*  file: db.c , Database module.                          Part of DIKUMUD *
*  Usage: Loading/Saving chars, booting world, resetting etc.             *
*  Copyright (C) 1990, 1991 - see 'license.doc' for complete information. *

#include "os.h"

#include "structs.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "db.h"
#include "comm.h"
#include "handler.h"
#include "limits.h"
#include "prototypes.h"


*  declarations of most of the 'global' variables                         *
************************************************************************ */

struct room_data *world;        /* dyn alloc'ed array of rooms     */
int top_of_world = 0;           /* ref to the top element of world */
struct obj_data *object_list = 0;       /* the global linked list of obj's */
struct char_data *character_list = 0;   /* global l-list of chars          */

struct zone_data *zone_table;   /* table of reset data             */
int top_of_zone_table = 0;
struct message_list fight_messages[MAX_MESSAGES];       /* fighting messages   */
struct player_index_element *player_table = 0;  /* index to player file   */
int top_of_p_table = 0;         /* ref to top of table             */
int top_of_p_file = 0;

char credits[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];        /* the Credits List                */
char news[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];   /* the news                        */
char motd[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];   /* the messages of today           */
char help[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];   /* the main help page              */
char info[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];   /* the info text                   */
char wizlist[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];        /* the wizlist                     */

FILE *mob_f,                    /* file containing mob prototypes  */
 *obj_f,                        /* obj prototypes                  */
 *help_fl;                      /* file for help texts (HELP <kwd>) */

struct index_data *mob_index;   /* index table for mobile file     */
struct index_data *obj_index;   /* index table for object file     */
struct help_index_element *help_index = 0;

int top_of_mobt = 0;            /* top of mobile index table       */
int top_of_objt = 0;            /* top of object index table       */
int top_of_helpt;               /* top of help index table         */

struct time_info_data time_info;        /* the infomation about the time   */
struct weather_data weather_info;       /* the infomation about the weather */

bool wizlock = FALSE;           /* is the game wizlocked           */

/* structure for the update queue     */
struct reset_q_type reset_q;

/* local procedures */
void boot_zones (void);
void setup_dir (FILE * fl, int room, int dir);
void allocate_room (int new_top);
void boot_world (void);
struct index_data *generate_indices (FILE * fl, int *top);
void build_player_index (void);
void char_to_store (struct char_data *ch, struct char_file_u *st);
void store_to_char (struct char_file_u *st, struct char_data *ch);
int is_empty (int zone_nr);
void reset_zone (int zone);
int file_to_string (char *name, char *buf);
void renum_world (void);
void renum_zone_table (void);
void reset_time (void);
void clear_char (struct char_data *ch);

/* external refs */
extern struct descriptor_data *descriptor_list;
void load_messages (void);
void weather_and_time (int mode);
void assign_command_pointers (void);
void assign_spell_pointers (void);
int dice (int number, int size);
int number (int from, int to);
void boot_social_messages (void);
void boot_pose_messages (void);
void update_obj_file (void);    /* In reception.c */
struct help_index_element *build_help_index (FILE * fl, int *num);

*  routines for booting the system                                       *
*********************************************************************** */

/* body of the booting system */
void boot_db (void)
  int i;
  extern int no_specials;

  log ("Boot db -- BEGIN.");

  log ("Resetting the game time:");
  reset_time ();

  log ("Reading newsfile, credits, help-page, info and motd.");
  file_to_string (NEWS_FILE, news);
  file_to_string (CREDITS_FILE, credits);
  file_to_string (MOTD_FILE, motd);
  file_to_string (HELP_PAGE_FILE, help);
  file_to_string (INFO_FILE, info);
  file_to_string (WIZLIST_FILE, wizlist);

  log ("Opening mobile, object and help files.");
  if (!(mob_f = fopen (MOB_FILE, "rb"))) {
    perror ("boot");
    exit (0);

  if (!(obj_f = fopen (OBJ_FILE, "rb"))) {
    perror ("boot");
    exit (0);
  if (!(help_fl = fopen (HELP_KWRD_FILE, "rb")))
    log ("   Could not open help file.");
    help_index = build_help_index (help_fl, &top_of_helpt);

  log ("Loading zone table.");
  boot_zones ();

  log ("Loading rooms.");
  boot_world ();
  log ("Renumbering rooms.");
  renum_world ();

  log ("Generating index tables for mobile and object files.");
  mob_index = generate_indices (mob_f, &top_of_mobt);
  obj_index = generate_indices (obj_f, &top_of_objt);

  log ("Renumbering zone table.");
  renum_zone_table ();

  log ("Generating player index.");
  build_player_index ();

  log ("Loading fight messages.");
  load_messages ();

  log ("Loading social messages.");
  boot_social_messages ();

  log ("Loading pose messages.");
  boot_pose_messages ();

  log ("Assigning function pointers:");
  if (!no_specials) {
    log ("   Mobiles.");
    assign_mobiles ();
    log ("   Objects.");
    assign_objects ();
    log ("   Room.");
    assign_rooms ();

  log ("   Commands.");
  assign_command_pointers ();
  log ("   Spells.");
  assign_spell_pointers ();

  log ("Updating characters with saved items:");
  update_obj_file ();

  for (i = 0; i <= top_of_zone_table; i++) {
    fprintf (stderr, "Performing boot-time reset of %s (rooms %d-%d).\n",
      (i ? (zone_table[i - 1].top + 1) : 0), zone_table[i].top);
    reset_zone (i);

  reset_q.head = reset_q.tail = 0;

  log ("Boot db -- DONE.");

/* reset the time in the game from file */
void reset_time (void)
  char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  struct time_info_data mud_time;

  long beginning_of_time = 650336715;

  struct time_info_data mud_time_passed (time_t t2, time_t t1);

  time_info = mud_time_passed (time (0), beginning_of_time);

  FILE *f1;
  long current_time;
  long last_time;
  long diff_time;
  long diff_hours;

  if (!(f1 = fopen(TIME_FILE, "rb")))
    perror("reset time");

  fscanf(f1, "#\n");

  fscanf(f1, "%D\n", &last_time);
  fscanf(f1, "%d\n", &last_time_info.hours);
  fscanf(f1, "%d\n", &last_time_info.day);
  fscanf(f1, "%d\n", &last_time_info.month);
  fscanf(f1, "%d\n", &last_time_info.year);


  sprintf(buf,"   Last Gametime: %dH %dD %dM %dY.",
          last_time_info.hours, last_time_info.day,
          last_time_info.month, last_time_info.year);

  current_time = time(0);
  diff_time = current_time - last_time;

  sprintf(buf,"   Time since last shutdown: %d.", diff_time);

  time_info.hours = last_time_info.hours;
  time_info.day   = last_time_info.day;
  time_info.month = last_time_info.month;
  time_info.year  = last_time_info.year;

  diff_hours = diff_time/SECS_PER_MUD_HOUR;
  diff_time = diff_time % SEC_PR_HOUR;

  sprintf(buf,"   Real time lack : %d sec.", diff_time);

  for(;diff_hours > 0; diff_hours--)


  switch (time_info.hours) {
  case 0:
  case 1:
  case 2:
  case 3:
  case 4:
      weather_info.sunlight = SUN_DARK;
  case 5:
      weather_info.sunlight = SUN_RISE;
  case 6:
  case 7:
  case 8:
  case 9:
  case 10:
  case 11:
  case 12:
  case 13:
  case 14:
  case 15:
  case 16:
  case 17:
  case 18:
  case 19:
  case 20:
      weather_info.sunlight = SUN_LIGHT;
  case 21:
      weather_info.sunlight = SUN_SET;
  case 22:
  case 23:
      weather_info.sunlight = SUN_DARK;

  sprintf (buf, "   Current Gametime: %dH %dD %dM %dY.",
    time_info.hours, time_info.day, time_info.month, time_info.year);
  log (buf);

  weather_info.pressure = 960;
  if ((time_info.month >= 7) && (time_info.month <= 12))
    weather_info.pressure += dice (1, 50);
    weather_info.pressure += dice (1, 80);

  weather_info.change = 0;

  if (weather_info.pressure <= 980)
    weather_info.sky = SKY_LIGHTNING;
  else if (weather_info.pressure <= 1000)
    weather_info.sky = SKY_RAINING;
  else if (weather_info.pressure <= 1020)
    weather_info.sky = SKY_CLOUDY;
    weather_info.sky = SKY_CLOUDLESS;

/* update the time file */
void update_time (void)
  FILE *f1;
  extern struct time_info_data time_info;
  long current_time;


  if (!(f1 = fopen (TIME_FILE, "wb"))) {
    perror ("update time");
    exit (0);

  current_time = time (0);
  log ("Time update.");

  fprintf (f1, "#\n");

  fprintf (f1, "%ld\n", current_time);
  fprintf (f1, "%d\n", time_info.hours);
  fprintf (f1, "%d\n", time_info.day);
  fprintf (f1, "%d\n", time_info.month);
  fprintf (f1, "%d\n", time_info.year);

  fclose (f1);

/* generate index table for the player file */
void build_player_index (void)
  int nr = -1, i;
  struct char_file_u dummy;
  FILE *fl;

  if (!(fl = fopen (PLAYER_FILE, "rb+"))) {
    perror ("build player index");
    exit (0);

  for (; !feof (fl);) {
    fread (&dummy, sizeof (struct char_file_u), 1, fl);
    if (!feof (fl)) {           /* new record */
      /* Create new entry in the list */
      if (nr == -1) {
        CREATE (player_table, struct player_index_element, 1);
        nr = 0;
      } else {
        if (!(player_table = (struct player_index_element *)
            realloc (player_table, (++nr + 1) *
              sizeof (struct player_index_element)))) {
          perror ("generate index");
          exit (0);

      player_table[nr].nr = nr;

      CREATE (player_table[nr].name, char, strlen (dummy.name) + 1);
      for (i = 0; *(player_table[nr].name + i) =
        LOWER (*(dummy.name + i)); i++);

  fclose (fl);

  top_of_p_table = nr;

  top_of_p_file = top_of_p_table;

/* generate index table for object or monster file */
struct index_data *generate_indices (FILE * fl, int *top)
  int i = 0;
  struct index_data *index = NULL;
  long pos;
  char buf[82];

  rewind (fl);

  for (;;) {
    if (FGETS (buf, 81, fl)) {
      if (*buf == '#') {
        /* allocate new cell */

        if (!i)                 /* first cell */
          CREATE (index, struct index_data, 1);
          if (!(index =
            (struct index_data *) realloc (index,
              (i + 1) * sizeof (struct index_data)))) {
          perror ("load indices");
          exit (0);
        sscanf (buf, "#%d", &index[i].virtual);
        index[i].pos = ftell (fl);
        index[i].number = 0;
        index[i].func = 0;
      } else if (*buf == '$')   /* EOF */
    } else {
      perror ("generate indices");
      exit (0);
  *top = i - 2;
  return (index);

/* load the rooms */
void boot_world (void)
  FILE *fl;
  int room_nr = 0, zone = 0, dir_nr, virtual_nr, flag, tmp;
  char *temp, chk[50];
  struct extra_descr_data *new_descr;

  world = 0;
  character_list = 0;
  object_list = 0;

  if (!(fl = fopen (WORLD_FILE, "rb"))) {
    perror ("fopen");
    log ("boot_world: could not open world file.");
    exit (0);

  do {
    fscanf (fl, " #%d\n", &virtual_nr);

    temp = fread_string (fl);
    if (flag = (*temp != '$')) {        /* a new record to be read */
      allocate_room (room_nr);
      world[room_nr].number = virtual_nr;
      world[room_nr].name = temp;
      world[room_nr].description = fread_string (fl);

      if (top_of_zone_table >= 0) {
        fscanf (fl, " %*d ");

        /* OBS: Assumes ordering of input rooms */

        if (world[room_nr].number <= (zone ? zone_table[zone - 1].top : -1)) {
          fprintf (stderr, "Room nr %d is below zone %d.\n", room_nr, zone);
          exit (0);
        while (world[room_nr].number > zone_table[zone].top)
          if (++zone > top_of_zone_table) {
            fprintf (stderr, "Room %d is outside of any zone.\n", virtual_nr);
            exit (0);
        world[room_nr].zone = zone;
      fscanf (fl, " %d ", &tmp);
      world[room_nr].room_flags = tmp;
      fscanf (fl, " %d ", &tmp);
      world[room_nr].sector_type = tmp;

      world[room_nr].funct = 0;
      world[room_nr].contents = 0;
      world[room_nr].people = 0;
      world[room_nr].light = 0; /* Zero light sources */

      for (tmp = 0; tmp <= 5; tmp++)
        world[room_nr].dir_option[tmp] = 0;

      world[room_nr].ex_description = 0;

      for (;;) {
        fscanf (fl, " %s \n", chk);

        if (*chk == 'D')        /* direction field */
          setup_dir (fl, room_nr, atoi (chk + 1));
        else if (*chk == 'E') { /* extra description field */
          CREATE (new_descr, struct extra_descr_data, 1);
          new_descr->keyword = fread_string (fl);
          new_descr->description = fread_string (fl);
          new_descr->next = world[room_nr].ex_description;
          world[room_nr].ex_description = new_descr;
        } else if (*chk == 'S') /* end of current room */

  while (flag);

  free (temp);                  /* cleanup the area containing the terminal $  */

  fclose (fl);
  top_of_world = --room_nr;

void allocate_room (int new_top)
  struct room_data *new_world;

  if (new_top) {
    if (!(new_world = (struct room_data *)
        realloc (world, (new_top + 1) * sizeof (struct room_data)))) {
      perror ("alloc_room");
      exit (0);
  } else
    CREATE (new_world, struct room_data, 1);

  world = new_world;

/* read direction data */
void setup_dir (FILE * fl, int room, int dir)
  int tmp;

  CREATE (world[room].dir_option[dir], struct room_direction_data, 1);

  world[room].dir_option[dir]->general_description = fread_string (fl);
  world[room].dir_option[dir]->keyword = fread_string (fl);

  fscanf (fl, " %d ", &tmp);
  if (tmp == 1)
    world[room].dir_option[dir]->exit_info = EX_ISDOOR;
  else if (tmp == 2)
    world[room].dir_option[dir]->exit_info = EX_ISDOOR | EX_PICKPROOF;
    world[room].dir_option[dir]->exit_info = 0;

  fscanf (fl, " %d ", &tmp);
  world[room].dir_option[dir]->key = tmp;

  fscanf (fl, " %d ", &tmp);
  world[room].dir_option[dir]->to_room = tmp;

void renum_world (void)
  register int room, door;

  for (room = 0; room <= top_of_world; room++)
    for (door = 0; door <= 5; door++)
      if (world[room].dir_option[door])
        if (world[room].dir_option[door]->to_room != NOWHERE)
          world[room].dir_option[door]->to_room =
            real_room (world[room].dir_option[door]->to_room);


void renum_zone_table (void)
  int zone, comm;

  for (zone = 0; zone <= top_of_zone_table; zone++)
    for (comm = 0; zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].command != 'S'; comm++)
      switch (zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].command) {
      case 'M':
        zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg1 =
          real_mobile (zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg1);
        zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg3 =
          real_room (zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg3);
      case 'O':
        zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg1 =
          real_object (zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg1);
        if (zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg3 != NOWHERE)
          zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg3 =
            real_room (zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg3);
      case 'G':
        zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg1 =
          real_object (zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg1);
      case 'E':
        zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg1 =
          real_object (zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg1);
      case 'P':
        zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg1 =
          real_object (zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg1);
        zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg3 =
          real_object (zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg3);
      case 'D':
        zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg1 =
          real_room (zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg1);


void renum_zone_table (void)
  int zone, comm;

  for (zone = 0; zone <= top_of_zone_table; zone++)
    for (comm = 0; zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].command != 'S'; comm++)
      switch (zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].command) {
      case 'M':
        zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg1 =
          real_mobile (zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg1);
        zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg3 =
          real_room (zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg3);
      case 'O':
        zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg1 =
          real_object (zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg1);
        if (zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg3 != NOWHERE)
          zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg3 =
            real_room (zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg3);
      case 'G':
        zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg1 =
          real_object (zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg1);
        zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg2 =
          real_mobile (zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg2);
      case 'E':
        zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg1 =
          real_object (zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg1);
        zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg2 =
          real_mobile (zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg2);
      case 'P':
        zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg1 =
          real_object (zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg1);
        zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg2 =
          real_object (zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg2);
      case 'D':
        zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg1 =
          real_room (zone_table[zone].cmd[comm].arg1);



/* load the zone table and command tables */
void boot_zones (void)
  FILE *fl;
  int zon = 0, cmd_no = 0, ch, expand, tmp;
  char *check, buf[81];

  if (!(fl = fopen (ZONE_FILE, "rb"))) {
    perror ("boot_zones");
    exit (0);

  for (;;) {
    fscanf (fl, " #%*d\n");
    check = fread_string (fl);

    if (*check == '$')
      break;                    /* end of file */

    /* alloc a new zone */

    if (!zon)
      CREATE (zone_table, struct zone_data, 1);
      if (!(zone_table = (struct zone_data *) realloc (zone_table,
          (zon + 1) * sizeof (struct zone_data)))) {
      perror ("boot_zones realloc");
      exit (0);

    zone_table[zon].name = check;
    fscanf (fl, " %d ", &zone_table[zon].top);
    fscanf (fl, " %d ", &zone_table[zon].lifespan);
    fscanf (fl, " %d ", &zone_table[zon].reset_mode);

    /* read the command table */

    cmd_no = 0;

    for (expand = 1;;) {
      if (expand)
        if (!cmd_no)
          CREATE (zone_table[zon].cmd, struct reset_com, 1);
          if (!(zone_table[zon].cmd =
            (struct reset_com *) realloc (zone_table[zon].cmd,
              (cmd_no + 1) * sizeof (struct reset_com)))) {
          perror ("reset command load");
          exit (0);

      expand = 1;

      fscanf (fl, " ");         /* skip blanks */
      fscanf (fl, "%c", &zone_table[zon].cmd[cmd_no].command);

      if (zone_table[zon].cmd[cmd_no].command == 'S')

      if (zone_table[zon].cmd[cmd_no].command == '*') {
        expand = 0;
        FGETS (buf, 80, fl);    /* skip command */

      fscanf (fl, " %d %d %d",
        &zone_table[zon].cmd[cmd_no].arg1, &zone_table[zon].cmd[cmd_no].arg2);

      zone_table[zon].cmd[cmd_no].if_flag = tmp;

      if (zone_table[zon].cmd[cmd_no].command == 'M' ||
        zone_table[zon].cmd[cmd_no].command == 'O' ||
        zone_table[zon].cmd[cmd_no].command == 'E' ||
        zone_table[zon].cmd[cmd_no].command == 'P' ||
        zone_table[zon].cmd[cmd_no].command == 'D')
        fscanf (fl, " %d", &zone_table[zon].cmd[cmd_no].arg3);

      FGETS (buf, 80, fl);      /* read comment */

  top_of_zone_table = --zon;
  free (check);
  fclose (fl);


/* load the zone table and command tables */
void boot_zones (void)
  FILE *fl;
  int zon = 0, cmd_no = 0, ch, expand;
  char *check, buf[81];

  if (!(fl = fopen (ZONE_FILE, "rb"))) {
    perror ("boot_zones");
    exit (0);

  for (;;) {
    fscanf (fl, " #%*d\n");
    check = fread_string (fl);

    if (*check == '$')
      break;                    /* end of file */

    /* alloc a new zone */

    if (!zon)
      CREATE (zone_table, struct zone_data, 1);
      if (!(zone_table = (struct zone_data *) realloc (zone_table,
          (zon + 1) * sizeof (struct zone_data)))) {
      perror ("boot_zones realloc");
      exit (0);

    zone_table[zon].name = check;
    fscanf (fl, " %d ", &zone_table[zon].top);
    fscanf (fl, " %d ", &zone_table[zon].lifespan);
    fscanf (fl, " %d ", &zone_table[zon].reset_mode);

    /* read the command table */

    cmd_no = 0;

    for (expand = 1;;) {
      if (expand)
        if (!cmd_no)
          CREATE (zone_table[zon].cmd, struct reset_com, 1);
          if (!(zone_table[zon].cmd =
            (struct reset_com *) realloc (zone_table[zon].cmd,
              (cmd_no + 1) * sizeof (struct reset_com)))) {
          perror ("reset command load");
          exit (0);

      expand = 1;

      fscanf (fl, " ");         /* skip blanks */
      fscanf (fl, "%c", &zone_table[zon].cmd[cmd_no].command);

      if (zone_table[zon].cmd[cmd_no].command == 'S')

      if (zone_table[zon].cmd[cmd_no].command == '*') {
        expand = 0;
        FGETS (buf, 80, fl);    /* skip command */

      fscanf (fl, " %d %d %d",
        &zone_table[zon].cmd[cmd_no].arg1, &zone_table[zon].cmd[cmd_no].arg2);

      if (zone_table[zon].cmd[cmd_no].command == 'M' ||
        zone_table[zon].cmd[cmd_no].command == 'O' ||
        zone_table[zon].cmd[cmd_no].command == 'E' ||
        zone_table[zon].cmd[cmd_no].command == 'D')
        fscanf (fl, " %d", &zone_table[zon].cmd[cmd_no].arg3);

      FGETS (buf, 80, fl);      /* read comment */

  top_of_zone_table = --zon;
  free (check);
  fclose (fl);


*  procedures for resetting, both play-time and boot-time    *
*********************************************************************** */

/* read a mobile from MOB_FILE */
struct char_data *read_mobile (int nr, int type)
  int i, skill_nr;
  long tmp, tmp2, tmp3;
  struct char_data *mob;
  char chk[10], buf[100];
  char letter;

  i = nr;
  if (type == VIRTUAL)
    if ((nr = real_mobile (nr)) < 0) {
      sprintf (buf, "Mobile (V) %d does not exist in database.", i);
      return (0);

  fseek (mob_f, mob_index[nr].pos, 0);

  CREATE (mob, struct char_data, 1);
  clear_char (mob);

  /***** String data *** */

  mob->player.name = fread_string (mob_f);
  mob->player.short_descr = fread_string (mob_f);
  mob->player.long_descr = fread_string (mob_f);
  mob->player.description = fread_string (mob_f);
  mob->player.title = 0;

  /* *** Numeric data *** */

  fscanf (mob_f, "%ld ", &tmp);
  mob->specials.act = tmp;
  SET_BIT (mob->specials.act, ACT_ISNPC);

  fscanf (mob_f, " %ld ", &tmp);
  mob->specials.affected_by = tmp;

  fscanf (mob_f, " %ld ", &tmp);
  mob->specials.alignment = tmp;

  fscanf (mob_f, " %c \n", &letter);

  if (letter == 'S') {
    /* The new easy monsters */
    mob->abilities.str = 11;
    mob->abilities.intel = 11;
    mob->abilities.wis = 11;
    mob->abilities.dex = 11;
    mob->abilities.con = 11;

    fscanf (mob_f, " %ld ", &tmp);
    GET_LEVEL (mob) = tmp;

    fscanf (mob_f, " %ld ", &tmp);
    mob->points.hitroll = 20 - tmp;

    fscanf (mob_f, " %ld ", &tmp);
    mob->points.armor = 10 * tmp;

    fscanf (mob_f, " %ldd%ld+%ld ", &tmp, &tmp2, &tmp3);
    mob->points.max_hit = dice (tmp, tmp2) + tmp3;
    mob->points.hit = mob->points.max_hit;

    fscanf (mob_f, " %ldd%ld+%ld \n", &tmp, &tmp2, &tmp3);
    mob->points.damroll = tmp3;
    mob->specials.damnodice = tmp;
    mob->specials.damsizedice = tmp2;

    mob->points.mana = 10;
    mob->points.max_mana = 10;

    mob->points.move = 50;
    mob->points.max_move = 50;

    fscanf (mob_f, " %ld ", &tmp);
    mob->points.gold = tmp;

    fscanf (mob_f, " %ld \n", &tmp);
    GET_EXP (mob) = tmp;

    fscanf (mob_f, " %ld ", &tmp);
    mob->specials.position = tmp;

    fscanf (mob_f, " %ld ", &tmp);
    mob->specials.default_pos = tmp;

    fscanf (mob_f, " %ld \n", &tmp);
    mob->player.sex = tmp;

    mob->player.class = 0;

    mob->player.time.birth = time (0);
    mob->player.time.played = 0;
    mob->player.time.logon = time (0);
    mob->player.weight = 200;
    mob->player.height = 198;

    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
      GET_COND (mob, i) = -1;

    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
      mob->specials.apply_saving_throw[i] = MAX (20 - GET_LEVEL (mob), 2);

  } else {                      /* The old monsters are down below here */

    fscanf (mob_f, " %ld ", &tmp);
    mob->abilities.str = tmp;

    fscanf (mob_f, " %ld ", &tmp);
    mob->abilities.intel = tmp;

    fscanf (mob_f, " %ld ", &tmp);
    mob->abilities.wis = tmp;

    fscanf (mob_f, " %ld ", &tmp);
    mob->abilities.dex = tmp;

    fscanf (mob_f, " %ld \n", &tmp);
    mob->abilities.con = tmp;

    fscanf (mob_f, " %ld ", &tmp);
    fscanf (mob_f, " %ld ", &tmp2);

    mob->points.max_hit = number (tmp, tmp2);
    mob->points.hit = mob->points.max_hit;

    fscanf (mob_f, " %ld ", &tmp);
    mob->points.armor = 10 * tmp;

    fscanf (mob_f, " %ld ", &tmp);
    mob->points.mana = tmp;
    mob->points.max_mana = tmp;

    fscanf (mob_f, " %ld ", &tmp);
    mob->points.move = tmp;
    mob->points.max_move = tmp;

    fscanf (mob_f, " %ld ", &tmp);
    mob->points.gold = tmp;

    fscanf (mob_f, " %ld \n", &tmp);
    GET_EXP (mob) = tmp;

    fscanf (mob_f, " %ld ", &tmp);
    mob->specials.position = tmp;

    fscanf (mob_f, " %ld ", &tmp);
    mob->specials.default_pos = tmp;

    fscanf (mob_f, " %ld ", &tmp);
    mob->player.sex = tmp;

    fscanf (mob_f, " %ld ", &tmp);
    mob->player.class = tmp;

    fscanf (mob_f, " %ld ", &tmp);
    GET_LEVEL (mob) = tmp;

    fscanf (mob_f, " %ld ", &tmp);
    mob->player.time.birth = time (0);
    mob->player.time.played = 0;
    mob->player.time.logon = time (0);

    fscanf (mob_f, " %ld ", &tmp);
    mob->player.weight = tmp;

    fscanf (mob_f, " %ld \n", &tmp);
    mob->player.height = tmp;

    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      fscanf (mob_f, " %ld ", &tmp);
      GET_COND (mob, i) = tmp;
    fscanf (mob_f, " \n ");

    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
      fscanf (mob_f, " %ld ", &tmp);
      mob->specials.apply_saving_throw[i] = tmp;

    fscanf (mob_f, " \n ");

    /* Set the damage as some standard 1d4 */
    mob->points.damroll = 0;
    mob->specials.damnodice = 1;
    mob->specials.damsizedice = 6;

    /* Calculate THAC0 as a formular of Level */
    mob->points.hitroll = MAX (1, GET_LEVEL (mob) - 3);

  mob->tmpabilities = mob->abilities;

  for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAR; i++)        /* Initialisering Ok */
    mob->equipment[i] = 0;

  mob->nr = nr;

  mob->desc = 0;

  /* insert in list */

  mob->next = character_list;
  character_list = mob;


  return (mob);

/* read an object from OBJ_FILE */
struct obj_data *read_object (int nr, int type)
  struct obj_data *obj;
  int tmp, i;
  char chk[50], buf[100];
  struct extra_descr_data *new_descr;

  i = nr;
  if (type == VIRTUAL)
    if ((nr = real_object (nr)) < 0) {
      sprintf (buf, "Object (V) %d does not exist in database.", i);
      return (0);

  fseek (obj_f, obj_index[nr].pos, 0);

  CREATE (obj, struct obj_data, 1);

  clear_object (obj);

  /* *** string data *** */

  obj->name = fread_string (obj_f);
  obj->short_description = fread_string (obj_f);
  obj->description = fread_string (obj_f);
  obj->action_description = fread_string (obj_f);

  /* *** numeric data *** */

  fscanf (obj_f, " %d ", &tmp);
  obj->obj_flags.type_flag = tmp;
  fscanf (obj_f, " %d ", &tmp);
  obj->obj_flags.extra_flags = tmp;
  fscanf (obj_f, " %d ", &tmp);
  obj->obj_flags.wear_flags = tmp;
  fscanf (obj_f, " %d ", &tmp);
  obj->obj_flags.value[0] = tmp;
  fscanf (obj_f, " %d ", &tmp);
  obj->obj_flags.value[1] = tmp;
  fscanf (obj_f, " %d ", &tmp);
  obj->obj_flags.value[2] = tmp;
  fscanf (obj_f, " %d ", &tmp);
  obj->obj_flags.value[3] = tmp;
  fscanf (obj_f, " %d ", &tmp);
  obj->obj_flags.weight = tmp;
  fscanf (obj_f, " %d \n", &tmp);
  obj->obj_flags.cost = tmp;
  fscanf (obj_f, " %d \n", &tmp);
  obj->obj_flags.cost_per_day = tmp;

  /* *** extra descriptions *** */

  obj->ex_description = 0;

  while (fscanf (obj_f, " %s \n", chk), *chk == 'E') {
    CREATE (new_descr, struct extra_descr_data, 1);

    new_descr->keyword = fread_string (obj_f);
    new_descr->description = fread_string (obj_f);

    new_descr->next = obj->ex_description;
    obj->ex_description = new_descr;

  for (i = 0; (i < MAX_OBJ_AFFECT) && (*chk == 'A'); i++) {
    fscanf (obj_f, " %d ", &tmp);
    obj->affected[i].location = tmp;
    fscanf (obj_f, " %d \n", &tmp);
    obj->affected[i].modifier = tmp;
    fscanf (obj_f, " %s \n", chk);

  for (; (i < MAX_OBJ_AFFECT); i++) {
    obj->affected[i].location = APPLY_NONE;
    obj->affected[i].modifier = 0;

  obj->in_room = NOWHERE;
  obj->next_content = 0;
  obj->carried_by = 0;
  obj->in_obj = 0;
  obj->contains = 0;
  obj->item_number = nr;

  obj->next = object_list;
  object_list = obj;


  return (obj);

#define ZO_DEAD  999

/* update zone ages, queue for reset if necessary, and dequeue when possible */
void zone_update (void)
  int i;
  struct reset_q_element *update_u, *temp;

  /* enqueue zones */

  for (i = 0; i <= top_of_zone_table; i++) {
    if (zone_table[i].age < zone_table[i].lifespan &&
    else if (zone_table[i].age < ZO_DEAD && zone_table[i].reset_mode) {
      /* enqueue zone */

      CREATE (update_u, struct reset_q_element, 1);

      update_u->zone_to_reset = i;
      update_u->next = 0;

      if (!reset_q.head)
        reset_q.head = reset_q.tail = update_u;
      else {
        reset_q.tail->next = update_u;
        reset_q.tail = update_u;

      zone_table[i].age = ZO_DEAD;

  /* dequeue zones (if possible) and reset */

  for (update_u = reset_q.head; update_u; update_u = update_u->next)
    if (zone_table[update_u->zone_to_reset].reset_mode == 2 ||
      is_empty (update_u->zone_to_reset)) {
      reset_zone (update_u->zone_to_reset);

      /* dequeue */

      if (update_u == reset_q.head)
        reset_q.head = reset_q.head->next;
      else {
        for (temp = reset_q.head; temp->next != update_u; temp = temp->next);

        if (!update_u->next)
          reset_q.tail = temp;

        temp->next = update_u->next;


      free (update_u);


#define ZCMD zone_table[zone].cmd[cmd_no]

/* execute the reset command table of a given zone */
void reset_zone (int zone)
  int cmd_no, last_cmd = 1;
  char buf[256];
  struct obj_data *obj, *obj_to;
  struct char_data *mob = NULL;

  for (cmd_no = 0;; cmd_no++) {
    if (ZCMD.command == 'S')

    if (last_cmd || !ZCMD.if_flag)
      switch (ZCMD.command) {
      case 'M':                /* read a mobile */
        if (mob_index[ZCMD.arg1].number < ZCMD.arg2) {
          mob = read_mobile (ZCMD.arg1, REAL);
          char_to_room (mob, ZCMD.arg3);
          last_cmd = 1;
        } else
          last_cmd = 0;

      case 'O':                /* read an object */
        if (obj_index[ZCMD.arg1].number < ZCMD.arg2)
          if (ZCMD.arg3 >= 0) {
            if (!get_obj_in_list_num (ZCMD.arg1, world[ZCMD.arg3].contents)) {
              obj = read_object (ZCMD.arg1, REAL);
              obj_to_room (obj, ZCMD.arg3);
              last_cmd = 1;
            } else
              last_cmd = 0;
          } else {
            obj = read_object (ZCMD.arg1, REAL);
            obj->in_room = NOWHERE;
            last_cmd = 1;
        } else
          last_cmd = 0;

      case 'P':                /* object to object */
        if (obj_index[ZCMD.arg1].number < ZCMD.arg2) {
          obj = read_object (ZCMD.arg1, REAL);
          obj_to = get_obj_num (ZCMD.arg3);
          obj_to_obj (obj, obj_to);
          last_cmd = 1;
        } else
          last_cmd = 0;

      case 'G':                /* obj_to_char */
        if (obj_index[ZCMD.arg1].number < ZCMD.arg2) {
          obj = read_object (ZCMD.arg1, REAL);
          obj_to_char (obj, mob);
          last_cmd = 1;
        } else
          last_cmd = 0;

      case 'E':                /* object to equipment list */
        if (obj_index[ZCMD.arg1].number < ZCMD.arg2) {
          obj = read_object (ZCMD.arg1, REAL);
          equip_char (mob, obj, ZCMD.arg3);
          last_cmd = 1;
        } else
          last_cmd = 0;

      case 'D':                /* set state of door */
        switch (ZCMD.arg3) {
        case 0:
          REMOVE_BIT (world[ZCMD.arg1].dir_option[ZCMD.arg2]->exit_info,
          REMOVE_BIT (world[ZCMD.arg1].dir_option[ZCMD.arg2]->exit_info,
        case 1:
          SET_BIT (world[ZCMD.arg1].dir_option[ZCMD.arg2]->exit_info,
          REMOVE_BIT (world[ZCMD.arg1].dir_option[ZCMD.arg2]->exit_info,
        case 2:
          SET_BIT (world[ZCMD.arg1].dir_option[ZCMD.arg2]->exit_info,
          SET_BIT (world[ZCMD.arg1].dir_option[ZCMD.arg2]->exit_info,
        last_cmd = 1;

        sprintf (buf, "Undefd cmd in reset table; zone %d cmd %d.\n\r",
          zone, cmd_no);
        log (buf);
        exit (0);
    } else
      last_cmd = 0;


  zone_table[zone].age = 0;

#undef ZCMD


#define ZCMD zone_table[zone].cmd[cmd_no]

/* execute the reset command table of a given zone */
void reset_zone (int zone)
  int cmd_no, last_cmd = 1;
  char buf[256];
  struct obj_data *obj, *obj_to;
  struct char_data *mob = NULL;

  for (cmd_no = 0;; cmd_no++) {
    if (ZCMD.command == 'S')

    if (last_cmd || !ZCMD.if_flag)
      switch (ZCMD.command) {
      case 'M':                /* read a mobile */
        if (mob_index[ZCMD.arg1].number < ZCMD.arg2) {
          mob = read_mobile (ZCMD.arg1, REAL);
          char_to_room (mob, ZCMD.arg3);
          last_cmd = 1;
        } else
          last_cmd = 0;

      case 'O':                /* read an object */
        if (obj_index[ZCMD.arg1].number < ZCMD.arg2)
          if (ZCMD.arg3 >= 0) {
            if (!get_obj_in_list_num (ZCMD.arg1, world[ZCMD.arg3].contents)) {
              obj = read_object (ZCMD.arg1, REAL);
              obj_to_room (obj, ZCMD.arg3);
              last_cmd = 1;
            } else
              last_cmd = 0;
          } else {
            obj = read_object (ZCMD.arg1, REAL);
            obj->in_room = NOWHERE;
            last_cmd = 1;
        } else
          last_cmd = 0;

      case 'P':                /* object to object */
        obj = get_obj_num (ZCMD.arg1);
        obj_to = get_obj_num (ZCMD.arg2);
        obj_to_obj (obj, obj_to);
        last_cmd = 1;

      case 'G':                /* obj_to_char */
        obj = get_obj_num (ZCMD.arg1);
        mob = get_char_num (ZCMD.arg2);
        obj_to_char (obj, mob);
        last_cmd = 1;

      case 'E':                /* object to equipment list */
        obj = get_obj_num (ZCMD.arg1);
        mob = get_char_num (ZCMD.arg2);
        equip_char (mob, obj, ZCMD.arg3);
        last_cmd = 1;

      case 'D':                /* set state of door */
        switch (ZCMD.arg3) {
        case 0:
          REMOVE_BIT (world[ZCMD.arg1].dir_option[ZCMD.arg2]->exit_info,
          REMOVE_BIT (world[ZCMD.arg1].dir_option[ZCMD.arg2]->exit_info,
        case 1:
          SET_BIT (world[ZCMD.arg1].dir_option[ZCMD.arg2]->exit_info,
          REMOVE_BIT (world[ZCMD.arg1].dir_option[ZCMD.arg2]->exit_info,
        case 2:
          SET_BIT (world[ZCMD.arg1].dir_option[ZCMD.arg2]->exit_info,
          SET_BIT (world[ZCMD.arg1].dir_option[ZCMD.arg2]->exit_info,

        sprintf (buf, "Undefd cmd in reset table; zone %d cmd %d.\n\r",
          zone, cmd_no);
        log (buf);
        exit (0);
    } else
      last_cmd = 0;


  zone_table[zone].age = 0;

#undef ZCMD


/* for use in reset_zone; return TRUE if zone 'nr' is free of PC's  */
int is_empty (int zone_nr)
  struct descriptor_data *i;

  for (i = descriptor_list; i; i = i->next)
    if (!i->connected)
      if (world[i->character->in_room].zone == zone_nr)
        return (0);

  return (1);

*  stuff related to the save/load player system                 *
*********************************************************************** */

/* Load a char, TRUE if loaded, FALSE if not */
int load_char (char *name, struct char_file_u *char_element)
  FILE *fl;
  int player_i;

  int find_name (char *name);

  if ((player_i = find_name (name)) >= 0) {

    if (!(fl = fopen (PLAYER_FILE, "rb"))) {
      perror ("Opening player file for reading. (db.c, load_char)");
      exit (0);

    fseek (fl, (long) (player_table[player_i].nr *
        sizeof (struct char_file_u)), 0);

    fread (char_element, sizeof (struct char_file_u), 1, fl);
    fclose (fl);
    return (player_i);
  } else

    return (-1);

/* copy data from the file structure to a char struct */
void store_to_char (struct char_file_u *st, struct char_data *ch)
  int i;

  GET_SEX (ch) = st->sex;
  GET_CLASS (ch) = st->class;
  GET_LEVEL (ch) = st->level;

  ch->player.short_descr = 0;
  ch->player.long_descr = 0;

  if (*st->title) {
    CREATE (ch->player.title, char, strlen (st->title) + 1);
    strcpy (ch->player.title, st->title);
  } else
    GET_TITLE (ch) = 0;

  if (*st->description) {
    CREATE (ch->player.description, char, strlen (st->description) + 1);
    strcpy (ch->player.description, st->description);
  } else
    ch->player.description = 0;

  ch->player.hometown = st->hometown;

  ch->player.time.birth = st->birth;
  ch->player.time.played = st->played;
  ch->player.time.logon = time (0);

  for (i = 0; i <= MAX_TOUNGE - 1; i++)
    ch->player.talks[i] = st->talks[i];

  ch->player.weight = st->weight;
  ch->player.height = st->height;

  ch->abilities = st->abilities;
  ch->tmpabilities = st->abilities;
  ch->points = st->points;

  for (i = 0; i <= MAX_SKILLS - 1; i++)
    ch->skills[i] = st->skills[i];

  ch->specials.spells_to_learn = st->spells_to_learn;
  ch->specials.alignment = st->alignment;

  ch->specials.act = st->act;
  ch->specials.carry_weight = 0;
  ch->specials.carry_items = 0;
  ch->points.armor = 100;
  ch->points.hitroll = 0;
  ch->points.damroll = 0;

  CREATE (GET_NAME (ch), char, strlen (st->name) + 1);
  strcpy (GET_NAME (ch), st->name);

  /* Not used as far as I can see (Michael) */
  for (i = 0; i <= 4; i++)
    ch->specials.apply_saving_throw[i] = st->apply_saving_throw[i];

  for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
    GET_COND (ch, i) = st->conditions[i];

  /* Add all spell effects */
  for (i = 0; i < MAX_AFFECT; i++) {
    if (st->affected[i].type)
      affect_to_char (ch, &st->affected[i]);
  ch->in_room = st->load_room;
  affect_total (ch);
}                               /* store_to_char */

/* copy vital data from a players char-structure to the file structure */
void char_to_store (struct char_data *ch, struct char_file_u *st)
  int i;
  struct affected_type *af;
  struct obj_data *char_eq[MAX_WEAR];

  /* Unaffect everything a character can be affected by */

  for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAR; i++) {
    if (ch->equipment[i])
      char_eq[i] = unequip_char (ch, i);
      char_eq[i] = 0;

  for (af = ch->affected, i = 0; i < MAX_AFFECT; i++) {
    if (af) {
      st->affected[i] = *af;
      st->affected[i].next = 0;
      /* subtract effect of the spell or the effect will be doubled */
      affect_modify (ch, st->affected[i].location,
        st->affected[i].modifier, st->affected[i].bitvector, FALSE);
      af = af->next;
    } else {
      st->affected[i].type = 0; /* Zero signifies not used */
      st->affected[i].duration = 0;
      st->affected[i].modifier = 0;
      st->affected[i].location = 0;
      st->affected[i].bitvector = 0;
      st->affected[i].next = 0;

  if ((i >= MAX_AFFECT) && af && af->next)

  ch->tmpabilities = ch->abilities;

  st->birth = ch->player.time.birth;
  st->played = ch->player.time.played;
  st->played += (long) (time (0) - ch->player.time.logon);
  st->last_logon = time (0);

  ch->player.time.played = st->played;
  ch->player.time.logon = time (0);

  st->hometown = ch->player.hometown;
  st->weight = GET_WEIGHT (ch);
  st->height = GET_HEIGHT (ch);
  st->sex = GET_SEX (ch);
  st->class = GET_CLASS (ch);
  st->level = GET_LEVEL (ch);
  st->abilities = ch->abilities;
  st->points = ch->points;
  st->alignment = ch->specials.alignment;
  st->spells_to_learn = ch->specials.spells_to_learn;
  st->act = ch->specials.act;

  st->points.armor = 100;
  st->points.hitroll = 0;
  st->points.damroll = 0;

  if (GET_TITLE (ch))
    strcpy (st->title, GET_TITLE (ch));
    *st->title = '\0';

  if (ch->player.description)
    strcpy (st->description, ch->player.description);
    *st->description = '\0';

  for (i = 0; i <= MAX_TOUNGE - 1; i++)
    st->talks[i] = ch->player.talks[i];

  for (i = 0; i <= MAX_SKILLS - 1; i++)
    st->skills[i] = ch->skills[i];

  strcpy (st->name, GET_NAME (ch));

  for (i = 0; i <= 4; i++)
    st->apply_saving_throw[i] = ch->specials.apply_saving_throw[i];

  for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
    st->conditions[i] = GET_COND (ch, i);

  for (af = ch->affected, i = 0; i < MAX_AFFECT; i++) {
    if (af) {
      /* Add effect of the spell or it will be lost */
      /* When saving without quitting               */
      affect_modify (ch, st->affected[i].location,
        st->affected[i].modifier, st->affected[i].bitvector, TRUE);
      af = af->next;

  for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAR; i++) {
    if (char_eq[i])
      equip_char (ch, char_eq[i], i);

  affect_total (ch);
}                               /* Char to store */

/* create a new entry in the in-memory index table for the player file */
int create_entry (char *name)
  int i, pos;
  struct player_index_element tmp;

  if (top_of_p_table == -1) {
    CREATE (player_table, struct player_index_element, 1);
    top_of_p_table = 0;
  } else if (!(player_table = (struct player_index_element *)
      realloc (player_table, sizeof (struct player_index_element) *
        (++top_of_p_table + 1)))) {
    perror ("create entry");
    exit (1);

  CREATE (player_table[top_of_p_table].name, char, strlen (name) + 1);

  /* copy lowercase equivalent of name to table field */
  for (i = 0; *(player_table[top_of_p_table].name + i) =
    LOWER (*(name + i)); i++);

  player_table[top_of_p_table].nr = top_of_p_table;

  return (top_of_p_table);


/* write the vital data of a player to the player file */
void save_char (struct char_data *ch, sh_int load_room)
  struct char_file_u st;
  FILE *fl;
  char mode[4];
  int expand;

  if (IS_NPC (ch) || !ch->desc)

  if (expand = (ch->desc->pos > top_of_p_file)) {
    strcpy (mode, "a+b");
  } else
    strcpy (mode, "r+b");

  char_to_store (ch, &st);
  st.load_room = load_room;

  strcpy (st.pwd, ch->desc->pwd);

  if (!(fl = fopen (PLAYER_FILE, mode))) {
    perror ("save char");
    exit (1);

  fflush (fl);
  if (expand) {
    fwrite (&st, sizeof (struct char_file_u), 1, fl);

  fseek (fl, ch->desc->pos * sizeof (struct char_file_u), 0);

  fwrite (&st, sizeof (struct char_file_u), 1, fl);

  fclose (fl);

/* for possible later use with qsort */
int compare (struct player_index_element *arg1, struct player_index_element
  return (str_cmp (arg1->name, arg2->name));

*  procs of a (more or less) general utility nature     *
********************************************************************** */

/* read and allocate space for a '~'-terminated string from a given file */
char *fread_string (FILE * fl)
  char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH], tmp[500];
  char *rslt;
  register char *point;
  int flag;

  bzero (buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH);

  do {
    if (!FGETS (tmp, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, fl)) {
      perror ("fread_str");
      exit (0);

    if (strlen (tmp) + strlen (buf) > MAX_STRING_LENGTH) {
      log ("fread_string: string too large (db.c)");
      exit (0);
    } else
      strcat (buf, tmp);

    for (point = buf + strlen (buf) - 2; point >= buf && isspace ((int)*point);
    if (flag = (*point == '~'))
      if (*(buf + strlen (buf) - 3) == '\n') {
        *(buf + strlen (buf) - 2) = '\r';
        *(buf + strlen (buf) - 1) = '\0';
      } else
        *(buf + strlen (buf) - 2) = '\0';
    else {
      *(buf + strlen (buf) + 1) = '\0';
      *(buf + strlen (buf)) = '\r';
  while (!flag);

  /* do the allocate boogie  */

  if (strlen (buf) > 0) {
    CREATE (rslt, char, strlen (buf) + 1);
    strcpy (rslt, buf);
  } else
    rslt = 0;
  return (rslt);

/* release memory allocated for a char struct */
void free_char (struct char_data *ch)
  struct affected_type *af;

  free (GET_NAME (ch));

  if (ch->player.title)
    free (ch->player.title);
  if (ch->player.short_descr)
    free (ch->player.short_descr);
  if (ch->player.long_descr)
    free (ch->player.long_descr);
  if (ch->player.description)
    free (ch->player.description);

  for (af = ch->affected; af; af = af->next)
    affect_remove (ch, af);

  free (ch);

/* release memory allocated for an obj struct */
void free_obj (struct obj_data *obj)
  struct extra_descr_data *this, *next_one;

  free (obj->name);
  if (obj->description)
    free (obj->description);
  if (obj->short_description)
    free (obj->short_description);
  if (obj->action_description)
    free (obj->action_description);

  for (this = obj->ex_description; (this != 0); this = next_one) {
    next_one = this->next;
    if (this->keyword)
      free (this->keyword);
    if (this->description)
      free (this->description);
    free (this);

  free (obj);

/* read contents of a text file, and place in buf */
int file_to_string (char *name, char *buf)
  FILE *fl;
  char tmp[100];

  *buf = '\0';

  if (!(fl = fopen (name, "rb"))) {
    perror ("file-to-string");
    *buf = '\0';
    return (-1);

  do {
    FGETS (tmp, 99, fl);

    if (!feof (fl)) {
      if (strlen (buf) + strlen (tmp) + 2 > MAX_STRING_LENGTH) {
        log ("fl->strng: string too big (db.c, file_to_string)");
        *buf = '\0';
        return (-1);

      strcat (buf, tmp);
      *(buf + strlen (buf) + 1) = '\0';
      *(buf + strlen (buf)) = '\r';
  while (!feof (fl));

  fclose (fl);

  return (0);

/* clear some of the the working variables of a char */
void reset_char (struct char_data *ch)
  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAR; i++)        /* Initialisering */
    ch->equipment[i] = 0;

  ch->followers = 0;
  ch->master = 0;
/*  ch->in_room = NOWHERE; Used for start in room */
  ch->carrying = 0;
  ch->next = 0;
  ch->next_fighting = 0;
  ch->next_in_room = 0;
  ch->specials.fighting = 0;
  ch->specials.position = POSITION_STANDING;
  ch->specials.default_pos = POSITION_STANDING;
  ch->specials.carry_weight = 0;
  ch->specials.carry_items = 0;

  if (GET_HIT (ch) <= 0)
    GET_HIT (ch) = 1;
  if (GET_MOVE (ch) <= 0)
    GET_MOVE (ch) = 1;
  if (GET_MANA (ch) <= 0)
    GET_MANA (ch) = 1;

/* clear ALL the working variables of a char and do NOT free any space alloc'ed*/
void clear_char (struct char_data *ch)
  memset (ch, '\0', sizeof (struct char_data));

  ch->in_room = NOWHERE;
  ch->specials.was_in_room = NOWHERE;
  ch->specials.position = POSITION_STANDING;
  ch->specials.default_pos = POSITION_STANDING;
  GET_AC (ch) = 100;            /* Basic Armor */

void clear_object (struct obj_data *obj)
  memset (obj, '\0', sizeof (struct obj_data));

  obj->item_number = -1;
  obj->in_room = NOWHERE;

/* initialize a new character only if class is set */
void init_char (struct char_data *ch)
  int i;

  /* *** if this is our first player --- he be God *** */

  if (top_of_p_table < 0) {
    GET_EXP (ch) = 7000000;
    GET_LEVEL (ch) = 24;

  set_title (ch);

  ch->player.short_descr = 0;
  ch->player.long_descr = 0;
  ch->player.description = 0;

  ch->player.hometown = number (1, 4);

  ch->player.time.birth = time (0);
  ch->player.time.played = 0;
  ch->player.time.logon = time (0);

  for (i = 0; i < MAX_TOUNGE; i++)
    ch->player.talks[i] = 0;

  GET_STR (ch) = 9;
  GET_INT (ch) = 9;
  GET_WIS (ch) = 9;
  GET_DEX (ch) = 9;
  GET_CON (ch) = 9;

  /* make favors for sex */
  if (ch->player.sex == SEX_MALE) {
    ch->player.weight = number (120, 180);
    ch->player.height = number (160, 200);
  } else {
    ch->player.weight = number (100, 160);
    ch->player.height = number (150, 180);

  ch->points.mana = GET_MAX_MANA (ch);
  ch->points.hit = GET_MAX_HIT (ch);
  ch->points.move = GET_MAX_MOVE (ch);
  ch->points.armor = 100;

  for (i = 0; i <= MAX_SKILLS - 1; i++) {
    if (GET_LEVEL (ch) < 24) {
      ch->skills[i].learned = 0;
      ch->skills[i].recognise = FALSE;
    } else {
      ch->skills[i].learned = 100;
      ch->skills[i].recognise = FALSE;

  ch->specials.affected_by = 0;
  ch->specials.spells_to_learn = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    ch->specials.apply_saving_throw[i] = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    GET_COND (ch, i) = (GET_LEVEL (ch) == 24 ? -1 : 24);

/* returns the real number of the room with given virtual number */
int real_room (int virtual)
  int bot, top, mid;

  bot = 0;
  top = top_of_world;

  /* perform binary search on world-table */
  for (;;) {
    mid = (bot + top) / 2;

    if ((world + mid)->number == virtual)
      return (mid);
    if (bot >= top) {
      fprintf (stderr, "Room %d does not exist in database\n", virtual);
      return (-1);
    if ((world + mid)->number > virtual)
      top = mid - 1;
      bot = mid + 1;

/* returns the real number of the monster with given virtual number */
int real_mobile (int virtual)
  int bot, top, mid;

  bot = 0;
  top = top_of_mobt;

  /* perform binary search on mob-table */
  for (;;) {
    mid = (bot + top) / 2;

    if ((mob_index + mid)->virtual == virtual)
      return (mid);
    if (bot >= top)
      return (-1);
    if ((mob_index + mid)->virtual > virtual)
      top = mid - 1;
      bot = mid + 1;

/* returns the real number of the object with given virtual number */
int real_object (int virtual)
  int bot, top, mid;

  bot = 0;
  top = top_of_objt;

  /* perform binary search on obj-table */
  for (;;) {
    mid = (bot + top) / 2;

    if ((obj_index + mid)->virtual == virtual)
      return (mid);
    if (bot >= top)
      return (-1);
    if ((obj_index + mid)->virtual > virtual)
      top = mid - 1;
      bot = mid + 1;