Passing a message from one object to another is the only way in COOLMUD for objects to interact. Objects may not retrieve other objects' data, except by passing a message. Similarly, objects may not set other objects' properties, except by passing a message. Syntax Message passing is accomplished with the '.' operator:, 2, 3); passes the message 'foo' to object #3 on joemud, with the numeric arguments 1, 2, 3. var a; a = #3.location(); sends the message 'location' to #3 on the local mud, and stores the result in temporary variable a. If there are no arguments, the brackets may be omitted, like so: var a; a = #3.location; Note: When no arguments are required, it's a good idea to use brackets to indicate the type of message being passed. If the message will change the remote object or acts like a function, use brackets. If the message will only retrieve data, use no brackets.