 * Copyright (c) 2000 Fatal Dimensions
 * See the file "LICENSE" or information on usage and redistribution
 * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.

/* Ported to Smaug 1.4a by Samson of Alsherok.
 * Consolidated for cross-codebase compatibility by Samson of Alsherok.
 * Modifications and enhancements to the code
 * Copyright (c)2001-2003 Roger Libiez ( Samson )
 * Registered with the United States Copyright Office
 * TX 5-562-404

#ifndef __I3_H__
#define __I3_H__

/* Number of messages to store in the channel history */
#define MAX_I3HISTORY 20

/* Locations of the configuration files */
/* Remcon: Ask and ye shall receive. */
#define I3_DIR           "../i3/"

#define I3_CONFIG_FILE   I3_DIR "i3.config"
#define I3_CHANNEL_FILE  I3_DIR "i3.channels"
#define I3_PASSWORD_FILE I3_DIR "i3.password"
#define I3_UCACHE_FILE   I3_DIR "i3.ucache"
#define I3_MUDLIST_FILE  I3_DIR "i3.mudlist"
#define I3_CHANLIST_FILE I3_DIR "i3.chanlist"
#define I3_BAN_FILE      I3_DIR "i3.bans"
#define I3_COLOR_FILE    I3_DIR "i3.color"
#define I3_HELP_FILE     I3_DIR "i3.help"
#define I3_CMD_FILE      I3_DIR "i3.commands"
#define I3_ROUTER_FILE   I3_DIR "i3.routers"

/* Make sure you've examined the i3cfg.h file and set your information accordingly!
 * If you don't, things below this point will fail - Samson 7-15-03 
#include "i3cfg.h"

typedef enum
} permissions;

/* Flag macros */
#define I3IS_SET(flag, bit)	((flag) & (bit))
#define I3SET_BIT(var, bit)	((var) |= (bit))
#define I3REMOVE_BIT(var, bit)((var) &= ~(bit))

/* Channel flags, only one so far, but you never know when more might be useful */
#define I3CHAN_LOG      (1 <<  0)

/* Player flags */
#define I3_TELL         (1 <<  0)
#define I3_DENYTELL     (1 <<  1)
#define I3_BEEP         (1 <<  2)
#define I3_DENYBEEP     (1 <<  3)
#define I3_INVIS        (1 <<  4)
#define I3_PRIVACY      (1 <<  5)
#define I3_DENYFINGER   (1 <<  6)
#define I3_AFK          (1 <<  7)
#define I3_COLORFLAG    (1 <<  8)
#define I3_PERMOVERRIDE (1 <<  9)

/* You should not need to edit anything below this line if I've done this all correctly. */

/* The current revision of the I3 code */
#define I3DRIVER "AFKMud I3 Driver 2.40b"

/* IPS: Inbound packet size.
 * OPS: Outbound packet size.
 * You would be well advised not to mess with these things or Bad Things(tm) will happen to you.
#define IPS 131072
#define OPS 65536

#define I3PERM(ch)            (CH_I3DATA((ch))->i3perm)
#define I3FLAG(ch)            (CH_I3DATA((ch))->i3flags)
#define FIRST_I3IGNORE(ch)    (CH_I3DATA((ch))->i3first_ignore)
#define LAST_I3IGNORE(ch)     (CH_I3DATA((ch))->i3last_ignore)
#define I3LISTEN(ch)          (CH_I3DATA((ch))->i3_listen)
#define I3DENY(ch)            (CH_I3DATA((ch))->i3_denied)
#define I3REPLY(ch)           (CH_I3DATA((ch))->i3_replyname)
#define I3TELLHISTORY(ch,x)   (CH_I3DATA((ch))->i3_tellhistory[(x)])
#define I3INVIS(ch)           ( I3IS_SET( I3FLAG((ch)), I3_INVIS ) )
#define CH_I3AFK(ch)          ( I3IS_SET( I3FLAG((ch)), I3_AFK ) )
#define I3ISINVIS(ch)         ( I3INVIS((ch)) )

#define LGST 4096 /* Large String */
#define SMST 1024 /* Small String */

/* Macro taken from DOTD codebase. Fcloses a file, then nulls its pointer for safety. */
#define I3FCLOSE(fp)  fclose((fp)); (fp)=NULL;

 * Memory allocation macros.
#define I3CREATE(result, type, number)                            \
do                                                                \
{                                                                 \
    if (!((result) = (type *) calloc ((number), sizeof(type))))   \
    {                                                             \
	i3log( "Malloc failure @ %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );    \
	abort();                                                    \
    }                                                             \
} while(0)

#define I3DISPOSE(point) \
do                       \
{                        \
   if((point))           \
   {                     \
	free((point));     \
	(point) = NULL;    \
   }                     \
} while(0)

#define I3STRALLOC strdup

/* double-linked list handling macros -Thoric ( From the Smaug codebase ) */
/* Updated by Scion 8/6/1999 */
#define I3LINK(link, first, last, next, prev)   \
do                                              \
{                                               \
   if ( !(first) )                              \
   {                                            \
      (first) = (link);                         \
      (last) = (link);                          \
   }                                            \
   else                                         \
      (last)->next = (link);                    \
   (link)->next = NULL;                         \
   if ((first) == (link))                       \
      (link)->prev = NULL;                      \
   else                                         \
      (link)->prev = (last);                    \
   (last) = (link);                             \
} while(0)

#define I3INSERT(link, insert, first, next, prev)     \
do                                                    \
{                                                     \
   (link)->prev = (insert)->prev;                     \
   if ( !(insert)->prev )                             \
      (first) = (link);                               \
   else                                               \
      (insert)->prev->next = (link);                  \
   (insert)->prev = (link);                           \
   (link)->next = (insert);                           \
} while(0)

#define I3UNLINK(link, first, last, next, prev) \
do                                              \
{                                               \
   if ( !(link)->prev )                         \
   {                                            \
      (first) = (link)->next;                   \
	if((first))                               \
	   (first)->prev = NULL;                  \
   }                                            \
   else                                         \
   {                                            \
      (link)->prev->next = (link)->next;        \
   }                                            \
   if( !(link)->next )                          \
   {                                            \
      (last) = (link)->prev;                    \
	if((last))                                \
	   (last)->next = NULL;                   \
   }                                            \
   else                                         \
   {                                            \
      (link)->next->prev = (link)->prev;        \
   }                                            \
} while(0)

/* Internal structures */
typedef struct I3_channel I3_CHANNEL;
typedef struct I3_mud I3_MUD;
typedef struct I3_header I3_HEADER;
typedef struct I3_ignore I3_IGNORE;
typedef struct I3_ban I3_BAN;
typedef struct ucache_data UCACHE_DATA;
typedef struct i3_chardata I3_CHARDATA;
typedef struct router_data ROUTER_DATA;
typedef struct i3_color_table I3_COLOR;   /* The Color config */
typedef struct i3_command_table I3_CMD_DATA; /* Command table */
typedef struct i3_help_table I3_HELP_DATA;   /* Help table */
typedef struct i3_cmd_alias I3_ALIAS;  /* Big, bad, bloated command alias thing */

typedef void I3_FUN( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument );
#define I3_CMD( name ) void (name)( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )

extern int I3_socket;

extern I3_MUD *first_mud;
extern I3_MUD *this_i3mud;

/* Oh yeah, baby, that raunchy looking Merc structure just got the facelift of the century.
 * Thanks to Thoric and friends for the slick idea.
struct i3_cmd_alias
   I3_ALIAS *next;
   I3_ALIAS *prev;
   char *name;

struct i3_command_table
   I3_CMD_DATA *next;
   I3_CMD_DATA *prev;
   I3_ALIAS *first_alias;
   I3_ALIAS *last_alias;
   I3_FUN *function;
   char *name;
   int level;
   bool connected;

struct i3_help_table
   I3_HELP_DATA *next;
   I3_HELP_DATA *prev;
   char *name;
   char *text;
   int level;

struct i3_color_table
   I3_COLOR *next;
   I3_COLOR *prev;
   char *name; /* the name of the color */
   char *mudtag;  /* What the mud uses for the raw tag */
   char *i3tag;   /* This client's internal code that represents the mudtag to the network */
   char *i3fish;  /* The Pinkfish code for this color - bleh at having to do this twice! */

struct router_data
   ROUTER_DATA *next;
   ROUTER_DATA *prev;
   char *name;
   char *ip;
   int port;
   int reconattempts;

struct ucache_data
   UCACHE_DATA *next;
   UCACHE_DATA *prev;
   char *name;
   int gender;
   time_t time;

struct I3_ignore
   I3_IGNORE *next;
   I3_IGNORE *prev;
   char *name;

struct I3_ban
   I3_BAN *next;
   I3_BAN *prev;
   char *name;

struct i3_chardata
   I3_IGNORE *i3first_ignore; /* List of people to ignore stuff from - Samson 2-7-01 */
   I3_IGNORE *i3last_ignore;
   char *i3_replyname;  /* Target for reply - Samson 1-23-01 */
   char *i3_listen;  /* The I3 channels someone is listening to - Samson 1-30-01 */
   char *i3_denied;  /* The I3 channels someone is forbidden to use - Samson 6-16-03 */
   char *i3_tellhistory[MAX_I3TELLHISTORY];  /* History of received i3tells - Samson 1-21-04 */
   int i3flags;   /* Flag settings such as invis, tell on/off, beep on/off, etc. - Samson 6-30-03 */
   int i3perm; /* Your permission setting. None, All, Imm, Admin, Imp - Samson 6-25-03 */

struct I3_header
   char originator_mudname[256];
   char originator_username[256];
   char target_mudname[256];
   char target_username[256];

struct I3_channel
   I3_CHANNEL *next;
   I3_CHANNEL *prev;
   char *local_name;
   char *host_mud;
   char *I3_name;
   char *layout_m;
   char *layout_e;
   char *history[MAX_I3HISTORY];
   int status;
   int i3perm;
   long flags;

struct I3_mud
   I3_MUD *next;
   I3_MUD *prev;

    * Stuff for the first mapping set 
   int status;
   char *name;
   char *ipaddress;
   char *mudlib;
   char *base_mudlib;
   char *driver;
   char *mud_type;
   char *open_status;
   char *admin_email;
   char *telnet;
   char *web_wrong;  /* This tag shows up in the wrong location on several implementations, including previous AFKMud versions */
   int player_port;
   int imud_tcp_port;
   int imud_udp_port;

   bool tell;
   bool beep;
   bool emoteto;
   bool who;
   bool finger;
   bool locate;
   bool channel;
   bool news;
   bool mail;
   bool file;
   bool auth;
   bool ucache;

   int smtp;
   int ftp;
   int nntp;
   int http;
   int pop3;
   int rcp;
   int amrcp;

    * Stuff for the second mapping set - can be added to as indicated by i3log messages for missing keys 
   char *banner;
   char *web;
   char *time;
   char *daemon;
   int jeamland;

    * only used for this mud 
   char *routerName;
   bool autoconnect;
   int password;
   int mudlist_id;
   int chanlist_id;
   int minlevel;
   int immlevel;
   int adminlevel;
   int implevel;

/* External hooks */
void I3_main( bool forced, int mudport, bool isconnected );
bool I3_is_connected( void );
void I3_loop( void );
void I3_shutdown( int delay );
bool I3_command_hook( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *command, char *argument );
void i3init_char( CHAR_DATA * ch );
void i3save_char( CHAR_DATA * ch, FILE * fp );
bool i3load_char( CHAR_DATA * ch, FILE * fp, const char *word );
void free_i3chardata( CHAR_DATA * ch );
void I3_loadmudlist( void );
void I3_loadchanlist( void );
void I3_savemudlist( void );
void I3_savechanlist( void );
void I3_savehistory( void );
