License for the operation of the Static Chaos
a.k.a. Chaosium codebase.
Written by Nicholas Lennig a.k.a. Alathon
Reach at

Static Chaos was developed from Merc, which was in turn
developed from Diku.  Both of their licenses must be followed
They are located in license.doc for Diu, and license.txt for
Merc.  They summarize to the following:

  -- No resale or operation for profit.
  -- Original author's names must appear in login sequence.
  -- The 'credits' command must report original authors.
  -- You must notify the Diku creators that you are operating a Diku mud.
  -- Copyrights must remain in original source.
  -- 'Help merc' must report Merc's help text, as shipped.

My own terms are as follows:
  -- Copyrights must remain in original source.
  -- 'Help static chaos' must report the SC credits text, as shipped.
  -- My screenname, Alathon, must appear in the login sequence.

And.. that's it.  I encourage any coder working from the SC code not
to release it under another a different name until the changes made
are quantitatively and qualitatively similar to the differences between
Diku and Merc, or Merc and Static Chaos.  This is of course a subjective

Keep in mind that Static Chaos reflects more than four years of coding,
and there is a significant gap between my competence as a coder on day
one, and yesterday.  Clunkiness abounds.. I've tried to clean up some
of the most offensive logjams of oversized IF statements and such, but
actually cleaning up the codebase in entirety would be more of a year
long job.

I'm afraid I never commented except where I thought I might not remember
how something operated, and much that should be said for another coder's
reference is not.  If something doesn't make sense or seems superfluous,
be sure to grep the source files for other places where involved data
is used, or similar operations take place.

Best of Luck,