#AREADATA Name KaVir /{CArtifacts{x~ Builders Unlinked~ VNUMs 29500 29520 Credits (null)~ Security 9 End #MOBILES #0 #OBJECTS #29500 artifact green planar ring~ {gthe {GGreen{g Planar Ring{x~ A ring of shining green glass lies here.~ ~ 9 A AB 25 0 0 13 1 1000000 0 A 19 50 A 18 50 A 13 500 Q You vanish in a flash of green light!~ You appear in a flash of green light!~ You twist $p around your finger three times.~ $n vanishes in a flash of green light!~ $n appears in a flash of green light!~ $n twists $p around $s finger three times.~ 130 29500 #29501 artifact blue planar ring~ {bthe {BBlue{b Planar Ring{x~ A ring of shining blue glass lies here.~ ~ 9 A AB 25 0 0 10 1 1000000 0 A 19 50 A 18 50 A 12 500 Q You vanish in a flash of blue light!~ You appear in a flash of blue light!~ You twist $p around your finger three times.~ $n vanishes in a flash of blue light!~ $n appears in a flash of blue light!~ $n twists $p around $s finger three times.~ 130 29501 #29502 artifact red planar ring~ {rthe {RRed{r Planar Ring{x~ A ring of shining red glass lies here.~ ~ 9 A AB 25 0 0 11 1 1000000 0 A 19 50 A 18 50 A 14 500 Q You vanish in a flash of red light!~ You appear in a flash of red light!~ You twist $p around your finger three times.~ $n vanishes in a flash of red light!~ $n appears in a flash of red light!~ $n twists $p around $s finger three times.~ 130 29502 #29503 artifact chaos axe~ {mthe {MC{mh{Ma{mo{Ms{m Axe{x~ An axe of twisted black metal lies on the floor.~ ~ 5 BCO AN 15034 25 50 1 1 1000000 0 A 19 50 A 18 50 E chaos axe~ The black-headed axe is mounted on a haft of bone, smoothed to a dull polish by the grip of countless calloused hands. Struck deep into the dark-metalled blade is a single rune, an unforgiving skull that holds the eye with a baleful glare. ~ Q $p groans and writhes hungrily in your hand.~ $p stops writhing in your hand.~ You press the rune on the blade of $p.~ $p groans and writhes hungrily in $n's hand.~ $p stops writhing in $n's hand.~ $n presses the rune on the blade of $p.~ 36 88 #29504 artifact torc restoration~ {ythe {YTorc{y of{Y Continual Restoration{x~ A small golden torc lies on the ground.~ ~ 9 0 AC 25 0 0 16 1 1000000 0 A 19 50 A 18 50 A 17 -100 Q (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ 0 0 #29505 artifact shortsword sword speed~ {wthe {WShortsword{w of{W Speed{x~ A short blade of grey-white metal lies on the floor.~ ~ 5 O AN 17000 25 50 11 1 1000000 0 A 19 50 A 18 50 A 14 1000 A 2 5 Q (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ 0 0 #29506 artifact vorpal blade sword~ {wthe {CVorpal{w Blade{x~ A razor sharp sword lies on the floor.~ ~ 5 O AN 18000 25 50 3 1 1000000 0 A 19 50 A 18 50 Q (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ 0 0 #29507 artifact klaive dagger~ {cthe {CKlaive{x~ A shining silver fetish dagger lies here.~ ~ 5 0 AN 0 25 50 11 1 1000000 0 A 19 50 A 18 50 Q (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ 49152 0 #29508 artifact ring hitting~ {rthe {RRing{r of{R Hitting{x~ A powerful looking ring lies here.~ ~ 9 B AB 25 0 0 0 1 1000000 0 A 18 150 Q (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ 0 0 #29509 artifact ring damage~ {Rthe {rRing{R of{r Damage{x~ A powerful looking ring lies here.~ ~ 9 B AB 25 0 0 0 1 1000000 0 A 19 100 Q (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ 0 0 #29510 artifact longsword sword sharpness~ {wthe {WSword{w of {WSharpness{x~ A extremely sharp longsword lies on the floor.~ ~ 5 O AN 18000 25 50 1 1 1000000 0 A 19 50 A 18 50 Q (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ 0 0 #29511 artifact white banner peace~ {wthe {WB{wa{Wn{wn{We{wr of {WP{we{Wa{wc{We{x~ A plain white banner is sticking out of the ground here.~ ~ 9 A AO 0 0 0 19 1 1000000 0 Q (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ 0 0 #29512 artifact sword darkness~ {bthe {BS{bword of {BDarkness{x~ A long thin sword of shining black steel lies on the floor.~ ~ 5 O AN 20000 25 50 3 1 1000000 0 A 19 50 A 18 50 A 17 -50 Q (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ 0 0 #29513 artifact book tome ancients~ {ythe {YTome {yof the {YA{yncients{x~ A thick leather bound tome lies on the ground.~ ~ 5 0 AN 18000 25 50 7 1 1000000 0 A 19 50 A 18 50 A 12 1000 Q (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ 0 0 #29514 artifact armour armor resistance~ {bthe {BArmour{b of {BResistance{x~ A suit of powerful-looking golden armour lies here.~ ~ 9 B AD 25 0 0 21 1 1000000 0 A 19 35 A 18 35 A 17 -100 Q (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ 0 0 #29515 artifact visor vision~ {gthe {GVisor{g of {GVision{x~ A gleaming visor lies on the floor.~ ~ 9 B APQRSTUVWXYZabcdef 25 0 0 22 1 1000000 0 A 19 35 A 18 35 Q (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ 0 0 #29516 artifact claws damned~ {rthe {RClaws{r of the {RDamned{x~ A pair of black gleaming claws lie on the ground.~ ~ 5 0 G 20000 25 50 5 1 1000000 0 A 19 40 A 18 40 A 17 -50 Q (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ 32768 0 #29517 artifact tooth fenris~ {wthe {WTooth{x of {GFenris{x~ A two-foot long canine tooth lies on the ground.~ ~ 5 0 CN 25000 25 50 11 1 1000000 0 A 19 40 A 18 40 Q (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ 32768 0 #29518 artifact bracelet lloth~ {bthe {BB{bracelet of {BL{bloth{x~ A black spider-shaped bracelet lies on the ground.~ ~ 9 0 AM 25 0 0 16 1 1000000 0 A 18 25 A 19 25 A 17 -50 Q (null)~ (null)~ You press a small stud on $p.~ (null)~ (null)~ $n presses a small stud on $p.~ 564 128 #29519 artifact ring nameless~ {wa name{rless {Dring{x~ A powerful looking ring lies here.~ ~ 9 B AB 66 0 0 66 1 1000000 0 A 19 20 A 18 20 Q (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ (null)~ 0 0 #29520 artifact heart ice glass~ the {RHeart {Wof {CIce{x~ A heart-shaped carving of glass lies here on a silver chain.~ ~ 9 AG AC 50 0 0 16 3 1000000 0 A 18 35 A 19 35 E heart~ At first glance the {RHeart {Wof {CIce{x appears to be an inert sculpture of glass, hanging from a thick silver chain. Upon closer inspection, however, it quickly becomes apparent that this is no ordinary piece of glass. The {RHeart {Wof {CIce{x is lit with an icy glow, and yet it feels warm to the touch. ~ Q (null)~ (null)~ You press $p to your chest.~ (null)~ (null)~ $n presses $p to $s chest.~ 548 43 #0 #ROOMS #29500 {gThe {Ggreen{g chamber{x~ You are standing within a small chamber of glowing green stone. ~ 0 25744 0 D4 Above you is the temple altar. ~ ~ 0 -1 3054 T &restore*health*~ The room pulses with green energy.~ copy~ all~ 4096 43 0 S #29501 {bThe {Bblue{b chamber{x~ You are standing within a small chamber of glowing blue stone. ~ 0 25744 0 D4 Above you is the temple altar. ~ ~ 0 -1 3054 T &restore*mana*~ The room pulses with blue energy.~ copy~ all~ 4096 90 0 S #29502 {rThe {Rred{r chamber{x~ You are standing within a small chamber of glowing red stone. ~ 0 25744 0 D4 Above you is the temple altar. ~ ~ 0 -1 3054 T &restore*move*~ The room pulses with red energy.~ copy~ all~ 4096 55 0 S #0 #SPECIALS S #RESETS S #SHOPS 0 #MOBPROGS #0 #$