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    <title>The CoffeeMud Web Server</title>
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    <!-- Modified by Josh Mueller, 2006-05-05, fix validation errors, fix format of code sections, add index, and fix spelling errors -->

      <table border="1" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" width="90%">
            <td colspan="2" align="left" bgcolor="#dfdfdf" width="100%">
              <h1>CoffeeMud Web Server</h1>

            <td align="left" valign="top" width="20%">
                <li><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a></li>

                <li><a href="#connect">How to Connect</a></li>

                <li><a href="#limits">What it does and doesn't do</a></li>

                <li><a href="#security">Security</a></li>

                <li><a href="#configuration">Configuration</a></li>

                <li><a href="#virtualdir">Virtual Directories</a></li>

                <li><a href="#virtualpages">CoffeeMud Virtual Pages</a></li>

                <li><a href="#customize">Customizing the error page</a></li>

                <li><a href="#add">Adding new macros to CMVP</a></li>

                <li><a href="#javascript">Using Javascript in your pages</a></li>

            <td align="left" valign="top">
              <p><a name="introduction" id="introduction">&nbsp;</a> The CoffeeMud Web Server is a simple, extensible web server that runs as
              part of CoffeeMud; it uses HTTP 1.0 to communicate with a web browser. In addition to being able to serve standard HTML web
              pages, it allows mime-types to be specified for any file extension; it also supports a simple server-processed form of HTML
              called <i>CMVP</i> (Coffee MUD Virtual Pages) - this allows the server to insert information into the page before sending it to
              the browser. It is NOT intended to be a full-blown web server! This document assumes you have some familiarty with HTTP, mime
              types, and stuff like that.</p>

              <h2><a name="connect">How to Connect</a></h2>

              <p>By default, the public web site listens on ports 80 and 27744 and the administrative web site on port 27777. To browse the
              default public web site, just open up the following URL in your browser:</p>

              <p><a href="http://localhost:27744/">http://localhost:27744/</a></p>

              <p>To connect to the administrative web site, use the following URL:</p>

              <p><a href="http://localhost:27777/">http://localhost:27777/</a></p>

              <h2><a name="limits">What it does and doesn't do</a></h2>

              <p>It supports GET, urlencoded and multipart POST requests, and HEAD requests (I think HEAD is HTTP 1.1, but it's supported
              anyway). It supports numerous coded web macros, as well as inline server-side Javascripts to create custom pages. It does not

              <h2><a name="security">Security</a></h2>

              <p>In the default CoffeeMud installation, the server named admin may be bound to (localhost) - this means it will not
              accept external connections (see below). The servers will not permit access to a directory or file outside their base directory
              tree (which includes mounted virtual directories, see below); attempts will generate a log message and return a HTTP 401.</p>

              <h2><a name="configuration">Configuration</a></h2>

              <p>The default installation of CoffeeMud has two inbuilt web servers, named 'pub' and 'admin'. The web servers are enabled with
              the line 'RUNWEBSERVERS=true' in 'coffeemud.ini'; any other value or the absence of this line will cause the web servers not to
              be loaded.</p>

              <p>INI files for the web servers live in the 'web/' directory off the CoffeeMud root; by default, all pages to be served go in
              <i>web/(servername)/</i>, though this can be overridden. Options are placed in either 'web/common.ini' or 'web/(servername).ini';
              an option in the latter will override one in common. The options are:</p>

                  <b>PORT</b>=xx : <b>[REQUIRED]</b> <i>(e.g. PORT=80)</i> <i>(e.g. PORT=80,27744)</i> 

                  <p>Sets the port number the web server will listen for HTTP requests on; this cannot be the same port as the main MUD server
                  or another web servers. This list may be comma delimited to start more than one instance on different ports. Normally this
                  would go in <i>web/(servername).ini</i>.</p>

                  <b>BACKLOG</b>=xx : <i>(e.g. BACKLOG=10)</i> 

                  <p>Sets the number of requests that can be queued by the internal TCP/IP stack. Identical to MUD server usage.</p>

                  <b>BIND</b>=addr : <i>(e.g. BIND=</i> 

                  <p>Causes the server to be bound to a specific address; this is useful on multi-homed machines or if you wish to prevent
                  public access to the pages. Identical to MUD server usage.</p>

                  <p class="bold">The Admin server should be bound to localhost (or unless you really know what you're doing...</p>

                  <b>DEFAULTFILE</b>=filename : <b>[REQUIRED]</b> <i>(e.g. DEFAULTFILE=index.html)</i> 

                  <p>Sets the default filename to be appended if none is specified in the request (or the request refers to a directory - in
                  which case the browser will get a 401 Unauthorized rather than a 404 Not Found if this file doesn't exist).</p>

                  <b>VIRTUALPAGEEXTENSION</b>=.xxxx : <b>[REQUIRED]</b> <i>(e.g. VIRTUALPAGEEXTENSION=CMVP)</i> 

                  <p>Allows you to change the file extension for server-processed files to whatever takes your fancy. Note that the leading dot
                  is required; you should set MIME.xxxx=text/html, unless you're being clever and serving server-processed plaintext or
                  something. At the moment, the web server only supports one VIRTUALPAGEEXTENSION.</p>

                  <b>MIME.xxxx</b>=.yyyy/zzzz : <b>[A GOOD IDEA TO SPECIFY!]</b> <i>(e.g. MIME.HTML=text/html, MIME.JPEG=image/jpg)</i> 

                  <p>Allows you to specify a mime type for file extension xxxx; some useful mime types include <code>text/html</code>,
                  <code>text/plain</code>, <code>image/gif</code> and <code>image/jpg</code>. If no mime type is specified for an extension, it
                  defaults to <code>application/octet-stream</code> - which is to say, raw binary; for this reason, it's usually a good idea to
                  specify at least <code>MIME.HTM=text/html</code> and <code>MIME.HTML=text/html</code> - it's also good manners to specify
                  <code>MIME.CLASS=application/octet-stream</code> if you intend to be running java applets on the web pages. Normally these
                  would be placed in <i>web/common.ini</i>.</p>

                  <b>ADMIN</b>= true 

                  <p>allows admin macros to run on this server (see below).</p>


                  <p>allows you to override the web-page directory that this server uses - default is <i>web/(servername)</i>. Servers can
                  share base directories.</p>


                  <p>allows you to override the web-page template directory that this server uses - default is BASEDIRECTORY +
                  <i>.templates</i>. The template directory is where pages such as <i>error.cmvp</i> are placed. Servers can share template

              <h2><a name="virtualdir">Virtual Directories</a></h2>

              <p>This is a quick-and-dirty directory mounting method; using an operating-system specific method would be preferable.
              Nevertheless, you can specify <b>MOUNT/virtualdir=physicaldir</b> in a server cfg file; for example, <b>MOUNT/guides=guides</b>
              creates a virtual directory with access to the player guides. Now the limitation - URLs that do things like this:
              <b>/guides/..</b> won't work; this means you can't link BACK from a virtual directory with a RELATIVE link, unless you rely on
              the user's browser to preprocess the URL and remove redundancies; instead, specify a path from the root ('/') - e.g., instead of
              ../index.cmvp specify /index.cmvp.</p>

              <h2><a name="virtualpages">CoffeeMud Virtual Pages</a></h2>

              <p>Kind of misnamed (these pages in their original, very different incarnation didn't exist at all), this is typically a HTML or
              plaintext file that is preprocessed by the server before being dispatched to the browser. Preprocessing is a simple
              search-and-replace; NO ACCOUNT is taken of where the macro appears within the file (ie, macros within comments or quoted strings
              will be replaced).</p>

              <p>Macros are always surrounded by the AT sign (@), and are thus delineated in the page. Any parameters required for a macro
              always follow the macro name and a Question Mark (?). Further parameters are separated by the Ampersand (&amp;) character. Each
              parameter may optionally be an equation, where the name is on the left of an equal sign, and its value on the right. An example
              of all this in action would be:</p>


              <p>Macros may be embedded in each other ONLY if the embedded macros are part of the parameters of the host macro, which means
              they must follow the Question Mark. Also, for each level of embedding, an extra At sign (@) character is used around the macro.
              To avoid confusion, the closing At signs (@) should be separated by spaces. Here is an example of embedded Macros (in this case,
              two macros are used for each of two parameters to a first macro (MacroOne):</p>

              <p>@MacroOne?@@MacroTwo?PARM@@&amp;@@MacroThree?PARM@@ @</p>

              <p>Notice the space before the final At sign (@). Now, here is an example of double-embedding, where MacroThree is embedded as
              the parameter to MacroTwo, which is embedded as the parameter to MacroOne:</p>

              <p>@MacroOne?@@MacroTwo?@@@MacroThree?PARM@@@ @@ @</p>

              <p>Here are the macros defined so far. Keep in mind the difference between a Macro parameter (things which follow the first
              Question mark in a macro), and a Request Parameter (data submitted from a &lt;FORM&gt; on a web page, or on the URL line of a GET
              request). Macro parms will be abbreviated to MacParm, while Request Parameters will be abbreviated to ReqParm.</p>

              <table bgcolor="#afeeee" border="1" width="100%">
                    <td width="25%"><b>Macro</b> </td>

                    <td><b>Description</b> </td>


                    <td>Sets the ReqParam ABILITY to the next Ability which no class qualifies for. MacParms may include the types of Abilities
                    to show. ABILITYTYPE ReqParm may also be set to an Ability type to show. A MacParm of NOT negates the list. Returns @break@
                    when the list has been completed, or "" if MacParm "EMPTYOK" found. Accepts MacParm of RESET to restart listing.</td>


                    <td>Requires ReqParm ABILITY be set an an Ability ID. Returns information about the ability from the Macro parms. Valid
                    MacParms include help, ranges, quality, target, alignment, domain, qualifyQ (if ReqParm CLASS is set to a valid character
                    class), auto.</td>


                    <td>Sets the ReqParam DOMAIN to the next Spell Domain. Returns @break@ when the list has been completed, or "" if MacParm
                    "EMPTYOK" found. Accepts MacParm of RESET to restart listing.</td>


                    <td>Requires ReqParm ABILITY be set an an Ability ID. Returns that ID.</td>


                    <td>Requires ReqParm ABILITY be set an an Ability ID. Returns the name of the Ability designated.</td>


                    <td>This Macro is a mess -- it iterates through player abilities. The simplest way to use it is to set ReqParm PLAYER to a
                    valid player name, call it with MacParm RESET to clear ABILITY ReqParm. Call it with MacParm NEXT to set ABILITY ReqParm to
                    next ability the player has.</td>


                    <td>This iterates through deity blessings. Set ReqParm DEITY to a valid deity name, call it with MacParm RESET to clear
                    ABILITY ReqParm. Call it with MacParm NEXT to set ABILITY ReqParm to next blessing the deity has.</td>


                    <td>This iterates through deity curses. Set ReqParm DEITY to a valid deity name, call it with MacParm RESET to clear
                    ABILITY ReqParm. Call it with MacParm NEXT to set ABILITY ReqParm to next curse the deity has.</td>


                    <td>This iterates through racial abilities. Set ReqParm RACE to a valid race name, call it with MacParm RESET to clear
                    ABILITY ReqParm. Call it with MacParm NEXT to set ABILITY ReqParm to next ability the race has.</td>


                    <td>This iterates through deity curses. Set ReqParm DEITY to a valid deity name, call it with MacParm RESET to clear
                    ABILITY ReqParm. Call it with MacParm NEXT to set ABILITY ReqParm to next power the deity might give.</td>


                    <td>Sets the ReqParm ABILITYTYPE to the next Ability Type. Returns @break@ when the list has been completed, or "" if
                    MacParm "EMPTYOK" found. Accepts MacParm of RESET to restart listing.</td>


                    <td>The parameters for this macro are a list of file names. Inserts the contents of the files into the current document. If
                    the MacParm "WEBIFY" precedes a file name in the list, then the macro will reformat the text file for the web, translating
                    any CoffeeMud color codes, spaces, line breaks, and other special characters not normally displayable on the web.</td>


                    <td>The parameters for this macro are a list of file names. This macro inserts the contents of one of the files at random
                    into the current document. If the parameter LINKONLY is included, this macro will instead insert the path and file name of
                    the random file.</td>


                    <td>The parameters for this macro are a list of directory names. This macro inserts the contents of one of the files at
                    random from one of the directories into the current document. If the parameter LINKONLY is included, this macro will
                    instead insert the path and file name of the random file.</td>


                    <td>The parameters for this macro are one or more ReqParm names and values. For example
                    @AddRequestParameter?PARM1=VALUE&amp;PARM2=VALUE@. This is usually used to provide literal data for other macros which may
                    require certain Request parameter data.</td>


                    <td>Requires ReqParm AREA be set to a valid area name. Returns information about that area depending on the MacParms. Valid
                    TODCODE, WEATHER, MOON, STATS</td>


                    <td>Requires ReqParm AREA be set to a valid area name. Returns that name.</td>


                    <td>Requires ReqParm AREA be set to a valid area name. Returns that name encoded for an HTTP GET request.</td>


                    <td>Sets the ReqParm AREA to the next Area. Returns @break@ when the list has been completed, or "" if MacParm "EMPTYOK"
                    found. Accepts MacParm of RESET to restart listing.</td>


                    <td>Returns a formatted HTML table containing all the areas currently installed in the game; as with @PLAYERLIST@, the
                    enclosing &lt;TABLE&gt;..&lt;/TABLE&gt; must still be specified. Each &lt;TD&gt; element has style-sheet class
                    <i>cmAreaTblEntry</i>. The area list may only be obtained while the mud server is running; otherwise a simple table
                    containing a game-not-running message is returned.</td>


                    <td>Requires ReqParms LOGIN and PASSWORD to be unencrypted login data, or AUTH to be encrypted login data. If MacParm AUTH
                    specified, will return the encrypted login data. Otherwise, returns "true" if login is valid, and "false" otherwise.</td>


                    <td>Denotes the looping point for a @loop@ block. See the @loop@ macro.</td>


                    <td>Handles the banned user list. MacParm RESET will clear ReqParm BANNEDONE. MacParm NEXT will set BANNEDONE to the next
                    banned user or ip. MacParm NEXT returns @break@ when the list has been completed, or "" if MacParm "EMPTYOK" also found.
                    MacParm DELETE will delete banneded name/ip that ReqParm BANNEDONE is se to. MacParm ADD will create a new banned name/ip
                    from ReqParm NEWBANNEDONE.</td>


                    <td>Requires ReqParm&nbsp;BANKCHAIN and either PLAYER or CLAN be set to a valid name. Accepts MacParm HASACCT, BALANCE,


                    <td>Returns the value of ReqParm BANKCHAIN.</td>


                    <td>Sets the ReqParm&nbsp;BANKCHAIN to the next existing bank chain. If ReqParm PLAYER or CLAN is non-empty, will return
                    only chains where the name given has an account with the chain. &nbsp;Returns @break@ when the list has been completed, or
                    "" if MacParm "EMPTYOK" found. Accepts MacParm of RESET to restart listing.</td>


                    <td>Requires ReqParm BASECLASS be set to a valid base character class id. Returns the name of that class.</td>


                    <td>Sets the ReqParm BASECLASS to the next base character class. Returns @break@ when the list has been completed, or "" if
                    MacParm "EMPTYOK" found. Accepts MacParm of RESET to restart listing.</td>


                    <td>Requires ReqParm BEHAVIOR be set to a valid behavior id. Accepts MacParm HELP.</td>


                    <td>Requires ReqParm BEHAVIOR be set to a valid behavior id. Returns that ID.</td>


                    <td>Stops inserting text into a web page at the current point, skips ahead to the next @back@ macro found, and starts
                    again. If no @back@ macro is found, the page will not continue to be evaluated. See the @loop@ macro. This macro is
                    actually returned by many other macros as a means of creating breaks in loops.</td>


                    <td>Requires ReqParms LOGIN and PASSWORD to be unencrypted login data, or AUTH to be encrypted login data. Also requires
                    CHANNEL to be the name of a valid channel. Returns the next available channel message, and sets ReqParm CHANNELBACKLOGNUM.
                    Will not break out if MacParm EMPTYOK is given.</td>


                    <td>Requires ReqParms LOGIN and PASSWORD to be unencrypted login data, or AUTH to be encrypted login data. Returns the next
                    available channel in ReqParm CHANNEL. Will clear out if MacParm RESET is given.</td>


                    <td>Requires ReqParm CLASS be set to a valid character class id. Returns data about this class depending on MacParms found.
                    Valid MacParms include: help, playable, max stats, pracs, trains, hitpoints, mana, movement, attack, weapons, armor,
                    limits, bonuses, prime, quals, startingeq.</td>


                    <td>Requires ReqParm CLASS be set to a valid character class id. Returns that ID.</td>


                    <td>Requires ReqParm CLASS be set to a valid character class id. Returns the name of that class.</td>


                    <td>Sets the ReqParm CLASS to the next character class. List may be limited by ReqParm BASECLASS if found. Returns @break@
                    when the list has been completed, or "" if MacParm "EMPTYOK" found. Accepts MacParm of RESET to restart listing.</td>


                    <td>Evaluates to the string "true" if the specified Request parameters is equal to the values for them given. For example,
                    @CheckReqParm?PARM=VALUE@ would return "true" if the PARM request parameter is "VALUE", and "false" otherwise. See the
                    @if?@ macro for more information on how this may be useful.</td>


                    <td>Evaulates to the string " @break@" (see the break macro) if the specified Request parameters are equal to the values
                    given. It returns "" otherwise. For example, @ChkReqParmBreak?PARM=VALUE@ would return " @break@" if PARM is equal to
                    VALUE, and "" otherwise. See the @loop@ macro for more information on how this might be useful.</td>


                    <td>Requires ReqParm CLAN be set to a valid clan id. Returns information about that clan depending on MacParms found. Valid
                    CLANIDRELATIONS (also requires ReqParm CLANID), MEMBERSTART (sets ReqParm CLANMEMBER; like ClanNext?RESET, but for clan
                    members list), MEMBERNEXT (goes with MEMBERSTART), MEMBERNAME, MEMBERPOS (these last two require MEMBERSTART/MEMBERNEXT


                    <td>Requires ReqParm CLAN be set to a valid clan id. Returns the id.</td>


                    <td>Sets the ReqParm CLAN to the next clan found. Returns @break@ when the list has been completed, or "" if MacParm
                    "EMPTYOK" found. Accepts MacParm of RESET to restart listing.</td>


                    <td>Requires ReqParm CLASS be set to a valid character class id. Sets the ReqParm RACE to the next race qualified for the
                    given class. Returns @break@ when the list has been completed, or "" if MacParm "EMPTYOK" found. Accepts MacParm of RESET
                    to restart listing.</td>


                    <td>Returns a full HTML table of classes and abilities.</td>


                    <td>Requires ReqParm EXPERTISE be set to a valid expertise id. Returns information about that expertise depending on
                    MacParms found. Valid MacParms include: NAME, HELP, COST, REQUIRES.</td>


                    <td>Requires ReqParm EXPERTISE be set to a valid expertise id. Returns the id.</td>


                    <td>Sets the ReqParm EXPERTISE to the next expertise found. Returns @break@ when the list has been completed, or "" if
                    MacParm "EMPTYOK" found. Accepts MacParm of RESET to restart listing.</td>


                    <td>Creates an exception to an @if?@ macro.</td>


                    <td>Denotes the end of an @if?@ block. See the @if?@ macro.</td>


                    <td>MUDGrinder support macro for showing exit data on maps. Too complicated to describe.</td>


                    <td>Handles the showing of help topics. MacParm RESET will clear ReqParm HELPTOPIC and HELPFIRSTLETTER. MacParm NEXT will
                    set HELPTOPIC to the next help topic depending on other MacParms found (SHORT to not include abilities, ARCHON to show only
                    Archon Help, BOTH to show Archon and Player Help, FIRSTLETTER=val to show only those with starting letter (ReqParm
                    HELPFIRSTLETTER does the same). MacParm NEXT returns @break@ when the list has been completed, or "" if MacParm "EMPTYOK"
                    also found. MacParm NEXTLETTER sets ReqParm HELPFIRSTLETTER to next letter in the alphabet, returning @break@ when done.
                    MacParm DATA returns the help text denoted by ReqParm HELPTOPIC.</td>


                    <td>Returns the client's IP address.</td>


                    <td>Returns the http return code; this is normally of no use ("200 OK") unless customising the error page.</td>


                    <td>Returns additional http status information; this is normally of no use unless customising the error page.</td>


                    <td>The Single, Required parameter for this macro is another macro name which evaluates to the words "true" or something
                    else (which is defined as false). That macro does not follow the embedding rules above. This macro requires an @endif@
                    macro, and may optionally have an @else@ macro. The "!" character may follow the "?" to negate the value of the expression.
                    For example: @if?CheckReqParm?PARM=VALUE@ @if?!CheckReqParm?PARM=VALUE@ would return true and false (or vis-versa)
                    depending whether the request parameter PARM was equal to VALUE.</td>


                    <td>MUDGrinder macro for support of mob and room items. Too complicated to describe.</td>


                    <td>Requires ReqParm JOURNAL be set to a valid journal name, and an authenticatable user found (see Authenticate). If
                    MacParm NEWPOST found, along with ReqParms TO, SUBJECT, and NEWTEXT, a new post is added. If ReqParm JOURNALMESSAGE is set
                    to a valid message number for this journal, then MacParm DELETE will delete the message. If MacParm REPLY and ReqParm
                    NEWTEXT found, a reply added to the designated message.</td>


                    <td>Requires ReqParm JOURNAL be set to a valid journal name. Returns information about the journal depending on MacParms
                    found. Valid MacParms include: COUNT, to return messages found. If ReqParm JOURNALMESSAGE is set to a valid message number
                    for this journal, and an authenticatable user is found (see Authenticate) additional MacParms may be used to get
                    information about that message. These MacParms include: KEY, FROM, DATE, TO, SUBJECT, MESSAGE</td>


                    <td>Requires ReqParm JOURNAL be set to a valid journal name, and an authenticatable user found (see Authenticate). Sets the
                    ReqParm JOURNALMESSAGE to the next message found in the given journal. Returns @break@ when the list has been completed, or
                    "" if MacParm "EMPTYOK" found. Accepts MacParm of RESET to restart listing.</td>


                    <td>Requires ReqParm JOURNAL be set to a valid journal name. Returns that name.</td>


                    <td>Sets the ReqParm JOURNAL to the next journal found. Returns @break@ when the list has been completed, or "" if MacParm
                    "EMPTYOK" found. Accepts MacParm of RESET to restart listing.</td>


                    <td>Sets the ReqParm LEVEL to the next number between 1 and 30. Returns @break@ when the list has been completed, or "" if
                    MacParm "EMPTYOK" found. Accepts MacParm of RESET to restart listing.</td>


                    <td>Requires ReaParm LEVEL be set to a number between 1 and 30. Returns that number.</td>


                    <td>Returns the CoffeeMud log file.</td>


                    <td>Repeatedly inserts into the page the contents between this macro and the corresponding @back@ until a @break@ macro
                    located inside the block is processed. This @break@ string is most often returned by a macro processed within the block,
                    but may also be embedded in an @if?@ macro block as well.</td>


                    <td>MUDGrinder macro for viewing room mob data. Too complicated to describe.</td>


                    <td>The main processing macro for the MUDGrinder area-editing tool. This macro runs as an admin macro. See the MUDGrinder
                    guide for more information. There are too many parameters and options here to mention.</td>


                    <td>Returns various mud information corresponding to the MacParm give. Valid MacParms include NAME, EMAILOK, MAILBOX, DOMAIN and PORT.</td>


                    <td>Returns the port number the mud server is running on.</td>


                    <td>Returns a string showing the status of the mud server (note that there's no WEB equivalent - if it wasn't running, you
                    wouldn't be able to see it!)</td>


                    <td>Returns the name and version of the mud server.</td>


                    <td>Returns the number of players online which can be seen (no Cloaked)</td>


                    <td>Requires ReqParm PLAYER be set to a valid player name. Returns information about that player depending on MacParms
                    BASEMANA, BASEMOVEMENT.</td>


                    <td>Requires ReqParm PLAYER be set to a valid player name, and an authenticated user (see Authenticate). Deletes the


                    <td>Requires ReqParm PLAYER be set to a valid player name. Returns that name.</td>


                    <td>Returns a series of HTML &lt;LI&gt; elements; the enclosing list elements (&lt;UL&gt;..&lt;/UL&gt; or
                    &lt;OL&gt;..&lt;/OL&gt;) are not part of this string and so must be defined in the surrounding page. Additionally, each
                    element will have their style-sheet class set to either <i>cmPlayerListEntry</i> or, if applicable,


                    <td>Sets the ReqParm PLAYER to the next player found. Returns @break@ when the list has been completed, or "" if MacParm
                    "EMPTYOK" found. Accepts MacParm of RESET to restart listing. Accepts MacParm SORTBY=COLNAME to sort the list.</td>


                    <td>Requires ReqParm PLAYER be set to a valid player name. Returns true if online, false otherwise. If MacParm BOOT found,
                    will kick the player off. If MacParm BANBYIP found, will ban the ip address for the player. If MacParm BANBYNAME or
                    BANBYEMAIL os found, it will also ban the player.</td>


                    <td>Requires ReqParm QUEST be set to a valid quest name. Returns data about the Quest depending on MacParms found. Valid


                    <td>If MacParm CREATE is given, along with ReqParm SCRIPT, will create a new Quest. Other functions require ReqParm QUEST
                    be set to a valid quest name. Performs functions on the Quest depending on MacParms found. Valid MacParms include: MODIFY
                    (with ReqParm SCRIPT), DELETE, START, STOP.</td>


                    <td>Sets the ReqParm QUEST to the next quest found. Returns @break@ when the list has been completed, or "" if MacParm
                    "EMPTYOK" found. Accepts MacParm of RESET to restart listing.</td>


                    <td>Requires ReqParm RACE be set to a valid race id. Sets the ReqParm CLASS to the next class qualified for by the given
                    race. Returns @break@ when the list has been completed, or "" if MacParm "EMPTYOK" found. Accepts MacParm of RESET to
                    restart listing.</td>


                    <td>Requires ReqParm DEITY be set to a valid deity name. Returns information about that deity depending on MacParms found.
                    Valid MacParms include: DESCRIPTION, WORSHIPREQ, CLERICREQ,


                    <td>Requires ReqParm DEITY be set to a valid race name. Returns the id.</td>


                    <td>Sets the ReqParm DEITY to the next deity found. Returns @break@ when the list has been completed, or "" if MacParm
                    "EMPTYOK" found. Accepts MacParm of RESET to restart listing.</td>


                    <td>Requires ReqParm RACE be set to a valid race id. Returns information about that race depending on MacParms found. Valid


                    <td>Requires ReqParm RACE be set to a valid race id. Returns the id.</td>


                    <td>Requires ReqParm RACE be set to a valid race id. Returns the name.</td>


                    <td>Sets the ReqParm RACE to the next race found. Returns @break@ when the list has been completed, or "" if MacParm
                    "EMPTYOK" found. Accepts MacParm of RESET to restart listing.</td>


                    <td>Inserts the value of the Request Parameter(s) specified in the macro parameters.</td>


                    <td>Inserts the value of the Request Parameter(s) specified in the macro parameters, formatted for a valid GET


                    <td>Inserts the names and values of all Request Parameters, formatted for a valid GET request.</td>


                    <td>Handles the resource cache. MacParm RESET will clear ReqParm RESOURCE. MacParm NEXT will set RESOURCE to the next
                    resource. MacParm NEXT returns @break@ when the list has been completed, or "" if MacParm "EMPTYOK" also found. MacParm
                    DELETE will delete resource that ReqParm RESOURCE is set to.</td>


                    <td>MUDGrinder macro for manipulating room data. Too complicated to describe.</td>


                    <td>Returns the ReqParm ROOM.</td>


                    <td>Returns the display text for the room designated by ReqParm ROOM.</td>


                    <td>Base template for all other macros. Serves no useful purpose.</td>


                    <td>Returns a formatted set of table rows and columns listing all the socials.</td>


                    <td>Returns information about the CoffeeMud system. Too many valid MacParms to mention. See the sample MUDGrinder pages
                    which use this macro.</td>


                    <td>Performs a shutdown if the MacParm SHUTDOWN is found. Performs a system-wide Announce command is the MacParm ANNOUNCE
                    is found, as well as the ReqParm TEXT.</td>


                    <td>Returns just the name of the web server.</td>


                    <td>Returns the port number the web server is running on.</td>


                    <td>Returns the name and version of the web server.</td>

              <h2><a name="customize">Customizing the error page</a></h2>

              <p>Simply create a file <i>error.cmvp</i> (or whatever the v.p. extension is) in the template directory of the server; at some
              point on the page you should use the @HTTPSTATUS@ and @HTTPSTATUSINFO@ macros. Note that the template directory is served as
              though it were in the specified path - images and stylesheets should therefore go in the server's base directory.</p>

              <h2><a name="add">Adding new macros to CMVP</a></h2>

              <p>Create the new .java file in the <i>com/planet_ink/coffee_mud/WebMacros</i> directory; all classes in this directory are
              loaded as macros by default. The new class should inherit from <code>StdWebMacro</code> in the
              <code>com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.WebMacros</code> package.</p>

              <p>The package of the new class should implement the interface

              <p>The <code>name()</code> member should return the name of your new macro (it will be capitalized and the @ symbols added by
              StdWebMacro) - the name doesn't have to match the class name but it is recommended to avoid confusion.</p>

              <p>Finally, the <code>runMacro()</code> function returns the String data you wish to insert into the processed output; it takes
              as parameters a reference to the <i>ProcessWebRequest</i> that is calling the macro (you can use <code>.getWebServer()</code> on
              this parameter to get a reference to the web server, and <code>.getWebServer().getMUD()</code> to get a reference to the main MUD
              object), and a String representing the data after the first question mark? in the macro reference.</p>

              <p>If <code>runMacro()</code> returns <i>null</i>, the string [Error] is used to replace the macro; also note that <b>macros may
              not return other macros in the processed text unless properly embedded as discussed above.</b></p>

              <p>Example: this is the complete code for the <b>@HTTPCLIENTIP@</b> macro (HTTPclientIP.java):</p>
package com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.WebMacros;
import com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.WebMacros.interfaces.*;
import com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.core.*;
import com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.core.interfaces.*;

import com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.Libraries.interfaces.*;

public class HTTPclientIP extends StdWebMacro
 public String name() {return "HTTPclientIP";}

 public String runMacro(ExternalHTTPRequests httpReq, String parms)
  return httpReq.getHTTPclientIP();

              <p>The <code>.getHTTPclientIP()</code> member of ProcessWebRequest essentially just does this:</p>
return sock.getInetAddress().getHostAddress();

              <p>(don't be confused by the name <code>.getHostAddress()</code> - this just returns the dotted quad notation form of the
              address, whereas <code>.toString()</code> would attempt to do a reverse DNS(?) and return a meaningful name as well)</p>

              <p>If your macro is intended to be for the admin server only, you can override the <code>.isAdminMacro()</code> member to return

              <h2><a name="javascript">Using Javascript in your pages</a></h2>

              <p>The CoffeeMud web server allows you to use the Javascript language to generate the tags and data which make up your
              <strong>cmvp</strong> web pages. The Javascript to do this is inserted directly into your web page at the point where you want
              the script-generated content to appear using the embedded macros@jscript@ and @/jscript@. The script included between those two
              tags will follow the rules for JavaScripting found in the <a href="Programming.html">Programmers Guide</a>. The web server makes
              the <code>ExternalHTTPRequests request()</code> object available to the script, as well as the method <code>void write(String
              s)</code> for writing text into the page.</p>

              <p>Here is our first example:</p>
var x=request().ServerVersionString();
write('&lt;P&gt;The version of this CoffeeMud server is &lt;B&gt;'+x+'&lt;/B&gt;.&lt;/P&gt;');

              <p>Notice how we used the <code>write()</code> method to insert our HTML into the page. We also used the <code>request()</code>
              object to fetch the version of the server. Now here is a more involved example:</p>
&lt;TITLE&gt;My JavaScript Enabled Web Page&lt;/TITLE&gt;
&lt;H1&gt;An Example of using JavaScript in a CMVP Web Page to fetch MUD Server data.&lt;/H1&gt;

var lib=Packages.com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.core.CMLib;
// define a shortcut to the CoffeeMud libraries.

var randomRoom=lib.map().getRandomRoom();
var randomArea=lib.map().getRandomArea();
// finding random rooms and areas is easy

var randomMob=null;
var randomItem=null;
// assign our random mobs and items to null until they are found

var attempts=1000;
// finding random items and mobs is more difficult.  We will
// select a random room, and attempt to pick out a random mob
// and/or item from the room.  We will do this a maximum of 1000
// times before giving up, until we find one of each.
  var room=lib.map().getRandomRoom();
    var randomNumber=lib.dice().roll(1,room.numInhabitants(),-1);
  var randomNumber = lib.dice().roll(1,room.numItems(),-1);
  randomItem = room.fetchItem(randomNumber)
} //now we have all our random things. We could easily insert our HTML using
  // the write() method as we did in example 1.  To be fancy, however, we'll use the
  // the request() object to assign the names of our selections to HTTP Request
  // strings.

// now we exit back and continue with our HTML, using standard CMVP web macros
// to fetch the random names we saved.

&lt;FONT FACE="Courier New"&gt;
&lt;B&gt;A random area: &lt;B&gt;@RequestParameter?RANDOMAREA@&lt;BR&gt;
&lt;B&gt;A random room: &lt;B&gt;@RequestParameter?RANDOMROOM@&lt;BR&gt;
&lt;B&gt;A random mob : &lt;B&gt;@RequestParameter?RANDOMMOB@&lt;BR&gt;
&lt;B&gt;A random item: &lt;B&gt;@RequestParameter?RANDOMITEM@&lt;BR&gt;
