 <TITLE>The Phantasia Realm</TITLE>
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<IMG SRC="graphics/realm.jpeg" ALT="" WIDTH="241" HEIGHT="22">

The realm is a massive cartesian system and all objects reside 
at some point on this plane.  Certain regions of
the playing grid have different names. In general, this is only
to give the player some idea of his/her present location.  Some
special places do exist.
<IMG SRC="graphics/map.gif" ALT="" WIDTH="359" HEIGHT="359" ALIGN="right">
   <A NAME="circle"><H5>Circles</H5></A>
- The realm is broken up in circles, each one with an increasing radius of 125
from the origin.  For example, if you're standing on (0, 200), you are said to be
in circle 2.  This distinction is made because a <A HREF="monsters.html#size">monster's size</A> is equal to the
circle it was encountered in.

   <A NAME="post"><H5>Trading Posts</H5></A>
- These are located at certain coordinates.  In order to find a post, take
any number and multiply it to itself, then multiply it by 100.  A post will
be at that coordinate number.  For example: 1*1*100 = 100, so a post is at 
(+/- 100, +/- 100).  2*2*100 = 400, so another post is at (+/- 400, +/- 400).
Then there are posts at 900, 1600, 2500 ...  Trading
posts sell <A HREF="equipment.html">equipment</A> for large quantities of
<A HREF="equipment.html#gems">gems</A> and
<A HREF="treasure.html#gold">gold</A>.  Farther out posts have more things for
sale.  Be careful about cheating the merchants, as they have short
tempers.  Merchants are dishonest about 2% of the time.

   <A NAME="chamber"><H5>Lord's Chamber</H5></A>
- This is located at the origin (0,0).  Players with staves and <A HREF="treasure.html#crown">crowns</A> may enter, possibly after a bloody coup.

   <H5>Point of No Return</H5>
- This is a large square around the origin.  Any time one of your coordinates
is equal or greater than 1,000,000, you are beyond this point of no return. The
only way to return is via <A HREF="treasure.html#gwaihir">Gwaihir</A>.</P>

   <H5>Dead Marshes</H5>
- This is a band located fairly distant from the origin.  The first
sixteen <A HREF="monsters.html">monsters</A> (water monsters) can 
normally only be found here and movement slows to a crawl.  Teleportation
spells do not work for locations inside the Marshes.

   <H5>Plateau of Gorgoroth</H5>
- This is surrounded by the Dead Marshes and cannot be reached by teleport.  
The monsters here are extremely tough and improve as the player improves.  
Players are warned not to spend too much time in here unless they enjoy a 
significant risk of death!  However, the post in the Plateau is the only post
in the game that sells blessings....

   <H5>Cracks of Doom</H5>
- This is surrounded by the Plateau of Gorgoroth and cannot be reached by 
teleport.  The monsters here are even tougher than on the Plateau and 
improve as the player improves.  Players are warned not to spend too 
much time in here unless they enjoy a significant risk of death!  
However, the Cracks are the only place in the Realm where
<A HREF="treasure.html#ring">Rings of Power</A> can be destroyed, a feat
necessary to receive a crown.

   <H5>The Edge of the World</H5>
- It is rumored to be out there somewhere, but no one is known to have
returned after seeing it.

   <A HREF="intro.html"><IMG SRC="graphics/previous.jpeg" ALT="" WIDTH="109" HEIGHT="18"></A>
   <A HREF="stats.html"><IMG SRC="graphics/next.jpeg" ALT="" WIDTH="73" HEIGHT="18"></A>


   <A HREF="index.html">Home</A>
   <A HREF="/cgi-bin/game.cgi">The Game</A>
   <A HREF="intro.html">The Rules</A>
   <A HREF="info.html">Game Info</A>
