_room )
         if( !AI_MOB( vch ) )
         if( vch != target && is_same_group( vch, target ) )
            number_of_tar_group = number_of_tar_group + 1;
         if( vch != ch && is_same_group( ch, vch ) )
            number_of_ch_group = number_of_ch_group + 1;

   do_say( ch, "Hello there.  What are you up to?" );

//   WAIT_STATE( target, 560 );

   if( target->hunting != NULL )
      is_hunting = TRUE;
      if( tar_is_leader == TRUE )
         snprintf( buf, MSL, "We're planning on killing %s.", target->hunting->get_name() );
         snprintf( buf, MSL, "I'm planning on killing %s.", target->hunting->get_name() );
      do_say( target, buf );
      do_say( target, "Nothing.  Just hanging around." );

   WAIT_STATE( ch, 275 );

    * check to see which of the two is higher. the higher mob will lead
   if( ch->get_level("psuedo") >= target->get_level("psuedo") )
      ch_is_higher = TRUE;

    * if ch is higher in levels and victim is hunting, then say
    * * appropriate line.
   if( ( ch_is_higher == FALSE ) && ( is_hunting == TRUE ) )
      do_say( ch, "Oh really?  Cool!  Need any help?" );
   else if( ( ch_is_higher == FALSE ) && ( is_hunting == FALSE ) )
      do_say( ch, "Great!  Since you're not doing anything, wanna group?" );
   else if( ( ch_is_higher == TRUE ) && ( is_hunting == TRUE ) )
      if( ch_is_leader == TRUE )
         snprintf( buf, MSL, "Want to help us kill %s instead?", ch->hunting->get_name() );
         do_say( ch, buf );
      else if( ch_is_leader == FALSE )
         snprintf( buf, MSL, "Want to help me kill %s instead?", ch->hunting->get_name() );
         do_say( ch, buf );
   else if( ( ch_is_higher == TRUE ) && ( ch->hunting == FALSE ) )
      do_say( ch, "Want to group?" );
   WAIT_STATE( target, 275 );

   if( ch_is_higher == TRUE )
      do_say( target, "Ok sure!  Thanks for asking." );

      if( tar_is_leader == TRUE )
         mob_group_follow( target, ch );
      do_follow( target, const_cast<char *>(ch->name.c_str()) );
      do_group( ch, const_cast<char *>(target->name.c_str()) );
      do_say( target, "Ok, why not!?  Follow me." );

      WAIT_STATE( ch, 275 );

      do_say( ch, "Cool!" );

      if( ch_is_leader == TRUE )
         mob_group_follow( ch, target );
      do_follow( ch, const_cast<char *>(target->name.c_str()) );
      do_group( target, const_cast<char *>(target->name.c_str()) );

/* returns false if mob needed to cast a room affect spell */
bool ready_heal_room( CHAR_DATA * ch )
   bool ready = TRUE;

   if( ( !IS_SET( ch->in_room->affected_by, ROOM_BV_HEAL_REGEN ) ) && ( ch->hit < ch->max_hit * 75 / 100 ) )
      if( ch->mana >= mana_cost( ch, skill_lookup( "healing light" ) ) )
         ready = FALSE;
         do_cast( ch, "'healing light'" );
         return ready;

   if( ( !IS_SET( ch->in_room->affected_by, ROOM_BV_MANA_REGEN ) ) && ( ch->mana < ch->max_mana * 75 / 100 ) )
      if( ch->mana >= mana_cost( ch, skill_lookup( "mana flare" ) ) )
         ready = FALSE;
         do_cast( ch, "'mana flare'" );
         return ready;

   return ready;

/* checks to see if mob needs to stand up for any reason, if so then stand. */
void need_to_stand( CHAR_DATA * ch )
   int current_state;
   CHAR_DATA *vch;

   current_state = ch->position;

    * if someone in your group is fighting, get up 
   for( vch = ch->in_room->first_person; vch != NULL; vch = vch->next_in_room )
      if( ( is_same_group( ch, vch ) ) && ( vch->position == POS_FIGHTING ) )
         get_up( ch, current_state );

    * if your leader is up and ready to move, get up 
   if( ( ch->leader != NULL )
       && ( ch->in_room == ch->leader->in_room )
       && ( ch->leader->position == POS_STANDING )
       && ( ch->leader->hit >= ch->leader->max_hit * 85 / 100 ) && ( ch->leader->mana >= ch->leader->max_mana * 85 / 100 ) )
      get_up( ch, current_state );

    * Do you need heal? if so, can you heal?
   if( ch->hit < ch->max_hit * 85 / 100 )
      if( ( ch->mana >= mana_cost( ch, skill_lookup( "heal" ) ) )
          || ( ch->mana >= mana_cost( ch, skill_lookup( "cure critical" ) ) )
          || ( ch->mana >= mana_cost( ch, skill_lookup( "cure serious" ) ) ) )
         get_up( ch, current_state );


    * if there is an int mob in the room stand so that you can group with
    * * it
   if( ch->leader == NULL )
      for( vch = ch->in_room->first_person; vch != NULL; vch = vch->next_in_room )
         if( ( AI_MOB( vch ) )
             && ( vch->leader == NULL )
             && ( !is_same_group( vch, ch ) )
             && ( AI_MOB(vch) )
             && ( vch != ch )
             && ( ( vch->get_level("psuedo") - ch->get_level("psuedo") <= 20 )
                  && ( vch->get_level("psuedo") - ch->get_level("psuedo") >= -20 ) ) )
            get_up( ch, current_state );

    * if you're ready to move, stand 
   if( ( ch->hit >= ch->max_hit * 85 / 100 ) && ( ch->mana >= ch->max_mana * 85 / 100 ) )
      get_up( ch, current_state );


void get_up( CHAR_DATA * ch, int current_state )

   if( current_state == POS_SLEEPING )
      do_wake( ch, "" );
   else if( current_state == POS_RESTING )
      do_stand( ch, "" );


void mob_regen_check( CHAR_DATA * ch, CHAR_DATA * target, bool need_flee )
   char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];

   if( target == NULL )
      target = ch;

   if( ch->mana >= mana_cost( ch, skill_lookup( "heal" ) ) )
      snprintf( buf, MSL, "'heal' %s", target->name.c_str() );
   else if( ch->mana >= mana_cost( ch, skill_lookup( "cure critical" ) ) )
      snprintf( buf, MSL, "'cure critical' %s", target->name.c_str() );
   else if( ch->mana >= mana_cost( ch, skill_lookup( "cure serious" ) ) )
      snprintf( buf, MSL, "'cure serious' %s", target->name.c_str() );
   else if( need_flee == TRUE )
      do_flee( ch, "" );
   else if( need_flee == FALSE )

   do_cast( ch, buf );

void mob_is_fighting( CHAR_DATA * ch )
   CHAR_DATA *vch;
   CHAR_DATA *target = NULL;
   bool is_being_attacked = FALSE;
   bool need_flee = FALSE;

    * check to see if you are the one being attacked 
   for( vch = ch->in_room->first_person; vch != NULL; vch = vch->next_in_room )
      if( vch->fighting == ch )
         is_being_attacked = TRUE;

    * if you have a leader and he/she is present, they should rescue you if
    * * you are being attacked, else you should check on them in case they
    * * need heals
   if( ( ch->leader != NULL ) && ( ch->leader->in_room == ch->in_room ) )

      target = ch->leader;

      if( is_being_attacked == TRUE && target != ch )
         do_rescue( target, const_cast<char *>(ch->name.c_str()) );
      else if( target->hit < target->max_hit * 50 / 100 )
         mob_regen_check( ch, target, need_flee );
         for( vch = ch->in_room->first_person; vch != NULL; vch = vch->next_in_room )
            if( ( is_same_group( ch, vch ) ) && ( vch->hit < vch->max_hit * 20 / 100 ) )
               mob_regen_check( ch, vch, need_flee );


    * if flow reaches here, you are the tank 
    * either heal yourself or flee 
   if( ch->hit < ch->max_hit * 50 / 100 )
      if( ch->hit < ch->max_hit * 20 / 100 )
         need_flee = TRUE;
      mob_regen_check( ch, target, need_flee );


void power_up_mob( CHAR_DATA * ch )
   int num_percent;

    * you can only have one cloak spell 
      num_percent = number_percent(  );

      if( num_percent > 75 )
         if( ch->mana >= mana_cost( ch, skill_lookup( "cloak:flaming" ) ) )
            do_cast( ch, "'cloak:flaming'" );

      if( num_percent > 50 )
         if( ch->mana >= mana_cost( ch, skill_lookup( "cloak:reflection" ) ) )
            do_cast( ch, "cloak:reflection" );

      if( num_percent > 25 )
         if( ch->mana >= mana_cost( ch, skill_lookup( "cloak:absorption" ) ) )
            do_cast( ch, "cloak:absorption" );

    * usually i only have mobs do one thing per round but what they hell 
    * * let the kids have their fun :) 
      if( ch->mana >= mana_cost( ch, skill_lookup( "sanctuary" ) ) )
         do_cast( ch, "sanctuary" );
   if( !IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_PROTECT ) )
      if( ch->mana >= mana_cost( ch, skill_lookup( "protection" ) ) )
         do_cast( ch, "protection" );
   if( !IS_AFFECTED( ch, skill_lookup( "bless" ) ) )
      if( ch->mana >= mana_cost( ch, skill_lookup( "bless" ) ) )
         do_cast( ch, "bless" );
   if( !IS_AFFECTED( ch, skill_lookup( "stone skin" ) ) )
      if( ch->mana >= mana_cost( ch, skill_lookup( "stone skin" ) ) )
         do_cast( ch, "stone" );

void mob_is_standing( CHAR_DATA * ch )
   short dir;
   CHAR_DATA *vch;
   CHAR_DATA *tch;
   list<CHAR_DATA *>::iterator li;
   bool ready = TRUE;
   bool prey_still_exist = FALSE;
   int number_got_up = 0;
   int number_of_group = 1;
   int number_of_other_group = 1;

    * get a light source 
   if( ch->in_room->light <= 0 )
      if( ch->mana >= mana_cost( ch, skill_lookup( "continual light" ) ) )
         do_cast( ch, "'continual light'" );
         do_get( ch, "all" );
         do_wear( ch, "all" );

   if( ( IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_POISON ) ) || ( IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_BLIND ) ) )
      if( IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_POISON ) )
         if( ch->mana >= mana_cost( ch, skill_lookup( "cure poison" ) ) )
            do_cast( ch, "'cure poison'" );
      if( IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_BLIND ) )
         if( ch->mana >= mana_cost( ch, skill_lookup( "cure blindness" ) ) )
            do_cast( ch, "'cure blindness'" );

    * is anyone in group being attacked? if so, assist! 
    * -leaders will be forced to rescue in the 'mob_is_fighting' function
    * * already so no need to check for it here 
   for( vch = ch->in_room->first_person; vch != NULL; vch = vch->next_in_room )
      if( ( is_same_group( ch, vch ) ) && ( vch->fighting != NULL ) && ( vch != ch ) )
         do_assist( ch, "" );
   if( ch->leader == NULL )
      for( vch = ch->in_room->first_person; vch != NULL; vch = vch->next_in_room )
         if( is_same_group( ch, vch ) && ( ch != vch ) )
            number_of_group = number_of_group + 1;
      if( number_of_group < 4 )
         for( vch = ch->in_room->first_person; vch != NULL; vch = vch->next_in_room )
            if( vch->leader != NULL )

            if( ( vch != ch ) && ( IS_NPC( vch ) )
                && ( AI_MOB(vch) )
                && ( !is_same_group( ch, vch ) )
                && ( vch->position == POS_STANDING )
                && ( ( vch->get_level("psuedo") - ch->get_level("psuedo") <= 20
                       && vch->get_level("psuedo") - ch->get_level("psuedo") >= -20 )
                     || ( ch->get_level("psuedo") - vch->get_level("psuedo") <= 20
                          && ch->get_level("psuedo") - vch->get_level("psuedo") >= -20 ) )
                && ( can_see( vch, ch ) ) && ( can_see( ch, vch ) ) )

               if( vch->leader == NULL )
                  for( tch = vch->in_room->first_person; tch != NULL; tch = tch->next_in_room )
                     if( is_same_group( tch, vch ) && ( tch != vch ) )
                        number_of_other_group = number_of_other_group + 1;

               if( number_of_group + number_of_other_group <= 4 )
                  get_mob_group( ch, vch );

    * do you need to heal? 
   if( ch->hit < ch->max_hit * 85 / 100 )
      if( ( ch->mana >= mana_cost( ch, skill_lookup( "heal" ) ) )
          || ( ch->mana >= mana_cost( ch, skill_lookup( "cure critical" ) ) )
          || ( ch->mana >= mana_cost( ch, skill_lookup( "cure serious" ) ) ) )

         mob_regen_check( ch, NULL, FALSE );

       * if leader is ready to move, just keep standing 
      if( ( ch->leader != NULL )
          && ( ch->leader->in_room == ch->in_room )
          && ( ch->leader->position == POS_STANDING )
          && ( ch->leader->mana >= ch->leader->max_mana * 85 / 100 )
          && ( ch->leader->hit >= ch->leader->max_hit * 85 / 100 ) )
         if( ch->mana >= ch->max_mana * 75 / 100 )
            ready = ready_heal_room( ch );

         if( ready == TRUE )
            do_sleep( ch, "" );


   if( ch->mana < ch->max_mana * 85 / 100 )
      do_sleep( ch, "" );

    * do you need to level? if you have a group leader, have the leader 
    * * find a the trainer. if you are the leader just go and find the
    * * trainer 

// ZEN FIX Have them recall then hunt the room

   if( able_to_level( ch ) )
      char_from_room( ch );
      char_to_room( ch, get_room_index( 3758 ) );
      gain_level( ch );
      dir = h_find_dir ( get_room_index(ch->in_room->vnum), 
			 ch->hunt_flags );

      if (  dir == -1  )
	 gain_level ( ch );
	 if (  ( ch->leader != NULL )
	    && ( ch->leader->in_room == ch->in_room )  )
	    hunt_move ( ch->leader, dir );
	    end_hunt ( ch->leader );
	    hunt_move ( ch, dir );
      }  */

    * if you're leader and you don't need to gain level, does anyone else 
    * * in the group? 
    * actually, the above function will force the leader to find a trainer 
    * * already.  but since i don't want the leader to select a new target 
    * * until the group gains the needed level, i'll put this check here 
   for( vch = ch->in_room->first_person; vch != NULL; vch = vch->next_in_room )
      if( ( is_same_group( vch, ch ) )
          && ( vch->in_room == ch->in_room ) && ( vch->leader == ch ) && ( able_to_level( vch ) ) )
         dir = h_find_dir( get_room_index( ch->in_room->vnum ), get_room_index( ROOM_VNUM_INT_HEAL ), ch->hunt_flags );
         hunt_move( ch, dir );

    * if noone needs to heal or gain level, then let's hunt! 
    * by the way, only leaders will hunt. followers will just follow and 
    * * assist when needed 
   if( ( ch->leader != NULL ) && ( ch->leader->in_room == ch->in_room ) && ( ch->hunting != NULL ) )
      end_hunt( ch );
   else if( ( ch->leader != NULL ) && ( ch->leader->in_room == ch->in_room ) && ( ch->hunting == NULL ) )
   else if( is_group_leader( ch ) )
      for( vch = ch->in_room->first_person; vch != NULL; vch = vch->next_in_room )
         if( ( vch != ch ) && ( is_same_group( vch, ch ) ) && ( vch->position != POS_STANDING ) )
            get_up( vch, vch->position );
            number_got_up = number_got_up + 1;
      if( number_got_up != 0 )
      if( ch->hunting != NULL )
         for( li = char_list.begin(); li != char_list.end(); li++ )
            vch = *li;
            if( vch == ch->hunting )
               prey_still_exist = TRUE;

         if( prey_still_exist == FALSE )
            ch->hunting = NULL;
      if( ch->hunting == NULL && ch->leader == NULL )
         select_target( ch );

    * power_up_mob ( ch ); 

    * if (  ch->leader != NULL 
    * && ch->in_room != ch->leader->in_room )
    * {
    * do_follow( ch, ch->name );
    * }  



bool valid_target( CHAR_DATA * ch, CHAR_DATA * victim, int l )
    * Return TRUE if victim is a valid target for ch to kill. 

    * don't hunt people you can't even see 
   if( !can_see( ch, victim ) )
      return FALSE;

    * Don't attack group members or self! 
   if( is_same_group( ch, victim ) )
      return FALSE;

    * Don't attack other int mobs! 
   if( IS_NPC( victim ) && AI_MOB(victim) )
      return FALSE;

    * Don't attack players.... except for have spec_vamp_hunter
   if( ( !IS_NPC( victim ) ) && ( !IS_NPC(ch) && ( ch->npcdata->spec_fun != spec_lookup( "spec_vamp_hunter" ) ) ) )
      return FALSE;

    * don't attack fairy godmother
   if( IS_NPC( victim ) )
      if( victim->npcdata->pIndexData->vnum == 1026 )
         return FALSE;

    * if IS vamp_hunter, make sure target is a player vamp

   if( ( IS_VAMP( victim ) ) && ( !IS_NPC( victim ) ) && ( !IS_NPC(ch) && ( ch->npcdata->spec_fun != spec_lookup( "spec_vamp_hunter" ) ) ) )
      return FALSE;

    * don't attack NPC VAMPS (they can't die )
   if( ( IS_VAMP( victim ) ) && ( IS_NPC( victim ) ) )
      return FALSE;

    * Only kill victims of similar level
   if( ( ( victim->get_level("psuedo") - ch->get_level("psuedo") ) > -7 )
       || ( ( ch->get_level("psuedo") - victim->get_level("psuedo") ) > 12 ) )
      return FALSE;

//   if ( ( IS_GOOD( ch )    && IS_GOOD( victim    ) )
//   || (   IS_EVIL( ch )    && IS_EVIL( victim    ) )
//   || (   IS_NEUTRAL( ch ) && IS_NEUTRAL( victim ) ) )
//      return FALSE;

   if( ( !IS_NPC(ch) && ( ch->npcdata->spec_fun == spec_lookup( "spec_vamp_hunter" ) ) ) && ( IS_NPC( victim ) ) && ( number_percent(  ) < 20 ) )
      return FALSE;

   if( victim->in_room->room_flags.test(RFLAG_SAFE) || victim->act.test(ACT_SOLO) )
        * || ( IS_SET( victim->in_room->room_flags, ROOM_JAIL_CELL ) ) 
      return FALSE;

   return TRUE;

void select_target( CHAR_DATA * ch )
    * Find a new target for the group to go after 
   int average_level;
//   int        tmp   = 0;
   CHAR_DATA *vch;
   CHAR_DATA *victim = NULL;
   list<CHAR_DATA *>::iterator li;
   char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
   int force_index = 0;
   bool alone = TRUE;
   bool mob_is_leader = FALSE;
   short attempts;

    * mobs were doing ethereal travel too much... i've now lowered it to 
    * * 15% of the time and only if they are not hunting 

   mob_is_leader = is_group_leader( ch );
   if( ( number_percent(  ) < 15 ) && ( ch->hunting == NULL ) && ( ch->in_room->vnum != ROOM_VNUM_ETHEREAL_PLANE ) )

/* was victim == NULL, that's always true at this point.. Zen */

      if( mob_is_leader == TRUE )
         for( vch = ch->in_room->first_person; vch != NULL; vch = vch->next_in_room )
            if( ( is_same_group( ch, vch ) ) == TRUE )
               if( vch->mana < mana_cost( vch, skill_lookup( "ethereal travel" ) ) )
      if( ch->mana < mana_cost( ch, skill_lookup( "ethereal travel" ) ) )

      do_say( ch, "This place is boring! I am gonna go somewhere else!" );
      for( vch = ch->in_room->first_person; vch != NULL; vch = vch->next_in_room )
         if( ( is_same_group( vch, ch ) ) && ( ch != vch ) )
            do_say( vch, "Yeah, it is--we're outta here!" );
            do_cast( vch, "ethereal" );
      do_cast( ch, "ethereal" );
       * keeps checking until you've found a valid target
      attempts = 0;
      while( ( victim == NULL ) && ( attempts < 15 ) )
// ZEN FIX set average level based on level of ngroup
         average_level = ch->get_level("psuedo");

         force_index = number_range( 1, mob_index_list.size() );

         for( li = char_list.begin(); li != char_list.end(); li++ )
            vch = *li;
            if( victim != NULL )
            if( force_index > 0 )

            if( valid_target( ch, vch, average_level ) )
                * Trick used in  something else... 
               if( number_range( 0, 1 ) == 0 )
                  victim = vch;
               if( victim == NULL ) /* screwed up somehow */
               if( !IS_NPC( victim ) )
                  for( vch = ch->in_room->first_person; vch != NULL; vch = vch->next_in_room )
                     if( is_same_group( ch, vch ) )
                        alone = FALSE;
                  if( alone == FALSE )
                     snprintf( buf, MSL, "%s We're coming for you!", victim->name.c_str() );
                     do_tell( ch, buf );
                     snprintf( buf, MSL, "%s I'm coming for you!", victim->name.c_str() );
                     do_tell( ch, buf );

      if( set_hunt( ch, NULL, victim, NULL, HUNT_WORLD | HUNT_PICKDOOR | HUNT_CR, HUNT_MERC ) )
         snprintf( buf, MSL, "Right!  %s is our new target!!", victim->get_name() );
         do_say( ch, buf );



static const char *group_state_table[] = {
   "@@eCritical Healing@@N",
   "@@eCritical Mana@@N",
   "@@cNormal Healing@@N",
   "@@cNormal Mana@@N",
   "@@yGetting EQ@@N",

/* i have condensed this function to just three states: MOB_FIGHTING, 
 * MOB_RESTING/ MOB_SLEEPING, and MOB_STANDING. each of these three states 
 * will call it's appropriate function. */
void int_group_handler( NPC_GROUP_DATA * ngroup )
   CHAR_DATA *follower = NULL;
   CHAR_DATA *leader = ngroup->leader;
   DL_LIST *follower_ptr;
//  short followers_want = GRP_STATE_NO_CHANGE;
   short leader_wants = GRP_STATE_NO_CHANGE;
   short group_count = 1; // start with leader
   char monbuf[MSL];

   if( leader == NULL )
      monitor_chan( "No Leader in NPC_GROUP", MONITOR_MOB );

// check for followers needs
   for( follower_ptr = ngroup->first_follower; follower_ptr; follower_ptr = follower_ptr->next )
      // check for needing healing, levelling
      follower = (CHAR_DATA *)follower_ptr->this_one;

// check for leader's needs

   if( leader->hit < leader->max_hit * 25 / 100 )
      leader_wants = GRP_STATE_CRIT_HEAL;
   else if( leader->mana < leader->max_mana * 25 / 100 )
      leader_wants = GRP_STATE_CRIT_MANA;
   else if( leader->hit < leader->max_hit * 60 / 100 )
      leader_wants = GRP_STATE_NORM_HEAL;
   else if( leader->mana < leader->max_mana * 50 / 100 )
      leader_wants = GRP_STATE_NORM_MANA;
   else if( able_to_level( leader ) )
      leader_wants = GRP_STATE_LEVELING;
   snprintf( monbuf, MSL, "NPC Group Handler, Leader is %s, state is %s", ngroup->leader->name.c_str(), group_state_table[ngroup->state] );
   monitor_chan( monbuf, MONITOR_MOB );

   switch ( ngroup->state )

         bool everyone_ready = TRUE;
         bool room_ready = FALSE;
//      ready_heal_room( leader );
         if( ( leader->mana < leader->max_mana * 85 / 100 ) || ( leader->hit < leader->max_hit * 85 / 100 ) )
            everyone_ready = FALSE;
            if( ( ( room_ready = ready_heal_room( leader ) ) == TRUE ) || ( leader->mana < leader->max_mana * 20 / 100 ) )
               do_sleep( leader, "" );
            do_stand( leader, "" );
         for( follower_ptr = ngroup->first_follower; follower_ptr; follower_ptr = follower_ptr->next )
            follower = (CHAR_DATA *)follower_ptr->this_one;
            if( ( follower->mana < follower->max_mana * 75 / 100 ) || ( follower->hit < follower->max_hit * 75 / 100 ) )
               everyone_ready = FALSE;
               do_sleep( follower, "" );
               do_stand( follower, "" );
         if( everyone_ready == TRUE )
            ngroup->state = GRP_STATE_IDLE;
      case GRP_STATE_FIGHT:
      {  // violence_update will handle
         if( ( leader_wants < GRP_STATE_HUNTING ) || ( leader->fighting == NULL ) )
            bool someone_still_fighting = FALSE;

            ngroup->state = GRP_STATE_FLEE;
            for( follower_ptr = ngroup->first_follower; follower_ptr; follower_ptr = follower_ptr->next )
               follower = (CHAR_DATA *)follower_ptr->this_one;
               if( follower->fighting != NULL )
                  do_flee( follower, "" );
                  someone_still_fighting = TRUE;
            if( someone_still_fighting == FALSE )
               ngroup->state = GRP_STATE_REFORM;
            if( leader->fighting != NULL )
               do_flee( leader, "" );


      case GRP_STATE_FLEE:
         bool someone_still_fighting = FALSE;
         for( follower_ptr = ngroup->first_follower; follower_ptr; follower_ptr = follower_ptr->next )
            follower = (CHAR_DATA *)follower_ptr->this_one;
            if( follower->fighting != NULL )
               do_flee( follower, "" );
               someone_still_fighting = TRUE;
         if( leader->fighting != NULL )
            do_flee( leader, "" );
            someone_still_fighting = TRUE;
         if( someone_still_fighting == FALSE )
            ngroup->state = GRP_STATE_REFORM;

      case GRP_STATE_IDLE:
//      check_re_equip( leader );
//      check_rewield( leader );
         if( leader_wants < GRP_STATE_NO_CHANGE )
            ngroup->state = leader_wants;
         else if( number_percent(  ) < 40 )
            select_target( ngroup->leader );
            ngroup->state = GRP_STATE_HUNTING;
      {  // poll followers later
         short move_dir;

         if( leader->fighting != NULL )
            ngroup->state = GRP_STATE_FIGHT;
         if( leader->hunting == NULL )
//        snprintf( monbuf, MSL, "Leader %s not hunting anything in GRP_STATE_HUNTING",
//              leader->name );
//        monitor_chan( monbuf, MONITOR_MOB );
            select_target( ngroup->leader );
         if( leader->in_room == leader->hunting->in_room )
            ngroup->state = GRP_STATE_FIGHT;
            one_hit( leader, leader->hunting, TYPE_UNDEFINED );
         move_dir = h_find_dir( leader->in_room, leader->hunting->in_room,
                                HUNT_WORLD | HUNT_OPENDOOR | HUNT_UNLOCKDOOR | HUNT_PICKDOOR );
         if( move_dir < 0 )   // can't get there from here
            ngroup->state = GRP_STATE_LOST;
         hunt_move( leader, move_dir );
         char_from_room( leader );
         char_to_room( leader, get_room_index( 3758 ) );
         if( able_to_level( leader ) )
            gain_level( leader );
         for( follower_ptr = ngroup->first_follower; follower_ptr; follower_ptr = follower_ptr->next )
            follower = (CHAR_DATA *)follower_ptr->this_one;
            if( able_to_level( follower ) )
               gain_level( follower );
         ngroup->state = GRP_STATE_IDLE;
      case GRP_STATE_REFORM:
         bool all_are_here = TRUE;
         for( follower_ptr = ngroup->first_follower; follower_ptr; follower_ptr = follower_ptr->next )
            follower = (CHAR_DATA *)follower_ptr->this_one;
            if( follower->in_room != leader->in_room )
               short move_dir;
               all_are_here = FALSE;
               move_dir = h_find_dir( follower->in_room, leader->in_room,
                                      HUNT_WORLD | HUNT_OPENDOOR | HUNT_UNLOCKDOOR | HUNT_PICKDOOR );
               if( move_dir < 0 )   // can't get there from here
                  ngroup->state = GRP_STATE_LOST;
               hunt_move( follower, move_dir );
         if( all_are_here == TRUE )
            ngroup->state = GRP_STATE_IDLE;


void int_handler( CHAR_DATA * ch )
   int current_state;

   current_state = ch->position;

    * if you're fighting check on your condition 
   if( current_state == POS_FIGHTING )
      mob_is_fighting( ch );

    * if you are resting or sleeping, check to see if you need to stand up 
   if( current_state != POS_STANDING )
      need_to_stand( ch );

    * cheat so that players cannot get easy xp from almost dead int mobs 
    * not sure where to place this yet -- will look at this later 
   if( ch->hit < 100 )
      ch->hit = ch->max_hit * 50 / 100;
      ch->mana = ch->max_mana * 50 / 100;

    * by now you should be standing 
   mob_is_standing( ch );

/* i've never learned cases before so i'm pretty much leaving this one 
 * alone, except for taking out the one_arguement() function */
void int_combat_handler( CHAR_DATA * ch, CHAR_DATA * victim )
    * Called from fight.c during combat to enable mobs to use spells and
    * skills.  ACT_INTELLIGENT mobs can call cast() now.
    * --Stephen   

   char arg[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
   char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
   CHAR_DATA *vch;
   int sn;
   int counter = 1;

   if( number_percent(  ) < 65 )

   for( vch = ch->in_room->first_person; vch != NULL; vch = vch->next_in_room )
      if( vch == victim )
         snprintf( buf, MSL, "%d.%s", counter, vch->name.c_str() );

      counter = counter + 1;

   switch ( number_range( 0, 5 ) )  /* Pick a skill or a spell */
      case 0:
      case 1:
      case 2:
      case 3:
          * Use a skill 
         switch ( number_range( 0, 5 ) )
            case 0:
               snprintf( arg, MSL, "frenzy" );
            case 1:
               snprintf( arg, MSL, "punch %s", buf );
            case 2:
               snprintf( arg, MSL, "knee %s", buf );
            case 3:
               snprintf( arg, MSL, "headbutt %s", buf );
            case 4:
               snprintf( arg, MSL, "punch %s", buf );
            case 5:
               snprintf( arg, MSL, "dirt %s", buf );
         interpret( ch, arg );
         do_say( ch, buf );
         sn = find_spell( ch, TAR_CHAR_OFFENSIVE );
         if( ( sn != -1 ) && ( ch->mana > mana_cost( ch, sn ) ) )
            snprintf( arg, MSL, "cast '%s' %s", skill_table[sn].name, buf );
            interpret( ch, arg );