E-Mud comes with a few scripts, this unlike MrMud.
I'll explain them here :

compile :

 Syntax : compile (no arguments)

Compile installs the mud in such a way that you can start running the mud
right after compile is finished.

down :

syntax : down (no arguments)

down shuts the mud down, by sending the called scripts and the running binary
the SIGTERM signal.

emud :

syntax : mud [-h]
	 mud [-p <port#>] [-areadebug <level>] [-nosocket] [-n] [-count]

mud starts the mud. Except with the -h parameter.
Here comes the meaning of the flags:
-h                 : shows the syntaxes described above
-p <port#>         : This defines the port on which mud will run, it defaults to
                     4000. If you define another port this way, the mud will run
                     as a testsite
-areadebug <level> : The mud can give lots of info while booting and loading
                     the areas. With this option you can check wether or not
                     there are problems with an area. Possible level values
                     are 1 - 5.
-nosocket          : On some systems the mud would give heaps of SO_ERROR
                     messages, this suppresses them.
-n                 : Don't show the log to the screen. This is very handy
                     when you use nohup to run the mud, or your nohup.out
                     will grow, with double info, since this info is in the
                     normal logs already!
-count             : a nice addition, counting how many areas, mobs, rooms
                     and objects are in the running.

findalias :

syntax : findalias (no arguments)

findalias searches all the playerfiles for bad aliasses. As this form of
aliasses is not possible anymore in the code (still by-hand-editing) you
probably don't really need this anymore. Still this script is called by

findip :

syntax : findip <ip-address>

findip quickly searches all the playerfiles for the given IP address. So if
you found out that someone behaved really nasty, eg. made the mud crash, you
can search for his/her IP address. That persons characters are found, by IP
address. All the playernames are stored in badass.txt

down :

syntax : down [-mud] [-tail] [-current_mud]

'down' is used to kill the processes that are used by the mud. While the
flags exists, they have become deprecated. You better use only 'down' with
no arguments, so only the processes that are attached to the location where
you are running the mud are being shut off. It also removed the files, and RUNNING

flop :

syntax : flop (no argument)

copies all files to a floppy. I think this is going to be a deleted script

tarball / tarball2 :

syntax : tarball / tarball2 (no argument)

tarball and tarball2 both create tarballs of the necessary files and store
those in backups/ . the difference between the two is that tarball uses the
-y flag for bz2, and tarball2 the -I flag. Mind that after running this
script, all your src/.o files are gone (a make clean is issued here)

unpack / unpack2 :

syntax : unpack / unpack2 (no arguments)

unpack and unpack2 know the same difference as tarball and tarball2. As the
name of the script impies, this script is used to unpack the tarballs. They
will show you a small menu, where you can choose as to which file you want
to unpack. MIND : the required tarball(s) must be in the current directory.

viewlog :

syntax : viewlog (no argument)

viewlog looks for the current log and does a tail -f upon that log.
This script used to be called by the mud script, but I rewrote that one,
so this one is no longer necessary...

backup :

syntax : backup [-h] [[-player] [-area] [-clan] [-doc] [-src]]

backup is going to be the replacement for 'tarball'. The idea with backup
is that you can choose which part you want to backup instead of the whole.
If you don't use any argument with backup, backup will assume you choose all
the arguments (except for -h), for the -h is not used in combination with
any other argument. It doesn't matter in which order you give the arguments,
though the order of execution is fixed. Backup is quite powerfull, though I
still have to get used to the quirks of 'tcsh'. Backup calls another new
script : clean_src...

clean_src :

syntax : clean_src (no arguments)

Since I had trouble redirecting output under tcsh, I simply changed shell to
be done with it (dutch quote : als het niet kan zoals het moet, dan moet het
maar zoals het kan). clean_src simply removes unneeded files from the src/
dir (unneeded in the way of : not needed in a tarball, to keep those as
small as possible)

go :
(no arguments)

starts mud in one word :) Essentially it only does:

nohup mud -nosocket -count -n >/dev/null &

install :
(no arguments)

I know you're lazy, just as I am... You only have to run this script once,
when you've just unpacked the tarball that is mud (mud-<version>.tar)
it will install everything you need.

mkpackage :
(no arguments)

Makes a tarfile from your backups.

restore :
(no arguments)

restores the most important files in your backups/ directory.

start_tail :
called from mud script and should not be run by hand (but it can ofcourse)
does a background tail, but you have to provide the arguments for tail, so
you'll need a 'start_tail -f' to have this run in the background...

un-install :
destroys all files (except the backups) associated with mud20, for if you
wish to re-install everything.

unpack :
used by the install script, but also handy to use... it provides a way to
unpack the files (in bzip2 format) on all (cq most) platforms, provided
bzip2 is installed there.