usage: valgrind [options] prog-and-args

  common user options for all Valgrind tools, with defaults in [ ]:
    --tool=<name>             Use the Valgrind tool named <name> [memcheck]
    --help                    show this message
    --version                 show version
    -q --quiet                run silently; only print error msgs
    -v --verbose              be more verbose, incl counts of errors
    --trace-children=no|yes   Valgrind-ise child processes? [no]
    --track-fds=no|yes        Track open file descriptors? [no]

  uncommon user options for all Valgrind tools:
    --run-libc-freeres=no|yes Free up glibc memory at exit? [yes]
    --weird-hacks=hack1,hack2,...  [none]
         recognised hacks are: ioctl-VTIME truncate-writes lax-ioctls
    --signal-polltime=<time>  time, in mS, we should poll for signals.
                              Only applies for older kernels which need
                              signal routing [50]
    --lowlat-signals=no|yes   improve wake-up latency when a thread receives
			       a signal [no]
    --lowlat-syscalls=no|yes  improve wake-up latency when a thread's
			       syscall completes [no]
    --pointercheck=no|yes     enforce client address space limits [yes]

  user options for Valgrind tools that report errors:
    --logfile-fd=<number>     file descriptor for messages [2=stderr]
    --logfile=<file>          log messages to <file>.pid<pid>
    --logsocket=ipaddr:port   log messages to socket ipaddr:port
    --demangle=no|yes         automatically demangle C++ names? [yes]
    --num-callers=<number>    show <num> callers in stack traces [4]
    --error-limit=no|yes      stop showing new errors if too many? [yes]
    --show-below-main=no|yes  continue stack traces below main() [no]
    --suppressions=<filename> suppress errors described in <filename>
    --gen-suppressions=no|yes print suppressions for errors detected [no]
    --gdb-attach=no|yes       start GDB when errors detected? [no]
    --gdb-path=/path/to/gdb   path to the GDB to use [/usr/bin/gdb]
    --input-fd=<number>       file descriptor for (gdb) input [0=stdin]

  user options for Memcheck:
    --partial-loads-ok=no|yes too hard to explain here; see manual [yes]
    --freelist-vol=<number>   volume of freed blocks queue [1000000]
    --leak-check=no|yes       search for memory leaks at exit? [no]
    --leak-resolution=low|med|high  how much bt merging in leak check [low]
    --show-reachable=no|yes   show reachable blocks in leak check? [no]
    --workaround-gcc296-bugs=no|yes  self explanatory [no]
    --sloppy-malloc=no|yes    round malloc sizes to next word? [no]
    --alignment=<number>      set minimum alignment of allocations [4]
    --avoid-strlen-errors=no|yes  suppress errs from inlined strlen [yes]

  debugging options for all Valgrind tools:
    --sanity-level=<number>   level of sanity checking to do [1]
    --single-step=no|yes      translate each instr separately? [no]
    --optimise=no|yes         improve intermediate code? [yes]
    --profile=no|yes          profile? (tool must be built for it) [no]
    --chain-bb=no|yes         do basic-block chaining? [yes]
    --branchpred=yes|no       generate branch prediction hints [no]
    --trace-codegen=<XXXXX>   show generated code? (X = 0|1) [00000]
    --trace-syscalls=no|yes   show all system calls? [no]
    --trace-signals=no|yes    show signal handling details? [no]
    --trace-symtab=no|yes     show symbol table details? [no]
    --trace-sched=no|yes      show thread scheduler details? [no]
    --trace-pthread=none|some|all  show pthread event details? [none]
    --stop-after=<number>     switch to real CPU after executing
                              <number> basic blocks [infinity]
    --wait-for-gdb=yes|no     pause on startup to wait for gdb attach

  debugging options for Valgrind tools that report errors
    --dump-error=<number>     show translation for basic block associated
                              with <number>'th error context [0=show none]

  debugging options for Memcheck:
    --trace-malloc=no|yes     show client malloc details? [no]
    --cleanup=no|yes          improve after instrumentation? [yes]

  Extra options are read from env variable $VALGRIND_OPTS

  Valgrind is Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Julian Seward
  and licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2.
  Bug reports, feedback, admiration, abuse, etc, to: valgrind.kde.org.

  Tools are copyright and licensed by their authors.  See each
  tool's start-up message for more information.