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<!-- Modified by Josh Mueller, 2006-05-05, fix validation problems, add index, and fix spelling errors --><!-- Modified by Josh Mueller, 2006-05-06, add close_prog, lock_prog, unlock_prog, open_prog -->
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      <h1>Scripting in CoffeeMud 5.5</h1>
      <td align="left" valign="top" width="20%">
        <li><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a></li>
        <li><a href="#structure">Script Structure</a></li>
        <li> <a href="#events">Scripting Events</a>
            <li><a href="#all_greet_prog">all_greet_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#act_prog">act_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mask_prog">mask_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#bribe_prog">bribe_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#buy_prog">buy_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#channel_prog">channel_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#close_prog">close_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#cnclmsg_prog">cnclmsg_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#consume_prog">consume_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#damage_prog">damage_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#day_prog">day_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#death_prog">death_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#delay_prog">delay_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#drop_prog">drop_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#entry_prog">entry_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#execmsg_prog">execmsg_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#exit_prog">exit_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#fight_prog">fight_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#function_prog">function_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#get_prog">get_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#give_prog">give_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#greet_prog">greet_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#hitprcnt_prog">hitprcnt_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#imask_prog">imask_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#kill_prog">kill_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#level_prog">level_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#lock_prog">lock_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#login_prog">login_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#logoff_prog">logoff_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#llook_prog">llook_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#look_prog">look_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#once_prog">once_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#open_prog">open_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#quest_time_prog">quest_time_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#put_prog">put_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#rand_prog">rand_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#regmask_prog">regmask_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#remove_prog">remove_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#social_prog">social_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#sell_prog">sell_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#speech_prog">speech_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#time_prog">time_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#unlock_prog">unlock_prog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#wear_prog">wear_prog</a></li>
        <li> <a href="#codes">Scripting Codes</a>
            <li><a href="#dollarCode">$ codes</a></li>
            <li><a href="#percentCode">% codes</a></li>
        <li> <a href="#commands">Scripting Commands</a>
            <li><a href="#if">if, else, endif</a></li>
            <li><a href="#switch">switch, case</a></li>
            <li><a href="#for">for, next</a></li>
            <li><a href="#script">&lt;SCRIPT&gt;</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpaffect">mpaffect</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpalarm">mpalarm</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpargset">mpargset</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpasound">mpasound</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpat">mpat</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpbeacon">mpbeacon</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpbehave">mpbehave</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpcallfunc">mpcallfunc</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpcast">mpcast</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpchannel">mpchannel</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpchoose">mpchoose</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpclose">mpclose</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpconfirm">mpconfirm</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpdamage">mpdamage</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpdisable">mpdisable</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpecho">mpecho</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpechoaround">mpechoaround</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpechoat">mpechoat</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpenable">mpenable</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpendquest">mpendquest</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpexp">mpexp</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpfaction">mpfaction</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpforce">mpforce</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpplayerclass">mpplayerclass</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpgoto">mpgoto</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpgset">mpgset</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpheal">mpheal</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mphide">mphide</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpjunk">mpjunk</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpkill">mpkill</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mploadquestobj">mploadquestobj</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mploadvar">mploadvar</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mplock">mplock</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mplog">mplog</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpm2i2m">mpm2i2m</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpmload">mpmload</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpmoney">mpmoney</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpnotrigger">mpnotrigger</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpoload">mpoload</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpoloadroom">mpoloadroom</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpopen">mpopen</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mppracs">mppracs</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpprompt">mpprompt</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mppurge">mppurge</a></li>
            <li><a href="#questpoints">mpquestpoints</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpquestwin">mpquestwin</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpqset">mpqset</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mprejuv">mprejuv</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpreset">mpreset</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpsavevar">mpsavevar</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpscript">mpscript</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpset">mpset</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpsetclandata">mpsetclandata</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpsetvar">mpsetvar</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpslay">mpslay</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpstartquest">mpstartquest</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpstop">mpstop</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mptattoo">mptattoo</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mptitle">mptitle</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mptrackto">mptrackto</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mptrains">mptrains</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mptransfer">mptransfer</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpunaffect">mpunaffect</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpunbehave">mpunbehave</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpunhide">mpunhide</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpunloadscript">mpunloadscript</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpunlock">mpunlock</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpwhile">mpwhile</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mpwalkto">mpwalkto</a></li>
            <li><a href="#return">return</a></li>
        <li> <a href="#functions">Scripting Functions</a>
            <li><a href="#logicalOperators">Logical Operators</a></li>
            <li><a href="#affected">affected</a></li>
            <li><a href="#baseclass">baseclass</a></li>
            <li><a href="#callfunc">callfunc</a></li>
            <li><a href="#clan">clan</a></li>
            <li><a href="#clandata">clandata</a></li>
            <li><a href="#clanrank">clanrank</a></li>
            <li><a href="#class">class</a></li>
            <li><a href="#currency">currency</a></li>
            <li><a href="#datetime">datetime</a></li>
            <li><a href="#deity">deity</a></li>
            <li><a href="#eval">eval</a></li>
            <li><a href="#exp">exp</a></li>
            <li><a href="#explored">explored</a></li>
            <li><a href="#faction">faction</a></li>
            <li><a href="#goldamt">goldamt</a></li>
            <li><a href="#gstat">gstat</a></li>
            <li><a href="#has">has</a></li>
            <li><a href="#hasnum">hasnum</a></li>
            <li><a href="#hastattoo">hastattoo</a></li>
            <li><a href="#hitprcnt">hitprcnt</a></li>
            <li><a href="#inarea">inarea</a></li>
            <li><a href="#incontainer">incontainer</a></li>
            <li><a href="#inlocale">inlocale</a></li>
            <li><a href="#inroom">inroom</a></li>
            <li><a href="#ipaddress">ipaddress</a></li>
            <li><a href="#isable">isable</a></li>
            <li><a href="#isalive">isalive</a></li>
            <li><a href="#isbehave">isbehave</a></li>
            <li><a href="#isbirthday">isbirthday</a></li>
            <li><a href="#ischarmed">ischarmed</a></li>
            <li><a href="#isday">isday</a></li>
            <li><a href="#isevil">isevil</a></li>
            <li><a href="#isfight">isfight</a></li>
            <li><a href="#isfollow">isfollow</a></li>
            <li><a href="#isgood">isgood</a></li>
            <li><a href="#ishere">ishere</a></li>
            <li><a href="#isimmort">isimmort</a></li>
            <li><a href="#islike">islike</a></li>
            <li><a href="#islocked">islocked</a></li>
            <li><a href="#ismoon">ismoon</a></li>
            <li><a href="#isname">isname</a></li>
            <li><a href="#isnpc">isnpc</a></li>
            <li><a href="#isodd">isodd</a></li>
            <li><a href="#isopen">isopen</a></li>
            <li><a href="#ispc">ispc</a></li>
            <li><a href="#ispkill">ispkill</a></li>
            <li><a href="#isquestmobalive">isquestmobalive</a></li>
            <li><a href="#isrecall">isrecall</a></li>
            <li><a href="#isseason">isseason</a></li>
            <li><a href="#isservant">isservant</a></li>
            <li><a href="#istime">istime</a></li>
            <li><a href="#isweather">isweather</a></li>
            <li><a href="#level">level</a></li>
            <li><a href="#math">math</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mobitem">mobitem</a></li>
            <li><a href="#mood">mood</a></li>
            <li><a href="#number">number</a></li>
            <li><a href="#numitemsmob">numitemsmob</a></li>
            <li><a href="#numitemsroom">numitemsroom</a></li>
            <li><a href="#nummobs">nummobs</a></li>
            <li><a href="#nummobsinarea">nummobsinarea</a></li>
            <li><a href="#nummobsroom">nummobsroom</a></li>
            <li><a href="#numpcsarea">numpcsarea</a></li>
            <li><a href="#numpcsroom">numpcsroom</a></li>
            <li><a href="#numraces">numraces</a></li>
            <li><a href="#numracesinarea">numracesinarea</a></li>
            <li><a href="#position">position</a></li>
            <li><a href="#pracs">pracs</a></li>
            <li><a href="#questobj">questobj</a></li>
            <li><a href="#questmob">questmob</a></li>
            <li><a href="#questpoints">questpoints</a></li>
            <li><a href="#questroom">questroom</a></li>
            <li><a href="#questscripted">questscripted</a></li>
            <li><a href="#questwinner">questwinner</a></li>
            <li><a href="#qvar">qvar</a></li>
            <li><a href="#race">race</a></li>
            <li><a href="#racecat">racecat</a></li>
            <li><a href="#rand">rand</a></li>
            <li><a href="#rand0num">rand0num</a></li>
            <li><a href="#randnum">randnum</a></li>
            <li><a href="#roomitem">roomitem</a></li>
            <li><a href="#roommob">roommob</a></li>
            <li><a href="#sex">sex</a></li>
            <li><a href="#stat">stat</a></li>
            <li><a href="#strcontains">strcontains</a></li>
            <li><a href="#strin">strin</a></li>
            <li><a href="#trains">trains</a></li>
            <li><a href="#value">value</a></li>
            <li><a href="#var">var</a></li>
            <li><a href="#worn">worn</a></li>
      <td align="left">
      <p class="center"><img src="images/mug.jpg" alt="coffeemud logo" /></p>
      <h2><a name="introduction">Introduction to Scripting</a></h2>
      <p>Scripting is the ability to makes something behave
proactively, or respond to game stimuli, in a way specified by the game
builders. A Script is the set of commands written by the builders to
perform this function. In CoffeeMud, any object may be scripted. This
means that rooms, areas, items, and especially MOBs can be scripted.</p>
      <p>Scripting is accomplished through the Scriptable Behavior.
Giving an object this behavior makes it capable of running scripts on
its behalf. The parameters of the Scriptable behavior define the source
of the script itself.</p>
      <p>The most common parameter for the Scriptable behavior is the
LOAD command, which specifies a text file containing the script. The
syntax for this is as follows:</p>
      <pre>load=path/file name<br /></pre>
      <p>The starting path for the Scriptable behavior is the <span
 style="font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold;">/resources/</span>
directory in your CoffeeMud package. Any further paths will branch from
that directory. The file specified is a text file containing the
script. You can also specify more than one script in the Scriptable
parameters by separating LOAD= commands with the ~ character like so:</p>
      <pre>load=progs/mrinfo.script~load=progs/strangetrader.script~<br /></pre>
      <p>A less common way to specify a script for the Scriptable
behavior is to enter the script itself into the parameter. Scripts
entered in this way differ from scripts entered into text files for the
LOAD parameter in one significant sense: Every line of a script entered
in this way must be terminated by a semicolon. Here is an example.</p>
      <pre>RAND_PROG 50;bounce;say "hi!";~;<br /></pre>
      <p>Scripts which are entered into text files for the LOAD
parameter have their lines terminated by carriage returns (ENTER)
instead of semicolons. The script syntax is, in all other ways,
identical. If you need to put special characters (like ; ~ or LOAD=)
into particular commands, you may need to escape those characters by
putting a \ character before them, to tell the Scriptable behavior not
to consider them line or script delimiters.</p>
      <p>When the Scriptable behavior loads a file using the LOAD=
syntax, it automatically keeps a copy of it in memory for future use.
This memory cache is called the CoffeeMud Resources. If you have a
Scriptable prog you have entered using the LOAD= syntax, you can see
its entry in the cache by using your Archon character to enter LIST
RESOURCES from the CoffeeMud command line. Because the script files
from disk are kept in memory for quick access, any changes or additions
to your script on disk will not be immediately noticed by the CoffeeMud
engine. To force the engine to notice your changes, you must first
UNLOAD your script file from the Resources cache. This is done by using
the Archon command UNLOAD. Check the ahelp entry for that command for
more information on how to use it when developing Scriptable behavior
files on disk.</p>
      <p>Those who are familiar with the mobprog scripting language in
other mud codebases will have no trouble picking up on the CoffeeMud
scripting language. In fact, most of your existing scripts will
probably work without changes.</p>
      <h2><a name="structure">Script Structure</a></h2>
      <p>The CoffeeMud scripting language is an "event-based" language.
Each script may contain one or more event "triggers". Each trigger
defines the conditions of its occurrence on a single line. This line is
followed by commands underneath it which are executed only when the
trigger event occurs. Each event trigger/command grouping is terminated
by a ~ character, which should appear on a line by itself. Putting this
together, we have a high level syntax that looks like this:</p>
      <pre>EVENT_TRIGGER parameter1 parameter2 ...<br />command1<br />command2<br />...<br />commandN<br />~<br /><br />ANOTHER_EVENT_TRIGGER parameter1 parameter2 ...<br />command1<br />command2<br />...<br />commandN<br />~<br />etc.<br /></pre>
      <h2><a name="events">Scripting Events</a></h2>
      <p>Below are a list of the valid event triggers, along with their
parameters, and a description of the events or circumstances under
which the events occur. These docs borrow heavily from the nicely
written MOBPROG Tutorial at: <a
      <h3><a name="all_greet_prog">all_greet_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>all_greet_prog [integer percentage]<br /></pre>
      <p>This type of mobprog checks a percentage chance every time
someone enters the room that the mob is currently in. If the random
number generated between 1 and 100 is equal to or below the percentage
of the all_greet_prog, the prog is triggered. Note that all_greet_progs
are triggered by both players and mobs, and a mob in a maze can
actually sometimes end up triggering itself! This type of mobprog has
all sorts of uses, ranging from giving in-zone quest information to
people entering the room, creating aggressive progs, etc.</p>
      <pre>all_greet_prog 25<br /></pre>
      <p>This prog will be triggered 25% of the time when someone
enters the room where the mob currently is.</p>
      <pre>all_greet_prog 100<br /></pre>
      <p>This prog will be triggered 100% of the time when someone
enters the room where the mob currently is. This means every time.</p>
      <p>SPECIAL NOTES: You'll probably want to do a large number of if
checks in all_greet_progs, specifically in the difference between mobs
and player characters. Note that all_greet_progs will trigger even if a
person is sneaking, though the mob must have detect invisibility to see
invisible people, infravision to see people in the dark, sense sneaking
to see sneakers, and will not see people if blinded.</p>
      <h3><a name="act_prog">act_prog</a></h3>
      <h3><a name="mask_prog">mask_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>act_prog [trigger message]<br />act_prog p [trigger message]<br /></pre>
      <p>This type of mobprog will trigger when the mob sees a certain
string of text. When the 'p' is inserted into the trigger line, the
string of text must be precise, while if it is not, any of the words in
the list can trigger the mobprog. This type of mobprog has many uses,
one of which is communication between mobs. There are a few socials
which create a message only to the person performing them and to the
one receiving them. You can use these and act_progs to safely have mobs
trigger each other, without people seeing what is going on. Other uses
include triggering off of people fleeing, moving out of the room, etc.
The possibilities are endless.</p>
      <p>The act_prog will attempt to trigger off of the string exactly
as third-partys see things, if possible. &nbsp;If third partys see
nothing, the target view will be chosen. &nbsp;If only the source sees
the event message, that will be chosen. &nbsp;Variables may not be used
in trigger messages, so you will need to be ambiguous to get matches.
&nbsp;For instance, if Bob hits Larry, the message that act_prog will
see would be something like "Bob hits Larry hard!". &nbsp;To capture
this for all possible sources and targets, your best hit then is to
match on the word "hits" and then check $n and $t for the appropriate
      <pre>act_prog wolf dog coyote<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger whenever the mob sees a segment of text
containing any of the words wolf, dog, or coyote. If the string
contains more than one of these, the prog will be triggered multiple
      <pre>act_prog p A wolf howls at the moon.<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger the prog when it sees this precise message.
Note that punctuation is important here as well.</p>
      <p>MULTIPLE PROGS: You can have more than one act_prog on a mob,
but you shouldn't have multiple act_progs that trigger off of the same
      <p>SPECIAL NOTES: ANSI colors on objects don't seem to work well
with act_progs, so avoid using ANSI colors in anything that may be part
of your act_prog trigger. Variables and Codes are not used in
act_progs, so do not try to use them; it won't work.</p>
      <h3><a name="bribe_prog">bribe_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>bribe_prog [money value]<br /></pre>
      <p>This type of mobprog is triggered when a value of money is
given to the mob. If the amount of money is equal to or more than the
money value of the bribe_prog, the prog will go off. If it is less than
the value of the bribe_prog, or the money is not in the local currency,
it will not go off. This type of prog is normally used for in-zone
quests, perhaps bribing guards to let a prisoner free or bribing a
bartender to give you some information. It can also be used for larger,
special mob behavior, such as a ferryman who will move a player to
another spot in the world for a fee. The money value is always
expressed in absolute gold value of the default currency. See the
Archon's Guide under currency if you don't know what that means.</p>
      <pre>bribe_prog 1<br /></pre>
      <p>This bribe_prog will trigger whenever the mob is given an
amount of gold equal to or greater than 1 coin. Of course, this means
that the prog will be triggered if any amount of money is given to the
mob at all.</p>
      <pre>bribe_prog 500<br /></pre>
      <p>This bribe_prog will trigger if someone gives the mob an
amount of money equal to or greater than 500 coins.)</p>
      <p>MULTIPLE PROGS: You can have multiple bribe_progs on the same
mob. However, these must be listed in order from largest gold amount to
smallest gold amount. So if you have a bribe_prog 250 and a bribe_prog
100, the 250 must be listed first, and then the 100. If you don't do
this your larger sum bribe_progs will never be triggered.</p>
      <h3><a name="buy_prog">buy_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>buy_prog [keyword list]<br />buy_prog p [keyword phrase]<br />buy_prog all<br /></pre>
      <p>This type of mobprog is triggered by buying an item from a
shopkeeper. If the item being bought has any of the keywords of the
buy_prog, the prog is triggered. If there is a &lsquo;p' placed before
the keyword list, the keywords of the item must exactly match that of
the buy_prog. If there is not, then any item with any of the keywords
in the list in it will trigger it. If a buy_prog all is used, then the
buy_prog will trigger for any item at all being bought. This type of
prog is usually used for in-zone quests and special mob behavior, and
has a variety of uses.</p>
      <pre>buy_prog orange apple banana<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if the item being bought has any of the
keywords orange, apple, or banana. This means that it would be
triggered by buying a banana, an apple pie, or even an orange shield.</p>
      <pre>buy_prog p apple pie delicious<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if the item being bought has the exact
keywords apple pie delicious. The prog would not be triggered by buying
anything with keywords red apple or blackberry pie or anything except
the exact order and wording of the keyword list.</p>
      <pre>buy_prog all<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if any sort of item is bought.</p>
      <p>MULTIPLE PROGS: You can have more than one buy_prog on a mob.
Generally it is best not to have buy_progs with the same keywords in
them, unless they are a buy_prog p with different keyword lists but
some of the same keywords &ndash; for example a buy_prog p apple red
juicy and a buy_prog p apple red poisoned.</p>
      <h3><a name="channel_prog">channel_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>channel_prog [channel name] [trigger words]<br />channel_prog [channel name] p [trigger message]<br /></pre>
      <p>This type of mobprog will trigger when the mob sees a certain
string of text over the specified channel. When the 'p' is inserted
into the trigger line, the string of text must be precise, while if it
is not, any of the words in the list can trigger the mobprog. This type
of mobprog has many uses, one of which is communication between mobs.
The possibilities are endlessly finite.</p>
      <pre>channel_prog help me<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger whenever the mob sees a segment of text
containing any of the words help or me. If the string contains more
than one of these, the prog will be triggered multiple times.</p>
      <pre>channel_prog p GOSSIP hello.<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger the prog when it sees this message
channeled. Note that punctuation is important here as well.</p>
      <p>MULTIPLE PROGS: You can have more than one channel_prog on a
mob, but you shouldn't have multiple channel_progs that trigger off of
the same message.</p>
      <p>SPECIAL NOTES: ANSI colors on objects don't seem to work well
with channel_progs, so avoid using ANSI colors in anything that may be
part of your channel_prog trigger. Variables and Codes are not used in
channel_progs, so do not try to use them; it won't work.</p>
      <h3><a name="close_prog">close_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>close_prog [keyword list]<br />close_prog p [keyword list]<br />close_prog all<br /></pre>
      <p>This type of mobprog is triggered by closing a container or
door. If the script is on a container-type object, such as a door or
container item, it will trigger only if the object being closed is the
scripted one. Otherwise, if the target matches the keywords of the
close_prog, the prog is triggered. If there is a 'p' placed before the
keyword list, the keywords of the object must exactly match that of the
close_prog. If there is not, then any object with any of the keywords
in the list in it will trigger it. If the scripted item is not a
container or door, and a "close_prog all" is used, then the close_prog
will trigger from any object at all being opened. This type of prog is
usually used for in-zone quests and special mob behavior, and has a
variety of uses. As is normal, if the scripted object is a mob, this
event will not trigger if the scripted mob is the originator of the
      <pre>close_prog door gate<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if the object closed has any of the keywords
door gate. This means that it would be triggered by closing a door or
      <pre>close_prog p a large chest<br />  <br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if the object closed has the exact keywords
a large chest.. The prog would not be triggered by closing an object
with keywords large or chest or anything except the exact order and
wording of the keyword list.</p>
      <pre>close_prog all<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if any object is closed.</p>
      <p>MULTIPLE PROGS: You can have more than one close_prog on an
item, mob, or room. Generally it is best not to have close_progs with
the same keywords in them, unless they are a close_progs p with
different keyword lists but some of the same keywords - for example a
close_progs p door gate and a close_prog p door to the gate.</p>
      <h3><a name="cnclmsg_prog">cnclmsg_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>cnclmsg_prog [message code] [commands/keyword list]<br />cnclmsg_prog [message code] p [commands/keyword list]<br />cnclmsg_prog [message code] all<br /></pre>
      <p>This type of mobprog is definitely for those very familiar
with CoffeeMud. In fact, I'd recommend at least a cursory knowledge of
the Programmer's Guide to consider using it. The purpose of this
trigger is that it executes before a particular event or "message"
occurs in the mud. The kind of event is called the "message code". The
trigger also requires either the word "all" to always execute before
the desired message does, or a list of player command line words
matches those typed by the player most recently to the arrival of this
message. Since mobs, unlike players, do not enter commands on a command
line, you should use the ALL form liberally.</p>
      <p>The body of the trigger executes before the given message
occurs, and the fact that the trigger executes is no guarentee that the
event will end up occuring at all. For instance, this trigger may
execute when a player tries to leave the room while under the effects
of the "Hold" spell, meaning the player will not actually be allowed to
leave regardless of what is done in your trigger. However, this type of
trigger is most useful as a means of testing and cancelling certain
types of event messages; thus the name. To cause the triggered event to
be cancelled, you need only add a RETURN CANCEL command to the body of
this script.</p>
      <p>See also <span style="font-weight: bold;">execmsg_prog</span>.
Valid message codes include the following:</p>
      <span style="font-family: monospace;">AREAAFFECT, PUSH,
      <p>And here are some general message code types that may also be
      <p>For truly advanced users, you can also prefix a message code
with some combination of the letters S, O, and T followed by an equal
(=) sign to narrow matches to only those messages where your given code
appears as the Source, Others, and Target codes respectively. &nbsp;For
example, use a message code of ST=DEATH to match cases where the Source
and Target message codes are DEATH and the Others code is ignored.</p>
      <pre>cnclmsg_prog hands p smile<br />  mpechoat $n No smiling is allowed here!<br />  return cancel<br />~<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if a player (not a mob) around the scripted
object attempts to smile.</p>
      <pre>cnclmsg_prog GET p get rock<br />  mpechoat $n You may not get the rock.<br />  return cancel<br />~<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if a player (not a mob) enters the command
"get rock" at the command line, this will trigger and cancel he
      <p>The CNCLMSG_PROG is especially useful for creating new command
that only apply in particular rooms or with respect to particular mobs.
This is because entering an incorrect command, which normally generates
a "Huh?" message, can also be canceled and re-applied. For instance,
suppose you wanted users to be able to enter "plastify sword" at some
part in your quest and have it do something. In this case, you'd need
to capture the HUH message as so:</p>
      <pre>cnclmsg_prog HUH p plastify sword<br />  mpechoat $n The sword has been plastified! Thank you!<br />  return cancel<br />~<br /></pre>
      <p>MULTIPLE PROGS: You can have more than one cnclmsg_prog, not
only in the same script, but regarding the very same message codes if
you like.</p>
      <h3><a name="consume_prog">consume_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>consume_prog [keyword list]<br />consume_prog p [keyword list]<br />consume_prog all<br /></pre>
      <p>This type of mobprog is triggered eating or drinking from an
object. If the object used matches the keywords of the consume_prog,
the prog is triggered. If there is a &lsquo;p' placed before the
keyword list, the keywords of the object must exactly match that of the
consume_prog. If there is not, then any object with any of the keywords
in the list in it will trigger it. If a consume_prog all is used, then
the consume_prog will trigger from any object at all. This type of prog
is usually used for in-zone quests and special mob behavior, and has a
variety of uses.</p>
      <pre>consume_prog orange apple banana<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if the object eaten has any of the keywords
orange, apple, or banana. This means that it would be triggered by
eating a banana, an apple pie, or even an orange shield.</p>
      <pre>consume_prog p apple pie delicious<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if the object eaten has the exact keywords
apple pie delicious. The prog would not be triggered by eating an
object with keywords red apple or blackberry pie or anything except the
exact order and wording of the keyword list.</p>
      <pre>consume_prog all<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if any object is ate or drank.</p>
      <p>MULTIPLE PROGS: You can have more than one consume_prog on a
mob. Generally it is best not to have consume_progs with the same
keywords in them, unless they are a consume_prog p with different
keyword lists but some of the same keywords &ndash; for example a
consume_prog p apple red juicy and a consume_prog p apple red poisoned.</p>
      <h3><a name="damage_prog">damage_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>damage_prog<br /></pre>
      <p>This type of mobprog is triggered whenever the scripted mob is
damaged, or the scripted item is used to deliver damage. The source and
target mobs will be as you expect. The secondary item will be the
weapon used to deliver the damage, if it was a physical item (spells
are not items). The string returned in $g will be the amount of damage
      <pre>damage_prog<br /></pre>
      <p>This program will trigger when damage is taken by a mob, or
given by the scripted item.</p>
      <h3><a name="day_prog">day_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>day_prog [list of integer day of the month]<br /></pre>
      <p>This type of mobprog triggers once per mud day, on the days of
the month listed. This allows you to have a script which triggers very
infrequently indeed. There are 30 days per month in CoffeeMud.</p>
      <pre>day_prog 20 21 22<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if day of the month is 20, 21, or 22.</p>
      <pre>day_prog 10<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger on the 10th day of every month.</p>
      <h3><a name="death_prog">death_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>death_prog<br /></pre>
      <p>This mobprog type triggers on the mob's death. The death_prog
has a wide range of uses. The death_prog is queued just before the mob
dies, so it is considered to be the mob's last gasp. At the end of the
death-prog, however, the mob dies. Even if the mob sets its hit points
to full, it will die. Other than that, the mob can mpjunk equipment it
has, mpgoto a new room to die, unlock a door, load an object of some
kind, etc.</p>
      <p>MULTIPLE PROGS: You can have multiple death_progs on the same
      <h3><a name="delay_prog">delay_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>delay_prog [integer, minimum number of ticks] [integer, maximum number of ticks]<br /></pre>
      <p>This kind of mobprog triggers after a random number of ticks
have elapsed. The number of random ticks is between the two integers
provided. This trigger is used to take some of the load off of
rand_prog type programs.</p>
      <pre>delay_prog 10 20<br /></pre>
      <p>This delay_prog will be triggered after 10-20 ticks have
      <pre>delay_prog 1 11<br /></pre>
      <p>This delay_prog will be triggered after 1-11 ticks have
      <h3><a name="drop_prog">drop_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>drop_prog [keyword list]<br />drop_prog p [keyword list]<br />drop_prog all<br /></pre>
      <p>This type of mobprog is triggered by dropping an object. If
the object dropped matches the keywords of the drop_prog, the prog is
triggered. If there is a &lsquo;p' placed before the keyword list, the
keywords of the object must exactly match that of the drop_prog. If
there is not, then any object with any of the keywords in the list in
it will trigger it. If a drop_prog all is used, then the drop_prog will
trigger from any object at all being dropped. This type of prog is
usually used for in-zone quests and special mob behavior, and has a
variety of uses.</p>
      <pre>drop_prog orange apple banana<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if the object dropped has any of the
keywords orange, apple, or banana. This means that it would be
triggered by dropping a banana, an apple pie, or even an orange shield.</p>
      <pre>drop_prog p apple pie delicious<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if the object dropped has the exact keywords
apple pie delicious. The prog would not be triggered by dropping an
object with keywords red apple or blackberry pie or anything except the
exact order and wording of the keyword list.</p>
      <pre>drop_prog all<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if any object is dropped.</p>
      <p>MULTIPLE PROGS: You can have more than one drop_prog on a mob.
Generally it is best not to have drop_progs with the same keywords in
them, unless they are a drop_prog p with different keyword lists but
some of the same keywords &ndash; for example a drop_prog p apple red
juicy and a drop_prog p apple red poisoned.</p>
      <h3><a name="entry_prog">entry_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>entry_prog [integer percentage]<br /></pre>
      <p>This type of prog checks a percentage chance every time the
mob moves into a new room. If the random number generated is equal to
or below the percentage of the entry_prog when the mob steps into a new
room, then the prog is triggered. This prog has a variety of uses, for
instance, you can use it in conjunction with the inroom function to
make sure a mob stays in the same room or never oversteps a boundary,
or to have the mob attack players as it enters the room. There are many
      <pre>entry_prog 25<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger 25% of the time when the mob enters a room.</p>
      <pre>entry_prog 100<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger 100%, or every time, the mob enters a room.</p>
      <h3><a name="execmsg_prog">execmsg_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>execmsg_prog [message code] [commands/keyword list]<br />execmsg_prog [message code] p [commands/keyword list]<br />execmsg_prog [message code] all<br /></pre>
      <p>This type of mobprog is definitely for those very familiar
with CoffeeMud. In fact, I'd recommend at least a cursory knowledge of
the Programmer's Guide to consider using it. The purpose of this
trigger is that it executes while a particular and valid event or
"message" occurs in the mud. The kind of event is called the "message
code". The trigger also requires either the word "all" to always
execute whenever the desired message does, or a list of player command
line words matching those typed by the player most recently to the
arrival of this message. Since mobs, unlike players, do not enter
commands on a command line, you should use the ALL form liberally.</p>
      <p>See also <span style="font-weight: bold;">cnclmsg_prog</span>.
Valid message codes include the following:</p>
      <span style="font-family: monospace;">AREAAFFECT, PUSH,
      <p>And here are some general message code types that may also be
      <p>For truly advanced users, you can also prefix a message code
some combination of the letters S, O, and T followed by an equal (=)
sign to narrow matches to only those messages where your given code
appears as the Source, Others, and Target codes respectively. &nbsp;For
example, use a message code of ST=DEATH to match cases where the Source
and Target message codes are DEATH and the Others code is ignored.</p>
      <pre>execmsg_prog get all<br />  mpecho $n likes $p.<br />~<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if a player or a mob attempts to get
      <pre>execmsg_prog GET p get rock<br />  mpecho $n has gotten a rock!<br />~<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if a player (not a mob) enters the command
"get rock" at the command line, this will trigger.</p>
      <p>MULTIPLE PROGS: You can have more than one execmsg_prog, not
only in the same script, but regarding the very same message codes if
you like. However, only the first one that triggers will count.</p>
      <h3><a name="exit_prog">exit_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>exit_prog [integer percentage]<br /></pre>
      <p>This type of prog checks a percentage chance every time a mob
moves out of a the room the scripted mob is in. If the random number
generated is equal to or below the percentage of the exit_prog when the
mob steps out of the room, then the prog is triggered. This prog has a
variety of uses, for instance, you can use it in conjunction with the
inroom function to make sure other mobs stay in the same room or never
oversteps a boundary, or to have the mob attack remaining players when
one leaves. There are many possibilities.</p>
      <pre>exit_prog 25<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger 25% of the time when a mob leaves the room.</p>
      <pre>exit_prog 100<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger 100%, or every time, a mob leaves the room.</p>
      <h3><a name="fight_prog">fight_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>fight_prog [integer percentage]<br /></pre>
      <p>This type of mobprog checks a percentage chance every round of
combat that the mob is in. If the random number generated between 1 and
100 is equal to or less than the percentage of the fight_prog, then it
will be triggered. This type of mobprog is generally used to have the
mob do certain things in combat, for instance, cast spells or use
skills. Sometimes it is used to ensure a mob doesn't fight at all, or
to perform special, more complicated actions in combat.</p>
      <pre>fight_prog 10<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger 10% of the time each round of combat the mob
is in. That means that it is probable that this mobprog will go off
every 10 rounds or so, although it is not guaranteed to do so.</p>
      <pre>fight_prog 75<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger 75% of the time each combat round. That
means it's a safe bet that the trigger will go off 3 out of every 4
      <h3><a name="function_prog">function_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>function_prog [string name of the function]<br /></pre>
      <p>This type of prog provides a named placeholder for the series
of commands that follows. This type of mobprog is never independently
triggered, but instead relys on one of the commands, MPCALLFUNC, to
trigger it manually. The usefulness of doing this will become apparent
in the discussion of MPCALLFUNC.</p>
      <pre>function_prog Destroy Everyone<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger only when called by MPCALLFUNC.</p>
      <h3><a name="get_prog">get_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>get_prog [keyword list]<br />get_prog p [keyword list]<br />get_prog all<br /></pre>
      <p>This type of mobprog is triggered by getting an object. If the
object picked up matches the keywords of the get_prog, the prog is
triggered. If there is a &lsquo;p' placed before the keyword list, the
keywords of the object must exactly match that of the get_prog. If
there is not, then any object with any of the keywords in the list in
it will trigger it. If a get_prog all is used, then the get_prog will
trigger from any object at all being picked up. This type of prog is
usually used for in-zone quests and special mob behavior, and has a
variety of uses.</p>
      <pre>get_prog orange apple banana<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if the object picked up has any of the
keywords orange, apple, or banana. This means that it would be
triggered by getting a banana, an apple pie, or even an orange shield.</p>
      <pre>    get_prog p apple pie delicious<br />   <br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if the object picked up has the exact
keywords apple pie delicious. The prog would not be triggered by
getting an object with keywords red apple or blackberry pie or anything
except the exact order and wording of the keyword list.</p>
      <pre>get_prog all<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if any object is picked up.</p>
      <p>MULTIPLE PROGS: You can have more than one get_prog on a mob.
Generally it is best not to have get_progs with the same keywords in
them, unless they are a get_prog p with different keyword lists but
some of the same keywords &ndash; for example a get_prog p apple red
juicy and a get_prog p apple red poisoned.</p>
      <h3><a name="give_prog">give_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>give_prog [keyword list]<br />give_prog p [keyword list]<br />give_prog all<br /></pre>
      <p>This type of mobprog is triggered by the mob being given an
object. If the object given to the mob matches the keywords of the
give_prog, the prog is triggered. If there is a &lsquo;p' placed before
the keyword list, the keywords of the object must exactly match that of
the give_prog. If there is not, then any object with any of the
keywords in the list in it will trigger it. If a give_prog all is used,
then the give_prog will trigger from any object at all being given to
the mob. This type of prog is usually used for in-zone quests and
special mob behavior, and has a variety of uses.</p>
      <pre>give_prog orange apple banana<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if the object given to the mob has any of
the keywords orange, apple, or banana. This means that it would be
triggered by being given a banana, an apple pie, or even an orange
      <pre>give_prog p apple pie delicious<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if the object given to the mob has the exact
keywords apple pie delicious. The prog would not be triggered by being
given an object with keywords red apple or blackberry pie or anything
except the exact order and wording of the keyword list.</p>
      <pre>give_prog all<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if any object is given to the mob.</p>
      <p>MULTIPLE PROGS: You can have more than one give_prog on a mob.
Generally it is best not to have give_progs with the same keywords in
them, unless they are a give_prog p with different keyword lists but
some of the same keywords &ndash; for example a give_prog p apple red
juicy and a give_prog p apple red poisoned.</p>
      <p>SPECIAL NOTES: More often than not, you'll want to remember to
have the mob use the mpjunk command to get rid of the object given so
people cannot steal the item back and use it again. It does depend on
what you are doing of course, but it is something to keep in mind. It
is also not a bad idea to have a give_prog all to have the mob drop
items other than the ones it will accept in other give_progs.</p>
      <h3><a name="greet_prog">greet_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>greet_prog [integer percentage]<br /></pre>
      <p>This type of mobprog checks a percentage chance every time
someone enters the room that the mob is currently in. If the random
number generated between 1 and 100 is equal to or below the percentage
of the greet_prog, the prog is triggered. Note that greet_progs are
triggered by both players and mobs, and a mob in a maze can actually
sometimes end up triggering itself! This type of mobprog has all sorts
of uses, ranging from giving in-zone quest information to people
entering the room, creating aggressive progs, etc.</p>
      <pre>greet_prog 25<br /></pre>
      <p>This prog will be triggered 25% of the time when someone
enters the room where the mob currently is.</p>
      <pre>greet_prog 100<br /></pre>
      <p>This prog will be triggered 100% of the time when someone
enters the room where the mob currently is. This means every time.</p>
      <p>SPECIAL NOTES: You'll probably want to do a large number of if
checks in greet_progs, specifically in the difference between mobs and
player characters. Note that greet_progs will trigger except if a
person is sneaking. Also, the mob must have detect invisibility to see
invisible people, infravision to see people in the dark, and will not
see people if blinded.</p>
      <h3><a name="hitprcnt_prog">hitprcnt_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>hitprcnt_prog [integer percentage]<br /></pre>
      <p>This type of mobprog checks every round of combat to see if
the mob's hit points are equal to or under the percentage given to the
hitprcnt_prog. This type of prog is used mainly to have the mob do
something at a certain percentage of hit points. Keep in mind, however,
that this prog will trigger EVERY round of combat in which the mob's
hit points are under the percentage. So if you want the mob to do only
one thing, you will have to set up the mobprog that way with if checks.</p>
      <pre>hitprcnt_prog 50<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if the mob's hit points are 50% or under
every round of combat.</p>
      <pre>hitprcnt_prog 100<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if the mob's hit points are 100% or under
every round of combat. This means, more or less, every round of combat
the mob will ever be in.</p>
      <h3><a name="imask_prog">imask_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>imask_prog [trigger message]<br />imask_prog p [trigger message]<br /></pre>
      <p>This type of mobprog will trigger when the mob does a thing
that generates a certain string of text. When the 'p' is inserted into
the trigger line, the string of text must be precise, while if it is
not, any of the words in the list can trigger the mobprog. This type of
mobprog has many uses, one of which is to have one action trigger
another. The possibilities are almost endless, except that this trigger
is meaningless unless the scripted object is a mob, since only mobs can
generate events.</p>
      <pre>imask_prog wolf dog coyote<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger whenever the mob does something that
generates a segment of text containing any of the words wolf, dog, or
coyote. If the string contains more than one of these, the prog will be
triggered multiple times.</p>
      <pre>act_prog p A wolf howls at the moon.<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger the prog when mob does something that
generates this precise message. Note that punctuation is important here
as well.</p>
      <p>MULTIPLE PROGS: You can have more than one imask_prog on a
mob, but you shouldn't have multiple imask_progs that trigger off of
the same message.</p>
      <p>SPECIAL NOTES: ANSI colors on objects don't seem to work well
with imask_progs, so avoid using ANSI colors in anything that may be
part of your imask_prog trigger. Variables and Codes are not used in
imask_progs, so do not try to use them; it won't work.</p>
      <h3><a name="kill_prog">kill_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>kill_prog<br /></pre>
      <p>This mobprog type triggers when the mob causes death. The
kill_prog has a wide range of uses. The kill_prog is queued just before
the target dies, so it is considered to be the target's last gasp. At
the end of the kill-prog, however, the target dies. Even if the target
sets its hit points to full, it will die. Other than that, the mob can
mpjunk equipment it has, mptrasnfer a new room to die, unlock a door,
load an object of some kind, etc.</p>
      <p>MULTIPLE PROGS: You can have multiple kill_progs on the same
      <h3><a name="level_prog">level_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>level_prog [integer percentage]<br /></pre>
      <p>This type of mobprog checks a percentage chance every time a
player gains a level anywhere in the game. If the random number
generated between 1 and 100 is equal to or below the percentage of the
level_prog, the prog is triggered.</p>
      <pre>level_prog 25<br /></pre>
      <p>This prog will be triggered 25% of the time when someone
      <pre>level_prog 100<br /></pre>
      <p>This prog will be triggered 100% of the time when someone
levels. This means every time.</p>
      <p>SPECIAL NOTES: This program will trigger every time a player
levels, regardless of whether they are in the same room, or even
whether the scripted monster can see or detect the player. The
exception to this is cloaked admins, which will not trigger.</p>
      <h3><a name="lock_prog">lock_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>lock_prog [keyword list]<br />lock_prog p [keyword list]<br />lock_prog all<br />  <br /></pre>
      <p>This type of mobprog is triggered by locking a container or
door. If the script is on a container-type object, such as a door or
container item, it will trigger only if the object being locked is the
scripted one. If the target matches the keywords of the lock_prog, the
prog is triggered. If there is a 'p' placed before the keyword list,
the keywords of the object must exactly match that of the lock_prog. If
there is not, then any object with any of the keywords in the list in
it will trigger it. If the scripted item is not a container or door,
and a "lock_prog all" is used, then the lock_prog will trigger from any
object at all being locked. This type of prog is usually used for
in-zone quests and special mob behavior, and has a variety of uses. As
is normal, if the scripted object is a mob, this event will not trigger
if the scripted mob is the originator of the activity.</p>
      <pre>lock_prog door gate<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if the object locked has any of the keywords
door gate. This means that it would be triggered by locking a door or
      <pre>lock_prog p a large chest<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if the object locked has the exact keywords
a large chest.. The prog would not be triggered by locking an object
with keywords large or chest or anything except the exact order and
wording of the keyword list.</p>
      <pre>lock_prog all<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if any object is locked.)</p>
      <p>MULTIPLE PROGS: You can have more than one lock_prog on an
item, mob, or room. Generally it is best not to have lock_progs with
the same keywords in them, unless they are a lock_prog p with different
keyword lists but some of the same keywords - for example a lock_prog p
door gate and a lock_prog p door to the gate</p>
      <h3><a name="login_prog">login_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>login_prog [integer percentage]<br /></pre>
      <p>This type of mobprog checks a percentage chance every time
someone enters the game. If the random number generated between 1 and
100 is equal to or below the percentage of the login_prog, the prog is
      <pre>login_prog 25<br /></pre>
      <p>This prog will be triggered 25% of the time when someone
enters the game.</p>
      <pre>login_prog 100<br /></pre>
      <p>This prog will be triggered 100% of the time when someone
enters the game. This means every time.</p>
      <p>SPECIAL NOTES: This program will trigger every time a player
enters the game, regardless of whether they are in the same room, or
even whether the scripted monster can see or detect the player. The
exception to this is cloaked admins, which will not trigger</p>
      <h3><a name="logoff_prog">logoff_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>logoff_prog [integer percentage]<br /></pre>
      <p>This type of mobprog checks a percentage chance every time
someone leaves the game. If the random number generated between 1 and
100 is equal to or below the percentage of the logoff_prog, the prog is
      <pre>logoff_prog 25<br /></pre>
      <p>This prog will be triggered 25% of the time when someone
leaves the game.</p>
      <pre>logoff_prog 100<br /></pre>
      <p>This prog will be triggered 100% of the time when someone
leaves the game. This means every time.</p>
      <p>SPECIAL NOTES: This program will trigger every time a player
leaves the game, regardless of whether they are in the same room, or
even whether the scripted monster can see or detect the player. The
exception to this is cloaked admins, which will not trigger.</p>
      <h3><a name="llook_prog">llook_prog</a></h3>
      <h3><a name="look_prog">look_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>look_prog [keyword list]<br />look_prog p [keyword list]<br />look_prog all<br />llook_prog [keyword list]<br />llook_prog p [keyword list]<br />llook_prog all<br />  <br /></pre>
      <p>This type of mobprog is triggered by looking at the scripted
item. The "llook" version triggers if the item is "examined". If the
target matches the keywords of the lock_prog, the prog is triggered. If
there is a 'p' placed before the keyword list, the keywords of the
object must exactly match that of the look_prog. This type of prog is
usually used for in-zone quests and special mob behavior, and has a
variety of uses. As is normal, if the scripted object is a mob, this
event will not trigger if the scripted mob is the originator of the
      <pre>llook_prog all<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if any the scripted item, room, or mob is
      <pre>look_prog all<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if any the scripted item, room, or mob is
looked at.</p>
      <p>MULTIPLE PROGS: It is generally useless to have more than one
look_prog on an item, mob, or room.</p>
      <h3><a name="once_prog">once_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>once_prog<br /></pre>
      <p>This type of mobprog is triggered immediately by the script
engine under all circumstances, but is never triggered again. This
makes it useful for doing initialization or other tasks which only need
to be done once after the mud boots. This type of prog is usually used
for in-zone quests and special mob behavior, and has a variety of uses.</p>
      <pre>once_prog<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger once, right away</p>
      <p>MULTIPLE PROGS: You can have only one once_prog on a mob.</p>
      <h3><a name="open_prog">open_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>open_prog [keyword list]<br />open_prog p [keyword list]<br />open_prog all<br />  <br /></pre>
      <p>This type of mobprog is triggered by opening a container or
door. If the script is on a container-type object, such as a door or
container item, it will trigger only if the object being opened is the
scripted one. Otherwise, if the target matches the keywords of the
open_prog, the prog is triggered. If there is a 'p' placed before the
keyword list, the keywords of the object must exactly match that of the
open_prog. If there is not, then any object with any of the keywords in
the list in it will trigger it. If the scripted item is not a container
or door, and a "open_prog all" is used, then the open_prog will trigger
from any object at all being opened. This type of prog is usually used
for in-zone quests and special mob behavior, and has a variety of uses.
As is normal, if the scripted object is a mob, this event will not
trigger if the scripted mob is the originator of the activity.</p>
      <pre>open_prog door gate   <br />   <br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if the object opened has any of the keywords
door gate. This means that it would be triggered by opening a door or
      <pre>open_prog p a large chest<br />   <br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if the object opened has the exact keywords
a large chest.. The prog would not be triggered by opening an object
with keywords large or chest or anything except the exact order and
wording of the keyword list.</p>
      <pre>open_prog all   <br />   <br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if any object is opened.</p>
      <p>MULTIPLE PROGS: You can have more than one open_prog on an
item, mob, or room. Generally it is best not to have open_progs with
the same keywords in them, unless they are a open_progs p with
different keyword lists but some of the same keywords - for example a
open_prog p door gate and a open_prog p door to the gate.</p>
      <h3><a name="quest_time_prog">quest_time_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>quest_time_prog [quest name] [number of minutes remaining]<br /></pre>
      <p>This kind of mobprog triggers only if the script is part of an
official Quest, and only if the number of minutes remaining in the
quest is equal to the number of minutes specified. This is used as part
of a quest plot line, to allow the mobs to give warnings about a quest
that is running out of time. If the Scriptable behavior was granted as
part of a Quest, then * may be substituted for the questname.</p>
      <pre>quest_time_prog 'my quest' 20<br /></pre>
      <p>This quest_time_prog will be triggered on the final 20th
minute of the quest 'my quest'.</p>
      <pre>quest_time_prog 'my quest' 1<br /></pre>
      <p>This quest_time_prog will be triggered on the final minute of
the quest 'that quest'.</p>
      <h3><a name="put_prog">put_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>put_prog [keyword list]<br />put_prog p [keyword list]<br />put_prog all<br /></pre>
      <p>This type of mobprog is triggered by putting something in a
container. If the container being used matches the keywords of the
put_prog, the prog is triggered. If there is a &lsquo;p' placed before
the keyword list, the keywords of the object must exactly match that of
the put_prog. If there is not, then any container with any of the
keywords in the list in it will trigger it. If a put_prog all is used,
then the put_prog will trigger from any container at all being used.
This type of prog is usually used for in-zone quests and special mob
behavior, and has a variety of uses.</p>
      <pre>put_prog orange apple banana<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if the container used has any of the
keywords orange, apple, or banana. This means that it would be
triggered by putting something into a banana, an apple pie, or even an
orange shield.</p>
      <pre>put_prog p apple pie delicious<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if the container used up has the exact
keywords apple pie delicious. The prog would not be triggered by
putting anything into a container with keywords red apple or blackberry
pie or anything except the exact order and wording of the keyword list.</p>
      <pre>put_prog all<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if any container is used.</p>
      <p>MULTIPLE PROGS: You can have more than one put_prog on a mob.
Generally it is best not to have put_progs with the same keywords in
them, unless they are a put_prog p with different keyword lists but
some of the same keywords &ndash; for example a put_prog p apple red
juicy and a put_prog p apple red poisoned.</p>
      <h3><a name="rand_prog">rand_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>rand_prog [integer percentage]<br /></pre>
      <p>This kind of mobprog checks a percentage chance every tick. If
the random number generated between 1 and 100 is equal to or below the
percentage of the rand_prog, then it will be triggered. This type of
mobprog can be triggered at any time, so long as the mob is alive,
including while it is sleeping or fighting. They are very useful for
setting up certain elements of your zone, or for giving personality to
your mobs, such as having a blacksmith who pounds out a sword. This
kind of mobprog ONLY goes off when a player is in the same zone that
your mob is in.</p>
      <pre>rand_prog 20<br /></pre>
      <p>This rand_prog will be triggered 20% of each tick.</p>
      <pre>rand_prog 75<br /></pre>
      <p>This rand_prog will be triggered 75% of each tick.</p>
      <p>SPECIAL NOTES: While using rand_progs seems really easy,
having a lot of them can slow down your zone. Having extremely long
rand_progs on many, many mobs is generally not a good idea. If
possible, consider other options, and only use rand_progs that go off
at a high rate on mobs that will perform the rand_prog once and then
never again, either because they have some sort of internal check, or
because they go and mppurge themselves afterwards.</p>
      <h3><a name="regmask_prog">regmask_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>regmask_prog [java regular expression]<br />regmask_prog p [exact, case sensitive message]<br /></pre>
      <p>This type of mobprog will trigger when the mob sees a certain
string of text. When the 'p' is inserted into the trigger line, the
string of text must be precisely the same, case included, as the string
generated. If 'p' is not the first character, then the trigger will
attempt to find the first match of the given java regular expression
string. This type of mobprog has many uses, one of which is
communication between mobs. There are a few socials which create a
message only to the person performing them and to the one receiving
them. You can use these and act_progs to safely have mobs trigger each
other, without people seeing what is going on. Other uses include
triggering off of people fleeing, moving out of the room, etc. The
possibilities are endless.</p>
      <pre>regmask_prog a*be<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger whenever the mob sees a segment of text
starting with the lowercase letter a, then containing 0 or more other
letter as followed by the string "be". This would match aaaaabe</p>
      <pre>regmask_prog p A wolf howls at the moon.<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger the prog when it sees this precise message.
Note that punctuation and case is important here as well.</p>
      <p>MULTIPLE PROGS: You can have more than one regmask_prog on a
mob, but you shouldn't have multiple regmask_progs that trigger off of
the same message.</p>
      <p>SPECIAL NOTES: ANSI colors on objects don't seem to work well
with regmask_progs, so avoid using ANSI colors in anything that may be
part of your regmask_prog trigger. Variables and Codes are not used in
regmask_progs, so do not try to use them; it won't work.</p>
      <h3><a name="remove_prog">remove_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>remove_prog [keyword list]<br />remove_prog p [keyword list]<br />remove_prog all<br /></pre>
      <p>This type of mobprog is triggered by removing an object. If
the object removed matches the keywords of the remove_prog, the prog is
triggered. If there is a &lsquo;p' placed before the keyword list, the
keywords of the object must exactly match that of the remove_prog. If
there is not, then any object with any of the keywords in the list in
it will trigger it. If a remove_prog all is used, then the remove_prog
will trigger from any object at all being removed by the mob. This type
of prog is usually used for in-zone quests and special mob behavior,
and has a variety of uses.</p>
      <pre>remove_prog orange apple banana<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if the object removed has any of the
keywords orange, apple, or banana. This means that it would be
triggered by removing a banana, an apple pie, or even an orange shield.</p>
      <pre>remove_prog p apple pie delicious<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if the object removed has the exact keywords
apple pie delicious. The prog would not be triggered by removing an
object with keywords red apple or blackberry pie or anything except the
exact order and wording of the keyword list.</p>
      <pre>remove_prog all<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if any object is removed.</p>
      <p>MULTIPLE PROGS: You can have more than one remove_prog on a
mob. Generally it is best not to have remove_progs with the same
keywords in them, unless they are a remove_prog p with different
keyword lists but some of the same keywords &ndash; for example a
remove_prog p apple red juicy and a remove_prog p apple red poisoned.</p>
      <h3><a name="sell_prog">sell_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>sell_prog [keyword list]<br />sell_prog p [keyword phrase]<br />sell_prog all<br /></pre>
      <p>This type of mobprog is triggered by selling an item to a
shopkeeper. If the item being sold has any of the keywords of the
sell_prog, the prog is triggered. If there is a &lsquo;p' placed before
the keyword list, the keywords of the item must exactly match that of
the sell_prog. If there is not, then any item with any of the keywords
in the list in it will trigger it. If a sell_prog all is used, then the
sell_prog will trigger for any item at all being sold. This type of
prog is usually used for in-zone quests and special mob behavior, and
has a variety of uses.</p>
      <pre>sell_prog orange apple banana<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if the item being sold has any of the
keywords orange, apple, or banana. This means that it would be
triggered by selling a banana, an apple pie, or even an orange shield.</p>
      <pre>sell_prog p apple pie delicious<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if the item being sold has the exact
keywords apple pie delicious. The prog would not be triggered by
selling anything with keywords red apple or blackberry pie or anything
except the exact order and wording of the keyword list.</p>
      <pre>sell_prog all<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if any sort of item is sold.</p>
      <p>MULTIPLE PROGS: You can have more than one sell_prog on a mob.
Generally it is best not to have sell_progs with the same keywords in
them, unless they are a sell_prog p with different keyword lists but
some of the same keywords &ndash; for example a sell_prog p apple red
juicy and a sell_prog p apple red poisoned.</p>
      <h3><a name="social_prog">social_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>social_prog [social name]<br /></pre>
      <p>This type of mobprog is triggered by a social of the looked
for name being done in the same room. This type of prog is usually used
for in-zone quests and special mob behavior, and has a variety of uses.</p>
      <pre>social_prog smile<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if the smile social is done in the same room
as the scripted object.</p>
      <p>MULTIPLE PROGS: You can have more than one social_prog on a
mob. Generally it is best not to have social_progs with the same social
trigger in them.</p>
      <h3><a name="speech_prog">speech_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>speech_prog [trigger message]<br />speech_prog p [trigger message]<br /></pre>
      <p>This type of mobprog is triggered by someone saying the
trigger line, be it mob or player. If a 'p' is inserted in the prog as
above, the line spoken must exactly match the trigger message; if it is
not, then any of the keywords listed will trigger the mobprog. A
keyword of ALL will trigger on any speech. This type of mobprog is
useful for setting up internal quests, giving out background
information to people exploring your zone, or setting up passwords that
must be spoken. This type of prog can also be used to have a mob
trigger itself if you want to have multiple connected progs &ndash; see
complex progs for details. Note that this kind of mobprog is only
triggered by someone using the say command.</p>
      <pre>speech_prog dog wolf coyote<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger the prog whenever dog, wolf, or coyote is
said in the room with the mob. If more than one of the keywords is
spoken in the same line, the prog will trigger more than once.</p>
      <pre>speech_prog p The dog barks at the cat<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger the prog only if the exact expression is
said. Note that punctuation counts, although you don't *have* to use it.</p>
      <p>MULTIPLE PROGS: You can have more than one speech_prog on a
mob. It is generally not a good idea to have more than one speech_prog
be triggered by the same expression.</p>
      <h3><a name="time_prog">time_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>time_prog [list of hours in the day]<br /></pre>
      <p>This type of mobprog triggers once per mud hour, on the hours
of the day listed. This allows you to have a script which triggers
infrequently. There are 16 hours per day (0-15) in CoffeeMud.</p>
      <pre>time_prog 10 1 2<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if hour of the day is 10, 1, or 2.</p>
      <pre>time_prog 3<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger on the 3rd hour of every day.</p>
      <h3><a name="unlock_prog">unlock_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>unlock_prog [keyword list]<br />unlock_prog p [keyword list]<br />unlock_prog all<br /></pre>
      <p>This type of mobprog is triggered by unlocking a container or
door. If the script is on a container-type object, such as a door or
container item, it will trigger only if the object being unlocked is
the scripted one. If the target matches the keywords of the
unlock_prog, the prog is triggered. If there is a 'p'; placed before
the keyword list, the keywords of the object must exactly match that of
the unlock_prog. If there is not, then any object with any of the
keywords in the list in it will trigger it. If the scripted item is not
a container or door, and a "unlock_prog all" is used, then the
unlock_prog will trigger from any object at all being unlocked. This
type of prog is usually used for in-zone quests and special mob
behavior, and has a variety of uses. As is normal, if the scripted
object is a mob, this event will not trigger if the scripted mob is the
originator of the activity.</p>
      <pre>unlock_prog door gate<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if the object unlocked has any of the
keywords door gate. This means that it would be triggered by unlocking
a door or gate.</p>
      <pre>unlock_prog p a large chest<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if the object unlocked has the exact
keywords a large chest.. The prog would not be triggered by unlocking
an object with keywords large or chest or anything except the exact
order and wording of the keyword list.</p>
      <pre>unlock_prog all<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if any object is unlocked.</p>
      <p>MULTIPLE PROGS: You can have more than one unlock_prog on an
item, mob, or room. Generally it is best not to have unlock_progs with
the same keywords in them, unless they are a unlock_prog p with
different keyword lists but some of the same keywords - for example a
unlock_prog p door gate and a unlock_prog p door to the gate.</p>
      <h3><a name="wear_prog">wear_prog</a></h3>
      <pre>wear_prog [keyword list]<br />wear_prog p [keyword list]<br />wear_prog all<br /></pre>
      <p>This type of mobprog is triggered by wearing, wielding, or
holding an item. If the object worn matches the keywords of the
wear_prog, the prog is triggered. If there is a &lsquo;p' placed before
the keyword list, the keywords of the object must exactly match that of
the wear_prog. If there is not, then any object with any of the
keywords in the list in it will trigger it. If a wear_prog all is used,
then the wear_prog will trigger from any object at all worn. This type
of prog is usually used for in-zone quests and special mob behavior,
and has a variety of uses.</p>
      <pre>wear_prog orange apple banana<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if the object worn has any of the keywords
orange, apple, or banana. This means that it would be triggered by
wearing a banana, an apple pie, or even an orange shield.</p>
      <pre>wear_prog p apple pie delicious<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if the object worn has the exact keywords
apple pie delicious. The prog would not be triggered by wearing an
object with keywords red apple or blackberry pie or anything except the
exact order and wording of the keyword list.</p>
      <pre>wear_prog all<br /></pre>
      <p>This will trigger if any object is worn.</p>
      <p>MULTIPLE PROGS: You can have more than one wear_prog on a mob.
Generally it is best not to have wear_progs with the same keywords in
them, unless they are a wear_prog p with different keyword lists but
some of the same keywords &ndash; for example a wear_prog p apple red
juicy and a wear_prog p apple red poisoned.</p>
      <h2><a name="codes">Scripting Codes</a></h2>
      <p>Most commands in your scripts allow you to use variable-like
scripting Codes instead of literals. A literal is a specific static
string or number, such as 'the hairy blog' or 'green' or '72'. A
scripting code, however, is a special string which represents a literal
and stands for it in your scripts.</p>
      <p>Understanding scripting codes is absolutely necessary for you
to write scripts successfully. When a DEATH_PROG triggers, for example,
it is impossible for the commands that execute to guess the name of the
mobs killer. Therefore the name of the killer is stored in a scripting
code for you. In this case, that code is $n. This allows you to use the
code $n in your DEATH_PROG commands and be sure that wherever you use
it, it is referring to "the creature that killed me".</p>
      <p>Also, when using commands that cause strings to echo, you may
want to use a pronoun to refer to the creature who triggers an event.
Guessing, however, won't work here either. In the case of our
DEATH_PROG example, we could use the code $m and be sure that, whever
it appears, the word 'his', 'her', or 'it' will replace it
      <p><a name="dollarCode"> Below is a list of the simple
scripting codes, along with their meaning. The term 'monster' below
refers to whatever object, mob, item, room, exit, etc actually has the
Scriptable behavior and is running the script. Otherwise, we also refer
to the source of the trigger event and the target of the trigger event.
For instance, when someone 'A' gets a sword off the ground in front of
a mob 'B' with the Scriptable behavior, the MASK_PROG might trigger
with the monster being the mob 'B', the source being the someone 'A',
and the target being the sword.</a></p>
      <a name="dollarCode"> </a>
      <table bgcolor="#add8e6" border="1" width="100%">
            <td width="25%">$a</td>
            <td>Name of the area the monsters in.</td>
            <td>Name of last mob or item loaded with MPMLOAD or MPOLOAD
            <td>Display text of last mob or item loaded with MPMLOAD or
MPOLOAD commands</td>
            <td>A random pc or npc inhabitants name</td>
            <td>A random pc or npc inhabitants name</td>
            <td>The Monsters name.</td>
            <td>The Monsters display text.</td>
            <td>The Source of the triggers name.</td>
            <td>The Source of the triggers name.</td>
            <td>The Target of the triggers name.</td>
            <td>The Target of the triggers name.</td>
            <td>A random pc inhabitants name.</td>
            <td>A random pc inhabitants name.</td>
            <td>The pronoun he/she of the monster.</td>
            <td>The pronoun he/she of the source of the trigger.</td>
            <td>Name of the person which the monster follows.</td>
            <td>The pronoun he/she of the trigger target.</td>
            <td>The he/she of the person which the monster follows.</td>
            <td>The pronoun he/she of a random pc inhabitant.</td>
            <td>The possessive pronoun his/her of the monster.</td>
            <td>The pronoun him/her of the monster.</td>
            <td>The pronoun him/her of a random pc inhabitant.</td>
            <td>A list of all mobs (excluding monster). See "." syntax
            <td>A list of all Items in room. See "." syntax below.</td>
            <td>The pronoun his/her of the source of the trigger.</td>
            <td>The pronoun his/her of the target of the trigger.</td>
            <td>The pronoun him/her of the source of the trigger.</td>
            <td>The pronoun him/her of the target of the trigger.</td>
            <td>The title of the room of the scripted monster.</td>
            <td>The long description of the room of the scripted
            <td>The pronoun his/her of a random pc inhabitant.</td>
            <td>The name of item#1.</td>
            <td>The name of item#1.</td>
            <td>The name of item#2.</td>
            <td>The name of item#2.</td>
            <td>The name of the owner of item#1.</td>
            <td>The name of the owner of item#2.</td>
            <td>The lowercase form of the message or parameters from a
            <td>The uppercase form of the message or parameters from a
            <td>Displays a random (or specified) exit by the exits
direction code (north, south, etc)</td>
            <td>Displays a random (or specified) exit by the exits
direction name (door, etc etc)</td>
            <td>Specified directions name (Where N may be N, S, E, W,
U, or D). Will display the direction Code. Use $X for exit name.</td>
            <td>$0 .. $9</td>
            <td>Temporary variables used by other commands, especially
FOR, MPARGSET command.</td>
            <td>$&lt;[code] [var name]&gt;</td>
            <td>The variable of the given name, and the given code.
Where code is $i, $n, $t, $o, $w, $W, or $p. See MPSETVAR below.</td>
            <td>${[num] [*/quest name]}</td>
            <td>A mob name from the given quest, if the quest is
running. The number corresponds to the order in which mobs were
designated in the quest script. Counting starts at 1.</td>
            <td>$[[num] [*/quest name]]</td>
            <td>An item name from the given quest, if the quest is
running. The number corresponds to the order in which items were
designated in the quest script. Counting starts at 1.</td>
      <a name="dollarCode"> </a>
      <p><a name="dollarCode">Any of the above codes may be followed by
a period and a
literal number to designate a particular word inside a string of many
words. For instance, if $o evaluates to "a magic wand", then $o.1 would
evalulate to "magic". If $l evaluated to "orc bob hassan", then $l.2
would give "hassan". This can be very useful when used with the $l or
$L codes to iterate through the contents of a room. This syntax can
also be used to generate substrings by following the number with two
periods "..". For instance, of $l evaluates to "orc bob hassan", then
$l.1.. would give "bob hassan". &nbsp;You can also add .LENGTH# to the
end of a variable to return the number of words contained inside the
      <a name="dollarCode"> </a>
      <p><a name="percentCode"> The last code we are going to discuss
is also the most powerful. It allows you to fill in a value from a
function call. The format of this code is as follows:</a></p>
      <a name="percentCode"> </a>
      <table bgcolor="#add8e6" border="1" width="100%">
            <td width="25%">$%[function name]([parameters])%</td>
            <td>This will replace the code with a value from one of the
internal functions listed below. While the names are the same as the
eval functions used in IF statements, their parameters will be slightly
      <a name="percentCode"> </a>
      <p><a name="percentCode">The [function name] must be the name of
one of the functions
listed in the following chart. All functions must have parenthesis
after their names, and most functions require one or more parameters
inside the parenthesis.</a></p>
      <a name="percentCode"> </a>
      <p><a name="percentCode">The parameters usually include a [code].
This may be either
the string name of either a mob or an item (whichever is appropriate to
the function), or a code from the previous chart which represents a mob
or an item. The description for each function will specify whether mob
names or codes representing mobs are more appropriate, or whether item
names or codes representing items are more appropriate.</a></p>
      <a name="percentCode"> </a>
      <p><a name="percentCode">Here is an example of this code being
used in a say statement:</a></p>
      <a name="percentCode"> </a>
      <pre><a name="percentCode">say I am $%isgood($i)% and my favourite number is $%rand()%.<br /></a></pre>
      <a name="percentCode"> </a>
      <p><a name="percentCode">This string would replace the $%.. codes
with the results of
the given function calls.</a></p>
      <a name="percentCode"> </a>
      <p><a name="percentCode">Here is the list of accepted functions
for the $% code. Where
'monster' is referred to below, you may assume this to be whatever
object (mob, item, room, exit) which has the Scriptable behavior on it.
Usually this is an npc mob. In the case of an item, it refers to a mob
who takes the place of the item for scripting purposes. For this
reason, using $i and $I codes, or using functions which only return
information about the scripted monster when an item is being scripted
is totally useless.</a></p>
      <a name="percentCode"> </a>
      <table bgcolor="#90ee90" border="1" width="100%">
            <td width="25%">AFFECTED([code])</td>
            <td>Returns the name of a random spell affect on the given
mob or item.</td>
            <td>Returns the base class of the given mob.</td>
            <td>CALLFUNC([function name] [parms])</td>
            <td>Calls the FUNCTION_PROG of the given name, with the
given parameters, and returns the value returned by the program using
the RETURN statement.</td>
            <td>Returns the clan of the given mob.</td>
            <td>Returns the rank of the given mob in their clan.</td>
            <td>CLANDATA([clan code] [variable])</td>
            <td>Returns data about the given clan. See CLANDATA
function below for variables.</td>
            <td>Returns the class of the given mob.</td>
            <td>Returns the native currency of the given mob or coins.</td>
            <td>Returns the hour, day, month, or year. For type, use
            <td>Returns the deity of the given mob.</td>
            <td>Not implemented -- do not use.</td>
            <td>Returns the experience points of the given mob.</td>
            <td>EXPLORED([code] [areaname or world])</td>
            <td>Returns the % the given mob has explored of the world
or the specified area.</td>
            <td>FACTION([mob code] [faction id])</td>
            <td>Returns the range name for the given mob within the
given faction.</td>
            <td>Returns the total value of the money the given mob has,
or value of item, expressed in base gold.</td>
            <td>GSTAT([code] [stat variable])</td>
            <td>Value of the given stat variable for the given mob or
item. For example: <em>$%GSTAT($i strength)%</em> See the MPGSET
command below for a complete list of variables.</td>
            <td>Returns the name of a random item in the scripted
monsters inventory.</td>
            <td>HASNUM([code] [item name])</td>
            <td>Returns the number of a given item in the given mob or
rooms inventory.</td>
            <td>Returns the selected title of the given player mob.</td>
            <td>Return the % of hit points remaining for the given mob.</td>
            <td>Returns the name of the area the scripted monster is in.</td>
            <td>Teturns the name of the container of the given item, or
the mount of the given mob, depending on the code.</td>
            <td>Returns the name of the room type the monster is in
(plains, city, mountains, hills, watersurface, etc).</td>
            <td>Returns the raw id of the room the scripted monster is
            <td>Returns the ipaddress of the player.</td>
            <td>ISABLE([code] [skill name])</td>
            <td>Returns the given mobs proficiency in the given
            <td>Returns the health of the given mob.</td>
            <td>Returns the class ids of the behaviors on the given mob
or item.</td>
            <td>Returns a description of the given mobs birthday date.</td>
            <td>Returns the name of the charm spell the mob is under.</td>
            <td>Returns word the word day or the word evening.</td>
            <td>Returns the short alignment string of the given mob.</td>
            <td>Returns the name of the creature the given mob is
fighting, or nothing otherwise.</td>
            <td>Returns the name of the creature the given mob is
following, or nothing otherwise.</td>
            <td>Returns the alignment string of the given mob.</td>
            <td>Returns the name of the area the scripted monster is in.</td>
            <td>not implemented.</td>
            <td>ISLIKE([zapper mask])</td>
            <td>Returns human-readable description of the given mask.</td>
            <td>ISLOCKED([code or direction])</td>
            <td>Returns the key name if the given container name or
direction has a lock. The code may refer to an item container with a
lock, or a direction name, such as north, south, east, etc.</td>
            <td>Returns the moon phase description.</td>
            <td>Returns the real/full name of the given object.</td>
            <td>Returns the alignment number of the given mob (0-1000).</td>
            <td>Not implemented -- do not use.</td>
            <td>Echoes back the number if it is an odd whole number.</td>
            <td>ISOPEN([code or direction])</td>
            <td>Returns "true" if the container item is open, or the
exit in the given direction name is open.</td>
            <td>Not implemented -- do not use..</td>
            <td>ISQUESTMOBALIVE([quest name])</td>
            <td>Returns a list of all live mobs designated by the given
            <td>Returns the start room of the given mob.</td>
            <td>Returns the name of the season.</td>
            <td>Returns the name of the creature the given mob is
serving, or nothing otherwise.</td>
            <td>Returns the approximate time of day in words.</td>
            <td>Returns a description of the weather in a short
            <td>Returns the level of the given mob.</td>
            <td>Returns result of evaluated mathematical expression.
Use +, -, *, or \</td>
            <td>MOBITEM([code] [integer number])</td>
            <td>Returns the nth item owned by the given mob.</td>
            <td>Returns the mood of the given mob.</td>
            <td>NUMBER([integer number or code])</td>
            <td>Returns the numeric value of the given argument.</td>
            <td>Returns the number of items the given mob has.</td>
            <td>Returns the number of items in the room.</td>
            <td>Returns the number of mobs in the world matching the
given mob name.Can also use MASK=&lt;zapper mask&gt; to pick out
certain kinds of mobs.</td>
            <td>Returns the number of mobs in the scripted monsters
area matching the given mob name.Can also use MASK=&lt;zapper mask&gt;
to pick out certain kinds of mobs.</td>
            <td>Returns the number of mobs in the same room as the
scripted monster, including the monster, whose name or display text
matches the name pattern. Can also use MASK=&lt;zapper mask&gt; to pick
out certain kinds of mobs.</td>
            <td>Returns the number of pcs in the same area as the
scripted monster.</td>
            <td> </td>
            <td>Returns the number of pcs in the same room as the
scripted monster.</td>
            <td>NUMRACEINAREA([race name])</td>
            <td>Returns the number of mobs in the same area as the
scripted monster whose race matches the given string.</td>
            <td>NUMRACES([race name])</td>
            <td>Returns the number of mobs in the world whose race
matches the given string.</td>
            <td>Returns the sitting/standing/sleeping position name of
the given mob.</td>
            <td>Returns the number of practices the given mob has.</td>
            <td>QUESTOBJ([quest name])</td>
            <td>Returns a list of all items designated by the given
            <td>QUESTMOB([quest name])</td>
            <td>Returns a list of all mobs designated by the given
            <td>Returns the number of quest points the given mob has.</td>
            <td>QUESTROOM([quest name])</td>
            <td>Returns a list of all room ids designated by the given
            <td>Returns a list of the quests the given mob is scripted
for (is on).</td>
            <td>Returns a list of the quests the given mob has won.</td>
            <td>QVAR([*/quest name] [var])</td>
            <td>Returns value of one of the internal Quest variable
strings, See MPQSET for more info.</td>
            <td>Returns the name of the race of the given mob.</td>
            <td>Returns the racial category of the given mob.</td>
            <td>Returns random number between 1 and 100.</td>
            <td>RAND0NUM([integer number or code])</td>
            <td>Returns a random number from 0..given value-1.</td>
            <td>RANDNUM([integer number or code])</td>
            <td>Returns a random number from 1..given value.</td>
            <td>ROOMITEM([integer number])</td>
            <td>Returns the name of the nth item in the same room as
the scripted monster.</td>
            <td>ROOMMOB([integer number])</td>
            <td>Returns the name of the nth mob in the same room as the
scripted monster.</td>
            <td>Returns the sex of the given mob.</td>
            <td>STAT([code] [stat variable])</td>
            <td>Returns the value of the given stat for the given
object, mob, or item. See MPSTAT in the section on Commands for more
            <td>STRIN([string] [string])</td>
            <td>Returns the word number (0..n) where the second string
appears in the first. This function deals in whole words only.</td>
            <td>Returns the number of training points the given mob has.</td>
            <td>VALUE([code] [currency name])</td>
            <td>Returns the base value of the mob or coins but only in
the given currency.</td>
            <td>VAR([code] [variable name])</td>
            <td>Returns the value of the given variable. See MPSETVAR
in the section on Commands for more information.</td>
            <td>The name of a random worn item in the given mobs
      <a name="percentCode"> </a>
      <h2><a name="commands">Scripting Commands</a></h2>
      <p>Commands inside your scripts should each be terminated by a
carriage return (ENTER) or a semicolon, depending upon the manner in
which your script is presented.</p>
      <p>Commands are of two general types: MUD Commands, and MOBPROG
(MP) Commands.</p>
      <p>MUD Commands you should already be familiar with, as they
include commands such as GET, PUT, SAY, DROP, etc. It is not within the
scope of this document to list or describe the standard MUD Commands.
The help files inside the mud itself can do a far better job. It is
sufficient to say that issuing the command in your script cause the
scripted mob to attempt to perform the command exactly as it is
written. If you enter a script line such as:</p>
      <pre>get sword<br /></pre>
      <p>.. and there is a sword, the mob will get it. If there is NO
sword, the mob will not appear to be doing anything at all.</p>
      <p>MP Commands are what we will be discussing in more detail
here. Like MUD Commands, they each have a syntax and structure which
must be followed.</p>
      <pre>commandword parameter1 parameter2 ... parametern<br /></pre>
      <p>Like MUD Commands, MP Commands all have a key command word
followed by one or more parameters. As in MUD Commands, those
parameters are delimited by spaces. If you need to specify a single
parameter which contains a space, you would put double quotes (")
around the parameter.</p>
      <pre>say "the scary monster" hi!<br /></pre>
      <p>In an MP Command, however, this is not true. In an MP Command,
the single quote (') is used around a parameter when it contains
spaces. Keep this difference in mind when writing your scripts, lest
you run into problems. This difference is actually more important with
MP Functions. This is because most MP Commands only have one parameter,
so that parameter word grouping using quotes is usually not necessary.</p>
      <h3><a name="if">if, else, endif</a></h3>
      <pre>if [condition]<br />[commands]<br />else<br />[commands]<br />...<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <p>The if command is the cornerstone of Scripting, and the only
other condition mechanism outside of the MPWHILE command. The way the
if command works is by deciding whether or not the condition that is
given is true, and if so, executing the commands following the if
condition. When the condition is not true, the commands before an endif
statement or, (if given), an else statement are not executed. If an
else statement lies between an if statement and the endif statement,
then the statements between the else statement and the endif statement
will be executed whenever the condition is false, but not ever if the
condition is true. Either way, statements after an endif statement are
executed regardless.</p>
      <p>Every if statement MUST have a corresponding endif statement
somewhere after it. The else statement is completely optional, but if
it is used, it must be between the if statement and the endif
statement. A BREAK statement may be included inside an IF..ENDIF block
to skip the remaining statements in that block.</p>
      <p>Of course, everything that happens or doesn't happen in an if
condition depends on the condition itself. Every condition consists of
a valid function name followed by an open parenthesis, followed by any
parameters required by that function, and a close parenthesis. A simple
example is below:</p>
      <pre>if sex($n == M)<br /></pre>
      <p>In this example, the sex function is called to determine
whether $n (which is a variable representing the cause of a trigger) is
male. If the mob who caused the trigger is male, the condition is true.
Otherwise it is false. In the particular function above, the '=='
symbols mean 'equal to'.</p>
      <p>Conditional statements may be negated using the "!" character
as follows:</p>
      <pre>if !sex($n == M)<br /></pre>
      <p>In this case, the condition evaluates to false if the mob who
caused the trigger is male, and true otherwise.</p>
      <p>Conditional statements may contain more than one function call
if they are separated by the key words 'and' or 'or'. In the case of an
'and' key word, the condition evaluates to true if the functions on
either side both evaluate to true, and it evaluates to false otherwise.
In the case of the 'or' key word, the condition evaluates to true if
either of the functions on either side evaluate to true, and false
otherwise. Here are some examples of those in use:</p>
      <pre>if sex($n == F) or race($n == Harpy)<br /></pre>
      <pre>if sex($n == M) and isevil($n)<br /></pre>
      <p>Lastly, conditional statements may group together their
function calls using parenthesis. This can be used to ensure that
certain sets of function calls are evaluated together, while others are
not. For instance:</p>
      <pre>if sex($n == M) or isevil($n) and race($n == Harpy)<br /></pre>
      <pre>if ( sex($n == M) or isevil($n) ) and race($n == Harpy)<br /></pre>
      <p>In these examples, if $n happens to refer to a Good Male
Gnome, then the first statement would evaulate to true, while the
second statement would evaluate to false. This is because the
parenthesis force the sex and isevil checks to be evaulated first in
the second example.</p>
      <p>Please see the section below on functions for a list of the
conditional functions and their uses.</p>
      <h3><a name="switch">switch, case, default, endswitch</a></h3>
      <pre>switch [variable]<br />case [value]<br />[commands]<br />case [value]<br />[commands]<br />case [value]<br />[commands]<br />...<br />endswitch<br /></pre>
The switch command is an alternative to the if/endif syntax above for
comparing a single variable to many different variables. A switch
statement is essentially a stand-in for this syntax:
      <pre>if VAR($i MYVAR == 'value1')<br />  [commands1]<br />else<br />  if VAR($i MYVAR == 'value2')<br />    [commands2]<br />  else<br />    if VAR($i MYVAR == 'value3')<br />      [commands3]<br />    else<br />      [commands4]<br />    endif<br />  endif<br />endif<br /></pre>
Notice how, in the above example, we are comparing the same variable
over and over again to different values, and doing something different
depending on that value. This is what the switch command allows you to
do without having to nest so many if-statements. Here would be the
equivalent switch statement to the above:
      <pre>switch $%VAR($i MYVAR)%<br />case 'value1'<br />[commands1]<br />case 'value2'<br />[commands2]<br />case 'value3'<br />[commands3]<br />default<br />[commands4]<br />endswitch<br /><br /></pre>
In the above <span style="font-weight: bold;">switch</span> statement,
we declare the value we wish to check after the key word <span
 style="font-weight: bold;">switch</span>, which is the value of the
variable $i MYVAR. In the ensueing <span style="font-weight: bold;">case</span>
statements, we declare what we want the value of $i MYVAR to be equal
to in order for the commands which follow the <span
 style="font-weight: bold;">case</span> statement to be executed. Each <span
 style="font-weight: bold;">case</span> statement defines its own value
which $i MYVAR must be equal to in order for its following commands to
be executed. The <span style="font-weight: bold;">default</span>
statement is a special case is executed only if a value of $i MYVAR did
not match any of the previous <span style="font-weight: bold;">case</span>
values. Finally, the <span style="font-weight: bold;">endswitch</span>
declares that no more cases will be given. Consider another example:
      <pre>switch $%RANDNUM(5)%<br />case 1<br />  [commands1]<br />case 2<br />  [commands2]<br />case 3<br />  [commands3]<br />case 4<br />  [commands4]<br />case 5<br />  [commands5]<br />endswitch<br /></pre>
In this example, we are comparing a randomly generated number from 1-5
to each of the possible values in our <span style="font-weight: bold;">case</span>
statements. Since we have covered all possible values of $%RANDNUM(5)%,
we do not need to include a <span style="font-weight: bold;">default</span>
      <h3><a name="for">for, next</a></h3>
      <pre>for $[digit] = [number] to [number]<br />[commands]<br />...<br />next<br /></pre>
      <p>The for command is the simplest way to execute one or more
other commands numerous times. It allows you to specify a numeric range
for the scripting engine to count from and to, executing the commands
after the for statement (and before the next statement) as many times
as is required to complete the counting. The value of the current digit
during counting is stored in one of the temporary variables $0, $1, $2,
$3, ... $9. Here's an example:</p>
      <pre>for $0 = 1 to 10<br />   mpecho I have done this $0 times!<br />next<br /></pre>
      <p>If you execute the above script, you will see the mpecho
command repeated 10 times, which is one time for every digit between 1
and 10. Each time it executes the mpecho command, the value of the
temporary variable $0 will be incremented. That's the basics, simple
      <p>For loops can be nested, so long as all of the outer for loops
are using different temporary variables than the inner ones. Since
there are 10 temporary variables, this gives you a limit of a nested
depth of 10.</p>
      <p>The two number expressions can be literal numbers as shown
above, or any expression which might evaluate to a number, such as $%
syntax. Here's an example of what I mean:</p>
      <pre>for $0 = 1 to '$%NUMMOBSROOM(*)%'<br />   mpecho $%ROOMMOB($0)% is here.<br />next<br /></pre>
      <p>You'll see that the NUMMOBSROOM() function is used here to
return the number of mobs in the room, so we can count them. Each one
we count, we can pass the $0 variable used in this loop to the
ROOMMOB() function to get their name. &nbsp;Please see the section
below on functions for a list of the functions and their uses.</p>
      <p>For Zero-based counting, there is the alternate syntax that
replaces the 'to' key word with 'to&lt;'. &nbsp;This will force the
for-loop to count up to, but not including, the last number. &nbsp;For
      <pre>for $0 = 0 to&lt; 5<br />   mpecho $0<br />next</pre>
      <p>The above would display 0 1 2 3 4, whereas, with a normal 'to'
key word, it would have counted 0 1 2 3 4 5.</p>
      <h3><a name="script">&lt;SCRIPT&gt;</a></h3>
      <p>This command denotes the beginning of a section of ECMA
Javascript. Any lines of text following this command, and before the
adjoining &lt;/SCRIPT&gt; command will be assumed to be executable
Javascript. These commands can only be embedded in standard event
handlers as described above.</p>
      <p>Javascript is a wholly different language than the standard
Scriptable/MOBPROG language described in this document. You should read
the JavaScripting section of the CoffeeMud <a href="Programming.html">Programming
Guide</a> for more information, as well as the following web sites
which discuss the usage and syntax of the Javascript language itself: <a
 href="http://www.mozilla.org/js/">http://www.mozilla.org/js/</a> and <a
      <p>After you've read the above documentation, there are still a
few small details to be aware of before getting started. One is that
the Scriptable behavior will provide certain methods for accessing
important event-related objects from inside your Javascript. These
include the object functions source(), target(), host(), monster(),
item1(), item2(), and message(). Another important detail is that
Javascript variables defined will be lost from execution to execution,
even of the same script. For this reason, additional methods String
getVar(String host, String variableName), and void setVar(String host,
String variableName, String value) have been provided to save the
variables globally. The last important detail relates to semicolon
characters. It is lucky that Javascript does not require them, because
the Scriptable behavior will strip them out as part of its command
parsing process. For this reason, if you absolutely must keep a
semicolon ANYWHERE in your javascript, whether as part of a displayable
string, or a line delimeter, it must be escaped: \;</p>
      <p>Here is an example:</p>
      <pre>GREET_PROG 100<br />mpecho Greetings $n! This command is mpecho, a mobprog command!<br /><br />&lt;SCRIPT&gt;<br />var greetedBefore=getVar(source().Name(),"GREETEDBEFORE");<br />source().tell("However, this greeting comes from Javascript!");<br />if(greetedBefore == 'true')<br />  source().tell("We've met before\; we will meet again!!");<br />else<br />  setVar(source().Name(),"GREETEDBEFORE","true");<br />&lt;/SCRIPT&gt;<br /><br />if var($n GREETEDBEFORE == true)<br />  mpecho The variable set in Javascript can be read here in mobprog land also!<br />endif<br />~<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mpaffect">mpaffect</a></h3>
      <pre>mpaffect [spell name] [target] [parameters]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command will put the target under the affect of the given
spell, chant, prayer, song, skill, or CoffeeMud property. This is not
the same as someone casting the given spell on the target. Instead,
this command causes the target simply to come under the affect (as if
the whole casting process were skipped). This means that not all spells
will work with this command. Fireball, for instance, since it has no
effect after casting, would do nothing under this command. The
parameters given apply specifically to CoffeeMud properties, and are
unnecessary for most spells, chants, etc.</p>
      <pre>mpaffect Invisibility $n<br />mpaffect Prop_PracticeDummy $n KILLABLE<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mpalarm">mpalarm</a></h3>
      <pre>mpalarm [ticks] [command]<br /></pre>
      <p>This very simple command will wait the given number of ticks
(4 second intervals) before executing the command given in the
parameters. This command does NOT end execution. Any commands after
mpalarm will be executed immediately. It is only the command given in
the mpalarm parameters that will be executed after the delay. It is for
this reason that the trigger type function_prog exists: namely to allow
you to execute the group of instructions in the function_prog after
some delay.</p>
      <pre>mpalarm 10 say umm.. what was the question?<br />mpalarm 30 mpecho You think you heard something.<br />mpalarm 30 mpcallfunc myfunction<br /><br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mpargset">mpargset</a></h3>
      <span style="font-family: monospace;">mpargset [$var] [value or
      <p>This powerful but complex command is used to change one of the
internal object variables, such as $n, $i, $t, $o, $p, $d, $0..$9, to
point to a different object. This can then affect subsequent commands
that refer to them. While $0..$9 may be set to any value, the standard
$n..$d variables must be set to an object of the same kind.</p>
      <pre>mpargset $o $p<br />mpargset $0 $n<br />mpargset $1 $0<br />mpargset $0 'my value'<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mpasound">mpasound</a></h3>
      <pre>mpasound [text string]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command will echo the text string to all of the rooms
adjacent to the one the mob is in, much like the echo when a mob yells.
This can be useful for creating dramatic deaths from mobs, or for use
with mobs such as a wandering minstrel or the like.</p>
      <pre>mpasound You hear a scream from nearby!<br />mpasound A delightful music fills the air from somewhere near here.<br />mpasound The drunken hollering of $n can be heard nearby.<br />mpasound The earth thunders as $n's corpse falls to the ground nearby.<br /></pre>
      <p>SPECIAL NOTES: Keep in mind that mpasound does not echo to
those in the room with the mob, only to rooms adjacent to it. So if you
want people in the room to hear the mpasound too, you'll need to use an
mpecho as well.</p>
      <h3><a name="mpat">mpat</a></h3>
      <pre>mpat [destination] [command]<br /></pre>
      <p>Performs the desired command at a designated location. The
destination can be either a room id, a key word from the room
description, or the name of a mob. The command can be just about
anything you want it to be. This command is very useful for doing
slight of hand kind of tricks with mobs by performing actions away from
the player, or doing things elsewhere in the zone for you. It has many
potential uses.</p>
      <pre>mpat MyArea#1232 unlock door<br />mpat guardone poke guardone<br />mpat 'a lovely pool' mpechoat $n You feel weakened from your escape.<br />mpat Sewers#1252 drop all<br /></pre>
      <p>SPECIAL NOTES: When using mpat, it is not a bad idea to give
your mobs specific, unique keywords so they can be manipulated with no
error. The command is usually essential for zones that have complicated
quests, and can be used to trigger other mobs, unlock and open doors
and chests away from the mob, and a variety of other things.</p>
      <h3><a name="mpbeacon">mpbeacon</a></h3>
      <pre>mpbeacon [destination] [target]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command changes the recall/start room of the target,
which must be a player.</p>
      <pre>mpbeacon MyArea#1232 all<br />mpbeacon guardone $n<br />mpbeacon 'a lovely pool' $n<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mpbehave">mpbehave</a></h3>
      <pre>mpbehave [behavior id] [target] [parameters]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command will put the target under the affect of the given
CoffeeMud behavior. The parameters given apply specifically to
CoffeeMud behaviors. The Archon may use LIST BEHAVIORS, and AHELP
[behavior name] for more information.</p>
      <pre>mpbehave Aggressive $n<br />mpbehave Mobile $n<br />mbehave Scriptable $n ONCE_PROG;say hello;~;<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mpcallfunc">mpcallfunc</a></h3>
      <pre>mpcallfunc [function name] [parameters]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command allows you to execute a group of other predefined
commands without typing them all again. This is done by first defining
a group of commands using the trigger function_prog. Once it is
defined, the commands inside the function_prog may be executed by
placing mpcallfunc followed by the function_prog's name parameter into
another set of commands. This is useful for executing a set of commands
that would normally have to be typed identically into your triggers
over and over again. It is especially useful when used in conjunction
with commands like mpalarm. The parameters passed into the mpcallfunc
can be referenced using the $g and $G codes.</p>
      <pre>mpcallfunc CompleteTask $n 'my house'<br />mpcallfunc MyFunction<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mpcast">mpcast</a></h3>
      <pre>mpcast [spell] [target]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command causes the host mob to cast the given spell,
chant, prayer, song, or use the given skill against the given target.
Unlike using the mundane cast command, this scripting form does not
require the mob to actually have the skill. Although there is still the
1-in-20 chance of failure of any skill, and the level of the host will
affect the probability of success.</p>
      <pre>mpcast fireball $r<br />mpcast 'stinking cloud'<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mpchannel">mpchannel</a></h3>
      <span style="font-family: monospace;">mpchannel [channel name]
[message]</span> <span style="font-family: monospace;">mpchannel
![channel name] [message]</span>
      <p>This command causes the host mob to send a message to the
given public channel, overriding any read-only restrictions which may
be established. If the channel name is preceded by a !, then the
message will be unattributed, a system message.</p>
mpchannel gossip Hello all! mpchannel !info Somewhere, a script is
      <h3><a name="mpchoose">mpchoose</a></h3>
      <span style="font-family: monospace;">mpchoose [pc name]
[variable]</span><span style="font-family: monospace;"> [choices]
[default choice] [prompt string]</span>
      <p>This command blocks the current coffeemud thread and waits for
the player character denoted by the pc name variable to enter a
one-letter choice from among the list of choices. &nbsp;This command
will then store the chosen value in a variable of the given name under
the pc name's context. &nbsp;If the pc name variable does not denote an
online player, this command is skipped.</p>
      <p>The choices are a series of uppercase letters the player may
choose from, like 'NSEW' or 'YN'. &nbsp;The default choice will be
selected if the player simply hits ENTER instead of entering a choice.
&nbsp;The choice is then stored in the variable of the given name as if
the script command MPSETVAR [pc name] [variable] [result] was executed
(see MPSETVAR).</p>
      <p>** WARNING ** This command BLOCKS its current thread. &nbsp;It
is therefore NOT appropriate to use this command off any trigger that
operates off a tick thread, such as ONCE_PROG (unless executed during
Character Creation), TIME_PROG, or similar triggers. &nbsp;It is OK to
trigger this off an event trigger, such as GREET_PROG, EXECMSG_PROG and
others, so long as you are certain the trigger leading to this prompt
came from a command entered by a player-user (as opposed to a MOB
generated event, which ultimate comes from tick threads). &nbsp;In
short, BE CAREFUL!</p>
      <pre>mpchoose $n MYDIRECTION NSEW N Which direction, enter N S E or W:</pre>
      <pre>mpechoat $n You chose $&lt;$n MYDIRECTION&gt;.</pre>
      <h3><a name="mpclose">mpclose</a></h3>
      <pre>mpclose [target]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command closes a lid on a container, or the door on an
exit. This command has no effect if there is no lid or door, or it is
already closed.</p>
      <pre>mpclose $xN<br />mpclose the magic door<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mpconfirm">mpconfirm</a></h3>
      <span style="font-family: monospace;">mpconfirm [pc name]
[variable]</span><span style="font-family: monospace;"> [default value]
[prompt string]</span>
command blocks the current coffeemud thread and waits for the player
character denoted by the pc name variable to enter either yes or no, Y
or N. &nbsp;This command will then store the
chosen value in a variable of the given name under the pc name's
context. &nbsp;If the pc name variable does not denote an online
this command is skipped.</p>
      <p>The default
choice will be selected if the player simply hits ENTER instead of
entering a choice, and should be either the letter Y or the letter N
(uppercase). &nbsp;The choice (also letter Y or N) is then stored in
the variable of the
given name as if the script command MPSETVAR [pc name] [variable]
[result] was executed (see MPSETVAR).</p>
      <p>** WARNING ** This command
BLOCKS its current thread. &nbsp;It is therefore NOT appropriate to use
command off any trigger that operates off a tick thread, such as
ONCE_PROG (unless executed during Character Creation), TIME_PROG, or
similar triggers. &nbsp;It is OK to trigger this off an event trigger,
as GREET_PROG, EXECMSG_PROG and others, so long as you are certain the
trigger leading to this prompt came from a command entered by a
player-user (as opposed to a MOB generated event, which ultimate comes
from tick threads). &nbsp;In short, BE CAREFUL!</p>
      <pre>mpconfirm $n MYCHOICE N Are you a dork (Y/N):</pre>
      <pre>mpechoat $n You chose $&lt;$n MYCHOICE&gt;.</pre>
      <h3><a name="mpdamage">mpdamage</a></h3>
      <pre>mpdamage [target] [min amount] [max amount]<br />mpdamage [target] [min amount] [max amount] kill<br /></pre>
      <p>This command does damage to a mob or item specified as the
target. The amount of damage will be randomly between the min and max
amounts. This command, by default, will never ever kill the target
UNLESS the parameters are followed by the word kill as shown in the
example below. Also, this command will treat any items that do not
normally display a condition (like mundane items, wands, etc) as having
1 hit point. Other items (weapons, armor) will have a number of hit
points equal to their condition. This command is useful not only for
hurting mobs, but for scratching up their armor when acid falls from
the ceiling or something similar.</p>
      <pre>mpdamage $r 1 10 KILL<br />mpdamage $n 10 50<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mpdisable">mpdisable</a></h3>
      <pre>mpdisable [target] [spell]<br />mpdisable [target] [expertise]<br /><br /></pre>
      <p>This command causes the target mob to lose the spell, skill,
prayer, expertise, etc specified. It does nothing if the mob does not
have the skill. Skills can be granted using the mpenable command.</p>
      <pre>mpdisable $n fireball<br />mpdisable $n pass door<br />mpdisable $n STEALTHY3<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mpecho">mpecho</a></h3>
      <pre>mpecho [text string]<br /></pre>
      <p>Quite simply, the mpecho command sends a message to the room
of the mob. This message can be anything you like. It supports all of
the character codes the mud uses, and can also use variables set by the
mpsetvar command. This has a wide range of uses, from setting
background noise to a mob, to allowing the mob to express itself safely
as if speaking. The mpecho command does not set off speech_progs,
although it does set off act_progs.</p>
      <pre>mpecho $i says, &lsquo;Hey how's it going?'<br />mpecho A blast of strong wind rushes into the room suddenly!<br />mpecho $i hisses, &lsquo;So, $n, you've come to face me&hellip;'<br />mpecho A dagger flashes into $i's hand, and $j snickers softly.<br /></pre>
      <p>SPECIAL NOTES: Using mpecho $i says, &lsquo;blah' is a safe
way to have a mob talk. Anytime you want to have a mob say something,
you should use this, unless you want it to trigger speech_progs. Also,
remember that whatever is mpechoed is seen be everyone in the room
exactly the same. So if you want a message that targets a specific
person, see the mpechoat and mpechoaround commands.</p>
      <h3><a name="mpechoaround">mpechoaround</a></h3>
      <pre>mpechoaround [target] [text string]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command is similar to the mpecho command, but instead of
echoing to everyone in the room, can be used to echo to everyone BUT
the targeted person. Why would you do this? If used in conjunction with
the mpechoat command, you can create text strings which look right to
everyone involved. The way to make mpechoaround do this is to use the
mpat command.</p>
      <pre>      mpechoaround $n You hear voices speaking all around you.<br />      mpechoaround $n $N cringes as a poisoned dart strikes $s chest!<br />      mpechoaround $n A pile of rocks rains down upon $n!<br />      mpechoaround $n A circle of light surrounds $n, and then $e vanishes.<br />   <br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mpechoat">mpechoat</a></h3>
      <pre>mpechoat [target] [text string]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command functions similar to the mpecho command, but can
be used in such a way that only the targeted person or place sees the
text string. This is useful for cutting down on spam from greet_prog
mpechos, for example, as well as personalizing the text string for all
parties involved in conjunction with the mpechoaround command. It also
allows mobs to emulate the announce command. The target may be a local
mob name, the word "world", the word "area", a room id, or an area name.</p>
      <pre>mpechoat $n You hear voices speaking all around you.<br />mpechoat $n You cringe as a poisoned dart strikes you in the chest!<br />mpechoat $n A pile of rocks rains down upon you!<br />mpechoat $n A circle of light surrounds you, and you are transported.<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mpenable">mpenable</a></h3>
      <pre>mpenable [target mob] [ability] [integer proficiency] [parameters]<br />mpenable [target mob] [expertise name]<br />mpenable [target mob] [ability] [++integer proficiency] [parameters]<br />mpenable [target mob] [ability] [--integer proficiency] [parameters]<br /><br /></pre>
      <p>This command grants a skill, spell, prayer, chant, song,
expertise, or other ability to the target mob, or can be used to modify
the proficiency of an existing skill. This acts like a forced 'GAIN'
command, giving the target the skill permanently. The proficiency
parameter should be between 0 and 100 when adding a new skill, or ++
followed by an adjustment integer, or -- followed by an adjustment
integer. The final parameters are optional. Abilities can be removed
with the mpdisable command.</p>
      <pre>mpenable $n Fireball 100<br />mpenable $n 'Summon Elemental' 0 EARTH<br />mpenable $n 'Summon Elemental' ++20<br />mpenable $n 'Summon Elemental' --5<br />mpenable $n STEALTHY3<br /><br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mpendquest">mpendquest</a></h3>
      <pre>mpendquest [quest name]<br />mpendquest [target mob]<br /></pre>
      <p>When giving a quest name, this command forces a Quest which is
in progress to shut
itself down gracefully, removing its specific mobs, items, and
properties from your map. If the Scriptable behavior was granted as
part of a Quest, then * may be substituted for the questname.</p>
      <p>When giving a target mob (or item for that matter) parameter,
and if the running script was granted either directly or indirectly by
a Quest, this command will remove any scripts associated with that
quest (even the one running) from the target. &nbsp;When used in this
way, the implementing quest is NOT stopped, shut down, or cleaned up
      <pre>mpendquest smurfocide<br />mpendquest $n<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mpexp">mpexp</a></h3>
      <pre>mpexp [target] [exp amount]<br />mpexp [target] [pct exp to next level%]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command gives an amount of experience to the target, or a
percentage of the experience they need to the next level. This is a
useful command to use to award players for completing in zone quests,
etc. that you have set up. If you want to award more experience than
the capped amount, you can have the mob give several experience awards
in a row. It is best when you award an experience award to give some
sort of message to the player about why they are receiving the award.</p>
      <pre>mpexp $n 500<br />mpexp $n 10%<br /></pre>
      <p>SPECIAL NOTES: Players can level off of these experience
awards, just as if they had killed something. Be careful with this
command. You don't want to give out awards for every little thing
characters do, nor do you want to give large awards for menial tasks.
You also will, of course, not want to make it so a mob can accidentally
give the same award over and over endlessly, or something equally
abusable.<br />
      <h3><a name="mpfaction">mpfaction</a></h3>
      <pre>mpfaction [target mob] [faction id] [new value, range, or +--change]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command forces the victim to gain the given faction, and
the given value within it. The target can be a character variable or a
keyword of a mob. The faction id is the Faction to give to the player
or mob. The new value, difference, or range may be a positive numeric
value, a negative numeric value, it may be the name of one of the
faction ranges, or it may be a difference expressed by +number or by
--number (two - characters are required to distinguish a negative
difference from a single negative numeric value). This command can be
used to introduce a player to a faction they otherwise would not be
able to gain, or it can be used in combination with the FACTION
function to modify the value of a faction.</p>
      <pre>mpfaction $n alignment.ini 1000<br />mpfaction $n alignment.ini -50000<br />mpfaction $i alignment.ini 'pure goodness'<br />mpfaction $n alignment.ini +1<br />mpfaction $n alignment.ini -1<br /><br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mpforce">mpforce</a></h3>
      <pre>mpforce [target] [command]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command forces the victim to do the designated command.
The target can be a character variable or a keyword of a mob. This
command has a lot of uses, but is mostly use in combat to do
particularly nasty things, like force the player to heal the mob, etc.
It can also be used to trigger other mobs by forcing them to perform a
specific action which triggers an act_prog.</p>
      <pre>mpforce $n flee<br />mpforce $i sleep<br />mpforce guardtwo poke self<br />mpforce $n cast "heal serious" $i<br /></pre>
      <p>SPECIAL NOTES: Remember that whatever you force something to
do, it needs to be typed out exactly as if they were typing the command
themselves. That means if you want a player, for example, to be forced
to cast &lsquo;heal serious' on your mob, you need to make sure you
observe the double-quote rule for word groupings, as opposed to the
single quote rule for mobprog commands.</p>
      <h3><a name="mpgoto">mpgoto</a></h3>
      <pre>mpgoto [destination]<br /></pre>
      <p>Quite simply, this command will move the mob to the designated
location. The destination can be a room id, keyword from a room
description , or keyword of a mob. There is no message given to this
command, so if you want there to be one, you need to include an mpecho
in your mobprog. This command is a good way to move your mob around
your zone should you need to.</p>
      <pre>mpgoto Area#10076<br />mpgoto guardthree<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mpgset">mpgset</a></h3>
      <pre>mpgset [target] [variable] [value]<br /></pre>
      <p>This powerful command lets you change all kinds of aspects of
the target mob or item or whatever.</p>
      <p>Valid variable names for items include: "CLASS", "USES",
      <p>Valid variable names for mobs include: "CLASS", "RACE",
Additional variable names for mobs above the official ones include:
      <p>Valid variable names for player mobs also include: "FRIENDS",
      <p>Whenever a value of ++ is given for any stat, it will
increment that stats value by 1. A value of -- will decrement by one.</p>
      <pre>mpgset $n CHARISMA 10<br />mpgset $n NAME my name is mud<br /></pre>
      <p>SPECIAL NOTES: Be very careful with this command when dealing
with players. If used poorly it can cause bad things to happen to them,
so make sure you have good checks to ensure they get affected correctly
and fairly.</p>
      <h3><a name="mpheal">mpheal</a></h3>
      <pre>mpheal [target] [min amount] [max amount]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command heals a mob or item specified as the
target. The amount of healing will be randomly between the min and max
amounts. This command will ignore any items that do not
normally display a condition (like mundane items, wands, etc). 
Other items (weapons, armor) will have a number of hit
points equal to their condition. This command is useful not only for
healing mobs, but for repairing their armor when acid falls from
the ceiling or something similar.</p>
      <pre>mpheal $r 1 10<br />mpheal $n 10 50<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mphide">mphide</a></h3>
      <pre>mphide [target]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command makes the target totally and completely
undetectable by any means, magical or mundane. This is useful for
making something "go away", but not really. mpunhide can restore such a
hidden thing to sight.</p>
      <pre>mphide $n<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mpjunk">mpjunk</a></h3>
      <pre>mpjunk [object]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command destroys the object that the mob is referring to.
The object must be in the mob's inventory or part of its equipment. You
can also have a mob mpjunk all, which destroys everything on their
person. You can also do things such as mpjunk all.sword or mpjunk
all.bread, and can use the character variable $o. The command gives no
message about its use, so it is a good way to secretly handle the
junking of items. It is useful for getting rid of quest items given to
the mob for give_progs, or if you have more complicated mobs where you
must perform some sort of action in order to get its equipment, for
      <pre>mpjunk chalice<br />mpjunk greatsword<br />mpjunk all.arrow<br />mpjunk all<br /></pre>
      <p>SPECIAL NOTES: This command is very good for give_progs where
you want to destroy the thing given so it can load again or not be used
again by the same people. It is a good idea to give quest objects like
that unique keywords so there is no mistaking what the mob is mpjunking.</p>
      <h3><a name="mpkill">mpkill</a></h3>
      <pre>mpkill [victim]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command basically causes the mob to attack the victim.
The only real benefit of using this command is if your mob is low level
or attacking someone under the affect of an awe spell. Other than that,
there is no difference between this command and say, kill.</p>
      <pre>mpkill $n<br />mpkill guardfour<br />mpkill $r<br />mpkill giant<br /></pre>
      <p>SPECIAL NOTES: Really, this command doesn't get used much. It
was built for other MUD's which might have level requirements for kill,
etc. You can use it, but it more or less works exactly the same as
kill, murder, hit, etc.</p>
      <h3><a name="mploadquestobj">mploadquestobj</a></h3>
      <pre>mploadquestobj [questname] [variable expression/name] [$var]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command reads in a named object or string value for the
given quest, and stores it in the internal temp variable object
referred to by $var. $var may be $n, $o, $p, $i, $t, $d, $0..$9.
Normally, this command only works when the object returned is of the
same type as the $var, however, since the $0..$9 variables can hold any
type of data, it is usually best to use one of those. Either way, this
command can profoundly effect subsequent commands that use the $var
specified. The quest name may be the name of a loaded quest, or * if
this Scriptable object was loaded directly by a Quest script.</p>
      <p>The variable expressions may be one of these standard string
values (non-objects): "CLASS", "NAME", "DURATION", "WAIT",
      <p>The variable expressions may also be based on one of these
following Mystery quest objects: "FACTION", "FACTIONGROUP", "AGENT",
"WHENAT", "WHENATGROUP", "TOOL", "TOOLGROUP". Some of these objects are
actually groups of objects, such as STUFF, LOADEDMOBS, LOADEDITEMS, and
the ones that end with ..GROUP. The ones that end in group can be used
as-is to load the group of objects into one of the $0..$9 vars.
However, you can also tack on a "#" to the end of the name to return
the number of items in the group instead of the group itself. After
that, you can tack on a number like "#n" to return the nth item in the
group. See the examples for more information on that.</p>
      <pre>mploadquestobj 'myquest' 'MOB' $t<br />mploadquestobj 'myquest' 'TOOLGROUP#' $0<br />for $1 = 1 to $0<br />   mploadquestobj 'myquest' 'TOOLGROUP#$1' $2<br />   mpecho $2 is now the $1th tool of $0 total in the myquest toolgroup.<br />next<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mploadvar">mploadvar</a></h3>
      <pre>mploadvar [mob name] [variable name]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command loads a variable stored in the database using the
given parameters. The variable is then available to the VAR function,
as well as the $&lt; syntax. The mob name can for a variable can be a
literal name string or a code like $n or $i. The variable name must be
a literal string.</p>
      <pre>mploadvar $n KILLS<br />mploadvar guardfour RESCUES<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mplock">mplock</a></h3>
      <pre>mplock [target]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command locks the target item or exit. If the target is
already locked, or does not have a door or lock, nothing happens</p>
      <pre>mplock $xN<br />mplock east<br />mplock chest<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mplog">mplog</a></h3>
mplog error [module] [message] mplog info [module] [message] mplog
debug [module] [message]
      <p>This command outputs the given message to the coffeemud log
file. For debug style messages to appear, the appropriate DBGMSGS entry
in the coffeemud.ini file must be turned on.</p>
mplog info MyQuest $n has successfully completed my quest.
      <h3><a name="mpm2i2m">mpm2i2m</a></h3>
      <pre>mpm2i2m [target]<br /></pre>
      <p>This strange command turns a target mob into an item, and an
item back into a mob. The target may be a mob, or an item which was
created with mpm2i2m or the Cage skill.</p>
      <pre>mpm2i2m $n<br /></pre>
      <p>SPECIAL NOTES: If anyone comes up with a practical use for
this command in an actual script, please let me know!</p>
      <h3><a name="mpmload">mpmload</a></h3>
      <pre>mpmload [mob name]<br />mpmload fromfile [cmare filename] [mob name]<br />mpmload fromfile [cmare filename] any<br /></pre>
      <p>This command loads the mob designated by name into the room.
If you want the mob loaded somewhere besides the room the mpmloading
mob is located, you'll need to use the mpat command. This command gives
no message to the world, so if you want one, you'll use the mpecho
command. This command is useful for loading mobs to assist the calling
mob in combat, load in-zone quest mobs, etc. The mob of that name will
be searched for throughout the map, so if you want to make sure the mob
is available for this command, he should be carefully hidden. The
fromfile syntax will allow you to load a mob from a cmare file created
using the Archon EXPORT MOBS command.</p>
      <pre>mpmload the nasty bat<br />mpmload fromfile mymobs.cmare the nasty bat<br />mpmload fromfile mymobs.cmare any<br /></pre>
      <p>SPECIAL NOTES: Remember that this newly loaded mob may not
have interacted with the world just yet, so having your mob, for
example, mpforce it to kill $n will not work, since the new mob has no
idea who $n is.<br />
      <h3><a name="mpmoney">mpmoney</a></h3>
      <pre>mpmoney [target] +[amount]<br />mpmoney [target] -[amount]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command changes the amount of money owned by the target.
This is a
useful command to use to award players for completing in zone quests,
etc. that you have set up. &nbsp;The amounts are always as expressed in
base local currency. &nbsp;You can optionally specify the name of the
currency as part of the amount.</p>
      <pre>mpmoney $n +500 gold coins<br />mpmoney $n -10 copper<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mpnotrigger">mpnotrigger</a></h3>
      <pre>mpnotrigger [trigger name] [time in miliseconds]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command will prevent a scriptable event with the given
trigger name on the same creature to trigger for the given amount of
time. Where trigger name may be any of the above scriptable triggers,
such as "greet_prog" or "level_prog" or any other. After the amount of
time has passed, the trigger will be allowed.</p>
      <pre>mpnotrigger greet_prog 10000<br /></pre>
      <p>SPECIAL NOTES: This command is useful mainly to most easily
prevent a greet_prog from firing for an entire group, or in cases where
someone leaves and re-enters very quickly.</p>
      <h3><a name="mpoload">mpoload</a></h3>
      <pre>mpoload [item name]<br />mpoload fromfile [cmare filename] [item name]<br />mpoload fromfile [cmare filename] any<br />mpoload [item name] into [container name]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command loads an item of the designated name into the
inventory of the mob. If you want to load an item into a room, you must
use the mpoloadroom command. This command gives no message to the
world, so if you want one you'll have to use the mpecho command. This
command is very useful for loading in-zone quest objects, mob pelts,
portals, etc. It has many, many uses. The item of that name will be
searched for throughout the map, so if you want to make sure the item
is available for this command, it should be carefully hidden. The <b>fromfile</b>
syntax will allow you to load an item from a cmare file created using
the Archon EXPORT ITEMS command The <b>into</b> syntax will allow you
to load the item into a pre-existing container, even if the container
is in the room.</p>
      <pre>mpoload the baseball bat<br />mpoload fromfile myitems.cmare the baseball bat<br />mpoload fromfile myitems.cmare any<br />mpoload fromfile myitems.cmare any into wooden chest<br /></pre>
      <p>SPECIAL NOTES: You can do a lot with this command. There is no
max on items loaded in this way, so keep that in mind.</p>
      <h3><a name="mpoloadroom">mpoloadroom</a></h3>
      <pre>mpoloadroom [item name]<br />mpoloadroom fromfile [cmare filename] [item name]<br />mpoloadroom fromfile [cmare filename] any<br />mpoloadroom [item name] into [container name]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command loads an item of the designated name into the
same room as the mob. If you want to load an item into a mobs
inventory, you must use the mpoload command. This command gives no
message to the world, so if you want one you'll have to use the mpecho
command. This command is very useful for loading in-zone quest objects,
mob pelts, portals, etc. It has many, many uses. The item of that name
will be searched for throughout the map, so if you want to make sure
the item is available for this command, it should be carefully hidden.
The <b>fromfile</b> syntax will allow you to load an item from a cmare
file created using the Archon EXPORT ITEMS command. The <b>into</b>
syntax will allow you to load the item into a pre-existing container in
the room.</p>
      <p>SPECIAL NOTES: You can do a lot with this command. There is no
max on items loaded in this way, so keep that in mind. Using this
command along with the mppurge command can create shifting portals and
the like.</p>
      <h3><a name="mpopen">mpopen</a></h3>
      <pre>mpopen [target]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command opens a lid on a container, or the door on an
exit. This command has no effect if there is no lid or door, or it is
already open.</p>
      <pre>mpopen $xN<br />mpopen the magic door<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mpplayerclass">mpplayerclass</a></h3>
      <pre>mpplayerclass [target] [char class id] ([level] [char class id] [level] ...)<br /></pre>
      <p>This command allows you to change the current character class
of a player, to add new character classes to a player, and to modify
specific class levels all with one command. The first parameter is the
player or mobs code. The next parameter must be a valid character class
id, such as Fighter or Necromancer. This will instantly set that class
as the targets current class, adding it if necessary. This may be
optionally followed by a level integer, which will change the class
level of that current class. The level parm may then be followed by
another character class id, which will change the players current class
again, and may be followed again by a level integer to change the new
current character class level, and so on.</p>
      <pre>mpplayerclass $n Fighter<br />mpplayerclass $n Thief 20<br />mpplayerclass guardtwo Fighter 10<br />mpplayerclass $n Thief 20 Fighter 10 Mage 5<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mppracs">mppracs</a></h3>
      <pre>mppracs [target] [amount]<br />mppracs [target] ++[amount]<br />mppracs [target] --[amount]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command sets the mobs number of practices to the given
number, or adjusts their existing practices by an amount upwards or
downloads depending on syntax. A number alone will change their
existing number of practices to the given number. The ++ syntax
followed by a number will raise their amount by the given number. The
-- syntax followed by a number will lower their amount by the given
number. This is a useful command to use to award players for completing
in zone quests, etc. that you have set up. It is best when you reward a
player using this command that you alsogive some sort of message to the
player about why they are receiving the award.</p>
      <pre>mppracs $n 0<br />mppracs $n ++3<br />mppracs $n --1<br /></pre>
      <p>SPECIAL NOTES: Be careful with this command. You don't want to
give out awards for every little thing characters do, nor do you want
to give large awards for menial tasks. You also will, of course, not
want to make it so a mob can accidentally give the same award over and
over endlessly, or something equally abusable.<br />
      <h3><a name="mpprompt">mpprompt</a></h3>
      <span style="font-family: monospace;">mpprompt [pc name]
[variable]</span><span style="font-family: monospace;"> [default value]
[prompt string]</span>
command blocks the current coffeemud thread and waits for the player
character denoted by the pc name variable to enter either a string
value. &nbsp;This command will then store the&nbsp;value in a variable
of the given name under the pc name's
context. &nbsp;If the pc name variable does not denote an online
this command is skipped.</p>
default value will be selected if the player simply hits ENTER instead
entering something. &nbsp;The entered value is then stored in the
variable of the
given name as if the script command MPSETVAR [pc name] [variable]
[result] was executed (see MPSETVAR).</p>
      <p>** WARNING ** This command
BLOCKS its current thread. &nbsp;It is therefore NOT appropriate to use
command off any trigger that operates off a tick thread, such as
ONCE_PROG (unless executed during Character Creation), TIME_PROG, or
similar triggers. &nbsp;It is OK to trigger this off an event trigger,
as GREET_PROG, EXECMSG_PROG and others, so long as you are certain the
trigger leading to this prompt came from a command entered by a
player-user (as opposed to a MOB generated event, which ultimate comes
from tick threads). &nbsp;In short, BE CAREFUL!</p>
      <pre>mpprompt $n MYVALUE 'N/A' 'Why are you smiling?'</pre>
      <pre>mpechoat $n You said $&lt;$n MYVALUE&gt;.</pre>
      <h3><a name="mppurge">mppurge</a></h3>
      <pre>mppurge [argument]<br />mppurge room [argument]<br />mppurge my [argument]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command destroys the argument item or mob.
This argument can be a mob keyword, item keyword, character variable,
or the keyword self. You can also make this command more safe by
preceding an item purge with the keyword room to specify only items on
the ground, or the keyword my to specify only items in the scripted
mobs inventory. &nbsp;If you are going to have a mob mppurge itself,
it must be the last command the mob does, or bad things will happen.
Also, never ever mppurge oneself as part of a death_prog. This is a
very useful command. With it you can destroy charmed mobs, switch
portals and the like, and clear out mobs and objects you may have
      <pre>mppurge portalone<br />mppurge guardthree<br />mppurge my sword<br />mppurge room portal<br />mppurge $n<br />mppurge self<br /></pre>
      <p>SPECIAL NOTES: It is a good idea to have unique keywords for
mobs and items you are sure you are going to be mppurging. That way
there is no mistake what you are trying to mppurge. Also, you should
avoid mppurging players, as it basically causes them to be ejected from
the game. Use this command for mobs that set up special quests and then
go away, so each zone reset you'll have a fresh zone for adventurers to
      <h3><a name="mpqset">mpqset</a></h3>
      <pre>mpqset [questname] [variable] [value]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command is used to set one of the internal quest
variables. These variables can be one of the standard Quest settings,
commonly though, they are user-defined variables which are only
available for the duration of the quest, and reset each time the quest
is started. Questname may be the name of a quest, or it may be * if
this Scriptable object was assigned by a Quest. These variables can be
read with the QVAR function.</p>
      <p>MPQSET also supports a special Scriptable-only variable called
QUESTOBJ. Set this variable to an object created with mpmload fromfile
or mpoload fromfile to ensure that the quest will clean up the item or
mob when the quest ends. You can also set a Scriptable-only variable
called STATISTICS to either ACCEPTED, SUCCESS, or FAILED to help
CoffeeMud keep tabs on your quests.</p>
      <pre>mpqset 'myquest' 'myspecialquestvariable' $n<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mpquestpoints">mpquestpoints</a></h3>
      <pre>mpquestpoints [target] [amount]<br />mpquestpoints [target] ++[amount]<br />mpquestpoints [target] --[amount]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command sets the mobs number of quest points to the given
number, or adjusts their existing quest points by an amount upwards or
downloads depending on syntax. A number alone will change their
existing number of quest points to the given number. The ++ syntax
followed by a number will raise their amount by the given number. The
-- syntax followed by a number will lower their amount by the given
number. This is a useful command to use to award players for completing
in zone quests, etc. that you have set up. It is best when you reward a
player using this command that you alsogive some sort of message to the
player about why they are receiving the award.</p>
      <pre>mpquestpoints $n 0<br />mpquestpoints $n ++3<br />mpquestpoints $n --1<br /></pre>
      <p>SPECIAL NOTES: Be careful with this command. You don't want to
give out awards for every little thing characters do, nor do you want
to give large awards for menial tasks. You also will, of course, not
want to make it so a mob can accidentally give the same award over and
over endlessly, or something equally abusable.</p>
      <h3><a name="mpquestwin">mpquestwin</a></h3>
      <pre>mpquestwin [mob name] [quest name]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command declares the given mob as the winner of the quest
of the given name. This makes the mob available to the QUESTWINNER
function. This command is absolutely necessary to ensuring that players
do not repeatedly win the same quests over and over again. If the
Scriptable behavior was granted as part of a Quest, then * may be
substituted for the questname.</p>
      <pre>mpquestwin $n smurfocide<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mprejuv">mprejuv</a></h3>
      <pre>mprejuv area<br />mprejuv room<br />mprejuv [area name]<br />mprejuv [room id]<br />mprejuv area items<br />mprejuv room items <br />mprejuv [area name] items<br />mprejuv [room id] items<br />mprejuv area mobs<br />mprejuv room mobs<br />mprejuv [area name] mobs<br />mprejuv [room id]</pre>
      <p>This command allows you to force the system to restore dead
mobs, missing rejuvinating items, or both from an area
or a room. The keywords area and room will refer to
the scripted objects current area and room. Otherwise, the name of the
area, or the full roomID can be specified. &nbsp;Mobs and items will
only be restored if their REJUV property has been set properly.
&nbsp;Therefore, this commands primary purpose is to speed up something
which will happen eventually anyway.</p>
      <pre>mprejuv area<br /></pre>
      <p>SPECIAL NOTES: This is a quick and useful command when
scripting special events that require a room or areas default mobs or
items to be present.</p>
      <h3><a name="mpreset">mpreset</a></h3>
      <pre>mpreset area<br />mpreset room<br />mpreset [area name]<br />mpreset [room id]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command allows you to force the system to reload an area
or a room from the database. The keywords area and room will refer to
the scripted objects current area and room. Otherwise, the name of the
area, or the full roomID can be specified.</p>
      <pre>mpreset area<br /></pre>
      <p>SPECIAL NOTES: Be very careful with this command when dealing
with players in the area. It will end their combat, clean up items in
the rooms they are in, and otherwise freeze them up while the reset
process completes. This process can be time consuming for large areas,
so take that into consideration.</p>
      <h3><a name="mpsavevar">mpsavevar</a></h3>
      <pre>mpsavevar [mob name] [variable name]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command saves a variable to the database using the given
parameters. This will ensure that the variable, if reloaded later using
mploadvar, survives reboots, resets, and other catastrophes. The
variable specified must be one created by the MPSETVAR command.</p>
      <p>The mob name can for a variable can be a literal name string
or a code like $n or $i. The mob name can also be *, which will save
the value of every existing variable of the given variable name.
Likewise, the variable name can also be *, which will save the value of
every existing variable for the given mob.</p>
      <pre>mpsavevar $n KILLS<br />mpsavevar guardfour RESCUES</pre>
      <h3><a name="mpscript">mpscript</a></h3>
      <pre>mpscript [target] [optional flags] [scriptable script]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command appends a new Scriptable script to the given
target. &nbsp;Unlike using mpbehav to add the Scriptable behavior, this
command can be used to add more than one unrelated script to the
target, and gives some finer controls making this command more suitable
for building personal quests.</p>
      <p>The target can for a variable can be a literal name string
or a code like $n or $i, $o, $p, $0, etc. &nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
      <p>The optional flags include the following: SAVABLE, to make the
script a permanent database savable feature of the target (default is
not savable), GLOBAL, to force the script to use the global script
variables scope,&nbsp;INDIVIDUAL to force the script to use its very
local variable scope (which will then case those variables to be saved
along with the target), and EXECUTE to force the script to execute its
ONCE_PROG, and then be immediately removed from the target.</p>
      <p>The scriptable script is exactly like the parameters found for
the behavior Scriptable. &nbsp;See AHELP SCRIPTABLE for more
information on how to specify a script.</p>
      <pre>mpscript $n SAVABLE LOAD=progs/myquestscript.quest<br />mpscript guardfour GLOBAL GREET_PROG 100\;mpecho hi!\;~\;<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mpset">mpset</a></h3>
      <pre>mpset [target] [variable] [value]<br /></pre>
      <p>This powerful command lets you change all kinds of aspects of
the target mob or item or whatever. This command differentiates between
generic and standard items and mobs. Standard items and mobs do not
have as many changeable properties as generic items do. For the maximum
range of available variables, use mpgset.</p>
      <p>Valid variable names are identical to those listed under
mpgset. Please see that command above for a list of valid variables.
Whenever a value of ++ is given for any stat, it will increment that
stats value by 1. A value of -- will decrement by one.</p>
      <pre>mpset $n CHARISMA 10<br />mpset $n NAME my name is mud<br /></pre>
      <p>SPECIAL NOTES: Be very careful with this command when dealing
with players. If used poorly it can cause bad things to happen to them,
so make sure you have good checks to ensure they get affected correctly
and fairly.</p>
      <h3><a name="mpsetclandata">mpsetclandata</a></h3>
      <pre>mpsetclandata [clan] [variable] [value]<br /></pre>
      <p>This powerful command lets you change several aspects of the
given clan based on the given variable. The clan code may be either a
mob code to denote that mobs clan, or a clan name. Valid variables for
      <pre>mpsetclandata 'Groovy Clan' EXP 0<br />mpecho Groovy Clans experience is now gone!<br />mpset $n PREMISE my premise is new.<br />mpecho Whoever $n is, their clan now has a new premise!<br /></pre>
      <p>SPECIAL NOTES: Be very careful with this command, to ensure no
damage is done to clan records.</p>
      <h3><a name="mpsetvar">mpsetvar</a></h3>
      <pre>mpsetvar [mob name] [variable name] [value]<br />mpsetvar [mob name] [variable name] ++<br />mpsetvar [mob name] [variable name] --<br />mpsetvar [mob name] [variable name] +[number]<br />mpsetvar [mob name] [variable name] -[number]<br />mpsetvar [mob name] [variable name] *[number]<br />mpsetvar [mob name] [variable name] /[number]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command creates a variable for a mob or player and stores
a value in it. You can mpsetvar any name that you choose to, and the
value can be a specific text string, an integer, or an expanded
character variable. The value can even be mathematical expression as
shown above. The starting value of the variable will be affected by the
expression given instead of merely set to it.</p>
      <p>The mob name can be a literal name string or a code like $n or
$i. The mob name can also be *, which will change the value of every
existing variable of the given variable name. Likewise, the variable
name can also be *, which will change the value of every existing
variable for the given mob. A value is normally required, but not
giving a value removes that variable from memory, so if you want a
variable to remain in memory so as to be accessible to * syntax, you
will need to include some value.</p>
      <p>For quests, this command has special considerations.
&nbsp;First, it is impacted by the variable Scope that was assigned to
the script. The scope can be global (the default), individual, which
means the variables are inaccessible outside of each instance of the
script, or a named scope, where all scripts with the same scope name
can access each others variables. &nbsp;There is also the special case
that player scripts, even those with individual scopes, can have their
variables that were assigned to the players name accessed from outside
scripts, so long as they share the same quest origin. &nbsp;This last
is useful when special player progress variables are stored in the
players script, and need to be accessed by global scripts.</p>
      <pre>mpsetvar $i bugcount 1<br />mpsetvar $i bugcount ++<br />mpsetvar 'frog boy' 'my victim' The guard<br />mpsetvar $n 'my victim' var-actor<br />mpsetvar $i bugcount $&lt;$n bugcount&gt;<br />mpsetvar * bugcount<br />mpsetvar $i * null<br /></pre>
      <p>SPECIAL NOTES: Variables rock. You can do almost anything you
ever wanted to do once you get the hang of them.</p>
      <h3><a name="mpslay">mpslay</a></h3>
      <pre>mslay [victim]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command kills the victim dead.</p>
      <pre>mpslay $n<br />mpslay ogre<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mpstartquest">mpstartquest</a></h3>
      <pre>mpstartquest [quest name]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command causes the given Quest name to start running. If
the Quest is already running, nothing will happen. This command is
useful for having scripted mobs start quests for you. If the Scriptable
behavior was granted as part of a Quest, then * may be substituted for
the questname.</p>
      <pre>mpstartquest smurfocide<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mpstop">mpstop</a></h3>
      <pre>mpstop [target]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command forces the target to stop fighting. If the target
happens to be in the middle of working with a common skill, it will
stop that too. You may specify a target of ALL to make everything in
the room stop.</p>
      <pre>mpstop $n<br />mpstop ogre<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mptattoo">mptattoo</a></h3>
      <pre>mptattoo [target] (-)[tattoo name]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command grants or removes from the target a tattoo of the
given name. This is useful for permanently flagging players in some way
which can be checked and acted on elsewhere, for instance using the
HASTATTOO function. The tattoo must begin with the character - to
denote removal.</p>
      <p>When adding new tattoos, you can prefix the name with a number
to create a temporary tattoo that disappears in the given number of
      <pre>mptattoo $n smurfkiller<br />mptattoo $n -smurfkiller<br />mptattoo $n '50 smurfkiller'<br /><br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mptitle">mptitle</a></h3>
      <pre>mptitle [target] (-)[title string]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command grants or removes from the target a title given.
Title strings are are name replacements for player mobs in which any *
character in the string is replaced with the players name. The player
uses the TITLE command to select which of any granted titles they may
use. This command is completely case sensitive.</p>
      <pre>mptitle $n '*, slayer of smurfs'<br />mptitle $n '-*, slayer of smurfs'<br />   <br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mptrackto">mptrackto</a></h3>
      <pre>mptrackto [mob name]<br />mptrackto [room id]<br />mptrackto [area name]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command causes the mob to begin walking towards the given
target. If there are doors in his way, he will open them. If they are
locked, he will unlock them. If there are no-mob areas in the way, he
will walk through them. Nothing short of combat will stop him from
getting to the target room. This command is identical to the mpwalkto
command, except that this command will allow paths through the air or
water if those paths are shorter. This command should never be chosen
over mpwalkto, unless the tracking mob is a fish or a bird.</p>
      <pre>mptrackto the master guildsmith<br />mptrackto myArea#123<br />mptrackro Smurf Villiage<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mptrains">mptrains</a></h3>
      <pre>mptrains [target] [amount]<br />mptrains [target] ++[amount]<br />mptrains [target] --[amount]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command sets the mobs number of training sessions to the
given number, or adjusts their existing training sessions by an amount
upwards or downloads depending on syntax. A number alone will change
their existing number of training sessions to the given number. The ++
syntax followed by a number will raise their amount by the given
number. The -- syntax followed by a number will lower their amount by
the given number. This is a useful command to use to award players for
completing in zone quests, etc. that you have set up. It is best when
you reward a player using this command that you alsogive some sort of
message to the player about why they are receiving the award.</p>
      <pre>mptrains $n 0<br />mptrains $n ++3<br />mptrains $n --1<br /></pre>
SPECIAL NOTES: Be careful with this command. You don't want to give out
awards for every little thing characters do, nor do you want to give
large awards for menial tasks. You also will, of course, not want to
make it so a mob can accidentally give the same award over and over
endlessly, or something equally abusable.
      <h3><a name="mptransfer">mptransfer</a></h3>
      <pre>mptransfer [victim] [destination]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command sends the victim to a designated destination. The
victim can be either a mob keyword or a character variable. The
destination can be a room id, room name or description, a mob keyword,
or a character variable. If there is no destination given, the mob
transfers the victim to the same room that it is in. There is no
message given to this command, so if you want there to be one, you need
to include an mpecho in your mobprog. This command is a good way to
move players around your zone or into other zones.</p>
      <pre>      mptransfer $n myarea#10049<br />      mptransfer $n<br />      mptransfer guardeight myarea#1252<br />      mptransfer guardten $n<br />   <br /></pre>
      <p>SPECIAL NOTES: You need to be careful with this command. First
of all, you should never transfer a character variable that is a mob.
Why not? Because you may actually end up transferring a different mob
entirely with a keyword that is the same. You can mptransfer mobs if
they have unique keywords. Also, be sure to be careful about
mptransfering mobs to players. If a player recalls or dies, you will
end up transferring a mob into town.</p>
      <h3><a name="mpunaffect">mpunaffect</a></h3>
      <pre>mpunaffect [target] [affect id]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command dispels the given affect from the target. If no
affect name is given, or ALL is given, then all non-permanent affects
will be removed. Any affects listed by name will always be removed,
even if they are permanent. You should check out the list of skills,
spells, and properties for a list of valid ids to give.</p>
      <pre>mpunaffect $n<br />mpunaffect $n Spell_Sleep<br />mpunaffect $n Skill_Track<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mpunbehave">mpunbehave</a></h3>
      <pre>mpunbehave [behavior id] [target]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command removes the given behavior from the target. You
should check out the list behaviors by entering LIST BEHAVIORS on the
command line.</p>
      <pre>mpunbehave Mobile $n<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mpunhide">mpunhide</a></h3>
      <pre>mpunhide [target]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command reverses the affects of mphide, making the target
(possibly) visible again.</p>
      <pre>mpunhide $n<br /><br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mpunhide">mpunloadscript</a></h3>
mpunloadscript [file name]
      <p>This command accepts only the name of a Scriptable script file
that has already been loaded from the filesystem by a Scriptable
behavior and parsed for processing. The parameter MUST resolve to a
valid file in your CoffeeMud file system, and is usually the result of
putting a LOAD=&lt;filename&gt; parameter on a Scriptable behavior.
Remember that, since this is a Scriptable filename, that /resources/ is
      <p>The purpose of this command is to allow the script writer to
de-cache his scripts automatically for cases where scripts are being
dynamically built, so that they can be re-read and re-processed by the
CoffeeMud Scripting Engine.</p>
mpunloadscript progs/myscript.script
      <h3><a name="mpunlock">mpunlock</a></h3>
      <pre>mpunlock [target]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command unlocks the given container or exit. This command
has no effect if the target does not have a lid, does not have a lock,
or is already unlocked or open. No key is required.</p>
      <pre>mpunlock $xN<br />mpunlock chest<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mpwhile">mpwhile</a></h3>
      <pre>mpwhile ([condition]) [command]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command repeatedly executes the given command, so long as
the given condition remains true. This is the only mechanism for
looping in Scripts, so it should be used carefully, although a
safeguard is in place to prevent an mpwhile loop from ever running
longer than 4 seconds. The [condition] must be enclosed in parenthesis,
and is subject to the same rules listed under the IF command above.
Since only one command parameter is allowed, it is necessary for you to
use MPCALLFUNC and FUNCTION_PROG in order to execute more than one
command during a loop cycle.</p>
      <pre>mpwhile (VAR($n bittlock &lt; 1)) MPCALLFUNC myprogram $&lt;$n bittlock&gt;<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mpwalkto">mpwalkto</a></h3>
      <pre>mpwalkto [mob name]<br />mpwalkto [room id]<br />mpwalkto [area name]<br /></pre>
      <p>This command causes the mob to begin walking towards the given
target. If there are doors in his way, he will open them. If they are
locked, he will unlock them. If there are no-mob areas in the way, he
will walk through them. Nothing short of combat will stop him from
getting to the target room. This command is identical to the mptrackto
command, except that this command only finds land-surface paths,
ignoring possible paths through the air or over water. This command
should always be used instead of mptrackto, unless the tracking mob is
a fish or a bird.</p>
      <pre>mpwalkto the master guildsmith<br />mpwalkto myArea#123<br />mpwalkto Smurf Villiage<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="return">return</a></h3>
      <pre>return ([string])<br /></pre>
      <p>This command causes the current script block to immediately
cease executing. If this statement is used inside of a FUNCTION_PROG
triggered script, it will return a value from the function. This value
can be accessed only if the FUNCTION_PROG was called using the CALLFUNC
scripting function (see below).</p>
      <pre>return<br />return $&lt;$n myvariable&gt;<br /></pre>
      <h2><a name="functions">Scripting Functions</a></h2>
      <p>Functions are what make your IF checks work. They can be
fairly simple, and they can be massively complicated. There are quite a
few of them, but knowing how and where to use them is rewarding if you
want to have truly unique and intelligent scripts.</p>
      <h3><a name="logicalOperators">Logical Operators</a></h3>
      <p>These operators are found in many of the functions below. Here
are their meanings:</p>
      <pre>== This operator means &lsquo;equal to'<br />!= This operator means &lsquo;not equal to'<br />&gt; This operator means &lsquo;greater than'<br />&lt; This operator means &lsquo;less than'<br />&gt;= This operator means &lsquo;equal or greater than'<br />&lt;= This operator means &lsquo;equal or less than'<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="affected">affected</a></h3>
      <pre>affected(character spellid)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks whether the character is under the effects of the
given spell. The spellid must be the full Java name of the spell,
skill, prayer, property, chant, or whatever.</p>
      <pre>if affected($n, Spell_Sleep)<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me is asleep.<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me is not under the effects of the sleep spell.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="baseclass">baseclass</a></h3>
      <pre>baseclass(character == baseclassname)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks whether the character is a class which is part of
the given baseclass. Where '==' may be another logical operator from
above. Valid baseclasses include Archon, Artisan, Fighter, Druid, Mage,
Cleric, Thief, or Bard.</p>
      <pre>if baseclass($n == Archon)<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me is an Archon.<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me is not an Archon.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="callfunc">callfunc</a></h3>
      <pre>callfunc(myfunctionname parm1 parm2...parmn)<br /></pre>
      <p>This function, similar to the MPCALLFUNC statement above, will
cause the script block with the trigger type FUNCTION_PROG and the
given name to execute. The parameters passed into the callfunc can be
referenced using the $g and $G codes. See the MPCALLFUNC statement
above for more information on creating functions.</p>
      <p>The callfunc function returns true ONLY if the FUNCTION_PROG
includes a RETURN statement that includes a non-empty string parameter.</p>
      <pre>function_prog myfunc<br />return $g<br />~<br /><br />once_prog<br />if callfunc(myfunc ASTRING)<br />  mpecho This callfunc function will always return true.<br />  mpecho This is because myfunc just returns the parameter it is given.<br />  mpecho And this callfunc is passing in a non-empty string as a parameter.<br />endif<br /><br />if !callfunc(myfunc)<br />  mpecho This callfunc function will always return false, since my parameters are empty.<br />endif<br />~<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="clan">clan</a></h3>
      <pre>clan(character == clanname)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks the name of the clan of the character variable.
Where '==' may be another logical operator from above.</p>
      <pre>if clan($n == 'The Unholy Goobers')<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me appears to be an Unholy Goober.<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me appears not to be a Goober.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="clandata">clandata</a></h3>
      <pre>clandata(clan variable == value)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks the value of a piece of datum about the given
clan. The clan parameter may be either a mob to denote the mobs clan,
or a clan name. Where variable should be one of the following
TOPMEMBER. Where '==' may be another logical operator from above. The
value may be any numeric, string, or literal.</p>
      <pre>if clandata($n SIZE &lt;= 1)<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me appears to be the only solitary member of the clan.<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me appears to be part of a clan larger than 1 member.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="clanrank">clanrank</a></h3>
      <pre>clanrank(character == integer)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks the rank of the character in their clan. Where
'==' may be another logical operator from above. Valid values include:
      <pre>if clanrank($n == 0)<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me appears to be an APPLICANT.<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me appears not to be an APPLICANT.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="class">class</a></h3>
      <pre>class(character == classname)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks the class of the character variable. For players,
this is their class, or in the case of a multi-classed character, the
class they multied into. For disguised characters, this is the class
they appear to be. Where '==' may be another logical operator from
      <pre>if class($n == Gaian)<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me appears to be a Gaian.<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me appears not to be a Gaian.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="currency">currency</a></h3>
      <pre>  currency(character == currencyname)<br /></pre>
      <p>This compares the player character or coin item native
currency to the string. The '==' may also be '!='.</p>
      <pre>if currency($n == 'COPPER')<br />  mpecho You are using the bits currency.<br />else<br />  mpecho You must be using something else.<br />endif<br /><br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="datetime">datetime</a></h3>
datetime(type == value)
      <p>This evaluates the time, day, month, or year. Use one of those
words as the type (time, day, month, or year). Where '==' may be any
other logical operator from above.</p>
      <pre>if datetime(time &lt; 4)<br />  mpecho It is before the 4th hour.<br />else<br />  mpecho It is the 4th hour or later.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="deity">deity</a></h3>
      <pre>deity(character == deityname)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks the name of the deity of the character variable.
Where '==' may be another logical operator from above.</p>
      <pre>if deity($n == 'Gothon')<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me appears to worship an Unholy Goober.<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me appears not to worship Gothon.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="eval">eval</a></h3>
      <pre>eval(expression == expression)<br /></pre>
      <p>This powerful function compares the first expression to the
second expression. Expressions may be codes, literal strings, or
literal numbers. This function also allows you to compare variables.
Where '==' may be any other logical operator from above. This is an
extremely powerful function that can, if used properly, take care of
all of the evaluation needs which other functions do not provide.
Examine carefully the section on codes above to see all the different
things you can evaluate.</p>
      <pre>if eval($n == an orc) or eval('$&lt;$i VAR&gt;' != 7)<br />  mpecho Evaluates to true.<br />else<br />  mpecho Evaluates to false.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="exp">exp</a></h3>
exp(character &gt; amount)
      <p>This evaluates the total amount of experience that the
character variable has earned. Where '==' may be any other logical
operator from above.</p>
if exp($n &lt; 10000) mpecho The actor has less than 10000 experience
else mpecho The actor has 10000 experience endif
      <h3><a name="explored">explored</a></h3>
      <pre>explored(character areaname == number)<br />explored(character world == number)<br /></pre>
      <p>This function compares the percentage of the given area or of
the world which the given mob has explored. The number should always be
between 0 and 100, reflecting what percentage of the area or world that
the character has explored. Where '==' may be any other logical
operator from above. Remember that percentage exploration is only
stored for players, not for NPC mobs.</p>
      <pre>if explored($n $a &gt; 10)<br />  mpecho You have explored more than 10% of this area.<br />else<br />  mpecho You have explored less than 10% of this area.<br />endif<br /><br />if explored($n world &gt; 10)<br />  mpecho You have explored more than 10% of the world.<br />else<br />  mpecho You have explored less than 10% of the world.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="faction">faction</a></h3>
      <pre>faction(character factionid == value)<br /></pre>
      <p>This function checks to see if the player or mob given has the
given faction. If it does not, the value will always be empty string.
Otherwise, it compares the value of the players faction with the value.
If the value is numeric, it will compare the numeric value of the
players faction. If the value is non-numeric, it will compare the name
of the range into which the player falls in the given faction with the
value given.</p>
      <pre>if faction($n alignment.ini &gt;500 ) or faction($n alignment.ini == 'Pure Goodness')<br />  mpecho The actor is either just north of neutral, or very very good.<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor is some other alignment.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="goldamt">goldamt</a></h3>
      <pre>goldamt(character &gt; amount)<br /></pre>
      <p>This evaluates the total amount of money that the character
variable has on hand, or the value of the item if an item code is used
instead of a character code. Where '==' may be any other logical
operator from above. The value is always expressed in base gold,
regardless of currency or denomination.</p>
      <pre>if goldamt($n &lt; 10000)<br />  mpecho The actor has less than 10000 coins on hand<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor has 10000 coins or more on hand<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="gstat">gstat</a></h3>
      <pre>gstat(target variable == value)<br /></pre>
      <p>This is another powerful function which allows you to make
comparisons based on numerous characteristics of the target. The target
may be any code, including mobs or items. The variable may be any of
those listed above under MPGSET in the section on Scriptable Commands.
The '==' may be any of the above logical operators, and the value any
expression, including codes.</p>
      <pre>if gstat($n CHARISMA &gt; 10)<br />  mpecho The actor has a charisma greater than 10.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="has">has</a></h3>
      <pre>has(character item)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks whether the character has the given item in their
inventory or on their person.</p>
      <pre>if has($n a long sword)<br />  mpecho The actor has a long sword.<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor does not have anything called 'a long sword'.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="hasnum">hasnum</a></h3>
      <pre>hasnum(character item &gt; value)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks whether the character has some number of the given
item in their inventory or on their person. The character may also be
the code for a room.</p>
      <pre>if hasnum($n 'a long sword' &gt; 1)<br />  mpecho The actor has several long swords.<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor does not have anything called 'a long sword', or only has 1.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="hastattoo">hastattoo</a></h3>
      <pre>hastattoo(character item)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks whether the character has had the given tattoo
assigned to them.</p>
      <pre>if hastattoo($n beastmark)<br />  mpecho The actor has the tattoo called beastmark.<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor does not have the tattoo called beastmark.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="hitprcnt">hitprcnt</a></h3>
      <pre>hitprcnt(character == amount)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks compares the character's percentage of hitpoints
remaining with the amount give. Where '==' may be any logical operator
from above. The amount must evaluate to something between 1 and 100.</p>
      <pre>if hitprcnt($n &lt;= 20)<br />  mpecho The actor has 20% of their hit points or less remaining.<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor has more than 20% of their hit points less.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="ishere">inarea</a></h3>
      <pre>inarea(target == areacode)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks to see if the target is in the area specified by
the area code. The area code may be a area name, a mob name, or text
from a local rooms name or description. The '==' may also be '!='.</p>
      <pre>if inarea($i == Midgaard)<br />  mpecho This means I am in Midgaard.<br />else<br />  mpecho I am not in Midgaard.<br />endif<br /><br />if inarea($i != $f)<br />  mpecho I am not with the leader.<br />else<br />  mpecho I am in room with the leader.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="incontainer">incontainer</a></h3>
      <pre>incontainer(character container/mount)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks whether the character is on the given mount, or,
if the character is an item, whether the item is in the given container.</p>
      <pre>if incontainer($n a chair)<br />  mpecho The actor is sitting on a chair<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor is not sitting on a chair<br />endif<br /><br />if incontainer($p a sack)<br />  mpecho The item is in a sack.<br />else<br />  mpecho The item is not in a sack.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="inlocale">inlocale</a></h3>
      <pre>inlocale(character roomclass)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks whether the character is presently standing in a
room of a given class. The roomclass must be a specific Java name for a
Room class. Values like CaveMaze, Jungle, InTheAir, Plains, etc are
what we are after here.</p>
      <pre>if inlocale($n InTheAir)<br />  mpecho The actor either flying or falling.<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor is not up in the air.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="inroom">inroom</a></h3>
      <pre>inroom(target == roomcode)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks to see if the target is in the room specified by
the room code. The room code may be a room id, a mob name, or text from
the rooms name or description. The '==' may also be '!='.</p>
      <pre>if inroom($i == a bathroom)<br />  mpecho This means I am in a bathroom.<br />else<br />  mpecho I am not in a bathroom.<br />endif<br /><br />if inroom($i != MyArea#20001)<br />  mpecho I am not in room MyArea#20001.<br />else<br />  mpecho I am in room MyArea#20001.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="ipaddress">ipaddress</a></h3>
      <pre>ipaddress(character == string)<br /></pre>
      <p>This compares the player characters ipaddress to the string.
The '==' may also be '!='.</p>
      <pre>if ipaddress($n == '')<br />  mpecho You are logging on from the mud server<br />else<br />  mpecho You must be someone else.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="isable">isable</a></h3>
      <pre>isable(character spellid)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks whether the character has the given spell. The
spellid may be any key word from any spell, skill, prayer, property,
chant, or whatever.</p>
      <pre>if isable($n Write)<br />  mpecho The actor has the writing skill.<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me does not have the writing skill.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="isalive">isalive</a></h3>
      <pre>isalive(character)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks whether the character is alive.</p>
      <pre>if isalive($i)<br />  mpecho I am not yet dead!<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="isbehave">isbehave</a></h3>
      <pre>isbehave(character behaviorid)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks whether the character has a given behavior. The
behaviorid must be the full Java name of the behavior.</p>
      <pre>if isbehave($n Mobile)<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me is mobile.<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me is not mobile.<br />endif<br /><br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="isbirthday">isbirthday</a></h3>
      <p>This checks to see if the characters birthday is today (on the
global clock).</p>
if isbirthday($n) mpecho Happy Birthday $n. else mpecho Happy
Un-Birthday $n! endif
      <h3><a name="ischarmed">ischarmed</a></h3>
      <pre>ischarmed(character)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks to see if the character variable is charmed.</p>
      <pre>if ischarmed($n)<br />  mpecho This means the person triggering me is charmed.<br />else<br />  mpecho This person triggering my prog is not charmed.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="isday">isday</a></h3>
      <pre>isday(number)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks whether the current day of the month is the one
      <pre>if isday(10)<br />  mpecho It is the 10th of the month.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="isevil">isevil</a></h3>
      <pre>isevil(character)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks whether the character is evil.</p>
      <pre>if isevil($i)<br />  mpecho I am evil!<br />else<br />  mpecho I am either neutral or good.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="isfight">isfight</a></h3>
      <pre>isfight(character)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks to see if the character variable is in combat.</p>
      <pre>if isfight($i)<br />  mpecho I am fighting right now.<br />else<br />  mpecho I am not fighting.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="isfollow">isfollow</a></h3>
      <pre>isfollow(character)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks to see if the character variable's master (the
person they are following) is in the room.</p>
      <pre>if isfollow($i)<br />  mpecho I am following someone and they are in the room with me.<br />else<br />  mpecho I am not following someone, or they are not in the room.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="isgood">isgood</a></h3>
      <pre>isgood(character)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks whether the character is good.</p>
      <pre>if isgood($i)<br />  mpecho I am good!<br />else<br />  mpecho I am either neutral or evil.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="ishere">ishere</a></h3>
      <pre>ishere(name)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks whether a mob or item of the given name is in the
room. Obviously, checking for $i will always return true when a mob is
being scripted, so the best choice for an argument is a literal string.</p>
      <pre>if ishere(a happy frog)<br />  mpecho A happy frog is in the room.<br />else<br />  mpecho A happy frog is not in the room.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="isimmort">isimmort</a></h3>
      <pre>isimmort(character)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks to see if the character variable is immortal. In
CoffeeMud, that means they have the security code IMMORT, which makes
them unable to die.</p>
      <pre>if isimmort($n)<br />  mpecho The person triggering my prog is an immortal or lord.<br />else<br />  mpecho The person triggering my prog is a mortal.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="islike">islike</a></h3>
      <span style="font-family: monospace;">islike(target mask)</span>
      <p>This checks whether a mob or item target of the given name
meets the criterium described by the given mask. The format of the mask
is described in the online help under ZAPPERMASKS, which is why the
masks are still referred to as "zapper mask syntax".</p>
      <pre>if islike($n '-TATTOO +KILLERBOY')<br />  mpecho The person has the killerboy tattoo.<br />else<br />  mpecho The person does not have the killerboy tattoo.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="islocked">islocked</a></h3>
      <pre>islocked(target)<br />islocked(direction)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks to see if the target container or exit is closed
and locked. The target may be either an item, or an item code ($o, $p),
or a direction name (north, south, east, west, etc.), or a direction
code ($x, $xN, $xS, etc..)</p>
      <pre>if islocked(the chest)<br />  mpecho The chest is locked.<br />else<br />  mpecho The chest is not locked.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="ismoon">ismoon</a></h3>
      <pre>ismoon()<br />ismoon(phase)<br /></pre>
      <p>If no parameter is given, this function checks whether the
moon can be seen by the monster. Typically this means that it is
nighttime, they are outside, and the sky is clear. With a parameter,
this function only checks the phase of the moon, regardless of whether
or not it can be seen. Accepted phases are: "NEW", "WAXCRESCENT",
      <pre>if ismoon(waxquarter)<br />  mpecho There is a waxing quarter moon in the sky.<br />else<br />  mpecho There is not a waxing quarter moon in the sky.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="isname">isname</a></h3>
      <pre>isname(character keyword)<br /></pre>
      <p>This function returns whether the keyword appears in the name
of the character.</p>
      <pre>if isname($n goober)<br />  mpecho The actor who caused the trigger is named goober.<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor who caused the trigger is not named goober.<br />endif<br /><br />if isname($n $i)<br />  mpecho I, or someone with my name, am/is the actor!<br />else<br />  mpecho Someone else is the actor.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="isneutral">isneutral</a></h3>
      <pre>isneutral(character)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks whether the character is neutral.</p>
      <pre>if isneutral($i)<br />  mpecho I am neutral!<br />else<br />  mpecho I am either good or evil.<br />end<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="isnpc">isnpc</a></h3>
      <pre>isnpc(character)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks to see if a character variable is a mob.</p>
      <pre>if isnpc($n)<br />  mpecho The actor setting my prog off is a mob.<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor setting my prog off is a player character.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="isodd">isodd</a></h3>
      <pre>isodd(number)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks to see if the number provided is an odd whole
number. Where number may be any literal or variable.</p>
      <pre>if isodd('7') and isodd($0)<br />  mpecho Seven and $0 are odd.<br />else<br />  mpecho Well, either Seven or $0 are not odd -- I'm guessing it's $0<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="isopen">isopen</a></h3>
      <pre>isopen(target)<br />isopen(direction)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks to see if the target container or exit is open.
The target may be either an item, or an item code ($o, $p), or a
direction name (north, south, east, west, etc.), or a direction code
($x, $xN, $xS, etc..)</p>
      <pre>if isopen(the chest)<br />  mpecho The chest is open.<br />else<br />  mpecho The chest is not open.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="ispc">ispc</a></h3>
      <pre>ispc(character)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks to see if a character variable is a player
      <pre>if ispc($n)<br />  mpecho The actor setting my prog off is a player character.<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor setting my prog off is not a player character.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="ispkill">ispkill</a></h3>
      <pre>ispc(character)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks to see if a character has their pkill flag set.
Only really matters with pcs, so it is best to use this function in
conjunction with ispc(character).</p>
      <pre>if ispc($n) and ispkill($n)<br />  mpecho The actor setting my prog off is a player killer.<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor setting my prog off is not a player killer.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="isquestmobalive">isquestmobalive</a></h3>
      <pre>isquestmobalive(number questname)<br />isquestmobalive(mobname questname)<br /></pre>
      <p>This function only works if the script was assigned to a mob
as part of the ADDBEHAVIOR quest command. It checks to see if a mob of
the given number or name is alive. The numbers refer to the order in
which they were designated in the quest script. If the Scriptable
behavior was granted as part of a Quest, then * may be substituted for
the questname.</p>
      <pre>if isquestmobalive(1 myquest)<br />  mpecho The first set mob in the quest myquest is still alive.<br />else<br />  mpecho He's not dead yet.<br />endif<br /><br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="isrecall">isrecall</a></h3>
isroom(target == roomcode)
      <p>This checks to see if the target is originally from the room
specified by the room code. The room code may be a room id, a mob name
(to compare start rooms), or text from the rooms name or description.
The '==' may also be '!='.</p>
      <pre>if isrecall($i == a bathroom)<br />  mpecho This means I am from a bathroom.<br />else<br />  mpecho I am not from a bathroom.<br />endif<br /><br />if isrecall($i != MyArea#20001)<br />  mpecho I am not from room MyArea#20001.<br />else<br />  mpecho I am from room MyArea#20001.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="isseason">isseason</a></h3>
      <pre>isseason(seasonname)<br /></pre>
      <p>This function is used to check the season of the year. Valid
seasonnames include "WINTER", "SPRING", "SUMMER", or "FALL".</p>
      <pre>if isseason(summer)<br />  mpecho Yea, its summertime!<br />else<br />  mpecho Boo! It's not summer yet.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="isservant">isservant</a></h3>
      <pre>isservant(character)<br /></pre>
      <p>This function is used to check whether the given player or mob
is serving anyone in the room.</p>
      <pre>if isservant($i)<br />  say I greet my master.<br />else<br />  say I await my master.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="istime">istime</a></h3>
      <pre>istime(integer)<br />istime(todword)<br /></pre>
      <p>This function is used to check the time. You may either
specify a numeric hour of the day, or a time of day description, such
as "DAY", "DAWN", "DUSK", or "NIGHT".</p>
      <pre>if istime(night)<br />  mpecho It is nighttime.<br />else<br />  mpecho It must be dawn, dusk, or daytime.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="isweather">isweather</a></h3>
      <pre>isweather(weathername)<br /></pre>
      <p>This function is used to check the weather where the monster
is at. If the monster is indoors, this function will only return true
for "CLEAR". Other valid weathernames include: "CLOUDY", "WINDY",
      <pre>if isweather(rain)<br />  mpecho Rain, rain go away...<br />else<br />  mpecho We can play! No Rain!<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="level">level</a></h3>
      <pre>level(character == number)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks the total level of the character variable. Where
'==' may be any of the logical operators mentioned above.</p>
      <pre>if level($n &lt;= 15)<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me is 15th level or less.<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me is above 15th level.<br />endif<br /><br />if level($n &gt; $%level($i)%)<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me is higher level than me.<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me is my level or under.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="math">math</a></h3>
math(expression == expression)
      <p>This function compares the total results of evaluating two
very simple mathematical expressions. Variables can be included in the
expressions via the normal $ code syntax, but the only operators
allowed are +, -, *, or \. You may also use () to group expressions
within an expression, or the ? to separate a random range. The '==' may
also be any of the logical operators from above.</p>
if math('1+1' != '2') mpecho There is something wrong with the
universe! endif if math('1?5' &gt; 3) mpecho Ahh, I did not pick a
random number from 1-5 that was greater than 3. Darn! endif
      <h3><a name="mobitem">mobitem</a></h3>
      <pre>mobitem(character number keywords)<br /></pre>
      <p>This infrequently used function checks whether the numberth
item in characters inventory has keywords in its name.</p>
      <pre>if mobitem($n 1 sword) or mobitem ($n $g.1 sword)<br />  mpecho Either the actors first item is a sword,<br />  mpecho or an item whose cardinality is represented by the code<br />  mpecho $g.1 is a sword.<br />else<br />  mpecho Neither of those items is a sword.<br />endif<br /><br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="mood">mood</a></h3>
mood(character == GRUMPY)
      <p>This checks the mood of the character variable. Where '==' may
be another logical operator from above.</p>
      <pre>if mood($n == 'LONELY')<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me appears to be lonely.<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me appears not to be lonely.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="number">number</a></h3>
      <pre>number(string)<br /></pre>
      <p>This function returns whether the string given is a number.</p>
      <pre>if number($g.2)<br />  mpecho The second parameter to this function_prog is a number.<br />else<br />  mpecho The second parameter to this function_prog is not a number.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="numitemsmob">numitemsmob</a></h3>
      <pre>numitemsmob(character == number)<br /></pre>
      <p>This function compares the total number of items in the
characters inventory to the number given. This function only counts
items not in a container, or sheathed. It does count worn items. The
'==' may also be any of the logical operators from above.</p>
      <pre>if numitemsmob($n &gt; 10)<br />  mpecho The actor has an inventory size greater than 10.<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor has an inventory size less than or equal to 10.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="numitemsroom">numitemsroom</a></h3>
      <pre>numitemsroom( == number)<br /></pre>
      <p>This function compares the total number of items in the same
room as the monster to the number given. This function only counts
items not in a container. The '==' may also be any of the logical
operators from above.</p>
      <pre>if numitemsroom( &gt; 10)<br />  mpecho There are more than 10 items in this room.<br />else<br />  mpecho There are 10 or less items in the room.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="nummobs">nummobs</a></h3>
      <pre>nummobs(name == number)<br />nummobs('MASK=zappermask' == number)<br /></pre>
      <p>This function compares the total number of mobs with the given
name to the number. The second syntax allows you to substitute a zapper
mask for the name, provided it starts with the MASK= string. See help
on ZAPPERMASKS for more information on how to format a zapper mask.
This function counts every single mob in the whole world, whether they
are seen or detectable or not. The '==' may also be any of the logical
operators from above.</p>
      <pre>if nummobs(goobers &gt; 10)<br />  mpecho There are more than 10 goobers in the world.<br />else<br />  mpecho There are 10 or less goobers in the world.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="nummobsinarea">nummobsinarea</a></h3>
      <pre>nummobsinarea(name == number)<br />nummobsinarea('MASK=zappermask' == number)<br /></pre>
      <p>This function compares the total number of mobs with the given
name to the number. The second syntax allows you to substitute a zapper
mask for the name, provided it starts with the MASK= string. See help
on ZAPPERMASKS for more information on how to format a zapper mask.
This function counts every single mob in the same area as the scripted
monster or object, whether they are seen or detectable or not. The '=='
may also be any of the logical operators from above.</p>
      <pre>if nummobsinarea(goobers &gt; 10)<br />  mpecho There are more than 10 goobers in this area.<br />else<br />  mpecho There are 10 or less goobers in this area.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="nummobsroom">nummobsroom</a></h3>
      <pre>nummobsroom(pattern == number)<br />nummobsroom('MASK=zappermask' == number)<br /></pre>
      <p>This function compares the total number of mobs in the same
room as the monster, whose names or display texts match the given
pattern to the number given. A pattern of * may be used to count all
mobs of any name. The second syntax allows you to substitute a zapper
mask for the name pattern, provided it starts with the MASK= string.
See help on ZAPPERMASKS for more information on how to format a
zapper mask. This function counts players, npcs, and the hidden and
undetectable. The '==' may also be any of the logical operators from
      <pre>if nummobsroom(* &gt; 10)<br />  mpecho There are more than 10 mobs in this room.<br />else<br />  mpecho There are 10 or less mobs in the room.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="numpcsroom">numpcsroom</a></h3>
      <pre>numpcsarea( == number)<br /></pre>
      <p>This function compares the total number of players in the same
area as the monster to the number given. This function counts players
only, including the hidden and undetectable. The '==' may also be any
of the logical operators from above.</p>
      <pre>if numpcsarea( &gt; 10)<br />  mpecho There are more than 10 pcs in this area.<br />else<br />  mpecho There are 10 or less pcs in the area.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="numpcsroom">numpcsroom</a></h3>
      <pre>numpcsroom( == number)<br /></pre>
      <p>This function compares the total number of players in the same
room as the monster to the number given. This function counts players
only, including the hidden and undetectable. The '==' may also be any
of the logical operators from above.</p>
      <pre>if numpcsroom( &gt; 10)<br />  mpecho There are more than 10 pcs in this room.<br />else<br />  mpecho There are 10 or less pcs in the room.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="numraces">numraces</a></h3>
      <pre>numraces( race == number)<br /></pre>
      <p>This function compares the total number of mobs with the given
race to the number. This function counts every single mob in the whole
world, whether they are seen or detectable or not. The '==' may also be
any of the logical operators from above.</p>
      <pre>if numraces(Goblin &gt; 10)<br />  mpecho There are more than 10 goblins in the world.<br />else<br />  mpecho There are 10 or less goblins in the world.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="numracesinarea">numracesinarea</a></h3>
      <pre>numracesinarea(race== number)<br /></pre>
      <p>This function compares the total number of mobs with the given
race to the number. This function counts every single mob in the same
area as the scripted monster or object, whether they are seen or
detectable or not. The '==' may also be any of the logical operators
from above.</p>
      <pre>if numracesinarea(Goblin &gt; 10)<br />  mpecho There are more than 10 goblins in this area.<br />else<br />  mpecho There are 10 or less goblins in this area.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="position">position</a></h3>
      <pre>position(character == posword)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks the position of the character variable. The
position is a word, either SITTING, STANDING, or SLEEPING. The '==' may
also be another of the logical operators from above.</p>
      <pre>if position($n == STANDING)<br />  mpecho This means that the actor is standing.<br />else<br />  mpecho This means the actor is not standing.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="pracs">pracs</a></h3>
      <pre>pracs(character == number)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks the number of practice points the mob variable
has. Where '==' may be any of the logical operators mentioned above.</p>
      <pre>if pracs($n &lt;= 15)<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me has fewer than 16 practices.<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me has more than 15 practices.<br />endif<br /><br />if pracs($n &gt; $%pracs($i)%)<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me has more practices than me.<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me has the same or fewer practices than me.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="questobj">questobj</a></h3>
      <pre>questobj(item questname)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks whether the given item is an official item created
by a quest of the given questname. This means the quest script used the
SET ITEM, SET ITEMGROUP, or a similar command for the given item.
&nbsp;If the Scriptable behavior was granted as part of a Quest, then *
may be substituted for the questname.</p>
      <pre>if questobj($o myquest)<br />  mpecho This means that item is a quest item for quest myquest.<br />else<br />  mpecho This means the item is not a quest item for quest myquest.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="questmob">questmob</a></h3>
      <pre>questmob(character questname)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks whether the given character is an official mob
created by a quest of the given questname. &nbsp;This means the quest
script used the SET MOB, SET MOBGROUP, or a similar command for the
given mob. If the Scriptable behavior was granted as part of a Quest,
then * may be substituted for the questname.</p>
      <pre>if questmob($n myquest)<br />  mpecho This means that the actor is a quest mob for quest myquest.<br />else<br />  mpecho This means the the actor is not a quest mob for quest myquest.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="questpoints">questpoints</a></h3>
      <pre>questpoints(character == number)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks the number of quest points the mob variable has.
Where '==' may be any of the logical operators mentioned above.</p>
      <pre>if questpoints($n &lt;= 15)<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me has fewer than 16 quest points.<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me has more than 15 quest points.<br />endif<br /><br />if questpoints($n &gt; $%questpoints($i)%)<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me has more quest points than me.<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me has the same or fewer quest points than me.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="questroom">questroom</a></h3>
      <pre>questroom(roomid questname)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks whether the given roomid has been designed by the
given quest using, for instance, SET ROOM, or SET ROOMGROUP. &nbsp;This
is typically a way
of telling which quests are using the given room. If the
Scriptable behavior was granted as part of a Quest, then * may be
substituted for the questname.</p>
      <pre>if questroom('$%INROOM($n)%' myquestname)<br />  mpecho This means that the actor is in a room designed by quest myquestname.<br />else<br />  mpecho This means that the actor is NOT in a room designed by quest myquestname.<br />endif</pre>
      <h3><a name="questscripted">questscripted</a></h3>
      <pre>questscripted(character questname)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks whether the given character has a script assigned
by a quest on them at the given moment. &nbsp;This is typically a way
of telling which quests are in progress for the given character. If the
Scriptable behavior was granted as part of a Quest, then * may be
substituted for the questname.</p>
      <pre>if questscripted($n myquestname)<br />  mpecho This means that the actor is on the quest myquestname.<br />else<br />  mpecho This means the the actor is not on the quest myquestname.<br />endif</pre>
      <h3><a name="questwinner">questwinner</a></h3>
      <pre>questwinner(character questname)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks whether the given character has been declared a
winner of the quest in the past via the MPQUESTWIN command. If the
Scriptable behavior was granted as part of a Quest, then * may be
substituted for the questname.</p>
      <pre>if questwinner($n myquest)<br />  mpecho This means that the actor has been a winner of the quest myquest.<br />else<br />  mpecho This means the the actor has not been a winner of the quest myquest.<br />endif<br /><br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="qvar">qvar</a></h3>
      <span style="font-family: monospace;">qvar(questname varname ==
      <p>This is used to evaluate one of the official or user-defined
quest variables. User-defined quest variables are defined using MPQSET.
Official variables names include: "CLASS", "NAME", "DURATION", "WAIT",
"INTERVAL". &nbsp;Official object variables include: "AREA", "MOBTYPE",
"WHENAT", "WHENATGROUP", "TOOL", "TOOLGROUP". &nbsp;For the objects,
you may also add the extension "_ROOMID" to return the&nbsp;official
room id of the location of the object (if available), or "_CLASS" to
return the CoffeeMud Class ID, or the Java class name, whichever is
      <p>If the Scriptable behavior was granted as part of a Quest,
then * may be substituted for the questname. Where '==' may be any of
the logical operators mentioned above.</p>
      <pre style="font-family: monospace;">if qvar(myquest myvarname == 'myvalueformyvarname')<br />  mpecho This means that the user defined variable 'myvarname' has been previously set.<br />else<br />  mpecho This means the user defined variable 'myvarname' has not been previously set.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="race">race</a></h3>
      <pre>race(character == race)<br /></pre>
      <p>This function compares the race of the character variable with
the race name given. For a list of race names, do LIST RACES from the
command line in the mud. The '==' may also be another of the logical
operators from above.</p>
      <pre>if race($n == Goblin)<br />  mpecho The actor is a goblin.<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor is not a goblin.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="racecat">racecat</a></h3>
      <pre>race(character == category)<br /></pre>
      <p>This function compares the racial category of the race of the
character variable with the racial category given. For a list of racial
categories, do LIST RACES from the command line in the mud. The '=='
may also be another of the logical operators from above.</p>
      <pre>        if racecat($n == Elf)<br />        mpecho The actor is an Elf, or Elf-kin.<br />        else<br />        mpecho The actor is not an Elf-Kin.<br />        endif<br />     <br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="rand">rand</a></h3>
      <pre>rand(integer)<br /></pre>
      <p>This generates a random number and checks to see if it is
under the integer. This is best used for random events where there are
only two outcomes.</p>
      <pre>if rand(40)<br />  mpecho This is under 40% chance for me to echo this.<br />else<br />  mpecho Not under 40%.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="rand0num">rand0num</a></h3>
      <pre>rand0num(integer == integer)<br /></pre>
      <p>This generates a random number from 0 to the first integer
given minus 1, and checks to see if it is under the value give in the
second integer. This is best used not in its pure function form, but as
a string variable (see the $% format above). It allows one to randomly
grab an item in a string list. See the example below.</p>
      <pre>if rand0num(2 == 0)<br />  MPSETVAR $i GREETINGLIST hi howdy hello greetings ho<br />  say I just wanted to say $&lt;$i GREETINGLIST&gt;.$%RAND0NUM(5)%!<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="randnum">randnum</a></h3>
      <pre>randnum(integer == integer)<br /></pre>
      <p>This generates a random number from 1 to the first integer
given, and checks to see if it is under the value give in the second
integer. This is best used for random events where there are only two
      <pre>if rand(1000 == 5)<br />  mpecho This is under a 5 in 1000 chance for me to echo this.<br />else<br />  mpecho Not under 5 in 1000.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="roomitem">roomitem</a></h3>
      <pre>roomitem(number keywords)<br /></pre>
      <p>This infrequently used function checks whether the numberth
item in the room has keywords in its name.</p>
      <pre>if roomitem(1 sword) or roomitem ($g.1 sword)<br />  mpecho Either the rooms first item is a sword,<br />  mpecho or an item whose cardinality is represented by<br />  mpecho the code $g.1 is a sword.<br />else<br />  mpecho Neither of those items is a sword.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="roommob">roommob</a></h3>
      <pre>roommob(number keywords)<br /></pre>
      <p>This infrequently used function checks whether the numberth
mob in the room has keywords in its name.</p>
      <pre>if roommob(1 joe) or roommob($g.1 joe)<br />  mpecho Either the rooms first mob is named joe,<br />  mpecho or a mob whose cardinality is represented by<br />  mpecho the code $g.1 is joe.<br />else<br />  mpecho Neither of those mobs is joe.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="sex">sex</a></h3>
      <pre>sex(character == letter)<br /></pre>
      <p>This compares the sex of the character variable to the letter
given. The letter may be "M", "F", or "N". The '==' may also be another
of the logical operators from above.</p>
      <pre>if sex($n == M)<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me is a male.<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me is not a male.<br />endif<br /><br />if sex($n != $%sex($n)%)<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me is not the same sex as me.<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me is the same sex as me.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="stat">stat</a></h3>
      <pre>stat(target variable == value)<br /></pre>
      <p>This is a powerful function which allows you to make
comparisons based on numerous characteristics of the target. The target
may be any code, including mobs or items. The variable may be any of
those listed above under MPGSET in the section on Scriptable Commands.
The '==' may be any of the above logical operators, and the value any
expression, including codes. This function is like gstat, with one
important difference: stat respects only the variables which the target
has available. For Generic mobs and items, this will be many more than
for Standard mobs and items. For this reason, it is almost always
preferable to use gstat.</p>
      <pre>if stat($n CHARISMA &gt; 10)<br />  mpecho The actor, if a generic mob, has a charisma greater than 10.<br />endif<br /><br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="strcontains">strcontains</a></h3>
      <span style="font-family: monospace;">strcontains(string words)</span>
      <p>This function searches the first string to see if the set of
words described by the second string is contained therein. The search
is case-insensitve, and ignores all punctuation. The set of words may
be double-quoted to include spaces. Each word or word grouping must be
separated by one of three special characters:</p>
      <p>word1 word2 means the string contains word1 which is
immediately followed by word2 <br />
word1 &amp; word2 means the string must
contains word1 and word2 in any order <br />
word1 | word2 means the string
contains word1 or word2 <br />
word1 &gt; word2 means the string contains both
word1 and word2, but word2 comes after word1 in the string (though
other words may separate them) <br />
word1 &lt; word2 means the string
contains both word1 and word2, but word1 comes after word2 in the strong</p>
      <p>You may also use parenthesis to group word checks together.</p>
      <pre>if strcontains('one two three four' '(one &gt; four) &amp; (two three)')<br />  mpecho The string meets my word criteria<br />else<br />  mpecho The string does not meet my word criteria.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="strin">strin</a></h3>
      <pre>strin(string string)<br /></pre>
      <p>This function searches the first string to see if the second
string appears as a whole word within it. If so, this function returns
      <pre>if strin('one two three four' 'three')<br />  mpecho The word three appears in the list of words.<br />else<br />  mpecho Since no variables were used in the example, this is technically impossible.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="trains">trains</a></h3>
      <pre>trains(character == number)<br /></pre>
      <p>This checks the number of training sessions the mob variable
has. Where '==' may be any of the logical operators mentioned above.</p>
      <pre>if trains($n &lt;= 15)<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me has fewer than 16 trains.<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me has more than 15 trains.<br />endif<br /><br />if trains($n &gt; $%trains($i)%)<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me has more trains than me.<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor triggering me has the same or fewer trains than me.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="value">value</a></h3>
      <pre>value(character currency &gt; amount)<br />value(coinitem currency &gt; amount)<br /></pre>
      <p>This evaluates the total amount of money that the character
variable has on hand in the given currency, or the value of the coins
of the given currency. Where '==' may be any other logical operator
from above. The value is always expressed in base gold for comparison
purposes only. If a coin item is not of the given currency, the value
will always be 0.</p>
      <pre>if value($n 'COPPER' &lt; 10000)<br />  mpecho The actor has less than 10000 base-gold with of money in the 'COPPER' currency on hand<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor has plenty<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="var">var</a></h3>
      <pre>var(character variable == value)<br /></pre>
      <p>This function compares the variable belonging to the character
to the given value. The character is almost always a code of some sort,
where the variable is almost always a literal string. The value may be
anything necessary. Where '==' may be any of the above logical
operators. See MPSETVAR for information on settings variables, on how
to use them with quests, and on variable scopes.</p>
      <pre>if var($n KILLS &gt; 10)<br />  mpecho The actor's KILLS variable is greater than 10.<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor's KILLS variable is equal to or less than 10.<br />endif<br /></pre>
      <h3><a name="worn">worn</a></h3>
      <pre>worn(character item)<br /></pre>
      <p>This function checks whether the character is wearing an item
of the given name.</p>
      <pre>if worn($n brass shirt)<br />  mpecho The actor is wearing a brass shirt somewhere.<br />else<br />  mpecho The actor is not wearing a brass shirt.<br />endif<br /></pre>