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	  <title>Player Commands Help</title>
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		<h1> Player Commands Help </h1>
		<h2> CoffeeMud 5.5 </h2>
		</td></tr><tr><td width=20% valign=top align=left>
			<li> <a href="#ABJURER">ABJURER</a>
			<li> <a href="#ACTIVATE">ACTIVATE</a>
			<li> <a href="#AFFECT">AFFECT</a>
			<li> <a href="#AFK">AFK</a>
			<li> <a href="#ALIAS">ALIAS</a>
			<li> <a href="#ALIGNMENT">ALIGNMENT</a>
			<li> <a href="#ALTERER">ALTERER</a>
			<li> <a href="#ANSI">ANSI</a>
			<li> <a href="#APOTHOCARY">APOTHOCARY</a>
			<li> <a href="#APPRENTICE">APPRENTICE</a>
			<li> <a href="#ARCANIST">ARCANIST</a>
			<li> <a href="#ARCHON">ARCHON</a>
			<li> <a href="#AREAS">AREAS</a>
			<li> <a href="#AREA_CURRENCY">AREA_CURRENCY</a>
			<li> <a href="#AREA_MONEY">AREA_MONEY</a>
			<li> <a href="#ARRESTED">ARRESTED</a>
			<li> <a href="#ARTISAN">ARTISAN</a>
			<li> <a href="#ASK">ASK</a>
			<li> <a href="#ASSASSIN">ASSASSIN</a>
			<li> <a href="#ASSIST">ASSIST</a>
			<li> <a href="#ATLAS">ATLAS</a>
			<li> <a href="#ATTACK_POINTS">ATTACK_POINTS</a>
			<li> <a href="#AUCTION">AUCTION</a>
			<li> <a href="#AUCTIONS">AUCTIONS</a>
			<li> <a href="#AUTOAFFECTS">AUTOAFFECTS</a>
			<li> <a href="#AUTOASSIST">AUTOASSIST</a>
			<li> <a href="#AUTODRAW">AUTODRAW</a>
			<li> <a href="#AUTOEXITS">AUTOEXITS</a>
			<li> <a href="#AUTOFORWARD">AUTOFORWARD</a>
			<li> <a href="#AUTOGOLD">AUTOGOLD</a>
			<li> <a href="#AUTOGUARD">AUTOGUARD</a>
			<li> <a href="#AUTOINVOKE">AUTOINVOKE</a>
			<li> <a href="#AUTOLOOT">AUTOLOOT</a>
			<li> <a href="#AUTOMELEE">AUTOMELEE</a>
			<li> <a href="#AUTONOTIFY">AUTONOTIFY</a>
			<li> <a href="#AUTORUN">AUTORUN</a>
			<li> <a href="#AUTOSAC">AUTOSAC</a>
			<li> <a href="#AUTOWEATHER">AUTOWEATHER</a>
			<li> <a href="#BABY">BABY</a>
			<li> <a href="#BANK">BANK</a>
			<li> <a href="#BARBARIAN">BARBARIAN</a>
			<li> <a href="#BARD">BARD</a>
			<li> <a href="#BATH">BATH</a>
			<li> <a href="#BEACON">BEACON</a>
			<li> <a href="#BEASTMASTER">BEASTMASTER</a>
			<li> <a href="#BID">BID</a>
			<li> <a href="#BLESSINGS">BLESSINGS</a>
			<li> <a href="#BOARD">BOARD</a>
			<li> <a href="#BOATS">BOATS</a>
			<li> <a href="#BORROW">BORROW</a>
			<li> <a href="#BRIEF">BRIEF</a>
			<li> <a href="#BUG">BUG</a>
			<li> <a href="#BUNDLE">BUNDLE</a>
			<li> <a href="#BURGLAR">BURGLAR</a>
			<li> <a href="#BUY">BUY</a>
			<li> <a href="#CAST">CAST</a>
			<li> <a href="#CHANGEBAG">CHANGEBAG</a>
			<li> <a href="#CHANNELS">CHANNELS</a>
			<li> <a href="#CHANTS">CHANTS</a>
			<li> <a href="#CHANWHO">CHANWHO</a>
			<li> <a href="#CHARIOT">CHARIOT</a>
			<li> <a href="#CHARISMA">CHARISMA</a>
			<li> <a href="#CHARLATAN">CHARLATAN</a>
			<li> <a href="#CHAT">CHAT</a>
			<li> <a href="#CITIZENS">CITIZENS</a>
			<li> <a href="#CITIZENSHIP">CITIZENSHIP</a>
			<li> <a href="#CLANACCEPT">CLANACCEPT</a>
			<li> <a href="#CLANAPPLY">CLANAPPLY</a>
			<li> <a href="#CLANASSIGN">CLANASSIGN</a>
			<li> <a href="#CLANCREATE">CLANCREATE</a>
			<li> <a href="#CLANDECLARE">CLANDECLARE</a>
			<li> <a href="#CLANDETAILS">CLANDETAILS</a>
			<li> <a href="#CLANEXILE">CLANEXILE</a>
			<li> <a href="#CLANEXP">CLANEXP</a>
			<li> <a href="#CLANHOMESET">CLANHOMESET</a>
			<li> <a href="#CLANLIST">CLANLIST</a>
			<li> <a href="#CLANPREMISE">CLANPREMISE</a>
			<li> <a href="#CLANQUAL">CLANQUAL</a>
			<li> <a href="#CLANREJECT">CLANREJECT</a>
			<li> <a href="#CLANRESIGN">CLANRESIGN</a>
			<li> <a href="#CLANS">CLANS</a>
			<li> <a href="#CLANTAX">CLANTAX</a>
			<li> <a href="#CLANVOTE">CLANVOTE</a>
			<li> <a href="#CLANWHO">CLANWHO</a>
			<li> <a href="#CLAN_EQUIPMENT">CLAN_EQUIPMENT</a>
			<li> <a href="#CLAN_EXP">CLAN_EXP</a>
			<li> <a href="#CLASS">CLASS</a>
			<li> <a href="#CLERIC">CLERIC</a>
			<li> <a href="#CLIMATE">CLIMATE</a>
			<li> <a href="#CLOSE">CLOSE</a>
			<li> <a href="#CODE">CODE</a>
			<li> <a href="#COFFEE">COFFEE</a>
			<li> <a href="#COLORSET">COLORSET</a>
			<li> <a href="#COMBAT_PROWESS">COMBAT_PROWESS</a>
			<li> <a href="#COMMANDS">COMMANDS</a>
			<li> <a href="#COMMON_SKILLS">COMMON_SKILLS</a>
			<li> <a href="#COMPARE">COMPARE</a>
			<li> <a href="#COMPRESS">COMPRESS</a>
			<li> <a href="#CONFIG">CONFIG</a>
			<li> <a href="#CONJURER">CONJURER</a>
			<li> <a href="#CONQUEST">CONQUEST</a>
			<li> <a href="#CONSIDER">CONSIDER</a>
			<li> <a href="#CONSTITUTION">CONSTITUTION</a>
			<li> <a href="#CORPSE">CORPSE</a>
			<li> <a href="#COURT">COURT</a>
			<li> <a href="#CRAWL">CRAWL</a>
			<li> <a href="#CREDITS">CREDITS</a>
			<li> <a href="#CRIME">CRIME</a>
			<li> <a href="#CURRENCIES">CURRENCIES</a>
			<li> <a href="#CURRENCY">CURRENCY</a>
			<li> <a href="#CURSED">CURSED</a>
			<li> <a href="#DAMAGE">DAMAGE</a>
			<li> <a href="#DANCER">DANCER</a>
			<li> <a href="#DEACTIVATE">DEACTIVATE</a>
			<li> <a href="#DEITIES">DEITIES</a>
			<li> <a href="#DELVER">DELVER</a>
			<li> <a href="#DEMOTE">DEMOTE</a>
			<li> <a href="#DEPOSIT">DEPOSIT</a>
			<li> <a href="#DESCRIPTION">DESCRIPTION</a>
			<li> <a href="#DESTROY">DESTROY</a>
			<li> <a href="#DEXTERITY">DEXTERITY</a>
			<li> <a href="#DISEASED">DISEASED</a>
			<li> <a href="#DISEMBARK">DISEMBARK</a>
			<li> <a href="#DISMOUNT">DISMOUNT</a>
			<li> <a href="#DISPLAY">DISPLAY</a>
			<li> <a href="#DIVINER">DIVINER</a>
			<li> <a href="#DOOMSAYER">DOOMSAYER</a>
			<li> <a href="#DOWN">DOWN</a>
			<li> <a href="#DRAW">DRAW</a>
			<li> <a href="#DRESS">DRESS</a>
			<li> <a href="#DRINK">DRINK</a>
			<li> <a href="#DROP">DROP</a>
			<li> <a href="#DROW">DROW</a>
			<li> <a href="#DRUID">DRUID</a>
			<li> <a href="#DWARF">DWARF</a>
			<li> <a href="#EAST">EAST</a>
			<li> <a href="#EAT">EAT</a>
			<li> <a href="#ELF">ELF</a>
			<li> <a href="#EMAIL">EMAIL</a>
			<li> <a href="#EMOTE">EMOTE</a>
			<li> <a href="#EMPLOYMENT">EMPLOYMENT</a>
			<li> <a href="#EMPTY">EMPTY</a>
			<li> <a href="#ENCHANTER">ENCHANTER</a>
			<li> <a href="#ENCUMBRANCE">ENCUMBRANCE</a>
			<li> <a href="#ENTER">ENTER</a>
			<li> <a href="#EQUIPMENT">EQUIPMENT</a>
			<li> <a href="#EVOKER">EVOKER</a>
			<li> <a href="#EXAMINE">EXAMINE</a>
			<li> <a href="#EXIT">EXIT</a>
			<li> <a href="#EXITS">EXITS</a>
			<li> <a href="#EXPERTISES">EXPERTISES</a>
			<li> <a href="#FACTIONLIST">FACTIONLIST</a>
			<li> <a href="#FAMILY">FAMILY</a>
			<li> <a href="#FATIGUE">FATIGUE</a>
			<li> <a href="#FEED">FEED</a>
			<li> <a href="#FELLOWSHIP">FELLOWSHIP</a>
			<li> <a href="#FIGHTER">FIGHTER</a>
			<li> <a href="#FILL">FILL</a>
			<li> <a href="#FIRE">FIRE</a>
			<li> <a href="#FLAME_SHIELD">FLAME_SHIELD</a>
			<li> <a href="#FLEE">FLEE</a>
			<li> <a href="#FOLLOW">FOLLOW</a>
			<li> <a href="#FORMATION">FORMATION</a>
			<li> <a href="#FRIENDS">FRIENDS</a>
			<li> <a href="#GAIAN">GAIAN</a>
			<li> <a href="#GAIN">GAIN</a>
			<li> <a href="#GANG">GANG</a>
			<li> <a href="#GAOLER">GAOLER</a>
			<li> <a href="#GCONSIDER">GCONSIDER</a>
			<li> <a href="#GET">GET</a>
			<li> <a href="#GIVE">GIVE</a>
			<li> <a href="#GNOME">GNOME</a>
			<li> <a href="#GO">GO</a>
			<li> <a href="#GOBLIN">GOBLIN</a>
			<li> <a href="#GOSSIP">GOSSIP</a>
			<li> <a href="#GRATZ">GRATZ</a>
			<li> <a href="#GROUP">GROUP</a>
			<li> <a href="#GROUPING">GROUPING</a>
			<li> <a href="#GTELL">GTELL</a>
			<li> <a href="#GUILD">GUILD</a>
			<li> <a href="#HALFELF">HALFELF</a>
			<li> <a href="#HALFLING">HALFLING</a>
			<li> <a href="#HEALER">HEALER</a>
			<li> <a href="#HEATED">HEATED</a>
			<li> <a href="#HELP">HELP</a>
			<li> <a href="#HELPLIST">HELPLIST</a>
			<li> <a href="#HIDDEN">HIDDEN</a>
			<li> <a href="#HIRE">HIRE</a>
			<li> <a href="#HITCH">HITCH</a>
			<li> <a href="#HIT_POINTS">HIT_POINTS</a>
			<li> <a href="#HOLD">HOLD</a>
			<li> <a href="#HOMES">HOMES</a>
			<li> <a href="#HUMAN">HUMAN</a>
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			<li> <a href="#IDLE">IDLE</a>
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			<li> <a href="#ILLUSIONIST">ILLUSIONIST</a>
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			<li> <a href="#IMC2_CHANNELS">IMC2_CHANNELS</a>
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			<li> <a href="#IMC2_LIST">IMC2_LIST</a>
			<li> <a href="#IMC2_LOCATE">IMC2_LOCATE</a>
			<li> <a href="#IMMORTALS">IMMORTALS</a>
			<li> <a href="#INFO">INFO</a>
			<li> <a href="#INTELLIGENCE">INTELLIGENCE</a>
			<li> <a href="#INTERMUD">INTERMUD</a>
			<li> <a href="#INVENTORY">INVENTORY</a>
			<li> <a href="#JAIL">JAIL</a>
			<li> <a href="#JESTER">JESTER</a>
			<li> <a href="#JOBS">JOBS</a>
			<li> <a href="#JOURNALS">JOURNALS</a>
			<li> <a href="#JUSTICE">JUSTICE</a>
			<li> <a href="#KILL">KILL</a>
			<li> <a href="#KNOCK">KNOCK</a>
			<li> <a href="#LAMP">LAMP</a>
			<li> <a href="#LANGUAGES">LANGUAGES</a>
			<li> <a href="#LANTERN">LANTERN</a>
			<li> <a href="#LEARN">LEARN</a>
			<li> <a href="#LEAVE">LEAVE</a>
			<li> <a href="#LEGAL">LEGAL</a>
			<li> <a href="#LEVEL">LEVEL</a>
			<li> <a href="#LEVELS">LEVELS</a>
			<li> <a href="#LEVEL_CHANGER">LEVEL_CHANGER</a>
			<li> <a href="#LIEGE">LIEGE</a>
			<li> <a href="#LIGHT">LIGHT</a>
			<li> <a href="#LINEWRAP">LINEWRAP</a>
			<li> <a href="#LIST">LIST</a>
			<li> <a href="#LOCAL_CURRENCY">LOCAL_CURRENCY</a>
			<li> <a href="#LOCAL_MONEY">LOCAL_MONEY</a>
			<li> <a href="#LOCATE">LOCATE</a>
			<li> <a href="#LOCK">LOCK</a>
			<li> <a href="#LOOK">LOOK</a>
			<li> <a href="#MAGE">MAGE</a>
			<li> <a href="#MANA">MANA</a>
			<li> <a href="#ME">ME</a>
			<li> <a href="#MEMBERS">MEMBERS</a>
			<li> <a href="#MINSTREL">MINSTREL</a>
			<li> <a href="#MISSIONARY">MISSIONARY</a>
			<li> <a href="#MONEY">MONEY</a>
			<li> <a href="#MONIES">MONIES</a>
			<li> <a href="#MONK">MONK</a>
			<li> <a href="#MORGUE">MORGUE</a>
			<li> <a href="#MOTD">MOTD</a>
			<li> <a href="#MOUNT">MOUNT</a>
			<li> <a href="#MOVEMENT">MOVEMENT</a>
			<li> <a href="#MUD">MUD</a>
			<li> <a href="#MULTICLASS">MULTICLASS</a>
			<li> <a href="#MULTIPLAY">MULTIPLAY</a>
			<li> <a href="#MULTI_PLAY">MULTI_PLAY</a>
			<li> <a href="#MXP">MXP</a>
			<li> <a href="#NECROMANCER">NECROMANCER</a>
			<li> <a href="#NEWS">NEWS</a>
			<li> <a href="#NOANSI">NOANSI</a>
			<li> <a href="#NOFOLLOW">NOFOLLOW</a>
			<li> <a href="#NOGOSSIP">NOGOSSIP</a>
			<li> <a href="#NOGRATZ">NOGRATZ</a>
			<li> <a href="#NOGREET">NOGREET</a>
			<li> <a href="#NOINFO">NOINFO</a>
			<li> <a href="#NOMXP">NOMXP</a>
			<li> <a href="#NORTH">NORTH</a>
			<li> <a href="#NORTHEAST">NORTHEAST</a>
			<li> <a href="#NORTHWEST">NORTHWEST</a>
			<li> <a href="#NOSOUNDS">NOSOUNDS</a>
			<li> <a href="#NOTEACH">NOTEACH</a>
			<li> <a href="#NOTES">NOTES</a>
			<li> <a href="#OGRE">OGRE</a>
			<li> <a href="#OPEN">OPEN</a>
			<li> <a href="#ORACLE">ORACLE</a>
			<li> <a href="#ORDER">ORDER</a>
			<li> <a href="#OUTFIT">OUTFIT</a>
			<li> <a href="#PACKAGE">PACKAGE</a>
			<li> <a href="#PAGEBREAK">PAGEBREAK</a>
			<li> <a href="#PAROLE">PAROLE</a>
			<li> <a href="#PARTY">PARTY</a>
			<li> <a href="#PASSWORD">PASSWORD</a>
			<li> <a href="#PERFUME">PERFUME</a>
			<li> <a href="#PETS">PETS</a>
			<li> <a href="#PLAYERKILL">PLAYERKILL</a>
			<li> <a href="#POLITICS">POLITICS</a>
			<li> <a href="#POLL">POLL</a>
			<li> <a href="#POUR">POUR</a>
			<li> <a href="#POWERS">POWERS</a>
			<li> <a href="#PRACTICE">PRACTICE</a>
			<li> <a href="#PRACTICES">PRACTICES</a>
			<li> <a href="#PRAY">PRAY</a>
			<li> <a href="#PRAYERS">PRAYERS</a>
			<li> <a href="#PROMOTE">PROMOTE</a>
			<li> <a href="#PROMPT">PROMPT</a>
			<li> <a href="#PULL">PULL</a>
			<li> <a href="#PURGE">PURGE</a>
			<li> <a href="#PURIST">PURIST</a>
			<li> <a href="#PUSH">PUSH</a>
			<li> <a href="#PUT">PUT</a>
			<li> <a href="#QUALIFY">QUALIFY</a>
			<li> <a href="#QUESTCHAT">QUESTCHAT</a>
			<li> <a href="#QUESTS">QUESTS</a>
			<li> <a href="#QUEST_POINTS">QUEST_POINTS</a>
			<li> <a href="#QUIET">QUIET</a>
			<li> <a href="#QUIT">QUIT</a>
			<li> <a href="#RACE">RACE</a>
			<li> <a href="#RANGE">RANGE</a>
			<li> <a href="#RANGER">RANGER</a>
			<li> <a href="#READ">READ</a>
			<li> <a href="#REBUKE">REBUKE</a>
			<li> <a href="#RELIGION">RELIGION</a>
			<li> <a href="#REMORT">REMORT</a>
			<li> <a href="#REMOVE">REMOVE</a>
			<li> <a href="#REPAIR">REPAIR</a>
			<li> <a href="#REPLAY">REPLAY</a>
			<li> <a href="#REPLY">REPLY</a>
			<li> <a href="#REPORT">REPORT</a>
			<li> <a href="#REQUEST">REQUEST</a>
			<li> <a href="#RESIZE">RESIZE</a>
			<li> <a href="#REST">REST</a>
			<li> <a href="#RETIRE">RETIRE</a>
			<li> <a href="#REVOLT">REVOLT</a>
			<li> <a href="#RIDE">RIDE</a>
			<li> <a href="#RITUALS">RITUALS</a>
			<li> <a href="#ROLEPLAY">ROLEPLAY</a>
			<li> <a href="#ROOM_ID">ROOM_ID</a>
			<li> <a href="#RUINED">RUINED</a>
			<li> <a href="#RULES">RULES</a>
			<li> <a href="#RUN">RUN</a>
			<li> <a href="#SAVES">SAVES</a>
			<li> <a href="#SAY">SAY</a>
			<li> <a href="#SAYTO">SAYTO</a>
			<li> <a href="#SCORE">SCORE</a>
			<li> <a href="#SECRETARIES">SECRETARIES</a>
			<li> <a href="#SECRETARY">SECRETARY</a>
			<li> <a href="#SELL">SELL</a>
			<li> <a href="#SERVE">SERVE</a>
			<li> <a href="#SERVICES">SERVICES</a>
			<li> <a href="#SETTINGS">SETTINGS</a>
			<li> <a href="#SHAMAN">SHAMAN</a>
			<li> <a href="#SHARE">SHARE</a>
			<li> <a href="#SHEATH">SHEATH</a>
			<li> <a href="#SHOPPING">SHOPPING</a>
			<li> <a href="#SHOW">SHOW</a>
			<li> <a href="#SING">SING</a>
			<li> <a href="#SIT">SIT</a>
			<li> <a href="#SKILLS">SKILLS</a>
			<li> <a href="#SKYWATCHER">SKYWATCHER</a>
			<li> <a href="#SLAVE">SLAVE</a>
			<li> <a href="#SLEEP">SLEEP</a>
			<li> <a href="#SOCIALS">SOCIALS</a>
			<li> <a href="#SONGS">SONGS</a>
			<li> <a href="#SOUNDS">SOUNDS</a>
			<li> <a href="#SOUTH">SOUTH</a>
			<li> <a href="#SOUTHEAST">SOUTHEAST</a>
			<li> <a href="#SOUTHWEST">SOUTHWEST</a>
			<li> <a href="#SPEAK">SPEAK</a>
			<li> <a href="#SPELLNAME">SPELLNAME</a>
			<li> <a href="#SPELLS">SPELLS</a>
			<li> <a href="#SPLIT">SPLIT</a>
			<li> <a href="#STAFF">STAFF</a>
			<li> <a href="#STAND">STAND</a>
			<li> <a href="#STARVE">STARVE</a>
			<li> <a href="#STATS">STATS</a>
			<li> <a href="#STRENGTH">STRENGTH</a>
			<li> <a href="#SUICIDE">SUICIDE</a>
			<li> <a href="#SWIM">SWIM</a>
			<li> <a href="#TANK">TANK</a>
			<li> <a href="#TEACH">TEACH</a>
			<li> <a href="#TELL">TELL</a>
			<li> <a href="#TEMPLAR">TEMPLAR</a>
			<li> <a href="#THEOCRACY">THEOCRACY</a>
			<li> <a href="#THIEF">THIEF</a>
			<li> <a href="#THIRST">THIRST</a>
			<li> <a href="#THROW">THROW</a>
			<li> <a href="#TIME">TIME</a>
			<li> <a href="#TITLE">TITLE</a>
			<li> <a href="#TOPICS">TOPICS</a>
			<li> <a href="#TORCH">TORCH</a>
			<li> <a href="#TRAIN">TRAIN</a>
			<li> <a href="#TRAINERS">TRAINERS</a>
			<li> <a href="#TRANSLUCENT">TRANSLUCENT</a>
			<li> <a href="#TRANSMUTER">TRANSMUTER</a>
			<li> <a href="#TRAPPER">TRAPPER</a>
			<li> <a href="#TROPHIES">TROPHIES</a>
			<li> <a href="#TYPO">TYPO</a>
			<li> <a href="#UNDRESS">UNDRESS</a>
			<li> <a href="#UNION">UNION</a>
			<li> <a href="#UNLOCK">UNLOCK</a>
			<li> <a href="#UNWIELD">UNWIELD</a>
			<li> <a href="#UP">UP</a>
			<li> <a href="#VALUE">VALUE</a>
			<li> <a href="#VASSALS">VASSALS</a>
			<li> <a href="#VERSION">VERSION</a>
			<li> <a href="#VIEW">VIEW</a>
			<li> <a href="#VISIBLE">VISIBLE</a>
			<li> <a href="#WAGON">WAGON</a>
			<li> <a href="#WAKE">WAKE</a>
			<li> <a href="#WANDS">WANDS</a>
			<li> <a href="#WEAR">WEAR</a>
			<li> <a href="#WEATHER">WEATHER</a>
			<li> <a href="#WEST">WEST</a>
			<li> <a href="#WHERE">WHERE</a>
			<li> <a href="#WHISPER">WHISPER</a>
			<li> <a href="#WHO">WHO</a>
			<li> <a href="#WHOIS">WHOIS</a>
			<li> <a href="#WIELD">WIELD</a>
			<li> <a href="#WILLQUALIFY">WILLQUALIFY</a>
			<li> <a href="#WIMPY">WIMPY</a>
			<li> <a href="#WISDOM">WISDOM</a>
			<li> <a href="#WITHDRAW">WITHDRAW</a>
			<li> <a href="#WIZARD">WIZARD</a>
			<li> <a href="#WIZLIST">WIZLIST</a>
			<li> <a href="#WORLD_CURRENCY">WORLD_CURRENCY</a>
			<li> <a href="#WORLD_MONEY">WORLD_MONEY</a>
			<li> <a href="#WORLD_MONIES">WORLD_MONIES</a>
			<li> <a href="#WORSHIP">WORSHIP</a>
			<li> <a href="#WRITE">WRITE</a>
			<li> <a href="#YELL">YELL</a>
		</td><td valign=top align=left>
			<a name="ABJURER"><B>ABJURER</B></a>
			<pre>Abjurers are specialist mages who concentrate their studies towards the mastery<BR>of protective magic.  So adept have they become that they automatically gain every<BR>known abjuration spell when they gain levels, including spells which only the<BR>abjurer may master. <BR><BR>Although the Abjurer will not have the benefit of Enchantment spells, they are<BR>still formidible foes.  Their protective magic lasts much longer than that of other<BR>mages, and they still have access to many of the most dangerous spells.<BR></pre>
			<a name="ACTIVATE"><B>ACTIVATE</B></a>
			<pre>Command : ACTIVATE<BR>Usage   : ACTIVATE ([PARAMETERS]) [ITEM]<BR>Usage   : ACTIVATE ([PARAMETERS]) ([ITEM])<BR>Example : activate stun phazer<BR>Example : activate console<BR>Example : activate warp drive console<BR>Example : activate thrust 100 console<BR>Short(s): A, ><BR>*** THIS COMMAND IS UNIMPLEMENTED ***<BR>This multi-purpose command is used to turn-on electrical devices (no parameters<BR>required), change settings on electrical devices (by including proper parameters),<BR>and operate computer consoles.  An item being activated always requires the target<BR>item unless the item is a computer console the player is sitting at, in which case<BR>it is implied.</pre>
			<a name="AFFECT"><B>AFFECT</B></a>
			<pre>Command : AFFECT<BR>Usage   : AFFECT<BR>Example : affect<BR>Short(s): AFF<BR>List the spell or other affects that your character is currently under the<BR>influence of.</pre>
			<a name="AFK"><B>AFK</B></a>
			<pre>Command : AFK<BR>Usage   : AFK ([OPTIONAL MESSAGE])<BR>Example : afk<BR>Example : afk I am eating.<BR>Short(s): <BR>Notifies the system that you are away from your keyboard.  Entering AFK again,<BR>or just entering a new command will reset this status. You may enter an optional<BR>message to give to those who attempt to TELL you something.</pre>
			<a name="ALIAS"><B>ALIAS</B></a>
			<pre>Command : ALIAS<BR>Usage   : ALIAS<BR>Example : alias<BR>Short(s): <BR>This command will allow a player to manage a list of alias command strings. <BR>Any command string a player enters which begins with one of the listed alias names<BR>will be replaced with the given alias value. This allows players to create shorter<BR>keywords for activating commands which might normally require longer strings.</pre>
			<a name="ALIGNMENT"><B>ALIGNMENT</B></a>
			<pre>Your alignment represents your moral fiber, with Good representing selfless<BR>benevolence, Evil representing selfish maliciousness, and Neutral representing the<BR>balance of the two. <BR><BR>In combat, the amount of experience you receive from the vanquishing of a foe<BR>depends partially on your alignment versus that of the creature you have killed. <BR>In general, if you are Good and you kill a Good creature, or Evil and kill an Evil<BR>creature, or Neutral and kill a Neutral creature, you receive NO experience.  The<BR>amount of experience can vary depending upon how close to perfect Goodness, perfect<BR>Evil, or pure Neutrality you are.  In addition to receiving no experience for<BR>violating this rule, you will find your characters alignment slowly changing with<BR>each repeat offense. <BR><BR>For some classes, alignment can have other affects.  Paladins must always be<BR>good, and will find that their spellcasting ability disappears with their goodness.<BR> Clerics may be good or evil, but their spell choices can profoundly impact their<BR>alignment.  A Good Cleric or Paladin who casts malicious spells will soon find<BR>themselves becoming evil.  Evil Clerics can suffer the same fate for using<BR>benevolent spells.</pre>
			<a name="ALTERER"><B>ALTERER</B></a>
			<pre>Alterers are specialist mages who concentrate their studies in the mastery of<BR>altering the world around them.  Their all-purpose skills serve them wonderfully in<BR>combat, in the maintenance of their own health and equipment, and in becomming<BR>successful adventurers.  So skilled are they in the alteration of the universe that<BR>they gain all known alteration spells, including some which only the alterer may<BR>gain.<BR><BR>The Alterer suffers from a lack of access to the Evocation school of magic, the<BR>long duration and heavy impact of their spells plus the general usefulness of their<BR>school makes them a good choice for all mages.  Since they have their own kind of<BR>destructive magic, they will find they don't miss evocations at all.<BR></pre>
			<a name="ANSI"><B>ANSI</B></a>
			<pre>Command : ANSI<BR>Usage   : ANSI<BR>Example : ansi<BR>Short(s): <BR>Turns on color output.  NOANSI or NOCOLOR turns it off.  See also COLORSET.</pre>
			<a name="APOTHOCARY"><B>APOTHOCARY</B></a>
			<pre>A common mispelling for APOTHECARY.</pre>
			<a name="APPRENTICE"><B>APPRENTICE</B></a>
			<pre>An Apprentice is a weak class that qualifies only for the games most common<BR>skills, and may not go past level 5.  As an Apprentice, you are free to move around<BR>in the game and learn some of the ropes before choosing a more permanent career. <BR>When you have decided which of the main classes to go to, you may use the TRAIN<BR>command with an appropriate teacher to become the class of your choosing.  If you<BR>cant find an appropriate teacher, remember that a player of the proper class may be<BR>able to help you.  Be sure to save yourself a training point for this purpose!</pre>
			<a name="ARCANIST"><B>ARCANIST</B></a>
			<pre>Also known as the Arcane Rogue, the Arcanist is the thief who has become<BR>fascinated with all things arcane, but has little or no innate magical power. He is<BR>an accumulator of wands and scrolls; making good use of his limited knowledge to<BR>create, improve, and most especially use these items to his devious ends. <BR>Arcanists are also just knowledgable enough to learn spells simply by observing<BR>their usage, although, lacking any innate power, he forgets them as soon as they<BR>are used.</pre>
			<a name="ARCHON"><B>ARCHON</B></a>
			<pre>An Archon is a being of ultimate power.  Do not mess with them.</pre>
			<a name="AREAS"><B>AREAS</B></a>
			<pre>Command : AREAS<BR>Usage   : AREAS ([FILTER EXPRESSION])<BR>Example : areas<BR>Example : areas $population > 10 or ($avg_level &lt; 5 and $avg_level > 2)<BR>Example : areas $med_alignment >= 7500<BR>Short(s): <BR>This command will list all the areas in the known world of the game. <BR><BR>You can also filter the list by entering a expression that tests various<BR>statistics about the area in order to help find the one you want.  You can use any<BR>normal mathematical calculation and comparisons >, &lt;, >=, =, !=, &lt;>, &lt;=,<BR>and can combine expressions using "and" or "or".  Use parenthesis to affect the<BR>order of evaulation.  Most importantly, you can test any of the following variables<BR>about the areas: $POPULATION, $MIN_LEVEL, $MAX_LEVEL, $AVG_LEVEL, $MED_LEVEL,<BR>$AVG_ALIGNMENT, $MED_ALIGNMENT, $TOTAL_LEVELS, $TOTAL_INTELLIGENT_LEVELS,<BR>$VISITABLE_ROOMS<BR><BR>You may also enter HELP [AREA NAME] to get more help on the areas you see<BR>listed with this command.</pre>
			<pre><BR>World Currencies    :<BR>Currency            :default<BR>gold coin(s)        : (exchange rate is 1.0 of base)<BR>golden note(s)      : Equal to 100 gold coins.<BR>whole note(s)       : Equal to 10000 gold coins.<BR>Archon note(s)      : Equal to 1000000 gold coins.<BR></pre>
			<a name="AREA_MONEY"><B>AREA_MONEY</B></a>
			<pre><BR>World Currencies    :<BR>Currency            :default<BR>gold coin(s)        : (exchange rate is 1.0 of base)<BR>golden note(s)      : Equal to 100 gold coins.<BR>whole note(s)       : Equal to 10000 gold coins.<BR>Archon note(s)      : Equal to 1000000 gold coins.<BR></pre>
			<pre>The level of protection your character has from being hit by ordinary weapons.</pre>
			<a name="ARRESTED"><B>ARRESTED</B></a>
			<pre>When happens to you when an officer accuses you of a crime, and is able to<BR>subdue you.  See also HANDCUFF.</pre>
			<a name="ARTISAN"><B>ARTISAN</B></a>
			<pre>An Artisan is a professional tradesman who specializes in the common skills<BR>that make civilization work.  Although his fighting weakness makes him a poor<BR>choice for exploring those monster filled dungeons, the Artisan is still able to<BR>advance by using his skills and gaining experience while he does! Artisans, like<BR>Apprentices, may still choose to go into a more adventurous profession, but like<BR>Apprentices, they are unable to go back.</pre>
			<a name="ASK"><B>ASK</B></a>
			<pre>Command : ASK<BR>Usage   : ASK ([MOB NAME]) [MESSAGE]<BR>Example : ask Where am I?<BR>Short(s): <BR>Causes your character to speak to one or more characters or mobs in the same<BR>room as yourself.  You may specify the mob to speak to, or just speak in general.</pre>
			<a name="ASSASSIN"><B>ASSASSIN</B></a>
			<pre>Assassins reflect the darkest and most wicked side of the rogue.  The dealing<BR>of death becomes a goal in itself, the epitomy of evil.  The assassin becomes so<BR>centered on this art that he begins to slow his pace, learning and contemplating<BR>each "mark" as the best method of killing them becomes clear.  They also learn<BR>skills in keeping track of and tracking down their marks, as well as other means of<BR>making life for the targeted miserable, and short. The assassin can use any<BR>weapons, unlike the standard thief, though his armor is still restricted. </pre>
			<a name="ASSIST"><B>ASSIST</B></a>
			<pre>Command : ASSIST<BR>Usage   : ASSIST [REQUEST]<BR>Example : assist I'm stuck here and I can't get out!<BR>Short(s): <BR>Use this command to make requests of the Archons.</pre>
			<a name="ATLAS"><B>ATLAS</B></a>
			<pre>Try the AREAS command.</pre>
			<pre>The combat prowess of a player.  Try the SCORE command.</pre>
			<a name="AUCTION"><B>AUCTION</B></a>
			<pre>Command : AUCTION<BR>Usage   : AUCTION UP [ITEM] ([OPENING BID])<BR>Usage   : AUCTION BID [AMOUNT]<BR>Usage   : AUCTION LIST<BR>Usage   : AUCTION INFO<BR>Usage   : AUCTION CLOSE<BR>Usage   : AUCTION CHANNEL [MSG])<BR>Example : auction up ring<BR>Example : auction up ring 100<BR>Example : auction bid 150<BR>Example : auction channel the ring is really great!<BR>Example : auction close<BR>Example : auction list<BR>Example : auction info<BR>Short(s): <BR>This versatile command is used by players wishing to auction items at real time<BR>over the AUCTION channel, as well as by those wishing to bid on items up for<BR>auction.  To start an auction, the player enters AUCTION UP plus the name of the<BR>item, and an optional starting bid.  If there is no other auction going on at the<BR>time, the auction will begin.  Auctions last for a silent 5 minutes, plus 1 minute<BR>for each going once/twice/sold.  If no bids have been received after the first 3<BR>minutes, the item will proceed directly to the going once/twice/sold period. The<BR>person putting on the auction may, at any time, close the auction without penalty<BR>by entering "auction close", or communicate on the auction channel (to give a<BR>better item description perhaps) using "auction channel [message]".<BR><BR>To place a bid on an auction that is ongoing, a player need only enter "auction<BR>bid [amount]".  Where amount is the maximum amount the player will pay for the<BR>item.  A proxy bidding system is in place for all auctions.  The current bid on the<BR>item will always be less than or equal to the bid of the high bidder, and at least<BR>1 gold more than the bid of the previous high bidder.  This means that, if the<BR>current bid on an item is 5, and a player bids 10, the new bid will become 6 (one<BR>more than the previous high bid).  If another player then bids 20, the new bid will<BR>become 11.<BR><BR>Players can also get information on a live auction while it is going on by<BR>entering AUCTION INFO or AUCTION LIST.<BR><BR>When an auction ends, the system will attempt to automatically complete the<BR>transaction for both the bidder and the auctioneer.  The proper money will be<BR>transferred (in converted notes) from the high bidder to the auctioneer.  The item<BR>up for auction will be automatically transferred from the auctioneer to the high<BR>bidder.  The auction house may take a cut both when then auction is placed up, and<BR>on the final price. <BR><BR>See also help on AUCTIONS</pre>
			<a name="AUCTIONS"><B>AUCTIONS</B></a>
			<pre>Auctions are a system whereby players can buy and sell items from each other<BR>using an open bidding system.  In this system, a bidder places a bid which<BR>represents the most they will pay for the item.  However, a bidder must only end up<BR>paying an amount equal to the most anyone ELSE would also pay, so long as it is<BR>less than their own maximum bid. <BR><BR>This game supports two kinds of auctions.  One is a multi-game-day auction,<BR>which requires that you find an auctioneer mob and use commmands like BUY, SELL,<BR>VIEW, and BID. The game also supports a live auction system, which is managed using<BR>the AUCTION command.  Only one such live auction is allowed at any one time.  See<BR>help on the above commands for more information.</pre>
			<pre>Command : AUTOAFFECTS<BR>Usage   : AUTOAFFECTS<BR>Example : autoaffects<BR>Short(s): aaf<BR>List the skills or other auto-invoked affects that your character is currently<BR>under the influence of.</pre>
			<a name="AUTOASSIST"><B>AUTOASSIST</B></a>
			<pre>Command : AUTOASSIST<BR>Usage   : AUTOASSIST<BR>Example : autoassist<BR>Short(s): <BR>Toggles whether or not you automatically assist fellow group members who have<BR>entered combat.</pre>
			<a name="AUTODRAW"><B>AUTODRAW</B></a>
			<pre>Command : AUTODRAW<BR>Usage   : AUTODRAW<BR>Example : autodraw<BR>Short(s): <BR>Toggles whether or not you automatically draw a weapon from a sheath before<BR>combat and automatically sheath your weapons when no longer in combat.</pre>
			<a name="AUTOEXITS"><B>AUTOEXITS</B></a>
			<pre>Command : AUTOEXITS<BR>Usage   : AUTOEXITS<BR>Example : autoexits<BR>Short(s): <BR>Toggles whether or not the exits to any room are automatically displayed<BR>whenever you look.</pre>
			<pre>Command : AUTOFORWARD<BR>Usage   : AUTOFORWARD<BR>Example : autoforward<BR>Short(s): <BR>Toggles whether or not email sent to your players email address<BR>(playername@mudhost) will be forwarded to the email address you have on file with<BR>your player.  See help on the EMAIL command also.</pre>
			<a name="AUTOGOLD"><B>AUTOGOLD</B></a>
			<pre>Command : AUTOGOLD<BR>Usage   : AUTOGOLD<BR>Example : autogold<BR>Short(s): <BR>Toggles whether or not you automatically collect any gold from the corpses of<BR>vanquished foes.</pre>
			<a name="AUTOGUARD"><B>AUTOGUARD</B></a>
			<pre>Command : AUTOGUARD<BR>Usage   : AUTOGUARD<BR>Example : autoguard<BR>Short(s): <BR>By default, all players and mobs will literally follow from room to room<BR>whoever is the leader of their group.  By toggling on AUTOGUARD, a player or mob<BR>will stay put, even when the leader leaves the room.</pre>
			<pre>Command : AUTOIMPROVEMENT<BR>Usage   : AUTOIMPROVEMENT<BR>Example : autoimprovement<BR>Short(s): <BR>Toggles whether or not you are automatically notified whenever your proficiency<BR>goes up in one of your skills/spells/prayers/chants/songs/etc..</pre>
			<a name="AUTOINVOKE"><B>AUTOINVOKE</B></a>
			<pre>Command : AUTOINVOKE<BR>Usage   : AUTOINVOKE<BR>Example : autoinvoke<BR>Short(s): <BR>This command allows the player to manage their auto-invoking skills. These are<BR>skills, like Dodge or Healing Aura, which, once learned or gained, are<BR>automatically activated for the player for an indefinite duration.  This command<BR>will allow the player to deactivate or reinvoke these skills.</pre>
			<a name="AUTOLOOT"><B>AUTOLOOT</B></a>
			<pre>Command : AUTOLOOT<BR>Usage   : AUTOLOOT<BR>Example : autoloot<BR>Short(s): <BR>Toggles whether or not you automatically collect any items from the corpses of<BR>vanquished foes.</pre>
			<a name="AUTOMELEE"><B>AUTOMELEE</B></a>
			<pre>Command : AUTOMELEE<BR>Usage   : AUTOMELEE<BR>Example : automelee<BR>Short(s): <BR>Toggles whether or not you automatically advance towards an opponent who is out<BR>of range of your weapon.  When turned off it will allow a mage to stand back and<BR>use ranged spells without entering melee combat, or allow a player with a ranged<BR>weapon (such as a bow) to use an attack to retreat to a ranged position from a<BR>melee position.  This is turned on by default, and should be toggled with care.</pre>
			<a name="AUTONOTIFY"><B>AUTONOTIFY</B></a>
			<pre>Command : AUTONOTIFY<BR>Usage   : AUTONOTIFY<BR>Example : autonotify<BR>Short(s): <BR>Toggles whether or not you are automatically notified whenever one of the users<BR>on your FRIENDS list logs on.  See the FRIENDS command for more information on<BR>this.</pre>
			<a name="AUTORUN"><B>AUTORUN</B></a>
			<pre>Command : AUTORUN<BR>Usage   : AUTORUN<BR>Example : autorun<BR>Short(s): <BR>Toggles whether or not you automatically run when using the standard movement<BR>commands. Running consumes movement points far more quickly than standard movement<BR>does.</pre>
			<a name="AUTOSAC"><B>AUTOSAC</B></a>
			<pre>Sacrifice is a Clerical prayer, along with its evil counterpart Desecrate, and<BR>the neutral version Bury.  </pre>
			<pre>Command : AUTOWEATHER<BR>Usage   : AUTOWEATHER<BR>Example : autoweather<BR>Short(s): <BR>Toggles whether or not you automatically see weather information along with the<BR>room descriptions.</pre>
			<a name="BABY"><B>BABY</B></a>
			<pre>Babies are what come from the physical union of a male and a female.  See help<BR>on remorting.  Carry them around and keep them safe.  Put them in a bathtub when<BR>they soil themselves, or just take them into a river and swim around.</pre>
			<a name="BANK"><B>BANK</B></a>
			<pre>The Bank is where money can be deposited and withdrawn using the DEPOSIT and<BR>WITHDRAW commands.  Use LIST to see interest and balance information.</pre>
			<a name="BARBARIAN"><B>BARBARIAN</B></a>
			<pre>Barbarians are the wild warriors of the frontier.  Their ability to deal large<BR>amounts of damage in combat, as well as inspire combative behaviors in others makes<BR>them especially ferocious.  They are fond of mastering numerous weapons, and<BR>building up their bodies, though they distrust metal armors, and may not wear them<BR>without difficulties.<BR><BR>How to play: Barbarian combat skills make them desirable as group members.<BR>While their non-metal armor restriction can sometimes hurt their nomination as<BR>tanks, their ability to deal and absorb large amounts of damage can more than make<BR>up for anything lacked.  Because of this, the Barbarian flourishes as well alone as<BR>in groups.<BR><BR>The Barbarian is every bit as strong a fighter as a pure Fighter, and has that<BR>extra combative edge that many players look for in a Class.  Players who dislike<BR>subtelty and enjoy straight up hack-and-slash playing will enjoy the Barbarian's<BR>simple destructive style.<BR></pre>
			<a name="BARD"><B>BARD</B></a>
			<pre>Bards are traveling singers, whose "songs" can possess powerful magic.  They<BR>are highly desired group members for the inspiration they bring to their team<BR>members, and the great stings they provide to their enemies.  They possess the same<BR>weapon and armor restrictions as thieves, but also qualify for many thief skills.<BR><BR>Bard is the basis for numerous sub-classes which the player may choose to gain<BR>levels in at any time.  These sub-classes include the Charlatan, Dancer, Minstrel,<BR>and the Jester.<BR><BR>How to play: The great strength of the bard is in his wide assortment of<BR>skills, and in his powerful songs.  The bard may try his hand as the lonesome<BR>traveler, but will find his skills still put him behind his peers.  It is in the<BR>company of other, more powerful classes, that the bard will flourish. And because<BR>of the unique nature of his magic, and how his skills will always affect groups,<BR>that groups will always want to have a bard along.<BR><BR>Bards are as weak as thieves in combat, and lack their general sneakiness, so<BR>in the company of others must the bard find his path to greatness, filling any<BR>skill gaps in almost any group with the appropriate magic or ability.<BR></pre>
			<a name="BATH"><B>BATH</B></a>
			<pre>What you need to do if you start stinking.  If you can't find a bathtub, just<BR>hop in a river!</pre>
			<a name="BEACON"><B>BEACON</B></a>
			<pre>A beacon is where you recall to.  See help on the RECALL skill.</pre>
			<pre>Like Tarzan or Grizzly Adams, the BeastMaster is the lord of his particular<BR>jungle, being both the guardian and master steward of the animal kingdom. Unlike<BR>the other druids then, the beastmaster takes great pride in his animal changing<BR>abilities, and receives many more animal forms as he progresses in level.  The<BR>beastmaster is also more accutely aware of the dangers of the wild, and is thus a<BR>much more physical and able fighter than other druids tend to me.<BR><BR>How to play: The Beastmaster is the perfect loner druid class, though he is<BR>never truly alone with all the animals he can summon to his side. He also has<BR>numerous ways of enhancing his own innate fighting ability through magical chants,<BR>making him formidable even when adventuring without animal companions.</pre>
			<a name="BID"><B>BID</B></a>
			<pre>Command : BID<BR>Usage   : BID [AMOUNT] [ITEM NAME] ([SHOPKEEPER NAME])<BR>Example : bid 100 sword<BR>Example : bid 100 sword mrauctioneer<BR>Example : bid "100 golden notes" "sword of the ancients" mrauctioneer<BR>Short(s): <BR>When an auctioneer is present in the same room or area as your character, this<BR>command will allow you to place a bid on an item from that auctioneer.  Placing a<BR>bid automatically removes coin from your person.<BR><BR>If your maximum bid is beat by another bidder (you are outbid), then you will<BR>automatically receive a refund.  You must then return to the auctioneer to place<BR>another bid.<BR><BR>If you win the auction, you will be notified after the auction ends.  You must<BR>then return to the auctioneer and use the BUY command to claim your merchandise. <BR>You will not be charged for claiming an item you won in auction.  If the item sold<BR>for less then your maximum bid, the auctioneer will give you a refund of the<BR>difference when you claim the item.<BR><BR>See also LIST, BUY, SELL, DEPOSIT, WITHDRAW, VIEW.</pre>
			<a name="BLESSINGS"><B>BLESSINGS</B></a>
			<pre>Blessings are what a deity bestows upon you for performing the required ritual.<BR> Clerics receive all the blessings of their gods, while mere worshippers receive a<BR>random one.</pre>
			<a name="BOARD"><B>BOARD</B></a>
			<pre>Command : BOARD<BR>Usage   : BOARD [RIDEABLE ITEM]<BR>Example : board canoe<BR>Short(s): ride<BR>Your character attempts to board a boat, or other rideable creature, carriage,<BR>horse, or item.  Once boarded, the item can be navigated around by use of the<BR>normal N,S,E,W navigation commands. See also MOUNT, LEAVE, DISMOUNT.</pre>
			<a name="BOATS"><B>BOATS</B></a>
			<pre>Boats are craft which may be ridden over water.  See the MOUNT command.</pre>
			<a name="BORROW"><B>BORROW</B></a>
			<pre>Command : BORROW<BR>Usage   : BORROW [AMOUNT] ([BANKER NAME])<BR>Example : borrow 1000<BR>Example : borrow "10 gold coins" "Joe Banker"<BR>Example : borrow "500 archon notes" banker<BR>Short(s): <BR>When a banker is present in the same room or area as your character, this<BR>command will allow you to borrow money from that banker.  You must first have<BR>deposited enough items with the banker to provide sufficient collateral against<BR>your loan amount.  Money is thenceforth automatically withdrawn from your bank<BR>account every month to service the loan.  Failure to have enough money in your<BR>account to provide for the loan may result in your items being put up for sale by<BR>the banker. You should use the LIST command to review your account balance from<BR>time to time.</pre>
			<a name="BRIEF"><B>BRIEF</B></a>
			<pre>Command : BREIF<BR>Usage   : BRIEF<BR>Example : brief<BR>Short(s): <BR>Toggles whether the room descriptions are shown as you move around. See also<BR>the COMPRESS command.</pre>
			<a name="BUG"><B>BUG</B></a>
			<pre>Command : BUG<BR>Usage   : BUG [BUG REPORT]<BR>Example : bug every time i cast a spell, i get logged off!<BR>Short(s): <BR>Please use this command to submit bugs against CoffeeMud.</pre>
			<a name="BUNDLE"><B>BUNDLE</B></a>
			<pre>Several of the common skills let you bundle raw resources like wood or ore.</pre>
			<a name="BURGLAR"><B>BURGLAR</B></a>
			<pre>The burglar is the thief who has made the accumulation of wealth and power his<BR>center of being, to the detriment of all else.  The taking of the property of<BR>others by stealth, wits, or even charm makes him the bane of the rich and lawful<BR>alike.  This most purist of thieves also has superior skill at being undetected in<BR>the performance of these dastardly deeds, though he stands at a slight disadvantage<BR>to better trained thieves if caught.  </pre>
			<a name="BUY"><B>BUY</B></a>
			<pre>Command : BUY<BR>Usage   : BUY [ITEM NAME] ([SHOPKEEPER NAME]) (FOR [NAME])<BR>Example : buy sword<BR>Example : buy sword weaponsmith<BR>Example : buy sword weaponsmith for bob<BR>Short(s): <BR>When a shopkeeper is present in the same room or area as your character, this<BR>command will allow you to purchase an item from that shopkeeper, or close an<BR>auction you started.<BR><BR>The price for the item, as well as the availability of certain items can be<BR>determined by using the 'LIST' command. If more than one shopkeeper is in the room,<BR>you may have to specify the shopkeeper name in the parameters.  You may also<BR>purchase items for someone else by adding the "for" syntax to the end of the<BR>command. See also LIST, SELL, DEPOSIT, WITHDRAW, VIEW, BID.</pre>
			<a name="CAST"><B>CAST</B></a>
			<pre>Skill    : CAST<BR>Usage    : CAST [SPELL NAME] [TARGET NAME]<BR>Example  : cast sleep orc<BR>Short(s) : CA<BR>Mages, Rangers, and at later levels, Thiefs and Bards can invoke their magical<BR>abilities using the cast command.  Some spells require that you direct the spell at<BR>a target, while others only apply to the caster.  For help on a particular spell,<BR>enter help and then the name of the spell.</pre>
			<a name="CHANGEBAG"><B>CHANGEBAG</B></a>
			<pre>A bag containing bank notes as change in a monetary transaction.  The notes may<BR>be removed and turned back into coins.</pre>
			<a name="CHANNELS"><B>CHANNELS</B></a>
			<pre>Command : CHANNELS<BR>Usage   : CHANNELS<BR>Example : channels<BR>Short(s): <BR>List all the available channels, along with their status.  Do HELP GOSSIP for<BR>more information on how to use Channels.</pre>
			<a name="CHANTS"><B>CHANTS</B></a>
			<pre>Command : CHANTS<BR>Usage   : CHANTS (PLANT CONTROL, DEEP MAGIC, etc../[NAME]) ([LEVEL])<BR>Example : chants<BR>Example : chants plant control<BR>Example : chants ?<BR>Example : chants barkskin<BR>Short(s): <BR>Lists any druidic chants that you know, along with your proficiency in them.<BR>Can also be qualified to list your chants by domain, or use ? to list domains.  You<BR>can get your level and proficiency for a particular chant by listing it by name. A<BR>level parameter may be given to show chants only up to that level.</pre>
			<a name="CHANWHO"><B>CHANWHO</B></a>
			<pre>Command : CHANWHO<BR>Usage   : CHANWHO [CHANNEL NAME]<BR>Example : chanwho gossip<BR>Example : chanwho gossip@anotherMud<BR>Short(s): <BR>Lists all users listening on a particular channel.  The channel name may be<BR>followed by an @ sign and the name of an I3 mud as well.</pre>
			<a name="CHARIOT"><B>CHARIOT</B></a>
			<pre>A transport, usually ridden in battle, and pulled by one or more horses.</pre>
			<a name="CHARISMA"><B>CHARISMA</B></a>
			<pre>Grace, charm, and the ability to get better prices from merchants is reflected<BR>in Charisma. </pre>
			<a name="CHARLATAN"><B>CHARLATAN</B></a>
			<pre>The Charlatan is the master of deception and disguise.  Grouped with the Bards<BR>because of his natural acting ability, as well as his highly social nature, the<BR>Charlatan can be quite antisocial if he chooses, and extremely annoying to other<BR>players almost without trying.  <BR><BR>How to play: The Charlatan is also a natural spy in muds with numerous players,<BR>and has an extremely wide assortment of skills.  More than any other class, the<BR>Charlatan can taste the powers of all other classes, sometimes with real skill, and<BR>sometimes only in seeming.  For this reason, the Charlatan is ideal for those who<BR>want a taste of all classes, or at least to seem like he is.  He is a natural group<BR>member, being able to fit almost any role by using his varied skills, or by<BR>tricking his group members into thinking he belongs in the role they require.</pre>
			<a name="CHAT"><B>CHAT</B></a>
			<pre>Command : CHAT<BR>Usage   : CHAT [MESSAGE]<BR>Example : chat yo fellas<BR>Short(s): <BR>One of the numerous CHANNELS that can be used to communicate with all of the<BR>users online.  </pre>
			<a name="CITIZENS"><B>CITIZENS</B></a>
			<pre>See help on UNION or FELLOWSHIP</pre>
			<pre>Various cities throughout the world may offer the ability to become a citizen<BR>of those great cities by talking to the mayor. As a citizen, you may RECALL to that<BR>cities recall location, allowing easy access to get back home. Other benefits may<BR>be presented in various cities, as well. Some cities have certain racial,<BR>religious, or alignment prejudices, so choose your home city wisely.</pre>
			<a name="CLANACCEPT"><B>CLANACCEPT</B></a>
			<pre>Command : CLANACCEPT<BR>Usage   : CLANACCEPT [MEMBER NAME]<BR>Example : clanaccept bob<BR>Short(s): <BR>Accept an applicant for membership to your clan.</pre>
			<a name="CLANAPPLY"><B>CLANAPPLY</B></a>
			<pre>Command : CLANAPPLY<BR>Usage   : CLANAPPLY [CLAN NAME]<BR>Example : clanapply my clan<BR>Short(s): <BR>Apply to a clan for membership.</pre>
			<a name="CLANASSIGN"><B>CLANASSIGN</B></a>
			<pre>Command : CLANASSIGN<BR>Usage   : CLANASSIGN [MEMBER NAME] [POSITION NAME]<BR>Example : classassign bob treasurer<BR>Short(s): <BR>Promote or Demote a member to the listed position.  Positions include: boss,<BR>applicant, treasurer, lieutentant, member, leader, and others depending upon the<BR>type of clan you have.</pre>
			<a name="CLANCREATE"><B>CLANCREATE</B></a>
			<pre>Command : CLANCREATE<BR>Usage   : CLANCREATE<BR>Example : clancreate<BR>Short(s): <BR>Attempts to found a new clan, which players may then apply to.</pre>
			<pre>Command : CLANDECLARE<BR>Usage   : CLANDECLARE [CLAN NAME] [WAR/HOSTILE/FRIENDLY/ALLY]<BR>Example : clandeclare the destroyers ally<BR>Short(s): <BR>Allows the boss to declare a new relationship with another clan.  Members of<BR>clans in a state of war with each other will automatically be able to playerkill<BR>each other in accordance with the muds general playerkilling guidelines.  Members<BR>of clans in alliance with a clan at war are able to assist in the killing.</pre>
			<pre>Command : CLANDETAILS<BR>Usage   : CLANDETAILS [CLAN NAME]<BR>Example : clandetails my clan<BR>Short(s): <BR>Gets some details on the clan.</pre>
			<pre>Command : CLANDONATESET<BR>Usage   : CLANDONATESET<BR>Example : clandonateset<BR>Short(s): <BR>Sets the current room to the clans Donation room for the purposes of the Clan<BR>Donate spell.</pre>
			<a name="CLANEXILE"><B>CLANEXILE</B></a>
			<pre>Command : CLANEXILE<BR>Usage   : CLANEXILE [MEMBER NAME]<BR>Example : clanexile bob<BR>Short(s): <BR>Exile an applicant for membership to your clan.</pre>
			<a name="CLANEXP"><B>CLANEXP</B></a>
			<pre>See the CLANTAX command for information on clan experience taxing.</pre>
			<pre>See the CLANTAX command for information on clan experience taxing.</pre>
			<pre>Command : CLANHOMESET<BR>Usage   : CLANHOMESET<BR>Example : clanhomeset<BR>Short(s): <BR>Sets the current room to the clans Home room for the purposes of the Clan Home<BR>spell.</pre>
			<a name="CLANLIST"><B>CLANLIST</B></a>
			<pre>Command : CLANLIST<BR>Usage   : CLANLIST<BR>Example : clanlist<BR>Short(s): <BR>Gets a list of available clans.  </pre>
			<pre>Command : CLANMORGUESET<BR>Usage   : CLANMORGUESET<BR>Example : clanmorgueset<BR>Short(s): <BR>Sets the current room to the clans Morgue room, where the corpses of dead clan<BR>members are magically transported.</pre>
			<pre>Command : CLANPREMISE<BR>Usage   : CLANPREMISE<BR>Example : clanpremise<BR>Short(s): <BR>Allows the boss to describe the premise of his or her Clan.</pre>
			<a name="CLANQUAL"><B>CLANQUAL</B></a>
			<pre>Command : CLANQUAL<BR>Usage   : CLANQUAL<BR>Example : clanqual<BR>Short(s): <BR>Enter the encoded qualifications for applying to your clan.  The following<BR>codes are allowed:<BR>&lt;ZAP=disallow></pre>
			<a name="CLANREJECT"><B>CLANREJECT</B></a>
			<pre>Command : CLANREJECT<BR>Usage   : CLANREJECT [MEMBER NAME]<BR>Example : clanreject bob<BR>Short(s): <BR>Reject an applicant for membership to your clan.</pre>
			<a name="CLANRESIGN"><B>CLANRESIGN</B></a>
			<pre>Command : CLANRESIGN<BR>Usage   : CLANRESIGN<BR>Example : clanresign<BR>Short(s): <BR>Resign as a member of a clan.</pre>
			<a name="CLANS"><B>CLANS</B></a>
			<pre>Clans are a group of players banded together for some common purpose, or due to<BR>common lineage or fellowship.  Clans are created using the CLANCREATE command, and<BR>listed using CLANLIST.  Members apply to clans using CLANAPPLY, and are either<BR>accepted by the clan using CLANACCEPT or rejected using CLANREJECT, after listing<BR>the applicants names using CLANDETAILS. Bosses can set up autorejecting<BR>qualifications to the clan using CLANQUAL. Once accepted, members can be removed<BR>using CLANEXILE or promoted to other offices using CLANASSIGN.  Members can leave<BR>on their own using CLANNRESIGN. Offices like Treasurers can deal with special Clan<BR>bankers and postmen on their Clans behalf.  Members can cast "Clan Donate" to their<BR>clans after the boss has used CLANDONATESET to set a donation room for their clan. <BR>Members can share their experience points with the clan if the bosses have set up<BR>an experience tax rate using CLANTAX. Members also have access to the spell "Clan<BR>Home" which they can use to recall to the room set by the boss using CLANHOMESET.<BR>Clan activity is very important.  If the minimum number of members is not<BR>maintained, then pending or inactive clans may be deleted by the system. Once there<BR>are several active clans, the bosses may use CLANDECLARE to declare relations<BR>between their clan and others.  The bosses may also want to use CLANPREMISE to<BR>describe their clan.<BR><BR>There are four different types of clans: GANG, GUILD, UNION, and FELLOWSHIP. <BR>See the HELP entry for each of these clan types for more information.</pre>
			<a name="CLANTAX"><B>CLANTAX</B></a>
			<pre>Command : CLANTAX<BR>Usage   : CLANTAX<BR>Example : clantax<BR>Short(s): <BR>Allows the boss to set the percentage of member experience which is taken by<BR>the clan.  This experience can then be spent by those with Clan Crafting and Clan<BR>Enchanting spells.  Experience is also taken at this rate from areas controlled by<BR>the clan via Clan Flags.</pre>
			<a name="CLANVOTE"><B>CLANVOTE</B></a>
			<pre>Command : CLANVOTE<BR>Usage   : CLANVOTE<BR>Example : clanvote<BR>Short(s): <BR>Allows a voting member of a clan to cast a vote on a pending matter.</pre>
			<a name="CLANWHO"><B>CLANWHO</B></a>
			<pre>Command : CLANWHO<BR>Usage   : CLANWHO<BR>Example : clanwho<BR>Short(s): clwh<BR>Shows who is online from your clan.</pre>
			<pre>Clan Equipment is regular equipment that is enchanted with the power of a clan<BR>using up clan experience.  Weapons do additional damage when striking. Armor add<BR>resistances to the wearer.  Staves and wands gain magical powers to do damage to<BR>targets.  Shields will do magical damage against melee attackers. Be aware though -<BR>attempts at use by the wrong hands will disperse the magic. These affects can only<BR>be applied by the appointed clan enchanter with the right skills.</pre>
			<a name="CLAN_EXP"><B>CLAN_EXP</B></a>
			<pre>See the CLANTAX command for information on clan experience taxing.</pre>
			<pre>See the CLANTAX command for information on clan experience taxing.</pre>
			<a name="CLASS"><B>CLASS</B></a>
			<pre>Try HELP FIGHTER, THIEF, BARD, CLERIC, MAGE, APPRENTICE, or DRUID. For help on<BR>multi-classing, try HELP MULTICLASS.</pre>
			<a name="CLERIC"><B>CLERIC</B></a>
			<pre>Clerics are the great vassals of the Gods.  Through them the wonders of both<BR>good and evil are possible.  Clerics possess great magical abilities in their<BR>numerous "prayers".  While their weapon choices are limited to their alignment,<BR>they may wear any type of armor.<BR><BR>The Cleric is the general of priests, appeasing all the gods equally, or<BR>choosing to focus on one at his whim.  However, should the cleric wish to show true<BR>devotion, he can gain levels in specialist classes which may or may not be<BR>available to him, depending on his disposition. These classes include: Templar,<BR>Shaman, Doomsayer, Necromancer, Missionary, Purist, Healer, or Oracle.<BR><BR>How to play: The first, last, and greatest strength of the good Cleric is in<BR>his ability to heal, just as the ability to harm aids the evil Cleric.  A Cleric is<BR>unique in his ability to flourish either alone or in groups, being moderately<BR>skilled in combat, and having the healing ability to last a long time in a tough<BR>fight.  Clerics are highly desired for groups, however, as the lead fighter in the<BR>group will want the Cleric's healing touch in battle.<BR><BR>The only weakness of the Cleric is offensively, which the evil Cleric will make<BR>up for with harmful magic, and the good Cleric will compensate for with healing<BR>spells to last out the battle.  With a balanced approach, the Cleric can gain<BR>experience with the efficiency of a fighter.<BR></pre>
			<a name="CLIMATE"><B>CLIMATE</B></a>
			<pre>A climate is the weather tendencies of a given area.  Climates may be warm or<BR>cold, wet or dry, or any combination of these.</pre>
			<a name="CLOSE"><B>CLOSE</B></a>
			<pre>Command : CLOSE<BR>Usage   : CLOSE [ITEM/DIRECTION NAME]<BR>Example : close chest<BR>Example : close east<BR>Example : close door<BR>Short(s): <BR>Tries to close an item, door, or any other entity specified.</pre>
			<a name="CODE"><B>CODE</B></a>
			<a name="COFFEE"><B>COFFEE</B></a>
			<pre>Coffee is a black, bitter liquid usually served hot.  It is made by taking the<BR>dried, crushed beans from the coffee plant and soaking them in water until<BR>saturation is reached.  Java is a common slang word for coffee.</pre>
			<a name="COLORSET"><B>COLORSET</B></a>
			<pre>Command : COLORSET<BR>Usage   : COLORSET (DEFAULT)<BR>Example : colorset<BR>Short(s): <BR>Change some of the system colors to match your preferences. </pre>
			<pre>The amount of skill your character has in hitting enemies with ordinary<BR>weapons.</pre>
			<a name="COMMANDS"><B>COMMANDS</B></a>
			<pre>Command : COMMANDS<BR>Usage   : COMMANDS<BR>Example : commands<BR>Short(s): <BR>Gives a list of all valid commands, excepting SOCIALS</pre>
			<pre>Common Skills are the gathering skills, such as Foraging and Mining, and the<BR>Crafting skills, such as Carpentry and Blacksmithing.</pre>
			<pre>How do you talk to people?  Gosh!  The channels are a good place to start, like<BR>GOSSIP, or you can use the TELL command, or SAY if they are in the same room.  You<BR>can mail someone a letter at the post office, or use the MAIL command.</pre>
			<a name="COMPARE"><B>COMPARE</B></a>
			<pre>Command : COMPARE<BR>Usage   : COMPARE [ITEM NAME] ([ITEM NAME])<BR>Example : compare sword mace<BR>Example : compare shirt<BR>Short(s): <BR>Compares the basic deadliness of two weapons, or the basic protectiveness of<BR>two similar pieces of armor.  If only one item is specified, it will attempt to<BR>compare it to a worn item, or a similar one in inventory.</pre>
			<a name="COMPRESS"><B>COMPRESS</B></a>
			<pre>Command : COMPRESS<BR>Usage   : COMPRESS<BR>Example : compress<BR>Short(s): <BR>Toggles whether compressed room and equipment descriptions are shown. See also<BR>the BRIEF command.</pre>
			<a name="CONFIG"><B>CONFIG</B></a>
			<pre>Command : CONFIG<BR>Usage   : CONFIG<BR>Example : config<BR>Short(s): AUTO<BR>Display all of a players configuration flags.  The flags may be changed by<BR>entering the command words shown (autogold, etc..)</pre>
			<a name="CONJURER"><B>CONJURER</B></a>
			<pre>Conjurers are specialist mages who concentrate their studies in the mastery of<BR>movement.  They are adept at transporting themselves and other creatures, as well<BR>as items and entire armies with their powerful spells.  So adept are they at<BR>conjuration that they gain all known conjuration spells, including some which only<BR>the conjurers may understand.<BR><BR>The Conjurer may lack Transmutation abilities, but he does not miss that<BR>strange magic.  After all, it's always better to be yourself, wherever you might<BR>find yourself.<BR></pre>
			<a name="CONQUEST"><B>CONQUEST</B></a>
			<pre>One or more areas in the realm may be designated as conquerable by clans. <BR><BR>To conquer an area, or even to discover if an area CAN be conquered, the clan<BR>must use the Clan Crafting skill to construct a clan Flag.  The Flag must then be<BR>dropped into any room in the area.  Doing so will tell you if the area is<BR>conquerable, who controls it if anyone, how many CONTROL POINTS are required to<BR>control the area, and how many control points any warring clans may presently have<BR>in the area.  An area not currently controlled by any clan may freely be conquered.<BR> An area already controlled by a clan may only be conquered by a rival clan if that<BR>clan has properly declared War.<BR><BR>The clan Flag is the most important item in Conquest.  The Flag must be on the<BR>ground in order for any clan to score control points in an area, or to even<BR>maintain control once the area has been conquered.  If there is not at least one<BR>Flag on the ground, a conquered area will revert to neutral status.  Luckily, any<BR>resident citizens in the same room as a conquerer's flag will tend to guard the<BR>flag from thieves.  Also, Flags can only be removed by a member of the clan whose<BR>flag it is, or by a rival clan after they have completely conquered and control the<BR>area.<BR><BR>Once a flag has been laid down, the clan whose flag it is may LOOK at the flag<BR>at any time to see the status of their conquest; i.e. the number of control points<BR>they have scored, and how many they must score to complete the conquest.  A control<BR>point is scored whenever a resident intelligent mob of that area is killed, forced<BR>(via charm or other methods) to follow a member of the conquering clan, or (in the<BR>case of a Theocracy) converted to the faith. Control points awarded are equal to<BR>the level of the intelligent mob killed, charmed, or converted. Control points will<BR>also fade over time, to reflect a restoration of order in the area.<BR><BR>If an area is already under the control of a clan, the resident mobs will<BR>resist invasion by rivals.  Once an area is conquered, however, all resident mobs<BR>will instantly repudiate any previous controlling clan, drop any clan items they<BR>may be carrying, and swear allegiance to the conquering clan.  At this point, any<BR>clan members who are designated as having conquerers privileges may ORDER any<BR>non-animal member of the area to do anything they like.  Control points become<BR>irrelevant to the conquerers once conquest is complete.  A number of days following<BR>the conquest of an area, the area will be in dispute as order is restored.  During<BR>this period, no items left by vanquished clans can be retreived.  Once control is<BR>completely established, however, the controlling clan may clear out the previous<BR>clans items for experience. <BR><BR>Clan members are unable to gain any experience points inside their own<BR>conquered areas.  However, anyone else gaining experience in a clan controlled area<BR>automatically pays the clans tax on their experience gain. This makes controlling a<BR>large number of areas very lucrative for clans.<BR><BR>A conquered area benefits greatly from items created using Clan Crafting. <BR>These items can be crafted by a designated Enchanter, given sufficient materials<BR>and clan experience.  Aside from the direct benefit of putting the residents of a<BR>conquered area to work, clan crafted items in the hands of a conquered areas<BR>residents also makes those residents happy.  Keeping such items in the hands of a<BR>sufficient number of especially higher level mobs will stave off spontaneous<BR>revolts, which become possible from time to time in a conquered area. During war,<BR>clan items can be captured for additional clan experience by rival clans who have<BR>properly declared war. The types and functions of clan items include:<BR><BR>Book of the Laws - These must be constructed inside the area for which the book<BR>is intended.  It will allow a properly privileged clan member to read and modify<BR>numerous aspects of law and order in the area, including the location of jails, the<BR>types of laws, and the duration of punishments. A Law Book must be read by clan<BR>member authorized to change law before the Guardbanner and Gavel below will begin<BR>working.<BR><BR>Guardbanner - These can be given to mobs in a conquered area to designate them<BR>as deputys of the area, who are authorized to enforce laws and arrest lawbreakers.<BR><BR>Judges Gavel - This can be given to a mob in a conquered area to designate him<BR>as the judge of the area, authorizing him to deal out punishments like parole, jail<BR>time, or death.<BR><BR>Donation List - This item should be placed inside the official Donation Room<BR>for a clan.  If this is done, the list will automatically grow to include every<BR>single addition and removal.<BR><BR>Pamphlet - These can be given to mobs conquered by RIVAL clans to make them<BR>disloyal to the conquering clan. Pamphlets will have a tendency to spread over<BR>time. Pamphlet holders will also drop any rival clan items they have, which hurts<BR>control.<BR><BR>Shop Apron - These can be given to mobs conquered by your clan, or to mobs<BR>permanently stationed at your clan home.  They turn the mob into a shopkeeper, who<BR>will sell things in their shop inventory, and buy things as their coinage allows. <BR>They can be GIVEN things to sell by clan members in proper authority over them. <BR>They will not deal with clans with whom your clan is hostile or at war.<BR><BR>Membership Card - These can be given to mobs conquered by your clan to make<BR>them utterly loyal to your clan.  Mobs with membership cards will never accept<BR>Pamphlets, and will take them away if they are offered any.<BR><BR>Gathering items - Items such as the Miners Pick and Lumberjacks Saw can be<BR>given to mobs to make them work for the clan, performing the Common skill<BR>associated with the item.  If the mobs with these items are also Mobile, they may<BR>also carry their resources to other mobs in the same area who need their resources<BR>in order to use their Crafting items.  Firebuilders are especially good at this<BR>task, as they will carry wood they find to smiths and light the fires that the<BR>smiths need to shape the metals.<BR><BR>Crafting items - Items such as the Tailors Needle and Potters Wheel can be<BR>given to mobs to make them craft items for the clan, performing the Common skill<BR>associated with the item.  These mobs can be given example items to use as<BR>templates for what they will attempt to make, or they can be given nothing to make<BR>them craft items at random.  For the skill to work, the mob must not have anything<BR>in its inventory to confuse the skill, such as a Blacksmith item holder carrying<BR>some smurfberries.  Also, the holder must have the correct resource and sufficient<BR>quantity in the room to work from, although, they may receive assistance gaining<BR>the resources they need from mobs with Gathering Items.<BR><BR>Executioners Scales - This item makes the mob a tenacious attacker of evil<BR>creatures and thieves.<BR><BR>Assassins Eye - This item makes the mob a tenacious attacker of good creatures<BR>and paladins.<BR><BR>Scavengers Sticker - This item makes the mob a scavenger, picking anything up<BR>they find on the ground.<BR><BR>Tax Collectors Clipboard - This item makes the mob a collector of tax money<BR>from anyone who is not also a member of their clan.<BR><BR>See also Clan Crafting.</pre>
			<a name="CONSIDER"><B>CONSIDER</B></a>
			<pre>Command : CONSIDER<BR>Usage   : CONSIDER [MOB NAME]/[ITEM NAME]<BR>Example : consider dragon<BR>Example : consider sword<BR>Short(s): <BR>Sizes up a monster or character against your own, so that you can determine<BR>first whether the creature measures up in experience worth, and then whether a<BR>fight with such a creature is wise, or just a waste of time.  This command will<BR>also tell you if you have any skills that might be helpful to the item or<BR>character. See also HELP GCONSIDER.</pre>
			<pre>Health, stamina, and the ability to live through harder fights is reflected in<BR>Constitution. </pre>
			<a name="CORPSE"><B>CORPSE</B></a>
			<pre>A corpse is what you leave behind when you die.  It is a dead body.  If you<BR>LOOK at a corpse, you might see that it has equipment on it.  You can GET that<BR>equipment and use it yourself, sometimes.</pre>
			<a name="COURT"><B>COURT</B></a>
			<pre>Court is held whenever an officer brings an accused criminal before a judge. <BR>The judge then pronounces a sentence.  </pre>
			<a name="CRAWL"><B>CRAWL</B></a>
			<pre>Command : CRAWL<BR>Usage   : CRAWL [DIRECTION]<BR>Example : crawl e<BR>Short(s): <BR>Causes your character to drop down and crawl in the given direction.</pre>
			<a name="CREDITS"><B>CREDITS</B></a>
			<pre>Command : CREDITS<BR>Usage   : CREDITS<BR>Example : credits<BR>Short(s): <BR>See a little message from the folks who wrote CoffeeMud.</pre>
			<a name="CRIME"><B>CRIME</B></a>
			<pre>A crime is an action which is considered illegal in the area.  Every crime must<BR>have a witness, either in the same room in which the crime was committed or in an<BR>adjacent room.  Conviction for a crime requires that the witness still be living at<BR>the time of the pronouncement of sentence by the judge.</pre>
			<a name="CURRENCIES"><B>CURRENCIES</B></a>
			<pre><BR>World Currencies    :<BR>Currency            :default<BR>gold coin(s)        : (exchange rate is 1.0 of base)<BR>golden note(s)      : Equal to 100 gold coins.<BR>whole note(s)       : Equal to 10000 gold coins.<BR>Archon note(s)      : Equal to 1000000 gold coins.<BR></pre>
			<a name="CURRENCY"><B>CURRENCY</B></a>
			<pre><BR>World Currencies    :<BR>Currency            :default<BR>gold coin(s)        : (exchange rate is 1.0 of base)<BR>golden note(s)      : Equal to 100 gold coins.<BR>whole note(s)       : Equal to 10000 gold coins.<BR>Archon note(s)      : Equal to 1000000 gold coins.<BR></pre>
			<a name="CURSED"><B>CURSED</B></a>
			<pre>You've been affected by an evil cleric curse.  Well, find another cleric to<BR>bless you then, or who has Remove Curse.</pre>
			<a name="DAMAGE"><B>DAMAGE</B></a>
			<pre>The amount of damage your character does in combat depends mostly upon your<BR>class and level, though it will also depend a great deal upon your character's<BR>Strength.</pre>
			<a name="DANCER"><B>DANCER</B></a>
			<pre>The Dancer is the graceful master of dance, who entertains and leads others in<BR>the joyous and powerful maneuvers of his craft.  Like the Bard, the Dancer is a<BR>highly desired group member for his "group affecting" skills, which include the<BR>magical dances in which he specializes.<BR><BR>How to play: Due to his weak fighting skill, the Dancer will likely look to<BR>groups for his primary advancement, much like the other bards.  Dancers also gain a<BR>select set of powerful fighter skills to prove the worth of their diligence in<BR>maintaining his body.  This makes them valuable group members, even without their<BR>powerfully enhancing dances.</pre>
			<a name="DEACTIVATE"><B>DEACTIVATE</B></a>
			<pre>Command : DEACTIVATE<BR>Usage   : DEACTIVATE ([PARAMETERS]) [ITEM]<BR>Usage   : DEACTIVATE ([PARAMETERS]) ([ITEM])<BR>Example : deactivate stun phazer<BR>Example : deactivate console<BR>Example : deactivate warp drive console<BR>Example : deactivate thrust console<BR>Short(s): A, ><BR>*** THIS COMMAND IS UNIMPLEMENTED ***<BR>This multi-purpose command is used to turn-off electrical devices (no<BR>parameters required), undo settings on electrical devices (by including proper<BR>parameters), and shut down computer consoles.  An item being deactivated always<BR>requires the target item unless the item is a computer console the player is<BR>sitting at, in which case it is implied.</pre>
			<a name="DEITIES"><B>DEITIES</B></a>
			<pre>Command : DEITIES<BR>Usage   : DEITIES<BR>Example : deities<BR>Short(s): GODS, DEITY<BR>This command will list all the known deities in your realm, along with some<BR>information about them, the requirements to worship them, the requirements to<BR>become a cleric of them, the blessings they bestow, and the rituals required to<BR>receive those blessings.<BR><BR>For more information on deities and the worship of them, see the help entries<BR>for RELIGION, BLESSINGS, SERVICES, and RITUALS.</pre>
			<a name="DELVER"><B>DELVER</B></a>
			<pre>The Delver is a stolid druid of caves and the underdark, being the guardian of<BR>the rocks and stone and the cold caverns of the deep.  The Delver is unconcerned<BR>with plants or the sky or the doings of the weather, or any of the creatures that<BR>live upon it, relying rather on the solid earth to draw his power from.  For this<BR>reason, the Delver is particularly at home among the rocks, and is able to call<BR>upon them to aid him at need. <BR><BR>How to play: The Delver requires little in the way of precasting or planning,<BR>so long as he stays in cave or rocky environments.  He is able to instantly call<BR>upon the rocks and stones to help him in combat, and is friend to golems and stone<BR>creatures.  For this reason, the Delver is better able to fit into groups who wish<BR>to adventure in the mountains and the underground, and can be a valuable leader<BR>when its time to enter the deep dark.</pre>
			<a name="DEMOTE"><B>DEMOTE</B></a>
			<pre>Use HELP CLAN to get information on demoting clan members.</pre>
			<a name="DEPOSIT"><B>DEPOSIT</B></a>
			<pre>Command : DEPOSIT<BR>Usage   : DEPOSIT [ITEM NAME] ([CLERK NAME])<BR>Example : deposit 1000<BR>Example : deposit jewel<BR>Example : deposit letter<BR>Short(s): <BR>When a banker or postal clerk is present in the same room as your character,<BR>this command will allow you to deposit an item into your account with that banker,<BR>or to deposit a letter or item to ship with the postal clerk. See also LIST, BUY,<BR>SELL, WITHDRAW, VIEW, BID.</pre>
			<pre>Command : DESCRIPTION<BR>Usage   : DESCRIPTION [NEW DESCRIPTION TEXT] ... <BR>Example : description A handsome adventurer with lots of buckles.<BR>Short(s): <BR>Changes your description to the text specified.  The description is the text<BR>seen when someone LOOKs at you.</pre>
			<a name="DESTROY"><B>DESTROY</B></a>
			<pre>Command : DESTROY<BR>Usage   : DESTROY [ITEM NAME] ... <BR>Example : destroy cup<BR>Example : destroy letter<BR>Short(s): <BR>Take an item out of your carried inventory and destroy it.  This mundane<BR>destruction only works on things very easily destroyed, such as glass, liquids, or<BR>paper.  Other kinds of things must be destroyed using fire or magic.</pre>
			<a name="DEXTERITY"><B>DEXTERITY</B></a>
			<pre>Agility, critical damage, and the ability to dodge blows is reflected in<BR>Dexterity.   If you were looking for help on the Song of Dexterity, try HELP SONG<BR>DEXTERITY.</pre>
			<a name="DISEASED"><B>DISEASED</B></a>
			<pre>If you can't a disease, find a cleric who can cure it.  If your food is bad or<BR>diseased, then throw it away for goodness sake!</pre>
			<a name="DISEMBARK"><B>DISEMBARK</B></a>
			<pre>Command : DISEMBARK<BR>Usage   : DISEMBARK<BR>Example : disembark<BR>Short(s): DISEM, DIS<BR>If your character is presently riding in a boat, this command will cause you to<BR>get out of the boat.</pre>
			<a name="DISMOUNT"><B>DISMOUNT</B></a>
			<pre>Command : DISMOUNT<BR>Usage   : DISMOUNT<BR>Example : dismount<BR>Short(s): DISM, DIS<BR>If your character is presently riding a horse, this command will cause you to<BR>dismount from the horse. See also MOUNT, LEAVE, BOARD.</pre>
			<a name="DISPLAY"><B>DISPLAY</B></a>
			<pre>What you are looking at right now.</pre>
			<a name="DIVINER"><B>DIVINER</B></a>
			<pre>Diviners are specialist mages who have mastered the arts of unconvering<BR>secrets, and obtaining knowledge.  The entire world is an open book for them, just<BR>waiting for the pages to be turned.  So adept do these mages become at divination<BR>that they gain all known divination spells, including some which are even secrets<BR>to the other mages!<BR><BR>The Diviner's love of knowledge means he loses the knack of casting spells of<BR>illusion.  However, they make up for this by being the most popular of advisors and<BR>group members when strange and amazing treasures are uncovered, or some secret<BR>needs to be told.<BR></pre>
			<a name="DOOMSAYER"><B>DOOMSAYER</B></a>
			<pre>Doomsayers are very special servants of the gods, whose proclaimations of fire<BR>and brimstone give them resistance to fire attacks, as well as special powers<BR>controlling it.  The Doomsayer is an evil aligned class, meaning that he will<BR>always fumble on good prayers, and does not qualify for good prayers.  However, the<BR>Doomsayer can use many dangerous edged weapons, any kind of armor, and gets<BR>numerous special prayers that only the doomsayer can claim. <BR><BR>How to play: The Doomsayer is easily the most wicked, cruel, and hated of all<BR>the Clerics.  He is also the most social of the evil clerics, being a clear rival<BR>to the Healer.  He is best played as a loner in cities, bringing the wrath of his<BR>God wherever he goes.</pre>
			<a name="DOWN"><B>DOWN</B></a>
			<pre>Command : DOWN<BR>Usage   : DOWN<BR>Example : down<BR>Short(s): D<BR>Try to travel downward, whether it be down a ladder, downstairs, or down to the<BR>ground when flying.</pre>
			<a name="DRAW"><B>DRAW</B></a>
			<pre>Command : DRAW<BR>Usage   : DRAW ([WEAPON NAME]) ([SHEATH NAME])<BR>Example : draw<BR>Example : draw sword<BR>Example : draw sword sheath<BR>Example : draw sheath<BR>Short(s): <BR>Takes one or more weapons from the sheaths you are wearing and either wields or<BR>holds the item as appropriate.  In combat, a sword does you no good in its sheath,<BR>so this is a good command.  See SHEATH.</pre>
			<a name="DRESS"><B>DRESS</B></a>
			<pre>Command : DRESS<BR>Usage   : DRESS [MOB NAME] [ITEM NAME]<BR>Example : dress joe tunic<BR>Short(s): <BR>Allows the player to put a piece of armor, clothing, barding, or whatever on<BR>the target mob.  The target mob must be a follower of the player for this to work.</pre>
			<a name="DRINK"><B>DRINK</B></a>
			<pre>Command : DRINK<BR>Usage   : DRINK ([ITEM NAME])<BR>Example : drink cup<BR>Short(s): <BR>Take a drink from some drinkable source, such as a wineskin, cup, or bottle. <BR>Specifying a drink source is not necessary if you are in a freshwater location,<BR>such as a river. Drinking is necessary to remove the "You are thirsty" messages. <BR>Thirst can also hurt combat capabilities, and can eventually kill you.</pre>
			<a name="DROP"><B>DROP</B></a>
			<pre>Command : DROP<BR>Usage   : DROP ([NUMBER]) [ITEM NAME] ... <BR>Example : drop cup<BR>Example : drop 3 berries<BR>Short(s): <BR>Take an item out of your carried inventory and place it somewhere in the room<BR>or area where your character is located.</pre>
			<a name="DROW"><B>DROW</B></a>
			<pre>Drow are the dark cousins to elves.  Their existence living underground had<BR>radiated their bodies with dark magic and give them advantages in the cold, dark<BR>world.  However, they hurt plenty when exposed to light.  They have the ability to<BR>see in the dark, and can prove to be fiercesome fighters.  All Drow start off with<BR>the ability to cast darkness and faerie fire.</pre>
			<a name="DRUID"><B>DRUID</B></a>
			<pre>Druids are mystical guardians of the natural world, and the wielders of natures<BR>grandest powers.  They may not wear metal, and can only use a small set of natural<BR>weapons, but their notorious health and magical chants more than make up for this. <BR>Like the natural world, Druids are restricted to a neutral alignment.<BR><BR>Druid is the starting point for numerous sub-classes which the player may<BR>choose to gain levels in at any time.  These sub-classes include: Delver,<BR>Beastmaster, Gaian, and SkyWatcher.<BR><BR>How to play: The druid is the most complex class to play.  Most of his magic<BR>requires the assistance of numerous spells to bear fruit, but the benefits make the<BR>complexity well worth it.  The druid is also best fit for travelling with animal<BR>armies of his own creation.  In groups, the druid can assist with some extra fire<BR>power at high levels.  For the most part though, it is alone that the druid will<BR>flourish, forming his own animal groups to make up for his weakness in combat.<BR><BR>Although weak in melee combat, due to equipment and skill limitations, the<BR>druid is capable of marshaling all the powers of animals and plants to aid in the<BR>vanquishing of foes for experience.  At higher levels, as the powers of weather<BR>come into play, the Druid will find their magical prowess unequaled by any other<BR>class.</pre>
			<a name="DWARF"><B>DWARF</B></a>
			<pre>Dwarves are shorter than humans, but much stockier, and enjoy sporting beards<BR>(including the women).  They receive one bonus Constitution point, but lose one<BR>Charisma point.  They also have Infravision, or the ability to see other creatures<BR>in the dark.  Dwarves are natural Miners, though their class choices will be<BR>limited.</pre>
			<a name="EAST"><B>EAST</B></a>
			<pre>Command : EAST<BR>Usage   : EAST<BR>Example : east<BR>Short(s): E<BR>Travel eastward from the present room or location.</pre>
			<a name="EAT"><B>EAT</B></a>
			<pre>Command : EAT<BR>Usage   : EAT [ITEM NAME] ... <BR>Example : eat pie<BR>Short(s): <BR>Take a bite from some edible source, such as a ration, pie, or other food<BR>source.  Eating is necessary to remove the "You are hungry" messages.  Hunger can<BR>also hurt combat capabilities, and can eventually kill you.</pre>
			<a name="ELF"><B>ELF</B></a>
			<pre>Elves are slightly shorter and more slender than humans, but are quick and<BR>agile.  They receive one bonus Dexterity point, but lose one Constitution point.<BR>Elves have Infravision, are skilled at Foraging. Though their class choices are<BR>more limited than humans, they have the broadest choices of all demi-humans.</pre>
			<a name="EMAIL"><B>EMAIL</B></a>
			<pre>Command : EMAIL<BR>Usage   : EMAIL (BOX)/([PLAYER NAME])<BR>Example : email<BR>Example : email box<BR>Example : email Joe<BR>Short(s): <BR>Entering this command without any parameters will guide the player through the<BR>process of re-entering the email address on file for the player.  If the<BR>AUTOFORWARD config flag is on, emails sent to the player address will be forwarded<BR>to this email address.<BR><BR>Entering this command with the parameter of BOX will allow the player to read<BR>any email on file, for cases when the player has their AUTOFORWARD config flag off.<BR><BR>Entering this command with the name of a player will allow an email to be sent<BR>which, depending upon that players settings, will either be forwarded to their real<BR>email address, or only available within the mud.</pre>
			<a name="EMOTE"><B>EMOTE</B></a>
			<pre>Command : EMOTE<BR>Usage   : EMOTE [ACTION DESCRIPTION] ... <BR>Example : emote whistles at the big Dragon.<BR>Short(s): <BR>Causes a message to be displayed which will describe your character as<BR>performing the action described by the given emote message.  For instance, the<BR>above example, if done by an adventurer named "Bob" would tell everyone else in the<BR>room that "Bob whistles at the big Dragon."</pre>
			<a name="EMPLOYMENT"><B>EMPLOYMENT</B></a>
			<pre>See the HIRE command.</pre>
			<a name="EMPTY"><B>EMPTY</B></a>
			<pre>Command : EMPTY<BR>Usage   : EMPTY [CONTAINER(S)] ([TARGET]/ME/SELF/GROUND/INVENTORY/HERE)<BR>Example : empty sack here<BR>Example : empty sack chest<BR>Short(s): <BR>Attempts to empty the contents of a container, either into your inventory, onto<BR>the floor, or into another container.</pre>
			<a name="ENCHANTER"><B>ENCHANTER</B></a>
			<pre>Enchanters are specialist mages who can always seem to bring out the best<BR>magical aspects of whoever or whatever they turn their attention to.  And when<BR>angered, the Enchanter can also twist their enemies to their will.  So adept are<BR>they at this art of change that they gain all known enchantment spells, even those<BR>which only the enchanter may learn.<BR><BR>Enchanters love change so much that they neglect the protective magic of<BR>abjuration, and find themselves unable to use that magic.  However, the Enchanter<BR>does not fear the snake's poison, or the dragon's breath, especially when he can<BR>snap his fingers and make them both his pets!<BR></pre>
			<pre>Your ratio of equipment weight being carried over the maximum amount of weight<BR>you may carry.  The amount of stuff you can carry depends on your weight and<BR>Strength.</pre>
			<a name="ENTER"><B>ENTER</B></a>
			<pre>Command : ENTER<BR>Usage   : ENTER [EXIT OR ROOM NAME]<BR>Example : enter door<BR>Example : enter portal<BR>Short(s): <BR>Moves the player or creature through some exit or portal as specified by the<BR>EXITS command.  Can be an alternative to the standard N,S,E,W,U,D commands.</pre>
			<a name="EQUIPMENT"><B>EQUIPMENT</B></a>
			<pre>Command : EQUIPMENT<BR>Usage   : EQUIPMENT (LONG)<BR>Example : equipment<BR>Example : equipment long<BR>Short(s): eq<BR>List the items you are wearing, wielding, holding, or are allowing to float<BR>nearby.  Use the LONG modifier to also see wearing positions you may not have<BR>occupied.</pre>
			<a name="EVOKER"><B>EVOKER</B></a>
			<pre>Evokers are specialist mages who can bring from nothing the powers of light and<BR>darkness, heat and cold, lightning and ferocious wind.  So adept are these mages<BR>are the creation of these magical elements that they automatically gain all<BR>evocation/invocation spells, even those known only to evokers.<BR><BR>Evokers are so impatient to create from nothing that they have neglected the<BR>study of the alteration of already existing things, and will find themselves unable<BR>to use alteration magic.  However, the Evoker is the horror of all specialist<BR>mages, death in both fingers, and is envied by all for his power.<BR></pre>
			<a name="EXAMINE"><B>EXAMINE</B></a>
			<pre>Command : EXAMINE<BR>Usage   : EXAMINE [ITEM NAME]<BR>Example : examine shelf<BR>Example : examine door<BR>Example : look<BR>Short(s): EXAM, EXA, LONGLOOK, LL<BR>Take a must closer look at the item, mob, or other entity specified. If no<BR>entity is specified, this command will take a careful look around the room or area<BR>your character is presently in.  This command takes longer to execute, but can<BR>sometimes deliver more information than a standard LOOK, depending upon the players<BR>intelligence.</pre>
			<pre>Command : !<BR>Usage   : !<BR>Example : !<BR>Short(s): <BR>Repeats the last command you entered.</pre>
			<a name="EXIT"><B>EXIT</B></a>
			<pre>Command : EXIT<BR>Usage   : EXIT<BR>Example : exit<BR>Short(s): <BR>If your character is presently riding or sleeping in or on something, this<BR>command will get you out.</pre>
			<a name="EXITS"><B>EXITS</B></a>
			<pre>Command : EXITS<BR>Usage   : EXITS<BR>Example : exits<BR>Short(s): ex<BR>List the exits available to your character from the current room or area. </pre>
			<pre>Gaining experience points is the way in which your character gains in levels. <BR>Experience points are gained in many different ways, with the most popular being<BR>the defeat of monsters of or near your level.</pre>
			<a name="EXPERTISES"><B>EXPERTISES</B></a>
			<pre>Command : EXPERTISES<BR>Usage   : EXPERTISES<BR>Example : expertises<BR>Short(s): <BR>This command will list all of your expertises.  Expertises are lessons which<BR>are TRAINed for, and can be listed with the QUALIFY command when they become<BR>available. They usually enhance existing skills, spells, songs, prayers, or chants.</pre>
			<pre>Command : FACTIONLIST<BR>Usage   : FACTIONLIST<BR>Example : factionlist<BR>Short(s): fac<BR>This command shows all Factions you have standing with.  It shows what level of<BR>standing you have and how close you are to gaining or losing that level of<BR>standing.</pre>
			<a name="FAMILY"><B>FAMILY</B></a>
			<pre>See the help entry on CLANS for more generic clan information.<BR>Organization type: FAMILY<BR><BR>The Family is a clan rules by either a Matron, a Patron, or both.  The<BR>traditional powers of treasurer and enchanter can be held by any of the adult<BR>members of the family, which includes Misters and Mistresses.  All other minor<BR>powers are held equally by all members, including the cousins, the children, and<BR>even the black sheep of the family.<BR><BR>Family Authority Chart<BR>--------------------------<BR>Command        !Child  !Cousin !Mister !Mistress !Matron!Patron <BR>---------------+-------+-------+-------+---------+------+-------<BR>ClanAccept     !       !       !       !         !  X   !  X    <BR>---------------+-------+-------+-------+---------+------+-------<BR>ClanAssign     !       !       !       !         !  X   !  X    <BR>---------------+-------+-------+-------+---------+------+-------<BR>ClanExile      !       !       !       !         !  X   !  X    <BR>---------------+-------+-------+-------+---------+------+-------<BR>ClanHomeSet    !       !       !       !         !  X   !  X    <BR>---------------+-------+-------+-------+---------+------+-------<BR>ClanMorgueSet  !       !       !       !         !  X   !  X    <BR>---------------+-------+-------+-------+---------+------+-------<BR>ClanDeclare    !       !       !       !         !  X   !  X    <BR>---------------+-------+-------+-------+---------+------+-------<BR>ClanTax        !       !       !       !         !  X   !  X    <BR>---------------+-------+-------+-------+---------+------+-------<BR>ClanDonateSet  !       !       !       !         !  X   !  X    <BR>---------------+-------+-------+-------+---------+------+-------<BR>ClanReject     !       !       !       !         !  X   !  X    <BR>---------------+-------+-------+-------+---------+------+-------<BR>ClanPremise    !       !       !       !         !  X   !  X    <BR>---------------+-------+-------+-------+---------+------+-------<BR>Buy Property   !       !       !       !         !  X   !  X    <BR>---------------+-------+-------+-------+---------+------+-------<BR>Spend Clan Exp !       !       !   X   !    X    !  X   !  X    <BR>---------------+-------+-------+-------+---------+------+-------<BR>Withdraw Funds !       !       !   X   !    X    !  X   !  X    <BR>---------------+-------+-------+-------+---------+------+-------<BR>List Funds     !   X   !   X   !   X   !    X    !  X   !  X    <BR>---------------+-------+-------+-------+---------+------+-------<BR>Order Members  !   X   !   X   !   X   !    X    !  X   !  X    <BR>---------------+-------+-------+-------+---------+------+-------<BR>Order Conquered!   X   !   X   !   X   !    X    !  X   !  X    <BR>---------------+-------+-------+-------+---------+------+-------</pre>
			<a name="FATIGUE"><B>FATIGUE</B></a>
			<pre>From time to time, your character may get fatigued.  If this happens, then you<BR>get some sleep to alleviate the fatigue. Failing to do so will affect your<BR>characters attack and defensive capabilities.</pre>
			<a name="FEED"><B>FEED</B></a>
			<pre>Command : FEED<BR>Usage   : FEED [MOB NAME] [ITEM NAME]<BR>Example : feed joe "pot pie"<BR>Example : feed joe waterskin<BR>Short(s): <BR>Allows the player to feed a the target mob a piece of food or drink from the<BR>players inventory.  The target mob must be a follower of the player for this to be<BR>successful.</pre>
			<a name="FELLOWSHIP"><B>FELLOWSHIP</B></a>
			<pre>See the help entry on CLANS for more generic clan information.<BR>Organization type: FELLOWSHIP<BR><BR>The Fellowship is a clan where all members vote on any and all clan related<BR>matters.  Interclan relations, membership, elections to office, and clan policy are<BR>able to be placed to the vote of the entire membership by any member at any time. <BR>For safety, only two powers are reserved to clan offices: the power to withdraw<BR>from the clan bank account is given only to the Treasurer, and the power to<BR>maintain clan property is given only to the Manager.  Soldiers may also be<BR>appointed to handle military matters out in the field.<BR><BR>Fellowship Authority Chart<BR>--------------------------<BR>Command        !Citizen  !Soldier  !Enchanter!Treasurer!Manager  !1st Cit<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>ClanAccept     !  Vote   !  Vote   !  Vote   !  Vote   !  Vote   ! Vote<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>ClanAssign     !  Vote   !  Vote   !  Vote   !  Vote   !  Vote   ! Vote<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>ClanExile      !  Vote   !  Vote   !  Vote   !  Vote   !  Vote   ! Vote<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>ClanHomeSet    !  Vote   !  Vote   !  Vote   !  Vote   !  Vote   ! Vote<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>ClanMorgueSet  !  Vote   !  Vote   !  Vote   !  Vote   !  Vote   ! Vote<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>ClanTax        !  Vote   !  Vote   !  Vote   !  Vote   !  Vote   ! Vote<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>DonateSet      !  Vote   !  Vote   !  Vote   !  Vote   !  Vote   ! Vote<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>ClanReject     !  Vote   !  Vote   !  Vote   !  Vote   !  Vote   ! Vote<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>ClanPremise    !  Vote   !  Vote   !  Vote   !  Vote   !  Vote   ! Vote<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>ClanDeclare    !  Vote   !  Vote   !  Vote   !  Vote   !  Vote   ! Vote<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>Buy Property   !         !         !         !         !    X    !<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>Spend Clan Exp !         !         !    X    !         !         !<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>Withdraw Funds !         !         !         !    X    !         !<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>List Funds     !    X    !    X    !    X    !    X    !    X    !   X<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>Order Members  !         !         !         !         !         !<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>Order Conquered!         !    X    !         !         !         !<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------</pre>
			<a name="FIGHTER"><B>FIGHTER</B></a>
			<pre>Fighters are brutish weapon masters, skilled in the art of killing.  They may<BR>specialize in any weapon type, and learn numerous new fighting techniques as they<BR>advance in level.  Fighters receive more hit points and attack bonuses per level<BR>than any other class, and are invaluable in a close melee.
Fighter is the starting point for numerous sub-classes which the player may<BR>choose to gain levels in at any time.  These sub-classes include: Monk, Ranger,<BR>Paladin, and Barbarian.
How to play: The fighters strength is in his domination of pure combat. When<BR>playing alone, a fighter is fully capable of gaining the necessary experience. <BR>However, the fighter may choose to lead a group to gain an even greater advantage. <BR>As the tank (primary melee combatant) in a group, the fighter will give the group<BR>the benefit of his superior armor and fighting skill, while benefitting from the<BR>healing spells of a cleric, or the magical aids of a mage.
The fighters greatest weakness is his inability to move secretly, or get into<BR>or out of tricky spots.  For this reason, the fighter outside of a group should<BR>steer towards simple combat areas, and be content only with the treasures obtains<BR>from his kills.
			<a name="FILL"><B>FILL</B></a>
			<pre>Command : FILL<BR>Usage   : FILL [CONTAINER NAME] ([DRINK SOURCE])<BR>Example : fill bottle spring<BR>Short(s): <BR>Attempts to refill a liquid container, such as a bottle or a cup, from the<BR>given source.  In many cases, containers can be refilled from other containers.  If<BR>no source is specified, and the player is at a source of fresh water, then the fill<BR>will occur from the freshwater source.</pre>
			<a name="FIRE"><B>FIRE</B></a>
			<pre>Something that is really hot.  See FIREBUILDING, or SPELL FIREBALL, or CHANT<BR>CONTROL FIRE.</pre>
			<a name="FLAME_SHIELD"><B>FLAME_SHIELD</B></a>
			<a name="FLEE"><B>FLEE</B></a>
			<pre>Command : FLEE<BR>Usage   : FLEE ([DIRECTION])<BR>Example : flee<BR>Short(s): <BR>While in combat, your character may need to quickly disengage and flee the<BR>room.  A direction may be specified, but if one is not specified, a direction will<BR>be chosen for you.  Fleeing from combat can cause you to lose experience points in<BR>many cases, so use this command sparingly.  If all of your opponents are asleep,<BR>paralyzed, or bound, however, no loss is recorded for using this command.</pre>
			<a name="FOLLOW"><B>FOLLOW</B></a>
			<pre>Command : FOLLOW<BR>Usage   : FOLLOW [MOB NAME]<BR>Example : follow gunther<BR>Short(s): FOL<BR>In order to form adventuring groups, one or more characters may choose to<BR>follow a leader character.  The leader then becomes the group leader, and is able<BR>to lead his or her followers around the map without their intervention.  Followers<BR>may also come to the defence of a leader who is attacked, or who attacks another<BR>MOB.  Lastly, leaders have the privilege of the ORDER command, to keep the<BR>followers in line.  The number of followers one may have depends upon their<BR>Charisma score.<BR><BR>Use FOLLOW SELF to stop following someone else.<BR>To force a follower to stop following you, use ORDER &lt;MOBNAME> follow self<BR><BR>See also GROUP, NOFOLLOW, ORDER, FORMATION, and GTELL.</pre>
			<a name="FORMATION"><B>FORMATION</B></a>
			<pre>Command : FORMATION<BR>Usage   : FORMATION ([MOB NAME] [ROW NUMBER])<BR>Example : formation<BR>Example : formation joe 2<BR>Short(s): <BR>When a player has followers, this command can be used to show where in the<BR>group order the player is located.  The "front line" is considered row 0. The lead<BR>player must always be on a row ahead or on the same row as his followers. When<BR>formations are used in conjunction with AUTOMELEE, it can effectively aid archers<BR>and mages with ranged spells in battle.  The range of the group members in<BR>formation, with respect to enemies, is always relative to the initial range of the<BR>lead player in combat.  That is to say, if a group member is set to be at row #1,<BR>and the leader uses a bow to start off at range 3, then that group member will be<BR>at row #4 instead (1 off from the leaders position).  <BR>Any member of a group can enter the FORMATION command without parameters to<BR>view the current marching order. See also GROUP, FOLLOW, NOFOLLOW, ORDER, and<BR>GTELL.</pre>
			<a name="FRIENDS"><B>FRIENDS</B></a>
			<pre>Command : FRIENDS<BR>Usage   : FRIENDS (ADD/REMOVE [PLAYER NAME])<BR>Example : friends<BR>Example : friends list<BR>Example : friends add bob<BR>Example : friends remove bob<BR>Short(s): <BR>This command allows the player to add or remove names from his or her friends<BR>list.  The friends list consists of some number of other players by name.  Names on<BR>this list are subject to the AUTONOTIFY command, and are also filterable with the<BR>WHO command.</pre>
			<a name="GAIAN"><B>GAIAN</B></a>
			<pre>The Gaian is the druid of the green earth, watching over the plants, trees and<BR>all growing things.  The gaian has a very special relationship with the plants and<BR>trees, having special abilities to make almost any location he steps into a<BR>sanctuary for his leafed friends.  So in tune with green things is the gaian that<BR>sunlight can actually give his green tinted skin additional powers, though the<BR>darkness will slightly weaken his chanting stamina.  The gaian can also call on the<BR>plants and trees around him to aid in him combat, to hide him from foes, or even to<BR>provide him with the things one would normally have to seek civilization for.  <BR><BR>How to play: The Gaian, so long as he stays around green plants, is a<BR>formidable foe to all enemies of nature.  The gaian can call all aspects of the<BR>plants to his aid, and can always find sanctuary in the green plants during times<BR>of trouble.  The gaian is weak in native combat abilities, like the other druids,<BR>but can make up for it with creative pre-casting, and good use of the power of<BR>nature during combat.</pre>
			<a name="GAIN"><B>GAIN</B></a>
			<pre>Command : GAIN<BR>Usage   : GAIN [SPELL NAME]<BR>Example : gain blunt specialization<BR>Short(s): <BR>Gain is a command, supported in most DikuMUD derivatives, which allows you to<BR>gain new abilities from certain kinds of mobs capable of teaching them.  In<BR>CoffeeMud, *anyone* can TEACH an ability to another, provided the student is<BR>qualified to learn. However, since there are a few MOBs in CoffeeMud with the<BR>MOBTrainer behavior, it should be noted that, so long as the request is phrased as<BR>a SAY command, this command will still work.</pre>
			<a name="GANG"><B>GANG</B></a>
			<pre>See the help entry on CLANS for more generic clan information.<BR><BR>Organization type: GANG<BR>The traditional Gang is an efficient organization run by a single boss. The<BR>boss has all the powers and authority mentioned above, and can assign lieutentants,<BR>treasurers, or staff to assist with some menial chores.  Gang bosses and<BR>lieutentants also have the authority to maintain discipline in the ranks using the<BR>ORDER command.<BR><BR>Gang Authority Chart<BR>--------------------<BR>Command        !Member   !Staff    !Enchanter!Treasurer!Lieutenant!Boss   <BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+----------+-----<BR>ClanAccept     !         !         !         !         !    X     ! X     <BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+----------+-----<BR>ClanAssign     !         !         !         !         !          ! X     <BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+----------+-----<BR>ClanExile      !         !         !         !         !          ! X     <BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+----------+-----<BR>ClanHomeSet    !         !         !         !         !          ! X     <BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+----------+-----<BR>ClanMorgueSet  !         !         !         !         !          ! X     <BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+----------+-----<BR>ClanDeclare    !         !         !         !         !          ! X     <BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+----------+-----<BR>ClanTax        !         !         !         !         !          ! X     <BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+----------+-----<BR>ClanDonateSet  !         !         !         !         !          ! X     <BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+----------+-----<BR>ClanReject     !         !         !         !         !    X     ! X     <BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+----------+-----<BR>ClanPremise    !         !         !         !         !          ! X     <BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+----------+-----<BR>Buy Property   !         !         !         !         !          ! X     <BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+----------+-----<BR>Spend Clan Exp !         !         !    X    !         !          ! X     <BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+----------+-----<BR>Withdraw Funds !         !         !         !    X    !          ! X     <BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+----------+-----<BR>List Funds     !         !         !         !    X    !          ! X     <BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+----------+-----<BR>Order Members  !         !         !         !         !    X     ! X     <BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+----------+-----<BR>Order Conquered!         !    X    !    X    !    X    !    X     ! X     <BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+----------+-----</pre>
			<a name="GAOLER"><B>GAOLER</B></a>
			<pre>The Gaoler (pronounced like Jailer), is the ancient dungeon keeper.  He<BR>specializes in those implements and activities which reflect the worst and most<BR>sadistic side of human nature.  Although not much use as an adventurer, a player<BR>with a Gaoler background can be a valuable member of a clan, or a man-for-hire. </pre>
			<a name="GCONSIDER"><B>GCONSIDER</B></a>
			<pre>Command : GCONSIDER<BR>Usage   : GCONSIDER [MOB NAME]<BR>Example : gconsider dragon<BR>Short(s): <BR>Sizes up a monster or character against your group, so that you can determine<BR>whether a fight with such a creature is wise, or just a waste of time.  Unlike<BR>consider, this command will take into account the damage which your entire group<BR>will do against the creature, while limiting the creatures return attacks only<BR>against the leader of your group.</pre>
			<a name="GET"><B>GET</B></a>
			<pre>Command : GET<BR>Usage   : GET (ALL/[NUMBER]) [ITEM NAME] (FROM) ([CONTAINER NAME])<BR>Example : get all dagger backpack<BR>Example : get all body<BR>Example : get pie<BR>Example : get all<BR>Example : get pie.2<BR>Example : get all.pie container.3<BR>Example : get 5 pie<BR>Example : get 5 from bundle<BR>Example : get 10 from package<BR>Short(s): <BR>Places an item that is presently not in your carried inventory into your<BR>inventory.  If the item is inside a specified container, it will be retreived from<BR>the container.  If it is in the room or area you are occupying, it will be<BR>retreived from there.</pre>
			<a name="GIVE"><B>GIVE</B></a>
			<pre>Command : GIVE<BR>Usage   : GIVE (ALL) [ITEM NAME] [MOB NAME]<BR>Example : give all dagger Gunther<BR>Example : give all Gunther<BR>Example : give pie Gunther<BR>Short(s): <BR>Takes an item from your carried inventory and transfers it to the inventory of<BR>another MOB.</pre>
			<a name="GNOME"><B>GNOME</B></a>
			<pre>Gnomes are curious and quick-witted folk, resembling small dwarves.  They<BR>receive one bonus Intelligence point, but lose one Wisdom point due to their<BR>carelessness.  They also have Infravision, are skilled at Gem Digging, though their<BR>class choices will be limited.</pre>
			<a name="GO"><B>GO</B></a>
			<pre>Command : GO<BR>Usage   : GO ([NUMBER]) [DIRECTION] (etc..)<BR>Example : go east<BR>Example : go east north<BR>Example : go 4 north 2 east<BR>Short(s): <BR>Allows your player to automatically travel in the given path.  Multiple<BR>directions may be specified.</pre>
			<a name="GOBLIN"><B>GOBLIN</B></a>
			<pre>Goblins are small twisted creatures, quick on their feat, and natural tinkerers<BR>with all manner of wicked traps and devices  Their class choices are limited, but<BR>they excel at thieving, and make great miners and delvers.</pre>
			<a name="GOSSIP"><B>GOSSIP</B></a>
			<pre>Command : GOSSIP<BR>Usage   : GOSSIP [MESSAGE] (LAST [NUMBER])<BR>Example : gossip I just found a great sword everyone!<BR>Example : gossip last 10<BR>Example : gossip ,smile<BR>Example : gossip :smile Bob<BR>Short(s): <BR>One of the numerous CHANNELS that can be used to communicate with all of the<BR>users online.  Use the last [NUMBER UP TO 10] parameter to view the log of channel<BR>messages.  Use the , or : prefix to do an emote or use a social inside your channel<BR>message.</pre>
			<a name="GRATZ"><B>GRATZ</B></a>
			<pre>Command : GRATZ<BR>Usage   : GRATZ [MESSAGE] (LAST [NUMBER])<BR>Example : gratz Great job Bilbo!<BR>Example : gratz last 10<BR>Example : gratz ,smile<BR>Example : gratz :smile Bob<BR>Short(s): <BR>One of the numerous CHANNELS that can be used to communicate with all of the<BR>users online.    Use the last [NUMBER UP TO 10] parameter to view the log of<BR>channel messages.  Use the , or : prefix to do an emote or use a social inside your<BR>channel message.</pre>
			<a name="GROUP"><B>GROUP</B></a>
			<pre>Command : GROUP<BR>Usage   : GROUP<BR>Example : group<BR>Short(s): <BR>Lists the members of any group to which you may belong.  See the FOLLOW,<BR>NOFOLLOW, ORDER, GTELL and FORMATION commands for more information on groups.  See<BR>also the help on UNDRESS, AUTOMELEE, RANGE, and FEED.</pre>
			<a name="GROUPING"><B>GROUPING</B></a>
			<pre>A group is formed when a player uses the FOLLOW command to follow another<BR>player.</pre>
			<a name="GTELL"><B>GTELL</B></a>
			<pre>Command : GTELL<BR>Usage   : GTELL<BR>Example : gtell So when do we kill this thing?<BR>Example : gtell last 10<BR>Short(s): <BR>Sends a private message to the members of your characters group. If the first<BR>parameter is "last" and a number X follows, this command will show you the last X<BR>group tells. See also GROUP, FOLLOW, NOFOLLOW, ORDER, and FORMATION.</pre>
			<a name="GUILD"><B>GUILD</B></a>
			<pre>See the help entry on CLANS for more generic clan information.<BR>Organization type: GUILD<BR><BR>The Guild is run by several elite members called Guildmasters.  These<BR>guildmasters reserve many tasks for themselves, though they must often vote amongst<BR>themselves on matters affecting the good of the whole clan.  The guild is very<BR>hierarchical, so that those with rank above the others may use the ORDER command to<BR>those below to maintain discipline.  They may also assign a treasurer to help them<BR>handle money, though like the CLAN, the masters of the guild also reserve that<BR>authority as well.<BR><BR>Guild Authority Chart<BR>---------------------<BR>Command        !Member   !Chief    !Enchanter!Treasurer!Secretary!Master<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>ClanAccept     !         !         !         !         !    X    !   X<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>ClanAssign     !         !         !         !         !         ! Vote<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>ClanExile      !         !         !         !         !         !   X<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>ClanHomeSet    !         !         !         !         !         ! Vote<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>ClanMorgueSet  !         !         !         !         !         ! Vote <BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>ClanTax        !         !         !         !         !         ! Vote<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>DonateSet      !         !         !         !         !         ! Vote<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>ClanReject     !         !         !         !         !    X    !   X<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>ClanPremise    !         !         !         !         !         ! Vote<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>ClanDeclare    !         !         !         !         !         ! Vote<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>Buy Property   !         !         !         !         !    X    !   X<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>Spend Clan Exp !         !         !    X    !         !         !   X<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>Withdraw Funds !         !         !         !    X    !         !   X<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>List Funds     !         !         !         !    X    !         !   X<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>Order Members  !         !    X    !    X    !    X    !    X    !   X<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>Order Conquered!    X    !    X    !    X    !    X    !    X    !   X<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------</pre>
			<a name="HALFELF"><B>HALFELF</B></a>
			<pre>Half Elves are a mixture of humans and elves, possing human drive and elven<BR>grace.  They have Infravision, are skilled Fishermen, and have almost as many class<BR>choices as normal Humans.</pre>
			<a name="HALFLING"><B>HALFLING</B></a>
			<pre>Halflings are a very short fur-footed folk.  They receive one bonus Dexterity<BR>point, but lose one point of Strength.  They have Infravision, make excellent<BR>Cooks, though their class choices will be limited.</pre>
			<pre>Something Monks do better than you do.  Remove your weapon and try it!</pre>
			<a name="HEALER"><B>HEALER</B></a>
			<pre>Healers project the most benevolent aspects of their gods by bringing life and<BR>good health to those around them.  The Healer is so adept at these arts that his or<BR>her healing prayers are more powerful than those cast by any other cleric.  The<BR>Healer is a good aligned class, meaning that he will always fumble on evil prayers,<BR>and does not qualify for evil prayers.  The Healer also gets a few special prayers<BR>known only to the Healer, including the great Aura of Healing at 30th level. <BR><BR>How to play: More than any other cleric, the Healer is a most desirable group<BR>member.  There is no ailment, no weakness, no problem almost that the Healer can<BR>not cure through the power of his god.  In the heat of battle, or in the periods in<BR>between, the Healer is a valued friend to those who take the brunt of battle.  The<BR>Healer can also try it alone if he likes, if he is willing to use patience and<BR>plenty of cure spells to outlast his opponents.</pre>
			<a name="HEATED"><B>HEATED</B></a>
			<pre>Means something is hot -- maybe not too hot to touch, but there's only one way<BR>to know for sure.</pre>
			<a name="HELP"><B>HELP</B></a>
			<pre>Command : HELP<BR>Usage   : HELP [COMMAND NAME]<BR>Example : help commands<BR>Short(s): <BR>Shows you a description of the commands and terminology used in the CoffeeMud<BR>system.  Each command is broken into five parts. <BR>Command : Shows you the proper command name.<BR>Usage   : Shows you the formal usage information.  Words in <BR>Usage   : parenthesis () are not required.  Words in brackets <BR>Usage   : [] should not be typed as is, but describe the kind of <BR>Usage   : thing to type in.<BR>Example : Gives a command example of how the command is typed in. <BR>Short(s): If a command has a shorter version, they will be listed here.<BR></pre>
			<a name="HELPLIST"><B>HELPLIST</B></a>
			<pre>Command : HELPLIST<BR>Usage   : HELPLIST [STRING PATTERN]<BR>Example : help pray<BR>Short(s): <BR>Shows you a list of all help entries matching the given string pattern.</pre>
			<a name="HIDDEN"><B>HIDDEN</B></a>
			<pre>How well your character is hidden from sight.  This score appears when hiding,<BR>or when under the affect of a spell which conceals you from sight. It is based on<BR>your Dexterity, proficiency in your hiding skill/spell, and your height.</pre>
			<a name="HIRE"><B>HIRE</B></a>
			<pre>Command : HIRE<BR>Usage   : HIRE ([MOB NAME])_<BR>Example : hire larry<BR>Short(s): <BR>A placeholder for the ability to ask a mob whether or not they are for hire.  </pre>
			<a name="HITCH"><B>HITCH</B></a>
			<pre>See the MOUNT command for how to hitch a wagon to a horse.</pre>
			<a name="HIT_POINTS"><B>HIT_POINTS</B></a>
			<pre>The amount of damage your character may absorb before he dies. This number will<BR>go up as your character advances in level.  Resting will replenish lost hit points.</pre>
			<a name="HOLD"><B>HOLD</B></a>
			<pre>Command : HOLD<BR>Usage   : HOLD (ALL) [ITEM NAME]<BR>Example : hold lantern<BR>Short(s): <BR>Places an item that is presently in your carried inventory into one of your<BR>free hands for holding.  Some items only work when they are being held.</pre>
			<a name="HOMES"><B>HOMES</B></a>
			<pre>Players may purchase and develop property of their own to serve as their online<BR>home away from home.  <BR><BR>The first step in this process is for the player to find a property that is for<BR>sale.  Such properties will typically include a message such as "This lot is for<BR>sale.".  After finding such a property, the player should enter LOOK ID to discover<BR>the properties unique lot number identifier.  Write this down!<BR><BR>The next step is to find the local Property dealer for that area.  He shouldn't<BR>be too far away!  Some property dealers deal in player property, and some only deal<BR>with Clans.  Make sure you find the right one to buy your lot from.  When the<BR>property dealer is found, you can use your lot number to purchase the correct lot<BR>from the dealer.<BR><BR>Once the property is purchased, you will need to develop it.  Skills such as<BR>Masonry, Construction, and Locksmithing are used to develop the properties you<BR>purchase.  If you don't have these skills, or don't want them, you might be able to<BR>find mobs nearby which you may HIRE to perform these tasks.  </pre>
			<a name="HUMAN"><B>HUMAN</B></a>
			<pre>Just like you and me!  Humans are versatile and successful adventurers.  They<BR>receive 2 bonus training points at first level, make powerful lumberjacks.  Humans<BR>also have the broadest class choices.</pre>
			<a name="HUNGER"><B>HUNGER</B></a>
			<pre>From time to time, your character may get hungry.  If this happens, then you<BR>should find something to eat to satiate that hunger. Failing to do so will affect<BR>your characters attack and defensive capabilities, and may eventually lead to<BR>death.  If you were looking for help on the Spell Hunger, try HELP SPELL HUNGER.</pre>
			<a name="I3"><B>I3</B></a>
			<pre>This refers to the InterMud3 system, which may or may not be available on your<BR>system.  Enter I3 by itself for a list of available commands.  For more help, enter<BR>HELP I3 LIST or HELP I3 INFO.</pre>
			<a name="I3_INFO"><B>I3_INFO</B></a>
			<pre>Command : I3 INFO<BR>Usage   : I3 INFO [MUD NAME]<BR>Example : i3 info coffeemud<BR>Short(s): <BR>Give some special information about the InterMud3 mud listed.</pre>
			<a name="I3_LIST"><B>I3_LIST</B></a>
			<pre>Command : I3 LIST<BR>Usage   : I3 LIST<BR>Example : i3 list<BR>Short(s): <BR>Lists all the muds available on the InterMud3 channels.</pre>
			<a name="IDEA"><B>IDEA</B></a>
			<pre>Command : IDEA<BR>Usage   : IDEA [REPORT]<BR>Example : idea I want a spell that kills everything everywhere.<BR>Short(s): <BR>Please use this command to submit ideas for the MUD.</pre>
			<a name="IDLE"><B>IDLE</B></a>
			<pre>The amount of time since someone has entered a command into CoffeeMud.  See<BR>also AFK.</pre>
			<a name="IGNORE"><B>IGNORE</B></a>
			<pre>Command : IGNORE<BR>Usage   : IGNORE (ADD/REMOVE [PLAYER NAME])<BR>Example : ignore<BR>Example : ignore list<BR>Example : ignore add bob<BR>Example : ignore remove bob<BR>Short(s): <BR>This command allows the player to add or remove names from his or her ignored<BR>players list.  The ignored list consists of some number of other players by name. <BR>A player will never receive channel messages from players on this list, nor will<BR>they receive any TELL messages from players on this list.</pre>
			<pre>Illusionists are specialist mages who have mastered the art of deception and<BR>illusion.  They can make anyone believe anything, and can fool the senses into<BR>believing whatever they wish.  Illusionists are sly and playful, and so adept at<BR>their art that they gain all known illusion spells, even those known only to<BR>illusionists.<BR><BR>So lost in their dreamworld is the Illusionist, that he forgets what is true,<BR>and finds himself unable to remember his divination spells.  However, the<BR>Illusionist is the greatest and most fun of the social mages, with a nice mix of<BR>defensive magic that can save him in times of need.<BR></pre>
			<a name="IMC2"><B>IMC2</B></a>
			<pre>This refers to the InterMud Chat 2 system, which may or may not be available on<BR>your system.  Enter IMC2 by itself for a list of available commands.  For more<BR>help, enter HELP IMC2 LIST or HELP IMC2 INFO.</pre>
			<a name="IMC2_CHANNELS"><B>IMC2_CHANNELS</B></a>
			<pre>Command : IMC2 CHANNELS<BR>Usage   : IMC2 CHANNELS<BR>Example : imc2 channels<BR>Short(s): <BR>List all the channels potentially available to this mud.</pre>
			<a name="IMC2_INFO"><B>IMC2_INFO</B></a>
			<pre>Command : IMC2 INFO<BR>Usage   : IMC2 INFO [MUD NAME]<BR>Example : imc2 info coffeemud<BR>Short(s): <BR>Give some special information about the IMC2 mud listed.</pre>
			<a name="IMC2_LIST"><B>IMC2_LIST</B></a>
			<pre>Command : IMC2 LIST<BR>Usage   : IMC2 LIST<BR>Example : imc2 list<BR>Short(s): <BR>Lists all the muds available on the IMC2 channels.</pre>
			<a name="IMC2_LOCATE"><B>IMC2_LOCATE</B></a>
			<pre>Command : IMC2 LOCATE<BR>Usage   : IMC2 LOCATE [PLAYER NAME]<BR>Example : imc2 locate bob<BR>Short(s): <BR>Find the muds where Player Name is.</pre>
			<a name="IMMORTALS"><B>IMMORTALS</B></a>
			<pre>See WIZLIST.</pre>
			<a name="INFO"><B>INFO</B></a>
			<pre>Command : INFO<BR>Short(s): <BR>The automatic information channel. Turned off with NOINFO</pre>
			<pre>Memory and concentration, critical spell/skill damage, and the ability to gain<BR>greater proficiency in skills and spells through practice are reflected in<BR>Intelligence.</pre>
			<a name="INTERMUD"><B>INTERMUD</B></a>
			<pre>See the I3 and IMC2 commands.  Intermud is one of the communication protocols<BR>that allows many different muds to share channels and send instant messages to each<BR>other.</pre>
			<a name="INVENTORY"><B>INVENTORY</B></a>
			<pre>Command : INVENTORY<BR>Usage   : INVENTORY ([MASK])<BR>Example : inventory<BR>Example : inventory sword<BR>Short(s): inv<BR>Lists all the items in your carried inventory.  This does not include any items<BR>that may be worn.  Use the EQUIPMENT command to view what is being worn.  You may<BR>include a mask to view a subset of your inventory.</pre>
			<a name="JAIL"><B>JAIL</B></a>
			<pre>Where you are taken when a judge pronounces a jail sentence as penance for a<BR>crime committed.  See also COURT and JUSTICE.</pre>
			<a name="JESTER"><B>JESTER</B></a>
			<pre>The Jester is the joking, annoying, and sneaky fellow that few Bards like to<BR>claim.  Like the Charlatan, they remain associated with Bards due to their highly<BR>social nature and their charismatic attitudes.  The Jester is also amazingly<BR>dextrous and slippery, due to the slapstick style of maneuvers he practices and<BR>specializes in.  <BR><BR>How to play: As the levels progress, however, few could argue the seriousness<BR>of the Jesters power, should his goofy smile, for some reason, be turned around.<BR>The Jester is still, clearly, a group player.  He needs the strong tanking of<BR>fighters, and other support classes to flourish, though he can still hold his own<BR>if he manages not to take life too seriously.</pre>
			<a name="JOBS"><B>JOBS</B></a>
			<pre>See the HIRE command.</pre>
			<a name="JOURNALS"><B>JOURNALS</B></a>
			<pre>A journal is a log that you can use to communicate with other people, as long<BR>as each person has a copy of the journal or has access to the journal in a room.<BR>Use the WRITE command on the journal to make an entry. Private entries can only be<BR>seen by the author and the recipient.</pre>
			<a name="JUSTICE"><B>JUSTICE</B></a>
			<pre>Justice is that which man contemplates, and the virtuous seek.</pre>
			<a name="KILL"><B>KILL</B></a>
			<pre>Command : KILL<BR>Usage   : KILL [MOB NAME]<BR>Example : kill dragon<BR>Short(s): <BR>Causes your character to attack the mob given with the command.  If you are<BR>wielding a weapon, it will be used in the attack.  If you have any followers, they<BR>will also join in on the attack.  The mob being attacked will also likely defend<BR>itself against you, and try to attack you.</pre>
			<a name="KNOCK"><B>KNOCK</B></a>
			<pre>Command : KNOCK<BR>Usage   : KNOCK [DIRECTION/EXIT NAME]<BR>Example : knock east<BR>Example : knock door<BR>Short(s): <BR>Causes your character to knock on a door.  A knock can be heard in the area<BR>opposite the door, and many rooms into a large indoor area.</pre>
			<a name="LAMP"><B>LAMP</B></a>
			<pre>An item used to generate light in places or times of darkness.  To light a<BR>lamp, either use the FIRE BUILDING skill, or just hold the lamp to automatically<BR>light it.  Lamps must periodically be refilled with lamp oil using the FILL<BR>command.</pre>
			<a name="LANGUAGES"><B>LANGUAGES</B></a>
			<pre>Command : LANGUAGES<BR>Usage   : LANGUAGES<BR>Example : LANGUAGES<BR>Short(s): LANGS<BR>Lists any languages that you know, along with your proficiency in them.  To use<BR>a language type SPEAK [LANGUAGE NAME].</pre>
			<a name="LANTERN"><B>LANTERN</B></a>
			<pre>A light giving object which must be FILLed with oil and then held (HOLD).</pre>
			<a name="LEARN"><B>LEARN</B></a>
			<pre>Command : LEARN<BR>Usage   : LEARN [ATTRIBUTE/CLASS/EXPERTISE/SKILL] ([TEACHER MOB NAME])<BR>Example : learn stealthy ii<BR>Example : learn magic missile Horice<BR>Example : learn strength from Horice<BR>Short(s): <BR>If your character has the necessary training points and/or practice points,<BR>this command will allow you to request training in the specified skill, spell,<BR>chant, prayer, attribute, or expertise.  In addition to specifying the ability to<BR>learn, you may also specify a MOB who is present in the room who can teach you in<BR>that skill.  See also help on TRAIN, GAIN, and TEACH.</pre>
			<a name="LEAVE"><B>LEAVE</B></a>
			<pre>Command : LEAVE<BR>Usage   : LEAVE<BR>Example : leave<BR>Short(s): <BR>If your character is presently riding or sleeping in or on something, this<BR>command will get you out.</pre>
			<a name="LEGAL"><B>LEGAL</B></a>
			<a name="LEVEL"><B>LEVEL</B></a>
			<pre>Leveling is automatic in CoffeeMud.  Just gain the experience, and you will<BR>gain a level.</pre>
			<a name="LEVELS"><B>LEVELS</B></a>
			<pre>Levels are things you gain when you get enough experience to gain them.  When<BR>you gain a level, you'll get more hit points, mana, movement, attack ability, and<BR>access to more skills, spells, prayers, chants, or songs.</pre>
			<pre>If you see this, it means the item or creature changes power depending on who<BR>is holding it, or who is in its presence.</pre>
			<a name="LIEGE"><B>LIEGE</B></a>
			<pre>A liege is a person whom you serve and have sworn fealty to. The liege will<BR>gain a small amount of experience from all of your actions. A good liege will<BR>compensate you for this experience with money, experience or training. For more<BR>information, see help on SERVE and VASSALS.</pre>
			<a name="LIGHT"><B>LIGHT</B></a>
			<pre>See help on either FIRE BUILDING or SPELL LIGHT</pre>
			<a name="LINEWRAP"><B>LINEWRAP</B></a>
			<pre>Command : LINEWRAP<BR>Usage   : LINEWRAP [COL NUMBER]/DISABLE<BR>Example : linewrap 100<BR>Example : linewrap disable<BR>Short(s): <BR>This command will allow the player to disable the default CoffeeMud<BR>linewrapping system, or to set it to a higher or lower number to accomodate their<BR>terminal.</pre>
			<a name="LIST"><B>LIST</B></a>
			<pre>Command : LIST<BR>Usage   : LIST ([SHOPKEEPER]) (FOR [ITEMNAME])<BR>Example : list<BR>Example : list weaponsmith<BR>Example : list for shield<BR>Short(s): <BR>The normal player version of this command will display the items which a<BR>particular shopkeeper MOB may be selling, along with the prices being offered to<BR>your characters. If more than one shopkeeper is in the room, you may have to<BR>specify the shopkeeper name in the parameters.  You may add the key word FOR and an<BR>item name to the end to filter the results.  See also BUY, SELL, DEPOSIT, WITHDRAW,<BR>VIEW, BID.</pre>
			<pre><BR>World Currencies    :<BR>Currency            :default<BR>gold coin(s)        : (exchange rate is 1.0 of base)<BR>golden note(s)      : Equal to 100 gold coins.<BR>whole note(s)       : Equal to 10000 gold coins.<BR>Archon note(s)      : Equal to 1000000 gold coins.<BR></pre>
			<a name="LOCAL_MONEY"><B>LOCAL_MONEY</B></a>
			<pre><BR>World Currencies    :<BR>Currency            :default<BR>gold coin(s)        : (exchange rate is 1.0 of base)<BR>golden note(s)      : Equal to 100 gold coins.<BR>whole note(s)       : Equal to 10000 gold coins.<BR>Archon note(s)      : Equal to 1000000 gold coins.<BR></pre>
			<a name="LOCATE"><B>LOCATE</B></a>
			<pre>Command : LOCATE<BR>Usage   : LOCATE [PLAYER NAME]<BR>Example : locate bob<BR>Short(s): <BR>Attempts to locate a specific player on the InterMud3 network.</pre>
			<a name="LOCK"><B>LOCK</B></a>
			<pre>Command : LOCK<BR>Usage   : LOCK [ITEM NAME]<BR>Example : lock door<BR>Short(s): <BR>Attempts to lock, by ordinary means, the item, door,  or any other entity<BR>specified.</pre>
			<a name="LOOK"><B>LOOK</B></a>
			<pre>Command : LOOK<BR>Usage   : LOOK [ITEM NAME]<BR>Example : look shelf<BR>Example : look door<BR>Example : look<BR>Short(s): <BR>Take a look at the item, mob, or other entity specified. If no entity is<BR>specified, this command will take a look around the room or area your character is<BR>presently in.  See also EXAMINE.</pre>
			<a name="MAGE"><B>MAGE</B></a>
			<pre>Mages are masters of magic, and wielders of the great elemental powers.  While<BR>weak in hit points and in fighting skill, their spells are the most widely prized<BR>and powerful of all the classes.  They may not wear any metal or leather armors, or<BR>use most weapons.  However, the sting of their magic missiles and the armor of<BR>magic they wear makes up for any loss.<BR><BR>Mage is the basis for numerous sub-classes which the player may choose to gain<BR>levels in at any time.  These sub-classes include: Abjurer, Alterer, Conjurer,<BR>Diviner, Enchanter, Evoker, Illusionist, Transmuter, and Wizard.<BR><BR>How to play: Mages are among the most versatile of classes, being able to make<BR>spell choices which carve out the path the Mage would like to take.  For the loner<BR>Mage, the emphasis on offensive magic will make him a powerful opponent in battle. <BR>In groups, the mage may focus on protective magic to make him a more desirable<BR>companion.  And even the playful mage may focus on the role-playing magic to make<BR>his mudding as fun as possible!<BR><BR>The mage is almost useless in weapon combat.  The mage must be smart and<BR>creative to use his spells to give him the edge.  But the versatility of the mage<BR>gives him the ability to do just that, using magic and guile to trick monsters to<BR>their death, granting experience for the mage.<BR></pre>
			<a name="MANA"><B>MANA</B></a>
			<pre>The amount of energy your character has to use on skills, prayers, spells,<BR>songs, or chants.  This number will go up as your character advances in level. <BR>Resting will replenish lost mana.<BR><BR>If you entered HELP MANA expecting help on the "Song of Mana", try HELP SONG<BR>MANA.</pre>
			<a name="ME"><B>ME</B></a>
			<pre>A name I call myself.</pre>
			<a name="MEMBERS"><B>MEMBERS</B></a>
			<a name="MINSTREL"><B>MINSTREL</B></a>
			<pre>The Minstrel is the master of instruments and musical tools.  So capable is a<BR>minstrel in this art that he or she is able to draw forth magical and wonderous<BR>powers from the instruments played.  The Minstrel is able to craft and draw unique<BR>powers from any of dozens of different musical instruments, with the only drawback<BR>being how the chosen instrument impacts fighting or speaking ability while it is<BR>being played.<BR><BR>How to play: The Minstrel is as social of a bard as the others, but due to his<BR>many hours of lonely practice, the Minstrel also has an almost arcane like ability<BR>to use instrumental magic for more solitary or unique benefits than the simple Bard<BR>or Dancer.  In the end, the Minstrel may become an orchestra of power unto himself,<BR>capable of bringing tremendous benefit and joy to his group, or terrible<BR>retribution to his foes.  Therefore, if a player is looking for a bard to play when<BR>groups are not available, this is the one to pick.</pre>
			<a name="MISSIONARY"><B>MISSIONARY</B></a>
			<pre>Missionaries are the crusading adventurers for the gods, exploring and<BR>spreading the good word of their deity far and wide.  So energetic and mobile are<BR>the Missionaries that they seem like the wind, and in fact gain many powers of wind<BR>and electricity.  The Missionary is a neutral aligned class. <BR><BR>How to play: Although Missionaries can flourish with other missionaries, they<BR>do their best work alone, bringing the word of their god, as well as his wrath when<BR>necessary, to the unwashed masses.  Missionaries will sometimes be asked to join<BR>groups so as to deliver some of that "olde-tyme neutral punch", and can even be<BR>useful to them if he strikes a careful balance with the good and evil prayers he<BR>qualifies for.</pre>
			<a name="MONEY"><B>MONEY</B></a>
			<pre><BR>World Currencies    :<BR>Currency            :default<BR>gold coin(s)        : (exchange rate is 1.0 of base)<BR>golden note(s)      : Equal to 100 gold coins.<BR>whole note(s)       : Equal to 10000 gold coins.<BR>Archon note(s)      : Equal to 1000000 gold coins.<BR></pre>
			<a name="MONIES"><B>MONIES</B></a>
			<pre><BR>World Currencies    :<BR>Currency            :default<BR>gold coin(s)        : (exchange rate is 1.0 of base)<BR>golden note(s)      : Equal to 100 gold coins.<BR>whole note(s)       : Equal to 10000 gold coins.<BR>Archon note(s)      : Equal to 1000000 gold coins.<BR></pre>
			<a name="MONK"><B>MONK</B></a>
			<pre>Monks are the agile and graceful masters of their own bodies.  Combining quick<BR>reflexes with intense study of the martial arts makes them a powerful and<BR>intimidating opponent.  Although Monks may use weapons, most of their power and<BR>unique ability comes when they are completely unarmed.  And since they depend so<BR>heavily on their agility, they will find themselves wearing only light cloth<BR>armors.<BR><BR>How to play: Either alone or in groups, the Monk is a dizzying class to play.<BR>Capable of more pure attacks than any other class, and loaded down with dozens of<BR>Monk-specific physical feats makes the Monk almost mage-like in complexity.  In<BR>fact, the player who loathes worrying about staying up-to-date on equipment, but<BR>who enjoys the pure fight may be especially attracted to Monk.<BR><BR>Like all fighters, the Monk will gain experience principally through the<BR>vanquishing of foes.  Although the armor restriction can seem daunting, the Monks<BR>extra dexterity bonus to armor, and the wide variety of attacks and defences makes<BR>them every bit as powerful (if not much more) than the other fighter classes.<BR></pre>
			<a name="MORGUE"><B>MORGUE</B></a>
			<pre>The place where ones body is when one dies.</pre>
			<a name="MOTD"><B>MOTD</B></a>
			<pre>Command : MOTD (AGAIN)<BR>Usage   : MOTD<BR>Example : motd<BR>Short(s): <BR>Toggles whether or not you see the message of the day when you log in to the<BR>mud.  Use the AGAIN parameter to view the message again.</pre>
			<a name="MOUNT"><B>MOUNT</B></a>
			<pre>Command : MOUNT<BR>Usage   : MOUNT [RIDEABLE NAME] ([RIDEABLE NAME])<BR>Example : mount horse<BR>Example : mount cart horse<BR>Short(s): ride<BR>Your character attempts to mount a horse, or other rideable creature, carriage,<BR>boat, or item.  Once mounted, the creature can be navigated around by use of the<BR>normal N,S,E,W navigation commands.  Some rideables may also be mounted on others,<BR>such as a cart or wagon that must be pulled. See also DISMOUNT, LEAVE, BOARD. Bound<BR>creatures can be mounted onto beds or chairs against their will with this command<BR>also.</pre>
			<a name="MOVEMENT"><B>MOVEMENT</B></a>
			<pre>The amount of energy your character has to use on moving around, using movement<BR>based skills, or retreating in combat.  This number will go up as your character<BR>advances in level.  Resting will replenish lost movement.<BR></pre>
			<a name="MUD"><B>MUD</B></a>
			<pre>Stands for Multi-User Dungeon.  It's also a common word for dirt saturated with<BR>water.</pre>
			<a name="MULTICLASS"><B>MULTICLASS</B></a>
			<pre>Each class was designed to reach it's peak of gainable skills at level 30.<BR>Changing to another class is done by going to your respective guild and training in<BR>the class of your choice. The classes you can become are listed when you type<BR>QUALIFY.  Changing to another class is done using the TRAIN command.<BR><BR>When multiclassing, always keep in mind the classes you want to become and how<BR>far you would want to go in them. Some classes affect others in a negative way. If<BR>you plan to get to level 30 with three subclasses, train in the first before your<BR>first level of the game. This ensures level 30 status with all the classes. <BR><BR>Just keep track of how far you feel like taking each class, whether it is to a<BR>certain skill or to it's full potention. It is not required, but can add a<BR>dimension to playing.</pre>
			<a name="MULTIPLAY"><B>MULTIPLAY</B></a>
			<pre>Better ask an Archon before you try it!</pre>
			<a name="MULTI_PLAY"><B>MULTI_PLAY</B></a>
			<pre>Better ask an Archon before you try it!</pre>
			<a name="MXP"><B>MXP</B></a>
			<pre>Command : MXP<BR>Usage   : MXP<BR>Example : mxp<BR>Short(s): <BR>Turn on MXP (MUD Exchange Protocol) tags.  This command will auto-detect<BR>whether your client supports the tags by sending the &lt;VERSION> tag.</pre>
			<pre>Necromancers are the dark lovers of death and the dead, serving the gods in<BR>this special and little appreciated realm.  The Necromancer is an evil aligned<BR>class, meaning that he will always fumble on good prayers, and does not qualify for<BR>good prayers.  However, the Necromancer can use many dangerous edged weapons, any<BR>kind of armor, and gets numerous special prayers known only to the Necromancer,<BR>such as the ability to animate all kinds of wicked undead, even at low levels.<BR>Eventually, the Necromancer may even become a Lich himself! <BR><BR>How to play: Unlike most clerics, the Necromancer is not a good group player.<BR>He does best alone with the friends he "makes" out of the dearly departed. The<BR>necromancer is hated in towns, and may even be arrested if he brings his undead<BR>"friends" to town for a visit.  If the Necromancer keeps his charisma high, he can<BR>lead a truly formidable army before which all others will surely tremble.  </pre>
			<a name="NEWS"><B>NEWS</B></a>
			<pre>No help for NEWS.</pre>
			<a name="NOANSI"><B>NOANSI</B></a>
			<pre>Command : NOANSI<BR>Usage   : NOANSI<BR>Example : noansi<BR>Short(s): <BR>Turn off ANSI color output.  Use ANSI to turn this feature on again.</pre>
			<a name="NOFOLLOW"><B>NOFOLLOW</B></a>
			<pre>Command : NOFOLLOW<BR>Usage   : NOFOLLOW ([NAME])<BR>Example : nofollow<BR>Example : nofollow my dog<BR>Short(s): <BR>When used without a parameter, this command toggles whether or not your<BR>character will accept new followers.  When a name is specified, this command causes<BR>a follower of that name to no longer follow you.  See also GROUP, FOLLOW,<BR>FORMATION, ORDER, and GTELL.  </pre>
			<a name="NOGOSSIP"><B>NOGOSSIP</B></a>
			<pre>Command : NOGOSSIP<BR>Usage   : NOGOSSIP<BR>Example : nogossip<BR>Short(s): <BR>Turns off the GOSSIP channel.  To turn it back on, send a proper GOSSIP<BR>command.</pre>
			<a name="NOGRATZ"><B>NOGRATZ</B></a>
			<pre>Command : NOGRATZ<BR>Usage   : NOGRATZ<BR>Example : nogratz<BR>Short(s): <BR>Turns off the GRATZ channel.  To turn it back on, send a proper GRATZ command.</pre>
			<a name="NOGREET"><B>NOGREET</B></a>
			<pre>Command : NOGREET<BR>Usage   : NOGREET<BR>Example : nogreet<BR>Short(s): <BR>Turns off the GREET channel.  To turn it back on, send a proper GREET command.</pre>
			<a name="NOINFO"><B>NOINFO</B></a>
			<pre>Command : NOINFO<BR>Usage   : NOINFO<BR>Example : noinfo<BR>Short(s): <BR>Turn off the automatic information channel.</pre>
			<a name="NOMXP"><B>NOMXP</B></a>
			<pre>Command : NOMXP<BR>Usage   : NOMXP<BR>Example : nomxp<BR>Short(s): <BR>Turn off MXP (MUD Exchange Protocol) tags.  You may use the MXP command to turn<BR>them on, if your mud client supports them.</pre>
			<a name="NORTH"><B>NORTH</B></a>
			<pre>Command : NORTH<BR>Usage   : NORTH<BR>Example : north<BR>Short(s): N<BR>Travel northward from the present room or location.</pre>
			<a name="NORTHEAST"><B>NORTHEAST</B></a>
			<pre>Command : NORTHEAST<BR>Usage   : NORTHEAST<BR>Example : northeast<BR>Short(s): NE<BR>Travel northeastwardly direction from the present room or location.</pre>
			<a name="NORTHWEST"><B>NORTHWEST</B></a>
			<pre>Command : NORTHWEST<BR>Usage   : NORTHWEST<BR>Example : northwest<BR>Short(s): NW<BR>Travel northwestwardly direction from the present room or location.</pre>
			<a name="NOSOUNDS"><B>NOSOUNDS</B></a>
			<pre>Command : NOSOUNDS<BR>Usage   : NOSOUNDS<BR>Example : nosounds<BR>Short(s): <BR>Turn off MSP (MUD Sound Protocol) sound codes.  You may use the SOUNDS command<BR>to turn them on, if your mud client supports them.</pre>
			<a name="NOTEACH"><B>NOTEACH</B></a>
			<pre>Command : NOTEACH<BR>Usage   : NOTEACH<BR>Example : noteach<BR>Short(s): <BR>This command toggles whether you can teach, practice, or train, or be taught,<BR>practiced with, or trained.  It does not affect the auto-gains in skill<BR>proficiency.</pre>
			<a name="NOTES"><B>NOTES</B></a>
			<pre>See the IDEA, BUG, or TYPO commands.  If you are looking for general message<BR>areas, you may have to find a standing board, or a journal you can carry around. If<BR>you wish to leave a note for a player who isn`t online, see JOURNAL.</pre>
			<pre>Your ability to see hidden things.  This score appears when searching, or when<BR>under the affect of a spell which allows you to see hidden. It has based on your<BR>Wisdom, proficiency in your detection skill/spell, and your height.</pre>
			<a name="OGRE"><B>OGRE</B></a>
			<pre>Ogres are the less enlightened kin to the giants, possessing great strength and<BR>ferociousness at the expense of their intellect and dexterity .  As they are<BR>naturals at ripping things apart, they make excellent butchers.  Their class<BR>choices are limited, but any kind of Fighter or Barbarian would suit an ogre very<BR>well.</pre>
			<a name="OPEN"><B>OPEN</B></a>
			<pre>Command : OPEN<BR>Usage   : OPEN [ITEM/DIRECTION NAME]<BR>Example : open chest<BR>Example : open door<BR>Example : open east<BR>Short(s): <BR>Attempts to open, by ordinary means, the item, door,  or any other entity<BR>specified.</pre>
			<a name="ORACLE"><B>ORACLE</B></a>
			<pre>Oracles are those who seek the infinite wisdom of their god, forver probing the<BR>vastness of divine knowledge.  So knowledgable are the Oracles that they actually<BR>begin to gain arcane divination spells in addition to their assortment of prayers. <BR>The Oracle, being a seeker of truth and knowledge, is a good aligned class, meaning<BR>that they will always fumble evil prayers, and do not qualify for them.  Beyond<BR>30th level, the Oracle begins to gain skills from other classes previously unknown<BR>to him, as the mysteries of the universe begin to be revealed. <BR><BR>How to play: The Oracle is an often consulted player, much like the Arcane<BR>diviner, for his ability to see beyond the obvious to the important truths around<BR>him.  For this reason, the Oracle may be often picked for grouping.  The Oracle<BR>himself, however, will need to determine if such a course is divinely inspired.  </pre>
			<a name="ORDER"><B>ORDER</B></a>
			<pre>Command : ORDER<BR>Usage   : ORDER<BR>Example : order dog flee<BR>Short(s): <BR>If your character has any followers, whether characters or mobs, this command<BR>will allow you to force that follower to perform any command listed in the COMMANDS<BR>or SOCIALS list. See also GROUP, FOLLOW, NOFOLLOW, FORMATION, and GTELL.</pre>
			<a name="OUTFIT"><B>OUTFIT</B></a>
			<pre>Command : OUTFIT<BR>Usage   : OUTFIT<BR>Example : outfit<BR>Short(s): <BR>Should your character ever be without clothing or weapon (usually due to<BR>death), this command will give your character some newbie equipment to get by with.</pre>
			<a name="PACKAGE"><B>PACKAGE</B></a>
			<pre>Command : PACKAGE<BR>Usage   : PACKAGE [NUMBER] [ITEM NAMES]<BR>Example : package 10 daggers<BR>Example : package all bottles<BR>Short(s): <BR>This command packages together several identical items.  Thus grouped, the<BR>items may be easier to sell to shopkeepers and easier to carry.  The items must all<BR>be exactly the same.  Currency may not be packaged.  Raw resources, such as wood or<BR>ore metals, may be packaged, but will not then be available for use by crafting<BR>skills.  To do that, you would need to bundle the resources instead.  Items can be<BR>removed from packages using the GET [NUMBER] FROM [PACKAGE] syntax.</pre>
			<a name="PAGEBREAK"><B>PAGEBREAK</B></a>
			<pre>Command : PAGEBREAK<BR>Usage   : PAGEBREAK [LINE NUMBER]/DISABLE<BR>Example : pagebreak 25<BR>Example : pagebreak disable<BR>Short(s): <BR>This command will allow the player to disable the default CoffeeMud page break<BR>system, or to set it to a higher or lower number to accomodate their terminal.</pre>
			<a name="PAROLE"><B>PAROLE</B></a>
			<pre>Parole is a sentence someone receives instead of jail time.  A player that is<BR>paroled may not leave the area, and is restricted from Recall and other similar<BR>spells for the duration of the parole.  A paroled player may not flee combat.</pre>
			<a name="PARTY"><B>PARTY</B></a>
			<pre>An adventuring party is formed when a player uses the FOLLOW command to follow<BR>another player.</pre>
			<a name="PASSWORD"><B>PASSWORD</B></a>
			<pre>Command : PASSWORD<BR>Usage   : PASSWORD<BR>Example : password<BR>Short(s): <BR>Allows you to change your characters password.</pre>
			<a name="PERFUME"><B>PERFUME</B></a>
			<pre>Perfume is something that makes you smell pretty.</pre>
			<a name="PETS"><B>PETS</B></a>
			<pre>Players, especially at lower levels, may wish to purchase or charm animals or<BR>other creatures to follow them.  These creatures are called pets, and will usually<BR>assist the player in combat.  This can aid a player who has trouble surviving,<BR>though pets will also siphon off some experience the player would otherwise receive<BR>alone. Rangers and Druids adventuring with pets are not hindered in this way,<BR>however.  The number of pets or followers you can have depends on your Charisma<BR>score.</pre>
			<a name="PLAYERKILL"><B>PLAYERKILL</B></a>
			<pre>Command : PLAYERKILL<BR>Usage   : PLAYERKILL<BR>Example : playerkill<BR>Short(s): <BR>Toggles whether or not your character may kill, and be killed by other players.<BR> The area permitting, you may only kill another player when both your playerkill<BR>flag and the other players playerkill flags are both on.  If you do engage in<BR>combat with another player, you will not be permitted to logoff or turn off your<BR>playerkill flag for 5 minutes.</pre>
			<a name="POLITICS"><B>POLITICS</B></a>
			<pre>Use HELP CLAN to get information on Clan Politics</pre>
			<a name="POLL"><B>POLL</B></a>
			<pre>Command : POLL<BR>Usage   : POLL<BR>Example : poll<BR>Short(s): <BR>Lists any polls that the player can participate in, or view the results of.</pre>
			<a name="POUR"><B>POUR</B></a>
			<pre>Command : POUR<BR>Usage   : POUR [DRINK SOURCE] [CONTAINER NAME]<BR>Example : pour spring bottle<BR>Example : pour waterskin bottle<BR>Example : pour bottle out<BR>Short(s): <BR>Attempts to refill a liquid container, such as a bottle or a cup, from the<BR>given source.  In many cases, containers can be refilled from other containers. </pre>
			<a name="POWERS"><B>POWERS</B></a>
			<pre>Powers are what a deity bestows upon Clerics for performing the required<BR>ritual.  Clerics receive a random power of their god.</pre>
			<a name="PRACTICE"><B>PRACTICE</B></a>
			<pre>Command : PRACTICE<BR>Usage   : PRACTICE [SKILL OR SPELL NAME] ([TEACHER MOB NAME])<BR>Example : practice sneak Horice<BR>Short(s): <BR>Once your character has acquired some skill or spell, the only way to increase<BR>the proficiency of your ability is to practice it.  A skill or spell can only be<BR>practiced with those characters or mobs who already know the skill or spell<BR>sufficiently.  You must also have at least 1 practice point to practice a skill or<BR>spell.</pre>
			<a name="PRACTICES"><B>PRACTICES</B></a>
			<pre>Practice points are used to improve skills, spells, prayers, chants, or songs. <BR>They may also be spent on certain new skills.  Use the SKILLS, SONGS, PRAYERS,<BR>CHANTS, or SPELLS commands to see what skills you may practice.  Use the QUALIFY<BR>command to see what skills you may gain.<BR><BR>Skills are improved by going to a player or mob that knows the skill you wish<BR>to improve, and then using the PRACTICE command.  See HELP PRACTICE for more<BR>information on how to use this command to improve skills.</pre>
			<a name="PRAY"><B>PRAY</B></a>
			<pre>Skill    : PRAY<BR>Usage    : PRAY [PRAYER NAME] [TARGET NAME]<BR>Example  : pray cure light orc<BR>Short(s) : PR<BR>Clerics, and at later levels, Paladins can invoke their magical abilities using<BR>the pray command.  Some prayers require that you direct the energy at a target,<BR>while others only apply to the cleric.  For help on a particular prayer, enter help<BR>and then the name of the prayer.</pre>
			<a name="PRAYERS"><B>PRAYERS</B></a>
			<pre>Command : PRAYERS<BR>Usage   : PRAYERS (HOLY PROTECTION, HEALING, etc../[NAME]) ([LEVEL])<BR>Example : prayers<BR>Example : prayers healing<BR>Example : prayers ?<BR>Example : prayers cure light wounds<BR>Short(s): <BR>Lists any prayers that you know, along with your proficiency in them. Can also<BR>be qualified to list your prayers by domain, or use ? to list domains.  You can get<BR>your level and proficiency for a particular prayer by listing it by name. A level<BR>parameter may be given to show prayers only up to that level.</pre>
			<a name="PROMOTE"><B>PROMOTE</B></a>
			<pre>Use HELP CLAN to get information on promoting clan members.</pre>
			<a name="PROMPT"><B>PROMPT</B></a>
			<pre>Command : PROMPT<BR>Usage   : PROMPT ([NEW PROMPT STRING])<BR>Example : prompt ^N^h%hhp ^m%mm ^v%vmv^N><BR>Example : prompt default<BR>Short(s): <BR>Display or change your prompt string.  Typing PROMPT DEFAULT will reset your<BR>prompt to the default setting.<BR>Valid embedded codes for custom prompts include:<BR>%h  :  Display your current hits<BR>%H  :  Display your maximum hits<BR>%m  :  Display your current mana<BR>%M  :  Display your maximum mana<BR>%v  :  Display your current moves<BR>%V  :  Display your maximum moves<BR>%x  :  Display your current experience<BR>%X  :  Display your needed experience<BR>%G  :  Display the amount and name of your money<BR>%g  :  Display the value of your money<BR>%a  :  Display your alignment in numbers<BR>%A  :  Display your alignment as text<BR>%w  :  Display your weight encumbrance<BR>%W  :  Display the maximum weight you can carry<BR>%c  :  Display your item encumbrance<BR>%C  :  Display the maximum items you can carry<BR>%r  :  Display the room name you are in<BR>%R  :  Display the room number you are in (ARCHON ONLY)<BR>%z  :  Display the area name you are in (ARCHON ONLY)<BR>%e  :  Display name of person under attack<BR>%E  :  Display state of person under attack<BR>%I  :  Display hidden/invisibility status<BR>%B  :  Go to a new line<BR>%d  :  Display range to the person you are fighting<BR>%t  :  Display the time of day<BR>%T  :  Display the hour of the day<BR>%@  :  Display the weather where you are<BR>%Kh :  Display the tanks current hits<BR>%KH :  Display the tanks maximum hits<BR>%Km :  Display the tanks current mana<BR>%KM :  Display the tanks maximum mana<BR>%Kv :  Display the tanks current moves<BR>%KV :  Display the tanks maximum moves<BR>%Ke :  Display the tanks name<BR>%KE :  Display the tanks health condition<BR>^h :  Standard hit point color<BR>^m :  Standard mana color<BR>^v :  Standard movement color<BR>^N :  Normal color<BR>^w :  White<BR>^g :  Light green<BR>^b :  Light blue<BR>^r :  Light red<BR>^y :  Yellow<BR>^c :  Cyan<BR>^p :  Light purple<BR>^W :  Grey<BR>^G :  Dark Green<BR>^B :  Dark Blue<BR>^R :  Maroon<BR>^Y :  Dark yellow<BR>^C :  Dark Cyan<BR>^P :  Dark Purple<BR>^? :  Previous color/End color<BR></pre>
			<a name="PULL"><B>PULL</B></a>
			<pre>Command : PULL<BR>Usage   : PULL [ITEM NAME]/[MOB NAME] [DIRECTION]<BR>Example : pull door<BR>Example : pull orc east<BR>Short(s): <BR>Gives a hard pull on an item or any other entity specified. A target mob must<BR>be bound to be pulled successfully without resistance.</pre>
			<a name="PURGE"><B>PURGE</B></a>
			<pre>If you wish to destroy your character, use the RETIRE command.  If you wish to<BR>purge something else, and you are an Archon, use the DESTROY command.</pre>
			<a name="PURIST"><B>PURIST</B></a>
			<pre>Purists are the idyllic representatives of the goodness of divinity.  They are<BR>so strict in their goodness that they seem to many cold and unyielding. This nature<BR>is so ingrained, in fact, that the purist gains many cold and cold-based attacks<BR>and defensive prayers.  This includes special powers over water and purity.  The<BR>Purist is a good aligned class, meaning that he always fumble evil prayers. <BR><BR>How to play: The Purist is a wonderfully social cleric, though only in the<BR>sense that he is often found with other people.  His strict unyielding prayers can<BR>sometimes get annoying glances from group members, though the Purist should remain<BR>resolute in his convictions that he is right.  Overall, the Purist is a good<BR>balanced cleric who can hold his own, as well as a valued group member (so long as<BR>he keeps his mouth shut).</pre>
			<a name="PUSH"><B>PUSH</B></a>
			<pre>Command : PUSH<BR>Usage   : PUSH [ITEM NAME]/[MOB NAME] [DIRECTION]<BR>Example : push door<BR>Example : push orc east<BR>Short(s): <BR>Gives a good hearty push on an item or any other entity specified. A target mob<BR>must be bound to be pushed successfully without resistance.</pre>
			<a name="PUT"><B>PUT</B></a>
			<pre>Command : PUT<BR>Usage   : PUT (ALL/[NUMBER]) [ITEM NAME] [CONTAINER NAME]<BR>Example : put all dagger backpack<BR>Example : put all backpack<BR>Example : put pie backpack<BR>Example : put pie.2 backpack<BR>Example : put 4 berries backpack<BR>Short(s): <BR>Takes an item from your carried inventory or from the area or room and places<BR>it into the specified container.</pre>
			<a name="QUALIFY"><B>QUALIFY</B></a>
			<pre>Command : QUALIFY<BR>Usage   : QUALIFY (SPELLS,PRAYERS,SONGS,CHANTS,THIEF,SKILLS,etc..)<BR>Example : qualify<BR>Example : qualify skills<BR>Short(s): qual<BR>Lists all of the skills, spells, languages, prayers, and/or songs which your<BR>character presently qualifies for, but does not know, along with the requirements<BR>to gain the new skill.  You can use the parameter (spells, songs, chants, prayers,<BR>thief, skills, common, expertises, etc) to get a more focused list (and, in the<BR>case of expertises, to see the qualifications for each one).</pre>
			<a name="QUESTCHAT"><B>QUESTCHAT</B></a>
			<pre>QUESTCHAT is the default Questing channel for CoffeeMud.  If you see someone,<BR>especially a non-player mob, chatting on this channel, it is likely because he is<BR>announcing the beginning of a quest.</pre>
			<a name="QUESTS"><B>QUESTS</B></a>
			<pre>Quests are tasks which can be completed by players for prizes, typically quest<BR>points, experience, money, or all three.  Some quests are driven by Archons, while<BR>others are automated by the system.  See also QUESTCHAT and QUESTWINS.  Archons<BR>should enter AHELP QUESTS for more information on creating automated quests.</pre>
			<a name="QUEST_POINTS"><B>QUEST_POINTS</B></a>
			<pre>Quest Points, gained through completing quests, can be spent with special<BR>shopkeepers who exist for this purpose.</pre>
			<a name="QUIET"><B>QUIET</B></a>
			<pre>Command : QUIET<BR>Usage   : QUIET<BR>Example : quiet<BR>Short(s): <BR>Turns off all global channels, such as GOSSIP, GRATZ, and others. To turn them<BR>back on, you may issue the GOSSIP, GRATZ command agin, or reissue the QUIET command<BR>to turn them all back on.</pre>
			<a name="QUIT"><B>QUIT</B></a>
			<pre>Command : QUIT<BR>Usage   : QUIT<BR>Example : quit<BR>Short(s): <BR>Exit from CoffeeMud.</pre>
			<a name="RACE"><B>RACE</B></a>
			<a name="RANGE"><B>RANGE</B></a>
			<pre>When combat is initiated, CoffeeMud will instantly determine the distance<BR>between the two combatants.  The initial distance will be based on the size of the<BR>room the players are in, and the maximum range of the weapon or spell used by the<BR>initiator of combat.  If either combatant is in a group, the initial distance of<BR>the group members from their combatant will be based on their formation (see<BR>FORMATION) if one was specified.<BR><BR>During combat, if a combatant is out of range of their primary weapon, they<BR>will automatically advance towards their opponent until they are within the minimum<BR>range of their primary weapon. If a combatant has AUTOMELEE turned *off*, however,<BR>they will do the opposite -- they will not advance if they are out of range, but<BR>WILL spend actions retreating if they are too close to their opponent (outside the<BR>minimum range of their weapon).  AUTOMELEE should therefore be turned on for<BR>fighters who use melee weapons and need to make sure they constantly advance, and<BR>should be turned off for mages using ranged spells, or users of ranged weapons like<BR>bows.</pre>
			<a name="RANGER"><B>RANGER</B></a>
			<pre>Rangers are noted primarily for their ability to track their friends and<BR>enemies, though their knowledge of the natural world has also given them great<BR>magical strength.  They are a cross between the fighter and the druid, gaining<BR>druid chants at higher levels, and numerous fighting techniques.<BR><BR>How to play: Rangers can provide a unique opportunity for experience<BR>advancement in a mud.  Their combat skills make them desirable as group members as<BR>tanks. Their ability to use scrolls gives them access to magic that grants them<BR>some of the mages versatility.  Meanwhile, the druidic chants they learn gives them<BR>a unique affinity with animals, allowing them to form their own groups as well.<BR><BR>The Ranger, like the Paladin, is not quite as strong a fighter as a pure<BR>fighter, but makes up for this using his magical animal affinity.  Also, the Ranger<BR>will have to be careful to maintain a neutral alignment in order for the druidic<BR>chants to become useful.  In the meantime, the ranger must use scrolls and other<BR>magical items to supplement his natural fighting skill.<BR></pre>
			<a name="READ"><B>READ</B></a>
			<pre>Command : READ<BR>Usage   : READ ([SPELL] [TARGETS]) (MESSAGE#) (ALL) (NEW) [ITEM NAME]<BR>Example : read sign<BR>Example : read "magic missile" orc scroll<BR>Example : read 1 cork board<BR>Example : read all corkboard<BR>Example : read new corkboard<BR>Example : read all new corkboard<BR>Short(s): <BR>Attempts to read, by ordinary means, the item, door, journal, or any other<BR>entity specified.  For scrolls, you may specify a particular spell to read off of<BR>the scroll, thus invoking it.  For scrolls with only one spell, you do not need to<BR>specify the spell name.  Scroll require that the "Read Magic" spell be cast on them<BR>before they may be invoked.  For journals (note areas), you can either not specify<BR>a message number to list all messages, or specify the message number as the second<BR>parameter in order to read a particular message.  You can also specify the all flag<BR>to see older listings, or the new flag to only see new activity entries.</pre>
			<a name="REBUKE"><B>REBUKE</B></a>
			<pre>Command : REBUKE<BR>Usage   : REBUKE [MOB NAME]<BR>Example : rebuke brutus<BR>Short(s): <BR>This command allows your character to stop serving a liege, or to cause a<BR>vassal serving you or a follower to no longer do so.  If you are rebuking a vassal,<BR>they must be in the same room.  If you are rebuking your liege, or a follower, you<BR>need only enter their full name.  This command can also be used to stop worshiping<BR>a deity.  See the SERVE command and the CONVERT skill.</pre>
			<a name="RELIGION"><B>RELIGION</B></a>
			<pre>The worship of the gods not only has a role playing aspect to it, but can have<BR>tangible benefits for players as well.<BR><BR>The DEITIES command may be used to list the gods, and to learn about the<BR>blessings given by and the rituals demanded by each deity. Once a player is a<BR>worshipper of a deity, they may use the rituals to receive one of the listed<BR>blessings.  Gods may have alignment or other requirements which, if broken, can<BR>bring their wrath down upon those they rebuke.<BR><BR>To worship a deity, the player must find a Cleric who can use the CONVERT skill<BR>to convert the player to the worship of their deity.  Clerics may use the CONVERT<BR>skill to change their own deity at any time, though they will suffer a severe<BR>penalty when they abandon their previous deity.<BR><BR>See also the help for CONVERT, SERVICES, BLESSINGS, and RITUALS.</pre>
			<a name="REMORT"><B>REMORT</B></a>
			<pre>Remorting requires careful planning and, if you don't have the benefits of<BR>certain Druidic chants, lots of time.  Remorting is done through your children. <BR>Children are created by using the MATE social with a member of the opposite sex<BR>while the both of you are suitably undressed.  If pregnancy occurs in the female,<BR>birth will occur some 10 mud-months following this, though the time required to<BR>give birth is highly race-dependent.  The child should remain in the mothers<BR>inventory until it can walk, which occurs 9 mud- months following birth (more or<BR>less, depending on race again).  If the child is Christened by a Cleric with a<BR>player legal name, and if the child remains as a follower of either the father or<BR>the mother until it grows up, it will become a player, which occurs 18-27<BR>mud-months after birth.  If the child does not remain an active follower, or if it<BR>is never Christened, it will grow up to be a mob, or perhaps not grow up at all!<BR>Should the named child grow up, the child will cease to be a following mob, and<BR>become a player which can be logged-in as.  The child may be a mixed breed of the<BR>mother and father if one of them is a Human and the other is not.  Racial benefits<BR>will be split between the mother and father, though children will have a bonus to<BR>one of their maximum stats when they become a player, making them a good choice for<BR>playing!</pre>
			<a name="REMOVE"><B>REMOVE</B></a>
			<pre>Command : REMOVE<BR>Usage   : REMOVE [ITEM NAME]<BR>Example : remove sword<BR>Short(s): rem<BR>Will remove the specified item that is being worn, held, or wielded, and place<BR>it back into your carried inventory.  See the INVENTORY, WIELD, HOLD, or WEAR<BR>commands for more information.</pre>
			<a name="REPAIR"><B>REPAIR</B></a>
			<pre>If your equipment falls into disrepair, you may use one of your skills to<BR>repair the item, or take the item to a repair shop to pay for the work to be done. <BR>The skill required to mend an item depends on the type and material of the item. <BR>Skills capable of mending include: Leatherworking, Armorsmithing, Weaponsmithing,<BR>Carpentry, Sculpting, Scrimshaw, Tailoring, and Weaving.</pre>
			<a name="REPLAY"><B>REPLAY</B></a>
			<pre>Command : REPLAY<BR>Usage   : REPLAY [NUMBER]<BR>Example : replay<BR>Example : replay 20<BR>Short(s): <BR>Redisplays the last lines of text your player has received.</pre>
			<a name="REPLY"><B>REPLY</B></a>
			<pre>Command : REPLY<BR>Usage   : REPLY [MESSAGE]<BR>Example : reply What did you say?<BR>Short(s): rep<BR>If your character is the target of a TELL or SAY command, this will allow you<BR>to quickly respond with a TELL message to them.</pre>
			<a name="REPORT"><B>REPORT</B></a>
			<pre>Command : REPORT<BR>Usage   : REPORT ([SONGS/SPELLS/PRAYERS/CHANTS/SKILLS/AFFECTS/STATS/ALL])<BR>Example : report<BR>Example : report spells<BR>Short(s): <BR>Quickly say outloud your hit points, mana, movement, and experience, or list<BR>out your spells, skills, stats, or other abilities.</pre>
			<a name="REQUEST"><B>REQUEST</B></a>
			<pre>Try the IDEA, BUG, or TYPO commands.</pre>
			<a name="RESIZE"><B>RESIZE</B></a>
			<pre>Lots of the crafting-style Common Skills let you resize armor or clothing to<BR>fit a new person.</pre>
			<a name="REST"><B>REST</B></a>
			<pre>Command : REST<BR>Usage   : REST<BR>Example : rest<BR>Short(s): <BR>Makes your character sit down and take a rest.  When resting, movement, hit<BR>points, and mana are regained more quickly.</pre>
			<a name="RETIRE"><B>RETIRE</B></a>
			<pre>Command : RETIRE<BR>Usage   : RETIRE<BR>Example : retire<BR>Short(s): <BR>If you REALLY think there is no hope for your character, this command will<BR>delete your adventurer from the system forever.</pre>
			<a name="REVOLT"><B>REVOLT</B></a>
			<pre>What a conquered area might do if you don't keep them happy with clan items to<BR>keep them busy.</pre>
			<a name="RIDE"><B>RIDE</B></a>
			<pre><BR>See the BOARD or MOUNT commands.<BR></pre>
			<a name="RITUALS"><B>RITUALS</B></a>
			<pre>Actions or steps which must be taken to receive the Blessings or Powers of a<BR>god. Rituals are also performed to complete religious services.</pre>
			<a name="ROLEPLAY"><B>ROLEPLAY</B></a>
			<pre>Role Playing is pretending that you really are the character in this MUD.  By<BR>placing yourself in the characters shoes, and entering commands you believe such a<BR>person would actually do, you are Role Playing.</pre>
			<a name="ROOM_ID"><B>ROOM_ID</B></a>
			<pre>If you are trying to find out the ID of a room you want to buy, then find a<BR>room that you believe is for sale and enter LOOK ID.  Write down the number you see<BR>there, as it will be the number on the title for that property.</pre>
			<a name="RUINED"><B>RUINED</B></a>
			<pre>Items obtained from creatures and mobs can be ruined during combat.  A ruined<BR>item has no value, and can not be worn or used for its original or obvious purpose.</pre>
			<a name="RULES"><B>RULES</B></a>
			<pre>Command : RULES<BR>Usage   : RULES<BR>Example : rules<BR>Short(s): <BR>See a little message listing the rules.</pre>
			<a name="RUN"><B>RUN</B></a>
			<pre>Command : RUN<BR>Usage   : RUN ([NUMBER]) [DIRECTION] (etc..)<BR>Example : run east<BR>Example : run east north<BR>Example : run 4 north 2 east<BR>Short(s): <BR>Allows your player to travel in the given path.  Multiple directions may be<BR>specified.  This is faster than normal travel, but expends movement more quickly as<BR>well.</pre>
			<a name="SAVES"><B>SAVES</B></a>
			<pre>Your saving throws can indeed help you in a pinch.  Every player has them. <BR>They aid against everything from magic affects to fire damage. Gas attacks, Acid<BR>burns, Cold chills, Undead magic, Water blasts, Diseases, Poisons, Electric burns,<BR>Paralysis, Mind influences, and Traps can all be saved from.</pre>
			<a name="SAY"><B>SAY</B></a>
			<pre>Command : SAY<BR>Usage   : SAY ([MOB NAME]) [MESSAGE]<BR>Example : say Hello all!<BR>Short(s): '<BR>Causes your character to speak to one or more characters or mobs in the same<BR>room as yourself.  You may specify the mob to speak to, or just speak in general.  </pre>
			<a name="SAYTO"><B>SAYTO</B></a>
			<pre>Command : SAYTO<BR>Usage   : SAYTO [MOB/ITEM NAME] [MESSAGE]<BR>Example : sayto orc Hello orc!<BR>Short(s): '<BR>Causes your character to speak to one or more characters or mobs in the same<BR>room as yourself.  You must specify the mob or item to speak to. </pre>
			<a name="SCORE"><B>SCORE</B></a>
			<pre>Command : SCORE<BR>Usage   : SCORE (BASE)<BR>Example : score<BR>Example : score base<BR>Short(s): sc<BR>Lists some general information about your character, such as level, experience,<BR>attributes, and other statistics. <BR><BR>You can add the BASE parameter to see your primary stats as unadjusted base<BR>scores (what they would be without magical equipment or spells).</pre>
			<pre>See help on GUILD or UNION</pre>
			<a name="SECRETARY"><B>SECRETARY</B></a>
			<pre>See help on GUILD or UNION</pre>
			<a name="SELL"><B>SELL</B></a>
			<pre>Command : SELL<BR>Usage   : SELL [ITEM NAME] ([SHOPKEEPER])<BR>Example : sell sword<BR>Short(s): <BR>If you are in the same room as a shopkeeper who is selling and buying goods,<BR>this command will sell the specified item in your carried inventory to the<BR>shopkeeper for the price he names. This is also the command used with an auctioneer<BR>to auction an item. If more than one shopkeeper is in the room, you may have to<BR>specify the shopkeeper name in the parameters.<BR><BR>Shopkeepers will only buy the items they are interested in.  This usually means<BR>the kinds of items they sell.  Shopkeepers may refuse an item because of its low<BR>worth, or because the shopkeeper has enough of them.  See the PACKAGE command for<BR>help in selling items of low worth. See also LIST, BUY, DEPOSIT, WITHDRAW, VIEW,<BR>BID.</pre>
			<a name="SERVE"><B>SERVE</B></a>
			<pre>Command : SERVE<BR>Usage   : SERVE [MOB NAME]<BR>Example : serve king of the hobgoblins<BR>Short(s): <BR>Allows your character to be placed in the service of another mob or character<BR>in the same room.  You may only serve one liege at a time.  Your liege will receive<BR>10% of all of your experience gains, which should encourage your liege to help you<BR>out.  The REBUKE command is used by either party to end this relationship.  REBUKE<BR>is also used to stop worshipping a deity.</pre>
			<a name="SERVICES"><B>SERVICES</B></a>
			<pre>A service is a ritual performed by a Cleric in the service of a deity. The<BR>service must be performed in a room which has had holiness infused within it with<BR>one of the prayers Infuse Holiness, Infuse Unholiness, or Infuse Balance. The<BR>service must be performed according to the instructions laid out by the deity,<BR>which may include time and pause requirements, or specific things said or done. <BR>When the first step of a service is performed successfully, any npc mobs within a<BR>particular range from the service location who worship the same deity will make<BR>their way to the room to hear or even participate in the service.  At the end of<BR>the service, the cleric performing it will receive experience based on the number<BR>and levels of the faithful mobs and players present.  A service may only be<BR>performed in a particular area for a particular deity once every 30 minutes.</pre>
			<a name="SETTINGS"><B>SETTINGS</B></a>
			<pre>See the CONFIG command.</pre>
			<a name="SHAMAN"><B>SHAMAN</B></a>
			<pre>Shaman are those who worship the gods in the most primitive and basic ways of<BR>the earth.  The Shaman is thus granted special powers over the earth by the gods,<BR>including resistances to acid attacks, at the expense of vulnerability to<BR>electricity.  The Shaman is a neutral aligned class, meaning that he will never<BR>fumble on neutral prayers, and has a much smaller fumble chance on good and evil<BR>prayers.  The Shaman is restricted to neutral weapons, any kind of armor, and gets<BR>numerous special prayers known only to Shaman. <BR><BR>How to play: The Shaman is a typical village priest, having powers from his<BR>deity well suited to almost any daily concern.  His neutrality shows his wisdom,<BR>and his power earns him respect.  The Shaman can fill almost any role in the game,<BR>whether it be as a group member, or a lone adventurer seeking an inner peace far<BR>from home.</pre>
			<a name="SHARE"><B>SHARE</B></a>
			<pre>See the SPLIT and AUTOSPLIT commands.</pre>
			<a name="SHEATH"><B>SHEATH</B></a>
			<pre>Command : SHEATH<BR>Usage   : SHEATH ([WEAPON NAME]) ([SHEATH NAME])<BR>Example : sheath<BR>Example : sheath sword<BR>Example : sheath sword sheath<BR>Example : sheath holster<BR>Short(s): <BR>Takes one or more weapons you are wielding or holding and places them in either<BR>an appropriate, or the specified sheath.  This is useful for roleplaying, and may<BR>keep you out of trouble in places where walking around with a weapon in your hand<BR>is illegal.</pre>
			<a name="SHOPPING"><B>SHOPPING</B></a>
			<pre>See the BUY, LIST, and SELL commands.</pre>
			<a name="SHOW"><B>SHOW</B></a>
			<pre>Command : SHOW<BR>Usage   : SHOW (ALL) [ITEM NAME] [MOB NAME]<BR>Example : show pie Gunther<BR>Example : show all dagger Gunther<BR>Example : show all Gunther<BR>Short(s): <BR>Shows an item from your carried inventory to another MOB.</pre>
			<a name="SING"><B>SING</B></a>
			<pre>Skill    : SING<BR>Usage    : SING [SONG NAME]<BR>Example  : sing lullaby<BR>Short(s) : SI<BR>Bards can invoke their magical abilities using the sing command.  Some songs<BR>require that you direct the energy at a target, while others only apply to the<BR>bard.  For help on a particular song, enter help and then the name of the song.</pre>
			<a name="SIT"><B>SIT</B></a>
			<pre>Command : SIT<BR>Usage   : SIT ([TARGET NAME])<BR>Example : sit<BR>Example : sit chair<BR>Short(s): <BR>Makes your character sit down and take a rest.  When resting, movement, hit<BR>points, and mana are regained more quickly.</pre>
			<a name="SKILLS"><B>SKILLS</B></a>
			<pre>Command : SKILLS<BR>Usage   : SKILLS (STEALTHY, etc../[NAME]) ([LEVEL])<BR>Example : skills<BR>Example : skills stealthy<BR>Example : skills ?<BR>Example : skills carpentry<BR>Short(s): <BR>Lists any skills that you have, along with your proficiency in them. Can also<BR>be qualified to list your skills by domain, or use ? to list domains.  You can get<BR>your level and proficiency for a particular skill by listing it by name. A level<BR>parameter may be given to show skills only up to that level.</pre>
			<a name="SKYWATCHER"><B>SKYWATCHER</B></a>
			<pre>The SkyWatcher is the master druid of the stars and heavens, being the very<BR>powerful steward of the great wheel in the sky.  The SkyWatcher maintains a special<BR>connection with the moon, and gains numerous special abilities to summon great<BR>powers from luna.  So connected is he to the moon that his strength and powers will<BR>fluxuate during the month, following the phase of the moon.  A master of wind and<BR>weather, the SkyWatcher is also very capable of bringing the heavens down upon his<BR>enemies at need. <BR><BR>How to play: More even than the other druids, the SkyWatcher must concern<BR>himself with pre-casting. That is to say, the SkyWatcher must be aware of his<BR>environment at all times in terms of weather, time, temperature, and locale, and<BR>must be fully prepared to alter these conditions to make them favorable to the<BR>chants he means to use against his enemies in combat.  All SkyWatchers must also<BR>realize that their effectiveness when not outdoors will be almost nil, as<BR>practically every chant requires the use of outside conditions and resources.</pre>
			<a name="SLAVE"><B>SLAVE</B></a>
			<pre>A slave is an intelligent mob broken down and sold to a liege master. Once<BR>enslaved, a mob can be sold to slave traders with the Slave Trading skill, brought<BR>to the players clan homes or personal homes to remain as permanent residents,<BR>ORDERed as vassals of the owner, and, of course, command them to perform tasks. <BR>Tasks for the slave to perform must be directed to the slave with the SAY command,<BR>and must begin with the words "I command you to" or "I order you to".  The slave<BR>will then wander around as in a GEAS trying to perform the task.  The slave can be<BR>released from the task by saying "cancel" to them.  Slaves are different from pets<BR>in that they require food and drink to survive.  If given the food and water, they<BR>will eat and drink as necessary from what they have been given.  Slaves eventually<BR>lose loyalty as well.  If they starve, or if they take damage for any reason, their<BR>loyalty will decrease, making them more and more likely to leave their masters<BR>homes, or attack their masters.</pre>
			<a name="SLEEP"><B>SLEEP</B></a>
			<pre>Command : SLEEP<BR>Usage   : SLEEP ([TARGET NAME])<BR>Example : sleep<BR>Example : sleep bed<BR>Short(s): <BR>Makes your character lay down and take a nap.  When sleeping, movement, hit<BR>points, and mana are regained more quickly. <BR><BR>If you were looking for help on the sleep spell, enter HELP SPELL SLEEP.</pre>
			<a name="SOCIALS"><B>SOCIALS</B></a>
			<pre>Command : SOCIALS<BR>Usage   : SOCIALS<BR>Example : socials<BR>Short(s): <BR>Lists the social commands available in CoffeeMud.  Social commands can usually<BR>be used with targets, such as "KISS Orc".</pre>
			<a name="SONGS"><B>SONGS</B></a>
			<pre>Command : SONGS<BR>Usage   : SONGS (SINGING, DANCING, ETC../[NAME]) ([LEVEL])<BR>Example : songs<BR>Example : songs singing<BR>Example : songs ?<BR>Example : songs flamenco<BR>Short(s): <BR>Lists any Bard songs or dances that you know, along with your proficiency in<BR>them. Can also be qualified to list your songs by domain, or use ? to list domains.<BR> You can get your level and proficiency for a particular song by listing it by<BR>name. A level parameter may be given to show songs only up to that level.</pre>
			<a name="SOUNDS"><B>SOUNDS</B></a>
			<pre>Command : SOUNDS<BR>Usage   : SOUNDS<BR>Example : sounds<BR>Short(s): <BR>Turns on MSP (Mud Sound Protocol) sound codes.  Do not turn this on unless you<BR>know your mud client supports them.  You may use NOSOUNDS to turn the codes off<BR>again.</pre>
			<a name="SOUTH"><B>SOUTH</B></a>
			<pre>Command : SOUTH<BR>Usage   : SOUTH<BR>Example : south<BR>Short(s): S<BR>Travel southward from the present room or location.</pre>
			<a name="SOUTHEAST"><B>SOUTHEAST</B></a>
			<pre>Command : SOUTHEAST<BR>Usage   : SOUTHEAST<BR>Example : southeast<BR>Short(s): SE<BR>Travel southeastwardly direction from the present room or location.</pre>
			<a name="SOUTHWEST"><B>SOUTHWEST</B></a>
			<pre>Command : SOUTHWEST<BR>Usage   : SOUTHWEST<BR>Example : southwest<BR>Short(s): SW<BR>Travel southwestwardly direction from the present room or location.</pre>
			<a name="SPEAK"><B>SPEAK</B></a>
			<pre>Skill    : SPEAK<BR>Usage    : SPEAK [LANGUAGE]<BR>Available: All<BR>Example  : speak orcish<BR>Example  : speak common<BR>Use the speak command to select a new default language.  Whenever say or<BR>channel messages are written, they will be translated into the selected language<BR>automatically.  Those who know the language will receive the translation back to<BR>common automatically.</pre>
			<a name="SPELLNAME"><B>SPELLNAME</B></a>
			<a name="SPELLS"><B>SPELLS</B></a>
			<pre>Command : SPELLS<BR>Usage   : SPELLS (CONJURATION,ABJURATION,etc..)/[NAME] ([LEVEL])<BR>Example : spells<BR>Example : spells conjuration<BR>Example : spells ?<BR>Example : spells fireball<BR>Short(s): <BR>Lists any spells that you know, along with your proficiency in them.  Can also<BR>be qualified to list your spells by spell domain, or use ? to list domains.  You<BR>can get your level and proficiency for a particular spell by listing it by name. A<BR>level parameter may be given to show spells only up to that level.</pre>
			<a name="SPLIT"><B>SPLIT</B></a>
			<pre>Command : SPLIT<BR>Usage   : SPLIT [AMOUNT OF GOLD]<BR>Example : split 50<BR>Short(s): <BR>If you are the leader of a group, this command will split the amount of gold<BR>specified evenly amongst the members of your group. </pre>
			<a name="STAFF"><B>STAFF</B></a>
			<pre>Use HELP CLAN to get information on clan staff members.</pre>
			<a name="STAND"><B>STAND</B></a>
			<pre>Command : STAND<BR>Usage   : STAND<BR>Example : stand<BR>Short(s): st<BR>If your character is SLEEPing or SITing, this command will make them wake up<BR>and stand up.</pre>
			<a name="STARVE"><B>STARVE</B></a>
			<pre>If you don't eat, this will eventually happen, and you may just die.</pre>
			<a name="STATS"><B>STATS</B></a>
			<a name="STRENGTH"><B>STRENGTH</B></a>
			<pre>Physical strength and fighting prowess is reflected in strength.  If you were<BR>looking for help on the Song of Strength, try HELP SONG STRENGTH.</pre>
			<a name="SUICIDE"><B>SUICIDE</B></a>
			<pre>See the RETIRE command to destroy your character.</pre>
			<a name="SWIM"><B>SWIM</B></a>
			<pre>Skill    : SWIM<BR>Usage    : SWIM [DIRECTION]<BR>Available: ALL<BR>Example  : swim e<BR>This skill allows the character to travel on a water surface.  The amount of<BR>weight being carried can affect this skill.</pre>
			<a name="TANK"><B>TANK</B></a>
			<pre>What you call the person in your group who takes all the damage.</pre>
			<a name="TEACH"><B>TEACH</B></a>
			<pre>Command : TEACH<BR>Usage   : TEACH [STUDENT MOB NAME] [SKILL OR SPELL NAME] <BR>Example : teach Horice sneak<BR>Short(s): <BR>This command allows any character who has at least a 25% proficiency at the<BR>specified skill or spell to teach that skill or spell to another character.  The<BR>student must be of the correct class or race to receive the skill, and must be of<BR>sufficient level and intelligence to learn the skill or spell. Once the skill or<BR>spell is gained, the student may then use the PRACTICE command to improve<BR>proficiency in that skill or spell. </pre>
			<a name="TELL"><B>TELL</B></a>
			<pre>Command : TELL<BR>Usage   : TELL [MOB NAME] [MESSAGE]<BR>Example : tell Horice Hey dude!<BR>Example : tell Horice@AnotherMud Hey dude!<BR>Example : tell last 10<BR>Short(s): <BR>Causes your character to speak to the specified character, regardless of what<BR>room they presently occupy.  If the first parameter is "last" and a number X<BR>follows, this command will show you the last X tell messages. The @ sign followed<BR>by the name of a MUD on the InterMud3 network can also be used. </pre>
			<a name="TEMPLAR"><B>TEMPLAR</B></a>
			<pre>Templar are those who pursue power and glory in the name of their god.  They<BR>are the great weaponmasters, wielding their arms to conquer the world in their gods<BR>name.  The Templar can use any weapons and armor, and can specialize in many<BR>weapons as they increase in levels.  The Templar is an evil aligned class, meaning<BR>that they always fumble on good prayers, and do not gain any good prayers. <BR>However, their Aura of Strife, and their increased number of attacks makes them a<BR>formidable foe of all who oppose the will of their god. <BR><BR>How to play: The Templar is a brutal and formidable warrior, who wields death<BR>and power in the name of his god.  His devastating power makes him a great ally for<BR>groups, but also a successful glory seeker when alone.</pre>
			<a name="THEOCRACY"><B>THEOCRACY</B></a>
			<pre>See the help entry on CLANS for more generic clan information.<BR><BR>Organization type: THEOCRACY<BR>The theocracy is an organization that is always run by the highest level<BR>cleric.  All other clerics enjoy second-in-command privileges.  All members are<BR>required to workship the clans deity, which is the deity of the high priest. The<BR>high priest has all the powers and authority mentioned above, and can assign<BR>priests, treasurers, or crusaders to assist with some menial clan chores.  All<BR>members have the authority to maintain discipline in the ranks using the ORDER<BR>command.<BR><BR>Theocracies have a unique benefit among all other clan types.  They are the<BR>only clan type that can attain conquest control points by converting the area<BR>inhabitants to their religion.  They are also uniquely allowed to sanctify churches<BR>in conquered areas and hold services. <BR><BR>Theocracy Authority Chart<BR>--------------------<BR>Command        !Believer !Crusader !Enchanter!Treasurer!Priest!HighPriest<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+------+----------<BR>ClanAccept     !         !         !         !         !  X   !   X      <BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+------+----------<BR>ClanAssign     !         !         !         !         !      !   X      <BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+------+----------<BR>ClanExile      !         !         !         !         !  X   !   X      <BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+------+----------<BR>ClanHomeSet    !         !         !         !         !      !   X      <BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+------+----------<BR>ClanMorgueSet  !         !         !         !         !      !   X      <BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+------+----------<BR>ClanDeclare    !         !         !         !         !      !   X      <BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+------+----------<BR>ClanTax        !         !         !         !         !      !   X      <BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+------+----------<BR>ClanDonateSet  !         !         !         !         !      !   X      <BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+------+----------<BR>ClanReject     !         !         !         !         !  X   !   X      <BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+------+----------<BR>ClanPremise    !         !         !         !         !      !   X      <BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+------+----------<BR>Buy Property   !         !         !         !         !  X   !   X      <BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+------+----------<BR>Spend Clan Exp !         !         !    X    !         !      !          <BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+------+----------<BR>Withdraw Funds !         !         !         !    X    !      !   X      <BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+------+----------<BR>List Funds     !         !         !         !    X    !      !          <BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+------+----------<BR>Order Members  !    X    !    X    !    X    !    X    !  X   !   X      <BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+------+----------<BR>Order Conquered!    X    !    X    !    X    !    X    !  X   !   X      <BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+------+----------</pre>
			<a name="THIEF"><B>THIEF</B></a>
			<pre>Thieves are skillful, sly, and devious. They may only use daggers and swords,<BR>and may only wear leather armor at best.  However, they come with numerous skills<BR>allowing them to survive in the dog-eat-dog world, including swiping and stealing;<BR>hiding, peeking, and sneaking; trapping, poisoning, and many others.  Thieves also<BR>qualify for many devious fighting abilities.<BR><BR>Thief is the starting point for numerous sub-classes which the player may<BR>choose to gain levels in at any time.  These sub-classes include: Assassin,<BR>Arcanist (Arcane Rogue), Burglar, and Trapper.<BR><BR>How to play: The thieves strength is in his ability to obtain money, and in his<BR>ability to navigate tricky situations.  By accumulating the wealth of others, the<BR>thief can stay comfortably equipped with the latest and best money can buy. When<BR>playing alone, the thief thrives as the only class able to get into and out of any<BR>secret place without stirring up unnecessary trouble.  Although not generally<BR>appreciated in groups, a group benefits from these skills, as well as the thiefs<BR>unique ability to deliver enormous amounts of backstab damage.<BR><BR>The thief is only moderately skilled at combat, but can make up for it by using<BR>his wealth to obtain favors, good equipment, and the necessary potions and scrolls<BR>necessary to survive the experience gaining battles.<BR></pre>
			<a name="THIRST"><B>THIRST</B></a>
			<pre>From time to time, your character may get thirsty.  If this happens, then you<BR>should find something to drink to satiate that thirst. Failing to do so will affect<BR>your characters attack and defensive capabilities, and may eventually lead to<BR>death.</pre>
			<a name="THROW"><B>THROW</B></a>
			<pre>Command : THROW<BR>Usage   : THROW [ITEM NAME] [DIRECTION/MOB NAME]<BR>Example : throw rope east<BR>Example : throw spear orc<BR>Short(s): toss<BR>Causes your character to throw something in the specified direction, or at the<BR>specified target.  The item being thrown must first be held or wielded.</pre>
			<a name="TIME"><B>TIME</B></a>
			<pre>Time in CoffeeMud is divided into 6 "hours", each of which is about 10 real<BR>minutes long.  Hours in CoffeeMud are numbered from 0-5. Dawn is at hour 0, dusk is<BR>at hour 4, and night at hour 5. There are 20 mud "days" to each month, and 8 mud<BR>"months" to each year. The months are divided into four seasons.</pre>
			<a name="TITLE"><B>TITLE</B></a>
			<pre>Command : TITLE<BR>Usage   : TITLE<BR>Example : title<BR>This command allows players who have been awarded 1 or more titles to select<BR>which title is displayed when their character is seen.</pre>
			<a name="TOPICS"><B>TOPICS</B></a>
			<pre>Command : TOPICS<BR>Usage   : TOPICS<BR>Example : topics<BR>Short(s): <BR>List all of the topics in the help file, alphabetically.</pre>
			<a name="TORCH"><B>TORCH</B></a>
			<pre>An item used to generate light in places or times of darkness.  To light a<BR>torch, either use the FIRE BUILDING skill, or just hold the torch to automatically<BR>light it.</pre>
			<a name="TRAIN"><B>TRAIN</B></a>
			<pre>Command : TRAIN<BR>Usage   : TRAIN [ATTRIBUTE/CLASS] ([TEACHER MOB NAME])<BR>Example : train strength Horice<BR>Example : train monk Horice<BR>Short(s): <BR>If your character has at least one training point, this command will allow you<BR>to raise the ability score of the specified trait. In addition to specifying the<BR>ability to train, you must also specify a MOB who is present in the room who can<BR>train you in that skill.  The traits abbreviated above refer to the following: <BR>STR  = +1 STRENGTH per 1 training points<BR>DEX  = +1 DEXTERITY per 1 training points<BR>INT  = +1 INTELLIGENCE per 1 training points<BR>WIS  = +1 WISDOM per 1-5 training points<BR>CON  = +1 CONSTITUTION per 1-5 training points<BR>CHR  = +1 CHARISMA per 1-5 training points<BR>* Training up to 18 costs 1 training point, up to 22 costs 2, and above that<BR>costs 3 25 costs 3.<BR>HIT  = +10 HIT POINTS per 1 training point<BR>MANA = +20 MANA per 1 training point<BR>MOVE = +20 MOVEMENT per 1 training point<BR>GAIN = +1 TRAINING POINTS per 7 practices<BR>PRAC = +5 PRACTICES per 1 training point<BR><BR>In addition to attributes, the train command is used to switch to a new class. <BR>This costs a single training point, and will give the player a 0 level in the<BR>chosen class.  From this point on, the player will gain levels in the new class,<BR>while retaining skills and qualifications from the old class up to the level at<BR>which the class switch was made.  Use the QUALIFY command to find out what other<BR>classes you may be able to TRAIN for.</pre>
			<a name="TRAINERS"><B>TRAINERS</B></a>
			<pre>Mobs or players who know the skills you wish to learn.  See the TRAIN,<BR>PRACTICE, GAIN, and TEACH commands.</pre>
			<pre>Maybe a spirit?  Maybe someone with the PASS DOOR spell cast on them?</pre>
			<a name="TRANSMUTER"><B>TRANSMUTER</B></a>
			<pre>Transmuters are specialist mages who can transform the likeness and composition<BR>of anyone they touch.  Transmutation is the most feared of magics, and the<BR>Transmuter is so skilled at his art that he gains all known transmutation spells<BR>automatically, including the most secret and ugly of spells only the specialist may<BR>learn.<BR><BR>Transmuters care nothing for conjuration, and so they soon neglect that kind of<BR>magic, being more fascinated with the many shapes of things right here at home. <BR>Although the Evoker believes himself the king of specialists with his harmful<BR>beams, the Transmuter is the most feared and hated of specialists for the terrible<BR>and awesome consequences of his spells.<BR></pre>
			<a name="TRAPPER"><B>TRAPPER</B></a>
			<pre>The trapper, possibly the most cowardly of thieves, has spent late nights<BR>tinkering with springs and switches, learning to kill indirectly through the<BR>devices of his art.  Trappers also view fauna as means to his ends, accumulating<BR>animals both live and dead with amazing efficiency.  Trappers alone have the<BR>greatest access to the most deadly traps, as well as exclusive access to skills<BR>that turn animals into his own personal play things, whether it be as items of<BR>sale, or as trained devilish pets.</pre>
			<a name="TROPHIES"><B>TROPHIES</B></a>
			<pre>Clans can earn one or more of the available trophies by controlling the most<BR>areas through conquest, controlling the most area control points through conquest,<BR>or my having the most experience points.  See HELP CONQUEST and HELP CLANS for more<BR>information.</pre>
			<a name="TYPO"><B>TYPO</B></a>
			<pre>Command : TYPO<BR>Usage   : TYPO [REPORT]<BR>Example : typo nothing is spelled right in this room!<BR>Short(s): <BR>Please use this command to submit typos against the MUD.</pre>
			<a name="UNDRESS"><B>UNDRESS</B></a>
			<pre>Command : UNDRESS<BR>Usage   : UNDRESS [MOB NAME] [ITEM NAME]<BR>Example : undress joe tunic<BR>Short(s): <BR>Allows the player to remove a piece of armor, clothing, barding, or whatever<BR>from the target mob.  The target mob must be a follower of the player for this to<BR>work.</pre>
			<a name="UNION"><B>UNION</B></a>
			<pre>See the help entry on CLANS for more generic clan information.<BR>Organization type: UNION<BR><BR>The Union is a clan where all members can vote to elect Senators to handle<BR>important decisions such as membership, interclan relations, and setting clan<BR>polity.  The Senators, like the Guildmasters in a guild, must vote amongst<BR>themselves on these matters.  All the union members may also vote to elect<BR>secretaries to handle clan property, treasurers to take care of money, and sheriffs<BR>to take care of military matters. In a Union, there are no members who may use the<BR>ORDER command on other members.<BR><BR>Union Authority Chart<BR>---------------------<BR>Command        !Citizen  !Sheriff  !Enchanter!Treasurer!Secretary!Senator<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>ClanAccept     !         !         !         !         !         ! Vote<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>ClanAssign     !  Vote   !  Vote   !  Vote   !  Vote   !  Vote   ! Vote<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>ClanExile      !         !         !         !         !         ! Vote<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>ClanHomeSet    !         !         !         !         !         ! Vote<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>ClanMorgueSet  !         !         !         !         !         ! Vote<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>ClanTax        !         !         !         !         !         ! Vote<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>DonateSet      !         !         !         !         !         ! Vote<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>ClanReject     !         !         !         !         !         ! Vote<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>ClanPremise    !         !         !         !         !         ! Vote<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>ClanDeclare    !         !         !         !         !         ! Vote<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>Buy Property   !         !         !         !         !    X    !<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>Spend Clan Exp !         !         !    X    !         !         !<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>Withdraw Funds !         !         !         !    X    !         !<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>List Funds     !    X    !    X    !    X    !    X    !    X    !   X<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>Order Members  !         !         !         !         !         !<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------<BR>Order Conquered!         !    X    !         !         !         !<BR>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-------</pre>
			<a name="UNLOCK"><B>UNLOCK</B></a>
			<pre>Command : UNLOCK<BR>Usage   : UNLOCK [ITEM NAME]<BR>Example : unlock door<BR>Short(s): <BR>Attempts to unlock, by ordinary means, the item, door, or any other entity<BR>specified.</pre>
			<a name="UNWIELD"><B>UNWIELD</B></a>
			<pre>See the REMOVE command.</pre>
			<a name="UP"><B>UP</B></a>
			<pre>Command : UP<BR>Usage   : UP<BR>Example : up<BR>Short(s): U<BR>Travel upward from the present room or location, whether it be up aladder,<BR>upstairs, or flying into the sky.</pre>
			<a name="VALUE"><B>VALUE</B></a>
			<pre>Command : VALUE<BR>Usage   : VALUE [ITEM NAME] ([SHOPKEEPER])<BR>Example : value sword<BR>Short(s): <BR>If you are in the same room as a shopkeeper who is selling and buying goods,<BR>this command will get the shopkeeper to tell you how much he or she will give for<BR>your item.</pre>
			<a name="VASSALS"><B>VASSALS</B></a>
			<pre>Command : VASSALS<BR>Usage   : VASSALS<BR>Example : vassals<BR>Short(s): <BR>This command will list the players who are in your service.  See the SERVE and<BR>REBUKE commands for more information.</pre>
			<a name="VERSION"><B>VERSION</B></a>
			<pre>Command : VERSION<BR>Usage   : VERSION<BR>Example : version<BR>Short(s): VER<BR>Show the version information for this software.</pre>
			<a name="VIEW"><B>VIEW</B></a>
			<pre>Command : VIEW<BR>Usage   : VIEW [ITEM NAME] ([SHOPKEEPER NAME])<BR>Example : view sword<BR>Short(s): <BR>When a shopkeeper is present in the same room or area as your character, this<BR>command will allow you to ask about an item being sold by that shopkeeper.  The<BR>level of the item, as well as any available descriptive information will be given.<BR>If more than one shopkeeper is in the room, you may have to specify the shopkeeper<BR>name in the parameters. See also LIST, BUY, SELL, DEPOSIT, WITHDRAW, BID.</pre>
			<a name="VISIBLE"><B>VISIBLE</B></a>
			<pre>Command  : VISIBLE<BR>Usage    : VISIBLE<BR>Example  : visible<BR>This command can be used to revoke any spell or skill which makes you<BR>invisible, hidden, or undetectable.</pre>
			<a name="WAGON"><B>WAGON</B></a>
			<pre>A transport pulled by horses.</pre>
			<a name="WAKE"><B>WAKE</B></a>
			<pre>Command : WAKE<BR>Usage   : WAKE ([TARGET NAME])<BR>Example : wake<BR>Example : wake bob<BR>Short(s): <BR>If your character is SLEEPing, this command will make them wake up and stand<BR>up.  If someone else is sleeping, this will wake them up.</pre>
			<a name="WANDS"><B>WANDS</B></a>
			<pre>Skill    : Wands<BR>Available: Almost All<BR>Example  : <BR>A wand is an holdable item that can be used to create magical affects.<BR><BR>This skill allows one to effectively use a magical wand or staff.  To invoke a<BR>wand or staff, it must first be held.  Then the magic word is spoken to the target.<BR> For instance, if the magic word is `zuy`, you would enter the following to invoke<BR>your wand: sayto orc zuy. <BR><BR>If the spell on the wand requires extra parameters, then you can include those<BR>after the casting words.  For a wand of Summon, for instance, you might try: say<BR>zuy cityguard. <BR>Wands generally require a small amount of mana to use, and less if the wand<BR>user is capable of learning the spell cast by the wand.</pre>
			<a name="WEAR"><B>WEAR</B></a>
			<pre>Command : WEAR<BR>Usage   : WEAR (ALL) [ITEM NAME] (ON [LOCATION])<BR>Example : wear shirt<BR>Example : wear shirt on torso<BR>Short(s): <BR>This command will attempt to place the specified item onto the proper location<BR>on your body.  If a location is specified, the player will attempt to wear the item<BR>on that location.  </pre>
			<a name="WEATHER"><B>WEATHER</B></a>
			<pre>Command : WEATHER<BR>Usage   : WEATHER<BR>Example : weather<BR>Short(s): weath<BR>Reminds you about the weather where you are.</pre>
			<a name="WEST"><B>WEST</B></a>
			<pre>Command : WEST<BR>Usage   : WEST<BR>Example : west<BR>Short(s): W<BR>Travel westward from the present room or location.</pre>
			<a name="WHERE"><B>WHERE</B></a>
			<pre>Command : WHERE<BR>Usage   : WHERE (LEVEL ADJUSTMENT) (GOOD/NEUTRAL/EVIL)<BR>Example : where<BR>Example : where good<BR>Example : where -10<BR>Example : where -10 evil<BR>Example : where 20<BR>Short(s): <BR>This command shows the name of the area where the player is presently, and also<BR>attempts to list the best areas for the player based on alignment, level, and the<BR>population of the area.  An optional level adjustment may be included to see higher<BR>or lower level areas. (Archons who want help on WHERE should use AHELP WHERE).</pre>
			<a name="WHISPER"><B>WHISPER</B></a>
			<pre>Command : WHISPER<BR>Usage   : WHISPER ([MOB NAME]) [MESSAGE]<BR>Example : whisper "Be careful!"<BR>Short(s): <BR>Causes your character to whisper to one or more characters or mobs riding the<BR>same horse, cart, boat, or at the same table as yourself.  You may specify the mob<BR>to whisper to, or just whisper in general to the table.  </pre>
			<a name="WHO"><B>WHO</B></a>
			<pre>Command : WHO<BR>Usage   : WHO ([OPTIONAL PARAMETER])<BR>Example : who<BR>Example : who @CoffeeMud<BR>Example : who friends<BR>Example : who playerkill<BR>Short(s): <BR>This command will list all of the characters presently online, regardless of<BR>where they are.  If an @ sign is used, this command will list all the players at a<BR>particular MUD.  If "friends" is given, then the list will consist only of those<BR>from the players friends list (see the FRIENDS command). If "Playerkill" is given,<BR>then the list will consist only of those players who have their playerkill flags<BR>on.</pre>
			<a name="WHOIS"><B>WHOIS</B></a>
			<pre>Command : WHOIS<BR>Usage   : WHOIS [MOB NAME]<BR>Example : whois Horice<BR>Short(s): <BR>Provides some basic information about the specified character name, assuming<BR>they are online, regardless of where they are located.  </pre>
			<a name="WIELD"><B>WIELD</B></a>
			<pre>Command : WIELD<BR>Usage   : WIELD (ALL) [ITEM NAME]<BR>Example : wield sword<BR>Short(s): <BR>Places a weapon that is presently in your carried inventory into one of your<BR>free hands for wielding.  Only a wielded weapon will be used during combat.</pre>
			<pre>Command : WILLQUALIFY<BR>Usage   : WILLQUALIFY ([LEVEL]) ([CLASS NAME]) ([SKILLTYPE]/EXPERTISE)...<BR>Example : willqualify 10<BR>Example : willqualify 30 fighter<BR>Example : willqualify expertise<BR>Example : willqualify 50 divination invocation/evocation expertise<BR>Short(s): qual<BR>Lists all of the skills, spells, languages, prayers, expertises, and/or songs<BR>which will be qualified for by the given class, level, and skill type, along with<BR>the requirements to gain the new skill.  The default is the players highest level,<BR>the players own class, and all skills/expertises.</pre>
			<a name="WIMPY"><B>WIMPY</B></a>
			<pre>Command : WIMPY<BR>Usage   : WIMPY [HIT POINTS]/[PCT]<BR>Example : wimpy 5<BR>Example : wimpy 15%<BR>Short(s): <BR>Sets the minimum number of hit points your character must have in order for you<BR>to remain in a fight.  Should your character drop below that level during combat,<BR>he or she will automatically FLEE the room.  See the FLEE command for more<BR>information.</pre>
			<a name="WISDOM"><B>WISDOM</B></a>
			<pre>Intuition, wit, and the ability to gain more practice points per level is<BR>reflected in Wisdom. </pre>
			<a name="WITHDRAW"><B>WITHDRAW</B></a>
			<pre>Command : WITHDRAW<BR>Usage   : WITHDRAW [ITEM NAME] ([CLERK NAME])<BR>Example : withdraw 1000<BR>Example : withdraw "jewel sword"<BR>Example : withdraw "10 gold coins" "Joe Banker"<BR>Example : withdraw "500 archon notes" banker<BR>Example : withdraw letter clerk<BR>Short(s): <BR>When a banker or postal clerk is present in the same room or area as your<BR>character, this command will allow you to withdraw an item from your account or<BR>postal box with that banker. See also LIST, BUY, SELL, DEPOSIT, VIEW, BID.</pre>
			<a name="WIZARD"><B>WIZARD</B></a>
			<pre>Wizards are great specialist scholar mages who have mastered the study (but not<BR>the art) of arcane magic.  They are capable of memorizing and casting any basic<BR>arcane spell, but their lack of mastery means they forget the spell as soon as it<BR>is cast.  This means that the wizard is constantly engaged in study, carrying<BR>around and/or creating numerous arcane scrolls to serve as the source for their<BR>next bit of magic.  Since they don't specialize or train in particular arcane<BR>spells, but can learn any spell, the Wizard is the most versitile Mage, though not<BR>necessarily the easiest to engage in combat with. <BR><BR>The Wizards manner of study requires that he expend his spell-casting mana when<BR>he learns or memorizes a spell, but this mana is released for use after the spell<BR>is cast.  Wizards can be invaluable as group members, and as clan members, but will<BR>struggle adventuring alone. A wizards lack of need to expend training time on<BR>individual spells means he can work on other aspects of himself, including stats or<BR>expertises, making the Wizard very powerful in the long run.</pre>
			<a name="WIZLIST"><B>WIZLIST</B></a>
			<pre>Command : WIZLIST<BR>Usage   : WIZLIST<BR>Example : wizlist<BR>Short(s): <BR>Shows a list of all the Archons on this mud.</pre>
			<pre><BR>World Currencies    :<BR>Currency            :default<BR>gold coin(s)        : (exchange rate is 1.0 of base)<BR>golden note(s)      : Equal to 100 gold coins.<BR>whole note(s)       : Equal to 10000 gold coins.<BR>Archon note(s)      : Equal to 1000000 gold coins.<BR></pre>
			<pre><BR>World Currencies    :<BR>Currency            :default<BR>gold coin(s)        : (exchange rate is 1.0 of base)<BR>golden note(s)      : Equal to 100 gold coins.<BR>whole note(s)       : Equal to 10000 gold coins.<BR>Archon note(s)      : Equal to 1000000 gold coins.<BR></pre>
			<a name="WORLD_MONEY"><B>WORLD_MONEY</B></a>
			<pre><BR>World Currencies    :<BR>Currency            :default<BR>gold coin(s)        : (exchange rate is 1.0 of base)<BR>golden note(s)      : Equal to 100 gold coins.<BR>whole note(s)       : Equal to 10000 gold coins.<BR>Archon note(s)      : Equal to 1000000 gold coins.<BR></pre>
			<a name="WORLD_MONIES"><B>WORLD_MONIES</B></a>
			<pre><BR>World Currencies    :<BR>Currency            :default<BR>gold coin(s)        : (exchange rate is 1.0 of base)<BR>golden note(s)      : Equal to 100 gold coins.<BR>whole note(s)       : Equal to 10000 gold coins.<BR>Archon note(s)      : Equal to 1000000 gold coins.<BR></pre>
			<a name="WORSHIP"><B>WORSHIP</B></a>
			<pre>This is a social, though there are related commands.  See the help entries for<BR>RELIGION, DEITIES, BLESSINGS, SERVICES, RITUALS, SERVE, REBUKE, and CONVERT for<BR>more information.</pre>
			<a name="WRITE"><B>WRITE</B></a>
			<pre>Skill    : WRITE<BR>Usage    : WRITE [ITEM] ([TEXT TO WRITE])<BR>Available: ALL<BR>Example  : write parchment From recall, go nseeseenwesee<BR>This skill allows one to write ordinary messages onto ordinary paper,<BR>parchments, and similar writing material.  The language the player will write in<BR>will depend on which language the player is currently SPEAKing.<BR><BR>When writing on a journal, you need not specify any parameters when using this<BR>command.</pre>
			<a name="YELL"><B>YELL</B></a>
			<pre>Command : YELL<BR>Usage   : YELL ([MOB NAME]) [MESSAGE]<BR>Example : yell HELLO ALL!<BR>Short(s): <BR>Causes your character to yell at one or more characters or mobs in the same<BR>room as yourself.  You may specify the mob to yell at, or just yell outloud. <BR>Yelling also broadcasts to surrounding rooms in some cases.</pre>