act_comm.c:            &&   ch->pcdata->nuisance->flags > 7
act_comm.c:            &&  (number_percent()<((ch->pcdata->nuisance->flags-7)*10*
act_comm.c:                ch->pcdata->nuisance->power)))
act_comm.c:                vch->pcdata->nuisance->flags > 7
act_comm.c:                 &&(number_percent()<((vch->pcdata->nuisance->flags-7)*10*
act_comm.c:                 vch->pcdata->nuisance->power)))
act_comm.c:    sscanf(ch->inter_editing,"%s",ch->inter_editing);  /*one-arg*/
act_comm.c:    sscanf(ch->inter_editing,"%s",ch->inter_editing);  /*one-arg*/
act_comm.c:    sscanf(ch->inter_editing,"%s",ch->inter_editing);  /*one-arg*/
act_comm.c:    sscanf(ch->inter_editing,"%s",ch->inter_editing);  /*one-arg*/
act_comm.c:    WAIT_STATE( ch, 2 ); /* For big muds with save-happy players, like RoD */
act_info.c:	ch_printf( ch, "%s wanders in a dazed, zombie-like state.\n\r", name );
act_info.c: *		<combo-phrase> and <single-phrase>.
act_info.c: * temperature or the wind and temperature. The single-phrase
act_info.c:	    ch->practice--;
act_info.c:            pager_printf_color( ch, "&RNuisance   &cStage: (&R%d&c/%d)  Power:  &w%d  &cTime:  &w%s.\n\r", victim->pcdata->nuisance->flags,
act_info.c:                                MAX_NUISANCE_STAGE, victim->pcdata->nuisance->power,
act_info.c:                                ctime(&victim->pcdata->nuisance->time));
act_move.c:      if ( ch->pcdata->nuisance && ch->pcdata->nuisance->flags > 8 && 
act_move.c:	 number_percent() > (ch->pcdata->nuisance->flags*ch->pcdata->nuisance->power))
act_wiz.c:    "Aqua", "Brown", "Green", "Teal", "Blue-Green", "Hazel", "Blue",
act_wiz.c:/* Face-lift by Demora */
act_wiz.c:	    IS_PKILL(victim) ? "Pre-Deadly" : "Non-Deadly" ); -- Scion */
act_wiz.c:	  pager_printf_color( ch, "&RNuisance   &cStage: (&R%d&c/%d)  Power:  &w%d  &cTime:  &w%s.\n\r", victim->pcdata->nuisance->flags, 
act_wiz.c:	    MAX_NUISANCE_STAGE, victim->pcdata->nuisance->power, 
act_wiz.c:	    ctime(&victim->pcdata->nuisance->time));
act_wiz.c:        set_boot_time->manual = 0;
act_wiz.c:        new_boot_time->tm_mday += 2; /* Should set reboots for every 3 days */
act_wiz.c:        if(new_boot_time->tm_hour > 12)
act_wiz.c:            new_boot_time->tm_mday += 1;
act_wiz.c:        new_boot_time->tm_sec = 0;
act_wiz.c:        new_boot_time->tm_min = 0;
act_wiz.c:        new_boot_time->tm_hour = 6;
act_wiz.c:        now_time->tm_min = now_time->tm_min + i;
act_wiz.c:          ch_printf( ch, "%s is already level %d.  Re-advancing...\n\r", victim->name, level );
act_wiz.c:	  send_to_char( "Deja vu!  Your mind reels as you re-live your past levels!\n\r", victim );
act_wiz.c:        obj_next = obj_lose->next_content;
act_wiz.c:        pager_printf_color( ch, "\t&w%s sent to %d\n\r", capitalize(obj_lose->short_descr), pRoomIndex->vnum );
act_wiz.c:      obj_next = obj_lose->next_content;
act_wiz.c:	capitalize(obj_lose->short_descr), obj_lose->name );
act_wiz.c:    ch_printf( ch, "You have re-equipped %s.\n\r", victim->name );
act_wiz.c:		reboot_time, set_boot_time->manual );
act_wiz.c:      if ( (now_time->tm_hour = atoi(arg)) < 0 || now_time->tm_hour > 23 )
act_wiz.c:      if ( (now_time->tm_min = atoi(arg1)) < 0 || now_time->tm_min > 59 )
act_wiz.c:        if ( (now_time->tm_mday = atoi(arg)) < 1 || now_time->tm_mday > 31 )
act_wiz.c:          if ( (now_time->tm_mon = atoi(arg)) < 1 || now_time->tm_mon > 12 )
act_wiz.c:          now_time->tm_mon--;
act_wiz.c:          if ( (now_time->tm_year = atoi(arg)-1900) < 0 ||
act_wiz.c:                now_time->tm_year > 199 )
act_wiz.c:      now_time->tm_sec = 0;
act_wiz.c:      if (set_boot_time->manual == 0)
act_wiz.c: 	set_boot_time->manual = 1;
act_wiz.c:      set_boot_time->manual = atoi(arg1);
act_wiz.c:      set_boot_time->manual = 0;
act_wiz.c:      new_boot_time->tm_mday += 1;
act_wiz.c:      if (new_boot_time->tm_hour > 12)
act_wiz.c:      new_boot_time->tm_mday += 1; 
act_wiz.c:      new_boot_time->tm_hour = 6;
act_wiz.c:      new_boot_time->tm_min = 0;
act_wiz.c:      new_boot_time->tm_sec = 0;
act_wiz.c:        sprintf(race->race_name,"%-.16s",capitalize(argument));
act_wiz.c:        race->str_plus = (sh_int) atoi( argument );
act_wiz.c:        race->dex_plus = (sh_int) atoi( argument );
act_wiz.c:        race->wis_plus = (sh_int) atoi( argument );
act_wiz.c:        race->int_plus = (sh_int) atoi( argument );
act_wiz.c:        race->con_plus = (sh_int) atoi( argument );
act_wiz.c:        race->cha_plus = (sh_int) atoi( argument );
act_wiz.c:        race->lck_plus = (sh_int) atoi( argument );
act_wiz.c:        race->hit = (sh_int) atoi( argument );
act_wiz.c:        race->mana = (sh_int) atoi( argument );
act_wiz.c:	     xTOGGLE_BIT( race->affected, value );
act_wiz.c:                TOGGLE_BIT( race->resist, 1 << value );
act_wiz.c:                TOGGLE_BIT( race->suscept, 1 << value );
act_wiz.c:        race->language = atoi( argument );
act_wiz.c:              TOGGLE_BIT( race->class_restriction, 1 << i);   /* k, that's boggling */
act_wiz.c:        race->ac_plus = atoi( argument );
act_wiz.c:        race->alignment = atoi( argument );
act_wiz.c:                xTOGGLE_BIT( race->defenses,  value );
act_wiz.c:                xTOGGLE_BIT( race->attacks,  value );
act_wiz.c:        race->minalign = atoi( argument );
act_wiz.c:        race->maxalign = atoi( argument );
act_wiz.c:        race->height = atoi( argument );
act_wiz.c:        race->weight = atoi( argument );
act_wiz.c:        race->thirst_mod = atoi( argument );
act_wiz.c:        race->hunger_mod = atoi( argument );
act_wiz.c:        race->maxalign = atoi( argument );
act_wiz.c:        race->exp_multiplier = atoi( argument );
act_wiz.c:        race->saving_poison_death = atoi( argument );
act_wiz.c:        race->saving_wand = atoi( argument );
act_wiz.c:        race->saving_para_petri = atoi( argument );
act_wiz.c:        race->saving_breath = atoi( argument );
act_wiz.c:        race->saving_spell_staff = atoi( argument );
act_wiz.c:        race->mana_regen = atoi( argument );
act_wiz.c:        race->hp_regen = atoi( argument );
act_wiz.c:        race->race_recall = atoi( argument );
act_wiz.c:        race->acplus = atoi( argument );
act_wiz.c:        race->acplus = atoi( argument );
act_wiz.c:        race->base_age = atoi( argument );
act_wiz.c:                TOGGLE_BIT( race->attribs[HAIR_COLOR], 1 << bitv );
act_wiz.c:                TOGGLE_BIT( race->attribs[HAIR_LENGTH], 1 << bitv );
act_wiz.c:                TOGGLE_BIT( race->attribs[EYE_COLOR], 1 << bitv );
act_wiz.c:                TOGGLE_BIT( race->attribs[SKIN_TONE], 1 << bitv );
act_wiz.c:                TOGGLE_BIT( race->attribs[RACE_BUILD], 1 << bitv );
act_wiz.c:                TOGGLE_BIT( race->attribs[RACE_HEIGHT], 1 << bitv );
act_wiz.c:    sprintf( buf, "RACE: %s\n\r",race->race_name);
act_wiz.c:      if( IS_SET(race->class_restriction, 1 << i) )
act_wiz.c:      if( !IS_SET(race->class_restriction, 1 << i) )
act_wiz.c:	sprintf( buf, "Race_recall: %d\n\r", race->race_recall);
act_wiz.c:                           race->str_plus, race->dex_plus, race->wis_plus, race->int_plus);
act_wiz.c:                           race->con_plus, race->cha_plus, race->lck_plus);
act_wiz.c:                           race->hit, race->mana, race->alignment, race->ac_plus);
act_wiz.c:                           race->minalign, race->maxalign, race->exp_multiplier);
act_wiz.c:                           race->height, race->weight, race->hunger_mod, race->thirst_mod);
act_wiz.c:    send_to_char( affect_bit_name( &race->affected ), ch);
act_wiz.c:    send_to_char( flag_string(race->resist, ris_flags), ch);
act_wiz.c:    send_to_char( flag_string(race->suscept, ris_flags), ch);
act_wiz.c:            race->saving_poison_death,
act_wiz.c:            race->saving_wand,
act_wiz.c:            race->saving_para_petri,
act_wiz.c:            race->saving_breath,
act_wiz.c:            race->saving_spell_staff);
act_wiz.c:    send_to_char( ext_flag_string(&race->attacks, attack_flags), ch);
act_wiz.c:    send_to_char( ext_flag_string(&race->defenses, defense_flags), ch);
act_wiz.c:    sprintf(buf, "Base Age: %d\r\n", race->base_age);
act_wiz.c:        ch_printf( ch, "&w(%s&w)%-15s", IS_SET( race->attribs[HAIR_COLOR], 1 << bitv ) ? "&GE" : " ",
act_wiz.c:        ch_printf( ch, "&w(%s&w)%-15s", IS_SET( race->attribs[HAIR_LENGTH], 1 << bitv ) ? "&GE" : " ",
act_wiz.c:        ch_printf( ch, "&w(%s&w)%-15s", IS_SET( race->attribs[EYE_COLOR], 1 << bitv ) ? "&GE" : " ",
act_wiz.c:        ch_printf( ch, "&w(%s&w)%-15s", IS_SET( race->attribs[SKIN_TONE], 1 << bitv ) ? "&GE" : " ",
act_wiz.c:        ch_printf( ch, "&w(%s&w)%-15s", IS_SET( race->attribs[RACE_BUILD], 1 << bitv ) ? "&GE" : " ",
act_wiz.c:        ch_printf( ch, "&w(%s&w)%-15s", IS_SET( race->attribs[RACE_HEIGHT], 1 << bitv ) ? "&GE" : " ",
act_wiz.c:          STRFREE( ch->pnote->text );
act_wiz.c:          ch->pnote->text = copy_buffer( ch );
act_wiz.c:	 start_editing( ch, ch->pnote->text);
act_wiz.c:	STRFREE(ch->pnote->subject);
act_wiz.c:	ch->pnote->subject = STRALLOC( argument );
act_wiz.c:        if ( !ch->pnote->subject )
act_wiz.c:        ch->pnote->date                 = STRALLOC( strtime );
act_wiz.c:	ch->pnote->sender		= ch->name;
act_wiz.c:  victim->pcdata->nuisance->time = current_time;
act_wiz.c:  victim->pcdata->nuisance->flags = 1;
act_wiz.c:  victim->pcdata->nuisance->power = power;
act_wiz.c:        now_time->tm_min += max_time;
act_wiz.c:        now_time->tm_hour+= max_time;
act_wiz.c:        now_time->tm_mday+= max_time;
act_wiz.c:  victim->pcdata->nuisance->max_time = mktime(now_time);
antitank.c:	for( lowbie = ch->in_room->first_person ; lowbie ; lowbie = lowbie->next_in_room )
antitank.c:		&& lowbie->level < victim->level - 10 )
antitank.c:				tanker->name, lowbie->name,
ban.c:		value--;
ban.c:			value--;
ban.c:			value--;
ban.c:			value--;
boards.c:    if ( !str_cmp( ch->name, pnote->sender ) )
boards.c:    if ( is_name( "all", pnote->to_list ) )
boards.c:    if ( IS_HERO(ch) && is_name( "immortal", pnote->to_list ) )
boards.c:    if ( is_name( ch->name, pnote->to_list ) )
boards.c:    pnote->next		= NULL;
boards.c:    pnote->prev		= NULL;
boards.c:    pnote->sender	= QUICKLINK( ch->name );
boards.c:    pnote->date		= STRALLOC( "" );
boards.c:    pnote->to_list	= STRALLOC( "" );
boards.c:    pnote->subject	= STRALLOC( "" );
boards.c:    pnote->text		= STRALLOC( "" );
boards.c:	for ( pnote = board->first_note; pnote; pnote = pnote->next )
boards.c:		pnote->sender,
boards.c:		pnote->date,
boards.c:		pnote->to_list,
boards.c:		pnote->subject,
boards.c:                pnote->voting,
boards.c:                pnote->yesvotes,
boards.c:                pnote->novotes,
boards.c:                pnote->abstentions,
boards.c:		pnote->text
boards.c:    STRFREE( pnote->text    );
boards.c:    STRFREE( pnote->subject );
boards.c:    STRFREE( pnote->to_list );
boards.c:    STRFREE( pnote->date    );
boards.c:    STRFREE( pnote->sender  );
boards.c:    if ( pnote->yesvotes )
boards.c:	DISPOSE( pnote->yesvotes );
boards.c:    if ( pnote->novotes )
boards.c:	DISPOSE( pnote->novotes );
boards.c:    if ( pnote->abstentions )
boards.c:	DISPOSE( pnote->abstentions );
boards.c:	    for ( pnote = board->first_note; pnote; pnote = pnote->next )
boards.c:			pnote->sender,
boards.c:			(pnote->voting != VOTE_NONE) ? (pnote->voting == VOTE_OPEN ? 'O' : 'C') : ' ',
boards.c:			pnote->date,
boards.c:			pnote->subject );
boards.c:              for ( pnote = board->first_note; pnote; pnote = pnote->next )
boards.c:            for ( pnote = board->first_note; pnote; pnote = pnote->next )
boards.c:			pnote->sender,
boards.c:			pnote->date,
boards.c:			pnote->subject );
boards.c:	    for ( pnote = board->first_note; pnote; pnote = pnote->next )
boards.c:			pnote->sender,
boards.c:			(pnote->voting != VOTE_NONE) ? (pnote->voting == VOTE_OPEN ? 'O' : 'C') : ' ',
boards.c:			pnote->to_list,
boards.c:			pnote->subject );
boards.c:              for ( pnote = board->first_note; pnote; pnote = pnote->next )
boards.c:            for ( pnote = board->first_note; pnote; pnote = pnote->next )
boards.c:			pnote->sender,
boards.c:			pnote->to_list,
boards.c:			pnote->subject );
boards.c:	    for ( pnote = board->first_note; pnote; pnote = pnote->next )
boards.c:			pnote->to_list,
boards.c:			pnote->sender,
boards.c:			pnote->date,
boards.c:			pnote->subject,
boards.c:			pnote->text );
boards.c:		    if ( pnote->yesvotes[0] != '\0' || pnote->novotes[0] != '\0'
boards.c:                    || pnote->abstentions[0] != '\0' )
boards.c:				pnote->yesvotes, pnote->novotes, pnote->abstentions );
boards.c:	    for ( pnote = board->first_note; pnote; pnote = pnote->next )
boards.c:			pnote->to_list,
boards.c:			pnote->sender,
boards.c:			pnote->date,
boards.c:			pnote->subject,
boards.c:			pnote->text );
boards.c:	for ( pnote = board->first_note; pnote && vnum < anum; pnote = pnote->next )
boards.c:	    if ( str_cmp( ch->name, pnote->sender ) )
boards.c:	    pnote->voting = VOTE_OPEN;
boards.c:	    if ( str_cmp( ch->name, pnote->sender ) )
boards.c:	    pnote->voting = VOTE_CLOSED;
boards.c:	if ( pnote->voting != VOTE_OPEN )
boards.c:		pnote->yesvotes, pnote->novotes, pnote->abstentions );
boards.c:	    sprintf( buf, "%s %s", pnote->yesvotes, ch->name );
boards.c:	    DISPOSE( pnote->yesvotes );
boards.c:	    pnote->yesvotes = str_dup( buf );
boards.c:	    sprintf( buf, "%s %s", pnote->novotes, ch->name );
boards.c:	    DISPOSE( pnote->novotes );
boards.c:	    pnote->novotes = str_dup( buf );
boards.c:	    sprintf( buf, "%s %s", pnote->abstentions, ch->name );
boards.c:	    DISPOSE( pnote->abstentions );
boards.c:	    pnote->abstentions = str_dup( buf );
boards.c:	pnote->date			= STRALLOC( strtime );
boards.c:	pnote->to_list = to ? STRALLOC( to ) : STRALLOC( "all" );
boards.c:	pnote->text = text ? STRALLOC( text ) : STRALLOC( "" );
boards.c:	pnote->subject = subj ? STRALLOC( subj ) : STRALLOC( "" );
boards.c:	pnote->sender  = QUICKLINK( ch->name );
boards.c:        pnote->voting      = 0;
boards.c:        pnote->yesvotes    = str_dup( "" );
boards.c:        pnote->novotes     = str_dup( "" );
boards.c:        pnote->abstentions = str_dup( "" );
boards.c:	    imc_post_mail(ch, pnote->sender, pnote->to_list, pnote->date,
boards.c:	        pnote->subject, pnote->text);
boards.c:	for ( pnote = board->first_note; pnote; pnote = pnote->next )
boards.c:		if ( (is_name("all", pnote->to_list))
boards.c:		    ed->description = QUICKLINK(pnote->sender);
boards.c:		    ed->description = QUICKLINK(pnote->text);
boards.c:		    ed->description = QUICKLINK( pnote->to_list );
boards.c:		    ed->description = QUICKLINK( pnote->subject );
boards.c:		    ed->description = QUICKLINK( pnote->date );
boards.c:		    strcat(notebuf, pnote->sender);		 
boards.c:		    strcat(notebuf, pnote->to_list);
boards.c:		    strcat(notebuf, pnote->subject);
boards.c:		    strcat(notebuf, pnote->text);
boards.c:			pnote->sender, pnote->to_list);
boards.c:			pnote->sender, pnote->to_list);
boards.c:			pnote->to_list);
boards.c:	pnote->sender	= fread_string( fp );
boards.c:	pnote->date	= fread_string( fp );
boards.c:	pnote->to_list	= fread_string( fp );
boards.c:	pnote->subject	= fread_string( fp );
boards.c:          pnote->voting = fread_number( fp );
boards.c:	  pnote->yesvotes	= fread_string_nohash( fp );
boards.c:	  pnote->novotes	= fread_string_nohash( fp );
boards.c:	  pnote->abstentions	= fread_string_nohash( fp );
boards.c:	pnote->text	= fread_string( fp );
boards.c:        if ( !pnote->yesvotes )    pnote->yesvotes	= str_dup( "" );
boards.c:        if ( !pnote->novotes )     pnote->novotes	= str_dup( "" );
boards.c:        if ( !pnote->abstentions ) pnote->abstentions	= str_dup( "" );
boards.c:	pnote->next		= NULL;
boards.c:	pnote->prev		= NULL;
boards.c:		  for ( note = board->first_note; note; note = note->next )
build.c:    UNLINK( res, are->first_reset, are->last_reset, next, prev );
build.c:    DISPOSE( are->name );
build.c:    DISPOSE( are->filename );
build.c:    while ( are->first_reset )
build.c:	free_reset( are, are->first_reset );
comm.c:            note_next = note->next;
comm.c:        score_next = score->next;
comm.c:        destroy_hitable( score->keyword );
comm.c:        plane_next = plane->next;
comm.c:        STRFREE(plane->name);
comm.c:            if( race->where_name[i] )
comm.c:                DISPOSE( race->where_name[i] );
comm.c:    set_boot_time->manual = 0;
comm.c:    new_boot_time->tm_mday += 1; /* Should set reboots for every 1 days */
comm.c:    if(new_boot_time->tm_hour > 12)
comm.c:        new_boot_time->tm_mday += 1;
comm.c:    new_boot_time->tm_sec = 0;
comm.c:    new_boot_time->tm_min = 0;
comm.c:    new_boot_time->tm_hour = 6;
comm.c:                    interpret( d->character, d->character->pcdata->alias_queue->cmd );
comm.c:                    d->character->pcdata->alias_queue = d->character->pcdata->alias_queue->next;
comm.c:    if ( !force && dclose->outtop > 0 )
comm.c:    if ( dclose->snoop_by )
comm.c:	write_to_buffer( dclose->snoop_by,
comm.c:    if ( dclose->original )
comm.c:	if ( ( ch = dclose->character ) != NULL )
comm.c:            bug( "Close_socket: dclose->original without character %s",
comm.c:                 (dclose->original->name ? dclose->original->name : "unknown") );
comm.c:            dclose->character = dclose->original;
comm.c:            dclose->original = NULL;
comm.c:    ch = dclose->character;
comm.c:    if ( !dclose->prev && dclose != first_descriptor )
comm.c:		dclose->prev = dp;
comm.c:	if ( !dclose->prev )
comm.c:		    ch ? ch->name : dclose->host, dclose );
comm.c:    if ( !dclose->next && dclose != last_descriptor )
comm.c:		dclose->next = dn;
comm.c:	if ( !dclose->next )
comm.c:		    ch ? ch->name : dclose->host, dclose );
comm.c:    if ( dclose->character )
comm.c:        if ( (dclose->connected == CON_PLAYING
comm.c:        || dclose->connected == CON_EDITING)
comm.c:        ||(dclose->connected >= CON_NOTE_TO
comm.c:        && dclose->connected <= CON_NOTE_FINISH))
comm.c:        if ( dclose->connected == CON_PLAYING
comm.c:	||   dclose->connected == CON_EDITING ) */
comm.c:	else if ( dclose->connected == CON_OEDIT
comm.c:	||        dclose->connected == CON_REDIT
comm.c:	||        dclose->connected == CON_MEDIT )
comm.c:	    dclose->character->desc = NULL;
comm.c:	    free_char( dclose->character );
comm.c:    if ( dclose->descriptor == maxdesc )
comm.c:            if( IS_SET( race->attribs[HAIR_COLOR], 1 << x ) )
comm.c:    if( IS_SET( race->attribs[HAIR_COLOR], 1 << x ) )
comm.c:            if( IS_SET( race->attribs[HAIR_LENGTH], 1 << x ) )
comm.c:    if( IS_SET( race->attribs[HAIR_LENGTH], 1 << x ) )
comm.c:        "Aqua", "Brown", "Green", "Teal", "Blue-Green", "Hazel", "Blue",
comm.c:            if( IS_SET( race->attribs[EYE_COLOR], 1 << x ) )
comm.c:    if( IS_SET( race->attribs[EYE_COLOR], 1 << x ) )
comm.c:            if( IS_SET( race->attribs[SKIN_TONE], 1 << x ) )
comm.c:    if( IS_SET( race->attribs[SKIN_TONE], 1 << x ) )
comm.c:            if( IS_SET( race->attribs[RACE_BUILD], 1 << x ) )
comm.c:    if( IS_SET( race->attribs[RACE_BUILD], 1 << x ) )
comm.c:            if( IS_SET( race->attribs[RACE_HEIGHT], 1 << x ) )
comm.c:    if( IS_SET( race->attribs[RACE_HEIGHT], 1 << x ) )
comm.c:    for ( e = first_descriptor; e; e = e->next )
comm.c:	if ( ( e->host == d->host ) && ( e->connected != CON_PLAYING && e->connected != CON_EDITING ) 
comm.c:	&&   ( d->character->desc != e->character->desc ) )
comm.c:		     e->host, e->character->name, d->character->name );
comments.c:    if ( !pnote->prev )
comments.c:      victim->comments	= pnote->next;
comments.c:      pnote->prev->next = pnote->next;
comments.c:    STRFREE( pnote->text    );
comments.c:    STRFREE( pnote->subject );
comments.c:    STRFREE( pnote->to_list );
comments.c:    STRFREE( pnote->date    );
comments.c:    STRFREE( pnote->sender  );
comments.c:	  STRFREE( ch->pnote->text );
comments.c:	  ch->pnote->text = copy_buffer( ch );
comments.c:	for ( pnote = victim->comments; pnote; pnote = pnote->next )
comments.c:	     pnote->sender,
comments.c:             pnote->date, 
comments.c:	     pnote->subject );
comments.c:	for ( pnote = victim->comments; pnote; pnote = pnote->next )
comments.c:		    pnote->sender,
comments.c:		    pnote->subject,
comments.c:		    pnote->date,
comments.c:		    pnote->to_list
comments.c:		send_to_char( pnote->text, ch );
comments.c:	start_editing( ch, ch->pnote->text );
comments.c:	STRFREE( ch->pnote->subject );
comments.c:	ch->pnote->subject = STRALLOC( argument );
comments.c:	STRFREE( ch->pnote->to_list );
comments.c:	ch->pnote->to_list = STRALLOC( argument );
comments.c:	    STRFREE( ch->pnote->text );
comments.c:	    STRFREE( ch->pnote->subject );
comments.c:	    STRFREE( ch->pnote->to_list );
comments.c:	    STRFREE( ch->pnote->date );
comments.c:	    STRFREE( ch->pnote->sender );
comments.c:	    ch->pnote->sender,
comments.c:	    ch->pnote->subject,
comments.c:	    ch->pnote->to_list
comments.c:	send_to_char( ch->pnote->text, ch );
comments.c:	ch->pnote->date			= STRALLOC( strtime );
comments.c:	pnote->next = victim->comments;
comments.c:        pnote->prev = NULL;
comments.c:		pnote->sender,
comments.c:		pnote->date,
comments.c:		pnote->to_list,
comments.c:		pnote->subject,
comments.c:		pnote->text
comments.c:	for ( pnote = victim->comments; pnote; pnote = pnote->next )
comments.c:   for(pnote=ch->comments;pnote;pnote=pnote->next)
comments.c:       fprintf( fp,"sender	%s~\n",pnote->sender);
comments.c:       fprintf( fp,"date  	%s~\n",pnote->date);
comments.c:       fprintf( fp,"to     	%s~\n",pnote->to_list);
comments.c:       fprintf( fp,"subject	%s~\n",pnote->subject);
comments.c:       fprintf( fp,"text\n%s~\n",pnote->text);
comments.c:	pnote->sender	= fread_string( fp );
comments.c:	pnote->date	= fread_string( fp );
comments.c:	pnote->to_list	= fread_string( fp );
comments.c:	pnote->subject	= fread_string( fp );
comments.c:	pnote->text	= fread_string( fp );
comments.c:	pnote->next		= ch->comments;
comments.c:	pnote->prev		= NULL;
const.c:		"Gale-like winds whip up the warm air",
copyover.c:could reboot without players having to re-login :)
db.c:	||    ++pArea->age < (reset_age-1) )
db.c:	if ( pArea->nplayer > 0 && pArea->age == (reset_age-1) )
db.c:	piState[iState] = (piState[iState-1] + piState[iState-2])
fight.c:    if ( projectile->item_type == ITEM_PROJECTILE 
fight.c:    ||   projectile->item_type == ITEM_WEAPON )
fight.c:	dt = TYPE_HIT + projectile->value[3];
fight.c:	proj_bonus = number_range(projectile->value[1], projectile->value[2]);
fight.c:	    if ( projectile->in_obj )
fight.c:	    if ( projectile->carried_by )
fight.c:		    if ( projectile->in_obj )
fight.c:		    if ( projectile->carried_by )
fight.c:	    if ( projectile->in_obj )
fight.c:	    if ( projectile->carried_by )
fight.c:      act( AT_CYAN, "You shout 'kame-a-ma-a' and release an energyball in $N's direction.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR    );
fight.c:      act( AT_CYAN, "$n shouts 'kame-a-ma-a' and releases an energyball in your direction.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT    );
fight.c:      act( AT_CYAN, "$n shouts 'kame-a-ma-a' and releases an energyball in $N's direction.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT );
gamble.c:	||  (room = roulette->in_room) == NULL 
gamble.c:	extra = get_extra_from_list( roulette->first_extradesc, "roulette" );
gamble.c:		extra = get_extra_from_list( roulette->pIndexData->first_extradesc, "roulette" );
gamble.c:			LINK( new_extra, roulette->first_extradesc, roulette->last_extradesc, next, prev );
gamble.c:	||  (room = roulette->in_room) == NULL
gboards.c:    if( note->sender )
gboards.c:        STRFREE( note->sender );
gboards.c:    if( note->to_list )
gboards.c:        STRFREE( note->to_list );
gboards.c:    if( note->subject )
gboards.c:        DISPOSE( note->subject );
gboards.c:    if( note->date ) /* was note->datestamp for some reason */
gboards.c:        DISPOSE( note->date  );
gboards.c:    if( note->text )
gboards.c:        DISPOSE( note->text );
gboards.c:    note->next = NULL;
gboards.c:    note->sender = NULL;
gboards.c:    note->expire = 0;
gboards.c:    note->to_list = NULL;
gboards.c:    note->subject = NULL;
gboards.c:    note->date = NULL;
gboards.c:    note->date_stamp = 0;
gboards.c:    note->text = NULL;
gboards.c:    fprintf (fp, "Sender  %s~\n", note->sender);
gboards.c:    fprintf (fp, "Date    %s~\n", note->date);
gboards.c:    fprintf (fp, "Stamp   %ld\n", note->date_stamp);
gboards.c:    fprintf (fp, "Expire  %ld\n", note->expire);
gboards.c:    fprintf (fp, "To      %s~\n", note->to_list);
gboards.c:    fprintf (fp, "Subject %s~\n", note->subject);
gboards.c:    fprintf (fp, "Text\n%s~\n\n", note->text);
gboards.c:        note->date_stamp = ++last_note_stamp;
gboards.c:        note->date_stamp = current_time;
gboards.c:        board->note_first = note->next;
gboards.c:            p->next = note->next;
gboards.c:        for (note = board->note_first; note ; note = note->next)
gboards.c:    int length = strlen( note->sender )-4;
gboards.c:             num, note->sender, note->subject,
gboards.c:             note->date,
gboards.c:             note->to_list,
gboards.c:             note->text);
gboards.c:        pnote->sender     = fread_string( fp );
gboards.c:        pnote->date       = fread_string_nohash( fp );
gboards.c:        pnote->date_stamp = fread_number( fp );
gboards.c:        pnote->expire = fread_number( fp );
gboards.c:        pnote->to_list    = fread_string( fp );
gboards.c:        pnote->subject    = fread_string_nohash( fp );
gboards.c:        pnote->text       = fread_string_nohash( fp );
gboards.c:        pnote->next = NULL; /* jic */
gboards.c:        if (pnote->expire < current_time)
gboards.c:            last_note->next     = pnote;
gboards.c:    if (!str_cmp (ch->name, note->sender))
gboards.c:    if (is_full_name ("all", note->to_list))
gboards.c:                            is_full_name ("imm", note->to_list) ||
gboards.c:                            is_full_name ("imms", note->to_list) ||
gboards.c:                            is_full_name ("immortal", note->to_list) ||
gboards.c:                            is_full_name ("god", note->to_list) ||
gboards.c:                            is_full_name ("gods", note->to_list) ||
gboards.c:                            is_full_name ("immortals", note->to_list)))
gboards.c:                                         is_full_name ("imp", note->to_list) ||
gboards.c:                                         is_full_name ("imps", note->to_list) ||
gboards.c:                                         is_full_name ("implementor", note->to_list) ||
gboards.c:                                         is_full_name ("implementors", note->to_list)))
gboards.c:    if (is_full_name (ch->name, note->to_list))
gboards.c:    if (is_number(note->to_list) && get_trust(ch) >= atoi(note->to_list))
gboards.c:    for (note = board->note_first; note; note = note->next)
gboards.c:        if (is_note_to(ch, note) && ((long)last_read < (long)note->date_stamp))
gboards.c:    note->sender = STRALLOC ((char *)sender);
gboards.c:    note->to_list = STRALLOC((char *)to);
gboards.c:    note->subject = str_dup((char *)subject);
gboards.c:    note->expire = current_time + expire_days * 60 * 60 * 24;
gboards.c:    note->text = str_dup((char *)text);
gboards.c:    note->date = str_dup(strtime);
gboards.c:            DISPOSE( note->text );
gboards.c:            note->text = copy_buffer_nohash( ch );
gboards.c:            if( !str_cmp( note->text, "" ) )
gboards.c:        DISPOSE( note->text );
gboards.c:        note->text = copy_buffer_nohash( ch );
handler.c:	for ( tele = first_teleport; tele; tele = tele->next )
handler.c:	    if ( tele->room == pRoomIndex )
handler.c:	tele->room		= pRoomIndex;
handler.c:	tele->timer		= pRoomIndex->tele_delay;
handler.c:           rq_next = RQueue->next;
handler.c:           if ( RQueue->Type == relOSET_ON ) 
handler.c:                if ( obj == RQueue->Subject )
handler.c:                     ( ( CHAR_DATA * ) RQueue->Actor )->dest_buf = NULL;
handler.c:          rq_next = RQueue->next;
handler.c:          if ( fPull && RQueue->Type == relMSET_ON ) 
handler.c:               if ( ch == RQueue->Subject )
handler.c:                    ( ( CHAR_DATA * ) RQueue->Actor )->dest_buf = NULL;
handler.c:               else if ( ch != RQueue->Actor )
handler.c:    /* Redone by Narn to let newbie council members see pre-auths. */
handler.c:	return ex_pfire[pulltype-PT_FIRE];
handler.c:	return ex_pair[pulltype-PT_AIR];
handler.c:	return ex_pearth[pulltype-PT_EARTH];
handler.c:	return ex_pwater[pulltype-PT_WATER];
handler.c:	extracted_obj_queue = extracted_obj_queue->next;
handler.c:    clone->pIndexData	= obj->pIndexData;
handler.c:    clone->name		= QUICKLINK( obj->name );
handler.c:    clone->short_descr	= QUICKLINK( obj->short_descr );
handler.c:    clone->description	= QUICKLINK( obj->description );
handler.c:    clone->action_desc	= QUICKLINK( obj->action_desc );
handler.c:    clone->item_type	= obj->item_type;
handler.c:    clone->extra_flags	= obj->extra_flags;
handler.c:    clone->magic_flags	= obj->magic_flags;
handler.c:    clone->wear_flags	= obj->wear_flags;
handler.c:    clone->wear_loc	= obj->wear_loc;
handler.c:    clone->weight	= obj->weight;
handler.c:    clone->gold_cost    = obj->gold_cost;
handler.c:    clone->silver_cost  = obj->silver_cost;
handler.c:    clone->copper_cost  = obj->copper_cost;
handler.c:    clone->level	= obj->level;
handler.c:    clone->timer	= obj->timer;
handler.c:    clone->value[0]	= obj->value[0];
handler.c:    clone->value[1]	= obj->value[1];
handler.c:    clone->value[2]	= obj->value[2];
handler.c:    clone->value[3]	= obj->value[3];
handler.c:    clone->value[4]	= obj->value[4];
handler.c:    clone->value[5]	= obj->value[5];
handler.c:    clone->count	= 1;
handler.c:    clone->serial = clone->pIndexData->serial = cur_obj_serial;
handler.c:    if ( !IS_NPC(ch) && ch->pcdata->nuisance &&ch->pcdata->nuisance->flags > 2 )
handler.c:	c += .4*((ch->pcdata->nuisance->flags-2)*ch->pcdata->nuisance->power);
hiscores.c:		for( table = first_table ; table ; table = table->next )
hiscores.c:				table->keyword, table->desc, table->length, table->vnum );
hiscores.c:		pager_printf( ch, "Description: %s\n\r", table->desc );
hiscores.c:		pager_printf( ch, "Vnum: %d    MaxLength: %d Length: %d\n\r", table->vnum, table->max_length, table->length );
hiscores.c:		for( entry = table->first_entry, i=1 ; entry ; entry = entry->next, i++ )
hiscores.c:		STRFREE( table->desc );
hiscores.c:		table->desc = STRALLOC( argument );
hiscores.c:		STRFREE( table->keyword );
hiscores.c:		table->keyword = STRALLOC( set_val );
hiscores.c:			table->vnum = atoi( set_val ) ;
hiscores.c:				kwd, table->vnum );
hiscores.c:			table->max_length = atoi( set_val ) ;
hiscores.c:				kwd, table->max_length );
hiscores.c:		for( table = first_table ; table ; table = table->next )
hiscores.c:			if( table->vnum == -1 )
hiscores.c:				ch_printf( ch, "  %s: keyword '%s'\n\r", table->desc, table->keyword );
hiscores.c:				oindex = get_obj_index( table->vnum );
hiscores.c:						table->desc,
hiscores.c: 	if( table->vnum != -1 && !IS_IMMORTAL(ch) )
hiscores.c:	show_hiscore( table->keyword, ch );
hiscores.c:	for( table = first_table ; table ; table = table->next )
hiscores.c:		if( obj->pIndexData->vnum == table->vnum )
hiscores.c:			return table->keyword;
hiscores.c:	sprintf( buf, "%s", table->desc );
hiscores.c:		buf, table->desc, 
hiscores.c:	for( entry = table->first_entry ; entry ; entry = entry->next )
hiscores.c:			pos, table->desc );
hiscores.c:		ch->name, pos, table->desc );
hiscores.c:			pos, table->desc );
hiscores.c:	for( entry = table->first_entry ; entry ; entry = entry->next )
hiscores.c:			UNLINK( entry, table->first_entry, table->last_entry, next, prev );
hiscores.c:			table->length--;
hiscores.c:	for( i=1, entry = table->first_entry ; i<= table->max_length ; entry = entry->next, i++ )
hiscores.c:			LINK( new_entry, table->first_entry, table->last_entry, next, prev );
hiscores.c:			table->length++;
hiscores.c:			INSERT( new_entry, entry, table->first_entry, next, prev );
hiscores.c:			table->length++;
hiscores.c:	while( table->length > table->max_length )
hiscores.c:		table->length--; 
hiscores.c:		entry = table->last_entry;
hiscores.c:		UNLINK( entry, table->first_entry, table->last_entry, next, prev );
hiscores.c:	for( entry = table->first_entry ; entry ; entry = entry->next )
hiscores.c:	for( table = first_table ; table ; table = table->next )
hiscores.c:		if( !str_cmp( table->keyword, keyword ) )
hiscores.c:	new_table->keyword = STRALLOC( keyword );
hiscores.c:	new_table->desc = STRALLOC( desc );
hiscores.c:	new_table->vnum = -1;
hiscores.c:	new_table->max_length = 10;
hiscores.c:	new_table->length = 0;
hiscores.c:	new_table->first_entry = NULL;
hiscores.c:	new_table->last_entry = NULL;
hiscores.c:	STRFREE( table->keyword );
hiscores.c:	STRFREE( table->desc );
hiscores.c:	for( entry = table->first_entry ; entry ; entry = nentry )
hiscores.c:		UNLINK( entry, table->first_entry, table->last_entry, next, prev );
hiscores.c:	for( table = first_table ; table ; table = table->next )
hiscores.c:		fprintf( fp, "Keyword    %s\n", table->keyword );
hiscores.c:		fprintf( fp, "Desc       %s~\n", table->desc );
hiscores.c:		fprintf( fp, "Vnum       %d\n", table->vnum );
hiscores.c:		fprintf( fp, "MaxLength  %d\n", table->max_length );
hiscores.c:		for( entry = table->first_entry ; entry ; entry = entry->next )
hiscores.c:			new_table->keyword = STRALLOC( fread_word(fp) );
hiscores.c:			new_table->desc = fread_string( fp ) ;
hiscores.c:			new_table->vnum = fread_number( fp );
hiscores.c:			new_table->max_length = fread_number( fp );
hiscores.c:			LINK( new_entry, new_table->first_entry, new_table->last_entry, next, prev );
hiscores.c:	new_table->length = entry_count;
hiscores.c:	if( entry_count > new_table->max_length )
hiscores.c:		new_table->max_length = entry_count;
hiscores.c:	if( new_table->keyword == NULL )
hiscores.c:		new_table->keyword = STRALLOC( "error" );
hiscores.c:	if( new_table->desc == NULL )
hiscores.c:		new_table->desc = STRALLOC( "Error: no description" );
house.c:    for (tmphome = first_home; tmphome; tmphome = tmphome->next)
house.c:	    if ((location = get_room_index(tmphome->vnum[0])) == NULL)
house.c:		    if ( tmphome->vnum[i] > 0)
house.c:			y, tmphome->name, area, z);
house.c:			y, tmphome->name, area, z, tmphome->vnum[0]);
house.c:	for ( tmphome = first_home; tmphome; tmphome = tmphome->next)
house.c:		if ( !str_cmp( tmphome->name, ch->name) && !IS_IMMORTAL(ch))
house.c:		for ( tmphome = first_home; tmphome; tmphome = tmphome->next)
house.c:			if ( !str_cmp( tmphome->name, ch->name))
house.c:		for ( checkhome = first_homebuy; checkhome; checkhome = checkhome->next)
house.c:			if ( !str_cmp( checkhome->bidder, ch->name))
house.c:    for ( tmphome = first_home; tmphome; tmphome = tmphome->next)
house.c:		if ( !str_cmp( tmphome->name, ch->name))
house.c:		if ((tmphome->apartment && atoi( argument) < MIN_APARTMENT_BID)
house.c:			|| (!tmphome->apartment && atoi( argument) < MIN_HOUSE_BID))
house.c:		if( !add_homebuy( ch, tmphome->vnum[0], tmphome->apartment, atoi(argument)))
house.c:		if( !add_homebuy( ch, tmphome->vnum[0], tmphome->apartment, 0))
house.c:	tmphome->name = STRALLOC(ch->name);
house.c:	tmphome->apartment = apartment;
house.c:	tmphome->vnum[0] = vnum;
house.c:		for ( shome = first_home; shome; shome = shome->next )
house.c:			if ( strcmp(tmphome->name, shome->name) < 0 )
house.c:		sprintf( buf, "%s's Apartment", tmphome->name);
house.c:		sprintf( buf, "%s's House", tmphome->name);
house.c:	sprintf( buf, "%s's House Key", tmphome->name);
house.c:	for ( tmphome = first_home; tmphome; tmphome = tmphome->next )
house.c:		fprintf( fpout, "%s\n", capitalize(tmphome->name) );
house.c:    for (tmphome = first_home; tmphome; tmphome = tmphome->next)
house.c:			if (tmphome->vnum[i] == vnum)
house.c:	for ( tmphome = first_homebuy; tmphome; tmphome = tmphome->next)
house.c:		if ( tmphome->vnum == vnum)
house.c:	tmphome->vnum = vnum;
house.c:	tmphome->apartment = apartment;
house.c:	tmphome->endtime = ( 7 * 48);
house.c:	tmphome->incpercent = DEFAULT_BID_INCREMENT_PERCENTAGE;
house.c:	tmphome->bidder = STRALLOC("None");
house.c:	tmphome->seller = STRALLOC(seller->name);
house.c:			tmphome->bid = MIN_APARTMENT_BID;
house.c:			tmphome->bid = MIN_HOUSE_BID;
house.c:		tmphome->bid = price;
house.c:	STRFREE( tmphome->bidder);
house.c:	STRFREE( tmphome->seller);
house.c:	tmphome->incpercent = 0;
house.c:	tmphome->apartment = FALSE;
house.c:	tmphome->bid = 0;
house.c:	tmphome->vnum = 0;
house.c:	tmphome->endtime = 0;
house.c:	for ( tmphome = first_homebuy; tmphome; tmphome = tmphome->next)
house.c:		if ( (get_room_index( tmphome->vnum)) == NULL)
house.c:		fprintf( fpout, "Apartment   %d\n",  tmphome->apartment  );
house.c:		fprintf( fpout, "Bid         %d\n",  tmphome->bid        );
house.c:		fprintf( fpout, "Bidder      %s~\n", tmphome->bidder     );
house.c:		fprintf( fpout, "BidIncPerc  %d\n",  tmphome->incpercent );
house.c:		fprintf( fpout, "Endtime     %d\n",  tmphome->endtime    );
house.c:		fprintf( fpout, "Seller      %s~\n", tmphome->seller     );
house.c:		fprintf( fpout, "Vnum        %d\n",  tmphome->vnum       );
house.c:			KEY( "Apartment",  newhome->apartment,       fread_number(fp) );
house.c:			KEY( "Bid",        newhome->bid,             fread_number(fp) );
house.c:			KEY( "Bidder",     newhome->bidder,          fread_string(fp) );
house.c:			KEY( "BidIncPerc", newhome->incpercent,      fread_number(fp) );
house.c:			KEY( "Endtime",    newhome->endtime,         fread_number(fp) );
house.c:				if ( (get_room_index(newhome->vnum)) == NULL)
house.c:			KEY( "Seller",     newhome->seller,         fread_string(fp) );
house.c:            KEY( "Vnum",       newhome->vnum,           fread_number(fp) );
house.c:	   tmphomenext = tmphome->next;
house.c:       if ( --tmphome->endtime > 0)
house.c:	   if ( tmphome->bidder[0] != '\0' && str_cmp(tmphome->bidder, "None")
house.c:		   && (bidder = load_player(tmphome->bidder)) != NULL)
house.c:		   if ( bidder->pcdata->balance + bidder->gold < tmphome->bid)
house.c:			   if ( bidder->pcdata->balance + bidder->gold >= ((tmphome->bid * PENALTY_PERCENTAGE) / 100) )
house.c:				   if ( bidder->pcdata->balance < ((tmphome->bid * PENALTY_PERCENTAGE) / 100))
house.c:					   bidder->gold -= (((tmphome->bid * PENALTY_PERCENTAGE) / 100) - bidder->pcdata->balance);
house.c:					   bidder->pcdata->balance -= ((tmphome->bid * PENALTY_PERCENTAGE) / 100);
house.c:			   tmphome->endtime = ( 7 * 48);
house.c:			   STRFREE(tmphome->bidder);
house.c:			   tmphome->bidder = STRALLOC( "None");
house.c:	   if ( tmphome->seller[0] == '\0' || (seller = load_player(tmphome->seller)) == NULL)
house.c:		   sprintf( buf, "Homebuy_update: Seller of residence with vnum %d could not be found.", tmphome->vnum);
house.c:			   sprintf( buf, "Homebuy_update: Residence with vnum %d could not be removed from housing auction", tmphome->vnum);
house.c:		   if ( seller->pcdata->balance + seller->gold >= ((tmphome->bid * PENALTY_PERCENTAGE) / 100) )
house.c:			   if ( seller->pcdata->balance < ((tmphome->bid * PENALTY_PERCENTAGE) / 100))
house.c:				   seller->gold -= (((tmphome->bid * PENALTY_PERCENTAGE) / 100) - seller->pcdata->balance);
house.c:				   seller->pcdata->balance -= ((tmphome->bid * PENALTY_PERCENTAGE) / 100);
house.c:			   sprintf( buf, "Homebuy_update: Residence with vnum %d could not be removed from housing auction", tmphome->vnum);
house.c:		   sprintf( buf, "Homebuy_update: Residence could not be removed from seller successfully for vnum %d", tmphome->vnum);
house.c:	   if ( !set_house( bidder, tmphome->vnum, tmphome->apartment))
house.c:		   sprintf( buf, "Homebuy_update: Residence could not be setup for vnum %d", tmphome->vnum);
house.c:	   if ( !give_key( bidder, tmphome->vnum))
house.c:		   sprintf( buf, "Homebuy_update: Key for residence with vnum %d could not be given.", tmphome->vnum);
house.c:	   if ( bidder->pcdata->balance < tmphome->bid)
house.c:		   bidder->gold -= tmphome->bid - bidder->pcdata->balance;
house.c:		   bidder->pcdata->balance -= tmphome->bid;
house.c:	   seller->pcdata->balance += tmphome->bid;
house.c:		   sprintf( buf, "Homebuy_update: Residence with vnum %d could not be removed from housing auction", tmphome->vnum);
house.c:		   sprintf(buf,"%s has successfully bought a new %s.", bidder->name, tmphome->apartment ? "apartment" :
house.c:	   if ( tmphome->bidder[0] != '\0' && str_cmp(tmphome->bidder, "None")
house.c:		   && (bidder = load_player(tmphome->bidder)) != NULL)
house.c:		   if ( bidder->gold < tmphome->bid)
house.c:			   if ( bidder->gold >= ((tmphome->bid * PENALTY_PERCENTAGE) / 100) )
house.c:				   bidder->gold -= ((tmphome->bid * PENALTY_PERCENTAGE) / 100);
house.c:			   tmphome->endtime = ( 7 * 48);
house.c:			   STRFREE(tmphome->bidder);
house.c:			   tmphome->bidder = STRALLOC( "None");
house.c:	   if ( tmphome->seller[0] == '\0' || (seller = load_player(tmphome->seller)) == NULL)
house.c:		   sprintf( buf, "Homebuy_update: Seller of residence with vnum %d could not be found.", tmphome->vnum);
house.c:			   sprintf( buf, "Homebuy_update: Residence with vnum %d could not be removed from housing auction", tmphome->vnum);
house.c:		   if ( seller->gold >= ((tmphome->bid * PENALTY_PERCENTAGE) / 100) )
house.c:			   seller->gold -= ((tmphome->bid * PENALTY_PERCENTAGE) / 100);
house.c:			   sprintf( buf, "Homebuy_update: Residence with vnum %d could not be removed from housing auction", tmphome->vnum);
house.c:		   sprintf( buf, "Homebuy_update: Residence could not be removed from seller successfully for vnum %d", tmphome->vnum);
house.c:	   if ( !set_house(bidder, tmphome->vnum, tmphome->apartment))
house.c:		   sprintf( buf, "Homebuy_update: Residence could not be setup for vnum %d", tmphome->vnum);
house.c:	   if ( !give_key( bidder, tmphome->vnum))
house.c:		   sprintf( buf, "Homebuy_update: Key for residence with vnum %d could not be given.", tmphome->vnum);
house.c:	   bidder->gold -= tmphome->bid;
house.c:	   seller->gold += tmphome->bid;
house.c:		   sprintf( buf, "Homebuy_update: Residence with vnum %d could not be removed from housing auction", tmphome->vnum);
hskelter.c:		send_to_char( "Restoring pre-helter skelter player base backup.\n\r", ch );
i3.c:	next_ucache = ucache->next;
i3.c:	if( current_time - ucache->time >= 2592000 )
i3.c:   I3_write_header( "ucache-update", I3_THISMUD, NULL, NULL, NULL );
i3.c:   I3_write_header( "locate-req", I3_THISMUD, CH_NAME(ch), NULL, NULL );
i3.c:        (string) "locate-reply",     
i3.c:   I3_write_header( "locate-reply", I3_THISMUD, NULL, header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username );
i3.c:	   next_ucache = ucache->next;
i3.c:   if( !str_cmp( ps, "\"locate-req\"" ) ) 
i3.c:   if( !str_cmp( ps, "\"locate-reply\"" ) ) 
i3.c:   if( !str_cmp( ps, "\"ucache-update\"" ) )
icec.c:    if (!strcasecmp(p->type, "ice-msg-r"))
icec.c:    else if( !strcasecmp( p->type, "ice-comp-msg-r" ) )
icec.c:    else if (!strcasecmp(p->type, "ice-msg-b"))
icec.c:    else if( !strcasecmp( p->type, "ice-comp-msg-b" ) )
icec.c:    else if (!strcasecmp(p->type, "ice-update"))
icec.c:    else if (!strcasecmp(p->type, "ice-destroy"))
icec.c:  strcpy(out.type, "ice-cmd");
icec.c:        strcpy(out.type, compressit ? "ice-comp-msg-p" : "ice-msg-p");
icec.c:        strcpy(out.type, compressit ? "ice-comp-msg-b" : "ice-msg-b");
icec.c:  strcpy(out.type, "ice-refresh");
iced.c:    strcpy(out.type, "ice-msg-r");
iced.c:    strcpy(out.type, "ice-msg-b");
iced.c:    if (!strcasecmp(p->type, "ice-cmd"))
iced.c:    else if (!strcasecmp(p->type, "ice-msg-p"))
iced.c:    else if( !strcasecmp( p->type, "ice-comp-msg-p" ) )
iced.c:    else if (!strcasecmp(p->type, "ice-msg-b"))
iced.c:    else if( !strcasecmp( p->type, "ice-comp-msg-b" ) )
iced.c:     else if (!strcasecmp(p->type, "ice-refresh"))
iced.c:    else if (!strcasecmp(p->type, "ice-join-request"))
iced.c:    else if (!strcasecmp(p->type, "ice-leave-request"))
iced.c:  strcpy(out.type, "ice-destroy");
iced.c:  strcpy(out.type, "ice-msg-r"); /* redirect */
iced.c:    strcpy(out.type, "ice-comp-msg-r"); /* redirect */
iced.c:  strcpy(out.type, "ice-update");
imc-config.c:/* check if needle is in haystack (case-insensitive) */
imc-config.c:      s=outqsize-s;
imc-config.c:// Merely eye-candy, but why not? -- Kratas
imc-events.c:/* we use size-limited recycle lists, since events will be being
imc-events.c:   the 60 second grace period on close-notify 
imc-events.c:	if (!imc_is_router)  /* don't wanna do it if we -are- a hub :) */
imc-events.c:	if (!imc_is_router)  /* don't wanna do it if we -are- a hub :) */
imc-interp.c:        imc_recv_ping(imc_mudof(p->from), imc_getkeyi(&p->data, "time-s", 0),
imc-interp.c:                      imc_getkeyi(&p->data, "time-us", 0), p->i.path);
imc-interp.c:        imc_recv_pingreply(imc_mudof(p->from), imc_getkeyi(&p->data, "time-s", 0),
imc-interp.c:                           imc_getkeyi(&p->data, "time-us", 0),
imc-interp.c:    else if (!strcasecmp(p->type, "keepalive-request"))
imc-interp.c:    else if (!strcasecmp(p->type, "close-notify"))
imc-interp.c:  strcpy(out.type, "keepalive-request");
imc-interp.c:  imc_addkeyi(&out.data, "time-s", time_s);
imc-interp.c:  imc_addkeyi(&out.data, "time-us", time_u);
imc-interp.c:  imc_addkeyi(&out.data, "time-s", time_s);
imc-interp.c:  imc_addkeyi(&out.data, "time-us", time_u);
imc-mercbase.c:     * Moved to out herebecause pointless to decompress all the time-- Kratas
imc-mercbase.c:    pnote->new = STRALLOC(buf); \
imc-mercbase.c:  pnote->voting = 0;
imc-mercbase.c:  pnote->yesvotes = str_dup("");
imc-mercbase.c:  pnote->novotes = str_dup("");
imc-mercbase.c:  pnote->abstentions = str_dup("");
imc-mercbase.c:  pnote->type=NOTE_NOTE;
imc-mercbase.c:  pnote->sender=str_dup(from);
imc-mercbase.c:  pnote->to_list=str_dup(to);
imc-mercbase.c:  pnote->date=str_dup(date);
imc-mercbase.c:  pnote->subject=str_dup(subject);
imc-mercbase.c:  pnote->text=str_dup(color_itom(text));
imc-mercbase.c:  pnote->date_stamp=current_time;
imc-mercbase.c:  pnote->next=NULL;
imc-mercbase.c:  smash_tilde(pnote->sender);
imc-mercbase.c:  smash_tilde(pnote->to_list);
imc-mercbase.c:  smash_tilde(pnote->date);
imc-mercbase.c:  smash_tilde(pnote->subject);
imc-mercbase.c:  smash_tilde(pnote->text);
imc-mercbase.c:    for (prev_note = note_list; prev_note->next; prev_note = prev_note->next)
imc-mercbase.c:    prev_note->next = pnote;
imc-mercbase.c:    fprintf (fp, "Sender  %s~\n", pnote->sender);
imc-mercbase.c:    fprintf (fp, "Date    %s~\n", pnote->date);
imc-mercbase.c:    fprintf (fp, "Stamp   %ld\n", (unsigned long) pnote->date_stamp);
imc-mercbase.c:    fprintf (fp, "To      %s~\n", pnote->to_list);
imc-mercbase.c:    fprintf (fp, "Subject %s~\n", pnote->subject);
imc-mercbase.c:    fprintf (fp, "Text\n%s~\n\n", pnote->text);
imc-util.c:  if (soffset >= ssize-len)
imc-util.c:    where--;
imc.c:  strcpy(out.type, "close-notify");
imc.c:    //  memmove(c->outbuf, c->outbuf+w, size-w+1);
imc.c:    if ((p->i.sequence+IMC_PACKET_LIFETIME) < route->top_sequence)
imc.c:		    p->i.path, p->i.sequence, route->top_sequence);
imc.c:    if (p->i.sequence > route->top_sequence)
imc.c:      route->top_sequence=p->i.sequence;
imc.c:      route->route != NULL &&
imc.c:      !inpath(p->i.path, route->route))	/* avoid circular routing */
imc.c:    if (strcasecmp(to, route->route) &&
imc.c:    to=route->route;
interp.c:    if ( !IS_NPC(ch) && ch->pcdata->nuisance && ch->pcdata->nuisance->flags > 9 
interp.c:         && number_percent() < ((ch->pcdata->nuisance->flags-9)*10
interp.c:         *ch->pcdata->nuisance->power))
interp.c:	 while (queue && queue->next)
interp.c:		 queue=queue->next;
interp.c:			  new_queue->next=NULL;
interp.c:			  new_queue->cmd=str_dup(buf);
interp.c:				  queue->next=new_queue;
interp.c:				  queue=queue->next;
interp.c:	 new_queue->next=NULL;
interp.c:	 new_queue->cmd=str_dup(buf);
interp.c:		queue->next=new_queue;
interp.c:		queue=queue->next;
interp.c:  if ( !stime || (!stime->tv_sec && !stime->tv_usec) )
interp.c:  if ( vtime->num_uses == 0 )
interp.c:  ntime.tv_sec  = vtime->total_time.tv_sec / vtime->num_uses;
interp.c:  carry = (vtime->total_time.tv_sec % vtime->num_uses) * 1000000;
interp.c:  ntime.tv_usec = (vtime->total_time.tv_usec + carry) / vtime->num_uses;
interp.c:  ch_printf(ch, "Has been used %d times this boot.\n\r", vtime->num_uses);
interp.c:      "\n\r", vtime->min_time.tv_sec, vtime->min_time.tv_usec, ntime.tv_sec,
interp.c:      ntime.tv_usec, vtime->max_time.tv_sec, vtime->max_time.tv_usec);
magic.c:	if ( (sn=bsearch_skill_exact(name, gsn_first_weapon, gsn_first_tongue-1)) == -1 )
magic.c:	if ( (sn=bsearch_skill_prefix(name, gsn_first_weapon, gsn_first_tongue-1)) == -1 )
magic.c:	return bsearch_skill( name, gsn_first_weapon, gsn_first_tongue-1 );
magic.c:	return ch_bsearch_skill( ch, name, gsn_first_weapon, gsn_first_tongue-1 );
magic.c:			ch->pcdata->nuisance->flags > 5
magic.c:		&& number_percent() < (((ch->pcdata->nuisance->flags-5)*8)+
magic.c:		ch->pcdata->nuisance->power*6))
magic.c:		ch->pcdata->nuisance->flags > 5
magic.c:		&& number_percent() < (((ch->pcdata->nuisance->flags-5)*8) +
magic.c:		6*ch->pcdata->nuisance->power))
magic.c:        ch_printf( ch, "Weapon Type: Unknown\n\r" ); /* What type would a v3 of 9 make it? Not sure-Joe*/
magic.c:	    obj_next = obj_lose->next_content;
magic.c:	    switch ( obj_lose->item_type )
magic.c:		if ( obj_lose->value[0] > 0 )
magic.c:		    if ( ( iWear = obj_lose->wear_loc ) != WEAR_NONE )
magic.c:		    obj_lose->value[0] -= 1;
magic.c:obj_lose->gold_cost   = 0;
magic.c:obj_lose->silver_cost	= 0;
magic.c:obj_lose->copper_cost	= 0;
magic.c:	    obj_next = obj_lose->next_content;
magic.c:	    switch ( obj_lose->item_type )
magic.c:	    if ( obj_lose->item_type == ITEM_CONTAINER )
magic.c:	    obj_next = obj_lose->next_content;
magic.c:	    switch ( obj_lose->item_type )
magic.c:	    if ( obj_lose->item_type == ITEM_CONTAINER )
magic.c:	corpse_next = corpse->next_content;
magic.c:	if (corpse->item_type == ITEM_CORPSE_NPC && ((corpse->gold_cost != -5) 
magic.c:	|| (corpse->silver_cost != -5) || (corpse->copper_cost != -5)))
magic.c:    if ( (pMobIndex = get_mob_index((sh_int) abs(corpse->gold_cost) )) == NULL )
magic.c:	                          (mob->max_hit * corpse->value[3]) / 100,
magic.c:	if (corpse->first_content)
magic.c:	    for( obj = corpse->first_content; obj; obj = obj_next)
magic.c:		obj_to_room(obj, corpse->in_room);
magic.c:	     clone->timer = skill->dice ? dice_parse(ch, level, skill->dice) : 0;
makeobjs.c:    fire->timer = number_fuzzy(timer);
makeobjs.c:	corpse->timer	= 6;
makeobjs.c:	corpse->value[0] = (int)ch->pIndexData->vnum;
makeobjs.c:	corpse->value[1] = (int)ch->max_hit;
makeobjs.c:	corpse->gold_cost    = (-(int)ch->pIndexData->vnum);
makeobjs.c:corpse->silver_cost  = (-(int)ch->pIndexData->vnum);
makeobjs.c:corpse->copper_cost  = (-(int)ch->pIndexData->vnum);
makeobjs.c:        corpse->value[2] = corpse->timer; 
makeobjs.c:	  corpse->timer	= 0;
makeobjs.c:	  corpse->timer = 40;
makeobjs.c:        corpse->value[2] = (int)(corpse->timer/8);
makeobjs.c:	corpse->value[4] = ch->level;
makeobjs.c:	  xSET_BIT( corpse->extra_flags, ITEM_CLANCORPSE );
makeobjs.c:	  corpse->value[3] = 1;
makeobjs.c:	  corpse->value[3] = 0;
makeobjs.c:	STRFREE( corpse->action_desc );
makeobjs.c:	corpse->action_desc = STRALLOC( buf );
makeobjs.c:    STRFREE( corpse->name );
makeobjs.c:    corpse->name = STRALLOC( buf );
makeobjs.c:    sprintf( buf, corpse->short_descr, name );
makeobjs.c:    STRFREE( corpse->short_descr );
makeobjs.c:    corpse->short_descr = STRALLOC( buf );
makeobjs.c:    sprintf( buf, corpse->description, name );
makeobjs.c:    STRFREE( corpse->description );
makeobjs.c:    corpse->description = STRALLOC( buf );
mapout.c:	    case 9501: 		/* tent *//* single-roomed buildings */
mapout.c:	    case 9501: 		/* tent *//* single-roomed buildings */
misc.c:	if ( source->item_type != src_item1 && source->item_type != src_item2
misc.c:	&&   source->item_type != src_item3 )
misc.c:	    src_next = source->next_content;
misc.c:		&&  !nifty_is_name( &arg2[4], source->name ) )
misc.c:if ( source->item_type == ITEM_GOLD )
misc.c:  ch->gold += source->value[0];
misc.c:else if ( source->item_type == ITEM_SILVER )
misc.c:  ch->silver += source->value[0];
misc.c:else if ( source->item_type == ITEM_COPPER )
misc.c:  ch->copper += source->value[0];
misc.c:	    if (source->item_type == src_item1
misc.c:	    ||  source->item_type == src_item2
misc.c:	    ||  source->item_type == src_item3)
misc.c:	switch( source->item_type )
misc.c:		if ( !source->in_room	/* disallow inventory items */
misc.c:		    pd = source->short_descr;
misc.c:		if ( source->item_type == ITEM_CONTAINER  /* don't remove */
misc.c:		&&   IS_SET(source->value[1], CONT_CLOSED) )
misc.c:		    act( AT_PLAIN, "The $d is closed.", ch, NULL, source->name, TO_CHAR );
misc.c:		if ( (otmp=source->first_content) == NULL )
misc.c:    if ( source->value[1] < 1 )
misc.c:    if ( source->count > 1 && source->item_type != ITEM_FOUNTAIN )
misc.c:    switch( source->item_type )
misc.c:	  bug( "do_fill: got bad item type: %d", source->item_type );
misc.c:	  if ( source->value[1] < diff )
misc.c:	    diff = source->value[1];
misc.c:	  if ( (source->value[1] -= diff) < 1 )
misc.c:	  if ( obj->value[1] != 0 && obj->value[2] != source->value[2] )
misc.c:	  obj->value[2] = source->value[2];
misc.c:	  if ( source->value[1] < diff )
misc.c:	    diff = source->value[1];
misc.c:	  if ( (source->value[1] -= diff) < 1 )
misc.c:	  if ( obj->value[1] != 0 && obj->value[2] != source->value[2] )
misc.c:	  obj->value[2] = source->value[2];
misc.c:	  if ( source->value[1] < diff )
misc.c:	    diff = source->value[1];
misc.c:	  source->value[1] -= diff;
misc.c:	  if ( obj->value[1] != 0 && obj->value[2] != source->value[2] )
misc.c:	  obj->value[2] = source->value[2];
misc.c:	  if ( source->value[1] < diff )
misc.c:	    diff = source->value[1];
misc.c:	  source->value[1] -= diff;
misc.c:		ch->pcdata->nuisance->flags > 3
misc.c:     &&(ch->pcdata->condition[COND_FULL]>=(48-(3*ch->pcdata->nuisance->flags)+
misc.c:	ch->pcdata->nuisance->power)
misc.c:     ||ch->pcdata->condition[COND_THIRST]>=(48-(ch->pcdata->nuisance->flags)+
misc.c:	ch->pcdata->nuisance->power)))
misc.c:    if ( pipe->item_type != ITEM_PIPE )
misc.c:    if ( !IS_SET( pipe->value[3], PIPE_TAMPED ) )
misc.c:	SET_BIT( pipe->value[3], PIPE_TAMPED );
misc.c:    if ( pipe->item_type != ITEM_PIPE )
misc.c:    if ( !IS_SET( pipe->value[3], PIPE_LIT ) )
misc.c:    if ( pipe->value[1] > 0 )
misc.c:	if ( IS_VALID_HERB( pipe->value[2] ) && pipe->value[2] < top_herb )
misc.c:	    int sn		= pipe->value[2] + TYPE_HERB;
misc.c:	    bug( "do_smoke: bad herb type %d", pipe->value[2] );
misc.c:	SET_BIT( pipe->value[3], PIPE_HOT );
misc.c:	if ( --pipe->value[1] < 1 )
misc.c:	   REMOVE_BIT( pipe->value[3], PIPE_LIT );
misc.c:	   SET_BIT( pipe->value[3], PIPE_DIRTY );
misc.c:	   SET_BIT( pipe->value[3], PIPE_FULLOFASH );
misc.c:    if ( pipe->item_type != ITEM_PIPE )
misc.c:    if ( !IS_SET( pipe->value[3], PIPE_LIT ) )
misc.c:	if ( pipe->value[1] < 1 )
misc.c:	SET_BIT( pipe->value[3], PIPE_LIT );
misc.c:   if ( salve->item_type != ITEM_SALVE )
misc.c:    --salve->value[1];
misc.c:	if ( !salve->action_desc || salve->action_desc[0]=='\0' )
misc.c:	    if ( salve->value[1] < 1 )
misc.c:    WAIT_STATE( ch, salve->value[3] );
misc.c:    retcode = obj_cast_spell( salve->value[4], salve->value[0], ch, victim, NULL );
misc.c:	retcode = obj_cast_spell( salve->value[5], salve->value[0], ch, victim, NULL );
misc.c:    if ( !obj_extracted(salve) && salve->value[1] <= 0 )
mud_comm.c:        if (xIS_SET( bride->act, PLR_MARRIED))
mud_comm.c:            send_to_char("Your bride-to-be is already married!  Have them get a divorce first!\r\n", groom);
mud_comm.c:        xSET_BIT( bride->act, PLR_MARRIED );
mud_comm.c:            bride->pcdata->wedto = STRALLOC(groom->name);
mud_comm.c:            groom->pcdata->wedto = STRALLOC(bride->name);
mud_comm.c:	if (!xIS_SET( bride->act, PLR_MARRIED)) {
mud_comm.c:	xREMOVE_BIT( bride->act, PLR_MARRIED );
mud_comm.c:    victim->pcdata->nuisance->time = current_time;
mud_comm.c:    victim->pcdata->nuisance->flags = 1;
mud_comm.c:    victim->pcdata->nuisance->power = 2;
mud_comm.c:    now_time->tm_mday+= 1;
mud_comm.c:    victim->pcdata->nuisance->max_time = mktime(now_time);
mud_comm.c:        obj_next = obj_lose->next_content;
mud_comm.c: 	  capitalize(obj_lose->short_descr), pRoomIndex->vnum );
mud_prog.c:      return mprog_veval(chkchar->pcdata->nuisance->flags, opr, rhsvl, mob );
new_auth.c:	for ( namestate = first_auth_name; namestate; namestate = namestate->next )
new_auth.c:		if ( !str_cmp( namestate->name, ch->name ) )
new_auth.c:			state = namestate->state;		
new_auth.c:      if( last_auth_name && last_auth_name->next != NULL )
new_auth.c:         bug( "Last_auth_name->next != NULL: %s", last_auth_name->next->name );
new_auth.c:	for( mname = first_auth_name; mname; mname = mname->next )
new_auth.c:	   if ( !str_cmp( mname->name, name ) ) /* If the name is already in the list, break */
new_auth.c:		new_name->name = STRALLOC( ch->name );
new_auth.c:		new_name->state = AUTH_ONLINE;        /* Just entered the game */
new_auth.c:		if( old_name->authed_by )
new_auth.c:			STRFREE( old_name->authed_by );
new_auth.c:		if( old_name->change_by )
new_auth.c:			STRFREE( old_name->change_by );
new_auth.c:		if( old_name->denied_by )
new_auth.c:			STRFREE( old_name->denied_by );
new_auth.c:		STRFREE( old_name->name );
new_auth.c:		    sprintf( buf, "Pre-Auth %s denied. Player file destroyed.\n\r", name );
new_auth.c:			sprintf( buf, "Pre-Auth %s denied. Player file destroyed.\n\r", name );
new_auth.c:  auth_name->name = STRALLOC( argument );
new_auth.c:  auth_name->state = AUTH_ONLINE;
new_auth.c:  if ( auth_name->change_by )
new_auth.c:	STRFREE( auth_name->change_by );
player.c:// Merely eye-candy, but why not? -- Kratas
player.c:  /* Can add a list of pre-set prompts here if wanted.. perhaps
player.c:     'prompt 1' brings up a different, pre-set prompt */
player.c:  /* Can add a list of pre-set prompts here if wanted.. perhaps
player.c:     'prompt 1' brings up a different, pre-set prompt */
quest.c:*  code, Ryan!! For more SMAUG code, e-mail "leckey@rogers.wave.ca"        *
ratings.c:	for( i=1, score = first_score ; i <= MAX_SCORES ; score = score->next, i++ )
ratings.c:			newscore->name = STRALLOC( ch->name );
ratings.c:			newscore->score = value;
ratings.c:		else if( value > score->score )
ratings.c:			newscore->name = STRALLOC( ch->name );
ratings.c:			newscore->score = value;
ratings.c:        for ( score = first_score; score; score = score->next )
ratings.c:         if( !str_cmp( ch->name, score->name ) )
ratings.c:   if (!score || (score->name != ch->name))
ratings.c:   STRFREE( score->name );
ratings.c:		STRFREE( score->name );
ratings.c:        for ( score= first_score; score; score= score->next )
ratings.c:        for ( score= first_score; score; score= score->next )
ratings.c:          ch_printf( ch, "[%2d] %-12s %-32d\n\r", counter, score->name, score->score);
ratings.c:         score->score = fread_number( fp );
ratings.c:         score->name = fread_string( fp );
ratings.c:   for( score = first_score; score; score = score->next )
ratings.c:    if (!valid_player(score->name))
ratings.c:     fprintf( fp, "Score %d %s~\n", score->score, score->name );
save.c: * Array of containers read for proper re-nesting of objects.
save.c: * Re-equip character					-Thoric
save.c:        fprintf( fp, "NuisanceNew %ld %ld %d %d\n", ch->pcdata->nuisance->time,
save.c:                 ch->pcdata->nuisance->max_time,ch->pcdata->nuisance->flags,
save.c:                 ch->pcdata->nuisance->power );
save.c:	    				inode = inode->next)
save.c:	    		inode->name = STRALLOC(temp);
save.c:	    		inode->next = NULL;
save.c:	    		inode->prev = NULL;
save.c:                ch->pcdata->nuisance->time = fread_number( fp );
save.c:                ch->pcdata->nuisance->max_time = fread_number( fp );
save.c:                ch->pcdata->nuisance->flags = fread_number( fp );
save.c:		ch->pcdata->nuisance->power = 1;
save.c:		ch->pcdata->nuisance->time = fread_number( fp );
save.c:		ch->pcdata->nuisance->max_time = fread_number( fp );
save.c:		ch->pcdata->nuisance->flags = fread_number( fp );
save.c:		ch->pcdata->nuisance->power = fread_number( fp );
save.c:		  sn = bsearch_skill_exact( fread_word( fp ), gsn_first_weapon, gsn_first_tongue-1 );
save.c:  for ( corpse = first_object; corpse; corpse = corpse->next )
save.c:    if ( corpse->pIndexData->vnum == OBJ_VNUM_CORPSE_PC &&
save.c:         corpse->in_room != NULL &&
save.c:        !str_cmp(corpse->short_descr+14, name) &&
save.c:    if ( de->d_name[0] != '.' )
save.c:      sprintf(strArea, "%s%s", CORPSE_DIR, de->d_name );
services.c:          "Unable to start service, assuming running console-mode application.\n");
shops.c:	     * The shopkeeper gives you a bag with multiple-buy,
skills.c:    if ( corpse->item_type != ITEM_CORPSE_PC )
skills.c:	if ( corpse->value[5] == 1 ) {
skills.c:    name                = IS_NPC(ch) ? korps->short_descr : corpse->short_descr;
skills.c:	corpse->value[5]=1;
skills.c:          fire = fire->next_content )
skills.c:       if( fire->item_type == ITEM_FIRE)
skills.c:  ch->move = UMAX(0, ch->move-nvict*3+nhit);
skills.c:		if ( projectile->in_obj )
skills.c:		if ( projectile->carried_by )
skills.c:		if ( projectile->in_obj )
skills.c:		if ( projectile->carried_by )
skills.c:		if ( projectile->in_obj )
skills.c:		if ( projectile->carried_by )
skills.c:  if (corpse->item_type != ITEM_CORPSE_NPC || corpse->value[3] < 75)
skills.c:  if ( (pMobIndex = get_mob_index((sh_int) -(corpse->value[2]) )) == NULL )   
skills.c:  STRFREE(slice->name);
skills.c:  slice->name = STRALLOC(buf);
skills.c:  STRFREE(slice->short_descr);
skills.c:  slice->short_descr = STRALLOC(buf);
skills.c:  STRFREE(slice->description);
skills.c:  slice->description = STRALLOC(buf1);
skills.c:  corpse->value[3] -= 25;
skills.c:   for ( fire = ch->in_room->first_content; fire; fire = fire->next_content )
skills.c:	if ( fire->item_type == ITEM_FIRE )
special.c:	c_next = corpse->next_content;
special.c:	if ( corpse->item_type != ITEM_CORPSE_NPC )
special.c:	for ( obj = corpse->first_content; obj; obj = obj_next )
tables.c:    * Pre-init the race_table with blank races
tables.c:    if( !race->race_name)
tables.c:    sprintf( filename, "%s%s.race", RACEDIR, race->race_name );
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "Name        %s~\n",	race->race_name		);
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "Classes     %d\n",		race->class_restriction );
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "Str_Plus    %d\n",		race->str_plus		);
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "Dex_Plus    %d\n",		race->dex_plus		);
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "Wis_Plus    %d\n",		race->wis_plus		);
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "Int_Plus    %d\n",		race->int_plus		);
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "Con_Plus    %d\n",		race->con_plus		);
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "Cha_Plus    %d\n",		race->cha_plus		);
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "Lck_Plus    %d\n",		race->lck_plus		);
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "Hit         %d\n",		race->hit		);
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "Mana        %d\n",		race->mana		);
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "Affected    %s\n",		print_bitvector(&race->affected)	);
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "Resist      %d\n",		race->resist		);
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "Suscept     %d\n",		race->suscept		);
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "Language    %d\n",		race->language		);
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "Align       %d\n",		race->alignment		);
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "Min_Align  %d\n",		race->minalign		);
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "Max_Align	%d\n",		race->maxalign		);
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "AC_Plus    %d\n",		race->ac_plus		);
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "Exp_Mult   %d\n",		race->exp_multiplier	); 
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "Attacks    %s\n",		print_bitvector(&race->attacks)	);
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "Defenses   %s\n",		print_bitvector(&race->defenses) );
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "Height     %d\n",		race->height		);
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "Weight     %d\n",		race->weight		);
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "Hunger_Mod  %d\n",		race->hunger_mod	);
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "Thirst_mod  %d\n",		race->thirst_mod	);
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "Mana_Regen  %d\n",		race->mana_regen	);
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "HP_Regen    %d\n",		race->hp_regen		);
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "Race_Recall %d\n",		race->race_recall	);
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "Base_age	%d\n",		race->base_age		);
tables.c:                 race->where_name[i] );
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "HairColor  %d\n",          race->attribs[HAIR_COLOR]  );
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "HairLength %d\n",          race->attribs[HAIR_LENGTH] );
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "EyeColor   %d\n",          race->attribs[EYE_COLOR]   );
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "SkinTone   %d\n",          race->attribs[SKIN_TONE]   );
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "Build      %d\n",          race->attribs[RACE_BUILD]    );
tables.c:    fprintf( fpout, "RaceHeight %d\n",          race->attribs[RACE_HEIGHT]   );
tables.c:       race->where_name[i] = where_name[i];
tables.c:    race->attribs[HAIR_COLOR]  = -1;
tables.c:    race->attribs[HAIR_LENGTH] = -1;
tables.c:    race->attribs[EYE_COLOR]   = -1;
tables.c:    race->attribs[SKIN_TONE]   = -1;
tables.c:    race->attribs[RACE_BUILD]    = -1;
tables.c:    race->attribs[RACE_HEIGHT]   = -1;
tables.c:	    KEY( "Align",	race->alignment,		fread_number( fp )	);
tables.c:	    KEY( "AC_Plus",	race->ac_plus,		fread_number( fp )	);
tables.c:	    KEY( "Affected",	race->affected,		fread_bitvector( fp )	);
tables.c:	    KEY( "Attacks",	race->attacks,		fread_bitvector( fp )	);
tables.c:            KEY( "Base_age",	race->base_age,		fread_number( fp )	);
tables.c:            KEY( "Build",       race->attribs[RACE_HEIGHT],  fread_number( fp )   );
tables.c:	    KEY( "Con_Plus",	race->con_plus,		fread_number( fp )	);
tables.c:	    KEY( "Cha_Plus",	race->cha_plus,		fread_number( fp )	);
tables.c:	    KEY( "Classes",	race->class_restriction,		fread_number( fp )	);
tables.c:	    KEY( "Dex_Plus",	race->dex_plus,		fread_number( fp )	);
tables.c:	    KEY( "Defenses",	race->defenses,		fread_bitvector( fp )	);
tables.c:            KEY( "EyeColor",      race->attribs[EYE_COLOR],fread_number( fp )     );
tables.c:                        race->race_name ? race->race_name : "name not found", ra );
tables.c:                if( race->attribs[HAIR_COLOR] == -1 )
tables.c:                    race->attribs[HAIR_COLOR] = 0;
tables.c:                        SET_BIT( race->attribs[HAIR_COLOR], 1 << i );
tables.c:                if( race->attribs[HAIR_LENGTH] == -1 )
tables.c:                    race->attribs[HAIR_LENGTH] = 0;
tables.c:                        SET_BIT( race->attribs[HAIR_LENGTH], 1 << i );
tables.c:                if( race->attribs[EYE_COLOR] == -1 )
tables.c:                    race->attribs[EYE_COLOR] = 0;
tables.c:                        SET_BIT( race->attribs[EYE_COLOR], 1 << i );
tables.c:                if( race->attribs[SKIN_TONE] == -1 )
tables.c:                    race->attribs[SKIN_TONE] = 0;
tables.c:                        SET_BIT( race->attribs[SKIN_TONE], 1 << i );
tables.c:                if( race->attribs[RACE_BUILD] == -1 )
tables.c:                    race->attribs[RACE_BUILD] = 0;
tables.c:                        SET_BIT( race->attribs[RACE_BUILD], 1 << i );
tables.c:                if( race->attribs[RACE_HEIGHT] == -1 )
tables.c:                    race->attribs[RACE_HEIGHT] = 0;
tables.c:                        SET_BIT( race->attribs[RACE_HEIGHT], 1 << i );
tables.c:                    if( race->attribs[i] == -1 )
tables.c:                        SET_BIT( race->attribs, HAIR_COLORS );
tables.c:	    KEY( "Exp_Mult",	race->exp_multiplier,	fread_number( fp )	);
tables.c:	    KEY( "Int_Plus",	race->int_plus,		fread_number( fp )	);
tables.c:            KEY( "HairColor",   race->attribs[HAIR_COLOR], fread_number( fp )   );
tables.c:            KEY( "HairLength",  race->attribs[HAIR_LENGTH],fread_number( fp )   );
tables.c:            KEY( "Height",	race->height,		fread_number( fp )	);
tables.c:	    KEY( "Hit",		race->hit,		fread_number( fp )	);
tables.c:	    KEY( "HP_Regen",	race->hp_regen,		fread_number( fp )	);
tables.c:	    KEY( "Hunger_Mod",	race->hunger_mod,	fread_number( fp )	);
tables.c:	    KEY( "Language",	race->language,		fread_number( fp )	);
tables.c:	    KEY( "Lck_Plus",	race->lck_plus,		fread_number( fp )	);
tables.c:	    KEY( "Mana",	race->mana,		fread_number( fp )	);
tables.c:	    KEY( "Mana_Regen",	race->mana_regen,	fread_number( fp )	);
tables.c:	    KEY( "Min_Align",	race->minalign,		fread_number( fp )	);
tables.c:	    KEY( "Max_Align",	race->maxalign,		fread_number( fp )	);
tables.c:            KEY( "RaceHeight",  race->attribs[RACE_BUILD],   fread_number( fp )   );
tables.c:	    KEY( "Race_Recall",	race->race_recall,	fread_number( fp )	);
tables.c:	    KEY( "Resist",	race->resist,		fread_number( fp )	);
tables.c:            KEY( "Str_Plus",	race->str_plus,		fread_number( fp )	);
tables.c:            KEY( "SkinTone",    race->attribs[SKIN_TONE],fread_number( fp )      );
tables.c:	    KEY( "Suscept",	race->suscept,		fread_number( fp )	);
tables.c:	    KEY( "Thirst_Mod",	race->thirst_mod,	fread_number( fp )	);
tables.c:	    KEY( "Weight",	race->weight,		fread_number( fp )	);
tables.c:	    KEY( "Wis_Plus",	race->wis_plus,		fread_number( fp )	);
tables.c:		    race->where_name[wear] = fread_string_nohash( fp );
tables.c:             sprintf(race->race_name,"%-.16s",race_name);
update.c:	    if ( ch->pcdata->nuisance->flags < MAX_NUISANCE_STAGE )
update.c:	     temp = ch->pcdata->nuisance->max_time-ch->pcdata->nuisance->time;
update.c: 	     temp *= ch->pcdata->nuisance->flags;
update.c:	     temp += ch->pcdata->nuisance->time;
update.c:		    ch->pcdata->nuisance->flags++;
update.c:		value = ((0 - ch->pcdata->nuisance->flags)*ch->pcdata->nuisance->power);
update.c:	tele_next = tele->next;
update.c:	if ( --tele->timer <= 0 )
update.c:	    if ( tele->room->first_person )
update.c:		if ( IS_SET( tele->room->room_flags, ROOM_TELESHOWDESC ) )
update.c:		  teleport( tele->room->first_person, tele->room->tele_vnum,
update.c:		  teleport( tele->room->first_person, tele->room->tele_vnum,
update.c:        for( trun = timesize-1 ; trun >= 0 ; trun-- )
update.c:    for ( trun = timesize-1; trun >= 0; trun-- )
update.c:      !set_boot_time->manual )
update.c:  etime->tv_sec -= stime->tv_sec;
update.c:  etime->tv_usec -= stime->tv_usec;
update.c:  while ( etime->tv_usec < 0 )
update.c:    etime->tv_usec += 1000000;
update.c:    etime->tv_sec--;
vendor.c:  fprintf( fp, "Home     %d\n", mob->home->vnum );
websvr.c: * Insanity v0.9a pre-release Modifications
websvr.c:	web_desc_free = web_desc_free->next;