
          Project 'Dynamic World Automation' Design Document
                           Revision 0.3


 Document Authors:
   Dorzak - dorzak@earthlink.net
   Zak    - zak@embermud.org

 Document Last Updated: 8/16/01

Project Overview

  The purpose of this project is primarily to correct the many flaws
in the current EmberMUD resets system.  Also, the old ROM reset system
is not as flexible as we would like.

  The goals of the project include:

    1) Create a new more flexible resets system.
    2) Allow resets to be added, edited, and removed easily via OLC.
    3) Allow resets to be "popped" according to a % chance.
    4) Allow resets to be dependant on other resets' success or failure.
    5) Allow viewing and editing of "max in areas" and "max in world"
       attributes from inside the reset editor.
    6) Allow for "items inside items" resets with dependencies and 
       % chance as well.
    7) Allow builders to safely move from room to room while editing 
       a reset without changing what room's reset they are editing.
    8) Create an area file format converter that will automatically
       convert current EmberMUD format resets into the new format.

  The project does not intend to do the following at this time:

    1) Re-implement the currently flawed "random exit reset" code.

Unresolved Issues

  Solutions for these issues should be found before final

    1) How often do reset chances get evaluated?  Once per tick?
       Once per pulse?  Is there some other variable in control?

New 'resets' Command
  Starting at the top, the output of the new 'resets' command should
look something like this:

   Resets for room #xxxxx - Room Description Here
   # Type Chance Depends  Vnum  Description
   1  obj   100%          1000  a small statue
   2  obj    50%          1001  a small wooden chest
   3  mob   100%      +2  2000  a wussy guard
   4  obj   100%      -2  1002  a large wooden chest
   5  mob   100%      -2  2001  a tough guard

  This new format will probably need some explanation...  The number
column should be self-explanatory.  The "type" column indicates the
type of reset - 'obj' and 'mob' are the only types available presently.
"Chance" represents the percent chance of a particular reset being
"popped" on any given tick. ?1?  The values for "Depends" illustrate
the various inter-dependencies between resets - more on dependencies
below.  The "Vnum" and "Description" columns should be obvious to
anyone familiar with the existing resets system.

New OLC Commands

  Entering and exiting the reset editor will be accomplished similarly
to how the other OLC editors are accessed presently.  A new OLC editor
will need to be added with commands for manipulating reset properties
and for adding/deleting "sub-resets".  

  Getting into the reset editor will be accomplished by using one of
the following commands:

  > edit reset create <obj/mob>
  > edit reset <reset #>

remnants of old document (I ran out of time for my updating)

comments are in <> commands are preceeded by %  

  >edit reset 1 
  >edit reset create obj 

would give you the following screen.  

Reset [ 1 ]   - <heirarchy the reset has within the room>
Room  [ VNUM ] - Name of room <Room the reset is for> 
Item  [ VNUM ] - Short description
                 <changed 7/16/2001 forgot to put it in>
Type  [ Obj ]  - <Obj/Door/Mob>
Max Rm[     ]  - <Maximum # Allowed in Room> 
Max Ar[     ]  - <Max allowed in areas> 
Max Wd[     ]  - <Max allowed in the world> 
Chance[     ]  - <Percent Chance of repopping> 
Depend[     ]  - <What this reset requires to be or not to be loaded> 

Slots <if a container>		Capacity 
Slot  VNUM  Chance  Depends   <max cap>      Desc
1     1000    50	      <size of obj>  <short of item>   
1     1001    25       "          "           "

Commands in the object one would be:
room     - change the room this reset will occur in, when creating
           it, it defaults to the current  room <vnum> or
           room current would work
type     - defined when created - and effects the other options
Maxroom  - set the max allowed in the room.  If this is not met,
           on the next repop, an additional 
	   1 is loaded
Maxarea  - set the max allowed in the areas.  If this is not 
           met, on the next repop, an addtional 1 is loaded
Maxworld - set the max allowed in the world.   Stored in file 
           for the whole world.   Automatically increments by 1 
           when a reset for an item is made.  Can be incremented 
           manually if desired.
Chance   - percent chance of repopping.  On each repop, there is 
           a percentage chance of succeeding
Depend   - What vnum does this reset require or not require.
deptype  - Does this reset only when the depend is met AND loads 
           with it, or only when it is NOT slot
slot <number> <vnum> <chance> <depend> 
slot <number> 
         - Slot will either add it to an existing slot if the 
           number of an existing slot is given, if the first 
           number is HIGHER than the existing number of slots, 
           it brings the total number of slots to that number.
slot <number> clear
         - clears the current items from the specified slot

Sample of a Mob Editing

comments are in <> commands are preceeded by >

  >edit reset 1 
  >edit reset create mob 

Reset [ 1 ]   - <heirarchy the reset has within the areas>
Room  [ VNUM ] - <Room the reset is for>
Item  [ VNUM ] - <Added 7/16/2001, previous overlooked>
Type  [ mob ]  - <Obj/Door/Mob>
Max Rm[     ]  - <Maximum # Allowed in Room>
Max Ar[     ]  - <Max allowed in areas>
Max Wd[     ]  - <Max allowed in the world>
Posit [     ]  - <Does the mob load sitting, sleeping, standing>
Chance[     ]  - <Percent Chance of repopping>
Depend[     ]  - <What this reset requires to be or not to be loaded>

Short Descrip of Item <pulled when the vnum is set>
Slot       #    VNUM    Chance  Depends    Short Description
Light      1    1000      25               Rainbow Staff
Light      2    1001      50         -1    Lantern
Light            --       25               NOTHING
Finger1          --      100               NOTHING
Finger2          --      100               NOTHING
Neck (1)   1    1003      50               Necklace
Neck (1)   2    1004      50               Locket
Neck (1)   2a   1005     100               Picture of Somebody
Neck (2)         --      100               NOTHING
Body             --      100               NOTHING
Head             --      100               NOTHING   
Legs             --      100               NOTHING
Feet             --      100               NOTHING
Hands            --      100               NOTHING
Arms             --      100               NOTHING
Shield           --      100               NOTHING
About Body       --      100               NOTHING
Waist            --      100               NOTHING
Wrist            --      100               NOTHING
Wielded          --      100               NOTHING
Held             --      100               NOTHING
Secondary        --      100               NOTHING

Inventory                  Capacity
Slot  VNUM   Chance  Dep   <max cap>            Desc	       
  1   1000     50          <size of object>     <short of item>
  2   1001     25            "             "                   "
  1    --      25          NOTHING

Commands in the object one would be:
room 	 - change the room this reset will occur in, when 
           creating, it defaults to the current room but could 
           be changed:
     	      >room <vnum>
              >room current 
type 	 - defined when created or shortly after
              >type mob
              >type obj
Maxroom  - set the max allowed in the room.  If this is not met, 
           on the next repop, an additional 1 is loaded
              >maxroom <number>
Maxarea  - set the max allowed in the areas.  If this is not met,
           on the next repop, an addtional 1 is loaded.
              >maxarea <number>
Maxworld - set the max allowed in the world.   Stored in file for
           the whole world.   Automatically increments by 1
           when a reset for an item is made.  Can be incremented 
           manually if desired.
              >maxworld <number>
Chance   - percent chance of repopping.  On each repop, there is
           a percentage chance of succeeding.
              >chance <number>
Position - position <resting, sitting, sleeping, standing> sets
           what position the mob will be in when reset.
              >position <sleeping>
              >position <resting>
              >position <standing>         
Depend   - What vnum does this reset require or not require.
              >depend <number>
              >depend +<number>
              >depend -<number>
<equip location> <vnum> <chance> <depend> 
         - if chances is less than 100 total an additional  
           equip slot is shown.  If chance with current modifier 
           would be >100 told illegal reset.
<equip location> clear
         - clears specified wear location of resets
           Samples of equip commands:

slot     - >slot <number> <vnum> <chance> <depends> 
           >slot <number> 
           Slot will either add it to an existing slot if the number of
           an existing slot is given, if the first number is HIGHER than
           the existing number of slots, it brings the total number of
           slots to that number. 
slot <number> clear - clears all items from the current slot

I still have not worked out how to do resets within resets.  
However, as we discovered last night this functionality is 
broken in the current ember implementation.   Quick way to
completely corrupt the area file with the unchanged Ember reset 
code for immort.are:
goto a room in there.
Add a reset for a backpack
Add a reset for a bag in the backpack
Add a reset for a pipeweed bread in the bag
asave changed 

The area file will loose the #RESET section and everything after 
it, the mud will crash, and not reboot.

Sample Sessions
>edit reset #

Now editing reset #

>edit reset create 

If resets < # don't exist say:

Now editing reset # (where the # is lowest number reset available, I think we can
move type to being a toggle)

>vnum <number>

//Vnum exists as a at least two of the following: mob, object, or room.

Please choose type first.


// If <number> is only 1 of the three, do:

Vnum <number> is a mob, setting type to mob
Vnum <number> is a mob, setting type to obj
Vnum <number> is a mob, setting type to door

// If type was not set above:

>type obj
>type mob
>type door

Type set to obj
Type set to mob
Type set to door

// After setting type we would get

>vnum <number>

VNUM now set to <number>, <number's short descript>

// The  following 3 commands applies only to objects  and mobs, doors
// are currently not addressed in this document, but will be in the
// near future. 
// (7/16/2001 - Dorzak)

>maxroom 5

Maximum in room set to 5, up to 5 will repop in the room, 1 at a time.
Max for this mob in world was updated to 30.
>maxarea 10

Maximum in the area has been set to 10

// The maximum in the world can also be modified.  I have as a builder used a max
// area and max world that was lower than the total of the room max's to force
// some variation on where mobs repop.  I would like to have another place to edit
// the max world besides each reset.  However, having the maxworld read for all of
// an item from 1 location would resolve the issue that at least partially led
// us to the need to redo resets.

>maxworld 25
Maximum in the world has been updated to 25

>chance 100

This object will repop 100% of the time.

>depend 1

ERROR: Chance of repopping is greater than 100%, please use +/- to designate type of

>depend -1

Reset will trigger 100% of the time when reset 1 does NOT.

// The 100% is pulled from the chance above.

>depend +1

Resest will trigger 100% of the time when reset 1 DOES.

// If we were to change the percentage for 1 and 2 (this one in the example) to 50%
// each we would get:

depend 1

This reset has a 50/50% chance of repopping instead of reset 1

// At this point the options for objects and mobs
// diverge.  However, I will present objects first because the
// slots for mobs inventory will be handled the same.

//slot <number> <vnum> <chance> <depends>
//slot <number> to create slots

>slot 1 1000 25

Slot 1 now loads 1000 - A short descript with a 25% chance.

>slot 2 1001 25 +1

Slot 2 now loads 1000 - A short descipt with a 25% chance,
if Slot 1 has loaded.
//Say we make slot 3 depend on slot 1 not occurring

>slot 3 1002 50 -1

Slot 3 now loads 1003 - A short descript with a 50% chance, 
if slot 1 has NOT loaded.

//If the main object being loaded is not a container we get

This reset does not load a container, slots are not available.

// If the main object, and the sub object are containers, we can
// load an object within the container by doing a sub-slot
// A subslot is accessed by a letter  for example is slot 2 is 
// a container and loading on the main object

slot 2a 1004 50 

// Back to mobs.  Basically each wear-location will act as its
// own set of slots, and the commands a will be the wear
// location, we are going to use waist in the following examples
//<wear-loc> <number> <vnum> <chance> <depends>
//<wear-loc> <number> to create slots

>waist 1 1000 25

Waist  now loads 1000 - A short descript with a 25% chance.   

>waist  2 1001 25 +1

The Waist can only load 1 item at a time.  Dependency not 

//Say we make waist 2 depend on slot 1 not occurring

>waist 2 1002 50 -1

waist 2 now loads 1003 - A short descript with a 50% chance,
if slot 1 has NOT loaded.

// If the equipment is a container, we can load an object
// within the container by doing a sub-slot
// A subslot is accessed by a letter  for example is waist 2 is
// a container and loading on the main object
waist 2a 1004 50

Area File Format

Note: This was cut and pasted in here from an e-mail from
Zak.   It has not been adjusted/formatted yet.  Included so that
we would have it in the record.

 O <room_vnum> <chance> <depends> <obj_vnum> <max_in_room> <Y/N -has subs>
   <slot> <chance> <depends> <obj_vnum>
   <slot> <chance> <depends> <obj_vnum>

 Object Example

 Reset      : 1
 Room       : 1000 - Some Room
 Type       : obj
 Vnum       : 5000 - a large chest
 MaxInRoom  : 1
 MaxInAreas : 0 - unlimited
 MaxInWorld : 0 - unlimited
 Chance     : 100%
 Depends    : no dependancies


  sub# slot  chance depends vnum desc
     1 slot1    50%         1000 a small bag
     2 slot1    25%         1001 a large bag
     3 slot1    25%         ---- NOTHING
     4 slot1a  100%      +1 2000 a lump of coal
     5 slot1a  100%      +2 2001 a large diamond


 O 1000 100 0 5000 0 Y
   1 50 0 1000
   1 25 0 1001
   1a 100 +1 2000
   1a 100 +2 2001

 Mob Example

  M <room_vnum> <chance> <depends> <mob_vnum> <position>
    <max_in_room> <max_in_area> <max_in_world> <Y/N - has subs>
    <wear_loc> <slot> <chance> <depends> <vnum>
    <wear_loc> <slot> <chance> <depends> <vnum>
  Reset     : 1
  Room      : 1000 - Some Room
  Type      : mob
  Vnum      : 5000 - a cityworker
  Max Room  : 0 - unlimited
  Max Area  : 0 - unlimited
  Max World : 0 - unlimited
  Position  : standing
  Chance    : 100%
  Depends   : 0 - no depends
   Slot     #   Vnum Chance Depends  Description
   light    1   1000   100%          a candle
   finger1  2      -   100%          NOTHING
   finger2  3      -   100%          NOTHING
   neck1    4   1001    50%          a neck pouch
   neck1   4a   1002   100%          an old coin
   neck1    5   1003   100%      -4  a golden necklace
   neck2    6      -   100%          NOTHING
   body     7      -   100%          NOTHING
   head     8      -   100%          NOTHING
   legs     9      -   100%          NOTHING
   feet    10      -   100%          NOTHING
   hands   11      -   100%          NOTHING
   arms    12      -   100%          NOTHING
   shield  13      -   100%          NOTHING
   about   14      -   100%          NOTHING
   wield   15   1010    50%          a small dagger
   wield   16      -    50%          NOTHING
   hold    17      -   100%          NOTHING
   second  18      -   100%          NOTHING
  Inventory: (30kg max)
   Slot#   Vnum Chance Depends  Description
       1   5000   100%          a backpack
      1a   5001    50%      +1  a quill
      1b   5002    50%      +1  a parchment
      1c   5003    50%      +1  an ink well (empty)
      1d   5004    50%     -1c  an ink well (full)
       2   5005   100%          a white handkerchief

  M 1000 100 0 5000 standing
    0 0 0 Y
    light 1 100 0 1000
    neck1 4 50 0 1001
    neck1 4a 100 0 1002
    neck1 5 100 -4 1003
    wield 15 50 0 1010