 *  _______  _        ______            _______  _______           ______   *
 * (  ____ \( \      (  __  \ |\     /|(  ___  )(       )|\     /|(  __  \  *
 * | (    \/| (      | (  \  )| )   ( || (   ) || () () || )   ( || (  \  ) *
 * | (__    | |      | |   ) || (___) || (___) || || || || |   | || |   ) | *
 * |  __)   | |      | |   | ||  ___  ||  ___  || |(_)| || |   | || |   | | *
 * | (      | |      | |   ) || (   ) || (   ) || |   | || |   | || |   ) | *
 * | (____/\| (____/\| (__/  )| )   ( || )   ( || )   ( || (___) || (__/  ) *
 * (_______/(_______/(______/ |/     \||/     \||/     \|(_______)(______/  *
 *      EldhaMUD2.2.5 Copyright 2003-2008 by Robert Powell (The_Fury)       *
                     Eldhamud 2.2.5 code release: README

 It has been a number of years since i have made a code release of the Eldhamud
 code. There have been a number of factors that have stoped me from releasing 
 the code up until now, none of which need to be discussed here. But alas, i have
 taken the plunge again and have decided to make a release of the most current 
 version of code, Eldhamud.2.5

 What i have tryed to do with this release is to make it a more generic and theme
 non specific so that others can take this code and with a little modification
 be able to start a game in any style and theme. It is more of a game framework
 than a complete game engine.

 1. There are no races given.
 2. There are no classes given.
 3. There are no class specific skills.
 4. There are no class specific spells.
 5. There are no areas.

 Altho Eldhamud has been derived from SmaugFUSS, it no longer contains many of 
 the same elements smaug does. Things like vampires, polymorphs and a heap of 
 other redundant code have been removed, if it was not somthing that i would
 personally used in a game, it has been ripped out, so dont expect this release
 to be an extention to the features of smaug, because its not. The code has been
 gutted of many smaug features and as i find things that dont need to be there, 
 they too are removed.

 I think at last check Eldhamud 2.2.5 weights in at about 100K lines of code, and 
 that includes many of the newer features that i have added in. 

 As with many other muds and codebases, ELdhaMUD 2.5 has poor documentation,
 this is mostly because i have been lazy and because i have been teaching myself
 to code, later in this document i will try and outline some of the things that
 will need to be changed to make a complete game. I believe that the help files
 are mostly uptodate, there will be some discrepencies, i know that mobs and obj
 no longer have many settable elements as i have turned them all over to be handled
 in code, rather than to leave game balance in the hands of builders.
 I will be offering minimal support via the forums at http://fury.eldhamud2.org
 I cannot say that i will be able to help, but i will try my best to do so.
 This code has bugs in it, make no mistake about it, there are bugs and it will
 crash from time to time, that is just the nature of the beast. It is however 
 pretty damn stable, with uptimes in the order of weeks to months on my main server
 being pretty common. 
 Thank you,
 Robert Powell, aka Tommi of EldhaMUD, The Oakland Chronicles.