 <TITLE>Phantasia Commands</TITLE>
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<!--#exec cmd="/home/httpd/ssibin/adPicker4.exe \"cfg=PHANTASIA;pos=TOP\""-->

<IMG SRC="graphics/commands.jpeg" ALT="" WIDTH="229" HEIGHT="22">

At the beginning of each turn, a player is given several choices:

   <A NAME="compass"><B>The Compass</B></A>
- The compass is in the lower right corner of the Phantasia screen
and is the easiest way to move about.  Clicking one of the
headings will move you <A HREF="stats.html#movement">one full turn of movement</A> in that direction.
   <A NAME="move"><B>Move</B></A>
- Use this command to move to specific <A HREF="realm.html">realm</A> coordinates.  Specific
coordinates must be within <A HREF="stats.html#movement">one turn of movement</A>.

- Resting lets your character regain maximum <A HREF="stats.html#energy">energy 
level</A>, and also enables you to find <A HREF="equipment.html#mana">mana</A> (more can be found by higher level characters and at further distances
from the origin).

- The info button brings up a submenu offering information on
yourself, other players and the <A HREF="realm.html">realm</A>.  Items in the submenu are
listed below under "Info -> <I>Menu Item</I>".

   <B>Info -> Stats</B>
- The stats option shows full <A HREF="stats.html">characteristics</A> and <A HREF="equipment.html">equipment</A> of a player.
This is equivelent to <A HREF="commands.html#examine">examining</A> yourself.

   <A NAME="examine"><B>Info -> Examine</B></A>
- Pulls up the full <A HREF="stats.html">attributes</A> and <A HREF="equipment.html">equipment</A> of another player.  Although the examine
window can be left up while playing, the information does not

   <B>Info -> Players</B>
- A player may see who else is playing by using the players 
option.  One may see the coordinates of non-cloaked characters who are the same
distance or closer to the origin as he/she.
<A HREF="king.html">Kings</A> and members of the <A HREF="council.html">council of the
wise</A> can be seen by everyone.  
A player with a <A HREF="treasure.html#palantir">palantir</A> can see the coordinates of almost everyone.

   <B>Info -> Channel</B>
- Allows the player to change the channel their chat system is tuned to.

- Track down a <A HREF="monsters.html">monster</A> and enter <A HREF="combat.html">combat</A>.  This command adds a small
amount of <A HREF="stats.html#sin">sin</A>.

   <A NAME="save"><B>Quit</B></A>
- This button will quit the game and save your <A HREF="characters.html">character</A> away.

Several other options become available as the player progresses in
<A HREF="stats.html#level">level</A> and <A HREF="stats.html#magic">magic</A>, or to other stations in the game (<A HREF="valar.html">valar</A>, <A HREF="council.html">council of
the wise</A>, <A HREF="king.html">king</A> or steward). These are described elsewhere.

   <A HREF="interface.html"><IMG SRC="graphics/previous.jpeg" ALT="" WIDTH="109" HEIGHT="18"></A>
   <A HREF="equipment.html"><IMG SRC="graphics/next.jpeg" ALT="" WIDTH="73" HEIGHT="18"></A>


   <A HREF="index.html">Home</A>
   <A HREF="/cgi-bin/game.cgi">The Game</A>
   <A HREF="intro.html">The Rules</A>
   <A HREF="info.html">Game Info</A>
