<?xml version="1.0"?>
The following is some guidelines on how to write an XML document for the random
area generator, accessed via the GENERATE command.  Since the purpose of this
XML document is to help select from random choices, you'll find a lot of its
quirks are centered towards helping you do this.  The format is standard XML, 
whose meaning is parsed quite creatively.  Read close.

The Root tag must be "AREADATA", and this tag must contain all others.
Basic tags are AREA, ROOM, MOB, ITEM, and STRING.
Any tag that contains other tags of the same type is a Container tag.
Tags are always evaluated recursively, from first to last.
Any tag may contain zero or more of the following meta-attributes:
"id"      exposes the tag to either the Generate command, or to the "insert" 
          or "like" attributes.
"like"    a comma separated list of other tag "id"s of the SAME TYPE. These may
          NOT be container tags.  This will allow the current tag to be parsed 
          as if it contained the same tags and attributes as the listed tags. 
          This is useful for making one-off variations on existing tag structures.
"insert"  a comma separated list of other tag ids. The targeted tags may be of
          any type, and may be containers.  It will cause the tags to be parsed
          and the resulting tags added as contents of the host tag as if they were
          already inside it.  Remember, the listed tags will be parsed first, so
          any "condition", "select" or other operations will occur.
"condition" the value is a boolean expression which must evaluate to true for the
          tag to be included in its parent.  These expressions may use boolean
          operators like AND and OR and NOT (or !), string constants are always 
          single-quoted 'string', string comparison operators include = , !=, and
          IN to check to see if the lhs string is a substring of the rhs string. 
          Numeric comparisons may be made as well, and numeric comparison operators
          include > < >= <= != =.  Parenthesis may be used to group sub-expressions.
          Defined variables may be included, but only if preceded by a $ character.
          For instance, to check if the variable "bob" is equal to "bobvalue", you
          would enter $bob='bobvalue'.  Undefined string ids are treated as ''.
          Remember that in XML, a < and > characters can not appear in attribute
          values, which is why they must be written as &lt; and &gt; in your xml.
"define"  this attribute is only used if its "condition" is met, and it is "selected"
          by its parent tag, if applicable.  It is a comma separated list of any 
          combination of the following:
          "id": either a new or existing identifier, in which case the value that
          this tag resolves to will be set to that identifier, allowing it to be
          used in "condition", tag values, or other places.
          "id=value": will set the new or existing identifier "id" to the given
          constant "value".
          "id/=number": Will attempt to evaluate the existing value of the identifier
          "id" as a number, and perform the given operation upon it with the "number"
          given. For instance "bob+=3" will add the number 3 to the current value of
          the identifier "bob".  Any undefined "id" will be treated as if it were 0.
          When dealing with areas, there is an extra feature of defined
          identifiers.  An identifier whose name starts with "_" will persist for 
          every tag and object in the room's "room group".  An identifier whose name 
          starts with "__" will persist throughout the entire area.  Otherwise, any
          variables defined using this command will persist only for one room. 
"select"  Used mostly by container tags, this attribute allows you to specify how 
          multiple choices are resolved by this tag.  More than one selection may be
          made, which makes sense when selecting MOB tags for a ROOM.  However, 
          sometimes it does not, such as when selecting a NAME for a MOB.  In those
          cases, any remaining multiple-choices are always selected randomly from.  
          Possible values are:
          "all": always selects every choice.
          "none": always selects none of the choices (why would anyone use this?!)
          "first": selects the first choice (another stupid one)
          "last": you guessed it, select the last choice
          "repeat-X": always selects every choice, and treats the choices as if 
          enough of them actually existed to select X** of them, even if not enough
          choices were given.
          "first-X": selects the first X** choices.
		  "last-X": selects the last X** choices. 
		  "any-X": selects any X** of the choices, without repeating.  Make sure you
		  have another choices to cover the possible value of X!
		  "pick-X": same as "any-X", but the tag choices will be checked for the 
		  "pickweight" attribute, which will be used as a relative weight when 
		  selecting among the choices.
          ** Where you see X above, this may be a number, or a math formula or
          math expression. (see mud help on math formulas/math expressions)
"pickweight" A helper attribute for the "select" attribute, when a "pick" value is
          used by the select attribute.  See "select" attribute above.
"action"  used by string-type choices to inform the engine on how to combine the 
          multiple choices into a single string.  Possible values include:
          "append": append the tags value to the string as built so far.
          "replace": completely replace any string build so far with this ones value.
          "prepend": always put this strings value at the beginning of the final string.
"requires" a comma-separated list of variable identifiers which must have already been
          defined before this tag can be evaluated.  Such variables are usually defined
          by the user of the GENERATE command, but can also be defined at parse-time by
          the "define" attribute, if you are creative.  Each item in the list is of the
          format "id=type", so that the parser can check to see not only if the variable
          is defined, but that it is defined properly.  Possible types include "#" for
          a number, "int" for an integer, "$" for a string, or a semicolon-delimited 
          list of possible string values.

Tag values:
A non-container non-basic tag will typically have a string value.  This value may contain
any embedded variables or identifiers, so long as they are preceded with a $ character.
A string beginning with a $ character will be assumed to be an identifier, and will be
searched for within the list of defined variables and identifiers.  If the identifier
resolves to a tag, the tag will be parsed as a string.  If the identifier resolves to
a string, so much the easier.  

Each basic tag type may contain other basic tag types to help define them.  For instance,
room tags may contain mob and item tags.

Each basic tag type is used to build an object of that type.  For instance, the MOB tag
is used to build a MOB.  Therefore, each basic object type must have other tags or attributes
to "fill in the details", such as name, level, and so forth.  These Details may be 
defined as variables on the command line using GENERATE or by the "define" attribute, or
may be given as an attribute of the basic tag, or as other tags inside the parent tag.  
A Detail given as an attribute always supercedes any detail given as internal tags, no 
matter what.  A detail found as an defined variable identifier, superces both tags and

Basic tags may also have special pre-defined variables to help give some context to help
with their parsing, and will often cause variables to be defined as their details are 
filled in.  Basic tags also have certain required details which must be resolved for the
object to be created, and other optional details which may or may not be given, and which
are extremely object-specific.
AREA Basic tags: 
As the highest-level possible tag, an area is parsed only with the variables
it is given on the GENERATE command line, and using whatever it can find in its XML
contents for its details.  All details mentioned below will automatically cause a
variable to be defined or re-defined when they are parsed.  The variable will be 
called "AREA_DETAILNAME".  For instance "AREA_CLASS" for class, and "AREA_NAME" for name.

The layout of an area will cause its rooms to be logically grouped up into streets,
"leaf" rooms (rooms with only one exist), and other logical groupings.  "leaf" rooms
are always done first, followed by streets, and others.  The layout will automatically
define certain variables for each room to help with parsing the rooms details.  These
variables include:
ROOMTAG_NODETYPE: one of surround, leaf, offleaf, street, square, interior
ROOMTAG_NODERUN: for streets, which way they run.  Values are ns, ew, nwse, nesw
ROOMTAG_NODEFLAGS: various rooms flags. Values include: corner, gate, intersection, tee, offleaf 
ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS: comma separated list of all exits from a room
ROOMTAG_NODEGATEEXIT: if this room is a "gate" rooms, which direction is the gate in.
ROOMLINK_N, ROOMLINK_S, ROOMLINK_E, ROOMLINK_W, etc: "true" if an exit exists that way.
ROOMTITLE_N, ROOMTITLE_S, ROOMTITLE_E, ROOMTITLE_W, etc: if already done, the title of a room that way.

Required details:
"class"        The CoffeeMud class type to use to create the area.
"name"         The name of the area.  Must be unique to your MUD.
"layout"       The name of the layout generator to use.  At the moment, supported 
               layouts include MAZE, BOXCITY, BOXCITYSQUARE, CROSS, GRIDCITY, TREE
"size"         The number of rooms to create in the area.

Optional objects: (See below for details on these object tag types and their details)

Optional details: (See Archon's Guide)

ROOM Basic tags:
Parsed with variables from the generate command, and from any defined variables internal, and
from any internal tags and attributes, and from any variables defined by its AREA tag. As
with areas, its details will cause variables beginning with ROOM_ to be defined.

Required details: 
"class", "title", "description"

Optional Objects: (See below for details on these object tag types and their details) 

MOB Basic tags:
Parsed with variables from the generate command, and from any defined variables internal, and
from any internal tags and attributes, and from any variables defined by other room tags. As
with areas, its details will cause variables beginning with MOB_ to be defined.
Required details: 
"class": normally the CoffeeMud class the mob will be made from, though it may also be the
word catalog in order to select a mob from your catalog, in which case "name" also becomes
a required detail.

Optional Objects: (See below for details on these object tag types and their details) 

Optional details: (See Archon's Guide)
(plus or minus others depending upon class)

Item Basic tags:
Parsed with variables from the generate command, and from any defined variables internal, and
from any internal tags and attributes, and from any variables defined by other room tags. As
with areas, its details will cause variables beginning with ITEM_ to be defined.
Required details: 
"class": normally the CoffeeMud class the item will be made from, though it may also be the
word catalog in order to select an item from your catalog, in which case "name" also becomes
a required detail.  This may also be equal to the word "metacraft", which which case "name"
again becomes a required detail, whose value is either the name of the item to metacraft, 
the word "anything", or the word "any-" followed by the ID of the common skill to use.

Optional Objects: (See below for details on these object tag types and their details) 

Optional details: (See Archon's Guide)
(plus or minus many many others depending upon class)

Affect, Ability, Behavior tags:
Required detail: "class"
Optional Detail: "parms"

Content tags:
A pure container tag that contains one or more ITEM tags, as above.

Exit tags:
Required detail: "class"
Optional Objects: "AFFECT","BEHAVIOR"

<AREA id="maze_dungeon" class="StdArea" layout="MAZE" requires="areaname=$,areasize=int,level_range=int,aggrochance=int,theme=prison;rats;kobolds;random">
	<ROOM id="dungeon_rooms" insert="dungeon_hallways,dungeon_interior,dungeon_leaf" />
	<BEHAVIOR select="all" id="dungeon_behaviors">
		<BEHAVIOR condition="$theme='kobolds'" class="RandomTraps" parms="mintraps=1 maxtraps=$AREA_SIZE/2 rooms=Y exits=Y" />
		<BEHAVIOR condition="$theme='random'" class="RandomTraps" parms="mintraps=1 maxtraps=3 rooms=Y exits=Y" />
<AREA id="grid_dungeon" class="StdArea" like="maze_dungeon" layout="GRIDCITY" requires="areaname=$,areasize=int,level_range=int,aggrochance=int,theme=prison;rats;kobolds;random" >
	<NAME>$areaname</NAME><SIZE>$areasize</SIZE><ROOM insert="dungeon_rooms" /><BEHAVIOR select="all" insert="dungeon_behaviors" />
<AREA id="box_dungeon" class="StdArea" like="maze_dungeon" layout="BOXCITY" requires="areaname=$,areasize=int,level_range=int,aggrochance=int,theme=prison;rats;kobolds;random" >
	<NAME>$areaname</NAME><SIZE>$areasize</SIZE><ROOM insert="dungeon_rooms" /><BEHAVIOR select="all" insert="dungeon_behaviors" />
<AREA id="cross_dungeon" class="StdArea" like="maze_dungeon" layout="CROSS" requires="areaname=$,areasize=int,level_range=int,aggrochance=int,theme=prison;rats;kobolds;random" >
	<NAME>$areaname</NAME><SIZE>$areasize</SIZE><ROOM insert="dungeon_rooms" /><BEHAVIOR select="all" insert="dungeon_behaviors" />
<AREA id="tree_dungeon" class="StdArea" like="maze_dungeon" layout="TREE" requires="areaname=$,areasize=int,level_range=int,aggrochance=int,theme=prison;rats;kobolds;random" >
	<NAME>$areaname</NAME><SIZE>$areasize</SIZE><ROOM insert="dungeon_rooms" /><BEHAVIOR select="all" insert="dungeon_behaviors" />

<ROOM id="dungeon_hallways" select="pick-1" condition="$roomtag_nodetype='street' or $roomtag_nodetype='surround'">
	<ROOM class="CaveRoom" pickweight="5">
		<TITLE>$a_streetprefix $_dungeon_hallways_street_name</TITLE>
		<EXIT class="Open" />
		<MOB condition="1?3=1" select="any-1" insert="dungeon_mobs" />
	<ROOM class="CaveRoom" pickweight="1" >
		<TITLE>$a_streetprefix $_dungeon_crawlways_street_name</TITLE>
		<AFFECT class="Prop_Crawlspace" parms="" />
		<EXIT class="Open" />
		<MOB condition="1?6=1" select="any-1" insert="dungeon_mobs" />

<STRING id="dungeon_hallways_street_desc" select="all">
	<STRING select="any-1" action="PREPEND">
		<STRING>You stand in (a(n)) $dungeonadj_any $_dungeon_tunnelword that runs steeply $roomrun_desc_long.</STRING> 
		<STRING>This $dungeonadj_any $_dungeon_tunnelword runs steeply $roomrun_desc_long.</STRING> 
		<STRING>You are in (a(n)) $dungeonadj_any $_dungeon_tunnelword running $roomrun_desc_long.</STRING> 
		<STRING>This $dungeonadj_any $_dungeon_tunnelword runs $roomrun_desc_long.</STRING> 
		<STRING>You are walking through (a(n)) $dungeonadj_any $_dungeon_tunnelword running $roomrun_desc_long.</STRING>
		<STRING>This $dungeonadj_any $_dungeon_tunnelword heads $roomrun_desc_long.</STRING>
		<STRING>This $dungeonadj_any $_dungeon_tunnelword seems to head $roomrun_desc_long.</STRING>
	<STRING select="all" id="dungeon_other_exits" action="APPEND" >
		<STRING select="all" condition="(!('n' IN $ROOMTAG_NODERUN)) and $ROOMLINK_N!=''" action="APPEND" >
			<STRING select="any-1" condition="$ROOMTITLE_N!=''" action="APPEND" >To the north is $ROOMTITLE_N.</STRING>
			<STRING select="any-1" condition="$ROOMTITLE_N=''" action="APPEND" >There is an exit to the north.</STRING>
		<STRING select="all" condition="(!('s' IN $ROOMTAG_NODERUN)) and $ROOMLINK_S!=''" action="APPEND" >
			<STRING select="any-1" condition="$ROOMTITLE_S!=''" action="APPEND" >To the south is $ROOMTITLE_S.</STRING>
			<STRING select="any-1" condition="$ROOMTITLE_S=''" action="APPEND" >There is an exit to the south.</STRING>
		<STRING select="all" condition="(!('e' IN $ROOMTAG_NODERUN)) and $ROOMLINK_E!=''" action="APPEND" >
			<STRING select="any-1" condition="$ROOMTITLE_E!=''" action="APPEND" >To the east is $ROOMTITLE_E.</STRING>
			<STRING select="any-1" condition="$ROOMTITLE_E=''" action="APPEND" >There is an exit to the east.</STRING>
		<STRING select="all" condition="(!('w' IN $ROOMTAG_NODERUN)) and $ROOMLINK_W!=''" action="APPEND" >
			<STRING select="any-1" condition="$ROOMTITLE_W!=''" action="APPEND" >To the west is $ROOMTITLE_W.</STRING>
			<STRING select="any-1" condition="$ROOMTITLE_W=''" action="APPEND" >There is an exit to the west.</STRING>
		<STRING select="all" condition="(!('u' IN $ROOMTAG_NODERUN)) and $ROOMLINK_U!=''" action="APPEND" >
			<STRING select="any-1" condition="$ROOMTITLE_U!=''" action="APPEND" >Above you is $ROOMTITLE_U.</STRING>
			<STRING select="any-1" condition="$ROOMTITLE_U=''" action="APPEND" >There is an exit above you.</STRING>
		<STRING select="all" condition="(!('d' IN $ROOMTAG_NODERUN)) and $ROOMLINK_D!=''" action="APPEND" >
			<STRING select="any-1" condition="$ROOMTITLE_D!=''" action="APPEND" >Below you is $ROOMTITLE_D.</STRING>
			<STRING select="any-1" condition="$ROOMTITLE_D=''" action="APPEND" >There is an exit below you.</STRING>
		<STRING select="all" condition="(!('ne' IN $ROOMTAG_NODERUN)) and $ROOMLINK_NE!=''" action="APPEND" >
			<STRING select="any-1" condition="$ROOMTITLE_NE!=''" action="APPEND" >To the northeast is $ROOMTITLE_NE.</STRING>
			<STRING select="any-1" condition="$ROOMTITLE_NE=''" action="APPEND" >There is an exit to the northeast.</STRING>
		<STRING select="all" condition="(!('nw' IN $ROOMTAG_NODERUN)) and $ROOMLINK_NW!=''" action="APPEND" >
			<STRING select="any-1" condition="$ROOMTITLE_NW!=''" action="APPEND" >To the northwest is $ROOMTITLE_NW.</STRING>
			<STRING select="any-1" condition="$ROOMTITLE_NW=''" action="APPEND" >There is an exit to the northwest.</STRING>
		<STRING select="all" condition="(!('se' IN $ROOMTAG_NODERUN)) and $ROOMLINK_SE!=''" action="APPEND" >
			<STRING select="any-1" condition="$ROOMTITLE_SE!=''" action="APPEND" >To the southeast is $ROOMTITLE_SE.</STRING>
			<STRING select="any-1" condition="$ROOMTITLE_SE=''" action="APPEND" >There is an exit to the southeast.</STRING>
		<STRING select="all" condition="(!('sw' IN $ROOMTAG_NODERUN)) and $ROOMLINK_SW!=''" action="APPEND" >
			<STRING select="any-1" condition="$ROOMTITLE_SW!=''" action="APPEND" >To the southwest is $ROOMTITLE_SW.</STRING>
			<STRING select="any-1" condition="$ROOMTITLE_SW=''" action="APPEND" >There is an exit to the southwest.</STRING>
	<STRING select="any-1" insert="dungeon_random_blurbs" action="APPEND" />

<STRING id="_dungeon_hallways_street_name" define="_dungeon_hallways_street_name" select="any-1">
<STRING>cavernous $_dungeon_tunnelword</STRING>
<STRING>rocky $_dungeon_tunnelword</STRING>
<STRING>dark cave $_dungeon_tunnelword</STRING>
<STRING>cavernous $roomrun_desc $_dungeon_tunnelword</STRING>
<STRING>rocky $roomrun_desc $_dungeon_tunnelword</STRING>
<STRING>$roomrun_desc $_dungeon_tunnelword</STRING>
<STRING>dark $roomrun_desc cave $_dungeon_tunnelword</STRING>

<STRING id="_dungeon_tunnelword" define="_dungeon_tunnelword" select="any-1">

<STRING id="_dungeon_crawlways_street_name" define="_dungeon_crawlways_street_name" select="any-1">
<STRING>small $_dungeon_hallways_street_name</STRING>
<STRING>narrow $_dungeon_hallways_street_name</STRING>
<STRING>short $_dungeon_hallways_street_name</STRING>

<STRING id="dungeon_crawlways_street_desc"  select="all">
	<STRING select="any-1" action="prepend">
		<STRING>You are in (a(n)) $dungeonadj_anynosize $_dungeon_tunnelword that runs narrowly $roomrun_desc_long.</STRING> 
		<STRING>This $dungeonadj_anynosize $_dungeon_tunnelword runs narrowly $roomrun_desc_long.</STRING> 
		<STRING>You are in (a(n)) $dungeonadj_anynosize $_dungeon_tunnelword squeezing $roomrun_desc_long.</STRING> 
		<STRING>This $dungeonadj_anynosize $_dungeon_tunnelword runs $roomrun_desc_long.</STRING> 
		<STRING>You are going through (a(n)) $dungeonadj_anynosize $_dungeon_tunnelword running $roomrun_desc_long.</STRING>
		<STRING>This $dungeonadj_anynosize $_dungeon_tunnelword heads $roomrun_desc_long.</STRING>
		<STRING>This $dungeonadj_anynosize $_dungeon_tunnelword seems to head $roomrun_desc_long.</STRING>
	<STRING select="any-1">
		<STRING>The $dungeonadj_phys_nosize ceiling is very low.</STRING>
		<STRING>The $dungeonadj_phys_nosize ceiling is lower than usual.</STRING>
	<STRING select="any-1" insert="dungeon_random_blurbs" action="APPEND" />

<ROOM id="dungeon_interior" select="any-1" condition="$roomtag_nodetype='interior' or $roomtag_nodetype='square'">
	<ROOM class="CaveRoom" condition="">
		<TITLE>$a_streetprefix $_dungeon_hallways_street_name</TITLE>
		<EXIT class="Open" />
		<MOB condition="1?3=1" select="any-1" insert="dungeon_mobs" />

<STRING id="dungeon_interior_desc" select="all">
	<STRING select="any-1" action="PREPEND">
		<STRING>You are standing  in (a(n)) $dungeonadj_any $_dungeon_tunnelword that branches $roomexits_desc_long.</STRING> 
		<STRING>This $dungeonadj_any $_dungeon_tunnelword branches steeply $roomexits_desc_long.</STRING> 
		<STRING>You are in (a(n)) $dungeonadj_any $_dungeon_tunnelword running $roomexits_desc_long.</STRING> 
		<STRING>This $dungeonadj_any $_dungeon_tunnelword runs $roomexits_desc_long.</STRING> 
		<STRING>You are walking through (a(n)) $dungeonadj_any $_dungeon_tunnelword heading $roomexits_desc_long.</STRING>
		<STRING>This $dungeonadj_any $_dungeon_tunnelword heads $roomexits_desc_long.</STRING>
		<STRING>This $dungeonadj_any $_dungeon_tunnelword seems to head $roomexits_desc_long.</STRING>
	<STRING select="any-2" insert="dungeon_random_blurbs" action="APPEND" />
	<STRING select="all" insert="dungeon_other_exits" action="APPEND" />

<ROOM id="dungeon_leaf" select="any-1" condition="$roomtag_nodetype='leaf'">
	<ROOM select="all" condition="$theme='prison' or $theme='random'">
		<ROOM class="CaveRoom">
			<TITLE>(a(n)) $nasty_word prison cell</TITLE>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You are standing in (a(n)) $nasty_word prison cell.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You are in (a(n)) $nasty_word cell for common prisoners.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You're inside (a(n)) $nasty_word prisoner's holding cell.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is (a(n)) $nasty_word prison cell.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is (a(n)) $nasty_word cell for common prisoners.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is (a(n)) $nasty_word prisoner's holding cell.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_random_blurb</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_prison_exit</DESCRIPTION>
			<EXIT class="LockedDoor" text="$areaname cellkey" />
			<MOB select="repeat-1?2" insert="dungeon_prisoner" />
			<AFFECT class="Prop_NoRecall" /> <AFFECT class="Prop_NoSummon" /> <AFFECT class="Prop_NoTeleportOut" />
		<ROOM class="CaveRoom">
			<TITLE>a large $nasty_word cage</TITLE>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You are standing in (a(n)) $dungeonadj_phys_size_large $nasty_word prison cell.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You are in (a(n)) $dungeonadj_phys_size_large crowded $nasty_word cell for common prisoners.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You're inside (a(n)) $dungeonadj_phys_size_large $nasty_word prisoner's holding cell.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is (a(n)) $dungeonadj_phys_size_large $nasty_word prison cell.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is (a(n)) $dungeonadj_phys_size_large crowded $nasty_word cell for common prisoners.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is (a(n)) $dungeonadj_phys_size_large $nasty_word prisoner's holding cell.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>The $nasty_word barred walls hold everything in.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>Open $nasty_word bars are anchored into the floor and ceiling.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>The $nasty_word bars make this room like a cage.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>A set of $nasty_word bars surround you.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_random_blurb</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_prison_exit</DESCRIPTION>
			<EXIT class="LockedGate" text="$areaname cellkey" />
			<MOB select="repeat-2?5" insert="dungeon_prisoner" />
			<AFFECT class="Prop_NoRecall" /> <AFFECT class="Prop_NoSummon" /> <AFFECT class="Prop_NoTeleportOut" />
		<ROOM class="CaveRoom">
			<TITLE>(a(n)) $nasty_word solitary cell</TITLE>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You are in (a(n)) $dungeonadj_phys_size_small $nasty_word solitary cell.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You are in (a(n)) $dungeonadj_phys_size_small $nasty_word cell for solitary confinement.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You're inside (a(n)) $dungeonadj_phys_size_small $nasty_word solitary prisoner's holding cell.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is (a(n)) $dungeonadj_phys_size_small $nasty_word solitary cell.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is (a(n)) $dungeonadj_phys_size_small $nasty_word cell for solitary confinement.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is (a(n)) $dungeonadj_phys_size_small $nasty_word solitary prisoner's holding cell.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>Everything here is totally $dungeonadj_dark.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This room is completely $dungeonadj_dark.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This $dungeonadj_dark room is $dungeonadj_feeling.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>Life here is $dungeonadj_dark and $dungeonadj_phys_size_small.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This room is $dungeonadj_dark and $dungeonadj_phys_size_small.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This $dungeonadj_feeling is $dungeonadj_dark room.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_random_blurb</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_prison_exit</DESCRIPTION>
			<EXIT class="LockedDoor" text="$areaname cellkey" />
			<MOB select="any-1" insert="dungeon_prisoner" />
			<AFFECT class="Prop_NoRecall" /> <AFFECT class="Prop_NoSummon" /> <AFFECT class="Prop_NoTeleportOut" />
		<ROOM class="StoneRoom" condition="$__luxuryCell&lt;2" define="__luxuryCell+=1">
			<TITLE>a private $dungeonadj_fancy cell</TITLE>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You are in (a(n)) $dungeonadj_phys_size_large $dungeonadj_light solitary cell for discerning tastes.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You are in (a(n)) $dungeonadj_phys_size_large $dungeonadj_light cell for solitary enjoyment.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You're inside (a(n)) $dungeonadj_phys_size_large $dungeonadj_light solitary prisoner's holding apartment.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is (a(n)) $dungeonadj_phys_size_large $dungeonadj_light solitary cell for prisoners of wealth.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is (a(n)) $dungeonadj_phys_size_large $dungeonadj_light cell for solitary refinement.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is (a(n)) $dungeonadj_phys_size_large $dungeonadj_light solitary prisoner's holding suite.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>Everything here is totally $dungeonadj_light.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This room is completely $dungeonadj_light.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This $dungeonadj_light room is $dungeonadj_fancy.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>Life here is $dungeonadj_light and $dungeonadj_fancy.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This room is $dungeonadj_light and $dungeonadj_fancy.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This $dungeonadj_fancy is $dungeonadj_light room.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_prison_exit</DESCRIPTION>
			<EXIT class="LockedDoor" text="$areaname luxurykey" />
			<MOB class="GenMob" like="dungeon_prisoner" level="$level_range" race="$_prisoner_races" name="$fantasy_name" display="$glitzy_prisoner_disp" />
			<AFFECT class="Prop_NoRecall" /> <AFFECT class="Prop_NoSummon" /> <AFFECT class="Prop_NoTeleportOut" />
			<STRING id="glitzy_prisoner_disp" select="any-1">
				<STRING>$MOB_NAME is enjoying a confined rest.</STRING>
				<STRING>$MOB_NAME is a prisoner of luxury.</STRING>
				<STRING>$MOB_NAME is not resisting a rest.</STRING>
				<STRING>$MOB_NAME is a prisoner with deep pockets.</STRING>
				<STRING>$MOB_NAME has the best cell sold.</STRING>
				<STRING>$MOB_NAME has the best punishment money can buy.</STRING>
			<ITEM class="GenBed"  name="(a(n)) $dungeonadj_fancy bed" display="$ITEM_NAME is made here"/>
			<ITEM class="GenChair"  name="(a(n)) $dungeonadj_fancy chair" display="$ITEM_NAME is waiting to me rested upon"/>
			<ITEM select="any-2">
				<ITEM class="GenFountain"  name="(a(n)) $ITEM_NAME fountain" display="$ITEM_NAME has been built here"/>
				<ITEM class="GenMirror"  name="a mirror" display="a mirror is for gazing in"/>
				<ITEM class="GenTub"  name="(a(n)) $dungeonadj_fancy tub" display="$ITEM_NAME is here"/>
				<ITEM class="GenTable"  name="(a(n)) $dungeonadj_fancy table" display="$ITEM_NAME is here"/>
				<ITEM class="GenPiano"  name="(a(n)) $dungeonadj_fancy piano" display="$ITEM_NAME is here"/>
				<ITEM class="GenPipe" name="(a(n)) $dungeonadj_fancy pipe" display="$ITEM_NAME has been put aside for a moment"/>
				<ITEM class="GenCigar" name="(a(n)) $dungeonadj_fancy cigar" display="$ITEM_NAME is here waiting to be enjoyed."/>
		<ROOM class="CaveRoom" condition="$__torturechamber&lt;1" define="__torturechamber+=1">
			<TITLE>(a(n)) $dungeonadj_feeling torture chamber</TITLE>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You are standing in (a(n)) $nasty_word torture chamber.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You are in (a(n)) $nasty_word cell room obviously meant for pain.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You're inside (a(n)) $nasty_word chamber of torture and pain.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is (a(n)) $nasty_word torture chamber.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is (a(n)) $nasty_word chamber of torture and pain.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is (a(n)) $nasty_word room obviously meant for pain.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>Just the sight of this $dungeonadj_feeling room makes you talk.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>All manner of $dungeonadj_feeling instruments for human suffering abound here.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This $nasty_word room of suffering makes you feel $dungeonadj_feeling.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You feel $dungeonadj_feeling just standing in this place.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_random_blurb</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_prison_exit</DESCRIPTION>
			<MOB class="GenMob" like="dungeon_prisonguard" level="$level_range" race="$_prisoner_races" name="Dr. $fantasy_name" display="$torture_prisonguard_disp" />
			<ITEM select="any-2">
				<ITEM class="metacraft"  name="Whipping Post"/>
				<ITEM class="metacraft"  name="Torture Bed"/>
				<ITEM class="metacraft"  name="Stockade"/>
				<ITEM class="metacraft"  name="Gallows"/>
				<ITEM class="metacraft"  name="Torture Rack"/>
				<ITEM class="metacraft"  name="Spanish watercloth"/>
				<ITEM class="metacraft"  name="Garucha Gallows"/>
				<ITEM class="metacraft"  name="Garotte Bed"/>
				<ITEM class="metacraft"  name="Brank Helmet"/>
				<ITEM class="metacraft"  name="The Machine"/>
			<STRING id="torture_prisonguard_disp" select="any-1">
				<STRING>$MOB_NAME is enjoying his work here.</STRING>
				<STRING>$MOB_NAME wants to get on your nerves.</STRING>
				<STRING>$MOB_NAME is ready for you.</STRING>
				<STRING>$MOB_NAME is tidying up for the next guest.</STRING>
				<STRING>$MOB_NAME is curious about how you feel.</STRING>
			<EXIT class="Door" />
		<ROOM class="CaveRoom" condition="$__pitroom&lt;2" define="__pitroom+=1">
			<TITLE>(a(n)) $nasty_word pit</TITLE>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You are standing in (a(n)) $nasty_word pit.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You are in (a(n)) $nasty_word pit.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You're inside (a(n)) $nasty_word pit.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is (a(n)) $nasty_word pit.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>Its little more than a great hole surrounded by a metal cage.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>It is a great caged hole for prisoners.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>A pit holds prisoners in a large hole surrounded by bars.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>A great hole surrounded by bars holds in the prisoners.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_random_blurb</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_prison_exit</DESCRIPTION>
			<EXIT class="LockedDoor" text="$areaname cellkey" />
			<MOB select="repeat-1?3" insert="dungeon_prisoner" />
			<AFFECT class="Prop_NoRecall" /> <AFFECT class="Prop_NoSummon" /> <AFFECT class="Prop_NoTeleportOut" />
			<EXIT class="Gate" />
		<ROOM class="CaveRoom" condition="$__latrine&lt;2" define="__latrine+=1">
			<TITLE>(a(n)) $nasty_word latrine</TITLE>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You are standing knee deep in (a(n)) $nasty_word latrine.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You are in (a(n)) $nasty_word latrine.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You're inside (a(n)) $nasty_word latrine.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is (a(n)) $nasty_word latrine.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You now realize what happens to all the waste generated here.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is where all the waste is dumped.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>The waste and filth of the prisoners and guards is all dumped here.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This must be where the waste from the prisoners is dumped.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You now realize what happens to all the waste generated here.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is where all the waste is dumped.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>The waste and filth of the prisoners and guards is all dumped here.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This must be where the waste from the prisoners is dumped.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_random_badsmell</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_random_blurb</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_prison_exit</DESCRIPTION>
			<EXIT class="Door" />
			<MOB select="repeat-1?2" insert="dungeon_prisonguard" />
		<ROOM class="CaveRoom">
			<TITLE>a guard station</TITLE>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You are standing in a guard station.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You are in a guard station.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You're inside a guard station.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is a guard station.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION>The exit is to the $roomexits_desc_long</DESCRIPTION>
			<EXIT class="Door" />
			<MOB select="repeat-2?5" insert="dungeon_prisonguard" />
	<ROOM select="all" condition="$theme='kobolds' or $theme='random'">
		<ROOM class="CaveRoom">
			<TITLE>a kobold nursury</TITLE>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You are standing in (a(n)) $dungeonadj_phys_size kobold nursury. Everything here is $dungeonadj_phys_nosize and $nasty_word.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You're inside (a(n)) $dungeonadj_phys_size kobold nursury. This place is $dungeonadj_phys_nosize and $nasty_word.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You've found (a(n)) $dungeonadj_phys_size kobold nursury. Conditions here are $dungeonadj_phys_nosize and $nasty_word.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is (a(n)) $dungeonadj_phys_size kobold nursury. It is $dungeonadj_phys_nosize and $nasty_word.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You are confused by (a(n)) $dungeonadj_phys_size kobold nursury. Everything here is $dungeonadj_phys_nosize and $nasty_word.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>It's amazing those creatures ever see adulthood.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You are astonished that kobolds actually seem worse as children. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>It just didn't seem kobolds could be any worse, but they can. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You discover that kobolds start off smaller and meaner.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>It is just astonishing that kobolds live past this age. </DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_random_badsmell</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_random_blurb</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_kobold_exit</DESCRIPTION>
			<EXIT class="Door" />
			<MOB select="repeat-2?6" insert="dungeon_koboldkid" />
			<MOB class="GenMob" level="($level_range) / 2" id="dungeon_koboldkid" race="Kobold" gender="$anygender">
				<NAME select="pick-1">
					<NAME pickweight="5">(a(n)) $nasty_animal_word kobold child</NAME>
					<NAME pickweight="1">a kobold kid</NAME>
				<DISPLAY select="pick-1">
					<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name sneaks around.</DISPLAY>
					<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name charges at a wall.</DISPLAY>
					<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is getting into trouble.</DISPLAY>
					<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is making trouble.</DISPLAY>
					<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is watching you.</DISPLAY>
					<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is picking its nose.</DISPLAY>
					<DISPLAY pickweight="5">$mob_name is here.</DISPLAY>
				<ABILITY select="all">
					<ABILITY condition="1?3=1" class="Skill_Trip" />
					<ABILITY condition="1?3=1" class="Skill_Dirt" />
					<ABILITY condition="1?3=1" class="Thief_Distract" />
				<BEHAVIOR select="all">
					<BEHAVIOR condition="1?100&lt;$aggrochance"  class="Aggressive" parms="" />
					<BEHAVIOR class="MudChat" parms="" />
					<BEHAVIOR condition="1?2=1"  class="BrotherHelper" parms="" />
					<BEHAVIOR class="Scavenger" parms="" />
					<BEHAVIOR class="CombatAbilities" parms="" />
				<ITEM class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level">
					<NAME select="any-1"><NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj diaper</NAME><NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj diaper</NAME></NAME>
				<ITEM class="GenItem" LEVEL="$mob_level" condition="1?2=1">
					<NAME select="any-1"><NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj toy</NAME><NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj toy</NAME></NAME>
					<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY><MATERIAL>OAK</MATERIAL>
			<MOB class="GenMob" level="(1.10 * ($level_range)) + 1" race="Kobold" gender="F">
				<NAME>a kobold nanny</NAME>
				<DISPLAY select="pick-1">
					<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name stands around.</DISPLAY>
					<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name charges at a kid.</DISPLAY>
					<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is maintaining the trouble level.</DISPLAY>
					<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is watching trouble being made.</DISPLAY>
					<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is watching you.</DISPLAY>
					<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is picking on a kid.</DISPLAY>
				<ABILITY select="all">
					<ABILITY condition="1?3=1" class="Skill_Trip" />
					<ABILITY condition="1?3=1" class="Skill_Dirt" />
					<ABILITY condition="1?3=1" class="Skill_Disarm" />
					<ABILITY condition="1?3=1" class="Thief_Distract" />
				<BEHAVIOR select="all">
					<BEHAVIOR condition="1?100&lt;$aggrochance"  class="Aggressive" parms="" />
					<BEHAVIOR class="MudChat" parms="" />
					<BEHAVIOR condition="1?2=1"  class="BrotherHelper" parms="" />
					<BEHAVIOR class="Scavenger" parms="" />
					<BEHAVIOR class="CombatAbilities" parms="" />
				<ITEM select="pick-1?3">
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME select="any-1"><NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj leather hat</NAME><NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj hat</NAME></NAME>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME select="any-1"><NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj leather blouse</NAME><NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj blouse</NAME></NAME>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME select="any-1"><NAME>a pair of $kobold_item_adj leather dress</NAME><NAME>a pair of $kobold_item_adj dress</NAME></NAME>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME select="any-1"><NAME>a pair of $kobold_item_adj leather sleeves</NAME><NAME>a pair of $kobold_item_adj sleeves</NAME></NAME>
				<ITEM select="pick-1">
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenWeapon" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME>a sharp $kobold_item_adj stick</NAME>
						<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY>
		<ROOM class="CaveRoom">
			<TITLE select="any-1">
				<TITLE>a checkpoint</TITLE>
				<TITLE>a guardroom</TITLE>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You are standing in $ROOM_TITLE.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_random_blurb</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_kobold_exit</DESCRIPTION>
			<EXIT class="Door" />
			<MOB select="repeat-1?3" insert="dungeon_koboldguard" />
		<ROOM class="CaveRoom">
			<TITLE>a kobold workshop</TITLE>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You are standing in (a(n)) $dungeonadj_phys_size kobold workshop.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You're inside (a(n)) $dungeonadj_phys_size kobold workshop. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You've found (a(n)) $dungeonadj_phys_size kobold workshop. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is (a(n)) $dungeonadj_phys_size kobold workshop. </DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>Trap-Making implements are all over the place.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>Junk is scattered all over the place. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>Explosive components and trip wires are all over. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>Pieces of kobold traps are scattered about. </DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You do not feel safe here.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This place seems downright dangerous. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This can't be a good place to be. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You can't imagine a more dangerous spot to be standing in. </DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_random_blurb</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_kobold_exit</DESCRIPTION>
			<EXIT class="Door" />
			<MOB select="repeat-1?3" insert="kobold_tinkerer" />
			<MOB class="GenMob" level="$level_range" id="kobold_tinkerer" race="Kobold" gender="$anygender">
				<NAME>a kobold tinkerer</NAME>
				<DISPLAY select="pick-1">
					<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name stands around.</DISPLAY>
					<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name seems disturbed by the interruption.</DISPLAY>
					<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is doing some maintenance.</DISPLAY>
					<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is constructing trouble for someone.</DISPLAY>
					<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is watching you.</DISPLAY>
					<DISPLAY pickweight="2">$mob_name is taking something apart.</DISPLAY>
					<DISPLAY pickweight="2">$mob_name is putting something together.</DISPLAY>
				<ABILITY select="all">
					<ABILITY condition="1?3=1" class="Skill_Trip" />
					<ABILITY condition="1?3=1" class="Skill_Dirt" />
					<ABILITY condition="1?3=1" class="Skill_Disarm" />
					<ABILITY condition="1?3=1" class="Thief_Distract" />
				<BEHAVIOR select="all">
					<BEHAVIOR condition="1?100&lt;$aggrochance"  class="Aggressive" parms="" />
					<BEHAVIOR class="MudChat" parms="" />
					<BEHAVIOR condition="1?2=1"  class="BrotherHelper" parms="" />
					<BEHAVIOR class="Scavenger" parms="" />
					<BEHAVIOR class="CombatAbilities" parms="" />
				<ITEM select="pick-1?3">
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME select="any-1"><NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj pointy leather cap</NAME><NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj pointy cap</NAME></NAME>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME select="any-1"><NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj leather workvest</NAME><NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj workvest</NAME></NAME>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME select="any-1"><NAME>a pair of $kobold_item_adj leather work pants</NAME><NAME>a pair of $kobold_item_adj work pants</NAME></NAME>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME select="any-1"><NAME>a pair of $kobold_item_adj leather sleeves</NAME><NAME>a pair of $kobold_item_adj sleeves</NAME></NAME>
				<ITEM select="pick-1">
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenWeapon" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj tool</NAME>
						<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY>
			<ITEM class="GenTable" name="(a(n)) $nasty_word table" display="$ITEM_NAME is here"/>
		<ROOM class="CaveRoom">
			<TITLE select="any-1">
				<TITLE>a feed room</TITLE>
				<TITLE>a larder</TITLE>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You are standing in $ROOM_TITLE.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>The kobolds must store their food here, if you can call it "food".</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This appears to be where they store their foodstuff.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>The kobolds seem to keep their edibles stored here.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>What the kobolds call food seems to be stored here.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_random_blurb</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_kobold_exit</DESCRIPTION>
			<ITEM select="any-2">
				<ITEM class="GenFoodResource" weight="10" name="some $nasty_word meat" display="$item_name is stored here" material="MEAT" />
				<ITEM class="GenFoodResource" weight="10" name="some $nasty_word bread" display="$item_name is stored here" material="bread" />
				<ITEM class="GenFoodResource" weight="10" name="some $nasty_word mushrooms" display="$item_name is stored here" material="mushrooms" />
				<ITEM class="GenFoodResource" weight="10" name="some $nasty_word fish" display="$item_name is stored here" material="fish" />
			<MOB select="all" insert="$dungeon_rat" condition="1?2=1" />
			<EXIT class="LockedDoor"  text="$areaname storekey"/>
		<ROOM class="CaveRoom">
			<TITLE>a store room</TITLE>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You are standing in $ROOM_TITLE.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>The kobolds must store their $nasty_word crap and junk here.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This appears to be where they store their $nasty_word junk.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>The kobolds seem to keep their $nasty_word crap stored here.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>What the kobolds think is important seems to be stored here.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_random_blurb</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_kobold_exit</DESCRIPTION>
			<ITEM select="any-5"><ITEM class="metacraft" name="anything" /><ITEM class="metacraft" name="anything" /><ITEM class="metacraft" name="anything" /><ITEM class="metacraft" name="anything" /><ITEM class="metacraft" name="anything" /></ITEM>
			<MOB select="all" insert="$dungeon_rat" condition="1?2=1" />
			<EXIT class="LockedDoor"  text="$areaname storekey"/>
		<ROOM class="CaveRoom">
			<TITLE>a kitchen</TITLE>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You are standing in (a(n)) $nasty_word kobold kitchen.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You're inside (a(n)) $nasty_word kobold kitchen. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You've found (a(n)) $nasty_word kobold kitchen. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is (a(n)) $nasty_word kobold kitchen. </DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>This place is an astounding mess.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>Food and clutter is scattered all over the place. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>Splatter and mess are everywhere you look. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>Pieces of kobold meals are scattered about. </DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You do not feel sanitary here.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This place seems downright nasty. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This can't be a good place to be. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You can't imagine a more disgusting spot to be standing in. </DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_random_badsmell</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_random_blurb</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_kobold_exit</DESCRIPTION>
			<EXIT class="Door" />
			<MOB select="repeat-1?3" insert="kobold_cook" />
			<MOB class="GenMob" level="$level_range" id="kobold_cook" race="Kobold" gender="F">
				<NAME>a kobold cook</NAME>
				<DISPLAY select="pick-1">
					<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name stands around.</DISPLAY>
					<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name charges a burning potroast.</DISPLAY>
					<DISPLAY pickweight="2">$mob_name is making a mess.</DISPLAY>
					<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is watching water boil.</DISPLAY>
					<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is watching you.</DISPLAY>
					<DISPLAY pickweight="3">$mob_name is making something gross.</DISPLAY>
				<ABILITY select="all">
					<ABILITY condition="1?3=1" class="Skill_Trip" />
					<ABILITY condition="1?3=1" class="Skill_Dirt" />
					<ABILITY condition="1?3=1" class="Skill_Disarm" />
					<ABILITY condition="1?3=1" class="Thief_Distract" />
				<BEHAVIOR select="all">
					<BEHAVIOR condition="1?100&lt;$aggrochance"  class="Aggressive" parms="" />
					<BEHAVIOR class="MudChat" parms="" />
					<BEHAVIOR condition="1?2=1"  class="BrotherHelper" parms="" />
					<BEHAVIOR class="Scavenger" parms="" />
					<BEHAVIOR class="CombatAbilities" parms="" />
				<ITEM select="pick-1?3">
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME select="any-1"><NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj leather chefs hat</NAME><NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj chefs hat</NAME></NAME>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME select="any-1"><NAME>a pair of $kobold_item_adj leather apron</NAME><NAME>a pair of $kobold_item_adj apron</NAME></NAME>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME select="any-1"><NAME>a pair of $kobold_item_adj leather sleeves</NAME><NAME>a pair of $kobold_item_adj sleeves</NAME></NAME>
				<ITEM select="pick-1">
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenWeapon" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj rolling pin</NAME>
						<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY>
			<ITEM class="GenTable" name="(a(n)) $nasty_word chopping table" display="$ITEM_NAME is here"/>
			<ITEM class="metacraft" name="Oven" />
			<ITEM select="1?3" >
				<ITEM class="metacraft" name="Baking Pot" />
				<ITEM class="metacraft" name="Pan" />
				<ITEM class="metacraft" name="Pitcher" />
				<ITEM class="metacraft" name="Cup" />
				<ITEM class="metacraft" name="Bowl" />
		<ROOM class="CaveRoom">
			<TITLE>a common room</TITLE>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You are standing in (a(n)) $nasty_word kobold common room.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You're inside (a(n)) $nasty_word kobold common room. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You've found (a(n)) $nasty_word kobold common room. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is (a(n)) $nasty_word kobold common room. </DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>This place is one of mess and clutter.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>Junk and clutter is scattered all over the place. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>Clutter and junk are everywhere you look. </DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You feel quite chaotic here.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This place seems downright crazy. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This can't be a very serene to be. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You can't imagine a more chaotic spot to be standing in. </DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_random_blurb</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_kobold_exit</DESCRIPTION>
			<EXIT class="Open" />
			<MOB select="repeat-2?5" insert="dungeon_koboldpeon" />
			<ITEM select="pick-1?2" >
				<ITEM pickweight="1" class="metacraft" name="chair"/>
				<ITEM pickweight="2" class="metacraft" name="bench"/>
			<ITEM select="1?2" >
				<ITEM class="metacraft" name="hammock"/>
				<ITEM class="metacraft" name="whip"/>
				<ITEM class="metacraft" name="pants"/>
		<ROOM class="CaveRoom">
			<TITLE>a hatchery</TITLE>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You are standing in (a(n)) $nasty_word kobold hatchery.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You're inside (a(n)) $nasty_word kobold hatchery. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You've found (a(n)) $nasty_word kobold hatchery. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is (a(n)) $nasty_word kobold hatchery. </DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>Kobold eggs are scattered about haphazardly.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>Kobold eggs are scattered all over the place. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>Kobold eggs are everywhere you look. </DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You feel quite serene here.  So different from other kobold locales.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This place seems downright serene for a kobold lair. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This must be the quietest room in the whole place. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You can't imagine a quieter spot in this lair to be standing in. </DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_random_blurb</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_kobold_exit</DESCRIPTION>
			<EXIT class="Door" />
			<MOB select="repeat-1?2" insert="dungeon_koboldguard" />
			<ITEM class="GenFoodResource" id="kobold_egg" name="some $nasty_word kobold eggs" display="$item_name are here" material="EGGS" />
			<ITEM select="2?13" insert="kobold_egg,kobold_egg,kobold_egg,kobold_egg,kobold_egg,kobold_egg,kobold_egg,kobold_egg,kobold_egg,kobold_egg,kobold_egg,kobold_egg,kobold_egg" />
		<ROOM class="CaveRoom" condition="$__throneroom&lt;1" define="__throneroom+=1">
			<TITLE>the throne room</TITLE>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You are standing in the $nasty_word kobold throne room.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You're inside the $nasty_word kobold throne room. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You've found the $nasty_word kobold throne room. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is the $nasty_word kobold throne room. </DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>This room is so plain, you can hardly believe royalty resides here.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>Utterly unremarkable, and a bit dirty. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>Plain and boring for the most part. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>A bit dirty, a lot ordinary, very unroyal. </DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You don't really feel in any awe.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This place seems like any other kobold room. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This must be the most boring room in the whole place. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You can't imagine a more boring spot in this lair to be standing in. </DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_random_blurb</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_kobold_exit</DESCRIPTION>
			<EXIT class="LockedDoor" text="$areaname thronekey"/>
			<MOB select="repeat-5" insert="dungeon_koboldguard" />
			<MOB class="GenMob" level="(1.20 * ($level_range)) + 1" id="kobold_king" race="Kobold" gender="M">
				<NAME>King $fantasy_name</NAME>
				<DISPLAY select="pick-1">
					<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name stands around.</DISPLAY>
					<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name charges a fly buzzing around.</DISPLAY>
					<DISPLAY pickweight="2">$mob_name is making a mess of his kingdom.</DISPLAY>
					<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is watching mold grow.</DISPLAY>
					<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is watching you.</DISPLAY>
					<DISPLAY pickweight="3">$mob_name is trying to be majestic.</DISPLAY>
				<ABILITY select="all">
					<ABILITY condition="1?3=1" class="Skill_Trip" />
					<ABILITY condition="1?3=1" class="Skill_Dirt" />
					<ABILITY condition="1?3=1" class="Skill_Disarm" />
					<ABILITY condition="1?3=1" class="Thief_Distract" />
				<BEHAVIOR select="all">
					<BEHAVIOR condition="1?100&lt;$aggrochance"  class="Aggressive" parms="" />
					<BEHAVIOR class="MudChat" parms="" />
					<BEHAVIOR condition="1?2=1"  class="BrotherHelper" parms="" />
					<BEHAVIOR class="Scavenger" parms="" />
					<BEHAVIOR class="CombatAbilities" parms="" />
				<ITEM select="pick-1?3">
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME select="any-1"><NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj crown</NAME><NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj crown</NAME></NAME>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME select="any-1"><NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj golden belt</NAME><NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj gold belt</NAME></NAME>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME select="any-1"><NAME>a pair of $kobold_item_adj golden shoes</NAME><NAME>a pair of $kobold_item_adj gold shoes</NAME></NAME>
				<ITEM select="pick-1">
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenWeapon" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj sceptor</NAME>
						<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY>
			<ITEM class="GenChair"  name="(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj throne" display="$ITEM_NAME is here"/>
	<ROOM select="all" condition="$theme='rats' or $theme='random'">
		<ROOM class="CaveRoom">
			<TITLE>an air shaft</TITLE>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You are standing under an air shaft.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You're inside a small cavern with an air shaft to the surface. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You've found an air shaft to the surface. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is a small cavern with an air shaft to the surface. </DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>It appears far too narrow to navigate, but the air smells sweet.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>The shaft is little more than a small hole, but it's still nice</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>Sweet air wafts in from the small narrow hole in the ceiling.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>At first you felt quite safe here, but what is that stuff on the floor?</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This place seems fairly nice, except for those odd sounds. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This must be the most refreshing cavern in this whole place, except, what was that sound? </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You can't imagine a more refreshing place in this lair to be standing in. Say, what's that stuff on the floor?</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_random_blurb</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_leaf_exit</DESCRIPTION>
			<EXIT class="Open" />
			<MOB select="repeat-2?5" insert="dungeon_bat" />
		<ROOM class="StoneRoom">
			<TITLE>a laboratory</TITLE>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You are standing in (a(n)) $dungeonadj_feeling laboratory.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You're inside (a(n)) $dungeonadj_feeling laboratory. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You've found (a(n)) $dungeonadj_feeling laboratory. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is (a(n)) $dungeonadj_feeling laboratory. </DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>Implements of alchemy, dissection, and experimentation are everywhere.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>Implements of alchemy, dissection, and experimentation are all over the place. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>Implements of alchemy, dissection, and experimentation are all over. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>Implements of alchemy, dissection, and experimentation are scattered about. </DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You can already feel your safety level dropping.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This place seems downright bizarre. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This can't be a sane place to be hanging out. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You can't imagine a more insane spot to be standing in. </DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_random_blurb</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_kobold_exit</DESCRIPTION>
			<EXIT class="LockedDoor" text="$areaname labkey" />
			<MOB class="GenMob" level="(1.20 * ($level_range)) + 1" race="_humanoid_races" gender="$anygender">
				<NAME>doctor $fantasy_name</NAME>
				<DISPLAY select="pick-1">
					<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name stands around.</DISPLAY>
					<DISPLAY pickweight="2">$mob_name seems disturbed by the interruption.</DISPLAY>
					<DISPLAY pickweight="2">$mob_name is doing some experiments.</DISPLAY>
					<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is engaged in some troubling experiment.</DISPLAY>
					<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is watching you.</DISPLAY>
					<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is dissecting something.</DISPLAY>
					<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is combining chemicals together.</DISPLAY>
				<DESCRIPTION>A mad scientist if you ever saw one.</DESCRIPTION>
				<BEHAVIOR select="all">
					<BEHAVIOR condition="1?100&lt;$aggrochance"  class="Aggressive" parms="" />
					<BEHAVIOR class="MudChat" parms="" />
					<BEHAVIOR class="Mageness" parms="" />
				<ITEM select="pick-1?2">
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME select="any-1"><NAME>(a(n)) $dungeonadj_fancy pointy hat</NAME><NAME>(a(n)) $dungeonadj_fancy hat</NAME></NAME>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME select="any-1"><NAME>(a(n)) $dungeonadj_fancy sparkling robe</NAME><NAME>(a(n)) $dungeonadj_fancy robe</NAME></NAME>
				<ITEM select="pick-1">
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenStaff" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME>(a(n)) $dungeonadj_fancy staff</NAME>
						<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY>
			<ITEM class="GenTable" name="(a(n)) $nasty_word table" display="$ITEM_NAME is here">
				<CONTENT><ITEM select="any-2" insert="any_alchemy_item,any_apothecary_item,any_distilling_item,any_herbalism_item" /></CONTENT>
			<ITEM class="metacraft" name="Scroll Case">
				<CONTENT><ITEM select="any-2" insert="any_scrollscribing_item,any_scrollscribing_item" /></CONTENT>
			<ITEM class="metacraft" name="Potion Rack">
				<CONTENT><ITEM select="any-2" insert="any_alchemy_item,any_apothecary_item,any_distilling_item,any_herbalism_item" /></CONTENT>
		<ROOM class="CaveRoom">
			<TITLE>a hatchery</TITLE>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You are standing in (a(n)) $dungeonadj_feeling dragon hatchery.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You're inside (a(n)) $dungeonadj_feeling dragon hatchery. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You've found (a(n)) $dungeonadj_feeling dragon hatchery. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is (a(n)) $dungeonadj_feeling dragon hatchery. </DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>Large eggs are set carefully about the room.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>Large eggs are evenly spaces around this room. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>Large eggs are everywhere you look. </DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You feel quite nervous here.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This place seems like a dangerous spot for a rest. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This can't be a safe place to be hanging around in. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You can't imagine a more dangerous place to camp out in. </DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_random_blurb</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_leaf_exit</DESCRIPTION>
			<MOB class="Dragon" ability="0?9" level="(1.20 * ($level_range)) + 1" />
			<ITEM class="GenFood" weight="100" NOURISHMENT="10000" bite="500" id="dragon_egg" name="a $dungeonadj_feeling dragon egg" display="$item_name is here" material="EGGS" />
			<ITEM select="2?5" insert="dragon_egg,dragon_egg,dragon_egg,dragon_egg,dragon_egg,dragon_egg,dragon_egg,dragon_egg,dragon_egg,dragon_egg,dragon_egg,dragon_egg" />
			<EXIT class="Open" />
		<ROOM class="CaveRoom">
			<TITLE>a dragon's lair</TITLE>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You are standing in (a(n)) $dungeonadj_feeling dragon's lair.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You're inside (a(n)) $dungeonadj_feeling dragon's lair. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You've found (a(n)) $dungeonadj_feeling dragon's lair. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is (a(n)) $dungeonadj_feeling dragon's lair. </DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_random_blurb</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You don't feel like you'll live very long here.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This seems like a good place to die. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This can't be a good place. </DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You can't imagine a more foolish place to wait around in. </DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_leaf_exit</DESCRIPTION>
			<MOB class="Dragon" ability="0?9" level="(1.20 * ($level_range)) + 1" />
			<EXIT class="Open" />
TODO: add a pit, a precipice, a fungal room, a crypt w/ sarcophogi 
		<ROOM class="CaveRoom">
			<TITLE>a dead-end</TITLE>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You are standing in a dead-end.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You're inside a dead-end cavern.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You've found a dead-end cavern.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is a dead-end.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_random_blurb</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You feel like there's more dead here than end.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This seems like a dead-end in more than once sense of the word.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>The name of this place could not be more accurate.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You can't imagine why this is a dead-end.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_leaf_exit</DESCRIPTION>
			<EXIT class="Open" />
			<MOB select="repeat-1?3" insert="dungeon_skeleton" />
		<ROOM class="StoneRoom">
			<TITLE>a safe room</TITLE>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You are standing in an empty carved stone room.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You're inside an empty stone room.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You've found an empty stone room.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is an empty stone room.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You feel perfectly safe here, and wonder why nothing has claimed this place yet?</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This seems like a safe place to take a rest, so long as nothing comes through the door.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This appears to be the safest spot in this place so far.  Perhaps you can take a rest and a bite, so long as nothing comes through the door.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You can't imagine a safer place to rest, though perhaps keeping one eye open.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_leaf_exit</DESCRIPTION>
			<EXIT class="Door" />
			<AFFECT class="Prop_RoomDark" />
		<ROOM class="StdMaze">
			<TITLE>lost in the catacombs</TITLE>
			<DESCRIPTION>You are lost in an cavernous underground catacomb.
			&lt;P&gt;You are lost in a cavernous underground catacomb. $dungeon_random_blurb $dungeon_random_blurb
			&lt;P&gt;You are lost in a cavernous underground catacomb. $dungeon_random_blurb $dungeon_random_blurb
			&lt;P&gt;You are lost in a cavernous underground catacomb. $dungeon_random_blurb $dungeon_random_blurb
			&lt;P&gt;You are lost in a cavernous underground catacomb. $dungeon_random_blurb $dungeon_random_blurb
			&lt;P&gt;You are lost in a cavernous underground catacomb. $dungeon_random_blurb $dungeon_random_blurb
			&lt;P&gt;You are lost in a cavernous underground catacomb. $dungeon_random_blurb $dungeon_random_blurb
			&lt;P&gt;You are lost in a cavernous underground catacomb. $dungeon_random_blurb $dungeon_random_blurb
			&lt;P&gt;You are lost in a cavernous underground catacomb. $dungeon_random_blurb $dungeon_random_blurb
			&lt;P&gt;You are lost in a cavernous underground catacomb. $dungeon_random_blurb $dungeon_random_blurb
			&lt;P&gt;You are lost in a cavernous underground catacomb. $dungeon_random_blurb $dungeon_random_blurb
			&lt;P&gt;You are lost in a cavernous underground catacomb. $dungeon_random_blurb $dungeon_random_blurb
			&lt;P&gt;You are lost in a cavernous underground catacomb. $dungeon_random_blurb $dungeon_random_blurb
			&lt;P&gt;You are lost in a cavernous underground catacomb. $dungeon_random_blurb $dungeon_random_blurb
			&lt;P&gt;You are lost in a cavernous underground catacomb. $dungeon_random_blurb $dungeon_random_blurb
			&lt;P&gt;You are lost in a cavernous underground catacomb. $dungeon_random_blurb $dungeon_random_blurb
			&lt;P&gt;You are lost in a cavernous underground catacomb. $dungeon_random_blurb $dungeon_random_blurb
			&lt;P&gt;You are lost in a cavernous underground catacomb. $dungeon_random_blurb $dungeon_random_blurb
			&lt;P&gt;You are lost in a cavernous underground catacomb. $dungeon_random_blurb $dungeon_random_blurb
			&lt;P&gt;You are lost in a cavernous underground catacomb. $dungeon_random_blurb $dungeon_random_blurb
			&lt;P&gt;You are lost in a cavernous underground catacomb. $dungeon_random_blurb $dungeon_random_blurb
			&lt;P&gt;You are lost in a cavernous underground catacomb. $dungeon_random_blurb $dungeon_random_blurb
			&lt;P&gt;You are lost in a cavernous underground catacomb. $dungeon_random_blurb $dungeon_random_blurb
			&lt;P&gt;You are lost in a cavernous underground catacomb. $dungeon_random_blurb $dungeon_random_blurb
			&lt;P&gt;You are lost in a cavernous underground catacomb. $dungeon_random_blurb $dungeon_random_blurb
			&lt;P&gt;You are lost in a cavernous underground catacomb. $dungeon_random_blurb $dungeon_random_blurb
			<EXIT class="Door" />
			<MOB class="GenUndead" level="$level_range" id="dungeon_mobile_spirit" name="a spirit of the dead" like="dungeon_spirit">
				<BEHAVIOR class="MobileAggressive" parms="" />
			<MOB select="repeat-5?10" insert="dungeon_mobile_spirit" />
			<AFFECT class="Prop_RoomDark" />
		<ROOM class="CaveRoom">
			<TITLE>a rat den</TITLE>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You are standing in a rat's den.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You're inside a rat's den.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You've found a rat's den.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is a rat's den.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_random_blurb</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You feel like some $nasty_word critters live here.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This seems like a place some $nasty_word critters call home.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>Some $nasty_word little critters definitely lives here.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You aren't sure the $nasty_word little critters would be happy to see you.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_random_blurb</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_leaf_exit</DESCRIPTION>
			<EXIT class="Open" />
			<MOB select="repeat-3?5" insert="dungeon_rat" />
		<ROOM class="CaveRoom">
			<TITLE>a web filled den</TITLE>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You are standing in a web filled den.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You're inside a web covered den.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You've found a web covered den.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is a web covered den.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_random_blurb</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You feel like some $nasty_word spiders live here.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This seems like a place some $nasty_word spiders call home.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>Some $nasty_word little spiders definitely lives here.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You aren't sure the $nasty_word little spiders would be happy to see you.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_random_blurb</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_leaf_exit</DESCRIPTION>
			<EXIT class="Open" />
			<MOB select="repeat-3?5" insert="dungeon_spider" />
		<ROOM class="CaveRoom">
			<TITLE>a dry lizard's den</TITLE>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You are standing in a dry scaley den.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You're inside a  dry scaley den.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You've found a  dry scaley den.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is a  dry scaley den.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_random_blurb</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You feel like some $nasty_word reptiles live here.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This seems like a place some $nasty_word reptiles call home.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>Some $nasty_word little reptiles definitely lives here.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You aren't sure the $nasty_word little reptiles would be happy to see you.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_random_blurb</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_leaf_exit</DESCRIPTION>
			<EXIT class="Open" />
			<MOB select="repeat-3?5" insert="dungeon_lizard" />
		<ROOM class="CaveRoom">
			<TITLE>a slithering den</TITLE>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You are standing in a scaley slithering den.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You're inside a slithering den.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You've found a slithering scaley den.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is a slithering den.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_random_blurb</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You feel like some $nasty_word snakes live here.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This seems like a place some $nasty_word snakes call home.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>Some $nasty_word little snakes definitely lives here.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You aren't sure the $nasty_word little snakes would be happy to see you.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_random_blurb</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_leaf_exit</DESCRIPTION>
			<EXIT class="Open" />
			<MOB select="repeat-3?5" insert="dungeon_snake" />
		<ROOM class="IndoorWaterSurface" condition="1?20=1 and $__lakes&lt;1" define="__lakes+=1">
			<TITLE>an underground lake</TITLE>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>You are swimming in a large underground lake.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You're swimming in a cold underground lake.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>You've found a cold underground lake.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>This is a large cold underground lake.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_random_blurb</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">
					<DESCRIPTION>The ceiling of this cavern reflects off the still water surface.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>The black cold waters of the lake seem to cover the whole floor.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>The water is cold and perfectly still.</DESCRIPTION>
					<DESCRIPTION>Shadows flicker their reflections on the surface of the cold still water.</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_random_blurb</DESCRIPTION>
				<DESCRIPTION select="any-1">$dungeon_leaf_exit</DESCRIPTION>
			<AFFECT class="Prop_RoomDark" />
			<EXIT class="Open" />

<STRING id="dungeon_kobold_exit" select="all">
	<STRING select="any-1">
		<STRING>The stinky hole you came through is to the $roomexits_desc_long.</STRING>
		<STRING>The way out of here is $roomexits_desc_long.</STRING>
		<STRING>The exit to the $roomexits_desc_long is the only way out.</STRING>
		<STRING>The only way out of here is $roomexits_desc_long.</STRING>

<STRING id="dungeon_leaf_exit" select="any-1">
	<STRING id="dungeon_leaf_exits" select="all">
		<STRING>The exit is to the $roomexits_desc_long.</STRING>
		<STRING>The way out of here is $roomexits_desc_long.</STRING>
		<STRING>The exit to the $roomexits_desc_long is the only way out.</STRING>
		<STRING>The only way out of here is $roomexits_desc_long.</STRING>

<STRING id="dungeon_prison_exit" select="any-1">
	<STRING id="dungeon_prison_exits" select="all">
		<STRING>The exit is to the $roomexits_desc_long.</STRING>
		<STRING>The way out of here is $roomexits_desc_long.</STRING>
		<STRING>The exit to the $roomexits_desc_long is the only way out.</STRING>
		<STRING>The only way out of here is $roomexits_desc_long.</STRING>
		<STRING>Escape is to the $roomexits_desc_long.</STRING>

<STRING id="dungeon_random_blurb" select="any-1">
	<STRING id="dungeon_random_blurbs" select="all">
		<STRING select="any-1">
			<STRING>The $dungeonadj_any walls are nearly pitch black.</STRING>
			<STRING>The walls here are $dungeonadj_any.</STRING>
			<STRING>The walls are $dungeonadj_any.</STRING>
			<STRING>The walls are $dungeonadj_any and just slightly $dungeonadj_any.</STRING>
			<STRING>The $dungeonadj_any walls are tall and sheer.</STRING>
		<STRING select="any-1">
			<STRING>The $dungeonadj_any floor has been worn down by years of use.</STRING>
			<STRING>The floor is $dungeonadj_any and appears unscathed by mass footfall.</STRING>
			<STRING>The $dungeonadj_any floor is bare and dirtless.</STRING>
			<STRING>The floor has bits of bones and rotten flesh.</STRING>
			<STRING>The $dungeonadj_any floor has bits of rotten and half-eaten animal parts.</STRING>
			<STRING>Earthly spines jut out from the ceiling and the floor.</STRING>
			<STRING>Sharp pointed rocks on the ceiling and floor provide plenty of navigational obstacles.</STRING>
		<STRING>There are several menacing stalagtites and stalagmites to navigate around.</STRING>
		<STRING>A series of undecipherable scribbles sit on the walls.</STRING>
		<STRING>It looks like something might have died here.</STRING>
		<STRING>You might have just stepped on a frog.</STRING>
		<STRING>Something indescribable makes you feel lonesome and sad here.</STRING>
		<STRING select="any-1">
			<STRING>The $dungeonadj_any ceiling is too far above you to see clearly.</STRING>
			<STRING>The ceiling is $dungeonadj_any.</STRING>
			<STRING>The $dungeonadj_any ceiling is unsettling.</STRING>
		<STRING select="any-1">
			<STRING>A layer of dirt upon the ground is marked with various tracks.</STRING>
			<STRING>Dust has settled on the ground from scarce use.</STRING>
		<STRING condition="1?10 &lt;= 2">
			<STRING select="any-1"  id="dungeon_random_badsmell">
				<STRING select="all" id="dungeon_random_badsmells">
					<STRING>The stench is quite unbearable.</STRING>
					<STRING>A musty, dank smell wafts through the air.</STRING>
					<STRING>You think you smell brimstone.</STRING>
					<STRING>The first thing you notice is the stench.</STRING>
					<STRING>The stink in here is horrible.</STRING>
		<STRING select="any-1">
			<STRING>The air is $dungeonadj_nonphys.</STRING>
			<STRING>$dungeonadj_nonphys air hovers around you.</STRING>
			<STRING>This air is $dungeonadj_nonphys and $dungeonadj_nonphys.</STRING>
			<STRING>The air is not quite as $dungeonadj_nonphys here.</STRING>
		<STRING>This place is $dungeonadj_anynosize.</STRING>
		<STRING>You feel $dungeonadj_nonphys.</STRING>
		<STRING>You thought you felt a breeze.</STRING>
		<STRING select="any-1">
			<STRING>You think you heard a sound of faint trickling in the distance.</STRING>
			<STRING>The walls seems to groan.</STRING>
			<STRING>Faint $dungeonadj_feeling sounds can be heard in the distance.</STRING>
		<STRING select="all" condition="$theme='prison' or ($theme='random' and 1?10=1)">
			<STRING>You are certain you just heard (a(n)) $dungeonadj_feeling scream coming from somewhere.</STRING>
			<STRING>You can hear the $dungeonadj_feeling sounds of human suffering.</STRING>
			<STRING>You hear $dungeonadj_feeling tortured screams in the distance.</STRING>
			<STRING>You hear $dungeonadj_feeling screams of suffering in the distance.</STRING>
			<STRING>You hear $dungeonadj_feeling sounds coming from all around you.</STRING>
			<STRING>You hear $dungeonadj_feeling sounds coming from all around you.</STRING>
			<STRING>You wonder if an execution occurred here.</STRING>
		<STRING select="all" condition="$theme='kobolds' or ($theme='random' and 1?10=1)">
			<STRING>You hear $dungeonadj_feeling snickering nearby.</STRING>
			<STRING>You hear the $dungeonadj_feeling sounds of pattering feet nearby.</STRING>
			<STRING>You hear faint but $dungeonadj_feeling yipping sounds echoing around you.</STRING>
			<STRING>By the smell, you are pretty sure this is another bathroom spot.</STRING>
			<STRING>It smells like something $dungeonadj_feeling sprayed in here.</STRING>
			<STRING>Bits of a sprung trap are splayed about.</STRING>
			<STRING>Several faint $dungeonadj_feeling yipping voices echo in the distance.</STRING>
		<STRING select="all" condition="$theme='rats' or ($theme='random' and 1?10=1)">
			<STRING>You hear $dungeonadj_feeling squeeking nearby.</STRING>
			<STRING>You hear the $dungeonadj_feeling sounds of tiny pattering feet nearby.</STRING>
			<STRING>You hear faint but $dungeonadj_feeling animal sounds echoing around you.</STRING>
			<STRING>Something has left droppings here.</STRING>
			<STRING>Some $dungeonadj_feeling creature obviously relieved itself here.</STRING>
			<STRING>Bits of half-eaten trash can be seen around here.</STRING>
			<STRING>Bits of some half-eaten creature are here.</STRING>
			<STRING>Was that the sound of something $dungeonadj_feeling?</STRING>

<MOB id="dungeon_mobs" select="all" requires="level_range=int,theme=prison;rats;kobolds;random,aggrochance=int">
	<MOB select="all" condition="$theme='rats' or $theme='random'">
		<MOB class="GenMob" level="$level_range" id="dungeon_rat" race="Rat" gender="$anygender">
			<NAME>(a(n)) $nasty_animal_word $mammal_color rat</NAME>
			<DISPLAY select="pick-1">
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name squeeks at you.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name bares its teeth at you.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is rummaging through something.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name looks hungry.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is pittering around here.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is trying to hide here.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="5">$mob_name is here.</DISPLAY>
			<ABILITY condition="$mob_level>10 and 1?3=1" class="Disease" />
			<BEHAVIOR select="all">
				<BEHAVIOR condition="$aggrochance&lt;0 and $roomtag_nodetype!='leaf'" class="MobileAggressive" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR condition="1?100&lt;$aggrochance"  class="Aggressive" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR class="Mobile" parms="" condition="$roomtag_nodetype!='leaf'" />
				<BEHAVIOR class="CombatAbilities" parms="" />
		<MOB class="GenMob" level="$level_range" id="dungeon_bat" race="Bat" gender="$anygender">
			<NAME>(a(n)) $nasty_animal_word $mammal_color bat</NAME>
			<DISPLAY select="pick-1">
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name dives at you.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name bares its teeth at you.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is circling around here.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is hunting for food.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is flying around here.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is hanging around here.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="5">$mob_name is here.</DISPLAY>
			<ABILITY condition="$mob_level>10 and 1?3=1" class="Disease" />
			<BEHAVIOR select="all">
				<BEHAVIOR condition="$aggrochance&lt;0 and $roomtag_nodetype!='leaf'" class="MobileAggressive" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR condition="1?100&lt;$aggrochance"  class="Aggressive" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR class="Mobile" condition="$roomtag_nodetype!='leaf'" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR class="CombatAbilities" parms="" />
		<MOB class="GenMob" level="$level_range" id="dungeon_spider" race="Spider" gender="$anygender">
			<NAME>(a(n)) $nasty_animal_word $insect_color spider</NAME>
			<DISPLAY select="pick-1">
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name creeps towards you.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name opens its mandibles at you.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is crawling around here.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is waiting for food.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is spinning around here.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is waiting around here.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="5">$mob_name is here.</DISPLAY>
			<ABILITY condition="$mob_level>10 and 1?3=1" class="Poison" />
			<BEHAVIOR select="all">
				<BEHAVIOR condition="$aggrochance&lt;0 and $roomtag_nodetype!='leaf'" class="MobileAggressive" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR condition="1?100&lt;$aggrochance"  class="Aggressive" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR class="Mobile" condition="$roomtag_nodetype!='leaf'" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR class="CombatAbilities" parms="" />
		<MOB class="GenMob" level="$level_range" id="dungeon_blob" race="Blob" gender="N">
			<NAME>(a(n)) $nasty_animal_word $creature_color blob</NAME>
			<DISPLAY select="pick-1">
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name creeps towards you.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name looks very menacing.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is dragging itself around here.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is waiting for food.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is waiting around here.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="5">$mob_name is here.</DISPLAY>
			<ABILITY condition="$mob_level&gt;30 and 1?3=1" class="Paralysis" />
			<ABILITY condition="1?3=1" class="WeakParalysis" />
			<BEHAVIOR select="all">
				<BEHAVIOR condition="$aggrochance&lt;0 and $roomtag_nodetype!='leaf'" class="MobileAggressive" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR condition="1?100&lt;$aggrochance"  class="Aggressive" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR class="Mobile" condition="$roomtag_nodetype!='leaf'" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR class="CombatAbilities" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR class="Scavenger" parms="" />
		<MOB class="GenMob" level="$level_range" id="dungeon_scorpion" race="Scorpion" gender="$anygender">
			<NAME>(a(n)) $nasty_animal_word scorpion</NAME>
			<DISPLAY select="pick-1">
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name creeps towards you.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name snaps its tail at you.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is crawling around here.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is waiting for food.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is running around here.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is waiting around here.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="5">$mob_name is here.</DISPLAY>
			<ABILITY condition="$mob_level>10 and 1?3=1" class="Poison" />
			<BEHAVIOR select="all">
				<BEHAVIOR condition="$aggrochance&lt;0 and $roomtag_nodetype!='leaf'" class="MobileAggressive" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR condition="1?100&lt;$aggrochance"  class="Aggressive" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR class="Mobile" condition="$roomtag_nodetype!='leaf'" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR class="CombatAbilities" parms="" />
		<MOB class="GenMob" level="$level_range" id="dungeon_snake" race="Snake" gender="$anygender">
			<NAME>(a(n)) $nasty_animal_word $reptile_color snake</NAME>
			<DISPLAY select="pick-1">
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name slinks towards you.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name shows its fangs you.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is slithering around here.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is waiting for food.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is moving around here.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is coiled up here.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="5">$mob_name is here.</DISPLAY>
			<ABILITY condition="$mob_level>10 and 1?3=1" class="Poison" />
			<BEHAVIOR select="all">
				<BEHAVIOR condition="$aggrochance&lt;0 and $roomtag_nodetype!='leaf'" class="MobileAggressive" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR condition="1?100&lt;$aggrochance"  class="Aggressive" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR class="Mobile" condition="$roomtag_nodetype!='leaf'" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR class="CombatAbilities" parms="" />
		<MOB class="GenMob" level="$level_range" id="dungeon_lizard" race="Lizard" gender="$anygender">
			<NAME>(a(n)) $nasty_animal_word $reptile_color lizard</NAME>
			<DISPLAY select="pick-1">
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name creeps towards you.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name flicks its tounge you.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is crawling around here.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is waiting for food.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is watching you.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is trying to hide here.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="5">$mob_name is here.</DISPLAY>
			<ABILITY condition="$mob_level>5 and 1?3=1" class="Skill_Trip" />
			<BEHAVIOR select="all">
				<BEHAVIOR condition="$aggrochance&lt;0 and $roomtag_nodetype!='leaf'" class="MobileAggressive" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR condition="1?100&lt;$aggrochance"  class="Aggressive" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR class="Mobile" condition="$roomtag_nodetype!='leaf'" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR class="CombatAbilities" parms="" />
	<MOB select="all" condition="$theme='prison' or $theme='random'">
		<MOB class="GenMob" level="$level_range" id="dungeon_prisoner" race="$_prisoner_races" gender="$anygender">
			<NAME>(a(n)) $_prisoner_races prisoner</NAME>
			<DISPLAY select="pick-1">
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name sneaks towards you.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name charges at you.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is trying to escape.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is scavenging for food.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is watching you.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is trying to hide from you.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="5">$mob_name is here.</DISPLAY>
			<ABILITY select="all">
				<ABILITY condition="1?3=1" class="Skill_Trip" />
				<ABILITY condition="1?3=1" class="Skill_Dirt" />
				<ABILITY condition="1?3=1" class="Skill_Disarm" />
				<ABILITY condition="1?3=1" class="Thief_Distract" />
			<BEHAVIOR select="all">
				<BEHAVIOR condition="$aggrochance&lt;0 and $roomtag_nodetype!='leaf'" class="MobileAggressive" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR condition="1?100&lt;$aggrochance"  class="Aggressive" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR class="MudChat" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR class="Thiefness" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR condition="1?2=1"  class="BrotherHelper" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR class="Mobile" condition="$roomtag_nodetype!='leaf'" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR class="Scavenger" parms="" />
			<ITEM select="all">
				<ITEM class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level">
					<NAME>(a(n)) $any_colored_color_word prisoner`s jumpsuit</NAME>
					<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY><MATERIAL>COTTON</MATERIAL>
				<ITEM select="pick-1">
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenWeapon" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME>a sharp $wooden_ragged_word stick</NAME>
						<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenWeapon" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME>(a(n)) $metal_ragged_word lead pipe</NAME>
						<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenWeapon" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME>(a(n)) $metal_ragged_word shank</NAME>
						<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY>
		<MOB class="GenUndead" level="$level_range" id="dungeon_spirit" race="Spirit" gender="$anygender" condition="($theme!='prison') or (1?3=1)">
			<NAME>a dead prisoners spirit</NAME>
			<DISPLAY select="pick-1">
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name whisps towards you.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name wants your soul.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is trying to escape.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name doesn`t know it`s dead.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is watching you.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="5">$mob_name is here.</DISPLAY>
			<ABILITY select="all">
				<ABILITY condition="1?3=1" class="Undead_ColdTouch" />
				<ABILITY condition="1?3=1" class="Undead_WeakEnergyDrain" />
				<ABILITY condition="1?3=1 and $mob_level&gt;20" class="Undead_EnergyDrain" />
				<ABILITY condition="1?3=1" class="Undead_LifeDrain" />
				<ABILITY condition="1?3=1" class="Thief_Distract" />
			<BEHAVIOR select="all">
				<BEHAVIOR condition="$aggrochance&lt;0 and $roomtag_nodetype!='leaf'" class="MobileAggressive" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR condition="1?100&lt;$aggrochance"  class="Aggressive" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR class="Mobile" condition="$roomtag_nodetype!='leaf'" parms="" />
		<MOB class="GenMob" level="$level_range" id="dungeon_prisonguard" race="$_prisoner_races" gender="$anygender">
			<NAME>(a(n)) $_prisoner_races prison guard</NAME>
			<DISPLAY select="pick-1">
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name marches towards you.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name charges at you.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is keeping order here.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is watching you.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="5">$mob_name is here.</DISPLAY>
			<ABILITY select="all">
				<ABILITY class="Thief_Sap" />
			<BEHAVIOR select="all">
				<BEHAVIOR condition="$aggrochance&lt;0 and $roomtag_nodetype!='leaf'" class="MobileAggressive" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR condition="1?100&lt;$aggrochance"  class="Aggressive" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR class="MudChat" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR class="Fighterness" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR condition="1?2=1"  class="BrotherHelper" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR class="Mobile" condition="$roomtag_nodetype!='leaf'" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR class="Scavenger" parms="" />
			<ITEM select="all">
				<ITEM class="GenKey" LEVEL="1" READABLETEXT="$areaname cellkey" name="a jail key" material="iron" condition="1?10=1 or (1?2=1 and $__maincellkey&lt;2)" define="__maincellkey+=1"/>
				<ITEM class="GenKey" LEVEL="1" READABLETEXT="$areaname luxurykey"  name="a golden jail key" material="gold" condition="1?10=1 or (1?2=1 and $__goldcellkey&lt;1)" define="__goldcellkey+=1"/>
				<ITEM class="GenShield" LEVEL="$mob_level" material="OAK" name="a wooden shield" display="a wooden shield sits here"/>
				<ITEM select="any-1?4">
					<ITEM class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME>$mob_name`s helmet</NAME>
						<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY>
					<ITEM class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME>$mob_name`s armor</NAME>
						<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY>
					<ITEM class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME>$mob_name`s armguards</NAME>
						<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY>
					<ITEM class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME>$mob_name`s boots</NAME>
						<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY>
					<ITEM class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME>$mob_name`s legguards</NAME>
						<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY>
					<ITEM class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME>$mob_name`s gloves</NAME>
						<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY>
					<ITEM class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME>$mob_name`s belt</NAME>
						<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY>
				<ITEM select="pick-1">
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenWeapon" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME>(a(n)) $wooden_ragged_word nightstick</NAME>
						<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenWeapon" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME>(a(n)) $metal_ragged_word sword</NAME>
						<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY>
	<MOB select="all" id="dungeon_kobold" condition="$theme='kobolds' or $theme='random'">
		<MOB class="GenMob" level="$level_range" id="dungeon_koboldguard" race="Kobold" gender="$anygender">
			<NAME select="pick-1">
				<NAME pickweight="1">(a(n)) $nasty_animal_word kobold guard</NAME>
				<NAME pickweight="1">(a(n)) kobold guard</NAME>
			<DISPLAY select="pick-1">
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name sneaks towards you.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name charges at you.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is patrolling here.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is lets out a loud YIP!.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is watching you.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is scowling at you.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="5">$mob_name is here.</DISPLAY>
			<ABILITY select="all">
				<ABILITY condition="1?3=1" class="Skill_Trip" />
				<ABILITY condition="1?3=1" class="Skill_Dirt" />
				<ABILITY condition="1?3=1" class="Thief_Distract" />
				<ABILITY condition="$mob_level>5 and 1?3=1" class="Thief_Caltrop" />
				<ABILITY condition="$mob_level>5 and 1?3=1" class="Thief_SlickCaltrops" />
			<BEHAVIOR select="all">
				<BEHAVIOR condition="$aggrochance&lt;0 and $roomtag_nodetype!='leaf'" class="MobileAggressive" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR condition="1?100&lt;$aggrochance"  class="Aggressive" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR class="MudChat" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR condition="1?2=1"  class="BrotherHelper" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR class="Mobile" condition="$roomtag_nodetype!='leaf'" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR class="Scavenger" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR class="CombatAbilities" parms="" />
			<ITEM select="all">
				<ITEM class="GenKey" LEVEL="1" READABLETEXT="$areaname storekey" name="a kobold key" material="iron" condition="1?10=1 or (1?2=1 and $__storekey&lt;2)" define="__storekey+=1"/>
				<ITEM class="GenKey" LEVEL="1" READABLETEXT="$areaname labkey"  name="a wierd kobold key" material="copper" condition="1?20=1 or (1?2=1 and $__labkey&lt;1)" define="__labkey+=1"/>
				<ITEM class="GenKey" LEVEL="1" READABLETEXT="$areaname thronekey"  name="a golden kobold key" material="gold" condition="1?10=1 or (1?2=1 and $__thronekey&lt;1)" define="__thronekey+=1"/>
				<ITEM class="GenShield" LEVEL="$mob_level" material="OAK" name="a wooden shield" display="a wooden shield sits here"/>
				<ITEM select="pick-1?3">
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level" condition="$mob_gender!='F'">
						<NAME select="any-1"><NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj leather cap</NAME><NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj cap</NAME></NAME>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level" condition="$mob_gender!='F'">
						<NAME select="any-1"><NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj leather vest</NAME><NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj vest</NAME></NAME>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level" condition="$mob_gender!='F'">
						<NAME select="any-1"><NAME>a pair of $kobold_item_adj leather pants</NAME><NAME>a pair of $kobold_item_adj pants</NAME></NAME>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME select="any-1"><NAME>a pair of $kobold_item_adj leather sleeves</NAME><NAME>a pair of $kobold_item_adj sleeves</NAME></NAME>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME select="any-1"><NAME>a pair of $kobold_item_adj leather gloves</NAME><NAME>a pair of $kobold_item_adj gloves</NAME></NAME>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level" condition="$mob_gender='F'">
						<NAME select="any-1"><NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj leather hat</NAME><NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj hat</NAME></NAME>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level" condition="$mob_gender='F'">
						<NAME select="any-1"><NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj leather blouse</NAME><NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj blouse</NAME></NAME>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level" condition="$mob_gender='F'">
						<NAME select="any-1"><NAME>a pair of $kobold_item_adj leather dress</NAME><NAME>a pair of $kobold_item_adj dress</NAME></NAME>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenDrink" LEVEL="1" NAME="a ragged waterskin" material="LEATHER" properworn="inventory">
						<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenFood" LEVEL="1" NAME="a bit of some animal" material="MEAT" properworn="inventory">
						<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY>
				<ITEM select="pick-1">
					<ITEM pickweight="3" class="GenWeapon" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj spear</NAME>
						<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenWeapon" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj dagger</NAME>
						<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenWeapon" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME>a sharp $kobold_item_adj stick</NAME>
						<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenWeapon" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME>a spiked $kobold_item_adj mace</NAME>
						<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY>
		<MOB class="GenMob" level="$level_range" id="dungeon_koboldpeon" race="Kobold" gender="$anygender">
			<NAME select="pick-1">
				<NAME pickweight="5">(a(n)) $nasty_animal_word kobold</NAME>
				<NAME pickweight="1">(a(n)) kobold</NAME>
			<DISPLAY select="pick-1">
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name sneaks towards you.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name charges at you.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is patrolling here.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is scavenging for food.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is watching you.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is trying to hide from you.</DISPLAY>
				<DISPLAY pickweight="5">$mob_name is here.</DISPLAY>
			<ABILITY select="all">
				<ABILITY condition="1?3=1" class="Skill_Trip" />
				<ABILITY condition="1?3=1" class="Skill_Dirt" />
				<ABILITY condition="1?3=1" class="Thief_Distract" />
				<ABILITY condition="$mob_level>5 and 1?3=1" class="Thief_Caltrop" />
				<ABILITY condition="$mob_level>5 and 1?3=1" class="Thief_SlickCaltrops" />
			<BEHAVIOR select="all">
				<BEHAVIOR condition="$aggrochance&lt;0 and $roomtag_nodetype!='leaf'" class="MobileAggressive" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR condition="1?100&lt;$aggrochance"  class="Aggressive" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR condition="1?2=1"  class="Wimpy" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR class="MudChat" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR condition="1?2=1"  class="BrotherHelper" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR class="Mobile" condition="$roomtag_nodetype!='leaf'" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR class="Scavenger" parms="" />
				<BEHAVIOR class="CombatAbilities" parms="" />
			<ITEM select="all">
				<ITEM select="pick-1?3">
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level" condition="$mob_gender!='F'">
						<NAME select="any-1"><NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj leather cap</NAME><NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj cap</NAME></NAME>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level" condition="$mob_gender!='F'">
						<NAME select="any-1"><NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj leather vest</NAME><NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj vest</NAME></NAME>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level" condition="$mob_gender!='F'">
						<NAME select="any-1"><NAME>a pair of $kobold_item_adj leather pants</NAME><NAME>a pair of $kobold_item_adj pants</NAME></NAME>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME select="any-1"><NAME>a pair of $kobold_item_adj leather sleeves</NAME><NAME>a pair of $kobold_item_adj sleeves</NAME></NAME>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME select="any-1"><NAME>a pair of $kobold_item_adj leather gloves</NAME><NAME>a pair of $kobold_item_adj gloves</NAME></NAME>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level" condition="$mob_gender='F'">
						<NAME select="any-1"><NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj leather hat</NAME><NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj hat</NAME></NAME>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level" condition="$mob_gender='F'">
						<NAME select="any-1"><NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj leather blouse</NAME><NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj blouse</NAME></NAME>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenArmor" LEVEL="$mob_level" condition="$mob_gender='F'">
						<NAME select="any-1"><NAME>a pair of $kobold_item_adj leather dress</NAME><NAME>a pair of $kobold_item_adj dress</NAME></NAME>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenDrink" LEVEL="1" NAME="a ragged waterskin" material="LEATHER" properworn="inventory">
						<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenFood" LEVEL="1" NAME="a bit of some animal" material="MEAT" properworn="inventory">
						<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY>
				<ITEM select="pick-1">
					<ITEM pickweight="3" class="GenWeapon" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj spear</NAME>
						<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenWeapon" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME>(a(n)) $kobold_item_adj dagger</NAME>
						<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenWeapon" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME>a sharp $kobold_item_adj stick</NAME>
						<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY>
					<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenWeapon" LEVEL="$mob_level">
						<NAME>a spiked $kobold_item_adj mace</NAME>
						<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY>

<MOB class="GenUndead" level="$level_range" id="dungeon_skeleton" race="Skeleton" gender="N">
	<NAME>a skeleton</NAME>
	<DISPLAY select="pick-1">
		<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name rattles towards you.</DISPLAY>
		<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name wants to see you die.</DISPLAY>
		<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is rattling towards you.</DISPLAY>
		<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name doesn`t know it`s dead.</DISPLAY>
		<DISPLAY pickweight="1">$mob_name is watching you.</DISPLAY>
		<DISPLAY pickweight="5">$mob_name is here.</DISPLAY>
	<BEHAVIOR select="all">
		<BEHAVIOR condition="$aggrochance&lt;0 and $roomtag_nodetype!='leaf'" class="MobileAggressive" parms="" />
		<BEHAVIOR condition="1?100&lt;$aggrochance"  class="Aggressive" parms="" />
		<BEHAVIOR class="Mobile" condition="$roomtag_nodetype!='leaf'" parms="" />
	<ITEM select="pick-1">
		<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenWeapon" LEVEL="$mob_level">
			<NAME>(a(n)) $ragged_word spear</NAME>
			<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY>
		<ITEM pickweight="2" class="GenWeapon" LEVEL="$mob_level">
			<NAME>(a(n)) $ragged_word sword</NAME>
			<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY>
		<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenWeapon" LEVEL="$mob_level">
			<NAME>(a(n)) $ragged_word dagger</NAME>
			<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY>
		<ITEM pickweight="1" class="GenWeapon" LEVEL="$mob_level">
			<NAME>a spiked $ragged_word mace</NAME>
			<DISPLAY>$item_name has been left here"</DISPLAY>
<ITEM class="metacraft" name="any-alchemy" id="any_alchemy_item"/>
<ITEM class="metacraft" name="any-herbalism" id="any_herbalism_item"/>
<ITEM class="metacraft" name="any-apothecary" id="any_apothecary_item"/>
<ITEM class="metacraft" name="any-distilling" id="any_distilling_item"/>
<ITEM class="metacraft" name="any-scrollscribing" id="any_scrollscribing_item"/>

<STRING id="anygender" select="any-1"> <STRING>M</STRING> <STRING>F</STRING></STRING>

<ITEM id="dungeon_items" select="all" requires="level_range=int,theme=prison;rats;kobolds;random">
	<ITEM select="all" condition="$theme='rats' or $theme='random'">
	<!--TODO: Insert values: adventurer corpses are good -->
	<ITEM select="all" condition="$theme='prison' or $theme='random'">
	<!--TODO: Insert values: lots of things, dead guards again are good -->
	<ITEM select="all" condition="$theme='kobolds' or $theme='random'">
	<!--TODO: Insert values: lots of things I guess -->

<STRING id="creature_color" select="any-1" insert="mammal_color,reptile_color" />

<STRING id="_prisoner_races" select="any-1" define="_prisoner_races">

<STRING id="_humanoid_races" select="any-1" define="_humanoid_races">

<STRING id="dungeonadj_phys_size" select="any-1">
	<STRING id="dungeonadj_phys_size_values" insert="dungeonadj_phys_size_large_values,dungeonadj_phys_size_small_values" />
<STRING id="dungeonadj_phys_size_large" select="any-1">
	<STRING id="dungeonadj_phys_size_large_values">
<STRING id="dungeonadj_phys_size_small" select="any-1">
	<STRING id="dungeonadj_phys_size_small_values">
<STRING id="dungeonadj_phys_nosize" select="any-1">
	<STRING id="dungeonadj_phys_nosize_values">

<STRING id="nasty_word" select="any-1">
	<STRING id="nasty_word_values" select="all">

<STRING id="nasty_animal_word" select="any-1" insert="nasty_word_values">

<STRING id="small_word" select="any-1">

<STRING id="large_word" select="any-1">

<STRING id="dungeonadj_feeling" select="any-1" >
	<STRING id="dungeonadj_feeling_values">

<STRING id="dungeonadj_general" select="any-1">
	<STRING id="dungeonadj_general_values">

<STRING id="dungeonadj_dark" select="any-1">
	<STRING id="dungeonadj_dark_values">

<STRING id="dungeonadj_light" select="any-1">
	<STRING id="dungeonadj_light_values">
		<STRING>well lit</STRING>

<STRING id="dungeonadj_fancy" select="any-1">
	<STRING id="dungeonadj_fancy_values">

<STRING id="any_color_word" select="any-1">
	<STRING>dark white</STRING>
	<STRING>dark green</STRING>
	<STRING>dark blue</STRING>
	<STRING>dark red</STRING>
	<STRING>dark yellow</STRING>
	<STRING>dark cyan</STRING>
	<STRING>dark purple</STRING>

<STRING id="any_colored_color_word" select="any-1">
	<STRING>^Wdark white^?</STRING>
	<STRING>^Gdark green^?</STRING>
	<STRING>^Bdark blue^?</STRING>
	<STRING>^Rdark red^?</STRING>
	<STRING>^Ydark yellow^?</STRING>
	<STRING>^Cdark cyan^?</STRING>
	<STRING>^Pdark purple^?</STRING>

<STRING id="ragged_word" select="any-1">

<STRING id="wooden_ragged_word" select="any-1" insert="ragged_word">

<STRING id="metal_ragged_word" select="any-1" insert="ragged_word">

<STRING id="kobold_item_adj" select="any-1">
	<STRING>$small_word kobold</STRING>
	<STRING>$ragged_word kobold</STRING>
	<STRING>$small_word $ragged_word</STRING>
	<STRING>$small_word $ragged_word kobold</STRING>

<STRING id="insect_color" select="any-1" insert="mammal_color">
<STRING>dark green</STRING>

<STRING id="reptile_color" select="any-1">
<STRING>dark green</STRING>
<STRING>light green</STRING>

<STRING id="mammal_color" select="any-1">

<STRING id="roomrun_desc" select="any-1">
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODERUN='ns'">north-south</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODERUN='ew'">east-west</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODERUN='ud'">ascending</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODERUN='nwse'">northwest-southeast</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODERUN='nesw'">northeast-southwest</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODERUN=''">winding</STRING>

<STRING id="roomrun_desc_long" select="any-1">
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODERUN='ns'">north and south</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODERUN='ew'">east and west</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODERUN='ud'">ascending and descending</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODERUN='nwse'">northwest and southeast</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODERUN='nesw'">northeast and southwest</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODERUN=''">around</STRING>

<STRING id="roomexits_desc_long" select="any-1">
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',n,'">north</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',n,s,'">north and south</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',n,s,e,'">north, south, and east</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',n,s,e,w,'">north, south, east, and west</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',n,s,e,w,u,'">north, south, east, west, and upwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',n,s,e,w,u,d,'">north, south, east, west, upwards, and downwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',n,s,e,w,d,'">north, south, east, west, and downwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',n,s,e,u,'">north, south, east, and upwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',n,s,e,u,d,'">north, south, east, upwards, and downwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',n,s,e,d,'">north, south, east, and downwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',n,s,w,'">north, south, and west</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',n,s,w,u,'">north, south, west, and upwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',n,s,w,u,d,'">north, south, west, upwards, and downwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',n,s,w,d,'">north, south, west, and downwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',n,s,u,'">north, south, and upwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',n,s,u,d,'">north, south, upwards, and downwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',n,s,d,'">north, south, and downwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',n,e,'">north and east</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',n,e,w,'">north, east, and west</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',n,e,w,u,'">north, east, west, and upwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',n,e,w,u,d,'">north, east, west, upwards, and downwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',n,e,w,d,'">north, east, west, and downwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',n,e,u,'">north, east, and upwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',n,e,u,d,'">north, east, upwards, and downwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',n,e,d,'">north, east, and downwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',n,w,'">north and west</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',n,w,u,'">north, west, and upwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',n,w,u,d,'">north, west, upwards, and downwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',n,w,d,'">north, west, and downwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',n,u,'">north and upwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',n,u,d,'">north, upwards, and downwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',n,d,'">north and downwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',s,'">south</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',s,e,'">south and east</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',s,e,w,'">south, east, and west</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',s,e,w,u,'">south, east, west, and upwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',s,e,w,u,d,'">south, east, west, upwards, and downwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',s,e,w,d,'">south, east, west, and downwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',s,e,u,'">south, east, and upwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',s,e,u,d,'">south, east, upwards, and downwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',s,e,d,'">south, east, and downwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',s,w,'">south and west</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',s,w,u,'">south, west, and upwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',s,w,u,d,'">south, west, upwards, and downwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',s,w,d,'">south, west, and downwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',s,u,'">south and upwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',s,u,d,'">south, upwards, and downwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',s,d,'">south and downwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',e,'">east</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',e,w,'">east and west</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',e,w,u,'">east, west, and upwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',e,w,u,d,'">east, west, upwards, and downwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',e,w,d,'">east, west, and downwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',e,u,'">east and upwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',e,u,d,'">east, upwards, and downwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',e,d,'">east and downwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',w,'">west</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',w,u,'">west and upwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',w,u,d,'">west, upwards, and downwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',w,d,'">west and downwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',u,'">upwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',u,d,'">upwards and downwards</STRING>
<STRING condition="$ROOMTAG_NODEEXITS=',d,'">downwards</STRING>

<STRING id="a_streetprefix" select="pick-1">
<STRING pickweight="100" condition="'tee' IN $ROOMTAG_NODEFLAGS">T-Intersection in a</STRING>
<STRING pickweight="100" condition="'gate' IN $ROOMTAG_NODEFLAGS">Entrance to a</STRING>
<STRING pickweight="100" condition="'intersection' IN $ROOMTAG_NODEFLAGS">Intersection in a</STRING>
<STRING pickweight="100" condition="'corner' IN $ROOMTAG_NODEFLAGS">Corner of a</STRING>
<STRING pickweight="1">A</STRING>

<STRING id="dungeonadj_anynosize" select="any-1" insert="dungeonadj_general_values,dungeonadj_feeling_values,dungeonadj_phys_nosize_values" />
<STRING id="dungeonadj_nonphys" select="any-1" insert="dungeonadj_general_values,dungeonadj_feeling_values" />
<STRING id="dungeonadj_phys" select="any-1" insert="dungeonadj_phys_size_values,dungeonadj_phys_nosize_values" />
<STRING id="dungeonadj_any" select="any-1" insert="dungeonadj_general_values,dungeonadj_feeling_values,dungeonadj_phys_size_values,dungeonadj_phys_nosize_values" />

<STRING id="fantasy_name" select="any-1">
	<STRING id="fantasy_name_values" select="all">