Name=@x1. Name: '@x2'.
notes=@x1. Private notes: '@x2'.
enternewone=Enter a new one\n\r:
calset=\n\rCalendar/Clock settings:\n\r
enterfile=Enter a new filename\n\r:
disptxt=@x1. Dispositions: 
enternewname=Enter a new name\n\r:
nameund=@x1. @x2: @x3UNDEFINED@x4 (@x5)
enterd=Enter a new description\n\r:
entnewvalue=Enter a new value: 
enterk=Enter a new killer\n\r:
entnewid=Enter a new identity (null=blank)\n\r:
enter2=Enter a new one (?)\n\r:
entnewamount=Enter a new amount\n\r:
entdef=Enter a new one or 'DEFAULT'\n\r:
entnewrace=Enter a new race (?)\n\r:
entchange=Enter one to change:
entclassar=Enter a class to add/remove(?)\n\r:
entnumb=Enter a new number:
levelsclass=Levels to give this class (@x1)\n\r:
entlist=Enter a new list (comma delimited)\n\r:
siphon=Levels to siphon from @x1 for this class (0)\n\r:
entnull=Enter a new one (null)\n\r:
tattooent=Enter a tattoo to add/remove\n\r:
entnull2=Enter a new one (null=default)\n\r:
titleent=Enter a title to add or a number to remove\n\r:
entnull3=Enter a new one (null = empty)\n\r:
lessonent=Enter a lesson to add/remove\n\r:
entreset=Enter a new one to reset\n\r:
groupent=Enter a group to add/remove\n\r:
some1=Enter something new (null == blended)\n\r:
behaent=Enter a behavior to add/remove (?)\n\r:
some2=Enter something new (null == see-through)\n\r:
behapar=Enter any behavior parameters (?)\n\r:@x1
some3=Enter something new (null = empty)\n\r:
effectent=Enter an effect to add/remove (?)\n\r:
some4=Enter something new\n\r:
effectpar=Enter any effect parameters (?)\n\r:@x1
some5=Enter something new (null=blank)\n\r:
some6=Enter something new (?)\n\r:
entvaluech=@x1Enter a new value\n\r:@x2@x3
curliq=. Current liquid type:
entsometh=Enter something to add/remove (?)\n\r:
addrem=Enter a name to add or remove\n\r:
howman=How many? :
arearem=Enter an area name to add or remove\n\r:
atwprice=At what price? :
roomcng=This will change the room type of room @x1. It will automatically save any mobs and items in this room permanently.  Are you absolutely sure (y/N)?
anewstri=Enter a new string (null=default)\n\r:
msgreadble=Is this door 
anewnum=Enter a new number\n\r:
msgitemr=. Is this item readable
anewsmask=Enter a new string (null=no mask)\n\r:
newtype=Enter a new type (?)\n\r:
entabaddrem=Enter an ability to add/remove (?)\n\r:
recipedata=Recipe Data 
newreq=Enter new requirements\n\r:
entskillid=Enter new skill id (?)\n\r:
newrit=Enter new ritual\n\r:
entdataline=Enter new data line\n\r:
sinritual=Enter new sin ritual\n\r:
gettable=. A) Is Gettable   :
newpowritual=Enter new power ritual\n\r:
droppable=B) Is Droppable  :
newsize=Enter a new size\n\r:
newlayer=Enter a new layer\n\r:
newseethrough=Is see-through (Y/N)? 
newmultiwear=Is multi-wear (Y/N)? 
removable=C) Is Removable  :
togglenumber=Select an option number above to TOGGLE\n\r: 
nonlocatable=D) Non-Locatable :
enter=Enter (@x1)\n\r:
twohanded=E) Is Two-Handed :
entermask=Enter a new mask (?)\n\r:
msgabcde=Enter one to change, or ENTER when done:
climate=. Climate:
weapclass=Enter a weapon class to add/remove (?)\n\r:
wetrainy=R) Wet and Rainy    :
truefalse=Enter a new true/false\n\r:
exhot=H) Excessively hot  :
entnewvalueh=Enter a new value (?)\n\r:
excold=C) Excessively cold :
validv=Valid values: \n\r
verywindy=W) Very windy       :
cateerr=That category does not exist.  Valid categories include: 
verydry=D) Very dry         :
racenameinv=That race name is invalid.  Valid races include: 
stats=. Stats:
bodypart=Enter a body part\n\r:
entnewvalue=Enter new value
bodyerr=That body part is invalid.  Valid parts include: 
senses=. Senses:
newnumb=Enter new number (@x1), 0=none\n\r:
hasadoor2=Has a door
hasadoor=. Has a door:
statname=Enter a stat name\n\r:
hasalock=\n\r   Has a lock  :
hasalock2=Has a lock
staterr=That stat is invalid.  Valid stats include: 
openticks=\n\r   Open ticks:
entvaluep=Enter a value\n\r:
deflocked=Defaults locked
resname=Enter a resource name to remove or\n\rthe word new and an item name to add from your inventory\n\r:
defclosed=Defaults closed
itemname=Enter an item name to remove or\n\rthe word new and an item name to add from your inventory\n\r:
entdelay=Enter a new delay\n\r:
weapname=Enter a weapon name from your inventory to change, or 'null' for human\n\r:
cancontaini=. Can contain :
comma=Enter a comma-delimited list of 9 numbers, running from infant -> ancient\n\r:
typeaddrem=Enter a type to add/remove (?)\n\r:
esslist=Enter: 1) Classless, 2) Leveless, 3) Expless\n\r:
hasalid=\n\r   Has a lid   :
hasalidmsg=Has a lid
abname=Enter an ability name to add or remove (?)\n\r:
hasalockmsg=Has a lock
skilllev=Enter the level of this skill (1): 
entlev=Enter a new level\n\r:
proflev=Enter the (perm) proficiency level (100): 
entamount=Enter new amount\n\r:
effaddrem=Enter an effect name to add or remove\n\r:
nochange=(no change)
entgaine=Enter the level to gain this effect (1): 
mxpfile=@x1. MXP file: '@x2'.
anypar=Enter any parameters: 
corpsedata=@x1. Corpse Data: '@x2/@x3'.
defaultprof=Enter the (default) proficiency level (0): 
deadMobd=Dead MOB Description: '@x1'.
anyprop=Enter any properties (): 
killersname=Killers Name: '@x1'.
defproflev=Enter the default proficiency level (100): 
author=@x1. Author: '@x2'.
editwhich=Edit which? 
paneltype=@x1. Panel Type: '@x2'.
comptypes=Component Types: @x1
faction=@x1. Faction Division/Ranges List:\n\r
newnotrec='@x1' is not recognized.  Try '?' for a list.
addremmodname=Enter a name to add, remove, or modify:
currencyname=@x1. Currency: '@x2'.
entnamefr=Enter a new name (@x1)\n\r: @x2
currencyerr='@x1' is not a known currency. Existing currencies include: DEFAULT@x2
lowendrange=Enter the low end of the range (@x1)\n\r: 
defaultant=Default -- Can't be changed.
highendrange=Enter the high end of the range (@x1)\n\r: 
hrsday=@x1 hrs-day/
codename=Enter a code-name (@x1)\n\r: 
daysmn=@x1 days-mn/
virtuename=Select the 'virtue' (if any) of this range:\n\r
mthyrs=@x1 mnths-yr
zappermasksmsg=Optional automatic assigned values with zapper masks (semicolon delimited).\n\r    
calendar=@x1. Calendar: '@x2'.
zappermasksmsg2=Other default values with zapper masks (semicolon delimited).\n\r    
hoursperday=1. @x1 hours per day\n\r
newplayervchoices=Optional new player value choices (semicolon-delimited).\n\r    
dawnhour=2. Dawn Hour: @x1\n\r
introtxt=Optional choices introduction text. Filename
dayhour=3. Day Hour: @x1\n\r
ratemod=Rate modifier
duskhour=4. Dusk Hour: @x1\n\r
factionmod=@x1. Faction change adjustment Factors with Zapper Masks:\n\r
nighthour=5. Night Hour: @x1\n\r
weekdays=6. Weekdays: @x1\n\r
whichstring=Enter a # to remove, or modify, or enter 0 to Add:
months=7. Months: @x1\n\r
entzapper=Enter a new zapper mask (@x1)\n\r: @x2
yeartitle=8. Year Title(s): @x1
gainadj=Enter gain adjustment (@x1%): @x2%
invalid=Invalid: @x1
lossadj=Enter loss adjustment (@x1%): @x2%
dawnerr=That value is before the dawn!
crossrelati=@x1. Cross-Faction Relations:\n\r
dawnerr=That value is before the dawn!
percchange=@x1Faction@x2Percentage change\n\r
dayerr=That value is before the day!
factionarm=Enter a faction to add, remove, or modify relations:
dawnerr=That value is before the dawn!
relamount=Enter a relation amount (@x1%): 
dayerr=That value is before the day!
factrigg=@x1. Faction Change Triggers:\n\r
duskerr=That value is before the dusk!
triggerid=Select a trigger ID to add, remove, or modify (?):
clanid=@x1. Clan (ID): '@x2'.
validdir=Valid directions:\n\r
clanrole=@x1. Clan (Role): '@x2'.
selnewdir=\n\rSelect a new direction (
errrole=That role is invalid. Try: @x1
amountfactor=Enter the amount factor (@x1%): 
arcfilename=@x1. Archive file name: '@x2'.
newflags=Enter new flag(s) (@x1): @x2
type=@x1. Type: '@x2'
zappermsg=Zapper mask (@x1): @x2
newdontex='@x1' does not exist. No Change.
abiallow=@x1. Ability allowances:\n\r
description=@x1. Description: '@x2'.
allmsg=Select an allowance to remove or modify, or enter 0 to Add:
pwd=@x1. Password: ********.
abdmasks=Ability determinate masks or ? (@x1): @x2
email=@x1. Email: @x2
validmasks=Valid masks: \n\r
display=@x1. Display: '@x2'.
minvalueab=Enter the minimum value to use the ability (@x1): 
maxvalueab=Enter the maximum value to use the ability (@x1): 
exitclosedtxt=@x1. Exit Closed Text: '@x2'.
smelllist=Smells list (; delimited)
closedtxt=@x1. Closed Text: '@x2'.
trpoints=Training Points
exitdir=@x1. Exit Direction: '@x2'.
practicep=Practice Points
doorn=@x1. Door Name: '@x2'.
questpoints=Quest Points
isdestroyed=@x1. Is destroyed after burnout: '@x2'.
postalchainl=Postal chain
openword=@x1. Open Word: '@x2'.
feebox=Fee to open a new box
aeastaffname=@x1. Area staff names: @x2
minpostcost=Minimum postage cost
staffrem=Staff removed.
poundcost=Postage cost per pound after 1st pound
ataffadd=Staff added.
feepound=Holding fee per pound per month
usererr='@x1' is not recognized as a valid user name.
monthsmac=Maximum number of months held
parentareas=@x1. Parent Areas: @x2
arearem=Area '@x1' removed.
areaadd=Area '@x1' added.
areaerr=Area '@x1' cannot be added because this would create a circular reference.
areaerr2='@x1' is not recognized as a valid area name.
areachild=@x1. Area Children: @x2
arearem=Area '@x1' removed.
areaadd=Area '@x1' added.
areaerr=Area '@x1' cannot be added because this would create a circular reference.
areaerr2='@x1' is not recognized as a valid area name.
closeword=@x1. Close Word: '@x2'.
asskeyitem=@x1. Assigned Key Item: '@x2'.
dorrnread=@x1. Door not is readable.
dorread=@x1. Door is readable: @x2
readabletxt=\n\rText: '@x1'.
itemread=@x1. Item is readable: @x2
assspellorp=@x1. Assigned Spell or Parameters: '@x2'.
assspell=@x1. Assigned Spell(s) ( ';' delimited)\n: '@x2'.
ammotype=@x1. Ammunition type: '@x2'.
assroomid=@x1. Assigned Room IDs: '@x2'.
asspellname=@x1. Assigned Spell Name: '@x2'.
asskeycode=@x1. Assigned Key Code: '@x2'.
assmaparea=@x1. Assigned Map Area(s): '@x2'.
lightdur=@x1. Light duration (before burn out): '@x2'.
assreadtxt=@x1. Assigned Read Text: '@x2'.
namenotrec='@x1' is not recognized.  Try '?'.
spellnotrec='@x1' is not recognized.  Try '?'.
comskill=\n\rCommon Skills:\n\r@x1\n\r
cskillerr='@x1' is not a valid common skill.  Try ?.
resetdticks=\n\rReset Delay (# ticks): '@x1'.
cancontain=\n\rCan only contain: @x1
unktype=Unknown type.  Try '?'.
textkey=\n\rKey code: '@x1'.
keycode=\n\r   Key name    :
leveltxt=@x1. Level: '@x2'.
rejuv=@x1. Rejuv/Pct: '@x2' (0=special).
rejuvticks=@x1. Rejuv Ticks: '@x2' (0=never).
neverrej=@x1 will now never rejuvinate.
usesrema=@x1. Uses Remaining: '@x2'.
maxuses=@x1. Maximum Uses: '@x2'.
condition=@x1. Condition: '@x2'.
misctxt=@x1. Misc Text: '@x2'.
landplotid=@x1. Land plot ID: '@x2'.
roomiderror=That property (room ID) doesn't exist!
magicalability=@x1. Magical Ability: '@x2'.
moneydata=@x1. Money data: '@x2 x @x3'.
currencyerr='@x1' is not recognized.  Try: @x2.
denomerr='@x1' is not a defined denomination. Try one of these: @x2.
hitpointsmod=@x1. Hit Points/Level Modifier (hp=((level*level) + (random*level*THIS))) : '@x2'.
hitpointsmodp=@x1. Ability (unused) : '@x2'.
basevalue=@x1. Base Value: '@x2'.
weight=@x1. Weight: '@x2'.
clanline=@x1. Clan: '@x2', Type: @x3.
typesclan=Types: @x1
unknown='@x1' is unknown.  Try '?'
height=@x1. Height: '@x2'.
size=@x1. Size: '@x2'.
layer=@x1. Layer: '@x2'@x3@x4.
capacity=@x1. Capacity: '@x2'.
attackadj=@x1. AttackAdjustment: '@x2'.
damagehit=@x1. Damage/Hit: '@x2'.
coininter=@x1. Coin Interest: '@x2'% per real day.
loaninter=@x1. Loan Interest: '@x2'% per mud month.
iteminter=@x1. Item Interest: '@x2'% per real day.
bankchain=@x1. Bank Chain   : '@x2'.
attacksperound=@x1. Attacks/Round: '@x2'.
armorlb=@x1. Armor (lower-better): '@x2'.
armorhb=@x1. Armor (higher-better): '@x2'.
moneycounter=@x1. Money: '@x2'.
ammorequi=@x1. Ammo required: @x2 (@x3)
ammotype2=\n\rAmmo type: '@x1'.
remembergenitem=(Remember to create a GenAmmunition item with '@x1' in the secret identity, and the uses remaining above 0!
ammocapacity=\n\rAmmo capacity: '@x1'.)
minmaxranges=@x1. Minimum/Maximum Ranges: @x2/@x3.
defectiveent=(defective entries.  resetting.)
weapatttype=@x1. Weapon Attack Type: '@x2'.
themesettings=@x1. Theme setting: '@x2'.
materialtype=@x1. Material Type: '@x2'.
instrumentype=@x1. Instrument Type: '@x2'.
factions=@x1. Factions: @x2
factionrem=Faction '@x1' removed.
factionadd=Faction '@x1' added.
factionerr='@x1' is not recognized as a valid faction name or file.
gender=@x1. Gender: '@x2'.
weaponclass=@x1. Weapon Classification: '@x2'.
secretid=@x1. Secret Identity: '@x2'.
noureat=@x1. Nourishment/Eat: '@x2'.
race=@x1. Race: '@x2'.
unknownrace=Unknown race! Try '?'.
classline=@x1. Class: '@x2'.
finalclassmsg=Final class may not be removed.  To change a class, add the new one first.
classerr=Unknown character class! Try '?'.
tattoos=@x1. Tattoos: '@x2'.
tattoorem=@x1 removed.
tattooadd=@x1 added.
titles=@x1. Titles: '@x2'.
tattoorem=@x1 removed.
tattooadd=@x1 added.
expertises=@x1. Expertises: '@x2'.
behaverem=@x1 removed.
behaveadd=@x1 added.
behavebad=You do not have clearance to add security code '@x1' to this class.
secgroups=@x1. Security Groups: '@x2'.
behaverem=@x1 removed.
behaveadd=@x1 added.
behaviorsline=@x1. Behaviors: '@x2'.
cidr=@x1 removed.
cida=@x1 added.
cidaa=@x1 re-added.
behaveerr='@x1' is not recognized.  Try '?'.
effects=@x1. Effects: '@x2'.
cidr=@x1 removed.
cida=@x1 added.
behaveerr='@x1' is not recognized.  Try '?'.
ridetype=@x1. Rideable Type: '@x2'.
nomobheld=@x1. Number of MOBs held: '@x2'.
shopktype=@x1. Shopkeeper type: '@x2'.
inventoryline=@x1. Inventory: '@x2'.
msgitemground=* Plus! Any items on the ground.
msgmobsroom=* Plus! Any mobs hanging around in the room.
itemidrem=@x1 removed.
shoperror=The shopkeeper does not sell that.
itemidadd=@x1 added.
itemerr='@x1' is not recognized.  Try '?'.
prejudice=@x1. Prejudice: '@x2'.
budget=@x1. Budget: '@x2'.
devaluationrate=@x1. Devaluation rate(s): '@x2'.
inventoryresetrate=@x1. Inventory reset rate: @x2 ticks.
ignoremask=@x1. Ignore Mask: '@x2'.
abilities=@x1. Abilities: '@x2'.
cidr=@x1 removed.
cida=@x1 added.
cidaa=@x1 re-added.
behaveerr='@x1' is not recognized.  Try '?'.
clericreq=@x1. Cleric Requirements: '@x2'.
clericrit=@x1. Cleric Ritual: '@x2'.
worshipreq=@x1. Worshiper Requirements: '@x2'.
worshiprit=@x1. Worshiper Ritual: '@x2'.
servicerit=@x1. Service Ritual  : '@x2'.
blessings=@x1. Blessings: '@x2'.
cidr=@x1 removed.
cida=@x1 added.
cidaa=@x1 re-added.
behaveerr='@x1' is not recognized.  Try '?'.
curses=@x1. Curses: '@x2'.
cidr=@x1 removed.
cida=@x1 added.
cidaa=@x1 re-added.
behaveerr='@x1' is not recognized.  Try '?'.
grantedpowers=@x1. Granted Powers: '@x2'.
cidr=@x1 removed.
cida=@x1 added.
cidaa=@x1 re-added.
behaveerr='@x1' is not recognized.  Try '?'.
clericsin=@x1. Cleric Sin: '@x2'.
worshipsin=@x1. Worshiper Sin: '@x2'.
clericpowrit=@x1. Cleric Power Ritual: '@x2'.
sizex=@x1. Size (X): '@x2'.
sizey=@x1. Size (Y): '@x2'.
wearonany=Wear on any one of: 
wornonall=Worn on all of: 
wearingpar=Wearing parameters\n\r0: Done
msgworn1=1: Able to worn on any ONE of these locations:
msgworn2=1: Must be worn on ALL of these locations:
qdrink=@x1. Quenched/Drink: '@x2'.
amountdrinks=@x1. Amount of Drink Held: '@x2'.
namenotrec='@x1' is not recognized.  Try '?'
namerem='@x1' removed.
nameadd='@x1' added.
availab=@x1. Availability: '@x2'.
racialcate=@x1. Racial Category: '@x2'.
healthrace=@x1. Health Race: '@x2'.
bodyparts=@x1. Body Parts: @x2.
Estatadj=@x1. EStat Adjustments: @x2.
Estatadjline=@x1. EStat Adjustments: @x2.
resources=@x1. Resources: @x2.
reserr=That is neither an existing resource name, or the word new followed by a valid item name.
inameadd=@x1 added.
inamerem=@x1 removed.
outfit=@x1. Outfit: @x2.
nameitemerr=That is neither an existing item name, or the word new followed by a valid item name.
inameadd=@x1 added.
inamerem=@x1 removed.
outfitline=@x1. Outfit: @x2.
nameitemerr=That is neither an existing item name, or the word new followed by a valid item name.
inameadd=@x1 added.
inamerem=@x1 removed.
naturalweap=@x1. Natural Weapon: @x2.
humanweapset=Human weapons set.
errinventory='@x1' is not in your inventory.
agingchart=@x1. Aging Chart: @x2.
entryout=Entry @x1 is out of place.
extraracflags=@x1. Extra Racial Flags: @x2.
extracharcfl=@x1. Extra CharClass Flags: @x2.
racialab=@x1. Racial Abilities: @x2.
abilityerr=That is neither an existing ability name, nor a valid one to add.  Use ? for a list.
autoinverr='@x1' cannot be named, as it is autoinvoked.
notriggererr='@x1' cannot be named, as it has no trigger/command words.
anameadd=@x1 added.
anamerem=@x1 removed.
racialfx=@x1. Racial Effects: @x2.
effecterr=That is neither an existing effect name, nor a valid one to add.  Use ? for a list.
anameadd=@x1 added.
anamerem=@x1 removed.
classabilities=@x1. Class Abilities: @x2.
abilityerr=That is neither an existing ability name, nor a valid one to add.  Use ? for a list.
anameadd=@x1 added.
anamerem=@x1 removed.
culturalab=@x1. Cultural Abilities: @x2.
abilityerr=That is neither an existing ability name, nor a valid one to add.  Use ? for a list.
anameadd=@x1 added.
anamerem=@x1 removed.
rangedeleted=Range deleted.
alreadyrange=A range already exists with that name!
notappmsg=@x1) Not applicable\n\r
facexists=That code name is already being used in another faction.  Value not accepted.
fielderr=This field may not be empty.
affectexp=@x1. Affect on experience: @x2
valuerr=That value is not valid.
factordel=Factor deleted.
errfaction='@x1' is not a valid faction.
reldel=Relation deleted.
validtrigg=Valid triggers: \n\r@x1
iderr=That ID is invalid.  Try '?'.
trigrem=Trigger deleted.
validflags=Valid flags include: @x1\n\r
allowancerr=That allowance is invalid..
alldel=Allowance deleted.
abilityidmsg= * Any ABILITY ID (skill/prayer/spell/etc)
unknownmasks=The following are unknown masks: '@x1'.  Please correct them.
factionfilereadonly=Faction File '@x1' could not be modified.  Make sure it is not READ-ONLY.
stringlimiterr=\n\rThe data entered exceeds the string limit of @x1 characters.  Please modify!
equipbeforesave=\n\rNow don't forget to equip @x1 with stuff before saving!\n\r
namealused=The name given cannot be chosen, as it is already being used.
stringlimiterr=\n\rThe data entered exceeds the string limit of @x1 characters.  Please modify!
genmobmsg=\n\rNow don't forget to equip him with non-generic items before saving! If you DO add items to his list, be sure to come back here in case you've exceeded the string limit again.\n\r
entvaluenew=Enter a new value\n\r:
reent=Re-enter now (null=blank)\n\r:
newprpid=New Property ID:
zeronomag=Enter a new value (0=no magic)\n\r:
entcurcode=Enter currency code (?):
entde=Enter denomination (?):
entstacksize=Enter stack size\n\r:
weightmsg=Enter a new weight\n\r:
entclan=Enter a new clan\n\r:
heightmsg=Enter a new height\n\r:
entnewsize=Enter a new size\n\r:
entnewcap=Enter a new capacity\n\r:
entnewchain=Enter a new chain\n\r:
confammo=Does this weapon require ammunition (default=@x1) (Y/N)?
minrangemsg=Enter a new minimum range\n\r:
maxrangemsg=Enter a new maximum range\n\r:
entnewlev=Enter a new level (?)\n\r
entnewmaterial=Enter a new material (?)\n\r:
entnewty=Enter a new type (?)\n\r:
factionmsg=Enter a faction name to add or remove\n\r:
howmuchf=How much faction (@x1)?
entergemsg=Enter a new gender (M/F/N)\n\r:
nochange=(no change)
validval=Valid values: \n\r
levelless=This level may not be less than @x1.
enteralign=Enter alignment equivalency or 0:
edwei=Base Weight
edvaria=Weight Variance
edmhe=Base Male Height
edfhe=Base Female Height
edhevar=Height Variance
edleavtxt=Leaving text
edarrtxt=Arriving text
edncc=Never create corpse
edcadj=CharStat Adjustments
edcset=CharStat Settings
edcsta=CharState Adjustments
ednpca=New Player CharState Adj.
moddelall=Would you like to M)odify or D)elete this allowance (M/d):
cna=Create a new allowance (y/N):
moddeltrig=Would you like to M)odify or D)elete this trigger (M/d):
cnt=Create a new trigger using ID '@x1' (y/N):
moddelrel=Would you like to M)odify or D)elete this relation (M/d):
cnf=Create a new relation for faction  '@x1' (y/N):
moddelran=Would you like to M)odify or D)elete this range (M/d):
afexp=Affect on experience: 
shomed=Show in MOB Editor
shorep=Show in Reports
shofcmd=Show in 'Factions' command
shosco=Show in 'Score'
selvaluen=\n\rSelect a value:
cnrange=Create a new range called '@x1' (y/N):
cllevsec=Class Level for Security Set #
seccodes=Security Codes in Set #
numsecs=Number of Security Code Sets:
weapres=Weapon Restr.
newplaycs=New Player CharState Adj.
chastateadj=CharState Adjustments
chastatsett=CharStat Settings
charsadj=CharStat Adjustments
armarm=Armor Restr.
dmdm=Levels/Dmg Pt
atat=Attack Attribute
diedie=Mana Die
dicedice=Mana #Dice
divodivo=Mana Divisor
hphp=HP #Dice
didi=HP Die
baba=Base Class
ipip=HP Con Divisor
nclvl=Name #@x1 class level:
nunu=Number of Class Names:
sese=Is this skill secret (N/y)?
autaut=Is this skill automatically gained (Y/n)?
moumou=Enter a new amount\n\r:
deadmobkillerplayer=Killer is a player: @x1
deadmobplayercorpse=Is a Players corpse: @x1
deadmobpkflag=Dead mobs PK flag: @x1
deadmoblastmsg=Last message string: @x1
deadmobtod=Time of death: @x1
deadMobname=Dead MOB name: '@x1'.
numpackaged=Number of items in the package
clangovt=@x1. Government type: '@x2'.
clangvterr=That government type is invalid.  Valid types include: @x1
clanprem=Clan Premise: 
clanexp=Clan Experience: 
clantax=Clan Tax Rate (X 100%): 
clanstatus=Clan Status: 
clanroomerr=That is either not a valid room id, or that room is not owned by the clan.
clanmorg=@x1. Morgue RoomID: '@x2'.
clanreca=@x1. Clan Home RoomID: '@x2'.
clandona=@x1. Clan Donate RoomID: '@x2'.
clanclas=@x1. Clan Auto-Class: '@x2'.
clanclaserr=That class name is invalid.  Valid names include: @x1
clanaccept=Clan Qualifications
clanrole=@x1. Clan Auto-Role: '@x2'.
clanrolerr=That role is invalid.  Valid roles include: @x1
clanstatus=@x1. Clan Status (toggle only): '@x2'.
clanmembers=@x1. Clan Members : '@x2'.
clanmemaddrem=Enter a name to add/remove\n\r:
clanmemerr='@x1' is an unrecognized player name.
clannewrole=Enter this members role (?) '@x1':