SunderMud 1
Tue Sep  9
Lotherius   :

(Adapted from Merc contrib.txt)

=== Contribution Policy

We welcome contributions to SunderMud.

You can send us areas, spells, skills, bug reports, bug fixes, code, ideas,
comments on our documentation, interesting stories, or anything else, to any of
our addresses above.

We particularly would like to get copies of 'bugs.txt', 'ideas.txt', and
'typos.txt' from any site running a SunderMud.

If we use your contribution, we will credit you for it in the credits file
and in the source files.  The 'areas' command lists authors within the
game, and 'help sundermud' credits major contributions as well. 

SunderMud, like Merc which came before, is devoted to open release.  Once
we accept a contribution, it will become available to the entire mud
community.  Also, once we accept a contribution and integrate it into
Merc, we will not remove it later if you change your mind. 

We usually rework code contributions into our own style, just as we've reworked
100% of our released code into a consistent style.

You are welcome to use any element of SunderMud in your own mud, as long
as you follow the terms in 'license.doc' and 'license.txt'.  If you take
things from SunderMud we'd appreciate e-mail from you. 

SunderMud is based on Rom 2.3, which was based on Merc Mud which is based
on Diku Mud, with Copper and Alfa enhancements. *PHEW*.