#AREA   Coruscant - Monument Plaza~

#AUTHOR Exar/Durga~

50 100 0 103


#ECONOMY 0 31254867

droid remote small floating~
a modified remote~
A droid is floating around here, monitoring you.
This is an older model remote that has been modified to act as a shop-
keeper in this clothing store.  From time to time it *piffs* around the
room, but it always keeps its central scanner on you.
3 0 0 Z
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
plaza guard~
a plaza guard~
A plaza guard stands at her post.
3 0 0 Z
50 0 -25 10d10+500 5d4+2
0 0
8 8 2
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
plaza guard~
a plaza guard~
A plaza guard stands at his post.
3 0 0 Z
50 0 -25 10d10+500 5d4+2
0 0
8 8 1
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
plaza guard~
a plaza guard~
A plaza guard stands at his post.
3 0 0 Z
80 0 -100 16d10+800 8d4+2
0 0
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
16 16 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
quarren store clerk~
quarren store clerk~
A quarren store clerk organizes her shop.
3 0 0 Z
20 0 50 4d10+200 2d4+2
0 0
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
15 0 0 0 16777216 16777216 0
4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
a receptionist~
A receptionist sits at her desk.
3 0 0 Z
50 0 -25 10d10+500 5d4+2
0 0
8 8 2
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
10 10 0 0 3072 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
shopkeeper droid~
a shopkeeper droid~
A droid is here scanning your purchaces.
This droid is a very rudimentry humanoid shape. Its voice synthesyser is
worn out and makes a slight hissing sound when it speaks.
67108867 0 0 Z
50 0 -25 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
a Hutt~
A Hutt is here discussing business.
3 0 0 Z
50 0 -25 10d10+500 5d4+2
400 0
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 17 16 0
10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
adarian businessman~
an adarian businessman~
An adarian businessman is here.
3 0 0 Z
30 0 25 6d10+300 3d4+2
200 0
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
a Hutt~
A Hutt is checking out plaza operations.
1 0 0 Z
60 0 -50 12d10+600 6d4+2
0 0
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 524289 524288 0
12 12 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
an executive~
An executive is conducting business.
3 0 0 Z
20 0 50 4d10+200 2d4+2
0 0
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
bounty hunter twi'lek~
a bounty hunter~
A Twi'lek is dressed in battle armor.
3 0 0 Z
60 0 -50 12d10+600 6d4+2
0 0
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
12 12 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
plaza guard~
a plaza guard~
A plaza guard stands at his post.
1073741827 0 0 Z
90 0 -125 18d10+900 9d4+2
0 0
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
18 18 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
shopkeeper droid~
a shopkeeper droid~
A droid is here scanning your purchaces.
This droid is a very rudimentry humanoid shape. Its voice synthesyser is
worn out and makes a slight hissing sound when it speaks.
1140850691 0 0 Z
50 0 -25 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
a newly created dummy~
Some god abandoned a newly created dummy here.
1 0 0 Z
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

map-pad pad datapad blinking~
a map-pad~
A datapad of some sort is blinking on the ground.~
45 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 25 2
map-pad pad datapad blinking~
              |  |
        O--O  O--O  O--O
        |  |  |  |  |  |
        O--O  O--O  O--O
        |  |  |  |  |  |
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
        |  |  |  |  |  |
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
        |  |  |  |  |  |
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
        |  |  |  |  |  |
        O--O  O--O  O--O
        |  |  |  |  |  |
        O--O  O--O  O--O
              |  |
shirt tee-shirt t-shirt~
a t-shirt~
A thin, white shirt is being trampled on the ground.~
9 0 9 1
0 2 0 0
1 25 2
t-shirt shirt thin~
This shirt has the words, "I saw Monument Plaza!" pasted on the front in
bright letters.  Despite its stupidity, you recall having seen several
sentients wearing in.
cap hat plastic~
an adjustable cap~
A cap has been left here for the scavengers.~
9 0 17
0 2 0 0
1 10 1
cap adjustable~
There is a picture of several statues on the front of the cap.  The rest
is brown and shaped like the mountain peak in the center of the plaza.
25 1
jacket plastic shiney~
a plastic jacket~
A pile of shiney plastic has been discarded here.~
9 0 9 20
0 5 0 0
1 100 10
jacket plastic ugly shiney~
jacket plastic ugly shiney~
This jacket must be the most repulsive peice of clothing you have
ever layed eyes on.
leg sheath~
a leg sheath~
A leg sheath... big deal.~
15 0 33 128
15 0 0 0
1 30 3
a superconductor~
A superconductor is used in high energy devices.~
71 33554432 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
a key~
A key is hanging on the wall here.~
18 33554432 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
some fine satin~
Some fine satin would make a nice shirt.~
74 8192 1 2
1 1 0 0
1 40 4
14 10
36 10
hard leather~
some hard leather~
A piece of hard leather was left here.~
74 0 1 32
6 6 0 0
5 75 7
tough canvas~
some tough canvas~
Some tough canvas would make an excellent outermost garment.~
74 0 1 128
4 4 0 0
5 35 3
chemestry set~
a chemestry set~
A chemestry set might produce something useful.~
87 0 1
50 0 0 0
1 25 2
sheet thin silver~
a sheet of thin silver~
A sheet of thin silver is stashed away in a corner.~
75 33554432 1
0 3 0 0
2 100 10
a keycard~
A keycard was dropped here.~
13 0 16385
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
small t-shirt~
a small t-shirt~
A small t-shirt is getting trampled.~
9 262144 9 2
0 2 0 0
1 20 2
2 1
medium t-shirt~
a medium t-shirt~
A medium t-shirt is getting trampled.~
9 -2147483648 9 2
0 2 0 0
1 20 2
2 1
large t-shirt~
a large t-shirt~
A large t-shirt is getting trampled.~
9 8 9 2
0 2 0 0
1 20 2
2 1
huge t-shirt~
a huge t-shirt~
A huge t-shirt is getting trampled.~
9 8 9 2
0 2 0 0
1 20 2
2 1
a small sweater~
a small sweater~
A small sweater is getting stepped on~
9 270336 9 32
0 5 0 0
1 50 5
27 2
a medium sweater~
a medium sweater~
A medium sweater is getting stepped on~
9 -2146951168 9 32
0 5 0 0
1 50 5
27 2
a large sweater~
a large sweater~
A large sweater is getting stepped on~
9 532480 9 32
0 5 0 0
1 50 5
27 2
a huge sweater~
a huge sweater~
A huge sweater is getting stepped on~
9 8 9 32
0 5 0 0
1 50 5
27 2
small heavy vest~
a small heavy vest~
A small heavy vest is somewhat blast resistant.~
9 262144 9 64
0 7 0 0
1 100 10
14 -10
large heavy vest~
a large heavy vest~
A large heavy vest is somewhat blast resistant.~
9 524288 9 64
0 7 0 0
1 100 10
14 -10
a keycard~
a keycard~
A keycard was dropped here.~
13 0 16385
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
The Plaza Deed~
the plaza deed~
The Deed of the Plaza is yours to capture~
84 33554432 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
a newly created dud~
Some god dropped a newly created dud here.~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0

The Center of Monument Plaza~
The ground pushes in the center of the plaza showing the main feature
of the plaza - bare bock. The plaza is built surrounding one of the
peaks of one of the Menari Mountain Range. The surface of the
mountain is exposed in several places but is most promenant here at
the true peak. Throught the rest of the plaza are enormous statues,
ost carved out of the rock. Around the perimeter are a multitude of
small stores and shops.
0 0 1
0 -1 26001
0 -1 26004
0 -1 26002
0 -1 26003
R M 0 326 1 26000
  R E 1 58 1 16
Northern Side of Monument Plaza~
An average sized statue in the plaza, although huge by any normal
standards, is of a squat looking alien creature. It is hunched over
slightly and stands with a cane. At the foot of the monument an
inscription drones on about this creatures deads. Not exactly exciting bed
time reading. 
0 0 1
0 -1 26009
0 -1 26007
0 -1 26000
0 -1 26008
The Center of Monument Plaza~
The ground pushes in the center of the plaza showing the main feature
of the plaza - bare bock. The plaza is built surrounding one of the
peaks of one of the Menari Mountain Range. The surface of the
mountain is exposed in several places but is most promenant here at
the true peak. Throught the rest of the plaza are enormous statues,
ost carved out of the rock. Around the perimeter are a multitude of
small stores and shops.
0 0 1
0 -1 26000
0 -1 26006
0 -1 26010
0 -1 26005
The Center of Monument Plaza~
The ground pushes in the center of the plaza showing the main feature
of the plaza - bare bock. The plaza is built surrounding one of the
peaks of one of the Menari Mountain Range. The surface of the
mountain is exposed in several places but is most promenant here at
the true peak. Throught the rest of the plaza are enormous statues,
ost carved out of the rock. Around the perimeter are a multitude of
small stores and shops.
0 0 1
0 -1 26008
0 -1 26000
0 -1 26005
0 -1 26027
North of the Guard's Post~
You stand before an enormous statue. It rises at least 50 stories above the
peak of this mountain. The statue is of a human wearing a long stone robe
and holding a lightsaber out in front of him. A guards post is to the
south of here. A large rock juts out of the ground to the south west.
0 0 1
0 -1 26007
0 -1 26017
0 -1 26006
0 -1 26000
The Center of Monument Plaza~
The ground pushes in the center of the plaza showing the main feature
of the plaza - bare bock. The plaza is built surrounding one of the
peaks of one of the Menari Mountain Range. The surface of the
mountain is exposed in several places but is most promenant here at
the true peak. Throught the rest of the plaza are enormous statues,
ost carved out of the rock. Around the perimeter are a multitude of
small stores and shops.
0 0 1
0 -1 26003
0 -1 26002
0 -1 26013
0 -1 26026
At the Guard's Post~
The guards post is a flat platform raised slightly above the the main
walkways. To the north is one of the larger statues in the plaza to the
west the mountain juts out above the floor forming a high peak. 
0 0 1
0 -1 26004
0 -1 26016
0 -1 26014
0 -1 26002
R M 0 26001 2 26006
Northern Side of Monument Plaza~
You stand just north of one of the largest statues in the plaza. The air
high up on the mountain is thin but clean and fresh. Refreshing compared
to the heavy stale air found throughout the rest of the coruscant. 
0 0 1
0 -1 26011
0 -1 26018
0 -1 26004
0 -1 26001
Northern Side of Monument Plaza~
You stand in a northern area of monument plaza. All around the plaza is
uroounded by shops selling all kinds of overpriced things. Throught the
center of the plaza are enourmous monuments erected in the past. The
largest monument in the plaza lies directly to the west of you. It appears
alot newer than most of the statues here but seems to be poorly kept
compared to the rest.
0 0 1
0 -1 26012
0 -1 26001
0 -1 26003
0 -1 26028
Northern Side of Monument Plaza~
You stand on the northetn end of monument plaza, the popular mall built
high on a peek in the Menari Mountain range in the southern part of
Coruscant. To the south are many large monuments depicting heroes (and
villians) of the past. In the center of the plaza the peek of the mountain
pushes up above the palace floor coming to a high peak. To the north a
wide walkway leads to a lookout point on the mountain
0 0 1
0 -1 26041
0 -1 26011
0 -1 26001
0 -1 26012
Southern Side of Monument Plaza~
You stand in a southern part of Monument Plaza, one of Coruscants many
tourist traps. The center of the squre is just to the north where the peak
of a Menari Mountain pushes through the center of the plaza. Around the
perimeter of the plaza are dozens of small shops. Scattered throughout the
plaza are many enormous statues.
0 0 1
0 -1 26002
0 -1 26014
0 -1 26022
0 -1 26013
Northern Side of Monument Plaza~
You stand along the northern edge of monument plaza. To the south of you
lie several monuments of astronomical size. To your north and around the
perimiter of the plaza are many shops. You stand along the northern edge
of monument plaza. To the south of you lie several monuments of
astronomical size. To your north and around the perimiter of the plaza are
many shops. A large rock extends high out of the center of the paza.
0 0 1
0 -1 26019
0 -1 26007
0 -1 26009
Northern Side of Monument Plaza~
You stand on the northetn end of monument plaza, the popular mall built
high on a peek in the Menari Mountain range in the southern part of
Coruscant. To the south are many large monuments depicting heroes (and
villians) of the past. In the center of the plaza the peek of the mountain
pushes up above the palace floor coming to a high peak. To the north a
wide walkway leads to a lookout point on the mountain 
0 0 1
0 -1 26040
0 -1 26009
0 -1 26008
0 -1 26029
Southern Side of Monument Plaza~
You stand in a southern part of Monument Plaza, one of Coruscants many
tourist traps. The center of the squre is just to the north where the peak
of a Menari Mountain pushes through the center of the plaza. Around the
perimeter of the plaza are dozens of small shops. Scattered throughout the
plaza are many enormous statues.
0 0 1
0 -1 26005
0 -1 26010
0 -1 26023
0 -1 26025
Southern Side of Monument Plaza~
A small group of statues is here clustered together. A plaque on the bottom
tells the story of the battle of Endor. The people depicted in this
monument were responsible for destroying the second death star and ending
the reign of the self proclaimed emp 
0 0 1
0 -1 26006
0 -1 26015
0 -1 26021
0 -1 26010
Southeast Corner of Monument Plaza~
Standing here, southeast of the center of the plaza, you can see most
of the square.  Far to the northeast is an eatery: the sign is too small
to read from here, though.  To your south is a mid-sized statue, and to
the west are several more statues.
0 0 1
0 -1 26016
0 -1 26075
0 -1 26020
0 -1 26014
East of the Guard's Post~
Here, directly east of the guard post, you stand at the base of one of
the smallest statues in the plaza.  It is one of an Old Republic Officer,
dressed in full ceremonial garb, saluting the center of the square.  As
usual there is a plaque at the bottom of the statue giving details about
why this man deserved a place here.  The plaza continues north and south,
and the guard post is to the west.
0 0 1
0 -1 26017
0 -1 26076
0 -1 26015
0 -1 26006
Northeast of the Guard's Post~
You are standing just to the northeast of a guard's post.  Apparently
even here, in this great monument there is still a need for officials
of the law.  There is a lesser statue to your north and south, and a
rather large one to your west.
0 0 1
0 -1 26018
0 -1 26077
0 -1 26016
0 -1 26004
Northeast Corner of Monument Plaza~
You are standing at the eastern most edge of Monument Plaza, and slightly
to the north of its center.  You are directly at the base of one of the
lesser statues of the Plaza, but it still dwarfs you in comparison.  A
plaque on its side gives details about the person's life and great
acheivements, but it must have been written by a mark 2 power droid, because
no seems to be able to stave off boredom for more than 3 or 4 lines.
The Plaza continues to the north, south, and west.
0 0 1
0 -1 26019
0 -1 26078
0 -1 26017
0 -1 26007
Northeast Corner of Monument Plaza~
You are standing in the most northerly section of Monument Plaza. A row of
shops lie immediatly to your north and lead off westward. Several other
citizens are here, admiring the square and the sheer beauty of the area. 
Compared to much of the rest of Coruscant, this is a virtual paradise.  
0 0 1
0 -1 26037
0 -1 26079
0 -1 26018
0 -1 26011
Southeast Corner of Monument Plaza~
You are now standing in the more south easterly corner of Monument
Plaza.  A mid-sized statue, meaning 30-40 stories, looms above you in
testament to some ancient hero.  This particular statue is non-human,
posessing four arms, six legs, and a head protruding from its underbelly.
As usual there is a plaque at its base explaining its story.  The plaza
extends before you to the north and the west.
0 0 1
0 -1 26015
0 -1 26074
0 -1 447
0 -1 26021
Southern Side of Monument Plaza~
You stand in the southern part of monument plaza close to the easern
corner. The plaza hotel is directly to the south of you. To the south east
is an entrance to the turbocar system. Shops lie to your west and around
the outside walls of the plaza. Many enormous monuments can be found
throughout hte plaza to the north. 
0 0 1
0 -1 26014
0 -1 26020
0 -1 26050
0 -1 26022
Southern Side of Monument Plaza~
You stand upon the southern side of Monument Plaza in the Menari Mountain
Range on Coruscant. This large mall is built around the tip of one of the
peaks in the mountain range. Directly to the south is a row of shops which
extends around the plaza. Throught the plaza are many enormous statues.
Most depict Heroes of the old Republic although there are many newer ones
built by the Empire in their short reign and by the newly reformed
Republic. The turbocar system and and plaza hotel are to the further to
the east. The offices are at the western corner.
0 0 1
0 -1 26010
0 -1 26021
0 -1 26073
0 -1 26023
Southern Side of Monument Plaza~
You stand upon the southern side of Monument Plaza in the Menari Mountain
Range on Coruscant. This large mall is built around the tip of one of the
peaks in the mountain range. Directly to the south is a row of shops which
extends around the plaza. Throught the plaza are many enormous statues.
Most depict Heroes of the old Republic although there are many newer ones
built by the Empire in their short reign and by the newly reformed
Republic. The turbocar system and and plaza hotel are to the further to
the east. The offices are at the western corner.
0 0 1
0 -1 26013
0 -1 26022
0 -1 26072
0 -1 26024
Southern Side of Monument Plaza~
You stand upon the southern side of Monument Plaza in the Menari Mountain
Range on Coruscant. This large mall is built around the tip of one of the
peaks in the mountain range. Directly to the south is a row of shops which
extends around the plaza. Throught the plaza are many enormous statues.
Most depict Heroes of the old Republic although there are many newer ones
built by the Empire in their short reign and by the newly reformed
Republic. The turbocar system and and plaza hotel are to the further to
the east. The offices are at the western corner.
0 0 1
0 -1 26025
0 -1 26023
0 -1 26071
0 -1 26030
Southern Side of Monument Plaza~
The statue hear is one of the larger statues in the plaza. It is a
depiction of one of the greatest architects in the history of coruscant
who designed several of the older buildings in the cities core. A few of
wich still stand in their original form ( although most of them have been
built over top of and are buried beneath several newer structures.
0 0 1
0 -1 26026
0 -1 26013
0 -1 26024
0 -1 26031
West Side of Monument Plaza~
You stand before an old statue that is one of the smaller ones. It depicts
a woman scratching her chin and gazing up at the stars. You stand before
an old statue that is one of the smaller ones. It depicts a woman
scratching her chin and gazing up at the stars. The plaque tells the story
of this womans many technological achievements which included an algorithm
that enabled artificial inteligence units to run at almost 100th of their
previous size.
0 0 1
0 -1 26027
0 -1 26005
0 -1 26025
0 -1 26032
West Side of Monument Plaza~
This raised platform is used as a second security post during peek tourist
seasons. It was built manly in response to the defacing of Palpatines
statue although it has had little effect to this end. Most guards simply
turn their heads to such acts. 
0 0 1
0 -1 26028
0 -1 26003
0 -1 26026
0 -1 26033
R M 0 26002 2 26027
Northern Side of Monument Plaza~
The enormous statue before towers above all the others in the statue and is
a true sign of the hubris the man it depicts once displayed. It is a
monument to the late Senator Palpatine, the self proclaimed emporer who
died 20 years ago in the battle of Endor. The statue was built during his
reign here on Coruscant probably under his direct orders. The inscription
is illegible underneath layers of nasty graffitti.
0 0 1
0 -1 26029
0 -1 26008
0 -1 26027
0 -1 26034
Northern Side of Monument Plaza~
You stand along the northernmost edge of monument plaza. To the north-west
is the entrance to Chat's Fast Food Palace. Beyond that are various shops
encircling the remainder of the plaza. Directly to the south of you is one
of the largest monuments in the plaza. Others are scattered throughout the
south and east of here. 
0 0 1
0 -1 26012
0 -1 26028
0 -1 26035
Southwest Corner of Monument Plaza~
You stand in the southeast corner of monument plaza, one of the nicer areas
of coruscant located on top of one of the menari mountains. To the west is
the entrance to the plaza offices. Far to the east is the plaza hotel and
turbocar station. There is a monument here that depicts a verpine shaking
hands with a mon calamarian. Throughout the plaza are dozens of other
monuments, some towering stories high.
0 0 1
0 -1 26031
0 -1 26024
0 -1 26080
3 -1 26057
R D 0 26030 3 1
Southwest Corner of Monument Plaza~
You stand along the western edge of Monument Plaza, the large mall built
around the peak of one of the Menari Mountains on Coruscant. Because of
its location it is one of the nicer areas of coruscant. A freesh breeze
and clean air are a refreshing change to the busy dirty streets. The
preimiter of the plaza is line with shops while the center of the plaza is
filled with enourmous monuments of old heroes. 
0 0 1
0 -1 26032
0 -1 26025
0 -1 26030
0 -1 26066
West Side of Monument Plaza~
You stand along the western edge of Monument Plaza, the large mall built
around the peak of one of the Menari Mountains on Coruscant. Because of
its location it is one of the nicer areas of coruscant. A freesh breeze
and clean air are a refreshing change to the busy dirty streets. The
preimiter of the plaza is line with shops while the center of the plaza is
filled with enourmous monuments of old heroes.  
0 0 1
0 -1 26033
0 -1 26026
0 -1 26031
0 -1 26067
West Side of Monument Plaza~
You stand along the western edge of Monument Plaza, the large mall built
around the peak of one of the Menari Mountains on Coruscant. Because of
its location it is one of the nicer areas of coruscant. A freesh breeze
and clean air are a refreshing change to the busy dirty streets. The
preimiter of the plaza is line with shops while the center of the plaza is
filled with enourmous monuments of old heroes.  
0 0 1
0 -1 26034
0 -1 26027
0 -1 26032
0 -1 26068
Northwest Corner of Monument Plaza~
You are walking along the Western end of monument plaza. Directly to your
east is an enormous statue of a well known if not well liked hooded
figure. Shops are all alogn the four sides of the plaza. To the far south
east is the plaza hotel and transit station. 
0 0 1
0 -1 26035
0 -1 26028
0 -1 26033
0 -1 26069
Northwest Corner of Monument Plaza~
You stand in the northwest corner of Monument Plaza. It sports some of the
largest statues in the Galaxy but the bigger attaction for the locals is
the fact that its one of the few places in Coruscant you can actually
touch bare rock in its natural state. A restaurant is to the north and
many shops are to the west and south of here. 
0 0 1
0 -1 26047
0 -1 26029
0 -1 26034
0 -1 26070
Inside a Souvenir Shop~
You are standing in front of a rack of cheap clothing and clothing-
related merchandise.  Most of the items are inexpensive T-Shirts
plastered with ill-thought out slogans and repulsive logos.  A floating
droid which seems to be a modified remote shoots around over your head
making notes of all your purchases and charging you for them.  To the
north is a library of some kind and to the east is an exit.
0 1032 1
0 -1 26038
0 -1 26037
R M 0 26000 1 26036
  R G 1 26002 1
  R G 1 26003 1
  R G 1 26001 1
  R E 1 32275 1 16
The Checkout Counter~
The checkout counter is little more than a relic now, as people pay
as they go nowadays.  Each part of this souvenir shop specializes in
a different genre of gift.  To your immediate north are holo-images
of the Plaza from different angles, to the northwest are datadisks
containing stories about the statues that eternally dwell here.  To
the west is a small clothing section, with T-shirts bearing logos
such as "I saw Monument Plaza" and other equally unimaginative
0 8 1
0 -1 26039
0 -1 26019
0 -1 26036
The Back of a Souvenir Shop~
Here, in the small back corner of Heff's Souvenir shop, lies a largly
unorganised, but amazingly unique, collection of datatapes.  Each
tape , no more than two inches square, contains the sotry of one of the
statues in the Plaza.  Few shoppers notice this trove of treasure, and
fewer still stop to examine it.  There are tapes here from some of the
great authors of all time, spanned the centuries, even the eons in some
cases!  Surely the price charged here is but a fraction of the tapes'
true value.  To your south is a T-shirt stand and to the east is the
visuals section.
0 8 1
0 -1 26039
0 -1 26036
The Back of a Souvenir Shop~
Here, at the back of the shop, there are literally hundreds of images
of the Plaza frozen in holocubes.  Every conceivable angle, along with
a few utterly unconceivable, has been recorded and put on sale here.
A vid-term on the wall flickers through what would seem to be a list of
all the images captured here.  To your south is the checkout counter
and to the west is a small collection of data tapes.
0 8 1
0 -1 26037
0 -1 26038
Plaza Walkway~
This walkway extends north from the plaza between two buildings. It ends at
get ammo back ammo railing to the north past which you can see the glow of
the city far bellow. To the south many statues tower over the main part of
the plaza.
0 0 1
0 -1 26045
0 -1 26041
0 -1 26012
Plaza Walkway~
This walkway extends north from the plaza between two buildings. It ends at
get ammo back ammo railing to the north past which you can see the glow of
the city far bellow. To the south many statues tower over the main part of
the plaza.
0 0 1
0 -1 26044
0 -1 26009
0 -1 26040
Plaza Lookout~
This has to be one of the most beautiful spots on Coruscant. The lookout is
on the top of one of the Menari mountains. To the north and far bellow the
lights of imperial city sretch from the base of the mountain as far as the
eye can see. To the east and west many snow covered mounain peaks push up
into the haze. The air is clean and fresh and the cool breeze is very
0 0 1
0 -1 26043
0 -1 26045
Plaza Lookout~
This has to be one of the most beautiful spots on Coruscant. The lookout is
on the top of one of the Menari mountains. To the north and far bellow the
lights of imperial city sretch from the base of the mountain as far as the
eye can see. To the east and west many snow covered mounain peaks push up
into the haze. The air is clean and fresh and the cool breeze is very
0 0 1
0 -1 26044
0 -1 26042
Plaza Walkway~
This walkway extends north from the plaza between two buildings. It ends at
get ammo back ammo railing to the north past which you can see the glow of
the city far bellow. To the south many statues tower over the main part of
the plaza.
0 0 1
0 -1 26043
0 -1 26041
0 -1 26045
Plaza Walkway~
This walkway extends north from the plaza between two buildings. It ends at
a railing to the north past which you can see the glow of the city far
bellow. To the south many statues tower over the main part of the plaza.
0 0 1
0 -1 26042
0 -1 26044
0 -1 26040
The Bar~
There are five stools here, in front of bar.  Other patrons wander around,
looking out the window from time to time and admiring the great statues of
Monument Plaza.  The barkeep looks far more civilized than most you have seen,
and serves up drinks with a smile.  A plethora of different drinks line
the shelves behind him, suited for all tastes and all races.
0 0 1
0 -1 26049
0 -1 26047
The Checkout Counter~
You stand at the checkout counter to Chat's Fast Food Palace.  Chat
himself is manning the credit-chip scanner, smiling and shaking hands all
the while.  The line of people move forward as they slip their credit-chip
past the scanner and quickly exit.  From their haste, you can guess the
meal won't be the most memorable part of their visit here.
0 0 1
0 -1 26048
0 -1 26046
0 -1 26035
At a Plastic Table~
This portion of the Chat's fast food palace is dominated by a cheap
plastic table.  In its center a holo-image of a human female asks for
your order.  To the east you can see a similar scene, and to the south
lies the checkout counter and Monument Plaza.
0 0 1
0 -1 26049
0 -1 26047
At a Plastic Table~
A large, cheap-looking plastic table dominates this part of the fast food
restaurant. At its center a holo-image of a human waitress in a short skirt
asks for your order, and then waits patiently with a smile.  You can see
another similar table to west, and the view of Monument Plaza is only slightly
spoiled by the dirty window through which you can see it to the south.
0 0 1
0 -1 26046
0 -1 26048
Entrance to Plaza Hotel~
You stand in a wide hallway that stretches from the a set of double doors
to the north to the lobby to the south The room is decorated with many
paintings in protective casings and a plush green carpet. 
0 12 1
0 -1 26021
0 -1 26051
Plaza Hotel Lobby~
The hotel lobby is a large room decorated with a lush green carpet several
paintings and a few musch smaller versions of the monuments located
outside. There is large hotel desk on the west wall. An exit to west leads
to a shop. 
0 8 1
0 -1 26050
0 -1 448
0 -1 26052
Turbolift Up~
This small turbolift is nicely decorated with an emorald carpet and
panneled walls. It rides quickly and swiftly to the next level and then
pauses waiting for you to leave.
0 8 1
0 -1 26053
Hotel Hallway~
The hallway is decorated much like the rest of the hotel with green
carpetting and paintings an holographs of the plaza and the monuments.
0 8 1
0 -1 26055
0 -1 26054
Turbolift Down~
This small turbolift is nicely decorated with an emorald carpet and
panneled walls. It rides quickly and swiftly to the next level and then
pauses waiting for you to leave. 
0 8 1
0 -1 26051
Hotel Hallway~
The hallway is decorated much like the rest of the hotel with green
carpetting and paintings an holographs of the plaza and the monuments.
0 8 1
8388647 -1 26056
7 -1 26056
0 -1 26053
8388647 -1 26056
R D 0 26055 0 2
R D 0 26055 1 2
R D 0 26055 3 2
A Hotel Room~
0 8389640 1
0 -1 26055
Plaza Reception~
0 4 1
1 -1 26030
0 -1 26058
R M 0 26003 2 26057
R M 0 26005 1 26057
  R E 1 26097 1 17
R M 0 26003 2 26057
R D 0 26057 1 0
Stairs to the Offices~
0 8 1
0 -1 26057
0 -1 26059
R M 0 26009 1 26058
  R E 1 328 1 17
  R E 1 328 1 4
  R E 1 328 1 3
  R E 1 328 1 13
  R E 1 328 1 5
Top of the Stairs~
0 8 1
0 -1 26060
0 -1 26058
A Hallway~
0 8 1
0 -1 26065
0 -1 26059
0 -1 26064
0 -1 26061
A Hallway~
0 8 1
0 -1 26062
0 -1 26060
8388647 26097 26063
R D 0 26061 2 2
An Office~
0 8 1
0 -1 26061
File Room~
0 8 1
3 -1 26061
R O 0 26098 1 26063
R D 0 26063 0 1
An Office~
0 8 1
0 -1 26060
R M 0 26010 1 26064
R M 0 26011 1 26064
An Office~
0 8 1
0 -1 26060
R M 0 26007 1 26065
R M 0 26008 1 26065
A Wine Shop~
This shop is like most of the shops here in the plaza: over decorated with
tacky tourist stuff and overpriced. As soon as you walk in the door you
are hounded by an attendant droid who "knows just what you need". The weak
willed usually end up leaving with far less money and several things that
they didn't want in the first place. 
0 12 1
0 -1 26031
An Adult Only Store~
This shop is like most of the shops here in the plaza: over decorated with
tacky tourist stuff and overpriced. As soon as you walk in the door you
are hounded by an attendant droid who "knows just what you need". The weak
willed usually end up leaving with far less money and several things that
they didn't want in the first place.
0 12 1
0 -1 26032
A Toy Store~
This shop is like most of the shops here in the plaza: over decorated with
tacky tourist stuff and overpriced. As soon as you walk in the door you
are hounded by an attendant droid who "knows just what you need". The weak
willed usually end up leaving with far less money and several things that
they didn't want in the first place.
0 12 1
0 -1 26033
A Crafts Store~
This shop is like most of the shops here in the plaza: over decorated with
tacky tourist stuff and overpriced. As soon as you walk in the door you
are hounded by an attendant droid who "knows just what you need". The weak
willed usually end up leaving with far less money and several things that
they didn't want in the first place.
0 12 1
0 -1 26034
A Pawn Shop~
This shop is like most of the shops here in the plaza: over decorated with
tacky tourist stuff and overpriced. As soon as you walk in the door you
are hounded by an attendant droid who "knows just what you need". The weak
willed usually end up leaving with far less money and several things that
they didn't want in the first place.
0 12 1
0 -1 26035
An Appliance Store~
This shop is like most of the shops here in the plaza: over decorated with
tacky tourist stuff and overpriced. As soon as you walk in the door you
are hounded by an attendant droid who "knows just what you need". The weak
willed usually end up leaving with far less money and several things that
they didn't want in the first place. 
0 12 1
0 -1 26024
A Computer Store~
This shop is like most of the shops here in the plaza: over decorated with
tacky tourist stuff and overpriced. As soon as you walk in the door you
are hounded by an attendant droid who "knows just what you need". The weak
willed usually end up leaving with far less money and several things that
they didn't want in the first place.
0 12 1
0 -1 26023
a Jewelry Store~
This shop is like most of the shops here in the plaza: over decorated with
tacky tourist stuff and overpriced. As soon as you walk in the door you
are hounded by an attendant droid who "knows just what you need". The weak
willed usually end up leaving with far less money and several things that
they didn't want in the first place.
0 12 1
0 -1 26022
7 26012 26083
R M 0 26012 1 26073
  R G 1 26012 1
R D 0 26073 2 2
A Clothing Store~
This shop is like most of the shops here in the plaza: over decorated with
tacky tourist stuff and overpriced. As soon as you walk in the door you
are hounded by an attendant droid who "knows just what you need". The weak
willed usually end up leaving with far less money and several things that
they didn't want in the first place.
0 12 1
0 -1 26020
R M 0 26013 1 26074
  R G 1 26023 1
  R G 1 26022 1
  R G 1 26021 1
  R G 1 26020 1
  R G 1 26027 1
  R G 1 26026 1
  R G 1 26025 1
  R G 1 26024 1
  R G 1 26029 1
  R G 1 26028 1
A Fabric Shop~
This shop is like most of the shops here in the plaza: over decorated with
tacky tourist stuff and overpriced. As soon as you walk in the door you
are hounded by an attendant droid who "knows just what you need". The weak
willed usually end up leaving with far less money and several things that
they didn't want in the first place. 
0 12 1
0 -1 26015
R M 0 26004 1 26075
  R G 1 26007 1
  R G 1 26008 1
  R G 1 26009 1
An Electronics Shop~
This shop is like most of the shops here in the plaza: over decorated with
tacky tourist stuff and overpriced. As soon as you walk in the door you
are hounded by an attendant droid who "knows just what you need". The weak
willed usually end up leaving with far less money and several things that
they didn't want in the first place. 
0 12 1
7 26006 26082
0 -1 26016
R O 0 26006 1 26076
R D 0 26076 1 2
A Hobby Shop~
This shop is like most of the shops here in the plaza: over decorated with
tacky tourist stuff and overpriced. As soon as you walk in the door you
are hounded by an attendant droid who "knows just what you need". The weak
willed usually end up leaving with far less money and several things that
they didn't want in the first place.
0 12 1
0 -1 26017
R M 0 26006 1 26077
  R G 1 26010 1
A Book Store~
This shop is like most of the shops here in the plaza: over decorated with
tacky tourist stuff and overpriced. As soon as you walk in the door you
are hounded by an attendant droid who "knows just what you need". The weak
willed usually end up leaving with far less money and several things that
they didn't want in the first place. 
0 12 1
0 -1 26018
A Shoe Store~
This shop is like most of the shops here in the plaza: over decorated with
tacky tourist stuff and overpriced. As soon as you walk in the door you
are hounded by an attendant droid who "knows just what you need". The weak
willed usually end up leaving with far less money and several things that
they didn't want in the first place.
0 12 1
0 -1 26019
A Variety Store~
This shop is like most of the shops here in the plaza: over decorated with
tacky tourist stuff and overpriced. As soon as you walk in the door you
are hounded by an attendant droid who "knows just what you need". The weak
willed usually end up leaving with far less money and several things that
they didn't want in the first place.
0 4 1
0 -1 26030
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Back Room~
0 4 1
3 -1 26076
R O 0 26005 1 26082
R D 0 26082 3 1
The Back Room~
0 4 1
3 -1 26073
R O 0 26011 1 26083
R D 0 26083 0 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1

 26000    0  0  0  0  0     9   0         0 23    ; a modified remote
 26004   74  0  0  0  0   120  90         0 23    ; quarren store clerk
 26006    0  0  0  0  0   120  90         0 23    ; a shopkeeper droid
 26013    0  0  0  0  0   120  90         0 23    ; a shopkeeper droid


