Name        { 1 99} Alathon The Arena~
Builders    None~
VNUMs       90 99
Security    1
Recall      3001

Columbo, proud owner of the biggest mouth and smallest dick on Chaosium.
He probably should have shut his face a bit sooner.  Now he's paying for it.
71 0 0 S
50 13 5 8d8+88 1d4+5
50 0
0 0 1
>death_prog 101~
mpmload 90

Palon, dumbass extraordinaire. 
Something just ain't right with this guy.
71 0 0 S
65 13 5 8d8+88 1d4+5
50 0
0 0 1
>death_prog 101~
mpmload 91

>greet_prog 25~
mpechoaround $n $I humps $n's leg.

mpechoat $n $I humps your leg.

Fistan says '`mI'll be good, I swear, pretty please let me back!`n'
What a liar.
71 0 0 S
80 13 5 8d8+88 1d4+5
50 0
0 0 1
>death_prog 101~
mpmload 92

>greet_prog 10~
say ...NOT

Mdk, official ambassador of the bipolar to Chaosium.
For all that he knew his way around the battlefield, he had this
way of.. well.. being a total dork at the worst possible time.
That, and he hung arond with Palon.  Guilt by association is a
very real thing.
71 0 0 S
90 13 5 8d8+88 1d4+5
50 0
0 0 1
>death_prog 101~
mpmload 93

>greet_prog 5~
say hey, whassup?

>greet_prog 5~
say how's it hangin?

>greet_prog 5~
snowball $n

>greet_prog 5~
slut $n

>greet_prog 5~
say go the fuck away

>greet_prog 5~
say that's it, time to die!

mpkill $n

>greet_prog 5~
mmm $n



The Rec Room~
What better recreation could there be for the retired champions
of Chaosium, than a little bloodletting?  The greatest fools,
idiots, morons, and pussies stand ready to provide unending
entertainment, with instant respawn on death.  Perhaps after a
few years of this, they may even come to enjoy dying again.. and
again.. and again..

Oh wait, that's what they did as players.  Never mind.
0 0 1
0 -1 97
The observation deck~
Over the rail, looking down, the whole world stands before you.
The carnage of Midgard and Apocalypse HQ is visible next to the
beaten paths of the Shire and the untrodden trails of the Troll's
Den.  Stuffed leather couches are arranged next to the rail, close
enough to allow a reclining individual a fine view over the chaos

Staff circulate, offering a wide assortment of beverages and
foods.  Mixed among the filet mignon and champagne are hot dogs and
rum & cokes.  As well, "escorts" of every persuasion are sauntering
about, their pleasures available for the taking.  Sorta like the
paradise in Conan the Barbarian, except the food isn't filled with
human hands and green goo.
0 65536 1
0 -1 96
The bleachers~
Looking down, you can see the arena floor.
0 65540 1
a bloody arena floor~
The sand here is stained dark with the blood of the fallen.
Here and there, bones can be seen peeking out from under the
dunes.  Rusted and broken fragments of weapons litter the
arena floor as well, giving mute testimony to the battles
which have come before.
0 65540 1


M 0 90 1 96
M 0 91 1 96
M 0 92 1 96
M 0 93 1 96

