
Taglines are HTML-like tags that can be used in room, mob, and obj descriptions
to make them more dynamic. If a tagline matches, the portion within it will be
displayed, if it doesn't match, it won't be shown.

Example description:
 You are in a large room with no exits, oh no! [#immortal: Hey, you're an imm!
 you can make your own exit!]

To a non-immortal, it would display only the first half, prior to the [#immortal:]
tag. Immortals, however, would see the first half and the extra text within the tag.

Tag Name                           Usage
----------                         ----------
str                                [#str < 9: You're a weakling!]
int                                [#int > 15: You're a smart cookie.]
wis                                [#wis == 10: You're no wiser than normal.]
dex                                [#dex >= 9: You're no more nimble than normal.]
con                                [#con <= 17: You've been sick an average amount.]
hp                                 [#hp < 100: Your health is too low for this area.]
mp                                 [#mp > 1000: You have a lot of mana!]
mv                                 [#mv <= 50: Your movement is critical!]
maxhp                              [#maxhp > 1000: You have more than 1000 health.]
maxmp                              [#maxmp < 1000: You have less than 100 mana.]
maxmv                              [#maxmv == 1000: You have exactly 1000 moves.]
hr                                 [#hr > 100: Your attacks are amazingly accurate.]
dr                                 [#dr > 100: Your attacks are very strong.]
ac                                 [#ac < -100: You take little damage.]
age                                [#age != 17: You're not 17!]
sun                                [#sun sunrise: The sun is coming up.]
time                               [#time > 19: Thieves come out with the night.]
day                                [#day >= 10: Half the month has already passed.]
month                              [#month == 1: This is the first month of the year!]
moonloc                            [#moonloc low: The moon is low in the sky.]
moonphase                          [#moonphase full: A full moon is visible tonight.]
weather                            [#weather rain: Puddles of rain pool on the ground.]
level                              [#level > 80: You're no longer a mortal, woohoo!]
alignment                          [#alignment good: You bask in the glory of God.]
sex                                [#sex male: You're a dude, dude.]
race                               [#race human: Humans are the most versitile race.]
class                              [#class mag: Mages are adept in the arts of magic.]
remort                             [#remort ass: Stealthy and quick is the Assassin.]
hungry                             [#hungry: The bread looks very inviting...]
thirsty                            [#thirsty: The water fountain looks cool and refreshing.]
immortal                           [#immortal: You're an imm, woo!]
drunk                              [#drunk: Hic! .. You can't see your feet anymore...]
position                           [#position standing: Standing tall for all to see is you!]
isname                             [#isname Kline: You're Kline. You RULE!]
istitle                            [#istitle ' the pious': You seem like a very Holy person.]
clan                               [#clan Alpha: You seem to be a clan Alpha member...Look out!]
super                              [#super vamp: Vampire! Run from the guards!]
name                               [#name: I see you there, $.]

Tag Name                           Arguments
----------                         ----------
all stats                          >, <, ==, >=, <=, !=
age                                >, <, ==, >=, <=, !=
sun                                day, night, sunrise, sunset
time                               >, <, ==, >=, <=, != (Time is in hours, from 0 - 24)
day                                >, <, ==, >=, <=, != (There are 20 days to a month)
month                              >, <, ==, >=, <=, != (There are 8 months in a year)
moonloc                            down, rise, low, peak, fall, set
moonphase                          new, waxcre, waxhalf, waxgib, full, wangib, wanhalf, wancre
weather                            clear, cloudy, rain, lightning
level                              >, <, ==, >=, <=, != (Uses psuedo level: mort + (remort / 4))
alignment                          >, <, ==, >=, <=, !=, good, neutral, evil
sex                                neutral, male, female
race                               any race name
class                              any mortal class abbr (Checks for primary class)
remort                             any remortal class abbr
hungry                             none
thirsty                            none
immortal                           none
drunk                              none
position                           resting, standing, fighting
isname                             any name (1 word)
istitle                            any string within 'quotes', add a leading space, ie: ' cool title'
clan                               any clan name, multiple words within 'quotes'
super                              vamp, wolf, hunter
name                               none