                     A Guide to Object Creation
This is intended as a set of guidelines to those who are just beginning
as Builders.  Nothing here is written in stone, this file is based on my
experience and the online help files.   (Herne the Hunter)

Always remember that most important command: SAVEAREA

How to Make Objects from the Ground Up
Once a new Builder has proven that s/he can read and understand the help
files behind room building, they move up to the next level of Building;
Object Creation.  Without objects, there would be no armour to protect
yourself, no weapons to fight mobs with, and no consumables to cure the
damage that mobs do or enhance a character's attributes.

There are three very important commands when dealing with Objects;
OCREATE to create new objects, OSET to modify a new object, and OSTAT to
view that stats on an object.  You should become familiar with these
commands before creating new objects.

I also find it's a good idea to make a scratch list of my object (and
mob) vnumbers so that I can cross off each vnum as I use it to create a
new object.  The MUD won't allow you to create a new object with an
existing vnum, but it solves problems if you keep a list of the numbers
you've already used.

Step 1.  Object Creation
OCREATE                             (Shortform: OCR)
Syntax: ocreate <vnum> <keywords>
Syntax: ocreate <vnum> [copy vnum] <item name>

A prototype object will be created with the selected vnum, and set up
with the plainest of default values.  A material image of the magical
prototype will appear before you, for you to futher modify with OSET.
Once an object vnum is invoked, it cannot be destroyed or deleted, but it
CAN be modified completely.

EXAMPLE: ocr 1000 helmet silver kings
This would create an object with the vnum 1000 and the keywords 'helmet
silver kings'.  Always try to use more than 1 keyword for your objects as
it makes it easier to distinguish different objects when they're in your
inventory.  There may be 100 "helmets" in the game, and some of them may
also be "silver", but it's a good chance that only a couple will be
"kings" as well.  It's not enough to simply name an object "helmet" or
"potion" or "scroll", at least one keyword should be unique or rare.

Ocreate can also be used to copy an existing object to a new vnumber.

EXAMPLE: ocr 1001 1000 helmet copper kings
This would take the stats of object vnum 1000 and copy them to object
vnum 1001 with the new keywords of 'helmet copper kings'.  This is useful
if you have several similar objects that have slightly different flags or

Step 2: Setting the Objects Stats
Once you have your proto object created, you'll need to set the various
values on it to make it into whatever object you intend it to be.  This
is accomplish with the OSET command.

Syntax: oset <object> <field>  <value>
        oset <object> on

Field being one of:
  flags wear level weight cost rent timer
  name short long ed rmed actiondesc
  type value0 value1 value2 value3 value4 value5
  affect rmaffect layers
For weapons:             For armor:
  weapontype condition     ac condition
For scrolls, potions and pills:
  slevel spell1 spell2 spell3
For wands and staves:
  slevel spell maxcharges charges
For containers:          For levers and switches:
  cflags key capacity      tflags
**(More Detailed Help Files Follow)**
If the copy of the object you are currently modifying has the PROTOTYPE
flag, your modifications will also modify the index of that object, which
all other instances of the object are based on.  In the future, every
copy of that obj will reflect your modifications.
Also be aware that modifications to the object affect list (everything
that is listed after 'object values') will affect _every_ copy of that
object in the game, including old copies (even if they are not online). 
Thus if you change a prototype-flagged copy of a sword to +4 damroll,
every copy of that vnum ever made will reflect that change.  If you add a
'magic' flag to that sword, however, only copies made after the change
will be affected.
If the copy of the object you are modifying does NOT have the PROTOTYPE
flag, your modifications will affect only that copy you have in your
OSET ON will lock you onto a particular object.  Once locked on, all
commands will imply 'oset <object>'.  Hitting enter while in OSET ON
gives you an ostat of the object you are working on.  To get out of OSET
ON, simply type the word DONE.

Example:  oset staff on
          long A long gnarled staff of burnished oak lies here.
          type staff

Step 3: Viewing an Item's Stats.
To view any item's stats, you'll need to use the OSTAT command.

Syntax  : ostat <object/object vnum>
Examples: ostat helmet
          ostat 1000

OSTAT shows you statistics on an object.  If a copy of the object is
present in the game, you can access it using its vnum.

Ostat will default first to an item on the ground, second to an item in
your inventory, and third to an item in the game with the keyword you

Step 4: Listing the Objects you Created in Your Assigned Range.
Syntax: olist
      :	olist <first object>
      :	olist <first object> <last object>

This command will list all of the prototype objects in your area, when
used with no arguments.  When used with a single argument it will list
all objects including and after the argument, and when used with two
arguments, it will list all objects including and between the two. 

The Help Files in Detail for OSET Fields
Object types listed in bit order:
  None        Light     Scroll     Wand        Staff       Weapon
  Fireweapon  Missile   Treasure   Armor       Potion      Worn
  Furniture   Trash     Oldtrap    Container   Note        Drink_con
  Key         Food      Money      Pen         Boat        Corpse_npc
  Corpse_pc   Fountain  Pill       Blood       Bloodstain  Scraps
  Pipe        Herb_con  Herb       Incense     Fire        Book
  Switch      Lever     Pullchain  Button      Dial        Rune
  Runepouch   Match     Trap       Map         Portal      Paper
  Tinder      Lockpick  Spike      Disease     Oil         Fuel
  Short_bow   Long_bow  Crossbow   Projectile  Quiver      Shovel
Not all are implemented.

These flags should be self explanitory:
 take   finger   neck    body    head   legs
 feet   hands    arms    shield  about  waist
 wrist  wield    hold    ears    eyes


Flags that objects can have:
Flag       | Affect              | Flag         | Affect
-----------+-------------------- | -------------+----------------------
glow       | n/a                 | hum          | n/a
dark       | n/a                 | loyal        | loyalty ('help loyal')
evil       | glow on det. evil   | antievil     | zap if align -350  
magic      | prevents enchant    |              | & lower.          
bless      | +20% resist dam.    | antigood     | zap if align +350 & up
           | 2 x duration poison | antineutral  | zap if align -350 to
           | weapon              |              | +350
invis      | invisible           | inventory    | purge upon char. death
nodrop     | cannot drop         | antithief    | zap if thief
noremove   | cannot remove w/o   | anticleric   | zap if cleric
           | 'remove curse'      | antimage     | zap if mage/augurer
organic    | +20% suscept. dam.  | antiwarrior  | zap if warrior/ranger  
metal      | +20% resist damage  | antidruid    | zap if druid
donation   | prevents get all    | antivampire  | zap if vampire
clanobject | n/a                 | clancorpse   | n/a
prototype  | n/a                 | nolocate     | locate spell fails

Additional flags:

Covering:  Items inside this are 'covered', use 'look under <object>' to
           see 'inside'.  The object does not have to be a container to
           be a covering object.  Use 'reset put' to indicate objects to
           be covered by this object.

In these values, 'sn' is a spell number;  a negative value means 'no
Item Type|V0        |V1         |V2        |V3        |V4      |V5
armor    |current AC|original AC|          |          |        |
container|capacity  |flags      |key vnum  |condition |        |
drinkcon |capacity  |quantity   |liquid #  |poison?   |        |
food     |food value|(condition)|          |poison?   |        |
herb     |          |charges    |herb #    |          |        |
key      |(lock #)  |           |          |          |        |
lever    |leverflags|vnum/sn    |vnum      |vnum/value|        |
light    |          |           |hours left|          |        |
money    |# of coins|coin type  |          |          |        |
pill     |spell lvl |sn 1       |sn 2      |sn 3      |food val|
potion   |spell lvl |sn 1       |sn 2      |sn 3      |        |
salve    |spell lvl |max charge |charges   |delay     |sn      |sn
scroll   |spell lvl |sn 1       |sn 2      |sn3       |        |
staff    |spell lvl |max charges|charges   |sn        |        |
switch   |leverflags|vnum/sn    |vnum      |vnum/value|        |
trap     |charges   |type       |level     |flags     |        |
treasure |(type)    |(condition)|          |          |        |
wand     |level     |max charges|charges   |sn        |        |
weapon   |condition |num dice   |size dice |weapontype|        |

SLOOKUP                            (Shortform: SLO)
Syntax : slookup <skill-or-spell>
Syntax : slookup all
Example: slookup faerie fire
         slookup parry

SLOOKUP shows you the internal 'sn' and external 'slot' for the given
skill or spell.  The 'sn' is used for OSET and OSTAT.  The 'slot' is used
for area files.  Neither 'sn' nor 'slot' is used for player files; these
operate with the actual skill and spell names.

SLOOKUP ALL shows this information for all skills and spells.

There are two values used with armour class for objecttype Armor:
Value0: Variable amount based on level of item at repop.
Value1: Maximum repairable armor setting for the object.

Setting Value0 has no effect. It will re-adjust itself on repop based on
the repop level of the item. Setting Value1 below the expected repop
value for Value0 will result in an item that cannot be repaired until
Value0 drops below Value1's setting.  The listing below gives you a rough
approximation of the values returned for Value0 based on level:
     Level Invoked | Value 0   Level Invoked | Value 0
     --------------+---------  --------------+--------
           1       |  1-3           30       |   8-10
          10       |  3-5           40       |  11-13
          20       |  6-8           50       |  13-15

The amount that Value0 is set to determines the amount the player's AC
will be adjusted.  Different wear locations have a different multiplying
effect on AC:

0 x Value0 : Wield, Ears.
1 x Value0 : Arms, Finger, Neck, Feet, Hands, Shield, Waist, Wrist,
             Hold, Eyes.
2 x Value0 : Head, Legs, About.
3 x Value0 : Body.


Layers are currently available on the following wear locations:
About, Arms, Body, Feet, Hands, Legs, Waist.

Layers are set with a numeric value, or combination of values.  The
lower the value, the lower the layer, or thinner the item of clothing or
armor is.
Valid numeric values are:
0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128.
Or any combination of the above. A value of zero means no other items
can be layered with this item. Items of clothing can be layered over one
another as long as their layer values do not overlap. ie, if leather
armor were set to a value of 56 (8, 16, and 32), it could not layer with,
say, a set of heavy chain that is set to a value of 96 (32 and 64), as
they overlap on the layer value of 32.

Layer Bit Vectors
|1              |       | 
|2|6|3|1        |       |
|8|4|2|6|8|4|2|1| Layer | Suggested Armor Type
|0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0|   0   | (Default - Nothing Layers)
|0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1|   1   | silk shirt, light cloth tunic (Lowest Layer)  
|0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0|   2   | leather vest, heavy cloth
|0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0|   4   | light chainmail, padded gambeson
|0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0|   6   | padded chainmail
|0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0|   8   | leather jacket, reinforced chainmail
|0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0|  12   | platemail, similarly rigid armor
|0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0|  16   | light cloak, loose robes
|0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0|  24   | heavy fur cloak
|0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0|  32   | loose cloaks, surcoats
|0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0|  64   | capes
|1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0| 128   | magical effects (auras, clouds of dust, etc)
|1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1| 255   | (Highest Layer - Nothing Layers)
* Thick or bulky items may need to occupy more than one layer.
  (example; padded chain covers 2 layers)
* A "body" wear position will have more layers than other positions such
  as "arms", "hands", "legs", and "feet".
  (example for "hands"; silk gloves | leather gloves | chain gauntlets)
* Currently the only positions that you can layer are:
  "body", "legs", "feet", "arms", "hands", "about" and "waist".


none       strength   dexterity  intelligence wisdom       constitution
sex        level      age        height       weight       mana     
hit        move       gold       experience   armor        hitroll
damroll    save_para  save_rod   save_poison  save_breath  save_spell
charisma   resistant  immune     susceptible  affected     luck

**(The following are still in the testing stages - Don't use)**
backstab   pick       track      steal        sneak        hide 
detrap     dodge      peek       scan         gouge        search
mount      disarm     kick       parry        bash         stun
punch      climb      grip       scribe       brew
(The following are very powerful and should be used only rarely)
weaponspell <sn>: Will cast a spell on victim with every blow of a weapon
wearspell   <sn>: Will cast a spell on wearer when object is worn
removespell <sn>: Will cast a spell on wearer when object is removed

(Not currently working)
<skill> <modifier>  Will modifify a player's ability in a skill

The following are affect flags that can be used when osetting an item
(with oset <item> affect affected <affect flag>).  These flags can also
be used when msetting a mobile (mset <mob name> affected <affect flag>).
They may additionally be used to mset players if your level allows it.
Blind          Invisible    Detect_evil  Detect_invis  Detect_magic
Detect_hidden  **Hold**     Sanctuary    Faerie_fire   Infrared
Curse          **Flaming**  Poison       Protect       Paralysis
Sneak          Hide         Sleep        Charm         Flying
Pass_door      Floating     Truesight    Detect_traps  Scrying
Fireshield     Shockshield  Iceshield    Aqua_breath   Possess
Note - Hold and Flaming are current not in use.

Value | Liquid Type      | Affects
  0   | water            | Thirst Quench
  1   | beer             | Alcoholic
  2   | wine             | Alcoholic
  3   | ale              | Alcoholic
  4   | dark ale         | Alcoholic
  5   | whiskey          | Alcoholic
  6   | lemonade         | Thirst Quench
  7   | firebreather     | Alcoholic
  8   | local specialty  | Alcoholic
  9   | slime mold juice | Poison?
 10   | milk             | Thirst Quench
 11   | tea              | Thirst Quench
 12   | coffee           | Thirst Quench
 13   | salt water       |
 14   | cola             | Thirst Quench

Note: Liquids that are Alcoholic or Poisonous will affect a PC's
      mentalstate for the worse.


For items of type "weapon", the value3 field specifies the weapon type:

Value3 | Type     | Weapons     | Skill Affected
   0   | hit      | general     | Pugilism
   1   | slice    | knife/sword | Long Blades
   2   | stab     | dagger      | Short Blades
   3   | slash    | sword       | Long Blades
   4   | whip     | whip        | Flexible Arms
   5   | claw     | claw        | Talonous Arms
   6   | blast    | magical     | Pugilism
   7   | pound    | club/hammer | Bludgeons
   8   | crush    | club/hammer | Bludgeons
   9   | grep     |             | 
  10   | bite     |             | Pugilism
  11   | pierce   | dagger      | Short Blades
  12   | suction  |             | Pugilism


 Value | Condition                 Value | Condition
 ------+------------------------   ------+--------------------------
  12   | in superb condition.        5   | in great need of repair.
  11   | in excellent condition.     4   | in dire need of repair.
  10   | in very good condition.     3   | very badly worn.
   9   | in good shape.              2   | practically worthless.
   8   | showing a bit of wear.      1   | almost broken.
   7   | a little run down.          0   | broken.
   6   | in need of repair.


The damage a weapon does depends on the values you set when you make the
object.  Value1 refers to the number of die used, and Value2 refers to
the number of sides on the die used. (Example: Val1=5, Val2=4 - generates
a damage range of 5-20 (ave 13). If no values are specified, the MUD will
generate the appropriate damage done by the weapon based on its level.
This table is intended to use as a guideline when generating damage for
weapons, it's based on the numbers the MUD generates;
      Level |   Ave Damage     Level |   Ave Damage   
      ------+----------------  ------+----------------
         1  |   1 - 6  (3)       30  |   8 - 30 (19) 
         5  |   2 - 10 (6)       35  |  11 - 32 (21) 
        10  |   5 - 13 (9)       40  |  12 - 38 (25) 
        15  |   5 - 17 (11)      45  |  14 - 41 (27)  
        20  |   6 - 22 (14)      50  |  15 - 43 (29) 
        25  |  10 - 24 (17)  

Syntax: pull <trigger>
Syntax: push <trigger>

Levers, switches, pullchains and buttons can do all sorts of interesting
things... open or unlock doors, change exits around, teleport you to
another location, cast a spell, summon a monster... you name it!

Flag Name     | Bitvector |  Description
UP            |        1  |  Trigger is UP 
UNLOCK        |        2  |  Trigger unlocks something
LOCK          |        4  |  Trigger locks something
D_NORTH       |        8  |  Affects the north exit
D_SOUTH       |       16  |  Affects the south exit
D_EAST        |       32  |  Affects the east exit
D_WEST        |       64  |  Affects the west exit
D_UP          |      128  |  Affects the exit up
D_DOWN        |      256  |  Affects the exit down
DOOR          |      512  |  Affects a door
CONTAINER    *|     1024  |  Affects a container
OPEN          |     2048  |  Opens something
CLOSE         |     4096  |  Closes something
PASSAGE       |     8192  |  Creates a passage
OLOAD        *|    16384  |  Loads up an object
MLOAD        *|    32768  |  Loads up a mobile
TELEPORT      |    65536  |  Teleports the puller
TELEPORTALL  *|   131072  |  Teleports everyone in the room
TELEPORTPLUS *|   262144  |  Teleports everything in the room
DEATH        *|   524288  |  Causes instant death
CAST         *|  1048567  |  Casts a spell (sn in value1)
FAKEBLADE    *|  2097152  |  Lever is a wax covered sword blade (OUCH)
RAND4         |  4194304  |  Randomizes the exits N, S, E, W
RAND6         |  8388608  |  Randomizes the exits N, S, E, W, U, D
TRAPDOOR     *| 16777216  |  Opens a trap door, everthing falls down

See OSET and ITEMVALUES.  * = not yet implemented.

A Template for Object Making  (The Advanced Method)
This is the template I use when I'm creating new objects.  What I do is
create a file from this template for each new object I make, delete those
lines that I don't need, and then I send the file 1 line at a time using
an ASCII upload.  This way, I can create objects offline and then log in
to the building node and create all my objects at once.

-----CUT HERE-----
ocr (vnum) (keywords)
oset (keyword) type                [See OBJECTTYPES]
oset (keyword) short (short desc of object)
oset (keyword) long  (long desc of object)
oset (keyword) wear                [See WEARFLAGS]
oset (keyword) flags               [See OBJECTFLAGS]
oset (keyword) timer 0             [Optional Decay Timer]
oset (keyword) weight #
oset (keyword) cost #
oset (keyword) level #
oset (keyword) value0 0            [See ITEMVALUES]
oset (keyword) value1 0            [See ITEMVALUES]
oset (keyword) value2 0            [See ITEMVALUES]
oset (keyword) value3 0            [See ITEMVALUES]
oset (keyword) value4 0            [See ITEMVALUES]
oset (keyword) value5 0            [See ITEMVALUES]
oset (keyword) actiondesc (action) [Optional for FOOD itemtypes]
oset (keyword) affect (affect)     [See AFFECTTYPES]
oset (keyword) affect (affect)     [See AFFECTTYPES]
 :       :       :       :         [More can be added]
oset (keyword) affect (affect)     [See AFFECTTYPES]
oset (keyword) affect (affect)     [See AFFECTTYPES]
oset (keyword) ed (keywords)       [More than 1 ed can be used]
(This is a guide to use when writing eds, delete it before uploading.)

An Example of an Object Template
ocr 1000 wool woolen cape
oset woolen type armor
oset woolen short a warm woolen cape
oset woolen long A heap of wool rests on the ground here.
oset woolen wear take neck
oset woolen flags organic
oset woolen weight 5
oset woolen cost 5000
oset woolen level 13
oset woolen affect hit 5
oset woolen affect mana 10
oset woolen affect save_spell -3
oset woolen affect move -20
oset woolen ed wool woolen cape
This cape should keep you warm on those cold night watches.
---END FILE---