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\newcommand{\hdr}[1]{\begin{center} \Large #1 \end{center}}
\newcommand{\func}[1]{\tt #1}
\newcommand{\funcarg}[1]{\tt \it #1}
\newcommand{\keyword}[1]{\tt #1}
\newcommand{\error}[1]{\tt #1}
\newcommand{\COOLMUD}[0]{{\small COOLMUD}}
\newcommand{\COOL}[0]{{\small COOL}}
\newenvironment{code}{\begin{quote} \tt }{\end{quote}}
\title{Introduction to the COOL Programming Language}
\author{Stephen F.\ White}
\date{October 28, 1994}
\setlength{\parskip}{2ex plus 2pt minus 1pt}


There are six datatypes in \COOL: string ({\bf str}), number ({\bf num}), object
({\bf obj}), list ({\bf list}), error ({\bf err}) and mapping ({\bf map}).

The only compile-time checking done by \COOL\ is to ensure that
any instance variables are initialized only from the correct
constants.  Other than that, all type checking is done at run-time,
with the exception {\error E\_TYPE} being raised if an error occurs in an
operator or system function.

\subsection{String ({\bf str})}

Strings are enclosed in doublequotes (\verb+"+).
The following are examples of string constants:
"foo" \\
"The rain in spain.\verb+\+n" \\
"They call me \verb+\+"The Woodmaster\verb+\+", son."
String instance variables are declared as follows:
str foo; \\
str bar, baz; \\ 
str zip = "The rain in spain.\verb+\+n";

\subsection{Number ({\bf num})}

Numbers are long integers (typically in the range -2\^31 to 2\^31 - 1).
num  a, n = -1034;

\subsection{Object ID ({\bf obj})}

Object ID's consist of two parts:  the ID, and the servername.
The following are values of type OBJ:
\#5@joemud \\
If the object in question is on the local MUD, the server part may
be omitted:
represents object \#7 on the local MUD.  The value \#-1 is a special
value, usually meaning ``nothing'', ``nowhere'', or some kind of error

\subsection{List ({\bf list})}

Lists are heterogenous, ordered collections of other datatypes.
They can be manipulated as unordered sets, using the setadd() and
setremove() functions, or as ordered lists, using listinsert(),
listappend(), listassign().  and listdelete().

Typically lists are used to store things like the contents of a
room (a list of OBJ), or a list of methods on an object (a list
of STR).

The elements of a list are enclosed by braces, and separated by commas.
The following are examples of lists:

\verb+{}+			 &	(the empty list) \\
\verb+{1, 2, 3}+		 &	(a list of numbers)	 \\
\verb+{"abc", "def", "ghi"}+ 	 & 	(a list of strings)	\\
\verb+{ {1, 2}, {3, 4}, {5, 6} }+ &	(a list of lists) \\
\verb+{1, "abc", #3}+ &			(a heterogenous list) \\

The \verb.+. and \verb.-. operators are overloaded for lists to
perform the {\func setadd()} and {\func setremove()} functions,

\subsection{Error ({\bf err})}

Error values store the result of an operation.  The following is a list
of the current errors and their meanings:

Error Symbol &	Description \\
{\error E\_TYPE} &	Type mismatch \\
{\error E\_ARGTYPE} &	Argument type mismatch \\
{\error E\_NARGS} &	Incorrect number of arguments \\
{\error E\_RANGE} &	Range error \\
{\error E\_INVIND} &	Invalid indirection \\
{\error E\_DIV}	 &	Division by zero \\
{\error E\_MAXREC} &	Maximum recursion exceeded \\
{\error E\_METHODNF} &	Method not found \\
{\error E\_VARNF} &	Variable not found \\
{\error E\_FOR}	 &	For variable not a list \\
{\error E\_SERVERNF} &	Server not found \\
{\error E\_SERVERDN} &	Server down \\
{\error E\_OBJNF} &	Object not found \\
{\error E\_MESSAGE} &	Message unparseable \\
{\error E\_TIMEOUT} &	Timed out \\
{\error E\_STACKOVR} &	Stack overflow \\
{\error E\_STACKUND} &	Stack underflow \\
{\error E\_PERM} &	Permission denied \\
{\error E\_INTERNAL} &	Internal error \\
{\error E\_FILE} &	File not found \\
{\error E\_TICKS} &	Task ran out of ticks \\
{\error E\_TERM} & 	Task terminated \\
{\error E\_MAPNF} &	Mapping not found \\

\subsection{Mapping ({\bf map})}

Mappings are arrays which can be indexed by values of any type.  The
most common use is indexing by strings, for use as associative arrays.
 Each element of a mapping consists of two parts:  the key, and the
data.  Indexing of mappings is done in exactly the same way as lists:

map	a; \\

a["name"] = "stephen"; \\
a["cpus"] = 11; \\

Now indexing on {\tt name} or {\tt cpus} will return the values assigned:

a["name"]		=> "stephen"	\\
a["cpus"]		=> 11		\\
a["foobar"]		=> E\_MAPNF	\\

\subsubsection{Initializing mappings}

Mappings may be initialized using a constant mapping expression, which is
of the form:

[ {\em key1} => {\em value1}, {\em key2} => {\em value2}, \ldots ]

For example, the above assignments could be written as:

map	a; \\

a = ["name" => "stephen", "cpus" => 11]; \\

Of course, indexing on values of other types is possible also:

a = [\#3 => "Object Number Three", E\_RANGE => "Value out of Range"];

You can even index on other associative arrays, but that's just perverse!


There are two kinds of variables:  method variables and object variables.
Method variables are declared in methods, and are temporary.  They are
created for the execution of the method, and are freed when execution
is complete.  Object variables are permanent, and are used to store
the state of an object (its name, location, etc).  Object variables
are inherited by instances of an object.  Method variables are sometimes
referred to as ``local'', and object variables as ``global''.

An object's variables may only be assigned by that object's methods.
The only way to retrieve or modify another object's variables is to
send a message to that object.  For example, the ``location'' message
says, ``give me your location'', and the ``moveto'' message says, ``move
yourself to the following location''.

Variables may be fixed type, in that they can store one type of
value, or variable, so that they can store any.  Assigning the wrong
type of value to a fixed-type variable raises {\error E\_TYPE}, a type

Currently, object variables can only be fixed-type, and method variables
can only be variable type.  This may change in the future.  Both types of
variables may be initialized in their declaration.


str name;

declares a fixed-type string variable called ``name''.

num contents;
declares a fixed-type list variable called ``contents''.

var a, b;

declares a local variables ``a'' and ``b'' which may hold values of any type.

\subsection{Built-In Variables}

There are a number of tokens in \COOL\ which act like built-in variables.
However, they may not be assigned to.  The following table lists them.

Variable & Type & Value \\ 
{\keyword this} & {\keyword obj} & Object on which the current thread is acting  \\
{\keyword player} & {\keyword obj} & Player object which initiated this thead \\
{\keyword caller} & {\keyword obj} & Object which called the current method \\
{\keyword args} & {\keyword list} & Arguments to the current method \\


\subsection{Declaring Methods}

Methods consist of a {\tt method} declaration, variable and exception
declarations, statements, and an {\tt endmethod} declaration.

The simplest method of all is the null method:

method foo \\

Methods describe the action to be taken when an object receives a certain
message.  If a message is sent to an object for which it does not have a
corresponding method, {\error E\_METHODNF} is raised.  Methods may be called by
any other object, so any permissions checking must be done by the
method itself.

method add \\
\ind return args[1] + args[2]; \\

\subsection{Blocked Methods}

Sometimes it is desired that a method should be declared on an object, and
non-overrideable by any of its children.  The keyword {\tt blocked} may be
used in a method declaration to declare such a method.

blocked method foo \\
    \ind \ldots \\

Thus, any children of this object would have the ``foo'' method, but any
``method foo'' declared on those children would be ignored.

\section{Message Passing}

Passing a message from one object to another is the only way in
\COOLMUD\ for objects to interact.  Objects may not retrieve other
objects' data, except by passing a message.  Similarly, objects may
not set other objects' properties, except by passing a message.


Message passing is accomplished with the `\verb+.+' operator:

\#3@joemud.foo(1, 2, 3);

passes the message 'foo' to object \#3 on joemud, with the
numeric arguments 1, 2, 3.

var a; \\
a = \#3.location();

sends the message 'location' to \#3 on the local mud, and stores the
result in temporary variable a.  If there are no arguments, the
brackets may be omitted, like so:
var a; \\
a = \#3.location;

Note:	When no arguments are required, it's a good idea to use brackets
	to indicate the type of message being passed.  If the message
	will change the remote object or acts like a function, use brackets.
	If the message will only retrieve data, use no brackets.


Verb declarations are a simple way of attaching player commands to
objects.  Verb declarations must appear in the declarations section
of an object, before any method declarations.  A verb declaration
is like a template, which reads from left to right.  On the left is
the pattern to be matched, on the right is the method called if there
is a match.  For example,

verb "look" = look;

This defines a mapping between the command ``look'' and the ``look''
method on the object.  When the object is checked for commands, the
command ``look'' will cause the method named ``look'' on the object to
be called.  Any arguments may follow the verb in this example, so
the commands ``look fred'', ``look'', and ``look at the pretty flowers''
would all match.  If further parsing is required, prepositions may
be used (see below). If only a verb is specified, only the first word of
the command will be checked; checking the arguments must be
performed by the associated method.

\subsection{Verb Aliasing}

Multiple verbs may be listed in the same declaration, separated by

verb "look examine" = look;

These act as aliases, so either ``look'' or ``examine'' will call the
``look'' method.


The asterisk character, *, may be used to indicate abbreviations:

verb "l*ook" = look;

This will match the commands ``l'', ``lo'', ``loo'', and ``look''.

The characters up to the asterisk {\em must} be typed in order for
the command to match.  Characters after the asterisk are
optional.  For example,

verb "exa*mine" = examine;

would match ``exa'', ``exam'', etc., but not ``ex'' or ``e''.


In addition the the verb name, a preposition may be supplied:

verb "hit" : "with" = hit;

Here, the colon separates the verb and preposition.  Only commands
containing both the verb and that preposition in them will be
matched:  ``hit joe with sledghammer'' and ``hit with book'' would
match; ``hit'' by itself would not.  Multiple prepositions may
also be used:

verb "hit smack" : "with using" = hit;

Commands matching this template include:  ``hit using sword''  ``smack
troll with emacs source", ``smack with fred'', etc.  No abbreviations
may be used for prepositions.

Any word or character may be used as a preposition, so emulating
TinyMUD is possible:

verb "@desc*ribe" : "=" = describe;

This hard-to-read declaration uses "=" as the preposition, so the

@desc me = groovy

would match.  Note that spaces around the "=" are required, however.
A better way to do this would be to modify the ``parse'' method on
the PLAYER object, but that's beyond the scope of this humble paragraph.

\subsection{Inheritance of Verbs}

All verbs declared by an object are inherited by instances of that
object.  For example:

object FOO \\
\ind verb "hit" = hit; \\
\ind method hit \\
\ind \ind \ldots \\
\ind endmethod \\
endobject \\
object BAR \\
\ind parents FOO; \\
Now both FOO and BAR have ``hit'' verb available.  

It is important to note that verb and method inheritance are separate,
and both start from the instances and move up.  When a verb matches,
the method is passed to the child, even if the verb was declared
on the parent.  If the child object redefines the method, that
method will be used instead.  In the example above, if BAR defined a
``hit'' method, it would be used when BAR was ``hit''.  Redeclaring the
verb isn't necessary.

\subsection{The Method Part}

We've seen how a verb template is set up, but so far no action
can be taken because we don't have a method to be called.  When
writing a method to be used as a verb, certain conditions apply.

\subsubsection{Verb Arguments}

When a method is called as a verb, the arguments to the verb
are passed as strings in the ``args'' variable, as follows:

                & Without Prep    & With Prep \\
{\tt args[1]}   & verb            & verb \\
{\tt args[2]}   & direct object   & direct object \\
{\tt args[3]}   &                 & preposition \\
{\tt args[4]}   &                 & indirect object \\

The parser itself does no matching of dobj or iobj.  The method
itself is responsible for ensuring that the arguments specified
refer to the correct object.  For example, consider a ``button''
object with the verb declaration:

verb "press" = press;

This declaration matches ``press button'', but also ``press'', ``press nancy'',
etc.  In order to make sure the command refers to the button, we must
explicitly match args[2], the direct object:

	     method press /* verb */	\\
\ind	         if (!this.match(args[2]))	/* not this object */	\\
\ind \ind            return 1;		/* abort */ \\
\ind	         endif \\
\ind	         \ldots \\

Here we are assuming that the object has a method called ``match'',
which returns 1 if the argument matches the object's name.  If
the direct object doesn't match the object's name, the verb
is exited with numeric value ``1''.  The return value from a
verb method has a special meaning.  Returning a non-zero value
indicates to the parser that no match was found, and the parser
should continue to look for verbs on this and other objects.  Returning
zero means that the match was successful, and no further parsing should
be done.

NOTE:  It is a good idea to comment the ``method'' declaration of a
       method which is being used as a verb, to remind yourself of the
       special conditions which apply to writing a verb (arguments,
       return value).

\section{Control Flow}

\subsection{{\tt if} Statement}

The {\tt if} statement is the conditional for \COOL\,
and whose simplest form is:

if ( {\em expression } ) \\
\ind{\em statements } \\

If {\em expression } evaluates true, {\em statements } are executed.  Note that
both the parentheses around the condition and the {\tt endif} are
mandatory, and there is no `then' after the {\tt if}.  {\tt if\/}s may be
nested infinitely.


In addition to numeric 1 and 0, the following values may be used in
the {\em expression } above.

Type & Condition for ``true'' \\
{\keyword NUM} & Non-zero \\
{\keyword STR} & Non-empty \\
{\keyword LIST} & Non-empty \\
{\keyword MAP} & Non-empty \\
{\keyword OBJ} & Positive (ie., not \#-1) \\
{\keyword ERR} & (All error values are FALSE) \\

Note that the objects referenced by {\keyword OBJ} values may not
actually exist, but as long they are positive and have a valid
server id, \COOL\ will treat them as ``true''.

\verb+&&+ and \verb+||+ are the boolean `and' and `or' operators. 
\verb+!+ is the `not' operator.  They may be used to form boolean
conditions such as:

(a == 5 \&\& b != 0) \\
(player.location == location \&\& !player.dead) \\
(s1 \verb+||+ !s2)

The boolean operators have the same precedence as C.  They also
``short-circuit'' in the same way that that they do in C.  The first
false condition in an \verb|&&| expression will return a false result,
and will cause short-circuit execution of the rest of the statement.
The first true condition in a \verb+||+ expression will make the result
true, and will short-circuit execution of the rest of the expression.

\subsubsection{{\tt else} Statement}

The {\tt else} construct allows a programmer to specify a set of statements
to be executed if the condition in an {\tt if} statement evaluates false.

if ( {\em expression } ) \\
\ind{\em statements1 } \\
else \\
\ind{\em statements2 } \\

If {\em expression } evaluates true, {\em statements1 } are executed.
Otherwise, {\em statements2 } are executed.

\subsubsection{{\tt elseif} Statement}

The {\tt elseif} statement may be used to test a series of
conditions, without requiring another level of {\tt if}/{\tt endif}
pairs.  Its function is mostly cosmetic.

if ( {\em expression1 } ) \\
\ind{\em statements1 } \\
elseif ( {\em expression2 } ) \\
\ind{\em statements2 } \\
else \\
\ind{\em statements3 } \\

If {\em expression1 } is true, {\em statments1 } are executed.  Otherwise,
if {\em expression2 } is true, {\em statements2 } are executed.  Otherwise,
{\em statements3 } are executed.  For example, the code:

if (a == "who") \\
\ind c = 1; \\
else \\
\ind if (a == "what") \\
\ind \ind c = 2; \\
\ind else \\
\ind \ind if (a == "where") \\
\ind \ind \ind c = 3; \\
\ind \ind else \\
\ind \ind \ind c = 0; \\
\ind \ind endif \\
\ind endif \\

could be instead written as:

if (a == "who") \\
\ind c = 1; \\
elseif (a == "what") \\
\ind c = 2; \\
elseif (a == "where") \\
\ind c = 3; \\
else \\
\ind c = 0; \\

\subsection{{\tt for} Statement}

The {\tt for} statement allows the programmer to traverse a list of
values.  It comes in two flavours.  The first flavour is for iterating
over elements of a given list or string, and the second for iterating
of values in a given range.  {\tt for} statements may be nested infinitely.

\subsubsection{Iterating over a given list or string}

for {\em variable } in ( {\em expression } ) \\
\ind{\em statements } \\

This construct sets {\em variable } to each element in
{\em expression } in turn, and executes {\em statements } for
each one.  {\em expression} must be an expression whose value
is a list or a string.  If not, {\error E\_FOR} is raised.

\subsubsection{Iterating over a list}


for a in ( \{1, 2, 3\} ) \\
\ind player.tell(tostr(a)); \\

would set {\tt a} to 1, 2, and 3 in turn, and echo the result to
the player.

for item in ( player.contents ) \\
\ind player.tell( item.name ); \\

would set {\tt item} to each element of {\tt player.contents}
and echo the name of each object to the player (assuming that
``contents'', ``name'' and ``tell'' methods have been defined on the
objects in question).

\subsubsection{Iterating over a string}


for c in ("abcde") \\
\ind \ldots \\

would set c to ``a'', ``b'', ``c'', ``d'' and ``e'' in turn within
the body of the loop.

\subsubsection{Iterating over a range of values}

This flavour sets a variable to an increasing range of numeric values:

for {\em variable } in [ {\em expression1 } ..{\em expression2 } ] \\
\ind{\em statements } \\

This construct sets {\em variable } to each value in the given range,
from {\em expression1 } to {\em expression2 }.  Both expressions
must be integers, or {\error E\_TYPE} is raised.  For example,

for n in [1..5] \\
\ind \ldots \\

would set {\tt n} to 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.  If {\em expression2 } is less
than {\em expression1}, the loop will not execute at all.

\subsection{{\tt while} Statement}

while ({\em expression} ) \\
\ind {\em statements } \\

This construct executes {\em statements } while {\em expression }
evaluates true.  For example:

var	a; \\
a = 5; \\
while (a > 0) \\
\ind echo(tostr(a)); \\
\ind a = a - 1; \\

\subsection{{\tt do/while} Statement}

do \\
\ind {\em statements } \\
while ({\em expression });

Same as the while statement, except that {\em expression } is tested at
the end of the loop, instead of the beginning.  The loop is thus always
executed at least once.

\subsection{{\tt return} Statement}

return {\em $[$ expression $]$ } ;

The {\tt return} statement returns {\em expression } to the calling
function, and exits the current verb.  Returning a value to the command
parser does nothing.

\subsection{{\tt break} Statement}

break {\em $[$ num $]$ } ;

The {\tt break} statement is used to exit from a loop, within the body of
the loop.  The optional numeric constant indicates how many loops
to break out of, in nested loops.

\subsection{{\tt continue} Statement}

continue {\em $[$ num $]$ } ;

The {\tt continue} statement is used to break out of the current iteration
of a loop and start again at the top.  The optional numeric constant
indicates which loop to restart (the default is 1).

\section{Built-in Functions}

\COOLMUD\ has a number of built-in functions.  These functions can be
divided into roughly 7 groups:  functions for manipulating objects,
dealing with players, miscellanous functions, thread functions, list
manipulation functions, conversion functions, and wizard functions. 
The following is a summary of the functions, followed by a more
detailed description of each.

Function & 		
Description \\
\hline \hline
{\func clone()}	&
Make an instance of {\keyword this} \\
{\func destroy()} &
Destroy {\keyword this} \\
{\func chparents({\funcarg list })} &
Change the inheritance of {\keyword this} \\
{\func lock({\funcarg str })} &
Place a named lock on {\keyword this} \\
{\func add\_verb({\funcarg verb },{\funcarg prep },{\funcarg method })} &
Add a verb to {\keyword this} \\
{\func rm\_verb({\funcarg str })} &
Remove a verb from {\keyword this} \\
{\func rm\_method({\funcarg str })} &
Remove a method from {\keyword this} \\
{\func rm\_var({\funcarg str })} &
Remove a variable from {\keyword this} \\
{\func unlock({\funcarg str })} &
Remove a named lock from {\keyword this} \\
{\func verbs()} &
Return a list of verbs on {\keyword this} \\
{\func vars()} &
Return a list of variables on {\keyword this} \\
{\func methods()} &
Return a list of methods on {\keyword this} \\
{\func getvar({\funcarg str })} &
Get a variable on {\keyword this}, by name \\
{\func setvar({\funcarg str },{\funcarg value})} &
Set a variable on {\keyword this}, by name \\
{\func hasparent({\funcarg obj })} &
Does {\keyword this} have {\funcarg obj } as a parent? \\
{\func find\_method({\funcarg str })} &
Find a method on {\keyword this} or ancestor \\
{\func spew\_method({\funcarg str })} &
Spew internal stack-machine code \\
{\func list\_method({\funcarg str }, \ldots)} &
Decompile the method {\funcarg str } to source \\
{\func decompile()} &
Decompile the object {\keyword this} to source \\
{\func objsize()} &
Return the size (in bytes) of {\keyword this} \\
{\func echo({\funcarg str })} &
Display {\funcarg str } to {\keyword this} (player) \\
{\func echo\_file({\funcarg str })} &
Display a local file to {\keyword this} (player) \\
{\func disconnect()} &
Disconnect {\keyword this} (player) \\
{\func program({\funcarg $[$ obj },{\funcarg method $]$ })} &
Enter programming mode \\
{\func typeof({\funcarg var })} &
Get the type of a value \\
{\func lengthof({\funcarg var })} &
Get the length of a list or string \\
{\func serverof({\funcarg obj })} &
Get the server \# of an {\funcarg obj } value \\
{\func servername({\funcarg obj })} &
Get the server name of an {\funcarg obj } value \\
{\func servers()} &
Return the list of known servers \\
{\func explode({\funcarg str $[$ },{\funcarg sep $]$ })} &
Break a string into a list of strings \\
{\func time()} &
Get the current time \& date \\
{\func ctime({\funcarg $[$ num  $]$ })} &
Convert numeric time to {\small ASCII} string \\
{\func crypt({\funcarg str $[$ },{\funcarg salt $]$ })} &
Encrypt a string, with optional salt \\
{\func match({\funcarg template },{\funcarg str $[$ },{\funcarg sep $]$ })} &
Match a string to a template (prefix) \\
{\func match\_full({\funcarg template },{\funcarg str $[$},{\funcarg sep $]$ })} &
Match a string to a template (full) \\
{\func psub()} &
Perform \%-variable substitutions \\
{\func strsub({\funcarg with },{\funcarg what },{\funcarg str })} &
Perform string substitution \\
{\func pad({\funcarg str },{\funcarg length $[$},{\funcarg padchar }$]$)} &
Pad/truncate a string\\
{\func random({\funcarg num })} &
Return a random number 1 ..{\funcarg num } \\
{\func compile({\funcarg str },{\funcarg $[$ obj },{\funcarg method $]$ })} &
Compile {\funcarg str } into an object or method \\

% this table is too big!
% maybe separate tables for each class of function would be better

Function & 		
Description \\
\hline \hline
{\func sleep({\funcarg num })} &
Pause for {\funcarg num } seconds \\
{\func kill({\funcarg num })} &
Terminate thread {\funcarg num } \\
{\func ps()} &
Get a list of active threads \\
{\func setadd({\funcarg list },{\funcarg value })} &
Add a value to a set, no duplicates \\
{\func setremove({\funcarg list },{\funcarg value })} &
Remove a value from a set \\
{\func listinsert({\funcarg list },{\funcarg value $[$ },{\funcarg pos $]$ })} &
Insert a value into a list \\
{\func listappend({\funcarg list },{\funcarg value $[$ },{\funcarg pos $]$ })} &
Append a value to a list \\
{\func listassign({\funcarg list },{\funcarg value },{\funcarg pos })} &
Assign a value to an element of a list \\
{\func listdelete({\funcarg list },{\funcarg pos })} &
Delete a value from a list \\
{\func tonum({\funcarg var })} &
Convert a value to number type \\
{\func toobj({\funcarg var })} &
Convert a value to object type \\
{\func tostr({\funcarg var })} &
Convert a value to string  \\
{\func toerr({\funcarg var })} &
Convert a value to error type \\
{\func shutdown()} &
Shut down the MUD \\
{\func dump()} &
Dump the database \\
{\func writelog({\funcarg str })} &
Write {\funcarg str } to the logfile \\
{\func checkmem()} &
Show memory usage \\
{\func cache\_stats()} &
Show memory cache statistics \\

\subsection{Object Functions}

All functions which perform operations on objects refer to the
current object, {\keyword this}. There is no way to directly modify or
get information about a different object.  This is done to
ensure that an object's methods will work across inter-mud links (see
``distrib'').  Also, it serves as a permissions system:  to clone
an object, for example, you must ask the object to clone itself
by sending it a message.

\subsubsection{\func clone()}

Clone the current object.  A new object is created, whose parent
is the current object.  The new object's init method is called.
Return value:  The object ID of the new object.  If the current
object no longer exists (ie., has been destroyed), \#-1 is returned.

\subsubsection{\func destroy()}

Destroy the current object.  The object itself is responsible for cleaning
up any references to itself prior to this call.  This might include
removing any contained objects, re-parenting or destroying any
instances of it, etc.

\subsubsection{\func chparents({\funcarg list })}

Change the parents of the current object to those specified in
{\funcarg list}.  All variables and methods on the object itself
remain intact, however any variables or methods it inherited from
its old parents parents it may not inherit from the new. 
{\funcarg list} must be a non-empty list, and must not cause any loops
in the inheritance hierarchy (eg., an object may not have itself or one
of its children as a parent).  Any children of the current object will
also have their inheritance changed by this call, such that the new
parents specified in the list will be ancestors of the children as well.

\subsubsection{\func lock({\funcarg str })}

This function is used to lock an object, to prevent another execution
thread from modifying the object before the current thread is finished
with it (see ``locking'').  The argument {\funcarg str } is the
name of the lock to place on the object.  Locks placed by an execution
thread remain in effect until a corresponding {\func unlock()} call, or until
the method terminates.

\subsubsection{\func add\_verb({\funcarg verb },{\funcarg prep },{\funcarg method })}

Add a verb to the current object.  {\funcarg verb } is the name of the verb
to add.  {\funcarg prep } is the preposition, or \verb+""+ for none.
{\funcarg method } is the name of the method to call in the current
object when the verb gets triggered.  The verb is added to the end of
the object's verb list, unless a verb with the same name and no
preposition exists, in which case it is inserted before that verb.
This is to prevent a verb with no preposition masking one with
a preposition.

\subsubsection{\func rm\_verb({\funcarg str })}

Remove the first verb named {\funcarg str } from the current object. 
The argument may also be a string representing the number indexing the
verb to be removed (indexed from 0).  eg.,
would remove the 4th verb on the current object.

\subsubsection{\func rm\_method({\funcarg str })}

Remove {\funcarg str } from the current object.  Note that \COOLMUD\
has special provision to allow a method to remove itself and continue
executing.  It won't be actually destroyed until after the method finishes.

\subsubsection{\func rm\_var({\funcarg str })}

Remove the variable (property) named {\funcarg str } from the current object.

\subsubsection{\func unlock({\funcarg str })}

Remove the lock named {\funcarg str } from the current object.  If any
execution threads are waiting for this lock to be removed, they will

\subsubsection{\func verbs()}

Return a list of verbs on the current object.  Each element of the list
is in turn a 3-element list, consisting of 3 strings:  the verb
name, the preposition, and the method to call.

\subsubsection{\func vars()}

Return a list of variables (properties) on the current object.  Each
element of the list is a string containing the name of the variable.

\subsubsection{\func methods()}

Return a list of methods on the current object.  Each element of the list
is a string containing the name of the method.

\subsubsection{\func getvar({\funcarg str })}

Gets the value of the variable named {\funcarg str } on the current
object.  Normally, one would just reference the variable in COOL code
by name, but {\tt getvar()} allows the use of an arbitrary string to
get the value of a variable.  Example:
getvar ("abc" + "def")
would return the value of the variable named {\tt abcdef} on the current

\subsubsection{\func setvar({\funcarg str },{\funcarg value })}

Sets the value of the variable named {\funcarg str } on the current
object to {\funcarg value }.  Again, this would usually be
accomplished with assignment operator, but in certain cases (eg., the
name of the variable must created at run-time with an expression),
this function must be used.  If the variable does not exist, it is
created.  Note that the type of the new variable is determined by
{\funcarg value}, and may not later be changed.
setvar ("abc" + "def", 100);
would set the value of the variable named {\tt abcdef} on the current
object to the numeric value 100.  If {\tt abcdef} did not exist, it
would be created.

\subsubsection{\func hasparent({\funcarg obj })}

Returns a positive value if the current object has {\funcarg obj } as a
parent.  This function looks recursively on all parents of the current
object, so it will return 1 if the object has {\funcarg obj } as a
parent anywhere in its inheritance tree, and 0 otherwise.

\subsubsection{\func find\_method({\funcarg str })}

Locates the method named {\funcarg str} on the current object, if one
exists.  This activates the same method-searching algorithm as used
when actually sending an object a message.  Returns the object ID of
the object defining the method, or \#-1 if none is found.  (This was
useful in building the {\keyword @list} command, for instance).

\subsubsection{\func spew\_method({\funcarg str })}

Returns a string containing the internal stack-machine code for method
{\funcarg str }.  This code is pretty unintelligible unless your brain
works in RPN.  Even then, some instructions are hard to figure out,
and there's not much point.  Only for the habitually curious.

\subsubsection{\func list\_method({\funcarg str $[$ },{\funcarg lineno $[$ }, {\funcarg fullbrackets $[$ }, {\funcarg indent $]$ $]$ $]$ })}

Returns a string containing the decompiled code for method {\funcarg str }.
This works by turning the stack machine code back into readable form.
It does automatic indentation, line numbering, and smart bracketing (ie.,
it will use the minimum number of brackets when decompiling an expression).
The three optional arguments are numeric arguments which control the

\item [lineno] Turns line numbering on and off (default on).
\item [fullbrackets] When on, dumb bracketing will be used in every
		  expression.  Default is off, or smart bracketing.
\item [indent] The number of spaces to use in indenting the code (default 2).

The string returned contains embedded newlines.

\subsubsection{\func decompile()}

Decompiles the entire current object back to source.  Returns a
string, containing embedded newlines containing the source for the
object.  Variables are shown auto-initialized to their current values.
This function can be {\em very} CPU-intensive, if the object is large.

\subsubsection{\func objsize()}

Returns the size, on disc, of the current object.  This reflects the
ideal size, and not the actual amount of memory or disc consumed by
the objecct, which are subject to {\keyword malloc()} tax, dbm tax, etc.

\subsection{Player Functions}

These functions also work on {\keyword this}, the current object.  However, they
assume that {\keyword this} is a connected player.  They will have no effect
if on a non-player object, or a player object which isn't connected.

\subsubsection{\func echo({\funcarg str })}

Display {\funcarg str } to the current object.  Does nothing if the
current object is not a connected player.

\subsubsection{\func echo\_file({\funcarg str })}

Read in the contents of the local file {\funcarg str}, and echo them,
one like at a time, to the current object.  The file is located
relative to RUNDIR (usu. bin/online) of the server's installation.

\subsubsection{\func disconnect()}

Disconnect the current object.

\subsubsection{\func program($[${\funcarg obj },{\funcarg method } $]$)}

Enter programming mode.  This sets a flag on the player's descriptor
such that all input from the player is diverted to a temporary file.
When the player enters '.', the file is compiled, and then erased.
There can either be no arguments, in which case the server expects
a series of objects, or two arguments, which should be the object
and method to program.  In either case, the server currently
uses a built-in set of permissions checks to determine whether the
player may reprogram that object: either they must be in the object's
owners list, or in SYS\_OBJ.wizards.

\subsection{Miscellanous Functions}

\subsubsection{\func typeof({\funcarg var })}

Returns a number representing the type of {\funcarg var }.  This value
may be checked against the pre-defined constants NUM, OBJ, STR, LIST
and ERR.

\subsubsection{\func lengthof({\funcarg var })}

Returns a number representing the length of {\funcarg var }. 
{\funcarg var } must be a string or list expression.

\subsubsection{\func serverof({\funcarg obj })}

Returns a number representing the server ID of {\funcarg obj }.  This ID is used
internally by the server, and has no meaning except that ID zero is
the local MUD.  So the statement
if (!serverof(thingy)) \\
\ind \ldots \\
would evaluate to true if thingy is a local object.

\subsubsection{\func servername({\funcarg obj })}

Returns a string representing the server name part of {\funcarg obj }.

\subsubsection{\func servers()}

Returns a list corresponding to the system object (\#0) at each remote
server (eg., {\keyword \#0@remotemud}, {\keyword \#0@localmud}, etc).

\subsubsection{\func explode({\funcarg str } $[$,{\funcarg sep } $]$)}

Break {\funcarg str } into a list of strings.  By default, explode
breaks on spaces; the optional second argument is the character to
break on.

\subsubsection{\func time()}

Returns a numeric value representing the current date and time,
given in seconds since 12:00 GMT, January 1, 1970.

\subsubsection{\func ctime({\funcarg $[$ num  $]$ })}

Returns a string representing the integer {\funcarg num } as
an English date, or the current time if no argument is given.

\subsubsection{\func crypt({\funcarg str $[$ },{\funcarg salt $]$ })}

Encrypt a string.  This function uses UNIX's crypt() routine to encrypt
a string.  Useful for password checking, etc.

\subsubsection{\func match({\funcarg template },{\funcarg str } $[$,{\funcarg sep } $]$)}

This function matches {\funcarg str } to {\funcarg template }.  {\funcarg str } should
be a 1-word string which is compared against each word in {\funcarg template }. 
If {\funcarg str } matches a substring of any word in {\funcarg template }, 1 is
returned, otherwise 0 is returned.  The optional third argument is the
separator to use when matching (default is a blank).

\subsubsection{\func match\_full({\funcarg template },{\funcarg str } $[$,{\funcarg sep } $]$)}

This function matches {\funcarg str } to {\funcarg template }, as above, except that
{\funcarg str } must match an entire word in {\funcarg template }, not just a substring.

\subsubsection{\func psub({\funcarg str })}

This function substitutes the value of the local (method) variable
"foo" for each instance of "\%foo" or "\%foo\%" in {\funcarg str}.  Example:

foo = "system"; \\
n = \#0; \\
echo(psub("\%n is the \%foo object."));
would result in the output "\#0 is the system object".

\subsubsection{\func strsub({\funcarg with },{\funcarg what },{\funcarg str })}

Perform string substitution.

\subsubsection{\func pad({\funcarg str },{\funcarg length $[$},{\funcarg padchar }$]$)}

Pad/truncate a string.

\subsubsection{\func random({\funcarg num })}

Return a random number 1 ..{\funcarg num }

\subsubsection{\func compile({\funcarg str },{\funcarg $[$ obj },{\funcarg method $]$ })}

Compile {\funcarg str } into an object or method

\subsection{List Functions}

Lists are heterogenous collections of values, which may be treated
as ordered lists, or unordered sets (see 'datatypes').  Choosing
either the 'set' operations or 'list' operations determines how
they are treated.

Since \COOL\ has no concept of pointers (and all arguments are passed
by value), none of the list operations can modify lists passed to
them.  Instead, they return new lists with the indicated modifications
performed.  So the code:
	setadd(a, 3);
on its own does nothing.
	a = setadd(a, 3);
on the other hand, adds the element 3 to the list variable {\tt a}, as

\subsubsection{\func setadd({\funcarg list },{\funcarg value })}

This function adds {\funcarg value } to {\funcarg list }, as long as it's
not already present.  Returns the new list.

\subsubsection{\func setremove({\funcarg list },{\funcarg value })}

Remove {\funcarg value } from {\funcarg list }, anywhere in the list. 
Returns the new list.  

\subsubsection{\func listinsert({\funcarg list },{\funcarg value $[$ }, {\funcarg pos $]$ })}

Insert {\funcarg value } into {\funcarg list }.  By default, the new
element is inserted at the beginning of the list.  If the optional
numeric argument {\funcarg pos } is given, the element is inserted
before position {\funcarg pos }.  Returns the new list.

\subsubsection{\func listappend({\funcarg list },{\funcarg value $[$ }, {\funcarg pos $]$ })}

Appends {\funcarg value } to the end of {\funcarg list }, or after position
{\funcarg pos }, if given.  Returns the new list.

\subsubsection{\func listassign({\funcarg list },{\funcarg value }, {\funcarg pos })}

Replaces element at position {\funcarg pos } in {\funcarg list } with
{\funcarg value }.  Returns the new list.

\subsubsection{\func listdelete({\funcarg list },{\funcarg pos })}

Deletes the element at position {\funcarg pos } in {\funcarg list }.
Returns the new list.

\subsection{Conversion Functions}

These functions allow values of one datatype to be converted into
values of another datatype.

\subsubsection{\func tonum({\funcarg var })}

Convert an obj, string, or error value into a numeric value.  Object
values are converted by using the object ID portion as the new
value.  Strings are parsed like the UNIX function atoi().  Error
values return the internal ID of the error (which isn't much use
except to trivia addicts).

\subsubsection{\func toobj({\funcarg var })}

Convert a num, string, or error value into an object ID value.  Numbers
are converted by using the number as the object ID portion of the new
value, and the local server for the server ID portion.  Strings are parsed,
the same way \COOL\ itself parses:  \verb+#3+ or \verb+#3@foomud+ syntax.  Errors
are converted by using the internal ID of the error as the object ID
portion, and the local server for the server ID portion.

\subsubsection{\func tostr({\funcarg var })}

Convert a string, number, object, list or error type into a string
value.  Strings are converted by enclosing them in doublequotes, and
escaping any control chars with a backslash (\verb+\n+, \verb+\t+, etc).
Numbers and object ID's are simply printed.  Lists are evaluated
recursively, printing '{', followed by the list elements, separated by
commas, and then '}'.  Errors are converted into a string representing
the error identifier (\verb+E_TYPE+ becomes \verb+"E_TYPE"+).

\subsubsection{\func toerr({\funcarg var })}

Convert a string, number, or object value into an error value.
Strings are parsed, the same way \COOLMUD\ parses errors (\verb+"E_TYPE"+
becomes \verb+E_TYPE+).  Numbers are converted by using the number as
the internal error ID.  Object values are converted by using the
object ID portion as the error ID.

\subsection{Task Functions}

\subsubsection{\func sleep({\funcarg num })}

Pause for {\funcarg num } seconds

\subsubsection{\func kill({\funcarg num })}

Terminate thread {\funcarg num }

\subsubsection{\func ps()}

Get a list of all active threads on the MUD.  Returns a list of lists,
in which each element represents a thread in an 11-element list of the

{ msgid, age, ticks, player, this, on, caller, \\
args, methodname, blocked\_on, timer }

\item [msgid] The message identifier of the current thread.
\item [age] The "depth" of the message in recursive calls.
\item [ticks] The number of ticks used by the thread so far.
\item [player] The player who typed the command that initiated this thread.
\item [on] The object on which the method which is executing is defined.
\item [caller] The object which called this method.
\item [args] The arguments to this method, when called.
\item [methodname] The name of the currently-executing method.
\item [blocked\_on] A numeric identifier, indicating the state of the
                   currently-executing thread.
\item [timer] A numeric value, indicating the time at which the current
              thread will resume, or expire (depending on state).

\subsection{Wizard Functions}

All wizard functions check that the object calling them is a wizard
by looking in SYS\_OBJ.wizards

\subsubsection{\func shutdown()}

Shut down the MUD.  The database is written, remote servers disconnected,
and the \COOLMUD\ process terminates.

\subsubsection{\func dump()}

Dump the database.

\subsubsection{\func writelog(\funcarg{str })}

Write {\funcarg str } to the logfile.  The string is prefixed by the
current date and time.

\subsubsection{\func checkmem()}

Returns a string showing the amount of memory dynamically allocated,
and how many chunks it was allocated in.  If the server was not
compiled with -DCHECKMEM, this function will return ``Memory checking

\subsubsection{\func cache\_stats()}

Returns a string with embedded newlines containing the current statistics
of the object-paging cache.  Currently the output looks like this:

cache stats, last 24 sec.:
  writes: 8           reads: 161  
  dbwrites: 0         dbreads: 10   
  read hits: 151      active hits: 126  
  write hits to dirty cache: 6    
  deletes: 0          checks: 18   
  resets: 11          syncs: 0         objects: 161  
