 * ResortMUD 4.0 Beta by Ntanel, Garinan, Badastaz, Josh, Digifuzz, Senir,  *
 * Kratas, Scion, Shogar and Tagith.  Special thanks to Thoric, Nivek,      *
 * Altrag, Arlorn, Justice, Samson, Dace, HyperEye and Yakkov.              *
 * Copyright (C) 1996 - 2001 Haslage Net Electronics: MudWorld              *
 * of Lorain, Ohio - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED                                    *
 * The text and pictures of this publication, or any part thereof, may not  *
 * be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or  *
 * mechanical, includes photocopying, recording, storage in a information   *
 * retrieval system, or otherwise, without the prior written or e-mail      *
 * consent from the publisher.                                              *
 * GREETING must mention ResortMUD programmers and the help file named      *
 * CREDITS must remain completely intact as listed in the SMAUG license.    *

 * [S]imulated [M]edieval [A]dventure multi[U]ser [G]ame      |   \\._.//   *
 * -----------------------------------------------------------|   (0...0)   *
 * SMAUG 1.4 (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998  by Derek Snider      |    ).:.(    *
 * -----------------------------------------------------------|    {o o}    *
 * SMAUG code team: Thoric, Altrag, Blodkai, Narn, Haus,      |   / ' ' \   *
 * Scryn, Rennard, Swordbearer, Gorog, Grishnakh, Nivek,      |~'~.VxvxV.~'~*
 * Tricops and Fireblade                                      |             *
 *  The MUDprograms are heavily based on the original MOBprogram code that  *
 *  was written by N'Atas-ha.						    *
 *  Much has been added, including the capability to put a "program" on     *
 *  rooms and objects, not to mention many more triggers and ifchecks, as   *
 *  well as "script" support.						    *
 *                                                                          *
 *  Error reporting has been changed to specify whether the offending       *
 *  program is on a mob, a room or and object, along with the vnum.         *
 *                                                                          *
 *  Mudprog parsing has been rewritten (in mprog_driver). Mprog_process_if  *
 *  and mprog_process_cmnd have been removed, mprog_do_command is new.      *
 *  Full support for nested ifs is in.                                      *

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "mud.h"

/* Defines by Narn for new mudprog parsing, used as 
   return values from mprog_do_command. */
#define COMMANDOK    1
#define IFTRUE       2
#define IFFALSE      3
#define ORTRUE       4
#define ORFALSE      5
#define FOUNDELSE    6
#define FOUNDENDIF   7
#define IFIGNORED    8
#define ORIGNORED    9

/* Ifstate defines, used to create and access ifstate array
   in mprog_driver. */
#define MAX_IFS     20  /* should always be generous */
#define IN_IF        0
#define IN_ELSE      1
#define DO_IF        2
#define DO_ELSE      3

#define MAX_PROG_NEST   20

int mprog_do_command( char *cmnd, CHAR_DATA * mob, CHAR_DATA * actor,
                      OBJ_DATA * obj, void *vo, CHAR_DATA * rndm, bool ignore, bool ignore_ors );

 *  Mudprogram additions
CHAR_DATA *supermob;
struct act_prog_data *room_act_list;
struct act_prog_data *obj_act_list;
struct act_prog_data *mob_act_list;

 * Local function prototypes

char *mprog_next_command args( ( char *clist ) );
bool mprog_seval args( ( char *lhs, char *opr, char *rhs, CHAR_DATA * mob ) );
bool mprog_veval args( ( int lhs, char *opr, int rhs, CHAR_DATA * mob ) );
int mprog_do_ifcheck args( ( char *ifcheck, CHAR_DATA * mob,
                             CHAR_DATA * actor, OBJ_DATA * obj, void *vo, CHAR_DATA * rndm ) );
void mprog_translate args( ( char ch, char *t, CHAR_DATA * mob,
                             CHAR_DATA * actor, OBJ_DATA * obj, void *vo, CHAR_DATA * rndm ) );
void mprog_driver args( ( char *com_list, CHAR_DATA * mob, CHAR_DATA * actor, OBJ_DATA * obj, void *vo, bool single_step ) );

bool mprog_keyword_check args( ( const char *argu, const char *argl ) );

void oprog_wordlist_check( char *arg, CHAR_DATA * mob, CHAR_DATA * actor, OBJ_DATA * obj, void *vo, int type,
                           OBJ_DATA * iobj );
void set_supermob( OBJ_DATA * obj );
bool oprog_percent_check( CHAR_DATA * mob, CHAR_DATA * actor, OBJ_DATA * obj, void *vo, int type );
void rprog_percent_check( CHAR_DATA * mob, CHAR_DATA * actor, OBJ_DATA * obj, void *vo, int type );
void rprog_wordlist_check( char *arg, CHAR_DATA * mob, CHAR_DATA * actor,
                           OBJ_DATA * obj, void *vo, int type, ROOM_INDEX_DATA * room );

 * Local function code and brief comments.

/* if you dont have these functions, you damn well should... */

char *strstr( s1, s2 )
     const char *s1;
     const char *s2;
   char *cp;
   int i, j = strlen( s1 ) - strlen( s2 ), k = strlen( s2 );
   if( j < 0 )
      return NULL;
   for( i = 0; i <= j && strncmp( s1++, s2, k ) != 0; i++ );
   return ( i > j ) ? NULL : ( s1 - 1 );


void init_supermob(  )
   RID *office;

   supermob = create_mobile( get_mob_index( 3 ) );
   office = get_room_index( 3 );
   char_to_room( supermob, office );

#ifdef NOTDEFD
   CREATE( supermob, CHAR_DATA, 1 );
   clear_char( supermob );

   xSET_BIT( supermob->act, ACT_IS_NPC );
   supermob->name = STRALLOC( "supermob" );
   supermob->short_descr = STRALLOC( "supermob" );
   supermob->long_descr = STRALLOC( "supermob is here" );

   CREATE( supermob_index, MOB_INDEX_DATA, 1 )

#undef RID

/* Used to get sequential lines of a multi line string (separated by "\r\n")
 * Thus its like one_argument(), but a trifle different. It is destructive
 * to the multi line string argument, and thus clist must not be shared.
char *mprog_next_command( char *clist )

   char *pointer = clist;

   while( *pointer != '\n' && *pointer != '\0' )
   if( *pointer == '\n' )
      *pointer++ = '\0';
   if( *pointer == '\r' )
      *pointer++ = '\0';

   return ( pointer );


/* These two functions do the basic evaluation of ifcheck operators.
 *  It is important to note that the string operations are not what
 *  you probably expect.  Equality is exact and division is substring.
 *  remember that lhs has been stripped of leading space, but can
 *  still have trailing spaces so be careful when editing since:
 *  "guard" and "guard " are not equal.
bool mprog_seval( char *lhs, char *opr, char *rhs, CHAR_DATA * mob )

   if( !str_cmp( opr, "==" ) )
      return ( bool ) ( !str_cmp( lhs, rhs ) );
   if( !str_cmp( opr, "!=" ) )
      return ( bool ) ( str_cmp( lhs, rhs ) );
   if( !str_cmp( opr, "/" ) )
      return ( bool ) ( !str_infix( rhs, lhs ) );
   if( !str_cmp( opr, "!/" ) )
      return ( bool ) ( str_infix( rhs, lhs ) );

   sprintf( log_buf, "Improper MOBprog operator '%s'", opr );
   progbug( log_buf, mob );
   return 0;


bool mprog_veval( int lhs, char *opr, int rhs, CHAR_DATA * mob )

   if( !str_cmp( opr, "==" ) )
      return ( lhs == rhs );
   if( !str_cmp( opr, "!=" ) )
      return ( lhs != rhs );
   if( !str_cmp( opr, ">" ) )
      return ( lhs > rhs );
   if( !str_cmp( opr, "<" ) )
      return ( lhs < rhs );
   if( !str_cmp( opr, "<=" ) )
      return ( lhs <= rhs );
   if( !str_cmp( opr, ">=" ) )
      return ( lhs >= rhs );
   if( !str_cmp( opr, "&" ) )
      return ( lhs & rhs );
   if( !str_cmp( opr, "|" ) )
      return ( lhs | rhs );

   sprintf( log_buf, "Improper MOBprog operator '%s'", opr );
   progbug( log_buf, mob );

   return 0;


/* This function performs the evaluation of the if checks.  It is
 * here that you can add any ifchecks which you so desire. Hopefully
 * it is clear from what follows how one would go about adding your
 * own. The syntax for an if check is: ifcheck ( arg ) [opr val]
 * where the parenthesis are required and the opr and val fields are
 * optional but if one is there then both must be. The spaces are all
 * optional. The evaluation of the opr expressions is farmed out
 * to reduce the redundancy of the mammoth if statement list.
 * If there are errors, then return BERR otherwise return boolean 1,0
 * Redone by Altrag.. kill all that big copy-code that performs the
 * same action on each variable..
int mprog_do_ifcheck( char *ifcheck, CHAR_DATA * mob, CHAR_DATA * actor, OBJ_DATA * obj, void *vo, CHAR_DATA * rndm )
   char cvar[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
   char chck[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
   char opr[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
   char rval[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
   char *point = ifcheck;
   char *pchck = chck;
   CHAR_DATA *chkchar = NULL;
   OBJ_DATA *chkobj = NULL;
   int lhsvl, rhsvl = 0;

   if( !*point )
      progbug( "Null ifcheck", mob );
      return BERR;
   while( *point == ' ' )
   while( *point != '(' )
      if( *point == '\0' )
         progbug( "Ifcheck syntax error", mob );
         return BERR;
      else if( *point == ' ' )
         *pchck++ = *point++;
   *pchck = '\0';
   pchck = cvar;

   while( *point != ')' )
      if( *point == '\0' )
         progbug( "Ifcheck syntax error", mob );
         return BERR;
      else if( *point == ' ' )
         *pchck++ = *point++;
   *pchck = '\0'; /* Gorog's bug fix */

   while( *point == ' ' )
   if( !*point )
      opr[0] = '\0';
      rval[0] = '\0';
      pchck = opr;
      while( *point != ' ' && !isalnum( *point ) )
         if( *point == '\0' )
            progbug( "Ifcheck operator without value", mob );
            return BERR;
            *pchck++ = *point++;
      *pchck = '\0';

      while( *point == ' ' )
      pchck = rval;
      while( *point != '\0' && *point != '\0' )
         *pchck++ = *point++;
      *pchck = '\0';

    * chck contains check, cvar is the variable in the (), opr is the
    * * operator if there is one, and rval is the value if there was an
    * * operator.
   if( cvar[0] == '$' )
      switch ( cvar[1] )
         case 'i':
            chkchar = mob;
         case 'n':
            chkchar = actor;
         case 't':
            chkchar = ( CHAR_DATA * ) vo;
         case 'r':
            chkchar = rndm;
         case 'o':
            chkobj = obj;
         case 'p':
            chkobj = ( OBJ_DATA * ) vo;
            sprintf( rval, "Bad argument '%c' to '%s'", cvar[0], chck );
            progbug( rval, mob );
            return BERR;
      if( !chkchar && !chkobj )
         return BERR;
   if( !str_cmp( chck, "rand" ) )
      return ( number_percent(  ) <= atoi( cvar ) );
   if( !str_cmp( chck, "economy" ) )
      int idx = atoi( cvar );
      ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room;

      if( !idx )
         if( !mob->in_room )
            progbug( "'economy' ifcheck: mob in NULL room with no room vnum " "argument", mob );
            return BERR;
         room = mob->in_room;
         room = get_room_index( idx );
      if( !room )
         progbug( "Bad room vnum passed to 'economy'", mob );
         return BERR;
      return mprog_veval( ( ( room->area->high_economy > 0 ) ? 1000000000 : 0 )
                          + room->area->low_economy, opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
   if( !str_cmp( chck, "mobinarea" ) )
      int vnum = atoi( cvar );
      int lhsvl;
      int world_count;
      int found_count;
      CHAR_DATA *tmob;
      MOB_INDEX_DATA *m_index;

      if( vnum < 1 || vnum > 1048576000 )
         progbug( "Bad vnum to 'mobinarea'", mob );
         return BERR;

      m_index = get_mob_index( vnum );

      if( !m_index )
         world_count = 0;
         world_count = m_index->count;

      lhsvl = 0;
      found_count = 0;

      for( tmob = first_char; tmob && found_count != world_count; tmob = tmob->next )
         if( IS_NPC( tmob ) && tmob->pIndexData->vnum == vnum )

            if( tmob->in_room->area == mob->in_room->area )

      rhsvl = atoi( rval );
       * Changed below from 1 to 0 
      if( rhsvl < 0 )
         rhsvl = 0;
      if( !*opr )
         strcpy( opr, "==" );

      return mprog_veval( lhsvl, opr, rhsvl, mob );

   if( !str_cmp( chck, "mobinroom" ) )
      int vnum = atoi( cvar );
      int lhsvl;
      CHAR_DATA *oMob;

      if( vnum < 1 || vnum > 1048576000 )
         progbug( "Bad vnum to 'mobinroom'", mob );
         return BERR;
      lhsvl = 0;
      for( oMob = mob->in_room->first_person; oMob; oMob = oMob->next_in_room )
         if( IS_NPC( oMob ) && oMob->pIndexData->vnum == vnum )
      rhsvl = atoi( rval );
       * Changed below from 1 to 0 
      if( rhsvl < 0 )
         rhsvl = 0;
      if( !*opr )
         strcpy( opr, "==" );
      return mprog_veval( lhsvl, opr, rhsvl, mob );

   if( !str_cmp( chck, "mobinworld" ) )
      int vnum = atoi( cvar );
      int lhsvl;
      MOB_INDEX_DATA *m_index;

      if( vnum < 1 || vnum > 1048576000 )
         progbug( "Bad vnum to 'mobinworld'", mob );
         return BERR;

      m_index = get_mob_index( vnum );

      if( !m_index )
         lhsvl = 0;
         lhsvl = m_index->count;

      rhsvl = atoi( rval );
/* Changed below from 1 to 0 */

      if( rhsvl < 0 )
         rhsvl = 0;
      if( !*opr )
         strcpy( opr, "==" );

      return mprog_veval( lhsvl, opr, rhsvl, mob );
   if( !str_cmp( chck, "timeskilled" ) )
      MOB_INDEX_DATA *pMob;

      if( chkchar )
         pMob = chkchar->pIndexData;
      else if( !( pMob = get_mob_index( atoi( cvar ) ) ) )
         progbug( "TimesKilled ifcheck: bad vnum", mob );
         return BERR;
      return mprog_veval( pMob->killed, opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
   if( !str_cmp( chck, "ovnumhere" ) )
      OBJ_DATA *pObj;
      int vnum = atoi( cvar );

      if( vnum < 1 || vnum > 1048576000 )
         progbug( "OvnumHere: bad vnum", mob );
         return BERR;
      lhsvl = 0;
    for ( pObj = mob->first_carrying; pObj; pObj = pObj->next_content )
      if ( can_see_obj(mob, pObj) && pObj->pIndexData->vnum == vnum )
    for ( pObj = mob->in_room->first_content; pObj;
          pObj = pObj->next_content )
      if ( can_see_obj(mob, pObj) && pObj->pIndexData->vnum == vnum )
      for( pObj = mob->first_carrying; pObj; pObj = pObj->next_content )
         if( pObj->pIndexData->vnum == vnum )
            lhsvl += pObj->count;
      for( pObj = mob->in_room->first_content; pObj; pObj = pObj->next_content )
         if( pObj->pIndexData->vnum == vnum )
            lhsvl += pObj->count;
      rhsvl = is_number( rval ) ? atoi( rval ) : -1;
/* Changed from 1 to 0 */
      if( rhsvl < 0 )
         rhsvl = 0;
      if( !*opr )
         strcpy( opr, "==" );
      return mprog_veval( lhsvl, opr, rhsvl, mob );
   if( !str_cmp( chck, "otypehere" ) )
      OBJ_DATA *pObj;
      int type;

      if( is_number( cvar ) )
         type = atoi( cvar );
         type = get_otype( cvar );
      if( type < 0 || type > MAX_ITEM_TYPE )
         progbug( "OtypeHere: bad type", mob );
         return BERR;
      lhsvl = 0;
    for ( pObj = mob->first_carrying; pObj; pObj = pObj->next_content )
      if ( can_see_obj(mob, pObj) && pObj->item_type == type )
    for ( pObj = mob->in_room->first_content; pObj;
          pObj = pObj->next_content )
      if ( can_see_obj(mob, pObj) && pObj->item_type == type )
      for( pObj = mob->first_carrying; pObj; pObj = pObj->next_content )
         if( pObj->item_type == type )
            lhsvl += pObj->count;
      for( pObj = mob->in_room->first_content; pObj; pObj = pObj->next_content )
         if( pObj->item_type == type )
            lhsvl += pObj->count;
      rhsvl = is_number( rval ) ? atoi( rval ) : -1;
/* Change below from 1 to 0 */
      if( rhsvl < 0 )
         rhsvl = 0;
      if( !*opr )
         strcpy( opr, "==" );
      return mprog_veval( lhsvl, opr, rhsvl, mob );
   if( !str_cmp( chck, "ovnumroom" ) )
      OBJ_DATA *pObj;
      int vnum = atoi( cvar );

      if( vnum < 1 || vnum > 1048576000 )
         progbug( "OvnumRoom: bad vnum", mob );
         return BERR;
      lhsvl = 0;
      for( pObj = mob->in_room->first_content; pObj; pObj = pObj->next_content )
         if( pObj->pIndexData->vnum == vnum )
            lhsvl += pObj->count;
/* Why should he have to see it after all he is supermob :)
      if ( can_see_obj(mob, pObj) && pObj->pIndexData->vnum == vnum )
      rhsvl = is_number( rval ) ? atoi( rval ) : -1;
/* Changed below from 1 to 0 so can check for == no items Shaddai */
      if( rhsvl < 0 )
         rhsvl = 0;
      if( !*opr )
         strcpy( opr, "==" );
      return mprog_veval( lhsvl, opr, rhsvl, mob );
   if( !str_cmp( chck, "otyperoom" ) )
      OBJ_DATA *pObj;
      int type;

      if( is_number( cvar ) )
         type = atoi( cvar );
         type = get_otype( cvar );
      if( type < 0 || type > MAX_ITEM_TYPE )
         progbug( "OtypeRoom: bad type", mob );
         return BERR;
      lhsvl = 0;
/* Why must they see it?
    for ( pObj = mob->in_room->first_content; pObj;
          pObj = pObj->next_content )
      if ( can_see_obj(mob, pObj) && pObj->item_type == type )
      for( pObj = mob->in_room->first_content; pObj; pObj = pObj->next_content )
         if( pObj->item_type == type )
            lhsvl += pObj->count;
      rhsvl = is_number( rval ) ? atoi( rval ) : -1;
       * Changed below from 1 to 0 
      if( rhsvl < 0 )
         rhsvl = 0;
      if( !*opr )
         strcpy( opr, "==" );
      return mprog_veval( lhsvl, opr, rhsvl, mob );
   if( !str_cmp( chck, "ovnumcarry" ) )
      OBJ_DATA *pObj;
      int vnum = atoi( cvar );

      if( vnum < 1 || vnum > 1048576000 )
         progbug( "OvnumCarry: bad vnum", mob );
         return BERR;
      lhsvl = 0;

      for( pObj = mob->first_carrying; pObj; pObj = pObj->next_content )
         if( pObj->pIndexData->vnum == vnum )
            lhsvl += pObj->count;
      rhsvl = is_number( rval ) ? atoi( rval ) : -1;

      if( rhsvl < 0 )
         rhsvl = 0;
      if( !*opr )
         strcpy( opr, "==" );
      return mprog_veval( lhsvl, opr, rhsvl, mob );
   if( !str_cmp( chck, "otypecarry" ) )
      OBJ_DATA *pObj;
      int type;

      if( is_number( cvar ) )
         type = atoi( cvar );
         type = get_otype( cvar );
      if( type < 0 || type > MAX_ITEM_TYPE )
         progbug( "OtypeCarry: bad type", mob );
         return BERR;
      lhsvl = 0;
/* Why must they see it? Shaddai 
    for ( pObj = mob->first_carrying; pObj; pObj = pObj->next_content )
      if ( can_see_obj(mob, pObj) && pObj->item_type == type )
      for( pObj = mob->first_carrying; pObj; pObj = pObj->next_content )
         if( pObj->item_type == type )
            lhsvl += pObj->count;
      rhsvl = is_number( rval ) ? atoi( rval ) : -1;
       * Changed below from 1 to 0 Shaddai 
      if( rhsvl < 0 )
         rhsvl = 0;
      if( !*opr )
         strcpy( opr, "==" );
      return mprog_veval( lhsvl, opr, rhsvl, mob );
   if( !str_cmp( chck, "ovnumwear" ) )
      OBJ_DATA *pObj;
      int vnum = atoi( cvar );

      if( vnum < 1 || vnum > 1048576000 )
         progbug( "OvnumWear: bad vnum", mob );
         return BERR;
      lhsvl = 0;
/* Why myst he see it? 
    for ( pObj = mob->first_carrying; pObj; pObj = pObj->next_content )
      if ( pObj->wear_loc != WEAR_NONE && can_see_obj(mob, pObj) &&
           pObj->pIndexData->vnum == vnum )
      for( pObj = mob->first_carrying; pObj; pObj = pObj->next_content )
         if( pObj->wear_loc != WEAR_NONE && pObj->pIndexData->vnum == vnum )
            lhsvl += pObj->count;
      rhsvl = is_number( rval ) ? atoi( rval ) : -1;
/* Changed below from 1 to 0 */
      if( rhsvl < 0 )
         rhsvl = 0;
      if( !*opr )
         strcpy( opr, "==" );
      return mprog_veval( lhsvl, opr, rhsvl, mob );
   if( !str_cmp( chck, "otypewear" ) )
      OBJ_DATA *pObj;
      int type;

      if( is_number( cvar ) )
         type = atoi( cvar );
         type = get_otype( cvar );
      if( type < 0 || type > MAX_ITEM_TYPE )
         progbug( "OtypeWear: bad type", mob );
         return BERR;
      lhsvl = 0;
/* Why must he see it?
    for ( pObj = mob->first_carrying; pObj; pObj = pObj->next_content )
      if ( pObj->wear_loc != WEAR_NONE && can_see_obj(mob, pObj) &&
           pObj->item_type == type )
      for( pObj = mob->first_carrying; pObj; pObj = pObj->next_content )
         if( pObj->wear_loc != WEAR_NONE && pObj->item_type == type )
            lhsvl += pObj->count;
      rhsvl = is_number( rval ) ? atoi( rval ) : -1;
/* Changed below from 1 to 0 so can have == 0 Shaddai */
      if( rhsvl < 0 )
         rhsvl = 0;
      if( !*opr )
         strcpy( opr, "==" );
      return mprog_veval( lhsvl, opr, rhsvl, mob );
   if( !str_cmp( chck, "ovnuminv" ) )
      OBJ_DATA *pObj;
      int vnum = atoi( cvar );

      if( vnum < 1 || vnum > 1048576000 )
         progbug( "OvnumInv: bad vnum", mob );
         return BERR;
      lhsvl = 0;
/* Once again why must he be able to see it? 
    for ( pObj = mob->first_carrying; pObj; pObj = pObj->next_content )
      if ( pObj->wear_loc == WEAR_NONE && can_see_obj(mob, pObj) &&
           pObj->pIndexData->vnum == vnum )
      for( pObj = mob->first_carrying; pObj; pObj = pObj->next_content )
         if( pObj->wear_loc == WEAR_NONE && pObj->pIndexData->vnum == vnum )
            lhsvl += pObj->count;
      rhsvl = is_number( rval ) ? atoi( rval ) : -1;
/* Changed 1 to 0 so can have == 0 */
      if( rhsvl < 0 )
         rhsvl = 0;
      if( !*opr )
         strcpy( opr, "==" );
      return mprog_veval( lhsvl, opr, rhsvl, mob );
   if( !str_cmp( chck, "otypeinv" ) )
      OBJ_DATA *pObj;
      int type;

      if( is_number( cvar ) )
         type = atoi( cvar );
         type = get_otype( cvar );
      if( type < 0 || type > MAX_ITEM_TYPE )
         progbug( "OtypeInv: bad type", mob );
         return BERR;
      lhsvl = 0;
/* Why does he need to see it? Shaddai 
    for ( pObj = mob->first_carrying; pObj; pObj = pObj->next_content )
      if ( pObj->wear_loc == WEAR_NONE && can_see_obj(mob, pObj) &&
           pObj->item_type == type )
      for( pObj = mob->first_carrying; pObj; pObj = pObj->next_content )
         if( pObj->wear_loc == WEAR_NONE && pObj->item_type == type )
            lhsvl += pObj->count;
      rhsvl = is_number( rval ) ? atoi( rval ) : -1;
/* Changed below from 1 to 0 for == 0 Shaddai */
      if( rhsvl < 0 )
         rhsvl = 0;
      if( !*opr )
         strcpy( opr, "==" );
      return mprog_veval( lhsvl, opr, rhsvl, mob );
   if( chkchar )
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "ispacifist" ) )
         return ( IS_NPC( chkchar ) && xIS_SET( chkchar->act, ACT_PACIFIST ) );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "ismobinvis" ) )
         return ( IS_NPC( chkchar ) && xIS_SET( chkchar->act, ACT_MOBINVIS ) );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "mobinvislevel" ) )
         return ( IS_NPC( chkchar ) ? mprog_veval( chkchar->mobinvis, opr, atoi( rval ), mob ) : FALSE );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "ispc" ) )
         return IS_NPC( chkchar ) ? FALSE : TRUE;
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "isnpc" ) )
         return IS_NPC( chkchar ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "cansee" ) )
         return can_see( mob, chkchar );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "ispassage" ) )
         if( find_door( chkchar, rval, TRUE ) == NULL )
            return FALSE;
            return TRUE;
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "isopen" ) )
         EXIT_DATA *pexit;
         if( ( pexit = find_door( chkchar, rval, TRUE ) ) == NULL )
            return FALSE;
         if( !IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED ) )
            return TRUE;
         return FALSE;
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "islocked" ) )
         EXIT_DATA *pexit;
         if( ( pexit = find_door( chkchar, rval, TRUE ) ) == NULL )
            return FALSE;
         if( IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_LOCKED ) )
            return TRUE;
         return FALSE;
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "ispkill" ) )
         return IS_PKILL( chkchar ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "isdevoted" ) )
         return IS_DEVOTED( chkchar ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "canpkill" ) )
         return CAN_PKILL( chkchar ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "ismounted" ) )
         return ( chkchar->position == POS_MOUNTED );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "ismorphed" ) )
         return ( chkchar->morph != NULL ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "isnuisance" ) )
         return ( !IS_NPC( chkchar ) ? chkchar->pcdata->nuisance ? TRUE : FALSE : FALSE );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "isgood" ) )
         return IS_GOOD( chkchar ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "isneutral" ) )
         return IS_NEUTRAL( chkchar ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "isevil" ) )
         return IS_EVIL( chkchar ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "isfight" ) )
         return who_fighting( chkchar ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "isimmort" ) )
         return ( get_trust( chkchar ) >= LEVEL_IMMORTAL );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "ischarmed" ) )
         return IS_AFFECTED( chkchar, AFF_CHARM ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "isflying" ) )
         return IS_AFFECTED( chkchar, AFF_FLYING ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "isthief" ) )
         return ( !IS_NPC( chkchar ) && xIS_SET( chkchar->act, PLR_THIEF ) );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "isattacker" ) )
         return ( !IS_NPC( chkchar ) && xIS_SET( chkchar->act, PLR_ATTACKER ) );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "iskiller" ) )
         return ( !IS_NPC( chkchar ) && xIS_SET( chkchar->act, PLR_KILLER ) );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "isfollow" ) )
         return ( chkchar->master != NULL && chkchar->master->in_room == chkchar->in_room );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "ismarried" ) )
         return ( xIS_SET( chkchar->act, PLR_MARRIED ) ? TRUE : FALSE );
      }  /* -- Scion */

      if( !str_cmp( chck, "isaffected" ) )
         int value = get_aflag( rval );

         if( value < 0 || value > MAX_BITS )
            progbug( "Unknown affect being checked", mob );
            return BERR;
         return IS_AFFECTED( chkchar, value ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "numfighting" ) )
         return mprog_veval( chkchar->num_fighting - 1, opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "hitprcnt" ) )
         return mprog_veval( chkchar->hit / chkchar->max_hit, opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "inroom" ) )
         return mprog_veval( chkchar->in_room->vnum, opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "wasinroom" ) )
         if( !chkchar->was_in_room )
            return FALSE;
         return mprog_veval( chkchar->was_in_room->vnum, opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "norecall" ) )
         return IS_SET( chkchar->in_room->room_flags, ROOM_NO_RECALL ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "sex" ) )
         return mprog_veval( chkchar->sex, opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "position" ) )
         return mprog_veval( chkchar->position, opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "doingquest" ) )
         return IS_NPC( chkchar ) ? FALSE : mprog_veval( chkchar->pcdata->quest_number, opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "ishelled" ) )
         return IS_NPC( chkchar ) ? FALSE : mprog_veval( chkchar->pcdata->release_date, opr, atoi( rval ), mob );

      if( !str_cmp( chck, "level" ) )
         return mprog_veval( get_trust( chkchar ), opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "goldamt" ) )
         return mprog_veval( chkchar->gold, opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "class" ) )
         if( IS_NPC( chkchar ) )
            return mprog_seval( npc_class[chkchar->class], opr, rval, mob );
         return mprog_seval( ( char * )class_table[chkchar->class]->who_name, opr, rval, mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "weight" ) )
         return mprog_veval( chkchar->carry_weight, opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "hostdesc" ) )
         if( IS_NPC( chkchar ) || !chkchar->desc->host )
            return FALSE;
         return mprog_seval( chkchar->desc->host, opr, rval, mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "multi" ) )
         CHAR_DATA *ch;
         int lhsvl = 0;

         for( ch = first_char; ch; ch = ch->next )
            if( !IS_NPC( chkchar ) && !IS_NPC( ch ) && ch->desc && chkchar->desc && ch->desc->host == chkchar->desc->host )
         rhsvl = atoi( rval );
         if( rhsvl < 0 )
            rhsvl = 0;
         if( !*opr )
            strcpy( opr, "==" );
         return mprog_veval( lhsvl, opr, rhsvl, mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "race" ) )
         if( IS_NPC( chkchar ) )
            return mprog_seval( npc_race[chkchar->race], opr, rval, mob );
         return mprog_seval( ( char * )race_table[chkchar->race]->race_name, opr, rval, mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "morph" ) )
         if( chkchar->morph == NULL )
            return FALSE;
         if( chkchar->morph->morph == NULL )
            return FALSE;
         return mprog_veval( chkchar->morph->morph->vnum, opr, rhsvl, mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "nuisance" ) )
         if( IS_NPC( chkchar ) || !chkchar->pcdata->nuisance )
            return FALSE;
         return mprog_veval( chkchar->pcdata->nuisance->flags, opr, rhsvl, mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "clan" ) )
         if( IS_NPC( chkchar ) || !chkchar->pcdata->clan )
            return FALSE;
         return mprog_seval( chkchar->pcdata->clan->name, opr, rval, mob );
       * Check added to see if the person isleader of == clan Shaddai 
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "isleader" ) )
         CLAN_DATA *temp;
         if( IS_NPC( chkchar ) )
            return FALSE;
         if( ( temp = get_clan( rval ) ) == NULL )
            return FALSE;
         if( mprog_seval( chkchar->name, opr, temp->leader, mob ) ||
             mprog_seval( chkchar->name, opr, temp->number1, mob ) || mprog_seval( chkchar->name, opr, temp->number2, mob ) )
            return TRUE;
            return FALSE;
       * Check added to see if the person isleader of == clan Gorog 
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "isclanleader" ) )
         CLAN_DATA *temp;
         if( IS_NPC( chkchar ) )
            return FALSE;
         if( ( temp = get_clan( rval ) ) == NULL )
            return FALSE;
         if( mprog_seval( chkchar->name, opr, temp->leader, mob ) )
            return TRUE;
            return FALSE;
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "isclan1" ) )
         CLAN_DATA *temp;
         if( IS_NPC( chkchar ) )
            return FALSE;
         if( ( temp = get_clan( rval ) ) == NULL )
            return FALSE;
         if( mprog_seval( chkchar->name, opr, temp->number1, mob ) )
            return TRUE;
            return FALSE;
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "isclan2" ) )
         CLAN_DATA *temp;
         if( IS_NPC( chkchar ) )
            return FALSE;
         if( ( temp = get_clan( rval ) ) == NULL )
            return FALSE;
         if( mprog_seval( chkchar->name, opr, temp->number2, mob ) )
            return TRUE;
            return FALSE;
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "council" ) )
         if( IS_NPC( chkchar ) || !chkchar->pcdata->council )
            return FALSE;
         return mprog_seval( chkchar->pcdata->council->name, opr, rval, mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "council2" ) )
         if( IS_NPC( chkchar ) || !chkchar->pcdata->council2 )
            return FALSE;
         return mprog_seval( chkchar->pcdata->council2->name, opr, rval, mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "deity" ) )
         if( IS_NPC( chkchar ) || !chkchar->pcdata->deity )
            return FALSE;
         return mprog_seval( chkchar->pcdata->deity->name, opr, rval, mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "guild" ) )
         if( IS_NPC( chkchar ) || !IS_GUILDED( chkchar ) )
            return FALSE;
         return mprog_seval( chkchar->pcdata->clan->name, opr, rval, mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "clantype" ) )
         if( IS_NPC( chkchar ) || !chkchar->pcdata->clan )
            return FALSE;
         return mprog_veval( chkchar->pcdata->clan->clan_type, opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "waitstate" ) )
         if( IS_NPC( chkchar ) || !chkchar->wait )
            return FALSE;
         return mprog_veval( chkchar->wait, opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "asupressed" ) )
         return mprog_veval( get_timer( chkchar, TIMER_ASUPRESSED ), opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "favor" ) )
         if( IS_NPC( chkchar ) || !chkchar->pcdata->favor )
            return FALSE;
         return mprog_veval( chkchar->pcdata->favor, opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "hps" ) )
         return mprog_veval( chkchar->hit, opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "mana" ) )
         return mprog_veval( chkchar->mana, opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "str" ) )
         return mprog_veval( get_curr_str( chkchar ), opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "wis" ) )
         return mprog_veval( get_curr_wis( chkchar ), opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "int" ) )
         return mprog_veval( get_curr_int( chkchar ), opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "dex" ) )
         return mprog_veval( get_curr_dex( chkchar ), opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "con" ) )
         return mprog_veval( get_curr_con( chkchar ), opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "cha" ) )
         return mprog_veval( get_curr_cha( chkchar ), opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "lck" ) )
         return mprog_veval( get_curr_lck( chkchar ), opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
   if( chkobj )
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "objtype" ) )
         return mprog_veval( chkobj->item_type, opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "leverpos" ) )
         int isup = FALSE, wantsup = FALSE;
         if( chkobj->item_type != ITEM_SWITCH || chkobj->item_type != ITEM_LEVER || chkobj->item_type != ITEM_PULLCHAIN )
            return FALSE;

         if( IS_SET( obj->value[0], TRIG_UP ) )
            isup = TRUE;
         if( !str_cmp( rval, "up" ) )
            wantsup = TRUE;
         return mprog_veval( wantsup, opr, isup, mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "objval0" ) )
         return mprog_veval( chkobj->value[0], opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "objval1" ) )
         return mprog_veval( chkobj->value[1], opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "objval2" ) )
         return mprog_veval( chkobj->value[2], opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "objval3" ) )
         return mprog_veval( chkobj->value[3], opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "objval4" ) )
         return mprog_veval( chkobj->value[4], opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
      if( !str_cmp( chck, "objval5" ) )
         return mprog_veval( chkobj->value[5], opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
    * The following checks depend on the fact that cval[1] can only contain
    * one character, and that NULL checks were made previously. 
   if( !str_cmp( chck, "number" ) )
      if( chkchar )
         if( !IS_NPC( chkchar ) )
            return FALSE;
         lhsvl = ( chkchar == mob ) ? chkchar->gold : chkchar->pIndexData->vnum;
         return mprog_veval( lhsvl, opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
      return mprog_veval( chkobj->pIndexData->vnum, opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
   if( !str_cmp( chck, "time" ) )
      return mprog_veval( time_info.hour, opr, atoi( rval ), mob );
   if( !str_cmp( chck, "name" ) )
      if( chkchar )
         return mprog_seval( chkchar->name, opr, rval, mob );
      return mprog_seval( chkobj->name, opr, rval, mob );

   if( !str_cmp( chck, "mortinworld" ) )  /* -- Gorog */
      for( d = first_descriptor; d; d = d->next )
         if( d->connected == CON_PLAYING
             && d->character && get_trust( d->character ) < LEVEL_IMMORTAL && nifty_is_name( d->character->name, cvar ) )
            return TRUE;
      return FALSE;

   if( !str_cmp( chck, "mortinroom" ) )   /* -- Gorog */
      CHAR_DATA *ch;
      for( ch = mob->in_room->first_person; ch; ch = ch->next_in_room )
         if( ( !IS_NPC( ch ) ) && get_trust( ch ) < LEVEL_IMMORTAL && nifty_is_name( ch->name, cvar ) )
            return TRUE;
      return FALSE;

   if( !str_cmp( chck, "mortinarea" ) )   /* -- Gorog */
      CHAR_DATA *ch;
      for( ch = first_char; ch; ch = ch->next )
         if( ( !IS_NPC( ch ) )
             && ch->in_room->area == mob->in_room->area
             && get_trust( ch ) < LEVEL_IMMORTAL && nifty_is_name( ch->name, cvar ) )
            return TRUE;
      return FALSE;

   if( !str_cmp( chck, "mortcount" ) ) /* -- Gorog */
      CHAR_DATA *tch;
      ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room;
      int count = 0;
      int rvnum = atoi( cvar );

      room = get_room_index( rvnum ? rvnum : mob->in_room->vnum );

      for( tch = room ? room->first_person : NULL; tch; tch = tch->next_in_room )
         if( ( !IS_NPC( tch ) ) && get_trust( tch ) < LEVEL_IMMORTAL )
      return mprog_veval( count, opr, atoi( rval ), mob );

   if( !str_cmp( chck, "mobcount" ) )  /* -- Gorog */
      CHAR_DATA *tch;
      ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room;
      int count = -1;
      int rvnum = atoi( cvar );

      room = get_room_index( rvnum ? rvnum : mob->in_room->vnum );

      for( tch = room ? room->first_person : NULL; tch; tch = tch->next_in_room )
         if( ( IS_NPC( tch ) ) )
      return mprog_veval( count, opr, atoi( rval ), mob );

   if( !str_cmp( chck, "charcount" ) ) /* -- Gorog */
      CHAR_DATA *tch;
      ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room;
      int count = -1;
      int rvnum = atoi( cvar );

      room = get_room_index( rvnum ? rvnum : mob->in_room->vnum );

      for( tch = room ? room->first_person : NULL; tch; tch = tch->next_in_room )

         if( ( ( !IS_NPC( tch ) ) && get_trust( tch ) < LEVEL_IMMORTAL ) || IS_NPC( tch ) /* mortal or mob */
      return mprog_veval( count, opr, atoi( rval ), mob );

    * Ok... all the ifchecks are done, so if we didnt find ours then something
    * * odd happened.  So report the bug and abort the MUDprogram (return error)
   progbug( "Unknown ifcheck", mob );
   return BERR;

/* This routine handles the variables for command expansion.
 * If you want to add any go right ahead, it should be fairly
 * clear how it is done and they are quite easy to do, so you
 * can be as creative as you want. The only catch is to check
 * that your variables exist before you use them. At the moment,
 * using $t when the secondary target refers to an object 
 * i.e. >prog_act drops~<nl>if ispc($t)<nl>sigh<nl>endif<nl>~<nl>
 * probably makes the mud crash (vice versa as well) The cure
 * would be to change act() so that vo becomes vict & v_obj.
 * but this would require a lot of small changes all over the code.

 *  There's no reason to make the mud crash when a variable's
 *  fubared.  I added some ifs.  I'm willing to trade some 
 *  performance for stability. -Haus
 *  Added char_died and obj_extracted checks	-Thoric
void mprog_translate( char ch, char *t, CHAR_DATA * mob, CHAR_DATA * actor, OBJ_DATA * obj, void *vo, CHAR_DATA * rndm )
   static char *he_she[] = { "it", "he", "she" };
   static char *him_her[] = { "it", "him", "her" };
   static char *his_her[] = { "its", "his", "her" };
   CHAR_DATA *vict = ( CHAR_DATA * ) vo;
   OBJ_DATA *v_obj = ( OBJ_DATA * ) vo;

/* Fix crash bug :)  SHADDAI
if ( v_obj && v_obj->serial )
  vict = NULL;
  v_obj = NULL;

/* Trying something out -- Scion */
   if( vict && vict->name )
      v_obj = NULL;

   *t = '\0';
   switch ( ch )
      case 'i':
         if( mob && !char_died( mob ) )
            if( mob->name )
               one_argument( mob->name, t );
            strcpy( t, "someone" );

      case 'I':
         if( mob && !char_died( mob ) )
            if( mob->short_descr )
               strcpy( t, mob->short_descr );
               strcpy( t, "someone" );
            strcpy( t, "someone" );

      case 'n':
         if( actor && !char_died( actor ) )
            if( can_see( mob, actor ) )
               one_argument( actor->name, t );
            if( !IS_NPC( actor ) )
               *t = UPPER( *t );
            strcpy( t, "someone" );

      case 'N':
         if( actor && !char_died( actor ) )
            if( can_see( mob, actor ) )
               if( IS_NPC( actor ) )
                  strcpy( t, actor->short_descr );
                  strcpy( t, actor->name );
                  strcat( t, actor->pcdata->title );
               strcpy( t, "someone" );
            strcpy( t, "someone" );

      case 't':
         if( vict && !char_died( vict ) )
            if( can_see( mob, vict ) )
               one_argument( vict->name, t );
            if( !IS_NPC( vict ) )
               *t = UPPER( *t );
            strcpy( t, "someone" );


      case 'T':
         if( vict && !char_died( vict ) )
            if( can_see( mob, vict ) )
               if( IS_NPC( vict ) )
                  strcpy( t, vict->short_descr );
                  strcpy( t, vict->name );
                  strcat( t, " " );
                  strcat( t, vict->pcdata->title );
               strcpy( t, "someone" );
            strcpy( t, "someone" );

      case 'r':
         if( rndm && !char_died( rndm ) )
            if( can_see( mob, rndm ) )
               one_argument( rndm->name, t );
            if( !IS_NPC( rndm ) )
               *t = UPPER( *t );
            strcpy( t, "someone" );

      case 'R':
         if( rndm && !char_died( rndm ) )
            if( can_see( mob, rndm ) )
               if( IS_NPC( rndm ) )
                  strcpy( t, rndm->short_descr );
                  strcpy( t, rndm->name );
                  strcat( t, " " );
                  strcat( t, rndm->pcdata->title );
               strcpy( t, "someone" );
            strcpy( t, "someone" );

      case 'e':
         if( actor && !char_died( actor ) )
            can_see( mob, actor ) ? strcpy( t, he_she[actor->sex] ) : strcpy( t, "someone" );
            strcpy( t, "it" );

      case 'm':
         if( actor && !char_died( actor ) )
            can_see( mob, actor ) ? strcpy( t, him_her[actor->sex] ) : strcpy( t, "someone" );
            strcpy( t, "it" );

      case 's':
         if( actor && !char_died( actor ) )
            can_see( mob, actor ) ? strcpy( t, his_her[actor->sex] ) : strcpy( t, "someone's" );
            strcpy( t, "its'" );

      case 'E':
         if( vict && !char_died( vict ) )
            can_see( mob, vict ) ? strcpy( t, he_she[vict->sex] ) : strcpy( t, "someone" );
            strcpy( t, "it" );

      case 'M':
         if( vict && !char_died( vict ) )
            can_see( mob, vict ) ? strcpy( t, him_her[vict->sex] ) : strcpy( t, "someone" );
            strcpy( t, "it" );

      case 'S':
         if( vict && !char_died( vict ) )
            can_see( mob, vict ) ? strcpy( t, his_her[vict->sex] ) : strcpy( t, "someone's" );
            strcpy( t, "its'" );

      case 'j':
         if( mob && !char_died( mob ) )
            strcpy( t, he_she[mob->sex] );
            strcpy( t, "it" );

      case 'k':
         if( mob && !char_died( mob ) )
            strcpy( t, him_her[mob->sex] );
            strcpy( t, "it" );

      case 'l':
         if( mob && !char_died( mob ) )
            strcpy( t, his_her[mob->sex] );
            strcpy( t, "it" );

      case 'J':
         if( rndm && !char_died( rndm ) )
            can_see( mob, rndm ) ? strcpy( t, he_she[rndm->sex] ) : strcpy( t, "someone" );
            strcpy( t, "it" );

      case 'K':
         if( rndm && !char_died( rndm ) )
            can_see( mob, rndm ) ? strcpy( t, him_her[rndm->sex] ) : strcpy( t, "someone's" );
            strcpy( t, "its'" );

      case 'L':
         if( rndm && !char_died( rndm ) )
            can_see( mob, rndm ) ? strcpy( t, his_her[rndm->sex] ) : strcpy( t, "someone" );
            strcpy( t, "its" );

      case 'o':
         if( obj && !obj_extracted( obj ) )
            can_see_obj( mob, obj ) ? one_argument( obj->name, t ) : strcpy( t, "something" );
            strcpy( t, "something" );

      case 'O':
         if( obj && !obj_extracted( obj ) )
            can_see_obj( mob, obj ) ? strcpy( t, obj->short_descr ) : strcpy( t, "something" );
            strcpy( t, "something" );

      case 'x':


         int a;

         int b = number_range( 0, mob->carry_number );

         obj = mob->first_carrying;

         for( a = 0; a < b; a++ )

            if( ( obj == NULL ) || ( obj->next == NULL ) )

               obj = mob->first_carrying;

            obj = obj->next;


         strcpy( t, ( obj ? one_argument( obj->name, t ) : "nothing" ) );



      case 'p':
         if( v_obj && !obj_extracted( v_obj ) )
            can_see_obj( mob, v_obj ) ? one_argument( v_obj->name, t ) : strcpy( t, "something" );
            strcpy( t, "something" );

      case 'P':
         if( v_obj && !obj_extracted( v_obj ) )
            can_see_obj( mob, v_obj ) ? strcpy( t, v_obj->short_descr ) : strcpy( t, "something" );
            strcpy( t, "something" );

      case 'a':
         if( obj && !obj_extracted( obj ) )
            strcpy( t, aoran( obj->name ) );
          switch ( *( obj->name ) )
	    case 'a': case 'e': case 'i':
            case 'o': case 'u': strcpy( t, "an" );
            default: strcpy( t, "a" );
            strcpy( t, "a" );

      case 'A':
         if( v_obj && !obj_extracted( v_obj ) )
            strcpy( t, aoran( v_obj->name ) );
            strcpy( t, "a" );

      case '$':
         strcpy( t, "$" );

         progbug( "Bad $var", mob );



/*  The main focus of the MOBprograms.  This routine is called 
 *  whenever a trigger is successful.  It is responsible for parsing
 *  the command list and figuring out what to do. However, like all
 *  complex procedures, everything is farmed out to the other guys.
 *  This function rewritten by Narn for Realms of Despair, Dec/95.
void mprog_driver( char *com_list, CHAR_DATA * mob, CHAR_DATA * actor, OBJ_DATA * obj, void *vo, bool single_step )
   char tmpcmndlst[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
   char *command_list;
   char *cmnd;
   CHAR_DATA *rndm = NULL;
   CHAR_DATA *vch = NULL;
   int count = 0;
   int ignorelevel = 0;
   int iflevel, result;
   bool ifstate[MAX_IFS][DO_ELSE + 1];
   static int prog_nest;

   if( IS_AFFECTED( mob, AFF_CHARM ) )

    * Next couple of checks stop program looping. -- Altrag 
   if( mob == actor )
      progbug( "triggering oneself.", mob );

   if( ++prog_nest > MAX_PROG_NEST )
      progbug( "max_prog_nest exceeded.", mob );

    * Make sure all ifstate bools are set to FALSE 
   for( iflevel = 0; iflevel < MAX_IFS; iflevel++ )
      for( count = 0; count < DO_ELSE; count++ )
         ifstate[iflevel][count] = FALSE;

   iflevel = 0;

    * get a random visible player who is in the room with the mob.
    *  If there isn't a random player in the room, rndm stays NULL.
    *  If you do a $r, $R, $j, or $k with rndm = NULL, you'll crash
    *  in mprog_translate.
    *  Adding appropriate error checking in mprog_translate.
    *    -Haus
    * This used to ignore players MAX_LEVEL - 3 and higher (standard
    * Merc has 4 immlevels).  Thought about changing it to ignore all
    * imms, but decided to just take it out.  If the mob can see you, 
    * you may be chosen as the random player. -Narn

   count = 0;
   for( vch = mob->in_room->first_person; vch; vch = vch->next_in_room )
      if( !IS_NPC( vch ) && can_see( mob, vch ) )
         if( number_range( 0, count ) == 0 )
            rndm = vch;

   strcpy( tmpcmndlst, com_list );
   command_list = tmpcmndlst;
   if( single_step )
      if( mob->mpscriptpos > strlen( tmpcmndlst ) )
         mob->mpscriptpos = 0;
         command_list += mob->mpscriptpos;
      if( *command_list == '\0' )
         command_list = tmpcmndlst;
         mob->mpscriptpos = 0;

    * From here on down, the function is all mine.  The original code
    * did not support nested ifs, so it had to be redone.  The max 
    * logiclevel (MAX_IFS) is defined at the beginning of this file, 
    * use it to increase/decrease max allowed nesting.  -Narn 

   while( TRUE )
       * With these two lines, cmnd becomes the current line from the prog,
       * and command_list becomes everything after that line. 
      cmnd = command_list;
      command_list = mprog_next_command( command_list );

       * Are we at the end? 
      if( cmnd[0] == '\0' )
         if( ifstate[iflevel][IN_IF] || ifstate[iflevel][IN_ELSE] )
            progbug( "Missing endif", mob );

       * Evaluate/execute the command, check what happened. 
      result = mprog_do_command( cmnd, mob, actor, obj, vo, rndm,
                                 ( ifstate[iflevel][IN_IF] && !ifstate[iflevel][DO_IF] )
                                 || ( ifstate[iflevel][IN_ELSE] && !ifstate[iflevel][DO_ELSE] ), ( ignorelevel > 0 ) );

       * Script prog support  -Thoric 
      if( single_step )
         mob->mpscriptpos = command_list - tmpcmndlst;

       * This is the complicated part.  Act on the returned value from
       * mprog_do_command according to the current logic state. 
      switch ( result )
         case COMMANDOK:
#ifdef DEBUG
            log_string( "COMMANDOK" );
             * Ok, this one's a no-brainer. 

         case IFTRUE:
#ifdef DEBUG
            log_string( "IFTRUE" );
             * An if was evaluated and found true.  Note that we are in an
             * if section and that we want to execute it. 
            if( iflevel == MAX_IFS )
               progbug( "Maximum nested ifs exceeded", mob );

            ifstate[iflevel][IN_IF] = TRUE;
            ifstate[iflevel][DO_IF] = TRUE;

         case IFFALSE:
#ifdef DEBUG
            log_string( "IFFALSE" );
             * An if was evaluated and found false.  Note that we are in an
             * if section and that we don't want to execute it unless we find
             * an or that evaluates to true. 
            if( iflevel == MAX_IFS )
               progbug( "Maximum nested ifs exceeded", mob );
            ifstate[iflevel][IN_IF] = TRUE;
            ifstate[iflevel][DO_IF] = FALSE;

         case ORTRUE:
#ifdef DEBUG
            log_string( "ORTRUE" );
             * An or was evaluated and found true.  We should already be in an
             * if section, so note that we want to execute it. 
            if( !ifstate[iflevel][IN_IF] )
               progbug( "Unmatched or", mob );
            ifstate[iflevel][DO_IF] = TRUE;

         case ORFALSE:
#ifdef DEBUG
            log_string( "ORFALSE" );
             * An or was evaluated and found false.  We should already be in an
             * if section, and we don't need to do much.  If the if was true or
             * there were/will be other ors that evaluate(d) to true, they'll set
             * do_if to true. 
            if( !ifstate[iflevel][IN_IF] )
               progbug( "Unmatched or", mob );

         case FOUNDELSE:
#ifdef DEBUG
            log_string( "FOUNDELSE" );
             * Found an else.  Make sure we're in an if section, bug out if not.
             * If this else is not one that we wish to ignore, note that we're now 
             * in an else section, and look at whether or not we executed the if 
             * section to decide whether to execute the else section.  Ca marche 
             * bien. 
            if( ignorelevel > 0 )

            if( ifstate[iflevel][IN_ELSE] )
               progbug( "Found else in an else section", mob );
            if( !ifstate[iflevel][IN_IF] )
               progbug( "Unmatched else", mob );

            ifstate[iflevel][IN_ELSE] = TRUE;
            ifstate[iflevel][DO_ELSE] = !ifstate[iflevel][DO_IF];
            ifstate[iflevel][IN_IF] = FALSE;
            ifstate[iflevel][DO_IF] = FALSE;


         case FOUNDENDIF:
#ifdef DEBUG
            log_string( "FOUNDENDIF" );
             * Hmm, let's see... FOUNDENDIF must mean that we found an endif.
             * So let's make sure we were expecting one, return if not.  If this
             * endif matches the if or else that we're executing, note that we are 
             * now no longer executing an if.  If not, keep track of what we're 
             * ignoring. 
            if( !( ifstate[iflevel][IN_IF] || ifstate[iflevel][IN_ELSE] ) )
               progbug( "Unmatched endif", mob );

            if( ignorelevel > 0 )

            ifstate[iflevel][IN_IF] = FALSE;
            ifstate[iflevel][DO_IF] = FALSE;
            ifstate[iflevel][IN_ELSE] = FALSE;
            ifstate[iflevel][DO_ELSE] = FALSE;


         case IFIGNORED:
#ifdef DEBUG
            log_string( "IFIGNORED" );
            if( !( ifstate[iflevel][IN_IF] || ifstate[iflevel][IN_ELSE] ) )
               progbug( "Parse error, ignoring if while not in if or else", mob );

         case ORIGNORED:
#ifdef DEBUG
            log_string( "ORIGNORED" );
            if( !( ifstate[iflevel][IN_IF] || ifstate[iflevel][IN_ELSE] ) )
               progbug( "Unmatched or", mob );
            if( ignorelevel == 0 )
               progbug( "Parse error, mistakenly ignoring or", mob );


         case BERR:
#ifdef DEBUG
            log_string( "BERR" );

/* This function replaces mprog_process_cmnd.  It is called from 
 * mprog_driver, once for each line in a mud prog.  This function
 * checks what the line is, executes if/or checks and calls interpret
 * to perform the the commands.  Written by Narn, Dec 95.
int mprog_do_command( char *cmnd, CHAR_DATA * mob, CHAR_DATA * actor,
                      OBJ_DATA * obj, void *vo, CHAR_DATA * rndm, bool ignore, bool ignore_ors )
   char firstword[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
   char *ifcheck;
   char buf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
   char tmp[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
   char *point, *str, *i;
   int validif, vnum;

    * Isolate the first word of the line, it gives us a clue what
    * we want to do. 
   ifcheck = one_argument( cmnd, firstword );

   if( !str_cmp( firstword, "if" ) )
       * Ok, we found an if.  According to the boolean 'ignore', either
       * ignore the ifcheck and report that back to mprog_driver or do
       * the ifcheck and report whether it was successful. 
      if( ignore )
         return IFIGNORED;
         validif = mprog_do_ifcheck( ifcheck, mob, actor, obj, vo, rndm );

      if( validif == 1 )
         return IFTRUE;

      if( validif == 0 )
         return IFFALSE;

      return BERR;

   if( !str_cmp( firstword, "or" ) )
       * Same behavior as with ifs, but use the boolean 'ignore_ors' to
       * decide which way to go. 
      if( ignore_ors )
         return ORIGNORED;
         validif = mprog_do_ifcheck( ifcheck, mob, actor, obj, vo, rndm );

      if( validif == 1 )
         return ORTRUE;

      if( validif == 0 )
         return ORFALSE;

      return BERR;

    * For else and endif, just report back what we found.  Mprog_driver
    * keeps track of logiclevels. 
   if( !str_cmp( firstword, "else" ) )
      return FOUNDELSE;

   if( !str_cmp( firstword, "endif" ) )
      return FOUNDENDIF;

    * Ok, didn't find an if, an or, an else or an endif.  
    * If the command is in an if or else section that is not to be 
    * performed, the boolean 'ignore' is set to true and we just 
    * return.  If not, we try to execute the command. 

   if( ignore )
      return COMMANDOK;

    * If the command is 'break', that's all folks. 
   if( !str_cmp( firstword, "break" ) )
      return BERR;

   vnum = mob->pIndexData->vnum;
   point = buf;
   str = cmnd;

    * This chunk of code taken from mprog_process_cmnd. 
   while( *str != '\0' )
      if( *str != '$' )
         *point++ = *str++;
      mprog_translate( *str, tmp, mob, actor, obj, vo, rndm );
      i = tmp;
      while( ( *point = *i ) != '\0' )
         ++point, ++i;
   *point = '\0';

   interpret( mob, buf );

    * If the mob is mentally unstable and does things like fireball
    * itself, let's make sure it's still alive. 
   if( char_died( mob ) )
      bug( "Mob died while executing program, vnum %d.", vnum );
      return BERR;

   return COMMANDOK;

 * Global function code and brief comments.

bool mprog_keyword_check( const char *argu, const char *argl )
   char word[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
   char arg1[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
   char arg2[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
   int i;
   char *arg, *arglist;
   char *start, *end;

   strcpy( arg1, strlower( argu ) );
   arg = arg1;
   strcpy( arg2, strlower( argl ) );
   arglist = arg2;

   for( i = 0; i < strlen( arglist ); i++ )
      arglist[i] = LOWER( arglist[i] );
   for( i = 0; i < strlen( arg ); i++ )
      arg[i] = LOWER( arg[i] );
   if( ( arglist[0] == 'p' ) && ( arglist[1] == ' ' ) )
      arglist += 2;
      while( ( start = strstr( arg, arglist ) ) )
         if( ( start == arg || *( start - 1 ) == ' ' )
             && ( *( end = start + strlen( arglist ) ) == ' ' || *end == '\n' || *end == '\r' || *end == '\0' ) )
            return TRUE;
            arg = start + 1;
      arglist = one_argument( arglist, word );
      for( ; word[0] != '\0'; arglist = one_argument( arglist, word ) )
         while( ( start = strstr( arg, word ) ) )
            if( ( start == arg || *( start - 1 ) == ' ' )
                && ( *( end = start + strlen( word ) ) == ' ' || *end == '\n' || *end == '\r' || *end == '\0' ) )
               return TRUE;
               arg = start + 1;
/*    bug( "don't match" ); */
   return FALSE;

/* The next two routines are the basic trigger types. Either trigger
 *  on a certain percent, or trigger on a keyword or word phrase.
 *  To see how this works, look at the various trigger routines..
void mprog_wordlist_check( char *arg, CHAR_DATA * mob, CHAR_DATA * actor, OBJ_DATA * obj, void *vo, int type )

   char temp1[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
   char temp2[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
   char word[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
   MPROG_DATA *mprg;
   char *list;
   char *start;
   char *dupl;
   char *end;
   int i;

   for( mprg = mob->pIndexData->mudprogs; mprg; mprg = mprg->next )
      if( mprg->type == type )
         strcpy( temp1, mprg->arglist );
         list = temp1;
         for( i = 0; i < strlen( list ); i++ )
            list[i] = LOWER( list[i] );
         strcpy( temp2, arg );
         dupl = temp2;
         for( i = 0; i < strlen( dupl ); i++ )
            dupl[i] = LOWER( dupl[i] );
         if( ( list[0] == 'p' ) && ( list[1] == ' ' ) )
            list += 2;
            while( ( start = strstr( dupl, list ) ) )
               if( ( start == dupl || *( start - 1 ) == ' ' )
                   && ( *( end = start + strlen( list ) ) == ' ' || *end == '\n' || *end == '\r' || *end == '\0' ) )
                  mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, mob, actor, obj, vo, FALSE );
                  dupl = start + 1;
            list = one_argument( list, word );
            for( ; word[0] != '\0'; list = one_argument( list, word ) )
               while( ( start = strstr( dupl, word ) ) )
                  if( ( start == dupl || *( start - 1 ) == ' ' )
                      && ( *( end = start + strlen( word ) ) == ' ' || *end == '\n' || *end == '\r' || *end == '\0' ) )
                     mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, mob, actor, obj, vo, FALSE );
                     dupl = start + 1;



void mprog_percent_check( CHAR_DATA * mob, CHAR_DATA * actor, OBJ_DATA * obj, void *vo, int type )
   MPROG_DATA *mprg;

   for( mprg = mob->pIndexData->mudprogs; mprg; mprg = mprg->next )
      if( ( mprg->type == type ) && ( number_percent(  ) <= atoi( mprg->arglist ) ) )
         mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, mob, actor, obj, vo, FALSE );
         if( type != GREET_PROG && type != ALL_GREET_PROG )



void mprog_time_check( CHAR_DATA * mob, CHAR_DATA * actor, OBJ_DATA * obj, void *vo, int type )
   MPROG_DATA *mprg;
   bool trigger_time;

   for( mprg = mob->pIndexData->mudprogs; mprg; mprg = mprg->next )
      trigger_time = ( time_info.hour == atoi( mprg->arglist ) );

      if( !trigger_time )
         if( mprg->triggered )
            mprg->triggered = FALSE;

      if( ( mprg->type == type ) && ( ( !mprg->triggered ) || ( mprg->type == HOUR_PROG ) ) )
         mprg->triggered = TRUE;
         mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, mob, actor, obj, vo, FALSE );

void mob_act_add( CHAR_DATA * mob )
   struct act_prog_data *runner, *tmp_mal;

   for( runner = mob_act_list; runner; runner = runner->next )
      if( runner->vo == mob )

   CREATE( runner, struct act_prog_data, 1 );
   runner->vo = mob;
   runner->next = NULL;
    * The head of the list is being changed in
    * aggr_update, So append to the end of the list 
    * instead. -Druid
   if( mob_act_list )
      tmp_mal = mob_act_list;

      while( tmp_mal->next != NULL )
         tmp_mal = tmp_mal->next;

       * put at the end 
      tmp_mal->next = runner;
      mob_act_list = runner;

/* The triggers.. These are really basic, and since most appear only
 * once in the code (hmm. i think they all do) it would be more efficient
 * to substitute the code in and make the mprog_xxx_check routines global.
 * However, they are all here in one nice place at the moment to make it
 * easier to see what they look like. If you do substitute them back in,
 * make sure you remember to modify the variable names to the ones in the
 * trigger calls.
void mprog_act_trigger( char *buf, CHAR_DATA * mob, CHAR_DATA * ch, OBJ_DATA * obj, void *vo )
   MPROG_ACT_LIST *tmp_act, *tmp_mal;
   MPROG_DATA *mprg;
   bool found = FALSE;

   if( IS_NPC( mob ) && HAS_PROG( mob->pIndexData, ACT_PROG ) )
       * Don't let a mob trigger itself, nor one instance of a mob
       * trigger another instance. 
      if( IS_NPC( ch ) && ch->pIndexData == mob->pIndexData )

       * make sure this is a matching trigger 
      for( mprg = mob->pIndexData->mudprogs; mprg; mprg = mprg->next )
         if( mprg->type == ACT_PROG && mprog_keyword_check( buf, mprg->arglist ) )
            found = TRUE;
      if( !found )

      CREATE( tmp_act, MPROG_ACT_LIST, 1 );

 * Losing the head of the list -Druid
      if( mob->mpactnum > 0 )
         tmp_mal = mob->mpact;

         while( tmp_mal->next != NULL )
            tmp_mal = tmp_mal->next;

          * Put at the end 
         tmp_mal->next = tmp_act;
         mob->mpact = tmp_act;

      tmp_act->next = NULL;
      tmp_act->buf = str_dup( buf );
      tmp_act->ch = ch;
      tmp_act->obj = obj;
      tmp_act->vo = vo;
      mob_act_add( mob );


void mprog_bribe_trigger( CHAR_DATA * mob, CHAR_DATA * ch, int amount )

   char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
   MPROG_DATA *mprg;
   OBJ_DATA *obj;

   if( IS_NPC( mob ) && can_see( mob, ch ) && HAS_PROG( mob->pIndexData, BRIBE_PROG ) )
       * Don't let a mob trigger itself, nor one instance of a mob
       * trigger another instance. 
      if( IS_NPC( ch ) && ch->pIndexData == mob->pIndexData )

      obj = create_object( get_obj_index( OBJ_VNUM_MONEY_SOME ), 0 );
      sprintf( buf, obj->short_descr, amount );
      STRFREE( obj->short_descr );
      obj->short_descr = STRALLOC( buf );
      obj->value[0] = amount;
      obj = obj_to_char( obj, mob );
      mob->gold -= amount;

      for( mprg = mob->pIndexData->mudprogs; mprg; mprg = mprg->next )
         if( ( mprg->type == BRIBE_PROG ) && ( amount >= atoi( mprg->arglist ) ) )
            mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, mob, ch, obj, NULL, FALSE );



void mprog_death_trigger( CHAR_DATA * killer, CHAR_DATA * mob )
   if( IS_NPC( mob ) && killer != mob && HAS_PROG( mob->pIndexData, DEATH_PROG ) )
      mob->position = POS_STANDING;
      mprog_percent_check( mob, killer, NULL, NULL, DEATH_PROG );
      mob->position = POS_DEAD;
   death_cry( mob );

void mprog_entry_trigger( CHAR_DATA * mob )
   if( IS_NPC( mob ) && HAS_PROG( mob->pIndexData, ENTRY_PROG ) )
      mprog_percent_check( mob, NULL, NULL, NULL, ENTRY_PROG );


void mprog_fight_trigger( CHAR_DATA * mob, CHAR_DATA * ch )
   if( IS_NPC( mob ) && HAS_PROG( mob->pIndexData, FIGHT_PROG ) )
      mprog_percent_check( mob, ch, NULL, NULL, FIGHT_PROG );


void mprog_give_trigger( CHAR_DATA * mob, CHAR_DATA * ch, OBJ_DATA * obj )
   char buf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
   MPROG_DATA *mprg;

   if( IS_NPC( mob ) && can_see( mob, ch ) && HAS_PROG( mob->pIndexData, GIVE_PROG ) )
       * Don't let a mob trigger itself, nor one instance of a mob
       * trigger another instance. 
      if( IS_NPC( ch ) && ch->pIndexData == mob->pIndexData )

      for( mprg = mob->pIndexData->mudprogs; mprg; mprg = mprg->next )
         one_argument( mprg->arglist, buf );

         if( mprg->type == GIVE_PROG && ( !str_cmp( obj->name, mprg->arglist ) || !str_cmp( "all", buf ) ) )
            mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, mob, ch, obj, NULL, FALSE );

void mprog_greet_trigger( CHAR_DATA * ch )
   CHAR_DATA *vmob, *vmob_next;

#ifdef DEBUG
   char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
   sprintf( buf, "mprog_greet_trigger -> %s", ch->name );
   log_string( buf );

   for( vmob = ch->in_room->first_person; vmob; vmob = vmob_next )
      vmob_next = vmob->next_in_room;
      if( !IS_NPC( vmob ) || !can_see( vmob, ch ) || vmob->fighting || !IS_AWAKE( vmob ) )

       * Don't let a mob trigger itself, nor one instance of a mob
       * trigger another instance. 
      if( IS_NPC( ch ) && ch->pIndexData == vmob->pIndexData )

      if( HAS_PROG( vmob->pIndexData, GREET_PROG ) )
         mprog_percent_check( vmob, ch, NULL, NULL, GREET_PROG );
      else if( HAS_PROG( vmob->pIndexData, ALL_GREET_PROG ) )
         mprog_percent_check( vmob, ch, NULL, NULL, ALL_GREET_PROG );


void mprog_hitprcnt_trigger( CHAR_DATA * mob, CHAR_DATA * ch )
   MPROG_DATA *mprg;

   if( IS_NPC( mob ) && HAS_PROG( mob->pIndexData, HITPRCNT_PROG ) )
      for( mprg = mob->pIndexData->mudprogs; mprg; mprg = mprg->next )
         if( mprg->type == HITPRCNT_PROG && ( 100 * mob->hit / mob->max_hit ) < atoi( mprg->arglist ) )
            mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, mob, ch, NULL, NULL, FALSE );

void mprog_random_trigger( CHAR_DATA * mob )
   if( HAS_PROG( mob->pIndexData, RAND_PROG ) )
      mprog_percent_check( mob, NULL, NULL, NULL, RAND_PROG );

void mprog_time_trigger( CHAR_DATA * mob )
   if( HAS_PROG( mob->pIndexData, TIME_PROG ) )
      mprog_time_check( mob, NULL, NULL, NULL, TIME_PROG );

void mprog_hour_trigger( CHAR_DATA * mob )
   if( HAS_PROG( mob->pIndexData, HOUR_PROG ) )
      mprog_time_check( mob, NULL, NULL, NULL, HOUR_PROG );

void mprog_speech_trigger( char *txt, CHAR_DATA * actor )
   CHAR_DATA *vmob;

   for( vmob = actor->in_room->first_person; vmob; vmob = vmob->next_in_room )
      if( IS_NPC( vmob ) && HAS_PROG( vmob->pIndexData, SPEECH_PROG ) && knows_language( vmob, actor->speaking, actor ) )
         if( IS_NPC( actor ) && actor->pIndexData == vmob->pIndexData )
         mprog_wordlist_check( txt, vmob, actor, NULL, NULL, SPEECH_PROG );

void mprog_script_trigger( CHAR_DATA * mob )
   MPROG_DATA *mprg;

   if( HAS_PROG( mob->pIndexData, SCRIPT_PROG ) )
      for( mprg = mob->pIndexData->mudprogs; mprg; mprg = mprg->next )
         if( mprg->type == SCRIPT_PROG
             && ( mprg->arglist[0] == '\0' || mob->mpscriptpos != 0 || atoi( mprg->arglist ) == time_info.hour ) )
            mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, mob, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE );

void oprog_script_trigger( OBJ_DATA * obj )
   MPROG_DATA *mprg;

   if( HAS_PROG( obj->pIndexData, SCRIPT_PROG ) )
      for( mprg = obj->pIndexData->mudprogs; mprg; mprg = mprg->next )
         if( mprg->type == SCRIPT_PROG )
            if( mprg->arglist[0] == '\0' || obj->mpscriptpos != 0 || atoi( mprg->arglist ) == time_info.hour )
               set_supermob( obj );
               mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, supermob, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE );
               obj->mpscriptpos = supermob->mpscriptpos;
               release_supermob(  );

void rprog_script_trigger( ROOM_INDEX_DATA * room )
   MPROG_DATA *mprg;

   if( HAS_PROG( room, SCRIPT_PROG ) )
      for( mprg = room->mudprogs; mprg; mprg = mprg->next )
         if( mprg->type == SCRIPT_PROG )
            if( mprg->arglist[0] == '\0' || room->mpscriptpos != 0 || atoi( mprg->arglist ) == time_info.hour )
               rset_supermob( room );
               mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, supermob, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE );
               room->mpscriptpos = supermob->mpscriptpos;
               release_supermob(  );

 *  Mudprogram additions begin here
void set_supermob( OBJ_DATA * obj )
   OBJ_DATA *in_obj;
   CHAR_DATA *mob;
   char buf[200];

   if( !supermob )
      supermob = create_mobile( get_mob_index( 3 ) );

   mob = supermob;   /* debugging */

   if( !obj )

   for( in_obj = obj; in_obj->in_obj; in_obj = in_obj->in_obj )

   if( in_obj->carried_by )
      room = in_obj->carried_by->in_room;
      room = obj->in_room;

   if( !room )

   if( supermob->short_descr )
      STRFREE( supermob->short_descr );

   supermob->short_descr = QUICKLINK( obj->short_descr );
   supermob->mpscriptpos = obj->mpscriptpos;

    * Added by Jenny to allow bug messages to show the vnum
    * of the object, and not just supermob's vnum 
   sprintf( buf, "Object #%d", obj->pIndexData->vnum );
   STRFREE( supermob->description );
   supermob->description = STRALLOC( buf );

   if( room != NULL )
      char_from_room( supermob );
      char_to_room( supermob, room );

void release_supermob(  )
   char_from_room( supermob );
   char_to_room( supermob, get_room_index( 3 ) );

bool oprog_percent_check( CHAR_DATA * mob, CHAR_DATA * actor, OBJ_DATA * obj, void *vo, int type )
   MPROG_DATA *mprg;
   bool executed = FALSE;

   for( mprg = obj->pIndexData->mudprogs; mprg; mprg = mprg->next )
      if( mprg->type == type && ( number_percent(  ) <= atoi( mprg->arglist ) ) )
         executed = TRUE;
         mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, mob, actor, obj, vo, FALSE );
         if( type != GREET_PROG )

   return executed;

 * Triggers follow

 *  Hold on this
void oprog_act_trigger( CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj )
    set_supermob( obj );
    if ( HAS_PROG(obj->pIndexData, ACT_PROG) )
	oprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, obj, NULL, ACT_PROG );


void oprog_greet_trigger( CHAR_DATA * ch )
   OBJ_DATA *vobj;

   for( vobj = ch->in_room->first_content; vobj; vobj = vobj->next_content )
      if( HAS_PROG( vobj->pIndexData, GREET_PROG ) )
         set_supermob( vobj );   /* not very efficient to do here */
         oprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, vobj, NULL, GREET_PROG );
         release_supermob(  );

void oprog_speech_trigger( char *txt, CHAR_DATA * ch )
   OBJ_DATA *vobj;

    * supermob is set and released in oprog_wordlist_check 
   for( vobj = ch->in_room->first_content; vobj; vobj = vobj->next_content )
      if( HAS_PROG( vobj->pIndexData, SPEECH_PROG ) )
         oprog_wordlist_check( txt, supermob, ch, vobj, NULL, SPEECH_PROG, vobj );


 * Called at top of obj_update
 * make sure to put an if(!obj) continue
 * after it
void oprog_random_trigger( OBJ_DATA * obj )
   if( HAS_PROG( obj->pIndexData, RAND_PROG ) )
      set_supermob( obj );
      oprog_percent_check( supermob, NULL, obj, NULL, RAND_PROG );
      release_supermob(  );

 * in wear_obj, between each successful equip_char 
 * the subsequent return
void oprog_wear_trigger( CHAR_DATA * ch, OBJ_DATA * obj )
   if( HAS_PROG( obj->pIndexData, WEAR_PROG ) )
      set_supermob( obj );
      oprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, obj, NULL, WEAR_PROG );
      release_supermob(  );

bool oprog_use_trigger( CHAR_DATA * ch, OBJ_DATA * obj, CHAR_DATA * vict, OBJ_DATA * targ, void *vo )
   bool executed = FALSE;

   if( HAS_PROG( obj->pIndexData, USE_PROG ) )
      set_supermob( obj );
      if( obj->item_type == ITEM_STAFF || obj->item_type == ITEM_WAND || obj->item_type == ITEM_SCROLL )
         if( vict )
            executed = oprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, obj, vict, USE_PROG );
            executed = oprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, obj, targ, USE_PROG );
         executed = oprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, obj, NULL, USE_PROG );
      release_supermob(  );
   return executed;

 * call in remove_obj, right after unequip_char   
 * do a if(!ch) return right after, and return TRUE (?)
 * if !ch
void oprog_remove_trigger( CHAR_DATA * ch, OBJ_DATA * obj )
   if( HAS_PROG( obj->pIndexData, REMOVE_PROG ) )
      set_supermob( obj );
      oprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, obj, NULL, REMOVE_PROG );
      release_supermob(  );

 * call in do_sac, right before extract_obj
void oprog_sac_trigger( CHAR_DATA * ch, OBJ_DATA * obj )
   if( HAS_PROG( obj->pIndexData, SAC_PROG ) )
      set_supermob( obj );
      oprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, obj, NULL, SAC_PROG );
      release_supermob(  );

 * call in do_get, right before check_for_trap
 * do a if(!ch) return right after
void oprog_get_trigger( CHAR_DATA * ch, OBJ_DATA * obj )
   if( HAS_PROG( obj->pIndexData, GET_PROG ) )
      set_supermob( obj );
      oprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, obj, NULL, GET_PROG );
      release_supermob(  );

 * called in damage_obj in act_obj.c
void oprog_damage_trigger( CHAR_DATA * ch, OBJ_DATA * obj )
   if( HAS_PROG( obj->pIndexData, DAMAGE_PROG ) )
      set_supermob( obj );
      oprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, obj, NULL, DAMAGE_PROG );
      release_supermob(  );

 * called in do_repair in shops.c
void oprog_repair_trigger( CHAR_DATA * ch, OBJ_DATA * obj )
   if( HAS_PROG( obj->pIndexData, REPAIR_PROG ) )
      set_supermob( obj );
      oprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, obj, NULL, REPAIR_PROG );
      release_supermob(  );

 * call twice in do_drop, right after the act( AT_ACTION,...)
 * do a if(!ch) return right after
void oprog_drop_trigger( CHAR_DATA * ch, OBJ_DATA * obj )
   if( HAS_PROG( obj->pIndexData, DROP_PROG ) )
      set_supermob( obj );
      oprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, obj, NULL, DROP_PROG );
      release_supermob(  );

 * call towards end of do_examine, right before check_for_trap
void oprog_examine_trigger( CHAR_DATA * ch, OBJ_DATA * obj )
   if( HAS_PROG( obj->pIndexData, EXA_PROG ) )
      set_supermob( obj );
      oprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, obj, NULL, EXA_PROG );
      release_supermob(  );

 * call in fight.c, group_gain, after (?) the obj_to_room
void oprog_zap_trigger( CHAR_DATA * ch, OBJ_DATA * obj )
   if( HAS_PROG( obj->pIndexData, ZAP_PROG ) )
      set_supermob( obj );
      oprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, obj, NULL, ZAP_PROG );
      release_supermob(  );

 * call in levers.c, towards top of do_push_or_pull
 *  see note there 
void oprog_pull_trigger( CHAR_DATA * ch, OBJ_DATA * obj )
   if( HAS_PROG( obj->pIndexData, PULL_PROG ) )
      set_supermob( obj );
      oprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, obj, NULL, PULL_PROG );
      release_supermob(  );

 * call in levers.c, towards top of do_push_or_pull
 *  see note there 
void oprog_push_trigger( CHAR_DATA * ch, OBJ_DATA * obj )
   if( HAS_PROG( obj->pIndexData, PUSH_PROG ) )
      set_supermob( obj );
      oprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, obj, NULL, PUSH_PROG );
      release_supermob(  );

void obj_act_add( OBJ_DATA * obj );
void oprog_act_trigger( char *buf, OBJ_DATA * mobj, CHAR_DATA * ch, OBJ_DATA * obj, void *vo )
   if( HAS_PROG( mobj->pIndexData, ACT_PROG ) )
      MPROG_ACT_LIST *tmp_act, *tmp_mal;

      CREATE( tmp_act, MPROG_ACT_LIST, 1 );

 * Losing the head of the list -Druid
      if( mobj->mpactnum > 0 )
         tmp_mal = mobj->mpact;

         while( tmp_mal->next != NULL )
            tmp_mal = tmp_mal->next;

          * Put at the end 
         tmp_mal->next = tmp_act;
         mobj->mpact = tmp_act;

      tmp_act->next = NULL;
      tmp_act->buf = str_dup( buf );
      tmp_act->ch = ch;
      tmp_act->obj = obj;
      tmp_act->vo = vo;
      obj_act_add( mobj );


void oprog_wordlist_check( char *arg, CHAR_DATA * mob, CHAR_DATA * actor,
                           OBJ_DATA * obj, void *vo, int type, OBJ_DATA * iobj )
   char temp1[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
   char temp2[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
   char word[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
   MPROG_DATA *mprg;
   char *list;
   char *start;
   char *dupl;
   char *end;
   int i;

   for( mprg = iobj->pIndexData->mudprogs; mprg; mprg = mprg->next )
      if( mprg->type == type )
         strcpy( temp1, mprg->arglist );
         list = temp1;
         for( i = 0; i < strlen( list ); i++ )
            list[i] = LOWER( list[i] );
         strcpy( temp2, arg );
         dupl = temp2;
         for( i = 0; i < strlen( dupl ); i++ )
            dupl[i] = LOWER( dupl[i] );
         if( ( list[0] == 'p' ) && ( list[1] == ' ' ) )
            list += 2;
            while( ( start = strstr( dupl, list ) ) )
               if( ( start == dupl || *( start - 1 ) == ' ' )
                   && ( *( end = start + strlen( list ) ) == ' ' || *end == '\n' || *end == '\r' || *end == '\0' ) )
                  set_supermob( iobj );
                  mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, mob, actor, obj, vo, FALSE );
                  release_supermob(  );
                  dupl = start + 1;
            list = one_argument( list, word );
            for( ; word[0] != '\0'; list = one_argument( list, word ) )
               while( ( start = strstr( dupl, word ) ) )
                  if( ( start == dupl || *( start - 1 ) == ' ' )
                      && ( *( end = start + strlen( word ) ) == ' ' || *end == '\n' || *end == '\r' || *end == '\0' ) )
                     set_supermob( iobj );
                     mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, mob, actor, obj, vo, FALSE );
                     release_supermob(  );
                     dupl = start + 1;


 *  room_prog support starts here

void rset_supermob( ROOM_INDEX_DATA * room )
   char buf[200];

   if( room )
      STRFREE( supermob->short_descr );
      supermob->short_descr = QUICKLINK( room->name );
      STRFREE( supermob->name );
      supermob->name = QUICKLINK( room->name );
      supermob->mpscriptpos = room->mpscriptpos;

       * Added by Jenny to allow bug messages to show the vnum
       * of the room, and not just supermob's vnum 
      sprintf( buf, "Room #%d", room->vnum );
      STRFREE( supermob->description );
      supermob->description = STRALLOC( buf );

      char_from_room( supermob );
      char_to_room( supermob, room );

void rprog_percent_check( CHAR_DATA * mob, CHAR_DATA * actor, OBJ_DATA * obj, void *vo, int type )
   MPROG_DATA *mprg;

   if( !mob->in_room )

   for( mprg = mob->in_room->mudprogs; mprg; mprg = mprg->next )
      if( mprg->type == type && number_percent(  ) <= atoi( mprg->arglist ) )
         mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, mob, actor, obj, vo, FALSE );
         if( type != ENTER_PROG )

 * Triggers follow

 *  Hold on this
 * Unhold. -- Alty
void room_act_add( ROOM_INDEX_DATA * room );
void rprog_act_trigger( char *buf, ROOM_INDEX_DATA * room, CHAR_DATA * ch, OBJ_DATA * obj, void *vo )
   if( HAS_PROG( room, ACT_PROG ) )
      MPROG_ACT_LIST *tmp_act, *tmp_mal;

      CREATE( tmp_act, MPROG_ACT_LIST, 1 );

 * Losing the head of the list -Druid
      if( room->mpactnum > 0 )
         tmp_mal = room->mpact;

         while( tmp_mal->next != NULL )
            tmp_mal = tmp_mal->next;

          * Put at the end 
         tmp_mal->next = tmp_act;
         room->mpact = tmp_act;

      tmp_act->next = NULL;
      tmp_act->buf = str_dup( buf );
      tmp_act->ch = ch;
      tmp_act->obj = obj;
      tmp_act->vo = vo;
      room_act_add( room );


void rprog_leave_trigger( CHAR_DATA * ch )
   if( HAS_PROG( ch->in_room, LEAVE_PROG ) )
      rset_supermob( ch->in_room );
      rprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, NULL, NULL, LEAVE_PROG );
      release_supermob(  );

void rprog_enter_trigger( CHAR_DATA * ch )
   if( HAS_PROG( ch->in_room, ENTER_PROG ) )
      rset_supermob( ch->in_room );
      rprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, NULL, NULL, ENTER_PROG );
      release_supermob(  );

void rprog_sleep_trigger( CHAR_DATA * ch )
   if( HAS_PROG( ch->in_room, SLEEP_PROG ) )
      rset_supermob( ch->in_room );
      rprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, NULL, NULL, SLEEP_PROG );
      release_supermob(  );

void rprog_rest_trigger( CHAR_DATA * ch )
   if( HAS_PROG( ch->in_room, REST_PROG ) )
      rset_supermob( ch->in_room );
      rprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, NULL, NULL, REST_PROG );
      release_supermob(  );

void rprog_rfight_trigger( CHAR_DATA * ch )
   if( HAS_PROG( ch->in_room, RFIGHT_PROG ) )
      rset_supermob( ch->in_room );
      rprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, NULL, NULL, RFIGHT_PROG );
      release_supermob(  );

void rprog_death_trigger( CHAR_DATA * killer, CHAR_DATA * ch )
   if( HAS_PROG( ch->in_room, RDEATH_PROG ) )
      rset_supermob( ch->in_room );
      rprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, NULL, NULL, RDEATH_PROG );
      release_supermob(  );

void rprog_speech_trigger( char *txt, CHAR_DATA * ch )
   if( HAS_PROG( ch->in_room, SPEECH_PROG ) )
       * supermob is set and released in rprog_wordlist_check 
      rprog_wordlist_check( txt, supermob, ch, NULL, NULL, SPEECH_PROG, ch->in_room );

void rprog_random_trigger( CHAR_DATA * ch )
   if( HAS_PROG( ch->in_room, RAND_PROG ) )
      rset_supermob( ch->in_room );
      rprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, NULL, NULL, RAND_PROG );
      release_supermob(  );

void rprog_wordlist_check( char *arg, CHAR_DATA * mob, CHAR_DATA * actor,
                           OBJ_DATA * obj, void *vo, int type, ROOM_INDEX_DATA * room )

   char temp1[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
   char temp2[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
   char word[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
   MPROG_DATA *mprg;
   char *list;
   char *start;
   char *dupl;
   char *end;
   int i;

   if( actor && !char_died( actor ) && actor->in_room )
      room = actor->in_room;

   for( mprg = room->mudprogs; mprg; mprg = mprg->next )
      if( mprg->type == type )
         strcpy( temp1, mprg->arglist );
         list = temp1;
         for( i = 0; i < strlen( list ); i++ )
            list[i] = LOWER( list[i] );
         strcpy( temp2, arg );
         dupl = temp2;
         for( i = 0; i < strlen( dupl ); i++ )
            dupl[i] = LOWER( dupl[i] );
         if( ( list[0] == 'p' ) && ( list[1] == ' ' ) )
            list += 2;
            while( ( start = strstr( dupl, list ) ) )
               if( ( start == dupl || *( start - 1 ) == ' ' )
                   && ( *( end = start + strlen( list ) ) == ' ' || *end == '\n' || *end == '\r' || *end == '\0' ) )
                  rset_supermob( room );
                  mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, mob, actor, obj, vo, FALSE );
                  release_supermob(  );
                  dupl = start + 1;
            list = one_argument( list, word );
            for( ; word[0] != '\0'; list = one_argument( list, word ) )
               while( ( start = strstr( dupl, word ) ) )
                  if( ( start == dupl || *( start - 1 ) == ' ' )
                      && ( *( end = start + strlen( word ) ) == ' ' || *end == '\n' || *end == '\r' || *end == '\0' ) )
                     rset_supermob( room );
                     mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, mob, actor, obj, vo, FALSE );
                     release_supermob(  );
                     dupl = start + 1;

void rprog_time_check( CHAR_DATA * mob, CHAR_DATA * actor, OBJ_DATA * obj, void *vo, int type )
   ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room = ( ROOM_INDEX_DATA * ) vo;
   MPROG_DATA *mprg;
   bool trigger_time;

   for( mprg = room->mudprogs; mprg; mprg = mprg->next )
      trigger_time = ( time_info.hour == atoi( mprg->arglist ) );

      if( !trigger_time )
         if( mprg->triggered )
            mprg->triggered = FALSE;

      if( mprg->type == type && ( ( !mprg->triggered ) || ( mprg->type == HOUR_PROG ) ) )
         mprg->triggered = TRUE;
         mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, mob, actor, obj, vo, FALSE );

void rprog_time_trigger( CHAR_DATA * ch )
   if( HAS_PROG( ch->in_room, TIME_PROG ) )
      rset_supermob( ch->in_room );
      rprog_time_check( supermob, NULL, NULL, ch->in_room, TIME_PROG );
      release_supermob(  );

void rprog_hour_trigger( CHAR_DATA * ch )
   if( HAS_PROG( ch->in_room, HOUR_PROG ) )
      rset_supermob( ch->in_room );
      rprog_time_check( supermob, NULL, NULL, ch->in_room, HOUR_PROG );
      release_supermob(  );

/* Written by Jenny, Nov 29/95 */
void progbug( char *str, CHAR_DATA * mob )
   char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];

    * Check if we're dealing with supermob, which means the bug occurred
    * in a room or obj prog. 
   if( mob->pIndexData->vnum == 3 )
       * It's supermob.  In set_supermob and rset_supermob, the description
       * was set to indicate the object or room, so we just need to show
       * the description in the bug message. 
      sprintf( buf, "%s, %s.", str, mob->description == NULL ? "(unknown)" : mob->description );
      sprintf( buf, "%s, Mob #%d.", str, mob->pIndexData->vnum );

   bug( buf, 0 );

/* Room act prog updates.  Use a separate list cuz we dont really wanna go
   thru 5-10000 rooms every pulse.. can we say lag? -- Alty */

void room_act_add( ROOM_INDEX_DATA * room )
   struct act_prog_data *runner, *tmp_ral;

   for( runner = room_act_list; runner; runner = runner->next )
      if( runner->vo == room )
   CREATE( runner, struct act_prog_data, 1 );
   runner->vo = room;
   runner->next = NULL;
    * The head of the list is being changed in
    * room_act_update, So append to the end of the list 
    * instead. -Druid
   if( room_act_list )
      tmp_ral = room_act_list;

      while( tmp_ral->next != NULL )
         tmp_ral = tmp_ral->next;

       * put at the end 
      tmp_ral->next = runner;
      room_act_list = runner;

void room_act_update( void )
   struct act_prog_data *runner;
   MPROG_ACT_LIST *mpact;

   while( ( runner = room_act_list ) != NULL )
      ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room = runner->vo;

      while( ( mpact = room->mpact ) != NULL )
         if( mpact->ch->in_room == room )
            rprog_wordlist_check( mpact->buf, supermob, mpact->ch, mpact->obj, mpact->vo, ACT_PROG, room );
         room->mpact = mpact->next;
         DISPOSE( mpact->buf );
         DISPOSE( mpact );
      room->mpact = NULL;
      room->mpactnum = 0;
      room_act_list = runner->next;
      DISPOSE( runner );

void obj_act_add( OBJ_DATA * obj )
   struct act_prog_data *runner, *tmp_oal;

   for( runner = obj_act_list; runner; runner = runner->next )
      if( runner->vo == obj )
   CREATE( runner, struct act_prog_data, 1 );
   runner->vo = obj;
   runner->next = NULL;
    * The head of the list is being changed in
    * obj_act_update, So append to the end of the list 
    * instead. -Druid
   if( obj_act_list )
      tmp_oal = obj_act_list;

      while( tmp_oal->next != NULL )
         tmp_oal = tmp_oal->next;

       * put at the end 
      tmp_oal->next = runner;
      obj_act_list = runner;

void obj_act_update( void )
   struct act_prog_data *runner;
   MPROG_ACT_LIST *mpact;

   while( ( runner = obj_act_list ) != NULL )
      OBJ_DATA *obj = runner->vo;

      while( ( mpact = obj->mpact ) != NULL )
         oprog_wordlist_check( mpact->buf, supermob, mpact->ch, mpact->obj, mpact->vo, ACT_PROG, obj );
         obj->mpact = mpact->next;
         DISPOSE( mpact->buf );
         DISPOSE( mpact );
      obj->mpact = NULL;
      obj->mpactnum = 0;
      obj_act_list = runner->next;
      DISPOSE( runner );