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<p style="text-align: center;" align="center"> <strong><span
 style="font-size: 18pt;"><font size="6">The Novice Archon's Guide</font>
           </span></strong><b><span style="font-size: 18pt;"><br>
                        <font size="6">to  CoffeeMud&nbsp;5.2</font>  </span></b></p>
<p style="text-align: center;" align="center"><strong>By Archon Grothus Gallslanger
          of the&nbsp;Free City of Maltan</strong></p>
<p style="text-align: center;" align="left"><strong><img
<p><strong><a name="construct"><strong><font color="royalblue" size="5">World
         Construction and Destruction</font> </strong></a>   </strong></p>
<p>Causing buildings and towers to appear along paved streets, mountains to
rise from the dust, and then breathing life into this worlds denizens may
seem like a daunting task, but you will quickly discover that it is not so.&nbsp;
All it takes is some careful planning, and educated execution.</p>
<p>Towards that end, but before we get started properly on the business of
          molding a universe, we must needs take a moment to reflect on the
  powers       of the Archon, and how the universes underlying laws are navigated.&nbsp;
         Herein, therefore, I have copied from the sacred scrolls the archaic
    and    confusing runes of "CoffeeMud Administration" for your consideration.</p>
<p align="left"><strong><font color="red" size="5"><a name="admin">CoffeeMud
         Administration</a></font> </strong></p>
<p align="left">       The administration of your CoffeeMud server is done
         from within the game server itself, when you are logged in as your
  Archon       player.&nbsp;&nbsp; Some functions can be performed from the
  <a href="MUDGrinder.html">MUDGrinder</a>.</p>
<p align="left"><em>AHELP<br>
                        </em>This is the command that Archons will use to 
get help  on  all   of  the   commands in this section, on various administrative 
 topics,   and   on all of   the various building "tools" discussed elsewhere 
 in this   document,   including   such things as behaviors and properties.&nbsp;
  The   atopics command   can give   you a comprehensive list of all the
topics   you  can get help on   with ahelp.</p>
<p align="left"><em>ANNOUNCE<br>
                        </em>If there is some message you wish to give to 
everyone   presently     on  your mud, this is the surest way to make sure 
they receive   it.</p>
                        </em>This command lets  the Archon do things after
 an elapsed    time,    or  even  periodically.</p>
                        </em>This command lets the Archon do anything as
another   player.</p>
<p align="left"><em>AT<br>
                        </em>This command lets the Archon  do anything anywhere, 
 regardless      of  where  he is!</p>
<p align="left"><em>BAN<br>
                        </em>Deadly, but necessary, this command allows you
 to specify    player    names,  or partial player names, or IP addresses
or IP ranges  that  you wish   to keep  OUT of your mud.</p>
<p align="left"><em>BEACON<br>
                        </em>The beacon command is used to change the unique
 home,  start   room,    or  recall room of either the Archon, or some targeted 
 player.&nbsp;    Rarely    used,  it is typically invoked only as reward 
for&nbsp;a player    or perhaps    a lesser  admin.</p>
<p align="left"><em>BOOT<br>
                        </em>If a player becomes troublesome, or you just 
want them   to  go  away,    you will use this power to knock them temporarily
 out of   your  mud,  regardless    of where they are in your world.&nbsp;
 To make  them STAY  away,  you will  have  to investigate commands such
as  destroy  or ban.</p>
<p align="left"><em>CHARGEN<br>
                        </em>This little tool accepts a character class 
name  and  a  level,    and   it  shows you the stats of an "average" player
of  that   class  and  level.&nbsp;     Although it's not a vital administration
 tool,  CharGen   can be a helpful    aid in the construction of monsters,
<p align="left"><em>CLOAK<br>
                        </em>This command makes the player unlisted in  commands 
 like   who,   chanwho,    and on web player lists.</p>
<p align="left"><em>COPY<br>
                        </em>Depending on the argument, this command can
make   copies    of  almost    anything in your mud, from rooms to monsters
and  items.&nbsp;     The thing   you want to copy must exist somewhere in
the  world for you  to  properly  copy  it.&nbsp; You can even specify how
many  things you wish  to  copy, for those   moments when one pot pie just
won't  do.</p>
<p align="left"><em>CREATE<br>
                        </em>Depending on the argument, this command can
bring   almost    anything     into existence, from rooms to doors, from
monsters  to  items.&nbsp;    The   create  command is discussed at length
in the sections  on  building    rooms   and areas.</p>
<p align="left"><em>DESTROY<br>
                        </em>This powerful command can be used to banish
objects   and   mobs,    rooms   and areas, or even players -- permanently.&nbsp;A&nbsp;
   player  (user)  need   not be online to be destroyed. The destroy command,
   as it relates to  rooms,   exits, items, and mobs,&nbsp;is discussed&nbsp;further
    in the sections on    building rooms and areas. </p>
<p align="left"><em>DEVIATIONS<br>
                        </em>Can show you the difference between your  world
 as it  is  compared     with  the standards at the end of this document.</p>
<p align="left"><em>DRESS<br>
                        </em>The quick way to get clothing, weapons  and&nbsp;armor
   on  your   mobs   from the command line.</p>
<p align="left"><em>DUMPFILE<br>
                        </em>When you want to view some text file on  your&nbsp;computer
     through     the MUD.</p>
<p align="left"><em>EXPORT<br>
                        </em>If you need a backup to your database, you can
 save  your   areas    one   at a time as files, for reimportation in the
event  of a  disaster.&nbsp;      This command will generate files with the
extension   .cmare.&nbsp; They    are  XML formatted text files containing
all the data  you told  the system    to export.&nbsp; In addition to rooms
and areas, you can also  specifically    export players, some items or mobs
from a room.&nbsp;  The import  command    could then be used later to load
the data you exported  back in.</p>
<p align="left"><em>GMODIFY<br>
                        </em>Quickly search for all the monsters, items,
or   rooms  that   match    your  search criteria.&nbsp; You can also optionally
 modify  the   found fields   with  this command.</p>
<p align="left"><em>GOTO<br>
                        </em>Allows the Archon to zap him or herself directly
 to  the   room   or  mob  of his or her choice.&nbsp; The argument is a
valid   Room  ID,  room   name,  mob name, or area name.&nbsp; You will find
yourself   using   the goto    command  quite a bit.&nbsp; Walking everywhere
                        </em> This module is used  to manage InterMud 3&nbsp;chatting
    channels.&nbsp;      I3 is a component of CoffeeMud that  provides for
 chatting   channels which      span across many many muds in cyperspace,
 allowing players  and admins   to   talk to folks playing on other muds.</p>
                        </em>This module is used to manage InterMud&nbsp;Chat
  2&nbsp;information.&nbsp;         IMC2 is a component of CoffeeMud that
provides for  chatting channels     which    span across many many muds in
cyperspace, allowing  players and    admins to   talk to folks playing on
other muds.</p>
<p>                                            <em>JRUN<br>
                        </em>This command can be  used to execute Javascript
 scripts   located    on  the local hard drive.&nbsp; If the  gods have given
 you this   power,  they  have great trust in you indeed.</p>
<p align="left"><em>IMPORT<br>
                        </em>Import will suck in one or  more data files
and  recreate    rooms,    areas,   players, mobs, items, and lots of  other
stuff  from the   contents    of those   files.&nbsp;&nbsp;The data files
that  import will   successfully    read&nbsp;include   (of course) the CoffeeMud
.cmare  files   discussed under    the export command.&nbsp;&nbsp;In   addition,
  import&nbsp;will   also take    in area data&nbsp;files from other  MUDs,
 such as ROM,  CircleMUD,   and others.&nbsp;   Of the non-CoffeeMud area
 files, the ROM format is  by far the best supported.</p>
<p align="left"><em>LINK<br>
                        </em>This command will cause two places to come together,
   making    travel    between them much easier.</p>
<p align="left"><em>LIST<br>
                        </em>The Archon is able to list lots of different 
things,   for  many   different   reasons.&nbsp; "list users" will show you 
all of   the players,      and when they  logged on last.&nbsp; This is useful 
for   weeding out olde     players  (see DESTROY  below).&nbsp;&nbsp;"list 
threads"   will show you  how   many Java  threads are  active.&nbsp; "list 
ticks" will  show you all  the  objects making use  of those  threads! "list 
reports"  will&nbsp;show  you your resource usage.&nbsp;   "list  staff" will
show you a list of your  areas and any Area staff defined  for  them. You
may also list things like  locales,  items, weapons, armor, mobs,  and  other
things discussed further  down in  the sections on world building.</p>
<p align="left"><em>LOAD<br>
                        </em>This command will cause a text or file resource
 to be   brought     into   memory.&nbsp; What happens to it from there is
 your business.</p>
<p align="left"><em>MERGE<br>
                        </em>This powerful tool is rarely used, but is vital
 if you    need   to  make   small changes to&nbsp;identical items or mobs
 scattered   all around     your  world.&nbsp; It uses item or mob data gathered
 from  the&nbsp;export    command   to merge with the&nbsp;items and mobs
you specify  in the real  world,  making  the  necessary world corrections&nbsp;&nbsp;that 
  you want  it to.</p>
<p align="left"><em>MODIFY<br>
                        </em>If something which exists is not quite right,
 this  command    can   make   it right.&nbsp; By telling the system exactly
 what you want   to  modify,   you  can change it into what it ought to be.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
     The modify    command  is discussed&nbsp;further in the sections on
building      rooms and    areas.</p>
<p align="left"><em>MULTIWATCH<br>
                        </em>A little tool which allows an Archon to gather
  evidence    against     multiplaying  players.</p>
<p align="left"><em>NOPURGE<br>
                        </em>Prevent a player from ever being auto-purged 
 due to  not   logging     in.</p>
<p align="left"><em>ORDER<br>
                        </em>Although any player may order around their followers, 
   an  Archon    can  order ANYONE to do ANYTHING.</p>
<p align="left"><em>POOF<br>
                        </em>This command lets you modify the messages seen
 when  you   use   GOTO   to  move from room to room.</p>
<p align="left"><em>POSSESS<br>
                        </em>Easily the most fun part of being an Archon
is  to  possess     one   of  the  monsters and harass the players, making
them  think the  monsters     have  truely  come to life!&nbsp; Some enjoy
this  so much that  they  forget     to return to  their true bodies!</p>
<p align="left"><em>PURGE<br>
                        </em>A moderate form of the DESTROY command which 
allows   you   to  clear    out  mobs or items without affecting whether or
not they  will    repopulate     (rejuv)  later on.</p>
<p align="left"><em>RESET<br>
                        </em>Giving a parameter of "room" or "area", this 
command   will   make   everything   reset back to the state it was last saved
<p align="left"><em>RESTRING<br>
                        </em>A moderate form of the MODIFY command which
allows   only   editing     a  few fields on items.</p>
<p align="left"><em>SAVE<br>
                        </em>This command is used to update your CoffeeMud
  database.    If  you   use   "save user",&nbsp;the system will&nbsp;update
 the players     data.&nbsp;    "save   room" can make aspects of&nbsp;a
room  permanent  by  saving it  to   the database.&nbsp;   Saving rooms is
discussed  further  below  in the section   on  building.</p>
<p align="left"><em>SESSIONS<br>
                        </em>This command will list all of the players online,
 and   perhaps     a  few  who are on their way to being online.</p>
<p align="left"><em>SHELL<br>
                        </em>This command will allow you to view the files
 in your   coffeemud      folder,  copy and delete files, and even put them
 in your   database.&nbsp;      Saving files   in the database?&nbsp; See
Appendix H  for more info on  the    CoffeeMud VFS   system.</p>
<p align="left"><em>SNOOP<br>
                        </em>This command can let you watch other players 
as they   wander    your   world.&nbsp;  This command gives you a second pair
of eyes  to look     over  the shoulder of  the player of your choice.&nbsp;
 You will  see everything      they see, almost  as if you were them yourself.</p>
<p align="left"><em>STAT<br>
                        </em>This command allows you to do everything from
 view the    statistical      happenings on your world, to the simple charicteristics 
   of a target mob    or player.</p>
<p align="left"><em>SYSMSGS<br>
                        </em>This important little trick is vital to those
 doing  CoffeeMud      development   from the command line. It gives the
Archon  a unique vision      of the world  sometimes necessary for his work.&nbsp;
  For one, it makes     everything visible  to the Archon regardless of its
  state of visibility,     darkness, fog, or any/all  other conditions.&nbsp;
  It also reveals the  unique     identifying codes, classes,   and names
by  which things are known  or  identified.&nbsp;   All of this is  very
important  when trying to modify   or destroy  things you  no longer want
 in your world.</p>
<p align="left"><em>SHUTDOWN<br>
                        </em>Although CoffeeMud can also be brought down
by  killing    the  Java   virtual  machine, the proper way to shut down
CoffeeMud  is by  entering    the  shutdown  command.&nbsp; This will ensure
that all  users   are saved  back to   disk, and  that the system goes down
in a polite  and   orderly manner.&nbsp;     </p>
                        </em>Use this command  if a player or monster has 
something   that   doesn't     belong to them, and you need  it back.</p>
<p align="left"><em>TICKTOCK<br>
                        </em>This simple little power  will advance the world's
 time   clock   by  one  hour every time it is used.&nbsp; If  it's day,
and  you  want it  to be  night,  or vis-versa, this is the way to go.</p>
<p align="left"><em>TRAILTO<br>
                        </em>A tool to tell the Archon the twistings and
turns  from    where   he  is,  to where he'd like to be.</p>
                        </em>Allows the Archon to zap&nbsp;someone directly
 to the   room   or  mob   of his or her choice.&nbsp; The argument is either
 ALL or the name   of the   target, and a valid Room ID, room name, mob name, 
 or area name.&nbsp;   Use    this when you want someone to go somewhere NOW.</p>
<p align="left"><em>UNLINK<br>
                        </em>This command will&nbsp;separate two places from
 one  together.</p>
<p align="left"><em>UNLOAD<br>
                        </em>If you've made any changes to your help files
 or other    resources,      and don't want to have to reboot the whole MUD,
 you can  use this  command      as a short-cut.&nbsp; It unloads "resources"
 (try "list resources") that      are in memory.&nbsp; By unloading resources
 from memory, you force CoffeeMud      to  reload your changes from disk.</p>
<p align="left"><em>WHERE<br>
                        </em>Allows the Archon to who all is online, and
where  they    are  on  the   map. An argument, such as "where orc",&nbsp;may
be  given  to specify    a  specific   mob name.&nbsp; That way, you can
find  out where   you might   have  misplaced   that wandering zombie.&nbsp;
Where  can also   be used to  locate rooms,  items,   or almost anything
else.&nbsp;  The mind   boggles at  the possibilities.</p>
<p align="left"><em>WIZEMOTE<br>
                        </em>The omnipresence of the Archon is reflected
in  this  command,     which    causes a message to appear throughout the
<p align="left"><em>WIZINV<br>
                        </em>Sometimes an Archon wants a little privacy,
and  this   command    gives    it to him or her.&nbsp; It will make the
Archon  completely   undetectable,       allowing free movement without harassment
 from players  or  monsters.</p>
<p align="left"><strong><font color="red" size="5"><a name="security">Security</a></font></strong>
<p align="left">CoffeeMud has&nbsp;an extremely flexible and  powerful security
         system.&nbsp; It allows the Archons to designate who has which 
powers,        and  where they may exercise them.&nbsp;&nbsp;Powers can be
doled out    to     minions  as they deserve and warrant.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
<p align="left">By default, all players who have&nbsp;levels  in the class
         of Archon are all powerful system administrators, who may perform
  all    of   the powers discussed in the last section and many many more.&nbsp;
    Of   course,   this does not NEED to be the definition of the all powerful,
    but   since  it  is for starters, we will&nbsp;continue as if Archon
and&nbsp;'All        Powerful    Super Duper System Administrator' are indeed
and always  the    same.&nbsp;   If you  wish&nbsp;to change it, the SYSOPMASK
setting  in your&nbsp;coffeemud.ini       file is  the place to go, or to
the &nbsp;<a href="MUDGrinder.html">MUDGrinder</a>       has a wonderful
tool for security     in the Control Panel.</p>
<p align="left">While players are just players, and are unable  to wipe their
         own noses without an Archon to provide them a tissue, they may 
also     be   much  more with the wave of an Archon's hand.&nbsp; The Security
setting       one sees  when using the command MODIFY USER <em>playername</em>
from   the    command line  can be used to give  players a small portion
of the  creative    powers.&nbsp;  By combining this with the  Staff setting
under  Areas (see    below), players  can have their powers narrowed to 
certain  spheres of influence.&nbsp;&nbsp;     A customized Character Class
can also  be used to expand  the creative power    of players by adding Security
Group  Levels to your players  character class.&nbsp;    See the section
on creating  your own custom character classes for  more  information  on
<p align="left">To upgrade the powers of a player, you may use the MODIFY
         command as  mentioned previously.&nbsp; From the Security setting,
  players       who are not SYSOPS  may be granted very specific privileges
  by adding   special    security codes. Each&nbsp;of  the privileges/flags
  may be limited   to specific    areas, or available  globally.&nbsp;&nbsp;Each&nbsp;entry
    listed under Security   for a player may be  either a security Group,
or&nbsp;a    specific security   code. Security Groups, like  the SYSOPMASK
mentioned   above,&nbsp;are also   defined in the coffeemud.ini file  or
from the <a href="MUDGrinder.html">MUDGrinder</a>                       
                            Control Panel. A Security&nbsp;Group     consists
of a  group name,  and a set of string codes representing privileges    
 for&nbsp;that   group. The  string codes are the security flags.&nbsp; The
    Group names   in the Control  Panel start with the string  "GROUP_",
but  only  the part   after that string  is a valid group  name.&nbsp; You
should  never  include   the "GROUP_" part when entering a group name into
a  players  Security  settings.&nbsp;</p>
<p align="left">Now, each individual security code&nbsp;which makes up&nbsp;each
          of the groups is implicitly global (meaning the power may be used
  anywhere),       but  can be&nbsp;qualified as area-only&nbsp;by prefixing
  the code with     the   word&nbsp;AREA and a space.&nbsp; For example,
the   security code  "ANNOUNCE"     by  itself&nbsp;confers the global ability
 to use the ANNOUNCE  command.   The  security  code&nbsp;"AREA ANNOUNCE"
means that the ANNOUNCE  command  can only  be used  inside areas&nbsp;where
the player is listed as Staff.&nbsp;    See  the section on  Areas in this
guide for more information  on Staff.</p>
<p align="left">Use HELP SECURITY, or access the Control  Panel from the <a
 href="MUDGrinder.html">MUDGrinder</a> for a list of recognized security
<p><strong><font color="purple" size="5"><a name="planning">Building Your
         World:  Planning is the First Step</a></font></strong></p>
<p>Before a single bird can flitter through the skies that  you opened up,
         you must have planned the placement of that sky, and the song of
 that     bird.&nbsp;   I am assuming you have been given some general area
 to  construct,    some wicked  kingdom, joyous elven city by the sea, or
some other such nonsense.&nbsp;     If not, get one; decide on the general
theme of some area you  wish to  construct.</p>
<p>At this point I suggest you&nbsp;get a piece of graph  paper or parchment.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
         Upon it you shall draw small squares next  to each other.&nbsp;
Plot     out    every location you will create.&nbsp; The squares  need not
be equal    in  size,  but they need to all fit together somehow.&nbsp; 
Before invoking     the spells  of creation, you should know where every
door leads,  where   every   path ends,   and if X indeed marks the spot,
where the X is.<br>
                        Inside each square, you shall make  small notes.&nbsp;
 What   notes?&nbsp;       Well, that's the next part of our  story.</p>
<p><strong><font color="purple" size="5"><a name="rooms">Understanding  Rooms</a></font></strong></p>
<p>At the foundation of the CoffeeMud world is the  room.&nbsp; Now, a room
         is not just some pink wallpapered play area, but simply  a place.&nbsp;
       Certainly  a kitchen can be a room, as can a pink wallpapered play
 area,      but so can  the bottom of a well, a stretch of rolling hills,
the top  of   a  tall mountain,  or a dragon&#8217;s lair deep underground.&nbsp;
Physical  size    does not  matter  with rooms; only your imagination can
determine  that.</p>
<p>Every room has a general foundational type that defines  it.&nbsp; That
         type determines the behavior of that room day to day, whether it
 is   outside     or inside, made of wood or stone, a mountain or a plain,
 in darkness   or   light, a cliffside or deep in the ocean.&nbsp; The type
 determines  whether     one breathes water or air,&nbsp;chops wood or fishes,
 and how  good the  hunting    is.&nbsp; This foundational type of every
room  has a  name: Locale.&nbsp;</p>
<p>If you log into CoffeeMud right now, you can list the  available Locales
         with the command "list locales".&nbsp; This list should  include
many     different    types of locales, most of which are  self-explanatory.&nbsp;
     They include:</p>
<table bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"
                             <td style="width: 20%;" width="20%">CaveMaze 
                             <td>a dark, dank, multi-room maze of caves</td>
                             <td>CaveRoom </td>
                             <td>dark and dank</td>
                             <td>CaveSurface </td>
                             <td>dark and dank ClimbableSurface</td>
                             <td>CityStreet </td>
                             <td>outside urban area</td>
                             <td>the edge you must climb up to</td>
                             <td>ClimbableSurface </td>
                             <td>an area that can only be climbed or flown
                             <td>Desert </td>
                             <td>a hot, dry, outside locale</td>
                             <td>DesertGrid </td>
                             <td>a hot, dry, multi-room outside locale</td>
                             <td>DesertMaze </td>
                             <td>a hot, dry, multi-room outside maze</td>
                             <td>DesertThinGrid </td>
                             <td>as DesertGrid but it uses less memory/more
                             <td>EndlessOcean </td>
                             <td>huge multi-room,&nbsp;locale&nbsp;on the 
ocean  surface</td>
                             <td>EndlessSky </td>
                             <td>an endless, ~3D, multi-room,&nbsp;locale 
up in  the     sky</td>
                             <td>EndlessThinOcean </td>
                             <td>As EndlessOcean but using less memory/more
                             <td>EndlessThinSky </td>
                             <td>As EndlessSky but using less memory/more 
                             <td>FrozenMountains </td>
                             <td>a cold, outside, mountanous room</td>
                             <td>FrozenPlains </td>
                             <td>the cold snowy plans</td>
                             <td>endless, ~3D, multi-room,&nbsp;locale below
 the   lake    surface</td>
                             <td>as GreatLake but using less memory/more
                             <td>Hills </td>
                             <td>green rolling hills</td>
                             <td>HillsGrid </td>
                             <td>a huge multi-room rolling hilly area</td>
                             <td>HillsThinGrid </td>
                             <td>as HillsGrid but using less memory/more
                             <td>HotRoom </td>
                             <td>a hot, stone, indoor place</td>
                             <td>IceRoom </td>
                             <td>a cold, icey, indoor place</td>
                             <td>IndoorInTheAir </td>
                             <td>such as a gap in a cave, or midway down
a     pit.</td>
                             <td>IndoorShallowWater </td>
                             <td>a layer of underground water perhaps</td>
                             <td>under an underground lake</td>
                             <td>on the surface of an underground lake</td>
                             <td>InTheAir </td>
                             <td>a place up among the clouds</td>
                             <td>a&nbsp;thick hot overgrown forest</td>
                             <td>a large multi-room overgrown hot forest</td>
                             <td>as JungleGrid but using less memory/more 
                             <td>a cave room large enough to bring mounts 
                             <td>a stone indoor room large enough to bring
 mounts     into</td>
                             <td>a wooden indoor room large enough to bring
 mounts      into</td>
                             <td>an indoor, stone place where magic always
                             <td>MagicShelter </td>
                             <td>the basis for the mage "Shelter" spell --
 do not     use.</td>
                             <td>an outside, mountanous region</td>
                             <td>an outside, mountanous multi-room of rock</td>
                             <td>as MountainsGrid but using less memory/more
                             <td>an outside, mountanous maze of rock</td>
                             <td>a climable mountainous place</td>
                             <td>a large, multi-room, climable mountainous
                             <td>as MountainSurfaceGrid but using less mem/more
                             <td>a room you can walk into, but then fall
                             <td>Plains </td>
                             <td>out in the open fields</td>
                             <td>PlainsGrid </td>
                             <td>a huge multi-room, outdoor plains area</td>
                             <td>PlainsThinGrid </td>
                             <td>as PlainsGrid but using less memory/more 
                             <td>Road </td>
                             <td>out in the open road</td>
                             <td>RoadGrid </td>
                             <td>a huge multi-room, outdoor stretch of road</td>
                             <td>RoadThinGrid </td>
                             <td>as RoadGrid but using less memory, more
                             <td>the surface of the ocean</td>
                             <td>as SaltWaterSurface but depths use less
       memory/more       cpu</td>
                             <td>a wet, cave-like maze</td>
                             <td>a wet, cave-like room</td>
                             <td>ShallowWater </td>
                             <td>a wet, outdoor area</td>
                             <td>some solid ground to fish from, if water 
is      nearby</td>
                             <td>StdGrid </td>
                             <td>the basis for all of the Grid locales -- 
do not   use.</td>
                             <td>StdMaze </td>
                             <td>the basis for the maze locales -- do not 
                             <td>StdRoom </td>
                             <td>the basis for all other Locales, do not
                             <td>StdThinGrid </td>
                             <td>the basis for all of the ThinGrid locales
 -- do   not    use.</td>
                             <td>StoneMaze </td>
                             <td>well lit indoor multi-room maze with stone
 walls     and   ceiling</td>
                             <td>StoneRoom </td>
                             <td>well lit indoor room with stone walls and
                             <td>StoneGrid </td>
                             <td>well lit indoor multi-room&nbsp;locale with
 stone      walls    and ceiling</td>
                             <td>StoneThinGrid </td>
                             <td>as StoneGrid but using less memory/more
                             <td>damp outdoor swampy region</td>
                             <td>a large multi-room damp outdoor swampy 
                             <td>as SwampGrid but using less memory/more
                             <td>TreeSurface </td>
                             <td>a wooden ClimbableSurface, such as the trunk
 of a      tree</td>
                             <td>beneath the ocean</td>
                             <td>a multi-room 2D place beneath the ocean</td>
                             <td>a multi-room 2D maze beneath the ocean</td>
                             <td>as UnderSaltWaterGrid but using less mem/more
                             <td>UnderWater </td>
                             <td>as wet as it gets... unless you are a fish
 you  won't      live   long</td>
                             <td>UnderWaterGrid </td>
                             <td>a huge multi-room underwater locale</td>
                             <td>UnderWaterThinGrid </td>
                             <td>as UnderWaterGrid but using less memory/more
                             <td>UnderWaterMaze </td>
                             <td>a huge multi-room maze of underwater locales
 -- be       careful!</td>
                             <td>the surface of a lake or river</td>
                             <td>as WaterSurface but depths use less mem/more
                             <td>WetCaveMaze </td>
                             <td>as CaveMaze, but extremely wet and nasty</td>
                             <td>WetCaveRoom </td>
                             <td>a wet and nasty CaveRoom</td>
                             <td>WoodRoom </td>
                             <td>well lit indoor room with wooden walls and
                             <td>WoodRoomGrid </td>
                             <td>well lit multi-indoor-room with wooden walls
 and     ceiling</td>
                             <td>WoodRoomThinGrid </td>
                             <td>as WoodRoomGrid but uses less memory/more
                             <td>well lit multi-indoor-maze with wooden walls
 and     ceiling</td>
                             <td>Woods </td>
                             <td>thick with trees and life, the bright forest</td>
                             <td>WoodsGrid </td>
                             <td>thick with trees and life, multi-room  expanse</td>
                             <td>WoodsThinGrid </td>
                             <td>as WoodsGrid but using less memory/more
                             <td>WoodsMaze </td>
                             <td>thick with trees and life, a multi-room
maze  of   woodlands</td>
<p>The type of room you pick can have an important impact on the residents
         of  your world.&nbsp; The type of room can determine whether there
  is   a  sky  above  the players, whether players in the room are affected
  by weather    events,  whether  there is any light in the room by default,
  whether nightfall    affects  the  lighting in the room, whether players
 drown or require swimming,    what  kinds of  resources are available from
 the various player resource-gathering      common  skills, and whether certain
  spells, prayers, skills, or commands     work properly  (Dirt Kicking doesn't
  work in ShallowWater, for instance).</p>
<p>For each room you are drawing on your graph parchment, you should note
         in the  Locale type of the room from the above list, or from the
list     you    received when  you entered "list locales" into CoffeeMud.&nbsp;
  Keep   in  mind  that some rooms  are multi-rooms.&nbsp; These Grids and
 Mazes represent    2-Dimensional  grids of  rooms of a single sort.&nbsp;
 The dimensions are    entirely up to  you, and can  range from a thin 1x20
 trail, to a wide 15x15    block.&nbsp; The mazes expand on  this by creating
 weaving paths through   the grids.</p>
<p>The detailed properties of rooms are discussed further  in the section
         on creating rooms.</p>
<p><strong><font color="purple" size="5"><a name="exits">Understanding  Exits</a></font></strong></p>
<p>Now surely you did not expect everyone to conjure him or  herself from
         place to place!&nbsp; Why, the pitiful halfling thieves would  starve
     in   their holes if this were so.&nbsp; No, each of the rooms you have
   drawn    on your paper will be connected with things called Exits.</p>
<p>For any two rooms that one can travel between, there are  always two exits.&nbsp;
         One exit leads from the first room to the second.  Another exit
leads      from    the second room to the first.&nbsp; Usually those exits
 are the    same, but   they need not be if you don't want them to be so.</p>
<p>All exits will take a person from one room to another,  and may even take
         them back again if you choose.&nbsp; An exit can only be  located
 in   one    of six directions: North, South, East, West, Up, and Down.&nbsp;
   The four    compass directions are easy to fathom, but be careful with
up   and down,   as they need not be unhindered flight, or a reckless fall.&nbsp; 
   If, for   instance,  the destination room is a Locale like "InTheAir", 
then   Up obviously    represents  the open sky.&nbsp; If it is another "StoneRoom",
     however, it   probably represents  a flight of stairs.&nbsp; The Down
 direction    may represent   falling off a  cliff, but it may also represent
 a ladder   down to the  basement.&nbsp;   Either  way is fine.&nbsp;&nbsp;
<p>Exits, like rooms, can be of many different types.&nbsp;  If you are still
         in CoffeeMud, enter the command "list exits".&nbsp; The list  you
 receive        describes the many connectors that can be mixed and matched
 between  rooms.&nbsp;     Some include doors, and some include doors with
 locks.&nbsp;  There  are   walkways  with pits, doors with needle traps,
and many others.&nbsp;  By far   the most  common of these Exits is called
"Open".&nbsp; It describes    a completely   free and clear path between
the two rooms you are creating.&nbsp;     Here is   the  official list:</p>
<table bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"
                             <td style="width: 25%;" width="25%">ClimbableExit</td>
                             <td>a passageway one must climb through</td>
                             <td>an ordinary closed door</td>
                             <td>a passageway one must fly through</td>
                             <td>an exit one must jump across or fall and 
                             <td>an ordinary closed gate</td>
                             <td>the maleable generic door</td>
                             <td>the maleable generic exit</td>
                             <td>an ordinary closed grate in the street</td>
                             <td>the venerable secret door</td>
                             <td>a way that can be walked through, but not
                             <td>no one may go that way</td>
                             <td>an ordinary locked door</td>
                             <td>an ordinary locked gate</td>
                             <td>a door trapped with a needle</td>
                             <td>a normal walkable passageway</td>
                             <td>an open walkway thats describable</td>
                             <td>an open walkway thats nameable</td>
                             <td>a walkable passageway with a pit!</td>
                             <td>base class for closed doors</td>
                             <td>base class for all exits, do not use!</td>
                             <td>base class for locked doors</td>
                             <td>base class for open walkways</td>
                             <td>a trapped and closed door</td>
                             <td>a trapped and locked and closed  door</td>
<p>As you finish your graph parchment drawing, be sure to  note those places
         where there are doors, locked doors, pit traps, and open  walkways.&nbsp;
         If a door is one way, or if a door leads to one place when one 
enters,        but  does not go back to there when one leaves, make a note
of that   too. &nbsp;The doors listed above are ever vigilant in decorum--
doors that  are opened by players will re-close in time, and locks are resecured.</p>
<p>However, it may come to pass that there is a rickety  straw door to some
         hut you wish to have, but it was not listed among your  choices.&nbsp;
      Fear   not, for there is "GenExit" and "GenDoor".&nbsp; "GenExit" 
stands       for "Generic   Exit", and represents the finest in Archon power.&nbsp; 
   A   completely customizable   exit flowing from one room to another.&nbsp; 
   And   thusly  are exits divided   from each other: the GenExits and GenDoors 
   are   customizable,  flexible, changable,  and otherwise maleable.&nbsp; 
  All the   other exits, however,  are "Standard",  meaning they are not very
  customizable   at all, but they do load  very quickly,  and take up very
 little memory compared  to a GenExit.&nbsp;  GenExits, as  well as the other
 features of exits, are  discussed further in the  section  on creating exits.</p>
                        <strong><font color="purple" size="5"><a
 name="mobintro">Understanding        That  Which Creepeth Upon the  Land</a></font></strong></p>
<p>The denizens of your land are surely the greatest  accomplishment you will
claim.&nbsp; From the lowly cooks in your kitchens to  the great beasts in
the darkest dungeons, it is they who will be remembered by  those who visit
your realm.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Funny then that for things so important, they should  have such a short,
         ugly sounding name: MOB.&nbsp; If you are in CoffeeMud, you  can
list     them:    "list mobs".&nbsp; It will show you every creature that
can  populate    your    cities, dwell in your dungeons, or hide in your
pantries.&nbsp;   They are    too numerous to list here.&nbsp;</p>
<p>If a creature is not listed there that you require,  there is always the
         GenMob, that nasty formless being that can be shaped by the  Archon 
   to   appear   and behave exactly as it should.&nbsp; GenShopkeepers, GenPostman,
      and  GenBankers&nbsp;are&nbsp;available  to provide valuable services
  for    your  community.&nbsp; GenDeitys give your  Clerics employment.
GenRideable       mobs  provide transport.&nbsp; For more devious  spirits,
however, the    GenUndead    is  also available, to strike fear in the  hearts
of the purest    cleric.&nbsp;    These  mobs just mentioned&nbsp;form the
 troupe of "Generic"    mobs, meaning    they are  customizable and changeable
from  inside the  mud.&nbsp;  The other    mobs  listed&nbsp;are classified
as species  "Standard"  mob,  meaning they    are not  nearly as customizable, 
though they  do load  quickly,  and take  up  much less  memory than the "Generic"
mobs do.</p>
<p>GenMobs, as well as the features of MOBs, are discussed  further in the
         section on creating MOBs.</p>
<p><strong><font color="purple" size="5"><a name="itemintro">The Things We
<p>Our last planning topic is that of the items that will  be found in your
         land.&nbsp; Some of them will be priceless once-in-a-lifetime  creations.&nbsp;
         Others will be reoccurring trapped chests that always seem to  have 
   enough      gold for those bold enough to continuously risk their guardians.</p>
<p>The items can be discovered using the "list items"  command.&nbsp; Other
         items include weapons, which can be discovered through  "list weapons",
       armor  from "list armor", and other miscellaneous enchanted items
 through       "list  magic".&nbsp; </p>
<p>For those items you need by are not present, there is  also the "GenItem",&nbsp;"GenBoat",
         "GenChair", "GenTable", "GenBed", "GenLimb",  "GenCoins", "GenCorpse",
      "GenKey",   "GenLantern", "GenLightSource", "GenCigar",  "GenPipe",
"GenMap",&nbsp;&nbsp;"GenResource",         "GenLiquidResource",  "GenFoodResource",
"GenRideable", "GenWallpaper",       "GenJournal", "GenBook",  "GenContainer",
 "GenFood", "GenDrink", "GenWater",   and  "GenReadable".&nbsp;     For the
fighting  spirit there is the "GenWeapon",    "GenStaff", and "GenArmor".&nbsp;
    Among  the&nbsp;formless magical items   are "GenPill", "GenPowder",
"GenPotion",      "GenScroll", "GenWand", and   "GenSuperPill".&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
These items     just  mentioned&nbsp;form    the&nbsp;gluttony of "Generic"
items, meaning   they  are  customizable  and  changeable from inside the
mud.&nbsp; The other   items   listed&nbsp;are    classified as "Standard"
items, meaning they are  not nearly  as  customizable,    though they do
load quickly, and take up much  less memory  than the  "Generic"    items
do.&nbsp; These and the many properties   of items  are discussed   below
under the section on creating items.</p>
<p><strong><font color="purple" size="5"><a name="creation">The Art of  Creation</a></font></strong></p>
<p>Before beginning, you should log into CoffeeMud and take  yourself to some
place that is adjacent to the area you will be forming.&nbsp;  You should
         also cast the spell of natural enlightenment using the following
 command:        "sysmsgs".&nbsp; You should see an utterance that reads
"Extended  messages       are now: ON".&nbsp; </p>
<p>Now your eyes will behold new wonders when you look  around the rooms:&nbsp;
         You will see the Locale types of the room, the Room IDs  that have
  been     assigned  uniquely to each room, the Area IDs of the area you
are    in.&nbsp;     They should  look like this:</p>
<p>Area&nbsp; :(MyArea)<br>
                        Locale:  (StoneRoom)&nbsp; <br>
                        (MyArea#123) Joe Bob's Room</p>
<p>The first line lists the area name, the second line the  locale type we
         talked about earlier, and the&nbsp;third line lists the Room ID,
 followed        by the Room Name.&nbsp; Take note of them all, my friend,
 and learn  to    appreciate  their beauty.&nbsp; </p>
<p><strong><font color="blue" size="5"><a name="roomcreate">Creating  Rooms</a></font></strong></p>
<p>Now that you have your plan laid out, it is quite time  to being execution.&nbsp;
         Gather your strength, and begin harnessing the power  of the Archon,
    for    you will need every ounce of it when the wood and rock chips 
start     flying.</p>
<p>To create a new room most easily, you must first be  standing in&nbsp;a
         room adjacent to it,&nbsp;one that will be connected to it  through 
   some     exit.&nbsp; You will then utter the invocation of room creation, 
    summoning     the Locale in the direction that the new room should be.&nbsp; 
   For  instance,     you wish to have a new room&nbsp;north of room "MyArea#123".&nbsp; 
   If  room&nbsp;"MyArea#123&#8221;    is already created, and the new room&nbsp;is 
   going  to be  of the "StoneRoom"    Locale, you would bring yourself to 
 room&nbsp;"MyArea#123"    and utter the    words:&nbsp; "create stoneroom 
<p><img alt="" src="images/createroom.gif">
<p>At this point, you should cover your ears, as the sound  of a stone room
         falling to the north is often quite disturbing.&nbsp; Between  the
  two    rooms;   the one you are standing in, and the one you have created,
  will    be a default   exit: the Open exit.&nbsp; Most times, that is ok,
  though   changing  it will   be the subject of the next section.</p>
<p>However, once this is done, and the rooms are  irrevocably linked, you
         can still throw a small twist on things.&nbsp; If you  are still
standing         in room "MyArea#123" and wish to create a NEW StoneRoom
in  the SAME    direction,     it can be done.&nbsp; Uttering the words "create
StoneRoom     north" AGAIN    and a new room is created.&nbsp; Now, what
happened with     "MyArea#124" you&#8217;re    wondering?&nbsp; It is still there,
and it still   leads back  to where you    are standing -- a one way exit.</p>
<p><img alt="" src="images/createroom2.gif">
<p><strong><font color="blue" size="5"><a name="modrooms">Modifying  Rooms</a></font></strong></p>
<p>For now, once you have created a new room, it is time to  design the landscape
         of it.&nbsp; To do this, you should enter the room through  the
default        Open  exit that was created for you.&nbsp; You will find the
room  plain      and boring.&nbsp;  </p>
<p>To give the room a new name and description, utter the  invocation: "modify
         room" and follow the promptings.&nbsp;&nbsp; The <em>display </em>property
         is the&nbsp;short name that appears  at the top of the room description,
        while the <em>description </em>field is the long text.&nbsp; Type
 whatever       text you like into these fields, and feel the power as the
 place takes     on  a new form dictated by your creative magic.&nbsp; These
 two fields  support      the CoffeeMud color codes described in the Programmer's
 guide,  as well   as  line  breaks using either %0D or \n.&nbsp; Normally,
 that's  all you need   to  know.&nbsp; However, these fields may also be
customized  to display  different    text depending on the weather, season,
or the time  of day.&nbsp;  This last   is  done by starting the field with
the string  &lt;VARIES&gt;,  and following   it with  text surrounded by
the appropriate  codes in the following format:    &lt;CODE&gt;text&lt;/CODE&gt;.&nbsp;
In  all of these cases, the codes must   be in  uppercase.&nbsp; Valid codes 
<p>Rooms of the Grid and Maze sort present unique  challenges to the molder
         of universes.&nbsp; In the first place, if you have  SYSMSGS turned 
   on,    you  will notice that the room ID displayed is a little  different.&nbsp;
       In addition  to the room ID of the parent room, there is an  additional
     set  of parenthesis  showing where you are in the big grid room.&nbsp;
   It  would  look something  like this:</p>
<p>Area :(Coffee Grounds) <br>
                        Locale:(Plains) <br>
                        (Coffee  Grounds#19#(0,2)) The Demitasse Demesnes</p>
<p>In this case, we are in Coffee Grounds#19, child room at  X=0, Y=2.&nbsp;</p>
<p>You will notice that you are unable to modify child rooms  like this one.&nbsp;
         In the case of Grids and Mazes, you must be inside the  Parent room 
   to   perform   modifications.&nbsp; To get to the parent room, use the 
 GOTO  command.&nbsp;     In the example above, we would enter "goto Coffee 
  Grounds#19".&nbsp;   This    will allow us to properly modify the room, 
and add any  creatures   (mobs)   to it later on.</p>
<p>Once you are in the parent room of a Grid or Maze, you  may use "modify
         room" to modify the properties of the entire grid or maze.&nbsp;
 You    can    modify things like the dimensions in the X and Y, to make
your grid     anything    from a long hallway to a giant hedge maze.&nbsp;
<p>Modifying the <em>display&nbsp;  </em>and <em>description </em>fields also
has unique  consequences inside a Maze or Grid.&nbsp; You may enter a random
selection of  text strings to display into each of these fields, so long
as you remember to  separate each individual text selection by the &lt;P&gt;
string.&nbsp; For  example:</p>
<p>Display: 'First Display Title&lt;P&gt;Second Display  Title&lt;P&gt;Third
         Display Title'<br>
                        Description: 'First  Description&lt;P&gt;Second Description&lt;P&gt;Third
<p>The above, when placed in a grid or maze locale, will  cause CoffeeMud
         to select randomly among three different display  title/description 
   combinations.&nbsp;&nbsp;      Since there is an equal number of  display 
   and descriptions given (3),   the   display and titles will always be 
matched   up in the grid children  rooms.&nbsp;   </p>
<p>After you have made your modifications to the grid  parent room display
         and description, use the "reset room" command to have them  take
<p>The "reset room" command will force CoffeeMud not only  to reset a grid
         or maze, but to reload the creatures and items last saved in the
 CoffeeMud        database.&nbsp; This can be useful if you make a few critters
 or  things       you don't want to keep and havn't yet saved.&nbsp; A corresponding
  "reset        area" command does the same for the whole area.</p>
<p>And speaking of areas,&nbsp;rooms also may have  behaviors and effects
         added to them, including a few more.&nbsp; In this case,  the behaviors
       and  effects above will only be active for this particular room. 
Aside      from  those  listed under Areas above, here are additional Behaviors
you     might  enjoy:  </p>
<p>"DelayedTransporter" causes all those who enter to be  whisked elsewhere.<br>
                        "Emoter" - yea -- this is mentioned  under Areas, 
but it's  just   sooo   cool.<br>
                        "FasterRecovery" -  makes the players recover their
 stats  faster    in  this   room.<br>
                        "FieryRoom" -  stuff catches on fire here! watch
                        "InstantDeath" - nuff  said.<br>
                        "Mime"&nbsp;causes the  room to mimic players.&nbsp;
 Wierd..   yea,   I  know.<br>
                        "MovingRoom" the fast train to somewhere.<br>
                        "ProtectedCitizens" will allow resident mobs to scream
 for   help   and   receive   it&nbsp;when attacked.<br>
                        "RandomMonsters"  will cause monsters from a saved
 file to  appear    here.<br>
                        "RandomItems"  will cause items from a saved file 
to appear   here.<br>
                        "ItemGenerator"  will create treasure and items for
 your rooms.<br>
                        "RandomTraps" will  cause random traps to be set
                        "ResourceOverride" if you want fishing in the desert,
 or  sand   in  your   swap,  this is the way to go.<br>
                        "Scriptable" makes the room react to events in a
scripted    way.<br>
                        "ScriptableEverymob" same as scriptable, but applies
 itself   to  all   the    mobs born here.<br>
                        "Sounder" is still a good alternative to Emoter.<br>
                        Lots of other  properties and effects are also available 
 for   rooms.&nbsp;      In addition to all  the ones listed above under Areas,
  here are a few  more    you might want to add:  </p>
<p>"Prop_AbilityImmunity" protects the room from specified  targeted spells.<br>
                        "Prop_ClosedDayNight" turns off the lights in a lit
 room  at  nighttime.<br>
                        "Prop_ClosedSeason" turns off the lights in a  lit
 room during    a  season.<br>
                        "Prop_CommonTwister" jumbles up the usefulness of 
 gathering   common    skills.<br>
                        "Prop_Crawlspace" forces players to crawl through 
                        "Prop_EnlargeRoom" forces players to use more movement
 traveling      through    here.<br>
                        "Prop_EnterAdjuster" affect the occupants stats permanent
   when&nbsp;entering       the room.<br>
                        "Prop_HereAdjuster" affecst the occupants  stats
when  in the   room.<br>
                        "Prop_HereSpellCast" affect the  occupants with spells
 when   in  the   room.<br>
                        "Prop_ItemTransporter" drop it, and its gone -- 
                        "Prop_ItemReceiver" is the elsewhere.<br>
                        "Prop_LotsForSale" puts this room up for sale, and
 ensures   that   you   never   run out of new rooms to buy.<br>
                        "Prop_MagicFreedom" makes the room an unhappy place
 for  mages.<br>
                        "Prop_NarrowLedge" makes this a room you can cross..
 if you    are  very   very  careful.<br>
                        "Prop_NoChannel" makes the room safe from  channel
                        "Prop_NoCharm" makes the room safe from  charming.<br>
        "Prop_NoOrdering" makes the room safe from player ordering.<br>
                        "Prop_NoPurge" makes the room safe for dropped  garbage.<br>
                        "Prop_NoPKill" makes the room safe from player  killing.<br>
                        "Prop_NoRecall" makes the room safe from  recalling.<br>
                        "Prop_NoSummon" makes the room safe from  summoning.<br>
                        "Prop_NoTeleport" makes the room safe from teleporting
                        "Prop_NoTeleportOut" makes the room safe from teleporting
                        "Prop_NoTelling" makes the room safe from telling 
between   players.<br>
                        "Prop_Peacemaker" makes the room safe.<br>
                        "Prop_ReqAlignments" lets  you limit the alignment
 of all  who   enter.<br>
                        "Prop_ReqCapacity" lets you limit  the number of
folks  or  items    in  the   rooms.<br>
                        "Prop_ReqClasses" lets you limit  the character class
 of those   who   enter.<br>
                        "Prop_ReqNoMOB" to make your area a  player-only
place  to  be.&nbsp;      <br>
                        "Prop_RestrictSpells" lets you limit specific  skills
 or spells    from   being   used here.<br>
                        "Prop_ReqEntry" lets you limit entry  to folks by 
many different     criteria.<br>
                        "Prop_ReqHeight"  keeps out tall people, or at least
 those  unwilling     to  crawl.<br>
                        "Prop_ReqLevels" lets you limit entry by levels.<br>
                        "Prop_ReqRaces" lets you limit entry by race.<br>
                        "Prop_ReqTattoo" lets you limit entry to players
with   certain    builder-definable      tags.<br>
                        "Prop_ReqPKill" makes this a place that only the
bloodthirsty      may   enter.<br>
                        "Prop_RestrictSpells" shuts down a list of spells 
that you   provide.<br>
                        "Prop_RoomDark"  makes the whole area a place in
need  of light.<br>
                        "Prop_RoomForSale" puts this one little room on 
the  market.<br>
                        "Prop_RoomsForSale" designates that this  room, and
 all others    like   it  nearby,  are for sale as a group.<br>
                        "Prop_RoomUnmappable" makes the whole area  unmappable
 by  mundane     means.<br>
                        "Prop_RoomView" makes this room seem to be another...<br>
                        "Prop_RoomWatch" allows folks in other  rooms to
watch  what   goes   on  here.<br>
                           "Prop_Smell" gives the place a smell.<br>
                        "Prop_SparringRoom"  makes the consequences of death
 more  palatable.<br>
                        "Prop_SpellAdder" puts everyone who enters under
its   spell.<br>
                        "Prop_TattooAdder" puts&nbsp;a little something 
on  all who   enter.<br>
                        "Prop_Transporter" send those who  enter to the room
 you designate.<br>
                        "Prop_Trashcan"  destroys stuff dropped on the ground.<br>
                        "Prop_WeakBridge"  makes cross this room very very
                        "Spell_Silence" to quiet things down.<br>
                        And lots and lots of traps to put in your rooms:
 "Thief_Caltrops",       "Thief_DeathTrap",   "Thief_Listen", "Thief_MinorTrap", 
 "Thief_Trap",    "Trap_AcidPit",   "Trap_Avalanche",   "Trap_BearTrap", 
"Trap_Boulders",   "Trap_CaveIn", "Trap_CrushingRoom",   "Trap_Darkfall", 
   "Trap_DeepPit",   "Trap_Enter", "Trap_EnterBlade", "Trap_EnterGas",   
"Trap_EnterNeedle",    "Trap_EnterSpell", "Trap_FloodRoom", "Trap_MonsterCage", 
   "Trap_RatPit",    "Trap_RoomPit", "Trap_SnakePit", "Trap_Snare", "Trap_SpikePit", 
   "Trap_Tripline".    </p>
<p>Ok! Back to work! </p>
<p>If you are ever wandering around, and wish to go  directly to a room you
         have created, you may utter the magic matra "goto  RoomID".&nbsp;
 For    instance,    entering "goto MyArea#123" would take you to the  room
 we created   above.&nbsp;    This will especially come in handy when we
begin   to  create   and destroy  the  links between rooms, and there is
no other   way to get to   a room. </p>
<p><strong><font color="blue" size="5"><a name="linkrooms">Linking Two Rooms
<p>Now that&nbsp;you have created a room, and wish to link  one of the rooms
         in your area with one of another, you can use a command that  utilizes
      the   Room IDs mentioned above.&nbsp; If you would like to create a
 northerly       link from room "MyArea#123" to a room whose room ID is "MyArea#124",
   then    you need only stand in room "MyArea#123" (use the "goto" command
  if you   must),  and utter the invocation:&nbsp; "link MyArea#124 north".&nbsp;
   This   will  create an Open exit between the room you are standing in,
and   the room  whose  ID  is born out.&nbsp; </p>
<p><img alt="" src="images/linkroom.gif">
<p>You should note that this command could be used as it  was in the last
         section to create one-way exits to existing rooms.</p>
<p><strong><font color="blue" size="5"><a name="unlinkrooms">Unlinking Two
<p>If you wish to detach two rooms from each other, you  need only learn the
"unlink" command.&nbsp; If you are standing in the room to  the south of
the one you wish to unlink, and the room you wish to detach from is  to the
north, utter the command: "unlink north".&nbsp; It will do the trick!</p>
<p><img alt="" src="images/destroyroom.gif">
<p>Keep in mind that just because there is no longer a  route from the room
         you are in to the other via a northerly path, it does not  mean
that     there     is no path from the detached room back to here again.&nbsp;
You     may have     to conjure yourself into the&nbsp;other place and enter
a  "unlink    south"     command to completely detach them forever.</p>
<p><strong><font color="blue" size="5"><a name="xrooms">Destroying a  Room</a></font></strong></p>
<p>Sometimes the pain born from a failed or evil place is  too much to bear,
         and as an Archon, you can do something about it.&nbsp; This  involves
     the    destroy command.&nbsp; It does not merely unlink the room, but
  obliterates       it altogether and forever.&nbsp; To do this, first make
  sure you are   not    standing in the room you wish to destroy.&nbsp; Such
  destructive magic  would    surely be your end as well.&nbsp; Then you
must   utilize the Room  ID of the   doomed place.&nbsp; If the room you
wish to   destroy has the Room  ID of  "MyArea#124", then enter:&nbsp; "destroy
MyArea#124".&nbsp;    It will  obliterate   that place from the planet forever.</p>
<p><img alt="" src="images/destroyroom2.gif">
<p><strong><font color="blue" size="5"><a name="exitcreate">Creating  Exits</a></font></strong></p>
<p>The difference between Exits and Rooms is a very  important one.&nbsp;
         Creating and destroying Rooms describes <em>WHETHER</em> two rooms
  are    connected,   and by which  direction.&nbsp; Creating and destroying
  Exits    describes <em>HOW</em>   one gets from one room to the next.&nbsp;
  Two rooms  must be connected together   before exits between them can be
<p>For instance, suppose you linked "MyArea#123" and  "MyArea#124" as described
         above.&nbsp; By default, you get an StdOpenDoorway,  also known
as   an   "Open"    exit.&nbsp; These exits can be walked through  freely.&nbsp;
  Now   suppose   you wish to have a Door between the two rooms.&nbsp;  If
 the exits   between   the two rooms are both the same, and you are standing
 in  the southernmost     room of the two, then changing them both is simply
 a matter of  issuing   the  command "create Door north".</p>
<p><img alt="" src="images/createexit.gif">
<p><strong><font color="blue" size="5"><a name="xexits">Destroying  Exits</a></font></strong></p>
<p>Just as unlinking rooms disconnects them, destroying  exits can SEEM to
         disconnect them.&nbsp; When you issue a simple destroy  command,
and    refer     specifically to the exit, then you will not be destroying
the   link between     the two rooms, but merely the exit that travels between 
   them.&nbsp;  Archons     can still travel through these missing links, 
but   players will not be  able   to.&nbsp; Also, destroying an exit only 
deletes   the exit in one direction,      not both.&nbsp; For instance, if 
you are  standing in the southerly room    of two  linked rooms that both 
have Exits  between them, and you issue the    command  "destroy exit north", 
you will  destroy the Open exit between the    rooms.&nbsp; As  an Archon, 
you can still travel north through the destroyed    exit, but players  will 
not be able to.</p>
<p><img alt="" src="images/destroyexit.gif">
<p>Now, that an exit has been deleted, it is possible to  create a DIFFERENT
         kind of exit for the northerly direction from MyArea#123 to  MyArea#124.&nbsp;
         Issuing a create command like "create Door north" will create  a
door     that    leads from MyArea#123 to MyArea#124, WITHOUT AFFECTING the
Open   path   from    MyArea#124 to MyArea#123.&nbsp; This is only possible
when   the exits    between    two rooms are different, or one is deleted,
as is   our case here.</p>
<p><img alt="" src="images/destroyexit3.gif">
<p>Now, suppose you wanted to have the same Door going  between two rooms.&nbsp;
         For sure this is a more common scenario than the  example we just
 went     through.&nbsp;   To do this, you must first delete BOTH of  the
exits between    two rooms as   described above. That means entering MyArea#123
   and entering    "destroy exit   north", and then entering MyArea#124 and
  entering  "destroy    exit south".&nbsp;   </p>
<p><img alt="" src="images/destroyexit2.gif">
<p>Now, with both exits deleted (and thus the same), you  can create a single
         door between them as we did in the first part of this  section using
    the    "create Door south" command.</p>
<p><img alt="" src="images/createexit2.gif">
<p><strong><font color="blue" size="5"><a name="areas">Creating and Modifying
          Areas</a></font> </strong></p>
<p>A town or village, country or demesnes can hardly come  to be without the
careful demarcation of their borders.&nbsp; What separates the  town from
the country, or one country from another?&nbsp; Like everything else,  this
is the decision of the Archon as he groups his rooms into Areas.&nbsp; </p>
<p>The best way to create your areas is to do so right from  the start.&nbsp;
         The moment you create the first plot of land in your new area, 
or   lay    down   the first building in your new town, you should designate
it  as such.&nbsp;     Enter the new room in your new area and utter the
mystic  chant  "modify   room  area New Area Name".&nbsp; Of course, where
"New Area  Name" can be   anything  you wish.&nbsp; Call it "Newarea Land"
or "Goldfish  Villiage"  or "The  Fruity  Phantasm" or whatever strikes your
 fancy. &nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
                     Now that you have designated your new room as belonging
  to a  new  area,     it is important to remember to create all future rooms 
  by&nbsp;doing   so   from&nbsp;rooms that already belong to the new area.&nbsp; 
 Any  future   rooms   that you build by standing in your new area room will 
 bear its area    mark,   as well as any rooms created from any other room 
 bearing the new   area  mark.&nbsp;   If you fail then, you may be forced 
 to invoke the power   of the  "modify room  area..." command again to re-group 
 the rooms you are   creating.<br>
<p>   When you create a new area, you will be asked for the arcane "type
of area" you want to create. &nbsp;We will now take a second to peruse the
different area types:        </p>
<table bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"
                             <td style="width: 25%;" width="25%">StdArea</td>
                             <td>This is a standard, every-day area in your
 every  day   world.    &nbsp;All of CoffeeMuds features work just fine with
 it, as it  has no restrictions    or limitations. &nbsp;The standard area
 always  has  its own weather, and  inherets  its calendar. &nbsp;Use this
 type for  your  most often used areas,  your areas  with lots of special
features, and your  most important areas,  especially when they are less
than 700 rooms.</td>
                             <td>The standard Grid area is identical to a 
standard   area,   except   that there is a limitation on the number of rooms 
that can  be in   a grid area.  &nbsp;That limitation is always based on the
width  and height   dimensions  you have defined for it. &nbsp;The maximum 
rooms  is always width   X height.  &nbsp;You probably won't notice any differences
   between a standard   area and  a standard grid area unless you use the
MUDGrinder   visual area  editor. &nbsp;This  is because grid areas always
position their   rooms at a single coordinate location on the visual editor
screen, and it   never ever  moves from that position. &nbsp;This can be
a blessing for those   creating  carefully pre-planned areas that fit nicely
in 2 dimensional graphs.   &nbsp;It  can also be a blessing for big areas
(&gt; 200 rooms), since the   MUDGrinder  will let you edit a grid area in
sections, and the rooms won't   move around  on you when you re-link them.
&nbsp;Use this area type if you   do a lot of  MUDGrinder visual work. &nbsp;It
can be a curse for more organic   area designers,  however.&nbsp;</td>
                             <td>A standard planet is mostly unimplemented
 at this  time.   &nbsp;It   inherets the features of the StdArea and the
                             <td>The space ship is definitely unimplemented
 at this   time.    &nbsp;Don't   bother with it. &nbsp;It lacks many of
the  features   of the   other area types.<br>
                             <td>A thin area is the same as a standard area
 with one   difference.     &nbsp;The rooms in a thin area are not loaded
at mud boot   time. &nbsp;Instead     they are loaded only when a player,
mob, or a special   built feature (such     as a random monsters behavior)
causes one or more   rooms to be loaded. &nbsp;Thin    areas will also periodically 
 unload their   rooms when they havn't been accessed    in 40 minutes or so.
 &nbsp;Thin areas  are fantastic for enormous (&gt;1000)    room areas that
 span massive ranges.  &nbsp;They won't gobble up your system    resources. 
 &nbsp;They are bad for  popular areas though, and for areas with    lots 
of special features. &nbsp;Things  like the legal system and conquest    system
don't work well with them, since  an officer may not know where to   find
the local judge when someone is arrested  (if the judges chambers are   one
of the rooms not yet loaded). &nbsp;If you are short on memory, or your 
 area is one you need to have, but doesn't have to do much, the thin area
 is for you.</td>
                             <td>A standard time zone is the same as a standard
 area,    except    that it can have its very own calendar. &nbsp;Any "child"
 areas    of a time    zone area will also inheret its calendar.</td>
                             <td>A standard thin grid area is a mixture between
 the   grid   area   and the thin area. &nbsp;It combines the benefits and
 limitations    of both.   &nbsp;Use them only when you need to have a largenormous
 area   with not much   going on, like a planet-girdling wilderness that
surrounds    your more standard   areas, for instance.&nbsp;</td>
<p>Areas also contain important  properties which may be modified.&nbsp;
Enter  the secret code "modify area" to  go through a list of these modifiable
    properties.&nbsp;  </p>
<p>The&nbsp;<em>name</em> and <em>description</em> of the area may be changed
         by following  the promptings.&nbsp; You may also tinker with the
<em>climate</em>         of your area, which will affect the types of  weather
that will blow    through     it, and how mild or severe the winters and
 summers may be.&nbsp;&nbsp;This         is also where you may add <em>Staff</em>.&nbsp;
A&nbsp;player whose   name     is listed as  Staff&nbsp;has no additional
powers unless their player  Security     settings grant  them specific AREA
privileges.&nbsp; In that  case, the  player   would be able to  use their
area privileges in the area  where they  are listed   as  Staff.&nbsp;&nbsp;The
section on Security above  mentions  all this stuff   in more  detail.&nbsp;
Typically, a player is  listed as Staff, and then given  several  area creation
privileges in order  to assist in area building and   modifying.&nbsp; After&nbsp;all, 
 sometimes&nbsp;creating   a universe becomes  a  little bit too much work 
 for one person.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
<p>Strange settings like <em>Technology Level</em> and <em>Archive  File Name</em>
are available on the area promptings.&nbsp;&nbsp; Don't worry  about these.&nbsp;
The former is not very important at the moment, and the  second is a bit
too obscure for these lessons.&nbsp; The <em>Currency</em> field is discussed
in detail in the next  section on What Areas are Worth.</p>
<p>You will also be asked to add any <em>behaviors </em>and <em>effects</em>
         to  the&nbsp;area that you wish to.&nbsp; These may seem strange
at   first,      and  usually you won't add any of these at all.&nbsp; After 
 all,  rarely    does  a plot  of dirt exibit any behavior, and what the heck
 is  an effect?&nbsp;      Well! To the  first, the wind blowing through the
 trees,  the hoot of an   owl,  or a distant  cackling noise are all considerable
  behaviors.&nbsp;   In fact,  it is a behavior  called "Emoter".&nbsp; Enter
  "ahelp emoter" for  more information  about the  Emoter behavior.&nbsp; 
There  are other behaviors  that Areas may  benefit from  too. Here are some 
examples:  </p>
<p>"Arrest" will add law and order to your area, with  resident mobs playing
         the cops and the judges.<br>
                        "Conquerable" has all the features of Arrest, plus
 it makes    the  area   conquerable  by clans!<br>
                        "Emoter" is what I  mentioned above -- it's for inserting
  those    cute   little   blurbs in the area.<br>
                        "FasterRoom" makes everything happen twice as fast
 here (or    faster!)<br>
                        "InstantDeath" makes everything that comes here 
                        "LinkedWeather" makes the weather in this area  mimic
 the  weather     from   another  area.<br>
                        "ProtectedCitizens"  will allow resident mobs to
scream  for   help   and   receive   it&nbsp;when  attacked.<br>
                        "PuddleMaker" will scatter some puddles around  after
 rain  or  snow.<br>
                        "RandomMonsters" will populate the  area with lots
 of hideously     random    creatures  that you choose.<br>
                        "RandomItems"  will cause items from a saved file 
to appear   here.<br>
                         "ItemGenerator"  will create treasure and items
for  your  rooms.<br>
                        "RandomTraps" will scatter some traps around your 
                        "ResetWhole" will cause the whole area to re-boot 
every so   often,    thus   supplementing the natural "rejuv" process. <br>
                        "Scriptable" allows you to script the behavior of 
the room   in  a  limited     sense.<br>
                        "ScriptableEverymob" allows you to  script all the
 mobs in  the  area   at  once.<br>
                        "Sounder" is  also for inserting little blurbs, plus
 it reacts    to  player    actions.<br>
                        "WaterCurrents" will make those on the water bob
and  flow   in  the   direction    you specify.<br>
                        "WeatherAffects" will make the players really  FEEL
 the weather.</p>
<p>As for effects, well, effects are special properties  which you can attach
         to your new little holes in the ground.&nbsp; There are  lots of
nice     properties    that one may add to an&nbsp;Area, which will affect
 every    room in it, such   as: </p>
<p>"Merchant" to establish a store front that follows the  players from room
         to room.<br>
                        "Prop_AreaForSale" to make the entire area  purchasable
 by  a  shopkeeper      in the area.<br>
                        "Prop_CommonTwister" to mix up the  resources gained
 from  using    gathering     skills in the area.<br>
                        "Prop_Crawlspace"  to make the entire area require
 crawling   through.<br>
                        "Prop_EnlargeRoom" makes  crossing the area eat up
 more Movement.<br>
                        "Prop_MagicFreedom" to fluster any spell-using  folks
 that  happen    along.<br>
                        "Prop_Hidden" will make the area  unlisted to normal
                        "Prop_ModExperience" modifies experience gained in
 this  area..<br>
                        "Prop_NoChannel" for a place of quiet.<br>
                        "Prop_NoCharm"  lets everyone remember who their
REAL  friends    are.<br>
                        "Prop_NoOrdering" keeps players from being bossy.<br>
                        "Prop_NoPKill"  keeps out the riffraff.<br>
                        "Prop_NoRecall" keeps folks from taking the easy
way  out.<br>
                        "Prop_NoSummon" makes sure that everyone leaves of
 their own  free   will.<br>
                        "Prop_NoTeleport" keeps those silly  mages from teleporting
                        "Prop_NoTelling" prevents players from using the
 TELL command    to  each   other.<br>
                        "Prop_NoTeleportOut" keeps those silly mages IN.
                        "Prop_PeaceMaker" to go with it if you want peace 
AND quiet.&nbsp;       <br>
                        "Prop_ReqAlignments" lets you limit the alignment 
of all who  enter.<br>
                        "Prop_ReqCapacity" lets you limit the number of folks
 or items   in  the    rooms.<br>
                        "Prop_ReqClasses" lets you limit the character class
 of those    who    enter.<br>
                        "Prop_ReqNoMOB" to make your area a player-only place
 to be.&nbsp;      <br>
                        "Prop_RestrictSpells" lets you limit specific skills
 or spells    from   being    used here.<br>
                        "Prop_RoomDark" makes the whole area a place in need
 of  light.<br>
                        "Prop_RoomUnmappable" makes the whole area unmappable
 by mundane     means.<br>
                        "Prop_ReqEntry" lets you limit entry  to folks by 
many different     criteria.<br>
                        "Prop_ReqHeight"  keeps out tall people, or at least
 those  unwilling     to  crawl.<br>
                        "Prop_ReqLevels" lets you limit entry by levels.<br>
                        "Prop_ReqRaces" lets you limit entry by race.<br>
                        "Prop_ReqTattoo" lets you limit  entry to players 
with certain    builder-definable      tags.<br>
                        "Prop_ReqPKill" makes this a place that only the
bloodthirsty      may   enter.<br>
                        "Prop_Smell" gives off a unique aroma when players
 use  their    SNIFF    command.<br>
                        "Prop_Weather" to have the same weather in an Area
 all the   time.<br>
                        To learn more about the  properties you can add to
 areas and   rooms,    enter   "ahelp" while you are in  CoffeeMud.&nbsp;
Now, isn't this  fun?&nbsp;    Remember,   if you make a mistake,  fear not,
for the land does not grow   weary of your   molding.&nbsp; </p>
<p><strong><font color="#0000ff" size="5">What Areas are Worth</font></strong></p>
<p>Currency is the system of&nbsp;money used by the  inhabitants of the area.&nbsp;It
         is defined using the <em>Currency</em> field when creating and modifying
        Areas as  discussed in the previous section.&nbsp; All of the bankers,
     money   changers, tax  collectors, postmen, and shopkeepers will deal
 in   the&nbsp;currency   that you  define for the area.&nbsp; &nbsp;By default,
    all areas will use   a system of  currency that includes gold coins,
and    golden notes, whole notes,  and Archon  notes.&nbsp; You can change
this   system by defining your own,  however.&nbsp; The  way you do this
is by entering   a name for your currency,  followed by an equal  sign, and
then a series   of relative&nbsp;values and  currency names, all  separated
by semicolons.&nbsp;   Let's look at an example:</p>
<pre>US=0.01 penny(s);0.1 dime(s);.25 quarter(s);1.0 dollar(s)<br></pre>
<p>In the&nbsp;currency we have defined here, we have four  different currencies:
         the penny, the dime, the quarter, and the dollar.&nbsp;  Notice
that     each     currency is separated by a semicolon in our definition
 string.&nbsp;      Each    entry includes two or possibly three parts.&nbsp;
The first  part     is the   base value, the second part is the name of the
currency, and the     optional   third part is a "short name" used by shopkeepers
when listing     prices.</p>
<p>The first part of each currency entry tell us how much  one unit of that
         currency is worth <strong><em>relative to the base coffeemud unit
 of    value</em></strong>.&nbsp;    This base unit of value is used throughout
    the  system, and can be thought    of as equal to one gold coin in the
 default     currency.&nbsp; For this reason,    it is wise for Archons to
 become familiar    with  the value of things in the   default currency before
 defining their    own.&nbsp;  Under the system we gave   in our example,
a penny is worth  0.01  or 1/100th of a  base coffeemud  unit   of value.&nbsp;
 The dollar is worth  1.0 or exactly one base  unit value.&nbsp;&nbsp;  
The  only rule when defining  the worth of your currency  units is that all
  currency values  MUST be evenly  divisible by the lowest valued  unit.&nbsp;
  In this case,  all of our values  are evenly divisible by the penny,  so
we   are safe.&nbsp;</p>
<p>The second part of each currency entry is the  name&nbsp;of the currency&nbsp;unit.&nbsp;
         This can be any name you  choose.&nbsp; &nbsp;The fact that the
name     of   the  currency ends with (s) tells  us that the system should
include     the  trailing  letter 's' when there are more  than one of that
currency    unit listed.</p>
<p>It is completely optional, but if you wish, you may also  include a short
         name for each currency unit entry.&nbsp; If an entry contains a
 short      name,   it will tell the shopkeeper to try and display its currency
using       just those  units.&nbsp; If none of the unit entrys contain short
names,      then  shopkeepers  will tend to display their prices in multiples
of the    lowest valued  unit,  in this case, pennys.&nbsp; Here is an example
 of  that  same currency  redefined  with short names.:</p>
<pre>US=0.01 penny(s) (p);0.1 dime(s) (d);.25 quarter(s) (q);1.0 dollar(s) ($)<br></pre>
<p>In this new example, we have defined short forms for  each currency, allowing
         shopkeepers to choose the most appropriate one.&nbsp;  The prices
 will     END   with the letter p, d, s, or q depending upon which currency
  the  shopkeeper      chooses to display the currency in.</p>
<p>Once you have defined your currency in at least one  area, you may use
         it throughout your mud by simply entering its name alone in  the
<em>Currency         </em>field when you edit your area  settings.&nbsp;
In our example,   US   would   be a sufficient value for the <em>Currency</em>
field to tell   the   system  to re-use our US  currency in that area.&nbsp;
You may also   redefine   the default coffeemud  currency throughout the
entire system by  NOT entering   a name for your  currency.&nbsp; For example.:</p>
<pre>=0.01 penny(s) (p);0.1 dime(s) (d);.25 quarter(s) (q);1.0 dollar(s) ($)<br></pre>
<p>This last example, since it contains a blank currency  name, would make
         our U.S. currency system the default one used throughout  coffeemud,
    or   wherever  the <em>Currency </em>value in the  area settings is also 
                        <strong><font color="blue" size="5"><a
 name="modexits">Modifying     Exits</a></font></strong></p>
<p>To modify an exit that is east of your present location,  simply enter
         "modify east".&nbsp; If the exit to the east of you is a GenExit
or   a  GenDoor,   you will receive the properties mentioned above.&nbsp;
If the    exit is  anything   other, than you will be prompted to enter the
Miscellaneous     Text  field.&nbsp;   For a standard&nbsp;exit, like Open
or Door, this  field   represents  the secret  code that must also be specified
in the StdKey  item   in order for you  to unlock this door without spells
or thief picking.&nbsp;    For a readable exit,  this field represents the
text that is written on  the  door.</p>
<p><strong><a name="genexit"><font style="background-color: lime;">The "GenExit"
         and "GenDoor"</font></a></strong></p>
<p>As mentioned briefly earlier, the GenExit is an  undefined exit that one
         can mold to fit ones needs.&nbsp; Whenever a GenExit is  created
or   modified,      you will be presented with a series of properties to
 change.&nbsp;   Hitting      return will leave most of these&nbsp;properties
without  modification.&nbsp;         Entering new values will replace the
old values.&nbsp; These  properties        include:</p>
<table id="TABLE1" style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1"
 cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td><em>Name</em> </td>
                             <td>the general name of this exit. Such as "the
 grand      portal",    or "the wooden gate".</td>
                             <td><em>Description</em> </td>
                             <td>what one sees when this exit is LOOKed at
 with  the     LOOK   command</td>
                             <td><em>Display Text</em></td>
                             <td>what one sees when the EXITS command is
issued   and     the   way  is OPEN.</td>
                             <td>The Level of the door can determine how
difficult       it  is  to PICK or KNOCK. </td>
                             <td><em>Has A Door</em></td>
                             <td>I think thou canst figure these next few 
out.          </td>
                             <td><em>Door Defaults      Closed</em></td>
                             <td style="width: 100%;" width="100%"><br>
                             <td><em>Has A Lock</em></td>
                             <td><em>Door Defaults      Locked</em></td>
                             <td><em>Reset Delay  #</em></td>
                             <td>Whenever this exit is opened after previously
 being      closed,   this is the number of ticks (where a tick is      
 currently&nbsp;4       seconds)   that will transpire before the exit is
reset to        its   default    state.         </td>
                             <td><em>Closed Text </em></td>
                             <td>what one sees when the EXITS command is
issued   and     the   way  is CLOSED. </td>
                             <td><em>Assigned Key  Item</em></td>
                             <td>This is the secret code that must be present
 in   the    StdKey   for you to be able to unlock it.&nbsp; The StdKey must 
 have          it's Miscellaneous  Text property set the same as this value 
 in order    to        open this exit  using the UNLOCK command.&nbsp; If 
the level is          sufficiently low, the door can still be KNOCKed or PICKed
without   the key.      </td>
                             <td><em>Door Name</em></td>
                             <td>Is it a gate, door, grate, or portcullis.
 Specify      that   here.        </td>
                             <td><em>Close Word</em></td>
                             <td>When you close it, are you really lowering
 it, or      sliding    it?&nbsp; Specify the correct verb here. </td>
                             <td>When you&nbsp;open it, are you really raising
 it,      or  sliding   it?&nbsp; Specify the correct verb here. </td>
                             <td><em>Is.. flags</em> </td>
      <p>I think thou doest grok most of these flags.&nbsp;        You may
         also require a little climbing or flying for this exit, in case
it        is a mere gulf the player must traverse, instead of the wide expanse
  that           a climable room entails.</p>
                             <td>Like mentioned above when we talked about
 Rooms,     there    are  not many behaviors that one can give to an item,
 but "Emoter"            and "Sounder" works with exits very well.</td>
                             <td>As mentioned in the section on Rooms, there
 are   many    properties   that one may attach to items. Use "list properties" 
  to see         them all,   and "ahelp propertyname" for more information. 
                        Like rooms and areas, there  are special properties
 that are   great   for   exits.&nbsp;  They include:</p>
<p>As for Effects, well, effects are special properties  which you can attach
         to your new little holes in the ground.&nbsp; There are  lots of
nice     properties    that one may add to an&nbsp;Area, which will affect
 every    room in it, such   as: </p>
<p>"Prop_AbilityImmunity" protects the exitfrom specified  targeted spells.<br>
                        "Prop_ClosedDayNight" shuts and locks  any doors
at  night.<br>
                        "Prop_ClosedSeason" shuts and locks  any doors for
 a season.<br>
                        "Prop_Crawlspace" requires  crawling through this 
                        "Prop_EnterAdjuster"  modifies the players stats
permanently    when   they   cross  through this exit.<br>
                        "Prop_Hidden" makes the exit hidden.<br>
                        "Prop_Invisibility" makes the exit invisible.<br>
                        "Prop_NarrowLedge" makes this an exit&nbsp;you can
 cross..   if  you   are   very  very careful.<br>
                        "Prop_NoPKill" keeps out  the riffraff.<br>
                        "Prop_OpenPassword" requires a spoken  password to
 open the   door.<br>
                        "Prop_ReqNoMOB" to make your  exit a player-only
place  to  be.&nbsp;      <br>
                        "Prop_ReqAlignments" lets you limit the alignment 
of all  who   enter.<br>
                        "Prop_ReqCapacity" lets you limit the number  of
folks  or  items    here.<br>
                        "Prop_ReqClasses" lets you limit  the character class
 of those   who   enter.<br>
                        "Prop_ReqEntry"  keeps out people that fit your specific 
                        "Prop_ReqHeight" keeps out tall people, or at least
 those   unwilling     to  crawl.<br>
                        "Prop_ReqLevels" lets you limit  entry by levels.<br>
                        "Prop_ReqPKill" lets you limit entry by  bloodthirstiness.<br>
                        "Prop_ReqRaces" lets you limit entry  by race.<br>
                        "Prop_ReqTattoo" checks out a mobs forearm  before
 letting  them   in.<br>
                        "Prop_RoomView" makes looking at  this exit more
                        "Prop_Smell" gives the exit an  aroma when using
the  SNIFF  command.<br>
                        "Prop_TattooAdder"  puts&nbsp;a little something
on  all who   enter.<br>
                        "Prop_Transporter" send those who enter to the room
 you  designate.<br>
                        "Prop_WeakBridge" makes cross this room very  very
                        Popular traps for exits include:  Trap_AcidSpray",
 "Trap_ElectricShock",         "Trap_Enter", "Trap_EnterGas",  "Trap_EnterNeedle",
 "Trap_EnterPit",    "Trap_EnterSpell",     "Trap_Launcher",  "Trap_Needle",
 "Trap_Noise", "Trap_Open",    "Trap_OpenBlade",     "Trap_OpenGas",  "Trap_OpenNeedle",
 "Trap_OpenSpell",    "Trap_PoisonGas",   "Trap_SleepGas",   "Trap_SpellBlast",
 "Trap_SporeTrap",    "Trap_Unlock", "Trap_UnlockBlade",     "Trap_UnlockGas",
 "Trap_UnlockNeedle",    "Trap_UnlockSpell", "Trap_WeaponSwing"<br>
                        To learn more about the properties  you can add to
 exits,  enter    "ahelp"     while you are in CoffeeMud.</p>
<p><strong><font color="blue" size="5"><a name="itemcreate">Creating  Items</a></font></strong></p>
<p>For our purposes, an item is any normal item, piece of  armor, a weapon,
         a container, or any magical item, armor, or weapon.&nbsp; To  bring 
   one    of  these things into the world, you have only to call its true 
name   using    the  create command.&nbsp; To create a Longsword, for instance, 
   issue the     command  "create Longsword".&nbsp; It will then fall from 
 the  sky onto  the  floor  or ground before you.</p>
<p>To find out what items are available for you to create,  you can enter
         "list items".&nbsp; Entering "create &lt;itemname&gt;" will prove
  the    true   incantation for almost all of the items on this list.&nbsp;
  An  exception,      however, is the GenRideable.&nbsp; Since there is both
  an Item and a&nbsp;MOB      version of that name, you will need to further
  qualify your create  command      by entering "create item GenRideable"
or  "create mob GenRideable".</p>
<p><strong><a name="geni1"><font style="background-color: lime;">The "GenItem",
         "GenResource", "GenMirror", and  "GenReadable"</font></a></strong></p>
<p>These represent some of the basic items your ordinary  denizen will use
         every day.&nbsp; A GenItem and  GenMirror&nbsp;represent&nbsp;nothing-special
         THINGS.&nbsp; GenResource is a raw  material, like iron, coal, or
 wood,      from  which other things are made, especially  with the common
 skills.&nbsp;      GenReadables  are GenItems with something to read  on
them, like a book    or  parchment.</p>
<p>Whenever a GenItem is created, much like the GenExit  above, you are presented
         with a list of properties to fill in.&nbsp; Pressing  enter will
leave      the   property unchanged.&nbsp; The properties include:</p>
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td>the name of the item, like "a stone", or 
"a        pencil"</td>
                             <td>what one sees when one looks at the item.
                             <td><em>Display Text</em></td>
                             <td>what one sees when an item is laying in
a  room.   if   you   enter  'null' here, the item becomes blended, meaning
that it  does          not show  up in the listing of room contents, but
may still  be "looked"    at,        "read", or (if allowed) picked up!</td>
                             <td><em>Secret Identity</em></td>
                             <td>what one sees when the Identify spell is 
cast on     the   item.         </td>
                             <td>the level of the item, dictating the lowest
 level      a  character   must attain to possess or hold it. </td>
                             <td><em>Uses Remaining</em></td>
                             <td>This property applies especially to GenWand,
        GenStaff,     and  GenScroll, discussed below. This tells how many
 times   the magic    in  the item may be reused before requiring a recharge.</td>
      <p>This field has two different meanings, depending        upon whether
         the item is in the room, or in a mobs inventory.<br>
                        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; If this item is located
in  a        room,   this   value determines whether it rejuvinates after
being  removed      from the  room. In this case, it is the number of ticks
(4 second    intervals)&nbsp;between      the removal time, and the time
the item    rejuvinates. For more information      on making the RejuvTicks
property take        effect after changing it,    see  below under Rejuvenating
Items and Mobs" or        "How to Save a Room".<br>
                        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; If        this item is located
 in  a  mobs   inventory,    this value represents the %        chance of
it appearing   in  the mobs inventory    after reset. In this case,     
  the value should    be between 1-100, or  0  to also represent 100 (always
       available).&nbsp;&nbsp;     See the section    on "Equipping Mobs"
for more        information on this    feature.</p>
                             <td><em>Is This Item        Gettable</em></td>
                             <td>whether the item can be picked up off the
 ground.          </td>
                             <td><em>Is This Item        Droppable</em></td>
                             <td>whether the item can be dropped into a room.
                             <td><em>Is This Item        Removable</em></td>
                             <td>whether the item, once held or worn, can 
be        removed.           </td>
                             <td><em>Is This Item        Locatable</em></td>
                             <td>whether the item can be found with the Locate
 Object      spell.         </td>
                             <td><em>Is This Item        Readable</em></td>
                             <td>whether there are any readable markings
on  the  item.&nbsp;        Normally, an item must be in a players inventory
to be        read.&nbsp;        However, if the item is set as not being
Gettable, then it may        be   read even on the ground, like a sign or
                             <td><em>Assigned Readable        Text</em></td>
                             <td>if this item is marked, what those markings
 say.     If  this   text begins with FILE=, then a text file from the resources 
         directory   will be displayed. For example: FILE=text/intro.txt</td>
                             <td>this is the material that the item is made
        of.&nbsp;     This   affects the classes with armor restrictions,
and the         effects     of certain   spells.&nbsp; Choices include: cloth,
 metal,  wood, leather,    glass,   and mithril.</td>
                             <td>the items monetary value, for the purposes
 of buying      from   and selling to shopkeepers who price the item at default
        values.&nbsp;     The value is expressed in multiples of the the
base         value.&nbsp;   A  value of 20 will mean that the item is worth
20 gold   (or        whatever    the local currency is), assuming gold is
valued at   1.0 of        base.&nbsp;    If the local currency has only Latinum 
Bars  valued at 0.5,        then a  money value of 20 here would&nbsp;mean 
that  the item is worth 40        Latinum    Bars.&nbsp;</td>
                             <td>the items weight.</td>
                             <td><em>Is Flags...        (Disposition)</em></td>
                             <td>most these flags, my faith tells me, thou
 canst   discern.      To clarify, however, a glowing item gives off light.
 An invisible          item can not be seen, except by magic. An unseen item
 cannot be seen    at         all.</td>
                             <td>Like mentioned above when we talked about
 Areas,     there    are  not many behaviors that one can give to an item,
 but "Emoter"            works  with items very well.</td>
                             <td>As mentioned in the section on Areas, there
 are   many    properties   that one may attach to items. Use "list properties" 
  to see         them all.         </td>
                             <td><em>Uses Remaining</em></td>
                             <td>A few items, notably wands, scrolls, and 
       ammutiion     can   only  be used a few times. For all other items,
 this may be  left   unchanged.</td>
                             <td><em>Magical Ability</em></td>
                             <td>although meaningless for most Generic Items,
 and     absent    on others, this property does have meaning for specific
 items           described     below. In general, items which a magical ability
 above     0 are        considered     magical. The exception to this is
the        <b>GenCoins</b>     object. For coins,    this denotes the   
    number  of coins in the pile!</td>
<p><strong><a name="geni0"><font style="background-color: lime;">The "GenCoins"</font></a><br>
                        A GenCoins item  represents one or more instances 
of a unit   of  currency,      such as a dollar bill, a  gold coin, a stack
 of bills,   or a pile of coins.</p>
<p>Whenever these GenCoins are created, much like the  GenItem above, you
         are presented with a list of properties to fill in.&nbsp;  Pressing 
   enter      will leave the property unchanged.&nbsp; The properties include 
    all of   the  fields listed above under GenItem, plus&nbsp;two&nbsp;more:</p>
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td><em>Money Data</em></td>
                             <td>A three part field, including the Currency
 type,     which    can  be either "DEFAULT",&nbsp;another of the stock currency
 types,          or a custom currency defined for your area. See the section
 on area          currencies  for more information on this.&nbsp; &nbsp;The
 next part   is  the        decimal  absolute-value denomination within the
 given currency,      followed by        the number of items in the "stack"
 of money.&nbsp;  Together,    these three        fields define the nature,
 value, and size  of the GenCoins    stack. <br>
                        You will be prompted for each of the three parts, 
       beginning     with   currency.&nbsp;       </td>
                             <td><em>Base Value</em></td>
                             <td>For a GenCoins item, this field is, ironically, 
<p><strong><a name="geni2"><font style="background-color: lime;">The "GenLightSource",
         "GenCigar", "GenPipe",  and&nbsp;"GenLantern"</font>&nbsp;</a></strong><br>
<p>A GenLightSource and GenLantern provide light for  players whenever they
         are HELD.&nbsp; GenCigars and GenPipes are WORN on the  mouth for
 enjoyment.        GenLightSources and GenCigars will burn away after a time,
  while GenLanterns        can be refilled with oil from an oil flask, and
 GenPipes must  be filled       with an herb.</p>
<p>Whenever these GenLightSources are created, much like  the GenItem above,
         you are presented with a list of properties to fill in.&nbsp;  Pressing
       enter  will leave the property unchanged.&nbsp; The properties include
     all  of the  fields listed above under GenItem, plus&nbsp;two&nbsp;more:</p>
<p><strong>     </strong>   
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td><em>Light Duration</em></td>
                             <td>the number of ticks (4 second intervals) 
which  will     transpire   before the light source will burn out. See the 
next  field        for more   information on burning out. </td>
                             <td><em>Is Destroyed after        burnout</em></td>
                             <td>Whether the item is destroyed after burnout.
 This      defaults    to true for GenCigar and GenLightSource (torches),
which vanish           after   use. GenLanterns and GenCigars default this
to false, meaning    the        item remains after it burns out (though no
longer gives off light).   The        GenLantern may be refilled with oil
at this time, or the GenPipe   may  be        refilled with herbs to continue.</td>
         <strong>               </strong></p>
<p><strong><a name="geni3"><font style="background-color: lime;">The "GenJournal"
   and "GenBook"</font></a></strong><br>
                        GenJournals and GenBooks are similar ways of persistant
 message   storage. &nbsp;GenJournals represent message  boards for players
 to commonly    post   on  and  everyone to read.&nbsp; All  GenJournals
who  have the same    NAME  field  will  display the same set of messages
 to readers, regardless    of how many instances of the same journal/book
 there are.&nbsp; GenBooks   display a table of contents listing the "chapters"
available for reading.   &nbsp;Players who have  access to GenJournals or
GenBooks,   and  who have   the  Write skill may write new messages/chapters
(or  post replies to  old    ones on GenJournals).</p>
<p>GenJournals may be used by individual players to carry  around and magically
         chat with each other on (assuming all their journals have  the same 
   name).&nbsp;      They may also be large public posting boards.&nbsp; To
   make one of this     last sort, simply make the journal non-gettable.&nbsp; 
   That  way, people    can write on them even if they can't pick them up.</p>
<p>One special kind of journal is called "CoffeeMud  News".&nbsp; If a Journal
         is given that name (without the quotes, and yes --  watch your spelling
       and  case), then all messages posted to it will be echoed to  all
players        whenever  they log on next.&nbsp; For this reason, you will
want to   keep     journals with than name close to your vest.</p>
<p>Archons can also create special "persistant" entries, whether       they
   be in custom journals/books or in CoffeeMud News.&nbsp; These  entries
  remain    "new" longer than normal ones.&nbsp; These are created by  starting
    off  an  entry subject with the letters MOTD (for message of the day),
  MOTM,   or MOTY.&nbsp;  If a subject starts with those letters, in uppercase,
   the    entry will persist  as new for a day, month, or year respectively.</p>
<p>Archons can also make use of the Web Macros system  inside the body or
         message part of an entry.&nbsp; To do so, the message  must start
      with the characters &lt;cmvp&gt;.&nbsp; If those six characters start
     the   message, then the message may contain web macros.&nbsp; See the
 WebServer        Guide for more information on this feature.</p>
<p>Whenever a GenJournal or GenBook is created, much like the GenItem  above,
   you are       presented with a list of properties to fill in.&nbsp; Pressing
    enter   will    leave the property unchanged.&nbsp; The properties include
   all of   the  fields   listed above under GenItem, plus&nbsp;one&nbsp;that
   works a  little bit  differently  than described above:</p>
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td><em>Assigned Readable        Text</em></td>
                             <td>A Journal/Book is always readable, so this
 field  is   really    redundant. Therefore, it is now used as a field  
     where    you may  set requirements for reading from and writing to the
        journa/bookl.     If no  requirements are mentioned, anyone may read
 from, write to,        or reply it. A reading requirement is specified by
 putting        READ=    followed by some requirements. A reply requirement
 is specified   by        putting REPLY= followed by some requirements. A
writing requirement   is        specified by putting WRITE= followed by some
requirements. An optional          administrative requirement is specified
 by putting ADMIN= followed   by some        requirements. The requirements
 for each of these settings  can be seen by        checking out the help
entry  for Prop_HaveZapper.&nbsp;     The same mask        criteria used
for that property are also used for  these      options.</td>
                        <strong><a name="geni4"><font
 style="background-color: lime;">The   "GenWeapon",    "GenBow", "GenLasso", 
   "GenNet",  "GenSling", "GenSpear",  "GenBoffWeapon"</font></a></strong></p>
<p>These are the assorted weapons players and mobs use to  attack each other.&nbsp;
         They are typically worn in the WIELD position, though  some may
also     go   in  the HOLD position, either as a requirement (for two handed
 weapons)       or as  an option (for those with two-weapon fighting).&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<p>Weapons can be anything from swords to daggers, from  bows you shoot ammunition
         at, to spears that you throw.&nbsp; It all depends on  how you design
     them.&nbsp;    The GenBow, GenSling, and GenSpear classes don't  actually
     offer any functionality    you couldn't get out of a properly molded
 GenWeapon,    but are provided as   good examples of how to make them.&nbsp;
  The&nbsp;GenBoffWeapon,    on the&nbsp;other   hand,&nbsp;is another form
 of  GenWeapon, but it provides     some silly&nbsp;and   random hit messages
 during  combat.&nbsp; </p>
<p>The GenNet and GenLasso, however, are quite  different.&nbsp; Each of those
are capable of ensnaring someone who is hit by  them when they are thrown.&nbsp;
They do default to thrown weapons.</p>
<p>Whenever any of these&nbsp;GenWeapons&nbsp;are created,  much like the
         GenItem above, you are presented with a list of properties to fill
   in.&nbsp;      Pressing enter will leave the property unchanged.&nbsp;
The   properties    include  all of the fields listed above under GenItem,
plus   a few more:</p>
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td><em>Attack  Adjustment</em></td>
                             <td>a number representing the quality of the 
       weapon.&nbsp;       The  most common value is zero, representing a
 normal quality        item.&nbsp;      Typical ranges include -10 for a
poor  quality weapon up   to 10  for    an exceptional quality weapon.</td>
                             <td>the highest amount of damage this weapon 
does when     used   in a fight.&nbsp; Typical range is&nbsp;2 - 8 for low 
level        weapons,    up to 20 or 30 for high-level weapons.</td>
                             <td><em>Weapon Attack Type&nbsp;        </em></td>
                             <td>this dictates how the weapon is used in
combat,    whether      in a bashing manner, slicing, piercing, or as a natural
(fingers           and  claws) item.</td>
                             <td><em>Weapon        Classification&nbsp; </em></td>
                             <td>this tells how the weapon fits into the
several    weapon     specialization  categories, and also determines which
classes   can        use the weapon without  penalty.&nbsp; Choices include
blunt,  dagger,         edged, flailed, hammer,  karate (fingers and claws),
polearm,  ranged,     and        sword.</td>
                             <td>Whether the weapon occupies both the wielded
 and     held   position  when used.</td>
                             <td><em>Magical Ability</em></td>
                             <td>This number represents an adjustment to
both         attack    adjustment   and damage, denoting whether the weapon
is        magical.&nbsp;    Typical  ranges include -2 for a badly cursed
item,   up  to 5        for an   extremely  high level magical item.</td>
                             <td>a number from 0 to 100 denoting the condition
 of     the   weapon.&nbsp;   A 100 means that the weapon is in top condition.&nbsp;
     A         0 means that  it is all but destroyed and worthless as a weapon.</td>
                             <td><em>Minimum range</em></td>
                             <td>this is the closest position required to 
use the     weapon.&nbsp;     0 means the weapon may be used in melee, where
 1 means    that        a minimum     range of 1 pace is required.</td>
                             <td><em>Maximum range</em></td>
                             <td>this is the farthese position required to
 use this     weapon.&nbsp;    When combat begins, it will denote how far
away the        wielder is from    their foe.&nbsp; The same values as above
apply, though          the maximum    range must always equal or exceed the
minimum range.</td>
                             <td><em>Requires      Ammunition</em></td>
                             <td>whether this weapon requires ammunition
in  order     to  use.</td>
                             <td><em>Ammunition Type</em></td>
                             <td>This is the&nbsp;type of ammunition required
 by   this    weapon.&nbsp;   Ammunition is a special kind of item called
   GenAmmunition     (see below)   which&nbsp;must have an ammunition type
        field&nbsp;matching     that of  its intended weapon (such as "arrows" 
  or        "bolts" or "rocks")     and has  a Uses Remaining property above 
                             <td><em>Ammunition      Capacity</em></td>
                             <td>This is the amount of the ammunition which
 can be      held   by  the weapon at one time.&nbsp; Usually this is only
<p><strong><a name="geni5"><font style="background-color: lime;">The "GenContainer",
         "GenCorpse",  "GenCage"</font></a></strong></p>
<p>The GenContainer represents the standard container of other things, whether
 it be a piggy bank, a chest, or a holster.&nbsp; Lids, capacity, and even
 restrictions on what can be placed in it are all settable from here.&nbsp;
 Containers are also smart enough to re-close themselves after awhile when
 they are opened, and re-lock themselves after awhile when they are unlocked
 (assuming they have lids and locks, of course). &nbsp;A GenCorpse is a special
 sort of container, and should not be created in your world without good
reason.  It is designed to stand as the corpse of fallen creatures and foes.
&nbsp;  The GenCage is a GenContainer that one can see the contents of even
when the lid is closed.. this simulates bars or other see-through doors and
<p>Whenever a GenContainer is created, much like the  GenArmor above, you
         are presented with a list of properties to fill in.&nbsp;  Pressing 
   enter      will leave the property unchanged.&nbsp; The properties include 
    everything      listed under GenItem, plus a few more:</p>
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td><em>Has A&nbsp;Lid</em></td>
                             <td>Well, does it have one?.</td>
                             <td><em>Has A Lock</em></td>
                             <td>If it has a lid, can you lock it?</td>
                             <td><em>Can Contain</em></td>
                             <td>This can help you limit what goes inside.</td>
                             <td>this denotes the maximum amount of weight
 that  can     be  placed  in the container.</td>
<p>One more thing to keep in mind.&nbsp; Always make the  weight of a container
         less than its capacity.&nbsp; A container must be able to  hold
its    own    weight  in addition to anything put in it!</p>
<p><strong><a name="geni6"><font style="background-color: lime;">The "GenAmmunition"</font></a></strong></p>
<p>The GenAmmunition is a very special kind of item that  can not be worn
         or held.&nbsp; It represents a package of ammunition for a  GenWeapon
     (or    GenBow, etc..) which requires ammunition.&nbsp; To make the 
ammunition        work  with your weapon, the values in the ammunitionType
fields in  both     the GenWeapon  and the GenAmmunition&nbsp;must match.&nbsp;
Whenever  a  player   runs out of ammunition for their weapon, it will be
drawn from  GenAmmunition    objects,  provided they are in the players inventory.</p>
<p>GenAmmunition differs from other items not only in its  inability to be
         held, but also in its ability to transfer any Effects on itself
 to   the    weapon.&nbsp;  Whenever a weapon draws ammunition from a GenAmmunition
     type,  properties,  spells, and other Effects on the Ammunition will
be   transferred  to the weapon.&nbsp;  This allows one to make Magical ammunition.</p>
<p>Whenever a GenAmmunition &nbsp;is created, much like the  GenItem above,
         you are presented with a list of properties to fill in.&nbsp;  Pressing
       enter  will leave the property unchanged.&nbsp; The properties include
     everything    listed under GenItem, plus a few more:</p>
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td><em>Ammunition Type</em></td>
                             <td>arrows, bolts, bullets, etc.&nbsp; MUST
match  the      ammunition    type field of the weapon.&nbsp; Also, the Uses
Remaining     field         for    ammunition represents the AMOUNT of ammunition
in  this       bundle.</td>
                        <strong> </strong>        
<p><strong><a name="geni7"><font style="background-color: lime;">The "GenArmor"
         and "GenShield"</font></a></strong></p>
<p>These represent all manner of clothing, shoes, worn  jewelry, armor, and
         of course shields.&nbsp; Of these, only a shield MUST be  made from 
   GenShield.&nbsp;      Everything else may be made from GenArmor.&nbsp; 
 Plus,  GenArmors are  also    containers, meaning that you can make armor 
 that things   can be sheathed     in or placed in like pockets.</p>
<p>Whenever a GenArmor piece is created, much like the  GenContainer above,
         you are presented with a list of properties to fill  in.&nbsp; Pressing
       enter  will leave the property unchanged.&nbsp; The properties  include
     everything    listed under GenItem and GenContainer, plus a few more:</p>
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td><em>Worn Locations</em></td>
                             <td>this little menu allows you to describe
either   all     the   different  places a piece of armor MAY be worn, or
to describe  ALL           the places  that a piece of armor MUST be worn.&nbsp;
Entering  the           specified numbers  will toggle the locations.&nbsp;
Entering  '1'  will          toggle whether it is a MAY or MUST situation.&nbsp;
Enter   '0'  when      done.</td>
                  <td valign="top"><i>Layer</i><br>
                  <td valign="top">a number designating what can be worn
on  top of  or  beneath this piece of armor. &nbsp;Generally higher numbers
are  worn on top  of lower numbers, with negative numbers generally meaning
underwear.   &nbsp;However,  a layer number must be 2 higher than the next
lowest worn   item on the same  location to cover it. &nbsp;For instance
a layer 3 can  cover a layer 1 or  0, but not a layer 2 or 4. &nbsp;This
entry also allows  you to designate whether this item hides anything worn
beneath it or is see-through,   and whether multiple of these can be worn
on the same location at the same   time (such as jewelry).<br>
                             <td><em>Armor Protection</em></td>
                             <td>the base amount of protection provided when
        wearing     this   piece of armor. Unline MOBS, the higher the number 
 here,  the      better   for the wearer.</td>
                             <td><em>Magical Ability</em></td>
                             <td>This number represents an adjustment to
the  armor      protection,    denoting whether the&nbsp;armor is magical.&nbsp;
 Typical             ranges  include  -2 for a badly cursed item, up to 5
for an extremely      high        level magical  item.</td>
                             <td>if the armor piece has pockets, this denotes
 the     maximum     amount of weight that can be placed in it.&nbsp; 0 is
 a typical            value,   denoting that you cannot store items in this
 armor.&nbsp;     The        capacity   should always exceed the weight.</td>
                             <td><em>Can Contain</em></td>
                             <td>For armor with capacity, this can help you
 limit     what   goes  inside.&nbsp; This value must be changed to something
 specific,            and  a sufficient capacity must be set, in order for
 this item to   be a        SHEATH.</td>
                             <td>a number from 0 to 100 denoting the condition
 of     the   armor.&nbsp;   A 100 means that the armor is in top condition.&nbsp;
     A 0         means that   it is all but destroyed and is not longer providing
     any          protection   at all.</td>
                             <td>the size of the piece of armor. 0 means
that  the     piece    has  a variable size, and will fit anyone until it
is worn  for    the        first  time.&nbsp; Any other number means that
the wearer  must     be near to         the size in inches to wear it.</td>
                        <strong> </strong>        
<p><strong><a name="geni8"><font style="background-color: lime;">The "GenBed"
         "GenChair",  "GenTable", "GenBoat", "GenRideable", "GenCageRideable",
<p>These represent the GenRideable group -- a group of  things which may be
sat one, slept in, ridden on the seas, or pulled by  horses.&nbsp; The GenRideable,
GenBed, GenChair, GenTable, and GenBoat all  represent different incarnations
of GenRideable, but are interchangable  otherwise.&nbsp; The GenTub is unique
in that it&nbsp;provides the functionality  of GenDrink as well as GenRideable.&nbsp;
GenCageRideable is very different,  since it has the unique property of the
GenCage -- able to be seen in even when  lids or doors are closed.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Whenever a GenRideable item is created, much like the  GenContainer above,
         you are presented with a list of properties to fill  in.&nbsp; Pressing
       enter  will leave the property unchanged.&nbsp; The properties  include
     all  of the  fields listed above under GenItem, and GenContainer,  plus&nbsp;a
       few more:</p>
                        <strong>  </strong>      
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td><em>Rideable Type</em></td>
                             <td>the type of rideable item this is, from
sittable,       to  sleepable,   etc.&nbsp; Some of these types may be ridden
from room     to        room, like   "LAND-BASED","WATER-BASED","AIR-FLYING", 
and "WAGON"&nbsp;while              others   may not.&nbsp; "WAGON", unlike 
the others, may be hitched       to        another   Rideable (such as a GenRideable
MOB made into a horse.)&nbsp;             "LADDER"   will help those trying
to get through climable rooms.&nbsp;      The        others   are just furniture
for sitting on, sleeping on, or   climbing      into.</td>
                             <td><em>MOBs Held</em></td>
                             <td>th emaximum number of mobs which may occupy
 this     piece    of  furniture at once.</td>
            <strong>            </strong>        
                        <strong><a name="geni9"><font
 style="background-color: lime;">The   "GenFood",    "GenDrink", "GenWater", 
   "GenFoodResource",  "GenLiquidResource",   "GenFountain",    "GenTub"</font></a></strong></p>
<p>These items represent the edibles and drinkables on  CoffeeMud.&nbsp; The
GenFood is a simple edible food, while a GenFoodResource is  a raw edible
         material that can be used for cooking or other resource-requiring
  common       skills.&nbsp; GenWater, GenDrink, and GenFountain are all
templates    for     drinkable containers, with a GenFountain differing only
in a lack    of need     to  ever fill it.&nbsp; A GenLiquidResource represents
a liquid    resource    for potion  making or other skills.</p>
<p>Whenever a GenFood, GenDrink, GenFountain, or  GenWater&nbsp;is created,
         much like the GenItem above, you are presented with a  list of properties
         to fill in.&nbsp; Pressing enter will leave the property  unchanged.&nbsp;
         The properties include everything listed under GenItem, plus  GenContainer
         for the drinkables, plus a few more:</p>
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td>when eaten, how much nourishment does it 
       provide.&nbsp;        1000 would represent a full day of eating, while
 300 would        represent        a single meal.&nbsp; 100 would represent
 a snack.</td>
                             <td>when drunk out of, how much of the total 
capacity       is  consumed.&nbsp;   A value of 500 represents a full day 
of drinking,     while          100 would  represent a full glass</td>
                             <td><em>Amount of Drink Held        </em></td>
                             <td>the amount of total drink held by the  
     container.&nbsp;        Each  time the item is drunk, the amount represented
 by        Quenched/Drink        is  subtracted from this.&nbsp; When this
 number reaches 0,        the    container    is empty and must be refilled.</td>
                             <td><em>Liquid Type</em></td>
                             <td>for GenWater/GenDrink only, this denotes 
what kind     of  liquid  it is, whether fresh water, salt water, or even 
 BLOOD!&nbsp;        This may differ from the GenItem material type, so that 
the        archon       may differentiate between the material of the container 
from whats        inside it.</td>
                        <strong><a name="geni10"><font
 style="background-color: lime;">The   "GenPerfume"</font></a></strong></p>
<p>This item represents a liquid drinkable (which should  not be drunk) which
         can be worn to gain its effect. Its effect is to put a  temporary
 smelling        emoter on the wearer, making it seem to all those with noses
  that the    wearer   is affected by the perfume.</p>
<p>Whenever a GenPerfume, much like the GenDrink above, you  are presented
         with a list of properties to fill in.&nbsp; Pressing enter will
 leave      the   property unchanged.&nbsp; The properties include everything
listed      under   GenDrink, plus GenContainer, plus a few more:</p>
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td><em>Smell emotes</em></td>
                             <td>this represents the parameters passed on 
to the   Emoter     behavior  when the perfume is worn. The parameters are 
identical    to        the emoter,  except that the SMELL flag is automatically 
set.  Unless   the          perfume  is permanent, a expires parameter should 
always  be  used.  A default        of 100 will be used if it is absent. 
      <p>The parameters are as follows:        </p>
      <pre>Parameters : Max/Min ticks, pct chance, expires, emote strings, ';' separated.<br>Example    : min=10 max=20 chance=25;smells great!;smells lovely.;smells like roses!<br>Example    : smell chance=25 expires=100;smells horrible!;is really stinky!<br>Example    : broadcast chance=25;smells awesome!;smells overpowering!<br>Description: \n\r\<br>All smell emote strings are separated by the semicolons shown above.  The first<br>parameter can be empty for defaults, or may contain a setting for minimum ticks<br>(min=10), maximum ticks (max=20), the percept chance of occurrence after the random<br>number of ticks has expired (chance=25), a total number of occurrences before<br>expiration (expires=0), or a tag to make the emote broadcast to adjacent rooms<br>(broadcast).  In the first example every 10-20 ticks, there is a 25% chance that the<br>object with this property will select one of the emotes randomly and perform it for<br>all those in the same room who can see it.  In the second example, a emote will be<br>performed 25% of the time, but will only emote 100 times before the behavior is<br>removed from the object.  In the last example, a emote will be performed 25% of the<br>time in the room of the behavior, and in any adjacent rooms.<br>    </pre>
<p><strong><a name="geni11"><font style="background-color: lime;">The "GenMap"</font></a></strong></p>
<p>A GenMap is a readable item that will automatically map  out the rooms
         of the specified area(s).&nbsp; Level is uniquely significant on
a   GenMap.&nbsp;      A&nbsp;level of 0 means the map will be built without 
   access to  any indoor     rooms or areas behind&nbsp;secret exits.&nbsp; 
  A value of 1 means the  map   will be built with both indoor and outdoor 
 rooms, but without secret   rooms.&nbsp;   Any other value will display each
 and every room, regardless.&nbsp;   A room   that is classified as "in the
 air" will never be placed on a map.</p>
<p>Whenever a GenMap is created, much like the GenArmor  above, you are presented
         with a list of properties to fill in.&nbsp; Pressing  enter will
leave      the   property unchanged.&nbsp; The properties include everything
 listed      under   GetItem, plus one more:</p>
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td><em>Area List</em></td>
      <p>List here the names of the areas which will be        displayed on
the map, separated by semicolons. If you have a "MyArea", and        a "HisArea",
you might enter them here as "MyArea;HisArea" (without the        quotes).</p>
<p><strong><a name="geni12"><font style="background-color: lime;">The "GenKey"</font></a></strong></p>
<p>Keys are things required to unlock doors and containers  with locks.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Whenever a GenKey is created, much like the GenItem  above, you are presented
         with a list of properties to fill in.&nbsp; Pressing  enter will
leave      the   property unchanged.&nbsp; The properties include everything
 listed      under   Genitem, plus one more:</p>
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td><em>Key Code</em></td>
                             <td>The text entered here must match exactly 
the        assigned     key  code for the door or container lid which this 
key    opens.</td>
<p><strong><a name="geni13"><font style="background-color: lime;">The "GenStaff"</font></a></strong></p>
<p>A GenStaff is a type of GenWeapon which also behaves  like a wand.&nbsp;
         This means that it has an invocation word which must be  spoken
to   activate       the spell inside it.</p>
<p>Whenever a GenStaff is created, much like the GenWeapon  above, you are
         presented with a list of properties to fill in.&nbsp; Pressing 
enter      will    leave the property unchanged.&nbsp; The properties include
everything       listed   under GenWeapon, plus one more:</p>
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td><em>Assigned Spell</em></td>
                             <td>List here the name of the spell which is 
cast by     this   staff.&nbsp;  If left blank, the staff becomes mundane.&nbsp;
 Check            the list of spells for ones to use.&nbsp; Also, don't forget
 to  set   the         "Uses Remaining" field to give the staff some  charges!</td>
<p>The GenStaff, like the GenWand below, is activated by  first wielding it,
and then by <em>speaking</em> or <em>saying</em>&nbsp;the magical triggerword&nbsp;to
         the  target.&nbsp;</p>
<p><strong><a name="geni14"><font style="background-color: lime;">The "GenWand"</font></a></strong></p>
<p>GenWands are items which must be worn/held and a magic  word spoken in
         order to activate an innate spell.&nbsp; To cast a wands spell on
  a  creature     or item, the word must be spoken to the creature or item
<p>Whenever a GenWand is created, much like the GenItem  above, you are presented
         with a list of properties to fill in.&nbsp; Pressing  enter will
leave      the   property unchanged.&nbsp; The properties include everything
 listed      under   GenItem, plus one more:</p>
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td><em>Assigned Spell</em></td>
                             <td>List here the name of the spell which is 
cast by     this   wand.&nbsp;  If left blank, the&nbsp;wand&nbsp;is little 
more than     a        fancy stick.&nbsp;  Check the list of spells for ones 
to use.&nbsp;      Also,          don't forget  to set the "Uses Remaining"
 field to give   the&nbsp;wand     some        charges!</td>
<p>The GenWand, like the GenStaff above, is activated by  first holding it
         in ones hand, and then by <em>speaking</em> or <em>saying</em>&nbsp;the
       magical  triggerword&nbsp;to the  target.&nbsp;</p>
<p><strong><a name="geni15"><font style="background-color: lime;">The "GenPill",
         "GenPotion", "GenPowder", and  "GenMultiPotion"</font></a></strong></p>
<p>GenPills are edible items which impart their spell after  eating.&nbsp;
         GenPowders can have their magic thrown on targets. &nbsp;  GenPotions
     and    GenMultiPotions do the same when they are drank.&nbsp; The  difference
      between   them is that GenPills and GenPotions vanish after  drinking/eating.
      GenMultiPotions   may be drank from many times to receive their  magic.</p>
<p>Whenever a GenPill, GenPowder, or GenPotion is created,  much like the
         GenArmor above, you are presented with a list of properties to 
fill     in.&nbsp;     Pressing enter will leave the property unchanged.&nbsp;
The     properties   include  everything listed under GenItem, plus a few
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td><em>Assigned Spells</em></td>
                             <td>List here the names of the spells which
are  cast     upon   the  eater of the pill or drinker of the potion.&nbsp;
Check  the    list        of  spells for ones to use.&nbsp; Each potion and
pill  may only    be  used          once, though an empty potion flask may
be refilled  with    water  if one       likes.</td>
                             <td>when eaten, how much nourishment does&nbsp;the
  pill&nbsp;provide.&nbsp;        1000 would represent a full day of eating, 
 while        300 would represent        a single meal.&nbsp; 100 would represent 
 a        snack.&nbsp; You could&nbsp;make       a magical smorgasborg if 
you like!</td>
                             <td>when drunk out of, how much of the total 
capacity       is  consumed.&nbsp;   A value of 500 represents a full day 
of drinking,     while          100 would  represent a full glass.&nbsp; Keep
in mind that     when a  potion is        potent  (contains its magical substance),
the  potion   is entirely        consumed.&nbsp;  Only when the potion container
 is refilled   with water does        this apply.</td>
                             <td><em>Amount of Drink Held        </em></td>
                             <td>the amount of total drink held by the  
     potion.&nbsp;       Each   time the&nbsp;contents of the potion&nbsp;is
 drunk, the amount      represented   by Quenched/Drink is subtracted from
 this.&nbsp; When        this number  reaches 0, the potion container is
empty  and must be refilled             with  something mundane, like water.</td>
<p><strong><a name="geni16"><font style="background-color: lime;">The "GenSuperPill"</font></a></strong></p>
<p>The GenSuperPill is a special kind of GenPill which does  not create a
         spell effect, but has other, more permanent benefits!</p>
<p>Whenever a GenSuperPill is created, much like the  GenPill above, you are
presented with a list of properties to fill in.&nbsp;  Pressing enter will
leave the property unchanged.&nbsp; The properties include  everything listed
under GenItem, plus two more:</p>
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td><em>Assigned Spell or        Parameters</em></td>
                             <td>The GenSuperPill has all of the properties
 of the      GenPill,    but with a few more capabilities.&nbsp; Spells,
separated    by         semicolons,    may be listed in this field.&nbsp;
Make sure the   names  are        typed  exactly,  however, or the pill will
fail!&nbsp;   In addition,  certain        adjustment  parameters may be
typed in, to give   the pill an  extra        "punch".&nbsp;&nbsp;  These
adjustment parameters    are too numerous  to list        here.&nbsp; I 
suggest you enter "help  parameters",    and look  at the entry        for
"Prop_HaveAdjuster".  The  parameters for   GenSuperPill  will appear the
       same, though GenSuperPills   can also   boost experience  using "expe+10"
or        "expe-20", or reset  a  players   recall room to their  current
room using        "beacon+1". &nbsp;  Another   important difference  from
Prop_HaveAdjuster is        that the effects  of a pill are PERMANENT!!!</td>
                             <td>when eaten, how much nourishment does the
        pill&nbsp;provide.&nbsp;        1000 would represent a full day of
 eating,  while        300 would represent        a single meal.&nbsp; 100
 would represent  a    snack.</td>
<p><strong><a name="geni17"><font style="background-color: lime;">The "GenScroll"</font></a></strong></p>
<p>A GenScroll is a readable item that has spells written  on it.&nbsp; These
         spells may be discovered through the "Read Magic" spell, and  written
     on   using Scribe.&nbsp; Spells can be learned from scrolls using Scroll
<p>Whenever a GenScroll is created, much like the GenPill  above, you are
         presented with a list of properties to fill in.&nbsp; Pressing 
enter      will    leave the property unchanged.&nbsp; The properties include
everything       listed   under GenItem, plus one more:</p>
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td><em>Assigned Spells</em></td>
                             <td>List here the names of the spells which
are         written     upon   the scroll.&nbsp; Check the list of spells
for ones  to         use.&nbsp;      Remember to set the uses remaining field
so that  the  scroll can  have   a little clarity!</td>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong><a name="geni18"><font style="background-color: lime;">The "GenTitle"</font></a></strong></p>
<p>A GenTitle is&nbsp;&nbsp;a piece of paper which  designates ownership of
a piece of property.&nbsp; A piece of property can only  be a room or a set
of rooms with Prop_RoomForSale, Prop_RoomsForSale, or  Prop_LotsForSale on
it.&nbsp; Titles are unique in that whenever they are GIVEn  to another player,
the property changes ownership.&nbsp; Although titles can be  created by
archons and given to shopkeepers to sell, the usual method for  putting land
up for sale is to create a shopkeeper of the type LANDSELLER (see  shopkeepers
         below).&nbsp; This will automatically populate the shopkeeper with
   titles      to all properties for sale in his or her area.</p>
<p>Whenever a GenTitle is created, much like the GenPill  above, you are presented
with a list of properties to fill in.&nbsp; Pressing  enter will leave the
property unchanged.&nbsp; The properties include everything  listed under
GenItem, plus one more:</p>
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td><em>Assigned Spells</em></td>
                             <td>List here the names of the spells which
are         written     upon   the scroll.&nbsp; Check the list of spells
for ones  to         use.&nbsp;      Remember to set the uses remaining field
so that  the  scroll can  have   a little clarity!</td>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong><a name="geni19"><font style="background-color: lime;">The "GenLawBook"</font></a></strong></p>
<p>A GenLawBook is&nbsp;a Journal-Like document containing  10 pages of detailed
         information about the laws in the area for which it is  "written".&nbsp;
        An Area must have either the "Arrest" or "Conquerable"  behaviors
in   order     to have any laws for the law book to list.&nbsp; If the Area 
  has  the Arrest     behavior with a property of "custom", then Archons and
 staff  may  also  use   the GenLawBook to modify aspects of the law in that
 area.&nbsp;  If the  Area  has the "Conquerable" behavior, then either the
 Archon, staff,   or duly  authorized  clan member may use the book to modify
<p>Whenever a GenLawBook is created, much like the  GenReadable above, you
         are presented with a list of properties to fill in.&nbsp;  Pressing 
   enter      will leave the property unchanged.&nbsp; The properties include 
    everything      listed under GenReadable, though one of the properties 
 has  a slightly   different   meaning:</p>
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td><em>Readable Text</em></td>
                             <td>This field is reserved for the Name of the
 area   for    which   this law book refers.&nbsp; The area named here must
 have  the        Arrest   or Conquerable behaviors for the law book to work
<p><strong><a name="geni20"><font style="background-color: lime;">The "GenPortal"
and "GenMobilePortal"</font></a></strong></p>
<p>A GenPortal is Rideable type item that can act as a  gateway between two
         rooms via the ENTER command. The item can be made gettable  or not, 
   blended      or not, having all the advantages of a standard item, while 
   still getting      you from here to there like an Exit. The Rideable-specific 
   fields  Rideable      Type and MOBs Held are also unchangeable due to the
   specific nature of    the  portal, although you will see them listed on
 the  editor screens. &nbsp;They also share the same re-closing and re-locking
 behaviors noted above with GenContainers.<br>
<p>GenMobilePortal is a GenPortal with a unique feature. &nbsp;The GenMobilePortal
expects that it's assigned destination room ALSO contains a GenPortal in
it. &nbsp;If so, then every time the GenMobilPortal is moved by a player
carrying it from place to place, the target for the paired GenPortal will
also be changed to reflect the move.<br>
<p>Whenever a GenPortal is created, much like the  GenRideable above, you
         are presented with a list of properties to fill in.&nbsp;  Pressing 
   enter      will leave the property unchanged:</p>
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td><em>Assigned Room  IDs</em></td>
                             <td>This field is the room ID of the room to 
which  the     portal    will take you, or a list of rooms (separated by semicolons)
 to          which    the portal might take you.</td>
                             <td><em>Exit Direction      Name</em></td>
                             <td>This field, when not blank, will cause the
 portal      to  be  listed among the exits in the room. This field will
hold  the name    of        the direction, while the portal's "Name" will
be the  room    description.</td>
                             <td><em>Exit Closed Text</em></td>
                             <td>If the Exit Direction Name is not empty, 
and the     portal    has a door/lid, then this field will be displayed instead
 of  the          "name"  in the exits list.</td>
<p><strong><a name="geni21"><font style="background-color: lime;">The "GenClanItem",
         "GenClanCommonContainer",  "GenClanApron", "GenClanCommonItem",
"GenClanContainer",          "GenClanFlag",  "GenClanPamphlet", and  "GenClanSpecialItem"</font></a></strong></p>
<p>The above are all basis for the items created by the  Clan Crafting skill.&nbsp;
         The GenClanItem and GenClanContainer are standard  holdable items
 assignable        to clans, usually for the purpose of use with the  Conquerable
 behavior      on  Areas.&nbsp; They are only gettable by members of the
 clan to whom    they   are assigned, and have properties to allow them to
be captured  by   other  clans as well.&nbsp; The GenClanCommonItem and GenClanCommonContainer
      cause  their mob holders to perform tasks. The GenClanFlag holds a
conquered      area   in place, and provides Conquerable behavior information.
The GenClanApron        makes  the holder into a shopkeeper. The GenClanPamphlet
makes the holder       a dissident  and&nbsp;multiplies in rival clan areas,
and the GenClanSpecialItem       performs  miscellaneous tasks when found
in a conquered area.</p>
<p>Clan items all have a Clan Item type, which must usually  be matched with
         the proper GenClan class type from the list above in order to  work 
   effectively.&nbsp;      Here is a proper mapping:</p>
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="palegreen" border="1"
 cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Class        Name</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Clan        Item Types</strong></td>
                             <td>GenClanItem, GenClanContainer</td>
                             <td>"BANNER", "GAVEL"</td>
                             <td>GenClanCommonItem, GenClanCommonContainer</td>
                             <td>"GATHERITEM", "CRAFTITEM"</td>
                             <td>"SPECIALSCALES", "SPECIALSCAVENGER",   
                        Whenever a GenClanItem is created, much like the
GenItem   above,    you   are   presented with a list of properties to fill
in.&nbsp;   Pressing     enter   will   leave the property unchanged.&nbsp;
The properties   include    everything    listed   under GenItem, plus a
few more:</p>
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td><em>Clan ID</em></td>
                             <td>This field is reserved for the Name of the
 clan   that    this   item belongs to. </td>
                             <td><em>Clan Item Type</em></td>
                             <td>This type of clan item, as described above.
<p><strong><a name="geni22"><font style="background-color: lime;">The "GenWallpaper",
and "GenFatWallpaper"</font></a></strong></p>
<p>GenWallpaper is unique in that it is a non-gettable item  which&nbsp;is
         never listed among the items in&nbsp;a room, but CAN be looked 
at.&nbsp;          It is intended to&nbsp;provide targets for the LOOK command
based  upon      objects  which might be mentioned in a room description.&nbsp;
Archons   should    make  sure they have SYSMSGS turned on to edit wallpaper
items,   since they   will   not be&nbsp;noticed otherwise. &nbsp;&nbsp;<br>
<p>GenFatWallpaper is the same as GenWallpaper, except that it also has a
displayText field, so that it can be seen in a room. &nbsp;However, like
GenWallpaper, it can not be interacted with.<br>
<p>When GenWallpaper is created, you have only the name  (which should contain
         key words for the LOOK command), the description that is  seen,
and    whether      or not it is also readable.</p>
<p><strong><a name="geni25"><font style="background-color: lime;">The "GenRecipe"</font></a></strong></p>
<p>GenWallpaper is a complex but powerful tool for  expanding the system of
Common Skills in the CoffeeMud codebase.&nbsp; A  GenRecipe is a piece of
paper upon which is written a recipe, schematic, or some  other instructions
         for enhancing the list of things which can be crafted by  players
 using      their  crafting Common Skills.&nbsp; A player takes advantage
of a  recipe      by mearly  having the item in his or her inventory and
using the  appropriate      skill for which the recipe was designed.</p>
<p>Designing a GenRecipe object is extremely complex.&nbsp;  After setting
         the "normal" GenItem fields for this item, such as name,  readabletext,
       weight,  value, etc, there are still the two key GenRecipe fields
 left     to  fill in:  Common Skill ID, and the Recipe Data line.&nbsp;
The Common      Skill  ID identifies  which of the common skills is served
by the recipe.&nbsp;       The Data line describes in detail the item which
can be created by players       with  this recipe on hand.&nbsp; The format
of the data line is a series      of  comma-delimited values which are defined
for each common skill uniquely.&nbsp;        There are two ways of determining
the number and nature of each value    for   the  data line.&nbsp; One is
to open the appropriate common skill  *.java    file in the  /com/planet_ink/Abilities/Common/
 directory on your  computer    and observing the  several lines near the
top of the file which  begin with    "protected static final  int RCP_".&nbsp;
 The number, order,  and nature  of  the values will be identical  to these
 variable definitions.&nbsp;   The  second  way is to open the appropriate
  *.txt file for the common skill   in  the /resources/skills/    directory&nbsp;(such
  as weaponsmith.txt or   pottery.txt)  and noting the  first  line of  the&nbsp;file.&nbsp;
 The first   line in most  cases will be  a guide  to the number  and nature
 of the field   values.&nbsp;</p>
<p><strong><a name="geni23"><font style="background-color: lime;">The "GenInstrument"
         and  "GenPiano"</font></a></strong></p>
<p>The GenInstrument represents a musical instrument for  the purposes of
         the several Minstrel spells.&nbsp; They differ only in that the
 GenPiano         is also like a GenRideable mentioned above, in that it
must be sat  on    to   play.</p>
<p>Whenever a GenInstrument is created, much like the  GenRideable above,
         you are presented with a list of properties to fill in.&nbsp;  Pressing
       enter  will leave the property unchanged.&nbsp; The properties include
     everything    listed under GenItem, and GenRideable for the GenPiano,
 plus    one  more:</p>
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td><em>Instrument Type</em></td>
                             <td>This is the general classification of the
        instrument      for   the purposes of several of the Minstrel  songs.</td>
<p><a name="geni24"><strong><font style="background-color: lime;">The "GenLimb"</font></strong>
<p>This strange item represents both false limbs and real  replaceable ones.</p>
<p>Whenever a GenLimb item is created, much like the  GenContainer above,
         you are presented with a list of properties to fill  in.&nbsp; Pressing
       enter  will leave the property unchanged.&nbsp; The properties  include
     all  of the  fields listed above under GenItem, though some have slightly
      different   meanings:</p>
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td><em>Name, Secret        Identity</em></td>
                             <td>At least one of these fields must *END*
with  the     name   of  a valid body part in order for the GenLimb to operate
properly.            Value  body parts include:        "ANTENEA","EYE","EAR","HEAD","NECK","ARM","HAND","TORSO","LEG","FOOT",
                "NOSE","GILL","MOUTH","WAIST","TAIL",and "WING"</td>
                             <td><em>Magical Ability</em></td>
                             <td>On a GenLimb, this field should have a value
 of 0      when   the  limb is false (meaning that wearing it does not replace 
 the           functionality   of missing limbs), or a value &gt; 0 (meaning 
 that     it        replaces X missing  limbs).</td>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong><font color="blue" size="5"><a name="moditems">Modifying  Items</a></font></strong></p>
<p>There are properties of items, armor, weapons, and  containers that can
         be modified by the Archon.&nbsp; If one wishes to modify a  dagger, 
   one    must  either hold the dagger, or have the dagger present in the 
 room.&nbsp;     The  Archon can then issue the command "modify dagger".&nbsp; 
 If the  item    is a GenItem, GenContainer, GenFood, GenWater, GenDrink, 
GenWeapon,  or any    other  "Gen" item, then the same properties as above 
will be presented.&nbsp;       </p>
<p>Like rooms and areas, there are a very rich selection of  Behaviors you
         may choose for items.&nbsp; Here are our favorites:</p>
<p>"Decay" for items that are only around for a limited  time.<br>
                        "DelayedTransporter" to make an item that moves 
people  around.<br>
                        "Emoter" to make items behave in random  and cute 
                        "FasterRecovery" makes the owner or  rider&nbsp;recover
 stats    faster.<br>
                        "Follower" will make  items follow players and mobs
                        "InstantDeath" to  cause an item to kill someone.<br>
                        "RandomItems"  will cause items from a saved file 
to appear   in  a  container     item.<br>
                         "ItemGenerator"  will create treasure and items
for  your  container      items.<br>
                        "Mime" to make an item  mimic the socials that players
                        "Patroller" makes the  item&nbsp;travel a route you
 specify,   even   when   ridden.<br>
                        "Scriptable" allows you to script the behavior of 
the item   based    on  triggers.<br>
                        "Sounder" to add new color to item  usage.</p>
<p>Items also benefit from effects, just like rooms, areas,  and exits.&nbsp;
         Here are some important effects you may consider for your  items:</p>
<p>"Burning" sets an item on fire.<br>
                        "Chant_ChargeMetal" makes an item attract electricity.<br>
                        "Chant_Shillelagh" makes wooden weapons more deadly.<br>
                        "Falling" sets an item as falling.<br>
                        "Prop_AbilityImmunity" protects the&nbsp;item from
  specified    targeted     spells.<br>
                        "Prop_AbsorbDamage" makes the  item absorb damage 
from certain    attacks.<br>
                        "Prop_AddDamage" makes the item owner sustain extra
                        "Prop_ClosedDayNight"&nbsp;makes an item  disappear
 at night.<br>
                        "Prop_ClosedSeason"&nbsp;makes an  item disappear 
for a season.<br>
                        "Prop_FightSpellCast" makes  a weapon cast a spell
 when it  hits.<br>
                        "Prop_HaveAdjuster"  modifies the owners stats.<br>
                        "Prop_HaveResister" modifies  the owners saving throws.<br>
                        "Prop_HaveSpellCast" gives a  spell effect to the 
                        "Prop_HaveZapper" restricts  ownership.<br>
                        "Prop_Hidden" makes an item hidden,  temporarily.<br>
                        "Prop_Invisibility" makes an item  invisible.<br>
                        "Prop_ItemTransporter" makes an item that  transports
                        "Prop_ItemTransReceiver" makes an  item receives
transported    things.<br>
                        "Prop_LangTranslator"  makes the item a translator
 of languages.<br>
                        "Prop_LimitedItems" can limit the number of a particular 
  item   ever   to  be  owned.<br>
                        "Prop_LocationBound" limits where  an item can be 
taken from.<br>
                        "Prop_ModExperience" modifies  experience gained
when  holding/wielding/wearing         this.<br>
                        "Prop_NoDamage" makes the item incapable of doing 
                        "Prop_NoPurge" makes the item a permanent piece 
of  garbage.<br>
                        "Prop_NoRecall" makes the item prevent  recalling.<br>
                        "Prop_OpenPassword" gives a container a  secret opening
                        "Prop_RideAdjuster" modifies the  mounted persons 
                        "Prop_RideEnabler"&nbsp;gives the  mounted new skills.<br>
                        "Prop_RideResister" modifies the  mounted persons 
saving  throws.<br>
                        "Prop_RideSpellCast"  gives a spell effect to the 
                        "Prop_RideZapper"  restricts mounting.<br>
                        "Prop_RoomView" makes an item that  gives you a view
 of something      else.&nbsp;    A window maker!<br>
                        "Prop_ScrapExplode" makes the item explode when the
 scrap   common    skill    is used on it.<br>
                        "Prop_Smell" gives the item  an aroma when using
the  SNIFF  command.<br>
                        "Prop_SpellAdder"&nbsp;makes the item cast a spell
 on those    who  come   near  it.<br>
                        "Prop_SpellReflecting"&nbsp;helps  make&nbsp;a shield
 that  reflects     magic.<br>
                        "Prop_TattooAdder" makes an item that grants one
a   tattoo.<br>
                        "Prop_TicketTaker" makes a rideable that  requires
 money to  board.<br>
                        "Prop_Trashcan" makes a  container that destroys
things  placed    inside.<br>
                        "Prop_UseSpellCast" makes an item that spell-affects
 the  owner    when   filled,   worn, placed in, wielded, or held.<br>
                        "Prop_UseSpellCast2" makes an item that spell-affects
 the   one  who   gets,    eats, or drinks from it.<br>
                        "Prop_WeaponImmunity" makes an item grant attack
                        "Prop_WearAdjuster" modifies the wearers  stats.<br>
                        "Prop_WearEnabler"&nbsp;gives the wearer  skills.<br>
                        "Prop_WearResister" modifies the wearers saving 
                        "Prop_WearSpellCast" gives a spell effect to the
                        "Prop_WearZapper" restricts  wearing/wielding/holding.<br>
                        "Spell_Boomerang" makes an  item very loyal to the
                        "Spell_ContinualLight"  makes an item shine!<br>
                        "Spell_Fly" makes an item fly  around.<br>
                        "Spell_LightenItem" makes an item lighter.<br>
                        "Spell_MagicalAura" gives an item a magical aura.<br>
                        "Spell_Shrink" makes an item smaller.<br>
                        "Spell_WizardLock" makes a container harder to open.<br>
                        "Prayer_BlessItem" makes a weapon harder hitting.<br>
                        "Prayer_CurseItem" makes a weapon&nbsp;worse  at&nbsp;hitting.<br>
                        "Prayer_FlameWeapon" makes a weapon  flame striking.<br>
                        Lots of traps  are available to make items more perilous:
  "Bomb_AcidBurst",        "Bomb_Explosive",  "Bomb_FlameBurst", "Bomb_Noxious",
  "Bomb_Pepper",   "Bomb_Poison",     "Bomb_Smoke",  "Bomb_Spores", "Bomb_Water",
  "Trap_AcidSpray",   "Trap_Boomerang",      "Trap_ElectricShock", "Trap_Get",
  "Trap_GetBlade",   "Trap_GetGas",  "Trap_GetNeedle",     "Trap_GetSpell",
  "Trap_Gluey", "Trap_Greasy",   "Trap_Ignition",  "Trap_Infected",     "Trap_Launcher",
  "Trap_Needle", "Trap_NeedlePrick",    "Trap_Noise", "Trap_Open",     "Trap_OpenBlade",
  "Trap_OpenGas", "Trap_OpenNeedle",    "Trap_OpenSpell",   "Trap_PoisonGas",
   "Trap_Popper", "Trap_SleepGas",  "Trap_Spark", "Trap_SpellBlast",   "Trap_SporeTrap",
   "Trap_Trap", "Trap_Unlock",   "Trap_UnlockBlade", "Trap_UnlockGas",  
"Trap_UnlockNeedle",    "Trap_UnlockSpell",   "Trap_Vanishing", "Trap_WeaponSwing"<br>
                        Lots of poisons are available to make weapons more
 deadly,   or  drinkables      into poisons - "Poison_Alcohol", "Poison_BeeSting", 
  "Poison_Bloodboil",      "Poison_Decreptifier", "Poison_Firebreather", 
"Poison_Ghoultouch", "Poison_GoblinDrip",      "Poison_Heartstopper",  "Poison_Liquor", 
"Poison_Mindsap", "Poison_Peppersauce",      "Poison_Rotten",  "Poison_Slumberall", 
"Poison_Venom", "Poison_XXX"</p>
<p>For&nbsp; "non-Generic" items, the following properties  will be presented
         during modification (see Appendix&nbsp;A for more  information):<br>
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td>the level of the item, dictating the lowest
 level      a  character   must attain to possess or hold it. See Appendix
 A for more           information   on this field.</td>
                             <td><em>Magical Ability</em></td>
                             <td>This number represents an adjustment to
the  items      magical    properties.&nbsp; If the item is any sort of armor,
 then this            value    will be the same as described above under
GenArmor.&nbsp;       If the        item  is a weapon, then this value will
be the same as  described     above        under  GenWeapon.&nbsp; For all
other items, aside  from making     the item        appears  magical, it
has no other use whatsoever.&nbsp;     See  Appendix   A for        more
information on this field.</td>
                             <td>This number represents the number of ticks
 (where      a  tick   is roughly 3 seconds) before an item, which has been
 removed    from         the room, rejuvenates or resets to its proper state.&nbsp;
  The  value          '2147483647' or '0'&nbsp;means that the item never
rejuvenates,      but   once         picked up and brought out of the room,
is gone forever.&nbsp;        Any other        value will represent a number
of ticks.&nbsp; This  property      does not take        effect until the
room is saved.&nbsp; For more information      on making the        RejuvTicks
property take effect  after changing it,    see  below under        Rejuvenating
Items and Mobs"  or "How to Save a Room".</td>
                             <td>for scrolls, lanterns, ammunition, staves,
 and  wands,      this  represents the number of times the item may be used
 again        before   expiring.&nbsp;  For all other items, this field has
 no purpose            whatsoever.</td>
                             <td>the meaning of this field differs entirely
 from   item    to  item.&nbsp; For most weapons and armor, it means nothing.&nbsp; 
          For  readable items, it represents the text written upon it.&nbsp; 
   For        scrolls, it is the spells that are scribed upon it. For a StdKey,
     it is        the key code that must match the door the key will open
(see     above under        GenExit).&nbsp;&nbsp; See Appendix A for more
information     on this    field.</td>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong><font color="blue" size="5"><a name="xitems">Destroying  Items</a></font></strong></p>
<p>To destroy an item that is either being held by you, or  is in the same
         room as you, you need only issue the destroy command.&nbsp; For
 instance,         if a dagger has offended: "destroy item dagger" wll make
it go  away.</p>
<p>Once destroyed, items that have been set to rejuv will  not do so.&nbsp;
         If the item was a permanently saved item in the room, you must 
re-save        the  room in order to make the items destruction permanent.</p>
<p><strong><font color="blue" size="5"><a name="arctools">Tools of the  Trade</a></font></strong></p>
<p>The Archons of your realm have lots of items that assist  them in building
         and administering their mud.&nbsp; Lets take a look at  these:</p>
<p><em>The Archon Staff</em>&nbsp;  (CREATE ITEM ARCHONSTAFF) - the Archon
         Staff is the main tool of the true  Archon.&nbsp; Also available
from     the    OUTFIT command, it not only provides a  deadly weapon, but
a useful     source    of magical power.&nbsp; To use the powers of  the
staff, it must    first be   wielded.&nbsp; It is a two-handed item, so the
 Archon's held   position must   be given up for it as well.&nbsp; Once wielded,
 numerous    magical words invoke  the power: s<em>ay  targetname</em> <em>"refresh"
  </em>will    rejuvinate the   targets mana, hit points, and movement; <em>sayto
   targetname    "level up"  </em>will give the target a free level of experience;
  <em>sayto    targetname   "level all up" </em>will level the target  up
to  91; <em>sayto    targetname   "burn" </em>will blast the  target with
hellish  fire.</p>
<p><em>The Wand of the Archons</em>  (CREATE ITEM WANDARCHON) - the Wand of
the Archons is the one-handed alternative  to the Archon Staff.&nbsp; It
is also available only to true Archons.&nbsp; To  use the powers of the wand,
it must first be held. Once held, numerous magical  words invoke the power:
s<em>ay targetname</em> <em>"refresh" </em>will rejuvinate the targets mana,
hit  points, and movement; <em>sayto targetname "level up"  </em>will give
the target a free level of experience; <em>sayto targetname "level all up"
</em>will level the target  up to 91; <em>sayto targetname "burn" </em>will
         blast the  target with hellish fire.</p>
<p><em>The Goody Bag </em>(CREATE ITEM  GOODYBAG) - The Goody Bag is full
         of fabulous prizes which Archons may dispense  to players.&nbsp;
What's       better,  an item that is removed is always replaced, so  that
the bag   never    runs out.&nbsp;  Inside the goody bad are piles of currency,
 pills   to gain   stats or experience,  and others goodies.</p>
<p><em>Ingredients&nbsp;Sack&nbsp;</em>(CREATE ITEM INGREDIENTS) -  The Ingredients
         bag has exactly one of every kind of natural resource the system
 offers.&nbsp;        Removing one from the bag will automatically replace
 it, so the  bag   never     ever runs out.</p>
<p><strong><font color="blue" size="5"><a name="mobcreate">Creating  MOBs</a></font></strong></p>
<p>Greater even than the mages powerful spells of summoning  is the Archons
         ability to conjure beasts into caverns and townspeople on to  streets.&nbsp;
         To do this, the Archon need only issue the create command once 
again.&nbsp;          Summoning a goblin into an ordinary room&nbsp;is as
simple as  entering        "create  Goblin".&nbsp; This will create a standard
Goblin in the room      you  are standing  in.&nbsp; To make him stay there,
even after you reboot,      you   must save the  room as described in the
section below on saving  rooms.</p>
<p>To find out what mobs are available for you to create,  you can enter "list
mobs".&nbsp; Entering "create &lt;mobname&gt;" will prove  the true incantation
for almost all of the creatures on this list.&nbsp; An  exception, however,
is the GenRideable.&nbsp; Since there is both an Item and  a&nbsp;MOB version
of that name, you will need to further qualify your create  command by entering
"create mob GenRideable" or "create item GenRideable".</p>
<p>If&nbsp;you wish to create your goblin a Grid-type  locale, extra consideration
         is required.&nbsp; Locale types like MountainsGrid,  WoodsGrid,
WoodsMaze,          PlainsGrid, DesertMaze, etc.. can all contain nasty 
monsters in them.&nbsp;         However, two rules need to be followed for
this magic to  work properly.&nbsp;         The first is that you can only
save&nbsp;creatures which  are in the    parent     Grid room itself.&nbsp;
If you have SYSMSGS on, you can tell   which room    this is because it is
the only one with a simple room ID  ("MyArea#123")     in the description.&nbsp;Since
no one ever actually walks into  the parent     Grid room, the only way to
get to it&nbsp;is using the Archon GOTO  command.&nbsp;       The second
of the two rules is that you must give the mob a  Mobile behavior.&nbsp;
     The mobile behaviors&nbsp;are specially coded so  that&nbsp;they will
 take    the&nbsp;monster to a random room inside the grid the  first time
 the thing    tries to move.&nbsp; </p>
<p><strong><a name="genm1"><font style="background-color: lime;">The "GenMob"&nbsp;and
<p>Whenever a GenMob&nbsp;or GenUndead is created, much  like the GenItem
         above, you are presented with a list of properties to fill  in.&nbsp;
     Pressing    enter will leave the property unchanged.&nbsp; The only
 difference     between    the GenMob and GenUndead is that the GenUndead
can  be&nbsp;TURNed     by a  Cleric,  while a GenMob cannot.&nbsp;&nbsp;The
properties  include:</p>
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td>the name of the mob, like "an evil priest",
 or "a      goblin"</td>
                             <td>what one sees when one looks at the mob</td>
                             <td><em>Display Text</em></td>
                             <td>what one sees when&nbsp;the mob&nbsp;is
lurking    in   a  room.</td>
                             <td>the race of your creature.</td>
                             <td><em>Rejuv Ticks</em></td>
                             <td>the number of ticks (4 second intervals),
 after   the    mob   has been killed, that will transpire before the mob
reappears   in         its  home room. For more information on making the
RejuvTicks  property     take        effect after changing it, see below
under Rejuvenating  Items    and Mobs"   or        "How to Save a Room".</td>
                             <td><em>Gender </em></td>
                             <td>M, N&nbsp;or F please!</td>
                             <td><em>Level </em></td>
                             <td>this represents the experience level of
the         MOB.&nbsp;      This  number determines (along with alignment)
how  much         experience      a player  will get for slaying the creature.&nbsp;
   This number should    be calculated  with great care so as not to make
it   "too good" for a        higher level,  or "too tough" for a lower level.&nbsp;</td>
                             <td>this represents the number of attacks the
        creature     receives    every round.&nbsp;&nbsp;1 is perfect.</td>
                             <td><em>Attack  Adjustment</em></td>
                             <td>this represents the MOBs ability to slay 
other  beings.&nbsp;        At first level, this should be a 0.&nbsp; At 25th
level,         this   may    be as much as 150-200.&nbsp; You should keep
the default,  either        way.</td>
                             <td>this represents the maximum amount of damage
 a  MOB     does   when striking its opponents.&nbsp; At first level, 4-8
is       plenty.&nbsp;     At 25th level, 20-50 is a good range, depending
upon the         monsters    speed.&nbsp; Just keep the default.</td>
                             <td><em>Armor </em></td>
                             <td>the amount of protection the beast has against
  being      hit.&nbsp;   Lower numbers are always better here.&nbsp; At
first         level, 50 is  a well-protected creature, while 100 is one that
is       completely helpless   against attacks.&nbsp; At 25th level, -150
would  be   a        good number.&nbsp;   Again, just keep the default.</td>
                             <td><em>Hit Points/Level</em></td>
                             <td>this is a multiplier used to determine the
        creatures     hit   points.&nbsp; The number 11 is a typical, it
is  the  default,    and unless  the creature is really nasty (12-20 range),
it should  be kept             at default.</td>
                             <td><em>Alignment </em></td>
                             <td>this is one the default "Factions" (see
below)   used     by  most  muds, and refers to the mobs ethical disposition.&nbsp; 
 By        the  default  settings,&nbsp; this is the most important determinate
     of         whether a player gets experience, aside from monster level.&nbsp;
      You        should  make the alignment reflect the creature&#8217;s obvious
      disposition.&nbsp;   Making children evil, or a good orc doesn't do
anyone           any good.</td>
                             <td>unless a thief gets it first, this will
be  the  amount      of  money the creature is carrying.&nbsp; The money
carried  is        expressed     in multiples of the the base value.&nbsp;
A money  value of 20        will     mean that they are carrying 20 gold
(or whatever  the local  currency        is), assuming gold is valued at
1.0 of base.&nbsp;  If the  local currency            has only Latinum Bars
valued at 0.5, then  a money  value of 20 here            would&nbsp;mean
that the creature&nbsp;carries&nbsp;40     Latinum Bars.</td>
                             <td><em>Weight </em></td>
                             <td>You should make this number reflect the
monsters      true   weight.&nbsp;        </td>
                             <td><em>Height </em></td>
                             <td>You should make this number reflect the
monsters      true   height/size.&nbsp;        </td>
                             <td>grants the opportunity to give your new
MOB         spells,     prayers,   skills, and other abilities.&nbsp; Enter
'list'&nbsp;    to      see a list   of the proper names of the CoffeeMud
abilities.&nbsp;&nbsp;For               more   information, you may enter
'atopics' at the main prompt&nbsp;to        see a        list of the common
names of spells, skills, prayers, and    songs    to        use.&nbsp;You
may also enter 'ahelp'&nbsp;from the main    prompt   to show          some
of the more secret effects available.&nbsp;    You may   add new ones  by
       entering the&nbsp;ability's proper name    only.&nbsp;   Entering
it  again will        remove it.&nbsp; Keep in mind    that placing   properties
here  is absolutely        useless, even though    they are classified  
as abilities;   they belong under        effects below.</td>
                             <td><em>Behaviors </em></td>
                             <td>the list of standard behaviors that can
be         attached     to  MOBs  is growing daily.&nbsp; Enter 'list' to
see  a list  of  them.&nbsp;&nbsp;You&nbsp;may      also, from a normal prompt,
        enter&nbsp;'ahelp' for more information      on the available behaviors.&nbsp; 
         Either way, you may add new ones     by entering the behaviors proper 
  names    here, followed by any behavior     parameters.&nbsp; Entering it
  again will        remove it.&nbsp; If you   gave  your MOB any spells or
 skills, you should at        least also give   it the  CombatAbilities behavior
 so that it will use them        in combat.&nbsp;     However, some behaviors,
  such as Mageness, Clericness,        etc.. come    fully-loaded with abilities.</td>
                             <td>this may refer to a property, as discussed
 above     in  the   section on rooms, or it may refer to a permanent spell
   effect.&nbsp;&nbsp;After       all, it is one thing to be able to pray
for         Bless, but quite  another     thing to ALWAYS be blessed.&nbsp;&nbsp;Either
         way,&nbsp;use  'list'     here to see the proper names of the abilities
  that        can  be added  as   effects.&nbsp; Enter the proper name of
the  ability to add         it  as an  effect, then any effect parameters.&nbsp;
  Enter the proper  name        again  to remove it.&nbsp;&nbsp;From the
main   prompt, 'help properties'   is        a great place to find the many
mob  properties available.&nbsp;    'help        abilities' will also show
some  of the more secret effects      available.&nbsp;</td>
                             <td>the list of factions to which this mob belongs, 
   and    in  which  he or she has a value assigned.&nbsp; Enter the faction 
   name         to add  or remove.&nbsp; Changing a value involves first removing,
    then        re-adding.&nbsp;  See below for more information on factions.</td>
                             <td><em>Is .. flags        (Disposition)</em></td>
                             <td>Most of these are self explanatory.</td>
                             <td><em>Can See... flags        (Senses)</em></td>
                             <td>Again, methinks thou canst fathom most of
 these   just    fine   without me enumerating them.&nbsp;</td>
<p><a name="genm2"><font style="background-color: lime;">The  "GenShopKeeper"</font></a></p>
<p>ShopKeepers are folks that buy and sell equipement that  is given to them
         by Archons.&nbsp; ShopKeepers can sell anything from items to  creatures,
         skills as a teacher, or spells for a price.&nbsp; </p>
<p>ShopKeepers designated as Land Sellers will sell any  rooms in the same
         area as the shopkeeper which has the Prop_RoomForSale,  Prop_RoomsForSale,
         or Prop_LotsForSale properties.&nbsp; Use "AHELP  Prop_RoomForSale" 
   for    more  information on this effect you may add to  rooms.&nbsp; ShopKeepers
       designated  as Clan Land Sellers will do the same, but  only for Clan 
   members.&nbsp;&nbsp;      In this way, players and clans can buy and  own
   their own rooms where  their    property will be safe during reboots, and
   pets  can become permanent  fixtures.&nbsp;    This is also the way the
 Construction,   Masonry, Locksmith,  and other property-related    skills 
 can become useful.</p>
<p>ShopKeepers can also be Inn Keepers.&nbsp; To make this  work, you need
         only give the shopkeeper a number of StdInnKey items equal to the
  number       of rooms in your inn.&nbsp; For each room in your inn, make
 sure you  have      a locked door for each room, and that each of the locked
 doors in your   inn  has a  key code equal to "INN1", "INN2", etc.. up to
 the number  of locked    doors for  each room in the Inn.&nbsp; Players
will  then buy  the keys to   rooms, and the  keys will automatically return
to  the shopkeepers   stock after  a single mud  "day".&nbsp; The only other
trick to making a  successful inn  is to make sure you  do the "reset room"
command to the room  with the innkeeper   in it, after the keys  have all
been given to him, and  the room has been  saved.</p>
<p>ShopKeepers are much more savvy about money and economy  than most.&nbsp;
         They will often draw not only from the loose gold a player has,
 but    any    high-denomination Notes the player has in his or her inventory.&nbsp;
     The   ShopKeeper will also give change in this manner.&nbsp; The player 
   will often    need to check the "change bag" newly arrived in their inventory 
   to see the   change that a ShopKeeper might have given them.&nbsp; These 
  change bags will  often contain the high-denomination notes mentioned before 
  (such as a Golden  Note, or a Half Note).&nbsp; Each of these notes are 
convertable      into loose gold  merely by GETting them from the change bag.&nbsp;
<p>Whenever a GenShopKeeper is created, much like the  GenMob above, you are
presented with a list of properties to fill in.&nbsp;  Pressing enter will
leave the property unchanged.&nbsp; The properties include  all of the fields
listed above under GenMob, plus&nbsp;a few more:</p>
<p><strong> </strong>        
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td>a shopkeeper can sell Anything, General
items,   Armor,      Miscellanous  magic items not included amongst armor
or weapons,         Weapons,  Pets, Leather items, Only buys the things he
also sells (but        sells  whatever you give him to sell), Trains players
in spells, prayers,           skills, or songs, Casts prayers, spells, or
songs on the buyer, Potions,           Land, and more!&nbsp; All shopkeepers
can also buy what they sell,           excluding Trainers and Casters.</td>
      <p>this is where you would "stock" your shopkeeper        with items
         that match their type.&nbsp; You may add to this list by       
entering         the class names of any standard items, standard mobs, or
       abilities.&nbsp;          You may also enter the name of any stray
items or mobs        hanging      out    in the same room as the shopkeeper
to put them up for        sale.&nbsp;         This last is the best and only
way to get Generic items and        mobs     onboard.&nbsp;         </p>
      <p>When an item is put up for sale, you may specify        the number
         of items like it the shopkeeper has in stock, and a price for the
    item.&nbsp; You may also specify a price for the        item.&nbsp;&nbsp;There
        are many different values you can put in the price        field.&nbsp;
      <p>* A given price of 0 or higher will ensure that        the item will
have that price in local currency.&nbsp; For example.&nbsp;        The price
is expressed in multiples of the the base value.&nbsp; A price        value
of 20 will mean that the item costs 20 gold to buy, before adjusting    
for charisma and other factors, assuming gold is valued at 1.0 of    base.&nbsp;
 If the local currency has only Latinum Bars valued at 0.5,        then a
price value of 20 here would yield a 40 Latinum Bars price to        consumers.<br>
                        * A given price of -1 means that you        are allowing 
 CoffeeMud     to  price  the item for you.&nbsp; This should be the     
  recommended    entry  unless  you know what you are doing.<br>
                        * A given price between -2 and -100, or -1000&nbsp;is
                        * A given price between -101 and -999        will 
designate   some   number    of Quest Points to charge for the item.&nbsp; 
       The   number   of quest   points is determined by taking the absolute 
value of         your   given price   and subtracting 100.&nbsp; So a given 
price of   -135 would       mean that   the item costs 35 quest points.<br>
                        * A        given price of -1001 or lower will designate
 some   number    of  Experience         Points to charge for the item.&nbsp;
 The   number of   experience  points  is        determined by taking the
absolute   value of  your given price  and         subtracting 1000.&nbsp;
So a given   price of  -1001 would mean that the item        costs 1 experience
point,   while a price  of -9876 would mean that the item        costs 8876
experience   points.</p>
                             <td><em>Prejudice  Factors</em></td>
      <p>This complicated field is where you can adjust the        prices
         the ShopKeeper sells from the programmed normal.&nbsp; It always
works      in tandem with the Devalue Rate below, as well as such factors
as the  Charisma     of the player dealing with your shopkeeper.<br>
                    An        unspecified   value here will always return 
a value  of  1.0  (which   means NO        adjustment).&nbsp;   However, you
may enter   one or more adjustments         separated by semicolons   (;).&nbsp;
Here   is an example:</p>
      <p><font face="Courier New" size="2">SELL=5.5 Elf Dwarf <b>;</b> BUY=0.4
      Elf    Dwarf ; SELL=1.0 ;        BUY=1.0</font></p>
      <p>Each adjustment must begin with the words "SELL="        or "BUY="
         followed by a Real number designating the adjustment from      
 normal.&nbsp;         "SELL=" refers to the adjustment to prices players
get when selling   TO   the shopkeeper. &nbsp;"BUY=" refers to the adjustment
to prices players    get  when buying FROM the shopkeeper. &nbsp;A value
above 1.0 for either   of those  will raise the applicable prices.&nbsp;
A value below 1.0        (like    0.3 or 0.75) will lower prices.&nbsp; Values
of 0.0 are NOT        allowed.&nbsp;     If you need to all but not allow
buying and selling,   a        value of  0.000000001   should do.&nbsp; </p>
      <p>Each adjustment may also contain the name of one        or more Racial
Categories (Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Halfing, etc..).&nbsp; If a        Racial
Category is specified, then the adjustment will ONLY apply to that   race.&nbsp;
The adjustments are read from left to right, so adjustments       without
any racial categories should be listed LAST.&nbsp; In the above         example,
Dwarves and Elves are given a very good deal, where everyone  else      
 gets a normal one.&nbsp; In addition to Racial Categories, you  may also
       list alignments (good, neutral, or evil), a sex (male, female,  and
       neuter), a character class, or the name of a faction range.&nbsp;
         Remember        that this field is evaluated from left to right,
so   any    matches         made&nbsp;on the left that apply to a player
will  cancel   evaluation  of the        rest of the field!&nbsp;&nbsp; </p>
      <p>Just as bonus feature, if the adjustment begins        with the words
"LIMIT=", then you may enter a number representing the        maximum number
of rows of inventory the shopkeeper will display whenever a        LIST is
done.&nbsp; If the adjustment begins with the words "RANGE=", then   you
may enter either a number or a percentage. This number will represent   
          the maximum and minimum level range of the items which the shopkeeper
         will        purchase from players. This level range is relative
to   the    median   level        range of his area. For instance, if the
median   level    of the  shopkeepers        area is 10, and RANGE=3 is entered,
then  the  shopkeeper    will only purchase        items between levels 7
and 13.  A value of 0 means    no limit and no range,        of course. These
 features   have no relation   with the above        prejudice&nbsp;functionality
 --  they're just bonus.</p>
      <p>This field is used to define the maximum amount of        local currency,
per a defined time period, which shopkeepers will spend        when buying
equipment from players. The format of the field is an amount        of money
(in base values only) followed by the name of period (HOUR, DAY,        WEEK,
MONTH, YEAR). All of these time periods are **MUD** time periods, where one
hour is about 10 minutes of real life time. For example, a value        of
"200 DAY" means that the shopkeeper will not buy more than 200 gold per 
      day of any equipment from players, assuming that gold=1.0  in currency
       value. </p>
                             <td><em>Devalue Rate</em></td>
      <p>This field is used to limit the number of EACH        PARTICULAR
         item that a shopkeeper will keep in his inventory. This        provides
       a  ceiling therefore on the number of unique items of a kind which
   a shopkeeper will purchase from players. The way this field works is by
         defining how far the price drops, in percentage, every time the
player                sells an item to a shopkeeper. Decimals (real numbers)
are allowed        in this        field. This field may also be used to differentiate
 between       the rate of        devaluation of raw resources and other
finished  items.       A single integer        field would represent the
devaluation  percentage      of all items, while a        field with two
integers seperated  by a space      would represent the        devaluation
of finished items and raw resources      respectively. For example,     
  a value of "20" would mean that the  shopkeepers    value price drops by
20%        every time this shopkeeper  buys a particular    item. If the
shopkeeper buys        two, it would be  20%. Three would be   60% and so
forth. This effectively         limits the  shopkeeper to buying   to more
than 5 of any item (5 *  20) ==        100%.  A value of "20 0.5" would 
 mean a devaluation rate of 20% for        finished  items, and 0.5% (1/2%)
  for raw resources.<br>
                    By default, shopkeepers devalue at a rate of 20% and
0.2%,  which   is  defined   in the coffeemud.ini file. &nbsp;If you want
a particular  shopkeeper   to never  devalue items, set the value of this
field to 0 (meaning  no devaluation).           <br>
                             <td><em>Inventory Reset      Rate</em></td>
      <p>This is the rate, in ticks (4 second periods) at        which the
         shopkeeper totally resets his inventory back to the last saved 
"stock"       items. Leave this field empty to use the INI default, or not
to        have   a reset rate depending. </p>
<p><a name="genm3"><font style="background-color: lime;">The  "GenBanker"</font></a></p>
<p>A Banker is a special type of ShopKeeper that holds  money and items in
         a special private account for players.&nbsp; Bankers can pay  or
charge       interest  on money left in the account, and charge interest
on items   left    with them.&nbsp;  Bakers can also loan money based on
those same items  as collateral, and automatically handle interest and payment
plans.    A Banker may also be designated as a Clan Banker,   meaning   
 that it will only  deal with Clan Treasurers.</p>
<p>Whenever a GenBanker is created, much like the  GenShopKeeper above, you
         are presented with a list of properties to fill  in.&nbsp; Pressing 
   enter      will leave the property unchanged.&nbsp; The properties  include 
   all of   the  fields listed above under GenMob and GenShopKeeper,  plus&nbsp;a
    few   more:</p>
<p><strong>   </strong>        
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td><em>Coin Interest</em></td>
                             <td>This is the amount of interest paid (or
CHARGED    if   negative)&nbsp;every    game month (about once a real day)
on gold  money          left in a players   account.</td>
                             <td><em>Item Interest</em></td>
                             <td>This is the amount of interest paid (or
CHARGED    if   negative)    every game month (about once a real day) on
items left   in  a         users  account.</td>
                             <td><em>Loan Interest</em></td>
                             <td>This is the amount of interest charged 						
 every game month (about once a real day) on gold money          loaned to
 players or clans account.</td>
                             <td><em>Bank Name</em></td>
                             <td>This is a unique identifier for the bank 
chain.    All    GenBankers   with the same Bank Name will offer the same 
accounts   to        players.</td>
                       <strong> </strong><br>
<p><a name="genm6"><strong><font style="background-color: lime;">The "GenPostman"</font></strong></a></p>
<p>A Postman is a special type of ShopKeeper that delivers  items from one
         postman in the branch to another.&nbsp; Each postman holds&nbsp;a
  special       private box for players or clans.&nbsp; Postman can charge
 to deliver    items   from one box to another, and can charge for the amount
  of time an   item  remains  in a box.&nbsp; Every player receives a free
 box with any  postman in the  same area as their Recall/Beacon point.&nbsp;
 Other boxes  with other postmen   must be purchased.&nbsp; Clans must always
 purchases   their boxes.</p>
<p>Whenever a GenPostman is created, much like the  GenShopKeeper above, you
are presented with a list of properties to fill  in.&nbsp; Pressing enter
         will leave the property unchanged.&nbsp; The properties  include
all    of   the  fields listed above under GenMob and GenShopKeeper,  plus&nbsp;a
    few   more:</p>
<p><strong>   </strong>     
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td><em>Postal Chain</em></td>
                             <td>This is a unique identifier for the postal
 chain.      Postmen    will only deliver mail among members of the same
chain.&nbsp;              Player/Clan    boxes are opened with individual
postmen, however.</td>
                             <td><em>Fee to open a new        box</em></td>
                             <td>This is the amount of money charged to open
 a new      box   with  a postman.&nbsp; The money is&nbsp;expressed in terms
 of base           value,  though the currency accepted will reflect the
area  where  the         postman  is.&nbsp;</td>
                             <td><em>Minimum postage      cost</em></td>
                             <td>This is the minimum amount of money charged
        players     to  deliver  an item.</td>
                             <td><em>Postage cost per pound        after
1st  pound</em></td>
                             <td>This is the amount of postage money charged,
 per     pound    of  the item,&nbsp;for each pound over the first one.</td>
                             <td><em>Holding fee per pound        per month</em></td>
                             <td>This is the amount of money charged every
 mud month      that   an item remains idle in a postal box.&nbsp; The first
 month is         always   free.</td>
                             <td><em>Maximum number of months        held</em></td>
                             <td>This is the maximum number of mud months 
which a     postman     will hold an item idle in a postal box.&nbsp; After 
this duration            expires, the postman will put the item up for sale 
to recoup    losses.</td>
           <strong>             </strong><br>
<p><strong><a name="genm4"><font style="background-color: lime;">The "GenRideable"</font></a></strong></p>
<p>Whenever a GenRideable is created, much like the GenMob  above, you are
         presented with a list of properties to fill in.&nbsp; Pressing 
enter      will    leave the property unchanged.&nbsp; The properties include
all   of   the  fields   listed above under GenMob, plus&nbsp;a&nbsp;few&nbsp;more:</p>
<p><strong>  </strong>        
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td><em>Rideable Type</em></td>
                             <td>the type of rideable item this is, from
a  floater      to  a  flyer,  etc.</td>
                             <td><em>MOBs Held</em></td>
                             <td>th emaximum number of mobs which may ride
 this  animal      at  once.</td>
<p><a name="genm5">The  "GenDeity"</a></p>
                        </strong> </p>
<p>Deities are the employers of Clerics, and the object of  some players adoration
and worship.&nbsp; Deities are necessary for the DEITIES  command to work,
and add great role playing opportunities for all players,  though especially
Clerics, since only with deities does their Convert skill have  any meaning.&nbsp;
Since deities of this sort being attacked and killed can have  a negative
effect on game-play, it is important that deities be placed in a room  where
they will be save from players.&nbsp; Give the room where your deities are
 Prop_NoSummon and&nbsp;Prop_NoTeleport to keep&nbsp;mages from zapping deities
 in or out of their safe room.&nbsp;</p>
<p>There are a few important points to understand about  these supreme beings
         before continueing.&nbsp;&nbsp; Deities may have separate  requirements
       for  who may worship them, and who may be their clerics.&nbsp; You
 will     specify  these below.&nbsp; Deities may also have a list of blessings
  they     may bestow  upon their clerics and their non-cleric worshippers.&nbsp;
    When  their  clerics  perform a special clerical ritual, the deity will
  give  the  cleric ALL of  his blessings.&nbsp; When a non-cleric worshipper
  performs    the special  worshipper  ritual, the deity will give the worshipper
  one  random  blessing.&nbsp;  Leaving  these rituals blank prevents the
deity   from bestowing  the proper  blessings.&nbsp;  You will specify all
of these   things below as well.&nbsp;  Deities may also  have a list of
curses that   they bestow as punishment for  sin.&nbsp; When  the clerics
perform the cleric-specific   sinful ritual, the deity  will inflict  all
of his curses upon the cleric.&nbsp;&nbsp;When      a non-cleric  worshipper
 performs the worshipper-specific sinful ritual,      the deity will  inflict
one  random curse upon the worshipper.&nbsp;  Whether     these curses exist, 
  how many there are, and whether there are  any sinful     rituals are all 
 specified  below.&nbsp; The last point is about special   clerical  powers.&nbsp; 
 Deities may  give&nbsp;one of their&nbsp;clerics   a skill/spell/prayer/whatever 
  as a special  power after the cleric has  performed   the specified clerical 
  power ritual.&nbsp;  This power is taken  away should   the cleric ever 
rebuke  the deity.&nbsp; Whether  this power  exists is specified   below.</p>
<p>Whenever a GenDeity is created, much like the GenMob  above, you are presented
         with a list of properties to fill in.&nbsp; Pressing  enter will
leave      the   property unchanged.&nbsp; The properties include all of
the  fields      listed   above under GenMob, plus&nbsp;a few more:</p>
<p><strong> </strong>        
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td><em>Cleric      Requirements</em></td>
                             <td>This field describes the requirements for
 a        cleric    to  work  for this deity. The value in this field include
 the  same   mask  format  as described in the help for Prop_WearZapper.&nbsp; 
 Check the        help  for that property, or enter AHELP PROP_WEARZAPPER 
from the command         line for a list of the mask syntax used here.</td>
                             <td><em>Worship      Requirements</em></td>
                             <td>This is where the requirements for becoming
 a worshiper        of this deity is described. The values in this field
are        identical        to the Cleric Requirements above. The only difference
 being to        whom    the mask applies (Clerics/everyone else). </td>
                             <td>This field is a list of the spells, skills,
        prayers,     blessings,   or other Abilities which may be selectively 
 granted  by     the deity to  his or her worshipers. All of the listed blessings
  are        typically granted  to Clerics of the deity.</td>
                             <td><em>Cleric Ritual</em></td>
                             <td>For a cleric to receive the blessings of 
the        deity,    the   cleric must perform a particular ritual consisting
 of  one  or     more  actions. This field will list the tasks in the ritual
 which  must be         performed. Each task is separated by a "|" to mean
 that either   of the        tasks on either side of the "|" is sufficient,
 or a "&amp;"   to mean that        both of the tasks on either side of the
 "&amp;" is required.     The tasks        themselves must be of one of the
 following  forms:<br>
                                 <li>SAY [TEXT] - the text specified must 
be said  by          the  player. For example: SAY "Allah is Great"      
                                <li>TIME [HOUR] - the other tasks must be 
performed          at  the specified hour. For example: TIME 3          </li>
                                <li>PUTTHING [THING NAME] [CONTAINER NAME]
 - an    item    of  the type must be placed in the specified container.
For  example:            PUTTHING dagger pit          </li>
                                <li>BURNTHING [THING NAME] - an item of the
 type     given    must be burnt or set afire. This is typically done with
 the          FIREBUILDING    skill. For example: BURNTHING the ceremonial
 log           </li>
                                <li>EAT [FOOD NAME] - the specified item
must  be     eaten.    For example: EAT holy pie.          </li>
                                <li>READ [ITEM NAME] - the specified item 
must be       eaten.&nbsp;    For example: READ holy book.          </li>
                                <li>DRINK [DRINK NAME] - the specified drink
 must       be  consumed.  For example: DRINK holy fountain          </li>
                                <li>INROOM - the player must be in the specified 
     room   number, or the word holy to designate a room with infused holiness. 
 For example: INROOM NewArea#123          </li>
                                <li>RIDING - the player must be on the specified 
     mount.    For example: RIDING holy altar          </li>
                                <li>CAST - the player must cast the specified
  spell.      For  example: CAST Prayer_Bless          </li>
                                <li>EMOTE - the player must emote the following
    thing.     For example: EMOTE kneels before the throan          </li>
                                <li>PUTVALUE [MINIMUM VALUE] [CONTAINER NAME]
 - an        item   worth at least the specified amount must be placed in
the specified                container. For example: PUTVALUE coins pit 
                                <li>PUTMATERIAL [MATERIAL TYPE] [CONTAINER
 NAME] -        an  item  made of the specified material must be placed in
 the specified                container.  For instance: PUTMATERIAL cotton
 pit          </li>
                                <li>BURNMATERIAL [MATERIAL TYPE] - an item
 made of        the   specified material must be burnt, such as using the
FIREBUILDING               skill. For instance: BURNMATERIAL balsa      
                                <li>BURNMATERIAL [MINIMUM VALUE] - an item
 worth at         least   the specified amount must be burnt, such as using
 the FIREBUILDING               skill. For instance: BURNVALUE "wooden statue" 
                                <li>RANDOM [PERCENTAGE NUMBER] - happens
%  of the       time.&nbsp;    For example: RANDOM 10          </li>
                                <li>CHECK&nbsp;[REQUIREMENT STRING] - Use 
this with          care.&nbsp;   This allows masks to be entered which the 
player must              meet.&nbsp;   The mask is of the same format as described
in Cleric               Requirements   above.          </li>
                                <li>SITTING 0 - the player must be sitting
 (the 0       is  required!)           </li>
                                <li>STANDING 0 - the player must be standing
 (the  0         is  required!)          </li>
                                <li>SLEEPING 0 - the player must be sleeping
 (the  0         is  required!)</li>
         <li>WAIT [#TICKS] - a pause of #TICKS is required -- this should 
be no MORE than 10, to use multiple WAITs in a row for longer pauses. &nbsp;Also, 
never make this the first possible trigger -- you always want this between 
2 things they must do (&amp;).</li>
         <li>YOUSAY - if the previous item was completed (&amp;), then the 
person doing the ritual will automatically say the text.</li>
         <li>ALLSAY - if the previous item was completed (&amp;), then everyone 
in the room will automatically say the text.</li>
         <li>OTHERSAY - if the previous item was completed (&amp;), then
everyone in the room except person doing the ritual will automatically say
the text.</li>
                             <td><em>Worshipper  Ritual</em></td>
                             <td>For a worshipper to receive one of the blessings
     of  the   deity, the player must perform a particular ritual consisting
    of        one  or more actions. This field will list the tasks in the
ritual      which         must be performed, and uses the exact same format
as the   Cleric   Ritual          field above. </td>
                             <td>This field is an optional list of the spells,
 skills,       prayers,  curses, or other Abilities which may be selectively
        inflicted     by the  deity upon his or her worshipers. All of the
 listed         curses     are typically  inflicted on Clerics of the deity.</td>
                             <td><em>Clerical Sin</em></td>
                             <td>For a cleric to receive the above curses 
of the   deity,     the  player must perform a particular ritual consisting
 of one   or        more actions. This field will list the tasks in the ritual
 which   must  be         performed, and uses the exact same format as the
 Cleric  Ritual   field          above. </td>
                             <td><em>Worshipper Sin</em></td>
                             <td>For a non-cleric worshipper of the deity 
to        receive     one   of the above curses of the deity, the player must
perform   a    particular   ritual consisting of one or more actions. This
field will   list         the   tasks in the ritual which must be performed,
 and uses  the exact  same        format as the Cleric Ritual field above.
                             <td>This field is an optional list of the spells,
 skills,       prayers,  curses, or other Abilities which will be randomly
 chosen        from to give  to clerics who perform the clerical power ritual.</td>
                             <td><em>Clerical Power        ritual</em></td>
                             <td>For a cleric to receive one of the above 
powers    of   the   deity,  the player must perform a particular ritual consisting
   of         one or more  actions. This field will list the tasks in the
ritual    which        must be  performed, and uses the exact same format
as the Cleric   Ritual          field  above. </td>
                        <font color="blue" size="5"><a name="modmobs">Modifying
<p>There are properties of&nbsp;mobs that can be modified  by the Archon.&nbsp;
         If one wishes to modify a goblin,&nbsp;the&nbsp;goblin must  be&nbsp;present
         in the room.&nbsp; The Archon can then issue the command "modify
 goblin".&nbsp;        If the&nbsp;mob modified&nbsp;is a GenMob or GenUndead,
 then the  same     properties   as above will be presented.&nbsp; .&nbsp;
<p>Although there are exceptions, MOBs will be the primary  beneficiary of
         Behaviors.&nbsp; For Generic MOBs, you will find many useful  Behaviors
       which  will add great depth to your MUD.&nbsp; It is highly recommended
      that any  Archon wishing to create a rich and wonderous universe spend 
   time    perusing  the help files to learn of the wonders of the Behaviors 
   and  Effects.&nbsp;     Here are some useful behaviors:</p>
<p>"Aggressive" makes the mob attack others.<br>
                        "AlignHelper" makes the mob defend same alignments.<br>
                        "AntiVagrant" makes the mob wake up stragglers on 
the  street.<br>
                        "Bardness" makes the mob fight with bard  skills.<br>
                        "Beggar" makes the mob beg for money.<br>
                        "BribeGateGuard" makes the mob a gate guard who can
 be  bribed.<br>
                        "BrotherHelper" makes the mob defend similar  mobs.<br>
                        "ClanHelper" makes the mob defend clan buddies.<br>
                        "Clericness" makes the mob fight with cleric skills
  appropriate     to  alignment.<br>
                        "CombatAbilities" makes the  mob use its abilities
 in combat.<br>
                        "CombatAssister" makes  the mob assist specific other
 mobs  in  combat.<br>
                        "CommonSpeaker" makes the mob speak common, even
if  it  doesn't     want   to.<br>
                        "CorpseEater" makes the mob eat corpses  it comes 
                        "CorpseLooter" makes the mob loot  corpses it kills.<br>
                        "Decay" makes the mob go away after a  time.<br>
                        "DelayedTransporter" makes a mob that randomly  zaps
 around   the   place.<br>
                        "DoorwayGuardian" makes a mob  that won't let anyone
                        "Drowness" provides certain  drow-like behavior to
                        "Druidness" makes the mob  fight with druid skills.<br>
                        "Emoter" makes the mob do  the&nbsp;silly things
you  think  of.<br>
                        "EvilExecutioner"  makes the mob slaughter good folks.<br>
                        "FaithHelper" makes  the mob defend those of the
same  faith.<br>
                        "FightFlee"  makes an annoying mob that runs away.<br>
                        "Fighterness"  makes a mob that fights with fighter
                        "Follower"  makes the mob follow folks around.<br>
                        "GateGuard" makes a  mob that opens, closes, unlocks,
 and  locks    a  door.<br>
                        "GoldLooter" makes&nbsp; a mob that takes the loot
 from the    vanquished.<br>
                        "GoodExecutioner" makes&nbsp; a mob that  kills evil
 and thief   mobs.<br>
                        "GoodGuardian" makes a mob  that stops fights and 
defends  the   helpless.<br>
                        "Guard"  always defends the attacked.<br>
                        "Healer" makes&nbsp;the mob  a random friendly healer.<br>
                        "Hireling" puts the mobs  abilities up for hire.<br>
                        "InstantDeath" kills everyone in  the room with the
 mob, after   a  time.<br>
                        "ItemIdentifier"  makes the mob an identifier for 
                         "ItemGenerator"  will create treasure and items
for  your  mobs   inventory.<br>
                        "ItemMender" makes  the mob a mender for hire.<br>
                        "ItemRefitter" makes the mob  a refitter for hire.<br>
                        "MOBEater" makes the mob eat its  enemies.<br>
                        "MOBHelper" makes the mob assist other mobs.<br>
                        "MOBHunter" makes the mob&nbsp;hunt other mobs.<br>
                        "MOBReSave" a bizarre behavior that updates a mobs
 info in   the   world    database.<br>
                        "MOBTeacher" makes the mob a teacher  of class skills.<br>
                        "Mageness" makes the mob use mage  skills in combat.<br>
                        "Mime" makes the mob mime the socials  of other mobs.<br>
                        "Mobile" makes the mob mobile.<br>
                        "MobileAggressive" makes the mob mobile and aggressive.<br>
                        "MobileGoodGuardian" makes the mob mobile and  peacemaking.<br>
                        "MOBReSave" keeps the mob updated in the  database
 at all  times.<br>
                        "MoneyChanger" makes the mob  exchange coins for
                        "MudChat" makes the mob  chatty.<br>
                        "NastyAbilities" makes the mob a random caster  of
 mean spells.<br>
                        "NiceAbilities" makes the mob a random  caster of 
friendly   spells.<br>
                        "NoCombatAssist" makes the  mob never assist group
 members  in  combat.<br>
                        "ObjectGuardian" makes the mob forbid getting items
 in its   room.<br>
                        "Patroller" makes the mob walk a patrol.<br>
                        "PlayerHelper" makes the mob assist players.<br>
                        "PokerDealer" makes a dealer of player vs player
poker   games.<br>
                        "ProtectedCitizen" makes the mob scream for  help!<br>
                        "ROMGangMember" makes the mob a gang member.<br>
                        "ROMPatrolman" makes the mob a patrolman for gang 
                        "RandomItems"  will cause items from a saved file 
to appear   on  your   mob.<br>
                        "RandomTransporter" makes the mob zip around  the 
                        "RaceHelper" makes the mob assist those of the  same
                        "Scavenger" makes the mob a scavenger of  stuff on
 the ground.<br>
                        "Scriptable" makes the mob run  scripts that you
                        "Sounder" makes the mob emote  the silly things you
 want it  to.<br>
                        "TargetPlayer" makes  the mob fight the weakest player
 attacking     him.<br>
                        "TaxCollector" makes the mob a collector of money 
from  players     and   or  mobs.<br>
                        "Thiefness" makes the mob use thief  skills in combat.<br>
                        "Vagrant" makes the mob sleepy.<br>
                        "VeryAggressive" makes the mob willing to jump rooms
 to  fight.<br>
                        "Wimpy" makes the mob run away.<br>
                        "WimpyAggressive" makes the mob only fight sleeping
<p>Mobs&nbsp;also benefit from effects, just like rooms,  areas, items, and
         exits.&nbsp; Here are some important effects you may consider  for
  your     mobs:</p>
<p>"Age" is the proper way to age a mob<br>
                        "Allergies" gives the mob allergies.<br>
                        "Amputation" takes away a limb from the mob<br>
                        "Chant_Fertility" makes the mob fertile.<br>
                        "Chant_PrayerWard" resists prayers.<br>
                        "Chant_Shapelessness" makes the mob very light.<br>
                        "Chant_SongWard" resists songs.<br>
                        "Chant_SpellWard" resist spells.<br>
                        "Chant_Thorns" makes those fighting the mob get pricked!<br>
                        "Chant_Treemind" resist mind effects.<br>
                        "Chant_WindShape" takes less damage.<br>
                        "Chant_WindSnatcher" makes the mob resist the wind.<br>
                        "Immunities" gives the mob immunities you pick.<br>
                        "Injury" injures the mobs limbs.<br>
                        "Inebriation" makes the mob drunk.<br>
                        "Paladin_Aura" protects the mob from evil.<br>
                        "Paladin_Goodness" assaults all evil!<br>
                        "Prayer_AcidHealing" heals from acid attacks.<br>
                        "Prayer_AiryForm" takes less damage.<br>
                        "Prayer_BladeBarrier" hits back!<br>
                        "Prayer_Bless" a holy aura.<br>
                        "Prayer_Demonshield" flames back!<br>
                        "Prayer_ElectricHealing" heals from electric hits.<br>
                        "Prayer_Etherealness" allows him to walk through
                        "Prayer_FireHealing" heals from fire attacks<br>
                        "Prayer_IceHealing" heals from cold attacks.<br>
                        "Prayer_ProtEvil" protects from evil.<br>
                        "Prayer_ProtGood" protects from good.<br>
                        "Prayer_ProtParalyzation" protects from paralysis.<br>
                        "Prayer_ProtUndead" protects from the undead.<br>
                        "Prayer_Sanctuary" takes less damage.<br>
                        "Prop_AbilityImmunity" protects the mob from specified
  targeted     spells.<br>
                        "Prop_AbsorbDamage" absorbs damage from  certain
                        "Prop_AddDamage" deals more damage to  this mob from
 certain   attacks.<br>
                        "Prop_ClosedDayNight"  makes the mob go home at night,
 or  just   disappear.<br>
                        "Prop_ClosedSeason" makes the mob go home for the 
season,   or  just   disappear.<br>
                        "Prop_Doppleganger" makes the mob  change its level
 and skill    to  match    opponents.<br>
                        "Prop_Hidden" makes the mob hidden.<br>
                        "Prop_Invisibility" makes the mob invisible.<br>
                        "Prop_ItemTransporter" makes the mob a transporter
 of  items.<br>
                        "Prop_ItemTransReceiver" makes the mob a receiver 
 of transported      items.<br>
                        "Prop_ItemLangTranslator" makes  the mob a translator
 of languages.<br>
                        "Prop_LocationBound"  limits the traveling ability
 of the&nbsp;     mob.<br>
                        "Prop_ModExperience" modified experience gained from
  killing    him.<br>
                        "Prop_NewDeathMsg" changes the string seen  when
this  mob  dies.<br>
                        "Prop_NoCharm" protects from  charms.<br>
                        "Prop_NoSummon" protects from summoning.<br>
                        "Prop_NoOrdering" protects from player orders.<br>
                        "Prop_PeaceMaker" makes into peace maker.<br>
                        "Prop_PracticeDummy" makes into an unkillable unhitting
                        "Prop_Resistance" gives resistances which you  pick.<br>
                        "Prop_RestrictSpells" restricts spells from being 
                        "Prop_Retainable" changes its price to  shopkeepers.<br>
                        "Prop_RideAdjuster" adjusts stats when  ridden.<br>
                        "Prop_RideEnabler"&nbsp;gives new skills to  riders&nbsp;when
                        "Prop_RideResister" adjusts  saves when ridden.<br>
                        "Prop_RideSpellCast" gives  spell-affects when ridden.<br>
                        "Prop_RideZapper" restricts  riding.<br>
                        "Prop_SafePet" makes unattackable.<br>
                        "Prop_Smell" gives the mob an aroma.<br>
                        "Prop_SpellReflecting" makes spell reflecting.<br>
                        "Prop_StatTrainer" gives good stats.<br>
                        "Prop_TattooAdder" gives a tattoo upon death.<br>
                        "Prop_TicketTaker" requires a price to ride.<br>
                        "Prop_Trainer" makes a mob into a full TRAIN command
                        "Prop_WeaponImmunity" gives immunities to certain 
                        "Regeneration" regenerates hit points during  combat.<br>
                        "Skill_AllBreathing" makes them a fish.<br>
                        "Skill_Resistance" gives resistances that you pick.<br>
                        "Soiled" gives the mob a stink.<br>
                        "Spell_Awe" makes them too awesome to attack.<br>
                        "Spell_Blink" makes them blink around during combat.<br>
                        "Spell_Blur" makes them hard to make out.<br>
                        "Spell_ChantShield" protects from chants.<br>
                        "Spell_FeatherFall" makes them float when falling.<br>
                        "Spell_Flameshield" flames back to attackers.<br>
                        "Spell_IllusoryDisease" gives them a fake disease.<br>
                        "Spell_IronGrip" makes them undisarmable.<br>
                        "Spell_Levitate" makes them levitate.<br>
                        "Spell_Light" makes them bright.<br>
                        "Spell_MajorGlobe" protects from great spells.<br>
                        "Spell_MinorGlobe" protects from ok spells.<br>
                        "Spell_ObscureSelf" makes them hard to discern.<br>
                        "Spell_ResistArrows" protects from arrows.<br>
                        "Spell_ResistMagicMissiles" protects from magic 
                        "Spell_ResistPetrification" protects from  flesh
to  stone.<br>
                        "Spell_SpellTurning" turns spells  around.<br>
                        "Spell_TeleportationWard" protects from  teleporting.<br>
                        "Spell_Tourettes" gives them a dirty  mouth.</p>
<p>And don't forget how much fun it is to make your  creatures permanently&nbsp;SICK!<br>
                        "Disease_Aids",  "Disease_Amnesia", "Disease_Anthrax",
 "Disease_Arthritis",         "Disease_Asthma",  "Disease_Blahs", "Disease_Cancer",
 "Disease_Carrier",        "Disease_Chlamydia",  "Disease_Cold", "Disease_Depression",
 "Disease_Fever",        "Disease_Fleas",  "Disease_Flu", "Disease_Gangrene",
 "Disease_Giggles",      "Disease_Gonorrhea",    "Disease_Infection", "Disease_Lepresy",
 "Disease_Lockjaw",       "Disease_Lycanthropy",   "Disease_Lyme", "Disease_Magepox",
 "Disease_Malaria",       "Disease_Narcolepsy",   "Disease_Migraines", "Disease_MummyRot",
 "Disease_Plague",       "Disease_Pneumonia",   "Disease_PoisonIvy", "Disease_SARS",
 "Disease_Smiles",       "Disease_Syphilis",   "Disease_Tetnus", "Disease_Tinnitus",
<p>For all&nbsp;non-generic MOBs, the following properties  will be presented
         for modification (See Appendix B for more information):</p>
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td>this is the level of the mob.&nbsp; Please
 see  the     Level    entry under GenMob for more information.&nbsp; On
some  mobs,        such   as Dragons, this can have a profound impact.</td>
                             <td><em>Magical Ability</em></td>
                             <td>This number represents an adjustment to
the  base     properties     of the mob.&nbsp; This number, unfortunately,
means  different            things     to different mob types.&nbsp; For
dragons,  it may refer     to        color.&nbsp;     For others, it may
bring a slightly  different           description.&nbsp;   You  can play
with this value to  see if it has    any        effect on the mob  you've
 chosen, though the  effects will not    likely become        evident  until
after  the beastie  has reloaded.</td>
                             <td>This number represents the number of ticks
 (4 second      intervals)   before a MOB&nbsp;that has been&nbsp;killed
rejuvenates         or resets  to its proper state.&nbsp; The value '2147483647'
or      '0'&nbsp;means  that the&nbsp;MOB never rejuvenates, but once killed, 
is          gone forever.&nbsp;   Any other value will represent a number 
of        ticks.&nbsp; This property   does not take effect until the room 
is         saved.&nbsp; For more information   on making the RejuvTicks property
       take        effect after changing it, see  below under Rejuvenating
 Items      and Mobs" or        "How to Save a Room".</td>
                             <td>For non-generic MOBs, this is a        completely&nbsp;unused
<p><strong><font color="blue" size="5"><a name="xmobs">Destroying  MOBs</a></font></strong>
<p>To destroy a MOB&nbsp;that is in the same room as you,  you need only issue
the destroy command.&nbsp;&nbsp;If an orc, for instance, no  longer requires
his existence: "destroy mob orc" will take that existence  away.</p>
<p>Once destroyed, MOBs that have been set to rejuv will  not do so.&nbsp;
         If the&nbsp;MOB was a permanently saved&nbsp;MOB in the room,  you
  must     re-save  the room in order to make the MOBs destruction permanent.</p>
<p><strong><font color="blue" size="5"><a name="eqmobs">Equipping  MOBs</a></font></strong></p>
<p>You may give a MOB equipment to wear or carry as  treasure, if this is
         done properly.&nbsp; First off, you can ONLY equip a  Generic MOB.&nbsp;
        This includes the GenMob, GenDeity, GenRideable, GenUndead,  GenBanker,
      and  GenShopKeeper.&nbsp; No other creature may be saved with  equipment.&nbsp;
        Generic or non-Generic Items may be used as equipment.&nbsp;  </p>
<p>To equip the MOB, first create the items you wish to  give to your new
         creature using the procedure described above under "Creating  Items".&nbsp;
         Now, you may use the give command to put the item into the mobs
 inventory,         and the dress command to make the mob wear it.</p>
<p>MOBs can also be equipped with variable  items.&nbsp;Variable items are&nbsp;items
         which may or may not appear in its  inventory on any particular
rejuvination          of the mob.&nbsp; Variable items  are&nbsp;created
by modifying the    Rejuv/Pct      field on the item in the mobs  inventory.&nbsp;
If the value    of this field     is less than 1 or greater than 99,  then
the item will   always appear in   the  inventory.&nbsp; If the value of
the  field is between   1 and 100, then   it  represents the percent chance
that the item  will remain   in the inventory.&nbsp;&nbsp;     A special
case is created when more  than   one variable item is actually   being 
worn in the same wear location on  a  mob.&nbsp; In this special case,  
CoffeeMud  will ensure that exactly  one of the  variable items will remain.</p>
<p>Dealing with variable equipment can be very tricky when  not using the
         MUDGrinder.&nbsp; It requires that the Archon remain in the room
 with     the   mob until the room is saved, in order to prevent the mob
from ditching      its  equipment according to the variable rules.&nbsp;
This is because  the     variable  equipment rules will not activate so long
as an Archon is in  the   room.&nbsp;&nbsp;Dealing  with variable equipment&nbsp;on
 MOBs also  requires  that  the Archon remember  to use the RESET ROOM command 
  whenever  returning  to the room  to make modifications.&nbsp;  Only RESET 
  ROOM will  cause the  mob to regain all of  his equipment with their  Rejuv/Pct 
  fields  intact.&nbsp;  Forgetting to do a RESET  ROOM before making  modifications
     and saving the  room can cause the Archon to  lose variable equipment.&nbsp;
     Lastly, the Archon should take care not to make  copies of variable
equipment      on mobs as room items.&nbsp; This is because the  Rejuv/Pct
field that   is   used to hold the percentage chance for the equipment  while
it is in   a mobs   inventory means something entirely different when the
item  is saved   in a  room.&nbsp; When an item is saved in a room, the Rejuv/Pct
field  refers   to the rejuvination  (repopulation) rate for the item when
it is removed  from a room.</p>
<p><strong><font color="blue" size="5"><a name="racecreate">Creating  Races</a></font></strong></p>
<p>Although the myriad of available races should be quite  sufficient for
         any Archon's needs, you may find yourself at a point where a new
 species        is required for the balance of your ecosystem.&nbsp; In this
 situation,       we must turn to the CREATE RACE command.&nbsp; Supposing
 we needed the    raveging     Woogler to grace our shores, we would enter:</p>
<p><strong>CREATE RACE  Woogler</strong></p>
<p>And it would be done.&nbsp; Whenever creating or  modifying a new race,
         the Archon is presented with a menu of selections and  options available
        to customize the little boogers.&nbsp; Here is a description  of
those      options:</p>
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td>the displayable name of the race.</td>
                             <td><em>Racial Category</em></td>
                             <td>the category into which the race fits.&nbsp;
 Use     ?  to  get  a list of existing ones.</td>
                             <td><em>Base Weight</em></td>
                             <td>the minimum weight of a mob of this race</td>
                             <td><em>Weight Variance</em></td>
                             <td>the amount by which the weight of the mob
 may vary     above    the base.</td>
                             <td><em>Base Male Height</em></td>
                             <td>the minimum height of a male mob of this 
                             <td><em>Base Female      Height</em></td>
                             <td>the minimum height of a female mob of this
                             <td><em>Height Variance</em></td>
                             <td>the amount by which the height of the mob
 may vary     above    the base.</td>
                             <td>whether or not players may access this race
 at  creation,        in spells, or never</td>
                             <td><em>Leaving Text</em></td>
                             <td>the word displayed when a mob of this race
 leaves      the   room</td>
                             <td><em>Arriving Text</em></td>
                             <td>the word displayed when a mob of this race
        arrives    into&nbsp;a    room</td>
                             <td><em>Health Race</em></td>
                             <td>the name of a standard race which will be
 used as      a  source   of health descriptions during combat.&nbsp; In
short,  enter     here         the  name of a race that looks the most like
the one  you are     creating.</td>
                             <td><em>Body Parts</em></td>
                             <td>the number and type of body parts available
 for   amputation</td>
                             <td><em>EStat  Adjustments</em></td>
                             <td>adjustments, positive or negative, to attack,
 defence,       and  other stats.&nbsp; Use ? for a list.</td>
                             <td><em>CharStat      Adjustments</em></td>
                             <td>adjustments, positive or negative, to strength, 
   saving     throws,  and other stats.&nbsp; Use ? for a list.</td>
                             <td><em>CharStat  Settings</em></td>
                             <td>hard settings for strength, saving throws,
 and  other      stats.&nbsp;   Use ? for a list.</td>
                             <td><em>CharState        Adjustments</em></td>
                             <td>adjustments, positive or negative, to hit
 points,      mana,    and other stats.&nbsp; Use ? for a list.</td>
                             <td><em>Starting CharState        Adjustments</em></td>
                             <td>adjustments, positive or negative, to the
 default      hit   points,  mana, and other stats for starting players of
 this race.</td>
                             <td><em>Extra Race Flags</em></td>
                             <td>Whether class, level, or the gaining/losing
 of  experience        applies to this race. By default, they do.</td>
                             <td>list of items produced from the corpse of
 this  race     when   it is Butchered.&nbsp; </td>
                             <td>list of items automatically equipped and 
word when     the   OUTFIT  command is used, or a player of this race is created.&nbsp;
                             <td><em>Natural Weapon</em></td>
                             <td>the weapon used by this race when it is
                             <td><em>Racial Abilities</em></td>
                             <td>a list of abilities available to members 
of this     race.&nbsp;     the abilities must be of the type that have command
      words.&nbsp;   the  proficiency given to the ability is hard coded
and    cannot        be  modified.&nbsp;  the level referred to is in player 
levels    as opposed to        class levels.</td>
                             <td><em>Cultural      Abilities</em></td>
                             <td>a list of abilities granted automatically
 to        those   who   are  born this race.&nbsp; it is assumed these abilities 
  are    learned   because  of the races culture.&nbsp; the proficiency given 
  is  the        default proficiency  which players/mobs of this race start 
  out     with.</td>
<p><strong><font color="blue" size="5"><a name="classcreate">Creating  Classes</a></font></strong></p>
<p>Creating customized player or mob classes can be fun and  exciting! These
         classes can be used as skill templates for mobs created using  the
  Fighterness       (or similar) behaviors, or as genuine player classes
for   your  game.&nbsp;       Either way, here is how it is done:</p>
<p><strong>CREATE&nbsp;CLASS  Boxer</strong></p>
<p>And it would be done.&nbsp; Whenever creating or  modifying a new class,
         the Archon is presented with a menu of selections and  options available
        to customize the class.&nbsp; Here is a description of those  options:</p>
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td><em>Number of Names</em></td>
                             <td>the number of displayable names this class
        has.&nbsp;      Normally  just 1.</td>
                             <td><em>Name #x</em></td>
                             <td>a displayable name of the class.&nbsp; Each
        displayable       name applies based on a class level.</td>
                             <td><em>Name&nbsp;#x Class        Level</em></td>
                             <td>a class level at which this displayable
name         begins    to  apply.</td>
                             <td><em>Base Class</em></td>
                             <td>the category into which the class fits.&nbsp;
 Usually     the same as your ID if you are      using a subclass system
and  this is   the base class.</td>
      <p> whether or not players may access this class at creation, in spells,
         or never.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;                 </p>
                             <td><em>HP Divisor</em></td>
                             <td>amount by which the players constitution 
is        divided     by  when  calculated hit point gains per level.</td>
                             <td><em>HP Dice</em></td>
                             <td>number of dice rolls which the player gets
 per  level      for   bonus hit points.</td>
                             <td><em>HP Die</em></td>
                             <td>the maximum roll on each die roll made per
 level     for   hit   points.</td>
                             <td><em>Mana Divisor</em></td>
                             <td>amount by which the players intelligence 
is        divided     by  when  calculated mana gains per level.</td>
                             <td><em>Mana Dice</em></td>
                             <td>number of dice rolls which the player gets
 per  level      for   bonus mana.</td>
                             <td><em>Mana Die</em></td>
                             <td>the maximum roll on each die roll made per
 level     for   mana.</td>
                             <td>the number of practice points gained by
this         class   per   level.</td>
                             <td>the number of attack points, modified by 
a        formula    based    on the mobs attack attribute, gained per level.</td>
                             <td><em>Attack Attribute</em></td>
                             <td>the primary attribute used with the above
 to        determine     the  number of attack points gained per level.</td>
                             <td><em>Practices/1st      Level</em></td>
                             <td>the number of practice points received by
 this  class      at  first level.</td>
                             <td><em>Trains/1st Level</em></td>
                             <td>the number of training sessions received 
by this     class    at  first level.</td>
                             <td><em>Level/Dmg Pt</em></td>
                             <td>the number of levels between gains of 1
point  of     base   damage.</td>
                             <td>the number of movement points, modified
by  a        formula    based   on the mobs strength, gained per level.</td>
                             <td><em>Armor Restr.</em></td>
                             <td>the type of armor restrictions for using 
skills    in   this   class, if any.</td>
                             <td>This is an open text field. Mention any
special    limitations      of the class.</td>
                             <td>This is an open text field. Mention any
special    bonuses      to being this class.</td>
                             <td>This is a mask to determine which players
 qualify      for   it.  List any racial, or stat requirements to becomming
 this class.      Use        ? for more information on the mask.</td>
                             <td><em>EStat  Adjustments</em></td>
                             <td>adjustments, positive or negative, to attack,
 defence,       and  other stats.&nbsp; Use ? for a list.</td>
                             <td><em>CharStat      Adjustments</em></td>
                             <td>adjustments, positive or negative, to strength, 
   saving     throws,  and other stats.&nbsp; Use ? for a list.</td>
                             <td><em>CharStat  Settings</em></td>
                             <td>hard settings for strength, saving throws,
 and  other      stats.&nbsp;   Use ? for a list.</td>
                             <td><em>CharState        Adjustments</em></td>
                             <td>adjustments, positive or negative, to hit
 points,      mana,    and other stats.&nbsp; Use ? for a list.</td>
                             <td><em>Starting CharState        Adjustments</em></td>
                             <td>adjustments, positive or negative, to the
 default      hit   points,  mana, and other stats for starting players of
 this  class.</td>
                             <td><em>Extra Class  Flags</em></td>
                             <td>Whether race, level, or the gaining/losing
 of experience        applies to this class. By default, they do.</td>
                             <td><em>Weapon Restr.</em></td>
                             <td>This is a list of the weapon classes which
        players    of  this  class will fumble using.</td>
                             <td>This is a list of any equipment outfitted
 to        players    who   join this class.</td>
                             <td><em>Class Abilities</em></td>
                             <td>a list of abilities available to those who
 become      this   class.&nbsp;  the proficiency given is the default proficiency
   which         players/mobs  of this class start out with. Also listed
here    is the   class          level at which the skill becomes available,
whether    it is  automatically          gained (true), or merely qualified
for (false),    whether  it is a secret          skill or not, and any miscellaneous
parameters    for  this skill.</td>
                             <td><em>Number of Security Code        Sets</em></td>
                             <td>If this class is intended to administrators
 or  builders,        you may specify one or more sets of security codes
or  security        groups    (see above section on CoffeeMud Security).&nbsp;
 Each set begins    to        apply at a given class level for that&nbsp;set.&nbsp; 
 &nbsp;All    previous           sets at lower levels continue to apply as 
                             <td><em>Security Codes in        Set#x</em></td>
                             <td>The space-delimited list of security codes
 or groups      which   applies to this set.</td>
                             <td><em>Class Level for        Set#x</em></td>
                             <td>The&nbsp;class level at which this set of
        security     codes    or groups begins to apply, in addition to any
 previous       sets.</td>
<p><strong><font color="blue" size="5"><a name="factions">Factions</a></font></strong></p>
<p>Before learning the secrets of creating, modifying, and  destroying factions,
         needs must we delve into the topic of what a Faction  IS.&nbsp;
A  faction        can be viewed very simply as a glorified tattoo, where
 instead  of merely       having or not having the tattoo, a mob or player
can have  the  tattoo   and    have a numeric value assigned to that tattoo.&nbsp;
Another way to    view   a faction is as a relationship between a mob or
player and some idea,  such    as Goodness, Evilness, Orc Affinity, Reputation,
or some other idea.&nbsp;      For  example, in CoffeeMud, a mob or players
Alignment is implemented  as   a  Faction.&nbsp; The Alignment can be thought
of as having a tattoo  called     alignment along with a numeric value assigned
  to it.&nbsp; Alignment  can    also be  thought of as the relationship
between   the mob or player,  and evilness,    goodness, or neutrality.</p>
<p>The faction system in CoffeeMud is a powerful engine for  defining what
         factions exist, how the factions are assigned, how the value of
 factions         rise or fall in value, how value changes are reflected
in other  factions,         and what impact the value of a faction has on
experience  gain, ability       usage,  and ability skill gain.&nbsp; Since
the values  of factions are     available&nbsp;for   use in&nbsp;Properties
such as Prop_WearZapper,   Prop_ReqEntry,    and all other  features which
respect Zapper Masks, factions  can  also potentially     impact  which items
can be used, which rooms can  be entered, the  price   of  goods,  the availability
of Deities, and many  other things as  well.&nbsp;     As an example, the
alignment faction typically&nbsp;impacts   all of  the   things  mentioned
above and more.</p>
<p>Now, as was said before, factions have numeric  values.&nbsp; These values
         can be positive, like 2389473, negative, or even  0.&nbsp; The range
    of   values  which are valid for a given faction are defined by  the
limits     of   the divisions  or Ranges of a faction.&nbsp; </p>
<p>A <strong>Range</strong> is a  numeric division of a faction you have defined.&nbsp;
A Range has a displayable  name, a special code name for use in Zapper Masks,
and of course a low and high  value.&nbsp; A Range can also be tied back
to CoffeeMud's built in "virtue  meter", which allows you to define a Range
as always granting the mob or player  whose faction value falls into that
range goodness, evilness, or  neutrality.&nbsp; The lowest value of the lowest
Range, and the highest value of  the highest Range define the overall limits
of the values of the faction  itself.&nbsp; No player or mob may have a value
for a faction which falls  outside those highest and lowest values of the
highest and lowest  Ranges.&nbsp;&nbsp;For this reason, ranges are the most
important part of a  faction.</p>
<p>Another important aspect are the range <strong>Change Triggers</strong>.&nbsp;
         One of the ways factions  differ from simple tattoos is that CoffeeMud
      can   manage the rise and fall in the  values of the faction on a given
    mob  or  player automatically.&nbsp; The way  these changes are triggered
    and managed  is first through Change Triggers, which  are applied when
 both   the source  and target of an action have standing or value  in the
 faction,   and when the source and target are different creatures.&nbsp;
 Each Change   Trigger   defines 1) What triggers the change (the Trigger),
 2)  Whether  value is gained  or lost in the faction when the trigger occurs
 (the  Direction),   3) What percentage of the amount of change (after all
 other  modifiers) is  applied to the value (the Amount Factor),&nbsp; 4)
several  miscellanous  flags to define the circumstances under which the
trigger is  applied (the  Flags), and 5) a Zapper mask to determine what
criteria the target  of the  Trigger must meet for this trigger to apply.&nbsp;
The valid Triggers  include:  Murder, Time (a change occurs every 40 seconds
or so), a type of skill  being  used, the domain of a spell being cast, a
flag associated with a skill  being  used, or Add Outsider, which allows
the faction to be added to those who  do not have the faction, so long as
they meet the other requirements.&nbsp;   Valid Directions of change include:
Up, Down, Opposite (opposite direction  of the value of the creature killed
and proportional in value to the distance      between the faction value&nbsp;in
the source and the target), Minimum  (automatically  gains minimum value),
Maximum (automatically gains maximum   value), Add (gains  the faction if
they don't have it -- useful with the  Add  Outsider trigger),  Away (gain
if monsters value for this faction is  lower, lose  if higher),  and Towards
(gain if monsters value for this faction  is higher, lose  if lower).&nbsp;
Valid Flags include: OUTSIDER, which allows  the trigger to  apply even if
the target of the trigger (not the source) does not have standing  in this
faction, SELFOK, which allows the trigger to apply even when the source 
or target are the same person, and JUST100, which overrides  the normal 
modifications of a change (based on experience or other factors)  and uses
100  points as a base amount for the change from this trigger.</p>
<p>Now, lets discuss how to list existing factions:</p>
<p><strong>LIST FACTIONS</strong></p>
<p>The list that is shown with this command reflects the  list of those factions
         which have been loaded into CoffeeMuds memory.&nbsp;  Factions are
  loaded       into memory when their identifiers/filenames are added to
 the  FACTIONS     entry  in your "coffeemud.ini" file.&nbsp; Factions may
also  be  loaded   if  a mob  or player is loaded who has a faction which
has already  been defined.&nbsp;    Creating new factions, as you can now
guess, is a two part  step.&nbsp;  One  step is to add its identifier/filename
to the FACTIONS entry of  your  "coffeemud.ini"  file, after the file has
been created. To create the new   faction identifier/filename,  you must
do the following:</p>
<p><strong>CREATE&nbsp;FACTION  orc_affinity.ini</strong></p>
<p>This command will create a new file in&nbsp;your  CoffeeMud/resources directory
or folder for the new faction.&nbsp; This file  will contain the default
setting for your brand new faction, whose ID  (identifier) will be ORC_AFFINITY.CMVars.&nbsp;
You will now be automatically  taken into the Faction Editor.&nbsp; If you
had wanted simply to modify an  existing faction, you might have entered:</p>
<p><strong>MODIFY FACTION  resources/reputation.ini</strong></p>
<p>The modify command will take you into the editor for an  existing faction,
         regardless of whether it appears on the LIST FACTIONS list, so 
long     as   the  filename/identifier given refers to an existing faction
file.&nbsp;        The Faction editor contains numerous other&nbsp;complex
and interesting      fields  to change, which we will now describe.</p>
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td>the displayable name of the faction, not 
to be  confused       with its official identifier, which you may not change.</td>
                             <td><em>Division/Ranges      List</em></td>
                             <td>the defined ranges for this faction.&nbsp;
 See  the&nbsp;above        discussion on ranges for the meaning of the fields.</td>
                             <td><em>Show In Score</em></td>
                             <td>whether this faction is listed with the
players    information      when they use the SCORE command.&nbsp; The FACTIONS
command    is        always    available for a player to list their factions
and values    regardless         of whether this setting is true or false.</td>
                             <td><em>Show In MOB      Editor</em></td>
                             <td>whether this faction gets its very own entry
 in   the    command-line   mob editor, or the MUDGrinder mob editor.&nbsp;
 The          Factions field   is always listed in the mob editor for changing 
 the         factions and their  values on players and mobs regardless of 
whether   this        setting is true  or false.</td>
                             <td><em>Automatic assigned        values</em></td>
                             <td>optional field showing which mobs or players
 will      automatically    be given this faction and some value in it.&nbsp;
 This     is a        semicolon-delimited    list, where each entry begins
 with the    value to        assign, and is followed    by a mask to determine
 who the    value gets assigned        to.&nbsp; For  example:  "100 -race
 +elf ; 500    -race +dwarf" would mean that        all elf players  and
mobs  receive this   faction with a value of 100, and all        dwarf players
 and mobs receive   this faction with a value of 500.&nbsp;  If        this
 field  is empty,  noone is assigned a value automatically.&nbsp;  If   
    this field  only  contains a number, or if any entry contains only  a
number        (no  mask),  then everyone will receive this faction.</td>
                             <td><em>Other default      values</em></td>
                             <td>required field defining the values that
mobs  or   players      will be assigned whenever this faction is granted
to them  by          scripts,     triggers, or by some other means.&nbsp;
The syntax  of   this field        is&nbsp;similar  to&nbsp;the "Automatic
assigned values"    field above.&nbsp;          At least  one entry, however,
must be without    a mask, so as to make   sure        that  a default value
exists for every    possible player or mob.</td>
                             <td><em>New player value        choice</em></td>
                             <td>an optional list of values, semicolon delimited,
     which&nbsp;players     will get to choose from when they create their
        characters for the    first time.&nbsp; Each value in this list should
            correspond to, or   fall into,&nbsp;a different Division/Range
 listed           above.&nbsp; If  this field is empty, players will not
be  given this          faction at creation    time.</td>
                             <td><em>Choices introduction        text</em></td>
                             <td>if the previous field contained entries, 
then this     field    will become available.&nbsp; It is the optional filename
 of a         text    file in your Coffeemud/resources directory or folder
 which   describes         the choices available to the player.</td>
                             <td><em>Rate Modifier</em></td>
                             <td>normally 100%, this field is a fudge factor
 for   all    instances   where some value is gained or lost in this faction.&nbsp; 
          Typically   gained values can be halfed, doubled, or changed in 
any    other         way  by modifying this value.</td>
                             <td><em>Affect on      Experience</em></td>
                             <td>whether and/or how values in this faction
 affect     the   amount   of experience gained by players for killing  
     monsters.&nbsp;&nbsp;        If the value is None, then this faction
does not        affect experience        gained by players for killing monsters.&nbsp;
 Otherwise,        the  amount      of faction gained or lost is a function
 of the base number of         experience     points earned, and modified
by the value of this field:  Extreme    means   the amount gained or lost
is always towards one extreme  end of this         factions Ranges, and always
 in a direction away from the value that  the         monster had.&nbsp;
Higher  means the amount is always gained.&nbsp;     Lower        means the
amount  is always lost.&nbsp; Followhigher means  the   amount is       
always gained,  and in proportion to how high the value   of  the monsters
       faction  is.&nbsp; Followlower means the amount is   always  lost,
and in        proportion  to how low the value of the monsters   faction
                             <td><em>Faction Change        Adjustments</em></td>
                             <td>like the Rate Modifier above, this field 
affects     the   values   of gains and losses in this faction.&nbsp; It allows
you    to        change   the value of Gains or Losses based on whether the
player     or mob         with   the faction matches the given Zapper Mask.&nbsp;
 Both   the Gain  and        Loss values should be positive, as they reflect
 a percentage    change  in the         gain, and a percentage change in
the   loss only.</td>
                             <td><em>Cross-Faction        Relations</em></td>
                             <td>defines whether and/or how the value of
other  factions       may  rise or fall when the value of this faction changes.&nbsp;
        Each   entry  is the name of second faction, along with a positive
 or        negative   percentage  of the value gained or lost in this faction,
    which        will   then be applied  to the second faction.</td>
                             <td><em>Change Triggers</em></td>
                             <td>the events which cause the value of a faction
 on     a  player    to rise and fall.&nbsp; Usually triggers are applied
when  an          action    is performed on a target creature by a source
creature,    both  of        whom   have standing in the faction.&nbsp; See
the description     above for        more information on the fields defined
for each Change   Trigger.</td>
                             <td><em>Ability      Allowances</em></td>
                             <td>this defines the circumstances under which
 a        player    may   always use a particular time of skill, spell, or
 whatever,      unimpeded    and with full privileges.&nbsp;&nbsp; Each entry
 contains   a list        of  flags to determine which skills, spells, chants,
 etc are   being selected         along with the range into which a players
 value in   this faction must    fall        for the ability to be used unimpeded
 and   with full privileges.&nbsp;           Requirements defined by Ability
 Allowances     will typically determine           whether proficiency is
every gained   in  a skill, and whether certain    class        restrictions
are overridden.</td>
                        <strong><font color="royalblue" size="5"><a
 name="saving">"Rejuvenating        Items and Mobs" or "How to Save a  Room"</a></font></strong></p>
<p>MOBs and Items that are created in rooms, even those  which have had the
         Rejuv Ticks property set to some reasonable number, will not  actually
      begin   to rejuvenate, and will not reappear in the room when CoffeeMud
     is rebooted,   until the room is saved.&nbsp; </p>
<p>To save a room, you must be standing in it.&nbsp; From  there, you may
         issue either the "save items" command to save the items in the 
room,      "save    mobs" command to save the mobs in the room, or "save
room" to   save    them   both.&nbsp; You should make sure that the items,
mobs, or  both, are  exactly    the way you want them to be when the system
is rebooted.&nbsp;      Players in  the  room, including yourself and your
followers, will be  ignored    by the command to  save the mobs.</p>
<p>Currently, the resets using the Rejuv setting method are  on a mob-by-mob
         and item-by-item basis, though the system does give you some  default
     reset    times when mobs are created (based on level). There is an 
alternative       reset   method however.&nbsp; If you were to make NONE
of your mobs or   items  resettable   under the current scheme (by making
the REJUV value  0),  then   to&nbsp;add&nbsp;the   Behavior called "ResetWhole"&nbsp;to
each&nbsp;Area,       you  can simply reset   every room in the area on a
timed basis.&nbsp;The       behavior  will&nbsp;reset   every room after
noone has visited the area     in  a certain amount  of time.   This time
can be set in the behaviors  parameters.&nbsp;     Use AHELP  ResetWhole
  for more information on this  behavior. </p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><strong><font color="green" size="5"><a name="appa">Appendix
         A: Special Standard Items</a></font></strong></p>
<p class="MsoNormal">Map</p>
    <div class="MsoNormal">level - A value of 0 means the map    will be built
without access to any indoor rooms or areas behind&nbsp;only    secret exits.&nbsp;
A value of 1 means the map will be built with both indoor    and outdoor
rooms, but without secret rooms.&nbsp; Any other value will    display each
and every room, regardless.&nbsp; A room that is classified as    "in the
air" will never be placed on a map.</div>
    <div class="MsoNormal">misc text - The names of the areas,    separated
         by semicolons, to place on the map.&nbsp; For instance "Area1;Area2"
       would  build a map from rooms in both Area 1 and Area 2.</div>
<p class="MsoNormal">LargeChest, SmallChest,  LockableContainer, etc</p>
    <div class="MsoNormal">misc text - The name of the key    which will open
this container.</div>
<p class="MsoNormal">StdJournal</p>
    <div class="MsoNormal">misc text - The reading, writing,    and replying
         requirements for the journal. The proper format is    READ=REQUIREMENTS
REQUIREMENTS        are as described  above under the Assigned Readable Text
field    in   the    GenJournal entry.&nbsp;      </div>
<p class="MsoNormal">StdKey</p>
    <div class="MsoNormal">misc text - The name of the    key.&nbsp; This
         value must match the corresponding value on the door, chest,   
<p class="MsoNormal">TrappedChest (or any other trapped  item)</p>
    <div class="MsoNormal">ability - The type of trap    encountered.&nbsp;
         0=Needle, 1=Pit or Blade, 2=Gas</div>
<p class="MsoNormal">RingOrnamental, Gem</p>
    <div class="MsoNormal">level - The material the ring or gem    is made
         out of, or what gem is mounted on it in the case of a ring.&nbsp;
<p class="MsoNormal">Coins</p>
    <div class="MsoNormal">ability - The number of coins in the    pile</div>
    <div class="MsoNormal">misc text - the currency name    followed by a
         / (slash), followed by the denomination value (floating    point)</div>
<p class="MsoNormal">InnKey</p>
    <div class="MsoNormal">* Must be in a shopkeepers starting    inventory
         in order to take effect.&nbsp; Each key in the shopkeeper's    inventory
        will be automatically set to open exits with lock descriptions  
 "INN1",        "INN2", etc..&nbsp;&nbsp;In order to&nbsp;create an Inn,
you need only        have a shopkeeper with one InnKey for every room in
your inn.&nbsp;  Then        create the same number of rooms, each with a
locked door.&nbsp;  Key  each       locked door to a different room number,
so that they will  match  the    keys.&nbsp; For instance, "INN1", "INN2",
etc.&nbsp; See the  section  on  exits    for more information on keying
locked doors.</div>
<p class="MsoNormal">(Most Generic and non-Generic Armor)</p>
    <div class="MsoNormal">ability - Equates to a roughly 10    point bonus
         in armor for every ability point above 0.&nbsp; Makes the armor
   magical.&nbsp;       Negative ability points will do the opposite.</div>
<p class="MsoNormal">(Most Generic and non-Generic  Weapons)</p>
    <div class="MsoNormal">ability - Equates to a 5 point    attack bonus,
         and 1 point damage bonus for every ability point above 0.&nbsp;
   Makes      the weapon magical. Negative ability points do the  opposite.</div>
<p class="MsoNormal">ScrollSpell</p>
    <div class="MsoNormal">usesRemaining - The number of times,    total,
         that any spell on the scroll may be cast or scribed.&nbsp; In other
     words,   this number applies to&nbsp;ANY use of the scroll, as opposed
  to      individually   for each of the&nbsp;spells.</div>
    <div class="MsoNormal">misc text - The names of the spells,    separated
         by semicolons, that are written on the scroll.&nbsp; The names must
     be   the same case-sensitive class names used in CoffeeMud.&nbsp; For
 instance:           &nbsp;"Spell_MagicMissile;Spell_Fireball;Spell_ResistElectricity"</div>
<p class="MsoNormal">StdWand, Staff, Wand_Fire,  Wand_Nourishment</p>
    <div class="MsoNormal">usesRemaining - The number of times    the wand
         will respond to its activation word.</div>
    <div class="MsoNormal">                                             
    <div class="MsoNormal">misc text - For Staff and StdWand    only, the
         name of the spell that is invoked by the magic word.&nbsp; The name
     must   be the same case-sensitive class names used in CoffeeMud.&nbsp;
  For      instance:   &nbsp;"Spell_MagicMissile"</div>
<p class="MsoNormal">StdPill, StdPotion</p>
                           <li>misc text - the&nbsp;list of the spells, separated
  by    semicolons,&nbsp;that&nbsp;are     invoked by consumption.&nbsp;
The   spell    names    must be the same case-sensitive     class names used
in   CoffeeMud.&nbsp;    For    instance: &nbsp;"Spell_MagicMissile;    
<p class="MsoNormal">StdLawBook</p>
                           <li>misc text - the&nbsp;name of the Area for
which  this    book   operates.</li>
<p class="MsoNormal">StdPortal</p>
                           <li>misc text - A room ID, or a a semicoloon-delimited
     list   of  roomIDs   that this portal leads to. For the return trip,
a  portal     object  would  need to be in both rooms.</li>
<p class="MsoNormal">Ring_Protection</p>
    <div class="MsoNormal">level - The type of protection    afforded by the
ring.&nbsp; Levels 0-11 protect from various magical    effects.</div>
    <div class="MsoNormal">ability - For levels 12 and higher,    the amount
         of 10 point armor protection afforded. </div>
<p class="MsoNormal">StdTitle</p>
    <div class="MsoNormal">misc text - the room ID of the room    which has
         the Prop_RoomForSale property.</div>
<p class="MsoNormal">ManualClasses, ManualAdvancement,  etc.</p>
    <div class="MsoNormal">usesRemaining - The number of types    the manual
         may be read before becomming ineffective.</div>
<p> </p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><strong><font color="green" size="5"><a name="appb">Appendix
         B: Special Standard MOBs</a></font></strong></p>
<p class="MsoNormal">Dragon</p>
<div class="MsoNormal">        
    <div class="MsoNormal">level - The Age of the Dragon.&nbsp;    Ranges
         are from 8-64.</div>
    <div class="MsoNormal">ability - The Color of the    Dragon.&nbsp; Ranges
         are from 1-10.</div>
<p class="MsoNormal">Goblin</p>
    <div class="MsoNormal">ability - The type of goblin being    dealt with.&nbsp;
         Ranges 0-1000</div>
<p class="MsoNormal">StdBanker</p>
    <div class="MsoNormal">misc text &nbsp;- The name of the    bank chain</div>
<p class="MsoNormal">StdPostman</p>
    <div class="MsoNormal">misc text &nbsp;- The name of the    postal chain</div>
<p class="MsoNormal">StdShopKeeper</p>
                           <li>misc text - Prejudice factors.&nbsp; See the
 field  of    the   same   name under GenShopKeeper above!</li>
<p> </p>
<p><strong><font color="green" size="5"><a name="appc">Appendix C: Generic
          Weapons and Armor Guide</a></font></strong></p>
<p align="left"><u><strong><font>Weapon  Groups</font></strong></u>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  When
         building weapons, you must first select the group that the weapon
 falls       under.&nbsp; The weapon group affects which classes can use
the  weapon,     as well  as what specializations enhance it&#8217;s use.&nbsp;
Selecting  more   common    weapon  groups, such as EDGED or SWORD can enable
a weapon  designer   to place   higher  level restrictions, if desired, on
the weapon.&nbsp;   This    increase   in levels is  suggested to be 2 additional
levels, but   not necessary    to keep  the game  balanced.&nbsp; Weapons
within a group   may deal any TYPE   of damage,  as discussed  later, but
have general tendencies    towards one  or two types.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  Weapons
         within a given category have certain general tendencies, as describe
    by    the table below.&nbsp; Any or all of these can be overridden for
 the   purpose     of  weapon design, these are just the basic type of weapons
  in  that category.&nbsp;      For example, flailed weapons tend to be unwieldy
    (have a negative to attack),     but that doesn&#8217;t mean all flails are
unwieldy.&nbsp;    </p>
<p>Similarly, the allowed materials are materials used  historically to make
         that type of weapon.&nbsp; If a weapon designer deigns to  make
a  weapon       out of LAMPOIL, it is doable, just a little unorthodox.&nbsp;
 (You  would      probably want to make the weapon out of GLASS, as that
is  the outer  delivery     devise of a Molotov Cocktail.)&nbsp; Currently,
weapon   SIZE has no  effect     on game play, but that may change at a later
date.&nbsp;    The BASE  MATERIAL     of a weapon assumes that weapons are
made from that    general area, and  use   material bonuses based on that
type.&nbsp; If you   create a weapon out of  a  non-standard, ALLOWABLE MATERIAL,
use the appropriate   charts for determining     attack and damage bonuses
after the level has  been set.</p>
<p> </p>
<p align="left">        
<table style="left: 10px; width: 100%; top: 28408px;" bgcolor="yellow"
 border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td valign="top" width="91">               
      <p>       </p>
      <p>       </p>
                             <td valign="top" width="70">               
      <p><strong>Base Damage        type</strong></p>
                             <td valign="top" width="81">               
      <p><strong>Base # Hands/ Base        Reach</strong></p>
                             <td valign="top" width="58">               
      <p><strong>Base Attack        Bonus</strong></p>
                             <td valign="top" width="132">              
      <p><strong>Size of        Weapon</strong></p>
                             <td valign="top" width="160">              
      <p><strong>Base Material/        Allowable Materials</strong></p>
                             <td valign="top" width="91">               
                             <td valign="top" width="70">               
                             <td valign="top" width="81">               
                             <td valign="top" width="58">               
                             <td valign="top" width="132">              
                             <td valign="top" width="160">              
      <p>Wood/ M, W, R, L</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="91">               
                             <td valign="top" width="70">               
                             <td valign="top" width="81">               
                             <td valign="top" width="58">               
                             <td valign="top" width="132">              
                             <td valign="top" width="160">              
      <p>Wood / M, W, R, L, P</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="91">               
                             <td valign="top" width="70">               
                             <td valign="top" width="81">               
                             <td valign="top" width="58">               
                             <td valign="top" width="132">              
      <p>Weight + 12</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="160">              
      <p>Metal/ M, W, R, G, P</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="91">               
                             <td valign="top" width="70">               
                             <td valign="top" width="81">               
                             <td valign="top" width="58">               
                             <td valign="top" width="132">              
      <p>Weight*4 + 24</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="160">              
      <p>Wood/ M, W, R, P</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="91">               
                             <td valign="top" width="70">               
                             <td valign="top" width="81">               
                             <td valign="top" width="58">               
                             <td valign="top" width="132">              
      <p>Weight + 6</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="160">              
      <p>Metal/ M, W, R, G, P</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="91">               
                             <td valign="top" width="70">               
                             <td valign="top" width="81">               
                             <td valign="top" width="58">               
                             <td valign="top" width="132">              
      <p>Weight +12</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="160">              
      <p>Wood/ M, W, R, </p>
                             <td valign="top" width="91">               
                             <td valign="top" width="70">               
                             <td valign="top" width="81">               
                             <td valign="top" width="58">               
                             <td valign="top" width="132">              
                             <td valign="top" width="160">              
      <p>Metal/ M, W, R, G, P</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="91">               
                             <td valign="top" width="70">               
                             <td valign="top" width="81">               
                             <td valign="top" width="58">               
                             <td valign="top" width="132">              
                             <td valign="top" width="160">              
      <p>Wood/M, W, R, L, G, P</p>
<p>*A Dagger is a type of EDGED weapon.</p>
<p>**A Staff is a type of BLUNT weapon.</p>
<p>***Includes both RANGED, and THROWN weapons.</p>
<p>Allowed Materials: (M)etal/Mithril, (W)ooden, (R)ock,  (B)one, (L)eather,
         (G)lass, (P)recious.&nbsp; Disallowed:&nbsp; Flesh,  Vegetation,
Liquid,        Cloth, Paper  </p>
<p><u><strong><font style="background-color: aqua;">Determining Weapon Level</font></strong></u>
<p> </p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  Weapon
         creation can be done by the designer fixing the DAMAGE that a weapon
     does,    or by fixing the LEVEL required to use the weapon.&nbsp; To
generate      weapons    that do a specific amount of damage which are balanced
with   the    WEAPONSMITHING    skills, use the following formula:</p>
<p>Level= ((2*D)/(H+1) + (A-W)/5 +R)*((R/W)+2)+1</p>
<p>D=base DAMAGE of the weapon before material  modifiers,<br>
                        H=number of hands required to wield<br>
                        A=base ATTACK bonus of the weapon<br>
                        R=REACH/RANGE of weapon<br>
                        W=WEIGHT of  weapon</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  Round
         the final number down, to a minimum level of 1.&nbsp; Some general
   criteria      to follow for weapons to avoid creating ultra-powerful,
low-level     weapons      include:</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  Create
         the weapon for a HUMAN-sized character first.&nbsp; If you wish
to   scale       it up or down for different races, use the WEAPONS FOR GIANTS
  table after       setting the base level.&nbsp; A typical one-handed human
  weapon will  weigh    from  1-8 pounds, and a two handed weapon will typically
  weigh from  10 to   20  pounds.&nbsp; Using heavier/lighter weapons will
 create a strange,   and   possibly  unbalanced, result.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  Melee
         weapons should not have a reach greater than 1.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  Weight
         of weapons should include any incidental weight in using the item,
  such      as carrying case, ammunition, and other equipment generally assumed
  to   be   in use  with the item.&nbsp; For most RANGED weapons, this will
  add  another    4 pounds to  the typical weight of the weapon.&nbsp; For
 melee  weapons,  the  weight is  generally negligible.&nbsp; (Except, possibly
 for  a Katana  with  a very ornate  scabbard.)</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  Round
         the final number down, to a minimum level of 1.</p>
<p>Some sample weapons and levels:  </p>
<p align="left">        
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td valign="top" width="110">              
                             <td valign="top" width="70">               
                             <td valign="top" width="78">               
                             <td valign="top" width="51">               
                             <td valign="top" width="52">               
                             <td valign="top" width="46">               
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="53">               
                             <td valign="top" width="42">               
                             <td valign="top" width="39">               
                             <td valign="top" width="69">               
                             <td valign="top" width="110">              
      <p>Hand Ax</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="70">               
                             <td valign="top" width="78">               
                             <td valign="top" width="51">               
                             <td valign="top" width="52">               
                             <td valign="top" width="46">               
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="53">               
                             <td valign="top" width="42">               
                             <td valign="top" width="39">               
                             <td valign="top" width="69">               
                             <td valign="top" width="110">              
                             <td valign="top" width="70">               
                             <td valign="top" width="78">               
                             <td valign="top" width="51">               
                             <td valign="top" width="52">               
                             <td valign="top" width="46">               
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="53">               
                             <td valign="top" width="42">               
                             <td valign="top" width="39">               
                             <td valign="top" width="69">               
                             <td valign="top" width="110">              
      <p>Short Sword</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="70">               
                             <td valign="top" width="78">               
                             <td valign="top" width="51">               
                             <td valign="top" width="52">               
                             <td valign="top" width="46">               
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="53">               
                             <td valign="top" width="42">               
                             <td valign="top" width="39">               
                             <td valign="top" width="69">               
                             <td valign="top" width="110">              
                             <td valign="top" width="70">               
                             <td valign="top" width="78">               
                             <td valign="top" width="51">               
                             <td valign="top" width="52">               
                             <td valign="top" width="46">               
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="53">               
                             <td valign="top" width="42">               
                             <td valign="top" width="39">               
                             <td valign="top" width="69">               
                             <td valign="top" width="110">              
                             <td valign="top" width="70">               
                             <td valign="top" width="78">               
                             <td valign="top" width="51">               
                             <td valign="top" width="52">               
                             <td valign="top" width="46">               
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="53">               
                             <td valign="top" width="42">               
                             <td valign="top" width="39">               
                             <td valign="top" width="69">               
                             <td valign="top" width="110">              
      <p>Grand Sceptre</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="70">               
                             <td valign="top" width="78">               
                             <td valign="top" width="51">               
                             <td valign="top" width="52">               
                             <td valign="top" width="46">               
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="53">               
                             <td valign="top" width="42">               
                             <td valign="top" width="39">               
                             <td valign="top" width="69">               
                             <td valign="top" width="110">              
      <p>Executioner&#8217;s Axe</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="70">               
                             <td valign="top" width="78">               
                             <td valign="top" width="51">               
                             <td valign="top" width="52">               
                             <td valign="top" width="46">               
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="53">               
                             <td valign="top" width="42">               
      <p><b>72!        </b></p>
      <p> <b>      </b></p>
                             <td valign="top" width="39">               
                             <td valign="top" width="69">               
                             <td valign="top" width="110">              
      <p>Cat-o-nine tails</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="70">               
                             <td valign="top" width="78">               
                             <td valign="top" width="51">               
                             <td valign="top" width="52">               
                             <td valign="top" width="46">               
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="53">               
                             <td valign="top" width="42">               
                             <td valign="top" width="39">               
                             <td valign="top" width="69">               
                             <td valign="top" width="110">              
                             <td valign="top" width="70">               
                             <td valign="top" width="78">               
                             <td valign="top" width="51">               
                             <td valign="top" width="52">               
                             <td valign="top" width="46">               
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="53">               
                             <td valign="top" width="42">               
                             <td valign="top" width="39">               
                             <td valign="top" width="69">               
                             <td valign="top" width="110">              
                             <td valign="top" width="70">               
                             <td valign="top" width="78">               
                             <td valign="top" width="51">               
                             <td valign="top" width="52">               
                             <td valign="top" width="46">               
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="53">               
                             <td valign="top" width="42">               
                             <td valign="top" width="39">               
                             <td valign="top" width="69">               
                             <td valign="top" width="110">              
                             <td valign="top" width="70">               
                             <td valign="top" width="78">               
                             <td valign="top" width="51">               
                             <td valign="top" width="52">               
                             <td valign="top" width="46">               
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="53">               
                             <td valign="top" width="42">               
      <p><b>36!        </b></p>
      <p> <b>      </b></p>
                             <td valign="top" width="39">               
                             <td valign="top" width="69">               
<p>Notice:&nbsp; On the Executioner&#8217;s Axe, and the Katana,  the size does
         not correspond to the size formula given above.&nbsp; That&#8217;s OK,
 since      the  size isn&#8217;t currently used, and since the weapon designer
ultimately      has free reign over weapon design.&nbsp; Also, if you compare
many of  these     levels  to that of the weaponsmithing skill, you will
some discrepancies      on the  levels.&nbsp; Weapon construction isn&#8217;t an
exact science, as long     as you get it  in the general range the game will
remain balanced.</p>
<p><u><strong><font style="background-color: aqua;">Determining Weapon Damage</font></strong></u>
<p><strong></strong> </p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  If
         you wish to create a weapon based on the level of a MOB, you can
use    some      algebra and convert the equation into a damage equation
to give    you the     following formula:  </p>
<p>D= ((L-1)/((R/W)+2) + (W-A)/5 -R)*(((H*2)+1)/2)  </p>
<p>where  </p>
<p>L=Level required to use weapon,<br>
                        H=number of hands required to wield<br>
                        A=base ATTACK bonus of the weapon<br>
                        R=REACH/RANGE of weapon<br>
                        W=WEIGHT of  weapon  </p>
<p>Round the final number down, to a minimum level of  1.</p>
<p><u><strong><font style="background-color: aqua;">Determining Weapon Cost</font></strong></u>
<p> </p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  To
         compute the weapon&#8217;s base value use the following equation:  </p>
<p>Cost of Item= 2*(W*V+(5*D+A+R*10)*D)/(H+1)  </p>
<p>where  </p>
<p>D=base DAMAGE of the weapon before material  modifiers,<br>
                        H=number of hands required to wield<br>
                        A=base ATTACK bonus of the weapon<br>
                        R=REACH/RANGE of weapon<br>
                        W=WEIGHT of  weapon<br>
                        V=VALUE of the material the weapon is made from 
<p><u><strong><font style="background-color: aqua;">Determining Weapon Damage
         Type</font></strong></u>  </p>
<p> </p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  Weapon
         Damage Type is entirely up to the weapon designer, but some guidelines
       have  already been provided for the basic weapon types.&nbsp; Here
is   a  brief  description of the different damage types, and level modifiers 
  for  weapons  with  these damage types:  </p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  NATURAL&#8212;All
         Natural weapons should be UnGettable.&nbsp; Natural weapons are
 available         for a creature to use in combat, such as a Manticore&#8217;s
tail spikes;   but    not actual weapons for adventurer&#8217;s to loot.&nbsp;
Any GETTABLE Natural       weapon  should have a level MODIFIER of at LEAST
it&#8217;s DAMAGE rating.&nbsp;        Natural  weapons would be favored by monks
if they could get them.  </p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  SLASHING&#8212;Slashing
         weapons are fairly common and include things like Axes and  Swords.&nbsp;
         No special care needs to be considered when making a weapon deal
 SLASHING        damage.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  PIERCING&#8212;Piercing
         weapons are very common amongst the Polearm groups.&nbsp; No  special
     care    needs to be considered when making a weapon deal PIERCING  damage.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  BASHING&#8212;Bashing
         weapons are common amongst Blunt and Hammer weapon groups.&nbsp;
 No   special     care needs to be considered when making a weapon deal SLASHING
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  BURNING&#8212;This
         is the damage type for all fire based attacks and spells.&nbsp;
 Burning        weapons tend to do more damage to cloth and leather armors,
and overall       are more powerful than Slashing/Piercing/Bashing due to
there infrequent      use  amongst weapons.&nbsp; Add 2 levels to a weapon&#8217;s
base LEVEL if it   is  of type  BURNING.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  BURSTING&#8212;
         This is the damage type for all Magic based attacks and spells.
 Bursting         are more powerful than Slashing/Piercing/Bashing due to
there  infrequent         use amongst weapons.&nbsp; Add 2 levels to a weapon&#8217;s
base LEVEL if   it   is  of type BURSTING.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  SHOOT&#8212;This
         is the damage type of projectile missiles, such as Bows and  Guns.&nbsp;
        It is very similar in nature to PIERCING.&nbsp; No special care 
needs      to   be considered when making a weapon deal SHOOT damage.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  FROSTING&#8212;This
         is the damage type for all Cold based attacks and spells.&nbsp;
 Frosting         weapons tend to be more powerful than Slashing/Piercing/Bashing
due   to    there  infrequent use amongst weapons.&nbsp; Add 2 levels to
a weapon&#8217;s     base  LEVEL  if it is of type FROSTING.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  GASSING&#8212;This
         is the damage type for all Gas based attacks and spells.&nbsp; 
Gassing        weapons  tend to be more powerful than Slashing/Piercing/Bashing
due   to    there infrequent  use amongst weapons.&nbsp; Add 2 levels to
a weapon&#8217;s     base  LEVEL if it is  of type GASSING.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  MELTING&#8212;This
         is the damage type for all Acid based attacks and spells.&nbsp;
 Melting        weapons tend to do more damage to armors, and overall are
more powerful       than Slashing/Piercing/Bashing due to there infrequent
use amongst  weapons.&nbsp;       Add 2 levels to a weapon&#8217;s base LEVEL if
it is of type  MELTING.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  STRIKING&#8212;This
         is the damage type for all Electricity based attacks and  spells.&nbsp;
       Striking  weapons tend to do more damage to cloth and leather  armors,
    and   overall are more powerful than Slashing/Piercing/Bashing due to
 there   infrequent    use amongst weapons.&nbsp; Add 2 levels to a weapon&#8217;s
 base  LEVEL if it  is  of type STRIKING.</p>
<p><u><strong><font style="background-color: aqua;">Creating Quick and Dirty
         Weapons</font></strong></u>  </p>
<p> </p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  If
         you just want to guestimate a weapon&#8217;s level or damage, use the
following           formulas.&nbsp; They aren&#8217;t very accurate, and can create
radically     overbalanced      weapons in the hands of players, but they
are great for    easy NON-GETTABLE     MOB  weapons.  </p>
<p>LEVEL=DAMAGE + (ATTACK/5)  </p>
<p><u><strong><font style="background-color: aqua;">Weapons for Giants</font></strong></u>
<p> </p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  If
         you wish to create weapons for large (or small) creatures, the weight
     of   the  item will often get an unusually high bias, creating MASSIVE
  low   level   weapons  with lots of damage potential.&nbsp; Instead, create
  the   weapon  for a human  sized creature, and add the following modifiers.
<p align="left">        
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td valign="top" width="104">              
      <p><strong>Weight        Increase</strong></p>
                             <td valign="top" width="83">               
      <p><strong>Level        Increase</strong></p>
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
      <p><strong>Damage        Increase</strong></p>
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
      <p><strong>Size        Increase</strong></p>
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
      <p><strong>Range        Increase</strong></p>
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
      <p><strong>Value        Increase</strong></p>
                             <td valign="top" width="104">              
                             <td valign="top" width="83">               
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="104">              
                             <td valign="top" width="83">               
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="104">              
                             <td valign="top" width="83">               
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="104">              
                             <td valign="top" width="83">               
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="104">              
                             <td valign="top" width="83">               
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="104">              
                             <td valign="top" width="83">               
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="104">              
      <p>each additional +100%</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="83">               
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
<p><font size="5"><font style="background-color: lightgrey;"><u><strong>Armor</strong></u>
          </font></font> </p>
<p> </p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  Armor
         creation is, in many ways, much simpler than weapon creation.&nbsp; 
   There       are three types of armor: Cloth, Leather, and Metal.&nbsp; 
Strange   armors      could  exist, but are variants of one of these three 
types.&nbsp;   The  armor    values vary  by location, and by material.&nbsp; 
Shields are   considered    to  be HELD METAL  armor.&nbsp; For a wooden shield,
consider   it as a HELD    LEATHER  armor for  the&nbsp;purposes of&nbsp;further
discussion&nbsp;(though      your  material would  still be WOODEN).  </p>
<p><u><strong><font style="background-color: lightgrey;">Armor Points (Not
         the final Defensive value of the  armor)</font></strong></u>  </p>
<p> </p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  Different
         types of armor have different level values, since the less armored
   classes      would love to get that extra armor bonus at a lighter weight.&nbsp; 
   To    keep  the classes balanced, the use the following guideline for determining
      the   BASE POINT value of an armor piece.&nbsp; As you will see in
the    next   section,   different WEAR locations will have different ARMOR
VALUEs    for  the same type  of  armor.&nbsp; A platemail breastplate is
more protective      than a platemail  cuff.  </p>
<p align="left">        
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="56">               
      <p><strong>Cloth        Level</strong></p>
                             <td valign="top" width="64">               
      <p><strong>Leather        Level</strong></p>
                             <td valign="top" width="60">               
      <p><strong>Metal        Level</strong></p>
                             <td valign="top" width="355">              
      <p><strong>Sample Armor        Type</strong></p>
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="56">               
                             <td valign="top" width="64">               
                             <td valign="top" width="60">               
                             <td valign="top" width="355">              
      <p>Simple clothes</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="56">               
                             <td valign="top" width="64">               
                             <td valign="top" width="60">               
                             <td valign="top" width="355">              
      <p>Padded clothes</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="56">               
                             <td valign="top" width="64">               
                             <td valign="top" width="60">               
                             <td valign="top" width="355">              
      <p>Leather armor</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="56">               
                             <td valign="top" width="64">               
                             <td valign="top" width="60">               
                             <td valign="top" width="355">              
      <p>Hard Leather Armor</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="56">               
                             <td valign="top" width="64">               
                             <td valign="top" width="60">               
                             <td valign="top" width="355">              
      <p>Studded Leather or Ring Mail</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="56">               
                             <td valign="top" width="64">               
                             <td valign="top" width="60">               
                             <td valign="top" width="355">              
      <p>Scale Mail</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="56">               
                             <td valign="top" width="64">               
                             <td valign="top" width="60">               
                             <td valign="top" width="355">              
      <p>Chain Mail</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="56">               
                             <td valign="top" width="64">               
                             <td valign="top" width="60">               
                             <td valign="top" width="355">              
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="56">               
                             <td valign="top" width="64">               
                             <td valign="top" width="60">               
                             <td valign="top" width="355">              
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="56">               
                             <td valign="top" width="64">               
                             <td valign="top" width="60">               
                             <td valign="top" width="355">              
      <p>Field Plate</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="56">               
                             <td valign="top" width="64">               
                             <td valign="top" width="60">               
                             <td valign="top" width="355">              
      <p>Full Plate</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="56">               
                             <td valign="top" width="64">               
                             <td valign="top" width="60">               
                             <td valign="top" width="355">              
      <p>Dwarven Plate</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="56">               
                             <td valign="top" width="64">               
                             <td valign="top" width="60">               
                             <td valign="top" width="355">              
                             <td valign="top" width="55">               
                             <td valign="top" width="56">               
                             <td valign="top" width="64">               
                             <td valign="top" width="60">               
                             <td valign="top" width="355">              
<p>*Higher levels of armor are conceivable.&nbsp; Add 10  Levels per point
         above 13</p>
<p><u><strong><font style="background-color: lightgrey;">Armor Value (The
         Almost Final Defensive  Value)</font></strong></u>  </p>
<p> </p>
<p>Once you have determined it&#8217;s base points, then you will  determine it&#8217;s
         actual ARMOR VALUE, based upon it&#8217;s location, and it&#8217;s WEIGHT, 
based      upon    location, point value, and material type.&nbsp; For example,
a  Banded    Shirt   (7 points) would provide a total ARMOR VALUE of 21 (7*3),
  and weigh    63  (7*9)  pounds.&nbsp;&nbsp;  </p>
<p align="left">        
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p>       </p>
      <p>       </p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center"><strong>Armor        Value per Point</strong></p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center"><strong>Cloth        Weight per Point</strong></p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center"><strong>Leather        Weight per Point</strong></p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center"><strong>Metal        Weight per Point</strong></p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">1</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">1</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">2</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">3</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">.5</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">.5</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">1</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">1.5</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">1</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">1.5</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">3</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">4.5</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p>Wrist (2)</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">.5</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">.5</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">1</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">1.5</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">.5</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">.5</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">1</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">1.5</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">3</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">3</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">6</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">9</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">.5</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">.5</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">1</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">1.5</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
                             <td align="center">2</td>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">1.5</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">3</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">4.5</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">.5</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">1</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">2</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">3</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">1</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">1.5</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">3</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">4.5</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">1</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">1.5</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">3</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="118">              
      <p align="center">4.5</p>
<p>&nbsp;The armor weights are recommendations.&nbsp; If  you wish to create
         a lighter version of chain mail that gives the same armor  protection
     (like    Elven Chainmail) go right ahead.&nbsp; It will not increase
the     level,  it  will increase the COST of the armor.</p>
<p><u><strong><font style="background-color: lightgrey;">Armor Cost</font></strong></u>
<p> </p>
<p>The formula for the cost of the armor is:  </p>
<p>COST = (A*A + V) * ( W/2)  </p>
<p>W = Weight of Armor<br>
                        A&nbsp; =  Armor Points<br>
                        V = material Value</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  So
         our example of an iron Banded Shirt would cost 2173.5 (round up
to   2174):        (7*7+20)*(63/2).  </p>
<p> </p>
<p><u><strong><font style="background-color: lightgrey;">Final Armor Adjustments</font></strong></u>
<p> </p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  After
         you have computed the Armor Value, consult the materials tables
for    any     bonuses that the material may give.&nbsp; This number is a
bonus   per Armor      Point.&nbsp; If a breast plate of full plate is made
from  Adamantite (armor     bonus of 4), it would gain 12 (4*3) points of
protection,  bringing it&#8217;s   total  value from 30 (10*3) to 42. (30 + 12).&nbsp;
Material  modifiers do   NOT affect  the level of the armor, even though
it would have  an effective    Armor Point total  of 14, it would still be
available at level 23!&nbsp;   Consult the Material  Modifiers section below
for an Armor Point reference.    </p>
<p><u><strong><font style="background-color: yellow;">Magic Modifiers</font></strong></u>
<p> </p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  Magic
         should be controlled by the type of MUD that is being run.&nbsp;
If   you     run a low-fantasy MUD, you may wish to increase the Level requirement
    for    items  with magical properties.&nbsp; If you are on a high-fantasy
    MUD,  you  may wish to  decrease the Level requirements for items with
 magical     properties.&nbsp;  Magic  comes in at least seven forms:&nbsp;
 Magic Adjustment,     <em>PropFightSpellCast,  PropHaveSpellCast, PropWearSpellCast,
   PropHaveAdjustor,     PropWearAdjuster,  PropHaveResistor, PropWearResistor</em>.
<p><u><strong><font style="background-color: yellow;">Magic Adjustment</font></strong></u>
<p> </p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  This
         field is available on any item, weapon or armor.&nbsp; If the item
  can    be    worn (but not used as a weapon), then every point of magic
gives   1  point   of  Armor Value.&nbsp; If the item can be used as a weapon, 
 then   it gives   +2 to  Damage, and +10 to Attack per point of bonus.&nbsp; 
 In   either case,   the magic  adjustment improves the item&#8217;s saving throws 
 against   attacks that  damage it&#8217;s  condition.&nbsp; Having a Magic Adjustment 
 greater   than 0 makes  the item magical  (and detectable as such).&nbsp; 
 Every 1 point  of magic adjustment is worth 5  additional levels to the base
 level of the  item.  </p>
<p><em>PropFightSpellCast</em>  </p>
<p> </p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  This
         property will make a weapon discharge a spell-effect with each successful
          hit.&nbsp; As such, it is very powerful, and the weapon&#8217;s level
should       be   increased by twice the spell&#8217;s typical level.&nbsp; As
with all  spell     effects,   use careful judgment when placing spells on
items, and  use your    own discretion   for determining the final level
adjustment.  </p>
<p><em>PropHaveSpellCast</em>  </p>
<p> </p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  By
         simply having this item, the designated spell is cast on the owner.&nbsp;
         If  this is a positive effect, add the Spell effect&#8217;s typical level 
   to   the   level of  the item (at least, depending on usefulness).&nbsp; 
  If having    a  stone of  Invisibility (level 7) is enough to make you invisible,
   then    the  stone should  require at least a level 7 character (if it
did   nothing    else).&nbsp;  On  something as powerful as invisibility,
 you may  wish to   increase the level  even  more.  </p>
<p><em>PropWearSpellCast</em>  </p>
<p> </p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  This
         property makes any worn/wielded item grant the effects of a spell.&nbsp;
        As  a general rule, the item&#8217;s level should be increased by half
of   the    spell&#8217;s    typical level.&nbsp; Again, use your own discretion
when   creating    items  that may  be very powerful, such as stoneskin or
invisibility.    </p>
<p><em>PropHaveAdjustor</em>  </p>
<p> </p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  This
         property makes an item that is in a MOBs possession gain certain
 abilities.&nbsp;        This is a very powerful effect, since a MOB could
 conceivably  carry   a  lot   of these items.&nbsp; The level increase for
 items of this type  should   be  at least twice as high as those with the
 PropWearAdjustor effect.   </p>
<p><em>PropWearAdjustor</em>  </p>
<p> </p>
<p>This property makes a worn/wielded item grant special  benefits to it&#8217;s
<p> </p>
<p align="left">        
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td valign="top" width="79">               
      <p align="center"><strong>Level        per Point</strong></p>
                             <td valign="top" width="468">              
                             <td valign="top" width="79">               
      <p align="center">5</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="468">              
      <p>Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Cha</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="79">               
      <p align="center">1/5</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="468">              
      <p>Hit Points, Mana Points</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="79">               
      <p align="center">1/10</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="468">              
      <p>Movement Points</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="79">               
      <p align="center">3</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="468">              
                             <td valign="top" width="79">               
      <p align="center">&frac12;</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="468">              
                             <td valign="top" width="79">               
      <p align="center">3</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="468">              
                             <td valign="top" width="79">               
      <p align="center">2</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="468">              
      <p>Disposition=(Good, Neutral, Evil)</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="79">               
      <p align="center">10</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="468">              
                             <td valign="top" width="79">               
      <p align="center">?</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="468">              
      <p>Rejuv, Hunger, Thirst, Experience</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="79">               
      <p align="center">5</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="468">              
                             <td valign="top" width="79">               
      <p align="center">Variable</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="468">              
      <p>Race, Height, Weight, Gender</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="79">               
      <p align="center">5</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="468">              
<p><em>PropHaveResistor</em>  </p>
<p> </p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  This
         property will give anyone possessing the item the said resistance
  increase.&nbsp;       This is a more powerful version of PropWearResistor.&nbsp;
  The  level   increase    for this property should be three times that of
 a  PropWearResistor.    </p>
<p><em>PropWearResistor</em>  </p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  This
         property allows an item worn/held/wielded to grant the owner bonuses
    to    various saving throws, or outright immunities to certain attacks.
<p align="left">        
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td valign="top" width="115">              
      <p align="center"><strong>Level        per percentage of resistance</strong></p>
                             <td valign="top" width="444">              
                             <td valign="top" width="115">              
      <p align="center">1/5</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="444">              
      <p>Gas, Fire, Electrical, Mind, Magic, Cold, Acid,        Water, Evil
         (Undead), Justice (thief abilities and others)</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="115">              
      <p align="center">&frac12;</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="444">              
      <p>Weapons, Blunt, Pierce, Slash (reduces      damage)</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="115">              
      <p align="center">2</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="444">              
      <p>Teleport Immunity (includes gate, summon, and        others)</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="115">              
      <p align="center">10</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="444">              
      <p>Holy Immunity</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="115">              
      <p align="center">10</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="444">              
      <p>Disease Immunity</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="115">              
      <p align="center">10</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="444">              
      <p>Poison Immunity</p>
<p> </p>
<p><u><strong><font style="background-color: yellow;">Other Effects</font></strong></u>
<p> </p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  There
         are many properties available in Coffeemud that enable unique item
   creation.&nbsp;      There are inhibiting properties such as the <em>PropWearZapper</em> 
   and    <em>PropHaveZapper</em>  that can be used to reduce the level of 
  the item    (I would say as a general  rule, for every race restricted, 
reduce  the  level  requirement by 2, and for every class restricted reduce 
the level  by  1.)&nbsp;  Other spell effects  may be negative, reducing the
value of  the  item.&nbsp;  Still others may be difficult to determine their
effects,  reducing  the value  of the item.&nbsp;  Use your judgment, or
request the  system owner&#8217;s  advice  for particularly  complicated works
   of magic. </p>
<p align="left"><u><strong><font style="background-color: yellow;">Cost of
         Magical and Miscelaneous  Properties</font></strong></u>&nbsp;</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  For
         determining the added monetary value of an item based on its magical
     properties,    you must first determine how prevelant magic items will
  be   in your  world.    Choose a cost Index between *10 for a magic rich
 world,   to *100 for a  magic   poor world. Each level above the base level
 is multiplied   by this Index  and then added to the base cost to determine
 its final value.</p>
 Final Cost = Base Cost + (Total Level Increase)*(cost Index)</p>
<p align="left"><u><strong><font style="background-color: powderblue;">Material
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  The
         Material that you use to create an item affects it&#8217;s overall effectiveness
          without affecting it&#8217;s level.&nbsp; Make these modifications to
the    item     AFTER  completing the previous formulas.&nbsp; If you use
a non-standard        material, do  not apply the actual material modifiers
(other than value)       to the item&#8217;s Attack,  Damage, or Armor values.&nbsp;
A metal club is   superior     to a wooden club, but  using a better type
of metal doesn&#8217;t  increase the    bluntness (or even relative  hardness)
of the club significantly.&nbsp;     ROCK  is an exception to this  rule.</p>
<p align="left">        
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td valign="top" width="105">              
                             <td valign="top" width="102">              
                             <td valign="top" width="104">              
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="90">               
                             <td valign="top" width="105">              
                             <td valign="top" width="102">              
                             <td valign="top" width="104">              
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="90">               
                             <td valign="top" width="105">              
                             <td valign="top" width="102">              
                             <td valign="top" width="104">              
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="90">               
                             <td valign="top" width="105">              
                             <td valign="top" width="102">              
                             <td valign="top" width="104">              
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="90">               
                             <td valign="top" width="105">              
                             <td valign="top" width="102">              
                             <td valign="top" width="104">              
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="90">               
                             <td valign="top" width="105">              
                             <td valign="top" width="102">              
                             <td valign="top" width="104">              
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="90">               
                             <td valign="top" width="105">              
                             <td valign="top" width="102">              
                             <td valign="top" width="104">              
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="90">               
                             <td valign="top" width="105">              
                             <td valign="top" width="102">              
                             <td valign="top" width="104">              
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="90">               
                             <td valign="top" width="105">              
                             <td valign="top" width="102">              
                             <td valign="top" width="104">              
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="90">               
                             <td valign="top" width="105">              
                             <td valign="top" width="102">              
                             <td valign="top" width="104">              
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="90">               
                             <td valign="top" width="105">              
                             <td valign="top" width="102">              
                             <td valign="top" width="104">              
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="90">               
                             <td valign="top" width="105">              
                             <td valign="top" width="102">              
                             <td valign="top" width="104">              
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="90">               
                             <td valign="top" width="105">              
                             <td valign="top" width="102">              
                             <td valign="top" width="104">              
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
                             <td valign="top" width="90">               
                             <td valign="top" width="105">              
                             <td valign="top" width="102">              
                             <td valign="top" width="104">              
      <p align="center">N/A</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
      <p align="center">N/A</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="90">               
                             <td valign="top" width="105">              
                             <td valign="top" width="102">              
                             <td valign="top" width="104">              
      <p align="center">N/A</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
      <p align="center">N/A</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="90">               
                             <td valign="top" width="105">              
                             <td valign="top" width="102">              
                             <td valign="top" width="104">              
      <p align="center">N/A</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
      <p align="center">N/A</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="90">               
                             <td valign="top" width="105">              
                             <td valign="top" width="102">              
                             <td valign="top" width="104">              
      <p align="center">N/A</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
      <p align="center">N/A</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="90">               
                             <td valign="top" width="105">              
                             <td valign="top" width="102">              
                             <td valign="top" width="104">              
      <p align="center">N/A</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
      <p align="center">N/A</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="90">               
                             <td valign="top" width="105">              
                             <td valign="top" width="102">              
                             <td valign="top" width="104">              
      <p align="center">N/A</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
      <p align="center">N/A</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="90">               
                             <td valign="top" width="105">              
                             <td valign="top" width="102">              
                             <td valign="top" width="104">              
      <p align="center">N/A</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="101">              
      <p align="center">N/A</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="90">               
<p>*Consider each on a case by case basis</p>
<p><u><strong><font style="background-color: plum;">Material Indexes</font></strong></u>
<p> </p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  Once
         an item is completed, add any values from materials to the end result
     to    get the final values for the item.&nbsp; Note that CONDITION is
 a  relative      term  that determines ARMOR and WEAPON damage condition.&nbsp; 
   Different     types of  materials suffer differently from the various attack
   forms.&nbsp;     A blank in  this area means that it resists damage normally,
   and wears  at   the standard rate  for all attacks against that type of
 material.&nbsp;    A  &#8216;+&#8217; means that it holds  up better against all forms
 of attacks.&nbsp;    A &#8216;-&#8216; means that it suffers more  damage from all forms
 of attacks.&nbsp;     </p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  Mithril
         is a special type of METAL.&nbsp; Therefore, any item that can be
 made      from  a metal, can also be made from a mithril.&nbsp; Mithril
has  different       resistance  scores than metals, and has other special
properties,  so  it   is listed  as  its own classification.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  If
         an item is created from a non-standard material, apply those modifiers
       FIRST.&nbsp;  If they don&#8217;t allow for a MATERIAL MODIFIER, then skip
  this      step.</p>
<p> </p>
<p align="left">        
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="#ffff00" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td valign="top" width="86">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
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      <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="86">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="85">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
      <p align="center">-</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="86">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="85">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
      <p align="center">-</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="86">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="85">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
      <p align="center">+</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="86">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
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                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="85">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
      <p align="center">+</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="86">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
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                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
      <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="86">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="85">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
      <p align="center">----</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="86">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
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                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="85">               
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                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
      <p align="center">----</p>
<p> </p>
<p align="left">        
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="#ffff00" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
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      <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
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                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
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      <p align="center">-</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
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                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
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                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
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      <p align="center">-</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
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                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
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      <p align="center">-</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
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                             <td bgcolor="#ffff00" valign="top"
                             <td valign="top" width="85">               
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      <p align="center">-</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="85">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
      <p align="center">-</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="85">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
      <p align="center">-</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
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                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
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      <p align="center">--</p>
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                             <td valign="top" width="85">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
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      <p align="center">++</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
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      <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
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                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="85">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
      <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
<p> </p>
<p align="left">        
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="#ffff00" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td valign="top" width="89">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="82">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="85">               
                             <td valign="top" width="83">               
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                             <td valign="top" width="89">               
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                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
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      <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="89">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
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                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="85">               
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                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
      <p align="center">+</p>
<p> </p>
<p align="left">        
<table bgcolor="#ffff00" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="86">               
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      <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
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      <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="86">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="85">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
      <p align="center">-</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="86">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="85">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
      <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="86">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="85">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
      <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="86">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="85">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
      <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="86">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="85">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
      <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="86">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="85">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
      <p align="center">+</p>
<p> </p>
<p align="left">        
<table bgcolor="#ffff00" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="87">               
                             <td valign="top" width="83">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
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                             <td valign="top" width="87">               
                             <td valign="top" width="83">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="85">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
      <p align="center">++</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="87">               
                             <td valign="top" width="83">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="85">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
      <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
<p> </p>
<p align="left">        
<table bgcolor="#ffff00" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
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                             <td valign="top" width="85">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
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      <p align="center">+</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="85">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
      <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="85">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
      <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="85">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
      <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="85">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
      <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="85">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
                             <td valign="top" width="84">               
      <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
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      <p align="center">++</p>
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      <p align="center">++++</p>
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      <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
<p> </p>
<p align="left"><u><b>Location Layers</b></u></p>
<p align="left">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Equipement can be designated
     as undergarmets or overgarments by a system of layers.&nbsp; The normal 
   layer  of clothing is designated the 0 layer.&nbsp; Negative layers are 
 underclothing,   while positive layers are overclothing.&nbsp; Coffeemud 
supports up to 32767   layers, but it is not recommended to allow such latitude 
in your games.&nbsp;   Your players will become walking department stores.&nbsp;
   The methodology   recommended by the Coffeemud staff (and utilized in
the    crafting skills)  is listed below.&nbsp; Clothing must be applied
from the   lowest layer to the highest layer, and removed in reverse order.<br>
<p align="left">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; To apply a Layer to
     a worn item in the common skills list (or GenRecipe), you add the layer 
   number  followed by a colon prior to the wearlocation (but in the same 
column   as the wear location).&nbsp; An example would be a doublet, worn 
on the torso  would be shown as 1:TORSO.&nbsp; The default location (0) is 
implicitly  understood,   so a shirt would be written as TORSO (no colon needed).<br>
<p align="left">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Clothing in adjacent
     layer numbers can not be worn together (that is, a layer 1 clothing
doesn&#8217;t      fit on top of a layer 0 clothing, but will fit over a layer
-1 clothing).<br>
                There are two special flags for clothing, Multiwear (M) and
 Seethru   (S).&nbsp;   Multiwear allows the item to be worn in the same
(or  even adjacent)   layers   as other clothing.&nbsp; A badge that is M1:TORSO
 could be worn  after the   character is already wearing a shirt that is
0:TORSO  or a doublet  that is   1:TORSO. Additionally, Multiple badges of
that nature  could be worn at the   same time.&nbsp; Seethru allows the clothing
to not  obscure lower-layered   clothing.&nbsp; In the case of our badge,
if we made  it MS1:TORSO, you would   be able to see the shirt underneath
it.&nbsp; If  it was just M1:TORSO, you   would only see the badge(s) worn,
not the shirt  underneath.<br>
<p align="left">        
<table bgcolor="#ffff00" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1">
                  <td valign="top" width="79"><b>   Layer   </b></td>
                  <td valign="top" width="480"><b>   Examples   </b></td>
                  <td valign="top" width="79">   -5   </td>
                  <td valign="top" width="480">          Tattoo, piercing 
                 <tr style="">
                  <td valign="top" width="79">   -4   </td>
                  <td valign="top" width="480">          Hose, leotards,
Hairpieces        </td>
                  <td valign="top" width="79">   -3   </td>
                  <td valign="top" width="480">          Socks, Underwear,
 panties,   bras,  corsets, garder belts, jewelry       </td>
                  <td valign="top" width="79">   -2   </td>
                  <td valign="top" width="480">Tshirts, Camise, nightshirts,
 collars        </td>
                  <td valign="top" width="79">   -1 <br>
                  <td valign="top" width="480">          Normal clothes 
                  <td valign="top" width="79">   0 <br>
                  <td valign="top" width="480">          Normal Leather and
 Chain  Armors,   mitts, *DEFAULT*       </td>
                  <td valign="top" width="79">   1 <br>
                  <td valign="top" width="480">          Normal Plate armors,
 coats,   jackets, boots       </td>
                  <td valign="top" width="79">   2 <br>
                  <td valign="top" width="480">          Cloaks,Robes, scarf,
 overcoat,trenchcoat,    cowls       </td>
                     <td valign="top" width="79">   3 <br>
                     <td valign="top" width="480">          Sleeping Bags,
 body bags,    Heaumes, Golashes       </td>
<p align="left"><span class="453251818-08032003"><span
 class="453251818-08032003"><span class="453251818-08032003"><span
 class="453251818-08032003"><span class="453251818-08032003"><span
 class="453251818-08032003"><span class="453251818-08032003"><span
               <span class="453251818-08032003"></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span><strong><font
 color="green" size="5"><a name="appd">Appendix D: Quests</a></font></strong></p>
<p>Quests are tasks which can be completed by players for  prizes, typically
         quest points, experience, money, or all three.&nbsp; Quest  tasks,
  the    monitoring   of their completion and status, as well as their  availability,
      can all be  automated by CoffeeMud.</p>
<p>The built-in Quest system in CoffeeMud allows you to automatic all of
the following processes:&nbsp;</p>
      <li>scheduling of quests by a variety of means, and managing a quest
      <li>setting special quest-start criteria based on the players currently
      <li>the selection of random mobs, items, rooms, and areas from the
map  by various criteria</li>
      <li>the introduction of new mobs and/or items from saved text files,
 and thier automatic removal when the quest is done</li>
      <li>adding&nbsp;various skills, affects, behaviors to any of the aforementioned
 objects and their automatic removal when the quest is done</li>
      <li>adding scripts to any of the aforementioned objects and having
those  scripts removed when the quest is done</li>
      <li>special variables and designation for making your own logic problem
 quests (mysteries)</li>
<p>A quest is designated by a long set of&nbsp;definitions and pseudo-commands
 called a <span style="color: rgb(204,0,0);">QUEST-SCRIPT</span>. &nbsp;The
 quests are created by an Archon using the <strong>CREATE QUEST</strong>
[SCRIPT]  command from the command line. Where [SCRIPT] is a either a complete
quest  script, where each command line is terminated by a semicolon (;),
or a load  command of the form LOAD=[SCRIPT PATH]. If you enter a complete
quest script,  make sure that any embedded semicolons are escaped like "\;".
&nbsp;An example  of a create script using a load command (the more common
case) is as follows:</p>
<p><strong>CREATE QUEST</strong>  LOAD=quests/murdermystery/murdermystery.quest</p>
<p>All LOAD commands use the resources directory inside your coffeemud install
 directory as the default path. &nbsp;Therefore, if you installed coffeemud
 in C:\CoffeeMud, the above LOAD command will look for the file in C:\CoffeeMud\resources\quests\murdermystery\murdermystery.quest.</p>
<p>Quests may be&nbsp;started automatically (autoquests)  from inside the
         quest script by including&nbsp;the SET WAIT and SET INTERVAL  commands,
       or  they&nbsp;may be started manually by using the <strong>MODIFY
QUEST</strong>          [QUEST NAME] command. </p>
<p>Quests can be listed, to see their status, using the  <strong>LIST QUESTS</strong>
         command. </p>
<p>Quests can be removed from the list using the <strong>DESTROY QUEST</strong>
         [QUEST NAME] command.</p>
<p>Quests can be saved using the <strong>SAVE QUESTS</strong> command. Quests
 saved this way will be restored during the next CoffeeMud reboot. &nbsp;Any
 time the CREATE QUEST command is used, you will need to follow it with a
SAVE QUESTS if you want your quest to remain. </p>
<p><font style="background-color: aquamarine;" color="#4169e1" size="4"><strong>Quest
<p>When creating a new quest using the <strong>CREATE QUEST</strong> [SCRIPT]
         command, whether you use the  load command to specify an external
 script,        or include the script directly into  the create command,
the  quest script       commands are as follows:</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET NAME</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[QUEST NAME] </span>- the *unique* name
of your quest.  This is a required         command! </p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET DURATION</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[#TICKS]</span> - # of ticks (4 second periods)
  the quest will last once started. This is a required command! </p>
<p style="color: rgb(51,0,0);"><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET
WAIT</span><span style="color: rgb(102,51,102);"> [#TICKS]</span> - minimum
# ticks to wait between  auto-starts of the         quest. Required for auto-quests
only! </p>
<p style="color: rgb(51,0,0);"><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET
DATE</span> <span style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[#DAY]-[#MONTH] </span>-
The real-life start-date of the  quest. This is a valid substitute for the
SET WAIT requirement.</p>
<p style="color: rgb(51,0,0);"><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET
MUDDAY</span>&nbsp;<span style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[#DAY]-[#MONTH]</span>
- The start mud-date of the  quest, according         to the default global
mud calendar. This is a valid substitute  for   the    SET  WAIT requirement.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET INTERVAL</span><span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);"> [#TICKS]</span> - random # ticks (1-#TICKS)
 to  wait between auto-starting         the quest, AFTER the WAIT period
(see  above) is over.  Required for   auto-quests!      </p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET MINPLAYERS</span><span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);"> [#PLAYERS]</span> - Minimum number of players
 who must be online         for a timed quest to automatically start. See
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET PLAYERMASK</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[MASKSTRING]</span> - If this string is
empty or not specified,         then anyone is considered a player for the
purposes of the MINPLAYERS     setting    above. However, you can specify
a "zapper mask" to narrow down     the definition    of a player. &nbsp;See
HELP Prop_HaveZapper for the list    of valid mask values   to put here.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET RUNLEVEL</span><span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);"> [#LEVEL]</span> - Normally, a timed quest
 will always run when its        time comes up. &nbsp;Setting a value above
 -1 will prevent this quest    from    running when its time comes up if
another  quest is also running  at  the same   or LOWER run level.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">IMPORT MOBS</span><span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);"> [XML FILE PATH]</span> - this will import
 a list of custom mobs from a .CMARE file generated using the EXPORT ROOM
MOBS command. The parameter must be the path and file name of the file, using
the same format as the LOAD= command mentioned above. &nbsp;This list can
then be accessed with the LOAD MOB, or LOAD MOBGROUP command. </p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">IMPORT ITEMS</span><span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);"> [XML FILE PATH] </span>- this will import
 a list of custom items from a .CMARE file generated using the EXPORT ROOM
 ITEMS command. The parameter must be the path and file name of the file,
using the same format as the LOAD= command mentioned above. &nbsp;This list
can then be accessed with the LOAD ITEM or LOAD ITEMGROUP command. </p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET AREA</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">([AREA NAME OR NAMES]) </span>- will set
 the current  designated area         to the area specified. Although this
 does nothing in itself, it  is   important      for the several commands
which load mobs and items. The area   name  ANY   may   be given to choose
a random area.&nbsp;Several area names   may be  specified     as choices
by setting the first area name as ANY, followed  by your  other     area
name&nbsp;choices, separated by spaces.&nbsp;If   no  area name is  given,
   this will CLEAR the area designation. This can   have  a profound impact
on    how subsequent mob or item loading, or room   setting  commands work.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET AREA</span>&nbsp;<span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[OBJECT]&nbsp;</span>- serves the same purpose
 as the above command of the same name, but the argument is an object specifier.
 &nbsp;See Object Specifiers below this command listing. &nbsp;If the object
 resolves to a group of objects, a random one from the group will be chosen.
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET ROOMGROUP</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">([ROOM NAME])</span> - will set the&nbsp;ROOMGROUP
 to the set specified. If an area has been previously designated, and not 
cleared (see SET AREA), then the rooms will be selected from the designated 
area according to the room name criteria. Otherwise,&nbsp;rooms from the whole
 map will be chosen. If a room name of ANY is given, then the rooms will
be  chosen randomly from the world, or the area if designated.&nbsp;&nbsp;Several 
 room names may be specified as choices by setting the first room name as 
ANY, followed by your other room name&nbsp;choices, separated by spaces.&nbsp;
 If no room name is given, this will effectly clear the ROOMGROUP designation
 (but it will not clear the area designation!). &nbsp;Valid room names include
 map room IDs such as MyArea#123, or key words from the titles or descriptions
 of rooms.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET&nbsp;</span><span
 style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">ROOMGROUP</span>&nbsp;<span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);"></span><span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[OBJECT]&nbsp;</span>- serves the same purpose
 as the above command of the same name, but the argument is an object specifier.
 &nbsp;See Object Specifiers below this command listing.<span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);"></span> </p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET ROOM</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">([ROOM NAME]) </span>- will set the current
 designated room to the set specified. If a room or area has been previously
 designated, and not cleared (see SET AREA), then the room will be selected
 from the designated area according to the room name criteria. Otherwise,
a room from the whole map will be chosen. If a room name of ANY is given,
then the room will be chosen randomly from the world, or the area if designated.&nbsp;&nbsp;Several 
 room names may be specified as choices by setting the first room name as 
ANY, followed by your other room name&nbsp;choices, separated by spaces.&nbsp;
 If no room name is given, this will effectly clear the room designation
(but  it will not clear the area designation!). &nbsp; Valid room names include
 map room IDs such as MyArea#123, or key words from the titles or descriptions
 of rooms.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET ROOM</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[OBJECT]&nbsp;</span>- serves the same purpose
 as the above command of the same name, but the argument is an object specifier.
 &nbsp;See Object Specifiers below this command listing.&nbsp; &nbsp;If the
 object resolves to a group of objects, a random one from the group will
be  chosen.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET ROOMGROUPAROUND</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[#RADIUS] ([ROOM NAME])</span>- will set 
 the&nbsp;ROOMGROUP to the set of rooms up to RADIUS rooms from the previously
 set ROOM. The rooms will be selected from the set of rooms which are up
to&nbsp;RADIUS  rooms away from the currently set ROOM (see SET ROOM/SET
LOCALE). The radius  must then be greater than 0.&nbsp; If the following
room name of ANY is given,  then all rooms in the radius are grouped.&nbsp;&nbsp;Several
room names may  be specified as choices by setting the first room name as
ANY, followed by  your other room name&nbsp;choices, separated by spaces.&nbsp;
If no room name is given, this will effectly clear the ROOMGROUP designation
(but it will not clear the area designation!). &nbsp; &nbsp; Valid room names
include map room IDs such as MyArea#123, or key words from the titles or
descriptions  of rooms.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET LOCALEGROUP</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">([LOCALE])</span> - will set the ROOMGROUP
 to the ones with the specified class name. If an area has been previously
 designated, and not cleared (see SET AREA), then the rooms will be selected
 from the designated area according to the locale criteria. Otherwise, rooms 
 from the whole map will be chosen. If a locale name of ANY is given, then
 the rooms will be chosen randomly from the world, or the area if designated.&nbsp;&nbsp;Several
 locale types may be specified as choices by setting the first locale type
 as ANY, followed by your other locale type choices, separated by spaces.&nbsp;
 If no locale is given, this will effectly clear the ROOMGROUP designation
 (but it will not clear the area designation!). &nbsp;Valid locale names
may  be Locale class names such as MountainSurface, StdRoom, etc, or they
may be locale types such as stone, wooden, underwater, mountains, etc.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET </span><span
 style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">LOCALEGROUP</span>&nbsp;<span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);"></span><span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[OBJECT]&nbsp;</span>- serves the same purpose
 as the above command of the same name, but the argument is an object specifier.
 &nbsp;See Object Specifiers below this command listing. </p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET&nbsp;LOCALEGROUPAROUND</span>
 <span style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">([#RADIUS]&nbsp;[LOCALE])</span> -
will set the&nbsp;ROOMGROUP to the ones with the specified class name. The
rooms will be selected from the set of rooms which areup to&nbsp;RADIUS rooms
away from the currently set ROOM (see SET LOCALE/SET ROOM). The radius must
then be greater than 0.&nbsp; If the following locale name of ANY is given,
then all rooms in the radius are grouped.&nbsp;&nbsp;Several room names may
be specified as choices by setting the first&nbsp;locale name as ANY, followed
 by your other&nbsp;locale name&nbsp;choices, separated by spaces.&nbsp;
If  no&nbsp;locale name is given, this will effectly clear the ROOMGROUP
designation  (but it will not clear the area designation!). &nbsp;&nbsp;Valid
locale names  may be Locale class names such as MountainSurface, StdRoom,
etc, or they may be locale types such as stone, wooden, underwater, mountains,
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET LOCALE</span><span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);"> ([LOCALE])</span> - will set the current
 designated  room to the one         with the specified class name. If a
room  or area has been  previously     designated,    and not cleared (see
SET AREA), then the room will be  selected    from the   designated area
according to the locale criteria. Otherwise,  a   room from   the whole map
will be chosen. If a locale of ANY is given,  then  the  room   will be chosen
randomly from the world, or the area if  designated.&nbsp;&nbsp;Several 
   locale types may be specified as choices  by  setting the first locale
type    as ANY, followed by your other locale  type  choices, separated by
spaces.&nbsp;    If no locale is given, this will effectly  clear the room
designation (but    it will not clear the area designation!). &nbsp;&nbsp;Valid
locale names may be Locale class names such as MountainSurface, StdRoom,
etc, or they may be locale types such as stone, wooden, underwater, mountains,
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET LOCALE</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[OBJECT]&nbsp;</span>- serves the same purpose
 as the above command of the same name, but the argument is an object specifier.
 &nbsp;See Object Specifiers below this command listing.&nbsp; &nbsp;If the
 object resolves to a group of objects, a random one from the group will
be  chosen. </p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET MOBGROUP</span>&nbsp;<span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">(RESELECT) ([MOB NAME]) </span>- will designate
 a set of mobs  with the given         name. If the name ends with MASK=...,
 then a mask similar in  functionality         to the one described in the
 Prop_HaveZapper will apply in addition   to   the   name mask entered before
 the MASK= string. &nbsp;The mobs chosen will be selected from those   in
the   designated   ROOMGROUP (if one&nbsp;is designated),&nbsp; AREA (if
one is designated) or the world. The mobs must exist somewhere in the map
for this command to work. &nbsp;Normally a mob will not be placed in the
mobgroup if the mob has been previously set with SET MOB, or SET MOBTYPE.&nbsp;
The RESELECT flag is an optional first flag which, if specified, designates
that &nbsp;mobs may be placed in the mobgroup even if previously set, so
long as the RESELECT flag was also used in the previous SET MOB or SET MOBTYPE
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET </span><span
 style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">MOBGROUP</span>&nbsp;<span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);"></span><span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[OBJECT]&nbsp;</span>- serves the same purpose
 as the above command of the same name, but the argument is an object specifier.
 &nbsp;See Object Specifiers below this command listing </p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET MOB</span><span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);"> </span>&nbsp;<span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">(RESELECT) &nbsp;</span><span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">([MOB NAME])</span> - will set the current
 mob to one with the given mob name. If the name ends with MASK=..., then
a mask similar in functionality to the one described in the Prop_HaveZapper
 will apply in addition to the mob name&nbsp;entered before the MASK= string.
 Ths mob chosen will be selected from a MOBGROUP if one has been set. Otherwise,
 the mob chosen will be selected from those in the designated ROOMGROUP (if
 one is designated), or the AREA (if one is designated) or finally the world. 
 The mob must exist somewhere one of those groups for this command to work.
 If a room has been previously designated, then this command will bring the
 chosen mob to that room. If a room or area has not been designated (or was
 cleared), then this command will designate a new room and area. &nbsp;Normally
 a mob will not be chosen by this command if the mob has been previously
set  with SET MOB, or SET MOBTYPE. &nbsp;The RESELECT flag is an optional
first  flag which, if specified, designates that a mob may be chosen if previously
 chosen, so long as the RESELECT flag was also used in the previous SET MOB
 or SET MOBTYPE command.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET MOB</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[OBJECT]&nbsp;</span>- serves the same purpose
 as the above command of the same name, but the argument is an object specifier.
 &nbsp;See Object Specifiers below this command listing.&nbsp; &nbsp;If the
 object resolves to a group of objects, a random one from the group will
be  chosen. </p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET MOBTYPE</span><span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);"> (RESELECT) ([CLASS])</span> - will set
the current mob to one  with the given         class name. Ths mob chosen
will be selected from a MOBGROUP if  one   has    been  set. Otherwise, the
mob chosen will be selected from those in  the   designated  ROOMGROUP (if
one&nbsp;is  designated), AREA (if one is designated) or the world. The mob
 must  exist    somewhere in the map for this command to work. If a room
has  been  previously    designated,  then this command will bring the mob
to that room.  If a room   or area  has  not been designated (or was cleared),
then this  command will   designate a new  room and area. &nbsp;Normally
a mob will not be chosen by this command if the mob has been previously set
with SET MOB, or SET MOBTYPE. &nbsp;The RESELECT flag is an optional first
flag which, if specified, designates that a mob may be chosen if previously
chosen, so long as the RESELECT flag was also used in the previous SET MOB
or SET MOBTYPE command.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET MOBTYPE</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[OBJECT]&nbsp;</span>- serves the same purpose
 as the above command of the same name, but the argument is an object specifier.
 &nbsp;See Object Specifiers below this command listing.&nbsp; &nbsp;If the
 object resolves to a group of objects, a random one from the group will
be  chosen. </p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET ITEMGROUP</span>&nbsp;<span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">(RESELECT) &nbsp;</span><span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">([ITEM NAME]) </span>- will designate a
set of items with the given name. If the name ends with MASK=..., then a
mask similar in functionality to the one described in the Prop_HaveZapper
will apply in addition to the item name&nbsp;entered before the MASK= string.
The items chosen will be selected from those in the designated ROOMGROUP
(if one&nbsp;is designated), the AREA (if one&nbsp;is designated) or the
world. The items must exist somewhere in the map for this command to work.
 &nbsp;Normally an item will not be placed in the itemgroup if the item has
been previously set with SET ITEM, or SET ITEMTYPE.&nbsp; The RESELECT flag
 is an optional first flag which, if specified, designates that items may
be placed in the itemgroup even if previously set, so long as the RESELECT
 flag was also used in the previous SET ITEM or SET ITEMTYPE command.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET </span><span
 style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">ITEMGROUP</span>&nbsp;<span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);"></span><span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[OBJECT]&nbsp;</span>- serves the same purpose
 as the above command of the same name, but the argument is an object specifier.
 &nbsp;See Object Specifiers below this command listing</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET ITEM</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">(RESELECT) </span><span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">([ITEM NAME])</span> - will set the current
 item to  one with the given         name. The item chosen will be selected
 from those in the  designated    ROOMGROUP (if one&nbsp;is  designated),
AREA     (if one&nbsp;is  designated) or the world. The item must exist 
somewhere    in   a  room on the map for this command to work. If a room
has been  previously        designated, then this command will bring the
item to that room. If a  room    or area has not been designated (or was
cleared), then this command   will    designate a new room and area. &nbsp;Normally
 an item&nbsp;will not be chosen by this command if the item has been previously
 set with SET ITEM, or SET ITEMTYPE. &nbsp;The RESELECT flag is an optional
 first flag which, if specified, designates that an item may be chosen if
previously chosen, so long as the RESELECT flag was also used in the previous
SET&nbsp;ITEM or SET&nbsp;ITEMTYPE command.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET ITEM</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[OBJECT]&nbsp;</span>- serves the same purpose
 as the above command of the same name, but the argument is an object specifier.
 &nbsp;See Object Specifiers below this command listing.&nbsp; &nbsp;If the
 object resolves to a group of objects, a random one from the group will
be  chosen. </p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET ITEMTYPE</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">(RESELECT) </span><span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">([CLASS])</span> - will set the current
item to one with the given class name. The item chosen will be selected from
those in the designated ROOMGROUP (if one&nbsp;is designated), AREA (if one&nbsp;is
 designated) or the world. The item must exist somewhere in a room on the
map for this command to work. If a room has been previously designated, then
this command will bring the item to that room. If a room or area has not
been designated (or was cleared), then this command will designate a new
room and area. &nbsp;Normally an item&nbsp;will not be chosen by this command
if the item has been previously set with SET ITEM, or SET ITEMTYPE. &nbsp;The
 RESELECT flag is an optional first flag which, if specified, designates
that  an item may be chosen if previously chosen, so long as the RESELECT
flag was also used in the previous SET&nbsp;ITEM or SET&nbsp;ITEMTYPE command.
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">LOAD MOBGROUP</span>&nbsp;<span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">([#NUMBER]) [MOB NAME] </span>- will instantiate
 all (or optionally, the given number) mobs of the given name&nbsp;from the
 set of mobs imported using the IMPORT MOBS command above. If the mob name
 ends with MASK=..., then a mask similar in functionality to the one described
 in the Prop_HaveZapper will apply in addition to the mob name entered before
 MASK= string. This selected mobs will be set as the current MOBGROUP. If
a room, roomgroup, or area has been previously designated, then this command
 will create each mob in that room or random room in the area. If a room
or  area has not been designated (or was cleared), then this command will
designate  a random room and area. &nbsp;This command will also designate
the current  mob to the last one loaded. </p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">LOAD MOB</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[MOB NAME]</span> - will instantiate a mob
 of the  given name from the         list of mobs imported using the IMPORT
 MOBS command above.  If the  name     ends  with MASK=..., then a mask similar
 in functionality to the  one  described      in the Prop_HaveZapper will
apply in addition to the name mask  entered.     This selected mob will be
set as the current mob. If a room, roomgroup, or area has been  previously
    designated, then this command will create the mob in that room. If a
 room    or area has not been designated (or was cleared), then this command
will    designate a random room and area. </p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">LOAD ITEMGROUP</span><span
 style="color: rgb(51,102,102);"></span>&nbsp;<span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">([#NUMBER])</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[ITEM NAME] </span>- will instantiate all&nbsp;(or
 optionally, the given number)&nbsp;items of the given name from the list
of items imported using the IMPORT ITEMS command above. This items will be
set as the current ITEMGROUP. If a room, roomgroup, or area has been previously
 designated, then this command will create the item in that room. If a room
 or area has not been designated (or was cleared), then this command will
designate a random room and area.&nbsp;&nbsp;This command will also designate
the current item to the last one loaded.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">LOAD ITEM</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[ITEM NAME]</span> - will instantiate an
 item of the  given name from         the list of items imported using the
 IMPORT ITEMS command above.  This     item   will be set as the current
item.  If a room, roomgroup, or area has been previously   designated,  
   then  this command will create the item in that room. If   a room or 
area    has   not been designated (or was cleared), then this command  will
designate     a  random room and area.&nbsp;</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">GIVE ITEM</span> - will give the
 currently  designated   item   (designated using the SET ITEM, or LOAD ITEM
 command)  to the last    designated mob or mobs (designated using the SET 
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">GIVE BEHAVIOR</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[BEHAVIOR ID] ([PARAMETERS]) </span>- The
 behavior ID must be a valid behavior class name. The parameters are any
parameters  you wish to pass to the behavior. This command will give the
most recently  designated mob, item, area, room or mobgroup (designated using
the set or  load commands), itemgroup, or roomgroup the above behavior. &nbsp;The
parameters  above are optional, and include any text that would be valid
for the behavior  id specified. &nbsp;The text may also optionally include
embedded references  to other quest objects. &nbsp;See below Object Specifiers
in Parameters below  for more information on using this feature.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">  GIVE ABILITY</span><span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);"> [ABILITY ID] ([PARAMETERS]) </span>- The
 ability ID must be a valid ability class name. The parameters are any parameters
 you wish to pass to the ability. This command will give the currently designated 
 mob, or mobgroup (designated using the set or load commands) the above ability.&nbsp;The
 parameters above are optional, and include any text that would be valid
for  the ability id specified. &nbsp;The text may also optionally include
embedded  references to other quest objects. &nbsp;See below Object Specifiers
in Parameters  below for more information on using this feature. </p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">GIVE AFFECT</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[ABILITY ID] ([PARAMETERS]</span>) - The
 ability ID  must be a valid         ability class name. The parameters are
 any parameters you wish  to  pass     to  the ability. This command will
give the currently designated  mob, item, room, area, or mobgroup (designated
using the set or load commands), itemgroup, or roomgroup the  above affect.&nbsp;The
 parameters above are optional, and include any text that would be valid
for  the ability id specified. &nbsp;The text may also optionally include
embedded  references to other quest objects. &nbsp;See below Object Specifiers
in Parameters  below for more information on using this feature.     </p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">GIVE FOLLOWER</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[MOB NAME]</span> - The mob name is a mob
 which will be selected from the list of previously designated mobs (designated
 using the LOAD MOB, SET MOB, or SET MOBTYPE commands). This mob will be
made  into a follower of the mob most recently designated using the SET MOB,
SET  MOBTYPE, or LOAD MOB command. This command does not change the current
mob  designation, nor does it change the location of either mob.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">TAKE BEHAVIOR</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[BEHAVIOR ID]</span>- The behavior ID must
 be a valid behavior class name.&nbsp; This command will take from the most
 recently designated mob, item, area, room or mobgroup (designated using
the  set or load commands), itemgroup, or roomgroup the above behavior.&nbsp;</p>
<p>                 <span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">TAKE</span><span
 style="color: rgb(51,102,102);"> ABILITY</span><span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);"> [ABILITY ID] </span>- The ability ID must
 be a valid ability class name. This command will take from the currently
designated mob, or mobgroup (designated using the set or load commands) the
above ability. </p>
<p>                 <span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">TAKE</span><span
 style="color: rgb(51,102,102);"> AFFECT</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[ABILITY ID]&nbsp;</span> - The ability
ID  must be a valid         ability class name. This command will take from
the currently designated  mob, item, room, area, or mobgroup (designated
using the set or load commands), itemgroup, or roomgroup the  above affect.&nbsp;
                   <span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);"></span>  
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">RESET</span><span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);"></span>- If a ROOM has been designated using
 SET ROOM, or by any other previously described method, this command will
cause that&nbsp;room to reset, or re-load from the database.&nbsp; If a&nbsp;ROOM
 is not currently set (or has been unset), but a ROOMGROUP or an AREA has
been set, this command will cause all rooms in that set (respectively) to
 reload from the database.&nbsp; Doing either can be somewhat time consuming,
and may disrupt any players in the rooms affected, as it will cause items
to vanish from the floor, and make players and mobs unable to move until
the process is completed.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">&lt;SCRIPT&gt;</span> - This designates
 the beginning of  embedded Javascript         in your quest script.&nbsp;
 The end is designated by a  corresponding     &lt;/SCRIPT&gt;    tag on
its  own line.&nbsp; See the next section  for   more  details.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">LOAD= <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">([QUEST FILE]) ([ARGUMENT] ... [ARGUMENT])
 &nbsp;</span></span>- This command will cause the specified external quest
 script file to be loaded and executed as if it were &nbsp;embedded at the
 current point&nbsp;in the script. &nbsp;The &nbsp;quest &nbsp;filename is
 of the same format mentioned above. &nbsp;When LOAD= is used as a command 
 inside a script, you can also specify one or more space-delimited arguments
 which will be accessible inside the target quest script as Object Specifiers.
 &nbsp;The first argument given, whether it is itself an Object Specifier,
 or a simple string, will be accessible inside the target quest script as
ARG1, the second as ARG2, and so forth. &nbsp;A special case exists, however,
if one of the arguments evaluates to an Object Specifier which represents
a group of objects (such as MOBGROUP or ITEMGROUP). &nbsp;If that case occurs,
 the LOAD= command will execute once for every object inside the group! See
 the discussion of Object Specifiers and Object Spcifiers in Parameters for
 more information.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">&lt;OPTION&gt; <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">([QUEST SCRIPT COMMANDS]) <span
 style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">&lt;/OPTION&gt;</span></span></span><span
 style="color: rgb(51,102,102);"><span style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">&nbsp;</span></span>- 
 Putting quest script commands inside of &lt;OPTION&gt; tags means that, for
every execution of the quest script, only ONE&nbsp;of the &lt;OPTION&gt;
 tags will be have their script commands executed.&nbsp; The one chosen will
 be selected at random. &nbsp;If only one &lt;OPTION&gt; tag exists, it will
 be chosen every time, of course. <span style="color: rgb(102,51,102);"></span></p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(102,0,0); font-weight: bold;">* Note About #</span><span
 style="font-weight: bold;">. </span>&nbsp;In a quest script, anywhere the
 # sign is used above (such as [#TICKS] or [#PLAYERS], you may enter a normal
 old every day number (34) or you may enter a valid arithmetic expression
using real or integer numbers and any of the following operators: + - * \
() ?</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(102,0,0); font-weight: bold;">* Object Specifiers</span><span
 style="font-weight: bold;">. </span>&nbsp;Many of the SET ... commands,
such as SET MOBGROUP, SET MOB, SET ITEMGROUP, SET ROOM, etc, have forms which
allow you to designate their value using an [OBJECT] string. &nbsp;An [OBJECT]
string is one of the following basic quest-script values: "LOADEDMOBS", "LOADEDITEMS", 
"MOB", or one of the following mystery quest-script values: &nbsp;"FACTION", 
 "WHENATGROUP", "TOOL", "TOOLGROUP". &nbsp;Using the SET command in this
way  allows you to either COPY an objects value, or re-designate it for the
purposes  of one of the GIVE ... commands. &nbsp;If the quest script was
executed from  inside of another using the LOAD= script command, and arguments
were specified  from the above objects, you may also have access to argument
object specifiers,  such as ARG1, ARG2, ... ARGN. &nbsp;There will be one
such object specifier  available for each argument passed to the script.
&nbsp;Please note that some object specifiers return single objects (such
as MOB, ITEM, ROOM) and some return collections of objects (such as ROOMGROUP,
MOBGROUP, ITEMGROUP). &nbsp;Object specifiers can also be combined using
+ and - characters. &nbsp;For instance, MOBGROUP-MOB would return the group
of mobs in the MOBGROUP minus the specified MOB while the specifier MOB+ITEM
would refer to an object group containing both the specified MOB and the
specified ITEM.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(102,0,0); font-weight: bold;">* Object Specifiers
 in Parameters</span><span style="font-weight: bold;">.&nbsp;</span>When
specifing  parameters for the GIVE BEHAVIOR, GIVE ABILITY, or GIVE AFFECT
command, you  may embed the names of one or more of the Object Specifiers
by prefixing the Object Specifier code string with a $ character, and concluding
it with a space or other non-alphanumeric character. &nbsp;For instance,
the command:&nbsp;"GIVE  BEHAVIOR Scriptable GREET_PROG 100\; say I love
$MOB!!!\;~\;" would embed  the name string for the MOB object specifier inside
the in-line script. &nbsp;  In addition to this capability, you may also
put a special character after  the $ and before the object specifier to manipulate
how the name of the object  is generated. &nbsp;Special characters are: '_'
(to make the name in uppercase),  '&amp;' to remove any prefixed english
article words from the name, or '|'  to replace all spaces in the name with
| characters (which is very useful  for QuestChat parameters).</p>
<p><font style="background-color: aquamarine;" color="#4169e1" size="4"><strong>Mystery
 Objects in Quest  scripts:</strong></font></p>
<p>In addition to the normal quest objects mentioned above, such as MOB,
ITEM, ROOM and so forth, there are also extranous objects and groups intended
for use when building logic problem mysteries. &nbsp;The commands for setting
 these are as follows:</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET AGENT</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[OBJECT]&nbsp;</span>- Sets the AGENT variable
 to the [OBJECT]. &nbsp;Will also set the MOB object. &nbsp;See Object Specifiers
 above this command listing.&nbsp; &nbsp;If the object resolves to a group
 of objects, a random one from the group will be chosen.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET AGENTGROUP</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[OBJECT]&nbsp;</span>- Sets the AGENTGROUP
 variable to the [OBJECT]. &nbsp;Will also set the MOBGROUP object to the
same, as well as designate one random mob from the group as the AGENT and
the MOB. &nbsp;See Object Specifiers above this command listing.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET AGENTGROUP</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[#NUMBER]&nbsp;</span>- Sets the AGENTGROUP
 variable to the currently set MOBGROUP, selecting at most NUMBER mobs randomly
 from that list. &nbsp;Will also set the MOBGROUP object to the same, as
well  as designate one random mob from the group as the AGENT and the MOB.
&nbsp;See  Object Specifiers above this command listing.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET WHEREHAPPENED</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[OBJECT]&nbsp;</span>- Sets the WHEREHAPPENED
 variable to the [OBJECT]. &nbsp;Will also set the ROOM object. &nbsp;See
Object Specifiers above this command listing.&nbsp; &nbsp;If the object resolves
 to a group of objects, a random one from the group will be chosen.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET WHEREHAPPENEDGROUP</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[OBJECT]&nbsp;</span>- Sets the&nbsp;WHEREHAPPENEDGROUP 
 variable to the [OBJECT]. &nbsp;Will also set the ROOMGROUP object to the
 same, as well as designate one random room&nbsp;from the group as the&nbsp;WHEREHAPPENED
 and the ROOM. &nbsp;See Object Specifiers above this command listing.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET WHEREHAPPENEDGROUP</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[#NUMBER]&nbsp;</span>- Sets the&nbsp;WHEREHAPPENEDGROUP 
 variable to the currently set ROOMGROUP, selecting at most NUMBER rooms randomly
from that list. &nbsp;Will also set the ROOMGROUP object to the same, as
well as designate one random room from the group as the&nbsp;WHEREHAPPENED
 and the ROOM. &nbsp;See Object Specifiers above this command listing.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET WHEREAT</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[OBJECT]&nbsp;</span>- Sets the WHEREAT
variable to the [OBJECT]. &nbsp;Will also set the ROOM object. &nbsp;See
Object Specifiers above this command listing.&nbsp; &nbsp;If the object resolves
to a group of objects, a random one from the group will be chosen.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET&nbsp;</span><span
 style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">WHEREATGROUP</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[</span><span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">OBJECT]&nbsp;</span>- Sets the&nbsp;WHEREATGROUP
 variable to the [OBJECT]. &nbsp;Will also set the ROOMGROUP object to the
 same, as well as designate one random room&nbsp;from the group as the&nbsp;WHEREAT
 and the ROOM. &nbsp;See Object Specifiers above this command listing.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET&nbsp;</span><span
 style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">WHEREATGROUP</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[</span><span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">#NUMBER]&nbsp;</span>- Sets the&nbsp;WHEREATGROUP 
 variable to the currently set ROOMGROUP, selecting at most NUMBER rooms randomly
from that list. &nbsp;Will also set the ROOMGROUP object to the same, as
well as designate one random room from the group as the&nbsp;WHEREAT and
the ROOM. &nbsp;See Object Specifiers above this command listing.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET WHENHAPPENED</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[OBJECT]&nbsp;</span>- Sets the WHENHAPPENED
 variable to the timeclock [OBJECT]. &nbsp;See Object Specifiers above this 
 command listing.&nbsp; &nbsp;If the object resolves to a group of objects,
 a random one from the group will be chosen.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET WHENHAPPENED</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[#HOURS-DIFFERENCE]&nbsp;</span>- Sets the
 WHENHAPPENED variable to the current time plus or minus the hours difference
 specified. &nbsp;See Object Specifiers above this command listing.&nbsp;
&nbsp;If the object resolves to a group of objects, a random one from the
group will be chosen.</p>
   <span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);"></span>   
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET WHENHAPPENEDGROUP</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[OBJECT]&nbsp;</span>- Sets the&nbsp;WHENHAPPENEDGROUP
 variable to the [OBJECT]. &nbsp;Will also&nbsp;designate one random time
from the group as the&nbsp;WHENHAPPENED. &nbsp;See Object Specifiers above
this command listing.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET WHENHAPPENEDGROUP</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[#</span><span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">HOURS-DIFFERENCE</span><span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">] ... </span><span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[#</span><span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">HOURS-DIFFERENCE</span><span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">]&nbsp;</span>- Sets the&nbsp;WHENHAPPENEDGROUP
 list to the current time plus or minus the list of hours-differences given.
 &nbsp;Will also designate one random time from the group as the&nbsp;WHENHAPPENED.
 &nbsp;See Object Specifiers above this command listing.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET WHENAT</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[OBJECT]&nbsp;</span>- Sets the WHENHAPPENED
 variable to the timeclock [OBJECT]. &nbsp;See Object Specifiers above this 
 command listing.&nbsp; &nbsp;If the object resolves to a group of objects,
 a random one from the group will be chosen.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET WHENAT</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[#HOURS-DIFFERENCE]&nbsp;</span>- Sets the
 WHENAT variable to the current time plus or minus the hours difference specified.
 &nbsp;See Object Specifiers above this command listing.&nbsp; &nbsp;If the
 object resolves to a group of objects, a random one from the group will
be  chosen.</p>
   <span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);"></span>   
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET WHENATGROUP</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[OBJECT]&nbsp;</span>- Sets the&nbsp;WHENATGROUP
 variable to the [OBJECT]. &nbsp;Will also&nbsp;designate one random time
from the group as the&nbsp;WHENAT. &nbsp;See Object Specifiers above this
 command listing.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET WHENATGROUP</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[#</span><span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">HOURS-DIFFERENCE</span><span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">] ... </span><span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[#</span><span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">HOURS-DIFFERENCE</span><span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">]&nbsp;</span>- Sets the&nbsp;WHENATGROUP
 list to the current time plus or minus the list of hours-differences given.
 &nbsp;Will also designate one random time from the group as the&nbsp;WHENAT.
 &nbsp;See Object Specifiers above this command listing.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET FACTION</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[OBJECT]&nbsp;</span>- Sets the FACTION
variable to the faction string [OBJECT]. &nbsp;See Object Specifiers above
this command listing.&nbsp; &nbsp;If the object resolves to a group of objects,
a random one from the group will be chosen.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET FACTION</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[FACTION NAME]&nbsp;</span>- Sets the FACTION
 variable to one of the given name or ANY to choose a random one.</p>
   <span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);"></span>   
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET FACTIONGROUP</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[OBJECT]&nbsp;</span>- Sets the FACTIONGROUP
 variable to the [OBJECT]. &nbsp;Will also designate one random faction from 
 the group as the FACTION. &nbsp;See Object Specifiers above this command
   <span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);"></span>   
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET FACTIONGROUP</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[#NUMBER]&nbsp;</span>- Sets the FACTIONGROUP
 variable to NUMBER random factions, or ALL to set it to all of them. &nbsp;Will
 also designate one random faction from the group as the FACTION. &nbsp;See
 Object Specifiers above this command listing.</p>
   <span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);"></span>   
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET FACTIONGROUP</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[FACTION NAME] ... [FACTION NAME] </span>- 
 Sets the FACTIONGROUP variable to the set of factions designated by the faction
names. &nbsp;Will also designate one random faction from the group as the
FACTION. &nbsp;The faction names are space delimited, and names grouped with
   <span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);"></span>   
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET TARGET </span><span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[OBJECT]&nbsp;</span>- Sets the TARGET variable
 to the [OBJECT]. &nbsp;Will also set the MOB or ITEM object depending on
what gets designated. &nbsp;See Object Specifiers above this command listing.&nbsp;
 &nbsp;If the object resolves to a group of objects, a random one from the
 group will be chosen.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET TARGETGROUP</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[OBJECT]&nbsp;</span>- Sets the TARGETGROUP
 variable to the [OBJECT]. &nbsp;Will also set the MOBGROUP or ITEMGROUP
object  to the same (depending on what type of group is designated), as well
as designate  one random object from the group as the TARGET, and either
the MOB or ITEM.  &nbsp;See Object Specifiers above this command listing.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET TARGETGROUP</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[#NUMBER]&nbsp;</span>- Sets the TARGETGROUP
 variable to the currently set MOBGROUP (if one is currently set) or ITEMGROUP
 if not. &nbsp;It will select at most NUMBER objects randomly from that list.
 &nbsp;Will also re-set the MOBGROUP or ITEMGROUP object to the same, as
well  as designate one random mob or item from the group as the TARGET and
either  the MOB or ITEM. &nbsp;See Object Specifiers above this command listing.</p>
   <span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);"></span>   
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET TOOL </span><span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[OBJECT]&nbsp;</span>- Sets the TOOL variable
 to the [OBJECT]. &nbsp;Will also set the MOB or ITEM object depending on
what gets designated. &nbsp;See Object Specifiers above this command listing.&nbsp;
 &nbsp;If the object resolves to a group of objects, a random one from the
 group will be chosen.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET TOOLGROUP</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[OBJECT]&nbsp;</span>- Sets the TOOLGROUP
 variable to the [OBJECT]. &nbsp;Will also set the MOBGROUP or ITEMGROUP
object  to the same (depending on what type of group is designated), as well
as designate  one random object from the group as the TOOL, and either the
MOB or ITEM.  &nbsp;See Object Specifiers above this command listing.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET TOOLGROUP</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[#NUMBER]&nbsp;</span>- Sets the TOOLGROUP
 variable to the currently set MOBGROUP (if one is currently set) or ITEMGROUP
 if not. &nbsp;It will select at most NUMBER objects randomly from that list.
 &nbsp;Will also re-set the MOBGROUP or ITEMGROUP object to the same, as
well  as designate one random mob or item from the group as the TOOL and
either  the MOB or ITEM. &nbsp;See Object Specifiers above this command listing.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET MOTIVE</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[OBJECT]&nbsp;</span>- Sets the MOTIVE variable
 to the&nbsp;string [OBJECT]. &nbsp;See Object Specifiers above this command
 listing.&nbsp; &nbsp;If the object resolves to a group of objects, a random
 one from the group will be chosen.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET&nbsp;</span><span
 style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">MOTIVE</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[STRING]&nbsp;</span>- Sets the MOTIVE variable
 to the string.</p>
   <span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);"></span>   
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET&nbsp;</span><span
 style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">MOTIVE</span><span
 style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">GROUP</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[OBJECT]&nbsp;</span>- Sets the MOTIVEGROUP
 variable to the [OBJECT]. &nbsp;Will also designate one random string from 
 the group as the MOTIVE. &nbsp;See Object Specifiers above this command listing.</p>
   <span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);"></span><span
 style="color: rgb(51,102,102);"></span>   
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET&nbsp;</span><span
 style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">MOTIVEGROUP</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[STRING] .. [STRING] </span>- Sets the MOTIVEGROUP
 to the set of strings specified. &nbsp;Will also designate one random string
 from the group as the MOTIVE. &nbsp;The strings are space delimited, and
words grouped with double-quotes.</p>
   <span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);"></span><span
 style="color: rgb(51,102,102);"></span>   
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET ACTION</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[OBJECT]&nbsp;</span>- Sets the ACTION variable
 to the&nbsp;string [OBJECT]. &nbsp;See Object Specifiers above this command
 listing.&nbsp; &nbsp;If the object resolves to a group of objects, a random
 one from the group will be chosen.</p>
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET </span><span
 style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">ACTION</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[STRING]&nbsp;</span>- Sets the ACTION variable
 to the string.</p>
   <span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);"></span>   
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET </span><span
 style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">ACTION</span><span
 style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">GROUP</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[OBJECT]&nbsp;</span>- Sets the ACTIONGROUP
 variable to the [OBJECT]. &nbsp;Will also designate one random string from 
 the group as the ACTION. &nbsp;See Object Specifiers above this command listing.</p>
   <span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);"></span><span
 style="color: rgb(51,102,102);"></span>   
<p><span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">SET </span><span
 style="color: rgb(51,102,102);">ACTIONGROUP</span> <span
 style="color: rgb(102,51,102);">[STRING] .. [STRING] </span>- Sets the ACTIONGROUP
 to the set of strings specified. &nbsp;Will also designate one random string
 from the group as the ACTION. &nbsp;The strings are space delimited, and
words grouped with double-quotes.</p>
   <span style="color: rgb(51,102,102);"></span><span
 style="color: rgb(51,102,102);"></span>                  
<p><font style="background-color: aquamarine;" color="#4169e1" size="4"><strong>JavaScripting
         in Quest  scripts:</strong></font></p>
<p>The CoffeeMud quest manager engine will allow you embed  Javascript into
         your quest scripts for the purpose of assisting in setting up  your 
   quests.&nbsp;      The Javascript must be located between the &lt;SCRIPT&gt; 
   and  &lt;/SCRIPT&gt;      quest script commands to be recognized.&nbsp; 
<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 14pt; color: blue;"><font
 color="#000000"><font size="3">Javascript is a wholly different language
         than the standard  Scriptable/MOBPROG language OR the&nbsp;quest
script       language&nbsp;described  in  this document.&nbsp; You should
read the&nbsp;JavaScripting       section of  the  CoffeeMud </font><a
 href="Programming.html"><font size="3">Programming   Guide</font></a><font
 size="3">&nbsp;for more information,       as  well as the  following web
sites which discuss the usage and syntax     of  the  Javascript  language
itself: </font><a href="http://www.mozilla.org/js/"><font size="3">http://www.mozilla.org/js/</font></a><font
 size="3">&nbsp; and </font><a href="http://www.mozilla.org/rhino/"><font
 size="3">http://www.mozilla.org/rhino/</font></a><font size="3">&nbsp;.</font></font></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 14pt; color: blue;"><font
 color="#000000" size="3"><span style="font-size: 14pt; color: blue;"><font
 color="#000000" size="3">Aside from  the above information about JavaScripting
         in CoffeeMud, there are still a few  more details to learn about
JavaScripting         in your quest  scripts.&nbsp;Although</font></span><span
 style="font-size: 14pt; color: blue;"><font color="#000000" size="3"> Javascript
          does not require semicolon line delimeters and it will not likely
  cause       problems, you should be aware that the&nbsp;quest manager engine
  will   strip    out  all semicolons as part of its command parsing process.&nbsp;
     For this    reason, if  you absolutely must keep a semicolon ANYWHERE
 in   your javascript,    whether as  part of a displayable string, or a
line   delimeter,    it must first   be escaped:  \;</font></span></font></span></p>
<p>The quest manager engine will also make a couple of  useful methods available
         to your Javascript for assisting in setting up your  quests.&nbsp;
  One    is   the <font face="Courier New"><font size="2">Quest quest() </font></font><font
 face="Times New Roman">method, which, as you can see,  returns a Quest object
         which represents to the current quest script.&nbsp; The  Quest object
     returned    has numerous useful methods on them for doing things like
  determining    which   mobs and items were selected by the SET commands
as described  above   (<font face="Courier New" size="2">isQuestObject, 
getQuestObject,  getQuestMob,      getQuestItem</font>).&nbsp; There are
also methods  for  properly adding    other  such mobs and&nbsp;items to
your quest (<font face="Courier New" size="2">runtimeRegisterObject</font>),
or  for adding&nbsp;abilities,    behaviors,     or effects to existing objects
 (&nbsp;<font face="Courier New" size="2">runtimeRegisterAbility,  runtimeRegisterEffect,
      runtimeRegisterBehavior</font>).&nbsp;    You should  check out the
Quest     interface  for more information on these   methods; they  are located
 in   the file Quest.java,  which is in the com/planet_ink/coffee_mud/interfaces
<p>Another method provided to Javascript by the quest  manager is the <font
 face="Courier New" size="2">QuestState  setupState() <font
 face="Times New Roman" size="3">method.&nbsp;&nbsp;The QuestState object
         made available by  this method contains information on the current
  state      of your quest  Script.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There are&nbsp;several
  useful  properties     of the object,  such as <font
 face="Courier New" size="2">area,  room, mob,     mobGroup, item,</font>
and <font face="Courier New" size="2">envObject</font>     which will refer
to the    last such objects SET by your quest script before     Javascript
was executed.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;     The Vectors </font></font><font
 size="2"><font size="3"><span style="font-family: monospace;">loadedMobs</span></font></font><font
 face="Courier New" size="2"><font face="Times New Roman" size="3"> and </font></font><font
 size="2"><font size="3"><span style="font-family: monospace;">loadedItems</span></font></font><font
 face="Courier New" size="2"><font face="Times New Roman" size="3"> are available
 with any items or mobs gained from the IMPORT command, regardless of whether
 they were LOADed. &nbsp;There is also the </font></font><font size="2"><font
 size="3"><span style="font-family: monospace;">mysteryData</span></font></font><font
 face="Courier New" size="2"><font face="Times New Roman" size="3"> object
 with all the objects and Vectors SET for building logic problem mysteries.</font></font></p>
<p><font style="background-color: aquamarine;" color="#4169e1" size="4"><strong>Final
         Quest  Notes:</strong></font></p>
<p>This stuff may seem complicated, but just make sure you  carefully examine
         the sample quests found in the CoffeeMud resources directory!  Also,
    remember     that quest script errors are always sent out to your mud.log,
    so  check   their  often when starting up a new quest!</p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><a name="appe"><strong><font color="#008000"
 size="5">Appendix E: Socials</font></strong></a></p>
<p>Socials are those miscellaneous and happy little emoting  blurbs that help
make muds a more fun and realistic place for players to  interact.&nbsp; Without
them, players couldn't smile, roll their eyes, or flip  anyone off without
considerable typing.&nbsp; The command line includes a social  creator and
<p><strong><font style="background-color: moccasin;">CREATE SOCIAL  TWIGGLE</font></strong><br>
                        This  starts the creation process for a social called
 TWIGGLE.&nbsp;       There   are  actually four different kinds of TWIGGLE
 we will make: TWIGGLE      (no parameters),   TWIGGLE SELF, TWIGGLE ALL,
and TWIGGLE (to&nbsp;a  target).&nbsp;     This is  type 1  of 4.<br>
                        <em>You wave your arms...<br>
                        Social name  'TWIGGLE' Enter new.<br>
                        This is here in case you want  to change the social
 name before    you   create   it. Doubtful, so just hit ENTER and  skip
                        <em>(No change)<br>
                        Change T)arget, S)elf, A)ll, or N)one:&nbsp;</em><br>
                        This is where you choose the  social type. For type1
 socials,    this   would    be None.<br>
                        <em>(No change)<br>
                        You see 'null'.&nbsp; Enter new.<br>
                        :  <br>
                        This is what you as a  player would see when you
perform  the   social.<br>
                        <strong>You wiggle your  toes.</strong><br>
                        <em>Your action type=MOVEMENT<br>
                        Change  W)ords, M)ovement (small), S)ound, L)arge 
                        This is the requirement of  the social. Small movement
 just   needs    hands,    fingers, toes, lips, and other  small body movements,
  while large    movements    require legs, and often moving the  entire
body.   I tend to  not  use the Words   one, and I leave sounds for, well,
 yelling    and such.  This  particular social   involves toes, thus it's
a M)ovement.     Type "<strong>M</strong>"    for that.</p>
<p><em>Others see 'null'.&nbsp; Enter  new.<br>
                        This is what the people in the room see when you
perform  a   social.<br>
                        <strong>&lt;S-NAME&gt; wiggles &lt;S-HIS-HER&gt;
                        &lt;S-NAME&gt; means Source Name.  Character performing
 the   social    is  the  source. I'll have a list of usable tags  at the
end of   this tutorial      for you.<br>
                        <strong>Others Effect type=HANDS<br>
                        Change W)ords, M)ovement (w/noise), S)ound, V)isual,
                        This is  what others in the room need to be able
to  know you're    performing     a social. This  social involves toe wiggling,
 so I would  recommend  Visual.     If you're curious  about Hands, that
would  be left  for handshakes,  highfives,     etc.&nbsp;</p>
<p>And that concludes the creation of our TWIGGLE social,  type 1.<br>
 style="background-color: moccasin;">CREATE  SOCIAL    TWIGGLE     SELF</font></strong><br>
                        Ahh. Part 2, the SELF portion.<br>
                        <em>You wave  your arms...<br>
                        Social name 'TWIGGLE' Enter new.<br>
                        : <br>
                        Like the above, you don't need to change the name.<br>
                        <em>(No  change)<br>
                        Change  T)arget, S)elf, A)ll, or N)one:&nbsp;<br>
                        Because this portion is the SELF portion, choose
"<strong>S</strong>".         <br>
                        <em>You see 'null'.&nbsp; Enter  new.<br>
                        : <br>
                        This is what you see when you perform the social
                        <strong>You glaze over while you try to wiggle your
 toes at   yourself.</strong><br>
                        <em>Your action type=MOVEMENT<br>
                        Change  W)ords, M)ovement (small), S)ound, L)arge 
                        You need toes to wiggle them,  right? <strong>M</strong>)ovement
     for   that.   <br>
                        <em>Others  see 'null'.&nbsp; Enter new.<br>
                        What the others in the room  see when you perform 
the social.<br>
                        <strong>&lt;S-NAME&gt; wiggles  &lt;S-HIS-HER&gt; 
toes at  &lt;S-HIM-HERSELF&gt;.        Very odd.<br>
                        <em>Others Effect type=HANDS<br>
                        Change  W)ords, M)ovement (w/noise), S)ound, V)isual,
                        They need to see it happen,  right? I would guess 
it's a <strong>V</strong>)isual         requirement.</p>
<p>And that concludes the creation of our type 2 TWIGGLE  social.</p>
<p><strong><font style="background-color: moccasin;">CREATE SOCIAL TWIGGLE
                        Yay!&nbsp;Type 3! The ALL is the Target Name.<br>
                        <em>You wave  your arms...<br>
                        Social name 'TWIGGLE' Enter new.<br>
                        : <br>
                        I  doubt you would still need to change the name. 
You have  type   one   and   two. Why  make 3 different?<br>
                        <em>(No change)<br>
                        Change T)arget, S)elf, A)ll, or N)one:<br>
                        It's the ALL portion of  social creation, so choose
                        <em>You see  'null'.&nbsp; Enter new.<br>
                        What you would see when you  perform TWIGGLE [Target]
 (ex:  TWIGGLE    VIRAX).<br>
                        <strong>You wiggle your toes at  everyone. How wierd.</strong><br>
                        The display would replace the tag with the appropriate
  name,    and   in  this   example it would be Virax.<br>
                        <em>Your action type=MOVEMENT<br>
                        Change W)ords, M)ovement (small), S)ound, L)arge
                        We have toes  we'll need to wiggle. <strong>M</strong>)ovement.<br>
                        <em>Others  see 'null'.&nbsp; Enter new.<br>
                        What those&nbsp;twiggled at  people&nbsp;witness.<br>
                        <strong>&lt;S-NAME&gt; wiggles &lt;S-HIS-HER&gt;
toes  at everyone.      Very   strange.</strong><br>
                        <em>Others Effect type=HANDS<br>
                        Change  W)ords, M)ovement (w/noise), S)ound, V)isual,
                        I'd say another thing they  would have to see. Don't
 you?  <strong>V</strong>)isual.<br>
 style="background-color: moccasin;">CREATE  SOCIAL    TWIGGLE      &lt;T-NAME&gt;</font><br>
                        </strong>Yay!&nbsp;Type 4! The TARGET! &lt;T-NAME&gt;
 is  the   Target    Name.<br>
                        <em>You wave your arms...<br>
                        Social name  'TWIGGLE' Enter new.<br>
                        : <br>
                        I doubt you would still need to change the name.
You  have   type   one,   two,   and three. Why make&nbsp;4 different?<br>
                        <em>(No change)<br>
                        Change T)arget, S)elf,  A)ll, or N)one:<br>
                        It's the  TARGET portion of social creation, so choose
                        <em>You see 'null'.&nbsp; Enter  new.<br>
                        What you would see when you perform TWIGGLE [Target]
 (ex:   TWIGGLE    VIRAX).<br>
                        <strong>You wiggle your toes at &lt;T-NAME&gt;. How
                        The display  would replace the tag with the appropriate
 name,    and   in  this   example it would be  Virax.<br>
                        <em>Your action type=MOVEMENT<br>
                        Change  W)ords, M)ovement (small), S)ound, L)arge 
                        We have toes we'll need to  wiggle. <strong>M</strong>)ovement.<br>
                        <em>Others  see 'null'.&nbsp; Enter new.<br>
                        What those bystanders  witness.<br>
                        <strong>&lt;S-NAME&gt; wiggles &lt;S-HIS-HER&gt;
toes  at  &lt;T-NAME&gt;.        Very strange.</strong><br>
                        <em>Others Effect type=HANDS<br>
                        Change W)ords, M)ovement (w/noise), S)ound, V)isual,
                        I'd say another  thing they would have to see. Don't
 you?  <strong>V</strong>)isual.<br>
                        <em>Target sees 'null'.&nbsp; Enter  new.<br>
                        If you were the unfortunate victim, this is what
you  would   see.<br>
                        <strong>&lt;S-NAME&gt; wiggles &lt;S-HIS-HER&gt;
toes  at  you.</strong><br>
                        <em>Target Effect type=HEARING NOISE<br>
                        Change W)ords, M)ovement (w/noise), S)ound, V)isual,
                        You see them  wiggling their toes, so this would
also  be <strong>V</strong>)isual.<br>
                        <em>You see when no target  'null'.&nbsp; Enter new.<br>
                        This is what you would see if  the target you want
 to use  the   social    against   isn't there.<br>
                        <strong>Sorry. They aren't here for that lovely toe
                        This concludes  the social creation process. Enjoy
 creating   your   own   socials,   folks! To modify  an existing social,
HIGHFIVE  &lt;T-NAME&gt;)     or even MODIFY   SOCIAL PAT SELF) What this
 does is it goes through the    command list like   you are creating that
particular  social, but with the   information that is  already stored on
it. What you  can do  is just hit ENTER  until you get to  the part of the
social you want  to change and  change it  accordingly.</p>
<p><font style="background-color: moccasin;">======= AND NOW FOR THE LIST
         OF TAGS =======</font> <br>
                        &lt;S-HIS-HER&gt; Outputs 'Your' if Observer=Source,
  otherwise     'His'/'Her'.     <br>
                        &lt;S-HIM-HER&gt; Outputs 'You'  if Observer=Source,
 otherwise    'Him'/'Her'.      <br>
                        &lt;S-NAME&gt; Outputs 'You' if Observer=Source,
otherwise    the   Name.    <br>
                        &lt;S-NAMESELF&gt; Outputs 'Yourself' if  Observer=Source, 
  otherwise     the   Name <br>
                        &lt;S-HE-SHE&gt;  Outputs 'You' if Observer=Source,
 otherwise    'He'/'She'      <br>
                        &lt;S-SIRMADAM&gt; Outputs 'Sir'/'Madam' <br>
                        &lt;S-IS-ARE&gt; Outputs 'Are' if Observer=Source,
  otherwise    'Is'.    <br>
                        &lt;S-HAS-HAVE&gt; Outputs 'Have' if  Observer=Source,
 otherwise     'Has'.    <br>
                        &lt;S-YOUPOSS&gt;  Outputs 'Your' if Observer=Source,
 otherwise     the   Name`s   <br>
                        &lt;S-HIM-HERSELF&gt; Outputs 'Yourself' if  Observer=Source,
    otherwise      the 'Himself'/'Herself' <br>
                        &lt;S-HIS-HERSELF&gt; Outputs 'Yourself' if  Observer=Source,
    otherwise      the 'Hisself'/'Herself' <br>
                        &lt;T-HIS-HER&gt; Outputs 'You' if Observer=Target,
  otherwise    'His'/'Her'.      <br>
                        &lt;T-HIM-HER&gt; Outputs 'You'  if Observer=Target,
 otherwise    'Him'/'Her'.      <br>
                        &lt;T-NAME&gt; Outputs 'You' if Observer=Target,
otherwise    the   Name.    <br>
                        &lt;T-NAMESELF&gt; Outputs 'Yourself' if  Observer=Target, 
  otherwise     the   Name <br>
                        &lt;T-HE-SHE&gt;  Outputs 'You' if Observer=Target,
 otherwise    'He'/'She'      <br>
                        &lt;T-SIRMADAM&gt; Outputs 'Sir'/'Madam' <br>
                        &lt;T-IS-ARE&gt; Outputs 'Are' if Observer=Target,
  otherwise    'Is'.    <br>
                        &lt;T-HAS-HAVE&gt; Outputs 'Have' if  Observer=Target,
 otherwise     'Has'.    <br>
                        &lt;T-YOUPOSS&gt;  Outputs 'Your' if Observer=Target,
 otherwise     the   Name   with an '`s' <br>
                        &lt;T-HIM-HERSELF&gt; Outputs 'Yourself' if  Observer=Source,
    otherwise      the 'Himself'/'Herself' <br>
                        &lt;T-HIS-HERSELF&gt; Outputs 'Yourself' if  Observer=Source,
    otherwise      the 'Hisself'/'Herself'</p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><a name="appf"><strong><font color="#008000"
 size="5">Appendix F: Polls</font></strong></a></p>
<p>Polls can be an entertaining and sometimes amusing way  to&nbsp;measure
         the thoughts of players.&nbsp; CoffeeMud supports  single-selection 
   voting      among options which you can designate.&nbsp; Polls are  created 
   with the    CREATE command, reviewed with the LIST command, modified with 
    the MODIFY    command, removed with the DELETE command, and participated 
   during the  login   process and/or via the use of the POLL command.</p>
<p><strong>CREATE POLL</strong></p>
<p>This command will create a new blank poll.&nbsp; When a  poll is created
         or modified, you are presented with a list of properties to fill
 in.&nbsp;        Pressing enter will leave the property unchanged.&nbsp;
The properties      include:</p>
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td>the internal name of the poll.&nbsp; This
 is just      to  tell   them apart when LISTing your polls.</td>
                             <td>the text that is displayed to the user when
 they     participate     in the poll.</td>
                             <td><em>Results Header</em></td>
                             <td>a short line of text to designate the results
 for      the   poll.</td>
                             <td><em>Qual Mask</em></td>
                             <td>a mask to limit the participants in your 
       poll.&nbsp;      This   string is similar in functionality to the one
described        in   the Prop_HaveZapper.&nbsp;   Enter HELP Prop_HaveZapper
 for information           on masking your poll participants.</td>
                             <td><em>Poll Active</em></td>
                             <td>whether the poll is presently available
for         participation,       or is closed to participation.&nbsp; This
flag  is         automatically    set   to false if an expiration date (below)
is used   and        passes.&nbsp;     Normally  a poll must be made inactive
 before   results can be        viewed.</td>
                             <td><em>Preview Results</em></td>
                             <td>whether the participant can see the results
        immediately       after voting, or must wait until the poll is made
                             <td><em>Allow  Abstentions</em></td>
                             <td>whether participants can abstain from selecting 
   one    of  your  options by choosing not to vote.</td>
                             <td><em>Use IP Addresses</em></td>
                             <td>whether a single ip address can designate
 a        vote.&nbsp;       Helps prevent multi-playing users from getting
 multiple        votes.</td>
                             <td><em>Hide Results</em></td>
                             <td>whether anyone other than Archons or those
 with   the    POLLS   security flag can ever view the results of this poll.</td>
                             <td><em>POLL CMD Only</em></td>
                             <td>whereas normally one can participate in
a  poll  either      at  login, or via the POLL command, this flag will make
 it so that        the  POLL command must be used.</td>
                             <td><em>Expiration Date</em></td>
                             <td>optional field designating the date/time 
when the      poll   will  be automatically set to inactive.&nbsp; If this 
field is   empty         or NA, the poll must be made manually inactive using 
the MODIFY   POLL          command.</td>
                             <td><em>New Vote Options</em></td>
                             <td>the list of options the participants may 
choose    between.</td>
<p><a name="appg"><strong><font color="#008000" size="5">Appendix G:  The
         CoffeeMud File System (CMFS)</font></strong></a>&nbsp;</p>
<p>This is a complicated topic, but one that all builders  and Archons should
         understand.&nbsp; Sooner or later, every CoffeeMud  adminstrator
is   going      to want to modify some of the local files in the CoffeeMud
 folder.&nbsp;        This may include the quests, or skill lists, or hopefully 
 the  intro.txt       file located in resources/text directory!&nbsp; Builders 
 will also  want     to add files, including MOBPROG script files that run 
 in the Scriptable     behavior,  item and mob CMARE files for the RandomMobs 
 behavior or for   other    scripts,  Quest scripts, and other things.&nbsp; 
<p>Pretty soon, your directories are packed with stuff customized to your
          mud.&nbsp; This can create issues for back-ups, meaning that not
 only     do   you  have to back-up your database (or your data directory)&nbsp; 
   but   you   have to  backup all those files that have been modified and 
 added,   since  they play as  integral a role in your world as the rooms 
and areas   do.&nbsp;  All those files  can also create upgrade issues, as 
modified  files  can get  accidently overwritten  when a new version of CoffeeMud 
is  overlayed  in your  installation  directory.&nbsp; Lastly, this can create 
   security issues, as  the builders might  accidently delete the wrong file, 
   or make a mistake, creating problems for the  admins as they try to recover.</p>
<p>To help solve these problems, the CoffeeMud engine uses a kind of mirrored
          file system called <strong>CMFS</strong> to store some files in
your     local     directory (your hard drive), some files in your database,
and   some  files    in both  at the same time.&nbsp; When the exact same
file  in the  exact same   directory is  found in BOTH the local file system
and  in the  database, the   one in the database  is always preferred.&nbsp; 
 That   way,  should the file   in the database (called a  <strong>VFS</strong>&nbsp;file)
     become corrupted   or deleted, the one in the  local file system will
 remain    safe.&nbsp; Furthermore,   since&nbsp;files in the  database (VFS
 files)   are always accessed before  the same file in the local file  system,
 you  can overwrite the files in the  local file system with upgrades  without 
  worrying about losing your changed  files.&nbsp; And lastly, CoffeeMud 
provides  a security system that allows  you to grant access to users on a
folder  level, and also to specify whether  the user can access the local 
file system, or  only the database VFS files  and folders.</p>
<p>The CMFS includes everything in your CoffeeMud installation directory/folder,
          and all the other folders therein.&nbsp; In fact, CoffeeMud is
utterly        unable  to  access any files OUTSIDE of your CoffeeMud installation
 folder,      giving  the  server administrator an added level of comfort.&nbsp;
 The   CMFS   is also  able to  access the VFS files in the CoffeeMud database, 
   and to  give them  preference over  identically named files in your local 
   file system.</p>
<p>CMFS employs the UN*X standard for separating directorys and folders.&nbsp;
          This means that the forward slash / character is used when separating
      one   folder  from another when naming a file.&nbsp; The CMFS path
 <strong>/resources/text/intro.txt</strong>         would, for example, refer
to the file  called intro.txt inside the  text     directory,  which is inside
the resources  directory, which is in  your  CoffeeMud   installation  folder.</p>
<p>If that file had been previously copied into the same directory in the
         VFS  database, then the CMFS would prefer that version over the
one    that     remains in  the local file system.&nbsp; You may modify the
file     <strong>resources/text/intro.txt,      </strong>update it, and save
it  without   needing to remember that you  are    really changing a file
in the database.&nbsp;   CoffeeMud will always  remember    to prefer to
the one in the VFS to the  one on  your local hard  drive, if   it has been
copied  or saved there.&nbsp;  </p>
<p>If for some reason you absolutely need to ensure that ONLY&nbsp;the local
          file system version of a file or ONLY the VFS version of a file
is   referenced      by  CoffeeMud, you may do so by prepending a special
string   to your file      paths.&nbsp; The string is double-colon :: to
force access   of a VFS file,      and  double-forward-slash // to force
access of a local   file system file.&nbsp;      For  instance, if the Scriptable
prog resources/progs/myprog.script    is   located   in  both your local
and VFS file systems, then you can force    Scriptable    to  use the  VFS
version by&nbsp;using &nbsp;<strong>::resources/progs/myprog.script     
    </strong>as your path name.&nbsp; If you needed to force Scriptable 
  to   load  the  local file system version of the file <strong>//resources/progs/myprog.script
          </strong>would do the trick.&nbsp; Again, <strong>resources/progs/myprog.script
          </strong>alone, without any special prepended file, will prefer
the    VFS    file,  but will use the local file if a VFS file is unavailable.&nbsp;
     This   is the  preferred behavior, so your Scriptable filenames should
  employ   the   normal path  naming standard except under very extraordinary
<p>Files can be copied into the VFS from the local file system using the Archon
 SHELL command.&nbsp; If you were to go into the coffeemud resources folder
using  this command:</p>
<p><strong><font face="Courier New">shell cd /resources</font></strong></p>
<p>if you now view the directory</p>
<p><strong><font face="Courier New">shell dir</font></strong></p>
<p>you'll see all the files in your local filesystem in the resources folder
         in  your coffeemud installation directory.&nbsp; Now, you may copy
  all    of   the files  in this directory into the *same* directory in the
  VFS database      by entering:</p>
<p><strong><font face="Courier New">shell copy *  ::/resources</font></strong></p>
<p>the copy command here is followed by a wild-card character,  the&nbsp;asterisk,
         to designate ALL files in the resources directory.&nbsp; The  next
  parameter       is the destination folder.&nbsp; In this case, we specify
  our  destination       as ::/resources, which would be the same directory,
  but in the VFS  system.&nbsp;      Notice that we did not have to create
 a VFS folder called  /resources  before    we did this.&nbsp; The VFS always
  has a mirror copy of all the  local file    system folders.&nbsp; However,
  it requires you to use the SHELL COPY  command    to create a mirror of
the  files themselves.&nbsp; Now, look at the  directory    again:</p>
<p><strong><font face="Courier New">shell dir /resources</font></strong></p>
<p>We displayed the directory this time using an absolute path name, just
         to  show you the syntax.&nbsp; You are still looking at the same
directory         you saw  when you entered <strong><font
 face="Courier New">shell dir</font></strong>.         In  fact, you can
enter that command again to prove it.&nbsp; You'll    see    that all of
 the files have little "+" marks next to them.&nbsp;  This  means    that
the files  exist both in your local file system *AND*  in the  VFS.&nbsp;
   Now suppose we did  something silly, like delete our  local file system
version    of  resources/socials.txt. This could be done  with the following
<p><strong><font face="Courier New">shell delete  //resources/socials.txt</font></strong></p>
<p>Notice that we used the double-slash // to designate that we want to delete
          the LOCAL version.&nbsp; Had we not put those two slashes in front,
    it   would   have preferred the VFS copy of socials.txt and deleted that 
   one instead.&nbsp;     Now, look at the directory again:</p>
<p><strong><font face="Courier New">shell dir *</font></strong></p>
<p>This time we displayed the directory using an * wildcard, just to demonstrate
          that we can use mask characters when displaying directories.&nbsp; 
   The    command   is doing the same thing the previous two <strong><font
 face="Courier New">shell  dir</font></strong> commands did, just in a different
         way.&nbsp; Now, you'll see  that most of the files still have the
 "+"    sign    in front, but  now&nbsp;<strong>socials.txt</strong> only
has a  "-"  character.&nbsp;     This&nbsp;means that the file exists only
in the&nbsp;VFS    database, and   not on  our local hard drive.&nbsp; We
can copy it back  to  our local file   system by  doing:&nbsp;</p>
<p><strong><font face="Courier New">shell copy&nbsp;::socials.txt  //</font></strong></p>
<p>You'll see that I changed the syntax of the copy command around again to
 demonstrate some of the previous lessons.&nbsp; We use the :: characters
         in  front of the filename socials.txt to specify that we want to
copy     the    VFS  version of the file.&nbsp; Since the VFS version is
always  preferred       and  accessed first, the copy command would have
worked just  fine without       the two ::  characters in front.&nbsp; The
last parameter  is just two   slash    marks.&nbsp;  When no directory or
folder is specified,  the default   and  current  directory is  used.&nbsp;
In this case, we only  specified the  two  slash marks  to denote the  local
file system, and we  did not specify   a destination   folder.&nbsp;  This
means  that the file  socials.txt will   be copied into  the current folder,
 on the local  file  system only.</p>
<p>There are numerous other shell commands you can make use of, such as <strong><font
 face="Courier New">makedirectory</font></strong> to create new  folders, 
   <strong><font face="Courier New">edit</font></strong> to modify a text 
 file,  <strong><font face="Courier New">findfile</font></strong> to hunt 
down a  file with a given name, or <strong><font face="Courier New">searchtext</font></strong>
         to find a file containing a given  text string. The shell command
 is   a  useful   tool for mirror your local files in  your VFS database
for  safety,     convenience,   and easy back-ups.</p>
<p>The last topic concerning the CMFS is about security.&nbsp; At the top
         of  this Guide, the subject of security codes was discussed.&nbsp;
  Well,      CMFS  provides its own security codes to limit access to files
  and folders      in either  the local file system, the VFS, or both.&nbsp;
<p>By default, a user is not allowed to access any files in either file system,
          unless they are an Archon or have been given a CMFS security code.&nbsp;
         The two  security codes are <strong>FS: [ABSOLUTE_PATH]</strong>
and    <strong>VFS:      [ABSOLUTE_PATH].&nbsp; </strong>In cmfs security
codes,    the [absolute  path]   is a  path name starting from inside your
coffeemud    directory, with  no path-separating    slashes&nbsp; except
to separate  directories  or to designate&nbsp;that the  last  file is really&nbsp;a&nbsp;directory
    by using a trailing forward  slash.&nbsp;&nbsp;  </p>
<p>For example, to give a user access ONLY to files in the VFS database folder
          /resources/text/, you would give the user security code <strong>VFS:
      RESOURCES/TEXT/   </strong>The user would then have permission to view 
   or   delete  any of the   VFS database versions of files that have been 
 copied    into that  directory   from the local file system.&nbsp; The user 
 would  also  have permission  to   create new files or create new directories 
 in  the VFS  inside that  folder.&nbsp;   Directories and files created by
 such  a user,  who only has a VFS  security   code, would not create ANY
files  in your local  file system.&nbsp; All  files   would reside only in
the VFS  database.&nbsp;  This user would not even be   able to copy existing 
  local  file system files  into the VFS to modify, since   he  does not have
  access.&nbsp;  </p>
<p>To give the same user access to BOTH the local file system and VFS versions
          of the resources/text directory, the security code would need to
 changed        to  <strong>FS: RESOURCES/TEXT/&nbsp; </strong>Using FS instead
 of VFS    gives   the  user access to both local and database versions of
 those files.&nbsp;       </p>
<p>Of course, by default, an Archon has access to both versions of the entire
          coffeemud installation folder.&nbsp; It would be as if the Archon
  had    the    security code <strong>FS:</strong> With no directory specified, 
   the   Archon   has  local file system (and implied VFS)&nbsp; access to 
 the  root   directory   and  everything underneath it.&nbsp; For that reason, 
  when limiting   access   to the  file system, it is best to use the VFS: 
 security code, and  to always   designate a  limited directory path in which 
 your adminitrative   user may  play (upload their  files, save their scripts, 
<p class="MsoNormal"><a name="appf"><strong><font color="#008000"
 size="5">Appendix F: Clans</font></strong></a></p>
<p>Clans serve many purposes in the CoffeeMud engine. &nbsp;They provide
a way for multiple players to own property, conquer areas, and exert control.
  &nbsp;They also provide a means of expressing politics between themselves
  and other groups, or even with each other. &nbsp;Clans can allow ranking
 players to order each other around, to create special magical items, to
keep  a collective treasury, to collect taxes from other players, and to
override  normal PK (playerkill) settings. &nbsp;Clans can be tyrannical,
run by a select few, run by elected members, or run collectively. &nbsp;Clans
can even be used as an alternative means of learning new Classes.<br>
<p>By default, clans can be created and managed entirely by players. &nbsp;This
  ability can be removed by disabling the several clan creation and management
  commands from the coffeemud.ini file using the DISABLE= field. &nbsp;Regardless,
  there is also an Archon mechanism for creating and managing clans.</p>
<p><strong>CREATE CLAN &lt;clanname&gt;</strong></p>
<p>This command will create a clan with the given name.&nbsp; You can then
  enter the following commands at any time:<br>
<p><strong>DESTROY CLAN &lt;clanname&gt; </strong></p>
<p><strong>MODIFY CLAN &lt;clanname&gt;</strong></p>
<p>When a clan modified, you are presented with a list of properties to fill
   in.&nbsp;        Pressing enter will leave the property unchanged.&nbsp;
  The properties      include:</p>
<table style="width: 100%;" bgcolor="yellow" border="1" cellpadding="1"
 cellspacing="1" width="100%">
                             <td width="25%"><strong>Property</strong></td>
                             <td width="75%"><strong>Description</strong></td>
                             <td>the name of the clan can never be changed.
 &nbsp;It  can only be destroyed. &nbsp;Name your clans carefully!<br>
                             <td><em>Government Type</em></td>
                             <td>how the players rule the clan -- as a tyranny
 (Clan),  a oligarchy (Guild), a republic (Union), a theocracy, or a democracy 
                             <td><em>Clan Premise</em><br>
                             <td>a description of the clan for all to read</td>
                             <td><em>Clan Experience</em><br>
                             <td>the number of experience points the clan 
has earned,  usually through taxation<br>
                             <td><em>Morgue RoomID</em><br>
                             <td>the room ID of the room where the bodies 
of the members of the clan appear when they die. &nbsp;This room must be properly
 owned by the Clan using a property like Prop_RoomForSale.<br>
                             <td><em>Clan Home RoomID</em></td>
                             <td>the room ID of the room where the members
 of the  clan appear when they cast Clan Home spell. &nbsp;This room must
be properly  owned by the Clan using a property like Prop_RoomForSale.<br>
                             <td><em>Clan Donation RoomID</em><br>
                             <td>the room ID of the room where items appear
 when a member of the clan casts the Clan Donate spell. &nbsp;This room must
 be properly owned by the Clan using a property like Prop_RoomForSale.</td>
                             <td><em>Clan Qualifications</em><br>
                             <td>this is a mask describing what sort of people
 are  allowed to apply and join the clan using the CLANAPPLY command. &nbsp;The
  mask is a standard CoffeeMud ZapperMask. &nbsp;You can use ? for a description
  at the prompt.<br>
                             <td><em>Clan Auto-Class</em><br>
                             <td>the name of a character class which all
players  who join the clan also gain for free. &nbsp;Normally not used, this
field  can be filled in when the Archon wishes to have clan based classes.<br>
                             <td><em></em>Clan Auto-Role<br>
                             <td>the role (rank/position) of the player who
 enters  the CLANAPPLY command. &nbsp;Normally this is set to Applicant,
meaning  that  the clan must approve all new members. &nbsp;Setting this
value to something  else can override that behavior.<br>
                             <td><em>Clan Status</em><br>
                             <td>depending upon your coffeemud.ini settings,
 clans  can be in a state of pending (awaiting a sufficient number of players
 to become active), a state of Active, or a state of Fading (because an insufficient
  number of members has logged in lately, again settable in the coffeemud.ini
  file). &nbsp;This state is changed automatically by CoffeeMud, but can
be   altered here.<br>
                             <td><em>Clan Members</em></td>
                             <td>the list of all current members and their
 position/rank/role  within the clan. &nbsp;This list can be altered manually
<p><a name="appi"><strong><font color="#008000" size="5">Appendix I:  Index</font></strong></a></p>
<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
                             <td bgcolor="lightpink" width="20%"><b><font
                             <td bgcolor="lightgreen" width="20%"><b><font
                             <td bgcolor="lightblue" width="20%"><b><font
                             <td bgcolor="lightyellow" width="20%"><b><font
                             <td bgcolor="lightgrey" width="20%"><b><font
                             <td bgcolor="lightpink"><a href="#rooms"><font
                             <td bgcolor="lightgreen"><a href="#exits"><font
                             <td bgcolor="lightblue"><a href="#mobintro"><font
                             <td bgcolor="lightyellow"><a
 href="#itemintro"><font color="black">Introduction</font></a></td>
                             <td bgcolor="lightgrey"><a
 href="#construct"><font color="black">Construction</font></a></td>
                             <td bgcolor="lightpink"><a
 href="#roomcreate"><font color="black">Creating</font></a></td>
                             <td bgcolor="lightgreen"><a
 href="#exitcreate"><font color="black">Creating</font></a></td>
                             <td bgcolor="lightblue"><a
 href="#mobcreate"><font color="black">Creating</font></a></td>
                             <td bgcolor="lightyellow"><a
 href="#itemcreate"><font color="black">Creating</font></a></td>
                             <td bgcolor="lightgrey"><a href="#admin"><font
                             <td bgcolor="lightpink"><a href="#modrooms"><font
                             <td bgcolor="lightgreen"><a
 href="#modexits"><font color="black">Modifying</font></a></td>
                             <td bgcolor="lightblue"><a href="#modmobs"><font
                             <td bgcolor="lightyellow"><a
 href="#moditems"><font color="black">Modifying</font></a></td>
                             <td bgcolor="lightgrey"><a href="#security"><font
                             <td bgcolor="lightpink"><a href="#xrooms"><font
                             <td bgcolor="lightgreen"><a href="#xexits"><font
                             <td bgcolor="lightblue"><a href="#xmobs"><font
                             <td bgcolor="lightyellow"><a href="#xitems"><font
                             <td bgcolor="lightgrey"><a href="#planning"><font
                             <td bgcolor="lightpink"><a
 href="#linkrooms"><font color="black">Linking</font></a></td>
                             <td bgcolor="lightgreen"><a href="#genexit"><font
                             <td bgcolor="lightblue"><a href="#eqmobs"><font
                             <td bgcolor="lightyellow"><a
 href="#arctools"><font color="black">Archon  Tools</font></a></td>
                             <td bgcolor="lightgrey"><a href="#creation"><font
                             <td bgcolor="lightpink"><a
 href="#unlinkrooms"><font color="black">Unlinking</font></a></td>
                             <td bgcolor="lightgreen"><a href="#genexit"><font
                             <td bgcolor="lightblue"><a
 href="#classcreate"><font color="black">Character  Classes</font></a></td>
                             <td bgcolor="lightyellow"><a href="#"><font
 style="background-color: rgb(255,255,255);" color="black"><br>
                             <td bgcolor="lightgrey"><a href="#areas"><font
                             <td bgcolor="lightpink"><a href="#saving"><font
                             <td bgcolor="lightgreen"><a href="#"><font
                             <td bgcolor="lightblue"><a
 href="#racecreate"><font color="black">Races</font></a></td>
                             <td bgcolor="lightyellow"><a href="#"><font
                             <td bgcolor="lightgrey"><a href="#factions"><font
<p class="MsoNormal"><strong><font color="green" size="3">Generic Item Types
<table bgcolor="lightyellow" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
                             <td width="20%"><a href="#geni1"><font
                             <td width="20%"><a href="#geni0"><font
                             <td width="20%"><a href="#geni1"><font
                             <td width="20%"><a href="#geni1"><font
                             <td width="20%"><a href="#geni1"><font
                             <td><a href="#geni2"><font color="black">GenLightSource</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni2"><font color="black">GenCigar</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni2"><font color="black">GenPipe</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni2"><font color="black">GenLantern</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni3"><font color="black">GenJournal</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni4"><font color="black">GenWeapon</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni4"><font color="black">GenBow</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni4"><font color="black">GenLasso</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni4"><font color="black">GenNet</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni4"><font color="black">GenSling</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni4"><font color="black">GenSpear</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni4"><font color="black">GenBoffWeapon</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni5"><font color="black">GenContainer</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni5"><font color="black">GenCorpse</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni5"><font color="black">GenCage</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni6"><font color="black">GenAmmunition</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni7"><font color="black">GenArmor</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni7"><font color="black">GenShield</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni8"><font color="black">GenBed</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni8"><font color="black">GenChair</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni8"><font color="black">GenTable</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni8"><font color="black">GenBoat</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni8"><font color="black">GenRideable</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni8"><font color="black">GenCageRideable</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni8"><font color="black">GenTub</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni9"><font color="black">GenFood</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni9"><font color="black">GenDrink</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni9"><font color="black">GenWater</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni9"><font color="black">GenFoodResource</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni9"><font color="black">GenLiquidResource</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni9"><font color="black">GenFountain</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni9"><font color="black">GenTub</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni10"><font color="black">GenPerfume</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni11"><font color="black">GenMap</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni12"><font color="black">GenKey</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni13"><font color="black">GenStaff</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni14"><font color="black">GenWand</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni15"><font color="black">GenPill</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni15"><font color="black">GenPotion</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni15"><font color="black">GenMultiPotion</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni16"><font color="black">GenSuperPill</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni17"><font color="black">GenScroll</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni18"><font color="black">GenTitle</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni19"><font color="black">GenLawBook</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni20"><font color="black">GenPortal</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni21"><font color="black">GenClanItem</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni21"><font color="black">GenClanCommonContainer</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni21"><font color="black">GenClanCommonItem</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni21"><font color="black">GenClanContainer</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni21"><font color="black">GenClanFlag</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni21"><font color="black">GenClanPamphlet</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni21"><font color="black">GenClanSpecialItem</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni22"><font color="black">GenWallpaper</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni23"><font color="black">GenInstrument</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni23"><font color="black">GenPiano</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni15"><font color="black">GenPowder</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni24"><font color="black">GenLimb</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni25"><font color="black">GenRecipe</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#geni21"><font color="black"><br>
                             <td><a href="#geni21"><font color="black"><br>
<p class="MsoNormal"><strong><font color="green" size="3">Generic MOB Types
<table bgcolor="lightblue" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
                             <td width="20%"><a href="#genm1"><font
                             <td width="20%"><a href="#genm1"><font
                             <td width="20%"><a href="#genm2"><font
                             <td width="20%"><a href="#genm3"><font
                             <td width="20%"><a href="#genm4"><font
                             <td width="20%"><a href="#genm5"><font
                             <td width="20%"><a href="#genm6"><font
                             <td width="20%"><a href="#genm"><font
                             <td width="20%"><a href="#genm"><font
                             <td width="20%"><a href="#genm"><font
<p class="MsoNormal"><strong><font color="green" size="3">Appendices</font></strong></p>
<table bgcolor="lightgrey" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
                             <td width="33%"><a href="#appa"><font
 color="black">Appendix      A         (StdItems)</font></a></td>
                             <td width="33%"><a href="#appb"><font
 color="black">Appendix      B         (StdMOBS)</font></a></td>
                             <td width="33%"><a href="#appc"><font
 color="black">Appendix      C         (GenWeapons / GenArmor)</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#appd"><font color="black">Appendix
 D  (Quests)</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#appe"><font color="black">Appendix
 E  (Socials)</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#appf"><font color="black">Appendix
 F  (Polls)</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#appg"><font color="black">Appendix
 G  (CM     File   System)</font></a></td>
                             <td><a href="#apph"><font color="black">Appendix&nbsp;H 
 color="black">Appendix I  (top)</font></a><br>