 *  God Wars Mud copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996 by Richard Woolcock        *
 *  									   *
 *  Legend of Chrystancia copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001 by Matthew Little *
 *  This mud is NOT to be copied in whole or in part, or to be run without *
 *  the permission of Matthew Little. Nobody else has permission to        *
 *  authorise the use of this code.                                        *
#define ARTITABLE_FILE "../db/artitable.db"
#define MAX_ARTI 45

#define TODO_FILE	"../db/todo.db"

/* typedef       struct  todo_data       TODO_DATA; */
typedef struct	change_data	CHANGE_DATA;

CHANGE_DATA	*changelist;
CHANGE_DATA	*lastchange;
int numofchanges;

struct change_data
  char *name;
  char *date;
  char *txt;
  int num;
  long id;
  CHANGE_DATA *next;
  CHANGE_DATA *prev;

/* new stuff for quotes */
typedef struct	change_data	QUOTE_DATA;

QUOTE_DATA	*quotelist;
QUOTE_DATA	*lastquote;
int numofquotes;

struct quote_data
  char *name;
  char *date;
  char *txt;
  int num;
  long id;
  QUOTE_DATA *next;
  QUOTE_DATA *prev;

struct arti_data
  char * player;
  char * where;
  char * name;
  int vnum;
struct arti_data arti_table[MAX_ARTI+1];

struct	todo_data
    TODO_DATA *	next;
    TODO_DATA *	prev;
    char *	name;
    bool	complete;
    char *	text;
extern TODO_DATA *	first_todo;
extern TODO_DATA *	last_todo;