#VERSION         v3.03~
Name          Unknown~
Cmd_Name      News~
Header        &cResortmud 2 News

Org_Type      0
Locked        0
Vnum          0
Post_Level    101
View_Level    1
Title    new stuff~
Name     Badastaz~
Date     9/12/2002~
Type     0
POST     keep upto date with the new News system. News sytems that are currently in use

are News and Areanews. More news forums are comming soon to help.

Title    Houses~
Name     Badastaz~
Date     10/23/2002~
Type     0
POST     Ok i have the houses about ready to go so keep an eye out for auctions

of houses you never know when someone might decided to sell one.

Title    Clans and Orders~
Name     Badastaz~
Date     10/27/2002~
Type     0
POST     Clans and orders are about ready to be reimplemented i have all the halls 

about done and ready to go in once ready a note will be posted and i will

hold pk trials for leaders and quest trials for order leaders.

Title    questcode~
Name     Badastaz~
Date     10/28/2002~
Type     0
POST     Ok quest code has been redone i finnished it off while being bored

you don't have to wait as long for some quests but as you use it 

you will see i'll probably start on the new obejects for the quest

store sometime later and make changes to the costs for the new items.

Title    Random Objects~
Name     Badastaz~
Date     10/29/2002~
Type     0
POST     Now imms can load random objects with a command that will load anything

we tell it to even special objects us imms have designed so keep an eye out

for the info that notifies you that an object was loaded.

Title    Bleeding~
Name     Badastaz~
Date     11/15/2002~
Type     0
POST     Bleeding starts if a char is hit for 25% of their maxhit or more (bad bleeding)

or by a small chance per damage taken (over 18).  1 in 10 chance if armor is

being worn on the body area that was hit.  1 in 5 if no armor is covering that

body area.  Chances seem small, but with the average number of hits landed in

combat being more than one, it works out pretty well.


Mental state worsens while a char is bleeding and they'll begin to get tired.

Loss of blood causes thirst.

Title    Bdays~
Name     Badastaz~
Date     11/17/2002~
Type     0
POST     if you look in your score you can now see what your bday is in mud time.

in time i may add more to it to make bdays special for players by having

the mud give a gift to the mortal or something.

Title    Pfile auto cleanup~
Name     Badastaz~
Date     11/19/2002~
Type     0
POST     OK this is letting everyone know i now have auto pfile cleaning

so if you don't log on for so long then your pfile will probably

be deleted by the code it's currently set as this under level 5 5 days 

level 5 - 10 is 25 and the rest is 50 days


If by chance for the next few days your pfile vanishes alert me or cyro

asap and cyro will let me know so i can put your backup in so if you have

and old backup and you loose levels or equipment because it's old you know

how that goes.

Title    pfile cleanup~
Name     Badastaz~
Date     11/19/2002~
Type     0
POST     due to a small bug thats fixed now from the pfile cleaning code you

may have lost levels, equipment, or some other things i will try

and work with you on getting them back because i had to restore pfiles

from the backup or what you had so hopefully you all have recent backups.

Title    backup~
Name     Cyrodian~
Date     11/19/2002~
Type     0
POST     Backup is a command you recieve at level 10 that when you use it

will physically backup you char in the code itself in case of crash

or a bug that you lose all your eq we will restore this backup instead

of reimbing each level, skill, eq, gold etc thats why we have given

you the ability to backup your own pfile as often as you want.


Cyrodian Lyonsbane

Title    Pfile cleaning~
Name     Badastaz~
Date     11/27/2002~
Type     0
POST     Ok as of today i have started the auto pfile cleaning if you don't have a

backup of your char don't come and complaine. 

if your active and loose your char and have an old backup and you loose

levels we won't give them back so make sure you keep your backups

recent if not then well you will be the one to lose out.

Title    channels~
Name     Badastaz~
Date     12/6/2002~
Type     0
POST     ok i have redone channels to be better got tired of haveing to code in

new channels so with the new i don't have to. the commands are as follows

channels, and listen for now. Color fixes for the channels are being

worked on and will be done soon. also helpfiles will be added as soon as

i can get to adding them.\

Title    Test~
Name     Garinan~
Date     12/19/2002~
Type     0

Garinan is Test Happy!

Title    Multiplayer check~
Name     Badastaz~
Date     12/19/2002~
Type     0
POST     ok i have added a code that will make the life of imms easier with multiplaing

i have it hard coded in that you can have 3 total players on at 1 time but

no more than 2 deadlies at once it will check and keep track and won't let 

you log on more than that if you do it will deny the connection of the new one

so make sure you quit one of your chars if you have 3 on.

Title    Trimort~
Name     Garinan~
Date     2/3/2003~
Type     0
POST     Trimort is now in, though some bugs may still pop up, so if you

see any, please let me know. E-mail me if you don't see me on.


To get your third class, your first two classes must be level 100

Also you may notice a trimort looks a bit different on the who

list. It doesn't show the level of their other two classes, so that

everything fits nicely on the list, but those two classes will

always be 100 anyway.

In the future we plan to add some new classes that will be available

only to those who are trimorting, but when this will happen is up

in the air right now, and with all of us quite busy, i wouldn't expect

it too soon.


Enjoy your third classes.


Title    Enchant armor~
Name     Badastaz~
Date     2/17/2003~
Type     0
POST     Enchant Armor has been totaly redone you can now enchant the armor multipull 

times but with great power comes chances for enchanting may destroy what your

useing so be for warned if you enchant it alot and it vanishes before your eyes

Title    Enchant weapon~
Name     Badastaz~
Date     2/24/2003~
Type     0
POST     Ok i redid enchant weapon to be like i have enchant armor it can be casted

more than 1 time per weapon but it also has a chance to destroy the weapon

hope you all enjoy it. Any problems found or seen while useing it please

notify me so i can fix them.

Name          Unknown~
Cmd_Name      Areanews~
Header        &W Resortmud 2 Area news

Org_Type      0
Locked        0
Vnum          1
Post_Level    0
View_Level    0
Title    new area~
Name     Badastaz~
Date     9/12/2002~
Type     1
POST     out of nowhere a new Dwarven mine has appeared in the mineing area we don't

know the orign of the mine yet but we do know it is inhabited by some

vile and dirty Creatures so as you wonder around watch your back.
