/* ************************************************************************
*  file: act.obj2.c , Implementation of commands.         Part of DIKUMUD *
*  Usage : Commands mainly using objects.                                 *
*  Copyright (C) 1990, 1991 - see 'license.doc' for complete information. *
************************************************************************* */

#include "os.h"

#include "structs.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "comm.h"
#include "interpreter.h"
#include "handler.h"
#include "db.h"
#include "spells.h"
#include "limits.h"
#include "prototypes.h"

/* extern variables */

extern struct str_app_type str_app[];
extern struct room_data *world;
extern struct descriptor_data *descriptor_list;
extern struct room_data *world;
extern char *drinks[];
extern int drink_aff[][3];

/* extern functions */

struct obj_data *get_object_in_equip_vis (struct char_data *ch,
  char *arg, struct obj_data **equipment, int *j);
char *str_dup (char *source);

void weight_change_object (struct obj_data *obj, int weight)
  struct obj_data *tmp_obj;
  struct char_data *tmp_ch;

  if (obj->in_room != NOWHERE) {
    GET_OBJ_WEIGHT (obj) += weight;
  } else if (tmp_ch = obj->carried_by) {
    obj_from_char (obj);
    GET_OBJ_WEIGHT (obj) += weight;
    obj_to_char (obj, tmp_ch);
  } else if (tmp_obj = obj->in_obj) {
    obj_from_obj (obj);
    GET_OBJ_WEIGHT (obj) += weight;
    obj_to_obj (obj, tmp_obj);
  } else {
    log ("Unknown attempt to subtract weight from an object.");

void name_from_drinkcon (struct obj_data *obj)
  int i;
  char *new_name;

  for (i = 0; (*((obj->name) + i) != ' ') && (*((obj->name) + i) != '\0');

  if (*((obj->name) + i) == ' ') {
    new_name = str_dup ((obj->name) + i + 1);
    free (obj->name);
    obj->name = new_name;

void name_to_drinkcon (struct obj_data *obj, int type)
  char *new_name;
  extern char *drinknames[];

  CREATE (new_name, char, strlen (obj->name) + strlen (drinknames[type]) + 2);
  sprintf (new_name, "%s %s", drinknames[type], obj->name);
  free (obj->name);
  obj->name = new_name;

void do_drink (struct char_data *ch, char *argument, int cmd)
  char buf[100];
  struct obj_data *temp;
  struct affected_type af;
  int amount, i;

  one_argument (argument, buf);

  if (!(temp = get_obj_in_list_vis (ch, buf, ch->carrying))) {
    act ("You can't find it!", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);

  if (temp->obj_flags.type_flag != ITEM_DRINKCON) {
    act ("You can't drink from that!", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);

  if ((GET_COND (ch, DRUNK) > 10) && (GET_COND (ch, THIRST) > 0)) {     /* The pig is drunk */
    act ("You simply fail to reach your mouth!", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);
    act ("$n tried to drink but missed $s mouth!", TRUE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);

  if ((GET_COND (ch, FULL) > 20) && (GET_COND (ch, THIRST) > 0)) {      /* Stomach full */
    act ("Your stomach can't contain anymore!", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);

  if (temp->obj_flags.type_flag == ITEM_DRINKCON) {
    if (temp->obj_flags.value[1] > 0) { /* Not empty */
      sprintf (buf, "$n drinks %s from $p", drinks[temp->obj_flags.value[2]]);
      act (buf, TRUE, ch, temp, 0, TO_ROOM);
      sprintf (buf, "You drink the %s.\n\r",
      send_to_char (buf, ch);

      if (drink_aff[temp->obj_flags.value[2]][DRUNK] > 0)
        amount =
          (25 - GET_COND (ch,
            THIRST)) / drink_aff[temp->obj_flags.value[2]][DRUNK];
        amount = number (3, 10);

      amount = MIN (amount, temp->obj_flags.value[1]);

      weight_change_object (temp, -amount);     /* Subtract amount */

      gain_condition (ch, DRUNK, (int) ((int) drink_aff
          [temp->obj_flags.value[2]][DRUNK] * amount) / 4);

      gain_condition (ch, FULL, (int) ((int) drink_aff
          [temp->obj_flags.value[2]][FULL] * amount) / 4);

      gain_condition (ch, THIRST, (int) ((int) drink_aff
          [temp->obj_flags.value[2]][THIRST] * amount) / 4);

      if (GET_COND (ch, DRUNK) > 10)
        act ("You feel drunk.", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);

      if (GET_COND (ch, THIRST) > 20)
        act ("You do not feel thirsty.", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);

      if (GET_COND (ch, FULL) > 20)
        act ("You are full.", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);

      if (temp->obj_flags.value[3]) {   /* The shit was poisoned ! */
        act ("Ooups, it tasted rather strange ?!!?", FALSE, ch, 0, 0,
        act ("$n chokes and utters some strange sounds.", TRUE, ch, 0, 0,
        af.type = SPELL_POISON;
        af.duration = amount * 3;
        af.modifier = 0;
        af.location = APPLY_NONE;
        af.bitvector = AFF_POISON;
        affect_join (ch, &af, FALSE, FALSE);

      /* empty the container, and no longer poison. */
      temp->obj_flags.value[1] -= amount;
      if (!temp->obj_flags.value[1]) {  /* The last bit */
        temp->obj_flags.value[2] = 0;
        temp->obj_flags.value[3] = 0;
        name_from_drinkcon (temp);


  act ("It's empty already.", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);


void do_eat (struct char_data *ch, char *argument, int cmd)
  char buf[100];
  struct obj_data *temp;
  struct affected_type af;

  one_argument (argument, buf);

  if (!(temp = get_obj_in_list_vis (ch, buf, ch->carrying))) {
    act ("You can't find it!", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);

  if ((temp->obj_flags.type_flag != ITEM_FOOD) && (GET_LEVEL (ch) < 22)) {
    act ("Your stomach refuses to eat that!?!", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);

  if (GET_COND (ch, FULL) > 20) {       /* Stomach full */
    act ("You are to full to eat more!", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);

  act ("$n eats $p", TRUE, ch, temp, 0, TO_ROOM);
  act ("You eat the $o.", FALSE, ch, temp, 0, TO_CHAR);

  gain_condition (ch, FULL, temp->obj_flags.value[0]);

  if (GET_COND (ch, FULL) > 20)
    act ("You are full.", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);

  if (temp->obj_flags.value[3] && (GET_LEVEL (ch) < 21)) {      /* The shit was poisoned ! */
    act ("Ooups, it tasted rather strange ?!!?", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);
    act ("$n coughs and utters some strange sounds.", FALSE, ch, 0, 0,

    af.type = SPELL_POISON;
    af.duration = temp->obj_flags.value[0] * 2;
    af.modifier = 0;
    af.location = APPLY_NONE;
    af.bitvector = AFF_POISON;
    affect_join (ch, &af, FALSE, FALSE);

  extract_obj (temp);

void do_pour (struct char_data *ch, char *argument, int cmd)
  char arg1[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  char arg2[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  struct obj_data *from_obj;
  struct obj_data *to_obj;
  int amount;

  argument_interpreter (argument, arg1, arg2);

  if (!*arg1) {                 /* No arguments */
    act ("What do you want to pour from?", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);

  if (!(from_obj = get_obj_in_list_vis (ch, arg1, ch->carrying))) {
    act ("You can't find it!", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);

  if (from_obj->obj_flags.type_flag != ITEM_DRINKCON) {
    act ("You can't pour from that!", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);

  if (from_obj->obj_flags.value[1] == 0) {
    act ("The $p is empty.", FALSE, ch, from_obj, 0, TO_CHAR);

  if (!*arg2) {
    act ("Where do you want it? Out or in what?", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);

  if (!str_cmp (arg2, "out")) {
    act ("$n empties $p", TRUE, ch, from_obj, 0, TO_ROOM);
    act ("You empty the $p.", FALSE, ch, from_obj, 0, TO_CHAR);

    weight_change_object (from_obj, -from_obj->obj_flags.value[1]);     /* Empty */

    from_obj->obj_flags.value[1] = 0;
    from_obj->obj_flags.value[2] = 0;
    from_obj->obj_flags.value[3] = 0;
    name_from_drinkcon (from_obj);



  if (!(to_obj = get_obj_in_list_vis (ch, arg2, ch->carrying))) {
    act ("You can't find it!", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);

  if (to_obj->obj_flags.type_flag != ITEM_DRINKCON) {
    act ("You can't pour anything into that.", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);

  if ((to_obj->obj_flags.value[1] != 0) &&
    (to_obj->obj_flags.value[2] != from_obj->obj_flags.value[2])) {
    act ("There is already another liquid in it!", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);

  if (!(to_obj->obj_flags.value[1] < to_obj->obj_flags.value[0])) {
    act ("There is no room for more.", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);

  sprintf (buf, "You pour the %s into the %s.",
    drinks[from_obj->obj_flags.value[2]], arg2);
  send_to_char (buf, ch);

  /* New alias */
  if (to_obj->obj_flags.value[1] == 0)
    name_to_drinkcon (to_obj, from_obj->obj_flags.value[2]);

  /* First same type liq. */
  to_obj->obj_flags.value[2] = from_obj->obj_flags.value[2];

  /* Then how much to pour */
  /* if to_obj can contail it all give it all */
  amount = to_obj->obj_flags.value[0] - to_obj->obj_flags.value[1];
  if (amount > from_obj->obj_flags.value[1])
    amount = from_obj->obj_flags.value[1];

  /* take away from from_obj */
  from_obj->obj_flags.value[1] -= amount;
  weight_change_object (from_obj, -amount);

  /* give it to to_obj */
  to_obj->obj_flags.value[1] += amount;
  weight_change_object (to_obj, amount);

  /* Then the poison boogie */
  to_obj->obj_flags.value[3] =
    (to_obj->obj_flags.value[3] || from_obj->obj_flags.value[3]);

  if (from_obj->obj_flags.value[1] = 0) {       /* from_obj is empty */
    from_obj->obj_flags.value[1] = 0;
    from_obj->obj_flags.value[2] = 0;
    from_obj->obj_flags.value[3] = 0;
    name_from_drinkcon (from_obj);


void do_sip (struct char_data *ch, char *argument, int cmd)
  struct affected_type af;
  char arg[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  struct obj_data *temp;

  one_argument (argument, arg);

  if (!(temp = get_obj_in_list_vis (ch, arg, ch->carrying))) {
    act ("You can't find it!", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);

  if (temp->obj_flags.type_flag != ITEM_DRINKCON) {
    act ("You can't sip from that!", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);

  if (GET_COND (ch, DRUNK) > 10) {      /* The pig is drunk ! */
    act ("You simply fail to reach your mouth!", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);
    act ("$n tries to sip, but fails!", TRUE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);

  if (!temp->obj_flags.value[1]) {      /* Empty */
    act ("But there is nothing in it?", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);

  act ("$n sips from the $o", TRUE, ch, temp, 0, TO_ROOM);
  sprintf (buf, "It tastes like %s.\n\r", drinks[temp->obj_flags.value[2]]);
  send_to_char (buf, ch);

  gain_condition (ch, DRUNK,
    (int) (drink_aff[temp->obj_flags.value[2]][DRUNK] / 4));

  gain_condition (ch, FULL,
    (int) (drink_aff[temp->obj_flags.value[2]][FULL] / 4));

  gain_condition (ch, THIRST,
    (int) (drink_aff[temp->obj_flags.value[2]][THIRST] / 4));

  weight_change_object (temp, -1);      /* Subtract one unit */

  if (GET_COND (ch, DRUNK) > 10)
    act ("You feel drunk.", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);

  if (GET_COND (ch, THIRST) > 20)
    act ("You do not feel thirsty.", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);

  if (GET_COND (ch, FULL) > 20)
    act ("You are full.", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);

  if (temp->obj_flags.value[3] && !IS_AFFECTED (ch, AFF_POISON)) {      /* The shit was poisoned ! */
    act ("But it also had a strange taste!", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);

    af.type = SPELL_POISON;
    af.duration = 3;
    af.modifier = 0;
    af.location = APPLY_NONE;
    af.bitvector = AFF_POISON;
    affect_to_char (ch, &af);


  if (!temp->obj_flags.value[1]) {      /* The last bit */
    temp->obj_flags.value[2] = 0;
    temp->obj_flags.value[3] = 0;
    name_from_drinkcon (temp);



void do_taste (struct char_data *ch, char *argument, int cmd)
  struct affected_type af;
  char arg[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  struct obj_data *temp;

  one_argument (argument, arg);

  if (!(temp = get_obj_in_list_vis (ch, arg, ch->carrying))) {
    act ("You can't find it!", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);

  if (temp->obj_flags.type_flag == ITEM_DRINKCON) {
    do_sip (ch, argument, 0);

  if (!(temp->obj_flags.type_flag == ITEM_FOOD)) {
    act ("Taste that?!? Your stomach refuses!", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);

  act ("$n tastes the $o", FALSE, ch, temp, 0, TO_ROOM);
  act ("You taste the $o", FALSE, ch, temp, 0, TO_CHAR);

  gain_condition (ch, FULL, 1);

  if (GET_COND (ch, FULL) > 20)
    act ("You are full.", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);

  if (temp->obj_flags.value[3] && !IS_AFFECTED (ch, AFF_POISON)) {      /* The shit was poisoned ! */
    act ("Ooups, it did not taste good at all!", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);

    af.type = SPELL_POISON;
    af.duration = 2;
    af.modifier = 0;
    af.location = APPLY_NONE;
    af.bitvector = AFF_POISON;
    affect_to_char (ch, &af);


  if (!temp->obj_flags.value[0]) {      /* Nothing left */
    act ("There is nothing left now.", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);
    extract_obj (temp);



/* functions related to wear */

void perform_wear (struct char_data * ch, struct obj_data * obj_object,
  int keyword)
  char buffer[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  struct char_data *i;

  switch (keyword) {
  case 0:
    act ("$n light $p and holds it.", FALSE, ch, obj_object, 0, TO_ROOM);
  case 1:
    act ("$n wears $p on $s finger.", TRUE, ch, obj_object, 0, TO_ROOM);
  case 2:
    act ("$n wears $p around $s neck.", TRUE, ch, obj_object, 0, TO_ROOM);
  case 3:
    act ("$n wears $p on $s body.", TRUE, ch, obj_object, 0, TO_ROOM);
  case 4:
    act ("$n wears $p on $s head.", TRUE, ch, obj_object, 0, TO_ROOM);
  case 5:
    act ("$n wears $p on $s legs.", TRUE, ch, obj_object, 0, TO_ROOM);
  case 6:
    act ("$n wears $p on $s feet.", TRUE, ch, obj_object, 0, TO_ROOM);
  case 7:
    act ("$n wears $p on $s hands.", TRUE, ch, obj_object, 0, TO_ROOM);
  case 8:
    act ("$n wears $p on $s arms.", TRUE, ch, obj_object, 0, TO_ROOM);
  case 9:
    act ("$n wears $p about $s body.", TRUE, ch, obj_object, 0, TO_ROOM);
  case 10:
    act ("$n wears $p about $s waist.", TRUE, ch, obj_object, 0, TO_ROOM);
  case 11:
    act ("$n wears $p around $s wrist.", TRUE, ch, obj_object, 0, TO_ROOM);
  case 12:
    act ("$n wields $p.", TRUE, ch, obj_object, 0, TO_ROOM);
  case 13:
    act ("$n grabs $p.", TRUE, ch, obj_object, 0, TO_ROOM);
  case 14:
    act ("$n starts using $p as shield.", TRUE, ch, obj_object, 0, TO_ROOM);

void wear (struct char_data *ch, struct obj_data *obj_object, int keyword)
  char buffer[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];

  switch (keyword) {
  case 0:{                     /* LIGHT SOURCE */
      if (ch->equipment[WEAR_LIGHT])
        send_to_char ("You are already holding a light source.\n\r", ch);
      else {
        send_to_char ("Ok.\n\r", ch);
        perform_wear (ch, obj_object, keyword);
        obj_from_char (obj_object);
        equip_char (ch, obj_object, WEAR_LIGHT);
        if (obj_object->obj_flags.value[2])

  case 1:{
      if (CAN_WEAR (obj_object, ITEM_WEAR_FINGER)) {
        if ((ch->equipment[WEAR_FINGER_L]) && (ch->equipment[WEAR_FINGER_R])) {
            ("You are already wearing something on your fingers.\n\r", ch);
        } else {
          perform_wear (ch, obj_object, keyword);
          if (ch->equipment[WEAR_FINGER_L]) {
            sprintf (buffer, "You put the %s on your right finger.\n\r",
              fname (obj_object->name));
            send_to_char (buffer, ch);
            obj_from_char (obj_object);
            equip_char (ch, obj_object, WEAR_FINGER_R);
          } else {
            sprintf (buffer, "You put the %s on your left finger.\n\r",
              fname (obj_object->name));
            send_to_char (buffer, ch);
            obj_from_char (obj_object);
            equip_char (ch, obj_object, WEAR_FINGER_L);
      } else {
        send_to_char ("You can't wear that on your finger.\n\r", ch);
  case 2:{
      if (CAN_WEAR (obj_object, ITEM_WEAR_NECK)) {
        if ((ch->equipment[WEAR_NECK_1]) && (ch->equipment[WEAR_NECK_2])) {
          send_to_char ("You can't wear any more around your neck.\n\r", ch);
        } else {
          send_to_char ("OK.\n\r", ch);
          perform_wear (ch, obj_object, keyword);
          if (ch->equipment[WEAR_NECK_1]) {
            obj_from_char (obj_object);
            equip_char (ch, obj_object, WEAR_NECK_2);
          } else {
            obj_from_char (obj_object);
            equip_char (ch, obj_object, WEAR_NECK_1);
      } else {
        send_to_char ("You can't wear that around your neck.\n\r", ch);
  case 3:{
      if (CAN_WEAR (obj_object, ITEM_WEAR_BODY)) {
        if (ch->equipment[WEAR_BODY]) {
          send_to_char ("You already wear something on your body.\n\r", ch);
        } else {
          send_to_char ("OK.\n\r", ch);
          perform_wear (ch, obj_object, keyword);
          obj_from_char (obj_object);
          equip_char (ch, obj_object, WEAR_BODY);
      } else {
        send_to_char ("You can't wear that on your body.\n\r", ch);
  case 4:{
      if (CAN_WEAR (obj_object, ITEM_WEAR_HEAD)) {
        if (ch->equipment[WEAR_HEAD]) {
          send_to_char ("You already wear something on your head.\n\r", ch);
        } else {
          send_to_char ("OK.\n\r", ch);
          perform_wear (ch, obj_object, keyword);
          obj_from_char (obj_object);
          equip_char (ch, obj_object, WEAR_HEAD);
      } else {
        send_to_char ("You can't wear that on your head.\n\r", ch);
  case 5:{
      if (CAN_WEAR (obj_object, ITEM_WEAR_LEGS)) {
        if (ch->equipment[WEAR_LEGS]) {
          send_to_char ("You already wear something on your legs.\n\r", ch);
        } else {
          send_to_char ("OK.\n\r", ch);
          perform_wear (ch, obj_object, keyword);
          obj_from_char (obj_object);
          equip_char (ch, obj_object, WEAR_LEGS);
      } else {
        send_to_char ("You can't wear that on your legs.\n\r", ch);
  case 6:{
      if (CAN_WEAR (obj_object, ITEM_WEAR_FEET)) {
        if (ch->equipment[WEAR_FEET]) {
          send_to_char ("You already wear something on your feet.\n\r", ch);
        } else {
          send_to_char ("OK.\n\r", ch);
          perform_wear (ch, obj_object, keyword);
          obj_from_char (obj_object);
          equip_char (ch, obj_object, WEAR_FEET);
      } else {
        send_to_char ("You can't wear that on your feet.\n\r", ch);
  case 7:{
      if (CAN_WEAR (obj_object, ITEM_WEAR_HANDS)) {
        if (ch->equipment[WEAR_HANDS]) {
          send_to_char ("You already wear something on your hands.\n\r", ch);
        } else {
          send_to_char ("OK.\n\r", ch);
          perform_wear (ch, obj_object, keyword);
          obj_from_char (obj_object);
          equip_char (ch, obj_object, WEAR_HANDS);
      } else {
        send_to_char ("You can't wear that on your hands.\n\r", ch);
  case 8:{
      if (CAN_WEAR (obj_object, ITEM_WEAR_ARMS)) {
        if (ch->equipment[WEAR_ARMS]) {
          send_to_char ("You already wear something on your arms.\n\r", ch);
        } else {
          send_to_char ("OK.\n\r", ch);
          perform_wear (ch, obj_object, keyword);
          obj_from_char (obj_object);
          equip_char (ch, obj_object, WEAR_ARMS);
      } else {
        send_to_char ("You can't wear that on your arms.\n\r", ch);
  case 9:{
      if (CAN_WEAR (obj_object, ITEM_WEAR_ABOUT)) {
        if (ch->equipment[WEAR_ABOUT]) {
          send_to_char ("You already wear something about your body.\n\r",
        } else {
          send_to_char ("OK.\n\r", ch);
          perform_wear (ch, obj_object, keyword);
          obj_from_char (obj_object);
          equip_char (ch, obj_object, WEAR_ABOUT);
      } else {
        send_to_char ("You can't wear that about your body.\n\r", ch);
  case 10:{
      if (CAN_WEAR (obj_object, ITEM_WEAR_WAISTE)) {
        if (ch->equipment[WEAR_WAISTE]) {
          send_to_char ("You already wear something about your waiste.\n\r",
        } else {
          send_to_char ("OK.\n\r", ch);
          perform_wear (ch, obj_object, keyword);
          obj_from_char (obj_object);
          equip_char (ch, obj_object, WEAR_WAISTE);
      } else {
        send_to_char ("You can't wear that about your waist.\n\r", ch);
  case 11:{
      if (CAN_WEAR (obj_object, ITEM_WEAR_WRIST)) {
        if ((ch->equipment[WEAR_WRIST_L]) && (ch->equipment[WEAR_WRIST_R])) {
            ("You already wear something around both your wrists.\n\r", ch);
        } else {
          perform_wear (ch, obj_object, keyword);
          obj_from_char (obj_object);
          if (ch->equipment[WEAR_WRIST_L]) {
            sprintf (buffer, "You wear the %s around your right wrist.\n\r",
              fname (obj_object->name));
            send_to_char (buffer, ch);
            equip_char (ch, obj_object, WEAR_WRIST_R);
          } else {
            sprintf (buffer, "You wear the %s around your left wrist.\n\r",
              fname (obj_object->name));
            send_to_char (buffer, ch);
            equip_char (ch, obj_object, WEAR_WRIST_L);
      } else {
        send_to_char ("You can't wear that around your wrist.\n\r", ch);

  case 12:
    if (CAN_WEAR (obj_object, ITEM_WIELD)) {
      if (ch->equipment[WIELD]) {
        send_to_char ("You are already wielding something.\n\r", ch);
      } else {
        /* Cleric execption has been removed, and is temporarily placed */
        /* at the end of this file                                      */

        if (GET_OBJ_WEIGHT (obj_object) >
          str_app[STRENGTH_APPLY_INDEX (ch)].wield_w) {
          send_to_char ("It is too heavy for you to use.\n\r", ch);
        } else {
          send_to_char ("OK.\n\r", ch);
          perform_wear (ch, obj_object, keyword);
          obj_from_char (obj_object);
          equip_char (ch, obj_object, WIELD);
    } else {
      send_to_char ("You can't wield that.\n\r", ch);

  case 13:
    if (CAN_WEAR (obj_object, ITEM_HOLD)) {
      if (ch->equipment[HOLD]) {
        send_to_char ("You are already holding something.\n\r", ch);
      } else {
        /* Cleric execption has been removed, and is temporarily placed */
        /* at the end of this file                                      */

        send_to_char ("OK.\n\r", ch);
        perform_wear (ch, obj_object, keyword);
        obj_from_char (obj_object);
        equip_char (ch, obj_object, HOLD);
    } else {
      send_to_char ("You can't hold this.\n\r", ch);
  case 14:{
      if (CAN_WEAR (obj_object, ITEM_WEAR_SHIELD)) {
        if ((ch->equipment[WEAR_SHIELD])) {
          send_to_char ("You are already using a shield\n\r", ch);
        } else {
          perform_wear (ch, obj_object, keyword);
          sprintf (buffer, "You start using the %s.\n\r",
            fname (obj_object->name));
          send_to_char (buffer, ch);
          obj_from_char (obj_object);
          equip_char (ch, obj_object, WEAR_SHIELD);
      } else {
        send_to_char ("You can't use that as a shield.\n\r", ch);
  case -1:{
      sprintf (buffer, "Wear %s where?.\n\r", fname (obj_object->name));
      send_to_char (buffer, ch);
  case -2:{
      sprintf (buffer, "You can't wear the %s.\n\r",
        fname (obj_object->name));
      send_to_char (buffer, ch);
      log ("Unknown type called in wear.");

void do_wear (struct char_data *ch, char *argument, int cmd)
  char arg1[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  char arg2[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  char buf[256];
  char buffer[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  struct obj_data *obj_object;
  int keyword;
  static char *keywords[] = {

  argument_interpreter (argument, arg1, arg2);
  if (*arg1) {
    obj_object = get_obj_in_list_vis (ch, arg1, ch->carrying);
    if (obj_object) {
      if (*arg2) {
        keyword = search_block (arg2, keywords, FALSE); /* Partial Match */
        if (keyword == -1) {
          sprintf (buf, "%s is an unknown body location.\n\r", arg2);
          send_to_char (buf, ch);
        } else {
          wear (ch, obj_object, keyword + 1);
      } else {
        keyword = -2;
        if (CAN_WEAR (obj_object, ITEM_WEAR_SHIELD))
          keyword = 14;
        if (CAN_WEAR (obj_object, ITEM_WEAR_FINGER))
          keyword = 1;
        if (CAN_WEAR (obj_object, ITEM_WEAR_NECK))
          keyword = 2;
        if (CAN_WEAR (obj_object, ITEM_WEAR_WRIST))
          keyword = 11;
        if (CAN_WEAR (obj_object, ITEM_WEAR_WAISTE))
          keyword = 10;
        if (CAN_WEAR (obj_object, ITEM_WEAR_ARMS))
          keyword = 8;
        if (CAN_WEAR (obj_object, ITEM_WEAR_HANDS))
          keyword = 7;
        if (CAN_WEAR (obj_object, ITEM_WEAR_FEET))
          keyword = 6;
        if (CAN_WEAR (obj_object, ITEM_WEAR_LEGS))
          keyword = 5;
        if (CAN_WEAR (obj_object, ITEM_WEAR_ABOUT))
          keyword = 9;
        if (CAN_WEAR (obj_object, ITEM_WEAR_HEAD))
          keyword = 4;
        if (CAN_WEAR (obj_object, ITEM_WEAR_BODY))
          keyword = 3;

        wear (ch, obj_object, keyword);
    } else {
      sprintf (buffer, "You do not seem to have the '%s'.\n\r", arg1);
      send_to_char (buffer, ch);
  } else {
    send_to_char ("Wear what?\n\r", ch);

void do_wield (struct char_data *ch, char *argument, int cmd)
  char arg1[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  char arg2[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  char buffer[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  struct obj_data *obj_object;
  int keyword = 12;

  argument_interpreter (argument, arg1, arg2);
  if (*arg1) {
    obj_object = get_obj_in_list_vis (ch, arg1, ch->carrying);
    if (obj_object) {
      wear (ch, obj_object, keyword);
    } else {
      sprintf (buffer, "You do not seem to have the '%s'.\n\r", arg1);
      send_to_char (buffer, ch);
  } else {
    send_to_char ("Wield what?\n\r", ch);

void do_grab (struct char_data *ch, char *argument, int cmd)
  char arg1[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  char arg2[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  char buffer[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  struct obj_data *obj_object;
  int keyword = 13;

  argument_interpreter (argument, arg1, arg2);

  if (*arg1) {
    obj_object = get_obj_in_list (arg1, ch->carrying);
    if (obj_object) {
      if (obj_object->obj_flags.type_flag == ITEM_LIGHT)
        wear (ch, obj_object, WEAR_LIGHT);
        wear (ch, obj_object, 13);
    } else {
      sprintf (buffer, "You do not seem to have the '%s'.\n\r", arg1);
      send_to_char (buffer, ch);
  } else {
    send_to_char ("Hold what?\n\r", ch);

void do_remove (struct char_data *ch, char *argument, int cmd)
  char arg1[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  char buffer[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  char buffer1[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  struct obj_data *obj_object;
  struct char_data *tmp_char;
  int i, j;

  one_argument (argument, arg1);

  if (*arg1) {
    obj_object = get_object_in_equip_vis (ch, arg1, ch->equipment, &j);
    if (obj_object) {
      if (CAN_CARRY_N (ch) != IS_CARRYING_N (ch)) {

        obj_to_char (unequip_char (ch, j), ch);

        if (obj_object->obj_flags.type_flag == ITEM_LIGHT)
          if (obj_object->obj_flags.value[2])

        act ("You stop using $p.", FALSE, ch, obj_object, 0, TO_CHAR);
        act ("$n stops using $p.", TRUE, ch, obj_object, 0, TO_ROOM);

      } else {
        send_to_char ("You can't carry that many items.\n\r", ch);
    } else {
      send_to_char ("You are not using it.\n\r", ch);
  } else {
    send_to_char ("Remove what?\n\r", ch);

/* case 12: ...

          if ( ( (ch->player.class == CLASS_CLERIC) &&
            ( (GET_ITEM_TYPE(obj_object) == ITEM_WEAPON) &&
            (sharp[obj_object->obj_flags.value[3]]) ) ||
            ( (ch->player.class == CLASS_CLERIC) &&
            ( (GET_ITEM_TYPE(obj_object) == ITEM_FIREWEAPON) &&
            (sharp[obj_object->obj_flags.value[3]]) ) ) ) ) {
              if (GET_ITEM_TYPE(obj_object) == ITEM_WEAPON) {
                strcpy(buffer, "You can't wield that! its SHARP.\n\r");
                strcat(buffer, "You are forbidden to use sharp weapons!\n\r");
                send_to_char(buffer, ch);
              if (GET_ITEM_TYPE(obj_object) == ITEM_FIREWEAPON) {
                  "You can't wield that! it fires only SHARP things.\n\r");
                strcat(buffer, "You are forbidden to use sharp weapons!\n\r");
                send_to_char(buffer, ch);
            } else {

/* case 13: ...

          if ( (ch->player.class == CLASS_CLERIC) &&
            ( (GET_ITEM_TYPE(obj_object) == ITEM_MISSILE) &&
            (sharp[obj_object->obj_flags.value[3]]) ) ) {
              "This is a SHARP thing, to be used in a weapon.\n\r.");
            strcat(buffer, "You are forbidden to use sharp weapons!\n\r");
            send_to_char(buffer, ch);
          } else {