#AREA   Omnipresent Complex~

#AUTHOR Kuran~

101 103 101 103

#RESETMSG A cool breeze blows down the ancient halls.~


#ECONOMY 0 31250000


terminal omnipresent monitor~
the Monitoring Terminal~
The Monitoring Terminal has been installed here.~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
terminal omnipresent coding~
the Coding Terminal~
The Terminal of the Omnipresent Coders is here, leaking source code.~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
terminal quest galactic control blinking~
the Terminal for Galactic Control~
The Galactic Control Terminal is here, and it is blinking.~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
durgas hole wormhole little~
durgas wormhole~
&zDurgas Wormhole is here folding reality into new dimensions.&w~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0

Omnipresent Being's Monitering Room~
You are in the center of the Omnipresent Being's domain.  From this;complex
the all knowing, all powerful beings that control this galaxy;do their
work. There is a computer terminal in the center of the room used to
monitor happenings of the rest of the Galaxy. To the north lies the
Galactic Control center, to the south is the Reality Control area, along
with the Supreme Being's offices. Up is a one way passage to the Isolation
Room, where misbehaving mortal beings are sent to cool off. To the east is
an Omnipresent-to-Mortal conference room.
0 8388616 1
0 -1 104
0 -1 102
0 -1 106
0 -1 105
R O 0 100 1 100
Exar's Office~
You have entered the office of Exar, head Being for Galactic
Continuity.  Nothing enters existance without his go-ahead first.  He
also tinkers with his own creations here.  There is no furniture,
except for a single stool which you can't use anyway as it exists
only as a probability wave.  The only exit is up.
0 76546060 1
The Omnipresent Being's Mortal Engagement Room~
You are in the conference room where the Omnipresent Beings engage
the mortal beings in questioning, and occasionally punishment.  The
room is bare and there are no apparent exits except the one to the
0 8388616 1
0 -1 100
R O 0 32201 1 102
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Omnipresent Builders' Galactic Discourse Center~
From this chamber, all major construction projects which take place in the
galaxy are carefully planned and executed.  A terminal for the discourse
of this topic has been carefully mounted in the far wall, and is blinking
for some reason.  The only exit apparent to you is south.
0 8 1
0 -1 100
The Isolation Chamber~
The Isolation Chamber is a dreary place.  There is a soft, diffuse light
and soft grey walls.  It would be almost relaxing if it weren't so mind-
numbingly boring.  If you have to stay in here much longer, you are sure
to lose your sanity.
0 1254540 1
Omnipresent Being's Office Complex~
The air here is thick with the sounds of creation.  The Supreme Beings
do much of their Galactic building in rooms adjoining this one.  In all,
there are four seperate offices accessable from here, along with the
Reality Control center, which is directly above this room.  North leads
back to the hub of the complex.
0 8 1
0 -1 100
door office~
1 -1 107
door office~
1 -1 109
0 -1 111
1 -1 110
trapdoor office~
3 -1 101
0 -1 112
0 -1 31898
wormhole hole durga worm~
657408 -1 108
R O 0 103 1 106
R D 0 106 1 0
R D 0 106 2 0
R D 0 106 4 0
R D 0 106 5 1
Merth Inc. Cubicle~
This is a dank crappy little cubicle.  The walls are made of
cardboard substitute.  The walls are a thin pastel color.  It
hurts your eyes to look at it for more than a few seconds.
Several metal folding chairs seem to be holding the walls up.
0 8388616 1
1 -1 106
R D 0 107 3 0
Durgas Wormhole~
You are slowly compressed over an infinity as time stretches out in all
directions. The universe folds in upon itself exploding into new
dimensions as the laws of physics rewrite themselves into a millenia of
new realities.
0 9437192 1
2048 -1 110
264192 -1 100
Ackbar's Humble Abode~
Ackbar's Humble Abode
   You stand in Admiral Ackbar's climate controlled office...
sprinklers on the ceilings allow for his fish like body to receive
a soft mist every so often....You stand in amazement at the awards
and honors he has received..it starts to make you think what gives
you the right to stand in here looking around...If fact Get out...
this is sort of his place to get away from morts...and if your in here you 
better have a good reason
0 8 1
1 -1 106
R D 0 109 0 0
The Omnipresent Mail Room~
Well this room was feeling a little unused so it quit its old job and
decided to become a mail room instead.
0 8 1
0 -1 106
R O 0 38 1 110
Thrawns Quarters~
You stop short, just inside the room, and look around in astonishment.
The walls and domed ceiling are covered with flat paintings and
planics, a few of them vaguely human-looking but most of distinct
alien origin. Various sculptures are scattered around, some
freestanding, others on pedestals. In the center of the room is a
double circle of repeater displays, the outer ring  slightly higher
than the inner ring. Both sets of displays, at from what little you
can see, also seems to be devoted to pictures of artwork. And in the
center of the double circle is a duplicate of an Admirals chair that
would normaly be found on the ships bridge
0 9437192 1
0 -1 106
Bibs Place~
0 1074790400 1
0 -1 106



