
-1 OLC~
Syntax: AEDIT [create/reset]            - Area Creation and Repoping.
Syntax: REDIT [create/reset] [vnum]     - Room Creation and Editing.
Syntax: OEDIT   [create] <vnum>         - Object Creation and Editing.
Syntax: MEDIT   [create] <vnum>         - Mobile Creation and Editing.

Syntax: ASAVE  <world/area/changed/list>	- Save Editing to Disk.
Syntax: ALIST                                   - Listing of Areas.
Syntax: RESET  See Help Resets.			- Set Game Resets.

Definition: [optional]  <required>

     The above commands are used to expand the game world.  The original code
it is based on was written by Surreality and installed in The Isles by Locke.
It was then converted to work with Envy by Jason Dinkel.

     Inside an editor, typing COMMANDS lists working commands and ? gives
help. AEDIT and REDIT default to the current area or room. EDIT ROOM RESET
resets the current room.  Most commands with no arguments display syntax.

Syntax: ALIST

This command gives you a listing of all the areas along with their
vnum assignments and the builder(s) assigned to editing them.

Syntax: aedit		-Enters the editor for the current area.
Syntax: aedit <vnum>	-Enters the editor for the selected area.

The follow commands are available from within the AEDITOR:

age <number>        - set the age of the area
builder <player>    - toggle that builder's access
commands            - prints a list of possible commands
create              - create a brand new area and switch to it
done                - exits the area editor and returns to normal play
filename <filename> - change the file name for the area. '.are' is appended.
name <name>         - change the 'AREAS' name of this area
recall <room vnum>  - set the room to recall to
reset               - resets the current area
security <rating>   - set the security rating for this area
show                - hitting return, or 'show' shows the area stats
vnum <lower> <upper>- set the lower and upper vnum's
lvnum <lower>       - set the lower vnum
uvnum <upper>       - set the upper vnum
<flags>             - area flags, type ? AREA for a list

Syntax: redit			-Enters the editor for the current room.

The following commands are available from within the REDITOR:

commands            - prints a list of possible commands
create <vnum>       - creates a room with a certain vnum
desc                - edit description of room
done                - exists the room editor and returns to normal play
ed                  - type this command for additonal extra-description help
format              - format(word-wrap) the room description
name <room title>   - changes the room title
show                - hitting return, or 'show' shows the room stats
oshow <vnum>        - shows an object with given vnum
olist               - lists objects in this area.
mshow <vnum>        - shows a mobile with given vnum
mlist               - lists mobiles in this area.
<room-flags>        - room attributes, type ? ROOM for a list
<sector>            - terrain of room, type ? SECTOR for a list
<direction>         - see help EXIT, or type <dir> ?
walk <direction>    - use the walk command to move in a direction

Syntax: <dir> <command> <argument(s)>
For exits, type the direction (north/s/e/w) followed by:

dig <vnum>         - creates the room and makes a two way link
link <room vnum>   - make a two way link
room <room vnum>   - make a one way link (use with caution)
key <object vnum>  - makes specified object the vnum of the key required
name <door name>   - makes the door's name/keywords = to the given name
desc               - edit the description of the exit
remove <arg>       - used to remove keys, names, and descriptions
delete             - delete this exit
<exit-flags>       - type ? EXIT for a list(door, locked etc.)

The exit flags are presented in the following manner.  The capitalized
flags are ones not included in the reset info.  i.e. closed is due to
a player closing the door and not due to the door being set to be closed.

-South to [ 3744] Key: [   -1] Exit flags: [door CLOSED pickproof]


Syntax: oedit <vnum>		-Enters the editor for the selected object.

The following commands are available from within the OEDITOR:

addaffect           - applies an affect to an object, no args for help
delaffect           - removes an affect to an object, no args for help
commands            - prints a list of possible commands
cost <gold>         - sets the gold value of the object
create <vnum>       - creates object with specified vnum
done                - exits the object editor and returns to normal play
ed                  - type this for info on adding/editing extended descripts
long                - edit long description (the one in the room)
name <keywords>     - sets the keywords on an object
short <desc>        - sets the 'name' of an object (a sword, a fish etc)
show                - hitting return, or 'show' shows the object stats
v0 <num>            - sets the value '0' on the object
v1 <num>            - sets the value '1' on the object
v2 <num>            - sets the value '2' on the object
v3 <num>            - sets the value '3' on the object
weight <num>        - sets the weight of the object
<obj-type>          - type of object, type ? TYPE for a list
<extra-flags>       - attributes of object, type ? EXTRA for a list
<wear-flags>        - where object is worn, type ? WEAR for a list

Syntax: medit <vnum>		-Enters the editor for the selected mobile.

The following commands are available from within the OEDITOR:

alignment <value>   - set the mobile's alignment
commands            - prints a list of possible commands
create <vnum>       - creates mobile with specified vnum
desc                - edit the mobile's description (when looked at)
done                - exits the mobile editor and returns to normal play
level <level>       - set the mobile's level
long                - edit long description (the one in the room)
name <keywords>     - sets the keywords on an mobile
shop                - type this command for further information
short <desc>        - sets the 'name' of an mobile (a sword, a fish etc)
show                - hitting return, or 'show' shows the mobile stats
spec                - sets a mobiles spec proc, type ? SPEC for a list
<sex>               - set the mobile's sex, type ? SEX for a list
<act>               - mobiles actions, type ? ACT for a list
<affected-by>       - mobile affects, type ? AFFECT for a list

Syntax: RESET <number> OBJ <vnum> <location on body>    - equips last mobile
        RESET <number> OBJ <vnum> inside <obj vnum>     - store in container
        RESET <number> OBJ <vnum> room [suit]           - store in room
        RESET <number> MOB <vnum> [<max #>]             - load a mobile
        RESET <number> DELETE                           - delete a reset

RESET alone will display the resets in the current room.  The <number> will
be displayed with this list.  Typing ? WEAR-LOC will list possible locations
that an object can be loaded to.  The [<max #>] is the maximum number of
mobiles allowed in this room and will default to 1 if no number is entered.

For resets to be successful make sure that you add them in a logical order.
For example, if you are equipping a mobile, don't load a container in the 
room and fill it with some objects and then continue equipping the mobile.
It is likely that resets will backfire if they are not carefully entered.

If you wish to reset the room then use EDIT ROOM RESET.  

.   value 0    unused
   value 1    unused
   value 2    hours of light available, 0 is dead, -1 is infinite            
   value 3    unused

.   value 0    level
   value 1    max charges
   value 2    current charges
   value 3    spell name

An up-to-date list of spells can be obtained by typing:
? SPELLS [ignore/attack/defend/self/object/all]

.   value 0    level
   value 1    spell name 1
   value 2    spell name 2
   value 3    spell name 3

An up-to-date list of spells can be obtained by typing:
? SPELLS [ignore/attack/defend/self/object/all]

.   value 0    unused
   value 1    unused (formerly min damage)
   value 2    unused (formerly max damage)
   value 3    weapon type: hit, slice, stab, slash, whip, claw, blast,
                           pound, crush, grep, bite, pierce, suction, chop

An up-to-date list of weapon types can be obtained by typing

.   value 0    weight capacity
   value 1    flags: closeable, pickproof, closed, locked            
   value 2    key vnum
   value 3    unused

An up-to-date list of flags can be obtained by typing

.   value0    capacity
   value1    current quantity
   value2    liquid type: water, beer, wine, ale, dark-ale, whisky, lemonade,
                          firebreather, local-specialty, slime-mold-juice,
                          milk, tea, coffee, blood, salt-water, cola
   value3    poisoned?

An up-to-date list of liquids can be obtained by typing

.   value 0    hours of food value
   value 1    unused
   value 2    unused
   value 3    poisoned?

.   value 0    value in gold pieces
   value 1    unused
   value 2    unused
   value 3    unused

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