#AREA   Dragon Exports~

#AUTHOR Sandman~

5 25 0 60

#RESETMSG A hollow chant can be heard from somewhere far below...~


#ECONOMY 0 6672836

Kylara cult receptionist~
The Dragon Exports receptionist greets you with a smile.
Kylara is a woman of average beauty, but her smile is warming and genuine.
It is her job to keep the doors to the Dragon Exports building closed and
locked to all who do not know the cult's password.
3 4194984 0 C
4 17 6 1d0+9999 1d4+3
100 400
8 8 2
15 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 1767 1056768 3072 0 64 2
> all_greet_prog 100~
if level($n) >= 51
if isnpc($n)
say We do not allow your type in here $n!
mpforce $n south
if isgood($n)
smile $n
mpechoat $n Kylara says 'You may find this place distasteful. However,
mpechoat $n if you know the password, I shall unlock the door for you.'
mpechoat $n Kylara says 'Ah yes, you are exactly the type they look for here.
mpechoat $n If you know the password, I shall unlock the door for you.'
> speech_prog p worship dragons~
if ispc($n)
mpechoat $n Kylara smiles at you.
mpechoat $n Kylara says 'Enjoy your stay in Dragon Exports.'
mpechoaround $n $n leaves north.
mpechoat $n Kylara helps you through the Dragon Exports front door.
mptransfer 0.$n 9851
mpat 0.$n mpechoat $n Kylara closes the door behind you.
> death_prog 100~
if rand(33)
mpoload 9825 1
mpecho Kylara gasps as the life drains from her body.
mpecho as she falls the the ground, a key is dropped from her hand.
drop key
say Now you cannot pass, I take the door key with me into my next life!
mpecho Kylara takes a last glance at the painting on the west wall.
minor priest~
the minor priest~
A minor priest of the Dragon Cult scuffles along.
The minor priest seems preoccupied with his worship, so that he barely
realizes you are here.  He almost seems to be in a trance of some sort.
65 8 -100 C
12 17 0 1d4+250 2d5+7
100 400
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 1 1 0
3 0 1775 0 0 0 96 2
robed priest~
the robed priest~
A robed priest of the Dragon Cult seems startled by your presence.
Thie priest is not someone you want to mess with.  He is wearing
thick ornate robes and wields a sharp dagger.  His eyes have a look
of craziness to them, like this man lives in a world of his own.
97 48 -200 C
14 17 0 1d4+300 1d4+12
100 400
8 8 1
15 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0
S'goral draconian knight~
A Draconian Knight stands here formidably.
While human seeming, subtle signs give you another indication. A slight
green tinge to the skin, combined with a hint of vestigial scales, show
this creature to have more of a reptilian origin. His sole purpose in
life it to kill the people who pass here without an invitation.
67 696 -400 C
16 17 -20 1d4+400 2d5+15
100 400
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
31 3 0 0 1 1 0
4 0 132839 1 2048 8 32 2
> all_greet_prog 100~
if isnpc($n)
or isimmort($n)
mpechoat $n The Draconian Knight leaps in an angry attack!
mpechoat $n This will teach you to enter sacred grounds without an invitation!
  c magic $n
Cosira high priestess mistress~
Mistress Cosira~
The High Priestess of the Dragon Cult is infuriated by your intrusion!
This woman is beautiful, with a haunting strangeness to her. Her form
is that of a well endowed human female, but you can tell she is not
actually human. A slight green tinge to the skin, combined with a hint
of vestigial scales, show this woman to have more of a reptilian origin.
67 8376 -600 C
18 17 -25 1d4+400 5d4+8
100 400
8 8 2
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
31 0 0 0 1 1 0
4 0 1767 1 2048 0 1 2
> rand_prog 20~
close n
close e
> all_greet_prog 100~
if isnpc($n)
or isimmort($n)
  c dragonskin
  c flamestrike $n
Prilla virgin sacrifice~
A virgin is here, weeping over her pending death.
This innocent, beautiful girl is waiting for some brave, 
handsome warrior to save her.
3 512 0 C
5 17 6 1d5+50 1d4+3
100 400
8 8 2
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
4 5 0 0 8 9 0
0 0 1767 0 0 0 0 0
> death_prog 100~
> all_greet_prog 100~
if isnpc($n)
> rand_prog 6~
> rand_prog 4~
say Please let me go! Please! I am only 14, I am too young to die!
> rand_prog 2~
> act_prog ~
dragon wyrmling~
the Black Dragon Wyrmling~
A Black Dragon Wyrmling is here, moving to feed on you...
The Black Dragon Wyrmling is the center of this obscure Dragon Cult.
It is viciuos and has a nasty bite, so you better be ready!
39 648 -1000 C
25 -15 -12 10d20+600 3d10+12
50000 1000000
8 8 1
18 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
31 2 0 0 1 1 0
4 2 66599 65 2048 0 0 2
> fight_prog 33~
if isaffected($i) == blind
  , squints its eyes, looking for a target.
  mea 0.$r The Wyrmling takes a deep breath and breathes fire onto you!
  mer 0.$r The Wyrmling takes a deep breath and breathes fire onto $r!
  mpdamage $n 30
minor priest~
the minor priest~
A minor priest of the Dragon Cult is here, tending to the call of nature.
The minor priest seems preoccupied.
67 8200 -100 C
12 17 0 1d4+9 1d4+3
100 400
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 2048 0 0 2
> all_greet_prog 100~
blush $n
mpechoat $n The minor priest says 'You should learn to knock first!'
mpechoat $n The priest makes himself presentable.
> act_prog ~
fanatic monk~
a fanatic monk~
A fanatic monk raves about the day of the great black death!
A sincere, if looney, monk ... he wears a look of utter terror.
1 8 0 C
6 17 6 1d4+60 1d4+10
100 400
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 2048 0 0 2
> rand_prog 6~
, falls to the ground and sobs.
say I saw it!  Them!  Above the astral plane!
say The dark mages were right, the time is near!
, buries his face in his hands.
mpasound Not far away, an odd monk can be seen sobbing.
Belesdan director~
Belesdan, the head merchandiser, greets you with a smarmy smile.
Belesdan strikes you as a fast talking, slick deal maker. His smile is
not quite genuine, but draws you in all the same. His eyes are always
darting about, making sure he is not missing a thing. At first look
he appeared human, until you notice his almost too skinny build and
pointed ears. His elven features are tamed well by his human blood.
71 552 -1000 C
7 17 6 1d20+60 1d4+3
100 400
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
9 2 0 0 3 3 0
0 0 1767 0 2048 0 32 10
> rand_prog 5~
close east
> all_greet_prog 100~
if name($n) == Gemma coordinator
say Oh, hello Gemma dear. How is everything today?
mpecho Belesdan tries hard to look busy, and fails miserably.
blush Gemma
if name($n) == Moretta
say Moretta, can you please be a little more careful with my things.
say I mean really, do you not know how to do your work properly?
nudge moretta
if isnpc($n)
glare $n
say You do not belong in here.
mpforce $n west
if isimmort($n)
grovel $n
say Immortals are always welcome here. How may I serve you, $n?
say Ah, a mere mortal.  What is your business here, $n?
mpechoat $n I hope you understand, Dragon Exports is by invitation only.
mpechoat $n I suggest you visit Fandarel about your needs.
> act_prog p you feel cold to your bones.~
if name($n) == Gemma coordinator
grovel Gemma
say I can not help myself, your beauty overtakes my senses.
say I will try harder. If only you were not so fetching in that dress.
sigh gemma
growl $n
> act_prog p frowns at what you did.~
if name($n) == Moretta
say Watch your attitude wench, or you will find yourself out of a job.
say Only by MY grace do you even remain, such a high horse you ride.
grin $n
glare $n
Moretta wanders about here, keeping everything neat and tidy.
Moretta is the maid of this fine institution.  She is sort of mousey
and quiet, like she is afraid of her own shadow.  She never seems to
stop working, as if by sheer will she can clean the evil out of this
place.  She barely glances at you, then goes back to scrubbing.
69 520 200 C
12 17 6 5d15+120 1d4+3
100 400
8 8 2
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 1767 0 0 0 64 2
> rand_prog 5~
mpecho Moretta kneels and begins to scrub the floor.
> rand_prog 2~
mpecho Moretta stands on her tip-toes, trying to clean the ceiling.
> act_prog p spanks you playfully.  OUCH!~
if name($n) == Jerint sales director
growl jerint
say If not for me, this place would crumble about your very ears!
mpecho Moretta arranges the items on the shelves as she dusts.
say I'll be leaving now, try not to be so messy, Jerint.
poke jerint
say Hey now, do I look like that type o'girl to ya?
> act_prog p smiles at you.~
if name($n) == Jerint sales director
say Good! I hope it bruised you. Stop giving me such grief!
wave jerint
nod $n
> act_prog p nudges you.~
if name($n) == Belesdan director
say You know I am always careful with things, even if they are yours.
frown $n
say Hey now, don't go pushing me around.
> act_prog p Better keep your distance.~
if name($n) == Belesdan director
say Go ahead and fire me, you worthless pile of meat.
say No one can equal my loyalty or dedication, and I could use the vacation!
smirk belesdan
stare $n
say I just love a friendly flirt!
wink $n
> act_prog p stares at you, fuming with rage!~
if name($n) == Fandarel boss
say Oh, pardon me. I thought you were alone.
shiver $n
> act_prog p you.  Have a good journey.~
if name($n) == Fandarel boss
say Very well, sir.
smile $n
say Good bye to you $n.
Gemma coordinator~
Gemma, the office coordinator, bustles around the office.
Gemma looks very busy. She runs around the office to make sure everything
runs well.  She might be attractive if she weren't so work oriented.  Her
boss, Fandarel, keeps her more busy than necessary, probably for personal
65 520 -1000 C
14 17 0 5d20+190 1d15+4
100 400
8 8 2
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 1767 0 2048 0 96 2
> rand_prog 5~
mpecho Gemma rustles some papers in an attempt to put them in order.
> rand_prog 2~
say I really wish Fandarel would be more organized.
> act_prog p smiles at you.~
if name($n) == Jerint sales director
say Ah, Jerint, you know Fandarel would fire me if I ever slowed.
wink $n
smile $n
> act_prog p waves goodbye to you.  Have a good journey.~
if name($n) == Jerint sales director
say Good day to you too, Jerint.
wave jerint
smile $n
say Have a good journey $n.
> act_prog p Such an effect on people!~
if name($n) == Belesdan director
say Belesdan, I have asked you several times not to call me dear.
glare Belesdan
say Oh, sorry $n, I did not mean to embarass you.
> act_prog p Touching, huh?~
if name($n) == Belesdan director
say I am not going to take this from you, Belesdan.
say I get it enough from your Uncle Fandarel.  Cad must be a family trait.
snarl Belesdan
> act_prog p winks suggestively at you.~
if name($n) == Fandarel boss
say Please, Fandarel, I want to keep our relationship professional.
say I came by to see if you had any new papers that require processing.
smile $n
blush $n
> act_prog p whistles at the sight of you.~
if name($n) == Fandarel boss
mpecho Gemma stands up quickly, and straightens her dress.
gasp fandarel
say Good day, Mr. Fandarel.
blush $n
Fandarel boss~
Fandarel sits here, smoking a pipe and looking important.
Fandarel is good at being bossy, but makes for an awful person to work
for.  He basically sits around in his office all  day. He does take time
out to yell at those working under him, and to take a break in Gemma's
office.  He seems awful interested in watching her work, maybe hoping
to get a look up her skirt.
67 520 -500 C
12 17 -10 1d4+300 1d4+11
100 400
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 1767 0 0 0 32 2
> all_greet_prog 100~
if name($n) == Gemma coordinator
say Hello, Gemma, babe. You are sure candy to to the eyes.
wink gemma
if name($n) == Moretta
say Moretta, if I have told you once, I have told you a hundred times...
say Do not come in here unless I am alone.
fume Moretta
if isnpc($n)
if sex($n) == 2
say Hello $n. Would you care to join me for a coffee?
wink $n
shake $n
say Hello $n. Do you have business here in Dragon Cult?
> act_prog p smiles at you.~
if name($n) == Gemma coordinator
say Well yes, Gemma, I have a few items for you.
mpecho Fandarel holds out a few papers, but drops them as Gemma grabs for them.
say Oh dear, clumsy me. Please get those for me.
mpecho Gemma bends down and begins to collect the scattered papers.
whistle gemma
grin $n
> act_prog frowns.~
if name($n) == Moretta
say Well, get about your work and be quick about it. I will not wait all day.
mpecho Moretta dusts the desk quickly, then empties the ashtray.
say Thats enough for now girl. You can finish after this meeting is done.
wave Moretta
say Hrmph, don't be frowning in here.
> rand_prog 2~
mpoload 9865 7
mpoload 9866 7
fill pipe nip
tamp pipe
light pipe
smoke pipe
empty pipe
mpjunk pipe
> death_prog 100~
mpoload 9865 10
mpoload 9866 10
mpoload 9866 10
Wilam torturer~
Wilam, the Cult Torturer, is ready to inflict great pain upon you.
This is one of the most handsome men you have ever seen. His hair is
a fiery red, shoulder length and wavy. His face has the ruged chiseled
look. His muscles are well defined, but not overly large. You can not
believe someone like this could torture people...  that is until he
smiles. There is an odd twist to his mouth, something dark and flickering
behind the eyes. A calculating madness lurks deep within that disturbing
smile. Resisting the urge to shiver, you pull your eyes away.
71 4194824 -1000 C
12 17 -30 20d10+500 1d7+5
100 400
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 0
4 0 1767 9 3072 2 64 2
> rand_prog 6~
close door
close secret
lock door
lock secret
mpjunk all
> rand_prog 2~
if isnpc($r)
grin $r
> rand_prog 1~
say No one leaves this room as long as I live and breathe!
> death_prog 100~
mpecho Wilam drops a hunk of metal on the ground.
mpecho Wilam kicks the key, and it skitters across the floor, out of sight.
> all_greet_prog 100~
close door
lock door
close secret
lock secret
mpechoat $n Wilam says 'Welcome to my chamber of torture.. How may I hurt you?'
> act_prog ~
Jerint sales director~
The Portable Dragon's vendor eyes you from bottom to top as you enter.
First thing you notice about this man is his eyes, as they scan you from
bottom to top, they are a vivid steel grey color, full of witty intellect
and genuine warmth.  Exuding an aura of confidence, this is a man that
is completely comfortable in his masculinity.  His face is that of an
older gentleman, slightly wrinkled from many years of laughter and sun.
He sports a full head of salt and pepper hair and a handlebar mustache
with more salt than pepper.  His face breaks into a friendly smile at 
your appraisal.
67 8872 750 C
15 17 0 5d10+150 1d8+4
100 400
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 1767 0 3072 1 624 15
> all_greet_prog 100~
if name($n) == Gemma coordinator
say Stop your fretting, Gemma, it will give you wrinkles. Go take a break!
smile gemma
if name($n) == Moretta
say Woman, you clean this place so a man can not feel comfortable!
say Ever heard "dirty enough to be happy, clean enough to be healthy"?
spank Moretta
if isnpc($n)
force $n east
if isimmort($n)
say Hello $n, pleasure to serve those of the Immortal ranks!
say Welcome to my shop $n. What may I interest you in today?
> act_prog p winks suggestively at you.~
if name($n) == Gemma coordinator
say You may be right there, lass, sad to say.
say Maybe he shall lighten his mood as he gains years.
say Ah well, have a good day, Gemma!
wave Gemma
say My, you are a flirt, $n!
> act_prog p pokes you in the ribs.~
if name($n) == Moretta
say Ouch! Wench, that tickles. Now get outta here and bug someone else.
smile Moretta
poke $n
zombie zmee~
the zombie~
The decayed remains of a hapless Dragonslayer.
This zombie is pretty fresh.  Not much of the flesh has begun to rot
off. This used to be a strong Dragonslayer, and chances are he carried
a lot of that strength into his undeath.
99 136 -1000 C
15 17 6 10d10+150 1d7+7
100 400
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 0
3 0 1767 0 0 0 0 0
> death_prog 100~
mpoload 9893 1
mpecho The Zombie yells 'Master! Help me.'
mpecho The Zombie falls to the ground, in a pile of rotting flesh.
Adrathom lich priest~
The Lich Priest glares at you through dead eyes.
This is the living corpse of a once powerfull priest of the cult.  In his
quest for power he learned the ways of the mage and made himself a 
monstrocity.  He is a creature to be reckoned with, and unless the
gods are in your favor he will probably kill you.
99 33554608 -1000 C
37 17 -75 10d30+750 5d4+12
100 400
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
67 0 0 0 1 1 0
4 0 1063 1048576 2099200 0 65 2
G'narish old monk~
An old, dangerous looking monk is here attempting to sell you candy.
This monk is so old, he looks as if he should be long dead and buried.
His face is a series of wrinkles, blurring all his features.  His
breath is awful, and as you look closer, you can see why.  His teeth
are rotten and his tongue is a disgusting black.
3 4202664 -200 C
20 17 -300 1d1+10000 10d5+10
100 400
8 8 1
13 13 13 16 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 -3
36 1 0 0 1 1 3
3 0 955 0 11312 0 603980369 418
> rand_prog 25~
if goldamt($i) > 50000
mpat 5475 drop 40000 coins
mpat 5475 mppurge coins
> rand_prog 5~
, runs a blackened tongue over his rotting teeth, then grins.
the robed priest~
A trusted priest of the Dragon Cult wanders here, deep in worship.
Thie priest is not someone you want to mess with.  He is wearing
thick ornate robes and wields a sharp dagger.  His eyes have a look
of craziness to them, like this man lives in a world of his own.
65 48 -200 C
14 17 0 1d4+300 1d4+12
100 400
8 8 1
15 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
spacer mob~
a newly created spacer mob~
Some god abandoned a newly created spacer mob here.
1073741825 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0

a newly created altar~
Some god dropped a newly created altar here.~
13 1073741824 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
black key~
a black key~
You see a very important key here!~
18 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
primitive key~
a primitive key~
You see a primitive key here!~
18 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
skull key~
a skull key~
You see a skull key here!~
18 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
bone sword~
a bone sword~
A sharp piece of bone lays here.~
5 512 8193
0 0 0 1
40 4000 400
1 2
2 2
3 -1
19 1
18 1
skull helm dragon~
a helm made from a dragon's skull~
The skull of a dragon lies here.~
9 1 17
0 0 0 0
15 4000 400
3 -1
5 2
dark robes~
some dark robes~
Some dark robes lay here.~
9 0 9
0 0 0 0
5 1000 100
12 30
black pen~
a black pen~
A black pen catches your eye.~
5 0 8193
0 0 0 11
8 300 30
evil black dagger~
an evil looking black dagger~
A black dagger is here radiating evil.~
5 16 8193
0 0 0 11
10 300 30
19 3
18 2
black staff~
a black staff~
A long, blackened stick is here.~
5 8388624 8193
0 0 0 7
10 300 30
18 3
3 1
heap scales black dragonscale robes~
dragonscale robes~
You see a shimering black heap of scales.~
9 2640 9
0 0 0 0
20 5000 500
12 50
3 3
4 3
13 25
ornate robes~
ornate robes~
You see a pile of finely woven cloth.~
9 0 9
0 0 0 0
20 5000 500
3 1
4 1
white dress torn~
a torn white dress~
A once pretty dress is lying here with holes torn in it.~
9 0 9
0 0 0 0
5 10 1
rusty key~
a rusty key~
A hunk of metal is on the ground.~
18 33554432 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
cheap plaid pants pair~
a pair of cheap plaid pants~
Some really ugly pants are on the ground here.~
9 0 33
0 0 0 0
5 1000 100
25 -4
a donut~
There is a jelly filled donut here.~
19 0 1
100 0 0 0
1 0 0
a cup of coffee~
There is a piping hot cup of coffee here~
17 0 1
15 15 12 0
1 0 0
dragon candy~
dragon candy~
A piece of Dragon candy.~
26 0 1
0 4 27 -1
1 200 20
zombie candy~
zombie candy~
A piece of Zombie candy.~
26 0 1
0 4 2 17
1 320 32
lich candy~
lich candy~
A piece of Lich candy.~
26 0 1
0 33 -1 -1
1 50 5
vampire candy~
vampire candy~
A piece of Vampire candy.~
26 0 1
0 25 25 25
1 100 10
beholder candy~
beholder candy~
A piece of Beholder candy.~
26 0 1
0 44 19 20
1 1000 100
ogre candy~
ogre candy~
A piece of Ogre candy.~
26 0 1
1 39 66 -1
1 2000 200
troll candy~
troll candy~
A piece of Troll candy.~
26 0 1
0 16 16 -1
1 1500 150
death candy~
death candy~
A piece of Death candy.~
26 0 1
0 36 66 67
1 15000 1500
emerald stone~
an emerald stone~
A dark green stone lies here forgotten~
8 1 16385
0 0 0 0
16960 0 0
1 2
2 2
3 2
4 2
5 2
12 50
13 50
17 15
18 15
19 15
a brochure~
A sharp looking flyer flutters here in the breeze.~
13 4224 16385
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
The brochure reads:
 | C U L T  O F  T H E  D R A G O N |
 |                                  |
 | Join today and you too can share |
 | in the many benefits of a cult.  |
 | Advantages like:                 |
 |   - never having a heating bill! |
 |     (dragons, heat, get it?)     |
 |   - attractive robes!            |
 |   - virgin sacrifices!           |
 |   - sophisticated hairstyle!     |
 |                                  |
 | Remember - vote 'no' on prop.13, |
 |  a Darkhaven ban on Dragon Cult  |
 |             activity!            |
 |       If you feel like we do     |
 |       kill the Duke, TODAY!      |
glowing caution sign~
a brightly glowing sign of caution~
A new, brightly glowing caution sign beckons to you.~
12 3 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
glowing sign caution~
This area has been updated to take advantage of special functions and
capabilites found in the Realms, as well as to challenge the relative
strength of low level characters.  The area is easily accessible, and
provides excellent equipment for those who come prepared.  Those who
are not should seek adventure elsewhere.
ornate robes~
ornate robes~
You see a pile of finely woven cloth.~
9 1 5
0 0 0 0
7 5000 500
3 1
4 1
a statues of a dragon~
A pure gold dragon statue stands in the center of the room.~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
This statue is made from gold, molded into the shape of a majestic
dragon. The detail is extraordinary.  You can make out each scale
and curve of the body.  The mouth is pulled back in a snarl, showing
a mouth full of sharp teeth.
brown dragon staff~
a brown dragon staff~
Here lies a staff carved in a dark brown wood in the shape of a dragon.~
4 262209 16385
40 1 1 227
15 10000 1000
golden dragon statuette~
a golden dragon statuette~
A golden statuette, carved into the shape of a dragon, lies here.~
9 66 16385
5 7 0 0
12 75000 7500
31 2
3 1
12 20
red dragon wand~
a red dragon wand~
A red wand with the grip carved into the shape of a dragon.~
3 65 16385
20 1 1 212
10 95000 9500
black dragon potion~
a black dragon potion~
A black liquid, inside a dragon shaped flask, lies here bubbling.~
10 195 1
30 59 3 1
20 111111 11111
leaky quill~
a leaky quill~
A battered quill lies here, leaking ink everywhere.~
5 67 8193
0 0 0 11
8 300 30
25 -1
13 4
19 2
18 3
> use_prog 100~
mpechoat $n As you wield this quill, ink splashes on your armour.
mpechoat $n You become less attractive to those around you.
mpechoaround $n $n splashes ink on $s armour, making $m look messy.
meerschaum dragon pipe~
a meerschaum dragon pipe~
Here lies a pipe bowl, carved from white meerschaum, in the shape of a dragon.~
30 1 1
90 0 0 0
5 12500 1250
This pipe is made from a white clay, called meerschaum.  It is carved
into the shape of a dragon head caught in mid-growl.
dragon nip herb~
a pinch of dragon nip herb~
A brown herb lies here in a small pile.~
32 262144 1
30 30 0 0
3 1100 110
Dragon candy~
dragon candy~
A piece of Dragon candy.~
26 0 1
5 227 85 -1
1 450 45
rusty key~
a rusty key~
A hunk of metal is on the ground.~
18 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
a newly created spacerobj~
Some god dropped a newly created spacerobj here.~
13 1073741824 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0

Winter Altar~
0 1073741833 0
0 -1 9833
0 -1 9834
The Winter Pit~
0 1073741833 0
0 -1 9895
A dark cell~
0 1073741833 0
3 -1 9813
North Mage Route~
0 1073741833 0
0 -1 9814
0 -1 9836
3 -1 9812
North Mage Route~
0 1073741833 0
3 -1 9815
0 -1 9813
0 1073741833 0
0 -1 9816
3 -1 9814
Spring Altar~
0 1073741833 0
0 -1 9815
0 -1 9838
The Spring Pit~
0 1073741833 0
0 -1 9897
A dark cell~
0 1073741833 0
3 -1 9819
East Mage Route~
0 1073741833 0
3 -1 9818
0 -1 9820
0 -1 9840
East Mage Route~
0 1073741833 0
0 -1 9819
3 -1 9821
0 1073741833 0
3 -1 9820
0 -1 9822
Summer Altar~
0 1073741833 0
0 -1 9821
0 -1 9823
0 -1 9842
The Summer Pit~
0 1073741833 0
0 -1 9897
0 -1 9822
3 -1 9824
A dark cell~
0 1073741833 0
3 -1 9823
3 -1 9825
South Mage Route~
0 1073741833 0
0 -1 9844
3 -1 9824
0 -1 9826
South Mage Route~
0 1073741833 0
0 -1 9825
3 -1 9827
0 1073741833 0
3 -1 9826
0 -1 9828
Autumn Altar~
0 1073741833 0
0 -1 9827
0 -1 9846
The Autumn Pit~
0 9 0
0 -1 9895
A dark cell~
0 1073741833 0
3 -1 9831
3 -1 9829
West Mage Route~
0 1073741833 0
0 -1 9832
0 -1 9848
3 -1 9830
West Mage Route~
0 1073741833 0
3 -1 9833
0 -1 9831
0 1073741833 0
0 -1 9810
3 -1 9832
Winter Attendant~
0 1073741833 0
0 -1 9810
0 -1 9835
Winter Liar~
0 1073741833 0
0 -1 9811
0 -1 9834
North Mage Route~
0 1073741833 0
0 -1 9813
0 -1 9837
North Mage Route~
0 1073741833 0
0 -1 9836
0 -1 9891
Spring Attendant~
0 1073741833 0
0 -1 9816
0 -1 9839
Spring Liar~
0 1073741833 0
0 -1 9817
0 -1 9838
East Mage Route~
0 1073741833 0
0 -1 9819
0 -1 9841
East Mage Route~
0 1073741833 0
0 -1 9840
0 -1 9891
Summer Attendant~
0 1073741833 0
0 -1 9843
0 -1 9822
Summer Liar~
0 1073741833 0
0 -1 9823
0 -1 9842
South Mage Route~
0 1073741833 0
0 -1 9845
0 -1 9825
South Mage Route~
0 1073741833 0
0 -1 9891
0 -1 9844
Autumn Attendant~
0 1073741833 0
0 -1 9847
0 -1 9828
Autumn Liar~
0 1073741833 0
0 -1 9829
0 -1 9846
West Mage Route~
0 1073741833 0
0 -1 9849
0 -1 9831
West Mage Route~
0 1073741833 0
0 -1 9891
0 -1 9848
Dragon Exports front desk~
You have entered a very orderly office.  The room is painted in a light
gold with a few sparse paintings on the east wall and a massive painting
on the west wall.  In the center of the room is a carved desk, impressive
in stature and design.  A few potted plants stand sentry along the north
wall, framing a door that blocks travel deeper into this building.  A
small, golden plaque is attached to the north wall.
0 13 3
A door leads into the temple.
39 9825 9851
To the south is Law Avenue, of the town of Darkhaven.
0 -1 21019
A massive picture adorns the west wall, barely allowing the light
gold from the walls to be seen.  The painting is done in oils,
giving a sheen to the subject it presents to you.  It is a massive
dragon, larger then any you have seen in your adventures.  The
beast looks to stand about 40 feet from ground to nose tip and the
beasts body is about 300 feet long based by the the buildings in
the background.  At his feet are several men, all kneeling, and a
female dressed in white.  You think the artist captured a virgin
sacrifice on this canvas.  On the lower frame is a small brass
plate reading:  'worship dragons'
The walls here a well cleaned and painted a light gold.  On the 'east'
you see several small pictures and one massive picture on the 'west'.
The walls here a well cleaned and painted a light gold.  On the 'east'
you see several small pictures and one massive picture on the 'west'.
A small, golden plaque is attached to the north wall.
east paintings~
On the east wall there are five small paintings.  Each painting features
one dragon with a detailed background.  The pictures are arranged with
one in the center and the other four positioned around it.  The center
picture is that of a wyrmling, named because it looks like a serpent
with wings.  The painting at 2'oclock is of a smallish brown dragon in
a background of budding trees and new grasses of early spring.  The
painting at 4'oclock is that of a golden colored dragon basking in the
bright sun of mid-summer.  The painting at 8'oclock is a large red dragon
surrounded by falling leaves of the autumn season.  The final picture,
placed at 10'oclock to the wyrmling, represents a huge dragon of the
deepest black perched on a snow-covered cliffside.
A massive picture adorns the west wall, barely allowing the light
gold from the walls to be seen.  The painting is done in oils,
giving a sheen to the subject it presents to you.  It is a massive
dragon, larger then any you have seen in your adventures.  The
beast looks to stand about 40 feet from ground to nose tip and the
beasts body is about 300 feet long based by the the buildings in
the background.  At his feet are several men, all kneeling, and a
female dressed in white.  You think the artist captured a virgin
sacrifice on this canvas.  On the lower frame is a small brass
plate reading:  'worship dragons'
On the east wall there are five small paintings.  Each painting features
one dragon with a detailed background.  The pictures are arranged with
one in the center and the other four positioned around it.  The center
picture is that of a wyrmling, named because it looks like a serpent
with wings.  The painting at 2'oclock is of a smallish brown dragon in
a background of budding trees and new grasses of early spring.  The
painting at 4'oclock is that of a golden colored dragon basking in the
bright sun of mid-summer.  The painting at 8'oclock is a large red dragon
surrounded by falling leaves of the autumn season.  The final picture,
placed at 10'oclock to the wyrmling, represents a huge dragon of the
deepest black perched on a snow-covered cliffside.
A massive picture adorns the west wall, barely allowing the light
blue from the walls to be seen.  The painting is done in oils,
giving a sheen to the subject it presents to you.  It is a massive
dragon, larger then any you have seen in your adventures.  The
beast looks to stand about 40 feet from ground to nose tip and the
beasts body is about 300 feet long based by the the buildings in
the background.  At his feet are several men, all kneeling, and a
female dressed in white.  You think the artist captured a virgin
sacrifice on this canvas.  On the lower frame is a small brass
plate reading:  'worship dragons'
potted plants~
On each side of the northern door are several potted plants.  Each plant
is a different variety of a miniature tree.  The green they add to this
room tames the otherwise antiseptic office.
This desk looks like it was built to last several lifetimes.  It is
about six feet wide and three feet tall.  The wood is a mahogany,
carved and stained to a gorgeous finish.  The thing looks to weigh
at least a hundred pounds.  As you look it over, you wonder if it
was built in this room, because it does not appear to be able to fit
through either doorway here.
This dragon exports has had a major renovation recently, and there are
plans to add another section soon.  Please let me know if you like the
changes or have suggestions for the upcoming addition.  Enjoy your time
adventuring amongst those who worship dragons.
Brittany Seccunda-DethBlayde, Godmother
July 30, 1996
A dimly lit corridor~
It takes a few moments for your eyes to adjust to the sudden darkness
of this hallway.  The room is completely bare of color and decor.  The
emptiness appears purposeful, a ruse to make the building appear bland
enough to deter potential adventurers.
0 13 0
The Corridor continues North.
0 -1 9852
A door leads into the Reception Area.
3 9825 9850
Dragon Hall Foyer~
This is the formal foyer for the Dragon Exports office.  The room is a
stark contrast to the hallway leading into it.  The walls are painted
in a flat gold color.  There are two paintings on the east wall and two
paintings on the west wall.  To the north is an open doorway, leading
to a brightly lit room.  South is the hallway leading back toward the
reception area.
0 13 0
You see an office.
0 -1 9853
You see a corridor.
0 -1 9851
The walls have intricate paintings of dragons upon them.  You see none of
the good dragons in the paintings though, they are all of famous evil
dragons. Those like Tiamat and Shimmergloom.
walls paintings~
Four separate paintings adorn the walls here.  Two on the east wall
and two on the west.  All four painting feature infamous dragons, 
in various forms of celebration.
The walls have intricate paintings of dragons upon them.  You see none of
the good dragons in the paintings though, they are all of famous evil
dragons. Those like Tiamat and Shimmergloom.
The Front Office~
You have reached the front office of the Dragon Exports.  The decor here
is somewhat gaudy compared to the parts of the building you have seen so
far.  The walls maintain the flat golden hue, but the knick knacks are
more overblown.  Bigger and brighter seems to be the theme here.  The
variety of colors and styles almost turns your stomach.
0 9 0
There is a door to the east, with a sign reading: Caution -- Do not enter!
3 -1 9880
You see Dragon Hall.
0 -1 9852
You see the waiting room.
0 -1 9871
There is a trapdoor leading down.
3 -1 9854
The Dragon Cult Temple was created by Sandman,
late one night, when he should have been studying
for finals.  12/13/93
Dragon Cult Temple revised & expanded 
Spring Break '94 by Sandman when he
should have been his paper.
      | C U L T  O F  T H E  D R A G O N |
      |                                  |
      | Join today and you too can share |
      | in the many benefits a cult      |
      | member can have.                 |
      | advantages like:                 |
      |   - never having a heating bill  |
      |   - those cool robes             |
      |   - free virgin sacrifice        | 
      |     tickets!                     |
      |   - a cool haircut               |
      |                                  |
      | For all this and more call       |
      | 1-800-FOR-DRGN                   |
      |                                  |
      | Remember: vote no on 13          |
      | Citizens of Darkhaven ban on     |
      | Draconian activity.  If you      |
      | feel like we do, Kill the Duke   |
      | TODAY!                           |
door east~
There is a door to the east, with a sign reading: Caution -- Do not enter!
A five-way intersection~
You stand at a wide intersection of hallways.  There are exits to the
north, south, east, and west.  Above you, you can see the outlines of
a trap door.  From the south you notice a bright glow, catching your
0 9 0
There is an exit.
0 -1 9856
A hallway leads east.
0 -1 9857
You see a bright light.
0 -1 9855
You see a hallway.
0 -1 9859
As you look up you can see a trapdoor.
16777219 -1 9853
The Candlelit Shrine~
The light in this place is overwhelming.  Candles completely cover
the walls, making this place hot as well as bright.  This place is
a place of worship, and the idol is a golden dragon statue.
0 8 0
You see the intersection.
0 -1 9854
The Tapestry Room~
The walls of this room are covered with tapestries depicting various dragon
scenes.  Befitting the theme seen throughout this building, there are five
distinct tapestries - two to the north, two to the south, and one large
tapestry to the east.  As you begin to look them over in detail, you see
the east tapestry begin to move.  This may not be the best places to hang
0 9 0
A beautiful tapestry of a wyrmling covers a passageway to the east.
1027 -1 9886
You see the intersection.
0 -1 9854
w west~
The two tapestries on the west wall feature an early spring and
a summer scene.  The spring tapestry is a portrait of a smallish
brown dragon, perched on a hillside.  The trees around him are just
beginning to bud with new leaves and the grass has that bright, new
growth, green.  The dragon looks very prideful, sitting upright, it's
tail twisted in several loops, crossing the front of his hind legs.
His eyes are an orange color and seem to follow as you move.  His 
wings are touching above his back, somewhat flexed in case he needs
to take off for a quick flight.  Even in this relaxed, prancing state
this dragon is an impressive desplay of strength.
The summer tapestry is strikingly different.  It catches a majestic
golden dragon in mid flight.  It's wings spread far wider than this
tapestry can hold.  In the background, you can see it is summertime,
the sun out in full heat.  It looks hot, and the dragon appears to
enjoy it immensely.  The dragon flies, eyes closed, far above the
grassy hills.  His tail whipped up behind him, like a scorpion.  He
looks as if nothing could break his utter contentment of flight.
n north~
The two tapestries on the north wall feature an autumn and winter
scene. The autumn tapestry is a portrait of a mammoth red dragon.
He is deep in a forest, surrounded by gorgeous leaves of vivid
colors of fall.  His is sitting on his hind legs, his tail wrapped
around them.  His front legs are perched lightly on his tail, allowing
his to stand taller than if he were on all fours.  His chest appears
puffed up, like he is trying to look even more large then he already
is. He definitely makes a magestic statement, even in this medium.
The winter tapestry is so well done, it appears that your fingers would
freeze upon touching it.  It lacks much in the way of color, just the
stark white of frozen winter and the deepest black of the immense
dragon perching on the iced cliff.  The harsh contrast of the dragons
coloring to the background is shocking, stealing the more exact
deletes of it's being.
walls wall tapestry tapestries~
The walls have several tapestries, to get a better look at them,
try 'look north', 'look west', and 'look east'.
e east~
A large tapestry covers the entire eastern wall.  The tapestry portrays
a dragon wyrmling, feasting on a virgin sacrifice.  The tapestry appears
to be shielding an opening in the wall.
An ordinary hallway.~
This is a small hallway, leading away from the more busy parts of the
temple area.  The walls here are deprived of color and decor.  Only
the doors have any color.  One door leads off the the east and the
other to the north.
0 9 0
You see a small store.
3 -1 9892
You see a door.
3 -1 9858
You see the intersection.
0 -1 9854
The lavatory~
A horrible stench assaults your nostrils as you enter this room.  The
presence of defecation and urine is heavy in the air.  While appearing
to come from the much abused toilet, the scent could in fact be sourced
to several places within this putrid room.  You allow the strange and
powerfully mystic writings on the walls to draw your attention from the
awful smell.
0 9 0
You see a door.
3 -1 9857
A hallway~
This portion of the hallway is lit by a strange glow that seems to be
rising from the floor.  It's as if the stones had an internal light,
making them radiate this faint lambency.  No matter how closely you
peer into the flooring, you cannot locate the source of this power.
0 8 0
You see the intersection.
0 -1 9854
You see a bend in the hallway.
0 -1 9860
floor stones flooring~
The stones covering the floor are glowing with an undefined power.
Bend in the hallway~
You have come to a bend in the hallway of this strange place.  The
room is dark and dismal, devoid of all light and color.  The walls
look as if they have never experienced a cleaning, and the floors
are scuffed from the passing of many feet over time.
0 9 0
Its too far to make out.
0 -1 9861
You see a hallway.
0 -1 9859
A place of worship~
This darkened room is where the minor priests celebrate the passing
of vows and rituals, prerequisites to being allowed to descend deeper
into the temple.  On the floor are patterns, drawings, and recordings
of the rites performed here.  Worked into the patterning on the floor
is an image of a door, a seeming trapdoor leading to the heart of the
0 9 0
You see a staircase.
0 -1 9894
You still can run back to the hallway.
0 -1 9860
A trapdoor leads deeper into the Dragon cult temple.
3 -1 9862
Drawn and scratched into the floor are hundreds of patterns, drawings,
and recordings of rituals preformed here.  The overall theme seems to
be that of dragons and sacrifice.  The whole place feels dark and evil.
You see a trapdoor in the middle of the room, but are you brave or
foolish enough to descend where it leads?
trapdoor door~
This is a heavy wooden door, leading down into the temple.
patterns drawings recordings~
Drawn and scratched into the floor are hundreds of patterns, drawings,
and recordings of rituals preformed here.  The overall theme seems to
be that of dragons and sacrifice.  The whole place feels dark and evil.
You see a trapdoor in the middle of the room, but are you brave or
foolish enough to descend where it leads?
Dark Room~
The darkness is everpresent here.  The light you have barely breaks through
its tight grip.  Above is a small ladder, leading up to the minor priests'
section of the temple.  To the south is a circular room.
0 9 0
It's too dark to see anything.
0 -1 9863
You see a trapdoor.
3 -1 9861
This small ladder looks like it will support your weight, but not
much else.  It will take you to the upper levels of the temple.
The Inner Circle~
Dark and foreboding, this place of worship has a penetrating evil about
it. The priests barely maintain human form, as if turning into the very
dragons they so devotedly worship.  The walls are splashed with a maroon
red, that you can imagine used to be blood.  The room is a half circle,
the south wall being a perfect curve.  In the center of the room is a
long, rectangular table, painted blood red.  Attached to each corner is
thick leather straps.  The leather appears to be used for restaints.
0 9 0
It's very dark.
0 -1 9862
You see a room.
0 -1 9864
You see a corridor.
16777216 -1 9865
The walls are a dark, chiselled rock, bare except for splashings of
long dried blood.  The south wall is carved like a half moon, making
the whole room appear roundish.
This table is large enough to lay out a full grown man.  The leather straps
at each corner look strong enough to tie down a bull.  This table looks to
be used for sacrifices.
wall s south~
The south wall is carved like a half moon, making the whole room
appear roundish.  The walls are a dark, chiselled rock, bare
except for splashings of long dried blood.
Priest Quarters~
The Priests of the Dragon Cult sleep here.  The room is very neat and tidy,
except for one large tile on the floor with dirt around the edges.  The
only way out is west.
0 9 0
You see the inner circle.
0 -1 9863
A small stairway leads down into a pit, deep under the ground.
16777219 -1 9888
This heavy tile appears to be placed directly over a hole in the ground.
A foreboding corridor~
A cold chill soaks through your garments as you enter this room.  You
hear echos of soft weeping resounding through this darkened corridor.
A small cell lies to the north.  The hall continues east and west.
0 9 0
There is a cell door here.
7 9826 9866
You see the inner circle.
0 -1 9863
It's not a safe place to go.
0 -1 9867
The Virgins' Cell~
This dark, damp place is apparently where the Virgin Sacrifices are kept.
This room's size alone is enough to impose the feeling of impending doom
that the virgins that are forced to wait here must feel.  The mortar walls
show scratch marks along the seems, where countless maidens have tried
to claw their way to freedom.  One corner has straw packed in what must
be the excrement of the one waiting now.
0 9 0
You see a cell door.
7 -1 9865
Back to the glowing room.
65667 3 9873
An even more forboding corridor...~
You're really getting somewhere now.  This you can tell by the knots
forming in your stomach.  Exits open to the east and, if you really
wish to continue, to the west.
0 9 0
It's the hallway you just came from.
0 -1 9865
The chamber of a powerful being.
1027 -1 9868
The Chamber of the High Priestess~
This is the bed chamber of Mistress Cosira, the High Priestess of the
Dragon cult.  Being caught in here could cause you serious trouble.  A
huge bed occupies the southern part of the room.  The room is lit by
candle light, as hundreds of candles flicker in holders along the walls.
It is rumored that his priestess beds the dragons, and that she is perhaps
herself half dragon.
0 9 0
A foul stench floats in from the north.
1027 -1 9869
The forboding hallway isn't NEARLY as forboding as what lies beyond it.
1027 -1 9867
This bed is by far larger than any you have seen before.  It is very
possibly large enough to sleep a full grown dragon.
walls candles~
The wall is covered in candle holders, each housing a lit candle.
A foul smelling hallway~
Stench assults your senses as you enter this room.  Putrid wafts of
stale air surround you, making you think of death and decay.  Your
eyes begin to accept the darkness of the room, yet water in response
to the awful scent.  Along the walls are skeletal remains of humanoid
figures, posed in bizarre positions.  A single altar sits in the middle
of the room, covered in a dried liquid you can only assume was once
blood. You must get out of this gruesome place!  There are two doors
leading from this room, once back to the south and a wide door leading
to the north.
0 9 0
A huge steel door.
1031 9827 9870
You see the room in which the High Priestess resides.
1027 -1 9868
Chamber of the Wyrmling~
You feel eyes on you the instant you enter this room.  As you fall silent,
you can hear the rumbling breathing of a large beast.  In the north corner
is a huge creature, looking at you like you're going to be its next meal.
It's then that you notice the gnawed bones and large piles of dragon feces
littering the ground.  You give a shudder of revulsion as you absorb the
state of this place.  You suddenly feel you should leave, and soon.
0 9 0
A huge steel door, probably meant to keep the Wyrmling in.
3 9826 9869
A Waiting Room~
This room is filled with chairs, coffee tables and parchments.  You may
sit and rest here until your appointment.  The office has a number of
employees about, doing their jobs.  The front office is to the east and
the workshops, the Portable Dragon, and the main offices can be found
to the north.
0 9 0
Heading deeper into the building.
0 -1 9872
You see the front office.
0 -1 9853
You see an evil glow.
3 -1 9873
Dragon Exports central hall~
This room is all a bustle with employees and visitors to the Dragon
Exports.  Most here are in transit from one section of the office to
another, as this is the middle hallway.  West is where the fruits
their labor are sold, the Portable Dragon.  North is the Gemma's
office, she is the export coordinator, though you will usually find
her running about elsewhere.  East is the main workshop, where the
creations are made to supply to the shop.  This is quite an active
export business, for all its outward attempts to remain unnoticed
by the Darkhaven population.
0 9 0
You see a hallway in the office.
0 -1 9874
You see the main workshop.
0 -1 9878
You see the waiting room.
0 -1 9871
The Portable Dragon shop.
0 -1 9879
A strange, glowing room...~
The door snaps shut and you are left standing, locked in a small, tight,
glowing room ... it does not look like there is any way out, so you may
as well lie down on the rug that covers the floor.
0 9 0
2100271 9850 9871
A dark, damp cell.
3 -1 9866
It's pretty big rug, but it isn't nailed down or anything....
Hey, you think there could be something under it?
Yep you found it, a trapdoor....
It's pretty big rug, but it isn't nailed down or anything....
Hey, you think there could be something under it?
A hallway in the office~
This is a basic hallway, free from any furnishing or decoration,
save one large painting on the east wall.  This hall sees much less
traffic than the one south, as only Gemma's office and an odd door
can be accessed from this direction.
0 9 0
You see a staircase.
3 -1 9893
You see the central hall on the Dragon Cult building.
0 -1 9872
You see Gemma's office to the west.
0 -1 9875
This is a door made of a thick metal, unlike anything else so far
witnessed in this building.  The door leaves north from here.
painting east wall~
This is a large painting of an adult Wyrmling dragon.  It is a
immense serpent with fleshy wings and a pointed head.  He looks
fierce and deadly, even through this portrait.
Gemma's office~
This office is very clean, almost too clean for the amount of work
Gemma does around here.  This office is painted an off white and
the doorframe and windows are trimmed in a dark brown.  Both windows
are on the western wall, facing out to Vertic Avenue of the town of
Darkhaven. There is a desk placed directly under one of the windows,
allowing the person sitting there to gaze about the town as they
work.  The windows sure add a brightness and goodness to the room,
wiping out the tinge of darkness and evil felt throughout the rest
of the building.
0 9 0
You see a hallway in the office.
0 -1 9874
windows window~
You can look out upon the town of Darkhaven, on the Vertic Avenue.
Many towns people and avdenturers can be seen going about their
business, not noticing you at all.
wall west western w~
The walls here are painted an off white and the windows trimmed in
a dark brown.  Below one of the two windows is a large desk.  As
you gaze out the windows, you see the Vertic Avenue of Darkhaven.
This is an average desk, in size and structure.  The top is free
from clutter.  Everything appears to be kept neatly filed in the
Fandarel's office~
Fandarel's office is the epitome of disarray.  There are parchments,
ashtrays, and coffee cups littering his desk.  It's amazing that any
work could be accomplished amongst this disaster.  Actually, by the
look of things, you doubt he really does any work around here.  Back
to the south you can see the workshop, and can hear the people as they
work and talk.
0 9 0
You see a large workshop directly south if this office.
0 -1 9878
This desk is in shambles, stained and littered.  It's amazing that any
work can be done amongst the garbage here.
A small break room~
This room sees a lot less activity than would be expected from a business
this large.  Fandarel prefers his workers to break at their workstation
rather than spend the extra two minutes walking between rooms.  On lunch
break, the workers prefer to leave the building to get away from their
employer's dark mood and fits of ill temper.
0 9 0
The supply room.
0 -1 9882
A large workshop~
This room, though oddly placed, is well equiped for crafting the
items sold at the shop.  The entire south wall is workbenches and
stools, broken up into individual work sections by short wooden
dividers.  As you peer north, you realize that the main boss has
designed the workshop directly south of his office, he can watch
the progress without leaving his desk.  To the east is the storage
and supply room.
0 9 0
Fandarel office lies to the north.
0 -1 9876
The supply room.
0 -1 9882
Dragon Cult central hall is west from here.
0 -1 9872
This is one long counter, about four feet high, divided into 
several work stations.  It is not fancy, but looks very sturdy
and likely to withstand several years of use.
The Portable Dragon~
This shop appears to be the central point of this organization.  A place
to sell the items crafted in the attached workshops.  All items are dragon
related, in shape or spell, as a way to worship these enormous, fantastical
beasts.  There are four separate shelves attached to the back wall.  Each
is dedicated to a certain color of dragon items, rather than particular
style of dragon.  The only furnishing here is a counter and a tall stool
for the shopkeeper.  The counter is somewhat cluttered with parchments
and various items.
0 3145737 0
You see the entranceway to the office.
0 -1 9872
There are four shelves here, each heavily ladden with dragon items.
Each shelf is dedicated to one particular dragon color.  The first 
shelf has many dragon styles carved into brown staves.  The next 
shelf has several types of golden dragon statuettes, each a silent
tribute the the beast they liken.  The third shelf is full of red
wands, each with a grip carved into the form of a dragon.  The last
shelf is stacked full of black potions, held in magical, dragon
shaped flasks.  They definitely worship dragons here.  Nothing but
tributes to these fantastical beasts are sold here.
This counter is nothing fancy, but sturdy and well used.  The wood is
a strong oak, built to last through many years of service.  The top
is somewhat stained with liquid rings, probably from the coffee cups
littering it currently.  A few pieces of parchment clutter the middle
in a haphazard pile. 
This stool looks rickety.  You would not sit on it.  In fact, you
are in fear of breathing, should the breeze from your exhale knock
the shopkeeper to the floor in a heap.
A back hallway~
This hallway is used by the employees to bypass the busier parts
of the building.  It is bare from any decor, except the same flat
gold paint on the walls of the entrance hall and the front office.
You wonder again at the caution posted on the door that lead here, 
as nothing dangerous appears to be lurking here.  The hallway leads
further north and there is a door to the west, leading back to the
front office.
0 9 0
The hallway ends.
0 -1 9881
You see an open door leading to the front office.
3 -1 9853
End of the hallway~
This hallway is completely bare.  You can not understand the reason for
the cautions on the doors leading here.  The hallway continues south and
there is a door leading west.  There is also a closed door to the north.
0 13 0
A dark room, you can not even make out the floor.
3 -1 9887
The beginning of the back hallway.
0 -1 9880
You see a door.
3 -1 9882
There is a door to the north, with a sign reading: 
Caution -- Do not enter!
Storage and supplies~
This room is stacked with several shelves ladden with raw materials
used in the creation of Dragon Exports crafts.  Many types of woods,
herbs, liquids, and clays line the shelves.  There are even a few
items you have never seen before, and are not sure you would want
to touch.  North from here is the employee breakroom.  There is a
closed door to the east.  You can leave to the west back to the
0 9 0
You see the break room.
0 -1 9877
You see a door, with a sign that says: Do not enter.
3 -1 9881
You see the middle of the office.
0 -1 9878
door east~
There is a door to the east, with a sign reading: Caution -- Do not enter!
The dungeon~
You now find yourself at the bottom of a long, dark, vertical tunnel.
More than fifty feet above is the Dragon Cult's export business.  As
you peer about the room, it becomes obvious what a farse this business
really is.  You begin to wonder what they are hiding to go to such
extremes in disguising their true purpose here.  To the west is a door,
possibly offering the chance to discover just what secrets these walls
truly hold.
0 9 0
You see a big rusty iron door.
39 9893 9884
The torture chamber~
All sorts of horrible devices, implements of pain, are strewn about the
room.  A decomposing corpse rots on a rack in the south corner.  This
room holds nothing but pain and torture for those unlucky enough to find
it.  You will want to leave here, as quickly, and hopefully painlessly,
as you possibly can.  There are two exits out of here, one to the north
and one to the east, but they are both locked!  You must find the key.
0 3145737 0
1063 9837 9886
You see a big rusty iron door.
1063 9837 9883
> death_prog 100~
if name($n) == Wilam torturer
mpoload 9837 1
drop key
Sliding down the tunnel~
You're falling down...  You manage to stop your fall about midway
down this long drop in the tunnel.  You look up to where you were, 
and see you dropped a good twenty-five feet.  The sides are far too
slick here to make your way back up.  Now, do you let go and fall
the last twenty feet to the bottom?  It appears you have no choice.
0 3153929 0
65664 -1 9887
The tunnel ends at a dark dungeon.
0 -1 9883
A secret passageway~
This is a dark, damp passageway, with spiders and cob webs all around.
Excluding all the twists and turns it takes, there appears to be one
way out.  To the west you can see the backside of a huge tapestry, 
it hides this passageway from those who might happen into that room.
You also notice worn scratches in the floor, before the panelled wall
to the south.  It looks like a great weight was dragged through the
crack between the wall and the floor.
0 13 0
As the panels move aside, you see a chamber behind the wall.
wall panel paneling~
1059 9886 9884
You see the room to the front of the tapestry.
1027 -1 9856
wall panel panelling~
The panelled wall seems oddly out of place here, like it is more
for purpose of disguise than decor.  As you look closer, you see
a small handle, maybe it opens the wall?
The colors on this tapestry are dull and fragmentary.  The picture
on the front is indistinguishable from here.  You can move the
tapestry and pass into the next room.
A Downward Tunnel~
This looks like a large air vent, leading from deep in the
ground to well above your head.  Looking up, you can see the
tunnel closes to a small hole about five feet up.  Below, you
can see the tunnel disappear into a bottomless darkness.  To
continue further downward would be to flirt with death. There
is a definite stench flowing through this room, the miasmas
of death and decay.  Whatever is down there may not like your
presence, perhaps you should head back to the hallway to the
0 16777225 0
Sliding down the vertical tunnel, into the darkness.
3 -1 9881
sliding down the vertical tunnel.
0 -1 9885
Deeper into the pit~
A great evil seems to radiates from the earth below.  The darkness is
not only visual, but has a distinct presence.  This staircase leads
away from the Priests Quarters, to the deepest parts of the Cultists
Temple. The stairs are sturdy, but seem to not welcome your intrusion.
0 9 0
Above you is the sleeping quarters of the Cultist Priests.
tile door trapdoor trap~
3 -1 9864
You see a spiral staircase leading down, deep into the ground.
0 -1 9889
A darkened landing~
You have reached a landing on the staircase.  To the east is a small
doorway, leading away from the stairwell.  In the middle of the floor
is a gaping whole, leading to the bottom of the pit.  You can see
movement below, but have trouble finding the cause.  Should you explore
below, investigate to the east, or return to relative safety above?
0 9 0
There is an intersting alcove to the east.  It is well lit, a relief from this darkness.
3 -1 9890
The stairway leads up from this pit, to the safety of the Priests.
0 -1 9888
Below you is the bottom of this deep pit.
0 -1 9891
A dark alcove~
This darkened alcove appears to be used as a changing room.  There
is a spigot in the upper southeast corner, dripping a steady flow of
water.  This looks like a place for bathing.  On the eastern wall are
several hooks, holding various articles of clothing.
0 9 0
To the west is a landing of a staircase, leading back to the upper temple.
3 -1 9889
The wall is plain, without paint or polish.  Attached in several places
are hooks, used for hanging clothes.
This water faucet streams a steady flow of fresh water, allowing 
the opportunity to wash.
The bottom of the pit~
You are surrounded by corpses in various stages of decay.  A coldness
sinks into your spine as you realize the full magnitude of what you've
stumbled upon.  This is the home of Adrathom, a powerful lich, and he
does not look pleased at your intrusion.
0 9 0
It is too dark to see.
0 -1 9889
Cultic Candies~
This backroom is where the cultists keep and sell their candies.  Each
candy is a secret brew of magical ingredients.  You should be cautious
of eating anything you buy here, as the place does not look clean.  The
walls are covered in a thick layer of dust, and so is the shopkeeper!
0 13 0
You see the hallway.
3 -1 9857
Top of the staircase~
This is a staircase that leads downward, into a darkness that is
not only seen, but felt.  The walls change from the painted walls
of the office area to a dark stone surface.  Whatever is below,
they do not want to make you feel too welcome.
0 13 0
You see a hallway in the office.
3 -1 9874
You see the bottom of the staircase.
0 -1 9894
Bottom of the staircase~
As you stand at the bottom of this staircase, you wonder why anyone
would want to be down here.  The darkness is so dense as to have an
almost physical presence.  The result is oppressive.  The cold, harsh
stone walls seem to close in on you as you listen to the mezmerizing
chants coming from the south.
0 13 0
It is to blurred to see anything of note.
0 -1 9861
You see the top of the staircase.
0 -1 9893
The deepest pit~
0 1073741833 0
0 -1 9811
0 -1 9896
0 -1 9829
The fire pit~
0 1073741833 0
0 -1 9898
0 -1 9897
0 -1 9895
The deepest pit~
0 1073741833 0
0 -1 9817
0 -1 9823
0 -1 9896
The Passage to the pits~
0 9 0
0 -1 9896
0 -1 9899
The servants passage~
0 9 0
0 -1 9890
0 -1 9898

D 0 9812 1 1
D 0 9813 3 1
D 0 9814 1 1
D 0 9815 3 1
D 0 9818 2 1
D 0 9819 0 1
D 0 9820 2 1
D 0 9821 0 1
D 0 9823 3 1
D 0 9824 1 1
D 0 9824 3 1
D 0 9825 1 1
D 0 9826 3 1
D 0 9827 1 1
D 0 9830 0 1
D 0 9830 2 1
D 0 9831 2 1
D 0 9832 0 1
D 0 9833 2 1
M 0 9802 4 9849
E 1 9832 6 16
E 1 9852 4 3
M 0 9800 1 9850
D 0 9850 0 2
D 0 9851 2 1
M 0 9809 1 9853
E 1 9838 2 7
E 1 9864 2 16
D 0 9853 1 1
D 0 9853 5 1
M 0 9802 4 9854
E 1 9832 6 16
E 1 9835 4 5
D 0 9854 4 1
M 0 9801 7 9855
E 1 9830 8 5
O 1 9855 1 9855
M 0 9801 7 9856
E 1 9830 8 5
E 1 9833 6 16
M 0 9801 7 9856
E 1 9830 8 5
E 1 9833 6 16
D 0 9856 1 1
D 0 9857 0 1
D 0 9857 1 1
M 0 9807 1 9858
D 0 9858 3 1
M 0 9801 7 9860
E 1 9830 8 5
E 1 9833 6 16
M 0 9801 7 9860
E 1 9830 8 5
E 1 9833 6 16
M 0 9801 7 9860
E 1 9830 8 5
E 1 9833 6 16
M 0 9802 4 9861
E 1 9832 6 16
E 1 9852 4 3
M 0 9801 7 9861
E 1 9830 8 5
D 0 9861 5 1
D 0 9862 4 1
M 0 9863 2 9863
E 1 9835 4 3
E 1 9832 6 16
M 0 9863 2 9863
E 1 9835 4 3
E 1 9832 6 16
M 0 9802 4 9864
E 1 9852 4 3
D 0 9864 5 1
M 0 9803 1 9865
G 1 9826 1
E 1 9828 1 16
E 1 9829 1 6
D 0 9865 0 2
M 0 9805 1 9866
E 1 9836 1 5
D 0 9866 2 2
D 0 9866 4 1
D 0 9867 3 1
M 0 9804 1 9868
G 1 9827 1
E 1 9834 1 5
D 0 9868 0 1
D 0 9868 1 1
D 0 9869 0 2
D 0 9869 2 1
M 0 9806 1 9870
D 0 9870 2 1
D 0 9871 3 1
M 0 9811 1 9872
D 0 9873 1 2
D 0 9873 5 1
D 0 9874 0 1
M 0 9812 1 9876
M 0 9814 1 9879
G 1 9860 1
G 1 9861 1
G 1 9862 1
G 1 9863 1
D 0 9880 3 1
D 0 9881 0 1
D 0 9881 3 1
M 0 9810 1 9882
D 0 9882 1 1
M 0 9815 1 9883
D 0 9883 3 2
M 0 9813 1 9884
G 1 9837 1
D 0 9884 0 2
D 0 9884 1 2
D 0 9886 2 1
D 0 9886 3 1
D 0 9887 2 1
D 0 9888 4 1
D 0 9889 1 1
D 0 9890 3 1
M 0 9816 1 9891
M 0 9817 1 9892
G 1 9892 3
G 1 9842 1
G 1 9843 1
G 1 9844 1
G 1 9845 1
G 1 9846 1
G 1 9847 1
G 1 9848 1
D 0 9892 2 1
D 0 9893 2 1

 9814    0  0  0  0  0   120  90         0 23    ; Jerint
 9817   26  0  0  0  0   205 200         0 23    ; G'narish


M  9804 spec_cast_mage
M  9806 spec_thief
M  9809 spec_thief
M  9814 spec_cast_cleric
M  9817 spec_fido
