 <TITLE>Phantasia Spells</TITLE>
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<IMG SRC="graphics/spells.jpeg" ALT="Spells" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="26">

During the course of the game, the player may see a need to exercise
his/her magic powers.  Spells are cast using <A HREF="equipment.html#mana">mana</A> and normally have
a minimum <A HREF="stats.html#magic">magic level</A> and character <A HREF="stats.html#level">level</A>.  Here's a list of all known 

   <H4>All or Nothing</H4>
   magic level: none<BR>
   character level: none<BR>
   mana used: 1<BR>
   when used: combat<BR>
Has a chance of working based on monster experience and character magic level.
When it works, it hits the monster just enough to kill it.  If it fails, the
monster's <A HREF="stats.html#quickness">quickness</A> and
<A HREF="stats.html#strength">strength</A> double.
<A HREF="spells.html#paralyze">Paralyzed</A> monsters wake up much quicker as
a result of this spell.

   <H4>Magic Bolt</H4>
   magic level: 5<BR>
   character level: none<BR>
   mana used: variable<BR>
   when used: combat<BR>
Hits the monster based upon the amount of <A HREF="equipment.html#mana">mana</A> expended and <A HREF="stats.html#stats">magic level</A>.

   <H4>Increase Might</H4>
   magic level: 15<BR>
   character level: none<BR>
   mana used: 30 + 1/2 * magic level<BR>
   when used: combat<BR>
Used during combat with monsters.  Increases <A HREF="stats.html#strength">strength</A> for that battle only.

   <A NAME="cloak"><H4>Cloak</H4></A>
   magic level: 20<BR>
   character level: 7<BR>
   mana used: 35<BR>
   when used: normal play<BR>
Cloak prevents monsters from finding the character, as well as hiding
the player's coordinates from others. Maintaining a cloak costs mana 
equal to the size of the monsters you're hidden from.
While cloaked, players cannot collect <A HREF="equipment.html#mana">mana</A>, 
hunt monsters, find <A HREF="realm.html#post">trading posts</A> or objects in the realm, use special powers or teleport.

   magic level: 25<BR>
   character level: none<BR>
   mana used: 35 + 1/2 * magic level<BR>
   when used: combat<BR>
Makes it harder for the monster to attack by temporarily increasing the
player's <A HREF="stats.html#quickness">quickness</A>.  

   <A NAME="field"><H4>Force Field</H4></A>
   magic level: 35<BR>
   character level: none<BR>
   mana used: 60 + 1/2 * magic level<BR>
   when used: combat<BR>
Throws up a shield to protect from damage. The shield is added to actual
<A HREF="stats.html#energy">energy level</A> and based on magic level.
Normally, damage occurs first to the shield, and then to the players
actual <A HREF="stats.html#energy">energy level</A>.

   <A NAME="teleport"><H4>Teleport</H4></A>
   magic level: 40<BR>
   character level: 15 <BR>
   mana used: variable<BR>
   when used: normal play<BR>
Allows the player to move with much more freedom than with the <A HREF="commands.html#compass">compass</A> or <A HREF="commands.html#move">move
option</A>, at the price of expending <A HREF="equipment.html#mana">mana</A>.
This spell is more efficient as <A HREF="stats.html#magic">magic level</A>

   <A NAME="transport"><H4>Transport</H4></A>
   magic level: 45<BR>
   character level: none<BR>
   mana used: 100<BR>
   when used: combat<BR>
Transports the monster away from the player.  Success is based upon player's
<A HREF="stats.html#magic">magic level</A> and the monster's <A HREF="stats.html#experience">experience</A>.  
If successful, there is a 50% chance the monster will drop any
<A HREF="treasure.html">treasure</A> it was carrying.
If it fails, the player may be transported instead.  

   <A NAME="paralyze"><H4>Paralyze</H4></A>
   magic level: 60<BR>
   character level: none<BR>
   mana used: 125<BR>
   when used: combat<BR>
"Freezes" the monster by putting its <A HREF="stats.html#quickness">quickness</A> slightly negative.  The
monster will slowly wake up.  Success is based upon the 
player's <A HREF="stats.html" NAME="magic">magic</A> and
the monster's <A HREF="stats.html#experience">experience</A>. 
If it fails, nothing happens.

   magic level: 75<BR>
   character level: none<BR>
   mana used: 150<BR>
   when used: combat<BR>
Transforms the monster randomly into one of the 100 monsters from the
<A HREF="monsters.html#list">monster file</A>.  This spell can fail and backfire in inter-terminal combat.

   <A HREF="itcombat.html"><IMG SRC="graphics/previous.jpeg" ALT="" WIDTH="109" HEIGHT="18"></A>
   <A HREF="treasure.html"><IMG SRC="graphics/next.jpeg" ALT="" WIDTH="73" HEIGHT="18"></A>


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   <A HREF="/cgi-bin/game.cgi">The Game</A>
   <A HREF="intro.html">The Rules</A>
   <A HREF="info.html">Game Info</A>
