/* ************************************************************************
*  file: spec_assign.c , Special module.                  Part of DIKUMUD *
*  Usage: Procedures assigning function pointers.                         *
*  Copyright (C) 1990, 1991 - see 'license.doc' for complete information. *
************************************************************************* */

#include "os.h"
#include "structs.h"
#include "db.h"

extern struct room_data *world;
extern struct index_data *mob_index;
extern struct index_data *obj_index;
void boot_the_shops (void);
void assign_the_shopkeepers (void);

/* ********************************************************************
*  Assignments                                                        *
******************************************************************** */

/* assign special procedures to mobiles */
void assign_mobiles (void)
  int cityguard (struct char_data *ch, int cmd, char *arg);
  int receptionist (struct char_data *ch, int cmd, char *arg);
  int guild (struct char_data *ch, int cmd, char *arg);
  int guild_guard (struct char_data *ch, int cmd, char *arg);
  int puff (struct char_data *ch, int cmd, char *arg);
  int fido (struct char_data *ch, int cmd, char *arg);
  int janitor (struct char_data *ch, int cmd, char *arg);
  int mayor (struct char_data *ch, int cmd, char *arg);
  int snake (struct char_data *ch, int cmd, char *arg);
  int thief (struct char_data *ch, int cmd, char *arg);
  int magic_user (struct char_data *ch, int cmd, char *arg);
  int bat_red (struct char_data *ch, int cmd, char *arg);
  int bat_blue (struct char_data *ch, int cmd, char *arg);
  int bat_green (struct char_data *ch, int cmd, char *arg);
  int bat_black (struct char_data *ch, int cmd, char *arg);
  int bat_white (struct char_data *ch, int cmd, char *arg);

  mob_index[real_mobile (1)].func = puff;

  mob_index[real_mobile (3060)].func = cityguard;
  mob_index[real_mobile (3067)].func = cityguard;
  mob_index[real_mobile (3061)].func = janitor;
  mob_index[real_mobile (3062)].func = fido;
  mob_index[real_mobile (3066)].func = fido;

  mob_index[real_mobile (3005)].func = receptionist;
  mob_index[real_mobile (5007)].func = receptionist;

  mob_index[real_mobile (3020)].func = guild;
  mob_index[real_mobile (3021)].func = guild;
  mob_index[real_mobile (3022)].func = guild;
  mob_index[real_mobile (3023)].func = guild;

  mob_index[real_mobile (3024)].func = guild_guard;
  mob_index[real_mobile (3025)].func = guild_guard;
  mob_index[real_mobile (3026)].func = guild_guard;
  mob_index[real_mobile (3027)].func = guild_guard;

  mob_index[real_mobile (3143)].func = mayor;

  /* MORIA */
  mob_index[real_mobile (4000)].func = snake;
  mob_index[real_mobile (4001)].func = snake;

  mob_index[real_mobile (4053)].func = snake;

  mob_index[real_mobile (4103)].func = thief;
  mob_index[real_mobile (4100)].func = magic_user;
  mob_index[real_mobile (4102)].func = snake;

  mob_index[real_mobile (4150)].func = bat_blue;
  mob_index[real_mobile (4151)].func = bat_red;
  mob_index[real_mobile (4152)].func = bat_green;
  mob_index[real_mobile (4153)].func = bat_white;
  mob_index[real_mobile (4154)].func = bat_black;
  mob_index[real_mobile (4155)].func = thief;
  mob_index[real_mobile (4157)].func = magic_user;
  mob_index[real_mobile (4158)].func = snake;

  /* SEWERS */
  mob_index[real_mobile (7006)].func = snake;
  mob_index[real_mobile (7040)].func = bat_red;

  /* FOREST */
  mob_index[real_mobile (6113)].func = snake;
  mob_index[real_mobile (6114)].func = snake;

  mob_index[real_mobile (6910)].func = magic_user;

  boot_the_shops ();
  assign_the_shopkeepers ();

/* assign special procedures to objects */
void assign_objects (void)
  int board (struct char_data *ch, int cmd, char *arg);

  obj_index[real_object (3099)].func = board;

/* assign special procedures to rooms */
void assign_rooms (void)
  int dump (struct char_data *ch, int cmd, char *arg);
  int chalice (struct char_data *ch, int cmd, char *arg);
  int kings_hall (struct char_data *ch, int cmd, char *arg);
  int pet_shops (struct char_data *ch, int cmd, char *arg);
  int mar_gate (struct char_data *ch, int cmd, char *arg);
  int pray_for_items (struct char_data *ch, int cmd, char *arg);
  int worm_ritual (struct char_data *ch, int cmd, char *arg);

  world[real_room (5039)].funct = worm_ritual;
  world[real_room (3030)].funct = dump;
  world[real_room (3054)].funct = pray_for_items;

  world[real_room(704)].funct = chalice;
  world[real_room(2518)].funct = kings_hall;

  world[real_room (3031)].funct = pet_shops;
  world[real_room (8001)].funct = mar_gate;