#include <lib.h> #include <daemons.h> inherit LIB_DAEMON; void help(); object ob; string ele; int cmd(string str) { int i; mixed justvars, tmp; string cmd, what, ret = "";; if(!this_player() || !archp(this_player())){ write("Sorry, this is an arch command."); return 1; } if(!str || str == ""){ help(); return 1; } tmp = DEFINES_D->GetDefine(str); if(tmp) str = tmp; what = str; ob = to_object(what); if(!ob){ string path = this_player()->query_cwd()+"/"; if(last(what,2) != ".c") what += ".c"; if(file_exists(what)) ob = load_object(what); else if(file_exists(path+what)) ob = load_object(path+what); } if(!ob){ write(truncate(what,2)+" not found."); return 1; } justvars = variables(ob); foreach(ele in justvars){ i = catch( tmp = evaluate(bind( (: fetch_variable($(ele)) :), ob)) ); if(!i) write(ele + " " + identify(tmp)); } return 1; } void help() { write("Syntax: vars <object or file>\n" "Dumps the variables of an object as well as their values.\n" "Examples:\n" "vars kim\n" "vars /daemon/classes\n\n" "See also: var, variables"); }