950609	Hacklog begins anew.
	Attempting to combine some of the hacks I did earlier with the version
	that actually works.
  1826	combined magic[123].c into magic.c and spells[123].c into spells.c.
  2008	fixed signal handling for Linux.
  2025	changed default whod to only show character names... not titles.
  2035	eliminated log(), dlog(), and slog() functions from utils.c.
	added dlog() macro to bug.h and changed the two slog() calls into
	standard log() calls.
  2051	created act_comm.h file for function definitions.
  2345	restored old database routines so it should load the old format of
  0145	started removing all external references from all .c files... those
	should be in header files!!!
  0437	use more tricks from the running wiley..... dead bodies now have
	corpses, and you default to sleeping when you reappear in the inn.
  0345	finally fixed a few nagging bugs.  nanny() has been rewritten.
	old routines like send_to_char() have been replaced with varargs
	routines like cprintf().  Now all places that used to sprintf to
	a local scratch var should be redone.... <sigh>.
	Rent is now done properly.  Pro-rated by the second and rounded
	to the nearest gold piece (truncated actually).
	I believe the code is now stable enough to try indenting and
	removing warnings.  This is now a backup copy that will run
	on a seperate port for testing, in case I'm wrong!
  0354	did a global sed on all files:
  0402	ran all source through indent.
  0412	It compiled perfectly.... warning debugging can begin tomorrow then!
  0300	fixed a bug in suicide.
	changed prompt and fixed a bug in do_score.
  0500	changed who format and added more whod options.
  0530	made most menus file-based instead of hard-coded.
	changed group command to only allow the group leader to add
	people who are +/- 20%+1 of their level... thus a 2nd level
	character can only group with 1-3rd level.  a 10th level could
	group with 7-13th, a 40th would be ok with 31-49th.
	We can adjust this figure if that sounds bad.
  1120	caused villagers to wake people up on a 25% chance (always if they
	start following you).
  0412	fixed bug in villager code.
  0446	added argument to score command (for immortals only).
  0456	began ridding the code of warnings.
	yywrap.c is clean.
	bug.c is almost clean:
global.h:462: warning: function declaration isn't a prototype
global.h:1144: warning: function declaration isn't a prototype
	these are from declarations and typedefs of the form:
	form: foo (*bar)();
	I don't know an easy and correct way to eliminate them.
	sound.c is almost clean.
	hash.c is almost clean.
	sign.c is almost clean.
	signals.c is almost clean.
	added a signals.h header file.
	magic_utils.c is almost clean.
  1234	fixed long-standing bug in act(), comm.c.  Checks for invalid
	character or location when doing a TO_ROOM action.
  1348	multiclass.c is almost clean.
  1404	act_social.c is almost clean.
  1513	changed do_who() command to allow NPC's to use who.
	Why would an unswitched npc ever use it?
  1547	trap.c would be clean if character attributes were not chars.
	We should change them to ints, but to do so would invalidate
	the player files... so until we get the ASCII save routines
	done and in place, we can't do anything about it.
  1701	changed do_look() so that one cannot see outdoors after dark.
	(if the moon is not new, you can see monsters.)
  0331	tweaked do_look() a bit more to allow for dark hours between
	sunset/moonrise and especially moonset/sunrise.  also changed
	do_exits() in a similar fashion.
  0530	a bit more tweaking... added in cloud-cover.
	also, made hunger and thirst more devastating.  They do damage
	now and can kill you!
  0600	changed switch command to try finding mob in room first.
	added ascii player save function.... this saves the char_file_u
	structure, rather than directly from the char_data.  Done for
	ease of porting for now.... will add read routines later.  Treat
	this as a report file until they are in.
  1354	gave immortals the ability to walk through closed doors.
  1655	found crasher in who routines... when whod ran through the character
	list, it didn't check for linkdead people, and thus segfaulted when
	it tried to access their descriptor for the idle time.
  1430	Neatened up the door-walk routine a little....
  0212	Fixed bugs in score... including sneak bug.
  0341	got order of class names right.
  1830	Fixed bug in score... uncleared buffer made a mess of affects.
	Made Eli tell evil people he won't heal them instead of just ignoring
	them... this should help people figure out why he heals villagers but
	not them after they slaughter lots of children.
  0530	Fixed a few more bugs (including pretitle) and neatened up code a bit.
	Set my room and muidnar's room to be rent areas.
  1519	Added fuzz(x) function to utils.c.  The returns a random number from
	-x to x, which can be used to slightly adjust things like zone
	reset times, etc...
  0305	added a red dragon to the polymorph list (wiz only), and fixed the
	parser for that spell.  Started renaming levels (mage is done).
  2100	added "all" argument to restore.. will replace restoreall command.
	changed hunger again.. you don't lose move now.
	changed score a bit more....
	player tracking now complete.
  0353	added a reset command to reset zones by hand.
	added a skeleton event command, which will allow wizards to do
	complex events with minimal effort... such as loading lots of
	rats into Shylar, or bringing forth a goblin raid.
  1654	rat event done.. may need some tuning yet.
	must be set to NOT load mobs into rooms which are peaceful, or
	which have no exits.
  0600	added a zone purge command.
	fixed up rat event a bit.... seems ok now.
	fixed say bug when using ' command.
  1330	changed lightning bolt spell damage to be uncapped
        (L/10+ L/3 + 1)d6.... this provides a slightly lower damage at low
	levels but considerably higher damage at upper levels.  Unlike magic
	missile, one should be able to channel more electricity as they get
	higher (mm has a physical limit on the number of missiles shot).
	Also changed rat exp worth.
	Also changed fireball from L/5 to L/3.
  2123	Hacked the shit out of the zombie master routines.
	Added our friendly mosquitos to the game.
  0600	Fixed all the bugs I could find in zombie master's new routine.
	MUCH more intelligent now.
	added event to bring xenthia and a few followers into the world.
	be careful around shylar.... highstaff is ok but she won't last
	long!  OUt in the woods or the mountains is great.
	Shylar is ok, IF a few higher levels are on to take care of her.
	EVENTUALLY, code will be written to force her zombie hoard to
	disperse and attack Shylar when it hits 50 strong.
	(randomly distribute them throught the shylar zone until they
	are all gone... make them not follow her... make them aggressive,
	also make other mobs hate them... so the villagers will help)
	Added hate flags back to lovitar!
  0700	Caught Steve cheating like a dog.  Wasted time dealing with him.
	Made defines for command numbers, and changed COMMANDO() calls
	to use them instead of the hard numbers.... This should let us
	shuffle the order around later and get rid of all the socials.
	Must go through all the code that is called by them (do_*) and
	change hard coded numbers to the defines.
  0600	Tweaked gain routines a little more.
	Found tics and reset them to 70 seconds (70 *4 instead of 75 * 5)
	Added in a line to randomize it by adding 20 seconds.... commented
	out until I see if the game CAN keep up with 70 second tics.
	If so, I'll add it in so tics will be 60..80 seconds.
  0831	Rewrote tick handling to use seperate counters... this makes it
	easier to see how long until the next tick occurs.... we will need
	to synchronize ticks with realtime somehow... I can't find anywhere
	that does this, so I think that's why it gets so far off.
	Tweaked a few more numbers.... ticks should now be between
	70 and 95 seconds... 
	Added ticks command to give a full summary of tick info.
	Added feature to tell immortals when the next tick will happen.
  1715	Caused meat to spoil.
	Fixed invis level to work as described.
	Fixed bug in dispel_magic... more to be done.. lots of hardcoding.
	Possible Muidnar hack fixed :)
  0700	Made Eli cast refresh and bless people (make them less evil)
	Also made him cast fear at anyone > 4th level who was -900 align
  1842	Did a little bit of the prototyping for future genericism of
	spellcasting.  rangers seem to have been hacked into casting, instead
	of changing spell_info_type as should have been done... we'll have
	to change that later to accomodate druids and future classes.
  1720	Hacked in ascii restore files... not fully working yet.
	also redid who a bit to include start time.
  1000	Got ascii save routines to work finally.  Tweaks to axe code and
	who routines.  bug fixes for do_invis and a couple others.. minor.
	The save routines are the biggies... we can now edit player files
	with vi directly.  object save files should be next.
  0700	Hopefully have Xenthia coded to disperse most of her army to Shylar
	when she gets 50 of them!  This will be cool if it works.
	Fixed a couple more little things.
  0506	Yup.. haven't kept loggint thigns :)
	Added taunting to players who get killed: "A villager mocks..."
	Cleaned up spells a bit.... up to the c's.
950919	Quixadhal
  0630	EEK!  No logs!  Argh!  Ok, fixed astral a bit more....
	Also changed whod to we level 59ers are something more than just
	a Whizz... :)
950922  Sedna
  0417  Had a really bad day at work and decided to take it out on wiley
        players... :^)  I made the butler friends with the banker.  That
        is, if you have less gold on you than what it takes to rent, you
        can rent with what you have in the bank.  Conversely, if you re-
        enter the game and ran out of gold in your pocket, the game will
        deduct the difference from your bank account, telling you:
        "You ran out of gold and had to make a quick trip to the bank."

        It will call you a deadbeat only after draining both your pocket
        and your bankbook.  :^)
951003	Dirk
  1800	Added cure blindness and remove poison to Eli, but only if you are
	very good (above 750 align) Right now it's cut and pasted from the
	other ones, so if you are under 750 and need help, he will either
	say you are wicked, or bless you. I may change that, so he won't
	cast bless on you if you are under 750. You'll just need to be that
	good for him to help you.
  1950	Added the hack where he won't bless you now if you're under 750, he'll
	just tell you that you aren't good enough, and he will let you suffer
951106  Sedna
  0140  Wrote a line in act_comm.c which sends a message to player when they
        appear which is identical to the message they receive when invisibility
        wears off.  "You feel exposed."
951119	Quixadhal
  0332	Lots of changes have not been logged... Here are a few.
	o	Modified group code so that it works correctly.
		People can group withing lvl/2 of their leader.
		group members no longer get pasted by area affects.
		exp is PROPERLY distributed to all group members, but
		people who are not in the room will get 1/10 of their share.
		NOTE: the other 9/10 is LOST as a penalty for the rest of
		the group to discourage wimps and slackers.
	o	summoning/animate spells now have a chance of making the
		target turn on the caster.... wouldn't YOU be pissed?
	o	colour-spray can paralyze very low level monsters.
	o	meat spoils and becomes poisonous.
	o	a village guard patrols shylar.
	o	charm monster/charm person are now based on the humanoid
		status of the target.
	o	registered players get a 10% exp bonus, but can no longer
		disable summon or teleport.  Also, anyone can now tell
		a reg'd player by looking at them.
	o	added a rentmode command to enable/disable rent costs.
		it should eventually save the state in a file, but for
		now you can toggle it by hand.
	o	added more parameters to pset command.
	o	removed nasties that had energy_drain spells from the
		undead mobs in event undead.... that was too much.
	o	probably more changes that I can't recall.. but that's what
		I get for ignoring logs.... let's all promise to be nice
		hackers and keep this file up to date ok?
  0518	Added messages for rebooting... also neatened up the time command.
	Made Eli turn undead.
	Should change spell_turn() in magic.c so that:
		if the caster is good and they are maybe twice as high level
		as the mob, the mob should be killed instead of forced to
		if the caster is evil and they are twice as high, the mob
		should become a follower for a limited duration.
		(IE: charm monster)
951125	Quixadhal
  1944	Hacked comm.c to retry socket initialization every second for a minute.
951130  Sedna
        Modified the act_mobile to stop a mob from following a player after
		their charm wears off.
	Modified the puke function so that instead of a simple emote, it
		actually deducts 2 from the player's fullness and does one
		point of hit damage for puking.
951203	Quixadhal
  2102	Fixed puke and exempted gods from the damaging effects.
	Reclaimed immortal status for myself alone while the minor Gods
	shuffle and fight amongst themselves.
951209	Quixadhal
  1754	Fixed exit command to be friendly to immortals.
951210	Quixadhal
  2334	Modified stat command, added doh social, added half-done clone
	spell.  Minor tweaks that I forgot to log yesterday.
  0006	Removed cust command... replaced with more useful doh emote :)
	Removed lroom command... replaced with " alias for tell.
	Modified interpreter to allow no-spaces between ' " , and : for
	the say, tell, gtell, and emote commands resp.
  0101	Prevented slaying of greater gods by lesser gods... they have to
	kill us the hard way.
  0118	Made emote tell you "You emote: ..." if echo is on.
951213	Quixadhal
  2330	Alphabetized the spell assignment lists in spell_parser.c.
  2235	Hacked rent-mode so it accepts an argument... this is a floating
	point number which is the rent multiplier.  IE: rentmode 1.5 should
	make things cost half again as much as usual.
  2356	Fixed restore to disallow any but "all" for < 56th level... we
	can now free the restoreall command slot.
951214	Quixadhal
  0300	Started cleaning out old files.  Freed up about 20 Meg!
  0339	Fixed stat to work properly with objects and mobs... It still has the
	bug of not loading a mob if one doesn't exist in the world, but that
	is relatively minor.
  0349	Changed whod for the external port so it doesn't show invis/hidden
	people.  It also no longer shows the room, regardless of whod settings.
	Make people log in to find out where someone is.  It WILL show those
	who are in dark areas though.
  0354	Changed system command to wall, allspells to just spells.
  0427	Added a randomized error message routine instead of just "Pardon?".
	Also made the idea/bug/typo messages more interesting.
	Maybe someone will use them...
  0445	Closed a few more security holes.  Maybe fixed noshout... I'm not
	clear on how the flags actually are used yet.
  0450	Disabled saving of binary player files...
  1554	Added CAN_CAST function to spell_parser.c.  This determines if a
	character can cast the spell in question.  It uses both their
	level and the antiquated HasClass() function that we want to do
	away with.
951216	Quixadhal
  1415	Fixed special routine display for rooms.
  0224	inlined several functions from utils.c and converted a few to use
	system calls instead of the old versions (str_cmp == strcasecmp).
  0257	Replaced lots of hard-coded "<6" with "< ABS_MAX_CLASS", or
	"< MAX_NUM_EXITS" as appropriate... now we work on "<=5"
  0317	Created new NAME() macro.  This one works on both players and
	mobs, returning the name or short_descr field, respectively.
	It also returns "" if passed a NULL pointer, better than a
  0337	Changed the consider command.  It now introduces a fuzz factor
	into the level difference.. should make it even more random, and
	more importanly, it should give slightly different messages for
	the same mobs.
  0356	Replaced all "<=5" with exits/class defines.  We are now one step
	closer to being able to add more classes.
  0433	I believe I've modified do_stat so that a given mob will be
	created if none exist in the world at all.  Thus, if you type
	"stat mob eli" (or his vnum), it should first look in the room
	you are in.  If no eli is present, it will look in the world.
	If no eli can be found in the entire world, it will try to search
	the mob table for the first match of eli.  If one is found, an
	eli will be loaded where you stand and then stat will continue.
  0440	Fixed trans so wizards cannot summon above their station.
  0815	Skeleton of merged guildmaster routine is done.  This still needs
	some work to integrate all classes and skills, but I think this
	will wait until skills and non-magi have been merged into the
	single spell_info structure.
951218	Quixadhal
  0146	Got falling/drowning code back online.
	Fixed a bug with passing null pointers to strcmp().
	Made guildmasters congratulate people for gaining a level.
	Made eli "congratulate" people for registering.
	Made Ned charge an extra 250 gold to look at a nut.
  1715	Removed code for Cyric's new database format.  Some of it anyways.
	myerror.h is no longer present.
  1858	Fixed minor bug in date stamping routine... tm_mon is the month
	number from 0..11, so we had to add 1 for human consumption.
	Also fixed a bug in optimization of dice()... oops!  I think it
	is correct now.
	First official PURGE of the player base!  We cut out 1/4 of the
	users for inactivity.  Basically, I deleted anyone who did not
	have a text-based save file.  Also added a datestamp to the
	player list dump.
  2354	Fixed prompts to distinguish between immortals who are switched
	and mortals who are polymorphed.
951219	Quixadhal
  0154	Added a map command, which if it looks nice, may replace the exits
	command.  It is quasi-graphical.
  0412	Made chill touch spell force undead to flee if they fail their save.
  0433	Replaced more assert()'s with if() return's in magic.c.
	Removed bug() statements from NudgeNudge.
	Time to compile one last time tonight.... the modems supposedly
	will die at 5am, so I have to get outta here!
  0446	Added a description for cure_XXX spells so the person doing the
	healing can see how well it works.
  1703	Made experimental map command (graphical exits) available to mortals.
	Fixed falling bug (I hope!) that got the sector types of the wrong room.
  1801	Improved drowning routine so that people have a chance of drowning
	if in any water sector, not just underwater.  Based off their swimming
  2213	Recoded earthquake spell!  It is much more powerful now and does damage
	in adjacent rooms!  It also requires one of three objects for a
	material component... one can be found in Highstaff!
951220	Quixadhal
  0430	Fixed minor bug with printing uninitialized buffer variable in the
	remove command for message boards... Removed both the print statement
	and the buffer, since it wasn't used!
  0510	Added timestamp to players log.
  0520	Added immortal announcement when an imp logs in.
  1630	Took the first step in eliminating seperate class tables and
	began merging the seperate "spells" block into "spell_info".
951221	Quixadhal
  0131	Almost completed removing spells.  It is still used in a couple of
	sticky places... I'll replace those AFTER verifying that it has
	worked for all the other commands.
  0137	Global search and replace... spells_to_learn -> pracs.
  0836	Finished creating new type 'C' mob.  This is my first draft at a
	replacement format for the mob file.  Allows class setting so perhaps
	we can do generic guildmasters and similar automatic class sensing.
  1530	Made tell work like say.. that is use the punctuation at the end.
  2120	Added support for ascii equipment files.  The writing routines are
	in place, but a reader must be written.  Slightly tricky to get the
	container/contained relationship right.  Also eliminate all references
	to spells and r_spells.
  2250	Fixed up no-magic rooms properly.... added more class checking routines
	for future extensions: IsWizard, IsPriest, IsSneak, etc...
951222	Quixadhal
  0042	Added encryption to password entries.  We still support the old
	passwords, but no longer write them out in clear text.
  0044	Fixed suicide to also rename .obj files.
  0201	Encrypted passwords are now functional.
	Support for restoring objects to their former positions (wielded or
	inside containers) has been added.
  0525	Fixed prompts to distinguish between switched immortals, polymorphed
	players, normal players, and normal immortals.
	Changed many messages, especially in do_cast().  Allowed mobs to cast
	if the CanCast() function allows it... IE: If they have one of the
	magical classes set.  This means only type 'C' mobs and those generated
	by spells or special routines.
	Added a save of all equipment immediately upon entry to the game
	because Cultist had himself seen briefly as carrying only one object
	when he had a whole bunch... This seems to have fixed it.
  2024	Started writing ascii object reader.
	Changed do_cast() some more... mana loss now varies based on your
	spellcraft and meditation abilities.  More random messages too!
951223	Quixadhal
  0519	Rewrote puff() again.  Simplified a bit.  The values may need
	tweaking if he does stuff too often.
951229	Quixadhal
  0608	Fixed a grouping bug caused by the variable victlvl not being
	initialized properly.
  0715	Added IsAvian and IsDraconic functions.
	Gave Dragons hands (HasHands is now true for them).
  0720	Found a design flaw with the hatred/fear system... (big surprise!)
	There are two interfaces to determine if one creature hates
	another... one is the Hates() function, the other is the
	FindAHatee() function.  The first says "does a hate b?", while
	the second says "who in the room do I hate?"
	Problem:  In some places this is used as you'd expect...
		"Can I clobber this creature?"
		However, in others it is "do I presently hate them?"
	The distinction is:  if we make Hates() also check things like	
	visibility (it does), paralysis, immortality of victim, etc...
	then when  the second question is asked, we will give the wrong
	answer.  If we don't check those, the first question will fail.
	The only solution I can find is:
		DoesHate() - says "do I hate this person?"
		CanHate() - says "can I kill this person by hatred?"
960105	Quixadhal
  0512	Added a check to the CheckKill() function which says if the
	victim is POSITION_DEAD, return FALSE.  This should keep the
	upper level calls to hit() and such from crashing due to
	hitting dead people.  Also moved functionality to CanKill,
	which accepts a string to be printed on failure... such as
	"You can't bring yourself to backstab %s.\n\r"
	CheckKill is a small inline that calls CanKill with the
	traditional "It doesn't affect %s.\n\r".
960106	Quixadhal
  0400	Hopefully fixed a bug with guildmasters shouting... optimized the
	code for GainLevel while I was at it.
  0749	Cleaned up comm.c a little bit.... got rid of UNIX_COMM stuff.
  1208	Finally figured out dependancy rules well enough to move all the
	object files into a subdirectory properly.  obj/ now contains all
	object files so they are out of sight.
  1210	Guildmasters now won't teach anything that is 20 levels BELOW their
	own level.  This means guildmasters now have a "window" of 10 levels.
	IE:  If the guildmaster is 15th level, he will teach up to 5th level
	skills.  If the guildmaster is 25th level, he will teach skills that
	fall between 5th and 15th level.  This ALSO means that the 25th
	level guildmaster will NOT teach 1st through 5th level skills, and
	they ALSO will not train anyone who is less than 5th level!  So if
	a newbie makes his way to Highstaff, he has to go back to Shylar
	to train. <snicker>
  1702	Added two more (!) fields to ASSIGN_SPELL().... We now also keep a
	generic level and generic class field.  If a guildmaster is generic,
	he can teach any skill whose generic level falls into his range.
	He will teach it to anyone who has one (or more) of the classes
	that is stored in the generic class bitmask.  Hence we have
	spellcraft at glev 7, gcl CLASS_MAGICAL = any mage, cleric, druid,
	or ranger can learn this skill at level 7.
  1722	Mage, Cleric, Thief and Ranger guildmaster routines are now all
	nearly identical...  With a clever table of response messages, I
	think I can reduce them to a single guildmaster routine soon.
960109	Quixadhal
  1851	Fixed small bug in Congratulations message from guildmasters.
960110	Quixadhal
  2034	Fixed bug with practice in guildmaster routines.... We can't use
	GET_LEVEL() until we have a unified routine AND the mobs actually
	have classes... had to switch back to GetMaxLevel().
960111	Quixadhal
  1858	Changed PULSE_LAW to PULSE_REBOOT since we only do reboot checking
960217	Quixadhal
  1350	Changed move so that immortals can enter private rooms.
	Also did more work on reception.  ASCII object saves may be fixed.
960225	Quixadhal
  0710	Raised gredth guildmasters to level 35.. this should let them
	train levels 16 to 25, thus not overlapping with Highstaff's
	6 to 15 anymore.  Level 25+ needs to be done in SR. (Dirk!!!)
	WHile doing so, I tweaked my type 'C' mobs a bit... you should now
	be able to specify stats by dice rolls OR constants... IE:
	I made the cleric guildmaster have: 3d6 0 3d6 3d6 1d6+12 18
	A 0 for saving throws means "you figure it out"
  0730	Hooray!  It seems to have worked.  The old man cleric in gredth
	has a 7 strength, but 18 int and wisdom.  He successfully trained
	a 15th level cleric to 16th.  Perhaps I should allow one level of
	overlap like practice... hmmmmm... we'll see.. time to sleep now.
960226	Quixadhal
  0530	Changed at command to use the same search technique as score.
	This was because earlier today I found at 3.goblin didn't work!
  0602	Redid 'C' mob loader... now uses fread_dice() throughout... this
	function scans in a dice roll of the format xdy+z and allows you
	to omit y and z, which default to 1 and 0.  z can also be negative,
	but do NOT use spaces or omit x.
  0610	Changed fight.c so that mobs gain exp for pkilling, just like
	players do... 500xp per level at present.  I think I'd also like
	mobs to gain levels if they get enough exp. <grin>
  0634	Cut out deadwood from utils.c.  Removed olc support since it was
	never fully finished and won't be under my reign.  My inheritor
	can grab the old code (or SillyMUD where it came from) if he/she
	wants it.
  0740	Redid weather.c and optimized a bit.  Group experience redid...
	I hope it works better now.
  0800	Fixed bug with axe routine... when you are forced to attack a
	player, it got the name wrong.... also touched up group exp code
	and added a log statement to try and see if it's working right.
  0830	YES!  Fixed it... can you believe GetSecMaxLev and GetThirdMaxLev
	were off by one?  They were returning third and fourth highest
	levels, and thus dropping to zero.  Also made it so that kill
	comes before kiss in the command lookups, and made you enter
	the game grouped with yourself.
  0845	Added synonyms of "me" and "myself" to get_char_vis() routines.
	This won't do everything, but it's a start.
  1630	Fixed bug in moon-phase caused by stupid 1..32 indexing instead of
	normal C 0..31.  Thanks Sedna!
960227	Quixadhal
  0500	Tweaked experience code a bit... multi-classes should be ok.
	Changed astral-traveller to use fname(GET_NAME(x)), so we should
	get "goblin" instead of "a goblin" I hope.
	mobs now gain levels!  If your mob manages to get enough exp,
	he will go up a level now, reaping the benefits.  Hence, if you
	mobs stay alive, they can get more powerful... however, it also
	works with mobs who kill people.
	New event added:  goodies.  Will scatter gold around the zone
	and a few objects and thieves/bandits/etc... some of themobs
	are bigger, some are tiny.... good for mid-levelers, or newbies
	if a few mids are on to help.
960228	Quixadhal
  0535	Tweaked mob exp a bit more.  Mobs now only gain 1/4 what players
	do.... but they only NEED 1/20 to level.  So they level four
	times as fast, but don't become worth so much exp.
	Fixed score so that mobs doing score get the right display.
960301	Quixadhal
  1324	TOTALLY changed experience tables!  Don't HIT me!  Damnit!
	Sorry, but this was LONG overdue... as has been said before,
	this mud wasn't DESIGNED for 50 levels... it started life with
	only 20 levels and got HACKED!  The experience tables need to
	keep it challenging, as it is NOT.  If you doubt, look at this
	fact.  Dorn took a good 10 DAYS of playing time to get his
	character up to level 20.... he then proceeded to get up to
	level 30 in about a week (not playing time... elapsed time).
	Thus level 30 didn't mean as much as level 20.  If we're gonna
	have 50 levels, they need to be 50 level's worth of pain.
	Changed earthquake back to the old one for now.... damn bugs.
  1330	Maybe closed a small bug that let non-grouped PC followers
	get a share of the leftover exp.  I saw this happen once.
  1335	Added fun effects to quaffing from fountains. <grin>
960302	Quixadhal
  0507	Changed fountain so it only does the special thing if
	you are thirsty (or a god)... Also changed polymorph self
	spell so it is more random (I hope!).
  0601	Damn... I have to get back to my story!
	Well, instead, I made corpses have a 40/60 chance of coming
	back to life as a RANDOM UNDEAD!  If this happens in Shylar,
	It will be a wimpy one...  Also added a bury command which
	lets people put their corpses to rest... They get an extra
	50..100 exp for doing so, and their alignment shifts 5..50
	towards good.  They also incur 4 wait states as penalty.
  0607	Correction... if zone is Shylar (10), we don't do this at all.
960308	Quixadhal
  1609	Changed bury to take items on the corpse with it to the grave.
	Added a sign and pen to the minor creation spell... thanks Dorn!
  1629	Changed objects for elemental summoning.
960313	Quixadhal
  0200	Sedna did some stuff for new spells that aren't documented yet.
	I fiddled with one of them and maybe fixed it... maybe...
960315	Sedna
  0857	Trying to add the standard special procedures for summoned monsters.
        Also, have changed turn to include the ability of good priests to
	slay undead if two saving throws fail, and charm for evil priests.
	Have added goodberry to ranger spells and added new spell (astral
	vision) to clerics.
960321	Quixadhal
  2245	Added costs for gaining levels....
960319	Sedna
  ????  Gave summoned mobs the abilities that members of their race should
        have.  For example, summoned ghasts and ghouls can paralyze.
        Summoned dwarven clerics and ogre magi can cast as well.
960327	Quixadhal
  2115	Added a desecrate command as equivalent to bury, but evil!
  2155	HOPEFULLY modified code for zombies that rise or are created with
	animate dead so they wear all their equipment.  I also modified
	the wear command so it should try to wear weapons (wield).... thus
	wear all might be sufficient to ready yourself for combat.  This is
	MOSTLY for mobs as there is now "wield all" or "wield any" command.
960529	Quixadhal
  0500	gcc 2.7.2 doesn't like wiley.... so since I have to go through
	and fix all the things -w was hiding, I removed send_to_char and
	replaced them all with cprintf.
  0530	Got up to act_off.c.  Decided to also rework all log() macros to
	remove sprintf(buf, fjdklsa);log(buf); pairs....
960610	Quixadhal
  1351	Got all warnings removed from source except two prototype
	complaints that have to do with the funcp declarations.
	Fixed numerous tiny bugs throughtout the source as this
960612	Quixadhal
  0234	Began splitting spec_procs.c up into seperate modules.
	I will probably also merge mob_actions.c into the new
	specials.c.  I expect to have a main specials.c, which
	will contain general routines and defaults, and then
	each special routine will be in its own file.  The
	include/specials.h will then have prototypes for all
	special routines (as it does now).
960617	Quixadhal
  0048	Moved mkworld and sign into utils subdirectory.
961011	Sedna
  1320	Fixed bug in colour spray which prevented registered players from
	being affected by the spell.
980917	Quixadhal
  1937	Restored this mess from backup tapes.  I have no idea if I will really
	do any work with it again, but if I don't, no one else will.  Perhaps
	I can work with Jettero to some degree.  He may accept some parts of
	Wiley in his own lpmud.
  1952	Changed all occurances of dprintf() to dcprintf() to avoid a conflict
	with the newer libgcc function.
981005	Quixadhal
  1500	Fixed a few things.  Compilation requires -static for some reason
	under this versio of glibc.  Bizzare.  Memory handling seems more
	picky nowadays... it crashes on things it used to allow (and probably
	leak).  Attempting to add validation strings to some variables.
  1530	Will attempt to remove some of the creeping featurism that changed
	the way the game felt.  To start with, allow Tate to heal evil
	people in Shylar... and make the random undead rising code percentage
	vary based on the moon phase (add a moon phase and a way to find
	out what it is).
  2300	Hacked stat routine to list function names in mobs with specials.
981010	Quixadhal
  0500	Fixed Tate up to be "nice".
980402	Quixadhal
  0000	Reduced spam from puff.
000802	Quixadhal
  0140	Started hacking makefile to work with modern linux again.
  2222	Fixed reset_q bug by declaring it in db.c instead of db.h... how
	did this work to begin with???
000804	Quixadhal
  0058	Removed MOST of the calls to malloc/calloc/free and used the utils.h
	macro CREATE/et. al.... centralized error trapping.
031126	Quixadhal
  2155	Got things going under Slackware linux again.
040724	Quixadhal
  0240	Finally tracked down obscure fclose() bug that crept in since gcc 3.4
	Things are running again under Debian!
040725	Quixadhal
  1427	Changed do_debug command to accept on/off as params, or to toggle the
        debug state.  DEBUG2 variable removed, as it was unused.
040809	Quixadhal
  0319	A few more cleanups.
  0750	Restored OLD signal handling, sigaction seems to be a bit flaky.
  0846	Made a proper init.d script for debian.
	Also revamped my old .indent.pro file.
040810	Quixadhal
  0510	Removed log() from bug.c and converted all logs to dlogs or bugs.
	Ran all code through indent to neaten it up a bit.
  0717	Restored original DikuMUD license.... who was the naughty person that
	"lost" that file, eh?  Also restored creators names to the login screen.
	I'm sure lots of code was grafted from OTHER diku derivatives as well, but
	there is no record, and I haven't the time to do a code audit against every
	other codebase out there.  Suffice it to say, if *I* use code from elsewhere,
	it will be documented!
040813	Quixadhal
  0418	Converted act() to use varargs, and tracked down a weird bug that showed up
	as a result.  Apparently when you use vsprintf(), you get the string "(null)"
	wherever a %s maps to a NULL pointer.  At least, if that's not where it comes
	from, I haven't a clue since that string occurs in no code, nor in the lib files.
	In any case, MakeSound() as being passed null pointers in a few cases, where there
	was a local sound but no distant sound, and the new version of cprintf was
	translating them to the string "(null)".  When I was being "improper" and using
	cprintf(ch, foo) instead of cprintf(ch, "%s", foo), the NULL was getting in and
	being caught by my error check... no action happened, bug lies dormant.
040825	Quixadhal
  0451	Began shoring up the debug log usage, and initializing ALL variables to some known
	value.  I've done this for several other diku codebases, so it only makes sense to
	finally do it with my own.  You may notice that I initialize char arrays to the
	constant string "\0\0\0".... that's NOT the same things as "".  Specifically, I want
	to stuff 4 bytes of zeroes in there so that a pointer dereference on such a thing will
	correctly produce 0L instead of a random number from 0 to (2^24).  You 64-bit people
	will have to change it to 7 bytes if you care, I have no way to test such a beast.
041102	Quixadhal
  0656	Finished my main pass at debug messages.  For the Love of God, don't turn debug up
	higher than level 2 on a running mud!  Doing a few more cleanups, but it's about ready
	to release unless I was actually going to start working on it again.  There are still
	(and always will be!) lots of places for improvement, but I think it's stable and
	no worse than most of the other diku's available out there!
  1155	After going out to VOTE (Hanging Chads II : Bush vs. Kerry), added the ability to use
	arguments in wizhelp.  No file yet, but hopefully that means the wizard commands can be
	documented properly.
041107	Quixadhal
  0456	Fixed a bug I introduced into the board system when normalizing the calling parameters
	of several functions.  I decided to make my official public release on Christmas, so
	I may yet tweak a few more things before I give it away.  I'm thinking that adding
	the I3 channel code might be worth doing, and perhaps a simple colour parser, but
	that's about it.
041108	Quixadhal
  0406	Nope.  Adding I3 support will require either rewriting the I3 load/save routines, or
	finally rewriting Wiley's entire ancient load/save code.
080914	Quixadhal
  1045	Fixed a LONG standing bug with a staff of weakness, thanks to a new warning by gcc 4.1.2
  1230	Added SQL database support!  Very simple, will move logging to the database first I think.
  1400	Added SQL to logging system.  Replaced dlog() with log_printf().
  2330	Replaced bug() with log_bug() and renamed abug() to bug_logger().
080915	Quixadhal
  0100	Replaced log_bug() with log_error() and log_printf() with log_info().
	Added log_fatal(), log_boot(), and log_auth().
  0728	Added log_kill() and log_death().
	Added a proper_exit() function and changed ALL cases of abort() or exit() to use it.
080924	Quixadhal
  1314	Added a log_reset type and converted the zone reset functions to use it.
	This should help reduce space, since you can now filter them out.
080928	Quixadhal
  1730	Fixed a bug I introduced with the log_reset addition, oops.
	Totally removed and rewrote my SQL code.  It works the same, but we're now using
	ECPG to pre-process embedded SQL statements, right in the code.  You'll want to add

	au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.pgc    set filetype=esqlc

	to your .vimrc file so you can get syntax highlighting on your new .pgc files.
	For now, you edit the .pgc file and it generates a .c file to compile... At some point,
	I'll muck with the makefile to keep things tidy.
081002	Quixadhal
  1432	Working with ban system to integrate SQL and add do_ban/do_unban commands.
	Modified check_playing() so you can pass it a NULL descriptor... if we're just checking
	a name, we don't have a character structure to compare against, but we still want to loop
	through all the existing descriptors to compare their character names.
  1533	Got ban system working with do_ban and do_unban adding and removing names on the fly.
	IP Address banning is not yet implemented.
090605	Quixadhal
  0513	Been doing some cleanup stuff, made logging NOT go to the database by default.
	Fixed a bug I introduced in the last const char * crap, nobody noticed.
	Merged IMC2 support in, except for socials!
100718  Quixadhal
  1440  Naughy... not keeping the HACKLOG up to date!

	Well, let's see.

	Restored old WileyMUD characer files from archives.
	Restored old WileyMUD board messages from archives.
	Revamped board code to fully use SQL and abandoned flat file support.

	Moved WileyMUD into a git repository, so as much of the development
	history as I have is now in place.  All future development will utilize
	git, making it easier to backup everything, and giving us a better
	safety net.

	Hopefully fixed a long-standing socket reuse bug that kept us from
	rebooting quickly.
100720  Quixadhal
  2242  Fixed a bug with NPC shouts not being blocked for people in message board rooms.
        Also added local copies of the gitweb CGI script to our web directory so the
        local git repository can be browsed.  Had to make the git files world readable
        since we don't have ACL's.

        This is a security concern (mild), since all the player files ARE in git.
        Not a big deal, IMHO, but there ya go.
110701  Quixadhal
  0259  Many of the logs aren't here now since I started using git, lazy.
        In any case, one new thing is a proper backup script.  It does full backups
        of the SQL database and the entire codebase + data files.  It also makes a
        somewhat smaller distribution set which is what I now hand out to anyone
        wanting a copy.  Among other things, this means if you do want to start up
        your own FooMUD from this, you'll need to copy the admin player files
        from src/lib/ply to the matching spot in lib/ply.
140406  Quixadhal
  0738  Still not updating this log as I should... anyways, the big changes are
        the removal of SQL entirely.  It never worked quite right, and since it was
        never a full conversion, it made more sense to get rid of it, than to try and
        debug it and STILL not fully use it.

        I also tried to fix hunger/thirst a bit.  Apparently at some point, they stopped
        killing people.  I fixed that, but then it killed everyone including immortals.

        I think it works almost right now, except maybe in peaceful rooms.