# Miscellaneous string parser definition file extending user input.
# The purpose of this file is to extend the english-language parsing
# system of CoffeeMud.  This file is also intended for use as the 
# user-input translation file for internationalization, mainly through
# the command-pre-processor section of this file.
# This file is divided into three sections: the command pre-processor, which
# allows you to parse and manipulate command strings entered by players 
# before the main coffeemud parser gets ahold of it, the item pre-processor,
# which allows you to parse the names of items, mobs, exits before they 
# are searched for in inventories and on the ground, and the failed item
# processor, which allows you to take another try with the names of items
# and mobs when a preliminary search has failed to find anything matching
# in inventories or on the ground.
# There several commands defined for each section:
# replacewhole "string literal" with "string literal"
#    This command will replace the first string with the second string
#    only if the entire translatable input string is equal to the first
#    string argument.  This is easily the best performing command for
#    doing translations, and should be preferred above others wherever
#    possible and practical.
# replace "regular expression pattern" with "replacement pattern"
#    This command will search for the given regular expression pattern in
#    the string.  If it is found, the string following the with clause 
#    will be used to change the string to something else.  Regular 
#    expressions are exactly as they are defined in the Java API.
#    Replacement expressions may include literals, or a slash followed
#    by a number to insert Java "capturing groups" from the search
#    expression.  The double quotes around the expressions are required.
#    You may escape a quote with a backslash to include it in your expressions.
# replaceall "sub-string literal" with "string literal"
#    This command will search for all instances of the given sub-string in the
#    translatable input string and replace them with the given string literal. This
#    command is good for catching references to hard coded named things, such
#    as spell names and the like.  It performs much better than the normal replace
#    command, but is still far more of a performance hit than replacewhole.
# ignorewhole "string literal"
#    This command will cause the entire string to be ignored by the translator
#    if it matches the given string. This is easily the best performing ignore for
#    ignoring translation strings, and should be preferred above ignore and 
#    ignoreall wherever possible and practical.
# ignore "regular expression pattern"
#    This command will search for the given reguar expression pattern in
#    the string.  If it is found, the entire string is ignored by the translator. 
#    Regular expressions are exactly as they are defined in the Java API.
#    This is the worst performing ignore command, but also the most versatile.
#    Still use it sparingly, be careful with your regular expression syntax,
#    and read the information about escape sequences below.
# ignoreall "sub-string literal" with "string literal"
#    This command will search for an instance of the given sub-string in the
#    translatable string and, if found, ignore then entire translatable input string. 
#    This command is good for catching references to hard coded named things, such
#    as spell names and the like.  It performs much better than the normal ignore
#    command, but is still far more of a performance hit than ignorewhole.
# autoignore <max-string-length>
#    This command will cause any translatable input strings which were not modified by
#    the translator in any way to be added automatically to the section list as
#    a "IGNOREWHOLE" command, thus preventing it from being re-parsed the next
#    time it is encountered.  Because users can type anything, you should be careful 
#    with this command.  If it is used, your file should be re-examined regularly 
#    and the newly added IGNOREWHOLE strings changed to some other command.
# define "variable string" as "replacement string"
#    This command is used to define strings which will be replaced inside of
#    other commands.  A variable definition will apply only to the section in
#    which it is defined.  The replacement will be applied to both expressions
#    and replacement strings in the REPLACE command, as well as in the 
#    replacement string of other DEFINE commands.  This command may be placed
#    before the first section to make it "global" to all sections.
# Escape characters:  
#    the only characters which must be escaped are " with \", tabs with \t, \ with \\, 
#    and cr/lf \n\r.
#    For the REPLACE/IGNORE commands, the regular expression parameter must have all
#    special regular expression characters escaped in order to be matched.  Those include: 
#    . ( ) { } [ ] ^ $ ? * + |  
# The command pre-processor has a few extra features for the replace-like commands.  One
# is that individual command words will be pre-parsed and separated by tabs, which
# may be represented in your expressions by the \t character.  The replacement 
# expression may contains \n characters to denote that the command should be 
# separated into two or more other commands.  Be sure to maintain the \t structure
# of the string in order for CoffeeMud to properly parse your commands.

define "{COMMANDS}" as "get|put|wear|wield|hold|open|close|eat|lock|unlock|pull|push|sniff|buy|sell|look"
define "{1PARM_CMDS}" as "wear|wield|hold|open|close|eat|lock|unlock|pull|push|sniff|buy|sell|read"
define "{EXIT_CMDS}" as "open|close|look|lock|unlock"

# first, normalize diff counters with cm counters
replace "(^(?>{COMMANDS})\t)(.+\t)#(\d+)([a-zA-Z].*)" with "\1\2\3.\4"
#replace "(.+\t)([a-zA-Z]+)#(\d+)(.*)" with "\1\3.\2\4" # This wreaks havoc with room numbers!
replace "(^(?>{COMMANDS})\t)(.+\t)first\t([a-zA-Z].*)" with "\1\21.\3"
replace "(^(?>{COMMANDS})\t)(.+\t)second\t([a-zA-Z].*)" with "\1\22.\3"
replace "(^(?>{COMMANDS})\t)(.+\t)third\t([a-zA-Z].*)" with "\1\23.\3"
replace "(^(?>{COMMANDS})\t)(.+\t)fourth\t([a-zA-Z].*)" with "\1\24.\3"
replace "(^(?>{COMMANDS})\t)(.+\t)fifth\t([a-zA-Z].*)" with "\1\25.\3"
replace "(^(?>{COMMANDS})\t)(.+\t)sixth\t([a-zA-Z].*)" with "\1\26.\3"
replace "(^(?>{COMMANDS})\t)(.+\t)seventh\t([a-zA-Z].*)" with "\1\27.\3"
replace "(^(?>{COMMANDS})\t)(.+\t)eighth\t([a-zA-Z].*)" with "\1\28.\3"
replace "(^(?>{COMMANDS})\t)(.+\t)ninth\t([a-zA-Z].*)" with "\1\29.\3"
# special match
replace "^it\tputs\t(.+)\tin\t(.+)" with "put\t\1\tfrom\t\2"
# command word expansions -- this functionality is normally handled by the base parser, 
# but in this case, we MUST expand the words so that they can match the others
# this is also how we can easily define shortcut preferences.
replace "^(?>ge|g)\t(.+)" with "get\t\1"
replace "^pu\t(.+)" with "put\t\1"
replace "^(?>ope|op)\t(.+)" with "open\t\1"
replace "^(?>clos|clo|cl)\t(.+)" with "close\t\1"
replace "^bu\t(.+)" with "buy\t\1"
replace "^ea\t(.+)" with "eat\t\1"
replace "^sel\t(.+)" with "sell\t\1"
replace "^(?>empt|emp|em)\t(.+)" with "empty\t\1"
replace "^(?>unloc|unlo|unl|un)\t(.+)" with "unlock\t\1"
replace "^(?>loo|lo|l)\t(.+)" with "look\t\1"
replace "^loc\t(.+)" with "lock\t\1"
replace "^(?>pul|pu)\t(.+)" with "pull\t\1"
replace "^pus\t(.+)" with "push\t\1"
replace "^(?>snif|sni)\t(.+)" with "sniff\t\1"
replace "^(?>wea|we)\t(.+)" with "wear\t\1"
replace "^(?>wiel|wie|wi)\t(.+)" with "wield\t\1"
replace "^(?>hol|ho)\t(.+)" with "hold\t\1"
# command word separating and normalization
replace "^place(\t.+)" with "put\1"
replace "^open\tup(\t.+)" with "open\1"
replace "^look\tin(\t.+)" with "look\1"
replace "^look\tat(\t.+)" with "look\1"
replace "^look\tinside(\t.+)" with "look\1"
replace "(^(?>{COMMANDS})\t)(.+\t)and\t((?>hold|open|close|eat|lock)\t)it\tup$" with "\1\2\n\3\2"
replace "(^(?>{COMMANDS})\t)(.+\t)and\t((?>{1PARM_CMDS})\t)it$" with "\1\2\n\3\2"
replace "(^(?>{COMMANDS})\t)(.+\t)and\t((?>{COMMANDS})\t)it(\t.*)" with "\1\2\n\3\2\4"
replace "(^(?>{COMMANDS})\t)(.+\t)and\t((?>{COMMANDS})\t)(.+)" with "\1\2\n\3\4"
replace "^put\t(.+)\tinside\t(.+)" with "put\t\1\tfrom\t\2"
replace "^put\t(.+)\tin\t(.+)" with "put\t\1\tfrom\t\2"
replace "(^(?>{EXIT_CMDS})\t)(||.*\t)north($||\t.*)" with "\1north"
replace "(^(?>{EXIT_CMDS})\t)(||.*\t)south($||\t.*)" with "\1south"
replace "(^(?>{EXIT_CMDS})\t)(||.*\t)east($||\t.*)" with "\1east"
replace "(^(?>{EXIT_CMDS})\t)(||.*\t)west($||\t.*)" with "\1west"
replace "(^(?>{EXIT_CMDS})\t)(||.*\t)northwest($||\t.*)" with "\1northwest"
replace "(^(?>{EXIT_CMDS})\t)(||.*\t)southwest($||\t.*)" with "\1southwest"
replace "(^(?>{EXIT_CMDS})\t)(||.*\t)northeast($||\t.*)" with "\1northeast"
replace "(^(?>{EXIT_CMDS})\t)(||.*\t)southeast($||\t.*)" with "\1southeast"
# multi-item gets and puts with from
replace "(^(?>get|put)\t)(.+),\tand\t(.+\t)(from\t.+)" with "\1\2\t\4\n\1\3\4"
replace "(^(?>get|put)\t)(.+),\t(.+)(\tfrom\t.+)" with "\1\2\4\n\1\3\4"
replace "(^(?>get|put)\t)(.+\t)and\t(.+\t)(from\t.+)" with "\1\2\4\n\1\3\4"
replace "(^(?>get|put)\t)(\d+\..+\t)(\d+\..+\t)(from\t.+)" with "\1\2\4\n\1\3\4"
# multi-items without from
replace "(^(?>{COMMANDS})\t)(.+),\tand\t(.+)" with "\1\2\n\1\t\3"
replace "(^(?>{COMMANDS})\t)(.+),\t(.+)" with "\1\2\n\1\3"
replace "(^(?>{COMMANDS})\t)(.+)\tand\t(.+)" with "\1\2\n\1\3"
replace "(^(?>{1PARM_CMDS})\t)(\d+\..+\t)(\d+\..+)" with "\1\2\n\1\3"
replace "(^(?>get|put)\t)(\d+\..+\t(?<!from\t))(\d+\..+\t(?<!from\t))(\d+\..+)" with "\1\2\n\1\3\n\1\4"
# a little final article clean up
replace "(^(?>{COMMANDS})\t)the\t(.+)" with "\1\2"
replace "(^(?>{COMMANDS})\t)a\t(.+)" with "\1\2"
replace "(^(?>{COMMANDS})\t)an\t(.+)" with "\1\2"
replace "(^(?>{COMMANDS})\t)that\t(.+)" with "\1\2"
replace "(^(?>get|put)\t.+\tfrom\t)the\t(.+)" with "\1\2"
replace "(^(?>get|put)\t.+\tfrom\t)a\t(.+)" with "\1\2"
replace "(^(?>get|put)\t.+\tfrom\t)an\t(.+)" with "\1\2"
replace "(^(?>get|put)\t.+\tfrom\t)that\t(.+)" with "\1\2"
# uncomment the below and remove all the above replace lines to begin accumulating user commands in this file.
# autoignore 100 

