 <TITLE>Phantasia Combat</TITLE>
 <META NAME="generator" CONTENT="BBEdit 5.0">
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<!--#exec cmd="/home/httpd/ssibin/adPicker4.exe \"cfg=PHANTASIA;pos=TOP\""-->

<IMG SRC="graphics/combat.jpeg" ALT="" WIDTH="93" HEIGHT="22">

Combat occurs when you encounter a <A HREF="monsters.html">monster</A> or another
<A HREF="itcombat.html">player</A>
A player has several options while in combat.  They are as follows:

- Inflicts damage on the monster, based upon <A HREF="stats.html#strength">strength</A>. Also decreases
the monster's <A HREF="stats.html#strength">strength</A> some.

- Inflicts a little less damage than melee, but decreases the
monster's <A HREF="stats.html#quickness">quickness</A> instead.

- Cast combat <A HREF="spells.html">spells</A>.

- If the player has a sword, hits the monster one plus the player's <A HREF="equipment.html#sword">sword</A>, and gives the player
10% of the monster's <A HREF="stats.html#experience">experience</A>.  Decreases the monster's <A HREF="stats.html#experience">experience</A>
an amount proportional to the amount granted. This also increases the
monster's <A HREF="stats.html#quickness">quickness</A>. <A HREF="spells.html#paralyze">Paralyzed</A> monsters wake up very quickly when nicked.

- Fighting for too long makes a character fatigued and lose speed.  Rest
to restore speed and energy.  However, monsters will get a free attack while 
you are doing so.

- This is essentially a battle of wits with the monster.  Success is
based upon the player's and the monster's <A HREF="stats.html#brains">brains</A>. The player gets credit for slaying the monster if he/she succeeds. Otherwise, nothing
happens, and the chance to luckout is lost.

- Attempt to run away.  Success is based upon both the player's and
the monster's <A HREF="stats.html#brains">brains</A> and <A HREF="stats.html#quickness">quickness</A>.

   In addition, do not take too long to fight.  The longer a fight takes, the
more your speed drops.  Characters have been known to die of fatigue, 
especially when terminals are left unattended.

   <A HREF="equipment.html"><IMG SRC="graphics/previous.jpeg" ALT="" WIDTH="109" HEIGHT="18"></A>
   <A HREF="monsters.html"><IMG SRC="graphics/next.jpeg" ALT="" WIDTH="73" HEIGHT="18"></A>


   <A HREF="index.html">Phantasia</A>
   <A HREF="/cgi-bin/game.cgi">The Game</A>
   <A HREF="intro.html">The Rules</A>
   <A HREF="info.html">Game Info</A>
