#AREA Policy Help~
#RANGES 100 100 100 100
#OLC_RANGES 999999 0

RPI - What Does it Mean?~
{078}RPI stands for Role Play Intensive. It is a MU* term that means, basically, a
player is not the player while on the gaming screen. Rather, you are your PC,
and the actions you do should be in-character, as should the motivations for
your actions. These actions should be accompanied with ROLEPLAY, and you should
expect that any actions you take will be met with in-character consequences.

Excessive use of Out of Character communication, behavior that is either OOC
or out of period, and non-period language is not acceptable on this MUD.

Policies and Terms of Service (TOS)~
{300}These statements are set up as a guideline to enhance awareness about how to
maintain an enjoyable gaming environment, and what we, the administration,
expect from you, the player.
Ignorance of the rules is NOT a valid excuse.
  {200}[{178}A{200}] {078}RPI = Roleplay      {200}[{178}B{200}] {078}Player Names         {200}[{178}C{200}] {078}Titles
  {200}[{178}D{200}] {078}Period Language     {200}[{178}E{200}] {078}Profanity            {200}[{178}F{200}] {078}Adult Roleplay
  {200}[{178}G{200}] {078}Player Killing      {200}[{178}H{200}] {078}Multi-Playing        {200}[{178}I{200}] {078}Bug Abuse
  {200}[{178}J{200}] {078}Twinking            {200}[{178}K{200}] {078}Idling and Scripts   {200}[{178}L{200}] {078}Spamming
  {200}[{178}M{200}] {078}Harrassment & Drama {200}[{178}N{200}] {078}The Complaint Command{200}[{178}O{200}] {078}Multiple Alts
  {200}[{178}P{200}] {078}Special RP Apps

  {200}[{178}-{200}] {078}Return to Main Menu

What is a Twink:~
{078}What is being a twink? The Administration of this MUD defines twinking as: the
act of using overt OOC means or behavior to gain an IC advantage in-game.

What does this mean? It means that if the player rises above the persona of
his character, either mentally, physically, or against the code of the game,
it is considered twinking, and highly frowned upon on this server. This is a
roleplaying game, and you are expected to have your character behave ICly at
ALL times while it is logged, unless you are transported by a GM to an OOC
discussion area.

Signs of Twinking:~
{078}There are common examples of twinking as seen in an RPI Mud, these include,
but are not limited to:

{200}* {078}Using OOC knowledge that your character could not possibly have to choose
  your actions for your character.
{200}* {078}Treating the NPCs as if they are not also intelligent, rational people in
  the game. While a shop NPC may, in fact, buy back the very item you stole 
  from him, it is NOT IC to expect that he would. Nor would he ignore you 
  taking stuff off of a PC or his pet sitting right in front of him.
{200}* {078}Ignoring room descs: if the room desc says you are on a crowded city street,
  don't act like no one can see what your character is doing.
{200}* {078}Roleplaying something that isn't appropriate to the milieu of the game: a
  scientist, a space alien, lesbian elf, etc, to twink attention.
{200}* {078}Acting destructively (bashing doors, stealing stuff, attacking people) when
  your character has no IC reason to do so.
{200}* {078}Overloading the economy of a city by crafting 138,994,730 copper katanas and
  selling them to every merchant in the city. Realistically, there's a limit
  to the market for any given thing in any given area, even a metropolis.

{200}* {078}Taking advantage of a flaw in the code to come ahead against mobiles, or 
  another player character. For example, if you find a spell does more damage
  than its help file entry indicates it does, or you find a sequence of actions
  you can reproduce to gain advantage over and over again.
{200}* {078}Serial PKill is not only twinking, rooted, we believe, in some deep-seated
  self-esteem problem on the part of the player, but punishable by deletion
  of the offending character.
{200}* {078}Razing areas: If you're tempted to go on a killing spree in a populated area,
  imagine ICly a hundred or more citizens coming out to end your life. If you 
  do it anyway, expect a GM to bring out enough NPCs out to do just that.
  {178}Killing mobiles flagged as citizens in a populated area is logged, and will
  be treated as an ICly punishable offense either on the spot or after the fact!{078}
{200}* {078}Doing something that your character per his background would NOT do, to
  get something that you, the player, want. Acting contrary to the alignment
  of the character, or faith, or flaw, or whatever.
{200}* {078}Ignoring the recommendations of the GMs or Newbie Helpers repeatedly.
{200}* {078}Going out of character to resolve an IC situation: Walking out on an RP that
  isn't going the way you want it to. Bitching in osay and otell or chat about
  the event. Acting like a brat in general. See HELP DRAMA.

Adult Roleplay~
{078}To achieve a mud that would neither be a cybor haven, unfriendly to genteel
players or unfriendly to the very adult theme of the campaign setting, the
admins have decided to use the term 'Rated R' as a sort of 'use your good
judgment' kind of guidline. This is a very loose use of the term since the
designation is one invented for motion pictures. Consequently, what follows
are some clearer explanations of what we mean when we use this term.

Naturally, this is not a complete and specific list of do's and don'ts. There
are constant subjective judgment calls on part of the GMs. We do not want to
be the policemen of this kind of stuff; we want our game to be safe legally,
and fun for everyone to play on. Respect this, and you'll get along with us
just fine.
{200}  [{078}A{200}]{178} Public and OOC Channels          {200}  [{078}B{200}]{178} Fading to Black
{200}  [{078}C{200}]{178} Roleplaying Sexual Activity      {200}  [{078}D{200}]{178} Alternate Sexuality RP
{200}  [{078}E{200}]{178} Roleplaying Violence             {200}  [{078}F{200}]{178} Profanity and Swearing

{200}  [{078}-{200}]{178} Terms of Service

Public and OOC Channels~
{078}These channels are broadcast to everyone on the game. As a result, one should
avoid curse words, and especially sexual or violent topics. Naturally, the
occasional curse word is going to come out; the staff isn't going to throw a
fit over that. However, if any GM, for whatever reason, seems to think you're
going too far, back off.

Fading to Black~
{078}This is a term that refers to a transitional scene in a sexual encounter, in
which the rest of the scene is left to the imagination. Much in the same way
that many movie scenes cut at the moment of two characters commencing their
embrace. It is expected that if you wish to RP a sexual encounter with another
character, you will allow this transition to conclude the RP at the behest of
the other player.

While the admin staff does not limit what you roleplay in a private setting,
we also will not accept any player refusing another players desire to go only
this far. Attempts to persuade another player OOCly or grief them or pressure
them in any way will be treated as player harassment, and punished as such.

0 SEX~
Role-Playing Sexual Activity~
{300}If all parties consent to it, {178}and all parties are in a private setting{078} (read:
HELP RENT), they may roleplay their encounter. However, keep in mind that there
is no expectation of privacy here. {178}If you don't want to chance the GM staff
watching invisible with popcorn, using you as entertainment, then don't RP it.
{078}If there is ANY question as to whether your partner is 18 or not, DON'T do it!
If you decide to ignore this guideline and the FBI comes to our door over some
kiddie you cybor with, we WILL provide them with your email address and IP
logs for any incidents in question.

Moreover, the best guideline is that these scenes should read like a romance
novel - No unthematic fetishes, no graphic detail, bodily fluids, and so on.
Hence, the rating of R as stated. Example R-rated sexual encounters would be
the sort found in movies and series like Excalibur, Camelot, and The Tudors.

Alternate Sexuality RP~
{078}The server's policy on alternate sexuality is simply this: ANY roleplay that is
defined in contemporary terms as 'alternate lifestyle' is subject to the same
restriction of treating it privately as heterosexual relations. Understand that
public displays of affection are tepid at best in the setting of this server.
And the administration wishes public RP to be tasteful - subtext is much better
roleplay than open display. If you are found displaying your sexuality too 
overtly, regardless of orientation, you will be asked to take it private.

Understand also, that alternate sexuality, while not non-existant, is not the
norm of society nor the default culture in Faerun, {178}for any race. {078}If the
administration starts to see a glut of lesbian elves running around the server,
the rules will change to be much more strict, and people will be asked to roll
up new PCs.

Roleplaying Violence~
{078}This mud does care about all aspects of the R rating, including violence. This
is a violent game, and thus part of the reasoning for a more adult rating for
all things involved with playing here.

On our part, we have removed most of the graphic and 'fragging' parts of the
echoes in the combat engine. There are no body parts or 'gibs', aside from the
decapitation which results from bounties or vorpal strikes. From here, violence
rests in the hands of the players.

If you are playing out a violent encounter with someone who is opposed to such,
avoid graphic detail of that violence in your role-playing. You may NOT,
however, engage in a sexual assault encounter, unless all parties involved
consent, AND gain clearance for the event from a GM.

Profanity and Swearing~
{078}The guideline for profanity has changed dramatically over the course of a few
years in the media, and leaves us with few guidelines other than these:

If you would not hear a word on late-night TV, then it is safely assumed that
some of the player base might not want to hear it. Also, many modern words
that are considered profanity, including George Carlin's famous 'seven words
you can't say on the radio', are in NO WAY contemporary or appropriate for
the medieval setting in which this mud is based. THIS will actually bug the 
staff of this mud, more than the profanity itself. At the very least, you will
be found in poor form and OOC behavior for loose swearing on this mud, at the
worst, you will be asked to stop using a pattern of language, and ejected from
the mud if you refuse. Use common sense, and common courtesy, and above all
else, keep your language in-character!

Playing Evil Races~
{078}So there is no misunderstanding, this policy must be made perfectly clear: 

There is NO good-aligned RP allowed out of Drow, Duergar, Orc, Tiefling, or
Serpentfolk PCs. You cannot create them as good aligned in character creation,
and you may not create them neutral and proceed to play them as good. There can
only be one Drizzt, and the admin team will not allow clones on this server.

You are expected to RP these PCs as truly evil, any of these races are deadly,
fierce, scary enemies. Act that way. Basically, don't be a wuss. If you were a
wuss, they would have already killed you in your youth back home. You are still
expected to show player courtesy OOC, and abide by all PKILL rules, but you may
not hang out on the surface and have chit chat with the general populace. You
may not play the reluctant villain. You may not play the poor misunderstood
outsider. You are proudly, unregrettably EVIL, play that way.

Also expect the general populace (and ALL good aligned PCs) to view you with
revulsion and hostility. It is expected of PCs to roleplay as they know exactly
what these races are, and to act according to their alignment.

Using Period Language~
{078}Being an RPI mud, this game frowns on the use of contemporary catch words, or
'slang' being used in roleplay. Bear in mind that this is a medieval setting,
and that your language should be at least marginally up to this. Some basic
guidelines, to avoid run-ins with staff over OOC language are:

{200}* {078}Modern salutations and greetings: "Hello" was a word developed at the turn 
  of LAST century, hence it has no place in here. Some suggested alternatives
  are - "Greetings", or "Good (morrow/day/eve)", or even "Salutations".
  Pick up a Shakespeare writing and see how they greeted.
{200}* {078}Affirmatives like "ok", "okay" or "yeah" are not period. Even the word "yes"
  is more appropriate, as well as words like "aye," and "certainly."
{200}* {078}References to modern people, instances, businesses, objects, etc: There is
  no "eBay," "FedEx", "President", "phone," etc in this world in this time.
{200}* {078}No runningwordstogetherlikeyouresayingitreallyreallyfast. While it may seem
  cute to the person doing it, it's annoying to the general player, because no
  one should have to work to read what another player is saying.
{200}* {078}Contemporary slang, catch words, phrases, hacker lingo, etc are also not
  appropriate for IC conversation. No "yo," "dude," "kthnx," etc.
{200}* {078}Speaking in 'lolcat' is specifically forbidden. No you cannot haz armorz, and
  there are no cheezburgers to nom on.

You can expect to be gently corrected if seen using the above language in your
general IC conversation. Once corrected, you are expected to put the effort
into your RP to avoid it going forward.

{078}No, we're not talking the in-character, suspense kind of drama. We're talking
the OOC, interpersonal, player harassment, manipulation and taking things in 
the game where they don't belong kind of drama.

We don't care if you play a romance on this mud, we don't care if you play a
power-hungry tyrant bent on world domination. The minute you cross it over into
real world, and start stalking other players, catfighting with another player
over their character 'hooking up' with someone else, OOCly duping other players
or manipulating them via OOC channels, threatening or bribing other players
based on what connections you say you have, or what you and your friends can do
to make their life on the game living hell, or any other behavior used to make
another player's life miserable, THEN we care.

Let it be known, so there is NO confusion on the matter:
Any form of ooc manipulation, intimidation, bribery, or psycho-jealous drama
of any kind on the part of a player of this mud will result in an immediate
and permanent site ban of said player. No trial. No appeal.
This applies if an immortal is a witness, or if a SUBSTANTIATED report from
another player is made. Evidence can include chat logs, IM logs, and logs from
the COMPLAIN command. If you feel you are the victim of any of the above, use
the complain command, collect your logs, and contact a member of the GM staff.

Bug Abuse~
{078}The Mud20 codebase is continually a work in progress. Because of this constant
state of development, there will be elements of code introduced into the system
that either by default, or by manipulation, will produce unexpected results
(henceforth called BUGS).

These results could be either detrimental, or possibly even beneficial to your
gameplay. When they give you an advantage, it can be very tempting to use the
glitch to your benefit. However, this is called BUG ABUSE in our policies.

While in this game, you are expected to obey by the rules and policies of the
game, as well as base your abilities and actions on the Open Gaming System
rules that it is based upon.

If you find a bug, report it, and do not take advantage of it. If you are
caught taking advantage of it, you will be punished by the immortals, based
on the benefit gained. This could be up to and including termination of the
character. If you report a particularly dastardly bug, and keep it quiet, you
could actually find yourself rewarded instead.

The Abyss~
{300}The Abyss is an area for punishment of OOC activities. While here you may also
have discussion with the GM staff on your conduct. Aside from this, you cannot
leave, nor communicate with anyone else on any public channels until you are
released. The duration of this sentence depends on the severity of the offense.

Note that you will not be interred in the Abyss for any IC conduct or actions,
rather your PC will be dealt with ICly. If and when your conduct rises above
your PC, is when you can expect to be here.

{200}  [{178}A{200}] {078}Enforced Rules    {200}  [{178}-{200}] {078}Main Menu

{300}Multiplay is defined in two ways on this server:

Multiplay is the act of logging multiple accounts or characters at once by the
same player. Doing this is detrimental to the gameplay on an RPI mud for a
multitude of reasons. We believe you cannot truly devote your attentions to an
ongoing roleplay if you are having to deal with multiple characters' scenarios
at once. This causes difficulties and delays that are not fair to the other
players you are playing with that are trying to conduct a scene.

Multiplay is also the act of a player using one of his alts to benefit another.
This can be done by dropping coins or items for another alt to pick up, selling
an item to a shop for the purpose of buying it immediately by another alt,
using a third party to transfer stuff from one alt to another (which also gets
the third party in trouble), switch-logging to another alt to confront another
player who just confronted the previous alt, and other examples which should
be decided by common sense. In short, anything you would do with an alt, that
would somehow unfairly benefit another of your alts, is considered multiplay.

Punishment for multiplay can include deletion of one, or both of the alts in

{300}This is when your character is doing nothing, very relaxing, also very annoying
and distracting for others around you trying to roleplay. If you constantly
void in the middle of a scene, or you sit there unresponsive to others who are
trying to intract with you, it makes it less enjoyable for those who truly want
to play. If you are distracted, bored, whatever, we ask that you find a way to
ICly remove yourself from a scene, make your way to a more secluded, low
traffic room, and set your afk flag.

While this is rumored to prevent RSI (repetitive strain injury), regardless of
the seriousness of this disease, we require players to level and fight their
fights by normal play. Avoid automating commands that start a fight, and take
you from one room to another room, as well as triggers that activate off of
another echo or action (such as, for example, a trigger to pick up your weapon
automatically when you receive an echo of being disarmed). We do have ways to
detect you using them, and we will take action against those who do.

{300}Spamming is flooding another player with useless or irrelevant text. It is
typically done by repeating a command numerous times. Check out the 'block'
command if someone tries to communicate with you in this manner.

Repeated intentional spamming of the above nature is subject to punishment by
methods from interrment in the abyss, up to and including deletion or siteban
if done in a repeated and malicious manner.

Repeated commands of actions such as healing a character with spells, spelling
up or somehow preparing a group or character for combat, and other such useful
and relevant activities does NOT constitute as spamming. Calling someone down
for such activities is instead considered harassment.

Player Killing~
{300}This mud has a roleplay enforced PvP code, which means that any and all killing
or hostility against another player character HAS to be for a valid, current IC
reason, and such confrontation MUST be roleplayed. You DO NOT gain experience
for killing another player.

Note that taking the perspective that you are a deranged killer, and thus ICly
would randomly attack and kill another player, is NOT a valid IC reason for
this server. Note also that "roleplaying" the confrontation does not mean
making one emote before typing fight. If you have a longstanding, IC background
with another character that calls for hostility, then you may only need a short
bit of dialog. Other scenarios will demand full-on roleplay, with either side
of the conflict being allowed an IC option to avoid PvP if they choose not to
engage in it.

Violations of this rule will be dealt with harshly, as illegal PKill is highly
detrimental to the enjoyment of the game for the victim(s).

Killers & Thieves~
A Killer is someone that triggered the Murder check to attack another player.
A Player Killer (PK) is totally legal, as is a Player Thief (PT), so long as
the policies for PvP are followed, but there are some serious consequences for
them. When you are a player killer, city guards in lawful cities and towns may
try to attack you on sight. You can also have a BOUNTY placed upon you either
by the victim or an area's Justice system, which means any other player could
hunt you to collect the bounty. Your killer status is removed if you are killed
by another player, your bounty is collected, or you are captured and punished
for the crime by a city justice system.

A Player Thief is someone that tried to steal from another character and was 
caught. Again this status can be cleared by similar conditions as above.

bounty bounties 'player bounties'~
Syntax: bounty list
Syntax: bounty register
Syntax: bounty info <victim>
Syntax: bounty post <amount> <victim>
The bounty command gives you the ability to post a bounty on another player.
In order for a bounty to be posted by another PC the player must be flagged as
a killer or a thief. Bounties are cumulative, so if two people post bounties on
the same character, their bounties get added together. Bounty amounts are
posted in gold (gp). Bounties last for 1 RL month. Adding gold to a bounty will
reset the timer. Yhe minimum bounty you can post is 100 gold per level of the
person you are posting the bounty on.

You can gain information on area bounties by visiting the area NPC judge. Here
you can also register as a bounty hunter to collect bounties for said area.
This does incur a fee which varies based on the area.

BOUNTY LIST pulls up a list of active bounties for that area. BOUNTY INFO on
a specific name in the list gives you details on the wanted PC.

Player Looting~
{200}Syntax: get <item> <corpse>
If you are involved in a pkill situation, and you kill another player, you are
allowed to loot ONLY ONE ITEM from the defeated character's corpse. There is
code in place to assure that only one item can be taken, and it can only be the
player who actually killed the other character who can loot the corpse.

It should also be noted that looting is not a goal in and of itself on this
server. Looting is expected to foster further roleplay or interaction with a
defeated character. It is recommended that the victor allow some way for the
other character to regain his looted item. Whether the other character would
actually agree to the trade or not, you should make the opportunity.

You cannot loot the corpse of a player's slain companion, nor will the code
allow you to do so.

Bounty Hunting~
{300}Part of the justice system of this mud is the setting of bounties on PCs who
engage in player killing, player thievery, or farming XP or gold in populated
areas like cities, temples and the like. Other players can register with an
area judge NPC as a bounty hunter, and gain the ability to hunt these offenders
for profit. 

As a bounty hunter, you have the option of fighting to subdue the wanted PC,
which places him under arrest and transports him to an area in which he has a
record for incarceration. If you fight with lethal force, you sever the head of
the wanted PC, if the bounty calls for death, or the hand - if the bounty
allows - for crimes like player thieving. You get your payout for the bounty
when you return to a judge in an area in which the criminal was wanted.
NOTE: You are still bound to this server's rules of engagement for pkill when
you engage a wanted PC for bounty hunting.

Roleplay Applications~
{300}In order to have certain elements in your roleplay, you must have an approved
application. The following are example roleplay situations that can only be
played with an application:

{200}* {178}Family: {078}In order to play a sibling, parent or child of another player's PC.
  In no case will the same player be allowed to play both PCs.
{200}* {178}Marriage: {078}If one PC chooses to marry another PC ICly in-game, or two players
  wish to play a married couple from creation, this must also be approved.
{200}* {178}Pregnancy: {078}We will NOT approve, nor allow the roleplay of pregnancy by an
  active PC, unless it is a retirement roleplay for the PC in question. Note
  that because of the time scale of this server, there would be no children of
  PCs growing to adulthood.
{200}* {178}Exceptional/rare races: {078}EXPERIENCED players may apply to create a PC that
  is of a race besides the standard player races available at creation. Note
  that there ARE limits to this, and there has to be a very good backstory as
  to why this character would be present in the setting.
{200}* {178}Non-coded deities: {078}While this should be rare, as we have coded all major and
  minor deities of the main pantheons for the setting, if you wish to play a
  follower of a demipower, dead power, or otherwise, you will need to have a
  backstory and ideas of how your roleplay will add to the MUD's story.
{200}* {178}Ordained clergy: {078}Any cleric of any faith must be approved by the GM staff if
  they wish to be recognized as clergy in their church heirarchy. This does not
  prohibit you playing an errant priest, or even a heretic, or limit your power
  as a cleric, unless GMs rule you are behaving out of line for your patron.
  It just means you will have no official standing in the organized church.
{200}* {178}Factions: {078}If you wish to join a GM-run faction, or wish to start a player-run
  faction of your own, you must apply. For a new player faction, we will need
  a complete roadmap of the faction with details of who can join, any canon
  information on the faction, and how its plots will enrich the mud as a whole.
{200}* {178}Retirement of main alt: {078}If you play a PC as your main, you are interacting
  with many other players, setting yourself into many plots, and playing a part
  in many stories. If you wish to retire a long-standing, living PC, we would 
  prefer you to notify the GMs so we can help to give your story closure. 
Note that in order for any application to be approved, it must be for a PC you
play, or intend to play as your main alt.

Playing Alts~
{300}Alts are the term for multiple PCs played by the same player. Sometimes an alt
is a way for a player to explore a different class, or RP style, or whatever.

While we do not set a hard restriction on this, this server also believes that
a lack of focus on a PC affects character immersion and development - both for
the player of multiple alts, and the other players who interact with them.
Therefore, it is recommended that you designate a particular character as your
"main" - and you spend the majority of your time on this PC. 

When the GM staff recognizes a PC as a player's main, it will be interacted
with in GM roleplays and the like. Likewise, this main alt should be the only
one active in any faction or currently running plot on the game. Your main alt
is also your only "application" PC, meaning that if you create a PC that has
a roleplay application attached to it, then that is your main. And any further
applications for other alts will not be reviewed so long as the first alt is
your active main. You may still apply if you wish to retire a current main and
designate or create a new one. Flip-flopping this designation between alts will
be frowned upon.

Switch-logging - switching between alts when roleplay commences, in order to
get on the right alt for the RP, is not allowed, unless explicitly permitted
over OOC channel by the GM in charge of the RP.

Multi-logging - having more than one PC logged on the game at once, is not
allowed, and is punishable by deletion of one, or both alts.

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