    Copyright (C) 1991, Marcus J. Ranum. All rights reserved.

#include    "cool.h"
#include    "db_config.h"
#include    "proto.h"
#include    "netio.h"
#include    "db_setup.h"

This is by far the most complex and kinky code in UnterMUD. You should
never need to mess with anything in here - if you value your sanity.

typedef struct cache {
  int oid;
  Object *op;
  int flg;
  struct cache *nxt;
  struct cache *prv;
} Cache;

/* flag states */
#define C_NOFLG 00
#define C_DIRTY 01
#define C_DEAD  02

typedef struct {
  Cache *ahead;
  Cache *ohead;
  Cache *atail;
  Cache *otail;
} CacheLst;

/* initial settings for cache sizes */
static int cwidth = CACHE_WIDTH;
static int cdepth = CACHE_DEPTH;

/* ntbfw - main cache pointer and list of things to kill off */
static CacheLst *sys_c;

static int cache_initted = 0;

/* cache stats gathering stuff. you don't like it? comment it out */
static time_t cs_ltime;
static int cs_writes = 0;       /* total writes */
static int cs_reads = 0;        /* total reads */
static int cs_dbreads = 0;      /* total read-throughs */
static int cs_dbwrites = 0;     /* total write-throughs */
static int cs_dels = 0;         /* total deletes */
static int cs_checks = 0;       /* total checks */
static int cs_rhits = 0;        /* total reads filled from cache */
static int cs_ahits = 0;        /* total reads filled active cache */
static int cs_whits = 0;        /* total writes to dirty cache */
static int cs_fails = 0;        /* attempts to grab nonexistent */
static int cs_resets = 0;       /* total cache resets */
static int cs_syncs = 0;        /* total cache syncs */
static int cs_objects = 0;      /* total cache size */

int cache_init (void)
  int x;
  int y;
  Cache *np;
  static const char *ncmsg = "cache_init: cannot allocate cache";

  if (cache_initted || sys_c != (CacheLst *) 0)
    return (0);

  sys_c = (CacheLst *) malloc ((unsigned) cwidth * sizeof (CacheLst));
  if (sys_c == (CacheLst *) 0) {
    writelog ();
    perror (ncmsg);
    return (-1);

  for (x = 0; x < cwidth; x++) {
    sys_c[x].ahead = sys_c[x].ohead = (Cache *) 0;
    sys_c[x].atail = sys_c[x].otail = (Cache *) 0;

    for (y = 0; y < cdepth; y++) {

      np = (Cache *) malloc (sizeof (Cache));
      if (np == (Cache *) 0) {
        writelog ();
        perror (ncmsg);
        return (-1);

      if ((np->nxt = sys_c[x].ohead) != (Cache *) 0)
        np->nxt->prv = np;
        sys_c[x].otail = np;

      np->prv = (Cache *) 0;
      np->flg = C_NOFLG;
      np->oid = -1;
      np->op = (Object *) 0;

      sys_c[x].ohead = np;

  /* mark caching system live */

  time (&cs_ltime);

  return (0);

void cache_reset (void)
  int x;

  if (!cache_initted)

  /* unchain and rechain each active list at head of old chain */
  for (x = 0; x < cwidth; x++) {
    if (sys_c[x].ahead != (Cache *) 0) {
      sys_c[x].atail->nxt = sys_c[x].ohead;

      if (sys_c[x].ohead != (Cache *) 0)
        sys_c[x].ohead->prv = sys_c[x].atail;
      if (sys_c[x].otail == (Cache *) 0)
        sys_c[x].otail = sys_c[x].atail;

      sys_c[x].ohead = sys_c[x].ahead;
      sys_c[x].ahead = (Cache *) 0;

search the cache for an object, and if it is not found, thaw it.
this code is probably a little bigger than it needs be because I
had fun and unrolled all the pointer juggling inline.
Object *cache_get (int oid)
  Cache *cp;
  int hv = 0;
  Object *ret;
  static const char *nmmesg = "cache_get:  cannot allocate memory";

  /* firewall */
  if (!cache_initted) {
    writelog ();
    fprintf (stderr, "cache_get:  cache not initted\n");
    return ((Object *) 0);
  printf ("get #%d\n", oid);

  if (oid < 0)
    return ((Object *) 0);

  hv = objid_hash (oid, cwidth);

  /* search active chain first */
  for (cp = sys_c[hv].ahead; cp != (Cache *) 0; cp = cp->nxt) {
    if (!(cp->flg & C_DEAD) && cp->oid == oid) {
      printf ("return #%d active cache %d\n", cp->oid, cp->op);
      return (cp->op);

  /* search in-active chain second */
  for (cp = sys_c[hv].ohead; cp != (Cache *) 0; cp = cp->nxt) {
    if (!(cp->flg & C_DEAD) && cp->oid == oid) {

      /* dechain from in-active chain */
      if (cp->nxt == (Cache *) 0)
        sys_c[hv].otail = cp->prv;
        cp->nxt->prv = cp->prv;
      if (cp->prv == (Cache *) 0)
        sys_c[hv].ohead = cp->nxt;
        cp->prv->nxt = cp->nxt;

      /* insert at head of active chain */
      cp->nxt = sys_c[hv].ahead;
      if (sys_c[hv].ahead == (Cache *) 0)
        sys_c[hv].atail = cp;
      cp->prv = (Cache *) 0;
      if (cp->nxt != (Cache *) 0)
        cp->nxt->prv = cp;
      sys_c[hv].ahead = cp;

      /* done */
      printf ("return #%d old cache %d\n", cp->oid, cp->op);
      return (cp->op);

  /* DARN IT - at this point we have a certified, type-A cache miss */

  /* thaw the object from wherever. */
  if ((ret = DB_GET (oid)) == (Object *) 0) {
    printf ("#%d not in db\n", oid);
    return ((Object *) 0);

  /* if there are no old cache object holders left, allocate one */
  if (sys_c[hv].otail == (Cache *) 0) {

    if ((cp = (Cache *) malloc (sizeof (Cache))) == (Cache *) 0)
      panic (nmmesg);
    cp->oid = oid;

    cp->flg = C_NOFLG;

    /* linkit at head of active chain */
    cp->nxt = sys_c[hv].ahead;
    if (sys_c[hv].ahead == (Cache *) 0)
      sys_c[hv].atail = cp;
    cp->prv = (Cache *) 0;
    if (cp->nxt != (Cache *) 0)
      cp->nxt->prv = cp;
    sys_c[hv].ahead = cp;
    printf ("return #%d loaded into cache %d\n", cp->oid, cp->op);
    return (cp->op = ret);

  /* unlink old cache chain tail */
  cp = sys_c[hv].otail;
  if (cp->prv != (Cache *) 0) {
    sys_c[hv].otail = cp->prv;
    cp->prv->nxt = cp->nxt;
  } else                        /* took last one */
    sys_c[hv].ohead = sys_c[hv].otail = (Cache *) 0;

  /* if there is a dirty object still in memory, write it */
  if ((cp->flg & C_DIRTY) && cp->oid >= 0 && cp->op != (Object *) 0) {
    printf ("clean #%d from cache %d\n", cp->oid, cp->op);
    if (DB_PUT (cp->op, cp->oid))
      return ((Object *) 0);

  /* free object's data */
  if (cp->op != (Object *) 0)
    free_object (cp->op);
  cp->op = ret;
  cp->oid = oid;
  cp->flg = C_NOFLG;

  /* relink at head of active chain */
  cp->nxt = sys_c[hv].ahead;
  if (sys_c[hv].ahead == (Cache *) 0)
    sys_c[hv].atail = cp;
  cp->prv = (Cache *) 0;
  if (cp->nxt != (Cache *) 0)
    cp->nxt->prv = cp;
  sys_c[hv].ahead = cp;

  printf ("return #%d loaded into cache %d\n", cp->oid, cp->op);
  return (ret);

put an object back into the cache. this is complicated by the
fact that when a function calls this with an object, the object
is *already* in the cache, since calling functions operate on
pointers to the cached objects, and may or may not be actively
modifying them. in other words, by the time the object is handed
to cache_put, it has probably already been modified, and the cached
version probably already reflects those modifications!

so - we do a couple of things: we make sure that the cached
object is actually there, and set its dirty bit. if we can't
find it - either we have a (major) programming error, or the
*name* of the object has been changed, or the object is a totally
new creation someone made and is inserting into the world.

in the case of totally new creations, we simply accept the pointer
to the object and add it into our environment. freeing it becomes
the responsibility of the cache code. DO NOT HAND A POINTER TO

There are other sticky issues about changing the object pointers
of MUDs and their names. This is left as an exercise for the
int cache_put (Object * obj, int oid)
  Cache *cp;
  int hv = 0;
  static const char *nmmesg = "cache_put: cannot allocate memory ";

  /* firewall */
  if (obj == (Object *) 0 || oid < 0 || !cache_initted) {
    writelog ();
    fprintf (stderr, "cache_put:  NULL object/id - programmer error\n");
    return (1);


  /* generate hash */
  hv = objid_hash (oid, cwidth);

  /* step one, search active chain, and if we find the obj, dirty it */
  for (cp = sys_c[hv].ahead; cp != (Cache *) 0; cp = cp->nxt) {
    if (cp->oid == oid) {

      /* already dirty? */
      if (cp->flg & C_DIRTY)

      if (cp->flg & C_DEAD) {
        fprintf (stderr, "found dead on active chain, 0x%08lx 0x%08lx\n",
          (long) cp->op, (long) obj);
      /* OWIE! - bait & switch */
      if (obj != cp->op) {
        printf ("cache_put bait&switch #%d 0x%08lx\n", cp->oid,
          (long) cp->op);
        if (cp->op != (Object *) 0)
          free_object (cp->op);
        cp->op = obj;
      printf ("cache_put #%d %d\n", cp->oid, cp->op);
      cp->flg |= C_DIRTY;
      return (0);

  /* step two, search in-active chain */
  for (cp = sys_c[hv].ohead; cp != (Cache *) 0; cp = cp->nxt) {
    if (cp->oid == oid) {

      /* already dirty? */
      if (cp->flg & C_DIRTY)

      /* OWIE! - bait & switch */
      if (obj != cp->op) {
        printf ("cache_put bait&switch #%d %d\n", cp->oid, cp->op);
        if (cp->op != (Object *) 0)
          free_object (cp->op);
        cp->op = obj;
      printf ("cache_put #%d %d\n", cp->oid, cp->op);
      cp->flg |= C_DIRTY;
      return (0);

  /* a totally new object. make a slot in the cache for it. */
  if ((cp = sys_c[hv].otail) == (Cache *) 0) {

    /* no room on the chain!! chain must grow! */
    if ((cp = (Cache *) malloc (sizeof (Cache))) == (Cache *) 0)
      panic (nmmesg);
    cp->oid = -1;
    cp->op = (Object *) 0;
  } else {

    /* there is a dirty object still in memory? write. */
    if ((cp->flg & C_DIRTY) && cp->oid >= 0 && cp->op != (Object *) 0) {

      printf ("cache_put #%d clean-out %d\n", cp->oid, cp->op);
      /* if this fails we are a hurting puppy. */
      if (DB_PUT (cp->op, cp->oid))
        return (1);

    /* unlink from inactive chain */
    if (cp->prv != (Cache *) 0) {
      sys_c[hv].otail = cp->prv;
      cp->prv->nxt = cp->nxt;
    } else {
      sys_c[hv].ohead = sys_c[hv].otail = (Cache *) 0;

  /* point it at the new object */
  if (cp->op != (Object *) 0)
    free_object (cp->op);
  cp->op = obj;

  cp->oid = oid;

  /* mark new dodad as dirty */
  cp->flg = C_NOFLG | C_DIRTY;

  /* link at head of active chain */
  cp->nxt = sys_c[hv].ahead;
  if (sys_c[hv].ahead == (Cache *) 0)
    sys_c[hv].atail = cp;
  cp->prv = (Cache *) 0;
  if (cp->nxt != (Cache *) 0)
    cp->nxt->prv = cp;
  sys_c[hv].ahead = cp;

  printf ("cache_put #%d new in cache %d\n", cp->oid, cp->op);

  /* e finito ! */
  return (0);

int cache_sync (void)
  int x;
  Cache *cp;


  if (!cache_initted)
    return (1);

  for (x = 0; x < cwidth; x++) {
    for (cp = sys_c[x].ahead; cp != (Cache *) 0; cp = cp->nxt) {
      if (cp->flg & C_DIRTY) {
        printf ("sync #%d\n", cp->oid);
        if (DB_PUT (cp->op, cp->oid))
          return (1);
        cp->flg &= ~C_DIRTY;
    for (cp = sys_c[x].ohead; cp != (Cache *) 0; cp = cp->nxt) {
      if (cp->flg & C_DIRTY) {
        printf ("sync #%d\n", cp->oid);
        if (DB_PUT (cp->op, cp->oid))
          return (1);
        cp->flg &= ~C_DIRTY;
  return (0);

probe the cache and the database (if needed) for the existence of an
object. return nonzero if the object is in cache or database
int cache_check (int oid)
  Cache *cp;
  int hv = 0;

  if (oid < 0 || !cache_initted)
    return (0);


  hv = objid_hash (oid, cwidth);

  for (cp = sys_c[hv].ahead; cp != (Cache *) 0; cp = cp->nxt)
    if (cp->oid >= 0 && !(cp->flg & C_DEAD) && cp->oid == oid)
      return (1);

  for (cp = sys_c[hv].ohead; cp != (Cache *) 0; cp = cp->nxt)
    if (cp->oid >= 0 && !(cp->flg & C_DEAD) && cp->oid == oid)
      return (1);

  /* no ? */
  return (DB_CHECK (oid));

 * delete something from the cache/db
int cache_del (int oid, int flg)
  Cache *cp;
  int hv = 0;

  if (oid < 0 || !cache_initted)
    return (0);


  hv = objid_hash (oid, cwidth);

  /* mark dead in cache */
  for (cp = sys_c[hv].ahead; cp != (Cache *) 0; cp = cp->nxt) {
    if (cp->oid == oid) {
      fprintf (stderr, "killed active #%d at 0x%08lx\n", cp->oid,
        (long) cp->op);
      cp->flg = C_DEAD;

  for (cp = sys_c[hv].ohead; cp != (Cache *) 0; cp = cp->nxt) {
    if (cp->oid == oid) {
      fprintf (stderr, "killed inactive #%d at 0x%08lx\n", cp->oid,
        (long) cp->op);
      cp->flg = C_DEAD;

  return (DB_DEL (oid, flg));

int cacheconfig (const char *line, int lineno)
  /* configure cache depth */
  if (!strncmp (line, "depth ", 6)) {
    if (cache_initted) {
      writelog ();
      fprintf (stderr, "Line %d:  cache depth already fixed.\n", lineno);
      return (1);
    if ((cdepth = atoi (line + 6)) <= 0) {
      writelog ();
      fprintf (stderr, "Line %d:  Bad cache depth value.\n", lineno);
      return (1);
    writelog ();
    fprintf (stderr, "Cache depth starts at %d slots.\n", cdepth);
    return (0);

  /* configure cache width */
  if (!strncmp (line, "width ", 6)) {
    if (cache_initted) {
      writelog ();
      fprintf (stderr, "Line %d:  Cache width already fixed.\n", lineno);
      return (1);
    if ((cwidth = atoi (line + 6)) <= 0) {
      writelog ();
      fprintf (stderr, "Line %d:  Bad cache width value.\n", lineno);
      return (1);
    writelog ();
    fprintf (stderr, "Cache width is %d slots.\n", cwidth);
    return (0);
  return (0);

const char *cache_stats (void)
  static char bigbuf[1024];
  char vuf[128];

  bigbuf[0] = '\0';

  sprintf (vuf, "cache stats, last %ld sec.:\n", time (0) - cs_ltime);
  strcat (bigbuf, vuf);

  sprintf (vuf, "  writes: %-5d       reads: %-5d\n", cs_writes, cs_reads);
  strcat (bigbuf, vuf);

  sprintf (vuf, "  dbwrites: %-5d     dbreads: %-5d\n", cs_dbwrites,
  strcat (bigbuf, vuf);

  sprintf (vuf, "  read hits: %-5d    active hits: %-5d\n", cs_rhits,
  strcat (bigbuf, vuf);

  sprintf (vuf, "  write hits to dirty cache: %-5d\n", cs_whits);
  strcat (bigbuf, vuf);

  sprintf (vuf, "  deletes: %-5d      checks: %-5d\n", cs_dels, cs_checks);
  strcat (bigbuf, vuf);

  sprintf (vuf, "  resets: %-5d       syncs: %-5d     objects: %-5d\n",
    cs_resets, cs_syncs, cs_objects);
  strcat (bigbuf, vuf);

  return bigbuf;